prof-hemp420 · 1 year
That's a pretty nice sword, you got there Profeesor Hemp, sir. Don't supposed you'd be down to spar some time once Team Snagem's been smashed to pieces and everything's calmed down?
Shell Below that is a refreshing idea. I would love to clash with you in the sparring ring. Liberator is a storied blade, maybe after I will tell you some of their stories.
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thechaunceyshow · 3 years
The Chauncey Show-Episode 69 Meet Jeanne Sheehan Zaino, Ph.D.
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youtubersarelife23 · 5 years
I'm sorry dudes, Jack is no longer a snacc...
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So my game bugged and when Tonks turned herself into Binns in History of Magic her ghost form was stuck in this kind of weakly t-posing state for the rest of the class
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Reader is dating profeesor!tom and on valentine's day she gets a lot of gifts and proposals and that made tom jealous?
hope u like it <33 (this is my first professor!tom piece)
。☆✼★━━ requests are closed ━━★✼☆。
You’ve been with Tom since the beginning of winter break — that was early December. Now, you’re finishing the second semester while maintaining your secret relationship. Once you finish out the school year, he won’t be your professor anymore, which means you’re free to be out in public with him whenever you want. For now, though, you’re keeping things on the low.
Just as you leave your dorm for the morning, the boy across from your room — Michael, his name is — closes his door at the same time, almost as if he was waiting for you to leave.
“Uh, hi.”
“Goodmorning,” You greet him with a smile, moving your books and binders to your left arm, leaving your right arm open.
“Happy Valentine’s day,” he thrusts a heart-shaped box of chocolates forward shyly.
You’re taken aback by the sudden movement, cautiously taking the box while examining him & it. You smile, flattered at the action.
“Aw, thank you so much, Mike.”
He nods, as if dismissing it, and you share a laugh, the two of you going your separate ways for your lectures.
You head in the direction of Tom’s lecture hall; it’s your first class of the day, and as you stride through the entrance with your box of chocolates, you smile at Tom. He returns the smile, doing a once over on your outfit; you’re wearing a skirt and your favorite hoodie. You don’t miss the blush that rises on his cheeks. He glances down at your hands and his brows furrow. He goes to mouth his question “what’s that?”
You chuckle to yourself, waving him off. You make your way to your usual seat, setting down your textbook and binder, keeping your chocolates nearby. As you get seated, a girl that sits behind you walks up to you with a flower in one hand and a card in the other.
“Hey, Y/N…” She smiles shyly, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.
You glance up, returning her smile. Tom watches the whole encounter with a clenched jaw. “Hey, Kimberly.”
“Happy V-Day,” she hands you the simple treasures, which you accept gratefully.
“Aww…” You sniff the flower, smiling in bliss as your eyes flutter shut momentarily. “This is so sweet. Thank you, Kimb.”
Class goes on, but you can't shake the feeling of Tom’s stiff demeanor whenever he glances towards you. His eyes grow a shade darker and his jaw gets tighter with every passing minute. By the time the lecture ends, his shoulders are as tense as ever and his eyes won’t leave you.
As you gather up your belongings, you make your way off the seats, but you’re stopped at the exit by a group of boys, who each hold up a poster. You gasp in realization, and Tom tilts his head curiously.
“Will,” one of the boys starts.
“My Valentine?” Tyler finishes, walking forward with a bouquet of flowers. Your mouth drops open in shock, taking a step back while you soak everything in.
You turn around to look at Tom, and when you catch him staring, he looks away while continuing to rearrange his books and prepare for the next lecture.
“Uhm…” You breathe out a laugh, almost embarrassed by the public declaration of likeness. “I’m so honored, thank you. But-uhm,” you slur the words together, glancing to the other three boys who helped Tyler out. “I already have a Valentine.”
“Aww,” One of them goes.
“Alright,” Tyler says with a laugh. “That’s okay. See you for Monday’s lecture?”
You nod, taking the bouquet from his hand and waving goodbye. Him and his friends walk out together, talking about one thing or another, and you stay frozen while the room empties. When everyone is gone, you spin around to find Tom still messing with the supplies on his desk.
