#producer ace: ooc
etchina-danjon · 2 months
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I have decided I will get back to work on my pokemon blog and finish it up, and I will be remaking my multi sense so many people are wanting to see them done.
I want to get back into the swing of things again.
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elite-four-grimsley · 1 month
Hi, Mun I've been meaning to asks for advice in how to write Grimsley ? and What are your hcs for him ?
//OOC: HI HI HELLO HI!! I have a LOT of Grimsley thoughts and HCs (I mean A LOT) so buckle up because I have been enabled and I am FULL of ADHD. Seriously, this is extremely long. I’m so sorry.
((General trigger warning for themes of gambling, addiction to gambling, and underage gambling as well as child abuse and child neglect.))
A majority of these hcs are what I stick to when writing my interpretation of Grimsley on this blog, however it can sometimes be hard to include or stick to all of them based on how an RP blog plays out in the long run. 
However, all of these are what I generally subscribe to unless said otherwise.
Childhood and Backstory:
I tend to write Grimsley with a Galarian background, both of his parents coming from Galar and having moved to Unova before he was born. Since we really only have the vague idea of Grimsley being the "son of a distinguished family that fell into ruin", I basically took that concept and ran with it. 
In my canon, Grimsley's father (HC name: Atticus) was born into a wealthy Galarian family (who may or may not have been involved in some Not So Legal things). Whereas Grimsley's mother (HC name: Morticia), who was not as "well off", seeks to potentially marry rich due to her poor upbringing and lack of familial support. 
I haven’t decided on many of the details of how exactly Atticus and Morticia meet, however once they do, they hit it off pretty well and don’t waste much time getting married for both their sakes (Atticus wanting to produce a proper heir and Morticia needing the financial support). Their marriage at first, while perhaps not rooted in romantic love, is generally stable. 
Unfortunately, Grimsley's father eventually falls into bankruptcy only a year or so after getting married. This was likely caused by poor financial decisions coupled with falling into trouble with shady individuals. Of course the family name wouldn’t have the best reputation in Galar as a result of this, so Atticus and a pregnant Morticia make a run for it to Unova for a fresh start. 
Growing up, Grimsley had a rocky relationship with both of his parents. 
His father had grown bitter and greedy in his attempts to salvage the family name and make back his fortune (of course, in ways that were not always legal). His focus would turn to Grimsley, seeking to make his son into an even better businessman than even himself. However, Grimsley was infinitely uninterested in his father’s teachings. He was moreso fixated on battling and Pokemon, specifically Dark type Pokémon. Because of this, Atticus wouldn’t allow Grimsley to consume any media surrounding his topics of interest. This would only be the beginning of the rift between him and his father. It wouldn’t take much time for Grimsley to begin fearing Atticus. 
As Grimsley’s father became more outright abusive, he would begin to use his ace Pokémon, Malamar, as an intimidation tactic to get Grimsley (and Morticia) to do what he wanted. In instances where young Grimsley had come across information that Atticus didn’t want him knowing (regarding illegal activity), he would make his Malamar use its psychic abilities to meddle with his memory. Because of these experiences, present day Grimsley has a slight phobia of Malamar and feels uncomfortable around them. 
Here’s a post that accurately displays Grimsley’s relationship with his father. ((TW for child abuse))
Grimsley’s relationship with his mother was better, considering the circumstances. Morticia was definitely not exempt from Atticus’ control, so she often wasn’t allowed/was too afraid to treat her son how truly she wanted. Even then, she did her best to teach Grimsley skills she thought to be important. The two of them would play strategy games together, like chess, with an emphasis on thinking outside the box when stuck in seemingly “hopeless” situations. Grimsley looks back fondly on how his mother valued those skills and passed them down to him. He also cherishes the moments in which Atticus was absent so he and Morticia could truly bond as a mother and son.
Here’s a post I made that gives an idea of what I think young Grimsley's relationship was like with his mother. ((TW for implied abuse))
Unfortunately, a particularly bad experience with both his parents would be the final straw for Grimsley and at the age of eleven, he would run from home. 
Here's a look into the aftermath of that. ((TW for implied abuse))
From then on begins his "Pokémon Journey" of sorts, meeting young Marshal, Caitlin, Shauntal, and his Pokémon along the way. I don’t have as many details about this as I would like at the moment, however I eventually would like to write a series of fics detailing Grimsley and his Pokémon Journey. 
I do, however, have a post on how I think Marshal and Grimsley met as children.
I also have a few assorted headcanons for "Pre-Elite Four" Grimsley: 
-Grimsley used to have a Galarian (British) accent as a child, but would eventually grow out of it as he grew up away from his parents. 
-Shauntal helped Grimsley dye his hair blue for the first time when he was around fourteen. (Shauntal being more experienced with dyeing hair as she's a few years older.)
-Grimsley's battling style used to be more brute force/aggression focused before becoming an Elite Four member. He would then begin to prioritize strategy. 
-Before he was old enough to legally gamble in Unova (hcing that age to be 18 instead of 21), Grimsley would often sneak into shady, back-alley casinos to partake in gambling. This, of course, is where his gambling addiction would start 
-As Grimsley grew into an older teen, he would develop into quite the "rebel". The others (meaning Marshal, Caitlin, and Shauntal) would take notice of him getting into trouble on a regular basis (sometimes with the law), but he would ignore their concern, only turning a new leaf when attempting to join the Pokémon League. (Post on Grimsley talking about joining said league.) 
-Grimsley originally lied on all his application documents in order to get a chance at joining the Pokémon League. This was because he had a criminal record at that point (likely having just turned 20). After he was chosen to start the process of becoming an Elite Four Member, Alder was made aware of Grimsley's record, however since he was such an impressive trainer, they erased his criminal record. 
Elite Four Era:
Grimsley, Marshal, Shauntal, and Caitlin all became Elite Four members generally at the same time. I don’t want to get into how that may be unrealistic. All of them joining around the same time makes more sense to my brain. 
The four of them swiftly garnered a reputation as some of the strongest Elite Four members to date. 
Of course, with fame, comes a lack of privacy. This would become somewhat of a problem for Grimsley when his gambling habits inevitably piqued the interest of the public eye. News of his addiction took the region by storm, and because of this, Grimsley would develop a habit of making light of his problems (more than he already would). He will often deny anything claiming he has an addiction, calling it a hobby instead. 
Grimsley became a popular topic amongst news articles and gossip tabloids, new rumors about him spreading what seemed to be every week. (A favorite rumor being that he’s actually a vampire.)
As an Elite Four member, Grimsley became less of a rebel, instead adopting a persona that was/is much more charismatic and personable. He aims to come off as someone charming rather than someone who actively seeks trouble. Despite this, he will still find himself in troublesome situations… Not that he does himself many favors as he has a habit of wandering cities and forests during the nights he’s not out gambling. I feel it’s important to note that, at heart, Grimsley is a risk-taker and has an inclination to disregard his own wellbeing. 
Grimsley, despite wanting to come off as the opposite, has a bit of a hard time connecting with people in a genuine way. The other Elite Four members would be his only real friends for a while, and even then, they’re used to his antics in ways not many people are/will ever be able to be. Eventually he will become friendly with more people, but even then, he isn’t particularly close with many of the Unova League members. Along with this, people have a habit of judging Grimsley too quickly before allowing him the room to open up. 
Other than the Team Plasma situations happening during Grimsley’s time as an Elite Four member, there isn’t much else to note here. I feel that his battling style changing/improving, his gambling addiction, his troubles with rumors and tabloids, and his developing relationships (which I will touch on later) are the most significant things to take note when writing Elite Four era Grimsley. 
Alola Era: 
While in his official artwork it is said that only two years have passed since seeing Grimsley in previous games, I feel he’s instead somewhere in his thirties (his Elite Four years taking place throughout his twenties). This gives more room for him to look as physically aged as he does in Pokémon SM/USUM. Though, I do believe Grimsley began greying in his twenties due to stress. 
Because of this specific dialogue: “"Sometimes you have to lay everything on the line in life, and risk it all... When I did that, though, I'm afraid I lost. I took to walking along the shore in my despair.” We’re led to believe that Grimsley’s gambling finally bit him in the ass. However my interpretation of Alolan Grimsley changes depending on what relationships I write for him. 
In an instance where Grimsley does not have a romantic partner pre-Alola, I typically stick with the concept of him gambling away most of his money and ultimately becoming bankrupt. Consumed by despair and in a moment of impulsivity, he resigns from his position as an Elite Four member and runs off to Alola without a single word. 
While in Alola, he finds a new passion in riding his Sharpedo and in Mantine surfing. We know he makes quite a name for himself while surfing under the name “Big G”. I do think it takes a bit for Grimsley to truly want to battle again, but once he does, he’s invited to fight at the Battle Tree, healing his love/passion for battling along the way. 
However, in an instance where Grimsley has an established romantic relationship during his time in Unova, I’m inclined to drift from canon. Rather than going bankrupt due to his gambling addiction, I tend to write that he’s instead retired because of burnout/stress/etc. He then moves with his partner to Alola where he discovers a passion for Mantine surfing, gets through his burnout, and ultimately joins the Battle Tree. I’ll touch more on Grimsley regarding romance in a bit. 
Hcs and thoughts regarding important relationships that have lasting/significant impacts on Grimsley.
-Marshal and Grimsley have a very unique rivalry to me. They certainly consider each other to be best friends (likely the first person Grimsley felt such a way about), however their friendship does not get in the way of the two of them butting heads and competing against each other in the way many pokerivals do. 
-Marshal is not as competitive as Grimsley is, but when put together, the two of them fuel the hell out of each other’s competitiveness. They have a running tally on how many times they've won against each other during sparring matches.
-Marshal is Grimsley’s favorite person to play pranks on. Not only because of how gullible he can be, but also because Marshal has the most dramatic/ver the top reactions. 
-(Side hc: Marshal can’t handle scary things/horror very well, so Grimsley will take advantage of this often. Of course, in an ultimately lighthearted way.)
-I do like to include within my own writing that Marshal has/had a crush on Grimsley. Whether or not this is a requited or unrequited crush is up to your own personal preference. I could go either way as a multi-shipper, but in my current canon, Marshal’s crush was unrequited. This, however, did not affect their friendship negatively. They likely became closer because of it.
-I very much enjoy the concept of Shauntal being very caring and acting as a bit of an older sister figure to Grimsley. I don’t ever tend to ship them, since Shauntal is a lesbian to me, this is just a personal preference though. 
-Despite being the oldest of the group, Shauntal absolutely loves getting into mischief with Grimsley. The two of them are partners in crime for sure, no one is safe from their antics. 
-Grimsley and Shauntal have a lot of similar interests outside of battling as well. Both of them enjoy horror genres in media, dabble in gothic fashion, like the same music, etc. (I may go as far as to say Shauntal may have been a bit of an inspiration for a younger Grimsley when it came to fashion.)
-Grimsley has read/owns all of Shauntal’s novels. He’s also her prime subject to dump all her ideas onto when planning out a new book. 
-Caitlin overall isn’t particularly talkative. I hc her to have narcolepsy and autism, which affects her in a multitude of ways. Grimsley, along with Shauntal and Marshal, are all her biggest supporters. They’re extremely comfortable in adapting to Caitlin’s disabilities, it’s completely natural to them at this point. 
-Quality time with Caitlin will often just be allowing her to rest in one’s company, which is exactly what Grimsley allows her to do. He also enjoys hearing about any dreams she’s had as of recent, finding her prophetic abilities to be rather fascinating. 
-Caitlin is freakishly good at all of Grimsley’s favorite card games (unless she falls asleep), which Grimsley is quite the sore loser about. He claims it’s cheating because she can "see the future". She has neither confirmed nor denied this. 
-I also do not tend to ship Caitlin with Grimsley since she’s also a lesbian to me. This is another personal preference, however. 
-(Side hc: Caitlin is transgender mtf in my canon, and the other E4 members have supported her throughout her transition since they were children.)
-Before Iris became Champion, Grimsley thought himself to be extremely bad around children. Not only because he views himself as a bad example, but also due to the trauma he has surrounding his own childhood. He doesn’t want to end up like his father and put another child through what he went through. 
-However, Iris almost immediately won his heart with her bubbly and excitable personality. I think this is what started Grimsley’s embracing his “uncle” type role, literally or not.
-Iris absolutely loves spending time with all the Elite Four members. Along with sparring with them, she also enjoys painting their nails, doing their hair (and vice versa), going out exploring looking for dragons, etc. 
-Though Grimsley isn’t as bad of an influence as he originally believed himself to be, he does get into trouble sometimes by teaching Iris gambling card games. 
Piers and Marnie:
-I almost always will subscribe to the idea that Grimsley is Piers’ and Marnie’s uncle. However, it does depend on what I’m writing when I’m deciding on when Grimsley figures out that he’s related to the two of them.
-In some instances I would have it already established like he’d known such information for a while. In other cases, I’ll write it as a big reveal of them figuring it out one way or the other. Either way, I don’t have a set way I’d write it every single time, so that’s up to the writer. 
