#prompt 575: food
fullmoonficlet · 4 months
Check out the fanworks created for the latest prompt: FOOD. Don't forget to express your appreciation by leaving a comment!
If you haven't already added your work to our collection on AO3, please feel free to add it to the collection for this prompt. If you have any questions about submitting, please leave us an ask to let us know.
Submissions are listed in order by word count. Please check the content notes and pairing for more information about each submission.
Breakout by @goddess47 (FIC, Peter/Sheriff, PG, 2700)
Part of an ongoing story; may not stand alone.
Food by @darkjediqueen (FIC, Derek/Stiles, R, 3547)
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cherryredstars · 7 months
hello! can i request a cuddly, soft, needy miguel for the 1k prompt? there aren't enough fics that show how much of a sweetheart and clingy he is.. thank you for all the miguel food!! ❤️❤️❤️
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1K Prompts
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: No better cure than cuddling on the couch.
A/N: Genuinely don’t remember the last time I wrote only fluff for Miguel?? (watch it be a week ago)
Word Count: 575 (Not Edited)
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He’s on the verge of collapsing. 
Even the simple task of turning the key in the doorknob feels like a daunting task, his body aching and bruised from protecting the world. Everything aches and when he moves his right arm too far out it jolts electricity through his nerves. He is loud and sluggish when he enters the apartment, almost tripping over your shoes. All the noise wakes you up from your nap, face groggy when you peak over the back of the couch to see Miguel. Miguel’s eyes shine when they meet your face, but they fill with sympathy when you rub your eyes. 
“Lo siento, mi cielo. Didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispers. He trudges to you, his body heavy. 
You hum in dismissal, lazily waving your hand in the air to show you don’t mind. Miguel leans down to you, pushing your hair away from your forehead to kiss it gently. Your hum turns into one of content, a sleepy smile pulling on your lips. Miguel pulls away, giving you a smile in return. He pulls his shirt off, throwing it somewhere on the floor before he climbs on top of you. 
You huff as he presses his weight into you, whining in mock protest. It only makes Miguel grin, his arms coming to slip under your body to hug you to him. You squirm in his hold, eventually freeing your own arms to wrap around his body. His skin is warm under your skin, but you can see the beginning of bruises over his back. You coo gently at him, hands gently ghosting over the discoloration. It turns him into a child, whining into your chest about how hard his day was. 
You have to bite your lip to try not to giggle at him. His voice is whiny, trying to suffocate himself with your body. His hands keep squeezing and stroking your skin, stopping his ranting with the occasional kisses to your neck, chest, and shoulders. Your hands play with his hair, parting the slicked strands in an effort to make it easier when he washes it. He sighs happily, his warm breath tickling your skin. 
“Missed ‘ya, corazon. Thought about you all day.” He whispers, pulling his head away from your body to look down at you. 
You smile brightly at him, and he melts. You’re so perfect and loving and everything he could have ever dreamed of. He presses lingering kisses over your face, making the skin tingle. You giggle, trying to push him away with your hands and turning your head away. It only makes him exaggerate his efforts, pressing sloppy kisses that last full minutes to your face. You scrunch up your face at the wet affection, chuckling and complaining half-heartedly. 
When Miguel finally tires of it, he lays back on your chest. You cradle his head protectively, returning his kisses with a singular one to his hair. “I missed you too, Migs.”
You can feel his smile spread onto his face, giving you a loving squeeze in acknowledgement. 
“Te amo, mi amor.”
“Te amo, Miggy.”
Miguel smiles, so sickly in love that it rots his teeth. His body relaxes and he completely forgets about all the hurt. 
“Your accent sucks.”
You huff, face scrunching up with offense. You push his face away from your chest, and he whines in protest. 
“Miguel O’Hara, you better get off of me before I push you off.”
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
A Herbal Soup || Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader
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Summary: the talent you possess in the kitchen gets complimented by Thorin during a stopover in Rivendell.
Warnings: none
Word count: 575
Author: Rouge
A/N: today’s prompt: Dinner Cooking
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The journey to the Lonely Mountain was far from easy - you had to face trolls, orcs, spiders, and other foul creatures you never knew existed.
During the quest, you questioned your motives and the fact you agreed to help Gandalf - you were only a human and could add only the skill of wielding a sword; you even hacked heads of a few orcs.
The company was fortunate to have made it to Rivendell where you all could have rested upright for the first time since several days ago. On the night when Gandalf sought Elrond's assistance, you joined the Dwarves at their small campfire while Elrond was translating the Moon-letters on Thrór's Map.
“Have you seen Thorin?” You asked Kíli after taking place by his side.
He nodded while biting into food he held in his hand. "Yes. In fact, he went with Elrond and Gandalf."
Nodding, you immersed yourself in one of Balin's tales. After feeling a little hungry, and since the food the Dwarves had acquired a taste for was not something you longed for, you got up and went to ask the Elves for a cauldron and some herbs. The Elves agreed to let you use their kitchen after hearing your request; it was a blessing and you felt honored. You chopped carrots, celery, and some parsley and its leaves, and added a few potatoes, herbs, and spices to a pot over the fire. You smiled at yourself as you inhaled the herbal smell of the soup you were making.
A sudden question asked in a deep tone echoed from the walls of the kitchen, "What are you doing, Y/N?"
Looking over your shoulder, you smiled at Thorin as he entered the chamber. "I'm cooking soup. Would you like to try it?"
As Thorin got closer, he simply nodded.
A spoon was passed to him and you shifted aside so he could get closer to the pot.
He gathered some liquid on the spoon, then he blew at it a few times and slipped the spoon past his lips. Seconds later, he smiled, "It's really tasty, Y/N. I never thought soup without meat could taste so good. Perhaps I'd add something spicy to it."
"Can you peel a big onion and a few peppers for me?" You asked. "Is everything okay?"
Thorin nodded, doing what you've asked him to. “In some way, yes. Elrond read the Moon-letters, which said: ‘Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole’, so we are running out of time since Durin's Day is just around the corner,” Thorin said as he passed you the onion and started to chop the peppers.
Over the fire, you fried the onion until it turned golden, then added it to the soup, followed by the peppers. “I’m sure we’ll get to the right place on time, Thorin. Be of good cheer.”
Thorin only listened to you, his expression remained unchanged as he grabbed some peppercorns and threw them into the pot.
Thorin helped you clean the kitchen and threw away the peeling while remaining quiet.
As soon as the soup was ready, you let him try it.
Thorin looked at you after tasting the broth. "It's very tasty, and I take it as a huge compliment from a carnivore," he said. "Who would have thought humans are capable of cooking so well?"
