iracarterart · 11 months
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#Prompt28 #collagetober23 #BLACK #marianneburgerstudio @marianneburgerstudio Reaso Phonograph Lamp
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writtenbykat · 3 years
First Love (Jilytober Day 28)
Prompt: One (or both) realizing they’re in love @jilytoberfest
It happened one day in the library. They were gathered at a table, revising for their end of term exams before the Christmas holiday– a scene not out of the ordinary. 
She’d asked him to quiz her about the twelve uses of dragon’s blood discovered by Albus Dumbledore, to which he amicably agreed. She couldn’t remember the twelfth use for the life of her, and after a moment of grumbling she acquiesced and asked for the answer. 
“Spot remover.” 
“Ugh, I’m never going to be ready for this! I’m going to fail my exams, then fail my N.E.W.T.s  and I won’t get a job, then I’ll be destitute and have to live on the street!” Lily succumbed to the stress of days spent cramped up in the library. 
“Nonsense,” James teased, lightly tapping her on the nose with the pile of review parchments she’d handed him. “You know we’d never let you end up on the streets! We take care of our friends!” He said it lightly, and everyone at their table laughed at the new light-hearted teasing found between the two of them nowadays. Lily forced herself to laugh along with them, but found the task hard to accomplish– due to the newly formed stabbing pain in her chest. 
Newly formed wasn’t giving it enough credit. It had been there the last few weeks– more in the form of a constant ache, rather than a stab; but today the pain was acute and agonizing. She wanted to double over at the waist and cradle her chest against the pain. She’d always known James was a powerful wizard, but she’d never known him to be able to inflict such agonizing pain with just a word. 
It was as if it was an unspoken incantation, for the reaction it caused in her. Friend. 
They’d come a long way since the start of the year, and had anyone asked her before this exact moment, Lily would’ve said she was more than proud to be friends with someone like James Potter. 
But somewhere along the way, something had changed. Now she didn’t just anticipate his company, but longed for it. Her day didn’t feel like it had truly started until she saw him. When he smiled at her, the same friendly smile he bestowed upon all his friends, she felt her insides warm as if she was glowing from within. The more time she spent with him, the more she realized how truly funny and kind he was, and she noted his unwavering loyalty to those who were lucky enough to be called a friend. 
So really, she should feel overjoyed to be included in those James Potter considered a friend. Truly. 
But why did the word suddenly feel so empty? 
Read on AO3 or FFN
I know it’s short!!! But I’m kinda obsessed w this prompt and it has inspired a full length fic. 
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alejandrovon · 4 years
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Musicalizó: @pibabanda - Nunca Fui Muy Buena. #Inktober #Inktober2020 #InktoberFloat #Inktober2020Float #Dia28 #Day28 #Prompt28 #Float #Flotar #Dibujo #Drawing #TeLoDibujoAsiNomas #Cartoon #Cat #Gato #CatsOnInstagram #Astronauta #Astronaut #GatoNegro #BlackCat #MeEstoyQuedandoSinIdeas #Ayuda #BlancoYNegro #BlackAndWhite #Nisman (en El Gato Negro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5SHr2Av25/?igshid=1afouiii7tcwj
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sodorart · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 Prompt 28: Fall
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sherlockkinkmeme · 8 years
Prompt #28
ASY/BBC, Anderson/Holmes/Robot Dinosaur
I want Sherlock from Asylum Holmes, getting together with BBC Anderson to have a 3-way with the ASY robot dinosaur. PLEEEEEAAASSSEEEEE!  I don't care if Anderson comes to ASY or if dino and Homes come to BBC.  If Dino comes to BBC, there might even be some marginally non-cracky stuff to be had as he saves the city. No, it'd still be crack.
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irishswanff · 8 years
Prompt #28
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lyrishadow · 4 years
Fictober 28: Noveria on a Monday
Prompt28: “Do I have to do everything around here”| Fandom: Mass Effect Title: Noveria on a Monday Pair: Malcolm / Ashley Rating: T
It was definitely a Monday, it had to be. The simple tasks were turning  into drama no matter how Malcolm Shepard planned everything out. The sense of irritation  seemed to be flowing down to his crew. Especially right now as they landed in Noveria and had to prove who they were, jump through a dozen hoops, and hand in forms in triplicate. So it was almost no surprise when the guards on the door pulled their weapons and demanded to know who they were.
