#probs cause its so unlikely but also works so well
rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
I love your comic. But I don't understand one thing...
Why is the Hidden City Council helping Bishop?
From what I remember it's impossible to distinguish between a mutant and a yokai. And I don't see any interest in it for the Council to fight mutants. So why?
If this is some kind of spoiler to the story to I will understand if you leave it unanswered
Okay, theres a lot to say here and while it's mostly head canon, its all based on evidence in show or how the real world works, but we'll start with this. Yokai and Mutants are definitely not the same thing. Like, at all.
Mutants, unlike yokai, were literally genetically designed by Draxum. Of course, it's more of a broad design with most of them, but the boys had a genetic donor hand-picked. They are war machines.
Mutants, are specifically made to be weapons.
Yokai... while it's said that the empyrean is the cause of them, that was said unofficially outside the show, therefore we don't take it as canon. We've also said before that we head canon empyrean as more as a mystic enhancer.
Taking into account Japanese folklore, which has been around far longer than the point the kraang has been assumed to arrive, as well as the life span yokai have. Big mama probably isn't exaggerating when she says they've been around for eons.
While we can only find this on the wiki and can't remember an episode where this is mentioned(it might be made up), but an individual yokai ages 10:1 relative to a human. This means Baron Draxum is in his 400's-500's. This means that the yokai world, with how developed it is, has been around for a long, long time.
If we look at how the boys are aging... at best they have human life spans, but if we look at mikey in the movie he has aged much, much more than the others. Mikey species of turtle can live to 100 (making him the longest lived of the bunch), but with how using mystics seems to age him... yeah. (but, it could be from not being trained properly) (also, with this aging side efect, if it's common, yokai might actually live for even longer if they didn't use mystics. Barry could just be in his 300 or something.)
Mutants don't age like yokai.
Also, indistinguishable???? (i mean that's what a lot of the humans in residuum will think, but-) Mutants are just... like, animal but make it human(if they have a human component). Yokai are much, much more diverse with body plans than mutants are. Mother fcking bone man??? skin man????? multiple limb, multiple eyes. literal orcs and dragons and slime people and-
Yokai aren't designed. (i mean they are, by an artist, but not in world)
So, in the world of residuum, if you sequence their dna, they are completely different. But thats not even getting into the bag of worms that is the mechanics of Mutant DNA.
Now for why the hidden city is helping... Look at me in the eye. Look at me in the eye and tell me a government wouldn't want to get their hands in that sweet, sweet biological weapon pie. Anyway.
If you really pay attention to the yokai presence on the surface in the show you'll notice that... every single yokai on the surface, with exactly two exceptions, has a connection with crime. The ones that don't, are usually hiding from something. With that... It's pretty obvious to me that yokai on the surface would generally be considered criminals by those in the hidden city.
Why would the hidden city care about what happens to some random criminal?
Another thing is that if a yokai is on the surface, they're typically cloaked, so not really at risk of being captured. Draxum is literally just hanging out, tormenting teenagers in a lunchroom. His whole situation just... out there. It was a given that they were going to mistake him for a mutant.
(of course this isn't mentioning the fact that the hidden city police are opportunistic at best, and apathetic at worst. With how big mama is just able to do basically whatever she wants, the hidden city government doesn't actually seem to care that much about their crime problem. They only really started condemning Draxum once he got their presence exposed to the public. Like really? Just one agent on the guy making biological super weapons? Okay.)
(also, also. in residuim the hidden city is considered a sovereign state, thus yokai have documentation and rights and political power. It's mystics guys. They would have so much political power, oh my god. its just more convenient for them to stay hidden really.)
also, racism is a thing. Yokai aren't like.. immune
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descendants-extended · 10 months
AK & VK's Hobbies
A lot of the AKS probs do horse-riding too cause rich kids and their parents have pet horses mostly in canon stuff.
Also hanging out with pets for VKs and AKs since they all have pets galore. Though no one has more than Aladdin, Jasmine and their kids’ massive menagerie.
Everyone sings (probs various degrees of good)
Harriet: Likes doodling (not coherent usually & just for her eyes only) and reading.
Harry & CJ: They like to read but mostly for the dramaticness & extraness. And because they are Hook’s kids so classical literature and stuff is easy for them. It’s probably a hobby that surprises people the most!
^ the hook kids’ hobbies are also inspired by chats with @panthera-tigris-venenata
Hook kids may also play some instruments cause their dad does (piano, harpsichord and from jake and the Neverland pirates: the trumpet)
Ben:  Headcanon that he can do some ‘tinkering’ with things. Not full on inventing like his grandfather, Maurice or like Carlos. But it’s a talent he has from spending lots of time with his grandad during his childhood.
He is probably a great assistant/helper! His mode of doing things is trial and error! Though he probably does know the basics pretty well. It helps him relax and calm down. It transports him to simpler times with his grandad and the stories he used to hear.
Audrey: Swordfighting, fencing & jousting with & cause of her parents (mum too cause in one disney picture book Aurora does joust! which is cool of Disney to give us content for. Also Aurora uses a sword in concept art).
Spending time with woodland creatures, hearing stories from her ‘great-aunts’-the 3 good fairies and gramma. She likes foraging. Embroidery and stitching too maybe. Probs likes reading stories too. She also writes her diary.
Gil: possibly woodworking/carpentry? But he values detail, style and elegance and likes engraving it with art unlike his father who only cares about its functionality and just generally leaves it like bare and crude. People also hc he likes gardening which is cute!
Hunting responsibly? A take I heard once. Like he only takes what he needs and sometimes just enjoys running after animals and not actually hunting if that made any sense.
‘Uma’s wicked book for VKs’ said he made Uma and Harry’s outfits for em I think so he’s a fashion designer too? Or maybe they gave him special instructions that he followed. Good for him. Cause dude can still sew then.
Jay & Jade: Practicing disguises (Jafar & Nasira both got disguises in canon so like just a family thing). Practicing magic when they get to Auradon (Jay is 1/4th Genie in mine. Plus Jafar & Nasira do have some magic of their own so do Jay & Jade).
Anthony: reading, upcycling outfits & accessories (because a line in the 1st book saying his outfits look regal & tailor-made somehow though they’re made of the same materials other’s outfits are made of. He generally makes any outfits work but further elevated by him tailoring stuff).
He likes spending time with his mum, siblings, cousins, pet(s) & his bestie, Eddie Balthazar! Loves throwing parties (based on the 1st ‘isle’ book again, saying he throws great parties)- he just enjoys the effort, the pay off & it helps him unwind (good for him. ambivert vibes).
Thinking up business strategies, accounting & book keeping! (Why are these in his hobbies? He finds it pretty fun when it all works out. So generally ‘plotting’? Yeah. Likes things organised), being a taste tester for his sibling’s food creations (they’re just good at it), dignifiedly sassing annoying isle people (mostly villains, some won’t get it sometimes) & learnin‘ stuff like languages!
He can play the piano but not really something he likes as much (wind instruments aren't his thing just like they weren’t his mum’s thing). Probs likes the idea of dueling but not exactly good at it?
Hadie: Likes rock & roll music like his dad, maybe he likes giving himself new piercings as a hobby? (met someone who did this irl! sounds cool but be careful). Likes to be a pest to the villains who are horrible parents and people (like him bothering Frollo to do his fortune quite regularly- @panthera-tigris-venenata made a post bout this! Give it a read, it's such a treat).
is the prince of the underworld so he likes to practice magic with his dad though you don’t really see results on the isle cause of the no-magic nature of the barrier (I suppose other magic users also found it very hard learning magic without well, magic! His irises glow yellow sometimes & his blue hair lights on fire so some magic still is kinda visible.)
Likes hanging out with his friends! Oh and his cousin, Freddie (if one hcs Freddie being Ursula’s daughter which I adore) and by extension Celia (who isn't Ursula’s kid in mine so not his blood cousin but he still treats her like one)
Chad: Dude won’t ever admit it but doing chores helps him clear his head and he likes cleanliness cause his mom wanted to still know some responsibility (never forced him to do it though).  Likes sports and also shopping! He can sew but like only repair stuff. He can cook some basics but not a hobby of his and not something he ever has to do.
Jenna, Rafi, Salima, Aziz (& their two lil siblings in mine): Hanging out with family, friends and pets.
All love going on long magic carpet rides. (‘Borders? Air traffic? Aw, bless your heart.’ They have like no need for passports on carpet rides & Agrabah’s got it as a clause in their agreement. The royal family doesn’t need those. (reminds me of how irl the British royal family’s head doesn’t need a passport). They have passports though. This is a new idea I just had & yeah. Can have a lot of exploration).
They love travelling. Probs try different modes of travel.
Aziz can Skateboard (based on Jasmine skateboarding in an Aladdin console game XD. Can't remember which game it was rn. But ‘Nasira's Revenge’ maybe? Feel free to correct me if I remembered the wrong game. While trying to find a pic, I found a doll of Jaz with Carpet as a skateboard so interesting.)
Anxelin & Ruby: Too many cause of their mom, Rapunzel's many hobbies and how it inspired them. They love trying out new stuff and are pretty adventurous. Their favourite book series is obv the 'Flynnigan Rider series'.
inspo from this post from @dragoneyes618: here
This is it so far. Maybe this is a part 1? Depends.
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helluvapurf · 10 months
Out of curiosity, what are your Top 10 Fave HB ships overall?❤️‍🔥
My "overall" top 10 faves? ...Hmmmmm-
Honestly a lil tricky 'cause alot of my main HB ships rn aren't exactly "canon" (save for like, one or two lol), and I do like to multi-ship alot as well depending on my mood. Sooo if I had to name just the top ships currently in my head rn (even if its not a full 10 list), here ya go!
Fizz x Ozzie Beautifully lustful bfs not afraid to be doofuses together whilst always lifting the other up when they're down... honestly, what more can one ask for in a Hell-ranked power couple?~ 💞🔥 If they ever made a spin-off for Fizzarolli, I’d SO be down for that if it means more Fizzmodeus duets~ 😍
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Blitz x Fizz -Biiiit of a controversial one I know, since ofc Fizzarolli is in a relationship rn/Blitz having his own issues wouldn't spell too much success for a romance atm... but like, ughhh I can't help it they're SO good, man T-T 💕 Like, two torn-apart childhood friends who grow up into a petty rivalry, sassing eachother out whilst learning to work together in danger, hashing out their feelings enough to forgive (whilst taking it slow friendship-wise) BUT also having Blitz stand his ground to protect Fizz at the Mammon event?
...Honestly, if it weren't for Fizzmodeus (+Stol*itz) existing, these two would THE perfect endgame, fr~ 👏👏
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Loona x Bee "Peppy x Moody" aesthetics are always a huge soft spot for me in ships, so I couldn't help getting drawn to these gals maybe being more than just "pals" lol ;p
Esp with the potential of Bee not being afraid to call out Loona on her crap (unlike most others who deal with her lol), Loona lowkey finding Bee attractive & super cool (despite still being a lil jealous over her Tex crush), and knowing how intuitive Bee is as a whole... I feel like she'd be the best influence to soften up Loona to get her to express herself & have fun~💖
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Bee x Tex Prob my fave (canon) hetero pair atm, I think these two are pretty lovely on their own accord too~ :3 Surprisingly subtle with their affections compared to other couples... but you can still tell how much they fit well given their laidback natures, abilities to "read" people (like Blitz when he got too drunk), and just overall care for eachother in that bit after Bee shrank down to size. Really curious of how they got together ngl (esp given how Hellhounds are pretty low in the hierarchy system as-is), I think it'd be pretty fun to read about~ 🥰
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Blitz x Striker Ahhh yes, def a classic in terms of the alternate Blitz ships out there (though I guess not as popular these days, given Striker's current writing .w.; ). From how much they oozed chemistry from their first meeting, Blitz's respect for Striker's skill almost giving them good coworker potential, their similar insecurities/frustrations with Hell's hierarchy system (even with Striker going a more "corrupt" route with it in later appearances... the fact that even he declares that Blitz deserved "better" than how Stolas' treats of him speaks volumes ngl-). Like, there's SO much potential imho; whether its a slowburn-redemption pair, an "flirting-on-opposing sides" pair, a "come to the dark side- we have cookies~" pair... the possibilities are endless~ 👀❤️
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Blitz x Mrs. Mayberry
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-Ok, now this one's proooobably the least popular overall of the Blitz ships out there... but idk, just thought it'd be a cute idea the more I thought about it lol .3.
Blitz may be a goofy lil jerk, but he's clearly a devoted family man at heart whenever you see him with his loved ones (Loona, Fizz, occasionally M&M, etc.). And with Mayberry having that strong desire for a family (despite how she was cheated/unfairly-bashed on after her death), I feel like she'd lowkey be a sweet influence to balance Blitz's chaotic nature (whilst he'd be able to make her laugh/bring "excitement" to her current life in Hell). Idk, just something light & cute like that, yknow? :3 💜
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spishidden · 2 years
Mystic Melodies AU: Prologue
This all started as an Alien Stage AU (go watch that web series it's amazing) but then turned into its own thing and now I'm scared of my own brain- the brainrot for this one was INTENSE
Anyways here have this:
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It’s been years since the world felt an honest melody.
When the krang descended onto earth, they took over the planet faster than anyone could’ve predicted. Soon, society across the globe was overtaken by the alien species’ influence. Streets were flooded with krang lifeforms who took a liking to the planet. The smoke and debris covered the sky. An unforgiving consequence that scared the sun away. 
It wasn’t long until the krang found out the most powerful tool to bring the earth to its knees, music. 