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catalogercas · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
Who's Going to Save a Little Warmth for Me?
Day 4 Prompt: "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes."
Cattle Prod | Shock | "You in there?"
~575 words
Roy rests his head against the porcelain lid of the toilet too worn out from emptying his insides to even voice the five million fucks he'd like to.
He's supposed to be picking up Phoebe to take her to school before he goes to training but even the idea of going back to his room to get his phone to tell his sister he can't seems exhausting. He tries to pull himself up but his fucking knee is too sore from being on the floor for so long.
He ends up slumped against his bathroom cabinet, wondering how the hell Phoebe is going to get to school when he can't even tell Ruth he can't do it.
He's not sure how long the cabinet has been digging into his back as tries not to fall asleep on his bathroom floor when there's a tentative knock.
He can't believe that Ruth had to come check on him.
Except it's not Ruth.
"You in there, Coach?" Jamie asks. "Ruth called me asking if I knew where ya were."
And, that's a thought, isn't it? That his sister expects Jamie fucking Tartt to know his whereabouts.
Roy grunts in affirmation.
"Can I come in?"
He grunts again, and Jamie opens the door and gives him a quick once over.
"Your knee give out on ya then?" Jamie asks.
Roy nods then swallows before adding, "After kneeling in front of the fucking toilet for fucking ages, yeah."
Jamie pats at his arm sympathetically. "Let's get you up and back to bed then, yeah?"
It's a bit of a struggle to get him upright, but once he is, Jamie bears most of his weight as they stumble their way back to his bed.
Jamie fusses with the covers until he has Roy cocooned in them. At which point Roy glances at his phone on the nightstand and tries to wriggle free as he remembers that, as far as he knows, Phoebe still needs to get to school somehow, "Phoebe."
Jamie pushes him back. "Don't worry about her. Ruth took her to school. You don't mess around with Pheebs so we knew you had to be dying or something to not show up. She's taking off work early to pick her up too. And me? I'm staying here with ya so you don't get stuck on your bathroom floor again, yeah?"
"Shouldn't you be at training?" Roy asks.
"Told Beard and Nate you didn't pick Pheebs up, and Beard told me I might want to call 9-9-9 on my way here and practically pushed me out of there to come check on ya. I gotta tell them and Ruth you ain't dead, but you're stuck with me all day at least. Team's orders."
Roy grunts at that.
"You don't even have to get out of bed to boss me about. Thought you'd like that."
Roy rolls his eyes with a fondness for Jamie that he's been more and more unable to help. He does like that.
"You got anything for me, Coach?" Jamie asks. "You need electric lights? Toast? Meds?"
"Sleep," Roy says, and the next thing he knows Jamie's pulling his curtains shut and turning off his lights.
He leans down and kisses Roy's temple. "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs get ya. Shout if you need me. I'm playing FIFA in the living room then I'm making you Simon's remedy soup. It's sound food when you're sick."
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fires-of-ninjago · 1 year
Here's the character and prompt
Accidental adoption
Sorry this one took so long to finish, but at least it's done! XD
Name: Spare Some Copper? Words: 575 Characters: Ronin, Echo Ships: N/A Warnings: Drinking (implied)
KNOCK, KNOCK “Open up!” A voice called out from the other side of the door, stirring Ronin from his sleep. The bounty hunter groaned as he opened his eyes…and then immediately regretted it. 
“Uuuuuugh, my head,” he groaned out. He glanced over at his coffee table to see his med-kit laying empty as memories of last night started flooding his mind. He was about to start looking into where his house guest was, when another round of bangs came rapping at his door…or maybe it was his head threatening to crack open?
“Alright, alright, I’m coming!” He muttered as he got up and pulled the door open. “What the hell do you want?” He asked. The constable’s eyes went from annoyed to surprised as he looked Ronin up and down.
“Ah, well, I-Ronin, why the hell are you in your underwear?” Ronin looked down to see what he was talking about, only to realize that he was indeed wearing nothing but a t-shirt and boxers. He would have found it funny, if he wasn’t so damn hung-over. So instead, he crossed his arms as he leaned against the door frame while shielding his eyes.
“I just woke up, now whadda ya want, Kunnai?” The constable rolled his eyes as he motioned to the dull-copper boy standing behind him. Ronin finally perked up as he realized what was going on.
“Your cupboards were empty of any nutritionally-substantial food-stuffs. I merely left to procure some for when you woke up.”
“Look Ro, I caught him shop-lifting, and he’s claiming that he’s staying with you. So…” Ronin rubbed his eyes partly in annoyance as he cut his old friend off.
“Look, he’s my responsibility for now, so just have lil’ Nami put whatever he took on my tab.” The pair blinked as he realized what he’d just said.
“Wait, let me get this straight! You’re saying you’re fostering-” Something snapped in him as he heard that word; and suddenly, all of his exhaustion and brain fog disappeared as he straightened up his posture.
“-Yeah, Kunnai, so what if I am?” He said before he could stop himself. “His father is an elderly man who’s gone missing, and he doesn’t have any other family that I’ve been able to locate. I’ll adopt him if I have to, but I’ll be damned if you’re gonna try and lock ‘em up with a high bail until I can locate his family!” His old friend took a step back at the sudden change in Ronin’s demeanor. 
“What the hell Ronin? Does the kid have a bounty on his head or something?” He eyed the rusting Nindroid with suspicion as the bounty hunter held out his hand. Echo, for his part, gave a silent gasp as the realization dawned on him.
“Really?!” He asked; “You’ll really help me find my father!?” Ronin felt his heart skip a beat as he realized exactly what he’d just said. 
“Um, well-”
“-Of course he will!” Kunai jumped in, cutting-off his friend. Ronin was about to rip him a new one, but seeing Echo just a second before he pulled him into a crushing hug stopped him.
“Y-yeah,” he started, “I guess I am-” 
“THANK YOU SO MUCH! Of course, I promise to make myself useful in our search!” The bounty hunter gave his grinning friend an annoyed glance as his new ‘son’ ran back inside of his shop.
“I will get you for this Kunnai.”
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hush-writes-preg · 2 years
A Little Bit More
Commission for:  @wannabedad​ Word count: 575 Prompt:  An mpreg fantasy with the carrier nearing term with a single baby and being stuffed until they look like they’re carrying twins instead.  Loving and heavy on the praise.  