He avoids your eyes while you step closer, hesitantly, with the flowers in your face.
He hums in response, urging you to continue without making it seem like he cares.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he clicks his tongue.
“You seem angry.”
He freezes, glancing up at you while leaning both hands on his desk. “I’m not.” His jaw tightens and the realization hits you. You giggle quietly to yourself, stepping closer so you’re up against the other end of his desk.
“Are you… jealous?”
“You are,” You insist, moving around the desk and abandoning your Valentine’s Day goodies on one end.
“I’m not.”
“You are,” You finish, merely a foot away from him. The lecture doors are closed, giving you the peace and security of just his presence. You step closer to him, standing in between him and the desk, and you link your hands behind his neck. “You know I’m only yours.”
His hand stays put by your elbow, stroking the skin up and down. “I know,” He says softly, eyes trained on the floor.
“You have my heart,” you whisper, forehead against his.
His brows unfurrow and the feeling makes you giggle. He nods against you. “Just want everyone to know that you’re my pretty girl. Especially those frat boys.”
“Just a few months, Tommy,” You assure him, kissing his cheek. “Just a few months.”
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orderoftheavengers · 3 years
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Scarlet Legilimens
House: Ravenclaw
Species: Human/phoenix hybrid (formerly human)
Blood Status: Pureblood
(Pointless) Wand: Cherry, 13 inches, phoenix feather  
(Pointless) Broom: Firebolt Supreme
Patronus: Red-billed firefinch
Specialty: Legilimency, Occlumency, Flying, Dark Arts, Wandless Magic
Wanda Maximoff is a living example of how the traits of Ravenclaw House may be applied to the most heinous villainy, and the most self-sacrificing heroism. As a villain, she is crafty and manipulative; as a hero, clever and intuitive. Her fighting style, for good or evil, is always more sneaky and innovative than “bold.” Ironically, her mind is also her weakest point as well as her strongest, as poor Wanda continuously ends up as the manipulated as often as the manipulator. A born Legilimens, her abilities, strengths and flaws are all mind related.
Note the “cleverness” and “ready mind” mentioned by the Sorting Hat needn’t always come in the form of a bookish nerd, as Luna Lovegood, Sybil Trelawney, Profeesor Quirrel and Professor Lockheart are all Ravenclaw. Wanda may not spend her free time studying or watching the Discovery Channel, but she does spend much of it experimenting with her powers, and letting her imagination loose. When faced with unbearable loss, she wasn’t immediately able to face her grief head-on, like a Gryffindor; nor, as a corrupt Ministry leader lied, did she try to resurrect her lost lover; instead, she escaped into her own mind, imagining up an (almost) complete fictitious life for herself and Vision, in a matter of seconds, without even realizing she was doing it.
Wanda is capable of impressive courage, ambition and loyalty, to be sure; but all of those things have wavered, when her reality was turned upside-down. She shed years of indoctrination after reading Ultron’s mind and seeing the grim truth. (And yes, she can read a machine’s mind! That’s a Ravenclaw right there.)
Durmstrang Experiments
Wanda and her twin brother Pietro were born to wizarding parents, in the tiny European nation of Sokovia. Wanda was a born Legilimens, like Queenie Goldstein, able to peek into others’ minds without having to perform any spells. A poor family, their father made ends meet by enchanting posters and lobby cards of old Muggle sitcoms to play out entire episodes, which he then sold to Muggle-enthusiasts in the wizarding world. Their home was decimated by a spell invented by Tony Stark, who never intended for it to end up in the claws of banshee terrorists. The twins ended up in a crap Muggle orphanage, which only intensified their prejudices. By the time they entered Durmstrang, a school infamous for professors that supported Dark Magic and even Voldemort, they were ripe for indoctrination and radicalization.