To the krang, music was an anomaly. A strange mix of noises that somehow made people from all walks of life come together. There were so many types of music on this planet, the krang were confused. How can one concept be stretched in so many ways? It doesn’t make sense, they thought. So they came up with a solution. It was simple, really. Forcing a human to make the “perfect” song with the threat of death wasn’t a hard task, but finding that “perfect” melody was. 
They searched through as much data as they could. Looking back through the history of this planet to find out what stuck. After many test runs based on statistics and facts, the krang cracked the code. They released the “perfect” music. A sound that would call the beings of this planet to worship the krang. It worked better than expected. Soon, the whole world would be calling the krang’s name. 
Music was power. As long as the krang could control it. 
But there was one aspect they couldn’t control, mystic arts. 
Amongst the yokai, music was more than just entertainment. It was a way to channel the mystic energy that flowed through them. With it, they were able to survive underground in safety for hundreds of years. 
Sadly, that all ended when the krang caught wind of the many hidden cities that lay awake beneath the surface. This magic was the only thing that could get in the krang’s way of taking over the planet. Unlike before, forcing their music onto yokai society proved to be difficult. The magic that flowed through generations of ancestors was too strong. So they decided to do the next best thing;
They took the children. 
With no one to pass down their teachings, mystic arts faded away into history. 
One Baron Draxum however, wasn’t having it. 
The alchemist came up with a plan to form talented creatures strong enough to take down the krang. He found four baby turtles of different species, free from the contamination caused by the krang. It was a miracle these infants had survived this long, but this meant that Draxum only had four chances. And he wasn’t about to waste any of them. So he needed to find the DNA of someone with exceptional musical ability. 
Of course, he decided to kidnap borrow famous singer Lou Jitsu (Yes.)
Well… it started as that, then turned into a begrudging “Fine I’ll help you as long as I can get my singing career back”
With the man’s DNA mixed with the ooze made from empearyem, the turtles’ mutation was a success. Draxum and Lou Jitsu named the turtles Michaelangelo, Donnatello, Raphael, and Leonardo. 
They all lived happily for three years, but in an instant it all went away. For just as quickly as they came into the lives of the yokai and the human, the krang found their laboratory. They seized the turtles and destroyed the facility. Also Lou gets turned into a rat during the chaos. Draxum prob has rats or smth and they mixed with the ooze. While the krang were causing all the destruction he just happens to turn into a rat? Man what an L 
The aftermath isn’t pretty. They find out that the krang have started a program aimed to create more music producers to fuel the engine of control over earth. Lou immediately decides to go after the turtles and bring them back safely. It… does not go well. 
He isn’t even able to see the turtles, the krang got to him so fast. With a broken back and beaten up limbs, Lou is about to make a run for it when a little girl grabs onto his tail. He looks back and is met with a look of desperation. She has poofy brown hair and dark skin with glasses over her eyes. He hears the krang approaching, so with no other choice he takes her with him and runs. 
They make a home for themselves in the sewers with Draxum. The girl introduces herself as April O’Neil, one of the children in the krang program. (April is the one that gives Lou the name Spliner ^^) Together, they look after April and teach her how to harness her own mystic power. 
Years pass and the turtles are now teenagers. The krang’s influence is as flourishing as ever, and Leonardo is about to attempt his final exam. A live graded performance broadcasted in the capital, before becoming a full fledged artist of the krang empire. With a guitar in hand, he decided to give it everything he’s got. His one shot at greatness, he wasn’t gonna let it slip away.
Nobody could’ve predicted what would happen next. Not even Leo. I mean, how could he have known that the one song he wrote that came from his heart would activate his hidden mystic powers?? He sure didn’t.
With that one song, that one show, the world was about to change for the first time in decades.
is this how posting about aus work?? Never done this before on tumblr jkhfdkjh
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darth-does-stuff · 3 years
ok bit of that sweet sweet info on how they all met
ro and pat met in the 2nd grade
clung to each other like koalas and never let go lmao
people often thought they were dating or had crushes on each other, cause its like that even in elementary school and junior high
(id know sadly) ((people often thought me and one of my friends were dating/had crushes on each other and we werent and it was so annoying))
sometimes,,,especially in 5th grade,,, they just met up with one another and talked about how annoying crushes were,,,
cause like, people were always talking about crushes and how cute and ‘hot’ these people were
and they didnt understand
like, they still dont know the line between attraction and affection
(im not projecting shuddup)
so they just talked about how confusing it was,,,and they bonded over having no crushes, at least none that they knew of
and it was nice cause they could just vent knowing the other would have no judgement
im crying now its pure
ok dee and lo met in 4th grade
cause dee wasnt exactly popular cause of his heterochromia, and some even made fun of his freckles.
little kids can be mean man
and lo was pretty socially awkward
he just wasnt that outgoing, pretty introverted, and just didnt talk to people
cause, honestly? it was scary
so the two kinda bonded over being outcasts, as sad as that sounds
like they just noticed each other avoiding the other kids
and idk they just somehow interacted
and clicked
suddenly they werent lonely anymore
because they had a friend
one that understood them, understood loneliness, and was also a left brain boy-
so yeah its wholesome too
then vee and re met each other in 1st grade
they seemed like an unlikely pair
a chaos monger, even at age 6 (or whatever first grade age is i forgot lmao) and a kid frightened by many things
but remus was actually mindful of virgil’s fear and made him laugh
and virgil pulled remus out of trouble, but also understood him
so they just became friends
stuck up for one another, caused chaos together, and pulled each other out of trouble
jzkfjazfjkajf my heart
as for how each group came together to form one whole crew?
dee and ro met each other in 6th grade with theater club
they became friends due to their inner drama geek
and bonded
and, like people do, introduced their respective friends to each other
so those 4 formed a group
pat, ro, and dee actually bonded rather well, but since lo was never good at social interaction, he felt awkward
so one time in the middle of 6th grade, he just felt like it was all too much and he was just on the outskirts, he sat at a lunch table alone, where the three couldnt see him
re and v just notice this kid eatin lunch alone
like the gremlins they are, plop down and start making conversation
mostly remus, but virgil popped in sometimes
lo was startled, as one would be, but eventually warmed up to them, finding them actually pretty funny, and chaotic just like him
so he came out of his shell even more
eventually the other three find him, questioning as to why he didnt sit with them (more so concerned, not like jealous, because lo usually sits with them and they didnt want him to feel bad)
and lo just kinda mumbles he’ll tell them later
the three notice vee and re and are like ‘huh’
but then lunch bell rings and they gotta go to their respective classes
later lo explains his reasons, they explain that it wasnt the case and they were sorry for making him feel like that, while lo assures him that part of it was his own self’s fault, cause sometimes he overanalyzes stuff
but yeah v and re start slowly integrating themself into their group
and by the end of 6th grade
they were all a group
and you know what happened from there
chaos crew babey
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP 1678 (Unlondon) x Reader (REQUESTED)
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Source: Photo
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
Requested by: @lilithisfurry
Ok, so I've done it!!! 😃
Before any of you say a thing, I know that there are 2 humanoid 1678s which are 1678-A (Bobbies/Policeman) and 1678-C (Wretch) and an avian type one (1678-B)
The one I'll be using is 1678-A (Policeman) because it takes too much time to write 3 versions of this SCP (But I might consider writing the other 2, but it's highly unlikely)
First Encounter
When you first met this humanoid, you were sent into SCP 1678 for some test
The police humanoid emitted a loud whistle as the speakers screamed ‘‘Police! Halt, criminal!’’
A couple of others who were with you attempted to shoot them with their guns but were quickly shown to be resistant
Luckily for them, they managed to plant some explosives which caused damage
The other 1678-As went in and attacked them which wasn't unusual because of their hostile nature
However, for you, one of them managed to capture you and ran
For some reason, it showed some interest towards you and warded off the other SCP 1678-As off from you
They seemed to understand that you were "marked" and left you alone
That particular 1678-A managed to get you out from harm and back to your foundation
The foundation staff did wonder what had happened and you told them everything with proof since you were wearing a bodycam
They've soon noticed that this particular policeman was softer towards you as you bandaged up its broken arm
Your feelings for him
After the incident, you were sent back down into 1678 for further research and you bumped back into the sane 1678-A
You only remembered that it was him because of its gesture and its unusual markings which distinguished him from the others
Somehow, you both were able to communicate with each other
The researchers realised that they seemed to understand human speech, mainly English, however, they seemed to understand other forms of European languages as well
Moreover, this particular Bobby also understood sign language and used it to his advantage to communicate with you, displaying some fondness for you
The researchers were reluctant to let you carry on with this test as they've noticed that you've reciprocated the same gesture
Let's just say that the researchers and the other Bobbies agreed to the fact that it was strange for you and that special policeman to be dating
His Confession
Over time, as you both became closer, he worked up the courage to sign to you that he cares a lot about you
And you've found that rather cute and returned the gesture
Which then made you both a rather unique type of couple
The other 1678-As were concerned and curious about this new relationship and so was the Foundation
The researchers had decided to borrow your newfound partner and took him to his new room (No, you've basically kidnapped him)
Needless to say, the other Bobbies were somewhat furious while others were glad that he's gone since he betrayed them for not killing you
Your new partner was somewhat homesick, so you've decided to paint some victorian style art for his cell
From time to time, you both were shoved back into 1678 which just so happens to be the main place for you both to date
Some of his friends were relieved to see him and some would even offer you a hug
You obviously returned the gesture for being so flattering and because your man could finally get laid (NGL yall still be touch starved to the point you'd even date strange beings and objects)
Dates with this Bobby would be rather interesting
Like, he'd hold hands, but probably wouldn't start it during the beginning of the relationship because he's just shy (Just like everybody else here)
Since his face is all bandaged up, you wouldn't really be having many kisses
But he'll make it up with hugs instead
His fellow friends would probably enjoy bothering the both of you while you're there and would pull pranks on you both
If you both were in the foundation, you'd be chilling in his cell and talking bout your experiences in life (Not like you'd have much to say, get back to studying/work)
The researchers may poke fun of you both but would generally leave you both alone
When he gets jealous
Now, depending on who he's jealous of, he would react differently
If it was another fellow 1678-A, he would be slightly hostile and assert his dominance over the others
However, if it was a member of the foundation or anyone else that's not 1678-A for that matter, he'd be even more aggressive and would probably try and kill them
Unless you manage to stop him then it's fine
This Bobby would be slightly possessive because you're the only other person who genuinely cares about him other than his 1678 friends/family
If he sees you having a friendly chat with another person/SCP, he would wrap an arm around you just so the other person knows you're taken
I think over time he learns some boundaries so even if he is aggressive, he wouldn't just automatically send the dude you're with to hell
Unless that person is a crappy person then good for them
This yandere right here would literally kidnap you and take you back into 1678
He'd make sure that you would never find a way back into the foundation which does concern the researchers, so they send a group of D-classes and MTFs to find you
If he was feeling nice, he would let you wander around 1678 but he would most likely be next to or near you at all times
If he was having a bad day, he would tie you up in a random building and made sure that nobody can get in or out
Would most likely be even more hostile to everybody else around you
If you haven't behaved, he'd probs use something sharp to inflict pain on you
If you managed to behave, then he loosens the ropes around your arms, legs and neck
Probs would feed you tiny doses of 1678-D but only a bit because he's aware of how that affects the bodies of ordinary humans
Their younger sister
You and the other 1678-As would literally be families at this point or friends with the ones who are lurking away from the main area of 1678
And since you were rather new, you were treated as the younger one (That's also because you're the youngest one)
Would probably protect you from everything
You would be spoilt to death and wouldn't have to hurt a fly
One of the policemen would get you a 1678-B as your personal pet
And it's rather fond of you so it basically follows you around
Would most likely intimidate your dates if you have one
Even more so if they're a human/SCP from the Foundation
If it was another member of 1678 then they're more chill
However, if you were dating 1678-C, they'd be quite reluctant for you to be in a relationship with her but would let you anyways
When their kids say their name for the first time
Would 100% be crying internally and shocked
Like, it happened out of the blue since you both were just relaxing
Word would spread across the whole of 1678 because of this
And not because you both were a unique pairing in the first place
1678-A would try to teach your child some sign language in contrast to you who would teach them to communicate verbally
Most likely try and teach the kid to defend themselves and probably attack others
But you wouldn't let him because they were too young (Just like you lot!!! Shouldn't y'all be studying in primary or high/secondary schools?)
