#probably won't be active for the first week bUT I'M JUST SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS THING HERE
applejarjar · 1 year
To quote a friend,
#These past few days just keep on giving#Sent out some very nicely worded emails to the interviewer and who would be my future boss if I got the job#Never got a response back#Find out via my current boss that she's got everyone except one person convinced to take a chance on me#Get news that my great grandma passed away after passing up the opportunity to videochat her#Cry in class because I'm stressed to shit and the 'realize how fucked ur life is' section of the program is exceedingly poorly timed#Get personally called out during class in front of guest speakers for not having a job#Get told that I have a zero percent chance of being hired at my dream plant#Which kills any hope I got from being told the previous week that my dream is within reach#Also was betrayed during class twice because I got paired up with arguably the most soul-less and uncaring person in our class#To do activities with#Killed literally any joy I couldn't gotten out of said activities#Plus I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop on my job application as it still shows as 'in progress'#The emotional turmoil is so much rn#And I'm not excited about the job prospects. Not even because the first few didn't pan out. But cause there's nothing open rn that I want#Which means my boss's boss is going to have to clear a path for me to get a job in a plant I could make do with#Increasing the animosity that I would already face from the get go because participants in our program are seen as entitled babies#That get everything handed to us on a silver platter#And having a job be forced open only makes the mounting animosity that much worse#So I'll likely have no allies on my side upon entering my new job and it probably won't even be a job I'd be suited for#Plus my boss's boss really wants me to go to a plant that needs a LOT of help because there's a bigger opportunity for upward mobility#But like I just want a decent house and standard of living man#I don't need to be the big boss. And NONE of the other students have a spot there#Plus I'm fairly certain that one of the other students already tried to get a position opened up there and failed#Which is ridiculous because they're the only one in our program with a masters degree#There's two others who might be able to get a job in the same sector but one wants to stay in this state and feels obligated to take a job#While the other is really struggling to find placement and might end up at the opposite plant as me#I have one confirmed ally if I go to the 'laid back' plant and they really want me to work there with them#But they'd be in a role where I wouldn't be able to see them all that often#And as I said before I don't think I'll do well in whatever job they scrounge up for me
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nor-4 · 11 months
Can you write Mike being into mean women 👀? Like the reader, working in the same place as him, and is super mean to him during work and he's into that?
Bonus point: they're super sweet to kids, especially to Abby, like a mother figure.
Part Two
Request more guys I'm starting to love writing
Pairings - Mike Schmidt ft. Mean!Reader
Warnings - Cursing and probably offensive jokes
I'll make part two of this cause i really love it
You started working on this weird pizzeria as a janitor weeks ago it's not that much job for you because there's no weird activities the animatronics had made.
It's evening in the morning and mike is already running late for his first day at work, when he arrived he saw a car and the lock is gone. So what does the key for the padlock steve gave him for?
Mike approached the door unlocking the door as he slowly entered the pizzeria as he was greeted by a flickering lights of the welcome sign.
He saw you cleaning the place as a earpods is inserted on your ears, "Another guard again. Then after this shift you'll never come back." That was your greet, you are tired of people going to this place then after the night they wouldn't come back and another person will came again.
"I won't i really need this job." Mike remarked as you looked at him and rolled your eyes out of annoyance "Whatever you say big guy." You said as you continued cleaning as mike finds his way to the monitor.
Mike wouldn't lie he find it attractive, something about you has a hit for him. He hates it when people are mean to him, but you?? Oh God..
He finally learned on how the monitor works as he switch and switch the camera to see where you are cleaning.
He started looking around as he saw a tape that has his name on it he started it as the video showed him everything he needs to know.
As the video ended he started looking around more seeing the locker, as he open the locker as the balloon boy greated him with fear. "Don't hurt yourself just because of a toy." You remarked as you sweep into his way going outside the door.
You scared him more than the balloon boy scared him he is so head over heels to you, mike stopped thinking about the toy as he started wearing the vest.
It didn't took long for vanessa to come and visit at the pizzeria. "Hey shen, come in." You dryly said as it was raining outside for vanessa to be outside. Shen is your nickname for vanessa it's simple you accidentally pronounced vanessa's name as "vanesha" that's how shen is created.
"Ohh hi mike i see you are already here and this is (y/n) she's a janitor for like a week." Vanessa said as she made you both greet yourselves, "Nice to meet you." mike said he's so nervous but he is dedicated to meet you.
"You too.." You said as you came back to cleaning while vanessa showed mike the badges as an official pizzeria guard. "is she always been that mean?" Mike asked out of nowhere, he also didn't know why he asked it.
"Hmm i tell you always, but you'll get used to it then she'll cool down a little bit." Vanessa said as she started putting the badge on mikes vest, everything went well until you guys have to go home cause the shift is over. That makes mike feel a little bit sad since he know he's gonna wait for long hours, hmm seems like he has work crush now.
The next next night mike bring abby with him since max never came after the whole stealing thing on the pizzeria.
As every night you were always there first so mike didn't really struggle much as you already started cleaning.
"good evening (y/n)" mike greeted you as you turned around seeing a little girl beside him which excites you, "Ohh hi little girl.." You greeted the child beside mike waving to her completely ignoring mike's greet, as vanessa said he already got used to it on how many times he had tried talking to you.
"I'm (Y/n), what's your name?" You asked as you kneeled into her level as she gave the same energy you had, "I'm abby.." Abby responded as she shyly admired your beauty.
"Nice to meet you abby." You said as you smiled at her, "Mike how could you make abby stay this late." you scolded mike as he tried explaining but you shush him bringing abby with you into the room where mike works as you grab a few seats a long the way to make a fort for abby.
"How do you know i love fort?" Abby curiously asked as you started making the fort, "I don't really, but when i was a kid i used to love forts so i just thought you would like it." you explained as you are making everything perfect for abby to sleep.
"Are you hungry?" You asked abby as she sat beside the fort, "I'm not that hungry but thank you." abby said as she smiled seeing the fort as mike stand leaning at the door as he adored how you manage to gain abby's trust.
"Good night abby.." you said with a smile as you cover her up with blanket as she fall asleep fast.
"Stop staring and start helping me clean schmidt." You said as you stood up coming back to your mean self which mike really loved but seeing you act so motherly to abby makes him really feel happy.
Both of you started cleaning around the place which made both of you really tired especially thinking on how big the place is and stacking up the heavy chairs. Because of tiredness both of you decided to sleep on where the monitor is.
Another hour had passed as abby was woken up by a voice calling her, she is quick to respond as she crawled out of the forst seeing both you deeply asleep. She tried lightly pushing mike but he is still asleep.
Abby started walking around the place going to the main place where the animatronics are. Abby greeted the animatronics as it started approaching her.
Mike is already have with his dream as he is woken up by you "Mike! Mike wake the fuck up! Abby is gone." You said as you panickly said as you heard a scream making both of you run into the dining area.
"Abby!" Mike yelled as you guys saw the animatronics circling around abby as she kept on screaming, it didn't take a while for the animatronics to look both of you as fear creeped you.
As mike picked up a chair as if it has any use as the bear animatronics approached him, "Hey.. They're wouldn't stop thought i was gonna die. Freddy this is my brother mike and that's (y/n)." Abby said as she made freddy acknowledge both of you.
"Abby what is this?" Mike terrifiedly asked as freddy couldn't stop staring at him like a mad man, as he turned to you as you greet him with a wave. "Come on i wanna meet you the others." Abby said to mike as she grab your hands to meet the other animatronics.