Due to Wanda’s being a Legilimens, the twins were selected for a dangerous experiment by their headmaster Professor Beowulf Von Stucker. Using the Mind Stone, the twins were to be fused with their wands. Wanda’s first name suddenly became very appropriate, a la Remus Lupin. Wanda merged with her phoenix-feathered wand, transforming the born Legilimens into a powerful human/phoenix hybrid. Her telepathic powers were enhanced, and she gained many powers of a phoenix, including flight, inhuman strength for her levitation spells, and being nearly indestructible. Being part wand also made her able to do wandless magic with no effort. Pietro, meanwhile, was merged with his Veela-hair wand, making him a human/Veela hybrid, and gifting him with a Veela’s dancing speed and silvery hair.
(A very special thanks to AlasterBoneman for the idea about Wanda's wand being integrated into her body.) Order of the Avengers Wanda and Pietro are finishing up their first year when they cross paths with the Order of the Avengers, and they don't exactly make a good first impression. Their vitriol against the Avengers and Tony Stark makes very little sense, especially given that Wanda is a telepath, and should easily see they aren't the villains (not to mention how much she has in common with Natasha, whose life story Wanda personally digs up). But, the twins are still only about eleven, and kids that age can be pretty stupid. The Avengers trace Loki's confiscated broom-scepter to Durmstrang, where the dark wizards from the Order of Hydra are keeping it. Wanda, having recently studied with a Boggart, uses her Legillimency to make the Avengers relive their traumas. Tony's fear shows Wanda that he clearly wants to protect the world, and yet she makes the very un-Ravenclaw decision to keep pursuing "revenge." Her plan inadvertently leads to Tony and Bruce accidentally creating a dangerous and ear-bleedingly-irritating gargoyle named Ultron, who the twins personally work with. Wanda even shocks Bruce into green-wolf form, and sends him on a rampage through one of the dormitories at Durmstrang (but it's not her or Pietro's House, so she could care less). Finally, after much too long, she puts her mental powers to some use, and reads Ultron's mind. That's when she puts two and two together. By then, Ultron has unleashed an army of Cornish Pixies to levitate Durmstrang Castle miles into the air, planning to drop it in an explosion of magic that will alert the Muggles to the existence of wizards. Huddled in a swaying castle tower, she confesses her guilt to Hufflepuff Clint Barton. Clint invites her to redeem herself by joining the Avengers. Durmstrang is saved, but sadly, Pietro takes a killing curse for Clint and another first year. wrought with grief and guilt, wanda begins her second year of schooling at Hogwarts, where--after an unusually long time on the stool--she is sorted into Ravenclaw. Her lonely mood is raised slightly when she finds the attractive new Golem, Vision, hovering to the Ravenclaw table alongside her.
The Scarlet Witch Hunt
Perhaps living on her own for a while is what finally helps Wanda regain the confidence to think for herself. When Vision suggests that they both drop out of their respective schools and just run off together, she urges him against the idea. When Vision senses a disturbance in his Mind Stone, she inspects it for him, but reports, “I just feel you.”
They are interrupted by a rude crowd of Trolls under their window, calling for Wanda’s blood. She’s fine to ignore them, but Vision—ever the logical Ravenclaw—is compelled intellectually argue with the Trolls in his lady's honor.
“Wanda is a redemption-seeking-antihero like Tony, who she has not expressed any hatred for since the Ultron fiasco—not even during the whole ‘Civil War’ calamity! In fact, of everyone on Team Cap, she was the least awful to Tony! The only verbal exchange between them during the whole drunk Quidditch match was a brief pout about being 'locked in her room,' which she had no problem with until Hawkeye came and pressured her. She was literally the only person in the Squid prison not insulting him! And just a few minutes ago, when I wanted her to run away with me, she was telling me to keep my loyalties to Stark, and when the news reported him missing she was visibly scared for him! Seriously, where are you Trolls even getting that she still hates Tony?”
One Troll with particularly long horns shouts back, “Well what about that cleavage and slutty red leather? Tony Stark was never a slu—er, wait…”
Vision is now standing in the window frame, unbuttoning his fly.
“Vision?” Wanda asks nervously. “What are you doing?”
A glittering, purple stream poursd out from her boyfriend’s “better wand,” threatening to deface the crowd below.
“Vision no!” she cries, quickly containing the violet river in an energy ball.
