#probably never ever volunteering in an organization again
bowithoutadaemon · 2 years
Ugh. I am trying to not let a thing put a damper on my enjoyment of this weekend but the thing is VERY ANNOYING...
Ok so basically me and the other board members are organizing a weekend of workshops and movie screening and the members meeting.
It's both an attempt to make more people show up to the members meeting so maybe people want to like be more active in the organization. And it's also the last thing we are doing at the organization before "leaving" (we aren't allowed to leave until new people are on the board but nobody wants to, so we are technically still on the board but have clearly communicated for a year that we aren't doing anything anymore.)
You'd think that people employed by the organization would give a shit. Because technically without a board the organization would need to be disbanded and they'd all loose their job. But since me and the other board member aren't assholes we aren't doing that.
Someone volunteered to cook for us on Saturday.
They aren't answering messages since Tuesday.
Today we find out they have called in sick. Nobody thought to put in the calendar (which is the clear rule since about 3 years) or post it to a public slack channel (which we basically always do) or write us a message or tell us at the meeting yesterday.
Why should we know that we have to go grocery shopping and cook tomorrow? Why should we be informed of that?
Not to mention the other thing that really annoys me.
The person who helped out for a year got a like 40€ gift, a dinner and night out at a bar as a goodbye.
We don't get anything.
Like the external supervision did that 15 minute "everyone say nice things" thing. But that was her idea and not the team's idea.
Really feeling appreciated for the 6 years I've worked here.
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nastyboker · 5 months
The ghost and Molly McGee opinion (HUGE spoilers)
For some reason I have a strong desire to share my opinion on the finale of this show even though the whole thing was okay-ish.
First of all, Scratch is a blast and I love the grumpy adult learning how to be happy from a cheerful kid. Since season 1 I realised that Scratch was never dead, just so unhappy with his life he literally lost his spirit. Well that's the okay-ish part.
I really don't see much chemistry between Scratch and Molly. Molly is too much in the centre of everything even for a protagonist. She did impossible things multiple times with no explanation and Scratch was just a comic relief most of the time even though his character development was crucial. Unlike Molly, Libby and Darryl look much more organic with Scratch: they understand each other better on an emotional level. So, like I said, I love the trope but I feel like it could've been done better.
I don't get it, why would the whole Brighton's misery was the responsibility of the only guy that didn't even die properly? Did they just steal him from his childhood home and told him to mess with the whole town? Okay maybe he volunteered to do it just because he had nothing else to do but still what's the point of all that ghoul bureaucracy if they don't keep tracking deaths? Didn't other people die in Brighton?
But the thing that buggs me the most is that Scratch never really wanted to travel but he felt guilty as if he should've been traveling, because his traveling friend was awaiting for his company. And nobody ever told Scratch that It's okay for friends to go separate ways and one can live a happy life even staying at his hometown for all their life. Moreover, it was McGee's dream to have a "forever home" and stop moving. They really could show Scratch that his life was just as great as his friend's life and he just needed to look at it from a different perspective and probably meet some new loyal people.
Imho, I feel that Scratch already changed his attitude to the point he doesn't want to live up to anyone's expectations so all that is left is a validation of his needs and appreciation towards his life in Brighton that became a really nice town to live in. He could visit his childhood house and befriend McGees again telling them the stories about it.
Heck, he could even become a new mayor! I know he hates paperwork but their current mayor does seem to have much less of paper problem than dead people have, so why not? I vote for Todd "Scratch" Mortenson!
Or he could just take random gigs with Sharon and then open his own small restaurant biz, maybe probably. He could start sending videos about his life in Brighton to his childhood friend and she would come visit him, idk, the options are infinite!
Anyway, the show is okay but it could be much better written. Also I love the title The Curse of Molly McGee better.
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myfavouritelunatic · 8 months
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For day three of Hellghoul Week, I chose the prompt 'Did you hear that?', but this one could also fall under the day six theme of hauntings! Hope you enjoy the spooky and creepy vibes!
“Did you hear that?” A question that started it all. When he’d asked it, Galadriel had no idea what it would lead to. She thought he was looking out for her, having stopped to help her with a flat tyre. At last the kindness of strangers proves to not be a myth. It was the last thing she wanted tonight. It was bad enough Gil was forcing her to go to this stupid Halloween party.
It was almost as if the universe was telling her it wasn’t where she was supposed to be.
She was expecting the stranger, who introduced himself as Halbrand, to make some joke about her costume. She was dressed as Jason Voorhees. “I’ll help you if you promise not to kill me!” or “So you’ve got mummy issues then.” But no. None of that. He’d simply pulled over in front of her Hyundai in his rusted station wagon, volunteering his services. “Just offering whatever humble aid I can.” He’d said with a smile.
A smile that set Galadriel’s heart thumping.
“Do you do this often?” She’d asked. “Help damsels in distress?” Galadriel wouldn’t usually say something as silly as that but Halbrand had an immediate effect on her, and she couldn’t think straight. In fact, she was quite capable of changing her own tyre, but being so caught off guard by him, she didn’t want to turn his help away.
Nor risk angering a complete stranger. A man who loomed over her as he stood next to her now, his head haloed by the light of the full moon. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what?” “That!” He stared down at her in disbelief. “I don’t hear anything, Halbrand. What does it s—” “Shhhhh!”
They both fell silent. Galadriel strained in her concentration to hear whatever had set her saviour on edge. After a few seconds, something entered Galadriel’s ears she wished she’d never heard. An ominous though faint clicking noise. Click, click, click, click, click. The two of them locked eyes. “You hear it don’t you.” Halbrand whispered. Galadriel nodded. Then a louder noise sprang through the air causing them both to jump.
It was a scream.
“We have to go help them!” Galadriel declared, starting towards the tree line. Halbrand grabbed her arm before she got too far. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She shirked her arm free. “Probably not, but I’m not leaving without helping them. We could be their only hope of survival.”
Galadriel dumped the hockey mask, grabbed her flashlight, locked her car, and disappeared into the woods. Hoping Halbrand would follow her. She was only trying to do the right thing but she didn’t want to do it alone.
“Wait up, Galadriel!” Her prayer answered. His footfalls quickened until he caught her, the sounds of asphalt morphing into the crunch of leaves and twigs. “It’s not safe to go any further. We should head back. Call the police, the park ranger, anyone but us.” He wasn’t panicked, just concerned. For her. Warning her of what lay ahead.
She should’ve listened.
“I don’t think I’ll sleep at night if I don’t at least try to help.” “You probably won’t sleep again. Ever.” Galadriel glared at him as they walked, his affecting charm beginning to lose its grip. “How about you just tell me what’s out there, Halbrand? If you’re so worried, why don’t you prepare me for what we might see?”
Another scream.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
The sounds were louder. Closer.
“It’s too late for that now.” “How?” “Because we’re in its land. We crossed the border.” “It? What do you mean ‘it’?” Halbrand didn’t answer her question. And his vague crypticness began to unsettle her. “Okay then we’ll turn back. We haven’t gone too deep in yet.” “I tried to stop you.”
He tried and succeeded but too late as he had said. Galadriel did stop. She stood before Halbrand, this handsome youthful man who suddenly seemed to her older than time itself. There was only one emotion emanating from him now.
Her heart was thumping it’s loudest now, each beat commanded by trembling fear. Without another word she turned on the spot and started to run, run back to the road, her car, and safety.
She got about 30 metres before she realised where she should have seen the road, she only saw more woods.
And that Halbrand had not run after her.
“Halbrand!” She called, frantic, spinning in all directions before running back to where she’d left him. “Halbrand?!”
A third scream.
No handsome man in sight.
Only endless click, click, click, click, clicks…
The last thing Galadriel heard.
There’s an old wives tale known to the locals. On Halloween, there’s a road you do not stop on, a forest you do not enter alone.
