#protective brother will byers
felinecryptid · 1 year
Chasing Pasts in Shadows
part 4 | part 5 | part 6
"Hey, um, that still doesn't explain why she was at Maguire's. She had a lot of money," Mike drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. 
"Maybe she wanted to hide it from Reyes,"
"And posting on Facebook is the best way to keep a secret, thank you for your valuable contribution, Max,”
“Shut it Byers, that was just a theory,” Max sniped.
Will ignored her, scrolling down further on her page. “Her page is so saccharine, eaugh. Here, ‘A very happy journey to my sweet Anna. Say hi to baby Julia for me!’” Will read out the caption of a photo of Emily with someone who looked similar to her.
Max guffawed. “What were you expecting? Have you never been on Facebook before?”
“Um, no, why would I?”
“You haven’t?” Mike asked, incredulously.
“Why would I? It’s not like I had anything important to keep up with or talk to. Why would either of you have a facebook?”
“Well, technically it was my mom’s account. El and I looked up other people’s profiles and what they were doing on her tablet when we had sleepovers.”
“You were stalking other people?” Will nodded at Mike’s question.
“It was not stalking! We were just seeing what others were up to!”
“That is the definition of stalking, Max! You are making my sister commit federal crimes!” If dad found out about this-
“You are the one to talk about crimes, Mr. ‘Let’s-go-to-Vegas-and-commit-fraud-by-asking-El-to-reprogram- the-machines’!”
“That was different, because I haven't done it yet.”
“Because you legally can’t be near a machine.”
“Touche.” Will conceded, stumped. 
Mike had been oddly silent throughout this entire exchange “What did you do on Facebook, Mike?” Will asked.
Mike winced imperceptibly. “It’s not important.”
“Why do I get the feeling it’s something embarrassing, Wheeler?”
“It’s not embarrassing,” Mike stated, eyes on the road, and face impossibly red. “It’s just, not relevant.”
“Mike, what are you hiding?” Will asked because he was acting dodgy and sue him, but flustered Mike looked really cute.
“Nothing,” Mike started.
“If you don’t answer, I’ll ask Nancy.”
“Fine.” Mike huffed as he hunched over the wheel. “I had a secret account when I was like, 10, I used it to look at celebrities.”
“You see, Mike, if the entire thing was that simple, you wouldn’t be so shifty about it. So, did you look up swimsuit pictures or what?”
“I looked at Steve’s photos from lifeguarding at the pool, okay?” Mike spit out, more awkward than angry, and Max burst out laughing.
“You, Nancy and Jonathan had a crush on the same guy at the same time?” Max sputtered between her laughter.
“It’s not that funny,” Mike pouted. Will looked away, because if he didn’t, he would do something and Will didn’t particularly want to get into a car crash.
“It’s okay, Mike, we’ve all been there,” Will said, returning back to the google doc.
Max sobered up. “Yeah that was a dark time for both me and you, Will. Remember the ice cream parlour uniform, 3 summers ago?”
Will nodded, a smile coming to his face. That summer was one of the best in his life, with the new music shop and renovated movie theatre, all the party spent the entire time at Steve’s workplace or in Mike’s basement, playing DnD and stuffing themselves full of snacks and sneaking into movies. Mike and Will always paired up for the last one, because there never were enough seats for all of them together.
“Yeah, that hat was so fucking ridiculous.” Mike leaned back in his car seat as they approached their neighbourhood.
“Cool of him to let us use the employee entrance to get in,” Will said, putting his phone away, as Mike pulled into the driveway of his house.
“And giving us free sundaes,” Max said, as they got out of the death contraption that was Mike Wheeler’s car. “Though, I suspect Erica had something to do with it.” 
As Will reached into the trunk to grab the recorder, he caught Mike’s eye. He looked troubled. “Mike?”
“Are you okay?” Will slowed stepped closer to Mike, voice low.
“Yeah,” Mike said, not meeting Will’s eyes. “I'm okay, why do you ask?”
Will was worried because Mike was affected by hauntings in a way Will was not, he was worried because Mike would suffer in silence if something was bothering him, he was worried because Mike would lie to protect people he cared about. But Will won’t let Mike be alone in his problems, because he cared about Mike too. Will opened his mouth to elaborate-
“Come on, I can't wait to hear Dustin’s snark about incomplete procedures and half-assed data,” Max said as strutted into Mike’s house like she lived there.
im backkk, whos excited? /jk
sorry for dying for like a week, i was so fucking sick it was hard to stand up
also i was in no state to write some psychological fuckery bc i was out of it, high on meds, so here's some madcleradin fluff, reminiscing about being kids, and byler moments, consider this like a chill post
ill be back w horror stuff in the next installment <3
as always, this was edited only by grammarly and hemingway editor, so lemme know if anything is wonky
im not promising about time anymore bc that seems to work like a jinx 💔, but ill do it soon
please tell me what you liked (comments motivate me❤️‍🩹)
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years
Steve was going to kill Jonathan. 
He had to save the guy’s life first, but once he did, Jonathan was a dead man. 
Skidding around the corner, eyes wild, Steve only slowed down when he could visually confirm that he had in fact, made it in time.
“Whoa, hey.” Jonathan said. startled as Steve nearly crashed into him, dropping the paper plates he was carrying to his backyard. “What’s wrong?” 
“You-” Steve huffed, breath coming out in sharp bursts and man, wasn’t that a sign that he’d been slacking lately on his workouts? “You need to--”
“What’s happening?” Will interrupted, sensing trouble-- and running immediately towards it as always, El trailing behind. “Are you okay?” 
“No.” Steve growled, hands on his knees, glaring up through his hair. “No, I am not okay. Jonathan won’t be either if he doesn’t go inside and stay there for at least the next twenty minutes.” 
He slowly stood, his general fitness allowing him to regain his stamina quickly even if he had been neglecting it. 
‘I’m sorry I ever stopped going on bi weekly runs.’ 
“What?” Jonathan asked, at the same time Will and El said;
Steve turned his attention to Will, startled to find the kid was almost taller than he was. That was  a train of thought for a different day, because right now he was still focused on keeping Jonathan living and breathing. 
‘The shit I do for these people.’
“You guys remember Gareth?” He said, staring pointedly at Jonathan. 
Ah yes, there was the little wince he was looking for. 
“Gareth?” El asked, voice soft as Will stiffened visibly besides his brother. 
Steve nodded, still glaring Jonathan down. “You know, Gareth. Skipped a grade, Brown hair, part of the Hellfire club, got his ass kicked by Carver’s asshole buddies because he’s super close to Eddie?” 
“Steve--” Will started, staring at him and not at his brother's hunched shoulders, the very first sign of guilt in a Byers. 
(Among many other things, but Steve knew Jonathan better than he knew Will, and those? 
Those were guilty shoulders.) 
“Your brother,” Steve interrupted, making sure the sheer annoyance in his tone came through, “--decided to have a talk with Gareth.”
He  put his hands on his hips, doing his best to communicate ‘you done fucked up’ with his own face. “Eddie found out and is on a rampage.” 
A fact he had been alerted to by Gareth himself, after the poor kid had called him from Eddie’s shiny new government supplied house, begging Steve to stop Eddie before he made the situation worse than it already was.
(Considering Eddie’s paranoia and general protectiveness was still ramped up to a hundred even now, six months after all the Vecna bullshit, Steve didn’t blame Gareth for calling it like it was. 
Eddie absolutely would make things worse.)  
There was a very long pause, in which Steve got a front row seat to several different Byers expressions. 
First was confusion, followed quickly by realization, and then the slow dawning of horror as Will cued in to exactly what his brother had done. 
Meanwhile; Jonathan’s hunched, guilty form took on the look of something a bit more pinched. 
Like a soccer player who had clocked that the ball was in the air, hurtling dead towards his face, and all he could do was stand there and take the hit. 
“Oh.” El said, her head tilted comically, correctly reading her brothers faces. “Gareth is the boy Will has a crush on.” 
She turned to peer Jonathan, Will’s face managing to somehow go redder at his sister's words. 
“The talk Jonathan gave him was like Jim’s talk to Mike.” 
Implied: That talk broke the two of them up. 
Implied: Said talk was now firmly rooted in El’s head as a bad thing. 
Implied: Jonathan was screwed. 
“That’s not good.” She finished calmly, as Will whipped around to confront his brother. 