TW: Stuffing
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I know it hasn’t been that long since we ate dinner, but I’ve made some things for you that I think you’ll like.  It’s got to be hard to keep yourself satisfied when you’re eating for two, especially with your due date coming up tomorrow, so I may have gone a little overboard.  But can you blame me, when I just want to keep both of my boys well-fed?  
That’s why I helped you settle in your favorite chair in the living room, kissed your cheek, and returned to the kitchen to gather all of the goodies I’ve put together for you.  My special treat, just like you used to enjoy back in the days when your womb wasn’t stretched full of our baby.
I love the way your eyes go wide when you first see the tray, like you haven’t already seen me pull out such a thing countless times before for our games.  It’s piled high with all sorts of delicate sweets, like decadent pastries filled with custards and creams, cakes layered with homemade buttercream icing, muffins filled with fruit, and cookies studded with your favorite candies.  All of them fresh, and all of them for you, even though they couldn’t hold a candle to your own inherent sweetness.  
You’ll try a bite or two for me, won’t you?  Good boy.
Piece by piece, I lift them to your lips, waiting for you to open your mouth before gently pressing a bit inside.  There’s no pressure for you to eat anything you don’t want, nor to eat more than you’re comfortable with, but then you’ve always enjoyed pleasing me, haven’t you?  
You love how I run my fingers along your cheek when your teeth sink into that first warm-from-the-oven croissant, casually feeling your jaw work as you chew.  You lean happily into my hand when you need to take a short break, eager to feel the gentle scrape of nails against your scalp.  And it’s hard to tell which of us is happier when my hand keeps finding its way to your belly, stroking the taut dome to feel our baby squirm inside you while you indulge.   
Of course, the more you eat, the tighter and bigger your belly gets.  You start to slow down as your stomach grows heavier, finding it more and more difficult to swallow, though my hands continue to bring offerings to your lips.  
You aren’t done yet, are you?  We both know you can take a little more. Open your mouth, darling, and show me how much you appreciate my attention.  There’s still room in your tummy for a few more pastries, a bit more cake, maybe even a morsel of icing licked from my fingers.  
I’ll press kisses to your cheeks when you start to struggle, your cheeks flushing and your abdomen uncomfortably tight.  You know that you’re my favorite, don’t you?  You know how much I adore you, and how everything I made was baked out of love for you?  We don’t want that to go to waste.  
Accept my love, sweetheart.  Eat some more for me.  You make me so happy when you do.
By the time you finally finish off that tray, and you’re left looking like you’re pregnant with two babies rather than one, you’ll practically be in a food coma.  And I’ll spend the rest of the evening rubbing your straining belly and showering you with my praise.  
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hj34r35t3535 · 1 year
Transforming Lives and Building Hope for the People of Congo- The Harish Jagtani Foundation
 New Delhi [India], May 2 (ANI/SRV): The Harish Jagtani Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Harish Jagtani, an Indian national, in Kinshasa in 2016. With this initiative, he envisages bringing a positive change in the public healthcare sector of Africa by chalking out a path toward humanity. The Harish Jagtani Foundation’s contributions during the pandemic are incalculable and beyond words of appreciation. In no small measure, Harish Jagtani, the foundation’s chief visionary, has been praised all across the globe for his noble work.
One of the recent highlights of the activities of the Harish Jagtani Foundation was bringing the BMVSS team from Jaipur to the Democratic Republic of Congo for the Jaipur Foot Campaign. The Jaipur foot, also known as the Jaipur leg, is a rubber-based prosthetic leg that is extremely useful for patients who have had limbs amputated. The Jaipur foot campaign kicked off from December 1 till January 30, with over 575 limbs, which were fitted including a couple of upper limbs at the Harish Jagtani Foundation’s camp in Kinshasa City. HJ Foundation has set up a dedicated camp to create and fit 575 prosthetic limbs for persons who have been disabled for various reasons.
This camp was free of charge, and persons who have lost limbs were given new limbs and trained on using their new limbs so that they can resume their normal lives, with their faces eloquent with happiness. For the 575 persons who benefited from the campaign, this camp proved to be a life-changing experience. Keeping in mind the dire state of the underprivileged population, all the people who visited their camp were also provided with meals and money for their commutation by the Harish Jagtani foundation. Hard work and consistency pay off and this foundation is the flag bearer of the same. It is the grit and determination of the people of the foundation, which has helped them transform lives and build hope for the people of Congo.
Last year, the Harish Jagtani Foundation, performed more than 100 free surgeries on cataract and glaucoma patients. For accomplishing this great task of delivering light to 100 families, the foundation established the DON DE LA VISION ophthalmological campaign. Furthermore, HJ Foundation is collaborating with HJ Hospital and the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to ensure that renal dialysis is free and accessible to all individuals, including the poor. In no small measure, scores of people die every year due to the lack of resources when it comes to renal dialysis. Thus, this step undertaken by the HJ foundation is definitely inching towards humanity.
Going back in time, his steering wheel of motivation prompted him to commence his journey towards doing something for needy people. Harish Jagtani said, “Through the foundation’s successful stories, I want to spotlight grievances, triumphs and experiences of the underrepresented, needy and diminished voices in Congo”. With the same vision, he unraveled HJ Foundation to the world.
Opening up doors of hope for the Congolese natives, the Harish Jagtani Foundation has decided to set up a permanent camp in the heart of Congo, which will be functional from June 30, 2022. The camp will revolve around the Jaipur Foot, anti-malaria initiative, kidney dialysis and DON DE LA VISION ophthalmological campaign.
Furthermore, Harish Jagtani believes that the reason behind his immense success is his strongsupporting pillars- his mother, Neeta Jagtani and his wife, Sunita Jagtani. They have played a significant role in supporting the fountainhead of illuminating ideas- Harish Jagtani. Furthermore, their contribution to society has reached its zenith. Neeta Jagtani and Sunita ‘Neha’ Jagtani, have helped scores of people in the pandemic, from distributing 10,000 PPE kits to delivering 100s of food packets for the needy, they have marked the flags of growth on the map of humanity.
Dreams do come true if you work hard towards it and let your passion drive your force. Harish Jagtani has proven himself to be a standing example of the same. With the perfect blend of humanity and smooth execution, he has won scores of hearts in Congo. On his way to becoming the reigning leader in the world of humanity, Harish Jagtani is a name to remember.
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hospitalvision · 2 years
Transforming Lives and Building Hope for the People of Congo- The Harish Jagtani Foundation
New Delhi [India], May 2 (ANI/SRV): The Harish Jagtani Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Harish Jagtani, an Indian national, in Kinshasa in 2016. With this initiative, he envisages bringing a positive change in the public healthcare sector of Africa by chalking out a path toward humanity. The Harish Jagtani Foundation’s contributions during the pandemic are incalculable and beyond words of appreciation. In no small measure, Harish Jagtani, the foundation’s chief visionary, has been praised all across the globe for his noble work.
