braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 3
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Warnings: None.
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
I only had one class today, which I was thankful for. The study of East Asian history with Professor Rogers, who I was hoping was the handsome blond man that Clementine had said taught her American History. 
Clementine had already headed out for one of her nursing classes and so I had the dorm to myself. I didn't stay in it long, however, deciding to go to the library and study there. It was definitely a placebo affect to feel like I was getting more done in the library than if I stayed in the dorm. 
When my timer went off as a ten minute warning for class, I scooped everything up and headed off for the classroom. 
I hurried through the hallway, turning the corner, slamming into someone. I lost my balance, falling backwards, before something hard wrapped around my waist. I felt a spinning sensation before my back hit something. 
I let out a small gasp, finding that I was pressed up against the wall, Professor Barnes in front of me. His arm around my waist where he had caught me, feet planted rather defensively. I couldn't remember how to breathe or speak, only staring at him until I realized my mouth was open. 
"Watch where you're going." He interrupted me, shoving away from the wall, stalking down the hallway. 
I watched him go, feeling completely humiliated, before turning and continuing down to where my history class was. 
Professor Rogers was indeed the Professor my class, but after seeing Professor Barnes, my excitement was not high enough. 
"Miss Silvertongue." Professor Rogers greeted me immediately. He looked amazing in his light blue shirt he was wearing, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I could see behind him a group of girls muttering behind their hands as they watched him. "Good afternoon. Your seat is right here." 
He pointed to a seat at the front of the classroom, right in front of his desk. I was going to have a hard time concentrating this year. 
I quickly sat down where he had assigned my seat, while he quickly arranged the other students as they came in. As the bell rang, the last of the students filing in quickly, he closed the door behind him and smiled at the class. 
"Good Afternoon class. Firstly, I would like to make sure that you all know this is Survey of East Asian History class. So far, everyone seems to be in the right spot, but if anyone believes they are in the wrong class, let me know now." 
No one said a thing, though some girls behind me giggled. 
Professor Rogers grinned, "Alright then. Let's get started." He picked up a stack of papers from his desk and started to hand them out. "As you can see, this is the Syllabus of which I'll be teaching from this semester. You will have a small ten question quiz every week at the beginning of class, which will be timed for twenty minutes. And you will have on exam halfway through the year and an end of the year project." 
There were some groans in the class, but I felt rather light hearted at that. One exam was fine by me. Hopefully the project wouldn't be to hard. 
I surveyed the syllabus as mine was given to me. It seemed he had organized everything based on the country. Starting with Vietnam, then China, Japan, Korea, and so on. That might actually be quite nice. 
"So," Professor Rogers said with a grin, "What is East Asia? Anyone want to take a guess?" 
I hesitantly raised a hand and he nodded to me. "Well, I suppose a collection of different countries that are located on the East side of the continent of Asia?" 
His eyes seemed to twinkle at my answer and he let out a chuckle, "Well, in all technicalities, yes. The countries of East Asia include China, Japan, South and North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, Vietnam, Singapore, The Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar also called Burma, Brunei, Timor-Leste, and Malaysia." He wrote each country out in clear cursive. 
I immediately copied down the list on one side of my composition notebook, labelling at the top 'East Asia'. 
"And, just so we can get a clear picture, the countries of West Asia are Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, Georgia- no not the state-" That got some laughter from the class "-Yemen, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Israel, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. You may notice that most of these countries are what we would also call the 'Middle East'. However, do not consider West Asian and the Middle East to be synonymous for each other, because they are not. They just share many countries. I would also like everyone to note that Palestine is not exactly a country of their own. It is a collection of people who live on the Gaza strip, given to them by Israel. Any questions so far?" 
On the other side of the class, an Asian girl shot her hand up. 
"Yes, Miss Sun?" Professor Rogers asked politely. 
"Professor, when you were listing the countries of East Asia, you separated both Hong Kong and the Republic of China from Mainland China. Why?" She asked. 
"I listed Hong Kong separately because of its' history as a British Colony." Professor Rogers replied, tapping the country name with his Expo marker. "It has been both a part of China, and also part of Britain and therefore, separated as it will be talked about separately from China. Taiwan on the other hand, is a separate country from China, though some people will say that it is still part of China, depending on who you talk to. We could also make an argument for Tibet being separate from China as well." 
When the girl did not look convinced, Professor Rogers added, "Would you consider Ukraine to be a part of Russia?" 
"Well, no, Ukraine broke away from Russia." The girl said. 
"I would say you can compare Taiwan to China the way you compare Ukraine to Russia." Professor Rogers said. I could tell that his tone was friendly, but there seemed to be a fierce protective note in his voice. It seemed he cared about the freedom of Taiwan very much. I could respect that. 
"Now, who can tell me, what is history really about?" Professor Rogers asked, looking around. "What makes history? Yes, Mr. Black?" 
"Battles, events, things that occur and we memorize the dates of them long enough for our exams and then forget again almost immediately after?" The boy answered with a cocky grin. Some of the girls in front of him giggled but I rolled my eyes, looking back down at my loose-leaf paper. 
"Partially." Professor Rogers said, not as amused though he wore a complacent smile. 
I raised my hand and was called on. "People, Professor? After all, the battles and events can't happen without people involved." 
"And that's the answer." Professor Rogers sounded pleased and I couldn't help but let the butterflies that had been caged up in my heart since my run in with Professor Barnes out. They fluttered in my stomach, making me shift in my seat as his blue eyes pierced my brown ones. I found that I wanted his praise more than anything in the world at that moment. "Perfect." 
I nearly fainted. 
From there, he had us get our textbooks out, following along. He did not read word for word the introduction - I was glad for this since I can't stand being read to- exploring the details more in depth. 
At the end of the lesson, he had another piece of paper for us, which was actually three pages, stapled together. 
"This is a glossary of words that will last the semester. They may or may not show up on tests so it's best to know what they are and their definitions or meanings." Professor Rogers said, handing the sheet out. 
My favorite part was that it was set up alphabetically. My OCD agreed with it a lot. 
"Class dismissed. I will see you all Thursday." Professor Rogers said, and the students started to stream out.
I quickly slipped the glossary terms into my East Asian History binder, placing the binger and textbook into my backpack, before noticing that Professor Rogers had stopped in front of my table. 
"Yes, Professor?" I asked, fighting back the instinct to swallow hard, nervous as I realized how close he was to me. I could smell his cologne, which wasn't overpowering, but comforting. I wished I knew how to describe it. 'Woodsy and homelike' seemed to cliche. 
"Well, I'd hate to be intrusive, but I was wondering if you were busy Saturday and Sunday mornings. Specifically between eight and eleven in the morning?" 
"Uh- n-no." I stuttered out my answer, head spinning with sudden questions. Most specifically, for what? 
He answered that quickly enough, "Every year I choose a student that I believe is competent to work for me. You'll be paid, of course, $15 an hour. It would be miscellaneous work. Helping me grade homework- not for this class but American or European history- etcetera." 
"Yes, I would love that." I answered easily, though a little astounded. 
There was a noise in the doorway and I jumped a little at the suddenness of it. It was Professor Barnes, leaning on the doorway, his dark eyes brooding. I immediately looked away, grabbing my backpack and trying to focus solely on Professor Rogers, "When would you like me to start?" 
"Next week. Here," He walked over to the desk, grabbing a small slip of paper that looked a bit like a business card, but not quite. "This is my work phone number and address. Saturdays will be spent here since I also have office hours that day. But Sundays will be spent at this address. I may change things up which is why you have my phone number so that after you contact me, I will be able to let you know if things change. Agreed?" 
"Sounds perfectly in order." I said easily, reaching out and taking the card from him. I slipped it into the safety of my purse, before sliding it into my backpack. "Thank you for the opportunity Professor." 
"Of course." Professor Rogers smiled and looked over at Professor Barnes, "What's up Buck?" 
Professor Barnes rolled his eyes, something that I noticed made Professor Rogers smirk. I quickly stepped to the side as Professor Barnes decided to move at the same time I went through the door, moving past me without another word. Professor Rogers gave him a look that seemed to be slightly exasperated before he said, "Have a nice day Miss Silvertongue." 
"You too Professo- Professors." I quickly said over my shoulder, before leaving the room. I sped down the hallway, excited to get back to the dorm. . . and away from Professor Barnes. 
"Hey." Clementine greeted me the moment I stepped inside the dorm room. "The grocery store down the street that you applied to called the dorm phone today and left a message. You got hired. Tuesdays and Thursdays from- well you know what, here." She tapped a piece of paper that was sitting on the table. 
She had written out the entire phone message in neat cursive and I smiled fondly at her. "You're the best Clem." 
"I know, now make sure to bring me home free food from work." She said with a smirk, before turning back to the American history textbook she was pouring over, making side notes in the margins, comparing them to an assignment sheet. 
"Essay already for history?" I asked, surprised. 
"It's easy." Clementine shrugged. "It's more an opinion essay than anything else. We can take one event from American history and compare it to something else in the rest of the worlds' history that shows that history can repeat itself. Then what we think should be done to keep it from happening again." 
I couldn't think of a comparison off the top of my head, but then again my mind wasn't on American history to begin with. I was thinking of the way Professor Rogers fingers had brushed the tips of mine as he gave me the card. And also, surprisingly, of Professor Barnes brooding stare. 
I was sure the darker Professor hated me, but there was something about his dark persona that was drawing me in. I wonder if he did it on purpose, to prove that Psychology really did work. His dark mysterious personality drew curious people in. 
I rolled my eyes, trying to push both Professors out of my head. They were like thirty something and I was twenty-two. 
"Well, I'm going to have two jobs." I said, unable to keep the happiness out of my voice. Clementine looked up with interest. "Professor Rogers hired me as a. . . assistant of sorts? A teacher aide? I'm not sure. Basically to help grade other peoples' stuff in other classes. So maybe I'll get to grade your homework." 
"Well, don't go easy on me." Clementine said, getting up from the table, going over and grabbing an orange. I watched her peel it and then started to make homemade orange juice. "By the way, I was thinking this weekend we could go to a few of the orchards, pick our own fruit? It'll be a bit of a drive, but this'll be the one weekend we won't be slammed with homework and you and I both know apples will keep for a while if we put them in the fridge." 
I smiled, nodding, "Great idea." Then I left her with her history homework and I went off to call the grocery store, telling them that I would be there first shift on Thursday. 
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dreamwhisprrr · 28 days
gay people can't just kiss and say I love you they always gotta do some shit like this
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Hey, since this is getting attention, me and my friend have a discord server
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annikityk · 1 month
I present to you: gay people flirting by pointing a gun at each other
Exhibit a: Charles and Erik
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Exhibit b: Bucky and Zemo
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Exhibit c: Will and Hannibal
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Exhibit d: Sherlock and Moriarty
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And last but not least: Deadpool and Wolverine
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delicatebarness · 4 months
the manuscript | series masterlist
delicatebarness | main masterlist
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[Updated: Every Tuesday]
Pairings: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Student!Reader. Frat!Peter Parker x Student!Reader.
Warnings: Age Gap - Bucky (late 40s) x Reader (early 20s). Smut. Cheating. More will be announced as the story is written.