“What the hell!?” He shrieked, voice cracking right in the middle as Jonathan raised his hands defensively. 
“Look, you’ve been through a lot, and-” He started, only to be immediately interrupted by a furious;  
“That’s not an excuse!” 
Will advanced on him, sticking a pointed finger in Jonathan’s face, a whole tirade of words pouring out of his mouth. “I can’t-I can’t believe you! I told you about Gareth in confidence! You told me I could tell you anything, Jonathan!” 
Steve raised an eyebrow, impressed to find that baby-Byers could actually be intimidating when he wanted to be. 
He was pretty sure it was the height. 
“Scream about it later, get inside now please.” Steve said, trying to cut Will’s attempt on Jonathan’s life off. 
Personally he didn’t care if the guy’s own brother murdered him, he just didn’t need Eddie to catch a charge.
The very thought coincided with their time ending, as a furious screech of wheel’s and muffled metal roared into the Byer’s driveway. The car wasn’t even off by the time Steve heard the door slam, Eddie’s stomping footsteps loud enough for Steve to track him as he came around to the backyard. 
“Hey, El?” He said, as he turned to face down his furious boyfriend. “Tell Will I’m on his side for this one, would you?” 
El nodded politely, a smile overtaking her face as she watched Steve match Eddie’s stride, aiming to head his boyfriend off. 
Kid probably knew what he was going to do before he did it, the little shit. 
“Get out of my way, Steve-!” Eddie bit out, stopping only so he could point to where he wanted Steve to move to. 
Sadly for him, Steve had a different plan.
Instead of slowing down, he simply bent at the knees, wrapping his arms around the back of Eddie’s thighs and putting his shoulder firmly in Eddie’s torso. He had to withhold a grunt to do it, the step- to kneel-to carry was not as smooth as it used to be when Steve was in proper shape and throwing girls around like footballs, but he managed to get Eddie over his shoulder anyway. 
“Hey!” His boyfriend squawked, as Steve smoothly continued walking, right back out of the Byer’s backyard, Eddie hanging over his shoulder. 
“Steven Reginald Harrington, put me down right now!” Eddie shrieked, the words only slightly tangled with Will’s own;
“You’re DEAD Jonathan!” 
(and Els’ gentle laugh, of course.) 
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kennahjune · 9 months
Fuck the Trauma Bond
A Lucas and the Party version of this
Lucas was bouncing the ball on the pavement of the basketball court at the playground. It was surrounded by high chain-link fences and the hoops on either end were worn and rusted and the pavement itself was cracked worse than the Upside Down ground.
He had never looked happier.
Dustin and Will looked on from where they sat at the top of the slide on the playground. Lucas was tossing the ball around with a couple of other kids from school that neither of them knew.
But Lucas knew them, and that was all that mattered, apparently.
Max, El and Mike were a little farther back from Lucas, past the lame excuse of a basketball court and in the street, where Max was showing Mike how to skateboard while El loitered and watched.
It was absolutely sweltering. Ranging from 92 degrees to the Devils fucking asscrack, in Dustin totally correct opinion.
He was bored out of his mind but didn’t mind watching Lucas bounce the ball. He looked happier bouncing an orange sphere than he did playing DnD, which unsettled Dustin in a way that made him lightheaded.
“Hey, Will.”
Will hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t look up from his sketchpad.
“Does Lucas look happier?”
Will looked at Dustin with a raised eyebrow before focusing in on Lucas.
“Huh. I mean sure.” He shrugged. “But it’s cause it’s basketball. Lucas really likes basketball. And if he really likes it then why not be happy while doing it?”
Dustin flipped the thought a few times in his head.
It wasn’t that he was mad about Lucas playing basketball. He got over that a while ago after Lucas and Mike had a full-blown argument/mental breakdown that included Mike’s abandonment issues and Lucas’ FOMO (fear of missing out).
But Dustin also wasn’t outright vocally supportive. He didn’t go to the games, he didn’t hang around for Lucas’ practices. He would (probably), but even after Eddie’s name was cleared and he was painted a hero but the government goons, Mike and himself were still targeted heavily in school alongside the rest of Hellfire.
“I don’t really see the appeal, I guess.” He told Will, instead of voicing his inner thoughts.
Will shrugged. “You don’t have to. It’s Lucas’ interest. But simply showing you’re willing to listen to him about said interest can go a lot farther than you’d think.”
“Are you saying I don’t listen to him?”
“I’m saying you guys dismiss him.”
“Dismiss him?” Dustin watched Lucas more intently.
Will hummed. “Literally yesterday. He was talking about his encounter with Steve and how they’d made a really cool new play and you guys all so obviously tuned him out that when he stopped you guys just kept nodding because you hadn’t noticed.”
That was really shitty.
“Did we really?”
“Damn indeed, Dusty-buns.”
Mike, Max and El joined them a couple minutes later.
“What’re you nerds talking about?” Max asked, sitting at the bottom of the slide with El while Mike climbed up to sit behind the boys and lean on Will’s back.
“How we’re apparently really shitty friends,” answered Dustin with his chin in his hand. He was still watching Lucas. One of the guys playing— a curly blond kid a head shorter than Lucas— pulled him into a weird hug thing where they slapped each other’s backs and immediately went back to playing.
“What?” asked Mike, muffled from where his head was shoved into Will’s shoulder.
“Lucas likes basketball.” Dustin confirmed.
Mike and Max looked at him.
“Yeah? We know that, Henderson.” Max snarked.
“And we know nothing about anything including him and basketball.”
They both seemed to pause.
“What do you mean?”
“Will says we’ve been dismissing him every time he brings it up.”
They both looked at Will, Mike peeling himself off of his back to do so.
Will shrugged and harshly erased something on his paper. “You do.”
“Which is why it’s stopping now.” Declared Dustin.
Mike blinked at him owlishly. “Um, dude? We can’t really go to him games or practices. You know we’ll both get mauled,” he muttered quietly.
The other three looked between Mike and Dustin.
“You’re both having problems still?” Will asked, looking stricken.
“I thought Jason dying would mean they’d fuck off.” Muttered Max.
Mike scoffed. “Just cause Carver’s dead doesn’t mean shit. They still think Eddie’s the Devil and that we’re his fucking worshipers or whatever. They chased me all the way to the back of the school on Wednesday.”
Will winced and Max glowered. Dustin felt the slide shake a little.
“El, relax. It’s not that bad.” Dustin watched El’s gaze soften slightly and the slide stopped rumbling. She looked at him sadly. They’d all heard about the bullying in Cali at some point. Dustin smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.
He turned back to address the whole group.
“Sure we can’t go to every game, but maybe we can get Steve to go with us to some. You guys know he wouldn’t let anything happen. And besides— Steve likes sports to.”
That struck a thought in his mind: how many times had he dismissed Steve?
He pushed it back for now.
“And even without going to games—“ he pressed on, “—we can still try and listen to him more.”
Mike and Max nodded slowly. Dustin takes it they hadn’t realized they hadn’t been listening before.
“And speaking of,” Will said, placing his sketch pad and pencils into his bag. “Here comes the man of the hour.”
Sure enough, Lucas was walking backward to them while waving to the guys who were leaving the park altogether. They were all waving back and laughing.
“Hey, guys!” Lucas jogged up to the slide.
“Hey, stalker,” Max greeted cheekily when Lucas bent to give her a kiss.
“Hi, Lucas!” El cheerily added. “Did you have fun?”
Lucas smiled. “Yeah! Daniel— the dude who was wearing the red hoodie like a damn maniac— was stupid fast and really cool! He showed me how he pushes off his feet for speed and when I—… never mind.” He tried for a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Dustin frowned.
“Why’d you stop? Keep going, dimwit. When you what?” Mike prompted.
Dustin snickered when Will slapped his arm lightly.
Lucas looked stricken for a split second before his face broke out in a grin.
And the rest is history.
When the first game came up, only 3 months later, Steve took the whole Party— older teens included.
They took Eddie’s van, the kids piled in the back while the teens took the actual seats.
When they got to school it was hectic chaos of Steve taking a headcount and leading everyone in. They struggled to find seats where their whole group would fit and in the end they sat on the bottom line of the bleachers with half of the them on the floor.
It was actually fun, much to Dustin’s and Mike’s surprise. Even if the looks shot at them and Eddie from some of the players were downright hostile.