“I’m a Spectre, name's Commander Shepard.” “Horse crap, Maám.” the elegant comment by the guard next to what appeared to be the one in charge pretty much summed up this entire exchange. “Please surrender your weapons..” the one in charge requested at least she seemed polite. “Back off,” Ash demanded, her eyes going to that one guard particularly.  Well, it was going so well and all. Malcolm drew his weapon, Ash and Liara followed suit and soon they had a standoff. Malcolm was confident his crew were up for the task, taking out a few guards would hardly bother them "I will keep my gun, thank you." "You have until the count of three. One,"  Malcolm saw Ash check for cover out of the corner of his eye. "Two…"  Liara prepared her biotics, glowing blue against the cold Noveria morning. "Thr…" "Stand down Ms Matsuo. Their identity is verified, and spectres are permitted to carry weapons"  In the nick of time they were granted entry. "Well, i hope your business here is less confrontational." Malcolm shrugged and headed upstairs, setting off the scanners as they went. "Don't worry, they are weapon scanners. Welcome to Port Hanshan, my name is Gianna Parasini, do you have any questions?  "Yeah, any unusual visitors lately?" "Only Lady Benezia, she arrived and passed through some days ago." "Passed through? Where is she now?" "At our peak 15 research station, but the weather has made it difficult to travel.” "Then that’s where we are going." "You will need to see administrator Analois for a pass." "Ok, can we go in now?" Monday all day apparently. "Yes of course."
"She's here, she's actually here…" Liara had gone a slightly lighter blue but was still with Shepard. "Liara? You ok?" "I imagine you want to talk to me Shepard…" she asked her eyes wide and blue. Shepard imagined she was aware of the effect even on people, men particularly even though she had spent ages at dig sites. "Are you still sure about this? Things can look different when you are up against it."  He could see Ash roll her eyes a little then composed herself. It was no small task to face off against your mother or any family. "If it came down to it, who would you shoot?" "I meant what I said  I am with you all, the way Shepard." Liara replied with the same shocked expression on her face " I understand if you have doubts, I can return to wait on the Normandy, but, "  she drew in a deep breath "I would like a chance to talk to her, maybe I can get her to change her mind?"  |"Alright. I trust you." Malcolm hoped that trust was not misplaced, "Let’s see if we can get out of here first."
The first stop was a vendor, in hopes of selling whatever it was that weighed so much in his kitbag that he carried with him... Naturally, that vendor, the only one available was a Hanar. "Oh lordy." Ash murmured eyeing Malcolm, she knew that out of all the races he had met Hanar was his least favorite to deal with. For Malcolm, it was just another sign it was Monday. It was worse when the Hanar greeted him as a spectre then in the next few seconds proceeded to get some delivery or other.  "Why exactly would I break  the law for you?"  "This one can pay you to retrieve the item." " and who is this special customer?" "This one prefers you not to know, that one has a temper." "Krogan then" Ash muttered "I am the one running a risk here…" Malcolm was about done with the jellyfish talking in circles. "This one’s customer is a Krogan bounty hunter of some repute. Please do not hold this one in bad esteem. This one requires your assistance to prevent this one’s demise." "Fine." Malcolm grimaced  " Now let me shop."  "This one would be glad to show you their wares."  Malcolm emptied his bag feeling lighter as they turned and walked out, back towards the Normandy to retrieved the item. 
"I can’t stand Hanar!"  "Did you know they train Drell to be their assassins?"Liara offered. "Figures. Those giant jellyfish would make poor soldiers." "What..is a jellyfish?"  "Here Liara" Ash pulled up the extranet in her omnitool, grabbing the image of a large jellyfish and displaying it in its holographic glory. "Oh." Liara nodded, "they were apparently up-lifted by the Protheans.." "So… you are saying they are actually stupid jellyfish?", the two women were giggling when Shepard returned. Of all the aliens on the Normandy, Liara was one of his favorites so seeing Ash losing some of her hard edges was refreshing to him. It might even save the day.