Steady hand…    she carefully lifts the ball of glistening liquid higher and higher into the air. …Not gonna screw this one up—
“I say Wanda, is that a giant flying donut?” Vision asks curiously.
Wanda glances up, and there is indeed a gargantuan space donut in the night sky, coming right for them. The strange sight distracts her, causing her hand to slip—just as she’s levitating Visions liquids right over said donut.
This enchanted pastry is in fact the vessel of some of Thanos’s most vicious minions. And Wanda has just drenched them in Vision’s you-know-what.
While Wanda gasps behind her hand, Vision suggests, “Let’s go for a walk.”
On their way down the quiet lamp-lit streets, they are soon stopped by a group of Thanos’s putrid goblin children, currently slightly more putrid than usual.
A blue female goblin roars, “Now you’ve really succeeded in pissing us off!”
Before she can stop herself, Wanda blurts out, “Pissed off? Smells more to me like you ‘been pissed on!”
Somewhere, a boxing bell dings, and a badass wizard’s duel begins.
Just when Wanda and Vision are cornered, a train passes by, causing all parties to freeze dramatically for no apparent reason. Wanda tries to make her body move, to take this opportunity to blast her opponents, but some force has her glued in place, as low music hisses theatrically throughout the night. The train passes, to reveal a shadowy figure, posing heroically. Instead of shooting the figure with a hex, one of the goblins simply throws a spear, which the figure catches expertly. Wanda and Vision both know that there is only one person on the planet would could make an entrance with this much ham and cheese.
Steve Rogers dramatically stepped into the light, revealing his fluffy new beard, and the duel gets a bit more epic.
Oh Snap
In the wizarding nation of Wakanda, Black Panther’s brilliant sister Shuri does her damndest to save her fellow Ravenclaw, and safely remove the Infinity Stone from Vision’s forehead. Sadly, Thanos’s forces overwhelm her, and Wanda is forced to kill her lover--the last family she has left. Many would assume only a Gryffindor would have the resolve to do this, but a Ravenclaw’s wisdom and pragmatism can go a long way.
Ever the sadist, that purple f*ck Thanos uses the Time Stone to resurrect Vision and kill him again, in front of Wanda, and even has the gault "comfort" her in a patronizing manner.
And yet, she’s not so distraught when Thanos’s Dusting curse comes for her. It could be that she’s so despaired by now that she welcomes death. Or maybe the half-phoenix simply doesn’t react to dissolving into ash the same way other beings might…
…in any case, she is resurrected over the summer by Bruce Banner. Vision, sadly, isn’t. In her grief, Wanda accidently traps herself and the entire school of Hogwarts inside the Mirror of Erised, but that's another story entirely. 
Wand, Broom and Patronus
Cherry wood is associated with some of the most powerful and lethal wands.  Phoenix feather wands are considered to have the widest range of magic, and are among the post powerful, yet also the most difficult to tame. 
The red-billed firefinch is one of the few bird species where the females sport some red coloring. These birds are tiny and quiet, but very active. They are flexible about where they live and with whom; they can mix with other bird species, and can live in the wild or captivity, provided they always have plenty of space. Their nests are different from other birds', having a dome shape and being low in bushes. Not unlike the hidden fortress Wanda creates, to hide her family. These crafty birds also build mock-nests to fool predators.  
AN: This has undergone some changes in both the story and image, since the release of "WandaVision." If anyone is for any reason attached to Wanda's old broom, the previous version is saved in my Stash. I plan to reuse that fire design somewhere else, possibly for Harry's Firebolt in my more serious Potter art.
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cheerpuppy14 · 4 years
jdhfbjdhfbfg glad you like it so much ;;
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unseelie · 3 years
immunology profeesor said “i am giving everyone a link to a pdf of the textbook for free just don’t tell. also please make sure to do the quizzes daily and not save them all until the weekend because its important to give yourself free time to relax if you can.” 🥺
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preternaturaliisms · 4 years
Ships with spook i love!!! Dont have to be romantic!!!