Even if you think you’ve got company.
On Old Forest Road through Mirkwood Forest, everyone knows not to accept help from faces they do not know.
Even if they are handsome or beautiful.
If you pass a rusted wagon driven by a charming auburn haired fellow and his long blonde haired maiden… do not stop.
Keep driving.
Lest you end up like them.
Tagging: @hellghoulweek @pursuitseternal @heronamedhawks @gil-galadhwen @theriverwild @scriberated @youwearfinethingswellwriter @thrillofhope @klynnvakarian @90shaladriel @marimosalad @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @ichabodjane @hazelmaines @rebelrebelwrites @hikarielizabethbloom @tmwillson3 @jhalya
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madphantom · 1 year
Anyway the year is coming to its end and it was probably the most bewildering year of my life so here's a summary of some of the more random events
The year began with finally being able to reach my best friend who had ghosted me a few weeks prior, asking why she left and getting told I was too boring for her.
Desperate for human interaction I went to a lecture on feminism in a bar, started talking to the organizers because I had never attended events they'd hosted before, traded numbers and now we're best friends and I'm part of their organization and we're planning weekend trips together.
Also I got an issue of a feminist magazine at said lecture and was amazed by it, and recently I wrote an article for it myself after the girl running it personally requested it.
I graduated school with an average of 2.3 which is insanely good, considering I didn't study the slightest bit for my finals and didn't do my homework in three years.
I went to a graduation party, met a guy I seemingly grooved with and we ended up drinking an entire bottle of white wine and making out on the town square as the entire crowd cheered for us. That evening we went to a club together, started dancing and talking and then I found out he was transphobic and ended the relationship the next day.
I saw MCR live and I was in the third row and Mikey Way winked at me, and that's like one of my biggest flexes now.
I went to pride in our neighbouring town. Then I went to pride in our town a few weeks later and made out with a very attractive trans guy and a very pretty lesbian, both of which I lost touch with. Luke, if you're out there and you're single again, I'm still available.
I went to a fun fair with a guy I'd briefly met at pride and all his friends which I'd never seen before and at some point that evening I was driven to my hometown in the back of a black van with tinted windows belonging to a guy I didn't know and basically just hoped I wouldn't get murdered later.
I went to an antifascist summer camp for three days, got a crash course in krav maga and tried to defend the camp with a rock when I thought we were being attacked (it was fine, they were just fireworks in the valley)
I went on a cross country train trip with a guy that I later found out was a serial rapist, and miraculously nothing happened to me.
I went to the first party in my life that lasted all night, a very hot band member with immaculate eyeliner danced with me and bought me a drink and at some point in the morning like four of us were sitting in an empty bar eating breakfast, drinking Berliner Luft and watching the sunrise.
I held my first ever self written speech at a protest.
I started bartending at a communist bar, which has the worst reputation in the entire city and is known and feared as Incredibly Shady™
I enrolled in university and started studying film and media.
I got wasted and randomly decided it would be fun to be a board member of the university film club so I texted the current board leader that I volunteer and now I'm a board member of the university film club despite being in my first semester and completely inexperienced.
I got drugged at the Christmas market.
I confessed a crush on someone, got rejected and miraculously we stayed friends instead of never speaking to each other again.
I spontaneously performed a vent poem about my crush as a punk song at a jam and now I'm being offered to be the frontman of a band by multiple people.
I became Tumblr famous with a Goncharov movie and my follower count rose from 1200 to over 6000 within a month.
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bengiyo · 1 year
La Pluie Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, I got all of my life from Patts and Tai almost having their first time on the floor, and all the implications of that. Patts learned about Tai's parents' proposal, and so organized his work trip to give them the opportunity to learn more about themselves. Independently, Tien and Lomfon decided to tag along on this volunteer trip to make their documentary for their class. Bow came along so Tai can write about the trip, and to make sure he progresses with his soulmate. Now, all of the characters are in one location, and I will get to see Patts show disdain for Lomfon.
Lomfon is always just so rude. What is his deal?
Tien is so excited about all of this. Poor Patts is consistently surprised by the enthusiasm from everyone in Tai's life.
Patts is so funny. He absolutely needed Tai to know he's still on from their last meetup. My man has waited a month for this!
I'm so invested in this beef between Now and Kung. Instant dislike always amuses me.
Now I'm curious how (presumably) Tai saved Lomfon's life.
Glad Patts and Tien aren't dumb. They see the way Lomfon is looking at Tai.
Lines are being drawn! I'm ready for Tien to start plotting Lomfon's murder.
Tien told Lomfon, "I'm the third son. You gonna find out what that means. I keep a ready clip."
I'm with Bow. They're taking all day on these damn dishes.
I love Bow. I'm glad she put everything on the table for Tai. He's been dodging the Lomfon question for a bit now, and I need to know what Tai intends to do. This is probably his first experience with attraction, and I don't think he has the experience to proceed with purpose.
I wonder at Lomfon and his experience with hearing loss.
Being a bunch of city kids, I bet the night sky would be stunning for them.
Okay, I will never shut up ever again. You could see that Tai was uncertain going into that makeout, but once again Patts was willing to stop for him. What intrigues me is that Tai decided on his own to offer to blow Patts. I can't remember another time we've been here in BL or queer cinema where the characters were in a developmental stage and one was willing to perform but not receive.
Now I'm wondering how much of a virgin Tai actually is.
Oh shit. Nara is here. Actually excited to see Tai accidentally befriend Patts' ex.
I love Bow so much.
Tai and Tien feel like brothers every time they interact. I like that Copter keeps acting in the background.
Goddammit. The vets tried to prevent this, but the drama requires Tai to see Nara pulling Patts into a kiss that he doesn't want to have.
Dramatic running up the mountain next week to wish the soulmate away!
I'm so glad I wrote my post about the overt sexuality of this show last week! I feel so righteous about that blowjob right now! Tai crossed a line with Patts and now feels like a fool! This is so exciting!
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ladypres13 · 8 months
The former Yandere Sleuth is back! … kind of.
I no longer have access to my previous blog. The email it’s attached to is linked to my old phone number, which I clearly no longer have. I miss my blog so much, but sadly, I don’t think there’s a way to access it anymore. Yandere sleuth will remain untouched on tumblr as long as tumblr exists. This one will have no real theme; I’ll probably just post random memes that have no rhyme or reason.
To those who don’t remember me: hello! I ran a semi-successful yandere simulator blog on this platform between the years of 2017 and 2019. I eventually gave birth to my second son, baby sleuth (who is 4 now 😭) and my computer took a dump. The daily chaos that life has to offer eventually caught up to me. Still, I attempted to remain active in the community via Yandere simulator discord and Yandere Dev’s twitch stream. Eventually, that stopped too, because life.
Basically, I returned to elaborate on the entire situation with Yandere dev. Yes, that situation.
A few days ago, a friend, who I met in the Yandere simulator discord, texted me a link to Dev’s latest blog post (at the time) regarding this situation. I sent this to another friend, who I met through my previous blog, and the three of us are just disgusted to have ever had a part in this project or the fandom. As someone who was so active with this community for years and years, it felt as though it was a smack in the face. As a mom, as a victim to my cousin as a child, and as an adult 6 months younger than Yandere Dev, I knew immediately that I could no longer support this game or the developer.
While I find it commendable that Yandere dev is trying to make it right by acknowledging his mistakes and donating to RAINN, it doesn’t excuse what he did. It doesn’t make the situation any better, and it certainly doesn’t make everything okay again.
What Dev has done will follow him for the rest of his life. Even if he ditches his alias, abandons his project and starts fresh, the internet is very unforgiving and he will be found.
Enough of my personal feelings on the matter.