Support: Ko-Fi
Spotify Playlist | Pinterest Board
Main Story
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven
The Faculty | The Students
The Assignments
Ecstasy | Caught |
291 notes · View notes
espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Professor!SteveRogers x Student!Female!Reader AU
summary: Professor Rogers was a lot of things, but for you, he was even more. A secret affair? A fun little side thing? You didn’t know yet. But you'd gladly seek out every possible moment with him until you did.
a/n: once upon a time I had a crush on my professor… this is what came out of it (don’t worry it didn’t really happen) but shame on me for keeping this in the drafts for so long
thank you @sebsgirl71479 for finding this gif and also very special thanks to @urcatslitterbox for taking the time and making one herself! you are the greatest!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: age gap (reader is of legal age of course), student/teacher relationship, a little fluff (because apparently I can’t do it without) this is obviously smut (dry humping, praise kink, unprotected p in v - wrap it before you tap it guys, slight overstimulation, voyeurism - if you squint), I don't know what else to tell you !MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚✶ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑 ✧*・゚
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“Do you know why I asked you to stay, Ms. Y/L/N?” His arms crossed before his chest as his gaze followed the last students roaming amongst the rows of the vast lecture hall, a blonde strand of hair falling loose and settling in a soft curve over his eye. Professor Rogers looked intimidating, but so damn sexy as well. His biceps bulged beneath the checkered white and blue button-up, his sleeves halfway rolled up, restrained by his evenly muscular forearms.
“To be perfectly honest, Professor,” Your voice stayed even, a slight mockery undertone by the use of formality when you had called him far more personal things than that before. Steve, Stevie, Daddy... you shook out of it - there were still people here. “I don’t. I was quite confident that my assignment was to your... satisfaction.” A smug grin hid behind the last word, as you remembered the actual satisfaction that assignment had brought you as well.
Steve had to hide his smile, too. His eyes darted with amusement when he tilted his head forward to peer up at you through his thick lashes. Your eyes wandered to his legs. His tan chinos were tight on his muscular thighs and the way he leaned back with his knees spread even wider - holy mother of god.
He knew damn well how hot he was, and the annoying thing was that he also knew how to make it work for him. Steve reveled in the power his body language had over you.
He watched as your tights clenched together behind his desk. The simple movement of his fingers on a desk could make you keen thinking about the places they had done that before. His confidence seeped though every fucking vein in his body, dripping in thick undertones and slight remarks out of his mouth and invading your senses through his touch and smell.
He was to die for. Tall, muscular, charming, and older.
You looked him up and down again and as his head tilted to the side you knew exactly that he could read your every thought. His arms opened when the door closed behind the last student, one hand gliding to his inner thigh while the other motioned for you to step closer.
You did.
It was like an automatic response of your body. Though you leaned forwards on the wooden desk, your arms pushing inward to help the cleavage peeking through the collar of your top, Steve’s eyes pulled down in an instant as well. 
“It certainly was.” He rubbed his beard. “I just thought it would be beneficial to go over it once more, highlight the good parts and make sure you know what made them so... enticing.” He leaned forward now, his fingers brushing yours on the sleek surface of the polished wood, though his eyes remained on your breasts. Steve wet his lips before his eyes flicked up to yours again. “I’m willing to thoroughly talk you through the rougher bits as well.”
“Are you implying they weren’t all good?”
“Oh, they were good, just not as good as other parts.” 
It was a game. You knew that, and Steve knew that too. But the little role-playing brought an excitement to this ordeal that couldn’t be denied by either of you. He was like a magnet and your entire body felt like it was made of metal with the pull he had on you. You stood on your toes, pushing yourself further over the table, where Steve stayed entirely still. He was observing you, though. The slight intrigue in the twig of his brow when your lips came dangerously close to his. A fast glint to the double doors leading to the hallways full of students rushing to their next classes. There was no nervousness in his stare though. Steve actually liked the potential threat of getting caught. It spurred him on, enticed him, and turned him on beyond belief. You had learned that just the other week when he had dragged you behind the open door to the janitor's closet of the history building. He had absolutely no shame in getting his hands dirty while all the students walked past the dark room where Steve had his hand firmly pressed above your mouth as his other relentlessly plunged in and out of your wet cunt. 
“Huh.” You pushed back. And even though the muscular blonde on the other side of the desk tried not to react, you caught his shoulder slouch in disappointment. You liked playing tough, though. While his perfume worked hard to pull you back into him, your feet shuffled a little further back, looking him up and down again. His legs were still manspreading on the chair and damn did those thighs look inviting. You knew they were. 
The clock above the double door clicked louder now that the students outside had passed on to their next classes. You had one, too actually. But the professor was boring as hell and who wouldn’t trade a creepy scarf-wearing weirdo for this specimen of a man in front of you right now? Exactly: no one. But they didn’t have that chance. Steve had chosen you, reserved his glances and touches, and kissed for you and it was exciting. Getting to share his experiences, letting the older man take control of your body in such rough yet gentle ways. 
Your legs strode around the desk as Steve’s eyes followed you through the room. His arms had reached out to you once you were close enough for him to grab and once his index finger looped in the belt loops of your jeans, he pulled you onto his lap. As your hands wandered to his shoulders, his snook around your waist, his thumb gently stroking the skin beneath your top. A shiver ran through you when he leaned back, his icy blue orbs piercing the air as they focused on yours, a small smile twinkling in the corner of his mouth. 
“You look good.” You whispered, a hand smoothing over the collar. Steve’s lips escaped a laugh, and even though the sexual tension you build up with the sneaky conversation still lingered in the air, there was a softer, sweeter sound invading the atmosphere right this moment. 
“I know you like the blue.” He mumbled when he dipped forward, his nose brushed your neck and a trial of goosebumps traveled down your back. The rasp in his voice stirred something in your stomach, a slight tingle shooting up to your brain and telling you ‘hey that’s hot!’ In bright and blaring neon lights. 
Steve’s fingers ran down your legs and began massaging your thighs on each side of him. Another strand of hair came loose and fell forward. It tickled your neck as his mouth began to suck its way up to your sweet spot, your hands frantically cramming his shirt at the sudden attack. His tongue shot forward, soothing the place his teeth just nibbled on and the familiar burn ran over your skin as hisses and moans mixed in your mouth. Your hips jolted forward when he finally reached that spot behind your ear, hot breath blowing over the wet skin and a soft kiss right after. 
“You smell...” A growl broke through his speech when your hips ground a second time. “So sweet...” 
A jolt of confidence placed a grin on your lips. The perfume you wore had turned some heads before, but the only one that mattered was Steve’s. His mouth resumed his caress of your skin as his hand wandered to your ass, slowly pushing you forward and guiding you over the growing bulge beneath his pants. 
“Ah, yes!” It was only a breath out when the seam of your jeans was pushed into your clit by the hardness in his lap, but - God did that feel good! Your back arched when he continuously ripped you over the spot, your hands buried in his hair, pressing him deeper into your skin, encouraging him to keep going. 
“Goddamn...” His head switched to the other side of your neck, the skin on the neglected one already hot and tingly. But your sole focus lay between your legs, where his cock massaged your clit in perfectly firm rocking motions. The roughness of the jeans just added to the pleasure creeping through your body.
You could’ve gone like this forever, with the heat rising in your belly and Steve’s muffled panting lingering in the air, but Steve pulled away. A whine brushed over to him when his lips left your skin. You were burning from his touch but at the same time, a cool brush of goosebumps covered your body. It was crazy how much you craved his touch even when he was sitting right in front of you. His stare alone lit a fire within your stomach, butterflies flying wild patterns through every nerve ending when his light blue eyes found yours in the distance of the lecture hall. It had happened suddenly and spiraled beyond your control within days. And then, when he had finally kissed you, it was pretty clear that there was no going back. Steve was like a drug. Something you shouldn’t play with and something that was definitely illegal to pursue, but so so so freaking good because he made you feel things you could have never imagined. 
His voice pulled you back to reality.
“As much as I like your ass in those jeans...” Steve tugged on your Jeans with dark eyes, the silver button glimmered in the lecture hall light when his rough fingers yanked on the material. “They need to go.” That last part was just a growl in your ear but the tire of it made you eagerly wiggle out of the blue denim.
You stepped out of your jeans once he had finally opened them and when his eyes fell on the underwear covering your heat, he pulled you closer by your hips. His thumbs drove circles over your skin, sending yet another tingle of excitement up your spine. His hands wandered back to your behind, squeezing and needing the flesh all while pressing you into his front. 
Your lips attached to his neck like a magnet, your hand scraping the gruff on his chin with excited circles. A growl traveled past his lips when you reached his sweet spot - the one right beneath his ear, making him melt every time. A deviant smile spread about your face but before you could revel in the control you had over him - even if it was just for a short moment - he had you turned around, facing the rows of desks stretching to the walls.
“You’ve been doing this on purpose, haven’t you?” His hand wandered past your breasts down your front and stopped right by the edges of your panties, the other holding you by the hip, pressing his hard-on right to your back. The excitement shooting through you did nothing to hide, slick pooling between your legs, and your nipples already hard pebbles on your skin. “Putting on these scandalous little lace things thinking about how I’ll be seeing them today...” Warm breath tingled at your ear when he leaned closer, pushing his hand past the hem of the lace. “...taking them off of your perfect body.”
You moaned when his fingers slit past your folds, gathering some slick to smoothly roam about your clit.
“Maybe...” The shivers erupting from his touch interrupted your speech until you could collect yourself. “I’m always thinking of you, Stevie.” He bit your neck before his tongue smoothed over the spot again. It was a perfect interplay of pleasure and pain, the wet warm strokes of his tongue soothing the stinging and adding fuel to a desire only he could evoke in you.
“Say it again,” he growled, adding more pressure to the swollen bundle of nerves between your legs. You squirmed as the muscles in your abdomen tightened, clenching around nothing and reminding you what you had been missing. “What else are you thinking about?”
“Your hands all over my body...” Your hand guided his over to your breasts encouraging him to squeeze the soft flesh and breathing heavily when his thumb brushed over your hardened nipple. “Pushing me to bend over that desk while you fill me up with your big cock.”
“Nothing I’d rather do, doll.” Before you knew it your face was gently pressed against the cold and polished wood. Warm hands wandered to your ass where they pulled down your underwear painfully slow, having you fiddle in place impatiently.
“Now, don’t be so hasty, love. I gotta take my time.” You heard his belt unbuckle.
“Unfortunately, Professor, time is the one thing we do not have a lot of...” His hands stopped moving as you called him ‘Professor’, though you knew it wasn’t a bad thing. If anything, it probably turned him on more, which would hopefully speed up the process of him finally filling you up to the brim. Your pussy clenched at the thought of it again - a frustrating reminder of the emptiness you so wished to disappear. 
“Too bad, I would have loved to play with you a little more.”
“Tick Tock...”
“As you wish, princess-” And before the words had even reached your ears, you felt his swollen tip nudge at your entrance, stroking up and down your slit to cover in your arousal as a sinful sound escaped Steve’s lips.
His hands found their way back to your waist before he finally pushed fully into you, leaving you no time to adjust to his size as he started pounding into you with an unrelenting pace. The burn wasn’t painful though. You knew he was big, and even though you had not believed that he would ever fit inside of you, Steve had managed to not only do that but also ruin you for every other man to ever come. 
“Look at your greedy little cunt begging for my cock, practically sucking me in, doll.”