Spook and burgh
Spook n rikki/mala
Spook n profeesor alder
Spook n professor hemlock
Spook n pink
Spook n his flower boy crazy science love
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littlepoppypoppy · 6 years
Final thought
After this busy final, I finally finished all my classes. I learned a lot about color, like how they can mix together and create a new color. Also i learned some cool artist…profeesor told me that quality is important, But i always mess up, i really try to make it better but its just not success. At the beginning of the quarter i though color design is like teach us how to match color or color Collocation. But it is different. I never take any design class at BC. So i don't know how to design my final project. And i just hope i can get a better grade this time. I hope i can take more classes with professor Vaughan. And thanks her teachs me this quarter. Thank you ~
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strawbnie · 7 years
ms. marvel (besides me obvi), profeesor x god i love that bald weirdo, and groot
i lov u so much also i realise w ‘besides me’ u meant ur my idol, which u totally are, and i only realised that’s what u meant by it when i was responding and i was like well other than u and then i was like … shit that’s what jari means holy shit bc at first i thought u meant u were ms. marvel and i was like w a i t but then i was like no jari’s captain marvel u see where im going w this?? ur captain marvel and ily
ms. marvel: Who is your idol?
other than you, i’d say my grandma. she’s a flawed woman, sure, but she’s the strongest, bravest, most kind person i’ve ever met, and she puts up with too much, and puts others first always, and laughs like it’s her life’s mission to, and i just love her a lot. also prince
professor X: What are you thinking about right now?
(love that bald weirdo im losing it jari)
so i did a quick print screen of my brain and i found in this moment i m thinking of two player game from bmc, bruno mars’s outfit in the that’s what i like music video???, toffee, and u
groot: What is your favourite flower?
u mean other than my friends??????? i think it’s gotta be gardenias or hydrangeas!!!! but i’ve got a history of love w gardenias so that’ll always be my go-to answer for this 
reminder that ur gay and i lov u
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prehistoricsounds · 5 years
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Arrivals for the 7 days passed!
As we get towards the end of the year, new releases start to slow down a bit and legacy, greatest hits and reissues take over a bit.
We have new releases from Angelique Kidjo "Celia", Diesel "Sunset Suburbia Vol. 2", Fire From The Gods "American Sun", Green Buzzard "Amidst The Clutter & Mess, Hayden James "Between Us", Pond "Sessions", Raphael Saadiq "Jimmy Lee", Taylor Swift's recent album has just come out on vinyl called "Lover" Turnover "Altogether", Egyptian themed death metal from Nile "Vile Nilotic Rites" and thrash titans Slayer double live LP "The Repentless Killogy: Live At The Forum In Inglewood CA"
Recent releases (not necessarily new, but new to us) from Chelsea Wolfe, The Specials and Palace.
And a bunch reissues including INXS "Live Baby Live" triple LP! Flowers (Icehouse), Free, Parliament and a whole bunch of "Sundazed" records including Canned Heat, Moe Tucker, Link Wray, Otis Redding and more!
