asirensrage · 4 months
7, 9, 16, 20!
Ooo thanks for asking!
7. Which fic would you be too afraid to orphan, lest it enact revenge?
All of them. My ocs would 100% murder me if they had the chance.
9. Select a mutual to ensnare within the narrative of your longest fic.
...what is my longest fic? I think it's my SPN fic Caught in the Crossfire. Which mutual would I ensnare in it? None of them. I'm not that cruel. Also I don't think many of my mutuals are into SPN, at least not enough that I'd drop them into it.
16. Attempt to make a monster by assigning each of your fics a body part.
I have so many fics. If I really wanted to make a monster, I'd give AoS the role of the heart. Maybe Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down the role of the head? there's a heaven above you would be the teeth and hunger. All my oneshots are limbs.
20. Uh oh! All the kids are hooked on your fics—what behaviour(s) are their parents now concerned about?
...oh god. Obsession. Murder. Stalking. Fighting. and Sex? that's alarming.
very normal fic writer ask game
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
*waiting on your couch with cookies to hear about Pieces Into Place with EZ* 👀👀👀 would you like to share with the class pls?
*shows up with more snacks for the party*
There's never a bad time for a college AU, baby!!!!! I'm throwing that brainiac of a boy right back onto a college campus and pretending he never killed nobody 😂
EZ and Tala cross paths when they're both drowning in their own work. What starts off as a fun distraction quickly turns into a seemingly genuine connection. However once cracks start to appear in the facade that EZ puts on, Tala soon realizes that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
“What’s your family like?” she asked, eyes lighting up with curiosity. “Small.” He shrugged, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Just my mom, my pop, my brother and I.” “You’re the younger brother?” She cocked an eyebrow. He laughed, nodding. “Yeah, why?” She smiled, giving him a shrug. “Just had a feeling.” “Psychoanalyzing me now?” He took a sip of his drink. “Gotta start practicing sometime, right?”
I'm just obsessed with the idea of how much of a menace College!EZ could've been. Rotating it in my mind like food in the microwave 😌
Pick a wip and ask a question!
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
2 and 3!
2. If you put all your fics into a crockpot, what would be the resulting soup?
Tender filth with a generous helping of queer feelings and like... you know when you put bay leaves in something for the flavour to soak through and then you take the leaves themselves out before eating? The bay leaves are angst.
3. Which fic are you using to introduce yourself to your new therapist?
Honestly, probably non binary Alexis Rose lmao
[Very normal fic writer asks]
0 notes
ashlingiswriting · 10 months
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omg heyyyyyy! 😘 thanks @proceduralpassion. doing this for chapter 4 of do i know you? which is a richie jerimovich x reader fic that has grown into a bit of a doozy. just real long. lol
2. Give the first line of this chapter/fic.
you and richie never really talk about that heart-stopping near-fight again, but afterwards, it’s as though you’ve struck some silent agreement.
4. Whose is your least favorite character for this chapter/fic?
my least favorite character is a side OC that I'm not sure whether to cut or not. like, *I* know that he'll be relevant later...but will readers just be annoyed by all the side OC stuff? hm.
7. What is your favorite scene you’ve written so far?
absolutely batshit bonkers scene (to me) that has nothing to do with the central romance.
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic?
there's a scene i haven't written yet that will probably become my favorite. it involves spaghetti, so like. yeah. MANY FEELINGS.
thank you for asking!
0 notes
bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Rumours: Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson x Reader
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Tagging: @chickensrule @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @justameresimp @lxaah11 @librarian1002 @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond 
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You don’t know about the affair, not until Beau tells you.
Apparently, a couple of the graduates were off base one night and caught sight of their Vice Admiral in his civvies, leaving a restaurant with a woman in a little black dress. The heat in his gaze when he looked at her…
It’s clear they’re sleeping together.
There are other sightings. All of Beau with the same woman, all in compromising positions. Stolen kisses in doorways when it’s raining, his hand resting on her hip as he leads her from the theatre, whispering something salacious into her ear.
His poor wife, they say, sitting at home waiting for him while he’s out playing the field.
It’s at a retirement dinner for one of the Majors that the scuttlebutt reaches its peak. He’s seen leaving early with one of the JAG officers, a Lieutenant Commander, his hand on her lower back as he holds open the car door.
Beau doesn’t realise he’s a topic of conversation until Warlock approaches him. It’s becoming an issue, the other man tells him, you’re losing their respect.