You couldn’t answer, too focused on holding onto the desk and controlling your body not to melt with his strokes as he pushed into you over and over again.
“Gripping me so tight... perfect little pussy.” A slap landed on your ass cheek to which you responded with another loud moan. If there had been a care for anyone to hear you doing the indescribable in this lecture hall before, Steve had certainly fucked it out of you by now. You turned your head watching as he spit down on his cock before it disappeared in you again, his head falling back with shut eyes while he reveled in every piece of pleasure you gave him.
“Fuck!” He locked eyes with you, a determined smirk painting his face when his hand wandered around your body again, finding your clit and rubbing tight little circles over the nub.
Your vision blurred as the hot pleasure crept up your spine. There was something about Steve’s touch that made you feel as though every nerve in your body fired twice and fast. You clenched around him again, watching with pleasure as his brows furrowed.
He picked up his pace, kicking your legs further apart and hitting an even deeper angle now.
“Oh my god!” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head before you closed them, trying to last longer than this. The feeling was just too good to let go of so soon. But with Steve’s hunky body towering over you and his cock stroking just the right spot with every moan he pulled from you, that seemed like an impossible task. You tried your best, though, but right when you thought that you would last a little longer, his fingers changed the direction of the circles on your clit and turned your brain to mush.
“I’m gonna- ah”
“The hell you are.” He pulled away, leaving you to whimper with the empty feeling you had never wanted back. But Steve pulled you up and turned you around in one swift motion, walking forward until you were pressed against the desk again. This time, though, he made you lay on your back with a hazy smile.
“I wanna see your pretty face when you come all over my cock.” He placed your legs on his shoulders and grabbed his dick to line it up with your entrance again. Then, he made sure to keep eye contact while he pushed himself into you once again, but this time, painfully slow.
You gripped him tight when he bottomed out, stroking the flesh on your thigh while he pulled back just to pound back in again.
“I fucking love this pussy,” he growled as his pace picked up much to your delight, “it’s mine. Tell me, baby.”
“Yes. Yes, it’s all yours, Stevie.” You couldn’t even focus on the words leaving your mouth at this point. You would say yes to anything he said just to make the feeling of his cock stroking your walls last forever.
“That’s a what?” He halted, raised eyebrows watching you expectantly.
“Yes, sir,” you smirked.
“Good girl.” The pressure built up again and when his hand found its way back to your clit, you felt like exploding. His pace didn’t falter, determination taking over while he watched himself slip in and out of you with hungry eyes. 
You would be busting in seconds if he kept it up like this, your walls clenching tighter and tighter, your stomach feeling rock solid from the pleasure building up with every circle of his thumb and every stroke of his cock.
“Don’t hold back now, sweetheart. Let go. Give it to me.”
That was all it took for the knot to finally come loose. “Ah!” Your back arched off the table while your hands frantically searched for something to grip, the walls of your pussy fluttering and making your core be on fire with pleasure. It just intensified when Steve slowed his strokes to let you ride on the wave of bliss that made your body tingle.
When you relaxed again, you felt your walls pulsing with lazy delight. A weak smile shining through your hooded eyes when you watched him intensify his strokes again. Shaky whimpers left your throat when his cock brushed over your sensitive parts. He was close, too. You could feel him twitching inside of you, waiting for the perfect moment to let go. And you would give him just that.
“You make me feel so good, sir. Your big cock stretches me out, fills me up. I want you to come inside of me.”
“Fuck, keep going.” He closed his eyes, speeding up his movements and making the pressure build right up for you again.
“You’re so big. I can feel you in my stomach, baby. Make me come by just thinking about you. So sexy and strong and- ah oh!”
Steve’s movements staggered his cock twitching as his face contorted into pleasure while you felt his cum spill inside of you. The scene was erotic, and the sounds coming from the man above of you made you reach another orgasm, milking the last drop from him with every pulse of your walls.
Your chest heaved as you leaned your head back, watching the clock above the door. It was too sad this moment was ending.
Though Steve took his time. He watched his juices drip after he pulled out, whispering a low ‘perfect’ into the room that made your head feel hot. 
How was this man making you flustered after shamelessly rearranging your guts in a public lecture hall?
“Put your jeans back on, doll. I don’t wanna get in trouble today.” He winked at you while he zipped up his pants and secured the buckle on top. You stood, fixing his slightly tossed hair and leaving your hand hovering over his jaw.
“Where’d you put my panties?” He kissed you.
“I think I’m gonna keep these,” Steve smiled while stuffing them into his back pocket.
“For revision, I presume?” You smiled with wicked eyes.
Here it is - finally! Please tell me what you think (hopefully it was worth the wait)! I've missed you guys so much; life is keeping me busy and excited for more. How have you been?? 💛
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@fangirl-swagg @mi-amoree1111 @lastwandastan @royalwritersoftheuniverses @dinwifey @stuckysgirl27 @broadwaybabe18 @buckybarnessimpp @goodkittyspost @simpxinnie @blackhawkfanatic @kandis-mom @circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @wattpaduser200 @buckyseddie @adoreyouusugar @km-ffluv
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neonshrike · 1 year
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AVENGERS - white tank tops
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harmonizingsunsets · 1 year
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Running Gags in Hatchetfield Musicals pt 3 | Becky Barnes Climbing a Tree
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Student Bucky
Shy Beefy Student Bucky x Professor Reader 
No thots, just 
He’s so smitten with his professor, always mesmerized with anything you say, gazing at you with heart eyes while you deliver your lectures. He could listen to you speak for hours, always finding a seat at the very front of the large hall so he doesn’t miss a word. 
He’s too shy to ever raise his hand and participate which is upsetting considering he’s on of the brightest students in your class. You always toss him a soft smile when you see him, adoring the little blush that follows after; it’s even worse when you compliment his papers. 
Every time he thinks about you, his mind ends up going to less than holy places and his hand finds itself down his pants. He can’t help it, thinking about your pretty body in those suits and skirts, how gorgeous you’d look spread out on your desk. You’re so brilliant and pretty and sweet and he isn’t sure how many times its been but his sheets are messy but he’s still so hard. 
He almost has a heart attack when you ask if he’d like to come on board a research project your doing. Obviously he’d never say no but your doe eyes looking up at him are too much and he can only nod in response. 
A few late nights and not so innocent touches later 
He’s so shy, he’s not even aware of how his size engulfs you under him, all his focus set on making you feel so good, giving you all the pleasure you deserve. 
“Does-does it feel good for you?” He asked timidly, biting down on his bottom lip, keeping his moans down, abs tensed from holding his body back from releasing too quickly. He can feel his cock throbbing, his orgasm already at the base of his length.
“So good baby, so so good”  You moan, your arms and legs wrapped around his body, the both of you in the middle of your large bed, all clothes tossed off, nothing separating you. “Making me feel so good baby”
The pet name makes him feral as he preens, adjusting his hips so he can fuck the very depths of your soul making you see stars. He maneuvers your legs higher up on his waist, loving the way your ankles are locked around his lower back. You let your hands wander around his body, clawing at the muscles on his back, and holding onto his biceps. 
“M’I doing okay?” He pants against your skin, hesitantly bringing his hands to lace with yours, pinning you against the mattress. All you can do is moan and nod, the tip of his cock hitting that sensitive spot just right, your arousal making a creamy mess all along his veiny girthy shaft. “Yeah? M’making you feel good?” 
“You’re-so-thick-oh God” You cry out between thrusts, gasping at the stretch while he blushes, keeping his face hidden from you.
“I am?”
You giggle at his shyness, kissing his temple, finding his soft sweetness endearing.
“So thick baby, cock stretching me so good”
“You like it?”
“So fucking good James”
“M’gonna cum” He whines out, his pace growing sloppy but he doesn’t want to stop, he wants this night to last (not realizing it was the first of many). You gasp when he pulls out and buries his face between your legs. He laps at your arousal, mixed with his precum, your sensitive cunt soaking his scruffy cheeks. 
“Wan you to cum first” He shoves two fingers into your sopping core, thrusting and curling them till your screaming, your thighs trapping him in. 
“Say-say my name” He lets out a broken moan, growling when he feels your hand tug at his roots, his eyes rolling back. “You taste so good”
“You like that sweet boy? Like when I moan your name?” Your back arches off the bed as he suckles on your swollen clit, your body convulsing as pleasure consumes you. He laps up every drop you give him, not giving you a second to catch your breath; he flips you over with ease, bringing your ass all the way up and shoves his cock back in.
“F-FUCK JA-MES” you claw at the sheets while his large hands grip your hips, slamming your ass back on him to meet his thrusts, his heavy balls hitting your throbbing clit each time.
“You feel so good, don’t wanna pull out” he moaned, throwing his head back, nearly whimpering when he feels you flutter and clench around his swollen cock, your second orgasm already barrelling towards you.
“Can-can I cum in you?” He’s asking permission but he doesn’t know if he’ll have the willpower to pull out if you said no. He’s never felt so good, his cock harder and more sensitive than ever, your pussy swallowing every Inch he gives.
“Cum in me sweet boy” you slur out, letting him man handle you, getting off on how soft and sweet he is, a stark contrast to the way he fucked like an animal.
“Cum with me” he cries out, snaking his hand around to rub your clit, letting his heavy body collapse on top of you, rutting into you, letting his cock rub against your sweet spot. “M’gonna cum so much for you, fuck”
He gives you a few more harsh thrusts before he moans loudly in the back of your neck, his hands reaching out to grab something, locking with yours.
You both lay panting in a post sex haze, his warm cum making you thighs sticky. It doesn’t take long to feel him get hard inside you again, a low rumble emitting from his chest when you clench around him. He slowly drags his cock out before pushing it back in, letting his cum squirt out onto the sheets.
“Can I?” He asks softly, between gently thrusts, wrapping his arms around you when you nod, taking his time to savour your soft body wrapped around his large one. “Don’t wanna leave, you feel so good”
“We have all night baby, all night”
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huffelpuff210 · 5 months
My new list for the dark
Biker Bucky Barnes x abused reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Dark alpha Steve Rogers x dark alpha Bucky Barnes x dark alpha Tony stark x omega reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Dark professor Steve Rogers x innocent reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Soft dark Stucky x reader
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dark professor Tony Stark x shy reader
Part 1
Dark shifter Bucky Barnes x shifter reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Dark mafia Bucky Barnes x reader
Part 1
Part 2
Mob boss Steve Rogers x innocent reader
Part 1
Part 2
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astrofiish · 5 months
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He would say this in the tone of his one voiceline that's like "WHY would the STORYTELLER do such a thing?!?!"
Based on this: https://twitter.com/weirddalle/status/1719817666741837857?t=_UqkOJ3cmcTCJP4CiPEIyw&s=19
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 25
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, mentions of blood kink (reader on period)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
The first day back to school was not the best by any means. Not only did I feel the eyes watching me from not only the teachers/Avengers, but also the extra security (SHIELD agents) that Dean Fury had hired to keep an eye out on me and other potential targets. On top of that, I had started my period and was in quite a bad mood, as well as in physical pain. Plus, Steve seemed sore with me for some reason, feeling like he was avoiding me. 
I was distracted during all of my classes, the hairs on my arms consistently standing up. I felt the security and Professors could be a lot more subtle and just stop looking at me. Even Ivy seemed to be informed because she found an excuse to walk with me after my classes and even studied with me in the library which I swear she had never done before. 