-Grimsley’s relationship with Piers is pretty relaxed, especially since he’s older and would rather his uncle’s attention be on Marnie. However, this doesn’t mean the two of them don’t get along. They enjoy discussing Dark types and battle strategies together. They’re also both quite sarcastic, and their sarcasm will feed off each other. 
-With Marnie, Grimsley will “coddle” her a bit more. He’s very enthusiastic about her up and coming career as a Gym Leader and loves giving her battling advice. He’s very much inclined to spoil her with whatever she wants, embracing the title of the “fun uncle”. His enthusiasm for her will carry on even in his Alola era. 
-Now Burgh/Grimsley is very much a rarepair, however it is my favorite ship for Grimsley. I’m aware there’s a lot of more popular ships for Grimsley, so if you’d like, you can take this as general advice for writing him in a romantic relationship when applicable. 
-Burgh became Gym Leader around the same time that Grimsley became an Elite Four member, and this is how they would ultimately meet (through the Pokemon League). 
-The two of them would take a mutual interest in each other, finding the other to be intriguing along with being physically attractive. 
-Burgh and Grimsley strike up a friendship due to their passion for battling/Pokémon, advocating for stigmatized Pokémon types (Burgh with Bug types and Grimsley with Dark types), and just how well they bounce off each other and connect. 
-I don’t have one set way in which I write them officially getting together, though I do think it would always be in more of a private setting since Grimsley and Burgh both value privacy when it comes to the emotional aspects of their lives. 
-As the two of them grow closer, they’ll slowly drop their respective facades. Grimsley will allow himself to be more vulnerable and open up about his problems (namely his gambling addiction). His lesser known, softer side, makes itself known the more comfortable he becomes with Burgh. 
-Grimsley loves pet names, but Burgh loves them even more. While Grimsley will often have a set amount of go-to pet names (love, dear, darling), the sky’s the limit for Burgh. Every day it seems as if he comes up with a newer, more absurd pet name for Grimsley. Burgh thinks it’s hilarious, Grimsley thinks it’s extremely endearing. 
-Grimsley is generally very dramatic, moreso in the sense of being sarcastic and sometimes a bit mean-spirited. He’s overly dramatic with how he presents his sarcasm because he finds it personally funny. He’s dramatic in his mannerisms so he comes off as more likeable, attention catching, and charismatic. In contrast, Burgh is more dramatic in an artistic sense. He'll swoon over a piece of art or a bug because he finds it so stunningly beautiful. Though, he definitely does it for show as well, especially with Grimsley. It might look like: "Whateverrrr will I do if my dear Grimsley doesn't give me attention right this second!!!" He doesn't mean it seriously, but he thinks it’s silly and Grimsley finds it adorable. 
-Grimsley has a habit of laying on top of Burgh in a very catlike way. He’s definitely the one to occupy Burgh’s lap or dramatically flop on top of him and go limp. 
-I love the concept of Grimsley being a bit of a hopeless romantic at heart. He craves for that cliche romance when it comes to his relationships. Expect a lot of dates, cooing adoration, and romantic displays of affection. 
-Grimsley is the one to steal Burgh’s clothes. (I hc Burgh to be taller and bigger.)
-I’m a big advocate for Burgh being someone who helps Grimsley begin his recovery as a gambling addict. I think both Burgh’s encouragement, along with Grimsley’s desire to want to improve for Burgh, are things that help with this. Of course, he doesn’t recover overnight. It’s very much a gradual process, but a process nonetheless. This is why I believe Alolan Grimsley would not go bankrupt if he has a romantic partner before SM/USUM. 
-This isn’t to say that Grimsley wouldn’t/couldn’t improve due to platonic relationships. In fact I think he was much better off because to his friendships. However, I very much believe that Grimsley committing to a romantic relationship is a big step in it of itself since he’s very flighty in the first place. This romantic connection and commitment then allows him to open up and begin recovering from his addiction. (This can absolutely be translated into something like a QPR if desired. This is just how I personally write Grimsley.)
((Here are some other Grimsley ships that I would like to shout out: Marshal/Grimsley, Will/Grimsley, Will/Karen/Grimsley, Nanu/Grimsley, Cynthia/Grimsley.))
((I also would like to note there’s several other characters that my current Grimsley muse has interacted with and established friendships with. However, they’re very much specific to this roleplay blog, therefore I did not include them.))
Assorted HCs and Writing Tips: 
-When I write Grimsley, I tend to make him much more theatrical and dramatic than any ingame dialogue portrays him. I love the idea of him being extremely petty, overdramatic, and sarcastic. Essentially I’m attempting to convey the vibes of someone who’s a disaster on the inside and wants to come across as charming/funny/charismatic on the outside. (This behavior mellows out quite a bit once he’s in his Alola era, acting more tired and a tad more genuine.)
-Grimsley is the least responsible out of the Elite Four. He is by no means a bad friend or person, and obviously he’s very clever and smart, though he does have a knack for disappearing without saying anything only to show up hours later. He's mischievous at his core with a love for pulling elaborate (but mostly harmless) pranks on the others (with the help of Shauntal). 
-I’m a firm believer that Grimsley is an awfully sore loser. He doesn’t lose often in battle, but when he does, he’s extremely dramatic (especially in his expressions, see: Alolan Grimsley). I do think that in Alola he’s more outright with his dramatic losses, while in Unova he’s able to behave himself for official battles. 
-Grimsley prefers card games when gambling as opposed to something like a slot machine. He thinks slot machines are too luck-based and don't include enough skill/strategy. He’ll also play tabletop games like roulette. 
-When writing Grimsley’s mannerisms and behaviors, I like to base a lot of them off how cats act. This includes things like walking like a cat (with care and thought… most of the time), him slow blinking when around people he loves (cats do this, look it up), and sprawling out in random spots to nap. I’ve also given him a lot of catlike traits in general, such as his eyes glowing in the dark, the ability to purr, etc. This is entirely optional, but I just think these things fit him.
-I do think Grimsley struggles with insomnia. This leads to a lot of sleepless nights along with a lot of spontaneous naps throughout the day. I also like adding the detail of Grimsley finding it easier to fall asleep when sleeping with a romantic partner (namely Burgh). 
-Grimsley’s hair is completely natural, aside from the blue color, which he regularly dyes up to when he retires. He starts greying early around his temples and sideburns, which I mentioned earlier. 
-He absolutely spoils his Pokemon. His Liepard is the most spoiled (because it wants the most attention in the first place), but all his Pokemon are as spoiled as much as they want to be. 
-I will often subscribe to the hc that Grimsley has an irrational phobia of Bug type Pokemon. Not only do I think this makes his relationship developing with Burgh very interesting, but I love the idea of Burgh helping him get over his fear as well. Since it’s irrational, this means that he doesn’t have any sort of trauma that makes him afraid of the typing. I don’t like making Grimsley hateful toward Bug types or any other types either, as he’s an advocate for stigmatized types already and that’d be extremely hypocritical of him. 
-I like making it so that Grimsley’s personal style is gothic. I also think he’s very particular about being called things like “emo” or “punk” and will correct people on the terminology. He has a habit of dressing very formally, even to events that are casual. To him, a button up and neatly ironed slacks is casual. 
-One of my more personal/projected hcs is the fact that I’ve given my interpretation of Grimsley both ADHD and anxiety. Though I do have some in depth reasons for these decisions as well. People with ADHD have a hard time setting aside time and focusing on topics that they have no interest in, which is why Grimsley was so disinterested in things his father would attempt to teach him. He was very much fixated on competitive battling and Dark type Pokémon. Also, people with ADHD have a predisposition to addictions. This would also correspond with his gambling addiction (and his somewhat of an addiction to risk-taking, especially as a teen). I’ve also given Grimsley a few fidgets that are his go-to’s, such as: flipping his coin, shaking his leg, and shuffling cards. As for the anxiety aspect, I believe he has a lot of anxiety surrounding his self image and how people perceive him. He wants to be perceived a certain way and will often become anxious if he feels like he isn’t. 
-Because we see Grimsley become a talented Mantine surfer, I like adding the detail that he enjoys water-based sports even before he’s gone to Alola. This is why he ends up finding such a passion for surfing. He doesn’t do many sports aside from that. 
-Grimsley is very crow-brained and likes collecting things and giving items to people he likes as a show of affection. He has a playing card and coin collection, however the coin we see with him the most is his favorite/lucky coin. 
-As mentioned before, Grimsley likes the horror genre, though he mostly goes for classic horror. He enjoys the shitty movies that no one would expect him to actually enjoy. He also likes musicals like Phantom of the Opera, Little Shop of Horrors. He’s essentially a theater kid who never did theater.
-I like writing Grimsley with a pretty flirtatious personality. He certainly wouldn’t have much trouble flirting with strangers he’d meet at casinos, however I do think he’s an absolute mess when attempting to talk to someone he knows and has a genuine crush on. Please don’t go to him for romantic advice, he’s an absolute mess.
AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS!! Thank you if you've actually read this far. I know this is way longer than what's probably appropriate, however I am so extremely neurodivergent. Don't mind any typos you might find, I tried my best to catch them all.
Here's my Grimsley playlist as a present <3
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lgcmanager · 6 months
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after almost 2 years, legacy is returning to the variety scene with new seasons of two shows, and producing two brand new onesn! to be able to participate in this opporunity, here are the general eligibility rules:
IDOLS & LGC AGENCY: any muse with a minimum of 30 POINTS TOTAL in HOSTING and VARIETY, except the mentors of workshop opportunity 002 ( GONG HYEJOO, KANG MAXIMILIAN, WON YEONWOO, and YAMASHITA ICHIKA )
as mentioned above, this trimester, there are 4 shows to choose from. make sure to read through all the shows and their special restrictions. a muse may only appear in ONE show. however, due to the number of eligible muses, you need to pick TWO shows when signing up. we will try to prioritize first choices.
[ MBC ] DATE LOTTERY is a reality variety show where people are paired up and go on a virtual blind date. after the date, people are given a choice to meet the same person again. ( and as a reminder, this is all for show and those dates should be virtual, not real ).
[ SBS funE ] INTIMATE NOTE (LGC special) is a spin off of the original show which aired in 2008 and 2009, during which two individuals try to get closer through various segments. (ooc note: read here people who are awkward together) 
SPECIAL NOTES: muses must sign up in PAIRS
muses must either be from the SAME GROUP/have PROMOTED TOGETHER (i.e: lgc spring boys), worked on a PHOTOSHOOT or CFS together OR have been in an already aired DRAMA together
[ YOUTUBE ] LGC STYLE  is a fashion inspired show where contestants will be paired up and style a person’s outfit sets and activities for a week. 
LGC AGENCY will highly encourage MODELS ( including MOON JIAH )to choose this show due to the concept. **MODELS WITHOUT THE MINIMUM REQUIRED 30 POINTS CAN SING-UP TO LGC STYLE**.
[ KBS ] STAR TOP PET CARE is a reality show where various legacy artists will run a pet salon and daycare.
no one with pet allergy is allowed to sign up for this show
due to the nature of the work to be done on the show, filming will take place be in the next quarter. this quarter, participants will be taking lessons on how to properly care for and groom cats and dogs.
if you’re interested in taking part, please submit the form to the lgcmanager account before APRIL 13, 11:59PM EST:
MUSE NAME · VARIETY SHOWS Q2 2024 - first choice : - second choice: - restricted muses ( eg. family members ): [ only for the ones interested in DATE LOTTERY ] - partner: [ only for the ones interested in INTIMATE NOTE ] - describe your fashion style in 3 words: [ only for the ones interested in LGC STYLE ]
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hex-catcher-jacket · 2 years
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I posted 171 times in 2022
That's 171 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (7%)
159 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 129 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#unreality - 64 posts
#pokemon irl - 61 posts
#pokemon rp - 52 posts
#in character - 14 posts
#pokemon - 4 posts
#goncharov - 3 posts
#ask games - 3 posts
#see jacket make - 3 posts
#long post - 2 posts
#!!! - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#augh tell me about it. like sure they talked to folks abt their trevanant experiences but like... they did not hire a science consultant
My Top Posts in 2022:
[OOC: just finished scarlet maingame WHAT THE FUCK. If anyone wants to scream about it my dms are open]
4 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Lmao back home my neighbour's surskit is trying to get to my room for skritches, my sister has had to block the stairwell off
5 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
have u seen those tentacool with. legs. whatever they r called. why r they sl fast.
Toedscool? Yeah, seen a few zipping around the bushes here... someone also released one in the cafeteria a few minutes ago. God knows, it's probably to avoid all of Paldea's flying types or t
5 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
OMG spoinktify wrapped is out yall.... and of course my top artists are Fall Out Baltoy, Parasmore, Falinksin Park,My Chimecho Romance and Wailorde
22 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Wow, I dug up this old VHS in my professor’s breakroom! Was honestly starting to think this film wasn’t real...
