just-null-cult · 6 months
hi sorry for spamming but I love your blog, your art/hcs are amazing!!! ♡♡♡
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tysm !!! I try not to let compliments get to me, but my ego... I'm just a man, and I appreciate them a ton. I'm just glad you enjoy my cult as much as I enjoy running it and dont worry about spamming me. i get a little giddy when i see people interact with my posts in one sitting. i feel so honored...
The people who write things in the tags or comments, I see them all, and it makes me laugh. I love them lots! people who take the time out of their day to read or like my posts in general make me happy, so tysm again !!!
i hope you dont mind i kept your compliments in my pocket. i liked looking at them and showing off. still, here's to more of our cult in the future!! 🍻🍻🍻
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tomatoluvr69 · 3 months
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Unbeeeeeelieeeeevable sight in the parking lot at the gym
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evilminji · 5 months
You know what would be both Cool(tm) AND Pants Shittingly Terrifying? Eldritch Space Whale Danny!
Except NOT! Because he's not a whale! Just snoozing and Giganto-Fuck-Off HUGE!
Imagine it! Danny. Joint Custody Child of The Ancients Of Time And Space. Space is SALTY AF because their BITCH OF AN EX has used his FUCKING POWERS, AGAIN, to CHEAT. Clockwork how DARE YOU.
You knew he'd be our Son in advance!
Danny? Sitting off to the Side as a Sentient Everything and Nothing made of galaxies and starlight, howls expletives at their Ex, who is being... REALLY snippy back? WOW, Clockwork. I mean, JESUS, man. Danny's from "oh bless their heart" Nowhere, Midwest. And even HE thinks that last one was both backhanded and cold af.
......he should take notes. *continues to eat his popcorn*
Anyway! APPARENTLY, Space Parent has taken him in the divorce. With much huffing. Tucked under their arm Like The Football(tm). And honestly? This is kinda hilarious, so he's cool with it. Byyyyyy~ Clock Dad! See you on weekends~☆!
*Exasperated Time Noises*
It's pretty cool! He learns a lot. Learns he's probably? Gonna be SOME variation of Space Ghost. Might even take over Space's... well, EVERYTHING, should the unforeseeable occur. So obviously, gonna have to learn The Family Business, as it were!
Unfortunately? Still a Halfa. Bleh, squishy need to eat and sleep. Why they get in the way of Hyperfixation? Why no more space dust? Nooooo, don't drag him away from the controls! He can still learn! Sleep is for quitters! Cowards! *whining in Give Me Back My Blorbos, You Monsters*
But, no. He apparently has to "take care of his body" and "not burn out". Eat "real food". A protein bar counts! He probably ate one of those! Give him back his STARS! He doesn't CARE if he sounds like a toddler! That's DIRECT ACCESS TO THE SECRETS OF SPACE ITSELF! He'll BITE, so HELP HIM-! *Is scruffed like a cranky infant being carried off to beddy bye*
Injustice! D:<
But, none the less, body's require sleep. He shovles down his food, washes up, and flops down in his bed. In the nice lil cozy "Safe For My Half Apprentice Who Is Also My Adopted Son" corner. He passes out in that corner. Starts to float, as he has done countless times before, when agitated before bed. Floats OUT of that corner.
That Safe Little Corner.
You know... the place ALL OF SPACE connects too. Where Universe Form and Die. The Grand Recycler. Dust to Dust, from the ashes of old, to the creation of new. Where PORTALS are randomly assigned. So that the Omniversal Ectoplasmic Levels may always be balanced at near to perfect levels, allowing free flow of Souls through the various Reincarnation cycles.
Space, of course, doesn't MANAGE the Ectoplasm itself. Nor the Souls! Different Ancient for THAT, but they DO manage the PORTALS. We live in a SYSTEM after all. Everyone has their "departments" as it were. So really, it's quiet... Danny? Honey? Awful quiet back there! You, uh, fallen asleep, Starlight?
*empty room*
*inhale* AAAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!!!
Meanwhile! He be Snoozin'! And Ghostin'! Ghost Snoozin'! Is extra comfy, cause he weightless and got not booooones~☆!
But! He? Is not a child anymore! Has learned to... for lack of a better term, Let Go. To finally ACCEPT his Death. His inhumanity. His Amortality. Death no longer holds him, can no longer let him go. He is... not immortal. He is disowned, by his own doing and his own choice, at his timeless moment of Ending.
When Life let go of his hand and Death kindly offered theirs, he did not take it.
And that's okay.
It took awhile. Talking to older ghosts. Most vague and vast, near formless. Because it's... it's scary. And it's all you know. All, really, you've EVER known. Inherent to your identity, even after you leave that part you behind.