Also want to make special mention of local band The State System debut self-titled CD, they bring the riffs on this one! Look out for their launch at The Barwon Club on December 6th
Allday - Starry Night Over The Phone [LP] Angelique Kidjo - Celia [LP] Beth Gibbons / Rustin Man - Out Of Season [LP] Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A—Changin' (Mono) Bob Dylan - Travelin' Thru: Bootleg Series Vol. 15 1967—1969 [3CD] (sold) Bob Dylan - Travelin' Thru: Bootleg Series Vol. 15 1967—1969 [3LP] Booker T. & The MG's - Green Onions [LP] Bruce Springsteen - Western Stars [2LP] (sold) Bruce Springsteen - Western Stars [CD] (sold) Canned Heat - Canned Heat (Mono) (Gold) [LP] Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh & Thomas Bartlett - Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh & Thomas Bartlett [2LP] (sold) Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Safe As Milk (Mono) [LP] Chelsea Wolfe - Birth Of Violence [LP] Creedence Clearwater Revival - Green River (Half Speed Master) [LP] Creedence Clearwater Revival - Willy & The Poor Boys (Half Speed Master) [LP] Deep Purple - Stormbringer (Purple) [LP] Def Leppard - Hysteria [2LP] (sold) Dick Dale & His Del—Tones - Mr. Eliminator [LP] Diesel - Sunset Suburbia Vol. II [10"] Don Cherry - Brown Rice [LP] Dusty Springfield - Dusty In Memphis (Half Speed Master) [LP] (sold) End Of Fashion - End Of Fashion [LP] Fire From The Gods - American Sun [LP] Flowers - Icehouse (White) [LP] Free - All Right Now: The Collection [LP] Free - Tons Of Sobs [LP] Green Buzzard - Amidst The Clutter & Mess [LP] Hayden James - Between Us [2LP] Iggy Pop - Zombie Birdhouse [LP] INXS - Live Baby Live [3LP] Jawbreaker - Dear You [LP] Leonard Cohen - Songs Of Love And Hate [LP] Link Wray - Jack The Ripper [LP] Link Wray - White Lightning" Lost Cadence Sessions '58 [LP] Merle Travis - Live At The Town Hall Party 1958 & 1959 [LP] (sold) Metallica - Death Magnetic [2LP] Metallica - Reload [2LP] Michael Jackson - Thriller [LP] Michael Kiwanuka - Kiwanuka [2LP] (sold) Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow: The Collection [LP] Moe Tucker - I'm Sticking With You: An Introduction To... [LP] Mundell Lowe - Blues For A Stripper [LP] Nile - Vile Nilotic Rites [2LP] Otis Redding - Dictionary Of Soul [LP] Otis Redding - Otis Blue / Sings Soul [LP] Otis Redding - The Dock Of The Bay [LP] Palace - Life After [LP] Parliament - Chocolate City [LP] Parliament - The Clones Of Dr. Funkenstein [LP] Parliament - Up For The Down Stroke [LP] Paul Kelly - Songs From The South: Greatest Hits 1985—2019 [2LP] (sold, more soon) Pond - Sessions [2LP] Profeesor Longhair - Live On The Queen Mary [LP] Public Enemy - Fear Of A Black Planet [LP] Queen - Greatest Hits [2LP] Queen - Greatest Hits II [2LP] Raphael Saadiq - Jimmy Lee [2LP] Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request [LP] Slayer - The Repentless Killogy: Live At The Forum In Inglewood CA [2LP] Soundgarden - Live At The Artists Den [4LP Box] Taylor Swift - Lover [2LP] The Beatles - Love [2LP] The Beatles - Yellow Submarine Songtrack [LP] The Chats - Pub Feed [7"] The Chemical Brothers - Out Of Control [LP] The Felice Brothers - The Felice Brothers [2LP] The Reels - 6 Great Gift Ideas [LP] The Slits - Cut [LP] The Specials - Encore [LP] The Standells - Dirty Water (Gold) [LP] The State System - The State System [CD] The Zeros - Don't Push Me Around [LP] Turnover - Altogether (Purple) [LP] Various - Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood OST [2LP] Various: Guardians Of The Galaxy - Awesome Mix Vol. 2 [LP] Volbeat - Rewind Replay Rebound [2LP] (sold) Weezer - Weezer (Blue) [LP] Wu—Tang Clan - Enter The Wu—Tang Clan (36 Chambers) [LP] You Am I - Dilettantes [LP]
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tiagodailha · 4 years
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Chaves Os Chifres queimados do Professor Girafales 1978 Alta Qualida...
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netresult-blog · 7 years
MUHS Assistant Professor Admit Card 2017 Download MUHS Professor hall ticket 2017
MUHS Assistant Professor Admit Card 2017 Download MUHS Professor hall ticket 2017
MUHS Assistant Professor Admit Card 2017 Download MUHS Professor hall ticket 2017 ,MUHS Asst Prof 2017 Admit Card,MH Health Sciences Asst Professor hall ticket ,MUHS AP admit card. MUHS Assistant Professor exam will be conducted in the relevant date for the post of Assistant Professor. The Candidate can download the MUHS Assistant Professor admit card from the official website which is given…
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