Steve went with them every time they got up to do anything. No one left without someone else there— so Mike wasn’t alone when Adrian Gonzales tried to corner him by the concessions. And Dustin wasn’t in as much trouble when Treyton Klink pulled him by the shirt into the bathrooms.
So yeah— it wasn’t the best. But that was ok, because the hug Lucas gave them afterwards was worth it. Dustin would go through hell (again) to get another hug like that.
Mike looked about ready to agree with the flush that now littered his face and shoulders.
Will laughed at him and poked fun at him about the blush the entire ride home. Max and Lucas himself eventually played in with it as well, only worsening the blush and making the teasing better.
Lucas was over the moon for the rest of the night.
They slept over at Casa Harrington (as the Party so lovingly called it), piling blankets and pillows and dragged mattresses and discarded cushions on the living room floor while Lucas went on and on and on with Steve for what felt like forever.
Dustin wouldn’t have it any other way.
Especially with the matching smiles on their faces.
Dustin’s never seen them so happy, and he caught Eddie staring at Steve the same way Max was staring at Lucas, so Dustin figured he agreed.
He’d endured literal hell for his friends; what’s so wrong about one interest?
Dustin’s dreams were filled with buzzers and cheering and scoreboards. But that was a problem to complain about tomorrow.
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gayofthefae · 7 months
I've talked about Joyce and Hopper calling El "kid" and treating her like the child that she is but I'd like to add to that list Will being protective of her even though she can protect herself. Because the whole point is she shouldn't have to.
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"We're her brothers and we're family" "Are you okay?"
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loverslakes · 5 months
scenes that changed my brain chemistry
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paradise-yuna · 2 years
OMG 😆 I wanna die 🤣
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kohlirahul · 1 year
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pov you're jonathan byers
older than i am – lennon stella // welcome to the family – watsky // shoreline – broder daniel // family line – conan gray // older than i am – lennon stella // me and my friends are lonely – matt maeson
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Thinking again about Jonathan softly apologizing to Nancy for not being in Hawkins even though he was trying his best to make it back to her.
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beedilylou · 2 years
It makes me mad when people think that Mike’s “I love you” monologue was poorly written. Like, it was supposed to be bad. That’s on purpose. He doesn’t love El. That’s why it seemed so forced. It was intentional. The Duffers know what they’re doing.
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The Steve is a Byers idea where Lonnie, while married to Joyce after Jonathan is born has an affair.
Joyce knows nothing about it, years later Will is born and things go on.
After their divorce it comes to light, that Lonnie had cheated on her with several women.
One of those women being Diane Harrington.
Who was giving her husband payback after she found him knocking up his secretary.
Unfortunately this affair had consequences.
Aka, Diane became pregnant with lil Stevie.
Naturally she told everyone it was Richards, of course and he said it too though they both knew he wasn't the father.
To maintain their image as a picture perfect family, they made a deal with Lonnie to keep the affair underwraps.
Which amounted to bribery, and letting Steve visit him every weekend.
Lonnie saw it as a way to fix what he couldn't have before with Jonathan and Will.
And he would never pass up the money, even offering to look after Steve when the two went on businesses meetings.
So long as he was paid handsomely of course.
Steve was neglected by the Harringtons, Richard saw him as a disappointed and "not his problem."
Diane cared for him as a child but grew cold and distant as she got older.
Blaming him for her shortcomings and why Richard and her grew apart.
Lonnie didn't neglect him, though Steve wished he would. He was determined to toughen Steve up into a real man.
Which fed into the King Steve persona.
It also meant he was often Lonnie's punching bag and the one to fetch his alcohol.
Steve knows Lonnie is his father.
Richard had yelled at Steve while drunk that he should feel lucky that Richard hadn't thrown him out "with your fuck up of a father."
Steve often watches Jonathan, their in the same class despite Steve being younger because his parents expected him to reach their impossible standards.
And so put him in school early.
He told Lonnie who laughed, telling him how weak he was, that he couldn't even take a punch.
But Steve sees the way Jonathan smiles at Will, the way his whole face lights up looking at his little brother.
The way he holds himself, he's not afraid.
Not like Steve.
Lonnie, Diane, Richard they all know when Steve's afraid.
No matter how hard he tries to hide it.
Steve feels like he's the weaker one of the two of them.
Steve wanted to hate Jonathan.
He wasn't sure why tho, because Lonnie did?
Because he was someone the Harringtons would despise?
Maybe it's cos Jonathan got everything he wanted. A mother who smiled and adored him, a little brother (my little brother) who loved him.
He was wanted.
But the day Steve saw Jonathan hanging up missing posters for Will.
Steve realised he couldn't hate Jonathan at all.
He knew his half brother didn't care for him, heck Will didn't even know him.
Did anyone?
But when he saw Jonathan's sad angry eyes, he saw his own shining back at him.
"What do you want boy?"
"... Where is he?"
"Speak up, you know I hate that mumbling you thing you do. Sound like a girl, out with it!"
"Where's Will?"
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fvkedupgirl · 2 years
i need mike wheeler antis to stop pushing their hatred of mike on the other characters thanks!! their “mike wheeler hate club” is not it tbh!!! you wanna look me in the eyes and tell me *JONATHAN* hates mike?? his little brother????? like mike and will grew up inseparable, mike likely spent more time with the byers than his whole family. jonathan is his brother fight me. also, hopper hates mike?? no??? like hes a better father figure for mike than ted ever was!! his original plans to actually talk about his issues w midleven included a conversation w BOTH of them, not just el. pls tell me y’all have watched s2 like that is his boy 😭😭
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felinecryptid · 1 year
Chasing Pasts in Shadows
part 3 | part 4 | part 5
"Great, fantastic." Will massaged his eyebrows. "We can't do anything more today, anyway. We just execute protocol and leave, because we are already an hour late for debrief."
"And my date after that."
"I don't think your boyfriend minds you being late, Max, he worships the ground you walk on." Mike sniffed.
"Who said I'm talking about Lucas?" Max smirked.
"No, no, Max, you stay away from my sister, or Dad and Jonathan will chase you away with guns. She doesn't need another rebellious influence in her life, Mike is enough as is."
"Will!" Mike protested. Will ignored him.
"You say that like Hop doesn't scream '3 inches!' whenever I come over."
"When did that happen? I thought you were still in the 'silent glare' stage?" Will hefted the heavy bag, handing it to Max, so she didn't have to come in. 
"A few months ago, Byers. Wheeler watch out, he is coming for your title," Max took the bag easily, walking away. 
"What title?" Mike called back.
"'The Most Oblivious'!"
"Fuck off!"
"Can't, we work together!" Mike glared at her till she turned the corner.
"Mike, hold these tripods and these cables." Will handed them, their fingers brushing.
His own duffle slung over his shoulder, they returned to the place of interest.
Max had assembled some of the components right outside the door, waiting for Will to take them in. He and Mike quickly got to work, Will putting some of the cameras on their stands, connecting with the EVP mics and putting a piece of bread in specific spots, while Mike pointed out areas of high activity to focus on, like the knife block, and the island counter, while Reyes kept watch from a corner, finishing up sometime before evening. 
"-and turn on the system at 11:30 pm by pressing the black button on the camera nearest to the door. That's for today, we'll be back tomorrow to get the footage, and put more up after investigating more rooms," Will explained, putting his layered flannel back on. They stood at the gate, while Mike and Max put the rest of their special equipment back into the trunk. "I hope you understand why. It's just we were short-staffed today-"
"Oh no, no, it's okay, totally my fault," Reyes smiled as he reached for his wallet, pulling out a bill. 
Will's eyes widened as he saw the '100' on it. "Sorry, I don't have enough change-"
"Keep it, boy. You kids have more use for it than I do." Reyes gave a nod and started back in.
Will shuffled back to the car, a hundred dollars in hand. Max and Mike were done with the packing and pulling the car around to leave. Will got in the passenger side, his regular seat when Mike drove.
“Reyes tip you?” Max asked him from the backseat, tapping away at her phone,
“Thirty-three percent.”
“Damn, he was seriously that impressed with our half assed job?”
“I don't know, at least he wasn't a Karen about us upping the pay for the rest of the investigation.”
“Do you think Dustin would know what to do?” Mike asked, pulling onto an asphalt road. Finally the dust road was behind them, Will’s asthma could rest now.  
“I think we all need to come up with a plan now. All of us have never had to be on-field at the same time, so first of all we need to divide tasks, and assign partners.”
