#prologue guy
pangur-and-grim · 1 year
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okay I like the long chapter titles too much, they’re gonna stay
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zilodak · 2 months
Mark your calendars, Miss Atom: Secret War will be free to download digitally on my portfolio website on the 24th of April! 🌌🚀
26 pages of Miss Atom getting to the bottom of the cruel Eternian Space Empire!
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deadstoats · 6 months
their perfect ending
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(actually it's one long picture but i can't upload it properly to tumblr so i cut it to pieces)
in stars and time is a game that made me feel SO MUCH EMOTIONS first time in years
i was in a very bad mental condition, always down, angry, or not feeling anything at all. it was like i myself was trapped in an endless timeloop of bad things and emptiness, not really attached to anything, not really interesed in anything
and then
i played in stars and time
and it felt nice. it felt warm
i can relate so much to characters, i can relate SO MUCH to siffrin! crying with him. laughing with him. caring about his family. being in fear and despair with him. being happy at the end
i'm allways hungry for the timeloop stories, and this one let me experience being trapped in one at full
the art style, the music, the story itself - it's like a game was made specially for me, it has everything that i like
i felt alive. again.
i really love siffrin, and really love that now he has his friends and family, his adventures, his perfect ending… but what about loop? they don't have this. they don't have anything. anyone. no one to comfort them. no one to be sad for them
and then i decided that I HAD to give them their perfect ending, one way or another
and i made this. this very, very long comic with only one page
is it shipping comic? or are they friends? family, even? or maybe enemies that decided to forgive eachother at last? or is it just self-talk?
who knows
it's up to you, readers, to decide meaning of this piece of fan art
and I, as an author, have my meaning too
with love,
for Siffrin, Loop and every of my ISAT fellas,
for @insertdisc5 for making such a beautiful game,
and for anyone, who, by accident, reading this.
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kingjasnah · 1 month
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2024 reread incoming
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slurpeesoverromance · 7 months
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[me with 1 hp] mari save me… mari.. save me mari..
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liquidstar · 1 year
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mizi beating the shit out of luka compilation. this ones just for me
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dylanconrique · 2 months
i'm not entirely expecting it, but i hope that we'll get a flashback scene of polin's meet cute, because it truly is one of the very rare meet cutes that is actually cute.
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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I hear her voice She laughs now She loves me now and always did
[Transcript under the cut]
Otto: do i need to go out and look for that good for nothing myself?
Mila: dad!
Otto: it's been hours, Mila!
Mila: just- let's wait for him, okay?
Mila's letter: Gunther.
I'm not good at expressing myself, or words. But i handle eloquency well, that's what your father used to say, at least
The day he didn't make it home, i waited for him until sunrise. I went outside, walked for hours expecting to just find him sitting there, writing or daydreaming. But that never happened.
Why am i telling you this? Because i think it's important to not forget the past, so you have an idea of where it is safe to walk through in the present
I made my mistakes. as a daughter, as a mother, as a wife.
This ring used to mean that to me, a reminder of how i failed to take care of Ernest. But now, i see this ring and think; i loved him and he loved me, so much. And it wouldn't bother me to go through it all for a second time, because it'd mean i would get to love him once again.
So, Gunthy. don't lose your chance to love, and do it 'til the very end.
Gunther: pointy ears on a baby might be the cutest thing in the whole world
Lilith: i know, right? our little fangy boy…
Lilith: Garrett
Gunther: Joseph
Gunther: excuse me?
Lilith: come on!! for old time's sake?
Gunther: goodness. oh, well…
Gunther: Garrett
Lilith: Joseph
Gunther and Lilith: Ernest
Gunther: Vatore.
Gunther: three of them. fancy, right? baby Ga-
Garry bites Gunther's finger
Gunther: ouchie!
Lilith: that's daddy, pup, we don't do that to him.
Lilith: he's just like me!
Gunther: well, at least it wasn't my wedding finger
Lilith: yes, by the way. i will marry you
Gunther: i guess we have two great news today
Gunther: let's just hope we don't have to postpone it multiple times for multiple reasons
Lilith: you're being funny
Gunther: who knows! anyways, welcome to the family, Garry.
Gunther: speaking of which, they might be here any second now-
munches and probably caleb and morgyn knocking the door
Gunther: there they are.
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syrupyyyart · 10 months
A whole new chapter of Motley is up! Go read it right now!!!!!!!!!
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numbuh424 · 1 year
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now how are you gonna put a megane dogboy in your game and expect me to be normal about it???