"So this is bonnie, foxy and chica." Abby stated their name as mike slowly walked on where both of you and abby are standing.
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laurenkmyers · 2 months
once again, i got thoughts
i think the dad story line was played beautifully. it made the most sense to me. the threat of the dad being a murderer and killing someone rak came to love and rely on (uncle doctor) instead of having him actually be a murderer was brilliant storytelling.
it not only highlighted how "normal" men can be just as scary, just as terrifying, and just as manipulative as "real" criminals can be, but it shows a deep-rooted, human aspect of real trauma and how powerful words can be, and how they're used to manipulate and influence someone. especially someone as young as rak was when his father started his abuse.
rak was abused physically once as far as we know, and from what the story told us, the mum took that one incident and finally said enough and got her kids away. so as far as we know, the physical abuse was a one time thing and it never happened again. but what didn't stop was the emotional abuse. rak was so traumatised by that one incident that he created a monster in his head (and dont get me wrong, the man is a real monster) that was actually far worse. because now he has even more power over rak. because rak thinks his dad has the power to not only control him and his family, but that he also has to power to destroy anyone who might come into his life, and most importantly, anyone he loves. and that's the most terrifying thing of all. it's why he's convinced himself love doesnt exist, because if it does, his dad will just rip it away again.
jak uses his words to get exactly what he wants, from both the mother and the son. it's probably how he got the mother in bed and in that contract in the first place. he's good at what he does. and is still being paid handsomely by both of them. so he stays away, for the most part. until he can gain MORE from them, and with the cousins scheming he sees an in. but also finding out about mahasamut, and that they have 'an arrangement'. he probably thought, 'out with the old and in with the new'. he thinks mut is just a younger version of him, moving in on what he deems to be *his*
but the most important thing to take from this part of the story line, for me anyway, is that words are power. it's why rak being a fiction writer is so fucking important. because he wants to control the narrative. he wants the power that was stolen from him as a child back. and writing is his only form of release.
it's also why we see rak respond so differently to mut's dominance than he does jak. because jak uses dominant words to scare and manipulate rak, and rak retreats so easily back into the shell of his former traumatised baby self that he can't see a way out but to obey and listen, but jak's actions actually speak that of a weak, pathetic little man who wouldn't know real power if it punched him in the face.
cue mahasamut.
he uses words to soothe, and comfort, and to show the world that positivity, determination, and kindness reach far greater heights. but it's his actions that speak to who he truly is. and i think this is what scares rak the most, not in the same way his dad scares him, but mut scares him because he's not used to men actively showing him, time and time again, what real love is.
and next week we're finally going to see the story shift back to our beautiful, wonderful, walking green flag mahasamut, and the struggles he's facing. because he's the most selfless character of all. he loves rak so fiercely and won't want to give him up for anything. but he's also built a beautiful life for himself. he has his own dreams, his own aspirations, and it's time we come full circle with our relationship and see how rak can prove, through actions not words, how much mut means to him too. i'm beyond excited to return to that gorgeous island i just know they're both going to call home one day.
god, i think this show is brilliant. i really do. is it perfect? no. but i never expected it to be. but what it is, is real, and powerful, and beautiful, and messy.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 15 June 2023 20:46 or 8:46pm KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
*Disclaimer: I hate Tumblr and it's stupid ass image limit. My personal feeling about this post is that it's lacking, but I guess c'est la vie, did the best under the circumstances (at least that's what I'll keep telling myself).
Guess what?
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We already saw the pattern with JK, but is it possible that JM is joining in on the it? I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
I won't be talking about every single thing that came up in JM's 1 hr. and 20 min. live. What I will do is touch on a few of the interesting things that happened during the live (well, what I found interesting at least), and what followed the live as well. Because JM didn't just show and dip. He wanted to take up home in his pocket, although he did think that over 7 million at his place might be too much, maybe if it was half of that it would be ok, lol. But we know JM, for reals, he wouldn't do a live at home, so he did the second best thing, which was to come back to us with posts and comments on Weverse.
Anyways, what did we have in the live?
JM talked about the 10 year anniversary a bit. Telling us he's not really that excited, but the biggest emotion he's feeling is fun. I get the not feeling excited. He also explains why. I'm happy that he felt it fun, I can't help but think that it was a bit of a bitter sweet celebration for them. He touched, not touched on it, when he mentioned the two members in the army at the moment.
JM tells us what he's up to lately, his daily schedule, more or less.
He's asked if he's working on a song, and JM like JM answers this:
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He later gives us a little more detail: he's been working out and eating healthy and working on some music and living well. Once a week he allows himself to rest.
The question I ask is if JK allows him to rest too? Lol, nah. I guess that's the day they take off to visit Bammie. Ehm... we do have the scratch to prove it...
Jokes aside, JM talks about how it's good for him to have a set schedule and be at work. For him and JK both (that's me talking not JM). And seeing that RM kind of spilled the tea, we can guess that the workouts are probably, at least some of the time, together with JK.
At the 10:40 mark approx. Tae shows up in the comments.
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JM, the kind of sassy and a true Slytherin that he is tells Tae, he will if Tae continues to comment for the whole time.
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Well, I guess that was the end of it for Tae, lol.
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Fuck people for calling him chubby in the comments. I hate this obsession with his weight, but even more so I hate people sitting at home on their asses and calling this 1.73 meter tall man that weighs 62.5 kg after putting on over 4 kg to get there, chubby. Like wtf? Man is skinny. And minus those 4 kgs he was fucking too skinny. Do they want him to starve himself? Do they not remember the issues he had in the past with his weight (issues which always linger even if you are "eating healthy" as he put it)?
Ok, so at around 14:55 min. JM's asked for the first time about the rainy day fight. When watching live, I kind of thought he was evading the question, but him answering the question later on, I tend to believe that maybe he just misunderstood the question at that point.
JM talks about sleep and R.E.M and how when you dream your mind is active and you don't really get deep sleep, and watching a video about it. I find it kind of funny and coincidental - NOT - that JK seems to have said practically the same things using similar wording in his live as well.
But no, they definitely aren't spending time together.
JM tells us he went to sleep at 6 am, woke up at 12 pm, made himself some chicken breast to eat and went back to sleep. Sound familiar anyone?
Sleep patterns. Chicken breast for lunch.
But no, they definitley aren't spending time together.
JM is asked to do the live all night.
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He wants to sleep early.
Funny how that didn't work out for him... I guess someone was staying up to be able to speak with that very special person that happened to be in LA and would be waking up just as JM was supposed to go to sleep?
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Slept at 12 and woke up at 8, ate at 12 pm, rest and go to workout at 2:30 pm approx., start working at 5 pm, at night he studied English. Ehm...didn't somebody else just let us know, repeatedly, that he's working hard on his English?
From his 5 June live:
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Nah, I guess just another coincidence.
What I'm finding interesting is if JM is done with his promotions and it's off to the army any time now, why would he be working on his English?
Oh how I do hope that this is for something in the pipelines that involves the two of them TOGETHER!!!
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Well, it is hard to break a sleeping pattern that has been with you for years and years. We all know of JM and JK's late night/early morning escapades. All night buddies that they are.
Rainy day fight, JM's version:
So this time around JM understands the comment asking about the rainy day fight and gives us his version of it.
Of course we got JM's JK smile.
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He does tell us he's giving us an edited version of it. JK, on the other hand, edited without telling us, lol. Both said a lot about the what happened before and after, but magically didn't mention exactly what was said at the moment by JK to anger JM so so much for him to react the way he did.