You are "human". "Martian" or "Xy'xeruian", something else, and you never question it. Even when you've left behind everything ELSE. Your name, your eyes, your history and skin. Yet you fly around and pretend. Still alive, still human.
But is that YOU?
Or just the form you found your start in?
And like? It's okay if it IS! Sometimes, yeah, you ARE. You look down deep and find a "don't know what you were expecting, buddy" sign stapled to a mirror. But more often? It's that last hurdle. The final step in Letting Go.
Everyone mourns at their own pace.
And they are the ghosts of who they were.
It helped. Mourning for the kid he was. Who was fourteen and wanted to be an astronaut. Who died and will never have a grave. The longer he exsists, for he can't technically be called Alive, the more painfully young that child seems.
It was okay.
To cry for Danny Fenton.
Then? To let him go. Let his memory, be memory. And his Past be the grave that child rests in. Loved dearly and remembered, but no longer binding his soul.
He doesn't have to wear that face anymore.
No tributes to the Dead.
He got? Kinda... BIG. Like REALLY big. Spiraling, serpentine, cracking ice, and burning galaxies. Like a fourth dimensional dragon, of ice and stars, somehow forcing its way into a three dimensional space. Atop it all, between two vast, impossible horns? Made of glacial ice coating the warping hearts of black holes, who's shape themselves seem to shift in unknowable ways? There burns, like comet trails, with super novas, compressed to decorative gems beneath glittering morning frost, a Terrible Crown.
He? Thinks? He MIGHT have wings.
He can't tell.
Because APPARENTLY he's a fuckin tesseract! Oh, no, sorry. He might me a Zone DAMNED PENTERACT!!! Is THIS what he gets for hanging out with Clockwork all the time? He just liked the quiet! Now his "true form" is PHYSICALLY PAINFUL for most people to look at!
(You see, now, why Space broke up with him? An ASSHOLE)
So! Danny stays, usually at least, in his "Hi, yes, I am Normal Human Man" Ghost form. But NOW? Now it PINCHS. Because it's TOO SMALL. But hey, that's fine! It's not like he has an ingrained habit of transforming when super tired and stressed! To float sleep for Maximum Restfulness(tm).
Ha ha!
Why does that feel like foreshadowing?
Danny? Snoozing! Space? Has LOST THE BABY! Portals? Have done a Jood Gob in Portalling, something they are vaguely sure they are supposed to be doing! Yay them! They have no brain cells but still enjoy helping! They moved a thing! That's helpful right? Yay! Probably!
And on DC's planet Earth?
They? Just choked on their fuckin coffee. One moment? La dee daa~ oooh~ look! Stars! Deep space! Oh, hiiii~ Watchtower! The NEXT? *every alarm in the building starts LOSING ITS SHIT* Giant World OBLITERATING SHAPE completely takes up the screen.
From near PLUTO.
Obviously? Superman. I mean really, OF COURSE Superman. Frankly, all the Supers. Because we would like to KEEP having a planet, thanks. Only? The more reports that come in? The more everyone is getting "oh fuck. This is a Workd Eater" vibes.
A massive, massive, Sleeping Titan of a Planet Destroying World Eater.
*highly stressed Everyone noises*
And WORSE? Superman? Can't TOUCH it! Oh sure, at FIRST he could! But then he apparently pushed too hard in just one spot! And it felt POKED AT. So now, after flicking superman HALFWAY BACK TO EARTH to make him stop? No one can physically touch it!
But! There is hope!
Because? The creature is GREEN. Bright, luminous, Lantern Green! And Earth's Lanterns have already sent for back up. Combined? The were able to move a... hand? Paw? Something. But! With the combine forces of several nearby sectors of Lanterns? They promise the power to either relocate the creature or at least hold it in orbit until FURTHER forces can be deployed!
They refuse to harm the creature until it proves actively hostile, as it could have been seeking a place to nap and chosen one inconvenient to established planetary life. Frankly? Earth doesn't CARE where you relocate the giant Eldritch Space Dragon. Just NOT IN OUR BACKYARD, PLEASE.
....YES WE ARE SURE! We don't CARE if the scientific community of our planet is begging you to set up an area for them to place an "observation satellite"! No giant Eldritch Space Dragons in our solar system! It might WAKE UP!
Naturally, about half way THROUGH this Highly Delicate Operation?
Danny Wakes Up.
@hypewinter @hdgnj @lolottes @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation
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arlana-likes-to-write · 10 months
Marry Me
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Summary: Once upon a time, you dreamed of marrying your girlfriend of two years but she broke up with you before you had the chance to ask her for her hand. Now with a wedding invitation in your hand, she's getting married but she's not marrying you.