The other 1678s would literally yeet their way to meet the kid just so they can teach your child to say more words
And to swear of course
When his S/O is angry
Oh dear
If the foundation doesn't know any better, they'd just assume that all the Bobbies were the aggressive ones
And oh boy were they wrong
You were the one who needs a chill pill
Basically, some guy tried to hit on you and wouldn't stop
So you just casually gave him a taste in his own medicine
Which were a punch in the face and a kick in the nuts (Kids, don't do this to a guy unless he really deserves it)
He somehow got back up and carried on harassing you
Your man was just strolling around the park until he saw the commotion
He had to literally hold you back and made the guy run for his life
Which was a shocker since it's usually the other way around
And of course, everybody inside 1678 heard about the news and cheered on for you while others just ran since they didn't wanna have the first-hand experience with your anger issue
When someone tries to steal you away
Oh this man right here would gather all his police friends as well as the birds to hunt down whoever stole you away
He would be furious to the core and rightfully so
The foundation was informed of this and they didn't blame this SCP
And that's because the person who stole you was from the Chaos Insurgency
Both GOIs hated each other's guts so the foundation just kinda let 1678-A hunt down the guy
And he did along with the MTFs
But was met with you standing over the guy's dead body
Then everybody realised that your man taught you how to protect yourself
And you did it so perfectly that even 1678 was intimidated af
Nobody wanted to mess with you and your partner was relieved that he taught you self defence
When his pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident
This particular 1678-A that just so happens to be your partner, is rather shy and introverted
Nad although he does his 'job' well, he would rather just stay away from any contact
Until he met you and you became pregnant
This 1678-A would be slightly more protective but would let you have some space
And because of this, you managed to give yourself a papercut
Which was met with a furious policeman
But was cooled down when you explained your injury to him
He was giving you a huge lecture about your safety and how not to get hurt because you're carrying his baby
Wouldn't leave you alone ever again
Even if that means he would have to sit by the corner at all times
Would send his mates to come over to check on you if he wasn't there
Meeting a dragon hybrid child fem!reader
Definitely would be curious about you since they mostly interact with Foundation staffs
Probably would try to attack you but instead got burnt
1678-A would definitely notice your strange appearance and that you cry lava
Would feel bad so he'd try and comfort you
This then leads to you both being rather attached to each other
This particular 1678-A would have to bribe the others to keep you
The foundation realising this would happen
Probably would let you stay there for research purposes
They would most likely help level up your telekineses
Treats you like their own child and would be extremely protective
Most likely would have a heart attack every time you show kindness towards foundation members instead of attacking them
Every time you're in danger, the ones attacking you would soon realise that they've screwed up
Because the SCPs can hear you cry which would summon a whole bunch of them
When he accidentally kills you
He was basically chilling with you until some MTF members arrived to take some samples for testing
They were attacked by the other 1678-As and retaliated
This chill guy would lead you to safety before attacking the remaining MTFs
You realising what has happened decided to try and help out
You noticed that one of the MTF members were about to shoot your guy and managed to throw the gun out of his hand
1678-A notices and tries to attack the member but instead killed you
The remaining MTF members flee as he mourns your death
He would be even more vengeful and aggressive to the foundation members
Which does scare off the other Bobbies
Stayed in one of the abandoned houses to cry alone
Yandere!1678 - A x Evil!Reader
I'd say aside from his yandere self and the fact that he's only more aggressive to everyone else aside from you and giving you some scars, he's pretty dense and thicc in the brain
Probably wouldn't notice that you were working on them for a project in the GOC
You were able to get away with a lot of things because of your small stature and innocent appearance
Definitely managed to fool this yandere!1678-A because of your appearance
You could be just as vicious when you want to be
Yandere!1678-A soon realises that you were just using him for some experiment and were angered to the point of no return
Would most likely try and hunt you down
But since you've already got enough information about this SCP, you were able to devise a plan to leave
Manages to catch up to you but you were fortunate enough to know enough self-defence tactics to ward him off
You never came back to him and he was depressed for all of eternity
Trying McDonald's Sprite
You were requested to bring some ordinary food to 1678 as a test
And you've decided that you wanted to bring some Sprite with some Apple pie, mozzarella dippers and pancakes (They're my soul food from Mackies ok? Don't judge)
When you arrived in 1678, that one particular policeman who is attached to you for some odd reason was curious about the food
Of course, he would need to take off the bandage on his head to taste the food but not before some bribery from you
He reminisced about the food since he loved eating them before he turned into 1678-A
Sprite, however, was slightly different
He never tried them and was surprised with how good they tasted
Most likely would ask you to get more for him though
Foundation staff would be rather conflicted but allowed you to reward him with Sprite and some food
Only whenever he behaved well though
When his kid swears at him
You should've seen the look on his face (oh the irony)
You both taught your kid verbal and non-verbal communications with some common sentences people would say
But never have either of you taught your kid how to swear
Kinda just happened and 1678-A was about to go into cardiac arrest (Pun intended)
Would hunt down whoever taught them that depending on the severity
Like if the kid was using a ton of swearing in a sentence and was directing it to either of you, 1678-A would kill the guy
You were more of a chill type of parent
But would recommend the kid to stop swearing sine it's rude
Most likely wound ground the kind for a week tbh
When the reader scares him (Child!Reader)
Well, let's just say you managed to make the policeman play hide and seek with you
And you were the one hiding since you secretly knew that you were a professional at it
So you made 1678-A to find you
And although he's pretty good at catching his victims, he couldn't find you (Cuz y'all be so short)
Like he was literally in front of you and he still couldn't see you and you even giggled
So you've decided to jump on him
And oh boy was he about to scream out for help
But luckily he didn't cuz the others would whoop yo ass
Probably wouldn't give you a lecture but would need a while for his precious heart to not go yeetus the fetus
He would probably yeet you though tbf
When the reader pole dances/aerial silk dance
1678-A probably would have some ideas on what pole dancing is
Maybe not as much with the term aerial silk dancing but would soon understand when he sees you dancing
Probably thinks that you're trying to fondue with him if you're pole dancing
Definitely would be in awe when he sees you dance with the aerial silks
Would have a difficult time mimicking you if he ever wants you to teach him
Has definitely fallen 1000 times while pole dancing and broke his arms while dancing 10 ft off the ground
If the others inside 1678 see you dancing, he'd be in a blushing mess, especially if you were dancing to certain kinds of songs
Would most likely tell you to dance for him privately so there's no peeking
Having a Pregnant!S/O
Would most definitely be on the guard more since you're carrying his child
1678-A would most likely follow you around like a well trained and clingy German Shepard
You'd most likely have to tell him to tone it down because you're pregnant, not some delicate flower
Would most likely do whatever you tell him to do, even if it means hurting himself as long as you're safe and sound
Definitely would make sure that another 1678 would be around you at all times when he's away from you
1678-A would occasionally rub your stomach and sing victorian era songs
Sometimes he would bring you some of your favourite foods
When you try to commit suicide
When he hears the news he was devastated
He literally ran 69 miles just to see you
Would give you a big boi lecture about doing that
Nearly had his heart jump out of his body
Would constantly follow you everywhere after this
He's basically your bodyguard at this point
Would bandage up your wounds
Makes sure that you're fed well and all and would give you random gifts out of the blue
Would most likely ask the other Bobbies to care for you if he's not there and would even give you 1678-B
Asks the Wretches to keep a lookout to make sure nobody hurts you
Having a hopelessly romantic/easily flustered GN!Reader
This particular Bobby would most likely be just as easily flustered and hopelessly romantic as you
I'd imagine him trying to make the first move and you both being in a blushing mess
You both would exchange little gifts every now and again
Everyone else just teases and ships you both
You both loving each other unconditionally and constantly worrying about each other when you're both away from each other
This Bobby would definitely protect you from the MTFs and/or D-classes from attacking you
You would make a deal with the foundation to keep your guy safe and sound
The foundation witnessing how lovey-dovey you both are and just dies of cringe and sweetness overload (but not as sweet as out 999)
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literaphobe · 2 years
Tbh something tells me that the pink team might end up a disaster if sneeg says something he shouldn't or makes a comment he shouldn't. Cause everyone else on that team is a person who doesn't like conflict/is able to keep cool but sneeg is the type to speak his mind and not in the fun way.
ok lets do this again omg realllyyyy no way i don’t think anything much will happen w that team idt itll get too awkward or crazy anyway here’s how likely it is that each mcc21 team wins (im not being mean this is largely stats based)
red: unlikely… this team has some of the lowest s2 coin averages and even with krtzyy they don’t stand much of a chance against some of these other teams that have like v strong duos
orange: its about how well philza and illumina end up working together aka how good philza is at providing support, illumina is a VERY consistent player whos very strong rn and doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon unfortunately while i think he has a very good chance of making dodgebolt idk if i see illumina winning dodgebolt 😔😔😔
yellow: comes down to fruit, smallish supports him p well iirc, everyone on this team has sort of teamed w each other before which is good for them
lime: pete and grian are a VERY strong duo w lots of experience playing together… high likelihood they make dodgebolt
green: dream and tommy need to prove they’ve learnt from their past experience being teamed together, tommy needs to pop off, dream needs to POP OFF, sylvee needs one of her big brained genius moves, niki needs to play the best support she’s ever played, they need the right games and right order etc etc, would be good for them to play team games n avoid individual stuff
cyan: sapnap and cpk will be a good duo, but they have a new player on their team and a simmer, it’s not exactly the situation he had in mccs 18&19, plus in mcc17 they only had one new player and sapnap’s team overall for mcc17 could be considered better than this team. so i wouldn’t say they’re in the running for victory unless they nail the game order and games played
aqua: idk HOW crazily ant has improved since the last time i looked at him but for this team its about jojo baby she needs to work well w ant too for them to pull something good off but also as far as most of the games go there are teams that outplay them so i don’t see them being very likely winners either
blue: idk… i just don’t get the vibe that they’ll win sorry like its one of those situations where. imo they feel like team red but like a stronger version of red
purple: ICB I LOOKED WRONG AND FORGOT anyway purple IS VERY GOOD punz and smajor will be a strong duo and im interested to see what this team pulls off
pink: imo george is the pvper here and some games will see them placing much higher like hole in the wall and sands of time but unless they have some kinda magic they will get beat out by some other teams in pvp most likely like there’s no real leader on this team u get me it kind of is george but like don’t bother my little kitten n everything yaknow… they will prob get like 3/4th tho its possible if everything goes well
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nagirambles · 3 years
Are you reading Edens Zero? If so, how are you liking it?
I've read, but I'm not caught up yet! I remember stopping at the latest chapter at that time and then just leaving it there for a bit, since I tend to like binging instead. (The only manga I read weekly is One Piece!) I think I'm quite far behind now, I hardly remember where I was at. I'll probs reread it sometime soon.
And-- well, I actually quite like it so far. I appreciate the much darker tone that's set, though Mashima tends to use it as excuses to draw naked women but-- hey, at least it's properly portrayed to be objectively horrifying, which adds to the tragedy. That's good. You can really see that Mashima took the time travel aspect of FT and decided to run buck wild with it in EZ, and that's awesome. The cameos from FT characters are fun as well.
I like the contrast of FT's one home country aspect with EZ's one ship, no set home aspect. I just wish that we emphasized more on the crew and its dynamics itself, outside of pairing moments or conflict, to make it feel more like a real home base they treasure rather than just a huge ship they drive around.
I also desperately wish for Rebecca's B-cuber work to become more relevant. Right now it just feels ornamental to her entire character, because we're told she does it, we're told she's bad at it-- but it's just there. Other than that time they met a huge fan and they got a lot of allies from it, it seems pretty sidelined. Unlike Lucy's where it was crucially relevant in Everlue Arc, relevant to Levy, relevant to her habit of writing letters to her mom, and relevant to END. It was pretty sidelined too, but it was writing a novel. It wasn't youtuber work, which is literally a career based on consistently being relevant.
I guess this is me having weird expectations because a certain One Piece fanfic called This Bites used the 'I am live streaming our stupid shenanigans so you can all be exasperated with me' plotline to an amazing degree, causing worldwide conflict and lots of people to be endeared by the adventures of a morally grey pirate crew-- but-- that's the thing. Why is Rebecca not streaming their adventures and hilarious shenanigans and why are we hardly seeing what the general public thinks of them? I feel that's important in a dream like 'I want to be a popular B-cuber', right? They can keep up the running joke of how Rebecca is bad at her videos, but it just doesn't make sense why we're shown that they streamed about 'some random not-relevant mud island' rather than the adventure they are literally experiencing, at this very moment.
But anyways, this is not being critical of EZ. It's just 'I hope, I hope', and I'm not caught up either, so who knows, I might be speaking dumbly. It's just opinion, anyways.
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Sergio's not gonna die, he is needed for a possible re-opening of the show. Palermo is too obvious (and that matters to pina), Raquel was already fake-killed. OTOH, Denver: has a lot more protagonism this season, with flashback and all, he is a universally beloved character (always a good candidate to kill), Jaime Lorente has been seen in some town with pedro and alba filming (prob flashback but why with those 2?). 90% sure he's the dead (if anyone).
Honestly, the only thing that would truly surprise me at this point if they indeed don't kill anyone next volume. Would be a move™, I'll give them that. But yes, I do think that they'll go with Denver too, and it has been foreshadowed to be honest. Doesn't change how much I dislike and genuinely disagree with that choice though. I don't think the actor would be up for a spin-off honestly, but anyway Sergio only has the element of surprise and the parallel with his father (the show is too fond of parallels lmfao) not much else to make his death a good choice.
And as you said, Palermo is predictable. And I imagine, with how politically aware™ the show is this season, they might also try to avoid the 'bury your gays' trope.
The thing is, most of what you and I just listed are just meta-textual reasons. I'm not saying those reasons have no place at all when considering writing choices, of course not, but I do disapprove, generally speaking, of writers taking this too much into account when writing their finales.
Sergio would be shocking to a more extent than the others, but that doesn't make him any more a good choice. Denver would guarantee as much of an angry and frustrated reaction as Nairobi (Although I honestly don't dislike Nairobi's death as much as everyone else. I thought it was well-played to an extent) and would have a strong emotional response plus parallels with Moscu, but to me it would be very misplayed.
I wasn't really talking about what I expect from the show as much as what I personally believe is a good writing choice. I most expect Denver to die, but I think Palermo is the most fitting choice.
Like sure, those things are subjective, and they change from one fan to the other as well as from one writer to the other. But just because the death of a character is predictable doesn't mean it's not the most fitting choice for the situation. Not really, I think it means the audience sees something there.
Look, before anyone starts assuming I just *want* Martín to die to see some afterlife scene for my ship, or even a parallel. Yeah, sure, preferablly as a fan of them I'd love this, but I don't think they are in any way necessar. To me, they would just be peppering that would make the death scene nicer stylistically speaking. I don't even think the show canonized the after-life or something of the sort, again I just think they are a mere stylistic choice. I wouldn't be at all actually bothered if we got nothing of the sort.