Over what? he asks and then Warlock is forced to tell him.
He’s confused at first because not once in your entire relationship has ever he stepped out on you, the thought hasn’t even crossed his mind despite the deployments. He listens as Warlock recounts the events and he checks each one of them off in his head and he realises in every single occurrence the woman that he’s been seen with…
It's you.
It’s only when they bring Maverick in for a chat do they understand what’s happened.
There’s a lot of fresh faces on base and you’ve been deployed for over six months. They’ve all just assumed that his wife is the little lady that runs the house he lives in, like most of the other Vice Admiral’s wives. Never seen, never heard from. Just existing in the background.
It doesn’t help that you kept your maiden name when you married or the fact that Beau hates clutter, so he doesn’t keep so much as a picture on his desk. Why would he? He has them all on his phone.
You find the whole thing hilarious when he comes home and tells you that night. You’re sitting in front of the coffee table, your files spread out across it as you make notes in your legal pad, wearing  his old college t-shirt and a pair of paint splattered leggings.
The two of you have a perfectly good dining table in the kitchen, but you never use it. The living room is your space, the soft sound of Norah Jones playing in the background and the scent of wild sage and sea salt from the candle you have burning on the mantlepiece.
“It’s not funny.” He tells you as he sits down on the floor alongside of you, his elbows resting on his knees. “I don’t know what to do about it.”
“The woman you’re having an affair with is actually your wife.” You remind him, tapping your pen upon the legal pad. “It’s a little funny.”
“You know I’d never…” He trails off as his lips brush over the curve of your shoulder because the thought of it is so repugnant to him. He doesn’t want to think about another woman in your bed, trying to take your place.
“I know.” You tell him, inclining your head so that he can read the honesty in your expression. “I would never either.”
He’s never doubted you, not for a minute.
His thumb trails along your jaw, guiding your mouth to his and he kisses you with a tenderness he reserves for no one else. He loves these moments, the ones where it’s just the two of you, at home, simply being with one another.
“Show and tell.” You say softly as his hands begin to wander, his lips seeking out that delicious little spot just underneath the hinge of your jaw, the one that makes you say his name.
“Hm.” He mumbles distractedly as his fingertips delve under the hem of the t-shirt, skirting along the line of your bra.
“I mean it Beau.” You utter, your head tipping back as he guides the shirt up and over your body, before tossing it onto the couch.
“I’ll take it into consideration.” He whispers against your skin as his fingers tug at the waistband of your leggings. “Right now, I’ve got other things I want to focus on.”
Beau chooses to address the issue with the Top Gun graduates. They’re fierce, loyal and above all else, he knows that they’ll put a stop to those rumours that are circulating the base. He can’t have his subordinates doubting him, he needs them to trust him, in the field and off it. News of an affair erodes that, it makes him seem duplicitous, makes them question his motives and that leads to mistakes. People get hurt or worse killed. So, yea, now he’s taking your advice, he’s doing show and tell.
“Final order of business.” He says as he stands in front of them, hands clasped together. “I need to address the rumours regarding the affair I’m having with a JAG officer.”
He senses the mood shift, backs straighten, and all eyes are on him. He nods at Warlock, whose waiting at the side door before he opens it. There’s a low murmur when you step inside, a few elbow nudges because the source of the scuttlebutt has now entered the room and is now standing alongside their Rear Admirable clad in a navy-blue JAG uniform.
Briefly Beau wonders what they expect from this latest development.
Maybe the whole, we’re just colleagues’ speech.
“This is my wife.” He introduces you to the group. “She’s a Lieutenant Commander in JAG and recently returned from a six-month deployment overseas. If you need an attorney, she’s the best we’ve got.”
It’s true, you excel at your position, and he couldn’t be prouder of you. You’ve achieved so much throughout your career and one of the reasons he’s here today is because he hates the idea of your successes being diminished by gossip.
“You have two minutes for questions.” He tells the graduates before folding his arms over his chest.
Phoenix is the first one to speak up, she raises her hand and Beau inclines his head towards her.
“How long have you been married?” She asks, leaning forward on her desk.
“Seven…” You pause because the deployments make it harder to keep track, you’ve been away for some anniversaries and home for others. You look to Beau for clarification.
“Eight.” He says, the edges of his mouth tipping up into a small smile because he knows you can never remember the exact timings. The only reason he does is because he’s meticulous about putting information into his calendar.