Here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter if we continue to support him or not. Yandere dev’s target on his back just got a lot bigger; it’s unavoidable at this point. There is no way that this game is going to have any kind of success as long as he is the developer. Two of the biggest gamers who have played his game, Bijuu Mike and Jay from the Kub Scoutz, have BOTH backed away. Several voice actors/actresses, volunteers and even the main music composer have also folded. Very few will donate to the crowd funding campaign as a result of this, and it will be a complete disaster.
My opinion? Yandere Simulator needs to be sold.
Yandere Dev has spent years working on this game. If he truly cares about Yandere simulator, he truly needs to consider selling it to another developer, a company, or another organization that will complete it. Otherwise, we can kiss Yandere Simulator goodbye. His name, his career, everything that he has worked for, is completely over. Many fans that have monetarily supported this game, like myself, will never go near it again.
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star-captain · 1 year
Hero is a leader of a revolution or some other growing organization, the face and the heart, in the top tier founding group of the org. They have people head over heels all over for them- especially when they're as charismatic as they are.
So it comes as a surprise to both when they're constantly drifting back towards an unassuming, infantry soldier, whumpee. They're not a high ranking member, not a special agent or anything. Just a soldier, just a body for the cause.
Such a high ranking leader and just a soldier probably shouldn't have ever met, but time and time again they meet- often when Whumpee puts themself between Hero and the danger. Their interactions are limited, but a tug on Hero's heartstrings is felt, even if they ignore it to focus on the revolution.
Until both Hero and Whumpee get captured by Whumper. Initially, Whumper had their eyes set on extracting info, torturing Hero, but when they wimp out yet dont talk, and Whumpee is willingly volunteering themself in Hero's stead, their focus shifts onto Whumpee.
Its Whumpee's courage, putting themself in danger despite the promise of pain, all to protect Hero, that makes Hero acknowledge they've fallen for Whumpee. To them, they're someone special, and seeing them put themselves in harms way hurts.
Especially because Whumper is particularly cruel and violent. Burns and broken bones are a normal part of the torture and interrogation, all made for Hero to watch from their cell, but Whumper has an intimate knowledge of pain, and uses it artfully. Cutting veins and tendons to get the most pain, the most blood without killing their victim, strangling or drowning to the precipice of death, then leaving Whumpee to struggle for air and consciousness. And yet Whumpee takes on the pain, knowing it keeps Hero safe.
Until one day, Whumper is angered and takes their anger out on Whumpee- a cruelty unlike anything before, all that Hero is made to watch. Blood splatters against the bars/plexiglass of the cell, flecks of the warm blood smattering their face. Even when the screaming stops, a sign the torture is done for the day, Whumper keeps berating the unconscious soldier, until Hero cries out, begging for them to stop.
Whether their pleas worked or Whumper realizes killing Whumpee would be a waste, they capitulate and toss Whumpee's limp form into the same cell as Hero. Gathering them up in their arms, Hero can only provide comfort to Whumpee. They aren't a healer, a soldier, a strategist. They're the heart, the charisma of the revolution, the energy and will to keep fighting. At least they can provide Whumpee that- they've done so much to protect Hero, they should've done more.
Hero cradles Whumpee in their arms, staunching the bleeding and quietly singing to soothe both themselves and Whumpee. When Whumpee comes to, Hero can't help but ask why Whumpee takes all the brunt of the pain for them.
What Whumpee answers is shattering. They're nothing special, just cannon fodder and another gun and body for the revolution. They aren't a high rank, or special in anyway. Hero, however, is someone special. In Whumpee's mind, they'd rather die so Hero and everything they stand for can live on.
But to Hero, Whumpee is someone special. Someone special to them, and that's all that matters.
Days turn to weeks or even months, Whumpee refusing to let Hero take the pain, even when they themselves are hardly able to. In turn, Hero tries their best to comfort them, afraid to tell Whumpee that they'd fallen for them.
Then, in a lucky break, the two manage to escape. It doesn’t take long for Whumper to notice they're missing, discovering the two taking an escape route/vehicle. Hero turns around to help Whumpee down, only to discover Whumpee protecting them one more time- by closing off the route/vehicle from the other side, so Whumper can't get to Hero. A sad smile is the last thing Hero sees before Whumpee is recaptured by Whumper.
They never even got to tell them they love them.
They return to base with a Hero's welcome, healers worrying over their few wounds. Their peers tried looking for them, but after so long presumed them dead and set up a memorial. When Hero sees said memorial, they can't help but ask- what of Whumpee? Did they get a memorial covered in flowers, messages of loss surrounding them?
None of their peers even knew who Whumpee was. It was unfair to Hero, especially knowing all Whumpee sacrificed for them to be here. They could be dead by now.
So Hero does the only thing they can think to do.
Be the hero Whumpee deserves, and bring them home to a welcome they deserve.
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ladystormcrow · 8 months
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
❄️From the currently-being-worked-on second chapter of Trio Sonata:
Meg laid a hand on her shoulder. It was meant to be reassuring, but as Christine’s anxiety started to rise, it felt like a threat.
“Please tell me what’s really going on, Christine.” Her dark eyes were wide, intense, imploring. “Are you in danger? Is the Phantom threatening you?” She paused. “Did he do something to the vicomte?”
“No!” She flinched away from Meg’s touch. “It’s not like that. No one’s in danger.”
“Then why won’t you tell me?”
☔ I've mentioned in past asks that if I were to go back to my Megamind fanverse fics (Life Is What Happens and The Storm And The Stars), there are a number of things I would change that would probably require rewriting the story from the beginning.
The biggest ones involve Wayne/Music Man's relationship with my OC Danielle Dymond. I know it's a popular headcanon that Wayne is somewhere under the LGBTQ umbrella, and I would want to incorporate that more into his thoughts and backstory, and how it continues to impact him now (since being involved with a cis woman like Danielle doesn't make him straight). I would also choose to keep the Scott parents alive, since I feel like killing them off pre-story as I did missed out on a lot of plot potential for them finding out their son is alive, and exploring how they'll interact with Danielle and her family (not just the racial and social class differences, but how the Dymonds are a loving and supportive family, while the Scotts are ... not so much). I also wasn't a believer in ACAB when I wrote the original fic, and I would change Danielle's ending so that, instead of rejoining the police force, she stays at the community center and starts training volunteers for a neighborhood watch-esque organization.
One other big plot idea for these two that I planned to explore in a future fic involves Danielle unexpectedly getting pregnant. She does want the child, so Wayne, terrified that a potentially superpowered fetus might kill her, goes to Megamind and begs him to find a way to shut off his powers so she can safely carry the baby to term -- including offering himself up for Megamind to experiment on. Megamind then has to deal with the awkward, complicated feelings of finally discovering how to weaken his former rival, but not being able to enjoy it like he once would have.
🌤️ From Katabasis (which is still technically a WIP, thought it really is almost done), the whole coversation between Kira and SilSol in Chapter 8 is one of my favorites, but these lines in particular:
“... No apology can undo the harm my kind have done,” he said, after a long and weighted pause. “But I want to offer one anyway. Kira, I’m sorry. I’m so terribly sorry. Not just for what my dark shard did. For everything.” 
Kira lowered her wings, her shoulders tensing as she looked up at him. “And what? You want me to say I forgive you?”
SilSol did not answer, but the way his corona flickered suggested that was exactly what he’d been hoping. 
“Well, I don’t,” she snapped. “You’ve done nothing to deserve forgiveness. You killed people, you ruined our world, and as soon as you were one again, you ran away and left Jen and me to clean up your mess.” 
His corona dimmed abruptly. “That was never our intention. We feared bringing more harm to Thra if we stayed! We believed you were the rightful guardians of your world’s Crystal.” 
She thought of the ragged, wheedling Skeksis who had confronted her and Jen, desperately insisting he only wanted peace. How, as soon as it was clear they wouldn’t fall for his lies, he had tried to murder Jen and had given Kira to the others to be killed. “Did you truly believe that? Or were you just too afraid to face what you’d done?”