One of the recent highlights of the activities of the Harish Jagtani Foundation was bringing the BMVSS team from Jaipur to the Democratic Republic of Congo for the Jaipur Foot Campaign. The Jaipur foot, also known as the Jaipur leg, is a rubber-based prosthetic leg that is extremely useful for patients who have had limbs amputated. The Jaipur foot campaign kicked off from December 1 till January 30, with over 575 limbs, which were fitted including a couple of upper limbs at the Harish Jagtani Foundation’s camp in Kinshasa City. HJ Foundation has set up a dedicated camp to create and fit 575 prosthetic limbs for persons who have been disabled for various reasons.
This camp was free of charge, and persons who have lost limbs were given new limbs and trained on using their new limbs so that they can resume their normal lives, with their faces eloquent with happiness. For the 575 persons who benefited from the campaign, this camp proved to be a life-changing experience. Keeping in mind the dire state of the underprivileged population, all the people who visited their camp were also provided with meals and money for their commutation by the Harish Jagtani foundation. Hard work and consistency pay off and this foundation is the flag bearer of the same. It is the grit and determination of the people of the foundation, which has helped them transform lives and build hope for the people of Congo.
Last year, the Harish Jagtani Foundation, performed more than 100 free surgeries on cataract and glaucoma patients. For accomplishing this great task of delivering light to 100 families, the foundation established the DON DE LA VISION ophthalmological campaign. Furthermore, HJ Foundation is collaborating with HJ Hospital and the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to ensure that renal dialysis is free and accessible to all individuals, including the poor. In no small measure, scores of people die every year due to the lack of resources when it comes to renal dialysis. Thus, this step undertaken by the HJ foundation is definitely inching towards humanity.
Going back in time, his steering wheel of motivation prompted him to commence his journey towards doing something for needy people. Jagtani said, “Through the foundation’s successful stories, I want to spotlight grievances, triumphs and experiences of the underrepresented, needy and diminished voices in Congo”. With the same vision, he unraveled HJ Foundation to the world.
Opening up doors of hope for the Congolese natives, the Harish Jagtani Foundation has decided to set up a permanent camp in the heart of Congo, which will be functional from June 30, 2022. The camp will revolve around the Jaipur Foot, anti-malaria initiative, kidney dialysis and DON DE LA VISION ophthalmological campaign.
Furthermore, Harish Jagtani believes that the reason behind his immense success is his strongsupporting pillars- his mother, Neeta Jagtani and his wife, Sunita Jagtani. They have played a significant role in supporting the fountainhead of illuminating ideas- Harish Jagtani. Furthermore, their contribution to society has reached its zenith. Neeta Jagtani and Sunita ‘Neha’ Jagtani, have helped scores of people in the pandemic, from distributing 10,000 PPE kits to delivering 100s of food packets for the needy, they have marked the flags of growth on the map of humanity.
Dreams do come true if you work hard towards it and let your passion drive your force. Harish Jagtani has proven himself to be a standing example of the same. With the perfect blend of humanity and smooth execution, he has won scores of hearts in Congo. On his way to becoming the reigning leader in the world of humanity, Harish Jagtani is a name to remember.https://theprint.in/ani-press-releases/transforming-lives-and-building-hope-for-the-people-of-congo-the-harish-jagtani-foundation/939862/
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scaarletwiitch · 2 years
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scaarletwiitch's Clintasha Advent 2021
I can't believe I actually finished this!
I chose not to take part in a secret santa because it seemed too Christmas-y for someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas, but here I am 22 fics into an Advent challenge...
Anyway, here they are gathered in one place (all links lead to Ao3) for you to peruse. Let me know what you think!
Day 1 - Weather (Rated G) Natasha's early days at SHIELD and a snow storm disrupts Strike Team Delta's extraction plan. (wc 2 813)
Day 2 - Hiding (Rated G) Natasha just wants to keep Clint's Christmas presents a surprise but he won't stop looking for them. (wc 750)
Day 3 - Family/Friends (Rated T) Natasha and Clint disrupt Steve's attempt at a team-building secret santa. (wc 1 105)
Day 4 - Magic/Supernatural (Rated G) In the aftermath of the Battle of New York Clint and Natasha consider their options. (wc 678)
Day 5 - Time (Rated G) Stephen Strange gets drunk and takes pity on a grieving Clint. (wc 1980)
Day 6 - Language (Rated G) Clint helps Natasha to process some news after Katie's two-month check up. (wc 548)
Day 8 - Alternate Universe (Rated G) “You’re a science teacher. You’re working part-time though, especially after you had your son. Your husband, he renovates houses.” (wc 1 781)
Day 9 - Domestic (Rated G) Clint decides to send holiday cards. (wc 575)
Day 10 - Missions (Rated G) Clint is frustrated to find his holiday plans ruined by yet another mission. (wc 763)
Day 11 - Colours (Rated G) She has dyed her hair and he has lost his hearing aids. (wc 799)
Day 12 - Gifts (Rated G) Kate and Yelena offer unsolicited advice to Clint and Natasha on gift giving. (wc 1 105)
Day 13 - Hurt/Comfort (Rated G) After joining SHIELD Natasha's serum begins to wear off and she gets sick for the first time. Clint nurses her through it. (wc 745)
Day 15 - Traditions (Rated T) Between them they have some pretty awful Christmas traditions. (wc 408)
Day 16 - Around the World (Rated M for graphic depictions of violence and heavy petting but no sex) This was written as a pinch-hitter that was not needed in the end for the be_compromised gift exchange. Prompt: "Natasha's family can be very nosy. And inconsiderate. And even though Natasha has her own safe houses all over, they just keep finding them an barging in at the most inopportune times. Lucky thing Clint is a very patient man (and also, it's happened so often, he's used to it by now.)" (wc 4 926)
Day 17 - Emotions/Moods (Rated G) Natasha has a lot of feelings about Clint being send on a mission without her. (wc 2 038)
Day 18 - Tropes (Rated T - tw for school gunman lokckdown) Five times Clint and Natasha fell in love via fanfic tropes in alternate universes and the one time they fell in love in our universe. (wc 3 186)
Day 19 - Furry Friends (Rated G) Movie nights in which Lucky loves Natasha and Tony gets attacked by Liho. (wc 835)
Day 21 - Senses (Rated G) Natasha wakes from the mind attack by Wanda and tries to recognise her surroundings. (wc 458)
Day 22 - Food & Drink (Rated G) Clint attends a holiday gathering with the Widow Fam and has to find himself a second stomach. A continuation of Day 8's AU. (wc 2548)
Day 23 - Separation/Reunions (Rated G) Clint and Natasha reunite after the fall of SHIELD. (wc 895)
Day 24 - Signs (Rated G) Five signs that Lila Barton misses that indicated her dad and Natasha are living together and one sign that gets thrown in her face. (wc 2 200)
Day 25 - Christmas/Holidays (Rated G) Clint's ex, Bobbi Morse, organised this year's NYE party. Phil insists that Clint should attend. Natasha offers to pose as his date. Clint begins to see his partner in a whole new light. (wc 2 319)
(Total word count for the challenge: 33 552 words in 28 days)
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Reed900 with prompt “kissing each finger,” if you please!
