verysharpfish · 6 months
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cool i guess ill just continue to go about my day with that knowledge lodged firmly in my brain
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crevicedwelling · 5 months
Yesterday I came home to find my car, in the garage, COVERED with teensy baby mantises.
I drove it outside and left them to their devices, but it took them a long time to leave.
I suppose I was wondering, how much do you know about mantises juvenile stage, how they might have come to hatch on my car without a clear mama present, and how long it takes them to start doing things. They all just sort of hung out there. I loved several off manually. Boy were they tiny!
Pics of beebees as payment
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mantises lay their eggs in oothecae formed from a proteinaceous foam that hardens—it’s the biological equivalent of insulation foam, working to keep the eggs inside climate-controlled.
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none of the above are what I think you have, but a variety of nonnative mantis oothecae from my area.
while I don’t know where you are or what the mantises are (black knees make me think of Stagmomantis, common genus native to most of lower North America), temperate mantises do not typically survive the winter, but lay oothecae that will hatch in the spring warmth. what likely happened is a mantis got inside the garage and made an ootheca there unseen, and now with spring coming the eggs hatched (not an uncommon occurrence! happens sometimes in midwinter when people bring Christmas trees indoors with oothecae on them).
they are fully capable of independent life at this age and will start hunting within hours, cannibalizing one another if necessary
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
What does it mean that Homelander is the only supe that has Compound V incorporated into his DNA? And that he can pass it down to progeny?
A short essay no one asked for (but inspired by @saintmathieublanc ‘s poll about whether HL and Ryan can be depowered)
Reading 1: literal
His DNA consists of Compound V. Which means that Compound V is a nucleotide analogue, a proteinaceous component of histones around which DNA wraps and gets packed into a chromosome, or some kind of non-organic chemical that binds to DNA (DNA intercalators). I actually kind of like the idea that Compound V is a part of histones, because you could handwavely imagine it gets incorporated haphazardly and affects the expression of random genes, turning them on or off, hence its varied effects.
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Reason 1 none of these seem likely: DNA replicates constantly, not only during embryonic development but throughout your life. Having DNA be modified but not requiring a constant influx of new Compound V means that the DNA would eventually dilute out to become normal.
Reason 2 these aren’t likely: a proteinaceous histone component injected into infants wouldn’t really exert any effects. Wouldn’t even go into cells. A nucleotide analog or a DNA intercalator chemical could go into cells and effectively act as a DNA damaging agent (this is how some chemo works, in fact). Hard to imagine how randomly damaging DNA would result in gaining of abilities, but I guess formally possible if the damage is somehow directed. The randomness of powers gained could potentially be compatible with “random damage”. But what would then be the difference between Homelander and other supes? The Compound V would then be “part of the DNA” in both cases
Reading 2: which I favor
Compound V is a hormone. Hormones are something one could inject into a baby to exert profound effects, even if only done once. What’s not clear of course is why the hormone exerts such different effects in different babies. One handwavy model is that, unlike testosterone or estrogen or melatonin or adrenaline, with defined programs being triggered, Compound V is a hormone that creates artificial stresses in the body that tissue will respond to adaptively, and that this process is stochastic/random. This would be consistent with Compound V being better as something taken as a child- more tissue plasticity.
What does it mean that Homelander’s DNA “contains Compound V” in this schema? Hormones aren’t part of DNA. But they could have engineered a gene that encodes an enzyme (or a set of genes encoding a set of enzymes) that generate Compound V out of a common steroid precursor like cholesterol. They may also have encoded whatever receptor in the human body binds Compound V to be expressed more highly or in specific tissue in the body, but this is less crucial. This would even be somewhat realistic for 1981 era biotech. In this scenario, Homelander has been exposed to Compound V throughout embryonic development (earlier than everyone else), and has the ability to make more all the time. This would be consistent with it being heritable: Ryan didn’t need any exogenous Compound V, he had the genes to generate it himself.
If Soldier Boy’s radiation undoes the effects of Compound V out of people who have had one exposure, this would mean his radiation would be less effective on Homelander and Ryan: they would eventually generate more Compound V and with time presumably regain their powers. And that’s my final answer to @saintmathieublanc ‘s poll 🧐
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science-lover33 · 1 year
Pharmacology Unveiled: How Medications Work on a Molecular Level"
Explore the science of pharmacology and delve into the mechanisms of action of commonly prescribed medications, shedding light on how they interact with the body's systems.
In the multifaceted domain of pharmacology, an intricate symphony of molecular interactions orchestrates the therapeutic effects of medications. A profound comprehension of the molecular underpinnings of pharmacological actions is indispensable for healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical scientists, and researchers. In this discourse, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of pharmacodynamics, elucidating the profound intricacies of how medications function at the molecular level.
Pharmacodynamics: A Multilayered Discipline
Pharmacodynamics constitutes the extensive scrutiny of the manner in which drugs interlace with specific molecular targets, often referred to as receptors or enzymes, within the human organism. Medications are meticulously designed to effectuate alterations in biochemical pathways, receptor kinetics, or enzymatic processes, aiming to modulate physiological phenomena to alleviate symptoms or remediate pathological states.