“Would you have wanted us to stay?” His tone was still calm, but there was an edge to it. 
Kira’s eyes narrowed in anger. “You could have at least done something. All you did was go home and try to forget everything.” She didn’t know this for sure - it was a guess based on their earlier story - but from the way SilSol’s corona turned gray, she knew her words had struck a nerve. “And you’re only here now because your own world’s in danger. You don’t care about Thra, or any of us.” 
“That is not true!” The glow in his eyes brightened like a flaring ember. “You are not the only one who worries for Jen now, Kira. I may have been skekSil the Chamberlain, but I was also urSol the Chanter. I raised Jen with urSu and the others. I loved him like my own child, and I still carry that love now. I want to save Thra not merely because it’s right, but because it means saving him!”
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technovillain · 9 months
i love jameela to death so here’s some questions:
-after “fuck giving rich people dangerous technology” does she distance herself from technology entirely or does she keep making personal stuff and/or stuff that’s much harder to exploit? i think she could make some fucking awesome animal monitoring tech (like keeping track of individuals of endangered species, citizen volunteer data collection on bird populations and stuff)
-what’s her flavors of queer and/or neurodivergent
-does she ever end up doing missions or is she not super duper into the agent stuff
-is her dad a rich asshole or just oblivious and ignorant or a mix of the two
-how do you think she’d get along with some of the junior agents, especially norma, gisu, and sam
After that, she pretty much makes a vow to herself to never make a psychic invention again!!!! (....) and then time passes and she goes "Well just one little thing for myself." (....) "Okay just another for just myself." (.....) "Okay it's fine if I'm only making things for myself, even if it's a lot of things. I need technology." What you said there is Exactly the kind of stuff she'd be making too! While she takes a very loud approach to her activism, her approach to saving the world by trying to prevent the horrible future she saw is much more under the radar...mostly because she's still using the psychic technology that she built for herself but pretends that she didn't build at all because she said she swore it off! (She is constantly fighting herself in her own head about this lol.)
I haven't fully decided on this! But I would say that she is asexual and has OCD.
She really kind of functionally.... leaves the Psychonauts after a certain point. Like in a "You're always welcome to come back" kind of way. This is something that I still need to do more thinking on because I need to decide how I think the Psychonauts, being a government funded organization, would feel about psychic activism entering the public sphere.... But anyways yeah I see her leaving for an extended period but coming back when there is suddenly a mission that requires her assistance specifically (one involving Gusty and Veranda.)
I'd have to say he's definitely a mix of the two, leaning more towards the second one. I can't remember exactly how much detail I went into on her story and how it might have changed since I last posted about it (bc tumblr's tag search feature is functionally useless rip) BUT Dallas Delmarro is indeed a tech guru so while his concepts were birthed from those "childhood dreamer with a lot of big ideas" mindsets you always see in people like him, he ended up really focused on his company's bottom line. Business school changed this dude. He is still a pretty good dad considering everything. But considering he's a single father and his job pretty much consumes his life it is pretty easy to see why Jameela felt a strong need to get good at inventing things from a young age (cough cough so she would feel more important to him)
I like to picture these characters existing at the Motherlobe a few years after the events of Psychonauts 2, just so I don't have to think too hard about where they're at in regards to the plot of PN2. Just assuming that most of the big things regarding that plot have died down at this point. So all of the interns/junior agents from the game would be a few years older than Jameela when she gets there. I think she would probably like Norma okay from afar, but not really have any desire to become friends with her...because she can see how she gets. I think she would not know anything at all about Sam and be a little put off by her and not able to read her at all. She would totally be jealous of Gisu though. Because I see Gisu in a few years as working alongside Otto. And in Jameela's story, she came to the Motherlobe to work with Otto but something urgent came up regarding developing some sort of technology, and Sasha and him and Gisu were all working together to develop it. So Jameela doesn't really care for Gisu or Sasha just because they're interfering with her track to success.
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i-want-the-shovel · 1 year
I was a vegetarian for four years. I had the idealistic notion that I didn't want my food choices to contribute to world hunger, environmental degradation, or the corporatization of America. I wanted to do what I could to consume only my share of the resources and respect all forms of life as much as possible. The issue became more complicated with the corporatization of organics and the health food industry. The soy veggie burgers I once viewed as a guilt free meat alternative suddenly became another money making product in the ever expanding vegetarian market. The highly processed burger was made with soybeans, which no longer seemed like a health food, but rather a likely genetically modified crop that was quickly becoming one of America's most widespread monocultures. But that's a sidebar. My reasons for eating meat come from a very different place. There is one event that sticks out in my head as a turning point.
At the soup kitchen I worked at, we frequently had volunteers come in to cook meals. One such volunteer was named James. He was a middle aged man of Mexican descent who spoke English well, but with a heavy accent. He was volunteering at the soup kitchen because he was required to do so to maintain eligibility for his food stamps. I hadn't yet decided what to cook for lunch when James arrived, but I had ground pork thawing. I wasn't much in the cooking mood, but it was my lucky day. James loved to cook and was unintimidated to cook for forty, a rare find in a temporary volunteer like James. So James set off to work, appearing very comfortable in the kitchen. He told me he was going to make a pork red chile. It was his daughter's favorite. He was doing this all for his daughter, you know. If it weren't for her, he said, he wouldn't care so much about getting food stamps. In fact, he wouldn't care so much about anything. He'd probably just be off drinking somewhere, not caring if tomorrow came or not. But because of his daughter, he was there, working to get his food stamps. As he browned the meat, he shared with me some of the secrets of Mexican cooking, proud to share with a gringa such as myself. I complimented him throughout the process, as the food looked and smelled delicious.
About half an hour before lunch was to be served, James proudly handed m a bowl of his red chile. I would be the first to sample his masterpiece. I had an awkward moment, similar to many I'd had before. "Actually, I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian," I said quietly, looking down. When I looked up at James, his expression was one of confused embarrassment, with a little shame. I myself was ashamed that I had caused that look. He asked me to just try a bite, and again I refused, unsure of how my stomach would react. I felt uncomfortable and awkward and as the day went on, I began to feel more and more ashamed of what I'd done. I don't know when my vegetarianism suddenly became more important than human dignity. I swore it would never happen, but it did. Suddenly, vegetarianism was no longer a noble way of life, but rather a pretentious dietary choice.
I spent the next month or two thinking about that event and other similar events. How many authentic Mexican meals had I missed because of my refusal to eat meat? In theory, food and sharing meals are important to me as a cultural event. My family always ate dinner together and there is something about eating with people that is very special. But for the past year at the soup kitchen, when I was eating with people, I was sitting down with a plate of salad or a canned vegetable. It was never a complete meal. Somehow I felt if I wasn't eating the main dish, I wasn't really eating with people. Often people would comment on the lack of meat on my plate and I would attempt to explain why I was a vegetarian. It was a foreign concept to so many people and if they asked me to explain my reasoning, I often felt snobby trying to explain my concern about consuming too many of the world's resources to someone who had so few resources to start. How lucky I was to even have that concern.
I also began to think about how I love cooking for people. There is nothing like preparing a meal for people and sitting down and eating it with them. Not to be vain, but I love the compliments I get after cooking a good meal. I thought of all the times a soup kitchen guest had cooked an amazing meal and I had turned down a taste. I do not pretend to think my praise of a meal could mean that much to someone, but if eating the meal could instill a bit of pride in someone who was really down and out, wouldn't it be worth it?
The first meat I hate was a barbeque sandwich. Yes, my stomach hurt, but it was worth it. At first, I didn't always like swallowing huge chunks of meat, but gradually it grew on me. It was a slippery slope, and soon I was eating whatever meat I could get my hands on. Whether this is a good thing or not, I do not know. But now I can say I've eaten elk, deer, buffalo, red chile, green chile, and tons of other authentic southwestern cuisine I never would have tried had I remained a vegetarian.