That was until they returned to the Hanar salesman with hi aa crate. "This one is pleased."  Truly Malcolm felt something was missing from the transaction. " Don’t you think I deserve a little extra?"  "This one can see you speak wisdom"  The Hanar doubled the amount. 
Having made it in the door, they went to report to Anoleis the Administrator. This was apparently not a thing that most people had success with because the Salarian kept comparing each comment to time and value. Finally frustrated Malcolm walked out half ready to yell at someone. 
“Administrator Anoleis is not the only one with access to a pass.” Parasini the person who had made sure they could get in said her tone conspiratory “Speak to Lorik Qui’in in the bar.’” 
“Do I have to do everything around here?” Malcolm fumed as they headed for the bar. “Look it’s just a Monday on Noveria “ Ash pointed out as they got into the lift. “The work pay ratio is not worth it,” Malcolm muttered as they arrived at the top floor. “Oh excuse me Spectre…”  Malcolm turned around and glared at the Asari who dared to step on his toes. 
“Let’s just get some coffee, Commander.” Ash pulled him physically over to a table to calm down. “No good doing Monday without a large coffee.” “Let me go get that order.” Liara volunteered she was gone for a short duration before returning with three cups of strong black coffee. Monday on Noveria was cold and irritating, the work would wait at least until they had recovered themselves.
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eorzean-wayfinder · 4 years
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Caine thought of himself as a generally peaceful man. He had weapons, and knew the use of them, however, he never drew them until it was absolutely necessary. Caine preferred to use his words to reach a more irenical solution to whatever the matter was. 
However as the glanced back and forth between the two men before him, staring each other down with rising animosity, Caine had a sinking feeling that he might need a shield of nothing else. 
“Now gentlemen,” he pleaded, raising up his hands in submission, and to keep them from going at each other. “I’m sure that there is a solution to be found. I understand that you now wish to purchase the book. As I was only able to get one copy out of Ishgard this trip, I would ask that the two of you peacefully settle upon who will purchase this copy until I am able to procure another on my next round. And whomever is the party willing to wait I will relinquish my finder’s fee for the item.” 
The two men broke their stare down to look up at Caine before looking back at each other with less hostility than before. Caine breathed a sigh of relief, he’d been through his before and once there was any small change, it generally wouldn’t come to blows. 
The first man sucker punched the second, while he wasn’t looking, hitting him with a force that sent the second flying backwards to the ground with a groan. The second man was only momentarily dazed before he was up and launching himself at the first man. 
Caine sighed heavily and went to sit with his dark haired traveling companion, while his customers fought it out. “You know, I am beginning to think that these dragon sex books are just not worth smuggling anymore.”
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hicchaninwonderland · 7 years
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#inktoberday28 #fall! #inktober #intober2017 #inktober2017day28 #prompt28 #promptfall #leaves #redleaves #redleaves🍁 #autumn #leaf #girl #brown #brownhair #red #orange #ink #hand #instaphoto #instapic #picoftheday #blueeyes
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nilidoodle · 3 years
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#inktober52 /28 'Poppy' 🥀 . . . . #poppy #poppyflower #inktober #inktober52poppy #inktober2021 #nilidoodle #flowersketch #sketchbook #inkdrawing #inktoberallyearlong #sketch #floral #bloom #blossom #artwork #leaves #illustration #traditionalart #digitalpaint #sketchaday #doodleaday #artoftheday#inktoberprompts #prompt28 https://www.instagram.com/p/CROfI-8jPfj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eyesofsteelandsky · 4 years
FFxivWrite2020 Prompt 28: Irenic
“What in the unadulterated fuck was that out there? What part of this forest is alive and does not want you fucking with it was unclear? When I said it? When the Adders said it? When the gods damned Hearers said it?”