Receptor-Mediated Pharmacological Actions
A pivotal facet of pharmacodynamics lies in the receptor-mediated actions of medications. Receptors are intricate protein entities, frequently situated on the extracellular or intracellular domains of cells, that play a pivotal role in cellular communication and homeostasis. When a medication interfaces with a receptor, it initiates a cascade of molecular events, which, contingent upon the context, may potentiate or impede the cellular response.
Agonists and Antagonists: Puppets of Molecular Dance
In the intricate theater of pharmacodynamics, medications assume roles as either agonists or antagonists. Agonists aptly mimic the endogenous ligands or signaling molecules, seamlessly integrating into the receptor's binding pocket. This engagement sets forth a conformational alteration in the receptor, instigating cellular events replicating or augmenting the physiological response. Conversely, antagonists function as molecular antagonists, obstructing the receptor and forestalling the binding of endogenous signaling molecules. Consequently, the physiological response is negated or attenuated.
Enzymatic Interference: Orchestrating Biochemical Concertos
Certain medications orchestrate their therapeutic influence through the intricate domain of enzyme inhibition. Enzymes are the catalytic workhorses governing biochemical transformations in biological systems. Medications that selectively inhibit or modulate these enzymes effectively regulate the pace or character of these metabolic reactions, rendering them invaluable in conditions characterized by aberrant enzyme function.
Ion Channel Choreography: Modulating Electrophysiological Ballets
A notable mechanism of pharmacological action entails the modulation of ion channels. These proteinaceous conduits, reposing within cellular membranes, govern the flux of ions across these barriers. Medications designed to engage with ion channels effectively influence the electrochemical signaling within cells. The modulation of ion channels is instrumental in conditions such as arrhythmias, epilepsy, and neuropathic pain.
Pharmacogenetics: Personalizing Medication Regimens
The burgeoning realm of pharmacogenetics delves into the impact of an individual's genetic repertoire on their medication response. Genetic polymorphisms can significantly influence drug metabolism, receptor sensitivities, and pharmacological efficacy. Tailoring medication regimens to align with an individual's genetic makeup represents a burgeoning paradigm in personalized medicine.
Pharmacology unfolds as an intricate tapestry of molecular engagements and multifarious mechanisms. Medications, hewn with precision, are intended to engage with specific molecular entities, be it receptors, enzymes, or ion channels, aiming to modulate intricate biochemical processes to achieve therapeutic ends.
Rang, H. P., Dale, M. M., Ritter, J. M., & Flower, R. J. (2015). Rang & Dale's Pharmacology. Elsevier.
Katzung, B. G., & Trevor, A. J. (2021). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. McGraw-Hill Education
Brunton, L. L., Knollmann, B. C., & Hilal-Dandan, R. (2020). Goodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. McGraw-Hill Education.
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fruityyamenrunner · 7 months
how is food 80% fertiliser by mass. that has to include milk and meat right because my understanding is most plant biomass is carbohydrates, either fibrous or digestible and that's from fixed atmospheric carbon (which in a greenhouse may itself be a petrochem input) and even the most proteinaceous legumes are only like max 1/3 protein
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revretch · 1 year
Hello! I’ve recently come into possession of some indeterminate embiopterans (by come into possession, I mean I found them on the rotting stump of a former bamboo palm, and knew this was my single chance to give it a shot), I know the literature surrounding their maintenance is a little…scarce, at best, but you’re the first tumblr blog I could’ve thought to ask about it so uhh
as far as I’ve gleaned they’re basically one of those thing you feed leafy greens a bunch and occasionally toss something more proteinaceous in there for them to nibble on but…not much else. Currently they’re in a container including a fair bit of the rotting wood they were living in as well as some soil from the nearby area, they’ve had a little bit of water added to keep humidity up (but nothing standing), I know I’m kind of trailing on at this point and it’s really barely an ask at this rate but I just want to know if there’s anything I should be aware of regarding this group or if there’s something I should really avoid doing?
Some context for others: Embiopterans are also called webspinners. They live in all-female social groups in little silk-lined tunnels, made out of silk they produce from their front legs!
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I don't have any personal experience with this fantastic insect order, and it is difficult to find information on how to keep them. According to this scientific paper:
The embiopterans in this study originated in Trinidad and have been reared in the laboratory at Santa Clara University since 1994 (An. urichi) and 2016 (P. trinitatis). They are kept in terrariums containing dried oak leaves (Quercus agrifolia), which form a matrix for silk spinning. Cultures were kept at approximately 23 °C with a lighting regimen of 14L:10D. Insects were fed lichens and romaine lettuce.
This worked out for raising species from two different genuses, so if you keep to around this setup, hopefully it should work out. This page adds that you have a much better chance of success if you use some of the original webbing, so it sounds like you're on the right track. Best of luck!
P.S. You have an excellent username!
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cobrastrikes421 · 11 months
Halloween 🎃
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Chupacabra - The name comes from the animal's reported vampirism—the chupacabra is said to attack and drink the blood of livestock, including goats.
Frankenstein - Frankenstein is not only the first creation story to use scientific experimentation as its method, but it also presents a framework for narratively examining the morality and ethics of the experiment and experimenter.
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Selkie - In their human form, selkie folk are always referred to as being incredibly attractive. They are graceful, kind natured and amorous, resulting in any humans coming across them falling desperately in love.