I just wholly believe the best choice to go with for both textual and meta-textual reasons is Palermo. First, the meta-textual ones, despite the fact that I disapprove of how they got there, I have to admit that the show managed to get him to be more likable this season. General audiences that have previously hated the hell out of him like him enough now. But at the same time Martín is still not Sergio, Raquel, or Denver. His death would cause some sadness and emotional response in the audience but not literal rage and feeling of betrayel, like say for example how GOT fans felt. Also, Martín now has enough alive characters that care about him that would make his death sad. It's unlikely an audience would give a shit about a character's death if none of the surrounding characters do. But now there is Helsinki, who incidentally Martín is also much nicer and caring towards this season, so Helsi would have "good reasons" to react strongly to his death, Sergio supposedly also cares for Martín, and we can say Raquel respects him. So the characters around him wouldn't be indifferent, especially if his death has value in the narrative, say an actual sacrifice for the rest of them. The show itself is VERY fond of the sort of arc that goes along the line 'Selfish character who caused harm and pain to all around them reaches selfishness and then sacrifices their life for the sake of the others.' It happened with Berlin, it happened with Tokyo. And it seems is effective enough. So if I were the writer and wanted a death that is effective but won't anger audience too much, I'd 100% go with him.
And again, a point is Martín even has something that neither Tokyo nor Andrés did, he had a very direct hand in the killing of a very beloved team member. Sure, you can say Tokyo had a hand in what happened to Moscu, but Tokyo legitimately had very little choice because she couldn't find Sergio and she had no intention to do harm, she didn't know her entrance would literally cost the man's life. Martín knew very, very well what Gandia was capable of and this is exactly why he did what he did.
Martín is narratively still responsible for Nairobi's death and took no hand in even avenging her from Gandia. That was Bogota and then Tokyo. And the character seems to be weighted by that guilt to a large extent. And I think the absolute best way for the narrative to resolve this point is by Martín dying directly to save Helsinki, who the show also made a point of also incapacitating, and I'd imagine that would have repercussions on how efficient getting out of the bank would be on him. Characters rarely get injured just for the sake of it, Nairobi's terrible injury from Alicia made her much more susceptible to Gandia, who had a huge leverage on her as she was physically incapable of resisting anything. (I imagine Monica's situation would also have repercussions--hopefully just not on Denver lmfao)
So despite generally not being a fan at all of the pairing in any way or form, and how they generally make no sense to me, with how the show is going now it's definitely best for Martín to die partially for his plan and partially for Helsinki.
Like ideally, what I'd personally most love to see and what I'd personally write a 2573 different fic versions of, is for Martín to die for his plan and for Sergio. I personally believe outside of the plan, Martín's most important relationship in his arc is with Sergio. But the show already ignored their relationship enough this volume as a first and Sergio already got the strong death scenes with Berlin and Tokyo as a second, it could be seen as an excess. But with Helsinki it's meaningful on a different level. The character Nairobi cared about the most is Helsinki (and he's also nearly as well-liked by the audience), so this would balance what he did to Nairobi in a pretty significant way, not completely out-do it, but the two acts would definitely balance each other. To both the audience and to the characters, Martín would be truly "redeemed." Which despite how much I dislike, and genuinely don't agree with it, the show is already putting a lot of focus on his 'redemption'. I don't like redemption arcs generally speaking, I don't think Martín is fit for it, and I don't think it's happening in an organic way at all, and I frankly believe it made him boring, but alas, it is what is is, the show is already half-way there, it already took that route, so the only end for it is to finish it and go all the way. It would be very useless if he ended up surviving lmfao.
And of course the other reason is for Martín's personal arc. The plan is his life's work, the thing he showed most loyality and love to from the moment he showed up 2 seasons ago, the end of his arc is with the end of his plan. Never mind how A LOT of scenes would be useless if Martín doesn't actually die for the success of the plan; the whole reason Sergio opposed it so strongly is because, in his own words, it was completely suicidal. Sure, you can say that they already proved the plan is dangerous by the army going in and all of this "war", but there was no Rio, Raquel, Plan Paris or Plan Roman in the original plan, so there would have been no reason for things to go that bad in that respect, all that happened in volume one is by direct consquence of the plan changing, so that still leaves the question why was Berlin and Palermo's plan so wrong and so suicidal if we don't take into account this war? If there is no answer and if there is no answer that is actually anchored by a death in canon, then those were really all just empty scenes. And of course it's Martín, the mastermind and engineer, the artist who crafted this poem, that has to die for its completion and overall success. Since day one, his arc has been tied intimately to this plan, we barely even know anything about him beyond it. And like, three people died for the mint heist and it was a plan made to work perfectly without a single flaw, where does this put a heist that was just full of romanticism and complete focus on the gold with disregard to the people? All of the scenes we saw of Sergio rejecting the bank heist in the flashbacks on that basis have to mean something now.
Against all of this, what does Denver have? What will his death signify? Nothing, in my opinion. The man didn't even want to be there. Also I guarantee you, if he does die for Monica the way he said, every single fan will turn against her and the hate the character will receive will be insane. Like why end the story of those two characters this way? What is there beyond edginess and grimness for their own sake?
Martín's death, even if it causes sadness, will be satisfying for his character. Besides, Martín as a character is too much like Tokyo, I don't imagine he himself would be very satisfied growing old and dying under the radar somewhere; going with a blaze now, sealing off his life's work and having his death mean something too is a much, much more satisfying ending for him.
Tldr; Palermo in a very balanced position to kill, especially that he is currently the actual leader, a position the show has given him with more space and better, much nicer spotlight now than in the third season. And I imagine with volume two focused more on extracting the gold, his role will get only bigger in that respect. He's still responsible for Nairobi's death. And he should 100% die for the Gold and the completion of his plan.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
In The Depths of the Deep Sea
Pairing: Blossucth (Blossom x Butch) 
Fandom: Powerpuff Girls
Notes: Prob one of the fluffiest things I've written and I’ve had this idea for months now and finally its here. After rewriting more times than I care to admit, I actually like it. Also go check out @lisathefan she made the most stunning art work for this!!
Tag list: @shellielyzabeth @unvalley @over-under-through1
“Never go past the Crystal Reef.” Her father said to when she was just a young mermaid.
Naturally she listened to the rules. As the eldest of her sisters, it was her duty to make sure they did the same. Even if she had to scold Buttercup for getting too close or urge Bubbles not to because of the scary monsters, no one went past the reef.
It wasn’t a hard rule to follow though. Crystal Reef was massive and was filled with a city of sea life and other mermaids that kept everyone happy. They lived in the ocean and were free to travel the lengths of the sea, but the Deep Reef as it was called, was off limits.
She had heard the stories many times. Disgusting creatures lurked in the murky waters and even mermaids had a hard time swimming it's currents. It was ice cold as the legends told and no one made it out alive to tell the tale. There were messages of mermaids becoming food for the massive predators that lived there and even said to be home to blood thirsty sharks and fish who were more bone than flesh. It was creepy and distasteful to even think about and Blossom rarely had any desire to swim out and down below.
But one evening after her father told her about the treasures pirate ships could hold, she found one. It was just short of the edge of the reef, only a few meters down, the water was still clear enough but she knew that any further and she could be risking her tail. But as she grew older, her curiosity got the better of her.
So she swam and found it. The massive ship that had been sunken years before she was born. It was breathtaking even with the mass of water damage eroding its boards. Her mind had drifted further out to sea, her judgment foggy as she wasted the daylight in the boat.
It became a habit of hers. She would leave for hours to go towards that ship and each time, there was something new for her to see. She never had trouble there before, but her luck could only go so far.
The water had turned colder towards the night but she wasn’t worried, wasn’t afraid. Her tail guided her along the outside and she had decided maybe that was enough exploring for the day. Her family would get worried if she wasn’t back soon but then again the giant shark looming over her didn’t care too much about her time.
She gulped as the creature stared at her. Her breath being held in her throat as its eyes locked on to hers, daring her to make a move. Her blade in her bag was out of reach and even if she had it, there was no way she could fight off a shark ten times the size of her.
Perhaps this was it. The day she would be eaten alive and never found. And if she were to die, her sisters better keep their fins off her stuff! She shut her eyes tight as she felt the shark move closer. The torment of feeling the bubbles around her was making her uneasy and thought if she remained still, then it would leave. But her eyes, she decided to open them all too soon.
She only saw white. Rows and rows of exposed sharp teeth were only merely inches away and she couldn’t help herself from losing her cool. She screamed at the top of her lungs causing the shark to open its jaws and bite down at her spot where she just managed to get away.
In her younger years she had been deemed the smartest of her sisters, speed was not the attribute that she had been gifted and she wished in these very moments that Buttercup's ability to swim faster than anyones was here.
She circled the corner of the ship, hoping to lose the shark but one more mistake of looking back cost her time. She didn’t know this area well and made the mistake of swimming past the boat and towards the darker side. Her eyesight became cloudy as the water merged with the fading light and soon she could only see a few feet ahead of her.
The shark's nose grazed her tail and she let out a scream as she found a giant rock rounded to the back pressing herself to it hoping the creature wouldn’t find her. She covered her mouth with a shaky hand. She shouldn’t have ventured this far, shouldn’t have let the mysterious be her guide.
She could see the shark a few feet away, it had lost her scent for a second and she knew that if she dared to swim, it would all be over. She had spoken too soon, those beady eyes turned and locked onto her frame and she swore she could see the sickly smirk of its teeth before it bolted towards her.
Her eyes tightened close and she took one final break, her bag dropping to the ground as her hand was pulling to the right and down. In a matter of seconds she felt the cavern shake from the impact of the shark, yet she was still alive, and wrapped around warm seaweed?
Blossom opened her eyes, now inside of the hidden cave, she looked down to see an arm holding her waist and hand, that was not hers, covering her mouth.
“Don’t move.” A voice came into her ear. It was deep and hoarse as if someone had just woken up.
Another jolt of fear ran through her as the shark bashed its head against the rocks. She let out a muddled squeak and the arm tightened slightly on her body.
“It can’t get to you, don’t worry.” The voice tried to reassure her.
For when the arm loosened on her after moments of waiting and he told her the shark had left, she turned and was met with vivid green eyes and an uncertain expression. Her eyes went to the top of his head. She had heard of mermaids that adapted to their surroundings but she had never met one with a light stand of an angler fish. It bobbed in the water giving off a faint glow.
“Thank you.” She said, trying to hide the fact that she was staring at him. She didn’t mean to be rude but he was so
“It's uh, no big deal. You should probably leave.” He said but when he swam away, that wasn’t the last he saw of her.
His first thought was to leave her there to die, just like all those other pesky mermaids who don’t know what lurks below. He knew that they all thought badly about the creatures here, serving them the right to try and test fate. But by all means if they want to risk their stuipd lives and dive down deep then they are in a rude awakening for a game of predator or prey with the creatures that feast on the oblivious.
But for some reason he couldn’t allow it to happen, not this time. It wasn’t his fault that he had stumbled across her, just a curious mermaid looking through an old sunken ship. Maybe if she knew that he was hidden behind the rock staring at her like a creep, she would have wished the shark ate her up. It was just...he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
He had seen countless mermaids and sea creatures, nothing special new about them. However her electric magenta tail brought his memory to the glowing anemones he used to pick as a little fish. The heart swirled on her tail was oddly cute and he found himself drawing closer and closer to her.
Did he spend weeks going back and forth between the ship hoping that she would come back to explore? Did he maybe place items he found in there so that the presence of new things made her come back? Maybe. It wasn’t creepy. He was just...curious. His brothers had no idea that he would spend his afternoons and even evenings wandering over to the shipwreck. They hadn’t had a clue about what was so interesting that he would be gone for hours but when he came back with some fish, they didn’t bother to ask any questions.
Sometimes he wondered if he should keep to himself. He had been told to never mingle with a mermaid of pure blood. Those whose fins and tails were fully fish and mermaid-ie, unlike him who looked mostly pure blood but had the light of an angler fish bobbing out of his forehead. He didn’t care, though he looked cool but it became his own worst enemy at some times.
She however thought it was adorable when she would place a sweet kiss to his cheek and the little light would brighten to an illanecent green and his cheek as pink as his tail.
“It's weird.” he would grumble.
“I think it's cute.” She would respond and give him another kiss to increase the brightness. “You’re like a lighthouse, always guiding me right back to you.”
He laughed. “You’re a sap.”
She found herself swimming deeper and closer to the murky water, even her ability to see in the dark wasn’t holding up but there was no fear within her even as the water altered to a colder climate. Hesitation was something she knew of often, always second guessing herself to make the right choices and be the best version of herself but with this, there was none of that.
It was certain that within these twilight waters was something for her. Something that could offer her more than the crystal reef and the same school of fish. Something unique and intriguing. Something of her own.
She knew better than to venture to the darkest part of the ocean. She knew about the horror stories where creatures go but don’t return, but there she was, following the path that others dared not too.
Her excuse was the ship and her desire to excavate it, but her family didn’t need to know that she was only going there to see him. It started with just a few questions and friendly chatter.
“What are you doing?”
“Finding treasure.”
“Think you could search me next?”
“You’re a riot.”
But even with the not so subtle stares and the blushing of her cheeks, she found herself gravitating to him as if he were a magnetic field and she let herself drift to him. Those sly comments turned to pamper kisses as their conversations formed into topics of their hopes, dreams and fears. And how she knew he had placed those items for her to find.
Sharp teeth left shivers all over her body as they caraseed her neck and lips so delicately like that as a whisper. His eyes, how enchanting. The deep green was viid against his greyish skin that faded into a beautiful black at his fingertips. She never thought eyes could shower her with  adoration even when she was just rambling. He held her close, chin resting on her shoulder as she would go on and on about the items she would find. She found his voice appealing and safe and he had comfort whenever she spoke.