A creak of both wood and leather rises up from the grip the roegadyn was taking on the doorway into the former Dragoon’s office, glaring at the man with the one eye that was capable of doing so. His own soured expression was turned back upon her, though far more for what had just come out of her mouth than any concern of the aftermath of their most recent mission into the Shroud.
“You’re overreacting, as you are apparently wont to do, Bremwyda. Everyone got home in once piece and we resolved the trouble. I’m.. unhappy with what happened to the child, but it’s out of our hands now. I’ll deal with him over it wh-”
He breaks mid word as the giant’s palm draws back and slams into the wood of the door frame, splintering the wood. From there she launches into his office proper, stalking up to the other side of his desk and jabbing a finger at the air towards him as if she were prepared to drive it straight between his ribs.
“We got lucky, stupidly so. Shit out there was playing with our minds, and frankly we don’t even actually know it’s done. This could all be it just keeping things going for what we could tell of things while they were happening. I’m no stranger to risks but this is going too far. Just because you have a fucking death wish you’re trying to sprinkle with honor doesn’t mean the rest of us want to follow you into an early grave. You are a leader, you have fucking responsibilities and you have to start fucking living up to them.”
A scowl drug it’s way over the raven haired Ishgardian man’s lips as he pushed up to his feet. It still left him having to look up to the Sea Wolf, but he was doing his best to posture himself to claim the woman’s statue in aura if not in the physical. His voice doesn’t come right away though, left to simmer down to something more pointedly calm instead of her enflamed rage.
“You have been a valued asset to the Outriders, Bremwyda. Not just for the resources and logistical expertise, but your combat prowess as well. I still think you are incredibly useful to the mission. However.. if you question me like this again I will haul your ass back to the Vault myself. Gridania won’t be able to save you from a noose for insubordination after you volunteered for service. Are we clear, pirate?”
The seething anger for the man, his profession, his actions, and most of all his nation were pouring from the roegadyn like sweat on a muggy day. Even unarmed, she was confident she could snap his neck before he could yell for help. Just end it here and go on the run. Not how she planned to get out from under her parole terms, but it wasn’t as if the thought hadn’t hit her before. Her fingers tighten down, eyes of both teal and red boring into his own. In the end she turned from the man and his desk, glancing back over her shoulder on the way out.
“Fury watch over you, Nyx.”
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myhusbandsasemni · 5 years
Anisha took deep breaths. She lost control on her magic and her eyes blurred as he scales came out of focus. Her eyesight had gotten worse. She focused the scales again and she looked up, tired and hurt. 
A man stood over her. He smiled and kicked her in the side. She rolled a couple of times and stopped, coughing and spitting blood. She hurt. She hadn’t hurt this much in a long time. The Dragoni’s wings flopped slightly as she tried to convince herself to get up and stop uselessly bleeding on the floor. She was about to roll to her knees when a boot came down on her wing with a crunch. Anisha wiced as he body told her that the wing was broken. 
“What a pathetic little dragon,” the man said, grabbing the broken wing and wrenching it. Anisha hissed in a breath, slight curses about gravy and mushrooms falling from her lips. 
The man scoffed, kneeling down and looking her over. He pressed his fingers into a cut on her arm, tearing it open wider. Anisha let out a thin wail and flopped. She was too tired to struggle. Too hungry and beaten and hurt. She wanted Laurance to come save her. But he wasn’t coming. Not anytime soon.
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bluecrownedbullets · 11 years
Prompt #28
Open Prompt: Kevin and Nat (or other OCs) decide they want to be superheroes and make their own costumes and try to stop the petty crimes of the other kids (jaywalking/littering/etc)
Can be drawn or cosplayed in their costumes. 
What are their superhero names?
Open interpretation. 
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eyesofsteelandsky · 5 years
FFxivWrite 2019 Prompt 28: Attune
CW: Battle and violence but not particularly diving into the bloody details ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “GET BACK TO THE BLOODY SHIP!”