Anyway, we got is the story from JM's pov. And yes, there are some differences, but I wouldn't expect otherwise. 2 people, 2 povs. No 2 stories would ever be exactly the same.
The main discrepancy I found was the timeline. JK's being when they were trainees, and JM's all over the place but still later on (2014-15). Idk, I'm gonna side with JK on this one, lol. Like I mentioned in the post about JK's live, I feel like this fight was way more impactful for JK than it was for JM. And as such it's more etched on his brain than it is for JM.
Something I found interesting was how each of them was keen to take responsibility for the fight. JK blaming himself for how he behaved and what he said, and JM the same.
What I also found interesting and very much not surprising is how this fandom roles. JK taking blame for the fight = "oh poor baby bunny JK, how big of him to take the blame"; JM taking blame fir the fight = "omg, how mean is JM picking on baby bunny JK, being so mean to him, ugh we hate JM."
Did I mention how there are some parts of this fandom that I absolutely despise?
One thing they both corroborated was the state of JK's eyes the morning after, lol.
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Both JM and JK were happy giggly while telling the story.
A fight that definitley left it's mark of them both but also something to reminisce back on fondly.
Something else we learnt from JM's live was that he most definitely watched JK's live. He watched JK tell us about the rainy day fight and he also found JK's impersonation of G-Dragon very funny.
When is your next album coming JM?
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Listening to army love letter
JM was truly moved by this.
Did JK cook Ramen for you?
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JM averting eyes away from camera and moving on at the speed of light to..."oh angel pt. 2 came out today..."
There are 1001 options to why not yet. I'm not going to even start going there, because it's irrelevant and unimportant.
What I do know is JM chose to answer that comment but a. unlike the other comments that had to do with JK which he did answer, this one answer didn't come with a JK or jungkookie attached to it. It was short and he was done with it, and b. the way he looked away from the camera while saying it and repeating it once before just changing the subject was just so sus and felt like overcompensating.
Of course there are those that jumped at it like the dead feeders that they are. This must mean that they haven't seen each other. That JM isn't important to JK, etc. etc.
Funny how JM and JK don't see each other but are eating the same things for lunch, like Chicken breast and rice… or how they aren't seeing each other but JM somehow, magically, adjusted JK's mood lamp at JK's place…telepathy and telekinesis I guess. Oh, and did we discuss the sleeping patterns yet or the fact that they both happened to bring up the science mambo jumbo about sleep and dreams, almost word for word? But nope. They definitley aren't seeing each other and definitley aren't close. Also, for someone that is distanced they sure seem to be keeping up with each others lives. JM must be really bored to be sitting down and watching JK's long ass lives.
Moving on.
JM, being the king of evading answering whatever he doesn't want to answer, reads out comments asking about travel and tattoos, and decides those are topics he does not deem answer worthy, lol.
Do I talk about the goldfish lips? Nah, I don't wanna. Go watch!
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And this is JK way back in 2015 already.
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JM assuming the position
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So after saying he should do the next live lying down, cheeky thing that he is decided he's taking JK's sleeping live and raising him one, by taking us all home with him in his pocket, lol.
Although he took it all back. Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. So he can't fit 7 million into his place. Boo hoo. 3.5 million he can but 7 he can't. I do not accept such a cop out.
And then he was done, well more or less. Hungry, asking us for recommendations for food, and tired, he says his goodbyes and turns the live off.
But that wasn't the end of it. Nope.
Remember JM said he'd update us when he got home?
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Well, he did. He came back to update us time after time after time.
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And a comment too
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Oh, and the next day as well.
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Also interesting how that 5 and 8 found their way time after time into JM's posts and/or comments. 58 that happens to represent JK time after time.
At the end of the day what did we get from the live?
We got the rainy day fight - JM's perspective (muddled up timeline though, but I forgive him, getting old does make you forgetful, lol).
We got JM tell us he has seen JK's live, the one with him telling us his side of the rainy day fight and doing his G-Dragon impersonation, and I think we can assume he saw the sleeping live too.
I can't help but wonder if JM was reprimanded for commenting on JKs previous lives (you know with the shrimp, not really shrimp, comment and let me tie your hair), or perhaps he's just laying there enjoying watching his bf crush on him live.
We had JM call army and their comments cute. Funny, huh? How JK did that too?
Kind of interesting how the two seem to be saying the same things (the cute and the sleep talk), acting the same way, eating the same things.
I was going to add a clip and link here to JK's chicken breast eating tales, him cooking chicken breast with rice, him talking about eating chicken breast for lunch. Him eating healthy now days. Sounds familiar does it? JM talking about eating chicken breast for lunch, about eating chicken breast with rice. About eating healthy lately...
But damn Tumblr won't allow me. So you guys will either have to take my word for it (please don't), or go looking. You will see I am right...
For fun I will just leave you here with this:
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Cause why not end this with an ear to ear smile on our faces?
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postwarlevi · 1 year
First day of autumn short
a/n 1k words kinda proofread. first of three September drabbles. Please enjoy the attempt at a comeback :)
"Good morning." You hear the soft voice of your husband right next to your ear, his lips then kissing your eyelids lightly before they flutter open.
"Levi." You mumble, pulling him closer for a morning cuddle, smiling when he lays his top half across your body.
It's the weekend now. It's okay to sleep in, be a little lazy.
Then your eyes pop open wide. "It's festival day!"
It's finally fall, and it's opening day of the towns annual autumn festival and market.
"I was wondering when you'd remember." Levi chuckles and kisses your cheek and rolls off of you and out of bed.
"I'm so excited!" You get out of bed too and put your slippers on, going to the window. "I've been looking forward to this for weeks! The games, the rides, the food, the FOG!"
"The what?" He asks, looking over at you, coming to stand next to you.
You're frowning, the curtains open now.
"Oh." Levi sees now. It's an extremely foggy day. This could put a damper on things.
He puts his arm around your shoulder and feels them drop and know there's a frown on your usually bright, happy face.
"Well, it's still early, you never know." He says, knowing that you're thinking the day is ruined.
"You know they'll postpone." You say dejectedly.
You might not be wrong. When it's this foggy, the roads are hard to see, getting around is difficult, and the town you live isn't going to put people at risk.
"Come on, let's go see." He takes your hand and shuffles you along to the living room to check the local news station.
It's true, on the banner running across the screen, there's a notice the festival won't start as anticipated. Depending on the weather, it might start later, tomorrow, or just get moved to next week.
"We can still go later maybe." Levi says, kissing your temple and moving your hair back as you sigh and lean into him.
"I know, it's probably just for today. It's just, we had it all planned." You were going to meet friends in a bit, and the opening weekend of the festival always has special activities that will have to be moved around or cancelled all together maybe.
"It's alright. We'll still have fun when we get to go. Let's go get some breakfast for now." He tries to take your mind off the disappointment.
You agree and stay in your sleepwear while you make breakfast together and Levi has you smiling in no time.
You spend the next while making an extravagant breakfast, making a bit of a mess in the process, which he doesn't even worry about. You eat some in the kitchen, then move into the living room, putting on a movie you've seen a hundred times that's perfect for the first day of fall.
"Is it looking any better out there?" Levi asks, seeing you looking out the window.
You shake your head. "No, not yet. Guess it'll be like this late into the day." You finish your plate and get up to take it to the sink.
"I'm sorry pumpkin. We'll go another day." He promises, following you into the kitchen.
"It's okay, I'm having a nice day with you. We'll just replan for next week." You smile, taking his plate as well.
Levi smiles back and helps you with the clean up, happy you seem to be making the best of things.