Kissing him was like being plunged into cold water., A rush that left her head dizzy as she begged for more and wanted to never leave his side. At first he treated her as if she would break. Soft touches and feather light kisses but she loved when his hands would tangle into her locks and kiss her senseless as if she needed to forget her own name. His fingers would trace along the patterns that form on her skin and she would kiss the scar on his chest.
When their time to meet was coming up, she would swim towards the darkness, never looking back, hoping that he would always be waiting, perched on the rock just her. And sometimes she would get there and he would play his game of cat and mouse
“Caught you.” He whispered into her ear, a tingle running up her spine.
She giggled as she turned in his arms and threw her own around his neck. She gazed into his eyes for a second. The brightest green she had ever seen, like that of emerald from the world above. Her lips came onto his and even with her eyes closed, she could sense the light coming from his head. Its precious green glow just for her eyes, like her own little star in the dark sea.
She ran her finger along his sharp jaw and when he tilted his head to deepen their kiss, she felt those teeth that were just as dangerous. She was addicted to every part of him, no matter how hard the warnings were, she would find herself back in the dark surrounded by his warmth and that bright light.
She never understood the others. How could they say that everything below the reef was cruel and dangerous, well she knew why. All stereotypes hold a sliver of truth but when she was here with him, bodies slumped against the coral as they relaxed and watched the fish passing by, she had never felt safer, more comfortable, more free than when she did up above.
She brought him to the surface and showed him the reef, though he did better in the colder waters, he couldn’t comprehend just how gorgeous she was as the sun breached the water and her scales were like drops of sunlight. The pink of her iris sparkled and he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her just as she did with him.
They would collect sea glass together and he showed her the garden of anemones and sea flowers that bloomed with vivid colors. Sometimes they would swim to a hidden shore and look at the humans above before returning to water to snuggle in the kelp. They would treasure hunt and find other sunken ships.
“What's your favorite treasure or item you found?” He would say and without skipping a beat, her lips would linger over his, pink looking into green before whispering “You.”
She was told to never leave the reef and he was scolded to stay away, but within the darkness and the cold currents, there was a flash of green that guided her heart to her other home, to her other half.
I hope you enjoyed and thank you to miss Lisa for making art!!
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
THE ENDING: possible theory
I've been reading those Falco theories and I had to add my own two cents.
So, we all all that the entire reason Eren got the co ordinate was because he doesn't have royal blood, so he wouldn't fall under the first Kings curse. Which is true, but it also meant that he couldn't utilise the Co ordinate power without zeke or historia. Which means he isn't the perfect vessel, like we initially thought.
Falco was turned into a titan using Zeke's Royal blood, which gave him a degree of control over his titan that the previous jaw titan shifters didn't have. Like the flying upgrade. So if he eats Eren, THEN HE'LL BE THE PERFECT VESSEL.
Because Falco technically has unlimited access to royal blood, in his spine. But he's not actually a member of royal blood. So the curse of renouncing war won't affect him. It's Isayama way of finally creating a loophole in the curse. Falco can use the power of the co ordinate the way a member of royal blood could have before the curse (before the walls were built) just like how he used the jaw titan to make it fly!!
Oh and why falco in particular? The episode we saw today, it mentioned falco saying he dreamt of flying with swords. And maybe it was ymirs memories? Except no. The jaw titan doesn't have that ability. However, the attack titan is shown to send memories back to its shifter, even before they become shifter. Attack on titan episode 1, Eren wakes up crying from a dream. A series of flashes show him seeing his mothers death. Except it hasn't happened yet. Its the future. Falco likely saw Erens past memories in a haze.
OKAY SO COMING TO YMIR. I promise I'm trying to make sense.
We all know she's calling the shots right now. My own theory is, Eren bargained with ymir. She wanted to kill everyone by forcefully taking control of eren in his titan form.
Remember Mikasa nearly getting punched the first time he transformed? That was probs ymir being too excited and ready to just kill everyone using Erens titan form.
However, she got overwhelmed by Armin talking to Eren, causing him to regain control. Which is why she shut Armin up just now. If he talks to Eren, Eren might waver and force Ymir into making a mistake. One that could make Eren vulnerable to being attacked. Or eaten. Something she's clearly trying to avoid, as evidenced by the army of titans protecting him.
Okay so basically, Eren promised to lay the ground work for the rumbling, getting to zeke and all, if Ymir spared paradise Island. Eren is by no means innocent, because ymir killing everyone else off is beneficial for his people and he's okay with billions of people being sacrificed. But his hand has also been forced.
Because people, Eren isn't the perfect vessel to use the coordinate power. He's the perfect vessel for ymir to extract her revenge. For her to use the founding titans power. All these years, why didn't she just take control of the coordinate shifter and release the rumbling? Simple, becuase every single one had royal blood. Ymir is helpless against Royal blood, she can be controlled and contained as long as the co ordinate shifter has royal blood. Eren is the one she's been waiting for, for all the following reasons:
(a) he doesn't have royal blood, so she can use the co ordinate power through him. Forcefully if she wants to and he can't do shit about it because he has no way of controlling her.
(b) Erens personality and goals line up with hers. He actually allows her to use him, making it easier for her to carry out her plans, as we see in the new chapters.
(c) this goes with (b). Remember all those times eren struggled to use his powers when he needed to most? Like hannes dying? Countless cormades dying for him? I think it was ymir messing with him on purpose. A way of showing him who the real boss is by cutting his power off at will. Reminding him how helpless he is. Eren didn't notice it at the time, but once he started accessing memories, he realized what she had been doing and recognised her power over him. Hence, why he bargains with her for paradise. He can't win against her.
Why didn't ymir immediately take control of eren when he became a shifter? I think the attack titan and its drive for freedom impacted her efforts back then. The attack titan might have kept her at bay for a while, rendering her unable to fully control eren from the very start. Maybe thats why she could never fully cut off erens access to his powers, instead ymir ended up rendering eren powerless during specific, imapctful moments that would haunt him. The attack titan probs gave eren an urge to fight that overwhelmed her ability to control eren completely back then. Also, she needed a member of royal blood for the rumbling, so she probs wanted eren to find that person.
Falco, however, does have some royal blood, because he was turned into a titan through royal blood, meaning ymir can't take control of him like with Eren. This is the loophole. Falco will be the only Co ordinate titan shifter, since the conception of titans, in 2000 years, who technically doesn't have royal blood. But also does have royal blood. He has immunity to Ymir controlling him because he techncially has some royal blood and won't be held back by the vow of renouncing war becuase he technically doesn't have royal blood. Unlike the shifters who existed before the vow, with full access to the co ordinate powers, he genuinely wants to end the war.
The war could have ended before the walls were built, if the greedy royal fuckers who had the founding titan actually wanted to end it. To them, it was a way of clinging to power and earning riches. No one who had the power to end the war, ever wanted to actually end the eldian war. Until Falco.
Eren bumping into a Falco was no accident. Falco witnessing the brutality of the war firsthand, watching everyone die in all these chapters was no co incidence. His young age. Combined with his genuine intent to fight and protect, he'll make the deicison that someone should have made hundreds of years ago. To end all titans.
It's likely he'll end the 13 year curse with that too. Just ending titans themselves will technically set ymir free to just die. Her own access to power stems from the paths I think, so Falco might chose to just destroy that dimension. Thus ending titans from being created by ymir. She finally just dies, no longer a slave who has to build and heal titans and titan shifters. She will truly be free from her suffering.
In the anime opening, we see erens titan and some colossal titans in hardened form. I think all the colossal titans will harden, then turn to dust. The walls on paradise Island will cease to exist. The titan shifters left alive will lose their powers and will no longer deal with the curse. Maybe Mikasa and levi would lose their strength because titans not existing anymore could mean that the by products of titan science, much like shifters, will just be normal human beings again. No eldian can ever turn into a titan again, including Falco himself. The titan war will come to an end.
But this is no happy ending. Because the equivalent to a world war would start. People will seek revenge on paradise Island. Eren, who committed henious crimes to protect his people, damned them for eternity. No one will believe that the people had no hand in a erens crime (Well, mostly) and they'll blame all the inhabitants equally. I can see war being waged on the island, but there aren't any titans to fight with. Just sub par military forces having it out. Just like in our human history, senseless human violence will take place. Its likely the island the entire story had been about, the island that just wanted to exist in peace, will perish in brutal wars. Other countries, weakened by the rumbling, will be attacked by those who weren't harmed by the rumbling. A destructive world war, that'll cast the world into a dark age, will begin.
Eldians will be free from being turned into titans, but the freedom came at the cost of a war they could never win.
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yukiwrites · 4 years
Edelgard, Comforted
Thanks for the support once again, @xpegasusuniverse! It was really fun to work on this unlikely duo!
This is a Support Chain C-A between Raphael and Edelgard!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Raphael: Huff! *thud* There ya go! A pile of new books, special delivery from Raphael!
Man: Thank you so much for carrying that mountain of books from the old storeroom, Raphael. You did it in one trip, too! I never saw someone carry so many books at once.
Raphael: Haha, no need to thank me! My muscles love to help folks with heavy lifting!
Man: W-well then, thank you, Raphael’s, uh, muscles. I’ll need to file these now, if you’ll excuse me…
Raphael: Sure! My pleasure!
Raphael: Man, I’m really not used to coming here like I should… I can already hear the Professor telling me to study… or my classmates… Maybe I could look for something- huh? Is that Edelgard over there?
Edelgard, on her own: It seems I chose the worst time to browse the library. No empty ladders in sight.
Raphael: Hey there, Edelgard! You look troubled; are the books giving you a headache too?
Edelgard: Ah, Raphael, hello. I suppose you could say that. As you can see, all ladders are either occupied by other students or out of service and the book I seek is quite out of my reach. I do not think even Hubert would be able to get it if he were here...
Raphael: Oh, book searching? I just helped the library guy here with that! Leave it to me! Is that the one with the red cover you wanted?
Edelgard: Hm, if you would not mind to aid me, then I will accept the help. Yes, it is the one with the red cover. Perhaps if I could read the title of the others beside it, I would ask for more, however, as it stands...
Raphael: Hrrrmmmm…!! Hrrrrm! Oh, wow, this is really high! Even my feet muscles can’t make me reach ‘em!
Edelgard: So he wasn’t listening to me. Oh well.
Edelgard: Raphael? Thank you for offering to help, I will simply return at a quieter time to-
Raphael: No no, wait, I got it! You can just sit on my shoulders!
Edelgard: What are you imply- wai- unhand me- agh!
Raphael: You’re as light as you look, Edelgard! You should eat more if you wanna grow up big like Big Bro Raphael!
Edelgard: I’ll- thank you if-agh! Keep steady, I am losing my balance-
Raphael: Whoa, there, I gotcha, Edelgard! Take your time!
Edelgard: I-I have gotten the books; let me down this instant, please.
Raphael: Alleyoop, there you go! That wasn’t so bad, was it? And you got more than one, too!
Edelgard, blushing: I do not know if I should be thankful that everyone seems to be minding their own business or not.
Edelgard: Anyway, I will not let a favor go without a word of thanks. So I thank you for your assistance, Raphael. As rough and sudden as it may have been.
Raphael: You’re welcome! You can always ask Big Bro Raph for help!
Edelgard: ...
Raphael: Huh? Did I say something wrong? Wait! I get it! I did it again, didn’t I? Sorry I just put you on my shoulders like that! It was a force of habit from trying to help my hard-headed little sis!
Edelgard: I suppose you did not notice you were also patting my head just now?
Raphael: Whoa, was I? I guess you remind me of my little sis more than I thought! Sorry about that.
Edelgard: …
Edelgard: It was… fine. It was a refreshing feeling to be treated like a little sister again after so long. Thank you once again for your help, Raphael. Now I need to check these out, if you’ll excuse me.
Raphael: Sure, no prob! You can always rely on Big Bro Ralph, though, alright? Me ‘n’ my muscles will be there to help anytime you need!
Raphael leaves.
Edelgard: Big brother, huh…
Raphael: I’m glad Ms. Cook is such a nice lady, she always leaves something on top of the kitchen table for me! Yum, that was a great midnight snack, so now I can sleep like a log to get even stronger tomorrow!
Raphael: Huh? Is that a person over there? Who’s wandering ‘round the pond at this hour? Maybe they’re tryna fish? But don’t fish sleep, too? I don’t think they’d bite… Unless they’re looking for a midnight snack like me, haha!
Edelgard, on her own: ....
Raphael: Hey, it’s Edelgard!
Raphael approaches.
Raphael: Edelgard! What’re you doing up so late? Wait, you look pale, even more than usual! Is that the moonlight or did you eat something bad and got a stomach ache?
Edelgard: Hello there again, Raphael. *sighs* It would have been better if it were a simple stomach ache. As it stands, it was just a bad dream.
Raphael: Oh, alright. So you can’t sleep, huh?
Edelgard: To simplify it, yes.
Raphael: That sucks. I hate it when I can’t sleep.
Raphael: You know what? Take this and this here too. Ms. Cook always leaves me food so I got some to eat on my way back to my room, too.
Edelgard: Are these… cupcakes? As I recall, the dining hall is closed after curfew.
Raphael: Yeah! You like sweets, right? I sometimes see you smiling all to yourself when we’re havin’ sweets week!
Edelgard: Do I now…? How discomposing. And here I thought I kept my emotions in check.
Raphael: It’s fine! I’m sure only people who eat lots like me noticed! Anyway, I always get a real good sleep after eating, so you should eat those and head straight to bed!
Edelgard, smiling: Thank you, Raphael. It seems you are turning out to be most helpful to me as of late.