Morning Affirmations
CW: Food mention, crying, cat Word Count: 575 Author’s note: This can be read as a companion piece to Hoodie but it can also be read as a stand alone. For the most part, the only context needed for this is that Gavin just came home from six months undercover.
Gavin woke to an empty bedroom. He wound the blanket around himself and crept into the living room. There, he found his lover and their cats. Nines was sitting on the couch, one hand petting Stalker and the other holding a data pad, Levi was curled up by his feet. Gavin smiled at the scene.
Nines looked so focused, his LED staying a consistent blue. The mid morning sun that came through the partially open blinds played in his hair, lighting up the subtle differences in the shades of brown. His freckles, hidden in artificial light, came out. It was moments like this that Gavin was struck by Nines’ inherent beauty.
Stalker meowed and jumped off the couch, breaking the spell that had seemed to fall over the space. Gavin stepped forward and curled up in the cat’s vacated spot. He took Nines’ now free hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of it. They sat like that for a while, Gavin enjoying the morning and Nines reading.
Gavin sat quietly, fiddling with Nines’ fingers in his lap. Nines chuckled, twining their fingers together. Just as Gavin had earlier, he brought their hands up to kiss the back of Gavin’s hand. Unlike earlier, he didn’t stop there. Nines didn’t take his eyes from the data pad as he kissed the tips of Gavin’s fingers.
“Nines?” Gavin’s voice, still rough from sleep, felt loud in the quiet space.
Nines paused, lips against Gavin’s pinky. “Yes, dear?”
“What are you doing?”
Nines looked at him then, eyes so filled with love that it made Gavin feel like crying. “I’m loving you. In every action I do, thought I have, thing I say. I’m loving you.”
Gavin was crying now, hot tears slipping down his cheeks as he tugged weakly on his hand. Nines put down the data pad and pulled Gavin into his lap. His hand rubbed Gavin’s back while the other still held Gavin’s.
“You deserve affection, Gavin.” Nines continued.
Gavin thumped lightly on Nines’ chest, their sign to give him a minute. Nines nodded, his chin brushing the top of Gavin’s head. He held him as Gavin’s sobs slowed to hiccups. Finally, he trusted himself to speak. “I know I deserve love and affection, Nines, you’ve shown me that so many times since we met. I just,” he sighed, shifting to get more comfortable, “I just forgot for a bit. Being in that kind of environment for so long, it put me back a few steps.”
Nines hummed. “Okay. Do we need to rediscuss boundaries?”
Gavin shook his head, hand tightening around Nines’. “No, I’m good. I just think . . . I think I should see a therapist.” He looked up at him. “Possibly couples therapy but I want to try it on my own first.”
Nines released Gavin’s hand, cupping his face instead. “Whatever you think you need is what we’ll do. I trust you in this, just as you have my trust in everything else.”
They shared a kiss, pulling away when Gavin’s stomach rumbled. Nines laughed. “We still need to go grocery shopping. In the meantime, where do you want to go for breakfast?”
Gavin shrugged. “Anywhere with pancakes. Give me a few to get dressed and take my meds and we’ll be off.”
He planted a kiss on Nines’ cheek before he wandered back into the bedroom, a smile on his face and the weekend sun shining through the blinds.
D:BH Taglist (Check out my masterlist before sending an ask to be added!): @cerulean-watermelon​,
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fanfics4all · 4 years
The Drunk Truth
Request: Yes / No  I'm back with another request if I can. I was wondering if you could do a mutual pining ending in fluff kind of story with Luke Alvez X Reader with 75. “Why didn’t you say something?” @hotchocolateandpillowforts​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Luke Alvez x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 575
Warnings: Nothing really
Y/N: Your Name 
Prompt(s):  “Why didn’t you say something?”
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was the team's day off and of course we were all hanging out. Garcia was having a get together at her place and invited the girls early. I got there with the wine and all the girls were there already. 
“Finally you’re here!” Garcia said answering the door. 
“Yeah we’ve been waiting forever for that wine.” Tara said and I laughed. 
“Sorry, but I got the finest ones!” I said placing the bottles down. Garcia grabbed the glasses and everyone started pouring what they wanted. 
“So what did I miss?” I asked, taking a seat. 
“Nothing really, we were talking about you actually.” Emily said with a smirk. 
“Me?” I asked confused. 
“Yeah and how you obviously have a crush on Luke.” JJ said, taking a sip of her wine. 
“W-what? No I don’t.” I stuttered. 
“Y/N, you can’t lie to profilers and you know it.” Tara said. 
“Yeah I’m not even a profiler and I can totally see it!” Garcia said. 
“Is it that obvious?” I asked. 
“Yes!” They all said at the same time. 
“You think he knows?” I asked with a blush.
“No, but he definitely has a crush on you too.” JJ said and I looked at her like she was crazy. 
“What? No way.” I said and the girls rolled their eyes. 
“You are so blinde.” Tara said. 
“Let’s just move on.” I said taking a sip of my wine. 
“So, Emily, how’s your boyfriend.” I said and everyone turned their attention to her. 
It was half an hour later and two glasses of wine later when the boys showed up. They surprisingly showed up together and they each brought some kind of food. They walked in and saw us laughing at something Tara was telling us. We looked over at them and smiled. 
“Whoa, I see you girls started early.” Matt said. 
“We wanted to catch up without the boys.” JJ said. 
“Ouch, I’m offended.” Luke said, holding his chest. 
“Come join us, there’s plenty of wine for everyone.” I said. Luke walked over and gave me a hug. 
“I’ll stick with a beer.” He said with a laugh, while all the girls smirked at me. 