[Image description and cleaned-up non-gif under the cut, gif looks better when opened]
Image description: a poster advertising “Honcharov,” A pixel sprite of the pokemon Honchkrow repeatedly crows and throws back a wing against a grayscale cityscape.
The film is described as “The Greatest Mafia Movie Ever Made.” Its director is “Martin Scolipede” and it is “A Film by Meowtheo JWHJ0715.” Its tagline is “Winter comes to Whitestone...” The film is a “Domencio Procacturne Production.” The title, production line, and tagline are in red.
At the bottom of the poster the production information reads: “ROBERT DE SPEAROW as “Honcharov”; AL CINCCINO as “Marill Ambrosini”; HARVEY WATTREL as “Andrey “The Baker” Daddano”; GENESECT HACKMAN as “Valery Huntail”; JOHN CAZACIAN as “Joseph “Ice Shard Joe” Morelli”; AND PSYBILL SHEPHERD as “Cattya.”
“Written by MEOWTHEO JWHJ0715; Produced by DOMENICO PROCACTURNE; Directed by MARTIN SCOLIPEDE; Production Services by HXCJKT.”
The film is rated R for Restricted.
See the full post
85 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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splinteredhq · 1 year
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CHARACTER NAME: caradoc dearborn
CHARACTER AGE/DOB: 21 // july 28th 2001
OC OR CANON: canon
ALIGNMENT (the order/death eaters/etc) + GENERAL OPINIONS ON THE WAR/THEIR SIDE: the order, all the way. caradoc says “fuck blood purists” and “fuck freaking murderous assholes” but he also has a very strong “fuck government” attitude which sometimes clashes with those more pro ministry aligned in the order. a little anarchist punk, what else is there to say.
– it’s important to talk about his father and grandparents from that side first. not blood purists per se, but incredibly elitist and conservative, his father absolutely had to marry someone of “a fitting status” (preferably a witch). he had a little rebellious phase, got together with a muggle girl, oh look a child, oh look you’re disowned for real. hit the brakes hard, mostly due to being young, stupid and incredibly spoiled growing up. a circumstantial asshole.
– now, caradoc’s mother. oh, his dad is probably the least cool thing she has ever done in her life, because she’s a lifetime subscriber to the “coolest person in the room club”. a punk rock singer, writer and producer, she can, has and will throw more rocks at cops. decided that if she has to be a single mum, she might as well be the best single mum out there. we love her.
– now caradoc grew up all the way in the punk scene, he was raised to express his opinions loudly, which meant that it got him in all the possible trouble, especially because he was also very smart and articulate, but with zero regard to pleasing people.
– then, surprise! hogwarts letter! you’re a wizard, caradoc! your dad’s family suddenly cares about you, caradoc! because you have their surname in ministry paperwork, caradoc!
– so he goes to hogwarts and makes it his mission to be the biggest possible menace to his paternal grandparents (his father he doesn’t give enough of a shit about). excellent student when he puts his mind to something, full-time detention king the rest of the time, makes a surprising amount of friends that way, including thea.
– he also becomes friends and gradually grows closer with marlene mckinnon, an important fact to keep track of because around the time of their graduation they had a short fling and well,,, congrats, caradoc! you’re absolutely ace. also marlene is pregnant and you’re about to be a father. great! (he has never heard his mum sigh as hard as when he told her)
– he absolutely had a mini breakdown over it, but then promptly decided that what’s a better way to say ‘fuck you dad’ than be the best parent he could possibly be (also the child just simply didn’t deserve a shit father).
– and he’s trying very hard, he’s not extremely good at it, but he’s doing his best ok, life’s a mess.
– despite there being nothing romantic between them still, he and marlene have grown even closer now, and it’s a friendship he treasures dearly. they’re coparents! and they somehow make it work.
– he got into muggle tattoo art first at around sixteen, found a magical artist right after hogwarts and apprenticed for a bit, currently owns his own tiny studio in london. likes to really go out there with combining various charms, both for artistic and practical needs, like magical protection.
– really wanted a reverse dark mark tattoo for the order but got “caradoc, no"ed
AGE: 22
PRONOUNS: they/them
0 notes
perrypixel · 3 years
Here's what I think contributed the most to this movie being subpar:
1. The fact that it was written while they were still working on Wizards. Could explain why Douxie wasn't as powerful as he was in Wizards and why he seemed a little ooc.
2. The fact that Aaron and AC weren't in that writing room. Aaron is arguably the best writer in the entire franchise, and AC was the head writer on 3Below, if I'm not mistaken, and she knows Aja and Krel better than anyone. Could explain why Aja was ooc and Krel was underutilized and Staja was ruined.
3. The fact that it had 3 DIRECTORS??? One for each third of the movie??? It certainly doesn't feel like one cohesive movie, it feels all over the place, messy and fragmented. This could be one of the reasons.
If only netflix allowed Wizards to have more than one seasons. I was going through my old drafts and one of it was 'i hope Wizards has 4 season' oh how naive I was. Wizards at least deserves two 13-episodes seasons. They did my mans GDT dirty. Should've been Three shows all along (maybe a spinoff movie but for the funsies and doesn't mess with the canon)
Yes, I agree that the Aaron and AC Bradley were needed. I would love to see AC Bradley's take on ROTT since she knows Aja and Krel the best and D'aja Vu was perfection when it came to characters of the show interacting with each other. Also, why was Marc a writer in the movie?? He's been an executive producer for all three shows and now he's writing for the movie, like I don't think he's written anything for the shows? (correct me if I'm wrong)
I was surprised too, when I saw there were 3 directors like THREE?? Like chill, no wonder it feels all over the place.
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the-crows-typist · 4 years
Here’s part 2 of the Valentines Even featuring Floyd with the word ‘Cards’. Thank you to @myuminn for requesting this and enjoy.
Previous works: Chocolate feat. Jade
CW: OOC, Slow burn and Slight Angst
Word count: 4961 
A Heart from Me to You
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“Floyd Leech, to the principal’s office immediately.”
Ah, Floyd got into trouble again. You grimace, wondering what bad thing he had done this time. Getting up to your desk, you scurry on over to the principal’s office just as your tall friend was pulled in by the wrist and the door shut behind them. You come in closer, planting your ear against the wooden door and hearing the murmurs of both child and teacher.
You could hear Floyd’s deep voice, he only gets like that when he’s angry. There were screams of play behind you and you could see a child crying with a circle of his classmates surrounding him. Jade, Floyd’s twin brother, knelt before him to pat at the sore cheek with some wet wipes.
“Bring him to the clinic, I’ll have a talk with the other one.”
You hear the principal’s words and the sudden fiddling of the door. You run to the bench away from the Principal’s office and hid, watching the teacher escort Floyd out of the office. He was pouting, close to tears, and sporting a small bruise on his cheek. Just as you wanted to follow him, the principal opened the door to see the two off.
“I know you’re back there.” He says, turning his head towards you. “Come on out.”
The principal was a tall man, his hair a mix of white and black, his clothes a very dark but very rich red. There was a small meow behind him, his beloved pet Lucius brushed against his long legs. “You know it’s not good to hide, you’ll get caught immediately.” He knelt, brushing some stray hairs behind your ear.
“Principal Trein. Floyd never does anything bad, he wasn’t the one who started it.”
He sighed, Lucius coming up to greet you by bumping his head against your palm. “Is that so?” Trein asked suddenly. “I’ll take note of that. For now, why don’t you go back to the playground and play with the others?” You pursed your lips and pulled at his red robe just as he was about to push himself up “But—!”
“Floyd will be patched up in the clinic.” He reassured you. “But because he is hurt, he needs to get some rest in the dorms. He’ll be okay.” Your small hands let go of his robe but the expression on your face never left, you were worried and rightfully upset.
Trein’s hand put itself on your head. “He’ll be alright. Now, run along.” He nudged you from behind and you walked off but not to the playground, to the dorms where all the children stayed. Trein sighs, watching you purposefully going the wrong way. He picks up his cat who meows into his arms. “Those two.” He whispers yet his smile betrays his apparent negative mood.
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Floyd had locked the door by the time you arrived at the student dorms. It was currently empty with only a few students opting to stay inside and play amongst themselves. In your hands was a board game you, Floyd and Jade played not too long ago.
You knock on his door, three times softly. “Floyd?” You called out.
There was no answer but you knew he was awake otherwise the door wouldn’t be locked. “I brought some games with me. You wanna play?” There was a thump then a long slide down against the door and you knelt close. “Does this mean you don’t wanna play?” You ask.
From beneath the door, a small card was slid through the gap. A ten of clubs. Turning the card over, you saw Floyd’s angry handwriting. “I don’t wanna play right now. I got grounded.” It said and you couldn’t help but grimace. He can be so overdramatic sometimes, “You’re not being grounded, Floyd. Principal Trein just said you need to rest cuz’ you got hurt.”
You hear the pop of a marker and a scribble. The next card that came out was a 5 of clubs. “That’s still the same thing!”
“Then…Do you want to just stay like this?”
The next card came to a little while later. A King of Clubs. “Yes.”
You sat by the closed door, speaking to Floyd through his cards. Your games were largely ignored for the small stack of cards you’ve collected as you talked. “Okay, just open the door when you’re ready.” You didn’t hear any scribbling after that but you certainly were in for a surprise when Floyd suddenly unlocked and opened the door making you fall on your back.
Smiling down at you, he held an Ace of Clubs in his hands. “I’m ready.” He said and you puff your cheek, ready to pounce on his and pinch his cheeks. The Clubs cards you have collected lay on the floor in a mess.
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The special card messages extended out until your middle school and even appearing in a place you were never expecting but that’s Floyd for you! He relished the idea of suddenness just like his brother and he loved seeing the surprised expression on your face when you discover a card fluttering out of your locker or slipped into your textbook.
“Turn your books to page 38.” Said your teacher and you could only widen your eyes when you found a ten of spades pressed between the pages. You looked beside you and at Floyd whose eyes were glued to his book. Seems like no indication can be given to you at the moment, Floyd was in his study mood. A rare mood to see.
Flipping the ten of spades card over, you began to read. “Class is boring.” Yup, that was true and you couldn’t help the small giggle that left your lips. Your teacher stared at you for a moment and continued teaching the lesson. With the best sleight of the hand you could muster, you produced your own set of cards and pulling out an eight of spades, and using the back to write. “That’s because Mrs. Beedy has a boring voice.”
It was Floyd’s turn to laugh, his shoulders bobbing and smile very evident. A five of spades was passed to you with the message. “If she were the teacher for sleeping in class 101, I’d be passing with flying colors.”
You felt your insides jump and you hunched over trying to stop yourself from laughing. It was only when your teacher tapped the board with a sharp slap of a stick against the chalkboard making all of you in your class flinch.
“Mister Leech, you and your friend seem to be having a nice conversation. Care to share what you were discussing with the entire class?” You felt your stomach dropped and you wished you could shrink into your seat while Floyd was silent but only for a little while.
“Your class is boring.”
There was a collective gasp and your teacher fuming. “The both of you are not allowed to have recess outside.” Floyd huffed and pouted. “And I thought being honest was a class virtue.” There was thunder overhead, the rumbling only ever heard at the quietest of times.
Just as you thought that the day couldn’t get any more chaotic, Floyd passed to you another card. This time a king of spades. “Let’s head out later. Playground will be empty.” You looked at him and he catches your gaze with his chin resting on his palm. You two share a smile when you nod your head, tucking the card into your pocket.
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Though staying inside the classroom during breaks was as boring as it was, having Floyd next to you did ease the mind-numbing silence of the classroom. You had brought all the message cards with you and tried to make a tower out of it while Floyd was busy writing on the board.
“D’you ever think about what you wanna do when you get older?”
You let out a small sound and your tower collapses on your desk with some cards falling to the floor. There was a groan and you got down on your knees to pick up the fallen cards. “Not really. Maybe go to that really nice theme park near the sea? I’ve always wanted to go there.”
The squeaking of the chalk stopped suddenly, your eyes wide when a drawing of a large building stood before Floyd. “I wanna go to lots of big buildings. My dad goes to one every day and everything looks so cool and shiny!” he thought of it for a second then nodded his head. “But the theme park near the sea is super cool too. Their cakes are yummy but I don’t eat a lot. Usually Jade finishes my food.”
“Wha?! Did you go there already? I’m so jealous.” You pout, putting the cards back on your desk. “It got pretty boring after the rollercoaster ride.” He says and takes the eraser to quickly hide his work. “But when you’re in those really shiny buildings, you could see lots of things you didn’t think you’d see. Lots of cars, all the people moving wherever, even birds!”
Floyd sets down the eraser, patting his hands of chalk dust. “I wanna see it again soon. Probably when Jade and I are much older.”
“Can I go with you?” You ask.
“Mmn.” Floyd places a finger on his cheek in thought. “If my dad says yes, then you can! If no…Can you fit in a luggage bag?”
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The day came to a close, the students going up to their respective dorms. Jade looks around as he went up the stairs, seeing his brother and you hunched over the bushes. He shakes his head with a good-hearted laugh on his lips and went on with his business, keeping your small trouble a secret.