Pairings: Past!Wanda Maximoff x reader, Yelena Belova x reader
Warnings: mention of cheating, angst with a happy ending, modern AU, no powers/Avengers, Starks aren't dead and decent parents lol
Word Count: 4.4k
‘Together with their families Wanda and Vision invite you to their wedding,’ the world around you seemed to become white noise. You didn’t hear your roommate talk about some guy that stood her up or the weatherman talking about the weather. Nothing else seemed to matter. “Are you listening to me?” No, you weren’t. That’s what you wanted to say but you stayed frozen, unable to speak. Sarah snatched the invitation out of your hand. You didn’t bother to stop her. “No fucking way this bitch invited you to her wedding,” Sarah had strong feelings about the ending of your relationship with Wanda. She had every right to be upset as she was the one to mend the broken pieces. “Are you going?”
“Fuck Sarah I don’t know,” you glanced at the time on the stove. “And I do not have time for this.” You were supposed to have a quick lunch at home and then return to the office for a meeting with important investors. Being blindsided by an invite to your ex-girlfriend’s wedding was something you didn’t have time for. “I have to go. Just leave it on the fridge,” you grabbed your backpack. Lunch was a protein bar and a banana.
“Hey, dumbass,” you stopped at the door, turning to face your roommate. “I love you.” You rolled your eyes.
“Love you too, dumbass.” You walked out of your apartment, not bothering with the elevator. It was a beautiful sunny day, a stark contrast to the emotions that were swirling inside of you. Once upon a time, you dreamed of marrying Wanda. You were together for 2 years and knew every detail of how she wanted the wedding to be. It would be out in the country, not too many people to save on money. Maybe on an apple orchard or magnolia trees surrounding the ceremony. You would have given her everything, no matter the cost, and you were looking at rings to buy. Then she broke up with you. It was rather sudden, out of the blue, and she never gave you a good enough explanation. She told you that she fell out of love with you. A month later, she and Vision started dating. Sarah figured she was cheating on you. You couldn’t stomach that possibility.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” Tony said as the elevator’s door opened to his office. You rolled your eyes and sat down in the empty chair in front of his desk. You gave Pepper a small smile.
“I’m technically early,” you opened the protein bar. “I got distracted at home.” Tony sent a questioning look to his wife.
“Do you want-?”
“No,” you cut him off. “Let’s begin.” You got out your tablet and the meeting began without a second thought. You were the Chief Entrepreneur of Stark Industries. Your parents were close friends with the Starks and you and Tony grew up together. He was the brother you never had. So when Howard stepped down as Executive Chairman, Tony took over and promoted Pepper to CEO and you to Chief Entrepreneur. You were responsible for managing a portfolio of entrepreneurs. Your team was the future of Stark Industries, taking on risks and coming up with new products while Pepper ran the company. You didn’t envy her job and you loved working here. It was the best part of your day. However, it got uncomfortable and awkward when you had to deal with the CFO, who happened to be Vision and Tony’s brother.
They weren’t related by blood but you knew that made no difference, you were close with Natasha and Yelena. Howard and Maria adopted Vision when you and Tony were in high school. He was two years younger than you. You remembered the day when Vision and Wanda announced their relationship so clearly. Tony dragged you into his office and asked if you wanted him to fire Vision and kick his ass. You told him that it wasn’t necessary. You were professional and respectful with the man. It was rare that your paths crossed. You only had to be in the same room as him during company-wide meetings or meetings with investors. Of course, you had one today. The universe was testing you.
Once Tony concluded the meeting, you and Pepper left his office. It was rare that he came to these types of meetings as he trusted you and Pepper to make the right calls regarding the company. You both stopped to make a quick coffee. “Can I ask you something?” She nodded. “Are you helping Wanda with her wedding?”
“She’s asked me for some advice here and there,” she looked at you curiously. “Why?”
“Do you know why she invited me then?” In hindsight, you probably should have waited for the CEO to not be taking a sip of her coffee before dropping the news. She coughed, choking on the hot liquid. You bite your lip, trying to get your laughter under control, and rubbed her back to help her calm down. “Sorry.” You giggled. She waved you off and wiped her mouth with a napkin.
“It’s fine,” she cleared her throat. “She invited you to her wedding.” You nodded as you continued on your way to the board room.
“I got the invitation today,” you said. “It was why I was late, kind of took me by surprise.” You took a sip of your coffee.