You call the friends you were going to meet and agree to meetup next weekend instead, while Levi makes some hot tea for you both.
Still in your pajamas, a rarity in your house, you both put robes on and go out back to sit in the porch.
Even with the fog around the area the view you do have is lovely. You bought this house a few years ago for many reasons, including the view of the town passed the hill you are one. There are pine trees behind the house along with a small pond Levi built with some of your friends so passing wildlife would have a drink and you could watch them.
Levi hears you sigh and sees the dreamy look in your eyes. His heart skips, you're always beautiful. He could watch you do nothing all day and be content. The fact that you look like this the most when it's just you and him in your home makes him happier than he can express.
You feel him staring. "Drink your tea." You smirk, taking a sip of your own.
You reach your arm out and Levi takes your hand right away, giving it a squeeze. Staying out there a little longer he sees you shiver and insists it's time to go back inside.
"What next?" You ask, putting your arms around him.
He chuckles and holds you close, kissing you softly.
"Well, we made a mess of the kitchen, watched a seasonal movie, drank tea out on the porch." He lists the things off you've done before noon has even hit.
"There's still more baking, taking a mid morning nap, doing a puzzle." You add to the things to do.
"Clean." He throws in there, making you groan.
"I'm kidding, just kidding. Let's go for a walk."
You both dress comfortably and go wander close by among the trees, putting pinecones into a tote bag to make a wreath with later on.
"Thank you sweetheart. You've really helped make this the best fall day." You stop on the way back to the house, nuzzling into his shoulder, enjoying the serenity and Levis presence.
"You're welcome love. Thank you for being here with me."
You finish making your way back to the house and before you go in, see the view of the town in the distance is more clear, indicating the fog is finally dissipating.
"Want to try to see if we can still make it today?" Levi asks as you go back into the house.
"It'll be there next weekend. Can we just get back in pajamas?" You ask with a hopeful look. There's still so much more day left to spend together. And you only want to spend it with him.
"Sounds good to me."
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
I see that after the last episode the majority opinion seems to be that Buck and Tommy did more than kissing already and that they are in a fully settled relationship but I still kinda hope for this all to happen on screen next season. them getting exclusive, calling themselves boyfriends for the first time, ofc saying I love you the first time and doing more than kissing. I think the short season got in the way of it all but Tim also wanted to put Tommy in where he could so the audience new that he is still there. the second half of season 7 did not lend itself for cute dates and new love jitters but I really hope all that development does not happen off screen. I wanna see Buck excited about spending the night together for the first time for example. Or Tommy calling Buck his boyfriend accidentely and being nervous about Bucks reaction. Things like that. There will be drama of course but I need them to be cute with each other a little more before that
Hey, anon!
Ah, so. I have my own little opinions on all this.
At 7x10, Buck and Tommy have been together for an unknown amount of weeks. Months? I don't know. There's something that really makes me want to say they're still in the discovery period of their mutual feelings and attraction. "Having sex" encompasses touching to actual intercourse and everything in-between, and I'm not even sure they reached the stage of "actual" sex. But this is just my little hc, I'm all for them being at whatever stage of their physical relationship.
And it'd also make sense if they were physically fully involved. They like each other, they definitely find each other attractive, Buck is sexually very active and Tommy is making sexual allusions. But I don't know. Something feels like they're not "there" yet.
Also, I want to see a lot of first times too. I'm pretty sure we won't see many of them, but at least the most significant ones. I hope they let them share that with us, and it'd good for the general audience to witness it too. Queer love is often pushed back between lines, it's something that happen where people can't see. They've done a pretty good job so far with Hen and Karen, it's sensual and very loving, and that could work with Buck and Tommy too, to keep it into the rating limits.
You know what? I can almost see a miscommunication between them, like Tommy thinking Buck is not ready yet so he's like a bit distant and try not to engage too much. And Buck thinking Tommy needs time when he's in a new relationship so he's not pushing and suddenly does a lot more sport lol That would be cute, but they're also good at communicating so... 🤷🏽
Anyway. Yes to first times on-screen! Their first I love you will probably end me but hey, little price to pay to see that!
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delucadarling · 25 days
Current rambling thoughts on dieting/weight loss, nothing that's a downer:
Back in April I got blood test results that showed my cholesterol was high and my sugar was barely shy of being diabetic. It spooked the shit out of me, as despite being fat most of my life, I was also pretty healthy and somewhat active. It was after getting covid that I was so fatigued I dropped the active thing pretty much entirely.
The doctor was more focus on the sugar, and recommended cutting back simple sugars, adding in more fiber, and increasing my weekly activity.
I'd been wanting to get back into shape for a long, long time but I've been nervous about trying the gym again. My dad was one of those shithead people that secretly films people in the gym doing things 'wrong' or committing the sin of being fat in public. It had me terrified of trying to get fit where other people could see me, because you know, most people don't want to be mocked.
Lucky me, I have the most amazing, supportive girlfriend ever. She took me by the hand and very gently showed me around the gym, helped me learn how to use the machines, and didn't mind when I shadowed her around as she did her workout. From there, I got excited! I used to LOVE working out, I just mostly did simple stuff, running, and swimming. I did a lot of WiiFit when I was younger, and this one Jillian Michael's DVD I found at Walmart for like $5 at the time. Running was the big one though (hello Zombies, Run folks).
So just making those changes (less soda, more fiber, more exercise) over the course of maybe 3ish months I dropped almost 15 lbs. I hadn't been tracking my weight, but I did compare the results the doctor took from my previous three appointments. I was kind of shocked! I've never had a healthy relationship with weight loss, and every time I've tried to lose weight it lead to a lot of heartache, misery, and doubled weight gain. So I more or less wrote off my ability to trim down and decided to just be fat and happy.
I will say though, the extra bulk has recently frustrated me. I can't do yoga the way I used to. My limbs are still flexible but I keep getting blocked by my own fat. I have to go real easy on my joints because of all the extra weight, which is frustrating, because I'd honestly love to try jogging again. I just don't want to fuck my back and knees up again.
I decided to give losing weight another try, with a lot more self-love, after a lot more research, and with the support of someone who has loved me even at my fattest and never said a word about it.
It hasn't been too hard this time. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I am impatient, I want to see results NOW, but obviously that's not how things work. And slow is better anyway.
I know tumblr has a generally negative view on weight loss, and I fully include myself in that. I bought into the 'starvation mode means you'll never ACTUALLY lose weight permanently) thing, I was convinced anyone trying to lose weight had the same disordered ideas on it that I used to have (and still struggle with sometimes). It's a loaded topic for a hundred reasons, so I am trying to be conscious of when I talk about it and around who. Hence the tags and putting it under a cut. I'm happy and excited to be trying this out, putting my health first, trying to feel strong and capable in my body, but I absolutely know first hand how upsetting hearing about dieting can be. Not to mention how hard it is to avoid the more toxic side of trying to change your diet and fitness.
I've found a lot of resources that are very facts based, cut and dry, and leave out the moralizing behind weight loss and weight gain and just weight in general. There are a lot of very encouraging resources as well.
So yeah! As said, this is just a ramble, I like to write to get my thoughts down, and it always comes easier when it feels like I'm talking to someone, not just myself. I probably won't post a lot about this, but it's been just over a week since I started tracking my food and daily weight specifically, which always used to be something that would send me into a bad habit spiral. This time feels different. I've been doing fine. There have been a few moments of disappointment, but they've been easy to shake off. Mostly I'm just astounded to learn more about the macros involved in the food I eat, and I'm also happy to have tools to help me find portions that make me feel full and not stuffed. On the days I've been not kept to my deficit goals, it was because I was hungry and decided it was more worth it to feed myself than stick to a number and I didn't feel a bit of guilt about it afterward.