To say I was frustrated by the time Psychology rolled around was an understatement. I half contemplated skipping Bucky's class since I figured he'd ben even worse than the others, but knew their worry would just peak more and they'd probably shut the school down and organize a search party for me. 
So I headed to Psychology with heavy anxiety. Despite Brocks' threat to release Steves' identity to the public, he hadn't actually done it yet. I wasn't sure if it was just a bluff, or if perhaps the higher ups hadn't let him, but it worried me. 
Bucky's class turned out to be the most relaxed of all of them. We talked about eating disorders and the how's and whys of such disorders. It stemmed a little bit into the healthy diets and unhealthy diets and he suggested that we all attempt a diet for one month and see if we felt better emotionally and physically after doing it. 
"Miss Silvertongue, please stay behind, we need to talk about your last exam." Professor Barnes said as the class started to file out. Two of the girls in front of me started to laugh, quite rudely. Ivy glared at them and when the three girls were out of the door, I heard a slight screech of pain. 
Bucky rolled his eyes. "I think Loki and Wade are rubbing off on her. Anyways, how are you feeling?" 
"I want the security gone." I growled, my frustration rolling off of me in obvious emotional waves. "I can't focus. And I hurt." 
"I know. Steve told me you were on your period. You're driving him mad." 
"He's avoiding me." I said, hurt. 
"Yes he is." Bucky nodded. 
"Why? What did I do?" I asked, heart sinking. I felt like I was going to cry, my throat constricting. I wondered if I had pushed him to far with the food play. 
"Nothing you did, really." Bucky shrugged. "It's just, he has a huge blood kink, you're on your period, and it drives him absolutely crazy. He's afraid his control will snap and he'll take you over his desk." He said this so nonchalantly that it took me a second to comprehend his words. 
"He has. . . wait what? But how did he even know?" I asked, slightly dazed. 
Bucky's lips curled into a smirk and his blue eyes met mine. "We can smell you doll." 
I went red. "No." I whispered. 
He chuckled. 
"Oh God." I moaned, completely embarrassed. "Like a Vampire? Oh God Buck." 
He tilted his head to the side. "What?" 
"I'm so sorry. It must be terrible." I covered my face with my hands. I didn't even know how to fix this. 
"Elizabeth, it's sweet smelling with a hint of sour copper." Bucky said, tugging my hands away from my face. "It doesn't bother me or Steve. Promise." He pulled me into a hug as I mumbled incoherent, embarrassing words under my breath. 
I was so embarrassed, I quickly brushed the conversation away by changing the conversation, "So if I choose one of these diets, you'll also change, right?" 
Bucky laughed, "Yeah right." 
"Hey!" I pouted. "You can't eat ice cream or desserts in front of me!" 
"Nope. I'll just eat them off of you." He teased, poking me in the side as we headed out of the classroom. I supposed we should try harder to act professional, but I don't either of us really cared. 
"So how is Steve going to survive five days with me?" I asked as we headed out of the building, towards his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid inside. He closed it behind me, getting in on the other side. 
"He probably won't." Bucky admitted. "And he's definitely not sleeping with us the first two nights." 
"And this'll happen every month?" I sighed. 
"Pretty much." Bucky admitted. "He has very good self-control Elizabeth, but when his head gets filled with to many fantasies, and you're right there, and he can smell you. . . well even he's not perfect. His mind will go blank and he'll feel guilty for the rest of eternity." 
"I would just let him." I admitted. 
"What?" Bucky asked, startled, looking over at me with concern. 
I shrugged, feeling embarrassed. "I would just let him at that point. Then tell him I gave consent." 
"Why the hell would you do that?" Bucky asked. 
"Because I love him-" 
"NO." Bucky said sternly and I went quiet. "Elizabeth, it would classify as rape and as much as I love Steve, and I love you, it's out of the question. You should never, ever do something like that. With Steve and I, sure it's different. Our headspace. . . is different but what if you weren't with us! You can't afford to have that mentality!" 
"Sorry." I whispered. 
He looked pained as he reached over, taking my hand. "I know you would go to any length to protect the people you love. But that is just one you can't do, okay? Besides," He said lightly, squeezing my hand. "I won't be letting you alone while you're on your period so you don't have to worry about Steve." 
"I'm not worried about Steve." I said quickly. "And what about you? Does my blood not affect you either?" 
Bucky laughed, "We're not vampires darling. It's not the smell of blood that gets him going, it's just what fuels him. Like I said, it means you're breed-able, which is the biggest turn on for him. The blood just fuels his blood kink, the 40s dress just spurs him on, and your consistently submissive behavior is the icing on the cake." 
I squirmed in my seat a little, but my back ached to much to get super uncomfortable and I stayed slumped in the seat, my back pressed against the warmth of the seater. 
"Admittedly, there isn't to much I know." He suddenly blushed, "Do you get weird food cravings?" 
"I put hot sauce on my eggs, have a huge craving for milkshakes, and will eat banana peppers with eggs as well." I smiled. 
"You do that anyways." He teased. 
"Yea, but I will need a lot of spicy food. Can we get those hot wings again? I actually really want those now." I said. 
"Of course we can." Bucky said, pulling out his phone. 
"NO! When we get home James." I swatted at his arm. "You can't be on your phone and drive at the same time." 
"Super soldier sweetheart." He teased, putting the phone to his ear to order 50 chicken wings to the tower along with two pepperoni pizzas. 
He also managed to find a UDF- they were far more scarce in New York than Ohio- where he bought me a cookies n' cream milkshake with cookie dough added to the bottom. He grabbed Steve a vanilla milkshake, and got himself a strawberry chocolate mix. 
"Thank you for spoiling me." I said as I sipped at the delicious drink. 
He snorted, "If you think this is spoiling, just wait." 
"I take it back, don't spoil me." I said quickly. I hated when people spent money on me. It made me feel itchy, like I didn't deserve it, especially if I couldn't pay it back. 
"Yeah, Steve hates it when I spoil him too." Bucky sighed. "And I hate it when he spoils me. Or used to, anyways. Neither of us felt like we deserved what the other person was getting us. Me, especially. Now, we just know that we love each other. So if he gets you a diamond necklace for Christmas-" 
I choked on the milkshake, "Please no. I'll feel so bad. I can't afford anything on that level Bucky. Please, please don't get me anything expensive." 
"Alright, I'll talk to him about toning it down. Maybe a car instead." This time he winked so I knew it was a joke. I still shuddered at the idea of them getting me something over twenty dollars. 
"You know I'd just be happy with books and a stuffed animal." I said. "Please don't spend more than twenty bucks on me." 
"Our limit is twenty dollars?" Bucky asked, disgruntled. 
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "Cause that's about all I can afford to get for you guys!" 
"What, Steve doesn't pay you enough during the job?" Bucky frowned. "I'll talk to the punk about upping your pay-" 
I choked again. "No!" 
We argued the entire way back to the house and finally, finally Bucky relented and said he'd keep to the twenty dollar limit. 
The pizza delivery guy had already gotten to the tower before us, so we found Clint in the lobby, eating the pizza, claiming he had a right to all of the food since he had paid for it. 
"You put it on Starks' tab." Bucky deadpanned, grabbing the remaining pizza and securing my wings. 
"Same difference, thanks for dinner." He joked, heading for the elevators. Bucky rolled his eyes as the two of us went up to our floor. 
"Stupid bird." Bucky muttered. "Now what is Steve going to have for dinner?" 
I blinked, "But there's still a whole pizza left plus those 11 slices." 
"Your point?" Bucky asked blankly. 
"It's fine. I'll share my chicken wings with him." I said happily, hugging the box of said wings against my lower stomach. The warmth helped the cramps- and it was just plain warm while it was cold in the elevator- and the smell of the delicious food wafted up and I let out a moan of want. Bucky shifted next to me, taking a deep breath. 
"Watch it doll." Bucky muttered darkly as the elevator doors opened up. We headed back down to our apartment and Bucky called out for Steve while I headed to the living room to find some heating pads. 
Steve was in the living room, looking frustrated. His students' schoolwork was spread out on the floor as he sat on the carpet, trying to get everything done. 
"I may ask Tony to put an office in." Steve sighed, looking up. "Hey baby, how was school?" 
"Good." I said softly, finding the heating pad in the drawer and curling up on the couch. Bucky came in with paper plates, a gallon of milk, and three cups. "Thank you Bucky." I said as he gave me a plate, also moving the coffee table right next to me so I didn't have to be uncomfortable as I ate. 
"How are you feeling?" Steve asked. 
"'M okay." I mumbled, putting seven wings on my plate, opening up the blue cheese. "Cramps hurt though." 
Steve didn't answer right away and Bucky kicked him lightly, jerking Steve out of his thoughts. "Sorry baby." 
"It's okay." I said as he got up, sitting on the couch. 
"Pizza?" Bucky shoved the plate of food right under Steves' nose, so that his senses were invaded by the smell of tomato, peperoni, and cheese. 
Steve was still rather precautious around me, but since Bucky had explained it already, I didn't feel as bad. He also didn't go to bed with us, or the next couple of nights, but once I was on day four, he was back in bed with us, his arms wrapped tightly around me, his face buried into my neck. . . home. 
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fangirlynjunk · 1 month
I just genuinely get the feeling a shocking amount of the younger hatchetfield characters have the gift as per mentioned by Miss Holloway and Bob Metzger.
Like in my head the characters that I feel have or had the gift over the course of everything I’ve seen are
1. Paul Matthews (he knew so fast that the musical plague thing was happening and that the IMPLICATIONS were grim), and is the only 30 or so year old I see this with almost immediately
2. Lex and Hannah Foster (these are confirmed obviously)
3. Ethan Green (he has the Miss Holloway hat guys she helped him, this is confirmed to me)
4. Richie Lipschitz (this is my way of explaining his intro to high school is killing me)
5. Ruth Fleming (see the Richie reasoning)
6. Max Jagerman ( similar to Richie and Ruth, this is how I explain him constantly talking to the audience and controlling the stage lights BEFORE he gets his ghost powers)
7. Grace Chasity ( hers seems a little specialized since it only seemed to show her Maxs angry ghost AFTER he killed Richie, but a warning is a warning)
8. Sofia and Daniel and who knows how many others from Yellowjacket
And then there’s big maybes to me which include
1. Becky Barnes, why did you climb that tree
2. Linda Monroe, if for no other reason then maybe it might explain the LiB interest in her, though I really do think that’s just because of her attitude
3. Professor Hidgens, but he isn’t handling it well
But like there’s still way more young characters and I think there’s two very good reasons for that
Miss Holloway helping and saving kids
And the hatchetmens decline, we know the Metzgers are still out there but we don’t seem to have any others. Arguably it seems the Perkins once were, though Emma and Jane both don’t seem to know anything about it
Meaning that there are more and more born with the gift. What that means for Hatchetfield I don’t know, but just an interesting thought
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
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This picture has ruined me. Now I need a fic with Bucky as your professor banging you in the library during regular hours.
clear your mind
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pairing: professor!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
words: 7.5k
warnings: 18+ ONLY. smut. public sex. cockwarming. student/teacher relations. possible age gap depending on how you read it (reader is at least 25 or older but it’s not really specified and bucky is late 30s or older but again, not specified. imagine whatever you like.) i added an alternate kind of darkish ending that is separated with a divider near the end (duh) but of course you can choose to not read it and stick to the original cute ending lol. if i’m missing anything you feel needs to be added, please let me know.
notes: disclaimer: i never technically went to college so i don’t really know what i’m writing about lmao but when i say this was instant inspo, i mean instant. i’ve been in such a funk since i lost chapter four of keeping secrets, but this really ignited something in me so i just went for it. it was originally gonna be a little smutty drabble but then i started writing and it just became a whole one shot - not that i’m complaining lol. this was so fun to write, thank you @sammyisfat for sending it in! 🖤 i hope you all enjoy it! as always, feedback and comments are welcome and appreciated. and thank you in advance for reading and reblogging!