“Shit, I don’t blame you,” you giggled. You loved Pepper. She was a perfect fit for Tony. She was the only one that could reel in your brother’s energy. “Are you going to go?” You didn’t answer. “Tony is Vision’s best man and I know Wanda asked Natasha to be her maid of honor.” You weren’t surprised by that. Natasha was the reason Wanda was part of your workgroup and how you met her. The redhead held onto a lot of guilt because of what happened. You didn’t blame her.
“Not sure, Pep. We will see,” you saw Yelena and Natasha waiting for you and you quickened your pace. Natasha was the Chief of Staff and the first person you hired when you got promoted. She helped you manage executive goals and you trusted her to oversee projects you didn’t have time for. You worried when your relationship ended with Wanda your friendship would the redhead was going to be jeopardized. It wasn’t and a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. “Are you ready?” You asked Yelena when you got closer. The blonde was the reason you were having the meeting. She was a new hire but there was no limit to the ideas she had. Her latest project would partner Stark Industries with Wakandans International to develop a better prosthetic.
“I think I’m going to throw up,” her Russian accent took you by surprise when you first met her as Natasha introduced her as her sister. You laughed, shaking your head.
“Don’t be nervous,” she gave you a pointed look. “Come here,” you dragged her away from her sister and Pepper to a more private area. “You are going to kill it today. Do you know why?” She shook her head. “Because you have a passionate for this project on a level I’ve never seen before,” she began to smile. “And you have the support of everyone at this company, okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled.
“Just go in there and speak with the same passion you had when you explained it to me and you’ll do great.”
“Thank you. I appreciate you having some much faith in me,” you put your hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.
“No need to thank me,” you brought her back over to her sister with her hand still on her shoulder. You didn’t miss the questioning look the redhead sent you and you removed your hand quickly. “Shall we?” You opened the door for your group and everyone found their seats to wait for the others.
The meeting went…okay. You introduced everyone to Shuri, T’Challa, and Okoye. You’ve spoken to the trip on the phone but it was nice to meet them in person. Yelena began to present her research and the importance of the partnership but Vision questioned every little thing to an annoying degree. You understood it was his job to understand how this would affect the company financially however it was starting to piss you off. Even Yelena knew he was getting on your nerves as you tirelessly defended everyone in your group. The glares he was sending your way weren’t helping. Was there trouble in paradise?
In the end, the deal was signed and work with the Wakandans could being. Plus, you didn’t murder your ex’s fiance so it was a win-win in your book.
You loved when a new deal was signed. It meant an influx of projects for your team to work on and more people to help. But the first day was meant with paperwork, scheduling, and delegating responsibilities. And meetings. So many meetings. You were tired, hungry, and in desperate need of a beer. You were putting on your headphones as you exited the elevator and headed for the door but a voice calling out your name caused you to stop. It was a voice you knew so well. “Wanda,” you said as your ex-girlfriend approached you. She looked good, wearing a long dress that touched the ground. Her hands were resting in front of her and she was playing with the rings that were on her fingers. A tale sign of her anxiety. “What are you doing here?” You questioned.
“Waiting for Vision,” Right. Of course, she was. That was a stupid question. “He said you and Yelena closed on a big deal.”
“We did,” you said. “Yelena did a majority of the work. I just guided her in the right direction.” You saw a strange emotion flash across her eyes. It was gone as quickly as it came so you couldn’t place it.
“Well congratulations,” you smiled as your thanks. An awkward beat of silence passed between you two. God, you didn’t know how to get out of this conversation. “Did you get your invitation?”
“Uh yes, I did,” Great. This is exactly where you didn’t want this conversation to go. “It was beautifully designed.” It wasn’t a total lie, you just had no memory of what it looked as you stared at the tagline - ‘Wanda and Vision invite you.’ Wanda and Vision. She wanted to get married but she wasn’t marrying you.
“Do you think-” your name being called out cut her off and you turned towards the sound. It was Yelena. You didn’t realize the blonde was still at the office and you never been more excited to see her.
“Ugh,” she groaned. “I didn’t think you were going to wait for me.” She said as she got closer. “Oh hi, Wanda.” The blonde plastered a fake smile on her face.
“Hi Yelena,” the smile on Wanda’s face was strained. Yelena looked at you.
“Ready to go get drinks?” Drinks? Her green eyes said a lot more than her simple statement. She was giving you an out. You made a mental note to increase her yearly bonus.
“I am,” you smiled at your ex. “It was good seeing you, Wanda. I’ll see you around.”
“Of course,” she said. “Congratulations, again. You both deserve to celebrate.” Yelena linked her arm with yours.