*Luke’s POV* 
Garcia’s little party had ended and everyone was leaving. Y/N was a little too drunk to drive home, so I offered to take her home. We were walking out of Garcia’s apartment and Y/N was very bubbly right now. 
“Luke, did you know that the girls think you have a crush on me? Isn’t that crazy?” She giggled and my eyes widened. I helped her into my car and quickly got in the driver's seat. 
“They said what?” I asked, just to make sure I understood her right. 
“They said you like me, like really like me.” She said. So I was that obvious. 
“Would it be so crazy?” I asked and she looked at me confused. 
“Do you like me?” She asked and I nodded. 
“You’re different Y/N.” I said and grabbed her hand. 
“Why didn’t you say something?” She asked. 
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” I said and she giggled. 
“I like you too!” She said and leaned over to kiss me. 
“Alright, alright, let’s get you home.” I laughed after I gently pushed her off me. 
“We should have a sleepover!” She said and I smiled. 
“Sure, we can have a sleepover.” I said and placed a hand on her leg. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @xrosesareredx​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @alex--awesome--22​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @simonsbluee​ @ravenmoore14​ @pettyjayy​
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fullmoonficlet · 4 months
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This week's prompt is: FOOD.
Welcome to Full Moon Ficlet, the weekly prompt community for Teen Wolf!
In order to sign-up, just reblog this post or fill out this form and get writing a fic or ficlet that is inspired by this week's prompt. There are just a few rules:
Be inspired by the prompt of the week!
Reblog the original prompt post to sign-up for the week in order to be included in the masterlist, or fill out the form above. Do this by Tuesday morning at 10 am Eastern time!
Your creation must be a part of the Teen Wolf fandom. Crossovers and fusions are welcome as long as TW is the primary focus.
Starting 07/03/2022, RPF will no longer be allowed as part of the challenge.
To be considered a ficlet, your story should be at least 200 words minimum and a maximum of 1499 words.
To be considered a fic, your story should be at least 1500 words minimum, and there is no maximum!
Art is art, and we love it! We will not be reblogging art, only a link, so please just make sure we know to mark the link NSFW if it is.
New chapters from a WIP or series are welcome, but please post your story or chapter in its entirety! Posting a chapter or story that is incomplete just makes readers sad. Choose the closest proper category (fic or ficlet) when you submit your completed work for the masterlist.
You can post your fic(let) or art ANYWHERE. If you post on AO3, please feel free to add it to the collection for this week's prompt (FMF_575).
Use the submission form to tell us about your fic by Saturday, February 10, 2024, by 10 am Eastern time in order to have it included on the masterlist.
There is no limit on the number of people who can sign up! Every prompt is a new week and a new event; you only sign up for one week at a time. There is no consequence for pledging to write and being unable to submit a fic that week. We understand that life interferes!
Now go have fun and create new fanworks for Teen Wolf! Art, fic, ficlets; everything is welcome. Enjoy, and get creative!
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azurphra · 5 years
LGBT Destiny Month Submission - Day 2
Prompt: Vanguard, Surprise
Shipping: Andal Brask/Cayde-6
Archive of Our Own Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18687448/chapters/45332731
“Well,” Andal thought out loud as he practically fell onto his couch, grumbling a little. “That’s one more completely useless Consensus meeting.”
“Oh I bet,” Cayde’s voice called out from the kitchen.
Andal jumped, he had not been expecting to hear Cayde, let alone have him be in Andal’s apartment. He paused, then let out a sigh, leaning back in his seat. “Hi, Cayde.”
“Howdy,” Cayde replies, sticking his head out from the doorway. “You like donuts, right?”
“Uh, yeah?” Andal nods, raising an eyebrow at the question. “Who doesn’t?”
“Hive, probably,” Cayde smirks a little, his head disappearing back into the kitchen. There was a slight shuffling noise, before Cayde reappeared from the kitchen, in one hand holding a plate with a huge stack of donuts and in the other, two large bottles of gin. He set all three objects onto the coffee table in front of Andal before taking a seat next to him on the couch, grabbing one of the obviously a little expensive bottles of gin and flicked it open.
“Uh, why?” Andal asks, watching Cayde throw his head back and let the semi translucent deep blue liquid flow down into his mouth.
“What day is it?” Cayde answered Andal’s question with another question.
“November 12th,” Andal replies, then it clicked in his head. “Oh right.”
“Yeah, oh right,” Cayde laughs. “It’s your re-birthday, I came here to celebrate.”
“Oh,” Andal chuckles and reaches for the other bottle of gin, tugging the top off with almost no effort. “Well thanks, I guess.”
“You’re welcome,” there’s a short pause between the two before Cayde motions towards the donuts. “Eat some donuts, those cost me like 260 glimmer.”
That was certainly surprising to Andal, his gaze turned towards Cayde, a little curious. “Why so much?”
“Cause they got beer in them, specialty donuts by that one bakery down in midtown, you know the one?”
Andal nodded, he knew which bakery Cayde was talking about. It’s run by some old couple, all of their food is more expensive than needed but it’s still damn good and they sell stuff that no other store in all of the Last City sells them. “And how about the gin, a single bottle probably costed like, what, 410 glimmer each?”
“575, actually,” Cayde laughed a little. “Nothing but the best for my second favorite Vanguard.”
“Ah piss off,” Andal chuckles, elbowing Cayde in the shoulder at the joke.
“You think you can beat Saint in a favorite Vanguard challenge?” Cayde drank some more of his own gin as Andal reached forward and took a donut, a teal colored one with white sprinkles. “No one, and I can’t stress this enough, no one can beat Saint in that challenge. I mean, you are certainly a close second, you’d probably get first place if you also fed the city’s pigeons with a bunch of old people every Thursday or something else like that.”
Andal laughs, taking a sip before replying. “Honestly, can’t even blame you for picking Saint over me. That guy is as lovable as they come.”
“I know right? You probably get to see Saint being all lovable all the time too, lucky.”
“Yeah, get to see his absolute hatred of Fallen up close too.”
“Really?” Cayde turned to Andal, a little curious. “I mean, I don’t like the Fallen as much as the next guy, but I wouldn’t call it hatred.”
Andal nods, taking another sip. “Whenever Fallen are brought up, his usually nice demeanor just kinda melts away until the subject changes to something else. He also isn’t that merciful with them, he refuses to cooperate with them and when overseeing strikes, he encourages Guardians to not miss any of them. Kinda surprised you haven’t noticed.”
“Eh, don’t really pay much mind to that, I suppose,” Cayde shrugs, turning back into his spot. “Wonder why.”