The words come roaring out of the sea wolf’s chest shortly before another round of thundering cracks of The Broadside firing off at the Garleans bearing down on the scrap they were currently bunkered behind. The intent was to lay down covering fire while her crew made their escape, and figure out how to save her own skin after that. Instead after the first few rounds there was a horrifying click of her gun’s hammer landing on the back of spent shells. She’d taken out a few more soldiers with the heavy caliber assault, but those had a clear shot on several of the other pirates and wasted no time in taking them, cutting down two more of the young men under her charge.
The roe hisses through her teeth as her back slams back into the cover and she goes digging through her long coat for any additional rounds. Normally she’d have enough to cut through a moderately sized mountain, but this was meant to be a quick salvage stop from a recent Garlean loss. Grab anything magitek worth a damn, throw it into the hull, and get out before the Alliance or the Empire could swoop in with their own recovery teams. Instead they were about finished loading when an imperial squad came bearing down on them unsuspecting. Too many had been cut down too quick, and the ship itself was too far away because of the lack of fitting spots to bring it right into battlefield. 
How she got to that point became immediately less important as another volley of imperial fire crashed against the remains of the vanguard she was taking cover behind, sending her back down from her attempt to raise up and survey the oncoming danger. “Fuckfuckfuck!” The words come bursting out as a heavy plate that was already half pulled free from the automaton’s core came flying free and nearly too the woman’s head off. With the shielding gone though, the remaining flow of energy in the magitek construct was laid out more clearly for the half-panicked pirate. Nothing she would have ever noticed years ago as a first mate, but her recent magical training not only made her aware, but left her at least some what understanding what was going on within. It wasn’t the same as a beast’s aether being artificial as it was, but in that moment huddled against the machine as her only shield she had clarity on what had once made it tick. “This is stupid.. this is stupid.. this is stuPID!” With a forceful push of her own aether in as close as a proximity to ceruleum running though it, she manages to get one arm of the construct raised and pointed towards the incoming gunfire. The half broken machine gives out one harsh screech of steel upon steel as it’s busted mechanisms manage to fire one last time, launching a blast from it’s drill canon directly into the front lines of the very confused squadron. 
Though she didn’t speak the language of the orders being barked on the other side, she knew the tone all too well. The heavy boot falls were growing more distant instead now as they went to regroup under having their own equipment turned against them. It was the best window she was going to get, so the sea wolf bolts from her cover, rushing past the still warm corpses of several crewmen who’d been cut down along the way.
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eyesofsteelandsky · 6 years
FFxivWrite2018 Prompt 28
Each of the sea wolf’s steps rang clear through the cave as she made it through the long tunnel into a broader chamber, letting her thoughts roam as free as her eyes once she’d made it in properly. The space was certainly large enough, but they should be far too many yalms underground for it to be useful the way she’d intended. “I don’t doubt it’ll fit. Hells, there’s probably even room to get it lifted and turned around in here, but.. I’m seeing a pretty big flaw in the deal you’re trying to cut here, ‘old friend’.”
The lalafell she’d followed down this path shot her one of those disturbingly large grins, the kind that only helped to reaffirm her guess that the race were the children of imps. “Bremmy-Brem-Brem! You wouldn’t think I was just out to sell you a hole in the ground, would you? No no! Come, you’ll see!” Striding with the special sort of confidence only someone the size of a large gourd could muster, he makes his way to the cave face furthest from their entrance, and fusses with a crystal for a couple of moments before the rock vanishes. The roe blinks a couple of times as she approaches the new opening, staring directly out into one of the many crags that runs through the Shroud. The stretch just above them nearly curves to the point of forming a land bridge, but as far down as they were there was plenty of width to work with, and the gorge stretched on for nearly a malm before curving out of sight. “If you can’t fit it through there, then you don’t deserve to be called a sky pirate!”
The roe’s lips do their very best to match that impish expression the lalafell was still wearing, taking a deep breath of the forest air from the edge of that cliff. The Cutlass Fury called a similar place home port, though without the benefit of a fancy glamour. Seclusion and good will of the locals through greased palms had been their tricks, but she could definitely appreciate the benefits of a few well placed crystals these days. Years of bringing home holds full of plunder to that musky hole in the ground all came rushing back, knocking most of her haggling sense right out of her head.
“I’ll take it.”
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