“Bye Wands,” the blonde dragged you to the door. When you both stepped outside and you were out of sight, Yelena dropped her arm. “Boy, you could feel the tension in the lobby.” You let out a relieved sigh.
“Thank you for the save,” you said. “I owe you one.” She shrugged.
“Don’t mention it. I do it a lot for Kate and America when we go out. It’s second nature,” she started to smile. Oh, that smile was trouble. “Buuuut, if you want to make it up to me I know of a bar that is close by. We do have something to celebrate.”
“Hmm,” you placed your hand on your chin pretending to think. “I don’t think we have anything to celebrate,” you teased. “And I am pretty tired.” You faked a yawn.
“Suka (bitch),” you pushed on your shoulder. You gasped.
“That is assault,” you said. “I’m calling HR.” Yelena rolled her eyes.
“Are we going or not?”
“Lead the way, printsessa (princess),” you bowed. She laughed, throwing her head back at your pathetic attempt at Russian. You liked the sound of it.
“I still can’t believe you are going to this stupid wedding,” Sarah said through Face time. You sighed as you put your tie underneath the collar of your shirt. “And you didn’t even bring me.”
“I didn’t have a plus one,” that was 100% on purpose. The last thing Wanda would have wanted was for your best friend that wasn’t her number 1 fan to come to her wedding. “What else was I supposed to do? Tony closed the office because everyone was invited and you are visiting family.” You weren’t going to sit at home and be depressed. At least some of your friends were going to be there, but most importantly Yelena. “You put your jacket on. “How do I look?” You were in an all-gray suit with a white shirt. The only pop of color came from your tie.
“Hot,” Sarah said. “Damn if I were into chicks I’d grab you.” You rolled your eyes.
“Thanks,” you sighed, looking down at the watch Howard gave you for your 18th birthday. “I better get going. I’ll text you after the ceremony.”
“Good luck!” You ended the call. You were going to need more than you, what you needed was at least 5 shots.
The ceremony was in an apple orchard. It appeared the happy couple rented out the inn and the orchard for a private wedding. You were handed confetti as you approached the rows of seats. There were small groups of people, all of them you knew, waiting for the ceremony to begin. You saw Pepper, who sent you a small wave. You waved back and sat in the back row at the end of the row. Thankfully, no one came up to you to talk because you weren’t in the talking mood. Instead, you played with the watch on your wrist. “Well,” you looked towards the voice and saw Howard Stark. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“Mr. Stark,” you stood up, holding out your hand for him to shake. The man rolled his eyes and pulled you into a hug.
“Please. I changed your diapers when you were a kid,” you felt your body heat up in embarrassment. “Drop the act, kid, it makes me feel old,” you smiled and sat down, leaving the end seat for him. “How are you? You don’t come by the house anymore.” That was true. You didn’t want to run into Wanda or Vision by chance.
“I’ve been busy,” you told him. “Your son is running me ragged.” It was the furthest thing from the truth but it pulled a laugh out of the older man.
“It was the best decision that boy has ever made promoting you and Pepper,” you smiled. “But how are you?” He asked again. “How is this?” He placed a gentle hand on your heart. You sighed, looking at the ceremony. This was going to be you, marrying Wanda but she picked someone else.
“Tired, Howard, if I’m being honest. I feel a little lost,” he nodded. You knew the man would never judge you. He’s seen you at your lowest point when you found out your parents were killed in a car accident. You were in a meeting with him and Tony when Maria came in to tell you. Losing them broke you but the Starks were there to catch you. It was why it hurt so much that it was Vision who started dating Wanda.
“I always told my boys to go after what they wanted, I never expected that advice to hurt someone I considered a daughter,” your breath hitched. You always so him as a father-like figured but hearing him call you his daughter brought tears to your eyes. You looked at the archway. You didn’t blame him. “But,” he grabbed onto your shoulder. “You will have your love story that will arrival that of your parents and I can’t wait to see it,” you fought the tears that threatened to fall. “You will always be a Stark, okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
“Now I must be going but we will drink at the bar,” he stood up fixing his tie. “I believe I’m paying for it so drinks are on me.” You laughed, whipping away a tear.
“Thank you, Howard,” he gave you a salute and got ready for the ceremony. Folding your hands you sat back and watched as the seats began to fill. Soft music began to play and you were going to need a drink after this.
You took a glance at the seating chart. Table 3 with Natasha, Bucky, and Yelena. You were grateful she did that for you. Did you look like an alcoholic as you were the first one to the bar? Probably but you didn’t care. Besides you knew everyone at this wedding and it wasn’t like you were here to impress anyone. You ordered a strawberry mojito and waited for your drink as the rest of the guests filed in. “You know,” you turned to face Yelena as she walked over to you. She was wearing a light green full-length dress. It had a deep v-neck and a slit that went up to her thigh. Her blonde hair was braided. “I did not believe my sister when she said you’d RSVP but here you are.” She ordered herself a long island.