The clouds overhead were gray and the wind was cool but that didn’t stop you from having your own fun on the swing sets that are often taken by children bigger than you or the bars that the teachers never allowed you to climb to the highest point. You sit against the bar, looking over the trees.
“Floyd, look!”
You pointed at the large shiny building that towered over the cityscape. “A shiny building!” Floyd moved next to you and smiled in wonder. “I wonder if my dad is in there. I bet he is.” The first drops of rain began to fall. Floyd’s eyes face forward despite the chilling wind and the hiss of oncoming rain. “He’s not always around, mom usually tells us how he’s doing while we’re away.”
Floyd began climbing down, the both of you running to the nearby tree for safety. “My mom tells Jade and me that he’s always in shiny buildings.” You sit with him on the stone covering. “One day, I wanna go with him too.”
You stare at him for a moment, seeing his eyes stare to the building beyond. As you opened your mouth to say something the loud voice of Principal Trein hammered through. “Floyd Leech, get out of the rain this instant!” He took your hand and pulled you with him, walking towards Trein with a huff.
It was then that the cold had gotten to you and you let out a sudden sneeze.
“To your rooms. Both of you.”
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In your room, you were bundled with blankets and a heating pack on your head. Your body was never good with handling the cold and your runny nose and slightly warm fever was evidence of that. The wind rattled your window and wetting the playground you and Floyd just played in.
You remember his look when talking about his dad. You remembered feeling something deep hit your stomach when he looked like that. A knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts, a single card slid under your door.
Getting out of bed, you crawled towards it. An Ace of Spades, a message from Floyd. “Jade brought monopoly. Wanna play?”
You open the door and the twins stood before you with Floyd looking like he just came out of the shower. Jade held the board game in his hands with a polite smile. “I want to be the cat this time.” He said and Floyd giggled. “Then I’ll be the tophat!”
You let the twins into your room and you get into bed. “I’ll be the thimble.”
While Jade and Floyd destroyed you in the board game, you couldn’t help but think back to the time on the high bars. Floyd’s expression looks so sad when talking about his dad. You pat his back suddenly, his eyes looking at you in confusion yet making no move to ask.
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You had no idea how Floyd got through high school, especially with his mood changes, and yet, here you are sitting with him at lunch while Jade and Azul discuss notes. “Today’s math test was tough,” Jade said, holding his arms in a stretch. “I didn’t expect our teacher to just add in more information.”
“I think I blanked out halfway through.” You admitted, taking a bite of your lunch. “So many numbers…”
Jade looked to his brother, smile knowing. “What about you, Floyd?
“Hm?” Floyd looked up from his half-finished plate. “I got bored and didn’t finish it.”
A collective sigh passed through the table, Azul’s brows furrowing in annoyance while Jade did not hide his amusement. “Well, I can hope that you’ve answered enough to at least pass.” Your fingers and Floyd’s brush against each other, a card slipped into your palm. Looking down, you pulled the card close to read.
“I don’t want to go to class. Let’s hang out somewhere.”
The Queen of diamonds was stored in your pocket and you only sighed and shook your head. While the next class was boring, you knew the repercussions of not attending a class. “Lunch is almost over, let’s go back to our classrooms.”  
Floyd’s hand grabbed your wrist just as you were about to stand up and Jade looked at you with an inquisitive look. “You two go ahead.” You tell them quickly. “I’ll wait for Floyd to finish his meal.”
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You have no idea how and why you were roped into Floyd’s scheme even after years of you two being at each other’s side. Jade and Azul would surely have Floyd’s head and give you a stern talking to when they find out you and he had skipped school.
The beach’s salty breeze cleared your head, the foamy water hitting your bare feet made you sigh in comfort. Floyd sat closer, letting the water hit his body and wet his uniform. “Any reason why you wanted to come here?” You ask and he only remains silent.
“I felt like it.”
Humming, you stared at the looming sun and blue sea. “Y’know, this kind of takes me back to when we were kids. We had the playground all to ourselves.” You put your hands on his shoulders and pushed down slightly on him. “We climbed the high bars when we weren’t supposed to…And we stared at a big shiny object in the distance.”
Floyd looked up at you, your eyes locking with his. Your smile was opposite his bored grin. “Do you still remember that?” It wasn’t long until Floyd mimicked your smile and he leaned back against your knees. “Yeah, I wanted to go to those big shiny buildings the city has cuz’ I thought my dad was in one of them.”
The waves crashed to shore, wetting Floyd’s bottoms and your feet. He looked into the distance, the yellow of the sun turning orange. “I still wanna go there, y’know? One of those shiny buildings. Even if my dad isn’t in there.”
“I’m sure you’ll get there.” You pat his back. “You’re smart, just incredibly lazy.”
Floyd’s hold on your wrists was sudden and you found yourself being carried into the sea and crashing into the cold seawater. You hear Floyd’s laugh between the waves as he pulls you up, he’s equally as soaked as you. “And you’re wet and cold, guess that makes us the same.”
You splashed water at his face, your laugh only fueling your mock battle on the beach. His splashed water at your back, the two of you giggling as the sun began to set. You missed moments like this, just being able to play around with Floyd. You missed seeing the smile he always had when he was around you.
Your heart had a nice heaviness when he finally grappled you into a bear hug, holding you close to him and keeping you down. That heaviness made your heart beat fast, your cheeks begin to redden at the realization.
You had liked Floyd all this time. It had always been him.
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Jade set a heavy towel over your shoulders while Azul was as chastising as ever sermons Floyd at the sidelines. “I don’t want to be the broken record here,” Jade began, his hands wiping your cheek of dripping water. “But what you did was pretty stupid.” Though you and Jade were not particularly close, there was a level of casual energy between you. So while you could call Jade out for his personality, nothing was stopping him from doing the same in return.
“Skipping class or going into the cold water?”
“Yes,” Jade answered simply. “You never got used to cold weather. Even after all these years.”
You pulled the heavy towel over yourself with a pout and Jade saw his work fit. Azul’s voice soon died down and Floyd was in a bit of a sour mood. “Be sure to take a warm bath, both of you. We couldn’t want anyone getting sick at such a busy time.”
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You had just gotten out of your shower, your skin slightly wet and towel catching the water that dripped against down your hair. Your mind continued to play the memories of Floyd playing with you on the beach to the biggest revelation of your life so far.
You liked Floyd. And for a long time now.
You had originally thought that this feeling of content, the jumpiness of your heart was because he had been your friend since childhood. And now that your feelings were apparent, what will you do with it? Floyd was precious to you and it surely showed that you were special to him…But did he feel the same way?
You rubbed your cheeks, sighing your jittering feelings away. Ah, this won’t do. Panicking like this won’t get you anywhere. You approached your desk, reaching for the hairdryer but only for your hand to stop when you see a familiar card. An ace of diamonds.
“Today was fun. Thanks.”
The heat in your cheeks worsened and you squealed, covering your face with the towel. This wasn’t a good time for that at all!!! You burrowed yourself into your bed and willing your heart to relax and get some sleep.
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Floyd’s room was dark, save for the small lamp that lit the room. Jade held a paper to him, lip tight and eyes sharp. “You’ve been sitting on this for a while now.” He said and Floyd, sitting on his bed with a towel covering his head and face only grimaced. “They’re waiting for your decision, I’ve already passed mine.”
“Tell them to give me more time.”
Jade’s sharp inhale gave away his temperance. “Floyd, they gave you the entire year.” He knew the reason why his brother hesitated to choose. “Just…Settle this by the end of the week, alright?” He set the paper down on his desk and turned to leave his brother’s room and give him privacy. “Goodnight, Floyd.”
When the door closed, Floyd slipped off his towel and unfolded his legs; his hands reached over to his desk, and ignoring the piece of paper Jade left for him, a few cards were left in his worn box all of which were hearts. He let out a laugh, a bitter laugh while his grip on the box shook. He set the box down and switched off the lamp, lying in bed but not ready to sleep.
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Floyd was quiet, it was a mood you’ve never seen a whole lot. He didn’t eat all the much and he didn’t make much of a fuss during PE class, either. “You okay? You’re looking a lil’ wobbly.” You touched his arm when you were waiting for your turn to fly around the field.
“I’m fine. Just wasn’t able to sleep last night.”
You searched his face yet found nothing to pin your doubts on. “You can try sleeping in the clinic? An hour’s nap can do wonders.”
“Leech, you’re up,” Vargas yelled and Floyd moved away from your side. “Yeah, I’ll think about it.” He zoomed to the sky at almost breakneck speak, soaring through the familiar skies he came to love and looking down at the students below. You blinked up at him, holding your broom close to your chest, there was a tinge of worry in your heart and sickening churning in your stomach.
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The end of the week came to a close when Floyd set a heart playing card on your stack of books while you weren’t looking. Meet me at Gazebo. 8 PM. You set the King of hearts down on your book and looking at the clock, hoping it would go faster so you can get to the bottom of this.
The night was cool and the fireflies flew about as you ran towards the meeting place with Floyd already waiting for you. He was gazing up at the stars, eyes unblinking until you called out his name. He turns to you, a smile now on his face. “You’re here.”
“I came as fast as I could.” You tell him between pants and you wrap your jacket tighter around yourself.
“Remember the wish I made? Back when we were kids?? The one about the shiny buildings.”
You nod your head. “Yeah, we were in elementary school when you said it.”
From his back, he produced a paper, the emblem a shining gold and blue against the night time lamps. The letterhead reading the name of a well-known song. “Floyd, you—!” He chuckled at your surprised expression, bringing his paper back to him. “I got accepted, Jade and I. I’ll finally get to see the buildings as I wished.”
“That’s amazing! Congratulations, Floyd.”
You clap your hands together made him melt. “It wasn’t much. The questions weren’t that hard, to begin with.”
“But it’s all the waaaayyy over the sea. So it’ll be a pain for me to go home every day.” He pointed to a place you couldn’t see and something in you froze, your chest going heavy. Just as you realized that you liked Floyd, he was going to be whisked away…But that would mean he’d get his wish to see the buildings, right? Wasn’t that what he wanted??
“W-we have to celebrate, then! This is such big news!! Oh, m-maybe we can order something in the cafeteria o-or…Maybe make a special request for Takoyaki and—!”
“I’m not going.”
“What?” All the excitement in you quickly vanished and soon overtook you when Floyd brought both of his hands to the paper, pulling at opposite ends. “Floyd, what are you doing?!” You run towards him, futilely grabbing his hands just as he was about to tear them. “Stop it! Floyd, stop it!!”
You wrestled with him for the paper, grappling at his wrists and using all your strength. “Stop making this harder than it has to be.” He growls at you, his pupils thin as slits and causing you to freeze in place but instead of submitting, you only held his wrists tighter and fought even harder.
“Then stop trying to stop me.” You tell him back with a shaking voice and that’s what sets him off giving you a window to snatch the paper away.
“Give it back!!” He roared.  
“No!” He grabbed you by the shoulder roughly and you kept your eyes closed and paper secure against your chest, waiting for the next round of grappling and grabs. A gentle weight settled on your other shoulder and you felt Floyd sigh against your ear, one so shakey and tired.
“Please. Just…Please give it to me.” He whispered.
“Promise me that you won’t tear it apart.”
There was silence, a moment where he weighs the consequences. You knew that he knew how bad it was when one of them lied to the other. “…I promise.”
You made the exchange and Floyd let you go. “Floyd…” You reached for his arm and he only closed his eyes. “I don’t want to go.” He said to you, letting out a shaking sigh. “We have to get out of our shell sometime. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
“It’s not that.”
He looked at you, brows furrowed and lips tight. “It’s not the same if we’re not complete.”
You remember the conversation you had as children, the joy he expressed you asked if you could go with him. You tried to say something but you couldn’t think of anything to say. Floyd stayed in his position and holding the paper tightly in his fist.
“You can enjoy the buildings without me. I honestly prefer that theme park by the sea more.”
The wind blew casting a rain of leaves and nighttime flowers. You smile at Floyd, shoulder bopping. “To me, theme parks are more fun than shining buildings. That’s why…” You hold his tense fist. “Don’t worry about me.”
His movement was sudden, your body colliding with his in an embrace and a very tight one. You reciprocated this gesture with your own hug, hands stroking his spine. “I’ll be okay, Floyd. And I know you will be too. It’s okay.”
The howling wind blew again and all the words you wanted to say all the while Floyd held you quietly, tightly against his body.
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The sun shined over the airport and twins were dressed to the nines in travel gear. Azul and you standing next to each other with some warm coffee warming in your hands. “I never understood why airports are so cold…” You whispered, bringing the cup to your lips.
“We did come here quite early,” Azul says, biting into a warm piece of toast. “Perhaps when the sun rises we’ll get to bask in it for as long as we like.”
You sipped at your coffee while Floyd and Jade readied their things. The two discussing and looking for their IDs and booklets, pens and papers they might need, checking and re-checking their things. Under the table, Floyd held your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. The time you had together was growing shorter and shorter.