Spiderweb/Cobweb🕸️ - cobweb is a structure created by a spider out of proteinaceous spider silk extruded from its spinnerets, generally meant to catch its prey.
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Harpy - Known as the 'Hounds of Zeus,' they were the personification of storm winds and were under the command of Zeus, who would send them out during storms to do his bidding.
La llorona - While The Curse of La Llorona uses the ghost as the monster, La Llorona makes the humans the monsters, ignoring the painful and disturbing ghosts of past sins.
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Jersey devil - The creature is believed to be the unwanted thirteenth child of Mother Leeds. According to those in the know, Mother Leeds , before the birth of her thirteenth child, declared that she wished the Devil would take the child away after it was born.
Kappa - They are typically depicted as green, human-like beings with webbed hands and feet and turtle-like carapaces on their backs. A depression on its head, called its "dish" (sara), retains water, and if this is damaged or its liquid is lost (either through spilling or drying up), the kappa is severely weakened.
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Witch - Witches were said to have 'familiars' animals such as cats and toads, as a link to the world of magic. Hecate Witch-Queen can be considered the "all mother" of the vampire and witch race through her daughters.
Jiangshi - It kills living creatures to absorb their qi, or "life force", usually at night, while during the day, it rests in a coffin or hides in dark places such as caves.
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Candy apple 🍎 - In 1908, New Jersey candy maker, William W. Kolb, is said to have dipped apples into caramel and placed them in his shop windows to draw in customers, and thus, the candy apple was born.
Werecat - humans that transform into humanoid cats. They're a bit taller than their human forms. They have pointy ears that stick out from the sides of their heads. The pupils in their eyes are vertical slits.
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Ushi-oni - They usually have an ox's head with sharp upward-curving horns, wicked fangs and a slender tongue. They spit poison and enjoy killing and eating humans. Their body is most commonly depicted as spider-like with six legs and long singular claws at the end of each appendage.
Devil/demon - Samael is a fallen archangel who, after leading an unsuccessful rebellion against Heaven, was banished by God to serve as Lord of Hell. After his fall, he changed his name to Lucifer. In many traditions, demons are independent operators, with different demons causing different types of evils (destructive natural phenomena, specific diseases, etc.). In religions featuring a principal Devil (e.g. Satan) locked in an eternal struggle with God, demons are often also thought to be subordinates of the principal Devil.
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Haunted house - A haunted house, spook house or ghost house in ghostlore is a house or other building often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased who may have been former residents or were otherwise connected with the property.
Nuckelavee - This horse-like horror of Scottish folklore emerges from the sea bringing death and disease. With origins in Orcadian folklore this demonic creature was blamed for plagues, drought, and death in equal measure.
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Malphas - Malphas is said to build houses, high towers and strongholds, throw down the buildings of the enemies, destroy the enemies' desires or thoughts (and/or make them known to the conjurer) and all what they have done, give good familiars, and quickly bring artificers together from all places of the world.
Grime reaper - In some cultures, a Grim Reaper also holds an hourglass which denotes the person's remaining time on earth. In some beliefs, a grim reaper can cause someone's death by appearing in dreams while the sleeper's body is not able to move and soon dies of a heart attack.
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Owl - “Owls symbolize inner wisdom, change, transformation, intuitive development, good luck, and self-actualization," says Charlotte Kirsten, M.A., a cultural symbolism expert and founder of Typically Topical. Some people wonder, is an owl a good omen? The answer depends on who you ask and the culture you're living in.
Bai ze - a mythical beast in ancient China. It can speak, understand the feelings of all things, and know the affairs of ghosts and gods, and only appears when "the king has virtue", and can ward off all evil spirits on earth.
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
Discovery of a fossilized dinosaur hatchery with 92 nests and 256 eggs belonging to colonies of giant plant-eating Titanosaurs.
The Titanosaur species were colossal, long-necked sauropods that lumbered across what’s now central India more than 66 million years ago.
It is possible, Titanosaurs’ nesting behaviors shared characteristics with that of today’s birds and crocodiles.
Here we provide incontrovertible evidence for the preservation of proteinaceous moieties in Maastrichtian dinosaur eggshell using pyrolysis-GC×GC-TOFMS. The presence of nitrogen-bearing organic molecules along with diketodipyrrole suggests that the proteinaceous moieties can survive diagenesis.
108 titanosaurid sauropod nests were documented from the Upper Cretaceous Lameta Formation of Bagh-Kukshi areas of Dhar District (Madhya Pradesh) and Rahioli/Raiyoli area of Kheda District (Gujarat), western India.
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teachersource · 1 year
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Stanley B. Prusiner was born on May 28, 1942. An American neurologist and biochemist, he is the Director of the Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Prusiner won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1997 for his work in proposing an explanation for the cause of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (”mad cow disease”) and its human equivalent, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In this work, he coined the term prion, which comes from the words “proteinaceous” and “infectious”, in 1982 to refer to a previously undescribed form of infection due to protein misfolding.
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novobacwilting · 1 month
Brevibacillus laterosporus: A Powerful Agent in Antimicrobial Therapies
In recent years, the quest for effective antimicrobial agents has led to the exploration of various natural sources. Among these, Brevibacillus laterosporus has emerged as a notable bacterium, recognized for its potent antimicrobial properties. Products like Novobac have harnessed the power of this microorganism, offering promising solutions in the fight against harmful pathogens.