“Yelena,” you said. “You look gorgeous.” The compliment flowed so easily off your lips. You liked the blush that crept up on her cheeks.
“You don’t look half bad yourself,” she fixed the collar of your shirt. “How did you enjoy the ceremony?” She got her drink from the bartender.
“I’m glad to be drinking,” you said, holding out your arm. She took it and you walked her over to your table. The blonde laughed.
“Well, it’s an open bar. So let’s drink till our heart’s content.”
The reception was fun. The first dance was beautiful and speeches made by Tony and Pietro made you laugh. But if you were being honest with yourself, you weren’t paying attention. You found yourself watching Yelena. You weren’t sure when your feelings shifted for the blonde. Since the partnership with the Wakandans, you and she spent late nights at the office. Those nights were filled with laughter, stories, and dreams shared, and stressing over upcoming deadlines. For the first time since your breakup with Wanda, you felt free. Even Tony said something about your mode change.
Natasha sat down next to you with another drink. “I love that you’ve moved on from Wanda,” she handed you the drink. “But can you stop undressing my sister in front of me?” You jumped, startled by the accusation.
“Nat, shit, I’m sorry,” her laughter cut your nervous rambling off. “That’s not funny,” you whined, taking a sip of your drink. It was a lot stronger than your other ones. You wondered if she made it herself.
“I think it’s hilarious,” she leaned back in her chair. “So are you going to ask her out or just stare at her all night?” You groaned, rubbing your hands across your face.
“I don’t know,” your eyes immediately went back to the blonde. She was standing with Kate and Carol. The brunette must have said something funny because she laughed. God, she was beautiful. She must have felt eyes on her because she looked around until her green eyes found you. She waved and you waved back.
“Look, I’m going to intervene because I love you both. She likes you so make a move,” you looked at the redhead, trying to find any sense that she was messing with you. But you found none.
“Are you sure okay with this?” You questioned. “Because if you aren’t I will ignore my feelings for her,” Natasha put her hand on your shoulder.
“She will treat you better than Wanda,” she squeezed. “And if she does anything to hurt you. I won’t hesitate to kill her.” You covered your mouth as you laughed to now draw attention to you. “Go be happy.” You stood up, grabbing your drink.
“Thank you,” you began to walk over to the blonde. You were nervous. If she was going to allow you to date her, it would be different than dating Wanda. You worked with her, you were technically her superior. If it ended as badly, it could affect the work dynamic. But you couldn’t think like that. You had to take it one step at a time.
“Hi,” Wanda stepped in front of you. She changed out of her wedding dress and into a shorter one. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you all night.”
“Must be hard being the woman of the hour,” you took a sip of your drink and locked eyes with Yelena over Wanda’s shoulder. You gave her a reassuring smile. Wanda chuckled, sipping on her drink. It wasn’t her normal cocktail, which was strange unless being with Vision changed her that much.
“Do you have a minute to talk?” You didn’t but you nodded. She led you to a balcony, and your surprise there was no one out there. She leaned her back against the metal railing. Her hands were on her stomach, playing with the wedding ring. It hit you. The drink wasn’t alcoholic, her hands on her stomach. You took a sip of your drink.
“Your pregnant,” you said. She almost dropped her glass.
“How did-” she cut herself off with a laugh. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” You moved to stand next to her. “It was impossible to keep things from you.” ‘I guess you found a way,’ you wanted to say but you bite your tongue.
“How long?”
“2 months,” That was why they got together so quickly. That was why the engagement came out of nowhere. She cheated on you. Your stomach dropped. “Y/n-” she went to touch your arm but you jerked away from her.
“Don’t,” you hissed. “Don’t try to justify your cheating on me.” Oh, Sarah was going to have a field day with this. You took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, trying to keep your emotions at bay. “Are you happy?” It took a moment for her to reply.
“I am,” you nodded.
“Then go be happy with Vision and I’ll be happy with someone else. Have a nice life.” You turned to leave.
“With Yelena,” you didn’t like how she said her name. A hint of dislike and jealousy. When you faced her she was already looking at you. That same look was in her eyes that night in the lobby. She was jealous and possessive. Oh, it was comical.