My dietary choices extended beyond meat. I wanted to drink Coke and eat at Sonic. That's what normal people do. Sure, I could keep eating my fruits and veggies, but who doesn't love a good slice of fried bologna now and again?
But when I think about it, I don't want to but that stuff in my body. I don't want all the salt and strange animal parts that come in a piece of bologna. If I'm going to eat an animal, I want to understand exactly how it was an animal, that it lived a good animal life, and that I knew what part I was eating. I don't want to drink high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors in Coke. I don't want to eat a McDonald's cheeseburger, I really don't. But how do I make this all fit together? Can I be in solidarity with a poor American when I refuse to eat the same food as them? It is my position to educate someone about how they should prioritize and maybe give up their cell phone or cable tv so they can buy local, organic produce? Should I tell them how their kids will probably be overweight and diabetic by the time they are twenty because of all the Mountain Dew they are drinking? Should I accept this is the culture of poor America and move on? Am I being judgmental and closeminded, thinking poor people don't value health the way I do? I just don't know.
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hournites · 2 years
Bake it till you make it
for @theozmachronicles
Hournite Week Day 7 - Romantic Comedy 
Beth heaves a weary sigh, closing her books from the study session a half hour after the JSA meeting at the garage. “Great.”
Rick sneaks a look at her from his desk. She’s not one to be so pessimistic or downtrodden at all.
At first, Rick ignores it because he gets her, this English assignment is ridiculous, but then she gets up and announces she’s going to leave because she has to bake. She makes it sound like a death sentence.
Rick’s brows knit together. “You love baking.”
“Not exactly,” she mutters.
Rick begins to scoff, which turns into a laugh-cough when she shoots him an unimpressed glare.
Is she serious? Beth—the only girl Rick knows who brings homemade three-course meals in sectioned containers for lunch and had somewhat run a soup kitchen working around her parents' work schedules for years—was trying to tell Rick she’s not a fan of being in the kitchen? “Uh, yes. Yes, you do!”
“Not for this.” Beth lets out another sigh and starts to explain. “Before we were a part of the JSA, I signed myself up as a Prairie Dog Bake Sale Member.”
Rick stares. Rick is smarter than he looks, but more times than not he probably appears dumb next to someone as all-around bright as Beth. He tries to correct that by at least half-pretending he knows what new obscure factoid she’s talking about to carry on a conversation with her. This is not one of those times he can fake it. “And that is…?”
“It’s for volunteer credit. You bake at least 3 dozen batches of separate baked goods for bake sales. I used to do it with my mom and dad. I liked doing it together because it was family bonding but now….” She doesn’t finish and she doesn’t have to. According to Beth, the Chapels are always either too busy or too involved. Never in between.
Rick stares down at his essay outline and thinks about how much he doesn’t want to write it. “You need some help or something?”
Beth immediately perks up. “You want to come over?” She grins. Rick would throw himself in a heap of flour and baking soda if it meant that grin stayed on her face. So that settles what they’re doing after JSA training that afternoon, clearly.
They were going to be making brownies (nut-free), cookies (gluten-free) and cupcakes that Beth pulls out five hundred different toppings, icing tubes and decorations for, so Rick assumes they won’t be free of anything.
He stands in her large kitchen with his hands awkwardly hanging by his sides as she gets organized. He already tried opening five different cupboards only to find nothing he was looking for, so Beth explains how her kitchen is set up. Rick’s sat on her porch to pick her up for school over a hundred times but never has he found himself actually inside of her house. It all feels very sleek and expensive.
All of the measuring cups, mixing bowls, pans and trays are compartmentalized just so. He watches Beth hum to herself as she occasionally consults the massive recipe book.
“Sorry,” she keeps saying, shooting glances over her shoulder at him as she arranges everything together. “I’ll have it together in a moment—You should see what it’s like baking with Chuck, he lists the ingredients and steps out right in front of me, it makes all the setup so easy.”
Rick would kind of like to see it. “We can still do it that way.”
“Oh, I suppose, but…” She wrinkles her nose. “It’s not very inclusive for you. We should do it the old-fashioned way.”
He picks up one of the containers of sugar from her pantry that she placed beside him. “Do you want me to start with the dry ingredients and—”
“Oh, no, that’s okay. You can just mix stuff!”
She makes a grab at the sugar, but Rick just grips on tighter, his mouth agape. “I am not useless in the kitchen, Beth!”
Beth reels back and blinks at him, needing the second to process. “Wait, you really want to bake?”
“Why else am I here?”
“I’m sorry,” she says yet again. Rick quirks an amused eyebrow. He doesn’t think anyone ever apologized to him so much before, if ever. “I just assumed you wanted to keep me company.”
“No?” What did she think he was going to do? Watch her sweat over the oven while he ate grapes or something? What the hell? “I’m helping.”
She lets out a tiny breath. Rick can tell she’s wonderfully pleased. He flips over the recipe book page for the brownies, trying not to smile to himself. “Do you want me to take these and you do the cookies?”
Beth stands on her tiptoes, trying to see the book in his hands. Rick lowers it and she peers over. “Sure, if you want? I can print the steps out so we don’t have to keep flipping back and forth.”
Rick is pulling brownies out of the oven nearly an hour later, wearing bright orange oven mitts with the Blue Valley Medical Centre insignia printed on them.
“I think they’re done this time.”
He had tested them ten minutes before, as Beth warned her oven ran hot, but it needed a few extra minutes.
The oven beeps incessantly. He drops the brownies on the cooling rack and shoves one of the mitts under his arm. He presses the off button over and over with no success in cutting off the piercing noise. This oven is freakin’ fancy with all of its conventional settings and shit. An annoyed growl escapes his throat. “How do I turn this damn thing off again?”
Beth spins in her apron, yellow, and still covered in the brown sugar Rick accidentally spilled on her in a crossfire; she was backing up from the kitchen island with her batch in her hands as he was concentrating on levelling the one-cup with a knife—It was a hilarious disaster.
Her cookies are already packed and stored away. The dry ingredients for the cupcakes are just mixed in with the wet on her counter. “Double press on cook time,” she instructs.
The warm smell of chocolate lures her in. She holds the handle of the oven, eyes bright, enchanted by the perfect brownie tin.
Rick drops the oven mitts to the side and inspects it with a toothpick Beth laid out. He admires the nearly clean toothpick with only a few wet crumbs, incredibly smug. “Told you I could—Hey!”
Rick snatches Beth’s wrist from picking at the hot tray. She stills, caught red-handed. Her brown eyes pool even darker as she sucks in a breath, sheepish. “I just want a taste!”
“No! It hasn’t cooled yet!”
He’s acutely aware that he’s still holding her wrist. It’s soft and warm in his grasp. Rick lets go and flushes, thinking desperately about anything that’s not the adorable wide-eyed look she gave him for her desperate plea for brownies. “I mean—I thought these were for the bake sale, anyway.”
Beth doesn’t say anything. She just brushes her hands against her apron before side-glancing up at him.
Nice going, Rick. He snapped at her over brownies and now she’s going to kick him out of her house and never invite him over again.
In the awkward silence, Rick starts to panic as Beth continues to serve a completely unreadable expression. “I’m an asshole,” he blurts out after moving the brownie batter bowl and spatula, to open drawers to find a server and knife to fix everything and cut her a square. “You can try the brownies, this is your kitchen and—”
Beth laughs.
Rick freezes, slowly turning around. “You’re not mad.” His shoulders slump with relief and he wipes his forehead with the back of his palm.
“You’re a Gordon Ramsey!”
“I’m not!”
“You are!” She nods, covering her mouth with both hands, unable to help the eruption of giggles that follow. “And you just smeared chocolate batter in your hair!”