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You were sitting hunched over, eyes scanning the same sentence repeatedly, trying to force yourself to focus. You were reading the words but you weren’t really putting them together. You were too bored to make them make sense. Your brain was far off and you were sure you were about to burn out completely at this point.
Why you thought going back to school after so long was a good idea was beyond you. Was the degree really worth it? You’d gotten this far without one, hadn’t you?
As you were contemplating your life choices, and working on convincing yourself to just screw it and drop out, you’d failed to notice the presence of two of your professors passing by.
You had been alone at the far back of the library, closed in by the sturdy cases of books around you, for so long you’d nearly forgotten you were actually there. You had needed solitude, lest the chatter of other students in study groups or working on projects distract you further than your mind already did on its own. Your back was to the open aisle so as not to get distracted by anyone passing by, either. The zone you were occupying was normally a hot spot, but on a Wednesday afternoon, not so much. And for that you were grateful.
The knock on the bookcase next to you accompanied by your name being called, almost in question, startled you as you quickly corrected your posture and looked toward the noise, adjusting the glasses you were wearing as you did. You were greeted with two pairs of blue eyes looking back at you. Standing next to the bookcase, waiting for your response were two of the most lusted after professors on campus. And that wasn’t just you thinking so. The way students fawned over both Mr. Barber and Barnes was near juvenile. They were like kids gossiping about their crushes in elementary school. It was always funny to you seeing the line of people waiting to speak with Andy at the end of class every Wednesday and Friday, whether they had a genuine question to ask or not. You couldn’t say you didn’t get it, though. He had great hair, a soft smile, kind eyes.. He was gorgeous. It was clear why so many people had a thing for him. But you always found yourself a little more than preoccupied with thoughts of Mr. Barnes. Though they were both at least six foot tall and unfairly attractive, easy enough to spread your attention between both of them, as most of their students did, there was just something about James that had you in a hold since the first day you met him.
It was your first day on campus and you’d accidentally bumped into him with your green tea as you were leaving the small corner cafe after your first morning class. You apologized profusely, but he’d claimed it was his fault, that he wasn’t watching where he was going. He insisted on buying you a new drink as he removed his tea damp jacket. You didn’t fight him on it, walking back into the cafe as he held the door for you. You introduced yourselves as you waited for the drinks to be made and spoke a bit. It wasn’t a super long interaction, both of you having places you had to be, but you would have sworn there was something there. And the glimmer in his eye as he smiled and told you he’d see you around convinced you it wasn’t one sided. You were instantly smitten, hopeful you would see him again, that maybe it could lead to getting to know him better, lead to something more.
That was until you walked into your afternoon class the next day to find him standing at a podium, setting up his orientation slides. You had been hoping all day to run into him, but this was certainly not how you’d been imagining the circumstances. Of course he was your professor. You breathed a humorless laugh to yourself as you found a seat. You got your laptop out and looked back up at the same time he looked up from his, making direct eye contact with him. You saw the instant he recognized you and gave him a tight lipped smile that he returned before you diverted your gaze back down. His look of disappointment matched your own, but at the very least, it made you feel wanted.. The “professor x student” trope was never really your cup of tea, but as the weeks went by, the stolen glances and secret longing stares you exchanged were starting to change your mind. After one particular heated night of self pleasure, absentmindedly picturing him while you were reveling in your own touch, imagining it was his, you knew you were really gone for him. And heaven help you, the idea of it really happening was growing hotter and hotter the more you told yourself you couldn’t. Imagining showing up to his office hours one evening and just letting him have you any way he liked. Letting him take you apart on his desk, or sucking him off under his desk while he works. God, you’d daydreamed so many scenarios.
You just couldn’t bring yourself to act on any of it. You didn’t know how to. More importantly, you knew you shouldn’t. It wasn’t like you were some barely legal star eyed student he’d be taking advantage of, but still, you were his student. You weren’t sure how that dynamic might play out or the optics of it for either of you. Instead you willed yourself to stay focused on the work, to keep your thoughts set on passing the course and that was all.
Even when you would find yourself needing actual help from him or needing to ask him about an assignment, you would always talk yourself out of it. You didn’t want to let yourself be alone with him, you couldn’t be trusted. You were worried you’d make a fool of yourself the second you got the chance. So instead, you’d get help from a classmate if you could or you’d end up just winging it. It had been working that far.
The real problem started just last week. This most recent section was challenging to say the least. You had tried the study group offered on Monday nights, but you got absolutely nothing done.
Your last essay assignment had been returned to you on Friday with a note on it, asking you to come by his office hours before the next class. You had been putting it off all week, but knew you’d have to go by Thursday. You just weren’t expecting to see him around any earlier than that.
“Professors,” you greeted, slightly taken aback.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Mr. Barber apologized. “Thought you might’ve heard us walking up.”
“I was uh, lost in the text, I guess,” you replied, giving them an awkward smile.
“Well, I’m glad someone’s reading it,” he laughed.
“Do you mind if we join you?” he continued, motioning to the otherwise empty table you were sitting at the end of. It was big enough to seat at least 8 people easily and it’d, of course, be rude of you to try and keep it for yourself. But what would they need to be in the library for anyway? The question must have been written on your face as Mr. Barnes answered it for you.
“The heat isn’t working in our offices. We’re just grading some work.”
“Right, yeah, of course. Go for it.”
“Thank you,” Andy smiled.
They took seats at the other end of the table, surely trying to avoid distracting you. You appreciated the gesture, but it was futile. As they worked on grading papers, they were talking and laughing every so often and even if they hadn’t been, their presence alone was not at all aiding you in your attempt to focus on schoolwork.
You’d given up trying to finish the passage you’d been reading and instead pretended to start making notes in your laptop. In all actuality, you were really just googling alternative career paths and the question: “Do you really need a college degree to be successful?”.
Thirty minutes later, Andy’s phone went off and he began to gather his things, telling Mr. Barnes, who he called ‘Bucky’, that he had a lecture in 45 minutes but he’d see him later.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Andy pointed at you as he passed by.
“Bright and early,” you affirmed with a nod and a small smile.
“Have a good night,” he smiled back.
“You too,” you returned.
The second he was gone, you became fully aware that you were now alone with Professor Barnes, the situation you’d been trying to avoid for the past almost three months. Despite your efforts, your entire focus was being pulled to the man just down the table from you. He was still grading, in the middle of someone’s essay as you glanced over to him. You admired the quirk of his brow as he read and how his tongue jutted out to lick his lip as his eyes scanned the words on the page. You pulled your gaze away from him and back to your laptop, deciding to close it and put it away, begrudgingly returning to your textbook. Just one more hour. You had promised yourself 2 hours of studying today minimum, you were halfway there. You could do it.
Not ten minutes later you heard the flipping of paper and glanced over to see he’d just finished the paper he was on, writing the grade on top of the first page. You looked back to your text just as he slid the paper down the table to you. You furrowed your brows as you watched it slide into your book. You saw the “C-” he had given it circled in red ink and immediately recognized the title. Your lips parted and you clicked your tongue as you looked back up to meet his eye.
“Anyone else that would’ve been a D,” he told you, sounding slightly disappointed. “Your work is normally a lot better than what you’ve been turning in lately. That’s why I asked you to come by my office hours.”
“Yeah, I- uh. I don’t know, I’ve just been having a hard time with this section,” you explained. “And I wasn’t ignoring your note, I was planning to see you on Thursday.”
“Well, we’re both here now, right?” he said and you nodded.
“Good a time as any,” you shrugged.
He got up and moved his stuff down the table to take the seat next to you. You closed your textbook and straightened up in your chair. Nerves eating at you as he sat and turned to angle himself towards you.
“My main concern isn’t really about you understanding the materials, all the concepts are there in your work, it's just..lackluster. Sloppily written, a bit jumbled here and there. Nothing like what you had been turning in at the start of the semester,” he said. “Are you sure it’s the section you’re having a hard time with?”
You looked at him for a moment, not really knowing what to say.
“What else would I be having a hard time with?” you questioned quietly.
It was his turn to look at you for a moment as he thought about how to word his response. He opened his mouth to say something but seemed to think better of it before he finally spoke.
“You’ve seemed more and more distracted during class lately. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he said sincerely, his blue eyes gleaming into yours. He was already close, but you suddenly found yourself mindlessly leaning closer to him. You took a breath as you sat back, licking your lips ever so lightly without realizing as you looked away.
“I’m okay,” you told him. “Sorry I’ve seemed distracted. Well, uhm, been distracted. I don’t know why I’ve been having such a hard time focusing on this,” you lied, “but I appreciate your concern. I’ll work on being more present. And putting more effort into my writing.”
He smiled softly and nodded before he turned back in his seat, returning to his pile of papers.
You bit your lip as you sat there. Of course you knew why you were so distracted, but you couldn’t just tell him it was because of him.
“You know there’s a study group you can sign up for,” he said as he was still looking down, reading the new paper in front of him, red pen in hand.
“Yeah, I know. I just, uh, work better in smaller groups,”
“Alone isn’t exactly a group,” he lightly smirked with a slight tilt of his head.
“I’ve never really had the best focus when it comes to studying, anything. I get off topic and then I get everyone else off topic and then we end up having spent the entire session debating something trivial, like who the best Batman is,” you said.
“Christian Bale,” he responded.
“Obviously,” you agreed with a smile. “But uhm, yeah. Less distractions the better, so I try to avoid big groups. Though I’ll admit, just trying to stay focused on my own is a feat in and of itself,” you laughed lightly.
“Sounds like you just need someone other than yourself to hold you accountable. Have you thought about one on ones? I offer tutoring sessions that no one seems to want to take me up on,” he laughed. “I have three one hour sessions all still open for tonight, actually.. Not that you need tutoring, but you could use the time to work on your assignments without distractions - and I'd be there, of course, if you need any help.”
You told yourself to say no. You really did..
“Well it couldn’t hurt, right?” you breathed, a small smile on your lips. Just then the clock chimed three, drawing both of your attention.
“I have a class in twenty, I have to get going. But I’ll be in my office from five to eight, you can come whenever. Like I said, no one else has signed up, so whenever you can make it. Hopefully the heat should be working by then.”
“Okay,” you agreed. “Thank you, Professor.”
“Please, James is more than fine,” he told you. “I’ll see you later.”
When he left, you packed up your things - letting yourself off the hook for your two hour promise. You were gonna be studying later now, anyway so it wasn’t like you just checking out for the day. Your apartment wasn’t too far from campus, so you drove home and decided you’d head back around 6.