Understanding Brevibacillus laterosporus
Brevibacillus laterosporus is a spore-forming bacterium that belongs to the Bacillaceae family. It was first isolated in the early 20th century and has since been studied extensively for its unique characteristics. This bacterium is known for producing a variety of bioactive compounds, including enzymes, toxins, and antimicrobial peptides. These compounds exhibit a broad spectrum of activity against bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, making B. laterosporus a valuable tool in antimicrobial therapies.
The Antimicrobial Mechanism
The antimicrobial activity of B. laterosporus is attributed to several mechanisms. One of the primary methods is through the production of parasporal crystals, which are proteinaceous inclusions that can disrupt the cell walls of target pathogens. Additionally, B. laterosporus secretes enzymes such as chitinases and proteases, which degrade the cell walls of fungi and bacteria. These enzymes effectively inhibit the growth of pathogens, providing a natural and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical antimicrobials.
Novobac: Harnessing B. laterosporus for Health
Novobac is a product developed with the unique properties of B. laterosporus in mind. It is designed to provide a natural solution for managing microbial populations, particularly in environments where antibiotic resistance is a concern. Novobac leverages the bacterium's ability to produce antimicrobial peptides and enzymes, offering a multi-faceted approach to controlling harmful microorganisms.
One of the standout features of Novobac is its specificity and safety. Unlike broad-spectrum antibiotics that can disrupt beneficial microbiota, Novobac targets harmful pathogens without adversely affecting beneficial organisms. This selectivity is crucial in maintaining the balance of microbiomes in various settings, such as in agriculture, aquaculture, and even in clinical applications.
Applications and Benefits
The versatility of Novobac, derived from B. laterosporus, extends across multiple industries. In agriculture, it is used as a biopesticide to control plant pathogens, thereby reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides. In aquaculture, Novobac helps manage bacterial diseases in fish and shellfish, promoting healthier aquatic environments. Additionally, in healthcare, products based on B. laterosporus are being explored for their potential in treating infections, particularly in scenarios where antibiotic resistance poses a significant challenge.
As the world faces growing concerns over antibiotic resistance and the environmental impact of chemical antimicrobials, the need for natural and effective alternatives becomes more pressing. Brevibacillus laterosporus, with its robust antimicrobial properties, presents a promising solution. Products like Novobac exemplify the innovative use of this bacterium, offering safe, targeted, and eco-friendly options for managing microbial threats. As research continues, the potential applications of B. laterosporus in antimicrobial therapies are expected to expand, providing new tools in the global fight against infectious diseases.
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brainspinemd02 · 4 months
How to Treat Epidermoid Cysts: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Epidermoid Cysts:
Epidermoid cysts originate from the sebaceous glands in the skin and are composed of keratin, a proteinaceous substance found in skin cells. These cysts typically present as firm, round or oval-shaped lumps beneath the skin's surface and may vary in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Epidermoid cysts are usually painless unless they become inflamed, infected, or rupture, causing tenderness, redness, and discharge of foul-smelling contents.
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Assessment and Diagnosis:
Diagnosing epidermoid cysts typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation and imaging studies. During a physical examination, healthcare providers assess the size, location, and characteristics of the cyst, as well as any associated symptoms or complications. In some cases, imaging modalities such as ultrasound or MRI may be utilized to confirm the diagnosis, evaluate the cyst's contents, and assess its relationship to surrounding structures.
Conservative Management:
In asymptomatic cases or when epidermoid cysts are small and not causing significant discomfort, conservative management may be recommended. This approach involves monitoring the cyst for any changes in size, shape, or symptoms over time without active intervention. Regular observation allows healthcare providers to assess the cyst's stability and determine whether further treatment is necessary. Patients are advised to avoid manipulating or squeezing the cyst, as this can increase the risk of inflammation, infection, or recurrence.
Topical Treatments:
For inflamed or infected epidermoid cysts, topical treatments may be prescribed to reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms, and promote healing. Topical antibiotics, such as mupirocin or fusidic acid, may be applied to the affected area to prevent bacterial growth and infection. Additionally, corticosteroid creams or ointments may be used to reduce swelling and discomfort associated with inflamed cysts. These topical treatments are typically used as adjuncts to other therapeutic interventions and are not effective as standalone therapies for cyst removal.
Incision and Drainage:
In cases where epidermoid cysts become symptomatic due to inflammation, infection, or rapid growth, incision and drainage may be performed to relieve pressure, drain accumulated fluid or pus, and alleviate symptoms. During this procedure, a healthcare provider makes a small incision in the cyst's surface, allowing the contents to drain freely. Following drainage, the cyst cavity may be irrigated with saline solution to remove debris and reduce the risk of recurrence. While incision and drainage provide temporary symptomatic relief, they do not address the underlying cyst wall, and recurrence is common without complete excision.