“I don't want to hear strategy while returning home,” Max hit the back of Will’s head lightly. “If we have to talk about work, at least read the info Dustin sent about the Reyes so we don't have to hear his rant about being ‘the only one smart and well prepared, about clients, locations and hauntings’, because he will chew us out for leaving the cameras unattended and the battery thing, as if we should be able to tell the future.” 
Will rubbed his head, “Alright, alright. If you interrupt with your stupid quips, I'll push you out of the car.” Will pulled up the google docs Dustin had shared with him, scrolling down to get an idea of how long it was. “What the fuck, why is this thing more links than text?” 
“Just read. I mean, how should I even know? I just don't want to get another rant about ‘not following protocol’.”
“Half of these links are for different profiles on Facebook.” Will muttered, scrolling down. “There’s a floor plan here, now definitely Dustin will be pissed.”
“Is there anything about Emily?” Mike peeked at his screen.
“Keep your eyes on the road, don't look down,” He scolded. “I'll try  to find somethi- Oh here, a page for someone named Emily Grimrose. It says she was 48 and married to Javier Reyes. She was apparently a stay at home wife and made a lot of knitted things to sell. There’s an alarming amount of Etsy stuff here. The usual selfies with weird angles that make her have a triple chin, some family photos with people who look like her extended family, a trip to some exotic place with lots of water, baking charity sales- wait wait wait, here's something weird, she posts stuff with fun, cute captions underneath, but this photo has a link with it. And that link looks like it leads to some weird occult website. Lots of crystals, incense, herbs and the like.”
“What?” Max leant from the back to get a better look at the picture. “She looks like she's in a dentist's office.”
“Is there anyone tagged in the photo?” Mike asked, thankfully not looking down at Will's phone this time.
Will checked. “A doctor named Amanda Maguire.”
“Maybe it’s her dentist’s name?” Max ducked back to flop sideways on the backseat.
“No, no, the dentist’s office belongs to Robbie Matthews, who has posters all over the city. Very popular dentist, no doubt expensive.”
“How did you know?” Mike asked, driving around a slow car. “Keep up with the speed limit, dick!” He said through the window.
“Just reverse image searched it.” Will was confused. “Amanda Maguire is a gynaecologist. I've never heard of her, or seen her. Why would someone who has a lot of money go to a gynaecologist who isn't well known?” Will scrolled further. “Oh shit.”
“Cut the dramatics, Byers, just spit it out.”
“Emily was pregnant when she died,” Will said, holding out the photo where the caption proclaimed “It’s time for the second trimester!” and showed a smiling Emily with another older woman, Dr. Amanda.
why do i keep ending at weird reveals? also lmao will really hates facebook for some reason
i have the entire thing planned out but i do not know how many chapters this will be sorry ;-;
aight disclaimer: i dont know shit about the service charge in america for anything, much less ghost hunting, so i tried my best to calculate it by using the minimum wage and product usage and wear and tear, the same way id do it here. if its too less or too high, lemme know
as always, this was betad by free version of grammarly and hemingway editor, so point out any errors you find
i cant seem to post in time but i do post around 1800 ist (i swear im trying to be more regular)
let me know if you like or disliked something :)
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Dad is going to be very angry,” El says with wide eyes taking in the scene before them.
“You think Hop will kill him?” Steve says as he leans against the doorway, eating a Twizzler.
El looks at Steve momentarily, sticking her hand out for some candy. Steve hands her one without hesitation. El rips a piece off before speaking. “Oh yes. He might ask you to help hide the body.”
Steve nods solemnly, “I’ll do what needs to be done. Mikes’s my least favorite child anyway.”
“Hey!” Mike yells, gaining the duo's attention. It brings them back to the scene they walked in on. Mike and Will, with the door closed (no three inches in sight) on top of each other, making out.
Steve doesn't think he’ll ever get that image out of his brain.
“Chill, Wheeler, I'm joking,” Steve says pointedly before turning to El and mouthing no, I'm not.
El giggles, and Steve can't help but feel like he won a prize at the sound.
“I'm sorry, El.” Will blushes with shame, like he is betraying his sister somehow.
El just shrugs, “I do not care. But Dad might. He hates Mike.”
Steve snorts, “That's the understatement of the century. I don't think Hop has ever hated someone’s partner like he has Mike. Honestly, I was surprised he liked Eddie. I mean like is a strong word. But he tolerates him.”
Will pipes up, “I think he does mostly because he knows you'll move out, and he only just got you to agree to stay here.”
Steve shrugs, “I’ll take what I can get. At least he doesn't walk on me having sex.”
“We weren't having sex!” Mike practically screams. Hands up exasperated. “And don't talk about you and Eddie; it's gross.”
Will blushes deeply with head in his hands, “Oh, God.” El pats him on the shoulder in sympathy.
“Also, this wouldn't have happened if you weren't an idiot and just knocked!” Mike stomps. Jesus, this kid is 15 acting 6.
“I was the one who walked in, Mike. I wanted to know if Will wanted to watch a movie.” El says coldly, getting defensive of her brother.
Mike clams up, Steve can't help but feel smug.
“Who’s having sex?!?” A distinct Hopper-like voice echoes through the house.
Will and Mike share a panicked look while Steve and El take more Twizzlers from the bag.
“Oh no. Mike! What are we going to do?”
Mike sputters, “He doesn't have to know it was us! And we weren't having sex!”
Will looks at him like Mike is the biggest moron he's ever met. Steve loves the kid (despite early protest) but has to agree. “Oh gee Mike, I wonder who he will think it was about. Steve? Who is dating a man who isn't here and keep in mind, it's Steve. Who is our brother, and five years older than us? And in a relationship? And let's not forget..is Steve?!”
“This is fair.” Steve agrees. If anyone but Baby Byers had attempted to say that, Steve would have been pissed. But it's Will, so it's coming from a good place.
“Also! Also! The other person here is El! Who is my sister! Not to mention your ex—”
“—well it could have been—”
“Micheal Steven Wheeler, if the next words out of your mouth are it could have been you and El, I will never be kissing you again.” Will uses a deathly tone. Steve isn't convinced he didn't get from El.
“Your middle name is Steven?” Steve fills giddy.
“Shut up Steve!”
Will pinches his brows, “And you idiot, if it were you and El, you would still he toast.”
Steve whistles, “Shit, Will. Next time I need to win an argument against Eddie. I'm coming to you.”
“How long does it take for dad to get upstairs?” El interrupts.
All of them look down the hall. “Huh, maybe we are in the clear,” Mike whispers.
“I said who is having sex?!?” Hopper comes thundering up the stairs.
“I think this is what Max calls a jinx.” El looks at Mike unphased.
Steve can't help but feel a little bad for Will. He looks panicked around the room, probably looking for a hiding place. Steve knows that it isn't that same fear Will once had of Lenny, Hop wouldn't hurt them ever, but he can't help but feel a little protective of him. Steve knows all too well how the fears of biological fathers can sneak up on you, even if you know you're safe. “Don’t worry, Will. I'll make sure Hop takes it easy.”
Will relaxes, “Thanks Steve.”
“What about me?” Mike asks, eyes wide.
El shares a look with Steve. Spending as much time as they have lately has allowed them to talk without speaking most of the time. It freaks everyone but Robin out (she gets it). Seconds go by before they both nod in agreement.
Steve and El both wip their heads towards Mike, and Steve says, “You were grossed out by my relationship and called me stupid. Suffer.”
Mike's outcry is in synch with Hop breaking through screaming, “There better be three inches!”
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willthewiz · 20 days
Will's Arc Ties the Whole Series Together
"Will really takes center stage again in [season] 5," Ross Duffer told Variety. "This emotional arc for him is what we feel is going to hopefully tie the whole series together. Will is used to being the young one, the introverted one, the one that’s being protected. So part of his journey, it’s not just sexuality – it’s Will coming into his own as a young man."
So in other words...
Will Byers will receive more attention in season 5 due to his importance in the story. His goals, motivations, conflicts, and decisions will make Will’s story an emotional arc. Instead of Will keeping his thoughts and feelings to himself, he’ll become more open and honest not just to others but also himself. Instead of needing protection and being treated like a child, he will stand up to fight to protect others and make his own decisions instead of doing what others want him to do. To come into his own, Will must face challenges such as going against numerous enemies and trials along the way (internal and external conflicts), and emerge stronger and wiser at the end. Once Will overcomes these challenges, he’ll be able to:
Utilize his strengths and unique qualities to his fullest extent.