Raphael: Aw, it’s no problem! Like I said, you can always rely on Big Bro Ralph!
Raphael: I know! If you don’t wanna go all the way back upstairs, why not just crash in my room? You can keep the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor. With how delicious Ms. Cook’s midnight snacks are, I’m sure we’ll be out real soon.
Edelgard: To your… room?
Raphael: Yeah, it’s really over there, I think if you twitch your head a lil’ you can see it from here! I love sleeping so close to the dining hall!
Raphael: Besides, whenever my little sis had a nightmare, she’d come sleep in my room and she’d always have the biggest of smiles the next day! She said I ‘attract good dreams’ or something. She dreamed of eating a cloud one night after having a nightmare so scary she had spent a long time crying! I wish I had dreamed of eating a cloud… I wonder what they taste like.
Edelgard, smiling: I assume they must be sweet. Though perhaps not as much as these cupcakes.
Edelgard: …
Edelgard: If you would not mind, Raphael, I would accept your invitation. It would be a wonderful change of pace to dream of sweets.
Raphael: Alright! Then let’s roll, ‘cause I’m already getting sleepy and I still got some food left to finish!
Edelgard: You can do it if you want to, Raphael. I must admit I am impressed.
Raphael: You think so? I’m surprised I got that answer right, too! The Professor really is good at what they’re doing if even doing brain stuff is working out for me!
Edelgard: The Professor does have credit for having a comprehensible teaching style, but it is your merit for getting the right answer. Do not undermine your achievements, no matter how small they may seem at the moment.
Raphael: You know what, you’re right! This time I flexed my brain and it worked! Go, brain!
Edelgard, smiling: …
Raphael: I wonder if it would be like this if my little sis were here, too. She’s always been the smart one, you know? She’d be grilling me out along with everyone else, but I think she’d help me just like you are, Edelgard.
Edelgard: Do I remind you of your little sister so much? I noticed she is basically all you talk about after food and training.
Raphael: Hmm, maybe you don’t look so much alike ‘cause you’re more composed, you know? Guess it’s ‘cause you’re a princess and all. But if you weren’t, I think you two’d be like two peas in a pod!
Edelgard: Indeed. I must keep my composure at all times so I can shoulder all that I am meant to have in the future.
Edelgard: And yet, I feel a strange compulsion to allow myself to be vulnerable whenever we are together. I wonder if it is because of your familiarity.
Raphael: Well, I’m nothing if not approachable! And I told you ‘fore, didn’t I? You can rely on me like I’m your Big Brother! I know I wouldn’t mind having another little sis if she were anythin’ like you.
Edelgard: You regard me as family…? Truly?
Raphael: Well, yeah! I’m not asking you to do the same, but if you wanna, I’ll be your Big Bro for the day. Heck, for as long as you need me!
Edelgard: That is… something I have never heard someone say to me before, Raphael. I cannot put it to words on how I feel about this, other than that I DO want to take you up on your offer.
Raphael: Knock yourself out! What can Big Bro Raph do for you today?
Edelgard: It is… Ah, it is rather hard to talk about, now that I actually want to.
Raphael: It’s okay, I know how to keep a secret! Honest. One time, my little sis broke our Mom’s favorite vase when she was realll little, but I told Mom I was the one who broke it ‘cause Maya was looking so sad about it all. They never found out!
Edelgard, smiling: I’m afraid that what I am about to disclose is not as ordinary as that. Can you truly swear to never say this to a soul? Promise on your life?
Raphael: Sounds serious, but don’t worry, Edelgard. I wouldn’t make anything to make my little sis look sad. I promise I won’t tell anyone!
Edelgard: I appreciate it, Raphael. In truth, this is about the nightmare that kept me up the other day, as well as its roots…
Raphael, nodding: Yeah. I’m listenin’.
Edelgard: I have, so often I have almost forgotten how it was to have a restful night of sleep, persistent nightmares that make me relive the past. A past of seeing my older and younger siblings beg for their lives while people cut open their flesh and insert things within their bodies. A past of a gagged me helplessly struggling to be set free of the tight chains that have never truly healed.
Raphael: Your wrists…! Is that why you’re always covered from head to toe?
Edelgard: Scars from a past that refuses to leave me; nightmares that drown out happy times I may have lived with my siblings. They were all full of hope and dreams, Raphael. And they were robbed of it all; robbed of their future by people who simply wanted more and more power.
Edelgard: So this Edelgard von Hresvelg was born, at the cost of my siblings’ lives and my memories of happier times. The only one who remained to change this rotten world, to-
Raphael: Hey, it’s alright. You don’t need to go on while you’re crying like this. Come here.
Edelgard: Crying…? I am? I thought I was beyond that by now; that my tears have all dried.
Raphael: You’re gonna be alright, Edelgard. I can’t do anything to change the past, but I’m gonna get stronger than anyone else and I’m gonna be right there to protect you in place of your brothers who couldn’t.
Edelgard: T-thank you, Raphael, for your kindness. And your warmth.
Raphael: No need to thank me, little sis. These arms were made for huggin’!
Edelgard, smiling: Indeed…
Raphael: Hngh… Oomph… Hhngh… oomph! Just one more time…! Hngh… Oomph! There!
Crashing sound.
Raphael: Phew! Those logs sure were heavy, but now I can feel my muscles bulging! I’m gonna be even stronger now!
Edelgard, smiling: (Made for hugging. Right.)
Raphael: Oh! I didn’t see you there, Edelgard! Need something? I was just going to the dining hall. I’m starving, I gotta feed my muscles while they’re bulging. Wanna come with?
Edelgard: I was about to invite you to come with me, so yes.
Raphael: Really? Well, alright, then! Food tastes better when you’re eating with someone else, I always say!
Scene changes to the Dining Hall.
Raphael: *munch munch* You’re eating so little! Here, have a bit of mine! That’s why you didn’t grow at all during these years! C’mon, eat more!
Edelgard: I have had my fill, Raphael, thank you. Besides, I wanted to ask you something. But perhaps after you do not have food all over yourself.
Raphael: Huh? I’m only getting started! C’mon, ask anything you want! Today’s meat is so good I think I’ll just stay here and eat till it’s breakfast again!
Edelgard: Heh, very well then. I wanted to ask the reason why you allied yourself with the Empire even though that meant war against the Alliance where you were born. Oftentimes you’ve mentioned how much you enjoyed the village you grew up in.
Raphael: *snarfs* Hm? But that’s easy! My village is in the territory of a noble who’s on the side of the Empire, so we never really needed to attack it. ‘Sides, Claude’s doing a good job of holding everyone together in the Alliance, so I’m not worried ‘bout my little sis back there. And since I was worried ‘bout THIS little sis here, I had to come with to protect her!
Edelgard, surprised: ...
Raphael: *munch munch* You okay? You stopped eating.
Edelgard: I am… astonished. Are you truly keeping your promise from when we were students? And still seeing me as your little sister?
Raphael: Muh? Aren’t you? I said I’d always help you out as your brother, so if you don’t see me as a Big Bro anymore, that’s fine by me. I’ll still stay by your side to protect you, though! It’s kinda like my duty now, you know?
Edelgard: I… see. That is very kind of you, Raphael, as I remember I keep mentioning.
Raphael: *slurp* Nah, it’s fine. I really just want to help you however I can ‘cause I wanna protect your future. I can’t do anything ‘bout your past but I can always offer up my hugging muscles! See? Hrrk! They’re in top form today!
Edelgard, smiling: As always, I see.
Edelgard: I appreciate everything you do, Raphael. Once again, allow me to thank you.
Raphael: No problem! Now, you gonna eat that or not? Oh, I can ask Ms. Cook to bring out those cupcakes you like!
Edelgard: That would be lovely.
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bleeding-star-heart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Before we begin, let’s clarify what each section of the chart means: 
Problematic: The story is chock-full of harmful messaging from start to finish. It  contains harmful stereotypes about racial minorities, LGBTQIA+ folks, disabled people, the neurodivergent, religious minorities, or any other marginalized group. It spreads misinformation, leans into harmful tropes, and teaches morals that perpetuate oppression. 
Prob-Spiring: The story is a mixed bag of both positive and harmful messaging. It has both messages that inspire positive social change and morals that inspire allyship and help unlearn internalized bigotry as well as potential harmful stereotypes, misinformation, and/or morals which help perpetuate oppression. 
Inspiring: The story is relatively free of harmful messaging. For the most part, it inspires positive social change, helps people unlearn internalized bigotry, and inspires people to be allies to the marginalized. A story in this area is not perfect, and may contain small, minor problematic elements, but for the most part, the creator has done their research and has been careful to avoid putting harmful messages in it. 
Regressive: The creator is DELIBERATELY attempting to teach morals which uphold oppressive systems. Any content that supports oppression is put in the story on PURPOSE. The creator either does not understand why these morals are harmful, or does not see the oppressive systems they are upholding as wrong.
Neutral: The creator is not trying to teach any moral that is either progressive OR regressive. They are neither upholding nor trying to dismantle oppressive systems. The work is meant to be entertainment; any morals that arise are accidental. 
Progressive: The creator is ACTIVELY trying to dismantle oppressive systems/teach morals that dismantle oppressive systems through their work. Any harmful content is most likely accidental. 
Now for the explanation of why these works fall into specific categories: 
Twilight, obviously, is Regressive Problematic because it contains harmful messages, and because those harmful messages were intentional on the part of Stephanie Meyer. 
The Mortal Instruments falls into the Problematic axis because its main queer couple is a highly pedophilic ship (Alec is a teenager where Magnus is a centuries-old adult), the bisexual half of that couple, Magnus, is a stereotypical Promiscuous Bisexual, and because the characters of color are treated terribly. Oh, yes, and it also romanticizes incest. However, it is Neutral Problematic not because of its content, but because Cassie Clare does not appear to be trying to teach a moral with these books. 
The Throne of Glass series is Progressive Problematic because while SJM is trying to teach feminist messages with it, she fails on every level, causing the story to be laden with harmful messages. Imperialism is glorified, abuse is glorified, guardian/ward sexual tension is glorified, black characters die solely to further white characters’ arcs, and the heroine spends the entirety of at least TWO books utterly stripped of agency. 
Chronicles of Narnia is Regressive Prob-Spiring, because C.S. Lewis actively attempts to uphold oppression with everything he does, and his children’s series is no different. On the good side, we have four strong female leads in Lucy, Susan, Jill, and Aravis. Aravis is especially good because she is brown alongside being female, and strong female characters who happen to be brown are RARE.  It also somewhat positively depicts an interracial relationship. On the problematic side...The Calormenes are portrayed in the most racist manner possible most of the time, the characters actually don BROWNFACE in the final book, the story, despite the awesome female leads, manages to be amazingly sexist in places, and the rulers of a country deny schooling to a specific group and that is portrayed as a GOOD thing. Hell, school/education of ANY kind is portrayed VERY negatively, which is a bad message to send to children. Yes, I know C.S. Lewis had a bad school experience, but that doesn’t excuse the anti-education slant. 
Harry Potter is Neutral Prob-Spiring, because it does use fascism as a plot device, it is not trying to dismantle oppressive systems that AREN’T fascist. Those are mostly left in place, neither challenged nor supported, so it’s neutral. The inspiring: Hermione Granger. The problematic: Rowling’s opinions on trans people. The anti-Semitic caricature that is the goblins. 
Percy Jackson is Progressive Prob-Spiring because unlike Harry Potter, it is, in a way, attempting to dismantle SOME parts of the oppressive system. Not all, but the story was intentionally written for the purpose of learning disability representation, and has very anti-homophobic themes. Of course, RR’s characterization of Piper is racist-there is no denying this-and the portrayals of the PoC women are colorist in that they make sure PoC characters are as light-skinned as possible.The characterization of Aphrodite is also very misogynistic-in canon, Aphrodite is a bad mom, despite this not being mythologically accurate-parenting was actually one of Aphrodite’s strengths.  She is painted as shallow, and Hephaestus’s entitled Nice Guy attitude is NEVER examined (because Hephaestus is an absolute Nice Guy).
Regressive Inspiring, you will observe, does NOT have an example, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to deliberately teach oppressive morals AND have a product that has positive, anti-oppression morals. It’s just not. Thus it’s a unicorn, because unicorns are fictional. 
Divergent is Neutral Inspiring, and that might make some people mad. But it is that because while the author does not appear to have given it a purpose either way, the story does accidentally have some uplifting messages. Allegiant especially rightfully points out that it is wrong to discriminate based on genetics, and that all people are equal, a moral that is very necessary for today’s world.  While it may have a small anti-intellectual bent, Roth herself acknowledged this and did better later on. Also, it has an anti-conformist message, and a message that people in general are complex and cannot be pigeonholed. 
And The Hunger Games is Progressive Inspiring because while there may be some anti-femininity messaging by accident, in general the book is all about those progressive themes. It critiques the glorification of violence, too much obsession with women’s love lives, and has a brutal anti-war stance to boot. Plus, a heroine who is mostly likely a PoC, too. 
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scummy-writes · 4 years
At some point i may word vomit about some ocs I have, just to kinda get them out and for reference in case some details in future fics are '???'
Making ocs is fun and writing them is as well, but I'm also painfully aware that not everyone is interested in reading a fanfic where an established oc has a name, full description, and personality unlike the mcs in the games the ocs are made for.