Surgical Excision:
Surgical excision is the definitive treatment for epidermoid cysts, offering permanent removal and resolution of symptoms. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis and involves making an incision around the cyst, dissecting the cyst wall from surrounding tissues, and carefully removing the entire cyst intact. The surrounding tissue may be closed with sutures or left to heal by secondary intention, depending on the cyst's size and location. Surgical excision is highly effective in preventing cyst recurrence and is associated with minimal risk of complications when performed by experienced healthcare providers.
Laser Therapy:
Laser therapy represents a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical excision for treating epidermoid cysts. This technique utilizes focused laser energy to vaporize the cyst contents and destroy the cyst wall, resulting in complete removal without the need for incisions or sutures. Laser therapy offers several advantages, including precise tissue ablation, minimal scarring, and reduced risk of infection or bleeding. However, its efficacy may vary depending on the cyst's size, location, and depth, and multiple treatment sessions may be required for optimal results.
Post-Treatment Care and Follow-Up:
After undergoing treatment for epidermoid cysts, patients are advised to follow post-operative care instructions to promote healing and prevent complications. This may include keeping the surgical site clean and dry, applying antibiotic ointment or dressing changes as directed, avoiding strenuous activities or trauma to the treated area, and attending follow-up appointments with healthcare providers for wound assessment and suture removal if necessary. Patients should also be educated about signs of infection or recurrence and instructed to seek prompt medical attention if symptoms worsen or new cysts develop.
Epidermoid cyst treatment are common benign growths that can cause discomfort, cosmetic concerns, or complications if left untreated. Treatment options for epidermoid cysts vary depending on the cyst's size, location, symptoms, and patient preferences. Conservative measures, such as observation, topical treatments, and incision and drainage, may be appropriate for asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cysts. However, surgical excision remains the gold standard for definitive treatment, offering complete removal and resolution of symptoms. Laser therapy represents a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgery, particularly for smaller cysts or those in cosmetically sensitive areas. Regardless of the chosen treatment modality, close collaboration between patients and healthcare providers is essential to ensure optimal outcomes and long-term satisfaction with the treatment approach.
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growvitanutrition10 · 4 months
Develop Healthy Delights for Kids With Malt-Based Drinks
Protein drinks for children are convenient and nutritional choices of increasing minerals and vitamins. Enriching the kids with necessary nutrition enhanced with a tasty and handy form, the healthy and nutritious beverages help to get proper and balanced development of the body. The premium nutritious and protein drink in India for kids is enriched with micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and protein, to support healthy growth, boost immunity and stabilize the energy levels all through the day.
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The main elements of kids' healthy malt-based beverages
Nutritional drinks play a great role in protecting health and creating strong children. These tasty and healthy drinks will be an additional source of nutrition and benefit to the kids' health. Analyze the key elements that offer both taste and nutrition of these beverages.
Proteins are an essential part of the body of a growing individual helping with muscle development, improving the immune system and general body growth. Many nutritious drinks are characterized by the presence of protein sources such as milk, yoghurt, and vegan alternatives. Malt beverages fortified with protein are a tasty choice if one wishes to provide children with a drink of excellent proteinaceous quality necessary for the development of muscles.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Because brain development and function are so dependent on omega-3 fatty acids, proper child growth depends heavily on them. For example, healthy drinks made with flax seeds or chia seeds which are natural sources of this essential fatty acid.
A malt drink mix enhanced with omega-3 fatty acids is convenient for adults who need to have their cognitive health enhanced and children with their learning and concentration abilities supported.
Natural and Artificial Flavors
Malt-based drinks are made tastier by using natural and artificial flavours. Their fabulous flavour is loved by the youngsters. These flavours can go from classic malt to multiple fruity or creamy variations. The addition of cocoa or chocolate flavouring to malt-based drinks usually delivers the most satisfaction.
Vitamins and Minerals
Minerals and vitamins alike are excellent because they give general health and nutritional value to kids' malt-based beverages. Major nutrients are essential as they regulate various bodily processes like immunity, metabolism and formation of bones. Children may gain a balanced diet that prevents them from becoming weak and promotes their overall well-being. This is done through the addition of vitamins A, C,& D as well as minerals comprising calcium, iron and zinc to the malt-based drinks.
The most nutritious and Protein drink in India for kids provides a practical means of adding vital nutrients to their meals. These drinks enhance general well-being with components specifically designed to assist health. These beverages provide a delightful and efficient way to boost children's development.
For more information about: Malt drink mix Please visit at https://growvita.in
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protein-drinks-land · 5 months
Do Protein Drinks Make You Poop
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In the vast landscape of health and fitness, the pursuit of optimal nutrition often leads us down intriguing paths, where trends and fads intersect with science and physiology. Among the myriad of dietary supplements, protein drinks stand as stalwarts, revered for their role in muscle building, recovery, and overall wellness. Yet, amidst the fervor surrounding protein consumption, a curious query emerges: do protein drinks influence our digestive system in unexpected ways?
Protein drinks have etched their place as fixtures in the modern wellness zeitgeist, symbolizing strength, vitality, and peak physical performance. From sleek gym-goers clutching shaker bottles to busy professionals seeking on-the-go nourishment, the appeal of protein drinks transcends demographics. With shelves adorned in a kaleidoscope of flavors and formulations, the ubiquity of protein drinks speaks volumes about their enduring popularity. However, amidst the cacophony of marketing buzzwords and bold claims, the potential ramifications on digestive health often remain obscured by the allure of muscular gains.