Become more self-assured and comfortable in his own skin, no longer needing to defer to others or hold himself back.
Establish a strong, independent sense of self, rather than relying on others' perceptions or definitions of who he is.
Fully showcase his talents, skills, and perspectives, without feeling the need to conform or blend in.
Reach new heights in his career, personal life, or other endeavors where his true abilities can shine.
Will’s story is about self-discovery and growth. He will grow into the fullest expression of his authentic self and potential. His emotional arc will tie the whole series together because in order to defeat Vecna and save Hawkins, Will must stop clinging to his childhood and use that support from others as a stepping stone toward finally growing up and becoming a young man.
And we know Will will always need Mike. Mike is part of the key to Will's self-discovery. Mike makes Will feel like he's not a mistake. He feels better for being different because of Mike. He can be himself because of Mike. And that gives him the courage to fight on. The courage to finally defeat Vecna once and for all. That support from others will play a part in Will growing as a person, thus leading to Will becoming a young man and facing against Vecna.
As I said before, Will’s arc is about self-discovery and growth. He has that acceptance from others such as Jonathan and Mike, and that support will help him grow as a person and become fully comfortable in his own skin. However, Mike isn’t the key because of his acceptance, but rather part of the key to Will coming into his own. Becoming his own person. Will having support is important, but that’s not his story. After coming back from the upside down, Will has been clinging to his childhood. Will’s arc is not about acceptance from others, it’s about him growing up and finding out who he is as a young man. That acceptance and support will lead Will in the right direction toward self-discovery and growth.
"I think Mike is trying to be as normal as possible and try to keep on a normal path." —Finn Wolfhard
"How is he (Mike) this clueless right now? With the Will scene in the car, I remember asking the Duffers, why would he not know this? And they're like, don't worry it'll pay off in the end." —Finn Wolfhard
"I can just tell you that I'm very very excited for what's to come. I think they did a great job with Will's character this season, and beautifully addressed everything they needed to. The way they closed the show is just perfect – the story started with Will, and it’ll end with Will."
—Noah Schnapp
"Our show is an anthem for the marginalized and imperfect, precisely because the Duffer brothers know from experience that the popular and easy road is rarely the most interesting one, and that character, grit, connection, and soul are bred in the same moments that challenge us the most." —Shawn Levy
With Mike and Will becoming a team in season 5 and Will taking center stage, it could only mean one thing...
Byler Endgame
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harringtonstilinski · 8 months
..Ready For It? (Steve's Version) - Steve Harrington (Smut)
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader Word Count: 6,219 Warnings: fluff, use your imagination for the lingerie Requested: no | yes; i hope it meets your expectations, @fandom-princess-forevermore!! Smut: no | yes; oral (f receiving), protected p in v, first name kink is that even a thing?, A/N: Hi, friends! Surprise, surprise, another smut piece! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Steve Harrington. Your assignment partner turned best friend… turned crush. It all started sophomore year when you two were assigned to be partners in math class. Your teacher claimed that the lesson was going to be a hard one and that two heads would be better than one. So, he decided to partner the students up in order to see if his claims were true.
They weren’t true… for you at least. You found the harder stuff a little bit more easier than the easier materials. Steve, of course, struggled a little, but once he got the hang of it, you flew through the lesson, finishing in three days rather than the four your teacher said it’d take. 
When Steve had come to you the following Monday, handing you the math test you’d taken the previous Friday with a smile that he was trying so hard to contain, you knew he passed with at least a low C. 
A smile had crossed your face at seeing the 80/B on his paper, your eyes landing on his before he excitedly picked you up and spun you around in the middle of the hallway, not caring that there were other students walking around that you almost kicked.
From then on, the two of you were inseparable. That was, of course, was after the youngest Byers boy went missing, only to be found a week later in some place called the Upside Down, titled that by your little brother Dustin and his friends, that called themselves the Party.
Steve had protected you, your brother and his friends during the events of Dart, as well as the latest event; The Mind Flayer, that apparently hadn’t gone away like you all had thought. Steve and Robin, both of your best friend, had lost their jobs at Scoops that was located in Starcourt Mall before it burned down… from all the fireworks that you all had thrown at the nasty creature.
Now, you were sitting on a stool at the counter of Family Video, Steve and Robin’s newest job, reading your book. You were completely lost in the words on the pages, you didn’t register what Steve and Robin were talking about.
“I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to try and be with someone long term,” Steve said. “It’s just that I haven’t met anyone that I would want to be with long term.”
“Aside from one girl that’s sitting at our checkout/return counter reading a book?” Robin bemused, gesturing her head towards you, gaining Steve’s attention. 
As he looked at you, he watched as you smiled at something in your book before you chuckled at the pages, your head shaking as you turned the page, a gasp sounding from you not a moment later before you exclaimed “Traitor!” at the page. 
Looking up from your book, your face dropped as you saw the smirks on Steve and Robin’s faces. “This fucker is a damn traitor. Tristan promised Carmen a date and that he wasn’t in love with any other woman, but he lied! He’s going on a date with a woman that’s not– oh, wait.” You had looked back down to get more details, but realized you hadn’t read onto the next paragraph for an explanation. “Nevermind. It was his fucking sister.”
Groaning, you placed your bookmark into your book, closing it and looking up. “Hey, is Keith here?”
“Yeah, why?” Robin asked.
“What do you say to the three of us,” you said, pointing to yourself, as well as Steve and Robin. “Going to get some lunch. I’m starving.”
When your eyes landed on Steve’s, he shrugged and looked towards Robin, who had a knowing look on her face. “You two go ahead and go,” she said, patting Steve on the shoulder. “Someone needs to be here to hold down the fort.”
“Perfect! Well, I mean, not–”
Steve chuckled, turning his body towards the back rooms. “I’m gonna go let Keith know I’m taking my break. I’ll be right back.”
You nodded before grabbing your book, shoving it into your purse before standing up and walking to the Rom-Com section, skimming through the movies you might want to rent for your movie night with Max, since her mom wasn’t being much of a mom these days since Neil took off after Billy had died.
“Oh, Max the store before you got here,” Robin said. “She said she has to cancel tonight. Lucas wants to hang out with her.”
Sighing, you moved from the Rom-Com’s over to the Crime section, spotting a movie that had been one of your favorites for a couple of years. Smiling to yourself, you picked it up and walked over to the counter, Robin already waiting for you. 
She looked at the cover before looking up at you through your lashes. “The Outsiders?”
“Again?” Steve asked, grabbing something from under the counter. 
“Yes, Steven, again,” you deadpanned. “It’s a good movie.”
“How many times have you-” he started, only to face Robin to ask her, “How many times has she checked it out?”
Clicking through the computer, Robin’s eyes stayed on the screen. When she got to your information, she sighed and said, “Four.”
“Seriously?” Steve asked, looking at you through his lashes.
Shrugging, you said, “I can’t help it! Rob Lowe is just- mmm.”
Steve and Robin chuckled as Keith came out from the back, your eyes going wide before you ducked behind the counter, trying to hide from the store manager. 
“I saw you, Henderson,” Keith said.
As you stood, you smiled shyly, resting an arm on the counter. “Heeeeey, Keith. Haven’t I told you that–”
“You’re not checking it out again,” he said.
“Oh, come on!” you whined. “Why not?”
“We have a three rent rule. You can only rent a movie three times.”
“What?! That’s not a rule!”
“That’s my rule.”
Narrowing your eyes, you asked quietly, “Is this because I wouldn’t go on a date with you when you were manager of the arcade?”
All he did was munch on a Cheeto Puff before he turned and walked back into the back of the store, leaving you to groan and toss your head back. “He’s such a dick.”
Chuckling, Steve typed something on the computer before walking around the counter to you. “Come on. Let’s go get some lunch and then after my shift, you and I can hang out. Have our own little movie night.”
You pretended to think about it for a moment before locking your eyes with Steve’s, chuckling when you saw the deadpan expression on his face. “Okay, okay. We can do that. I’ll have to go get some popcorn and candy.”
“Why don’t you guys start early?” Robin said. “Steve, I’ll tell Keith some lame excuse so that you and this fine lady here can enjoy each other’s company.”
“That’s okay, Robin,” you said. “I have some things to take care of at home first before his shift ends.”
“Are you sure?” they asked.