“What?” He reaches up and finds his hand sticky. He splutters. “So? You’re covered in sugar!” he shoots back.
Beth gasps out another startled laugh. “That’s not the same thing! You bumped into me!”
Rick smirks with a terrible idea. “Wanna make it even, then?” He reaches for her with his messy hands but she evades him with a yelp, dancing around the kitchen island. “Don’t! It’s too soon for another wash day!”
Rick doesn’t know what a wash day is and at this point, he’s too afraid to ask.  Either way, he isn’t planning to actually throw ingredients in her face, but still steps forward just to see what she’d do. Her shriek is worth it.
She grabs a whisk from off the table to defend herself and fixes her stance very much as though they were suited up in battle.
“Rick, I mean it!” She points her whisk at the sink. “Wash it off! Now!”
Rick’s feet walk him over to the sink automatically. It’s gotta be something to do with Beth ordering him around. It’s best not to think about it too hard.
Rick groans at his third failed icing rose in a row. Beth, on the other hand, has perfectly frosted twelve blue daisies. Her hand is steady and her gaze is focused on her cupcake handiwork. Her tongue sticks out just a bit, eyes squinting as she appraises the pattern. Rick lowers his disaster cake to lean his chin on his palm at the island and watch her.
“You’re really good at this.”
Beth smiles without taking her eyes off the cupcake. Her hand turns to get a new angle, finishing off the last petal with a thick layer. “Thank you!”
She takes a look at Rick’s progress. She does a double take but smooths her instant mirth over with a quick smile. “Yours is good too!”
He rolls his eyes.
“It just takes practice.” Beth hands him another plain vanilla one. “I’ve been doing this with my parents for so long, that’s why my lines are good. When is the last time you decorated a cupcake?”
“Beth. You know, as it is plainly obvious, I have never decorated a cupcake.”
“Which makes this a phenomenal first attempt. You’ll get the hang of it!”
She shows him her technique again and Rick copies her very sloppily. He stares down at his mess and decides to run it over with a knife and smother it with toppings instead like oreo bits and MnMs.
Beth flashes him two thumbs up when he presents his new and improved decorating method. “It looks great!”
Now he knows she’s just being nice on purpose. Rick studies his work. He thinks this would give someone instant cavities. “It’s not too much?”
“Why don’t you try it out?”
He slides it over. “Why don’t you?”  
“Oh, so now you’re letting me try?” she teases, peeling back the paper liner. She bites into it and makes a happy sound.
Rick leans in again, captivated. He rests his head against his arm, letting the other hang off the table, enjoying the taste test a bit too much. She’s as bright as ever, unable to stop taking more bites. Beth must be a chocoholic. Rick loves finding out tiny facts like this about her.
“It’s that good?”
He grins into his palm.
“Oh my gosh,” she manages out a few bites later, her mouth full. “I need water.”
Rick gets a glass. “I’m poisoning you.”
“No!” she insists after the longest gulp of water Rick’s ever seen. “It’s very thick. Intense.” She chews some more. “Rich.” She lights up. “That’s it! We’re calling these Rick’s Riches!”
“I wasn’t aware that cupcakes need to have names.”
“They do now.” Beth finishes off the cupcake and scrunches up the wrapper. She’s got cookie crumbs on her mouth. She starts naming off other name ideas for the brownies and cookies to provide on labels for the bake sale, but Rick can no longer concentrate. He feels her breath stop on his thumb when he reaches out with a napkin, brushing it off.
Beth swallows. “Rick.” She touches her lips.
“Uh.” He doesn’t know why he did that. “You had some..oreo dust.”
He sinks in his seat, abashed. It made so much more sense to brush the crumbs from her mouth in his head. In his head, where he couldn’t actually feel her face with his touch. The softness of her lips, the roundness of her cheek like he just did now. Rick squeezes the napkin into his fist with his other hand.  
“Thanks,” she says.
He is making this weird. Rick clumsily gets on his feet. “I should—”
“You don’t have to go.” She mumbles something else under her breath. Rick doesn’t catch it.
“I didn’t mind it, I said.” Beth is looking anywhere but at Rick. Before he can even register that, she shoots him another nervous glance and then bolts out of her seat for the opposite end of the kitchen.
“You know what? Silly me, we need to clean up!” She pushes a broom into his empty hands. “Clean! Clean, clean, clean.” She finds a sponge for herself and starts scrubbing the island surface like a neat freak.
Rick grips onto the broom unable to do anything—Think anything but her words. A different kind of sickening sweetness twists in his stomach. She’s still going at it, the spot isn’t even sticky anymore. He’s never wanted to kiss a girl so badly in his life.
“Beth? Can we talk?”
“About the cupcakes? Sure!” she chirps, “I was thinking Classic Kooks for the gluten-free and—”
“That sounds fine. I meant about us.”
Her voice falters. “Us?”
“Like….What just happened….”
She shrugs so casually that Rick knows it’s being faked. “What’s there to say?”
A silly smile spreads across Rick’s face as she gets more and more flustered, chattering circles around what she just admitted.
The embarrassment gets to her and she stops huffing. “So what that I said that I liked that you touched my lips? It was with a napkin and I like to be clean! It’s not that big a big deal!”
“Okay,” Rick says, still smiling.
“It’s not!” she insists.
He sets the broom against the island and steps forward.
“I don’t see you sweeping anything. Why are you putting the broom down? That’s the opposite of—Mmph!”
Beth’s eyes grow cross-eyed at the smashed dusty rose cupcake to her mouth. She gapes and gasps, eyelashes blinking fast up at him in total shock. A chunk of icing drops on her shoe.
“Oops,” Rick says. “Let me get that.” He foregoes the napkin, wiping some icing clean with his thumb. He slows the movement when she halts him. Her wrist on his hand, still on her face. The current in her eyes rises like a challenge.
“Don’t make me,” she warns, voice dropped to a breath of a whisper.
“Make you what?” Rick tries to ask innocently but before he could get the full sentence out, Beth wiped her sticky mouth and smeared cupcake icing right across his face.
“Get even.”
The sponge falls from her hands. She grabs Rick instead, kissing him with her frosty lips, yellow apron pressing flour into his shirt. Her hands catch in his hair and it feels perfect. Rick kisses back, embracing the sweetness and the cake and the way Beth clings to him in the kitchen of her house, the realness of it all. They are never coming back from here. Rick is never coming back and it doesn’t matter if that’s nerve-wracking, in terms of stopping, he doesn’t want to.
“Beth?” Dr. Chapel stands at the doorway in her lab coat, surveying the mess in her kitchen and on their faces. “…Hello Rick.”
Rick turns around, scrubbing uselessly at his face. If it weren’t pink from the icing, it would’ve turned so from sheer embarrassment. Beth reaches for his hand still, slowly unfurling every tightly clenched finger one by one.
“I came home early for Prairie Dog bake sale prep…” She raises a paper bag of ingredients. “…But I see you have that handled.”
“We were—”
“I don’t need the details,” she says. “As long as my kitchen gets cleaned up after yourselves.”
Rick gulps. “Yes, Dr. Chapel.”
“And Rick?” Her mother blinks at him. “If you’re going to make a habit of re-enacting romantic comedies with my daughter, please call me Bridget.” She sets down the groceries. “I’m showering off the hospital funk. Save me a cookie, please. And some brownies for your father."
They stand in absolute silence after her mother leaves.
Rick rubs the back of his neck. "We should probably, uh. Do what your mom said. Clean up."
Beth shakes her head. "It's supposed to be three dozen per treat."
"Oh." Rick calculates the sheer amount of cookies and cupcakes that would take. "We're going to be here all night."
Beth grins and leads them to the kitchen sink, dunking a towel under warm water. She brings it to Rick's face, dabbing at the pink streaks and sprinkles from his eyebrows. "I don't think I'll mind."