What Goes In Must Come Out: The Poop Predicament
While the benefits of protein consumption are extolled far and wide, the journey of protein through our digestive tract invites introspection. As we delve deeper into the intricate choreography of digestion, the question of how protein drinks influence bowel movements emerges as a topic ripe for exploration. Beyond the realm of muscle hypertrophy and athletic prowess lies a lesser-known terrain where protein and poop intersect, sparking curiosity and speculation among health enthusiasts and skeptics alike.
Understanding Protein Drinks
What Are Protein Drinks?
Before unraveling their potential effects on digestion, it behooves us to grasp the essence of protein drinks. At their core, protein drinks are concentrated sources of protein, derived from various substrates such as whey, casein, soy, or plant-based alternatives. These elixirs of athleticism manifest in a myriad of forms, ranging from powders meticulously measured in scoops to pre-mixed shakes encased in sleek packaging. Their allure lies in the promise of convenience, potency, and efficiency, offering a quick fix for the protein-hungry masses.
Types of Protein Drinks: Whey, Casein, Soy, and Beyond
The taxonomy of protein drinks is as diverse as the dietary preferences of their consumers.
Whey Protein: Derived from the liquid byproduct of cheese production, whey protein reigns supreme as the darling of gym aficionados. Its rapid absorption kinetics and rich amino acid profile make it the gold standard for post-workout replenishment.
Casein Protein: In contrast to its swift counterpart, casein protein embodies patience, providing a slow and steady release of amino acids over time. This sustained nourishment fuels prolonged periods of muscle repair and growth, making it a favored bedtime companion for many fitness enthusiasts.
Soy Protein: For those charting a plant-based path, soy protein emerges as a beacon of proteinaceous promise. Derived from soybeans, this leguminous marvel offers a complete amino acid profile, catering to the needs of vegans and vegetarians with aplomb.
Plant-Based Alternatives: Beyond the traditional trinity lies a trove of plant-based alternatives, each boasting its unique botanical bounty. From pea protein's verdant embrace to hemp protein's earthy allure, these alternatives offer solace to those eschewing animal-derived options or grappling with dietary restrictions.
The Fiber Factor
Fiber: The Unsung Hero of Digestion
While protein basks in the limelight of muscular magnificence, fiber quietly performs the role of the unsung hero in our digestive saga. Abundantly found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, dietary fiber serves as the scaffolding of digestive health, facilitating regular bowel movements and nourishing our gut microbiota. Despite its pivotal role, fiber often languishes in the shadows of protein's muscular majesty, its significance eclipsed by the allure of amino acids and muscle hypertrophy.
Protein Drinks vs. Fiber: A Balancing Act
Amidst the fervor of protein consumption, the dearth of fiber in protein drinks raises eyebrows among discerning consumers. Unlike whole food sources teeming with fibrous fortitude, protein drinks often skimp on this essential nutrient, relegating fiber to the sidelines of our nutritional narrative. This imbalance poses a conundrum for those seeking digestive harmony, as the symbiotic relationship between protein and fiber remains a cornerstone of optimal gut health.
The Impact of Protein on Digestion
Protein Digestion 101: Breaking Down the Basics
The journey of protein through our digestive tract is a symphony of enzymatic orchestration, choreographed with precision and finesse. Upon ingestion, proteins encounter the acidic embrace of the stomach, where pepsin initiates the cleavage of peptide bonds, unraveling their molecular tapestry. Subsequently, pancreatic enzymes swoop in to complete the digestive ballet, transforming proteins into absorbable amino acids in the small intestine. This intricate dance ensures the seamless assimilation of protein's building blocks, fueling the machinery of cellular repair and renewal.
Protein and Gut Health: Friends or Foes?
While protein is revered for its role in muscular fortitude, its relationship with gut health is a nuanced affair. On one hand, adequate protein intake bolsters the integrity of our intestinal barrier, fortifying it against microbial invaders and bolstering immune defenses. Conversely, excessive protein consumption, particularly from processed sources, may burden the digestive machinery, disrupting microbial equilibrium and inciting gastrointestinal unrest. Thus, the symbiosis between protein and gut health hinges on a delicate equilibrium, where moderation and mindfulness reign supreme.
Protein Drinks and Bowel Movements
The Rumor Mill: Protein Drinks and the Call of Nature
Amidst the cacophony of anecdotal anecdotes and internet conjecture, whispers of protein drinks inducing bowel irregularities echo through the digital ether. While some individuals report experiencing looser stools or increased frequency following protein consumption, scientific evidence elucidating this phenomenon remains elusive. To demystify the enigma shrouding protein's influence on bowel movements, we must delve into the labyrinthine corridors of digestive physiology, dissecting the interplay of protein kinetics and gastrointestinal dynamics.
Decoding Digestive Distress: Understanding Poop Patterns
Bowel movements serve as harbingers of our digestive well-being, offering glimpses into the inner workings of our alimentary canal. Changes in stool consistency, frequency, or color serve as signposts, guiding us through the labyrinth of digestive health. When unraveling the enigma of protein drinks and poop patterns, we must consider a myriad of factors, including individual variability, hydration status, and dietary composition. Only by scrutinizing these variables can we unearth the truths lurking beneath the surface of our gastrointestinal milieu.