“Eight years.” You correct yourself. “Together for three before that.”
Rooster is next up; his elbows are on his desk before he raises two fingers.
“How does it work with the deployments?”
“Patience.” Beau informs the Lieutenant, rubbing his palm across his jawline. “Open communication.”
You don’t know the graduates, this is the first time you’ve met them, but you think you can see something underneath Rooster’s demeanour.  There’s a reason he asked that question, so you elaborate.
“You have to be honest with each other, talk about your feelings, the good ones and the bad ones especially on the lead up to it.” You reiterate before gesturing between you and Beau. “We talk as often as we can, keep each other up to date with what’s going on in our lives, even if it’s just the day-to-day stuff. If one of us doesn’t get in contact for a few days, we try not to take it too personally. I know that life on the base can get hectic and he knows sometimes you can’t just get a signal in the middle of the Pacific.”
That gets a little laugh and it’s good to see that there’s a little humour in them. You hate it when people take themselves too seriously.
“Care packages.” Beau supplements into the conversation.
“Oh, sometimes when I’m away he sends me things from home, and I send him stuff from my travels.” You tell the group, leaning back against the podium at the front of the room. “Just a little something to say we’re thinking of each other.”
You can see you’ve given Rooster some food for thought. You wonder what his circumstances are, if there’s a girl in the background, he’s thinking of getting serious about.
“Have you ever thought about giving it up?” Hangman asks, a cocktail stick dangling out of his mouth. “The job for the sake of the marriage?”
Another one with something on his mind, you think. Although you don’t spy a wedding ring on his finger, you suspect something that might be heading that way. You’re good at reading people, it comes in handy in the courtroom.
“Yea.” You answer honestly, with a small shrug of the shoulders. “We’ve talked about it a few times, but this is who I am, the same way it’s who he is. Neither of us will compromise on that, if it’s right you shouldn’t have to.”
Hangman nods knowingly before Beau interrupts.
“Alright, your two minutes is up.” His palm comes to rest upon your lower back, thumb skating over the vertebrae. “We have other places to be, so good luck with your training.”
It isn’t until you reach the corridor outside that he slows his step. The two of you find yourself alone for a minute, a rarity on such a busy military base. You lean against one wall, while he stands rigid in front of the other, both hands coming to rest on his hips.
“Those were some tough questions, right?” He asks you, his mouth setting into a grim line before he looks at you.
“That last one…” You shake your head. “The job for the sake of the marriage, that felt a little too close to home.”
Beau nods his agreement before his gaze meets yours.
“You know I’d never…”
“No, I know.” You assure him, pushing away from the wall and coming to stand before him. You reach for his collar straightening it just a little, despite the fact it didn’t require any intervention. “But it is getting harder to leave.”
Then don’t. He wants to say but instead he bites his tongue because he’s a good husband and it’s a lot more complicated than that. Your palms come to rest on his chest, he can tell you’re preoccupied with something. It’s in the way your brows crease just a little.
“What is it?” He asks you, studying your expression for clues.
You’re interrupted by the door opening as Warlock steps out into the corridor, the encrypted tablet clasped in his hands.
“We have a full schedule today...” He pauses, his finger lingering over the calendar as the two of you step apart. “I can give you a minute.”
“He’s all yours Solomon.” You say with a smile as you draw away from him.
He can already feel you slipping through his fingers, he isn’t sure what it is that gives him that sensation but it’s acute. There’s a trepidation in the pit of his stomach, something he only gets when it comes to your deployments but it’s far too soon for that. You’ve barely been home more than a couple of weeks.
“I’ll catch up with you later.” You promise before turning on your heel and striding down the corridor with purpose.
It reminds him for the moment of the first time he saw you, walking into the courtroom with your head held high, that black leather legal binder tucked under your arm. He’d been sitting in the gallery watching the trial of an Ensign accused of smuggling coke through produce in the kitchens. The idiot had been under his command at the time and elected for a court martial. You had eviscerated his case; it was both beautiful and painful to watch.
He spends the rest of the afternoon distracted, wishing the two of you had had a chance to finish that conversation.