Chuckling, you replied, “Yes, twins, I’m sure.” Looking at Steve, you looped your arm through his, smiling. “Let’s go, Harrington!”
After you and Steve had lunch, he took you both back to Family Video, where your car was. You told him that you had to go home for a little while but that you’d be at his house after getting the popcorn and candy for your impromptu movie night.
As you were folding your laundry that you washed earlier in the day, your landline rang. Without looking away from the shirt you had grabbed from your laundry basket, you picked the receiver up, putting it in between your ear and shoulder. “You’ve reached the best looking Henderson, what’s up?” A chuckle on the other end had you sighing. “What do you want, Munson?”
“Just wondering if Dustin is coming to Hellfire tonight, princess. That’s all.”
“I play one freaking time and you all refer to me as princess since.”
“It’s adorable.”
“You’re adorable,” you deadpan. “Uhm, I’m not sure. Why not call the house and ask?”
Eddie sighed on his end. “I did, but he told me to call you and ask if you could bring him.”
Looking off the side, you scrunched your brows, pausing your motions of putting the shirt on a hanger. “He couldn’t have just asked me to bring him, or you for that matter?”
“Eh, it’s more fun to annoy you.” You could hear the smugness in his voice as you closed your eyes and sighed heavily. “I already know what you’re going to say, so thank you, princess.”
“You’re fucking welcome,” you gritted through clenched teeth. “I have to run a couple of errands before I drop him off, but it’s your responsibility to bring him home, Munson!”
“Don’t worry, m’lady. He will be home, safe and sound after Hellfire.”
A small smile crossed your face. “Thanks, Munson.” As the two of you hung up, you sighed, thanking the stars above that Dustin had another older male figure in his life other than Steve, who worked a lot and barely had time for Dustin. 
The thought made you sad as you put another shirt on another hanger before your phone rang again. A groan fell from your lips, your head tilting back in frustration before you picked the receiver back up, answering with “Henderson.”
“Should I come pick you up?”
“I know you said you needed to run-”
“I have to take Dustin to Hellfire tonight, but I’ll get the stuff and be over right after. I promise!”
“Okay,” Steve chuckled. “Don’t forget the stuff!”
“What makes you think I’m gonna forget?”
“I forgot the stuff,” you said after Steve opened his door, a sheepish smile on your face.
All Steve could do was chuckle and shake his head, Standing to the side, he let you walk in as you rambled.
“I took Dustin to Hellfire, and I was gonna go before I took him, but he was super insistent-” Stealing a glance at him through your lashes, you muttered, “You know how he can be-” Going back to taking off your coat and shoes. “So, when we got to the school, the Club was outside and they wanted me to hang out for a minute, so I did and then one minute led to another and next thing I knew-” You started walking into the kitchen. “I had lost track of the time and when it hit me that I had actual plans with you, I was rushing out of the school, trying not to break any road ru-” You turned around, not seeing Steve standing behind you. “Steve?”
“Living room,” he chuckled.
Walking into the living room with the drinks you had grabbed from the fridge during your rant, you sighed. Setting the drinks down, you sat on the couch, propping your feet up on the table in front of you, crossing your ankles. “So, what movie is going to be gracing our eyes tonight, dear Steven?”
Steve slightly stiffened at you calling him by his full first name. He didn’t know why, but he loved you calling him that. It made his cock twitch in his pants. Sighing to himself, that didn’t go unnoticed by you, he messed with the VCR before standing from his squatting position. “You’ll see,” he replied, walking over to sit next to you.
“Is it Fast Times? I swear to shit, Steve, if it’s Fast Times again–”
“You. Will. See,” he said, poking your leg with two words before poking your side with the last word.
“Okay, don’t tickle me or else we’ll be rolling on the floor having a tickle fight.”
While the previews played, you got comfortable against Steve, resting your head against his shoulder as his arm came to wrap around you. As he lightly rubbed up and down your arm, he asked, “Did you finish your book today?”
“Almost,” you sighed. “I have a few pages left, but when I went to go start on the last chapter, Dustin almost got my door stuck in the wall with how hard he opened it.”
Steve chuckled, continuing the motions on your arm. “I forget you guys have pocket doors.”
“It’s a blessing and a curse sometimes.” Your eyes lit up as you looked at the tv screen, seeing The Outsiders title card. Sitting straight up, your eyes widened in excitement and happiness before you turned to look at Steve. “You rented it?!”
Nodding his head, Steve smiled softly. “You wanted to watch it, so I- oh, shit!” He laughed as you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing him to laugh.
“You’re welcome. Now, sit down so we can watch it.”
About halfway through the movie, you started to yawn, moving your head to get more comfortable on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve chuckled, trying to look down at you. “you tired?”
Yawning again, you nodded. “A little. I cleaned and did laundry today. That normally makes me really tired once I’ve-” Yawn. “-had some time to relax.”
“Do you want to go to bed?”
You looked up at him, smiling a little. “Sure.” As you were getting up, you notice Steve hesitate for a moment. scrunching your brows, you placed a hand on his forearm, asking, “are you okay?”
He looked at you before sitting up to face you some. “Yeah, I'm fine. there’s just… there’s just something I wanna do before we head to bed.”
“What’s-” your words were cut off by Steve gently placing his lips on yours, waiting to see what your reaction would be. 
You were shocked, to say the least, and he didn’t move not one muscle, letting you take the lead on the kiss.
After a moment, he went to pull back, but stopped when your hands cupped either side of his neck, pressing your lips against his.
Your lips moved in sync for a moment, the two of you in kissing bliss… before a throat being cleared had you two breaking apart.
“No funny business, son,” his father said. “Either go up stairs and show her the guest room or take her home.” Mr. Harrington walked away towards his own bedroom as Steve took your hand in his to lead you upstairs.
“Don’t take me to the guest room,” you whispered. “Take me to yours. I wanna finish what we started.” You had a sly smile on your lips as you followed Steve up to his room.
Once inside his little safe haven, he closed the door and grabbed your waist, pulling you toward him before he guided you back to his mattress.
When your back hit the mattress, you started to get nervous. hearing all the girls at school talk about steve and what he did right before sex had you wondering what they were talking about back then. Now that you were seeing first hand, your nerves were starting to show.
He crawled on top of you, a small smile adorning his features before he kissed you again. He went to kiss your neck, not missing the light gasp that came from your mouth. 
“Mmm, Steve?”
“Yeah, baby?” he whispered.
“M-maybe we should, uhm… should take things a little slow,” you said, it coming out more as a question than a statement.
He looked at you, cupping your cheek. “We can go at whatever pace you want.”
“Okay,” you breathed, smiling. “ ‘cause I've, uhm… I’ve never-”
Realization dawned on him as you stammered out your words before he quietly asked, “Are you a virgin?”
Looking down at his shirt, you messed with a spot on it, hesitantly nodding your head. When you looked back up at him, he was softly smiling back at you.
“That's okay, baby. I'm glad you told me. Like I said, we can go at whatever pace you want.”
With tears starting to shine in your eyes, you just looked at him, thanking the stars above that they put Steve Harrington into your life. “Thank you,” you whispered.
He kissed you again before getting up off the bed to retrieve some pajama pants for himself, and one of his sleeping shirts for you.
That night, you had the best sleep since November 1983. you almost forgot what it felt like to sleep that good! and it was all thanks to Steve Harrington.
After that night, you and Steve were practically joined at the hip for the next month! By Christmas, he was calling you his girlfriend, which you didn’t mind not one bit. 
You found yourself ready for intimacy with Steve. You’d been hinting at it while Christmas shopping for your friends and families. Deciding to hint at it one more time to see if he would catch on while the two of you shopped, you stopped at the Victoria’s Secret storefront for a moment before walking inside the store.
“Hey, Steve?” you called after a few minutes of looking around. “What do you think about this?”
Steve walked over towards you, seeing a very sexy piece of lingerie in your hands. “F-for what?” he asked, putting his hands in his pockets. His nervous tick you had noticed way back in high school.
“For me?” you questioned, looking at him with your brows scrunched. “I mean, it’s cute, right?” You went back to looking at the material in your hands. “It’d be cute on, sure, but… wouldn’t it be cute-” You turned to look at him, running your finger up and down his jacket, seductively. “-on your bedroom floor?”
You watched as Steve’s Adam's apple bobbed up and down. Cheering internally, you were so proud of yourself for taking a step out of your comfort zone. What you didn’t know was that Steve’s cock twitched again when you said it. 
