#probably have a stroke
ao3whore · 10 months
the thing is, i want to be upset about the changes in the rwrb movie. this book was my everything. it was the first queer book i ever read, and it was terrifying. the first time i read it, i only ever read it after my family had gone to sleep. the thought of my mom finding out i was reading a queer love story? absolutely not. but the book just made me so happy. i could see myself in parts of every character. it gave me hope that even if my mom didn’t accept me, someone out there, someone like alex or henry, would accept me.
and then casey released OLS and IKSW. it was one thing to discover two men loving each other, but women? it hit so close to home. but god, reading about the beautiful way they wrote wlw made me feel more accepted in my sexuality than anything.
so yeah, obviously i want an exact copy of my favorite book. but i genuinely can’t bring myself to care enough. i’m too excited. even if it’s awful, it’ll mean the world to me. and it’ll mean the world to some other queer kid who happens to find it, because that’s what’s for, at the end of the day.
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sysig · 5 months
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Two skeletons in a trench lab coat (Patreon)
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He’s very careful! Everything was fine before you interrupted!
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#FJdlsafjdsf Handplates fuzzes my brain#I cannot tell you how weird it feels to draw Gaster with the Lost Soul head after all this time away haha#It drops me back into the person I was when I first read Handplates - for better or for worse. It's a very strange feeling#Even drawing Sans and Papyrus again sends me back! Not as strongly but certain little details stand out#Sans' eyes especially... Very strange feeling#Anyhow! Since Fellplates sent me back down the rabbit hole and I've gotten back into rereading lightly - still not a full commitment!#Maybe soon tho 👀 I feel like I always say that haha#But in the meantime thinking of the pre-Plates Handplates time period <3 Since that's the one I'm still most familiar with haha#I love when they're still growing and learning ♪ Scaffolded baby talk! Twin language! Love 'em ♥#And fearless* mischievous little troublemakers hehe#They're so cute <3 I love the little ways they interact as young'uns - like when Papyrus will just lift Sans by his arms lol#I'd been thinking about and then had to go read the one of Sans as a the blanket/coat tickle monster and then - this ✨#''Excuse me sir I'd like One Ticket to the R Rated movie I am an adult Monster'' lol#Probably another one of those moments where Gaster is just *nervously sweats in Dad* lol - stop being so cute!#Also there's no particular meaning to when I use WingDings for his text :P Just convenience and if I remember to lol#Comics where he talks a lot are not convenient XP I have enough trouble editing on this paper ugh I will Not miss it when it's done#Even attempted this comic in as few pencil strokes/erasing as possible and it was still a pain to work with! >:0 Rude#Doubly so that I've had a Handplates comic idea for past like - year lol - and /this/ was the first one I finished pfftbl#To be fair to the other I do want to at least attempt making it a look-alike hehe ♪ You know how it is with Ideas™#I can't be too mad about it haha ♫ It did turn out quite cute after all :3
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lollytea · 2 months
Do I think Hunter and Willow were already talking about getting married and building a home together when they were still dumb teenagers and had been dating for less than a year? Yes, I think they were doing that.
Do I think that was a good idea? No, they probably should NOT have been doing that.
Did it work out somehow? Yes. Out of pure idiot luck, it did work out.
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aimbutmiss · 4 months
I came across one of those tiktok slideshows about how Zoro never betrayed Luffy unlike other members (they think straw hats who left the crew at one point "betrayed" Luffy) and all the comments were like "They all had valid reasons and they didn't betray him!!! Except for Usopp."
Everyone lacks media literacy and I'm taking water 7 away from the fandom.
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curiosityschild · 4 months
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Amphibiuary Day 13 - Plant
I love when I see frogs on lily pads. It's like..yeah that's where you go :)
I decided to use the watercolor brushes. I also put all the color on one layer which is like the opposite of what I usually do and was very scary. But now there's a frog :)
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starlightseraph · 2 months
a history of i love yous
i love you. (i love you.)