Normally when I write fics, I opt out of names but still tailor the 'mcs' of the fics to fit more towards the ocs I have. I usually keep it generic and not focus on too many details, but when it comes to trying to write a series of drabbles/fics with the same character, more details slip out, and I figured why not make a post about some ocs so if anyones interested, they can know more context to some fics I have out/am working on
I'll prob tag it 'scums babs' or something along those lines so folks can filter it out. Cuz! I get it. When you want to envision *you* in a fanfic, you dont want a completely different name/description/established past, and you want something more generic so its easier to fit yourself into the narrative, whether its a quick smutfic or a long angst piece
But when youre writing these things out, it gets difficult using 'she/her' or just 'you' as the only descriptive when writing, and can cause issues with flow, or let alone trying to make a fic more...on its own? Like an angst plot of a terrible family can be applied to many readers, but when you want to add more details/explanations behind the 'readers' actions, it becomes difficult to make it 'generic' to where people can still relate without breaking immersion, if that makes sense?
Regardless, I'll still be using loose descriptors for reqs and some drabbles I write, but there are times where I'm def gonna be selfish and write about the ocs ive spent months on. I know that, as the internet and way of fandom goes with fanfics, this causes a lot of people to lose interest in the writer/content creator, but a bitch (me) is selfish and wants to write about them.
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lunasantcs · 4 years
hi hi! it me, leonie ( mariangels mun ), with my second muse luna! unlike mari who’s a total lawful good, luna is more of a mixture of chaotic good and chaotic neutral who’s very much just starting out in life because her mom’s a cray cray rich lady. more on that below, pals. feel free to leave a LIKE and i’ll come to you for plots! OR! feel free to message me on discord at ( emeravdes#9932 ) since i’m not in the gc bc i get overwhelmed very easily. thanks for coming to my ted talk & feel free to read this ridiculously long essay i’ve come up with. <3 @frostfordstart​
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full name: luna raquel santos
nicknames: lu, lulu or raquel (but only her grandparents call her that bc they hate the fact that her parents named her luna lol)
birthday: april 30th
current age: twenty six
sexuality: bisexual, panromantic
personality (+): benevolent, adventurous, free spirited, appreciative, energetic, fun loving
personality (-): sheltered, reckless, outspoken, stubborn, envious, attention seeking
luna was born and raised in frostford to yuliana and marcos santos - both of which are of brazilian roots but their families have been living in the us for decades. her family is rich rich and it stems back for a few decades. don’t ask me how they made their fortune because i actually have no clue as of right now. we working on it.
she was the youngest child and only daughter to yuliana and marcos which meant that she was instantly their pride and joy. their princess. their doll. 
she has two older brothers - jax (32) and santiago (35) - who love their little sister to pieces and have never really been a big fan of the way their mother treats luna,
yuliana was the kind of girl that wanted to be in pageants growing up but her family never allowed her the chance because they valued education over anything that had to do with glamour despite having the money to blow on the fancy aspects. so! the moment yuliana found out that she was having a daughter, she was ECSTATIC. she could finally get to live the life of pageants that her parents robbed her of and she was thriving.
so comes my baby luna
from the moment she was born, her mother had her in fancy dresses and from the moment that she could walk, yuliana made sure that her daughter could perfect the pageant walk before she could perfect walking like a normal human being. if she did something right, she’d drown luna in affection. if she did something wrong, she’d scowl and tell her to do it again. often times this resulted in her crying - especially when she was still a toddler.
over the course of her childhood, she continued with the pageant life and slowly it became something that she lived and breath. she felt like it was the best way to connect with her mother and a part of her really did have a love for the whole ordeal. for a while. by the time she was eight, her mother essentially had the picture perfect pageant girl and she’d completely forgotten that this girl also needed love and a mother to help her through life.
but her dad? a sweetheart, a gem, the most affectionate dad that she could have ever asked for and she loves him to pieces. calls him every single day. or texts. santos fam group chat is her, marcos, jax, santiago, and her maternal grandparents. ANYWAYS! WE CONTINUE!
despite yuliana’s instance that her kids go to private school, her parents convinced her to just send her kids to public school because it would offer the kids a chance to actually get to know people around town that weren’t in their parents circle of rich idiots. this was luna’s saving grace. in school, she made genuine friendships and she finally found a sense of comfort. 
not that that lasted long because yuliana was instantly up her ass telling her that those kids from school weren’t real friends and that she had to focus on her priorities aka pageants. only pageants. always PAGEANTS. so... that’s exactly what luna did. 
can you tell that her mom is a demon yet? ‘cause we got more!
moving on to high school! things were essentially always the same. luna would go to school, live her life, make some friends but eventually she’d lose said friends because of her mom or because luna put up a wall since she knew that she’d lose them anyways. 
she was in a car accident with her older brother jax when she was sixteen which resulted in her missing a pageant which made yuliana BIG MAD. 
it was in her senior year of high school that yuliana set luna up with one of her friends sons and essentially forced her to be in a relationship with someone she had no connection w/at all. 
she dated this person for a while (again, to make her MOM happy, not herself) up until her mother started talking about getting married which was when luna was like LOL ABORT MISSION and broke up w/the dude. did she like him? sure. but she wasn’t going to get married after high school. no thanks. 
yuliana, naturally, was furious. got mad. was mad for a while. oscar the grouch mad 24/7.
THEN CAME COLLEGE! LUNA WAS FINALLY FREE! well... not really because her mother picked her school for her as well as her major; columbia university with a major in business. why? because she knew people who worked at the school that would be able to keep an eye out on her daughter. 
SOMEHOW? luna still managed to find a sense of freedom the moment she stepped foot onto campus and was away from her mother. she was studying something she hated but she finally could live a life where she didn’t feel like she had to constantly please her mother or worry about falling out of line. it felt amazing.
this was where she discovered hook ups and friends w/benefits and BOI OH BOI was she thriving!
it was in her senior year of college that she had a long talk with her grandparents about what she wanted for herself and where she saw herself going. they wanted what was best for her and that meant getting her out from their own childs clutches who only saw luna as someone to parade around. it took her a while but the words from the talk stayed with luna until she was twenty two and she finally stood up for herself and told her mother NO MAS. 
yuliana was like BITCH WHAT but luna was like YOU HEARD ME even though it was a bit less... blunt that i just made it seem. 
at twenty two, she stopped competing in pageants and went off on an adventure to europe with her grandparents. her grandparents were really only with her for a month as they settled them into a nice place in italy but after that, she was finally happy. 
she lived in italy and traveled around europe until she was twenty five which was when she moved back to frostford because she missed her grandparents, dad and older brothers. when she moved back, her grandparents helped her find a cute little home and she even got herself a red husky named kida - since she’d never been allowed to have a pet before in her life. 
her dad still gives luna anything and everything she could ever want bc we stan a man who watches out for his child but luna also wants to make a life for herself outside of her parents money so she went and got a job. it was harder than she expected but she finally was willing to get one thanks to june diaz so now she’s a waitress at the whole enchilada and has been since she got back a solid year ago. 
did i mention she’s been back one year? i feel like i should have mentioned it somewhere above but oh whale. 
her new found freedom (its new even after four years OKAY) has also left her with a bit of a reckless streak. she is, in fact, a lot to handle at times and there’s other times where she falls back into that docile behavior her mom basically morphed into her. so... yeah!
she wanted to be a cheerleader in high school but her mother was like NOT ON MY WATCH YOUNG LADY
her very first shift working at the whole enchilada resulted in her accidentally dropping a customers food on the floor and getting yelled at which resulted in her hiding in the bathroom to cry
she’s fluent in english, portugese, italian and french
she’s a flirty drunk which means she will probs try to get w/you if she’s drunk. unless you’re taken bc she knows her boundaries and she says NO to taken men. 
anything she does regarding men is mainly to spite her mother bc she doesn’t really think she’s capable of falling in love. thanks to her mom basically making her feel worthless all her life :)
she’s a harry potter nerd and spiritually identifies as hufflepuff with slytherin tendencies even though pottermore told her 12 times that she is, in fact, a gryffindor. but she refuses to accept that. nope. not happening. 
her hair is currently dyed a lavender purple. it’s almost always lavender purple. just assume it’s that color 24/7 lol. 
i put together a wanted connections page for luna but it’s probs gonna get reworked like... two more times because i’m a perfectionist and am obsessed with providing too much detail. too much for my own good imma be hoe-nest. but feel free to hit me with anything! KTHNXBYELOVEYOULOTS<3
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A Gift From Me To You - Chapter 8
Chapter Summary: Virgil works up the courage.
Warnings: Descriptions of bullying even though none is actually occurring, violence mention (though again, not occurring), anxiety attack and general anxious thoughts (this is Virgil after all).
A/N: Just the epilogue left to go!!!! I wrote 75% of this chapter all in one morning and honestly thank god I had cause I would not have been able to get it done otherwise, hahah. Honestly, thank you all so much for reading this fic. It’s been both a joy and a disaster at times, but I’m just so glad people are enjoying it.
AO3 Link //  Link to Chapter One! //  And Two! // And Three! // And Four! // And Five! // And Six! // And Seven!
Virgil wandered the hall in an aimless haze. He had a free period last that day and it would be so easy just to go home early like he usually did, leave all this worry for another day, but something was stopping him. Virgil knew he wouldn’t get another chance like this for a week.
He knew where Roman was. And he had an excuse to be there.
Roman shared his last class with Remy—classics, because they’re both geeks, even if neither of them would ever admit it—and they frequently offer Virgil a ride home since he was too anxious to ever get his license. It wouldn’t really be that weird for Virgil to hang around outside the classroom under the guise of asking Remy for a ride and then…
Virgil exhaled sharply.
Then what? Just… go up and talk to him? Roman had never spoken to him before the hallway collision—it was unlikely he would know his name or even recognise him—why in the world would Roman want to talk to him? What if Virgil went up to him and he scowled in disgust? Or laughed in his face? What if he did recognise him and he demanded Virgil repay him somehow for knocking him over in the hallway? What if he got all his friends to force him to the ground and-
Virgil forcibly cut off his train of thought, counting through his quickening breaths. His hands went to tear at his hair but he stopped them halfway, bunching them up in the fabric of his hoodie instead.
Roman had no reason to do those things. Roman had never done those things before, and he had no reason to start now. Roman did not seem upset by Virgil running into him.
Roman was a nice person.
Or at least, for the first time, Virgil hoped he was.
Despite his insistent worries, Remy and Patton’s words were still echoing in his head, strengthening what little resolve he had. It wasn’t fair to keep things like this from his soulmate, no matter how much he wished he could.
He had a choice here, but he knew he had to at least make an effort. He had to try.
He was going to try.
Virgil marched his way down the corridor towards the classics room, hearing the bell echo through the halls as he approached. Kids rushed out of the classroom, pushing and shoving their way out the doors in a desperate attempt to escape and Virgil had to fight to not get swept away with the tide.
Remy’s voice cut through the crowds of people and Virgil managed to force his way over to greet them, giving a nod to their knowing look.
“He’s still in the classroom. Hasn’t left yet,” Remy smirked, taking a sip of their coffee—and Virgil wasn’t exactly sure where they’d gotten that; the one from this morning must be cold by now—“Want me to introduce you? …Again?”
Virgil laughed but he knew Remy could tell he was losing more and more of his bravado the longer they both stood there. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I think so.”
Remy grabbed his arm, dragging him into the classroom and Virgil actually felt his heart skip a beat when he caught sight of Roman. He was alone, which Virgil was thankful for. He leant against the edge of his desk as he saw them approach, cutting himself off mid-laugh and hurrying to put away his cellphone.
“Roman,” Remy announced, pulling Virgil to their side in front of him. Virgil had to remind himself to breathe because locking eyes with Roman was overwhelming and more than a little terrifying. “This is my friend Virgil. He has something he needs to talk to you about.”
Roman raised his eyebrows, nodding his head slowly. “Right, okay.”
Virgil cringed into himself, pulling at the sleeves of his hoodie again and ducking his head slightly. He felt a steady hand land on his shoulder and looked up to meet Remy’s gaze.
“Oh, V, you need a ride?”
The posed question seemed casual but Virgil knew it was anything but. This was Remy's way of asking whether he was good to do this alone or whether they needed to hang out with comfort and chocolate in case things went wrong. Virgil gave a small smile; he had such a good best friend.
He placed his hand on top of theirs for a brief moment, tapping his fingers against the back of their hand before pulling back. “Uh, could you maybe wait for like 10 minutes and I’ll let you know?”
“No prob, hon. I’d be happy to,” Remy smiled. It was a genuine one, void of its usual playful nature and filled instead with compassion. It wasn't a smile many got to see—pretty much just himself and Emile—so Roman should count himself lucky.
With one last squeeze of Virgil's shoulder, Remy pulled away, disappearing out the door with a subtle wink.
There was a long moment where neither of them said anything, Virgil fidgeting and averting his eyes and Roman watching him with what Virgil thought was a curious gaze. He hoped it was only curious anyway. He didn’t think too much about it—if he let his mind run away with all the possibilities of what else it could be, Virgil would never work up the courage to say anything.
At the words, Virgil looked up, taking in the comforting smile that had graced Roman's face. He tried to ignore the way it made him feel to have that smile directed at him, biting at the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing nervously.
“Uh, hey,” Virgil replied.
Roman's eyes narrowed for a brief moment, before returning to his regular expression. He glanced around the classroom awkwardly. Virgil realised Roman was waiting for him to say something but it was like he'd suddenly forgotten every word he'd ever learnt; he was sure that if he opened his mouth to speak it would have a disastrous outcome.
Clearly given up on waiting, Roman cleared his throat.
“Are you feeling better? You know, after the whole—” Roman waved his hand about generally—“bathroom thing.”
Virgil flushed bright red, panic seizing his chest and crushing all the confidence he had left.
Had Patton spoken to Roman about what Virgil had been freaking out over? Did Roman know that Virgil had his soulmark and hadn’t said anything because he didn't want him? Was he just humouring him now? Giving him hope before shooting him down?