Sighing, you looked at the rack and put the piece of lingerie back, looking at it almost longingly. You knew you were putting on an act, but Steve didn’t. It’s what made it fun for you, despite your inexperience.
Steve had inkling that you were probably getting to give him what you both really wanted, but he ended up shooting that idea down when you told him you didn’t want to talk about it a couple of weeks back.
It’s not that you didn’t want to talk about. It’s that if you did talk about it, you’d want to jump his bones right then and there… when you weren’t ready. And now that you were ready, it seemed like Steve went radio silent on talking about sex.
When Steve had told you that he was gonna go look for one more person to buy a Christmas gift for, your eyes went sad before you nodded and agreed to meet him in the food court. Once he walked away, you smirked slyly to yourself, picking the piece of lingerie back up and walking to the counter, purchasing the material for yourself, deciding that tonight… was going to be the night.
After you and Steve had met in the food court, you both agreed it was time to go back to his house since your parents were having a Christmas party with all of their friends, something you definitely were not interested in doing at the moment.
When you two made it back to Steve’s house, you told him you needed to do something before you sat down on the couch to enjoy a quiet movie night together. With a smile on your face, you ran up the stairs and to his room, shutting the door before moving to his attached bathroom.
Taking the lingerie out of the bag, your smile fell into a satisfied one as you looked at it. With a contented sigh, you nodded your head, placing it onto the counter part of the sink, removing your clothes and undergarments from the day to put the lingerie on. Deciding to put on some of Steve’s favorite pajamas that you wore, you went to the drawer that housed your pajamas, grabbing the ones you needed out.
After you got dressed, you went back down the stairs, smelling the popcorn that Steve had apparently made. If you hadn’t had sexy underwear on, you’d be more excited about the popcorn.
You wrapped your arms around his middle once you made it to the kitchen, resting your cheek on his back, faintly hearing his heartbeat through his back.
“Well, hello,” Steve said, smiling. He turned around, your head tilting back a little to look at him better as his hands came to your cheeks. “You ready for our movie?”
“Is it-”
“A Christmas Story? Yes. I know you love to watch it during this time of the year.”
All you could do was smile at your boyfriend. You hadn’t been together long, but you could feel the love you had for each other. You also decided that tonight was the night you’d tell him those three words.
Reaching around Steve, you grabbed the popcorn, popping a piece into your mouth while turning and walking into the living room, giving your hips little more swing than normal.
Steve gulped, resting his hands on the counter behind him. “Fuck. I’m in trouble,” he whispered to himself. He grabbed the two water bottles he retrieved from the refrigerator as the popcorn was popping before going into the living with you, stopping dead in his tracks at seeing what you were wearing.
Trying to be as seductive as ever, you put a piece of popcorn into your mouth, asking, “See what you like, Steve?”
He didn’t hesitate to nod as he walked closer to you. After he set the water bottles down, he grabbed the bowl from you, setting it on the table before placing his lips on yours in a searing kiss.
You squealed in surprise before closing your eyes to wrap your arms around Steve’s neck, kissing him back with the same amount of fervor he was kissing you with. Your body moved before you could even think about it, sliding down the couch so that the two of you could get more comfortable.
Steve slotted himself in between your legs, propping himself up on his arms to not crush you. He moved his lips in sync with yours for what felt like forever before he moved his lips from yours to your cheek down to your jaw and neck, where he found your sweet spot, lightly sucking when he heard your gasp of pleasure.
Your fingers carded through the back of his hair, keeping him in place while he worked on your skin. A moan that had escaped had him laughing and kissing that spot he was attacking before looking you in the eyes.
“You like that?” he asked.
With your bottom lip in between your teeth, you nodded before kissing him again, your lips moving in sync before his tongue asked for entrance to your mouth, which you granted. Groaning at the feel on your tongue on his, Steve brought a hand to your outer thigh, hiking your leg up on his hip.
“Steve,” you quietly moaned. “I have,-” His lips on the juncture of your neck and shoulder had you gasping. “I have something,-” Your teeth went in between your teeth as you groaned. “I have-,” Steve moved to your shoulder, pulling the top of your sleeve down before stopping at what he saw. When you looked at his eyes, you giggled. “I was trying to tell you that I have something to show you.”
Lightly pushing Steve off of you, you sat up and stood by the couch, a playful smirk on your face before you turned and ran away from him, laughing. He lightly chuckled as he looked down before taking a deep breath in and getting up from the couch, chasing after you.
He found you in his room, and he almost fell at the sight before him. You, in the lingerie you had shown him at the mall just a few hours before. “You-you bought it in r-red?” he stuttered.
When your eyes met, you nodded shyly, feeling a tad insecure just standing in some sexy underwear in front of him. This was way out of your comfort zone. Excitement burst through you as you watched Steve take his shirt off as he walked towards you, his hands going to your cheeks after he discarded the item to the floor, crashing his lips against yours in a kiss that could only be described as heated and hungry.
You moaned into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He picked you up, your legs going around his middle as he turned you both around to lay you down onto his bed, your bodies bouncing with the action. 
Detaching his lips from yours, Steve sat back on his legs, running his hands up your thighs to the top of your panites. “Can I take these off?” he asked.
With your teeth between your lips, you nodded.
He gave you a questioning look, asking, “Are you sure? Because once these come off, there’s no going back.”
“I’m sure,” you whispered. “I’m ready. I want you to take me. Deflower me, as they would say.” Sitting up, you placed your hands on his chest, fingers lightly scratching at the hair that was there. “You’re it for me, Steve. Take it… because I want you to be the one who takes my virginity. Because…” It’s now or never. “...because I love you.”
“Fuck, I love you, too,” he breathed, moving to press his lips against yours before gently laying you back. Slowly pulling the panties down your legs, Steve kept his eyes on you, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable in the slightest.
When he pulled the item off, he dropped them to the ground before looking at your knees that were tightly shut. Gently, he pried them apart, not taking his eyes off of you for a second. “Don’t be scared,” he whispered, leaning down to hover over you. “You have not a damn thing to hide from me.”
You nodded before situating yourself up the mattress more, resting your head on his pillow before releasing a deep breath and looking down at Steve, who was already laying on his stomach, looking at your core in awe.
“You’re so wet,” he muttered. Looking up at you, he asked, “This all for me?”
Tentatively, you nodded, doing your best to relax your knees. “All for you, Stevie.” At his look of disapproval, your anxiety started to spike. 
He placed his hands on your thighs as you tried to close your legs. “Not Stevie. Not tonight.”
“S-Steve?” you asked, to which he shook his head. “Steven?”
He all but growled as he looked at your wet heat, licking a strip from your entrance up to your clit, your head tossing back into the pillows as you gasped, your hands coming up to rest beside your head.
“Oh, my god,” you breathed. “Steven!” 
“That’s right, baby,” he said. “Say my name. Screeeeeam my name.”
“Steve,” you whispered, feeling his tongue attack your clit. You gripped the underside of his pillow for some sort of support as he licked another stripe up your core, stopping on your clit. His attention on your bud was almost like he was licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. 
Moving one of your hands to your thigh, your fingers laced with Steve’s as you felt your orgasm building. “Oh, my god!” you whined. Looking down at Steve, you breathed, “Holy shit.” 
Looking up at you, Steve asked, “It okay if I finger you?”
Quickly nodding your head, you said, “Yes,” before another whine left your throat at the feel of two of Steve’s fingers sliding into you with ease from all the slick that you and Steve had built up. 
Your moans came out as pants as you squeezed Steve’s hand, feeling him squeeze yours back. “St-Steve… I’m gonna cum.”  A frustrated groan sounded from you when you felt Steve stop all movements. Glaring down at him, you narrowed your eyes, saying, “I swear to god, Steven-.” Your words were cut when he dove back into your core, a moan of his name falling from your lips as you came all over his fingers.
Steve helped you ride out your high, giving you sweet praises as he kissed your inner thigh. “That’s it, baby. You did so good.” Crawling back over you, he smiled before placing his lips on yours, your lips moving in sync as you worked on unbuckling his belt, removing it from its loops on his jeans.
Standing from the bed, Steve slid jeans and boxers down as you propped up on your elbows, teeth right back in between your teeth. He chuckled at you as your eyes went from his eyes, to his chest, his abdomen, and then finally, on his cock. 