*sighs and shrugs* (i don’t believe you.)
i need you, ok? and i want you to be around for as long as possible. (i need you, and i love you too much to see you leave when you might not have to.)
no. (that’s not enough to make me change my mind.)
i need you to tell me you love me. (i love you, tell me you love me back, even as i leave you.)
no. (don’t leave me.)
i’m not gonna say i love you. (i love you enough to let you leave.)
thank god. (i know you love me now.)
you’re taking the cowardly way out. and worse, you’re too cowardly to even admit that you’re taking the cowardly way out. (you’ve never loved anyone enough to save yourself.)
you’re right. but i can change. (i love him enough.)
you’re destroying your entire life. you can’t come back from this. you’ll go to jail for years, you’ll never be a doctor again. (you love me, but do you really love me so much?)
i’m dead, wilson. how do you wanna spend your last 5 months? (yes, i do.)
when the cancer gets really bad… (will you really be with me and love me until the end, even when it can only hurt you?)
cancer’s boring. (always.)
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spllwys · 2 months
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sleep token rituals 3/? 𝅘𝅥𝅯 source — Aqua Regia
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caleblandrybones · 7 months
just saw in the scripts that hickey was supposed to sit by gibson's corpse and read out loud?? girl you had everything wrong with you
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
Y'know how people keep saying Nightmare is super old and probably has a billion hobbies he filled the time with? Do you think one of them is painting?
I wanna see him set up a little easel in his office and start painting a landscape or something, but his boys keep coming in and going "whoa, are you painting??" and then sitting down to watch. It's kind of unnerving to have an audience so he just starts casually explaining how he got started painting and what he learned and all that. The boys are absolutely transfixed and they're being so quiet it's weird, but also everybody's so calm - Killer's soul is almost still, Cross isn't standing or sitting at perfect attention for once, etc. They all want him to hang the painting up when it's done and the attention is so unexpected and strange (but not bad).
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kinghazycrazies · 6 months
I’ve only had them for mere minutes this episode but Fogg and Sally’s dynamic is something else
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Lord, take Phileas back to America in a season two so he can get wooed by this amazing cowboy lady. They deserve it 🙏🙏
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ghostaholics · 1 year
Ghost doesn't have a soulmate. So when people ask – of course they do. After all, who wouldn't want to know his ( ❝ You got a mark? ❞ ). He answers accordingly – an abrasive comment that he's repeated so many times over the years, it comes out easily, indifferently, but is disheartening to hear for anybody who makes the mistake of trying to pry the information out of him.
Every inch of his body's been catalogued, he says; no black-and-white evidence of a symbol or a word anywhere that's tying him to a specific person. And why would he want that? To be cosmically bound to someone he's never even met? It's bullshit: only feeds the idea of a clockwork universe where free will is an illusion.
You don't bring up then, how your mark matches the one he keeps hidden somewhere in the tattoo sleeve on his left arm.
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packet-of-staples · 11 months
Papyrus plays rock paper scissors with sans but sans just falls asleep midway into it
Oh this is incredibly silly I love it.
Imma have them use the Japanese version of Rock Paper Scissors (Janken) purely because thats the version I did when I was really little and also its slightly longer therefore theres more time for sans to fall asleep lol.
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girlrindou · 17 days
Why do you draw Rindou THAT dark I get he’s tanned but don’t you overdo it
i hc the haitanis as half south asian for my comfort -> reason why I draw ran with a hooked nose as well. if it bothers u that much just block me bruh i don’t wanna see u ppl say this type of shit to me
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willowser · 2 years
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right now i'm obsessed with the idea of hot, super-nerd bakugou 🥺
like !! you knew him in junior high when he had little wire framed glasses and braces 🥺 and was kind of scrawny and a huge know-it-all 🥺 and he was probably very serious about like d&d and didn't allow you to play because it would "take too long to explain" and he did all your paired projects by himself because he didn't want you "screwing them up" !! a brat !! but then high-school comes around and you both separate and don't see each other again. not for a long time.
you go to college not too far from home, but the distance calls for a new apartment and a roommate that you get along with more than you expected to. she's the one with the car and occasionally you have to borrow it, or she'll drive you in to work and pick you up after your shift, when it's too dark out to walk.