At least this answered the question of whether or not Roman had remembered him, though he honestly wasn’t sure if this was the better of the two outcomes.
The fear must have been obvious on Virgil's face because Roman rushed to assuage him. “Oh! No! Patton didn't tell me what upset you, just that you were upset! He wouldn't do something like that, I swear.”
At the mention of Roman's boyfriend, Virgil felt a spike of guilt shoot through him, but he managed a tight smile nonetheless.
He felt like such an asshole. He was essentially telling someone, “The universe decided your relationship isn’t good enough and instead said you’re destined to spend the rest of your life with me! Someone you’ve spoken to a grand total of one time!”. Yes, Patton may have been the one who'd urged him to go ahead with this in the first place, but he still couldn’t help but feel like he was ruining everything.
Roman tilted his head as he watched Virgil compose himself, studying him, not necessarily unkindly, but still in a way that made Virgil feel vaguely uncomfortable. It was just a little too open for his liking and Virgil drew his hoodie tighter around his body.
“Um, if you don’t mind me asking, what was it that upset you so? It-” Roman scrunched up his face for a moment. “I just feel I made things worse somehow.”
“No!” Virgil yelled, before hesitating. He didn’t want to lie, but there was also no reason for Roman to feel guilt over Virgil’s own shortcomings—him being upset was certainly not his fault, even if he did technically make things worse. “Well, I mean, not… intentionally. Look, it’s complicated.”
Roman shoved himself back so he was sitting on his desk with his legs hanging off the side, swinging back-and-forth. “Well, I’ve got time. If you’re willing to tell me.”
“That was kinda the whole point of coming in the first place,” Virgil muttered under his breath.
Roman furrowed his brow. “What?”
“Nothing. Look, um… I was up… late, last night and something… happened… to me. And I heard—and I guess saw—that it… um, might have happened to you too?”
Okay, that was possibly the least descriptive Virgil had ever been in his life. He winced, pulling his eyes up from the floor to meet Roman’s confused gaze.
“I have no idea what you are talking about right now.”
Virgil deflated. Oh, what the hell. This whole carefully-explaining-every-aspect-of-what-led-you-here thing was agonising, he might as well just get to the point. Band-aid method. He could do this.
Virgil pulled his sleeve back, revealing his soulmark to the cool air of the room. He watched Roman’s eyes widen as his gaze traced over the skin, taking in the sight before him, and Virgil was sure he’d never felt more exposed in his life.
“This,” he admitted finally. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for sharp words and denials.
But it didn’t happen.
Virgil cracked his eyes open a fraction, watching as Roman stood up from his desk and made his way over towards him. His motions were careful and deliberate as if he was afraid Virgil might run away if he moved too quickly—something he may not be entirely wrong about.
Reaching a point directly in front of him, Roman went to grab Virgil’s wrist and Virgil made no move to stop him. The emotion in his eyes was difficult for Virgil to place, Roman trailing his thumb along the mark, outlining thin borders and bright colours. He could feel his skin tingle at the contact and he tried his best to not let out a sigh. The hard part may be over, but they weren’t done yet.
A quiet, “Oh,” filled the air and that’s all Virgil was able to process before he was being dragged out the door of the classroom.
Virgil’s mind immediately kicked into overdrive.
Roman hated him. Roman didn’t believe him. Roman was most definitely going to take him outside to where his friends would be waiting and they’d all laugh at the loser who faked his soulmark to get with his high school crush or worse they’d push him up against the brick wall and scrape his skin along it until he was raw and bleeding they would hurt him they would hurt him he’s in danger he’s in danger he’s in danger-
“This is Virgil.”
Roman’s voice cut through Virgil’s panic and he managed to open his eyes—and when did he close them?—enough to see the silhouettes of two people standing in a semi-circle in front of him. He didn’t recognise them, the sun too bright and his fear too large for him to process anything outside of they were people and they weren’t Remy.
As much as he could right now, Virgil readied himself for mocking words or harsh shoving.
But it didn’t happen.
Instead, he heard a voice say, “Roman! He’s having an anxiety attack!”
The voice sounded familiar but Virgil wasn’t really focusing on that right now because he knew with every fibre in his being that he had to get out of here. He had to find Remy. He had to go home. He couldn’t do this anymore, he couldn’t.
There was the sound of overlapping voices, apologies from Roman and chastisement from one of the others, but Virgil tried to focus on the voice directly in front of him. He could hear reassurances break through the arguing of the other two and although he wanted Remy or his mother or someone familiar, Virgil settled for this.
“You’re not in danger, Virgil,” The voice said softly, “No one’s going to hurt you. You’re safe, you’re alive and you’re okay. You’re okay, honey. It’s okay, I promise. Nothing bad is gonna happen.”
Virgil listened to the voice mutter on as he slowly opened his eyes. He still kept his gaze firmly directed to the ground though, avoiding the harsh or judging stares he was expecting to see. The voice may seem kind, but Virgil knew better than to make any assumption on its character based on that—lots of people he’d met had seemed nice at first, before they’d gotten to know him.
“You’re okay, sweetheart. Everything is okay.” The voice seemed to have a happier note to it now, something brighter, though Virgil didn’t necessarily understand why. “Am I allowed to touch you?”
Virgil thought back to the way Roman had traced over his soulmark, how his skin had prickled and heated at the contact and how he wasn’t sure if he could handle that again right now. He shook his head quickly.
The voice didn’t seem discouraged by that, continuing its whispering until Virgil could finally take a deep breath, look up, and lose all of it again.
Of course, it was Patton. Virgil knew this was coming, he knew he’d have to face Patton and let him know that he was the one in the bathroom stall and he was the one who’s boyfriend had the same soulmark as the boy in the bathroom stall, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to do it right now.
Patton's eyes were kind as he recognised Virgil slip back under another wave of panic. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s alright. I promise you, it’s alright.”
And he looked so sincere that Virgil let himself believe it for a second.
He looked around himself properly, taking in the sight of Roman and Logan, who were still arguing. Patton spun around and glared at them for a moment before loudly clearing his throat, causing the two of them to freeze mid-sentence and look over at them.
“Roman,” Patton said, very reminiscent of a disapproving parent, “I think you have someone to apologise to?”
Roman’s reaction was immediate. He rushed his way over to Virgil, dropping to his knees in front of him, much to Virgil’s dismay. He didn’t really need an apology. It wasn’t Roman’s fault that Virgil freaked out, it was just how things were sometimes.
“I am so, so sorry that I didn’t pay enough attention to how you were feeling, my dear. I only hope you can forgive me.”
Virgil winced at the endearment coming out of Roman’s mouth. It sounded so natural—Virgil having heard it a dozen times directed to Patton and even a few jokingly directed to Logan—but at the same time, they’d barely discussed their relationship. Virgil wasn’t sure pet names were a step they’d reached yet.
“Don’t sweat it, Princey, it’s no big deal,” Virgil mumbled, “And do-”
Virgil was interrupted by a gasp from Patton, his eyes wide as he flung his hands up to his mouth in shock. “Anxiety?! Oh my goodness, I’m so proud of you!”
Virgil blinked.
“Proud of me?” he asked incredulously, “Patton, I essentially just told you I’ve had a crush on your boyfriend for years and you’re telling me that you’re proud of me? How can you be so happy about this?!”
“Oh, kiddo…” The look on Patton’s face was pitying, like he knew something Virgil didn’t, but it didn’t last long.
Patton drew the sleeve of his jumper back, revealing a bouquet of daisy-like flowers sitting right there on his wrist. Virgil froze, taking that in for a second, but was startled by Patton elbowing Logan in the side.
Logan scowled at him. “Alright, alright.”
He reached to pull back the sleeve of his button up and… They matched. They all matched.
It wasn't love at first sight, because that doesn't exist. It wasn't as if Virgil saw the soulmarks on Patton and Logan's wrists and suddenly he realised he'd had feelings for them the whole time because he didn't. He respected them, it would even be fair to say he liked them from a distance, but he didn't feel the same way for them as he did for Roman—and even that he knew, wasn't really love.
But that was all okay.
Because now Virgil could imagine it.
What Virgil felt now wasn't love, but potential. He could imagine movie nights, curled up on the couch, bickering and snuggling and loving each other just the same. He could imagine Roman coming home from work and collapsing directly onto Logan, much to his loud protests, with Patton puttering around the kitchen making dinner. He could imagine date nights with Patton and Roman dragging him and Logan by the hand because "we've been waiting to see this new Disney movie forever".
He could imagine looking up one day—seeing Logan and Patton maneuver around each other as Patton made pancakes and Logan attempted to pour more coffee out of an empty pot, seeing Roman burst in through the door singing his good mornings—and realising he was in love.
He wasn't right now, but that was okay.
Because he could be.
Roman turned his head sharply to look between Patton and Virgil, the expression on his face half disbelieving and half cocky. “Wait, I’m sorry, did you say years?”
Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Yeah,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, “Since the musical in our second year.”
Roman snapped his fingers and pointed at him, a bright smile on his face. “Oh! I knew you looked familiar! Virgil Moore, right? You ran backstage for a couple of my scenes! You did such a good job!”
Virgil bit his lip, feeling a bit taken aback. He hadn’t actually expected Roman to remember his involvement—it was such a different time.
The musical felt like decades ago, back when his moms weren’t even together yet and Remy was still going by he/him pronouns. So much had changed since then. He had changed so much since then and he wasn’t entirely sure that he wanted Roman remembering the way he had tripped and knocked over half of the set the same way Virgil did basically every time he closed his eyes to go to sleep.
“Uh, yeah-”
Logan interrupted his stuttering acknowledgement. “You are also situated behind me and slightly to the left in our shared chemistry class.”
He blinked. He’d be honest, he wasn’t really expecting some of the most popular people in the school to recognise who he was in almost any capacity. And, woah, his soulmates were some of the most popular people in the school. Virgil shut that train of thought down immediately.
“I, uh, didn’t think you’d noticed me,” he admitted.
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Why would I not have? You’re an incredibly competent individual, even if that friend of yours seems to have a hugely negative influence on your ability to actually pay attention to the lesson.”
Virgil didn’t even have time to process the compliment as at the reminder of his best friend, he blanched.
“Oh, shit! Remy! Can I…?” He gestured with his hand over to the parking lot. Patton must have realised they were waiting for him, despite not being there to witness the conversation, as he gave a bright smile.
“We’ll wait for you here,” he answered, “I can drive us all back to Roman’s after. I think we have a lot to talk about.”
Powerwalking his way over towards the parking lot, Virgil spotted Remy’s car stationed towards the front, eclipsed by the shade of the building. He pulled the door open and threw himself into the passenger seat, watching as Remy jumped so high they almost hit their head on the roof of the car.
“Jesus, fuck, Virge, you scared the everloving shit out of me!” they exclaimed, breathless.
Virgil just grinned, unable to hold back now that the reality of the situation was finally sinking in. He had 3 soulmates. They liked him. Holy shit, they actually liked him.
He had a future with them—a future where he didn’t have to worry about overstaying his welcome or overstating his importance, a future where he was accepted and loved for the person he was, a future where he truly was good enough.
There was still a voice in the back of his mind telling him it was too good to be true, but Virgil pushed it back. He wasn’t going to let any more anxiety ruin this day for him.
He could feel himself tearing up slightly as he spoke. “They’re all my soulmates, Rem. Roman, Logan and Patton. All of them.”
Remy’s eyes widened as they turned in their seat to face him. “Oh, holy shit, gurl! You hit the jackpot!”
Virgil laughed—he knew it sounded slightly hysterical but he was mostly past the point of caring.
“Yeah, I, uh-” He cut himself off with another laugh, launching himself across the middle of the car to wrap his arms around Remy’s shoulders. It was kind of uncomfortable but Virgil wasn’t focused on that, trying instead to somehow form a coherent thought among all of the chaos that filled his mind.
“Thank you.”
Remy shook their head, pulling back to look at him properly and it was so similar to that day all those years ago—Remy looking him firmly in the eyes and telling him everything his emotional mess of a self needed to hear.
“There’s no need to thank me, V. I might have given you a little push, but actually working up the courage to tell them? That was all you. You did it.”
Virgil beamed and he was definitely crying and it was so stupid but he was so happy.
“I did it.”
He took a moment to get himself together, trying to stop the tears that continued to make their way out, clinging to his eyelashes and dropping onto his shirt. Eventually, he managed to calm down enough to breathe properly again, giving Remy a small smile which they returned effortlessly.
“So, am I driving you home?” they asked, swinging their keys around their finger.
Virgil shook his head. “Nah, Patton said he’s gonna take us back to Roman’s so we can work some stuff out. But… thank you for staying.”
“Anytime, hon.”
Virgil took a steadying breath as he stepped out of the car, preparing himself to head back to his soulmates. Before he closed the door, however, Virgil leant down and poked his head in one last time.
“Remy?” They looked up from where they were inserting in their keys to glance over at him. “You are the best best friend that I could have ever had. And you might not be my soulmate, but you mean just as much to me as they do. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, V,” Remy smiled, “I love you too.”
Tag list: @bunny222​ @jadedfantasies231​ @221b-quote​ @reinefandoms​ @i-really-dig-the-purple​ @bionic-egypt​ @not-so-innocent-bi-sander​ @mistress-jinx09​ @soijusthavetoask​ @marshmallow-the-panda​ @the-writersblock​ @theunoriginaldaisy​ @therubyjailcell​ @sandersfandersblog​ @hghrules​ @that-smol-tired-gay​ @sanders-sides-stuff​ @inan-sanders​ @frogdog145​ @follow-pheonix-inside​ @forestwulf​ @coloursintheblur​ @cosmic-melodies​
General tag list: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard <3
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