Protein Quality vs. Quantity
Quality Matters: Assessing Protein Sources
In the pursuit of muscular mastery, quality eclipses quantity in the realm of protein consumption. Complete protein sources, rich in all essential amino acids, stand as paragons of nutritional virtue, offering superior bioavailability and efficacy. While protein drinks provide a convenient avenue for protein supplementation, their efficacy pales in comparison to whole food sources teeming with essential nutrients and phytochemicals. Thus, discerning consumers prioritize quality over quantity, weaving a tapestry of dietary diversity and nutritional richness.
Moderation is Key: Finding the Sweet Spot
In the tumultuous seas of protein consumption, moderation emerges as the guiding beacon for navigating digestive waters. While the allure of maximal muscle gains may tempt us to indulge in protein's bounty, excessiveness begets imbalance, tipping the scales of digestive equilibrium. Thus, prudent individuals strike a harmonious balance, tempering their protein intake with dietary variety and mindful moderation. In doing so, they safeguard their digestive sanctity, preserving the delicate equilibrium of their alimentary ecosystem.
Protein Drinks and Digestive Disorders
Sensitivity Strikes: Protein Drinks and Digestive Distress
For individuals navigating the treacherous terrain of digestive disorders, protein drinks pose a formidable challenge. Ingredients commonly found in protein drinks, such as lactose or artificial sweeteners, may incite gastrointestinal distress, exacerbating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or lactose intolerance. Thus, individuals with sensitive stomachs tread cautiously, scrutinizing ingredient labels and opting for low-FODMAP or lactose-free formulations to quell digestive tumult.
Navigating Digestive Disorders: Tips for Sensitive Stomachs
When charting a course through the turbulent seas of digestive distress, individuals with sensitive stomachs adopt a proactive stance, embracing strategies to mitigate gastrointestinal turmoil. From meticulous meal planning to strategic supplementation, they navigate the dietary landscape with vigilance and resolve. Consulting healthcare professionals or registered dietitians serves as a compass, guiding them through the labyrinth of dietary restrictions and digestive nuances with empathy and expertise.
The Hydration Factor
Water Works: The Role of Hydration in Digestion
In the intricate tapestry of digestion, hydration emerges as a linchpin, orchestrating the harmonious flow of nutrients through our alimentary canal. Water, the elixir of life, lubricates the wheels of digestion, facilitating the movement of food particles and ensuring optimal nutrient absorption. Insufficient hydration, a common plight in the parched landscape of modern living, poses a formidable threat to digestive health, precipitating constipation, bloating, and discomfort.
Protein Drinks and Dehydration: Separating Fact from Fiction
Contrary to popular belief, protein drinks alone are unlikely to precipitate dehydration when consumed judiciously. However, formulations rich in sodium or caffeine may exert diuretic effects, necessitating vigilant hydration to maintain fluid balance. Thus, individuals partaking in protein supplementation must heed the call of hydration, fortifying their fluid reserves to offset the potential desiccating effects of protein drinks.
Balancing Act: Tips for Digestive Harmony
Strike a Balance: Mixing Protein Drinks with Digestive Health
The pursuit of digestive harmony beckons discerning individuals to tread the path of equilibrium, weaving a tapestry of dietary diversity and mindful moderation. Incorporating protein drinks into this mosaic requires meticulous planning and prudent decision-making. Opting for high-quality formulations, rich in essential nutrients and devoid of gastrointestinal irritants, serves as the cornerstone of digestive wellness. By prioritizing whole food sources, embracing fiber-rich fare, and honoring the rhythms of their digestive system, individuals forge a symbiotic relationship between protein consumption and digestive health.
Finding Your Digestive Zen: Practical Tips for Smooth Sailing
Amidst the tumult of modern living, finding solace in the serenity of digestive harmony is an endeavor worthy of pursuit. From mindful meal planning to digestive diary-keeping, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the intricacies of their alimentary ecosystem with patience and perseverance. By cultivating awareness, fostering resilience, and embracing the symbiosis of nutrition and digestion, they forge a path towards digestive Zen, where protein and poise coalesce in perfect equilibrium.
Bottom Line: Do Protein Drinks Make You Poop?
In the grand tapestry of nutrition and digestion, the question of whether protein drinks influence bowel movements remains shrouded in ambiguity. While anecdotal accounts and internet conjecture abound, scientific evidence elucidating this phenomenon is scarce and inconclusive. Thus, the nexus between protein drinks and poop patterns remains a nebulous frontier, awaiting further exploration and empirical scrutiny. In navigating this enigmatic terrain, mindfulness, moderation, and an appreciation for digestive nuances emerge as guiding beacons, steering us towards a harmonious coexistence of protein consumption and digestive well-being.
The Digestive Journey: Navigating Protein Drinks with Ease
As we bid adieu to the swirling currents of speculation and uncertainty, clarity emerges amidst the tumult of our digestive journey. Armed with knowledge, awareness, and a touch of experimentation, we embark on a voyage towards digestive harmony, where protein and poise coalesce in perfect equilibrium. As we savor each sip and honor the rhythms of our body, may we find solace in the symphony of nourishment and vitality, forging a path towards optimal health and well-being.