You made yourself a late lunch/early dinner and then got your things together for when you’d leave. You figured you had time for a quick nap, so you laid down on the couch with the tv still playing in the background. After about 45 minutes, you woke up feeling more flustered than you had felt all week. You were starting to regret your quick agreement to his one on one offer, but you couldn’t just not show up now. You were getting yourself worked up over nothing, you were sure. Really what could you do that would be so bad? It’s not like you were planning on seducing the man. You’d probably just ask him to review the essay you’d been working on that would be turned in at the next class and ask for clarification on the requirements for the part of your midterm paper you’d been confused about for the past two weeks. You probably wouldn’t even stay the whole hour.
Checking the time, you decided to head back to campus. You’d get to his office a little after 5 and you’d be home by 6:30 at the latest. It’d be fine.
As you walked up to the sturdy oak door that led to his office, two cups of coffee in hand, your nerves started anew. You took a second before you knocked lightly. A few moments later, the door was pulled open as he greeted you, ushering you in.
“I got you a coffee,” you offered with a smile.
“That’s very much needed, thank you,” he smiled back, taking the drink you’d extended to him. “Please, have a seat.”
You took the only chair across from his desk as he sat.
“So, I was wondering if you’d be able to go over my essay for this week. See if it’s missing anything, or if it needs to be rewritten entirely,” you laughed nervously.
“Yeah, of course,”
“Great,” you breathed, “I just emailed you a copy.”
He pulled it open on his screen and you watched for a moment as he began reading before you pulled out your laptop to work more on your midterm. You couldn’t focus though. Not with him right across from you. The little noises he’d make as he read caught your attention repeatedly and when you’d glance up, you’d find yourself admiring the shape of his face, the quirk of his lips, the squinting of his eyes.
“The whole point of this is so that you have no distractions,” he said as he continued reading before turning to look at you. “Something distracting you?” he asked, his eyes finding your own with something akin to a playful glimmer shining in them.
You opened your mouth to speak but you just shook your head instead, taking a steadying breath.
“No,” you answered after a second. He looked at you hard.
“You sure about that?” he asked again.
“No,” you repeated softly.
“Well since you can’t seem to focus on what you’re working on, why don’t you come over here and we’ll go over this together.”
You stared at him, gawking before your body finally moved. You stood up and he did the same, pulling his chair back for you to sit in as you rounded the desk. He pushed you back in and then leaned down behind you so he was at the same height you were, looking at the screen.
You were stiff and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. He was so close. And he smelled so good. And he was so pretty. God, you didn’t know what to do. You really couldn’t focus, even as he read your words aloud and went over a line you’d blubbed.
“Are you listening to me?” he asked, standing to his full height as he spun the chair around, looking down at you. Your eyes immediately landed on his crotch before you quickly looked away, trying to not look so flustered.
“Sorry,” you eked out.
“It’s obvious you have something on your mind. You’re clearly distracted,” he said, finding your eye. “I think you just need to clear your head to find your focus.”
“Right, well, I don’t really know how to do that,” you breathed.
“Why don’t you let me try to help,” he returned softly as he leaned down and grabbed your chin, tilting your face up to meet his as he leaned in, brushing his lips against yours.
You were definitely not expecting this to happen, but you weren’t upset in the least. His lips were soft and he tasted like coffee. Your hand found his hair as you pulled him closer to you, the gentle kiss turning into something hungrier the longer it went on. He pulled away suddenly and pulled you out of his chair before taking his seat and pulling you down onto his lap just as quickly, his lips returning to yours the instant he had you on him. Your arm wound itself around his neck as your other cupped his jaw, keeping his face close to you as he held you close to him.
Slowly, his hand traveled under your sweater and along your waist, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. He easily slipped his tongue into your mouth, eliciting a moan from you as he did. You felt his erection growing as you sat on his lap, smiling into the kiss as you teasingly rubbed against him, earning a groan from him in response. He broke away from you for a moment as you both caught your breath, “Tell me if you want to stop,” was all he said before he maneuvered you with ease. He sat you on the edge of his desk while he took your boots off before he pulled your leggings down your thick thighs, his touch sending chills through you as he did.
He made quick work of his trousers, pulling them down before he took himself out of his briefs. He sat back down on his chair as he looked at you with lust filled eyes. “Stand up,” he told you. When you were standing before him, he pulled you close by your wide set hips before his fingers hooked the band of your thong, dragging it down until they were past your thighs and dropped to your ankles. “Step out of them, sweetheart.”
You did as he said before he pulled you closer and got you onto the chair, positioning you so you straddled his lap, barely hovering above his hard cock. You were breathing heavily as your hands grasped his shoulders and his hands held your fleshy hips. He looked up at you like he was waiting for your permission and so you nodded softly down at him. He gripped himself with one hand and moved the tip of his cock along your wet slit, you gasped in unison at the feeling. He took his time and just played with you a bit until you were moaning, whining above him. Your eyes squeezed shut as he circled your clit before he moved to finally align his cock up to your slick entrance. He pushed his tip just inside of you and groaned at the sensation, his hands returning to your hips as he gripped you tightly, holding you there despite you wanting desperately to take more of him.
“James,” you whined. He shook his head.
“Call me Bucky,” he instructed headily.
“Bucky,” you whined further, trying to lower yourself further onto his cock.
“I know, I know, sweetheart,” he laughed. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Mhm,” you moaned as he took your lips in his again.
“You want more? Want more of my dick inside you?”
“Yes, yes, Bucky, please,” you mewled.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna give it to you,” he said, kissing you along your neck, “but then you’re gonna focus on your work, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed without really hearing him. You just needed more, you needed all of him.
He pulled you down further onto his cock torturously slowly as you gasped and mewled until he was seated fully inside of you.
“Fuck,” he grunted, eyes shutting in pleasure at the feeling of your tight walls squeezing him, at the warmth of your cunt around him.
You tried to move, but were stopped again by his hands holding you in place. He tutted as he looked at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
“What do you think you’re doing, sweetheart? We just agreed you’re gonna focus on your work now,”
“Huh? Right, right now?” you huffed.
“Right now,” he told you firmly.
You pouted as you leaned against his chest, your face pressing into his neck, even just that movement sparking pleasure through you.
“No pouting,” he laughed against your temple. You turned your face up to him, pout still in place before you leaned up further to kiss him again. Slow and heated, he got lost in your kiss. He almost didn’t stop you when you started rocking your hips against him. Almost.
You whined again as he held you still. His strength was impressive, you had to admit.
“Stop. Moving,” he growled, sending a new wave of arousal through you. “You’re gonna sit right here on my cock while we go over your essay and if you do a good job listening to me and stay focused, I’ll give you what you really want after. Understand?”
“Yes, professor,” you said quietly.
“Good,” he smiled, caressing your cheek as he looked down at you.
It was thirty five minutes of pure torture. He read a loud your entire essay and had you make corrections as he went, the entire time you could feel his thick cock throbbing inside your dripping cunt, just begging for any kind of movement. Near the end of your essay corrections, his hand dropped from your hip until he found your clit, slowly beginning to rub it in tight circles. You mewled pathetically and your walls tightened around his dick still deep inside of you while his lips attacked your neck with gentle kisses and love bites.
“You did so well, sweetheart,” he praised. “You took this from a C to an A with just thirty minutes of actual focus. All you had to do was face your distractions head on, find the right motivation,” he smirked against your skin.
“So we’re done with the editing then, right?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he hummed against you.
“Great,” you breathed as he brought you closer with his every touch.
“Fuck, you’re squezzing me so tight,” he groaned.
“I’m gonna come,” you mewled, breathing heavier still as his left hand tightened on your hip and his fingers worked your bud faster, sending you head first into your orgasm, his name falling off your tongue as you cursed and panted through your high, collapsing onto his chest.
“Oh my god,” he whined with a small gasp, his eyes squeezing shut. “Fuck, can I come inside you?” he asked. You nodded your answer as you were still trying to catch your breath. He grabbed your face and crashed his lips into yours, hot and needy, while you felt him tense suddenly as his cock pulsed inside you and he moaned deeply into your mouth as he let himself go, you could feel the warmth of his release against your walls.
The evidence of your orgasm was all over his lap, coating his dick as he pulled you off of him.
“Holy fuck,” he panted. You didn’t think it was possible, but you felt yourself heat up even more than you already had been. “Hand me a tissue,” he said pointing to the box he had on the corner of his desk.
He cleaned himself up quickly before he pulled his briefs and trousers back up. He had you again on the edge of his desk as he bent down to clean you up, too, admiring the way his cum was leaking out of you before he grabbed your leggings from the floor, handing them to you. He pocketed your thong before he stood back up to his full height, towering over you.
“That was nice,” he laughed softly as he leaned down closer to you, his right hand framing your face, tilting it up to meet his eye, his thumb gently stroking the soft skin of your cheek before he leaned in to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
You smiled in response. “Yeah, it was,” you agreed.
“I hope you don’t find this inappropriate, but I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”
“The feeling is more than mutual,” you assured him. “But uhm. Is this..,” you gestured between the two of you, “allowed?” you questioned as you hopped off his desk to pull your leggings on.
“Well, it’s certainly not encouraged, but there’s nothing in my contract that explicitly prohibits it. I made sure a few months ago,” he said, eyeing you with a shy smile as if he hadn’t just come inside you after making you cockwarm him for nearly 45 minutes. It made you laugh. “I would prefer to keep this between us for as long as we can, though,” he hedged.
“Yeah, I completely agree. Don’t need these kids gossiping about me, too.”
“They do love to talk, don’t they?” he grimaced, causing you to smile at him.
“I’m sure we can keep this under wraps,” you said as you pulled your boots back on. “And I’d like to sign up for next week's one on one sessions, too, if you're available.”
“I’ll be sure to block it out for you,” he grinned.
“Might as well make it a standing weekly appointment,” you suggested as you walked back over to him from where he was perched on his desk.
“Sounds like a good idea,” he responded as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer while you stared up at him, your arms wrapping around him in return. “Are you free for dinner tomorrow night?”
“Dinner?” you questioned, pulling back slightly. “That doesn’t sound very underwraps,” you teased.
“A private dinner. At a private residence. My residence,” he clarified with a smirk.
“I’m free,” you nodded as you backed away and went to the other side of the desk as he turned around to watch you.
“Great, I’ll message you the address.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for it,” you said as you grabbed your bag and slipped your laptop back inside of it. “I should get going, but, thank you. For everything,” you simpered. “I really appreciate your help.”
“Anytime, sweetheart. My door’s always open. I’ll see you tomorrow,”
“Tomorrow it is,” you nodded in agreement as you walked to the door. But before you could open it, Bucky was behind you, turning you around to face him. His lips met yours in a soft, unrushed kiss before he pulled away slowly, opening the door for you.
“Have a good night,” you breathed.
“You, too,” he smiled.
Three weeks later you had a routine set in place. Nothing changed much in class, except you found yourself paying more close attention to the material now that you weren’t so hopelessly longing for your professor. Wednesday’s were your one on one sessions in Bucky’s office and Friday nights had been spent at his place. This last week, you’d even stayed the three day weekend with him. You knew you weren’t crazy when you had thought there was something real between the two of you when you had first met, but you didn’t expect to have clicked so well the way you had. Your chemistry was unbelievable and you got on so well together. Plus the sex was incredible.