I'm pretty pleased with how it's going so far. I feel stronger, I feel more energetic, and tracking my food intake and weight makes the part of my brain that loves a spreadsheet very happy.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
This is literally my brain when it starts overanalyzing:
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Anyone else like that? My brain won't stop thinking about Jikook in February-March. It has decided to go into overdrive on the Jikook chronology of those two months and the only way to appease it is to obsessively obsess.
Let's review: back when Cedric Murac of Calvin Klein posted on his Instagram story that he was on his way to Seoul on January 29, we all got excited, and then what?... crickets.... Then we had the audacity to be angry at Calvin Klein for using Army for clout hahahahahaha. We didn't know!! Who turned out to be the clowns? We were skeptical up until the first images dropped of Kookie's bare abs.
We have no idea exactly when the CK ads were photographed but the one big clue we have is JK's hair. Jungkook emerged from deep hibernation at the beginning of February. His hair was long, long on Feb. 3 and a week later on Feb. 11, he had bangs and it had a lot of waves in it when he was working out at Coach Tommy's gym. Much like the way his hair looks in the CK photos.
We saw JK on Feb. 27 and his hair was long in the back.
Not relevant but, in a way, also relevant: on February 28, Jungkook deletes his Instagram account. We are shooketh. At that moment I thought for sure there will be no ambassadorships for him, the whole point of having a large social media following is to harness those followers and turn them into cash money.
Ok back to the task at hand: We saw both Jimin and Jungkook on March 3 and JK's hair still looked long in the back. By March 14, JK had cut some of the length off the back.
My brain also wondering: when did JK's visit to Jimin's rehearsal happen? between Feb. 3 and March 13 when Jimin left Seoul to go to NYC to tape the Jimmy Fallon show? Or that week AFTER when he was rehearsing for the Korean television music shows? That would have been the week of March 20-27? The car live where he told JK it was ok that he didn't come to one of the pre-recordings was on March 28.
[Regardless, that's a quick turnaround for a Bangtan Bomb.]
My brain on a tangent: what is JK doing there at work to begin with? During this Bangtan Bomb he was already decked out in a CK ball cap and CK denims and not dressed for a workout or rehearsal. Who knows, maybe he was there for his own meetings, fittings, reviewing photos, or other activity. Yelling at my brain to FOCUS on the topics already being discussed!
March 15, Jungkook posts his ramen recipe on Weverse and he and Jimin proceed to have a back and forth convo with Jimin who says he needs to head to JK's house when he gets back to Korea.
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March 19, Jimin returns to Seoul from New York after his Tonight Show filming and his feature video for Vogue magazine.
Mar. 23 at 3:06 a.m. Jungkook wants a midnight tuna/chicken goulash snack.
The next night, Mar. 24 at 12:58 a.m., Jimin does a Weverse live in the car on the way home following Music Bank taping.
On Mar. 26 at 9:39 p.m., Jimin does another live in the car following MCountdown taping.
On Mar. 27 at 2:53 a.m., Jungkook sits down with us to watch Suchwita with Jimin, a Jimin MV, a fan-made Jimin compilation video and more Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.
The Calvin Klein campaign dropped on March 28 at 6:30 a.m. after being teased 24 hours prior. That would have been 8:30 p.m. KST.
Mar. 28 Jimin starts a live at 6:00 p.m. in the car (heading east by the way... my brain geez) after Inkigayo recording and Jungkook jumps in the comments. He had seen Jungkook's Calvin Klein teaser images by then.
Confused yet?
Me? I'm a visual person so I had to do this to see how it all played out:
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On April 3 at 3:30 a.m., Jimin comes on live to receive our love over his history making #1 BBHot100 achievement.
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Jimin is still working. He is not sitting at home. There is something in the works, we just don't know what yet.
Jungkook is probably about to be on his way home because we suspect Hobi's induction day is this week [sobs]. Time rolls on and waits for no one.
I hope you were entertained. We still don't know when that Calvin Klein photoshoot was or when JK visited Jimin's rehearsal, but now you have a visual calendar where you can see the possibilities.
You're welcome. [finally slams that door in my brain.]
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youatemylollipop · 2 years
Can I request head cannons where Okita and Kamui have a partner that took the initiative and kissed them first? Like the ones you wrote of Otae, Abuto and Tsuki. Only if you want to of course! ☺️
A/N: I’ve finally gotten some spare time after a whole week of exams! Tbh, it felt pretty relaxing to write these headcanons and scenarios after all the hard work. Hope you enjoy!
Ft: Kamui & Okita Sougo (Gintama).
Part One: Abuto, Shimura Tae & Tsukuyo ➵ Gintama
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➵ Despite his tough exterior, Kamui secretly enjoys being surprised by his s/o. He won't admit it out loud, but he finds it endearing when his s/o takes the initiative to kiss him.
➵ Kamui has a strong sense of smell, which means he can often tell when his s/o is nearby even if he's not actively paying attention to them. However, if his s/o is wearing a strong scent (such as perfume or cologne), it can make it harder for him to pick up on their presence.
➵ The amanto has a bit of a competitive streak, which means he's always up for a challenge. If his s/o were to challenge him to a surprise kissing contest, he would definitely accept (and probably win).
➵ Also, despite his tough exterior, Kamui secretly enjoys being surprised by his s/o. He won't admit it out loud, but he finds it endearing when his s/o takes the initiative to kiss him.
➵ Not to mention, even though Kamui is hard to surprise, he secretly wishes that his s/o would surprise him more often. He finds it exciting and it makes him feel closer to them.
It's not easy to take Kamui by surprise. His inhuman instincts make him hyperaware of his surroundings, and he's always on guard. Most likely, any attempt to take him off guard would fail. Besides, Kamui has already taken your first kiss, and he's most likely kissed you a dozen times by now. You've accepted that you'll never be able to surprise him, but that doesn't stop you from wanting to try.
One day, you decide to take a chance. Kamui is sitting at the table, eating a bowl of ramen. He's so focused on the food in front of him that he doesn't notice you approach. You take a deep breath and lean down, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Kamui freezes for a moment, his eyes widening in surprise. He turns to look at you, his expression unreadable. "What was that for?" he asks, his voice low and deep.
You can feel your face heating up, but you refuse to back down. "I just wanted to kiss you," you say, trying to keep your voice steady.
Kamui raises an eyebrow. "You know that won't work, right?" he says, taking another bite of his ramen.
You pout, feeling a bit defeated. "I just wanted to surprise you for once," you say.
Kamui chuckles, setting down his chopsticks. He leans in, his breath tickling your ear. "Well, you surprised me," he says, his voice low and husky. "But don't get too cocky. You won't be able to catch me off guard again."
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as Kamui leans back, a smirk on his face. You can't help but feel a little bit disappointed that you weren't able to surprise him, but at the same time, you're happy that you were able to catch him off guard, even if it was only for a moment.
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Okita Sougo
➵ Firstly, it's important to note that Okita is a highly perceptive individual, so it's not easy to catch him off guard. He's always on the lookout for any potential threats or surprises, so his guard is always up.
➵ With that being said, it's highly likely that any attempts to take him by surprise with a kiss would fail. He's probably already taken his significant other's first kiss—just like that b*stard Kamui had.