“That should be everything,” Jade says and leans back on his chair. “All our IDs are here and we have enough snacks to last the trip.” You scoffed, one brow raised. “Snacks are very important knowing you, Jade.”
“I’m a growing boy, I need to eat.” He’d reason and you only pouted. “I’m gonna miss teasing you.”
“My line will always be open to you, don’t worry.”
Azul wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Do keep in contact with us while you’re away. You know how we are.” And the twins nodded their heads.
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“Flight number AF7988, ready for boarding.”
All four of you stood before the check-in counter, Floyd’s hand never leaving yours. “This is it,” Azul said, raising his hands to pat the twins’ backs. “Keep safe and make us proud.”
“My, already talking like a father Azul?”
“I am only expressing my pride in the both of you, that’s all.”
You turned to Floyd, head downcast and hand still in yours. “Floyd, it’s time to go.” You say, touching his wrist. “It’ll be okay. I’ll be okay.” It was only then that he turned to you and raising your hand; a card was placed on your palm. An Ace of Hearts. “Read it when I leave.”
All four of you exchanged hugs with Floyd’s being practically squeezing tight. And watched the twins walked to the boarding, you held the card to your chest until they disappeared from view. “Now that’s over with, I think this calls for a ‘proper’ breakfast, don’t you think?”
The two of you walked the halls and down to the walkway that overlooked the planes, you see a particular one ready to leave and you stare, suddenly remembering the card in your palm.
“Read it when I leave.”
Turning it over, the engines of the plane was on full throttle and went down the runway at high speeds. The twins closed their eyes, readying themselves for the pressure they would receive. You turned over the card just as the plane took flight, just as Floyd turned away to leave.
“I love you.”
The plane soars higher into the sky and over the clouds, the plane now leveled with the early morning sun. Your eyes do not blink but the tears were what prompted Azul to take you by your shoulders. You remembered the memories you shared with Floyd up until that point, the realization of your feelings to the revelation of his departure.
He loved you. He always had.
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Floyd and Jade sat next to each other with Floyd taking the window seat to stare into the sky above. “Well, we’ll be in here for the next ten hours so might as well keep us…” Floyd’s sniffling was sudden, his fingers grappling at the armrest.
Jade placed his hand on his brother’s and squeezed. “They’ll be alright. They promised they will be.”
The plane continued to fly farther and farther away from the person he came to love.
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victimhood · 4 years
As predicted, dear old predictable me is procrastinating again, but I’m fixated on the fact that @itsrottenvibes proposed that within my football!AU Yooker shippers call Yusuf/Nicky “Yucky” WHICH IS THE MOST AMAZING THING AND 100% ACCURATE
This is three Inception levels deep nonsense (The Old Guard > football alternate universe > “RPF” within this football universe) but I’m OBSESSED with thinking what the in-universe fandom is like. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out The Beautiful Game before you @ me.
Yusuf/Booker: MAJOR FANDOM SHIP. This ship attracts fans from rival clubs. Even AC Milan fans hate-follow Yooker on IG just to view their stories. There are wonderful, moderate Yooker fans, and then there are some SERIOUS DELULUS who comment on every IG post that Yusuf and Booker make with 4th wall breaking bad shit like “THIS REMINDS ME OF CHAPTER 14 OF [YOOKER FIC WITH 1000 KUDOS ON AO3]
Booker’s fanon characterization: major yt boi woobie, he is somehow the main character in 75% of Yooker fics, reflecting the unconscious racial biases of the fandom. He is granted all sorts of magical powers and leading roles in the most egregious AUs. Top or Bottom Booker discourse is something you never want to touch with a 10 foot pole. Top!Booker fans basically never interact with Bottom!Booker fans since the Great Fanwars of bad discourse.
Yusuf’s fanon characterization: depends on which part of fandom you look at, Yusuf is either the Gary Stu of Gary Stus, or some sort of Manic Pixie Dream Boy who fixes Broken White Boy Booker and helps him achieve his dreams. The most popular Yusuf POV fic is one in which he is a quasi-James Bond type character, and Booker is some sexy villain that seduces him on a mission. Fans with a Yusuf bias tend to be...the coolest part of fandom, and they have an incredible skillset in producing gifs/edits/media from clips of Yusuf floating on the internet (that Armani ad has been milked to death 28937428934 ways)
Yusuf/Nichi, aka “Yucky”: only Fandom Olds ship this, and even so it’s kinda a rarepair since so many left the fandom. It was a bit of a thing back in 2021, but like, there was this post about how problematic the Yucky BNFs were and everyone did a hate-pile on and since then Yucky’s kinda...an icky ship no one wants to touch.
The Yucky fans are disturbingly literate, and write incredibly prescient fics, but also kinda weirdly elitist about it. A group of Yucky fans, who apparently attend Ivy League-level colleges, made an exclusive community of fanfic writers where they write fics for each other. It’s this elitist group that attracted the hate. A lot of the good Yucky fics have either been deleted or orphaned on AO3, because their authors work in governmental-level positions now. The best Yucky fanfic is a space academia AU written by an actual PhD candidate and the quality of that fic is like...Margaret Atwood style prose.
Nicky’s fanon characterization: The Yucky writers write Nicky as a thoughtful, intelligent human being (despite...the misspelled tattoo and Eurotrash haircuts), which the Yooker shippers think is extremely OOC. These days (in the year of our lord 2027), Nicky is often the stock villain in Yooker fics. In Yooker fics, he is always some sort of weird possessive ex-boyfriend (of Booker, surprise twist), bc Booker is the woobie that needs to be saved from the evil captain by Yusuf.
Booker/Lykon: the cute happy corner of the most sensible fans. They know they’re not a big ship, but they love each other, and they write the cutest fics and they’ve offended no one.
Rachida/Booker: this pairing surged in popularity during the Women’s World Cup, for that enemies to lovers dynamic. However, as a het ship, just doesn’t reach the heights of Yooker, and is kinda seen as a crack thing.
Nile/Booker: someone wrote this fic after Nile 1 Booker 0 (it’s super porny and basically consists of Nile domming the heck out of Booker), and everyone went crazy over it like OMG THIS IS THE BEST CRACK...two months later WAT THE HECK THIS SHIP IS REAL??? 
Yooker fans pretty much have a total meltdown at the reveal that Nile/Booker is canon. Most go into delulu mode, and write compensatory fanfics in which Booker is somehow so deeply closeted he marries Nile to prove he is very het, but then he goes back to training at Inter and he can’t resist Yusuf anymore. The worst Yooker fans make Nile a total bitch, but they are just a vocal minority (like 10% of the fandom). Most Yooker fans continue because they are still being fed new content on an extremely regular basis, like when Booker posts photos of shakshuka captioned “brunch with the bestie”. Another 10-15% of the Yooker fandom start writing Nile/Booker/Yusuf threesome fics.
Andy/Booker: ...why. But they exist. They often get hate for the age gap in their ship.
Unfortunately, no one really knows that Quynh/Booker are a thing, although it is known Andy and Quynh are married (I think the...Olympic ski fandom is like...minuscule). But Andy + Quynh/doing kinky things to Booker fics exist on the internet.
On the eve of Yusuf’s wedding to Nichi, Booker gets invited to spa day with Yusuf. Of course he posts about this on his IG “spa day with the bestie”, which sparks 283291321932 Yooker angst fics. The predominant plotstrains are: (1a) Booker has been secretly in love with his best friend the whole time, and finally confessions to his friend at the spa. Yusuf calls off the wedding, and Yooker ride into the sunset. (1b) Yusuf and Booker have been on and off the whole time, and Yusuf confesses to Booker that he has doubts on his compatibility with Nichi. Booker makes a grand romantic gesture, and Yusuf calls off the wedding, and Yooker ride into the sunset. (3) Nichi is forcing Yusuf to marry him for [flimsy reason]. Booker, the hero of the day, swings in to saves Yusuf from abusive big bad Nichi. (4) Blatant pwp hammam porn fic
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thatringboy · 4 years
The Way A Soul Lives - TWST
To write some Diasomnia angst has been a goal of mine for a while and seeing the new official book and the Diasomnia boys made me want to finish
I’ve only ever written angst a few times, so this was a nice practice. I hope I didn’t go too OOC here, but I think I’m good. I tried a new writing style here that I’m not that confident in, so feedback is very much appreciated!
Warnings: Magic, self inserted theories about Faes, fight scenes, blood, death and the angst associated with that
Word count: 1,615 (a new record I think!)
Sebek enjoyed the night shift. There was always something invigorating about walking around the Draconia castle when only dim torches and moonlight lit his path. A hand on his sword hilt, he quietly marched up and down halls, sometimes stopping in the Royal Library to glance at a book, and always passed by the rooms of the royal family.
However, his blood turned to ice when the Fae noticed a haphazardly opened window and mud tracked on the floor near it. He turned on his heels and ran back towards the room of his fellow guard, taking into account that the muddy footprints were not those of a humanoid.
Yuu sat down on the blanket and a frown tugged at their lips. “So why did you drag me all the way out here? It’s freezing!”
Cater laughed and pulled his coat on tighter. “Because there’s a Meteor shower tonight and there’s gonna be some fireworks to celebrate the end of Spring Break! Don’t worry, the others will be here soon and we can take some pics for Magicam.”
Principal Crowley had allowed Yuu Prefect to leave Night Raven College for the week of Spring Break and the magic-less human somehow got dragged to the mountains of Pyroxene where the snow had not yet melted. Yuu spent the week posing for cameras with Cater and Vil and learned how to snowboard thanks to Jack’s tutelage. Grim enjoyed the attention he was receiving during the trip and showed his gratitude by becoming a makeshift hot water bottle inside of Yuu’s thick coat.
Two figures approached the clearing. The shorter one talked with their hands in an annoyed voice. “All I’m saying is that you and the potato could really become a modeling duo! You two have the natural talent and certainly the looks.”
The taller figure grunted and sat down next to Yuu. “Not in a million years will you find me modeling sports clothing. Oh, hey Prefect.”
“Hey Jack.” Yuu sighed and looked up at the stars that were starting to appear. The constellations in Twisted Wonderland were different from those on Earth and they seemed to draw large coherent pictures across the sky. Vil sat down on his own blanket and opened his mouth to argue with Jack some more, but Cater closed his mouth.
“The show’s about to start!”
Sebek knocked on Silver’s door as quietly as he could. He could hear his fellow guard get out of bed and step to the door. Silver opened the door partially and opened his mouth to protest the rude awakening, but Sebek covered it before the human could make a sound.
“There’s an intruder.” Sebek whispered. “I can take the South stairwell to the young lord’s room if you take the West and go get Master Lilia.”
Silver nodded and grabbed his pen. The two men silently went in their directions, Silver to the west and Sebek to the south, and stepped into hidden passages. Sebek broke into a full sprint and exited the passage to see that Malleus’ door was open. A feeling of dread set into his stomach as he tip-toed near the door. What he saw sent a shiver of terror down his spine.
Standing over the sleeping figure of Malleus was a creature made of flickering and ever-changing shadows. From within itself, it produced an awful looking hand with claws the size of kitchen knives. Sebek moved without thinking and drew his sword as he ran to the side of the bed. He swung his sword in a graceful arc and removed the clawed appendage from the monster. It reeled back and shrieked horrifically, making Sebek cover his ears and making Malleus bolt awake.
The dragon Fae assessed the situation and dove out of bed for his staff, but the monster put itself between the two. The amputated limb shook violently in the air before it seemed to regrow itself. Sebek lunged with his sword and put himself in front of Malleus. “Go! Silver and Master Lilia are on their way! Get to the panic room!”
Malleus nodded and ran from the room. Sebek returned his focus on the monster. He had trained for this very scenario for a good portion of his life and he certainly wasn’t going to back down now.
The night grew colder, but the fireworks were worth it. Yuu clutched onto Grim’s warmth while Cater and Vil shared a blanket and watched the colorful lights explode in the air. Jack, having a naturally high body temperature, didn’t understand the discomfort of his companions, but thankfully didn’t tease them about it. He was sure that if he brought it up, his tail might receive a wicked pinch.
Cater had his phone up taking as many pictures as he could of the show while Vil had only taken a single selfie. Yuu sat in awe of the entire situation and was suddenly very grateful that the Principle had permitted this vacation.
Ew, was Yuu Prefect grateful for the actions of Crowley? The thought disgusted them and made them shiver more than the cold. Grim looked up at them “How cold are you, you weak human!”
Yuu frowned and hugged Grim tighter. “Very.”
Jack leaned forward from where he was sitting. “Here comes the finale! You’re in for a treat, you two.”
Grim and Yuu looked up to see a firework explode above them. A shower of gold sparks rained down as a second firework went off, sending red and blue streams everywhere.
“Truly beautiful.” Vil whispered. He got his phone out and snapped another picture. Yuu assumed that he would be sending it to Rook. Cater laughed and pointed to another firework that was about to explode. It went off and a brilliant lime green glow filled the night sky. Yuu agreed with Vil - the sight was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.