every tuesday and thursday she has calc 2, and every tuesday and thursday, she spends most of the ride to work talking about the cute, quiet guy that sits alone at the back of the room. never pairs up with anyone or talks more than he has to. wears big, black headphones so everyone knows he's not interested. top of the class; someone somehow figures out he's been acing every exam, throwing the class average out of whack.
you're called in to work early one day and therefore have to borrow the car earlier than usual. you sit on the bench in the hallway, waiting quietly outside the room for your friend, and the minute the door opens, you're on your feet, peeking past student after student so you can grab the keys and run. you don't even notice him at first, the wall of man he is now; dressed in a black long-sleeve with a beanie on his head, almost hiding his hair but not quite. no glasses, no braces, and there are little hoops in his earlobes and he's grown into his shoulders really, really well.
the reason you look up is because he doesn't hide that he's staring at you, this guy out of the corner of your eye, and you don't even put two-and-two together when you see his face — at least not right away. he comes to a stop directly in front of you and you're just left staring at each other in the middle of a herd of other students, and he simply pulls one headphone off one ear and says,
and — that's it. you kind of gape at him because he's much different than the version of him you knew and not half as sweaty or unapproachable and he remembered you. as soon as he saw you. stopped specifically, even though he doesn't talk to most people, apparently.
"uh, hey bakugou." you have to blink several times and clear your throat and your face warms under his unwavering stare.
whatever else he plans to say dies out when your roommate appears, too eager to be involved in your non-conversation, and he simply readjusts his headphones and walks off, only looking back once before he exits the building.
"what the fuck!" a swift smack is delivered to your arm as if you've done something wrong. "that's him, that's the guy!"
and you can't help but to remember him in class, the red rubber bands he wore in his teeth, arguing with a smaller, freckled boy about halo 3. slouching in his seat, leaning back too far until you had to flick him in the ear so his head wasn't all up in your space. sticking your tongue out at him, when you got your test scores back and they were lower than his. wary of how red his little face would get, when he offered to help you study after class.
"yeah," you say, snorting in disbelief. "that's the guy."
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dirtytransmasc · 5 months
thinking about how Spider was neteyam's big brother. losing my mind. ripping out my hair.
was 'teyam scared of storms or the dark? did he confide these "childish" fears to his big brother? did he get shy with all the attention he got in the village? did he hold Spi's hand when he got nervous?
did Spi have habits with 'teyam like 'teyam had with lo'ak? did Spi mess with his hair or reach for his shoulder or cuff his neck?
did Spi ever worry for 'teyam after he "stepped up" and became the Big Brother when the humans returned? did he worry something would happen to him? did he want to protect him despite being a human? was he proud? did his pride outweigh his fear?
did he think about 'teyam after he was taken? did he wonder where he was and if he was safe?
what was Spi thinking when he saw the bullet hole in his baby brother's back? did he freeze when he saw the blood, when he realized he failed to protect him?
what was 'teyam thinking? when he looked to Spi, did he want him to be the big brother again, did he want to stop being brave and let Spi do it? did he want to say something?
I have so many questions. I don't think my heart could take the answers.
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seaglassdinosaur · 5 months
See, Grover got to Percy’s side, made to help him down the stairs when Annabeth said one of them needed to stay behind to buy time.
And you know he immediately had a memory of Thalia, saying she needed to stay behind to protect them from the monsters, and he immediately felt that same guilt and fear and anxiety rush over him.
And he pushed back against her staying behind, because he wants everyone to make it through this, and he wants to be hopeful, but when Annabeth explains herself, he no longer verbalizes his objections. Because on some level, he knows that quests require sacrifices. Sometimes demigods die and they die young and it isn’t fair, but it happens and you can’t stop it.
Maybe a part of him recognized Annabeth was the best choice. She’s the best equipped because she’s had the most combat experience, and Percy’s on death’s door so he can’t stay behind, and arguing would waste time, but whatever justifications Grover had in his head, you know he felt awful. He felt history repeating itself, of him turning his back on one demigod companion to ensure the safety of the most vulnerable of the party. Him forced into a position where he will always feel a coward.
And then Percy flips the script and starts to talk, and Grover can’t even maintain hope that the combatant will make it out of there.
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