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coolmagoloraskblog · 6 months
its no wonder you’d rule alone. i bet you know deep down that nobody wouldve stuck by you. not even marx couldve put up with you for that long~
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moeblob · 2 months
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I unfortunately picked up Bravely Default 2 again (I bought it back when it released) and then started over since I last played it in June 2021. And. You know what. I like these silly beans. And then I saw concept art for Dag's expressions and I am not the same. Why did they decide to give him huge fangs in it.
(also I'm trying so hard to avoid spoilers less for plot but more for characters so if you know anything that happens to characters shhhhh. also the expression concept is below the read more so you can see what I mean.)
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#bravely default 2#dag rampage#selene noetic#i only just recently reached ch2 in the game and i may have a problem#someone was like wait how have you not gotten farther in 25 hours#and im like im sorry its a problem i have an obsession you dont understand#and then he found out i had three of the four party members with two jobs capped at 12#and then the fourth only had one capped but a bunch high up#and then i told him i was trying to get the gambler asterisk and that meant i had to play a childrens card game#and then i had to do side quests when they popped up#and he was like wait at that point you probably dont need jobs at 12 omg#and im like i know its a problem i cant stop it#so anyway chapter 1 took me forever because i committed to the grind too much#the emotions i feel for silly lil side characters ................ its too real#like even the fact that you beat these two up in the prologue im like teehee funny lil blonde guy#then you dont interact with them in a ch1 quest but they show up again at the same time doing the same quest#and guys i am FEELING EMOTIONS theyre just funny lil mercenaries doin funny lil mercenary things#also please do not tell me anything about the game past ch1 because i want to continue to enjoy experiencing it#which is why i have my ask box closed bc its a game from 2021 and i know im really behind the times#but i managed to not know anything until now and i wanna keep it that way#also i dont really know how to properly draw noses especially when i doodle#but his nose is important and i already struggle with his big jaw so i had to include it somehow#and in the concept art it looks like he has a lil stubble but in game i dont see it so im like ... squinting at he
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dancingafterdark · 20 days
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snippet from a draft of a new wip
@hiemaldesirae i blame u :D
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mean-scarlet-deceiver · 2 months
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acoraxia · 9 months
Chained Memories AU
(Day 1 of Monkie Destiny Challenge Prompt Month Oct. 2023)
Wordcount: 2.3k
Summary: Baigujing, in her final moments, remembers what was lost to her.
She’s tired.
She has no true name to her body, she has no real way of identifying herself when placed side by side with a decaying corpse—she’d call herself a phantom, nothing more, nothing less, and then with a shake of the head she’d change her mind and go for a more regal name. One fit for a person destined for greatness. For a world without pain or suffering, for one where the Heavens would be made anew and the Kings of the Underworld would carry on with helping the souls pass on in peace. 
She called herself Baigujing.
Baigujing feels nothing to her soul. She has witnessed all the suffering of mortals and yao, the pain and heartache mothers and sons went through. It was loss upon loss, the feeling of stitches being pulled apart, a heart cut open and never allowed to heal itself. Yet, she felt nothing but a single pang across her chest before it dissolved into a breath of frost upon her lips. She felt nothing. She feels nothing and has come to terms that that’s how it would be for all her life.
Up until Sun Wukong.
Sun Wukong is not meant to exist: he was born by chance, a single rock that was flicked off its pedestal by the wind, and everything that’s happened after his birth has been a hindrance to her plans. He’s found cradled in her arms, only a few years old with no true wisdom or knowledge yet, and she stares at him with eyes devoid of light and warmth. I’ll make you proud, Wukong tells her, I’ll show you I’ll be the greatest hero this world has ever seen, and she witnesses it first hand. 
Baigujing wants to regret having taken the Great Sage Equal to Heaven under her wing, but she can’t. She falls in love with the hope Sun Wukong shouts to the Heavens, the brilliance of light that pushes him to be on top of the world, letting himself fall back down into her arms because he knows she’ll catch him. He’s an enigma, he’s not meant to exist—and yet she smiles despite herself, listening to him go off about how his name is no longer Shi Hou and it’s now Mei Houwang. How certain words are banned from his kingdom, how he looks at her with gleaming eyes of gold and light and asks, “Am I the greatest king you’ve met?”
And she answers, “Yes.”
Even when he swears death to her name, screams that he’ll kill her himself—she finds herself proud of everything he’s accomplished. She’s withered and weak, a mere memory of the terror she used to be a thousand years ago. She was meant to bring the world to its knees—she was meant to rebuild it all, make it perfect for everyone to thrive in. Make it perfect for them. And he shatters that ideal, brings it to pieces right in front of her, even though he cries and screams and weeps; he causes her heartache in one fell strike, he brings her to tears and causes her to break apart. 