Love Beau? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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enretrogue · 5 months
𝗠𝗔𝗬 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝗙𝗜𝗖 𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗦 (𝟮)
Badge of Honor — @keanureevesisbae
Torments — @proceduralpassion .☘︎ ݁˖
I’ll Be Seeing You — @proceduralpassion .☘︎ ݁˖
Just One Round — @yaachtynoboat711 .☘︎ ݁˖
Coffee Bae — @yaachtynoboat711 .☘︎ ݁˖
Can We Talk — @yaachtynoboat711 .☘︎ ݁˖
S.O.S. — @darqchilddaydreamz .☘︎ ݁˖
I Got You — @darqchilddaydreamz .☘︎ ݁˖
Daddy Kink — @strwbrrykss
Nothin’ I Wouldn’t Do For You — @libraryofloveletters
Won’t You Be Mine?— @ssahotchswifemain
Smoothie — @reelwriter19 .☘︎ ݁˖
Say It — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Doctor’s Visit (Drabble) — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Lucky Ones — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Ready — @blackmissfrizzle .☘︎ ݁˖
Lunch — @collecting-stories
Model Husband — @deanstead
Money, Money, Money — @poppadom0912
Vows — @deanstead
In The Dark — @bullet-prooflove
My Blessings — @halsteadlover
Mine — @onechicagolife
What Are You Doing? — @themultifandomgal
Never Been So Scared — @dlmlufics
Med Students — @poppadom0912
I’m Late — @dlmlufics
Domestic — @lily174
I’ll Look Out For You — @lily174
Birthday Surprise — @dlmlufics
I Promised You Forever — @dlmlufics
The Sister Halstead Materlist — @citygirlcharlotte
Baby Halstead — @dlmlufics
Mrs. Detective Jay Halstead — @dlmlufics
Keep You Safe — @poisonedjoinery
Filthy Secrets — @poisonedjoinery
Sweet Little Thing — @poisonedjoinery
The Family We Chose — @procrastinatorimagines
Hank x Deaf!Fem!Reader — @keanureevesisbae
Is That My Shirt? — @one-sweet-gubler
Slow And Steady — @smaoineamhsalach
Accidental First Kiss — @libraryofloveletters
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Anything But Me (+ Ellie Williams) ⎢ Part 2 — @seattlesellie
Abby x Ticklish!Reader — @lolasimms
First Kiss — @millerssurora
Sleepy Lovemaking w/ Abby — @lolasimms
Scumbag!Abby — @canaidliafail
Uncharted Territory — @sweetercalypso
Abby Being Sweet w/ Crybaby!Reader — @sweetercalypso
Stressed Out — @ourautumn86
Tea Parties and Mockery — @lolasimms
Espresso and Hand Holding — @lolasimms
Abby and Reader w/ Toddler Twins — @lolasimms
Girl Mom!Abby x Black!Reader ⎢ More HCs — @theendofevangelionnn .☘︎ ݁˖
At Least I Got You In My Head ⎢ 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 2.5 ⎢ 3 — @whatwouldsylwrite
Camgirl!Reader x Camgirl!Abby — @deblklesb
Abby Making A Sextape With You— @deblklesb
Soft Ridges — @elsfairy
Discovering The Mommy Kink — @hope-drunk
The Late Shift — @pinknightsinmymind
Tan Lines — @sweetercalypso
Look, Wild Cherries! — @s-4pphics .☘︎ ݁˖
Sexting w/ GF!Abby — @ourautumn86
Jealous Sex w/ Basketball!Abby — @elsweetheart
Morning Routine — @lolasimms
Abby Teasing You — @strawberryjamheart
Stay Grounded ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 — @canaidliafail
Deep End — @angelkissiies
Stubborn — @darlingmisa
It’s Gonna Kill Me — @fleshwaters
Abby Anderson NSFW HCs — @pinknightsinmymind
Size Kink w/ Abby — @seattlesellie
Mom!Abby HCs — @lolasimms
Abby Helps You Squirt — @sweet-lover-girl
Mornings — @pinknightsinmymind
Wife!Abby and Reader ⎢ Part Two — @lolasimms
Modern AU: GF!Abby HCs ⎢ Part 2 — @hyperfixatesnwrites
What? Like It’s Hard? — @angelkissiies
Try Something New — @toasty-melons
Lemon Color, Honey Glow — @girldreaming
Munch! — @ourautumn86
Being Modern!Abby’s Girlfriend — @hope-drunk
Rugby Player!Abby — @abbysgirlx
Cooking For Abby — @darlingmisa
Hockey!Abby — @millersaurora
Serene — @elsfairy
Talk You Through It — @pinknightsinmymind
Text Messages (+ Ellie and Dina) — @onestopfanficshop
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narcosfandomdiscord · 9 months
narcos october masterlist i
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This masterlist is for days 1-10 of the @narcosfandomdiscord's october prompt event, which you can read about here and join in!