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lenievi · 2 years
The whole thing about Bones seemingly never dying is kind of funny and I understand why other people enjoy it and would never judge anyone for it, but it has never sat right with me. I just can’t imagine Bones as I understand him just going on and on to a borderline immortal degree, with some iterations I’ve heard of involving him going through medical procedures to prolong his life further. Especially when so many people he loves and considers family and dear friends have already passed. Maybe that’s just me though
Yeah, like sometimes it's fun, especially when it's something like McCoy is still there because Spock is alive (and people being like McCoy is just too stubborn to die before Spock, he 'won' the last thing etc. like it's fun, why not, I'm not a huge fan, personally, but to each their own)
And I know that there's some comics, but I feel like he primarily lives a long life in Shatnerverse, which... I understand. If they brought Kirk back to life, why not just keep McCoy around, right? Why not have the trio reunite (but tbh a novel verse where Kirk was brought to life shouldn't even exist lol). I'm not sure if he's actually alive in the "main body" of the novels. The Crucible series, which is also not a part of the main body, has him die iirc
But yeah, McCoy keeping himself around because he has like a third heart and most of his organs are also new, it's... like it's sci-fi and some people would do that, but idk if it's really a McCoy thing to do, then again, if it was experimentation, then he probably would volunteer, so it's a bit difficult to say yes or no...
I personally hc that the reason why McCoy lived to 140 or so, is because he shared Spock's katra and katras can canonically bring people back from the dead, so if a piece of katra stayed in McCoy (which I tend to hc), it would prolong his life. (I watched Discovery first, this was the only logical conclusion lol)
Like I said in my tags, I do hc that McCoy died prior to Spock leaving the Federation space, but occasionally, for angst reasons, I wouldn't mind him staying alive until the year Picard met Kirk. Learning that Kirk was alive this whole time, but he's now truly dead for good, once again dying to protect an Enterprise, they can have a short angst fest with Spock one evening, exchanging blames, but also coming to terms with it because it's been sooo long since Kirk died. (I kinda dislike the notion that neither Spock nor McCoy would ever move on from Kirk's death. It's disrespectful to their characters imho)
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cheesecake-beech · 2 years
Okay, so, hear me out. The AVL are responsible for catching villains more common authorities can catch. They are in charge of catching the worst of the worst. And in order to do that, they probably need weapons and technology that are pretty advanced, especally with how powerful some of the villains. And they assumably create their own tech. But tech like that isn't going to turn out perfect the first try. It needs to be tested, just like any other invention, to ensure it's safe for the agent using it and effective on the target they have in mind. And how else to do that than test it on another person. But who would they test it on? Another agent? Maybe, but why needlessly risk another agents life? A volunteer? Possibly. But, why risk the safety of a good person, when they have an almost infinite list of people that probably won't be missed by society. People who are kinda just sitting around with nothing to offer the world.
From what we've seen of villains, they're not exactly loyal to anyone. Yeah, you have the rare case like Scarlet and Herb, or Gru and Dr. Nefario, but like we saw with the Vicious 6, for the most part, villains only look out for themselves. If one of them gets caught, no one's coming to help them, and even if any one does, unless it's a large group or someone with inside connections, the AVL can probably handle them.
Plus, the villains that DO end up being arrested by the AVL are never seen or herd from again. There's never any mention of the Vicious 6, or Balthazar Bratt, or El Macho after the AVL arrests them. Even when criminals are arrested, they aren't normally just wiped off the face of the earth. There's some kind of media coverage. If that's the case for people who aren't considered villains, then why is there no coverage of litteral super villains? Simple. Cause the AVL is a secret organization. Even if people know who they are, it's probably widely unknown what they do. So, no one would even know if they used villains to test weapons or even other kinds of experiments on.
Even if laws got in the way of them testing weapons on humans, they could still get around it. One of the most commonly used animals in testing facilities are rats and mice. And ever since the 1970s, the AVL has has the power to turn humans to rats, with the zodiac stone. Maybe every Chinese new year, they select certain villains they've arrested, turn them into rats with the zodiac stone, and then use them as litteral lab rats in experiments. Plus, they have the added bonus of these rats having even higher intelligence, meaning they can use them in even more complex experiments that even normal rats wouldn't have a chance in.
Again, more of an au than an actual theory or headcannon, but still.
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clarawilmore · 1 year
clara faye wilmore, 40, executive director of  true colors. an introduction under the cut!
tw: miscarriage
After the loss of their child, Clara began to foster dogs and cats from DC's local animal shelter. It gave her companionship and her new best friend; a spunky 7 year old Boston Terrier named Harley who was a foster fail from the first moment he came into her life.  
Clara's hair started turning gray a few years before she turned 40, but it hasn't been until recently that she finally felt the need to stop dying it every few months. Now, it's growing out gray, and she can't help but like what she sees when she looks in the mirror.
 Has a pretty fun habit of ordering takeout or doordashing whatever she's in the mood for instead of cooking, but she's hoping that moving to a smaller town will give her the need to cook for herself more often. 
Takes her work at True Colors very seriously, and definitely has a vision board of all of her ideas for the organization she can't wait to get going. Clara got really into fixing up furniture she found at estate sales, garage sales, and antique malls as soon as she started living alone again after she broke it off with Maisie, something about taking something tarnished and dingy and making it perfect for her own space was a pretty soothing way to work on moving on from her loss.
 10/10 biiiig virgo energy. 
Clara volunteers at the wolf rescue in town at least once a week. Her philanthropist ways made volunteering feel like the most effective way to meet people in a new town. 
tldr: a soft little gray haired non profit champion who’s pretty damn rich and grew up entirely privileged to the point where i would probably hate her, but she’d also give me a 100 dollar bill she found on the street if she thought i was having a bad day. 
age: 40 
current residence: downtown. 
hometown: washington DC 
ulma mater: georgetown university. 
occupation: executive director at true colors. 
sexual orientation: homoromantic, bisexual. 
piercings: ear lobes. 
tattoos: none, girly hates needles. if her parents didn’t pierce her ears at practically birth, she’d never get them done herself. 
languages known: english, semi conversational french, (thanks duolingo) and ASL, even if she hasn’t used it in years. 
zodiac sign: virgo. 
plots and connections
probably hasn’t been in providence peak very long, so i’m open to anything. right off the bat, volunteers or people who work at/frequent the wolf center, anyone who could work in and around true colors. 
she’s already maisie’s ex, but i’d love to have her attempt to date around, mess around. she may be 40 and gray, but she absolutely doesn’t mind playing the field. 
maybe connections who are teachers if they’ve ever thought of utilizing true colors with their classes or anyone who might go. 
she could of course also really use friends!
or neighbors!
or maybe she swiped on a dating app or bumble bff in providence peak before she moved there to meet people! (she absolutely pays for dating apps). 
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roccinan · 2 years
Do you have headcanons for everyone after the Bank Heist? Where do they live, are they all together or separated into groups like after mint heist, are they still doing heist jobs etc?
Hi anon! Not in particular, but now that you ask, I have some old and new ones. I think they'd all separate into groups and never talk to each other again LOL, but every 2 or so years, Sergio gets postcards from everyone else. Since they all have immunity now, there's no reason to hide out in various parts of the globe.
I think Denver and Monica (and Cinci) would literally move to Denver, Colorado and be a picturesque nuclear family nobody would suspect. Denver's English is probably Not good, but Monica's likely fluent enough.
Manila travels the world, maybe takes part in some small heists here and there and hooks up with guys that resemble Denver, but eventually meets someone who joins her globetrotting; she thinks about Denver, but refuses to contact him for her own sake (and even though he denies it, Denver thinks about her too sometimes)
Benjamin buys a farmhouse in rural Spain and settles there as a local legend LOL The random Pakistani technicians and that one doctor all become rich. And lots of people leave 1 star reviews for the Bank of Spain
Sagasta and co. probably hold an awkward memorial for Gandia before going back to their normal lives; this is probably the last time the government ever calls on them. Alicia and her baby go on to become normal civilians.
