#professor of computer science
its-blorbin-time · 9 months
Graphic designer will Graham: I drag my cursor to the font selection box. After careful deliberation I choose comic sans. This will inflame the Chesapeake Hacker’s sophisticated sensibilities and provoke an attack.This is my graphic design. This is my passion.
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furiosophie · 2 years
i know someone must have done this already but--
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based on this post by @chaotic-kass
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storythesilly · 3 months
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this took TEN FUCKING DAYS. but it’s finally done!! my bbau palestine + ukraine piece… oh my godddd. sigh. if you have any questions / i got something wrong PLEASE let me know. click for better quality tumblr killed it
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theinsaneapp · 2 years
Princeton University Student Built An App (GPT Zero) To Help Teachers Find ChatGPT Cheats
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An app developed by a Princeton University student helps determine if a text is written by a human or by the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT.
Read Full Story: Princeton University Student Built An App (GPT Zero) To Help Teachers Find ChatGPT Cheats
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You don't understand, you just know how to make it work
Computer science professor
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qrevo · 1 year
uh can someone. threaten to beat me with a large rock. if i don't finish up my uni work in time. really needing that "fighting for my life" energy to finish these up lol
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sunscreenstudies · 2 years
Iconic Things My Coding Professors Have Said (Part 3)
"back to the current reality, which is, you suffer"
"so go home, struggle with all the exercises, and then send me an angry email. i won’t promise that i’ll read it, but i do promise that it’ll make you feel better"
"let’s look at the string "My favourite animal is a dog. Dogs are cute". this is, of course, a lie because my favourite animals are cats, and dogs are demon toddlers with hair"
"which again, i didn't invent, but... i could have. i could have invented it"
student: “so, for me, the quickest way that i could understand this was by looking at it from this point of view, that's just how i got it, you know?"   professor: "Yea, i know... i got it by waking up the middle of the night screaming"
"so, for example, if our string was- oh no i fucked up"
"is this super useful? right now, no. in the future? ... also no"
"we can be economic and sustainable and environmentally friendly and all that jazz, with copy and paste. plagirism will save the environment, kids"
"so let's test it with the following completely random sentence, for no apparent reason: "I don't like sand because it's irritating, it serves no purpose, and it gets everywhere".
professor: "prepare for a headache"  student in the back: "that's been my entire week"
"personally, i would split “if” statements across multiple lines, because it's more readable, but Ben put it on one line because... well, because Ben is a pyschopath"
professor 1: "i am one of those rare people who never works with xml"   professor 2: "god bless you"
"this does get complicated so you can neaten it and make it more efficient by making your code even more complicated"
"dont worry, there will be further exercises later on that you can, uh... struggle with"
*professor spends 10 minutes ranting about the awesome invention that is this one specific function* "so, as you can probably tell, this is an incredible function that has saved countless hours of time and money in the past and indeed, in your future... seriously you guys? i paused because i was expecting some gasps of amazement... nothing? seriously?!"
"I understand that right now this is not something you will understand or use. I myself didn't understand this for... oh, about ten years or so after I first learned it, but you guys have an exam on this nightmare next month so I wouldn't follow my example of learning"
"so lets come up with a sentence to split... uh, okay, how about we use "Once the queen's head is severed, he walks away" good? good."
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  | Part 8
Part 9  | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14
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peradoxical · 6 months
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Explaining your field vs. actually doing work in said field
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letoscrawls · 2 years
I need to kill the person who invented JavaScript with my bare hands
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teabutmakeitazure · 5 months
A lot of math and stats is just common sense but put into fancy words
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msburgundy · 6 months
i like watching cal newport, it's like a Using The Internet With Your Dad Simulator
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
one of the biggest ironies of my life that i was thinking about yesterday - i know that drag and drop / node-based 'coding' helps a wider (usually more visual) variety of brain types learn to program. this was the entire basis of the research group i was on for seven years in the burgh, and i completely agree with and support it. but im not that way at ALL. im that stereotype who likes pure code, and finds it easier to read the language and find patterns in the words/numbers/formatted lines than in nodes. i HATE nodes, and sometimes even fellow programmers look at me like im crazy for it.
Like dont give me that pretty but controlled interface, i want to know whats underneath.
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blackirishweab · 6 months
Ever since I started embroidering things, everyone in my family has been giving me things to mend. I have reattached the foot and arm of a stuffed penguin, fixed the lining of my mom’s jacket which was torn in at least 10 places, fixed some socks, and even mended a blanket. I also have been doing light leather repair for boots, but that’s a different story. I must say, I feel more fulfillment from doing small things like this than I did during the entirety of my journey to get a computer science degree
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christopharmreardon · 11 months
Discover the Benefits of Quotes for Solar Panels
Learn how quotes for solar panels can save you money and help the environment. Discover the benefits, types, costs, installation process, and maintenance requirements of solar panels.https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.solvingsolar.com/quotes-for-solar-panels/
View On WordPress
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notalostcausejustyet · 8 months
First week of school and homework out of the way! Eeeeeeee.
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You feel happier, but the person who has to read your code... not so much
Computer science professor
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