For days 11 onwards, check out the second masterlist and the third masterlist.
(Note: character x character indicates a romantic/sexual relationship; character & character indicates a platonic one.)
October 1 — Day of Firsts
Create a fanwork about a canon character you’ve never written about/used before.
↳ fanart by @tofuwildcard — Javi smoking, digital art
↳ Claro Que No by @drabbles-mc — Chepe x gn!Reader, 462
↳ Waiting Red by @narcolini — Isabelle x Chepe vampire AU, 600
↳ Depth Over Distance by @proceduralpassion — Mika & OC sibling backstory, 2.2k
↳ For Old Time's Sake by @garbinge — Carrillo x Reader, Steve and Javi & Reader, angst, 3.5k
↳ In the morning by @artemiseamoon — Marta x Amado established relationship, 2.8k
↳ Vengeance For Me by @kesskirata — Gustavo & Tata angst, ficlet
↳ what we do now by @ashlingnarcos — Feistl x Van Ness post-canon, 1k
↳ Tu cómplice by @hausofmamadas — Mayo x Benjamín pining, 2.8k
October 2 — “Porque No Los Dos?” Day
Create a crossover for the original Narcos show and the Narcos: Mexico show, featuring at least one character for each.
↳ Looking On by @drabbles-mc — season 3 og DEA & season 2 mx DEA, unite! 3.5k
↳ How Do You Do This Shit For Fun? by @proceduralpassion — Walt & Javi crossover, 1k
↳ Late nights, early mornings by @artemiseamoon — Javi & OFC, Mayo x OFC, 1.8k
↳ two tests by @ashlingnarcos — Carrillo & Trujillo & Calderoni ficlet
Anything involving polyamory, ex: a fic about somebody who has two or more partners.
↳ Aggressive Negotiations by @kesskirata — Javi x Steve x Connie, 1.1k
October 3 — Day of Music
Create and post a playlist for fic/wip of yours OR your favorite episode and explain why each song resonates for that fic/wip or episode.
↳ Three playlists by @rerorero-my-cherry — for Ramon x OFC fic Sola con mi Soledad
↳ Playlist for episode 2.1, Salva El Tigre by @artemiseamoon
Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and whatever song comes up first, that’s your prompt.
↳ Tainted by @drabbles-mc — Carrillo & Steve angst, 3.1k
↳ I need you tonight by @artemiseamoon — Amado x OFC, 1.1k
↳ on your mind by @narcolini — Javi x gn!reader ficlet
↳ Amado fanart by @tofuwildcard
↳ Foldin' Clothes by @garbinge — Steve Murphy x F!Reader, 3.2k
↳ Promise by @proceduralpassion — Carrillo x OFC smut
October 4 — Day of Conflict
Many people seemed to combine both prompts for this day! Ambitious day.
Anything involving a fistfight or a gunfight.
Quote prompt: “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
↳ Who You're Dealing With by @drabbles-mc — Steve & Javi & OFC, 3k
↳ Luna de Lobo by @artemiseamoon — Ramón x OFC, Barron x OFC
↳ Country Store Cherry Chocolate by @garbinge — Steve Murphy & Reader (his sister), 1.9k
↳ Unwritten by @proceduralpassion — Carrillo x OFC, 1.1k
October 5 — Day of Visual Art
Visual fanworks: post a screenshot, meme, gif, gifset, video, or other non-fic visual fanwork.
↳ a glitchy Pachito by @tofuwildcard — fanart
↳ NUGGETS OF BENJAMAYO by @hausofmamadas — gifset + commentary
↳ If Narcos Had A Group Chat by @proceduralpassion — video of groupchat texts
↳ If Narcos Had A Group Chat pt ii by @proceduralpassion — video of groupchat texts
Create a fanwork about a character interacting with a piece of art (e.g. buying decoration for a new home, stealing a piece, hitting on a stranger at a gallery, creating art themselves, etc)
↳ Things I Should Have Said by @garbinge — Javi x F!Reader, 2k
October 6 — Day of International Relations
Write non-English language fic.
↳ Dos Opciones by @proceduralpassion — language: Spanish, Maria Elvira x Miguel, Maria Elvira x OFC, ficlet
↳ ¿Qué? by @ashlingnarcos — language: Spanish, Eduardo x OFC, ficlet
Use a random country picker and utilize that country in your work in some way: a character is from that country, a food from that country shows up, there’s international politics, etc. You get two rerolls if you don’t like the first or second country you get. If you get the United States, reroll automatically.