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y2fear · 7 months
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Pickering emulsion templated proteinaceous microparticle as glutathione-responsive carriers for endocytosis in tumor cell
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Hard to Drug: Protein Droplets Reveal New Ways to Inhibit Aggressive Form of Prostate Cancer - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/hard-to-drug-protein-droplets-reveal-new-ways-to-inhibit-aggressive-form-of-prostate-cancer-technology-org/
Hard to Drug: Protein Droplets Reveal New Ways to Inhibit Aggressive Form of Prostate Cancer - Technology Org
Many of the most potent human oncoproteins belong to a class of proteins called transcription factors, but designing small molecule drugs that target transcription factors is a major challenge, especially when treating aggressive forms of prostate cancer.
Surgeon during a surgery – illustrative photo. Image credit: National Cancer Institute
An international team of researchers from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine in Barcelona, the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, BC Cancer (University of British Columbia) and other institutions has now discovered a potential way to target the androgen receptor, the most prominent oncogenic transcription factor in prostate cancer, based on its propensity to form droplets also known as condensates.
The results described in this publication set the basis for the foundation of Nuage Therapeutics, a spinoff of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine and ICREA.
Super-resolution (τ-STED) imaging of the androgen receptor in human prostate adenocarcinoma cells. Image credit: MPI for Molecular Genetics
Transcription factors play essential roles in turning the genetic information encoded by genes into proteins in all cells and organisms. These regulatory proteins bind DNA, turn genes on or off, and control the rate at which DNA is transcribed into mRNA, which is needed for protein synthesis. Because of their central role in transcriptional control, many diseases can be traced back to dysregulated transcription factors.
Inhibiting their activity, especially in cancer, offers therapeutic potential, but many transcription factors have a trick up their sleeve. Their activation domains are intrinsically disordered, meaning that the chains of amino acids that make up the domain lack a clear three-dimensional structure. The lack of a stable 3D structure makes it virtually impossible to design drugs that bind to the activation domains.
A research team led by Xavier Salvatella and Antoni Riera at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, ICREA and the University of Barcelona, Denes Hnisz at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics and Marianne D. Sadar at BC Cancer (University of British Columbia, Canada) – focused on the tendency of intrinsically disordered proteins to form so-called biomolecular condensates.
They found that the mechanisms involved in condensation could be exploited to inhibit androgen receptor activity in prostate cancer. “The rationale we have followed to optimize an inhibitor of the androgen receptor could be exploited to inhibiting other transcription factors, opening up new possibilities to address unmet medical needs,” says Xavier Salvatella.
Cellular droplets, a new approach to targeting transcription factors
Biomolecular condensates resemble proteinaceous blobs floating on water under a microscope. The condensates form in a process called liquid-liquid phase separation, similar to how oil droplets coalesce when mixed in water.
“We had previously observed that the androgen receptor forms biomolecular condensates when you add even a tiny amount of an activating molecule, such as testosterone, to cells” says Shaon Basu, now a computational biologist at the Charité and one of the study’s first authors together with Paula Martínez-Cristobal at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine.
The scientists hypothesized that there could be a link between the activation of the androgen receptor and its propensity to form droplets.
Working with biophysicist Xavier Salvatella, they used nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to identify several short pieces within the intrinsically disordered activation domain that are essential for phase separation. Moreover, the same short pieces turned out to be also necessary for the gene-activating function of the receptor.
“We discovered short sequences in the activation domain that tend to be disordered when the protein is soluble, and surprisingly, these regions seem to form more stable helices when the protein is concentrated in condensates,” explains Hnisz. The short helices create transient binding pockets that can be targeted with inhibitors when the receptor is in condensates.
Improving compounds for the treatment of prostate cancer
Working with the labs of Antoni Riera and Marianne Sadar, the team then improved an experimental small molecule inhibitor to fit almost perfectly into the transient binding pocket. They then tested in cell and mouse models whether these changes would increase the efficacy in an aggressive, late-stage form of prostate cancer.
“We modified the chemical features of the compound to match the features of androgen receptor condensation, resulting in a tenfold increase in the potency of the molecule in castration-resistant prostate cancer,” says Paula Martínez-Cristobal, also first author of the study.
“This is really important, because castration-resistant prostate cancer is an extremely aggressive cancer that is resistant to the current first-line therapeutics,” she adds.
However, more research is needed before these findings can be translated into new and safe therapeutics, the authors agree. The team hopes that the basic mechanisms they have discovered may be applicable to other transcription factors, opening the door to targeting these important molecules in many different diseases.
“We believe that the idea that there are certain sequences within intrinsically disordered protein domains that adopt a transiently stable structure in condensates is universal and likely generalizable to transcription factors,” concludes Hnisz.
Nuage Therapeutics
Founded by Xavier Salvatella, Mateusz Biesaga, Denes Hnisz and Judit Anido, the biotech company Nuage Therapeutics develops drug screening assays to target intrinsically disordered proteins that undergo biomolecular condensation, thus providing new treatments for diseases currently considered difficult to treat.
The findings now published laid the groundwork for the foundation of this company in September 2021. The potential of its science led to a €12M Seed financing round on June 2023.
Source: MPG
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didanawisgi · 11 months
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