“No clue, though I bet he was probably killed by Eliksni in his past life or something,”
“No disagreement here,” Cayde nods, before changing the subject. “Oh, right, also Shiro wanted me to apologize but he couldn’t be here, he was needed on some mission and is going to be back in a few days. Said he had a some gift for you.”
“Bet it won’t be as good as gin and beer donuts,” Andal chuckled, taking a bite out of the donut in his hand. He chewed it for a second, before nodding a little. “These are actually pretty good, you should try one.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Cayde cooed out, plucking a donut off the stack and took a large bite from it. He chewed it for a second, before swallowing. “Damn, those are pretty good.”
“So, uh,” Andal paused, staring down at his bottle before glancing up at Cayde. “Got anywhere else to be tonight?”
“Nah,” Cayde shrugged. “You?”
“Nope, nowhere for me either,” Andal replies. “There’s no more meeting assigned tonight and I’m not supposed to be overwatch for any fireteams either. I should be good.”
“Good, then I get you all to myself,” the Exo lets out a chuckle.
“Lucky you,” they both laughed before falling into a mutual quiet.
Minutes passed slowly in the silence, a friendly comradery built up over years from hardships. How long had he known Cayde, Andal wondered to himself, about 85 years if he had to guess but he wasn’t sure.
They had both been through a lot in that time, both separately and together, there had been times where their relationship, their friendship, had been in danger of falling apart but it always worked out between them. There had been more than once one or both of them almost dies, or something causes them to fight, even Andal’s position as Hunter Vanguard has caused issues between them now that he’s often too busy to be around Cayde and Shiro as much as he once liked.
Their friendship was as strong as ever though, as those hardships only made them grow closer. But there has been a single underlying threat to their friendship that Andal has kept to himself for 20 years now, possibly more, but only after he became the Hunter Vanguard did he actually realize the issue’s existence.
“Hey Cayde,” Andal spoke up finally, Cayde glances at him.
The words took a second to form in Andal’s mouth. “I love you.”
Cayde almost seemed to still at those words before he let out a chuckle, taking a drink from his own bottle. “Heh, yeah man, love you too.”
Andal had said those words before, long before they gained the hidden meaning, and Cayde always took it as platonically, a joke, nothing serious. But to Andal, it was everything but a joke.
But he was fine that Cayde only thought of it as a joke, even if it wasn’t a joke to him.
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cinlat · 6 years
Fictober18 - day 23
Prompt: “This is not new, it only feels like it.”
Word Count: 575
Characters: Ma’at Stasma (young)
Fandom: swtor
A/N: @kunoichi-ume and I were discussing what to do with our two new Sith babies, and after a lot of discussion about troupes and politics, we decided to have some fun with “Sith Royalty.” I look forward to watching their story unfold. It won’t be what we expect, I’m sure.
*This prompt kicked my ass today. I changed it at least three times.
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“This is not new, my dear.” Ma’at’s mother leaned across the to pat her hand. It was a warm gesture, far more maternal than the still budding Sith was used to from her mother. “It only feels like it.”
“What do you mean?” Ma’at asked, then cringed when her mother withdrew and sighed. Ma’at held no doubt that her parents loved their children, even if she didn’t always understand how they showed it. Theirs was a formidable Sith family who could trace their lineage back through the centuries. The number of Force-sensitives produced from Ma’at’s family rivaled that of most.
When mother pinned Ma’at with a peeved glare, the young Sith fought the urge to wiggle in her seat. “Our house is coveted among the others. Your sisters have already met their future husbands, and you will go to yours with the same dignity.”
Ma’at almost snorted. Her second oldest sibling had thrown a fit that shook the walls of their home. She’d sneered at her husband to be, then nearly killed him when the boy had the gall to ask why she was so cross. Now, they had two children of their own, and still spewed death threats at one another daily.
A chill ran the length of Ma’at’s spine. “What if we don’t like each other?”
Mother scribbled a signature, set it aside, then looked back at Ma’at. “Then you do your duty, and live in a separate house when it suits you.” Ma’at winced, and mother sighed again. “Tualthal Technar is from a good family. Though no strong in the Force, their household is known throughout every branch of our military.”
Ma’at didn’t want to marry a soldier. She wanted to heal, not destroy. Though, that appeared to be where her talent lay at the moment. Ma’at was determined to turn her ability to siphon life forces into one that could give it. Shoulders hunched in resignation, Ma’at gave in to the inevitable. Seldom did her parents present such a united front. She could not stop this. “He’s not old, is he?”
Mother chuckled. It was a deep, feral sound that startled Ma’at into sitting up straight. “No, little one. He is close to your age.” Ma’at didn’t understand her mother’s amusement at the question, and wasn’t given the chance to ask. “Besides, neither family expects the contract to be fulfilled until you’ve both reached the title of Sith. Now, I have work to do, ready yourself for dinner.”
“Yes, mother,” Ma’at answered, finding no room in her cramped stomach for food. She momentarily considered slacking on her lessons to postpone the unwanted marriage for as long as possible, but discarded that idea immediately. No. Regardless of her view on the politics of Dromund Kass, Ma'at was Sith. Her sisters had made sacrifices for their family, now, it was her turn. Ma’at only hoped that Tualthal liked her. She didn’t want to spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
His Vocal Promise
There was only one thing to Kim Jaehwan that you found to be frustrating.
Okay, so sometimes he was less than desirable in his behaviour, and he could be really loud and headache inducing. But you were far from perfect yourself, and dating him had been something that had really changed your world, for the better.
But when it came to new promotions, his mind was so focussed on his work, regardless of where he was.
Eating breakfast? You bet he’ll have a mouthful of food and try to hit a high note.
Watching TV together was always accompanied by several outbursts of notes as well.
You had even taken to finding out his schedule, just so you wouldn’t end up attempting to do something special in his company when he was in pre-promotion mode.
It wasn’t like you disliked his voice; in fact it had been the very thing that attracted you to him, his humming under his breath as he waited on tables with you, or singing songs whilst he washed dishes had made your shifts together go faster. It had been a charm of his ever since you met him.
And it still was.
Had a rough day? He would serenade you and melt away all your stress.
Couldn’t sleep? Jaehwan’s lullabies were the best.
But it was the repetitive nature of the same lines over and over, that’s where you grew tired of his honey filled vocals.
“Oh your face, your actions, every single thing, love it.” The line you had heard all morning as he drove your car to your date destination.
“Oh my love, don’t go,” he called out sweetly as you went to the bathroom after lunch. And continued to repeat during the afternoon to the point you almost considered ditching him on your walk.