↳ House Special by @drabbles-mc — county: Japan, Walt x F!Reader, 3k
↳ Lespwa fe viv by @artemiseamoon — country: Haiti, Chepe x OFC, 1.3k
October 7 — Day of Darkness
Make something centered around non-death dark topics (we have a specific death day already). Morally or emotionally dark topics/themes.
↳ The Oil Has Run Thin by @proceduralpassion — Walt x OFC ficlet
↳ Twenty-Four Hours by @drabbles-mc — Carrillo & gn!Reader captivity 1.4k
One-word prompt: Blackout.
↳ Control pt 1 by @artemiseamoon — Verdin x OFC smut, 1.6k
October 8 — Day of Light
A day of pure fluff: anything insanely, unambiguously, self-indulgently, luxuriously enjoyable.
↳ Moving Day by @drabbles-mc — Steve x Connie fluff, 1.1k
↳ Happiest I've Ever Been by @proceduralpassion — Steve x Connie fluff ficlet
October 9 — Day of Gay
Create anything devoted to an LGBTQ+ character.
↳ Watching Time by @garbinge — Chepe x Pacho ficlet
↳ Bisexually-lit Dina by @tofuwildcard — fanart
Create anything with a queer and/or trans original character or reader insert.
↳ Down in the 305 by @drabbles-mc — Steve x M!Reader
↳ Would You Kill For Me, My Love? by @proceduralpassion — Pacho x OMC ficlet
October 10 — Day of Tough Shit
Write a fic whose exact wordcount is divisible by 500 (500, 1000, 1500, etc).
↳ The distance between you & me by @artemiseamoon — Calderoni x OFC post-divorce 1.5k
↳ Four People You Meet by @drabbles-mc — Carrillo x Juliana, Carrillo & Martinez, 500
↳ Talking Heads by @ashlingnarcos — Arellano family humor, 500
↳ The Bungalow by @proceduralpassion — Amado x Reader, 500
Make a fanwork in a medium you’ve never used before. If you make GIFs, write something. If you write, draw. Etc. As long as it’s uncharted territory for you!
↳ Hi, I'm a Slut (Amado's Version) by @tofuwildcard — fanvid
↳ narcos october masterlist ii with prompts from day 11 onwards
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new tag game, what are your top five fried foods
lo bak goh
mcdonald's hash brown
apple fritters
@alliluyevas, @imperatorkhaleesi, @otherpens, @actuallylorelaigilmore, @afro-elf, @bellinitini, @hausofmamadas, @nerdsandthelike, @complete-nonsequitur, @epiyersika, @ergothereforethus, @saathi1013, @desperately-human, @proceduralpassion, @criatividad-e, @artemiseamoon, @purplesong1028, @anunhealthydoseofangst, also i am sure i forgot a lot of people and just anyone tell me rly. just anyone tell me about fried food please
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naiaverse · 2 months
welcome to the naiaverse | writeblr intro
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Hi friends! Decided to make an official space for my original writing, so here goes! I go by Naia and I have existed in the tumblr sphere for many moons and this is just another iteration of my interests on here. I'm using this space as I delve into more original writing in comparison to my fandom/fanfic (if you don't already, follow me @proceduralpassion). Looking for active fellow writers to interact and be moots with so pls feel free to hop in my inbox/dms!
♚Current WIP
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Tex Aurelius is thrown for a loop when he’s thrust into a world where beings other than humans exist and he’s poised to one day, become a leader to an entire sovereign. Along the way, he forges friendships and rivalries with other future leaders at Cascadia Academy.
the chosen one
found family/core six
purist politics
war and corruption
rivaling factions
house societies/boarding school
enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, exes to lovers, soulmates
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proceduralpassion · 2 months
Reposted my Vorrester fics on AO3!