Fucking in his office was so cliche, but that didn’t make it any less hot. In fact, it was really the only place you called him “Professor” these days. The title just made things that much sexier. It was Wednesday afternoon and you’d just gotten out of your last class for the day. You were going to head to Bucky’s office in a few hours, planning to go to your apartment to freshen up before picking up some food for you both on your way back.
You’d just finished changing into more…accessible clothes when your phone rang. It was a text from Bucky letting you know that the heat in his office wasn’t working again, so you’d have to meet in the library instead as they’d be working on the unit in his room. You frowned slightly, accepting that you’d changed for nothing, but at least the skirt was still comfortable. You texted back asking if you should still bring food and he promised he’d take you somewhere after instead. Apparently only two of his students in his 3:20 class showed up, so he dismissed them for the day. He was already on his way to the library, so you grabbed your things and headed back to campus.
You walked around the library looking for him with no luck before you decided to walk up to the second level, which was technically closed off for some construction work, in order to get a better view. You spotted him easily in the far back section of the lower level as you stood at the railing of the second floor. He was sipping on a cup of coffee and you smiled as you spied a cup of tea waiting for you next to his satchel on the table while he read over some work.
You walked back down to the first floor and made your way to him.
“Professor,” you greeted as you knocked on the bookcase blocking the table he was at from an easy view. He greeted you in return as he looked up from his work, a smile on his face. His eyes caught on the low v-neck of the top you were wearing, your cleavage on perfect display. His tongue jutted out along his lower lip as he admired the view. You cleared your throat as you looked at him with a raised brow.
He looked back up to your eyes, smiling charmingly as if he hadn’t just been caught leering at you so openly.
“I’m here to study, not be perved on,” you accused.
“You know you need to clear your mind to get your focus, first. And you know what helps clear your mind best,” he alluded.
“You know we’re in public, right?” you asked, voice hushed as you walked closer to the table.
“It’s a Wednesday, no one’s gonna come back here,” he said smoothly. “We’re hidden from sight.”
“Not true,” you denied. “I saw you from the second level,” you informed him.
“Was anyone up there?” he asked.
“Didn’t think so,” he said smugly.
“There’s not right now. Anyone could come in at any time. It’s the middle of the day.”
“You’re right,” he aquesqued, hands up. “All work, no play today. I got you a tea,” he offered.
“Thank you,” you smiled as you took the seat across from him.
“Wow, why are you sitting so far?”
“Where do you want me to sit?” you laughed.
“Preferably, my lap,” he started, earning a humored scoff from you. “But right here would be good, too,” he said, gesturing to the seat next to him.
You got up and moved spots, getting comfortable before you pulled up your essay on your laptop.
“Still going through midterms?” you asked as you looked over to him making marks on the paper he was reading.
“Yeah,” he replied.
“Have you gotten to mine yet?”
“Not yet,” he said absently.
You nodded as you took a sip of your tea. You looked back to your essay and found yourself trailing off. It was pretty much finished, just needed to be read through again for any edits you needed to make. It wasn’t enough to keep your attention. Too easy. You could do it later no problem.
Instead you took out your text for Andy’s class and started reading next week’s assignment. You didn’t have much else to do. Funnily enough, you’d been getting most of your work done earlier than normal so you’d have less to actually do on Wednesdays, instead spending your “study” time focusing on other things…
You weren’t paying attention to anything, lost in perverted thoughts of last week when Bucky had fucked you agaisnt the wall in his office, while twirling your pen as you stared down blankly at the words on the page, not reading them at all. Pulling you from your perversions, suddenly you felt Bucky’s hand smooth its way under your skirt and up your thigh. His hand was so warm and strong as he touched you, sending chills through you as he scooted his chair closer to yours. You didn’t stop him and absentmindedly spread your thighs for him as he inched his way closer and closer to your inner thighs before his fingers made their way between them, gently rubbing at your warm, barely clothed pussy.
You came back to earth as you remembered where you were and reached your hand under the table to hold his, stopping his movements.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing, professor?” you breathed.
“Helping,” he responded. “What did I say about distractions, sweetheart?”
“Who says I’m distracted,” you whispered as you heard chatter coming from the other side of the bookcase before it passed as some students made their way to the front desk from the back office you weren’t too far off from.
“You have that far off look in your eyes,” he spoke quietly, “and I saw you squeezing your thighs together not ten seconds ago.” You exhaled a breath so softly you barely even heard yourself.
“Maybe we can end this session early and call it a day?” you asked, wanting to get out of the library and meet him back at your place, or hell, meet him at his car and let him take you apart in the faculty parking lot.
“No, I don’t think so. We both have some work left to do.”
“Bucky,” you whispered.
“No calling me Bucky outside my office while we’re on campus,” he reminded you. “You know better.”
You bit your lip before whispering sorry.
“You just need to face your distractions so you can get past them,” he said. “Let me help.”
You let go of his hand beneath the table and spread your thighs a little wider.
You almost stopped breathing completely when he slipped his fingers past your panties and gently pushed inside of you as one of the librarians passed by the aisle over. She peered behind the bookcase that was shielding you from the side to see who was at the tables and greeted both of you quietly before she returned to the aisle and reshelved some books. Bucky’s fingers didn’t stop for even a second as he returned her greeting and went back to grading.
The second you knew she was gone you panted a breath. “James,” you chastised as you sat in your seat still, making no attempt to actually stop him.
“More?” he questioned without looking up from his work, only speeding up his fingering, curling them inside of you. You bit down harshly on your lip to stop yourself from moaning out loud, your thighs tensing with the impending wave of pleasure you were teetering on before he slipped his fingers out of you, a school boy smirk playing on his lips.
You exhlaed heavily and shakily before looking over to him, shocked. He finally looked back at you, still smirking.
“I wanna try something. If you want me to stop, tell me,” he said as he removed his hand from your thigh and stood up abruptly. You could see the outline of his erection through his trousers and found yourself getting more aroused. You didn’t know what he wanted to do, but assumed it'd be something at least a little discret. Along the lines of putting you in his lap again, or even just having you get him off. So when he pulled you up and spun you around, pushing you down against the table, you were surprised to say the least. You heard him unzip his pants as he pulled himself free and then pulled your panties down your thighs. You couldn’t even think as he prodded you with his cock, and gasped loudly when he finally pushed into you. His hand was on your mouth in an instant as he leaned over your back, his mouth next to your ear as he spoke. “Gotta be quiet, sweetheart,” he panted. “You don’t want anyone to see us back here, do you?”
Your gurgled moan was his response as he began fucking into you, keeping your chest firmly againt the sturdy table, one hand on your mouth and one holding your wrists behind your back. You were panting as quietly as you could as he slid in and out of you, getting deeper with each thrust. He took his hand away from your mouth after a moment and gripped your hip to keep you a little more steady, trying to keep your hips from slamming so hard into the wood. The salacious sounds of his pelvis slapping against your ass with his thrusts were only making you more slick as he moved his hand from your wrists to keep your skirt pushed up as he fucked you from behind.
It was taking all of your willpower to keep quiet, your mouth open in silent moans as you tried to keep yourself breathing. His thrusts were getting more powerful the longer he went. Each time you heard people passing by, your cunt gripped his cock even tighter at the thrill of the proximity, and Bucky didn’t miss it.
“Who knew you were so fucking kinky,” he panted into your ear. “You like getting fucked in public, huh? Like the idea of anyone walking by and seeing you get fucked out of your mind? Seeing you getting claimed by me,” he husked.
You mewled as quietly as you could and nodded your head in affirmation. “I like it,” you whispered pathetically.
“I know you do,” he laughed before fucking into you deeper, making sure you felt every inch of his thick cock gliding against your velvety walls, squeezing him tightly.
“Professor, please,” you pleaded quietly.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he grunted as he gripped your hip harder still, pulling your ass flush against him before he began rutting into you desperately. He leaned his weight onto you as he kept you pushed down, flush against the table. His hand left your skirt and found your clit, adding to the growing pressure building in your abdomen as he rubbed you, fucking you and stimulating all the most sensitive spots along your walls. Before you knew you were, you came completely undone, the familiar white hot pleasure induced euphoria spreading through you as you came around him, squeezing him like you never wanted him to leave you empty again. And truth be told, you didn’t. You’d never felt so fulfilled or satisfied in your life.
He could barely move as you came around him, but after a few more thrusts, he shot his load inside of you, cursing under his breath as he came, panting. After a moment, he pulled out gently and slid your panties back up for you, pushing your skirt down before he fixed himself. You were still reeling from the intensity of it all when you stood, a little wobbly, from the table.
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Cute planned ending:
“I can’t believe we just did that,” you breathed, turning around to face Bucky. “We really just did that,” you said, still in shock at yourself while Bucky grinned proudly before looking around a bit, just making sure you were still alone. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close, leaning down to kiss you deeply, letting you go for a second before kissing you harder again.
“We did. And now,” he said, ushering you back to your seat, urging you to sit down, “you're gonna finish editing your paper while I grade a few more of these midterms, no distractions.”
“Easy for you to say,” you muttered as you looked up at him still standing while you were seated once again. “I’m the one sitting here with come leaking out of me,” you complained.
“Is it that distracting for you, sweetheart?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Yes,” you responded.
“No problem. I can help with that, too,” he smirked as he got down on his knees, crawling under the table to kneel at your feet as your eyes went wide while you watched him. He pulled you to the edge of the chair before he slipped your panties off completely. “That essay better be ready to turn in by the time I get back up, do you understand?” he warned. You could feel his breath against your folds as he got closer.
“Yes, professor,” you mewled pathetically as you spread your thighs even wider for him.
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Alternative kind of darkish ending:
You felt eyes on you as you turned around, but it wasn’t Bucky. You looked up to the second floor and could have sworn you saw Andy passing by, worry flooding through you instantly. You weren’t sure, though. Maybe he was really just walking by and hadn’t seen anything. Maybe it was no one at all and you were just imagining things. You almost didn’t even want to say anything about it, just act like you hadn’t seen, or thought you saw, anyone at all.
Until Andy came knocking on the bookcase, from the opposite direction, startling you as you gasped and spun around, hands flying to make sure your skirt was smoothed down completely, unconscious backing toward where Bucky was. Andy looked between you both for a second before he spoke, a knowing, devilish smirk growing on his face as he looked at you in a way you’d never seen him look at anyone before. Lewdly, leering, lustful, even.
“What’s goin’ on down here?”
You looked back at Bucky, hoping to find some kind of reassurance or protection, but he was completely unphased at the presence of his friend.
“You enjoy the show?” he asked, unamused.
“I think I could put on better,” he shrugged, eyes still locked on you, even as Bucky pulled you into his side.
“What do you think, sweetheart? Wanna let him try?”
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2K notes · View notes
Day 10 — Cockwarming
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Pairing || CollegeProfessor!Bucky x Student!Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 800
Contents & Warnings || Smut — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, explicit content/language, undefined age-gap, pet names, professor x student relationship, cockwarming (which leads to unprotected sex), teasing, Sir kink, mention of bodily fluids.
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Kinktober Masterlist
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You couldn’t sleep. Not without him by your side. You missed him, and you missed him. He was right next door in his office, but you felt bad about disturbing him while he worked late. You were needy and lonely without him, so you said fuck it and went to see him.