She remembers a time when he doubted himself. Doubted his place as a rightful king and great sage. 
“Is it true? Am I not worthy of calling myself Qitian Dasheng?” Sun Wukong says when they gaze upon an empty banquet. The monkeys have all gone to sleep, the yao and creatures that accompanied them for wine and fruit and fresh cut meat sprawled on the floor of the cave. The youngest monkeys shiver and hiccup, huddling onto each other for warmth, though Wukong keeps his feet planted where they are. “The Jade Emperor—his people aren’t what I expected. I thought they’d welcome me. Am I not worthy of being respected for my achievements?”
Perhaps raising a child had changed her.
Wukong frowns, clenching his fists. “Azure was right. I’ll never be anything else than a weak-willed—” “Do not speak ill of the Handsome Monkey King, young man,” comes the quiet remark, and she takes in the way he startles and looks at her. “I’ve watched him grow from a young monkey into a wise scholar and, when his kingdom was in danger, he became a warrior for them. A soldier. A protector. And I will not have you sully his name because some nameless celestials gave you a bad day.”
Baigujing crosses the cave’s path, beginning to make her way towards the mansion that was found behind the walls of the waterfall. She waits for the sound of footsteps following her, but when they don’t come she stops and sighs. 
“There will never be a time where you are unworthy of your name, Sun Wukong. You were gifted that name for a reason,” she says quietly, beckoning him closer with an extended hand. He hesitates, stepping over sleeping leopards and qilin, his steps a quiet crunch of stone against soft sand. She takes his hand once he’s closer and holds it. She knows she’s cold, she knows she cannot provide the same warmth he gives to his children and subjects—yet she speaks quietly and softly. 
“Please understand, Sun Wukong, that though you are nothing the world asked for, you are everything the people need.” You are a weapon, you are a savior, you are many things, and I know you won’t fail me.
He always appears more human than she expects him to be. So he brings his body to hers, wraps his arms around her, and presses his cheek to her shoulder. It’s meant to be comforting. He’s meant to seek comfort from a mother made of cloth and paper, cold and unable to feed him, uncomfortable with all her sharp edges and hollow eyes. Yet he stays there all night, murmuring how he’ll show the gods that he is worth the title of a sage. That he’s going to be the most extraordinary being the Heavens have ever seen.
And she, with all her demon qualities, cannot bring herself to control him anymore. She cannot do this when she’s sure it would make him suffer. It would make him bleed and weep real tears of anguish. 
He could be loyal.
Chained and leashed for her to use as her own.
She knows how easy it would be to manipulate him; she knows to what length a child will go to make their mothers happy.
So she leaves him.
She kisses the brow where his crown will rest on, tells him to sleep alongside his grandchildren and little suns, and stays with him until she’s certain he won’t wake when she moves. “Goodbye,” she whispers against his ear, breaking the silence of the cave. It’s safer this way. She cannot sacrifice her plans for him. She cannot change her destiny. She cannot make him change for her. 
Sun Wukong deserved to keep his freedom.
And it breaks her heart to know he gave it all up for the ones who hated him the most. ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“I’m tired,” she says with a shaky breath on her final day of life.
Or in other words, her last day of running from Sun Wukong.
Baigujing sees him from the corner of her eye. He’s gotten taller, brighter, and yet he looks battered and broken all the same. She left him in the hands of destiny, the sweet whispers that promised her justice and righteousness—and he looks so tired that it breaks her to pieces all over again. She pulls herself up, trying to sit more properly, but Wukong stops her. His hands are on her shoulders, eyes scanning her face, and he helps her sit against the wall. There’s cracks along the edges and her blood on stone. 
It has not yet dried.
Wukong makes sure to rest her head carefully against the wall. 
She’s not sure how she winds up sitting next to Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the very same soul she abandoned when he was only a boy to pursue a path that… led to nothing. Nothing at all. Only pain. 
“Do you hate me?” she asks quietly. Her voice quivers and she doesn’t know why. Wukong won’t look at her.
“No,” he says.
“I did everything right,” Baigujing murmurs against the air. It’s as if the very essence of her soul is trying to get away from her. Abandon her. Leave her for dead. Her vision’s blurring and her cheek feels wet.
Though she doesn’t know why.