When the lights faded, Yuu noticed that the stars were all out, blanketing the sky with billions of small lights. Jack laid down on his back and looked up at the sky. “What do you know, the Draconia Constellation can be seen this early in the year. That’s usually a Summer Constellation.”
Yuu looked up and sure enough, a large portion of the stars formed a dragon in the air. “Draconia, like Malleus’ family?”
Cater sat back as well, taking the shared blanket with him to the distress of Vil. “That’s the one. The longest Fae line in the world.”
Grim looked up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Vil raised his eyebrows. “I keep forgetting that you are not of this world. Let me explain this for you.”
Sebek could counter the physical attacks of the monster, but he hadn’t expected it to start hurling fireballs at him. He hissed and kicked himself a little bit whenever a fireball set something of Malleus’ ablaze, but he forced himself to keep his head in the fight.
Where is that lazy Silver? He should be here by now!
The monster jumped up and landed on the bed. Sebek pulled out his pen and fired a bolt of magic, but the mass of shadows absorbed the spell and made that horrible screech again. He grimaced and swung again, ducking under another fireball and was surprised that his sword made contact with something solid, but bounced off.
This creature, it’s changing to match my attacks! Come on, Sebek, think!
He grit his teeth and rolled across the bed, diving behind it to use as cover. If he kept the monster focused on him, it wouldn’t make a break for the door.
The door...
Sebek peaked his head up and noticed that the monster was loading another fireball. He ducked to avoid being hit and made a mad dash for the exit, throwing a rather large textbook that probably held ancient spells passed down from the Fairy Queen herself. Sebek hated to see such literature shredded before his eyes, but he decided that in the moment this would be acceptable behavior.
The monster recovered faster than he had anticipated. It’s claw lashed out as Sebek almost crossed the threshold and knocked him aside. His head hit the side of Malleus’ wardrobe and he felt a stinging pain in his right eye, but other than that was uninjured and got back on his feet. It slashed out again, but Sebek narrowly avoided the sharp talons. His energy was drained and even if he could raise his pen, he would possibly overblot from casting a single spell. He could run for the door again and risk impalement or stay in the corner and be burnt alive. Sebek’s mind, despite the chaos around him and his time running out, started to think of his friends at Night Raven College.
What would they do in his situation? Deuce and Jack would rush in head first, Ace would attempt to create a distraction, Grim would just made more fire and Yuu Prefect probably wouldn’t have even gotten themselves into this mess. Not to mention Epel would probably do any of those things based off of his slightly unpredictable personality. There was little doubt that Epel would also charge the monster, but there was no way of knowing for sure.
Sebek tuned back into reality as a fireball narrowly missed his face. The stinging in his eye and blood trickling down from his scalp made it hard to focus, but his adrenaline was still pumping. He was still standing. He was still fighting.
Someone called from the door. The guard - and the monster - turned to see a horrified Silver standing there, his pen clutched tightly. Sebek’s heart froze. He wanted to tell Silver to run, but Sebek’s voice became caught in his chest. The creature of shadows began to prepare another fireball, but Sebek’s body reacted quicker. He dropped his sword and tackled the monster. The two clashed until Sebek managed to force it out of Malleus’ window, but the monster held tight and Sebek felt gravity pull him down to the courtyard below.
“While most stars outside of constellations are celestial spheres of noble gases and other elements, the stars in constellations are actually souls.” Vil sat back on his hands and looked up at the dragon shaped image in the sky.
Cater sat back up, letting Vil snatch back the blanket. “Oh yeah! My mom explained this to me! Every time a fairy dies, they join their family constellation in the stars!”
“Unlike mortal souls that go to the Isles of Lamentation when we pass,” Vil continued. “The Fae’s immortal spirits are placed in the heavens to dance for all of eternity, or so the legend goes. Some stories say that the Fae came to Twisted Wonderland from the stars and so to the stars they return, but I for one just believe that this is a beautiful story.”
Yuu thought for a second. “So then what about shooting stars?”
Jack put his hands behind his head and got comfortable on the ground. “Nope, those are just regular comets or asteroids or whatever you call them.”
“Fascinating.” Yuu whispered. “Where I come from, stars are just flaming balls of gas in space. I shouldn’t be surprised that magic goes as far as constellations, but I am.”
Grim cleared his throat. “Wait, what about wishing stars?”
Vil put a hand to his chin to think. “You know, I’m not entirely sure. It could be that the magic of the fallen fairies could be the ones granting the wishes, but I don’t believe anyone is sure.”
“One of the universe’s many mysteries.” Cater’s voice dropped to be almost inaudible.
Yuu looked back up at the Draconia Line constellation. “There’s a hole in the dragon’s heart except for that one bright star, is that one Maleficent?”
Jack nodded, which was hard because he was on the ground. “The area around her is probably being reserved for her immediate family, so one day in a thousand years, Malleus and Lilia will join her and maybe even Sebek if he wasn’t too stubborn to die.”
Yuu laughed. “Yeah, that’s Sebek.”
Everything hurt.
Sebek was sure his arms and several ribs were broken, but other than that he landed from the seventh floor quite successfully. He attempted to sit up, but his body ached too much.
The shadow monster laid prone on the stone next to him. Sebek hoped it was finally dead. His inhuman vision let him see Silver and Lilia looking out the window he had tumbled from. Lilia vanished and reappeared next to Sebek, looking down at him with a sad face.
“Forgive my tardiness, young man.” Lilia knelt down next to Sebek and began to mutter a healing spell. A wave of warmth rushed over Sebek as the spell took hold over his body and he felt very tired.
“What is that thing?” Sebek looked at the monster. Lilia glanced back at it and shrugged. “I suppose a demon created to take the life of our young prince. You did well holding up against it for so long, I’m sure there’ll be a medal waiting for you when you wake up that you can show to all your companions at school.”
Sebek liked that idea. He imagined wearing a new medal proudly for a week to boast about to his friends.
“Oh Jack what did you do over the break?”
“I was just snowboarding at home.”
“Well I single-handedly fought off a demon and saved the young lord’s life!”
If it didn’t take so much energy, Sebek would have smiled from the thought.
Lilia finished his spell and offered a hand for Sebek to stand. It took effort, but the taller Fae got to his feet and leaned against his mentor. They began to walk away from the body of the monster, but out of the corner of his ever vigilant eyes, Sebek swore he saw it move.
Time seemed to slow down for Sebek. He shoved Lilia to the ground, earning an angry protest from the older Fae, and turned to face the monster as its claws sunk into his chest, tearing away his armor like it was paper.
The healing spell must have dulled his senses because Sebek didn’t feel any pain from the attack. Instead, he just looked up at the night sky and the Draconia Line constellation looked back down at him. The monster retracted its claw and Sebek slumped to the ground. He wasn’t aware of the pool of blood that was forming around his knees and he wasn’t aware of the blood curdling scream that came from Lilia’s lips, nor was he aware of the beam of magic that ripped the monster in two.
No, all Sebek was aware of were the beautiful stars inviting him to dance with them.
Yuu could see the stars from their bedroom in Jack’s house. After packing up for the night, Yuu, Grim and Jack said their goodbyes and returned to the log cabin. They had packed their things for their return to school in the morning, but while the cat-like monster slumbered peacefully on the bed they shared, Yuu found themself staring at the stars again.
They also found themself feeling a pit of dread well up in their stomach. It was cold like a clawed hand reaching up and tearing them apart from the inside. There was no reason that Yuu could think of to have this feeling, but it made them wonder if returning to Night Raven College would yield another overblotting upperclassman.
Yuu pushed the window open and a cool breeze ruffled their hair. They looked up at the dragon constellation and squinted before their eyes widened in confusion.
Yuu didn’t know how or why, but the bright star in the heart of the dragon was now joined by a smaller star that shone just as bright.
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etchina-danjon · 22 days
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I've been so obsessed with Zenless Zone Zero lately that I've been so tempted to make a lewd Nicole Demara blog just for her but I'm unsure if anyone would be interested in her. I know everyone is waiting on my other blogs aaaa.
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babuis · 4 years
Countdouwn [BokuAka]
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Genre: Hurt no Comfort, Angst, Soulmate AU
Word count: 2k words
Parings: Bokuto x Akaashi (For x reader, use interactive fics and sub out Bokuto)       
Authors note: Have bad 3 years ago angst writing hehe... I wrote this for one of my classes ad used different names. Bokuto is probably OOC... whoops. I didn’t edit this, please don’t roast my immature writing.
Synopsis: Akaashi knew what Bokuto had done in order for him to be where he was now. He let his tears fall silently as he let the harsh reality hit him like a stack of bricks. Bokuto had given him his life, but to live it without him… He wished he hadn’t.
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It was a cold December day. The sky was a dull grey-blue with wisps of clouds blocking out the little warmth the sun had to offer. People on the streets of the city had rosy blushes on their cheeks and noses so red, Rudolph would be jealous. 
Among the red nosed crowds, a couple was walking down the riverbank while holding hands. Their free hands held warm drinks from the cafe a block away. As they talked, their breaths formed white, fluffy puffs in the air. Looking quite in love, they made the people without their soulmates green with envy.
Noticing the jealous stares directed at him and his boyfriend Akaashi, Bokuto frowned. Why would they be jealous?  
They still had time while he didn’t.
 When someone found their soulmate, the timer on their wrist would reset itself to counting down the time they had left together instead of counting down the time until they met. As time ticked away, the soulmates would have to decide which one of them would die. When the decision and time was done, the person who would die would laser their timer off. 
If they chose not to decide, they would both be separated and die excruciatingly slow and painful deaths the moment time was up. Having only one pass was the solution made when the human population was close to extinction. Then, there would at least one soulmate left to produce an offspring. Some soulmates were lucky, having many, many years left with each other. Some even grew old enough to have kids together, but Bokuto and Akaashi were not as lucky. 
Although happy with Akaashi, Bokuto thought living life without being pressured was a blessing. 
Sitting down on a bench, Bokuto unconsciously glanced down at his wrist.
0 years/ 8 days / 12 hours / 53 seconds
He winced, his mood dampened. Noticing the change in behavior, Akaashi looked at the silver haired man’s face with a worry on his delicate features.
“Are you okay?” he inquired, taking his hand away from Bokuto’s to touch his forehead, “You're not sick are you? We can go home if you want.”
The Ace’s heart swelled at the male’s offer. Although Akaashi had to practically beg him to go on a date, he was perfectly okay with canceling. Bokuto almost felt bad. He was never was very flexible in making plans with Akaashi due to his job as a Pro Volleyball player while the latter had done quite the opposite; always bending to what he wanted. But Akaashi wouldn't be his soulmate if he didn't understand right?
Bokuto shook his head, his unstyled falling over his yellow eyes, “No, I'm alright.”
Akaashi didn't believe him, his eyes filled with uncertainty, “Are you sure? We can go home and I can make some soup.”
Bokuto flashed a large smile at Akaashi, he had such a kind soulmate, “I’m sure! Now, where were we?”
Akaashi hesitantly returned the smile as he took Bokuto’s hand again to continue the date, “Well, you remember how we met right?”
The owl like man chuckled to himself, recalling the memory fondly. And if he remembered correctly, it was in the exact spot they were standing at.
They were in their first year of college back then. Akaashi spilled his coffee on Bokuto while they both rushed class. The apologetic look on Akaashi’s face made him look like a kicked puppy and Bokuto’s anger had dissolved as he further studied the tall, good-looking male. 
Akaashi, on the other hand, was so embarrassed that he spilled coffee on a devilishly handsome stranger, that he was about to cry. His desire for the ground to swallow him up heightened as he realized that wow- Bokuto’s face was sculpted by the gods. After standing awkwardly for a moment, Bokuto realized that he was still running late. Glancing down at his wrist to see how much time had past, Bokuto almost started choking on the air… his clock had restarted!
Akaashi had still not stopped being embarrassed and in habit, he stared at his timer. He dropped his jaw as he noticed the same exact thing had happened with him. What an awkward way to meet his soulmate!
“I remember,” mused Bokuto, “you apologized so much, I had to kiss you.”
Akaashi laughed, “Yea, I remember that too. We were so young back then.”
And we had time, Bokuto thought, biting his lips, How will I live without him now?
A week later, Bokuto found himself staring at their shared bedroom. He had noticed something was missing in the room but he couldn’t put a finger on what. As he eyeballed the room, realization finally hit him like a slap in the face- Akaashi had been packing his stuff.
HIs heart swelled; even after death, Akaashi was thinking of how Bokuto would feel if he saw his stuff. He was too pure and kind for the world. Maybe the only up side of dying was that Akaashi would finally be the angel he already was. 
Now sad, he scrolled through his camera roll to cheer himself up. A quick blast to the past would bring his mood up for sure.
He smiled seeing a picture with them and their friends in jerseys, profusely sweating. In the picture, Akaashi was giving Bokuto his water bottle although sweating the most. 
Bokuto swiped to see a picture of them eating popsicles. Although he had a perfectly good one, he was taking a bite out of Akaashi’s as he just laughed.