“Don’t say her name like that,” you said, closing the gap between you and your ex. “Do you want to know the difference between me and you? You moved on while we were still together and didn’t have the guts to call it off because you slept with someone else. You have no right to be jealous over something you have no claim to. See around Wanda,” You waved over your shoulder as you walked back into the party. Drowning the rest of your drink, you saw that Yelena was still talking to Kate but America joined them. You through your cup away and walked over to the trio. You placed your hand on Yelena’s back as you approached them. The blonde looked at you, smiling. “Mind if I burrow her?” Kate and America smirked at each other.
“She’s all yours,” you thank them and moved your hand into hers, leading her out of the party. She squeezed your hand every few seconds, singling she was still with you. Finally, you stepped outside.
“I was going to give you 5 more minutes with her before I went and saved you,” you smiled, bringing her closer to you. She set her drink on the table. God, she was gorgeous. The lights danced in her green eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked the urge was becoming too strong to ignore.
“Please,” she whispered. You connected your lips with hers without a moment’s hesitation. Her arms wrapped around your neck, pulling you closer to her. You felt her smile against your lips. Soon you pulled away but you kept her close, feeling her breath against your lips and her heartbeat racing. “I’m sorry about Wanda.” The mention of your ex snapped you out of your haze.
“Did you know?” She looked away, glancing at the reception through the window. But you gently placed a finger underneath her chin to look at you.
“I did but I’m not even sure if Natasha and Tony know and I thought she told you,” she was working herself into a panic attack. You brushed your nose against hers and captured her lips in a quick kiss. She calmed down. “I caught them at the office. It was late like so fucking late,” you chuckled. “I wasn’t sure what the hell I stumbled on. I think you were with Tony on a business trip to Japan,” you remembered that trip. You didn’t want to go as you and Wanda were planning on going to visit her family. “I’m sorry.” You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or her being so close, you weren’t sure why she was apologizing. But that brain power was for the future, sober you to figure out.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” that much you knew. You didn’t blame her. “We’re okay.” She let out a sigh. “Do you want to get out of here?” A playful smirk formed on her lips.
“I’ve been waiting all night for you to ask.”
Wanda stood in her kitchen, listening to her twins playing with their toys with the TV on with the latest episode of Bluey, as she flipped through the mail. A majority of it was junk mail; magazines she didn’t remember signing up for or ads trying to get her to buy something. Her fingers stopped on an envelope addressed to her and Vision written in beautiful writing. She ripped it open and stared at the invitation, ‘You are invited to the wedding of Yelena and Y/n, with a reception to follow.’
Part 2
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alphajocklover · 2 months
Hey ! Recently, I've heard about a guy in my college, a young jock fresh from high school, that honestly acts very weirdly.
Apparently, his friends all went to local universities, while he moved all the way out to the capital, apparently in a bid to get some "elite" education. But that's not really weird, isn't it.
No, the weird thing starts at how he already acts like he's the king of uni, belittling everyone, including those like me who have been here for quite a few years, acting and even stating that he is the "alpha" of our department - as if such an outdated and so obviously false way of classifying people was even remotely correct. But then, he just goes around stating that he needs some "betas". Now, while I can imagine what they must be, those "yes-men" you see in movies accompanying the bully, I can't even begin to see how he wants to bring that to real life ! Especially since he's not in high school anymore !
Well, whatever. The real thing that creeps me out is how he seems to hang out near me weirdly often... Should that be cause for concern ?
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I’ve only just seen your message. Hopefully there's still enough time for me to warn you. What you’ve met isn’t human. Not exactly. He’s… more.
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Most teenage boys go through puberty with drastic changes. They shoot up, gain a bit of hair and possibly some muscle. Their voice deepens, and of course they get some… urges. It’s all very natural. But some teenage boys undergo a… startling transformation. They don’t just shoot up, they tower. They don’t gain a bit of hair, they grow bushes of it. Some shave it so that they can better show off their muscles, but most don’t. Muscle isn’t just possible for them, it’s inevitable. They’re bodies become beefy and hard, even without exercise, though most still become obsessed with lifting weights and getting even bigger. But what sets these boys, or rather these men, apart from the rest most are their urges. They don’t just feel the need to cum like most guys. They get the urge to dominate. The urge to show their power. The urge to fuck.
These men are what’s known as Alphas. And no, that’s not just some arbitrary classification. This isn’t some guy calling himself an alpha male because he’s an insecure Andrew Tate obsessed bitch. What you are dealing with is a real fucking Alpha. Once they were normal people like you or me, but something… awakened in them at some point. Usually during puberty, as I showed before, but it’s not impossible to have an Alpha discover his true self later in life. These men, if they can be called mere men, are bigger, stronger, more dominant than the average man. Much more dominant. So much so that the world seems to… bend to their will. I don’t know how they do it. Maybe they have some sort of special pheromones, or magic powers. But what I do know is when they want something, it just happens. If they want to be good at something, they just are. If they want to win at something, they just do. If they want the world, it’s served up to them on a silver platter with a protein shake.