➵ So, I'm sorry to say that I can't provide you with the scenario you were hoping for. But, that being said, Okita's reaction to his significant other taking the initiative and kissing him first would likely be a mix of surprise and amusement. He might tease them about it, but ultimately he would appreciate their boldness and confidence.
➵ Okita is known for his sharp wit and sarcastic sense of humor, so he might make a joke about how his significant other failed to surprise him with their first kiss. He might say something like, "Nice try, but I already saw that one coming a mile away."
➵ Despite being caught off guard, Okita would never admit that his significant other's kiss had really surprised him. He would maintain his usual calm and collected demeanor, pretending like he was unfazed by the whole thing.
➵ Okita would also use the opportunity to tease his significant other mercilessly. He would make playful jabs at them, calling them "sneaky" or "crafty" and pretending to be annoyed that they had managed to catch him off guard.
➵ But underneath the teasing, Okita would also feel a sense of pride in his significant other. He would admire their willingness to take risks and their commitment to their relationship, and would feel grateful to have them in his life.
➵ In the future, Okita might try to return the favor and catch his significant other off guard with a surprise of his own. He might plan an elaborate scheme or prank to try and catch them off guard, just to show that he's still the master of surprises.
➵ Overall, while Okita might try to play it cool on the surface, he would secretly be thrilled that his significant other had caught him off guard with a kiss. It would be a reminder of their love and commitment to each other, and would bring them even closer together.
As you walk down the street, your arms full of groceries, you spot him. Okita Sougo, the man you love, laying on a bench with a sleeping mask on in the middle of the day. You know he's on patrol, but he's always been able to sleep through anything, so you figure he won't notice you approaching.
You set down your groceries and slowly walk towards him, feeling your heart race with excitement. This is your chance to finally surprise him with a kiss, something you've been trying to do for a long time. You inch closer and closer, getting ready to lean in when suddenly, his hand shoots out and grabs your wrist.
"Nice try," he says, not even bothering to take off his sleep mask. “But I could sense you coming from a mile away."
You pout, feeling disappointed. “How did you know?" you ask, feeling a bit embarrassed.
He smirks, sitting up and taking off his sleep mask. "I'm always on high alert," he says, his eyes scanning your face. "Besides, I could smell you."
You blush, feeling self-conscious. "What do you mean, you could smell me?" you ask, feeling a bit confused.
"I mean, I could smell the groceries you were carrying," he says, gesturing towards the bags at your feet. "And I could smell your perfume."
You shake your head, feeling amazed at how perceptive he is. "You're incredible," you say, smiling at him.
His smirk widens as he stands up to stretch his arms. "I know," he says, his eyes meeting yours. "But I'm not so perceptive that I can't tell when someone wants to kiss me."
Your heart races as he steps closer, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek. "You don't have to surprise me," he says, his eyes searching yours. "I'm always ready for a kiss from you."
You smile, feeling a rush of love for him. "I know," you say, leaning in to kiss him softly. "But I wanted to surprise you anyway."
He grins, his arms wrapping around you. "Well, you surprised me," he says, his lips brushing against yours. "And I loved it."
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billpottsismygf · 6 months
I've been stewing a little over the last few days about the news regarding the Doctor Who airing times and, although there's been a lot of discourse and probably everything has been said already, I just need to get my rant out there anyway.
For the uninitiated or the unsure, the brief rundown is that new episodes will drop online at the same time worldwide before the BBC 1 broadcast. This will be Fridays 7pm US time (EST I think) and Saturdays midnight in the UK. There will also be the usual Saturday evening broadcast on BBC 1, 18 or 19 hours later. Also, the premiere (10th/11th May) will drop the first two episodes of the series at once.
Simultaneous broadcast is pretty cool, and I believe the 60th specials dropped at the same time as the UK evening broadcast, giving an afternoon time for the US. That's great, but it's really messing with me that this new system completely shafts the UK in terms of viewing times. I'm not saying that only the UK has passionate fans, but I am saying that the UK is where Doctor Who is a cultural institution more so than anywhere else in the world, and seeing it prioritise the US is incredibly frustrating.
Moving to the specific fallout, there's the part of me that is upset on my own behalf, as my autistic self is really struggling with the notion that to watch the show ASAP I will now have to do so at midnight (on a Friday night too!). Since I was 9 in 2005, I have only twice gone to bed with a new episode unwatched. Occasionally that has been at stupid times in the early morning because I've been doing things for Saturday night, but generally I have watched the broadcast as much as possible, and often with other people as a community event. As a child it was always with my dad; as an adult it's often with friends!
Ultimately, though, I'll be fine. I'll watch by myself on iplayer at midnight because I am an adult who can make these choices, even if I'm sad that I probably won't get to have the viewing parties I had started to have with friends in recent years. (Though, who knows, we all have weird sleep schedules. Maybe midnight viewing parties are still on the cards.)
However, for all the kids out there I am so incredibly annoyed. I can't imagine if any of the iconic episodes from my childhood had aired the night before and I'd been unable to stay up for them. Blink? The Stolen Earth? Doomsday? I don't wish to overstate the matter, but I truly believe Doctor Who has remained such a cultural institution precisely because of its status as a family show. People are raised on it and then raise their kids on it and so on.
What are kids going to do now? Some might be allowed to stay up for the midnight release, though not many, especially for that double release which will end at like 1:30am. Others might watch it when they get up, but likely without the community aspect of the whole family sitting down for it. Still others might wait for the Saturday evening broadcast, having to dodge spoilers from other kids and adults as they go about whatever Saturday activities they have.
Regarding spoilers, I've seen some snarky comments saying 'just avoid social media lol', but firstly that's quite difficult in this day and age, and secondly it's not just social media. For one, there are all the tabloids that will plaster any new details across the front page, but also I can vividly remember talking about the brand new Doctor Who episodes at school, and how big an aspect that was of the community excitement. My teacher even did an impression of a weeping angel the week Blink aired, moving closer with a scary face when I looked away for a moment. Sure, there won't be school on a Saturday, but plenty of kids will be doing activities with other kids (dance classes, football, drama clubs etc.). What will happen when some kids have been allowed to watch the new episode and others haven't?
It may seem trivial to some, but I don't think it is. Where's the event aspect of it? Where's the community? Sure, I'm biased as an autistic Brit who grew up with the show and doesn't like change, but this new model seems designed to dilute both the excitement and importance of a new Doctor Who episode on a cultural level.
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fishcemetery · 4 months
[<- entry 6.5] [ENTRY 7: MUMMY ISSUES] [entry 8 ->]
You might've noticed I don't treat my storytelling seriously at all. My gameplay is almost entirely preserved in instances of the game clowning out and finding new exciting ways to throw me off – therefore, I can afford to get crazy about something unrelated for a few weeks, and then waltz right in with another random goof report, because goof reports are pretty self-sufficient even without the previous entries. Convenient, isn't it?
This next one takes us back to Al Simhara, and the very first morning back is marked by a quest. THE quest.
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First of all, "become torched, soaked and cursed (in that order)" is a phenomenal sequence of words. It's a shame I never get into any real spats on Tumblr, because I'd gladly wish it on an indecorous fucko or two.
Second of all, the mysterious quest giver of mystery decided to erase their name from the objective altogether, which isn't too surprising. They must realize that only a sick, twisted individual would dare subject others to a challenge like that, and it's bad for their image to accidentally out themself as someone who likes to drag people through torture courses.
Anyway, I'm in.
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The Pyramid of the Burning Sands seems like a perfect place to start. The torching and soaking part goes splendidly (as much as it can), but when the time comes to get cursed, the record scratches abruptly.