By evening you were hopeful he would rest his voice and enjoy snuggling up on the couch in your apartment. For awhile that’s what you did.
And then it was like a sixth sense, you knew he was about to break out into another line. Shifting quickly, you sat up and pressed your hand onto his chest, shaking your head. “I swear to God, if you start singing one more time today...”
Jaehwan regarded you for a moment, wondering whether he should test your patience or not. A sly smile crossed his lips and you knew his choice.
“Don’t, Kim Jaehwan!”
He pouted and then grinned, his hand going into his pocket just as his mouth opened. “I can put a ring on your finger,” he sung, holding up what he had fished out of his pocket.
Looking between him and the jewelry item he held, you tried to compose yourself. Jaehwan’s infectious laugh sounded around the room. He slipped it onto your finger and then showed his matching ring on his own hand. “You said you like cheesy, wasn’t that lyric the most fitting for this? A promise ring, shall I start singing I.P.U now too?”
“I thought I was going to go mad with how much you were singing your new song today,” you admitted, smiling all the same. “You were doing it on purpose?”
He smirked and hugged you tightly to himself. “I wanted to give you this in a fun way, teasing you is fun for me.”
You decided you didn’t mind his constant singing after all, hopeful for what in the future he might sing for you instead. __________________________ Note: Kim Jaehwan x you drabble. Prompt #108 from the youxidol drabble game Word count: 575
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hunterenough · 5 years
Life Changes Chapter 2
Summary:  Dean checks out the local classifieds for a new apartment. Not the greatest prospects to be found, but maybe that one guy...
Chapter Two: Looking for a New Home
Dean spent New Year’s Day holed up in his room with his laptop, looking at rentals. His lease had ended months ago, so he was month to month now, and only owed his landlord two week’s notice of his intent to vacate. Getting Garth out might be a problem, but he had a new girlfriend right now, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
It took about ten minutes for him to realize that if he actually wanted to save some money, he was going to need to find another roommate. Maybe moving in with somebody who already had a place would mean better odds of them actually paying their share of the bills. Dean snorted.
The local rentals were...not looking that great.
I am a 52 yr old single male, I smoke, drink, and have 420 card, looking 4 a male or female roommate, rent would b 575$ month, and will include all utilites, n internet, its a furnished room with tv, share bath, 3 bedroom, 1 bath mobile home, couples more, pets more, I have no pets, best 2 text, I don't check mail at all, n all fake # calls???
Really, that’s how the guy expected to find a roommate? Jesus Christ.
Hello! I have a room available in a house that I have lived in for almost two years! The lease that I signed is up in June, but I am moving to Florida in one week. The rent is 340 a month and seeing as I am desperate for someone to take the room I am going to pay for the utilities while I am in Florida! You will be rooming with my sister, her girlfriend, and one other roommate who all keep to themselves and are very friendly! The room is fairly large with a closet for your belongings, and the rest of the house is well-furnished and very nice! The location is also a perk as it is very close to several shops and within walking distance to the bus station. The room is available ASAP as I leave to Florida in one week! Texting is the best way to reach me thank you for reading!
That one didn’t look too bad. The idea of sharing a house with three other people was kinda intimidating, but the rent was cheap, and it would only be until June. Then again, he'd have to move in June.
He poked around. A lot of the places were dumps, or  even farther from work than his current place. One guy just sounded outright creepy. By noon, he’d gone through almost every post, and had a list of five possibilities. He clicked on one last post because the title caught his eye. “Looking for another responsible adult.”
Male, 39, nurse, looking for a housemate. Spacious four bedroom house. Garage parking. Must be willing to help with household chores including shoveling and mowing lawn. Must be quiet in the morning, due to my work schedule. Must have proof of employment and pass a public records search. No tobacco, pets negotiable. For more details, please reply with your full name and phone number.
The location was perfect, about two blocks from the shop. Dean knew that was a nice neighborhood. Plus, having a place to park his baby, and maybe store some of his tools safely was a bonus. He clicked on the the reply button and copied the address into a new email. He considered his response.
Dean Winchester, 39, Manager at Singer Auto Repair. I’m quiet in the morning before work, and I’m out the door by 7. My current roommate is a slob, so I’m pretty used to taking care of the household chores. I’ll admit, it’s been a while since I had to shovel or mow, but I’m willing to do both. If you need more information for the public records check, let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to more details about the place. I can bring check stubs (as many as you want, I’ve been at the same place for over twenty years). Hope to hear from you soon, and Happy New Year.
He reread the email, and added his phone number and an invitation to text him if desired, before hitting the send button.
He went through each of the postings on his list and sent out a quick note or text to each of them as well. He wasn’t expecting much of a response, given the holiday, but at least he felt like he'd the effort.
Surprisingly, by dinner, he’d heard back from almost everyone. One of the rooms was already taken, but he had appointments to see four of the others. Only the guy looking for a responsible adult, Dean’s personal best hope, hadn’t gotten back to him.
He just was sitting down with a beer when he got the last response in the form of a text message.
Hello Dean. My name is Castiel. The rent is $500/month and includes all all utilities. If you would like to meet to see the house, I am available from 11-1 tomorrow and Thursday, or any time after 11 Friday through Sunday. I look forward to hearing from you.
The rent was pretty reasonable, especially for a place close to work. It was definitely less than he was paying here while he was supporting Garth. The guy even texted like a responsible adult. He replied immediately.
Castiel, rent sounds good, but I’d really like to see the house. My lunch hour is at noon. I can be to your house about five after tomorrow if that works.
He sat back and flipped to the Food Network. Never too early to pick up some ideas.
Five minutes into an episode of Chopped! and his phone dinged again.
Thank you. That time is acceptable. Please bring six months of check stubs and your driver’s license.
Dean pumped his fist in the air and took a celebratory drink of his beer before sending off a final message to Castiel.
Great. I’ll see you shortly after noon then. Thank you!
If he could get along with the guy, and the house wasn’t a trash heap, maybe he could be out of this dump before his birthday.
More Notes:
Chapters for prompt fills will be marked, this isn't one of them. :)
These guys look an awful lot like our friendly neighborhood Dean and Cas, but they're not. Just saying...
I'm still pretty new to sharing my writing, but people seem to like it, so I guess I'll keep doing it.
Currently, I'm aiming for about 2-3 posts per week, but I'm headed to Dubai at the end of the month, so we'll see how that goes.
No beta, all mistakes are mine. Unfortunately, I don't own the characters, but I can dream. 
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