The next picture was of Akaashi holding out food towards the camera. Although not shown in the picture, Bokuto knew he was offering it to him who was off screen.
Continuing to swipe, Bokuto realized that in most of the photos, Akaashi was giving something to him. There was one where Akaashi was holding the umbrella over Bokuto’s head to prevent his gelled hair from deflating. There was one where Akaashi was hugging Bokuto to give him warmth from the cold. There was one where Akaashi was helping Bokuto up aft her had fallen while receiving a ball. There was one where Alaashi wrapped up Bokuto’s injury. There even was one where Akaashi was taking a picture of Bokuto for his Instagram.
Bokuto felt his stomach drop when he saw a picture where Akaashi was pouting as he ate the last chip teasingly in front of him. He knew he was joking but, he never realized how much Akaashi had given him. And it was never just physical things that Bokuto took from Akaashi either, Bokuto always seemed to be on the receiving end for everything.
Why was Akaashi even with him? He pondered. He had done nothing for him. And now that he really thought about it, he was a failure of a soulmate. 
The pictures were supposed to lift his mood, but it just worsened it in the end.
“Hey, Kotaro,” Akaashi walked into the room and hugged him, “I’m home.”
Bokuto tried to rid his sadness in order to not worry Akaashi, “Hey ‘Kaashi! How was work?”
“Oh, it was great!” the male said, untangling his limbs from his soulmate, “I got a new patient, His name is Kenma and his soulmate Kuroo died not too long ago. Anyway, he wasn’t coping well. He was a wreck when he came into my office; it looked like he hadn’t slept or eaten in days. I was able to help him feel better though. I’m really glad that this is my profession; it’s really helped me realize that the people who live are the strong ones because they have to deal with the pain and the aftermath.”
Akaashi hesitated as if he was going to say something else but said nothing. 
In the silence, Bokuto’s thoughts ran wild. As a soulmate therapist, Akaashi had such a big impact on people. He did so much to help everyone and what did Bokuto do? What would he have left to do in the world after Akaashi was gone? When Akaashi died, there would be so many people to mourn his death. Who would miss him if he was the one who died other than Akaashi? He was so kind and selfless… so why was he, on the other hand, being selfish when there was nothing to be selfish for? 
“I-” Bokuto choked on his words, “I don’t say it often but I love you. I don’t know how I’m going to live without you. I need you. When you’re gone, I don’t know what to do. I’m not strong, I’m just scared. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to be alone.”
Akaashi stared in shock as his normally strong soulmate burst into tears. As the tears fell, tremors shook Bokuto’s body like an earthquake. He finally let the reality of their situation settle in as he cried. Hearing Akaashi sniffle and hug him, made his heart ache. Akaashi was always strong, but Bokuto never stopped to consider how he really felt. 
Later, when Akaashi let out his steady breaths of peaceful sleep, Bokuto finally pushed his selfishness aside and made a decision.
Akaashi was not going to die tomorrow.
Coming home the next day, Akaashi found it odd when Bokuto didn’t greet him. He had been uncharacteristically touchy that morning so it was strange when Bokuto hadn’t been there like promised. Although many things, Akaashi’s soulmate wasn’t a promise breaker.
Akaashi started to get nervous after a moment of silence. Where was Bokuto? They agreed to spend their last moments together. And the clock was getting dangerously close to 0. He didn’t want Bokuto to have a painful death. Hell, Akaashi didn’t want to go through that pain either.
“Bokuto!?” he called out his name a few more times. But still, nobody answered.
Now panicking, he ran through their house in search of the silver haired male. He wasn’t in the bedroom. He wasn’t in the kitchen. He wasn’t in the dining room. He wasn’t in the living room. Not in the attic, or the backyard, or the study either. 
Where could he be? 
Akaashi trembled as his call was sent to voicemail.
“I’m not going to see you again before it happens… please remember that I love you. Please remember all the happy times. Please don’t be sad, I love you so so much. Please stay strong. Please don’t make this all for nothing. Bokuto, I love you.”
Akaashi;s voice cracked at the end of recording his message in despair. The world was too cruel. Why did such a fairytale story have such an unhappy ending?
1 minute
Akaashi cried as he ran to the bookshelf to get the laser gun. It wasn’t there.
45 seconds
He threw the books off the shelf desperately searching for it. But he still found nothing.
30 seconds
Where the hell was it? Oh my god, they were both going to die.
15 seconds
He wasn’t going to make it. He sank to his knees in despair, covering his face with his hands.
10 seconds
I didn’t get to say goodbye.
5 seconds
I’m sorry Bokuto.
4 seconds
 I should have done it earlier.
3 seconds
I love you.
2 seconds
I hope we’re soulmates in our next lives.
1 second
Akaashi screwed his eyes shut.
0Why was he still breathing? 
0Why was he still alive?
0Where was the pain?
Akaashi opened his eyes and looked down at his wrist, maybe they had more time. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe it was just a nightmare.
Nothing was there.
His deep blue eyes widened. Bokuto... He didn’t. He couldn’t have. 
Please, tell me he didn’t, Akaashi pleaded to the gods, Please tell me it’s fake. I don’t want this to be real.
But he knew.
He knew what Bokuto had done in order for him to be where he was now. He let his tears fall silently as he let the harsh reality hit him like a stack of bricks. Akaashi had chosen to die because he wanted to be selfish- he didn’t want to live in a world without Bokuto.
Bokuto had given him his life, but to live it without him… He wished he hadn’t.
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offworldsm · 5 years
REWIND FESTIVAL começa neste sábado: saiba todos os detalhes!
MySEm comemoração ao 1000º episódio do Music Bank, a KBS organizou o REWIND, um festival especial com o tema throwback, onde os artistas mais famosos e promissores se apresentarão de maneira especial! 
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Os artistas já devem estar indo para Ulsan, onde toda a viagem no tempo acontecerá. Nos dois dias de festival, os fãs podem matar a saudade dos hits que colocaram seus favoritos no mapa, além de aproveitar todas as performances especiais.
No sábado, o dia começará às 16h e será concentrado em relembrar o debut dos grupos mais famosos da atualidade. Teremos San do Triptych e Miyu do MSBY como MCs especiais, conduzindo as apresentações. Confira o cronograma abaixo.
OOC: Informações sobre quais músicas serão performadas por cada grupo só serão conhecidas pelo público no momento da performance e só estão aqui para melhor conduzir o jogo, portanto não comentem sobre antes do tempo se o seu personagem não souber tal infomração em IC!
16h — Abertura
16h15 — MADNESS
• Stay (Zedd) — Dance line opening • Neverland — Debut song • Havana (Camilla Cabello) — Special encore performance
16h30 — MSBY
• Closer — Debut song • How Do You Sleep (Sam Smith) — Dance performance • Interação com os fãs • Good-bye Chapter 1 — Encore
16h45 — ASTER
• O.M.G (SPHYON) — Cover • Bad (MADNESS) — Cover • Interação com os fãs • Tomorrow (Triptych) — Cover
17h — Milkyway
• Muah! — Debut song • Instruction — Dance performance • Interação com os fãs
17h15 — ATEENA
• Mr (Queens) — Cover • Getting Closer (STARZ-X) — Cover
17h30 — GUN
• ACE — Debut song • Mirotic (Rearranged) + Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson) — Mashup • Interação com os fãs • New Heroes — Encore
17h45 — BOOM!er
• Just Right — Opening • Dance Break • 1999 (Charlie XCX) — Special performance • Thriller — Debut song
18h — Friday
• Female President (GUTZY) — Cover • Lucky Strike (Maroon 5) — Cover • Rainbow (FROOT) — Cover
18h15 — Triptych
• One Shot — Debut song • Question • Shape Of You (Ed Sheeran) — Special performance / Encore
18h30 — Preppy
• Um Oh Ah Yeh — Debut Song • New Rules (Dua Lipa) — Cover • Interação com os fãs: Q&A • Chandelier (Sia) — Maeve, Alex, Blake & Sammy 
18h45 — VWALLA
• The Boys (Magic Sparkle) — Cover • Hands on Me (Cloud9) — Cover
19h — STARZ-X
• Voodoo Doll — Debut Song • Sexy Back (Justin Timberlake) — Drew & Haru • Natural (Imagine Dragons) — Chamin & Kyon • Believer (Imagine Dragons) — Encore
19h15 — FROOT
• Say My Name (Destiny's Child) — Cover • Black Widow — Debut Song • Satellite — Encore
19h30 — The Twofold Project
• Ko Ko Bop (Cloud9)  — Cover
19h45 — CLOUD9
• Power — Debut Song • That’s What I Like (Bruno Mars) — Special performance • Critical Beauty — Encore
20h  — GUTZY
• Love Options — Debut Song • BASTARD • Salute (Little Mix) — Dance performance
20h15 — Queens
• My Boy + Girls Girls + Tic Tic Toc — Medley • Mr — Debut Song
20h30 — SPHYON
• Airplane Mode — Debut Song • Bad Guy (Billie Eilish) — Encore  
20h45  — Lilith
• Don't Forget Me — Debut Song • Step (Queens)  — Cover • No Rush — Encore
21h  — Encerramento 
Já no domingo, o dia começará às 14h e será concentrado em celebrar as mudanças e o futuro do K-POP. Teremos Jinny do debut team Friday, da Freedom, e Chamin do STARZ-X como MCs especiais, conduzindo as apresentações. Confira o cronograma abaixo.
14h  — Coletiva de imprensa com os idols e produtores que participarão das UNITs especiais.
OOC: Usem esse momento para postar fanacc com perguntas e respostas sobre tal mudança do personagem! Lembrem-se que apesar de os produtores estarem ali para serem revelados e falar sobre a música, ela só será realmente conhecida pelo público no momento da performance. Elas estão aqui para melhor conduzir o jogo, portanto não comentem sobre elas antes do tempo se o seu personagem não souber tal informação em IC!
15h  — Abertura
14h30 — SPECIAL UNIT:  Gwangjun, Kangdae, Chan, Namshin, Noir
Produtores: Hui e Jina Música: Move (Produce X 101)
16h — ATEENA
• Favorite (LOONA)  — Special release • Interação com os fãs
16h30  — SPECIAL UNIT: Kyo, Doyoung, Kai
Produtores: Peter e VU.K Música: 365 Fresh (Triple H)
17h — SPECIAL UNIT: Cheryl, Kaori, Myeong, Eunha
Produtor: Ian Música: So Crazy (T-ARA)
17h30  — VWALLA
• Mixtape #3 (Stray Kids)  — Special release • Vocal stage • Dance stage • Rap stage
18h  — Friday
• Feel Special (TWICE)  — Special release • Interação com os fãs • Dance stage — Megan • Rap stage — Bloom, Malin e Kyo (G3M) • Vocal stage — Yuhwa e Jinny • Interação com os fas
18h30  — SPECIAL UNIT:  Han, Kibum, Haru, Ritchie e Jae K
Produtores: Andy e Royz Música: I Know You Know (Produce 101)
19h — SPECIAL UNIT: Yuhwa, Blake, Megan, Maeve, Agatha
Produtor: Yura Música: I’m So Sick (Apink)
19h30  — SPECIAL UNIT: Kyon, Lively e Bloom
Produtor: Peter e VUK Música:  Red Carpet (Temporary Idol YG)
20h  — ASTER
• Fools (Troye Sivan) — Kibum e Dojun • Vlog  — Kibum • Alone (BAZZI) — Taehee  • Vlog  — Taehee • Focus (BAZZi)  — Gwangjun • Vlog  — Gwangjun • High School Sweethearts (Melanie Martinez)  — Dojun  • Vlog  — Dojun • Wiggle (Jason Derulo) + Happy (Pharrel Williams) — Dance stage • Vlog  — OT4 • Highlight (Seventeen)  — Special release 
20h30  — Encerramento
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vilct · 5 years
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     yes, my friends, it’s me again. hi i’m sora ! really, it’s sara – however, i’m clumsy as fuck so here we are ig. i like dad jokes and putting my characters through hell … and yungblud. nothing’s changed. but also the whole billie eilish radio speaks WONDERS. just a heads up.      as most of you know by now, i’m tarot fiend. therefore i use it to plan out my characters as well as writers block and all that and honestly it hasn’t bit me in the booty. 
     first we had BEX who is a literal angel. no matter what you’ve done i life she wants you to be happy. however, due to familial genes, she’s too scared to have a family of her own. because she would never intentionally like putting anyone through what she went through while taking care of her mom as she died.and so she’s an emotional mess -- but a bohemian mess.
     THEN we had MATTY. the boy (well,man, but whatever) who, back in college, accidentally hit someone late at night. but, being freaked out, he left the scene and doesn’t know still a decade later if the person lived or died. and to deal with that traumatic stress, he’s found negative ways to cope. a way to punish himself. meanwhile he’s the sweetest man you’ll ever meet because he hopes to balance out karma. (which btw, that’s not how it works. you can do 1000 good things but that bad thing will always be there there’s no erasing the past ya’ll)
     and now, without further ado – under the cut is everything i have so far on lissa. if you have any questions/comments/concerns – i’d love to talk it out !       and as for plotting, if you’d LIKE to, i hope we get the chance ! chemistry is ALSO cool with me, man. she’s gonna be a sad smol bean but i promise not to make her a drag okayzie ? okayzie. 