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hausofmamadas · 10 months
tag 9 people you'd like to know better. Prob won’t be able to do 9 ppl bc most of the ppl I’d tag were tagged, in addition to me, by @bellinitini and @when-did-this-become-difficult, two of my dearest dfs (dafucks dear friends)
last song: Buscando Oro by LOUJAY and Carlos Vallarino
currently reading: The Outsiders by SE Hinton and the Popol Vuh, both in Spanish to punish myself to get better. I’ve also finally started reading Out of Control: The Story of the Reagan Administration's Secret War in Nicaragua, the Illegal Arms Pipeline, and the Contra Drug Connection by Leslie Cockburn which I started last year and just never got around to finishing. Just ordered The Bastard Brigade by Sam Kean on Amazon, which I have no doubt I’ll start reading immediately
currently watching: Finished The Bear in the span of a day so like not actively watching technically anymore? Except when I put it on to run in the background while I work. Another show I’ve been doing that with is the X Files, which provides a deep and heavy rotation sksk and then I’m like halfway through Top Boy which is fulfilling the need I have for new episodes of The Wire even though the show ended like 20 years ago so sksj
current obsession: hmmmmmmm I guess I have two really cracked ships that I’m kind of preoccupied with. One I can’t name bc it’s for an exchange, and the other I wrote an Andrea/Carrillo fic for the Narcos fandom smut alphabet and have nottttttttt been able to stop the rotisserie-ing with them. Going back to my roots too, reading some new San Diego Reader articles that’s reignited as if it ever really went out lbr my love and passion for my otp, Dinarrón. Also been working on this fan video for Sky Rojo that I’m pretty fucking obsessed with and can’t wait to finish bc it’s gonna be sick, even though only me and like 3 other ppl on the internet have seen the show
Taglist (only if you so wish to participate): @artemiseamoon @cositapreciosa @drabbles-mc @purplesong1028 @proceduralpassion @roostersrocket @garbinge @flightlessangelwings @salt-is-a-terrible-currency
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asirensrage · 1 year
4, 5, and 8 for the writer asks? 🙂
Ooo thanks!
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Oh god, don't ask. Too many. I'm serious. It keeps growing. My mind doesn't stop giving me ideas and then I have to write them out somewhere so I can try to go back to the ones I have posted. The last wip list I did had like 30...
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Hmm...I don't like to say I'll never write because you never know (though who knows with how often my muse deviates from the desired course). I have a couple docs that are just ideas. Let me find one...oh this one is a good one. One of my fave ideas I'll probably won't get to any time soon:
When she asked for a blessing from the gods...she was thinking more along the lines of winning the lottery. Not being a waypoint for the fictional dead.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Uh...at this very moment? In general, there are at least 6 fics that are in progress and I count them as being currently worked on. Today in particular? I'm working on the next part of Mise En Place and I've been getting scenes for this Tokyo Revengers oc/fic out of my head. That counts, right?
I’m Bored and Anxious So I Slapped Together a List of Fan Fic Writer Asks
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drabbles-mc · 10 months
Hiiii Tay really curious to learn a lil more bout “enemies to lovers” anything with Horacio sounds angsty af and I’m here for it 😂
Omg hiiii 👋🏻🥰
Okay so i started this fic based off a request that i got....way too long ago now like i would be shocked if the anon who requested it is still lurking around 😅 But your girl never bails on a fic and i am determined to get back to it one day soon! 😂
But the whole premise of that fic is that it's going to be an inverse of enemies to lovers, and it's going to be lovers to enemies. So it's going to be angsty as fuck lmao 😂😈 If there's one thing I love, it's writing the slow disintegration of a relationship.
As it stands, what I have written so far is at the very beginning of them starting to get together. So things are still going well. I'll share a lil snip of that 👀
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you out this late and not camped out in a police car, Colonel,” you joked as you tucked your hands into the pockets of your jeans. He chuckled. “I think we were past you calling me Colonel a few hours ago.” You laughed softly at that as you nodded in agreement. “And if word gets around that I get to call you Horacio when we’re off the clock together?” He stepped in a little closer. “If anyone has anything to say about it, they can come and say it to me.”
It's the way I still think about them every time I open my WIP folder because the doc is staring at me waiting to be finished hahaha
Thanks for the ask! 💕
WIP Game
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Fic Stats Game
Thanks for the tag @charmsandtealeaves!
Rules: Give us links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and fic with the least amount of words.
Most Hits (35k hits):
The Nymph of House Black, a time travel Remadora story. Tonks goes back in time and goes undercover as a spy while going to school with the Marauders. Complete.
Second Most Kudos (561 kudos):
The Wizard, the Wolf, and the Son, an AU in which Remus starts raising Harry when the Dursleys die. Remadora and Hinny (eventually). Complete, second part is a WIP.