She says, “I found myself a champion. I made my army. I challenged Heaven. I tried to remake the world into something perfect and yet—” She takes in a sharp breath, unsure of herself. Her visions. Her calling. They’re replaced with the faint memory of tiny fingers running through her black hair, forming shapes of flowers and carefully decorated river streams. She sees herself holding a young infant, happy and waiting to see the sunrise, holding her hand as tight as possible, and breaks into pieces, mouth open to release a silent wail of regret.
She never got to see him grow.
She promised the world to him.
She swore she’d make storm clouds cry for him.
She made him clothes and carved pathways for him to choose what he wanted to do.
She watched him run with eager steps to a master who could teach him all the things she couldn’t and embraced him with open arms when he returned a scholar, a proper name to his unique soul, and kissed his head with glee over his proud achievements.
And she left him to die.
In all her selfish desires—Sun Wukong did not fit into her ideals. He was too powerful, too impulsive, too imperfect, too human for her to take him with her to destroy everything that was impure in her eyes. She wanted to start anew and forgot the faint fingerprints of tiny hands against her wrists that carried her through the years. So she cries now, because she cannot find the proper way to say she’s sorry.
“I lost Flower Fruit Mountain to a fire,” he says quietly. He doesn’t look at her either. Something soft brushes against her wrist. A flower.
It’s an illusion made of gold and ichor—yet she feels its warmth.
“The Samadhi Fire?” she rasps, finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden. As though something’s lodged in her throat. She gasps quietly, gulps down the little air she can muster, and tries to stay awake to hear her son’s tale.
“No. My—there was this Huntsman. Erlang Shen. He burnt down my mountain out of anger and,” Wukong breathes in sharply, exhaling that burst of air with a quiet sigh, “he made me his sworn brother. I’ve been with him in Heaven. I only left because…”
“Xiaotian,” he murmurs.
“His birth… I don’t know why I took him. I don’t know why I did it.” She closes her eyes, feels herself growing weaker. “I thought… if it were someone else. If it were someone that was made by Heaven’s wretched blood, I wouldn’t feel guilt. But he is so much like you, Wukong.” She thinks of bright smiles and golden-brown eyes staring at her, waiting for the words of appraisal. She thinks of tiny fingerprints against her arm, finding comfort to her side. “I hurt you both so much.”
“That’s not right,” Wukong croaks. She tries to open her eyes—but she can’t. She can’t see his expression, can’t tell what he’s thinking. She can only hear how his voice breaks right in front of her. And she can’t even hold him anymore. She’s too weak. “You left… and ruined a young boy’s life. You made him—me—us think we were only good for one thing. I searched for you. I missed you. I was found by someone who was too flawed to notice my suffering, I was dragged away by a soldier who would not hesitate to seal me away again—you left me.”
“I’m sorry.” 
The world is quiet.
Her vision is white. 
And then, she can open her eyes again. 
It’s an empty void. It’s only them, standing opposite to each other, Wukong’s armor and red-eyes gone, the traces of the Samadhi Fire nowhere to be found on his body. Baigujing breathes. Her clothes are the ones she wore when she found him. White with traces of blue and lilac. Her hair is down, black rivers that have no end, the feeling of herself fading away strong with breath she takes.
She sighs, closing her eyes to savor the taste of life one more time, and says, “I told Xiaotian the road he’s chosen can only lead to one thing.” Baigujing looks at Sun Wukong. His eyes are filled with tears, hands and arms and body covered in scars that have not yet healed. His clothes are tattered, covered in smoke, and his fur burns with fire that could not be described by any words she knows. “Pain,” she breathes out, stepping closer to the boy she abandoned all those years ago.
She touches his cheek. Ice washes over him as he leans into her palm, eyes closed and tense, the fire fading away and turning into short, tiny tufts of light brown fur. He gets shorter, forces her to descend to her knees, and when he opens his eyes again, they’re a light shade of gold. Not yet made of a sun’s glow. She holds his face, bringing her other hand to touch it, and smiles shakily for the first time in years.
“But you can change that,” she sobs, smile widening when Wukong places his hands over hers. “Please, Wukong, take care of him before he thinks he’s undeserving of love.” 
Wukong says nothing.
He steps forward, tiny hands coming to touch her face. He squishes her cheeks, curious yet firm, and, in the tiniest voice, says, “Goodbye mama.”
Baigujing smiles.
She brings him to a hug, squeezing him tightly, and with her final breath says, “Goodbye.” 
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cinsilly · 28 days
Welcome to:
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✨Tales of the prologue✨
From my arcana au. Featuring "Julian breaking in, from the prologue"
inspired by this convo i had with @likealizardyousay a few days ago.
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characters: rem, cin, julian
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