TW: sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual blackmail etc.
1. Central Characteristic: This card represents the most important part of someone’s personality; it is the card that best describes and sums up the the personality of the entire person. It is both the primary factor and the summary of the rest of the spread. // transformation. through her secret, she’s found herself needing change. change in how much self-respect she has for herself. (her secret is that she has slept with many producers/higher ups in order to get ahead in the entertainment business. and now they’re holding it against her i hope that it wouldn’t be exposed)
2. Influencing Characteristic: This card is the second most important aspect of someone’s personality, and influences, mitigates, or complements the Central Characteristic; in many ways it also the secondary characteristic of a person, and provides a second dimension to one’s personality, adding depth to it. // 4 of air. a time for her to heal as she refuses to use her body to get ahead anymore. it’s been a long journey but this is where she’s at as of the start of me portraying her. SO everything she does, she thinks will help her … or at times she may even give up. that’s why it’s a JOURNEY.
3. Influence of Past: This card sums up the influences that past events have had on one’s personality; memory is an important part of our personality, our desires, and our own identity. This card represents and shows the influence that this memory has had on a personality. // 10 of air. since she’s witnessed others get out of the same predicament, she’s hopeful that she can do the same. she finds inspiration in any place she can so that she doesn’t give up. because she’s risking her name being smeared. she’s trying to be braver than she thinks she is.
4. Goals of the Future: This card represents what one are striving to accomplish; another aspect of one’s personality is their drive, and what makes them motivated: that motivation and drive is represented by this card, which shows the thing that the person is striving to achieve, and their most important desire for the future. // moon. as this part of her life is coming to an end, she’s slowly gaining the hope in humanity that she once had. even if back then she was too naive to notice the dangers. she’s since put up many walls that she has to work through. and while you may think you’re getting through to her, please be aware ooc that no one is … yet.
5. Unconscious Thoughts and Motives: This card represents the unconscious thoughts and concerns of a person, and also represents this person’s motives. It answers the questions of “why do they do this?” as well as those of “what are they really thinking?”  This is their unconscious drive (rather than the conscious drive of Card 4), and represents the deepest aspects of their personality, hidden from themselves. Which will probably reveal itself sometime near the future. Character development and all that. // King of fire. keeping the mindset that she has to move forward is what keeps her head in a good place. after all, how can you be confident in new aspects of life if you’re rigid and closed off to new things? she’s a lot stronger than she thinks. and i’m sure she still learning that sleeping with someone doesn’t mean “thank you”.
6. Conscious Thoughts and Concerns: This card represents the person’s conscious thought. It helps one examine what the most important things are to this person, and represents their most pressing concerns, and what is most important to them at this time. // Empress. fake it ‘til you make it. because she believes deep down that she’s more than what’s she’s done in the past. and she uses the hurt she’s been through to push her towards her future. taking it one day at a time. she knows that if anyone ever found out what she’s done, she might not get work again. but she wants to be at a point where she thinks her self-worth is more than that. taking back her sexuality is EVERYTHING to her.
7. Public Face: This card is the public aspect of one’s identity; this is how others perceive this person, and how their environment (including other people) affects them and notices them. This card represents how they want others to see them as well. // Ace of fire. in short – as far as anyone is concerned, she’s strong and independent. and nothing will ever hold her back. she’s great at masking. and she truly will until you present her with total undeniability.
8. Private Face: This card represents the concept of self-identity and self-image, and shows how a person really thinks of themselves. This might line up with one’s public face, but often is at least slightly different.This card shows how this person really feels about himself, and what they think their own identity is. // Fortunes wheel. fortune never seems to be on her side, and she’s afraid that her strong front will demolish. not knowing or having control over her life is hard for her. because she thought she did for the longest time.
9. Public Desire/fears: This card represents what one says they want; it is the stated hopes and fears of a person. This is what the person wants others to think they want and what they want others to think they are afraid of; this card represents those desires made public. // 7 of water. she feels, more than most, that she has a huge trope above her head to prove herself. (mostly on the inside) but, she’s continuously working and trying hard because she wants to prove she belongs in the entertainment industry. and learning that she owes no one ANYTHING to do so.
10. Private Desires/fears: This card represents one’s true hopes and fears; their heart’s desire or their deepest, secret fear. These are the desires that people keep repressed and hidden – sometimes even from themselves – for various reasons. These are the inner passions and repressed terrors that often motivate people’s actions unconsciously. // 9 of water. she’s slowly growing her self-esteem and raising her own self-worth. her passion lies within the entertainment industry. but her fear lies within not being talented enough to be there. and possibly having that habit of falling back into the old habit of sleeping around to get what she wants.
so i truly hope this all gives you a huge insight with what she’s like to begin with. of course i’ll throw in some plot twists eventually, just like with my other babies. COME PLOT WITH ME PLS.  
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helboar · 6 years
LFRP – Sulking Boar
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The Basics ––– –
Age: Mid-late twenties.
Birthday: 30th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon.
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Grey-Ace.
Marital Status: Single.
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Brown-black, mid-back-length.
Eyes: Amber.
Height: 7′10″
Build: Fat, round, bulky in a soft way.
Distinguishing Marks: Heavy tattoo coverage across his back, parts of his chest, shoulders, and arms. Weathered blast patterns of scar tissue inside his palms, one worse than the other.
Common Accessories: Tusk and fang veneers. Rings that can serve as extra focii in a pinch.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Taxidermist, Reagent Supplier, Undertaker.
Hobbies: Pampering himself and his cat, studying biology and aetherology, trying new handicrafts, devising increasingly more avant garde taxidermy projects.
Languages: Fluent Eorzean and Amaljiic, passable Hingan.
Residence: Southern Thanalan.
Birthplace: Ul’dah.
Religion: Venerates Hydaelyn first and foremost, but follows the traditions of the Traders.
Patron Deity: Nald’thal.
Fears: Being used or manipulated outside of his knowledge, The Syndicate, dense crowds, chocobos.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: His birth mother worked for Eshtaime’s as a lapidary, died young. His foster mother is an esteemed member of the Order of Nald’thal.
Siblings: None.
Other Relatives: None.
Pets: His cat, Iron Maiden, a little black shorthair.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Very rarely, but occasionally open to a little something to take the edge off. Drugs: Only of the medicinal or above sort. Alcohol: Good with a book or a meal, but not to be mixed too profusely with delicate work.
RP Hooks ––– –
Taxidermy... Half a hobby, half a business. Boar offers commissions. Common critters can be requested or even bought off the rack at any time, but anyone looking for something with more mystique will need to provide their own carcass. Non-traditional rogue works are also on the table. For example, Boar has produced several faux behemoth heads, a number of imaginary creatures frankensteined from multiple specimens, and lastly a variety of “functional” pieces of taxidermy such as elk head chandeliers and chocobo clawed arm chairs.
Reagent & Raw Material Supply... Namely organic ones cut from fauna both exotic and mundane. What isn’t utilized for his more artistic pursuits is carefully excised, packaged, and sold through the proper channels. Bone to jewelers. Meat to larders. Humors, glands, and organs to apothecaries. His provisions are known in Ul’dah for their freshness, owing to a special method of thaumaturgical preservation.
Embalming & Funerary Rites... A practice he's mostly moved on from since taking his leave of the Ossuary, but one he occasionally still provides out of sympathy. He can’t bear the sight of grieving mothers, brothers, and sons thinking their loved ones are bound for the hells just because they can’t afford the Ossuary’s staggering fees. That said, the rites aren’t entirely sentimental, as they do offer some protection from body-snatching voidsent, along with some of the phenomena that give rise to ashkin and soulkin.
Thaumaturgy at more reasonable rates than that wretched Arrzaneth Ossuary... With his other businesses keeping him busy and his life fairly stable, he prefers jobs that can be handled in-house. Appraisal of objects with unknown aetheric properties, purging aether-borne maladies, suppression of unwanted memories, thaumaturgical sleep aides — anything within a disciple of Thal’s regular duties. But, he can be coerced to take on more adventurous work for the right reward or intrigue. He’s a capable enough mage in combat, albeit an extremely cautious one.
When he absolutely must venture into danger, he prefers to have allies, whether they’re freelancers assigned to the same mission or help that he’s brought along himself. He can sometimes be found guarded by two helmeted figures with unusual, rotten aether. Another companion he has also at times been spotted with is a lizard-like beastman. Their smaller stature and truncated crest get them easily mistaken for a Mamool Ja, but to the eyes of someone more experienced with the tribes they are almost certainly an Amalj’aa.
He regards conjurers with a great deal of respect, though anyone with the ability to perceive the voices of the Elementals will also sense that they dislike him quite a bit.
He can sometimes be found in Hingashi enjoying the street fare even when he has no particular business there.
Possible past affiliations... If your character was a member of the Ossuary thirteen or more years ago, has spent time in an Ul’dahn prison, has taken refuge in Little Ala Mhigo, or has ever had reason to hire a young, up-and-coming pair of mercenaries, then it’s possible they’ve had some interaction with Sulking Boar before. This requires some OOC spitballing, but I’m generally pretty open to pre-established relationships! In the same vein, I’m also always looking for returning customers and business partners. If your character wouldn’t be interested in his wares, he has cut deals with hunters/adventurers in the past to provide him fresh game in exchange for a cut of the sales.
Contact Information  ––– –
Timezone is US EST
I’m open to anything from SoL to heavy plot and/or from comedic all the way to grimdark themes. I’ll even do AU stuff if that’s your style.
Normally, I’m down for both in-game meet ups and discord threads, but lately both my schedule and energy levels have been rocky so I’d really prefer breaking the ice over discord for the time being. I’ll edit this line when that changes.
I play on Balmung but will gladly RP with characters from other servers.
Please send a DM if you want my #discord!
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cursedlightwood · 5 years
i couldn't decide so i just sent you a bunch you can decide if you wanna answer all of them or a few or whatever lol. anyway salty asks! 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16 :))
EZRA thank u angel 
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? 
CLACE god i can’t believe so many people ship this. i cant believe it was allowed. same with sizzy honestly. also jalec and all the other generally cursed ships but i feel like people go hard on clace and sizzy as otps in this fandom bc theyre canon and god. stop that
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
not really, but to be fair i just sit in my tiny corner of this fandom and do whatever i want. maybe saphael, bc like i get the concept but istg every saphael fan makes raphael hella ooc and they always ignore that hes ace and i, for one, am TIRED
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
hmmmmmm. i definitely rly used to dislike cat/ragnor and ive warmed up to a lillllll more recently. Also clizzy, but only bc i disliked clary in the series pretty significantly when i first watched it but fandom has made me like her a bit more.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
i mean, saphael like i mentioned earlier. oh also lydia.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
JACE god i dont even wanna go into this but hes just a shit character and a worse person and i just dont understand why the fandom wants to fucking idolize him. he treats everyone around him like SHIT and he just truly has no redeeming qualities. That’s probably the main controversial one I also hate lorenzo because god HE DIDNT REDEEM HIMSELF EVERYTHING HE DID TO HELP MAGNUS WAS FOR HIM! being mean to magnus is unforgivable. and then also the classic ones like asmodeus and camille and sebastian/jonathan and valentine if any of these are controversial to u pls reevalute ur choices (not saying u cant enjoy villians as like fun characters but i do see yall bitches out there wanting to redeem sebastian and ship him with people. yall quit that shit). 
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
u didnt give me a character so.....im gonna make the choice.........hit yall with an unpopular alec opinon- alec is noT that progressive. ya’ll love to ignore the shit he said about vampires and the way he talks to simon and treats him as subhuman. like yeah its fun to characterize alec and simon as having like, fun banter but the way he talks about simon (specifically relating to him being a vampire) is blatantly racist and played as funny. him having a downworld council is cool and whatever but its barely anything and if he still acts Like That it doenst matter alexa send tweet. 
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
None of y’all understand that you have to think critically about the content u consume/produce. not all pairings/dynamics are harmless and just bc its fiction doesnt mean that u get a free pass to not think. u can talk all u like about how fiction is fiction and yall can say im part of the purity squad or whatever but producing content featuring pedophilia, incest, and abuse and romanticizing those types of relationships hurts everyone involved. also just cause u have the freedom to say whatever u want on the internet with minimal criticism doesnt mean that u are immune to criticism or that u dont deserve it and this goes doubly for the big names in this fandom.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
God so many things. Main one is probably that id give the downworlders more complete storylines and screentime (specifically magnus, catarina, ragnor, maia, and raphael but also luke and meliorn and everyone else). also actually decently addressing the racism and all the issues with the clave. would have liked to see the gang take down the entire clave bc its corrupt and horrible. 
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practicalsolutions · 7 years
random ass nosebleed. It’s like 6:30 am I’m going to bed but I gotta put a perfectly good pj shirt in the laundry now!
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