His door was slightly cracked open, so you peered your head in. You watched him, contemplating if you should go in after all when he looked so concentrated, but he heard you and called for you.
“Hey, baby, come in.”
You went in with your head down to the floor; your hand nervously stroked your arm.
“Can’t sleep?”
You shake your head no as you stand opposite where he’s sitting.
“I’m sorry, princess. I’ll be with you soon, ok? I just need to finish grading these papers.”
“Are you grading mine?” You smirk as you stand on your toes to peek at whose essay he’s scribbling on.
“Already have.” He pats the stack of papers beside him. “You’ll get it tomorrow in class. But you did good, my smart girl.” He winks.
Your heart fluttered at his praises and something else, which intensified your need for him.
“I miss you.” You pout.
“Come here.” He opened his arms for you. “You can sit on my lap while I finish. I promise I don’t have much left, ok?”
You straddled and snuggled into him, inhaling his comforting scent as you nuzzled your face in the crock of his neck. He went back to grading, and although you’d hoped being close to him would quench your need for him, you still didn’t feel satisfied. You wanted him closer.
You started grinding on him. The flimsy material of your sleeping shorts and cotton panties made it so you could feel his bulge stimulating your clit.
“I need you so bad, Sir.” You whimpered.
He groaned. You knew he could never resist when you moved against him and whimpered so sweetly in his ear.
“Would my dick in you make you feel better, princess?”
You nod.
He fumbled with his pants to get them open, pulling out his dick that was already hard from your grinding. You part your lips as you take him in your hand, smearing the leaking pre-cum on his tip.
He pushed your shorts and panties to the side. With two fingers, he ran them through your folds, groaning as he found you wet and ready for him.
Both of you forgot the initial plan as you touched one another until Bucky reminded you.
“Put it in, baby,” Bucky mumbled against your lips.
You lined his tip with your entrance and slowly sank onto his cock, wanting to feel every ridge and inch of him as he filled you up to perfection. You moaned in satisfaction and rolled your eyes as he was situated entirely in you. He sucked in a breath as your walls hugged him.
“So warm and tight for me, princess.”
You tried to move on him. Only getting in a few soft bounces before he stopped you and slammed you down on him again, making you cry out.
“Baby, be a good girl and let me work, yeah?” He caressed your cheek before he grabbed your chin. “I promise I’ll make it up to you once I’m done.”
You wanted to be a good girl for him, so you would try and be still as you snuggled into him once again.
He went back to grading the papers. It seemed like it didn’t phase him that he was buried deep inside your pussy, but for you, it was torture. So painfully pleasurable to have him nestled so deep inside you, tickling your sweet spot with the tip of him.
You tried your best to resist moving on him, but once he adjusted himself in the seat, it caused his cock to shift and hit your sweet spot perfectly, making you whimper at the stimulation.
Bucky pulled you closer with his hand on the small of your back, burying himself deeper, if that was even possible.
You tried to be sneaky with your movements. Starting with rocking so very slowly back and forth on him before you started to bounce up and down on his cock.
He slammed you down again as he grabbed the back of your neck, making you look at him.
“You really can’t sit still, huh?
“N-no, Sir.”
“Bad girl.”
He cleared some space on his desk before he sat you on top and rammed his cock hard inside you, making you cry and shut your eyes tight at his brutal move.
He harshly grabbed your jaw as he got all up in your face.
“I’m gonna show you what I do with bad girls that misbehave. You’ll wish you didn’t disobey me.”
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delicatebarness · 4 months
the manuscript | chapter one
Summary: Vulnerable and Honest.
Warnings: Age Gap. (Dr Barnes: late 40s & Reader: early 20s) Smut.
Word Count: 1408
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A/N: I'm so sorry Peter. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @mostlymarvelgirl | @mrsnikstan
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You tried to focus, to be present in the moment. The room was dimly lit, and the bass from the party outside thudded against the walls. Peter moved behind you, his breath heavy. Every touch felt mechanical and predictable. 
His hands gripped your hips, pressing himself closer. “You feel amazing,” he murmured as his breathing became ragged. You forced a moan, you wanted to match his enthusiasm, you wanted to let go. Closing your eyes, you tried to immerse yourself in the sensations but your mind wandered. 
Your thoughts drifted to upcoming assignments, the laundry that had started piling up, and whether the milk would go bad. 
Peter’s pace quickened, as he neared his climax, his grip on your hips tightened. “I’m close,” he whispered. Arching your back, you pushed yourself closer to him. It was no use, you felt it going through the motions—his movements, were erratic, and his breathing was heavy. 
With a satisfied grown, he finished, collapsing onto the bed beside you. You followed his lead, lying beside him as he sighed contently. He rolled the condom off, tossing it toward the bin beside his bed, before wrapping an arm around you. 
His chest heaved as he caught his breath. “That was great,” he smiled down at you, his voice drowsy. Forcing a smile, you nodded. 
It didn’t take long for him to drift off to sleep. But, you lay awake, staring at the bedroom ceiling. Your mind replayed your mental to-do list as the music continued into the night. 
Slipping out of bed, you made your way toward the bathroom. Closing the door behind you, you swiftly turned the lock as the sound of the party muffled. You started at your reflection in the mirror as you leaned against the sick. 
Turning the tap, you let the cool water run over your hands before splashing your face. As you thought about your assignments, your mind drifted to Dr. Barnes. His presence, and how it commanded your attention. His piercing eyes, the way they would lock onto yours during debates. 
Your hand traveled down your body, looking for the release that Peter’s touch failed to find. Vivid images of Dr. Barnes– his hands, voice, and stare continued to play on your mind. Your fantasies grew, consuming your mind as you imagined his touch. His whispered words of encouragement. 
The tension built quickly within you, eagerly your body responded to your forbidden thoughts. Biting your lip, you tried to stifle your sighs. Not that anyone could hear over the party and music. The pleasure you found in your touch was intense, immediate, and driven. 
Your breath quickened as you remembered the thrill of intellectual sparring, always leaving you craving more.
A wave of pleasure washed over you, trembling, you struggled to keep quiet. Your mind was lost in the ecstasy. The release you were desperate for earlier in the night. 
As the sensations subsided, you leaned against the sick again. A mix of guilt and satisfaction coursed through you as you tried to steady your breathing. 
Taking a deep breath, you washed your hands and splashed your face. Returning to the bedroom, careful not to make eye contact with the other’s still partying. Peter, still sound asleep, blissfully unaware of your betrayal. 
Sliding back into bed, you found your gaze back on the bedroom ceiling, your mind a tangled, complicated mess of desires. 
Pushing aside the tangled thoughts and desires that had consumed your night, you rose from Peter’s bed with renewed determination. He slept soundly, unaware of the struggle you had faced internally. After going about your morning routine, you made your way to Dr. Barnes’ class. The lecture hall was already buzzing with students, the energy palpable as you entered. 
“Good morning, everyone,” Dr. Barnes stood at the front of the room, his voice commanding the attention of the room. “I trust you’ve all had a chance to review the reading for today.” his gaze lingered on yours for a moment longer than the others. 
He launched into details for the new assignment, memories of the previous night caused your mind to drift. Your desires for Dr. Barnes began to overshadow your commitment to your relationship with Peter, guilt gnawed at you. You tried to force your focus, trying to push these feelings aside. 
His voice delved into the intricacies of literary theory, weaving through concepts and ideas. He was a master storyteller. All attention riveted on Dr. Barnes as the hall around you fell silent, his presence and voice filled the space. 
As Dr. Barnes continued, he began to turn slightly, his glance sweeping across the room. His gaze lingered on you as if expecting your hand to be raised. He readied himself for another heated debate. 
“Yes, Miss Spector…?” Dr. Barnes began, his voice cutting through your fogged thoughts, pulling you back to the present. Blinking, startled, you realized that all eyes were now on you. 
“Yes, Dr. Barnes?” you replied, a small smile playing on your lips as you tried to mask your confusion. A slight blush rose to your cheeks with embarrassment, you hoping it would go unnoticed. 
He paused, lines formed across his forehead as a furrow formed between his brows. “You had something to add to the discussion?”
Your heart began to race, the thudding loud in your ears. “Oh, no, sorry,” you stammered, shaking your head slightly. “Lost in thought.”
“I see,” he said, softening his expression slightly, his tone measured. “Try to stay with us, Miss Spector. Your insights are valuable.” 
As he resumed his lecture, you sank back into your seat. This little incident was a reminder of the boundaries that separated you from Dr. Barnes. The line between student and teacher was clear at that moment. You noticed Yelena, one of your best friends, giving you a curious glance, but you avoided her eyes, choosing to focus on your notebook in front of you instead. You tried to refocus, attempting to immerse yourself in the material, and jotting down notes. 
You made a conscious effort to engage with the discussion as the class continued, asking questions and offering insights as normal. Dr. Barnes acknowledged you with a small nod, the silent encouragement that boosts your confidence. 
When the class finally drew to an end, Dr. Barnes gave out the new assignment, expressing his expectations and detailing the guidelines. 
You lingered behind as students began to pack up and leave. Approaching his desk, the weight of the unspoken connection between you two caused your heart to pound once more. 
“Dr. Barnes,” you began, keeping your voice steady. “Do you have any specific advice for approaching this assignment?” 
He looked up from his desk, his gaze meeting yours as a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Authenticity in writing comes from personal experience. Write what you know.” 
You nodded, “Thank you,” you replied but didn’t move. You lingered, and Dr. Barnes noticed your hesitation. 
“Is there something else on your mind, Miss Spector?” he asked, his tone softer, almost inviting. 
Unsure of how much to professionally reveal, you hesitated. “I just… I, um, I’m struggling to find a personal angle that feels significant enough,” you admitted. “I want my writing to be… compelling like you said.” 
He leaned forward slightly, and his gaze intensified. “Well, compelling writing often comes from exploring parts of yourself that you’re the most afraid of, most afraid to reveal,” he paused for a moment, allowing you the opportunity to speak. You didn’t take it, focusing on his jaw tensing slightly. “It’s about being vulnerable, honest. Sometimes, the stories we’re most hesitant to tell are the ones that resonate the most.” 
His words struck a chord deep within you. “I understand,” you replied, your voice barely a whisper. “Thank you, Dr. Barnes.” 
You turned to leave, and just as you were about to walk out the door, he called after you. “Miss Spector,” his voice stopped you in your tracks. Your breath hitched as you turned back to face him. He stood now and leaned against his desk, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “Remember, my door is always open if you need further guidance.” 
“Thank you,” you replied, your gaze flickering down to his hands as they rested casually on his hips. “I appreciate it.” You left the lecture hall, your mind buzzing with a whirlwind of thought. His words lingered, echoing in your mind. Vulnerable, and honest.
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mkpersephone · 2 months
I need a Cherik vs. Stucky fic so badly.
I love it when popular ships go against eachother!!!
Imagine if Bucky hurts Charles under hydra control (don't kill him, just send him to the hospital), then Erik wants to take revenge, and now Steve has to stop Erik and save Bucky.
The fact that Hydra is a Na*y organization and the Winter Soldier was the one who framed Magneto for the assasination of JFK, I think Steve's job will be very difficult.
MCU Stucky and X-men' 97 Cherik. (Becouse i love old Magneto and his gorgeous hair)
Please tell me your thoughts. I like to hear them. What Erik is going to do? What should poor steve do?
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