I don't think Jo has sufficient skills to take down a mummy at this point, but her traits and good spirits must be coming into play. In other words, unfortunately, she's just too lucky. Not only does she reduce an ancient king to a pile of ashes...
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...he now has the looks and consistency of something you'd pull out of a clogged kitchen sink. Honestly, he'd probably be better off getting teabagged like in any other PvP.
One royalty out of commission, I start thinking back to another active sarcophagus. Our next best bet is Queen Nosylla, who hangs out in the fanciest room of the Great Pyramid (see: the bottom). The last time we visited, Nosylla wiped the floor with Jo's merry ass in well under ten seconds, so I have high hopes for her.
Nosylla, however, has a grudge and the deviousness to match it.
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She throws a piece of a dive well at Jo and refuses to engage any further. Dispirited, we comb through the other sarcophagi inside the pyramid, but if Nosylla can't (or won't) do it, nobody else in Egypt can.
I don't even bother to screenshot the rest of the fights. Jo barrels through every single one, leaving nothing but mummy dust in her wake. I keep her up all night, banking on the negative exhaustion moodlet to lower her chances at another victory, but Jo continues to stand undefeated, albeit a bit woozy.
Right then and there, when I'm finally beginning to give up and consider cheats, we're saved from our wild mummy chase by a well-timed crash. In the best Sims 3 traditions. It throws us far back to the start of the quest, which sounds utterly frustrating, but in practice means that Jo gets a second go at every mummy.
Not even a couple of sim hours later she gets thoroughly cursed in the Burning Sands. In the best Sims 3 traditions. King Kitchen Sink Residue VIII, likely terrified of the fate that befalls him in an alternate universe, gets a grip and pulls through for the entire mummy population of Al Simhara (with the exception of Queen Nosylla, who doesn't give a damn either way).
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However, Jo's mummy issues don't end here. As it turns out, we'll soon be stuck with them for a long time. A very, very long time.
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purpurussy · 4 months
literally haven't eaten anything all day (it's gone 7pm) or been outside in several days or slept more than 4 hours/night in the last week so im probably just being insane for no reason atm but
i feel like I'm at a weird sort of crossroads with this blog?
when i made this account i saw it as kind of an experiment in vulnerability and positivity. i said i'm gonna try my best to post what's in my heart and not care whether it does numbers or not. if people like it they like it, if not that's okay because i like it and i'm having fun. and i'm gonna practise some kind of general radical positivity/acceptance towards others too. like i promised myself i would not allow this to be anything other than a positive experience, a nice opportunity to express myself in a way that's disconnected from how people see me irl and maybe connect with likeminded people along the way
and once i started writing fic i literally couldn't stop, like the idea of being able to share my writing and have other people enjoy it too is so exciting and motivating to me. there is so much happening in my google docs atm and it feels so good to be writing again after years of feeling too depressed to create anything
however unfortunately i am the grumpiest most insecure person on earth and i have never let go of anything in my life. i've already been unable to stop myself from wading into discourse™ and the general social media fomo/insecurity is starting to get to me. like when did i go from just gleefully shouting into the void, to constantly checking my activity, trying to figure out the best times to post, literally crying when my stuff doesn't do as well as i wanted it to??? taking note of which posts flopped and which ones did well, so i can post more of the popular content instead of just posting what i want. none of this is even real, yet it's been bothering me in a very real way. most of which is just my brain turning it into a negative experience for fully self-imposed reasons
i do think social media is poison in general. and i know it does not work at all for someone who is very prone to having a complete menty b at the first sign of any kind of rejection. and i know a big part of the problem is that i'm attaching too much value to this blog and how people respond to my posts (I have been connecting with my friends irl more lately, but social media is literally designed to prey on the part of your brain that perceives social rejection as a threat to your existence so unfortunately it feels like this matters to me a lot more than it should. also my irls do not want to hear about dan and phil lmao)
idk if i should just accept that this is not good for me and delete, or if it's possible to once again achieve the carefree fun i was having at first. maybe if i can work on my irl issues i'll start to feel a bit better and then it won't bother me as much?
i'm also sort of wondering how much i should reveal about myself? like i want to feel completely free to post as much cringe/insanity/weird smut as I want. and if i was posting in a way that would be easily traceable back to my actual identity then i'd definitely be a lot more careful with what i say. but on the other hand i wanna get to know people better! it would be fun to hop into a discord and actually have a conversation with people rather than just rambling in the tags on their posts. so i'm not really sure what to do with that either. it's kinda fun to truly exist as a completely formless entity in a way, like im literally just tumblr dot com slash purpurussy and there's something freeing about that, even if it does make me feel like i'm missing out on a chance to connect with people properly sometimes
also that idea scares me! everyone on here is genuinely so cool and wonderful and it gives me such a huge dopamime hit when someone i admire likes my stuff. so it's just scary to interact with people more because it feels like oh no they're gonna realize im actually a cantankerous little troll that lives under a bridge and is a nightmare to talk to lmfao
this makes no sense and i'll probably delete it in a bit i just had to get it off my chest
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I know your degree isn’t all maths, but do you have any tips/tools for studying maths at uni?
Hello, sorry this is a few days late, I wanted to give you a proper answer /lh
These are in no particular order of importance:
If you are having trouble with a particular concept or area, talk to someone. A fellow student, the lecturer, your academic advisor, your tutor (if you uni has stuff like tutorials), are even someone from mathblr. In one-to-one conversations, it's often easier to to ask specific questions and for the person helping you to try to frame things in a way you understand
The flip side of this is try helping other people that are stuck. Explaining things to other people helps make sure you understand them. There have been occasions where a certain proof or concept has clicked for a second time when I've explained it to someone else
Practice problems and exercises are invaluable. Not only are they great for building understanding and strengthening memory (as well as developing general mathematical rigour), they're also a pretty effecient way of identifying things you don't understand as well for you to work on. I think I've talked about this before but my revision strategy is to do problems to identify what I'm weak on, and then go over the notes of the weak points and do problems on that specific area until I'm comfortable answering questions in that area again, then repeat.
Remember to take breaks! When you're trying to tackle a particularly hard problem and you're getting nowhere, take a break and focus on something else (probably not other problems). Sometimes inspiration will hit whilst you're not actively thinking about the problem (this has happened to me many times, especially whilst I'm showering haha). Or when you then go to return to the problem, you'll get back into it and realise that the answer was actually no that hard after all, you were just fatigued by spending so long on it. Obviously this won't always be the case, there will be problems that you will need to ask for help on and that's okay too. Learning is about admitting you don't know things
Remember to have fun. University can get really intense and draining and it is good to find some balance outside of that. You might not always find that balance during term time (I'm still working on it myself but my terms are short(ish) but very dense with no reading week so it's quite intense) but even little things like setting aside an hour or two just to listen to music or play a video game can help.
Sort of related to the last point but also read about maths outside of the modules you are taking, especially if they are starting to feel like a slog. Try to find things that remind yourself why you enjoy maths and why you wanted to study it. Sometimes that won't work and it might be a sign you aren't enjoying your degree as much as you thought you would (this happened to me with physics and is part of the reason I switched to doing more maths). Something that I like to do is look at module options for later years in my degree and see what things look exciting.
Get used to self-study because it's a really helpful skill. If you're lecturer didn't explain something well or you missed a lecture because of illness or whatever, you're gonna have to catch up and the lecture notes/textbook are the first port of call (as well as a friend who did attend the lecture, but they might be busy). But developing the skill before you have to do revision for exams is quite handy and independent learning skills come in very useful when you go on later to do research projects. This also includes being able to find other resources that help you understand things, like other textbooks or YouTube videos and finding out what works before for you.