Third Most Bookmarks (115 bookmarks):
Collide, my very first Remadora fanfic. Mostly canon compliant, at least until the very end. Lots of angst. Complete. Sequel, Cariad, is a WIP.
Fourth Most Comments (532 comments):
The Wizard, the Wolf, and the Son.
Fifth Most Words (~175k words):
The Wizard, the Wolf, and the Son.
Least Amount of Words (100 words exactly):
Deception, a micro study of Remus Lupin and his life built on lies.
No pressure tagging @merlins-sequined-hotpants, @artemisia-black, @proceduralpassion, @thecasualauthor18, @midnightstargazer and anyone else who wants to join in on the fun.
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ashlingiswriting · 5 months
although i haven't been able to write out a proper answer yet i just wanted to say that the ask game anons i got made my day 🥹 thank you!
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
The Joker & The Queen: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Tagging: @hardballoonlove @dempy @words-and-seeds @cosmic-psychickitty @xoxabs88xox @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @ashcosmo @hardballoonlove @djs8891 @shanimallina87 @chickensrule @@ssa-sadboi @queenslandlover-93 @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @malindacath @dreamlandcreations @midnightmagpiemama @littlebadariell @imaginecrushes @luckyladycreator2 @shepgurl @flrboyd @nani-kenobi @adaydreamaway08 @lovelyladymayy @cheyrenee @inkandarsenic @stressed-chas
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It’s further down the beach, a little way from ‘The Hard Deck’ that you find Jake. He’s sitting in the same spot the two of you spent the night staring up at the stars, trying to put names to of all the constellations. He’s still in his uniform, but he’s stripped off his boots and socks, his feet sinking into the sand as he watches the sun set across the ocean. He has a beer bottle in his hand, hanging between two fingers. He doesn’t say anything as you sit down alongside of him, your body brushing his.
You know what happened today, you heard about it through the usual channels. It’s a wake-up call, not just for him but for both of you. Phoenix is an exceptional pilot so the fact her plane had crashed is enough to scare the shit out of anyone. Both her and Bob were recovering in the hospital, minor injuries but it still hits home because it could have been anyone of them.
“I’m an asshole.” He says simply, his gaze fixed forward on the waves as they lap across the shore.
“You say that as if I don’t already know.” You tease lightly as you study the profile of his face.
He’s hard to read when he’s like this. You know he’s shut down, the same way he always does when he’s struggling to process. Sometimes you just need to give him a minute, because it’s hard untangling the mess of thoughts in your head after something like this.
“I’m the best.” He says taking a sip of his beer. “And I make sure everybody knows it.”
“Yes, you do.” You agree, your elbows coming to rest upon your knees. “But I haven’t met a pilot who doesn’t have an ego. It comes with the territory. It’s part of what allows you to get your ass in the air and do the shit you do.”
He turns his head towards you, his eyes meeting yours and there’s such an earnestness in them that it makes your chest ache.
“If I’m selected for this mission…” He says carefully. “There’s a possibility that I won’t be coming back.”
It’s the way he says it that strikes you and you realise this isn’t like the other times. There’s always uncertainty when he flies but this time…
“You’re saying there’s a high probability.” You summarise.
“Yea.” He says simply.
There’s a silence between the two of you. You know what he expects, for you to get up and walk away, to leave, to say this isn’t what you signed up for. It’s happened before, every relationship has ended the same way. For Jake it seems inevitable. The ones he loves will always leave and he will always be alone.
“I want to be honest with you.” He tells you, his voice rough as he speaks. “Right now, you can pull the plug, walk away and I would understand…”
You shake your head.
“I’m not made that way…” You trail off, trying to find the words to explain how you feel. “When I say I love you I mean it, it isn’t conditional. Whatever time we have together I’ll take it.”
He sighs before setting his beer bottle down in the sand.
“Anyone else would be running in the other direction right about now.” He says softly, the edges of his mouth tipping up into a small smile. “But somehow you’re still here, still in my corner.”
“Always.” You promise him, your thumb trailing over the curve of his cheek as you guide his gaze so that it meets yours. “It’s what people like us do. We stick together.”
He can hear the honesty in your words, feel the truth behind them. When he kisses you it’s with a  tenderness he holds for no other person in this world, because you’re his, the other part of his heart, his soul.
“I love you.” he whispers as his lips brush over yours. “Just remember that alright? Whatever happens just remember that I love you, that I’ll always love you.”
Love Hangman? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Want to read more Jake? Check out his Masterlist!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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