Nerves started to creep back in as you trailed your eyes back up his body. “Is… it’s gonna fit, right?” you asked, watching as he slid the condom onto his length before crawling back over you.
He nodded, running a finger through your folds. “It’ll fit.” Grabbing his shaft, he gathered as much wetness from your entrance as he could before going still, letting out a breath. Looking at you, he asked, “It’s gonna hurt. Are you ready for it?”
You let out your own breath, closing your eyes to ready yourself. When you opened your eyes, you looked into the hazel orbs that you loved so much. Threading your hands through the sides of his hair, you nodded, whispering, “I’m ready.”
Steve looked at you for a moment before kissing you, gently, while pushing himself inside of you.
A pained gasp sounded from you, tears springing to your eyes at the intrusion as you squeezed them shut while Steve rested his forehead on your shoulder, grunting. Kissing your shoulder all the way up to the side of your mouth, he voiced his apologies, bringing his arms up to cage in your head, wiping your tears away.
The head of his cock was the only thing inside of you, so when he tried to move in a little more, you whimpered.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he whispered, kissing your cheek. 
You shook your head, swallowing the next whimper that wanted to escape. “It’s okay, it’s fine. Just… gimme a second. You’re fucking huge.”
Sighing, he said, “You’re so fucking tight.” He looked at you, moving hair from your forehead, saying, “Baby, look at me.”
Opening your eyes, you felt two tears fall from the corners down to your ears. He watched as they fell, catching them before they could fall to your ears.
“I gotta try some more or else I’m gonna explode.”
Your chuckle turned into a whimper, almost forgetting that his dick was partially inside you. You took a deep breath, releasing it as you said, “Okay.” Nodding you repeated the word, adding, “Kiss me while you do. It might help the small amount of p-”
He kissed you before you could finish your sentence, pushing inside until he was fully sheathed. 
Breaking the kiss, your head pressed further into the pillow as you loudly exclaimed, “Fuck! That hurts.”
Ever the gentleman that he was, Steve let you adjust to his size as he pressed light kisses all over your cheek, feeling your quick breaths as you adjusted, the pain turning into pleasure.
You sighed, taking the sides of his neck in your hands to bring his face level with yours. “You-you can move now. I think I’m good.”
Steve didn’t say anything as he kissed you, pulling out almost all the way before sliding back in, the both of you hissing. He set a slow pace to help you get acquainted with the feel of his cock sliding in and out.
“More,” you gasped. “Steven… more.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, going at a faster pace, whines of pleasure meeting his ears. “You feel incredible, baby girl.”
You moaned, arching your back at the use of the nickname before whining in pleasure as Steve bucked a little harder than he intended. “Fuck, Steve. Do that again.”
He looked at you, stopping his movements. “You sure?”
“I swear to fuck, Steve, if you don’t move-” Your words were cut off by a gasp in pleasure at the feel of Steve’s hips snapping into yours. “Ho-ly shit,” you said with each thrust of his hips.
“Goddamn, you feel incredible,” Steve grunted.
“You might’ve mentioned that,” you said, a smile on your face. 
Gasping, you carded your fingers through the back of his head, gripping onto his locks gently as he brought his fingers to your clit, circling the sensitive nub. “Mmm!” you half moaned, half whined, your bottom lip between your teeth. “Steven! I’m gonna-” Your words were once again cut off as your release hit you before you could voice it.
“Shit, baby girl. I’m gonna cum,” Steve breathed, his thrusts growing sloppy. One, two, three, four, five more thrusts and he was spent, his seed spilling into the condom.
You could feel him pulsing inside of you, which was a weird feeling in and of itself
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, trying to catch your breaths… before you started giggling, which turned into full on laughter.
Steve looked at you with concern. “Baby?” 
“Oh, my god,” you laughed. You looked at him, trying to control your laughter. “I’ve never cum that hard in my life.”
Steve chuckled, resting his forehead on your shoulder. With a soft groan, he lifted himself up to rest on his hands, looking at you with so much love and adoration. “I have pull out now ‘cause I’m starting to get soft.”
You nodded, ready for that small amount of sting that everyone talks about. Hissing came from both of you as he pulled out. But what you felt wasn’t pain, it was the feeling of the tiniest bit of overstimulation, your body jolting a little.
“You okay?” Steve asked, sitting back on his knees, rubbing your calf.
Your answer came as a nod, a sigh falling from your lips as he nodded to himself, bending over to kiss your knee before getting up off the bed to clean himself up. Not knowing what to do, you sat up on your elbows, looking around his room. 
When you turned over to look at his nightstand, you noticed the picture frame sitting next to his lamp. Inside was a picture of the two of you after one of Steve’s basketball games.You both were smiling big, but as you were looking at the camera, Steve was looking at you. That was a happy day for the two of you.
The Hawkins High Tigers had won that game, and you both were elated, high on adrenaline. That was the night the two of you realized that you liked each other more than friends, but never voiced anything to each other, not knowing you both felt the same.
When Steve came out of his bathroom sighing, he looked up at you, seeing the frame in your hand that you had picked while thinking about that night. “What’cha doing?” Steve asked, crawling on the bed behind you, kissing your shoulder.
“Thinking about the night this picture was taken,” you said, hissing at the end from the feel of something warm on your sore core. Taking a deep breath, you released it as you turned to lay on your back, picture frame still in your hand above your face. “That night…-” you whispered. “...was the night I realized I liked you as more than a friend.”
Steve laid next to you, kissing your shoulder again as he put his arm around your middle. He looked at the picture, smiling to himself as he also thought about that night. When he saw in the crowd, cheering him on while wearing his number on your face, he knew. He knew that you were the one for him.
He played his heart out that night, only taking a couple breaks to catch his breath. When he turned to see if you were looking at him or watching the game, he would smile to himself, seeing you angry at something the other team did to the Hawkins players.
When you placed the picture back on his nightstand, he sighed softly, closing his eyes before opening them up again at feeling you move under his arm. Laying on your side, you looked at him, staring into those hazel eyes that you fell in love with all those years ago.
“Thank you,” you whispered, bringing your arm up between the two of you, placing your fingertips on his jaw.
“For what?” he asked, softly.
“Giving me the best night of my life.” Smiling, you cupped his face the best you could, lifting your head from the pillow the slightest bit to press a kiss to his lips. 
“You’re welcome,” he replied, pressing his lips back on yours.
Before the two of you feel asleep just as you were, your asses bare for the world to see, you both said those three words that were confessed earlier in the night.
“I love you.”
A/N 2:  hi, friends! let me know what you thought about! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: we’re also adding a lot of new things up top! let me know what y’all think about that! is it more organized, is it more chaotic? let me know! :)
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on January 13, 2024
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stranger-stevieee · 5 months
'Strangers' series
a 'Stranger Things' rewrite
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Summary: As Will Byers' older sister, you have a responsibility to protect him. When you fail, you have to go through the process of getting him back safely. Between fighting inter-dimensional monsters, a girl with superpowers, and getting your brother back, you might just end up falling in love along the way.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Byers!reader
Warnings (entire series): cursing, angst, gore and violence (in the later seasons), fem!reader, enemies to lover (sorta), any other warnings from the show
~ Season 1 ~
Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Chapter 2: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly
Chapter 4: The Body
Chapter 5: The Flea and the Acrobat
Chapter 6: The Monster
Chapter 7: The Bathtub
Chapter 8: The Upside Down
~ Season 2 ~
Chapter 9: MADMAX
Chapter 10: Trick or Treat, Freak
Chapter 11: The Pollywog
Chapter 12: Will the Wise
Chapter 13: Dig Dug
Chapter 14: The Spy
Chapter 15: The Lost Sister
Chapter 16: The Mind Flayer
Chapter 17: The Gate
~ Season 3 ~
Chapter 18: Suzie, Do You Copy?
Chapter 19: The Mall Rats
Chapter 20: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Chapter 21: The Sauna Test
Chapter 22: The Flayed
Chapter 23: E Pluribus Unum
Chapter 24: The Bite
Chapter 25: The Battle of Starcourt
~ Season 4 ~
Chapter 26: The Hellfire Club
Chapter 27: Vecna's Curse
Chapter 28: The Monster and the Superhero
Chapter 29: Dear Billy
Chapter 20: The Nina Project
Chapter 31: The Dive
Chapter 32: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Chapter 33: Papa
Chapter 34: The Piggyback
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