A small sidenote for studying in the UK, especially if you're starting in September/October is to expect lecturer strikes. As it currently stands, it doesn't look like universities are budging so be prepared for disruption. I can't really speak for how this affects specific universities other than my own so I don't want to make general claims.
All that said, these are what I've personally found useful so some people might disagree with me or have other things they'd also suggest (if that's the case please add onto this post).
If you're starting after summer then I sincerely hope your A Level results are what you hope for and that you get into your first choice!
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redux-iterum · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about rewrite Tigerclaw since the chapter dropped so I'm gonna ramble again
I love how you gave Tigerclaw more depth and a genuine reason for what he has done. In canon, he didn't really have a reason for wanting to be leader other than being a power hungry bastard, but in this rewrite, he believes that if he's in charge, the Clan, at least in his mind, won't be soft anymore.
This beliefs absolutely fascinates me, because... ThunderClan really isn't that soft as he believes. If we look back at the first book, as well the previous chapters of the current book, Tigerclaw's belief is... wrong. When Firepaw fed Yellowfang, the Clan reacted poorly. Another example, Lionface didn't want to help the starving elders from ShadowClan. This is the same cat who also said, "Are you sure about that?" when Fireheart told his sister the deputy wouldn't hurt her. Sure, he was bluffing, but still. There's also the way the Clan reacted to Greystripe's affair- almost everyone turned on him, treating him as though he did something abhorrent.
There's probably other examples, but I can't remember them right now/I'm too lazy to go searching through the previous chapters. What I can say for certain is... really, TC's going "soft" because Fireheart is challenging their views. He's actively spoken out about their beliefs and behaviors when it comes to the Code and breaking those rules. Honestly, I'm surprised he wasn't put on Tigerclaw's "list" at all.
God, I'm just so equally fascinated and disturbed by Tigerclaw's thought process. I could make a whole-ass post on my blog about him.
(Note: I'm so scared and sorry for Fireheart. Imagine discovering your father figure is the mastermind behind recent string of murders and attempted murders in the Clan, all because he believes the Clan has gone soft.)
Can't wait for next week!
I am as excited for next week as you are, my man. This is going to be a blast.
As for Fireheart and Tigerclaw in particular...that's one of the things I really want to talk about, but saying anything while the story is still going would spoil or ruin the last bit of BH. Someone remind me to do my Author's Intent Rant once everything is done and settled.
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undertheknightwing · 11 months
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @not-so-mundane-after-all and if you don’t mind I'm gonna steal your idea since I don't have any active wips either, just ideas:
• First, obviously I'm always working on chapters. We're gonna ignore the fact that it took me two years to get to the chapter where the boys finally go on a date 🙃 but I'll give myself a pass since this is chapter 22 and I can't believe I got that far.
• Titanstober Week 4 idea that focuses on some of the horrible things done to Gar by the Chief, all seen by Rachel who somehow found herself able to wander in Gar's memories even though she hasn't been able to before and towards the end gets her answer when meeting someone very magical and powerful.
• Now to jump to another ship, I'm a sucker for re-writing episodes/scenes and I've been itching to re-write the kryptonite poisoning scenes in the s&l episode "Loyal Subjekts" to give my Jonny-Boy some hurt + comfort because it's just.. ughh.. that he didn't get sick too. He's got Kryptonian dna which means he should be affected by kryptonite. Simple as that. He's getting poisoned by kryptonite and Clark is gonna be a good dad who actually takes care of Jon for once dammit!
• Okay back to Titans, I thought about writing some kind of Christmas party fic that takes place like four years after season 4. It'd be wholesome but also bittersweet because everyone's grown up with their own lives. DickKory are living a life as normal as they can with Mar'i, Rachel is about to graduate college, and Gar's living in Metropolis with a roommate (who's also technically his co-worker) but is still the Red's champion so he's barely had time to see the Titans throughout the years. It'd be a shock to everyone that Gar actually has the time to attend the party. (that, or release the director's cut of "a very merry crossover christmas")
Now for ideas that probably won't be written but they've been stuck in my head for a while
• Since Gar is connected to life and death through the Red, I assume he can contact the afterlife and thought how emotionally damaging it'd be for Gar to visit his parents. Like I have this image of his parents afterlife being living peacefully in a cute little house where they can just enjoy each other's company, away from all the science stuff that took up their attention forever, and someday Gar shows up to finally talk to them again after so long. Heartbreaking family reunion stuff, ya know?
• In the same train as family stuff because I love it, it makes me very happy, I'm so soft for the idea of dad!Gar. It's been in my brain for years. He'd be so silly but so sweet,, I'm just in love with it 🥺💖 Anyway the idea would be Dick meeting Gar's son and being a mix of anxiety, pride, and "Oh my god I'm a grandpa and I'm not even 40". Mar'i would be super excited to have a nephew too.
• Krypto in s&l, that's all. He's Jon's dog because Jon deserves a dog.
• Jon in Wonderland au. I was obsessed with this idea, like it's all I could think about for a bit. (I have a couple drawings from the idea that I'd glady show you bestie if you ever wanna see 💙)
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lunawings · 11 months
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Today was a big day for me.
After finally starting treatment earlier this month for the health problems I'd alluded to before, I've been feeling a lot better.
So much better in fact, that I submitted a very last minute somewhat spontaneous application to the Idol Showcase at Another Anime Con this weekend and... I was accepted!
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The song I applied with was Analog Heart, my favorite Rina Tennoji song that I've been practicing on and off for a long time. (Pretty much ever since I decided I wanted to try IRL idol activities.) And I was really, really excited to finally perform it.
But, due to circumstances at my work impacting my schedule the week before, I had to go an entire week without practicing before the event and I found myself unusually nervous. Then, this was exacerbated by two other factors. First of all, I was scheduled to perform very late in the event for some reason (perhaps my bad for applying late) so I had to sit and watch so many wonderful, wonderful performers before my turn (including another Rina who did SO GOOODDDD). Meanwhile, this was all taking place outside in a tent.
In the POURING rain.
As I felt the occasional droplet on my head and watched the wall of the tent cave in and split open beside me I felt increasingly concerned that the entire roof would just burst open at some point to inundate us all. It did not, but one of the biggest leaks happened to be right on the stage, so when I got up there and saw that puddle it was like.... uurugughghg.
In the end I got through my performance just fine and everyone cheered for me! The crowd was so kind!
I felt my movements were a lot more jerky and rushed than they should have been.
Which sucks considering I was SO happy with my audition video. I felt like I'd finally captured the fluid, confident movement I'd been striving for, for so long and I was SO. PROUD........
I shouldn't be this disappointed in myself but unfortunately I am.
Thing is, this was supposed to be my last solo performance as a Love Live character. I was hoping that, after this performance, I would feel fulfilled enough to close that chapter and move on to the other things I have planned.
But I don't feel that way at all.
I don't think I'm ready to let go of Rina quite yet...
My next opportunity to perform probably won't be for quite some time, so I do have a lot of time to think about it. I can always learn new things and still keep Rina on the backburner if another opportunity comes up short notice. I mean who even knows when I'll feel confident enough to perform the next thing I've got planned anyway because it'll be even harder and more nerve-wracking.
So I guess that's where I currently stand as a soloist.
As for my group idol endeavors... we'll see :)
To end on a high note I guess I'll leave this photo. My friend was cosplaying Lanzhu. Lanzhu was killed by pirates. She died. I don't know if Rina has noticed yet.
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