Helsinki dumps Martin like a day after the ending of vol. 2 LMAO He starts hanging out with Marseille more and realizes Jakov has had his eye on him all long; then marsinki get together uwu Sofia is also there. I like to believe they get a beach house somewhere in Greece and open a little hostel just for the heck of it; sometimes Martin stops by without invitation
Martin shacks up with Bogota in the actual Bogota. They live as roommates, then friends, then best friends (Santiago never replaces Andres but he becomes his own category entirely in Martin's life), and sometimes they fuck even though Bogota is totally straight. They're crazy so they continue doing heists that get bigger and bigger in scale until they have to flee the continent- next time Sergio hears from them, they're somewhere in Hungary
(Also Martin does share his gold with certain organizations in Argentina, and he repatriates whatever is left of the artifacts from the bank to their respective peoples- I say whatever is left, because he just stood there and let the military bomb all the artifacts he was making a speech about 5 minutes ago in canon like ??)
Lastly, serquel return to Palawan with Paula and Marivi. They stay a few years before it's time for Paula to start school again, probably because Martin showed up without invitation and volunteered to teach Paula, and serquel immediately went NO. In the end, they probably return to Palermo and settle in the monastery (that Andres willed to Sergio), and live back and forth between there and Palawan
The only time everyone (alive) united was for serquel's wedding
Lastly, I can't decide if it's funnier for Rio to randomly end up hanging by Helsinki/Jakov's side or by Martin/Bogota's XD
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
Yknow what have some oc facts bc they take up like 75% of my brain most days.
Growing up, she had Max watch the Bratz and Barbie movies with her. Religiously. Max agreed but he also made her watch the Funny Bunny cartoons with him just as much.
Whenever she gets really aggravated, her southern accent comes out in full force. Its usually pretty well hidden in everyday conversations, but if you make her mad, it rears its head very quickly.
Wanna figure out if she's stressed? If she's in the kitchen baking enough cookies to feed three football teams and even other baked goods, something's wrong.
Cecelia was one of the most important people in her life. She admired and loved her big sister more than anything and wanted to be just like her. You'll see Kat rocking with plant based Decks because I hc Cecelia was very into her flower garden at their home and it makes her feel connected to her again. She also dreams of going and performing on Broadway just once, which I hc as another dream of Cecelias she never got to see.
Their Mom was also an actress who got her breakout roles on Broadway and then moved onto be a sensational hit on a soap opera. Mewnwhile, their Dad helped his brother run their family ranch and was a former Olympic star.
Speaking of the ranch, Kat still goes there whenever she can to visit her Uncle Wes and help with the animals. Plus she gets to see the family pet peacock and her pet cow Moobelle. It makes her feel closer to her family. And she loves getting to see her Uncle Wes.
While they were dating, Bakura gave Kat a collapsable knife that's rather sharp to help her out of different situations. Even after his death and everything that happened with it, she can't find herself able to part with it. That or the ring he gave her right before the trip to Egypt that she keeps in the very back of her jewelry box.
She has an entire gaming set up in the apartment she has for herself and she's got these cute pink headphones with the ears on it that she loves. Her streams are usually pretty fun and lighthearted, and she loves getting the others in on it.
Absolute caretaker. If anyones not feeling well, be it physically or mentally or what have you, Kat doesn't hesitate to try and help where she can.
The paparazzi are the one thing she really, really struggles dealing with. While she's not afraid to try and protect others in her life, it's harder for her to deal with them on her own. They were absolute vultures with her after her sister and parents died (Cecelia from her illness; her Dad, Mason, had passed 2 months prior from a car accident; and her Mom, Evangeline/Evie, about 3 or 4 months after Cecelia, from her struggles with depression and mental illness). Max and Wes did everything they could to protect her, but it was a struggle and the press did add to her trauma. She had to face them alone for the first time after Duelist Kingdom and moving to Domino, and she spiraled a bit there.
Her favorite movie of all time is Legally Blonde.
Has a big fear/hatred of heights and flying. Don't speak to her on airplanes because "it shakes the plane." When Battle City happened and Kaiba revealed how they were doing the semifinals, she about strangled him.
Didn't really get a chance to know Noa. Her deadbeat Dad didn't really have anything to do with trying to set her up until after Seto and Mokuba were adopted. She had a faint memory about hearing there was another son, but nothing beyond that.
Super anti war and anti war machines. Probably also did some volunteer work for organizations like that as well back in high school. Her Dad's destructive ways and his focus more on machines than, you know, not being a piece of shit to his former mistrees and daughter, has made her learn very quickly that she is heavily against them and is happy to see Kaiba Corp thrive as a gaming company more than it ever did as a weapons manufactorer.
It's also kind of ironic that she uses Cyber Angels, but she thinks of the cards as less machine like and more taking on certain aspects for the better. Plus, you sometimes gotta fight fire witj a little bit of fire yourself.
Her two current part time jobs are at a cafe and a bookstore. She also does a lot of hours at the hospital getting credits in for school. She also started college a year early and got a full ride.
She works hard to try and take care of her Mom, Meredith; she's been struggling with health problems since Iris was a kid, specifically MS. She also has her little brother, River, that she constantly helps look after and act like a second parent to him. Meredith wishes both of her kids would focus on being kids right now and is a fantastic Mom, especially in trying to make up for the absence of both of the kids fathers.
Anxiety and struggles with complex emotions usually result in Iris looking very blank faced and eerily calm while on the inside she is screaming and everything is on fire. It's how she copes.
Her tbr list is never ending and she's a regular at the library. She's also a pretty fast reader on top of it. Its what she'll do to relax where she can and drink her favorite tea and eat some little snack with it.
Gardening is what relaxes her, and she likes growing veggies and fruits. Her Mom loves flowers so there's a garden bed full of flowers for her as well and they try to work on them together when her Mom feels like she's having a good day. River is permanently band from helping bc he thought clorox was what made the plants green 😂.
She takes River and Mokuba out a lot together and she views Mokuba as her other little brother. Those two are a terror together but she loves them regardless. They even try to help her study for classes.
Wanted to be a magician from kindergarten through 6th grade. No one outside of his family is allowed to know. He's got a reputation to uphold. Scratch that, not even his daughters are allowed to know. He wasn't the best at it lol.
Has a tattoo on his arm that he got after Cecelia passed away, because she was genuinely his best friend in the whole world.
Has gotten very good at multitasking between the security company, raising his girls and trying to be the big brother for Kat that she needs, since Max also has to take on a parental role for her. Between those and housework and cooking, he doesn't get a lot of time for himself, but he tries to make do. His days off consist of spending time with the girls and also binge watching different tv shows.
His favorite shows to binge are The Office and Brooklyn 99.
Hates how his hair looks short and grows it out as much as he can. He's also virtually unrecognizable if he does cut his hair for whatever reason.
Very close to his parents, as they were his rock when Paige left him and the twins and he can count on them for anything.
While he is the most chill and friendly, go with the flow guy you can ask for, he is the most protective and fiercely loyal one you'll meet as well. He's got a stash of weapons hidden in a hole in the wall of his closet he keeps covered up for in case someone in the family's life is danger. Nothing to extreme, but something to at least get them safe if anyone tries anything. This especially becomes the case after he experiences, well, everything that comes with knowing Yugi and the gang. He also has go bags at the ready that seem to grow in amount with how many more people become important to them as time goes on.
Not the best Duelist out there, but he tries, he really really does.
He's actually a pretty good baseball player and was on his high school team.
Always makes sure to have a day out with the twins every week. They always have to go to Burger World, as the girls are obsessed with it.
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