And if they want you to be their Beta, you will be their Beta.
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I’m not kidding. They can just.. change people. You’ve probably already seen some symptoms, in you and your friends. A sudden interest in fitness, in sports, in ‘bro culture.’ A strange growth spurt, the kind that really shouldn’t happen after puberty. An increased libido, a simpler vocabulary. And most of all, a great admiration for your Alpha. Not just admiration, a deep love. A need to do what he says, be what he says. Once those feelings start it’ll be too late to save you. Soon you’ll be nothing more than his Beta. Everything about you will revolve around what they want.
It’s not the worst fate in the world. Most people think that if a horny Alpha could do whatever they want to you, you’d end up a brainless sex doll. But more often than not what they really want is a bro. Or, more accurately, they want bros. Alphas are so competitive that they rarely are able to spend extended periods of time together. It’s like having two leaders of a pack. Eventually they end up locking horns. So they find, or rather make, Beta bros for them to hang out with. Big, but not as big as their Alpha. Sexy, but not hot enough to take any pussy away from the Alpha. Cool but not cool enough to take any attention away from the Alpha. There are some differences based on what the Alpha wants. Some Betas are stoners, some are jocks, some are surfers and some are skaters. It all depends on the Alphas personal aesthetic and taste. But Betas are all muscular, horny, hung, and completely subservient to their Alphas.
If you’re lucky, you can get out. Move somewhere far away, and forget about all of this. If you’re lucky the Alpha won’t care enough to go after you. You can keep your identity and sense of self intact.
But if you’re not lucky? If you’re too far under his influence? If your Alpha has taken a liking to you and won’t let you go? Well…
… be grateful you’re his Beta bro and not his Beta bitch.
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**3 post in 2 days! I feel like I’m on fire! Guess I’m just very motivated to write recently. Anyways I hope you guys liked this one! Hope mentioning Andrew Tate wasn’t too political. I hate to let irl politics ruin my online fun. Enjoy!**
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yeosbbm · 10 months
Push It.
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Smut | MDNI
starring: athletic! fem reader x gym rat! yeosang
genre: competitive rivals to lovers/ non-idol athletic au
summary/plot: $50,000 . that’s the prize money for the province weight and powerlifting competition. you’re not a weight lifter per say; but you’ve always been an athlete and you love winning as much as you love money. you’ve rarely ever had competition from anyone. that’s until you meet kang yeosang. finally, someone who’s as arrogant and talented you are. him being your rival and competition you guys have to push it to the limits. whether it’s publicly in the gym or privately at his place.
warnings/prevs: forced proximity, shower sex manhandling, power play, impact play, degradation , oral (fem receiving) , unprotected piv, breeding/cream pie, use of the word bitch (like once), yeosang is vv rude
A/N: Hey guys this fic came out later than it was meant to 😭. My neighborhood had a power shortage and I had to redo a lot of the story as well as me still feeling as though my writing isn’t cohesive. Which is why this may not match what was in the prev. I also came to a decision to make this a 2-3 part series depending on what you all would like, being unhappy with your own work is so hard but I still appreciate you all. Enjoy !
@theyungihven @stolasisyourparent @parkseonghwatongueee @mulit05ho3st4n
Part 1:
Today was the province’s Weightlifting competition intramural, where they decide who gets to compete for the $50,000 cash prize granted to the winner who lifts the most and the best.
You’re not a common weightlifter but you’re athletically poised enough to try. Plus, your close roommates who already lift, San and Jongho have been helping you train for the longest. You know deep down that you have a chance at this money and could have so many opportunities. Get a better place for you, Sannie and Jongho, never having to work, buying whatever you want and more. Even if you don’t win the experience itself pumps you up. The only negative component is Yeosang. Kang Yeosang. He’s infamous for his skills, he isn’t the hugest lifter but his work has been impressive regardless. He started training the same time you had and has been your enemy ever since.
He just irks you. If he uses a machine before you he’ll never adjust the weight back to its original setting before you use it. He never shares his hand chalk, lotion or protein powder. The most annoying is that he’s always attempting to one up you. You two have been beefing practically as long as you two have laid eyes on each other. Insults hurled to one another no matter the circumstance. But today was the day you could humble him and put him in his place.
You and Yeosang are in the same qualifying group, meaning you two will be in competition for a spot in the actual competition. Every other possible competitor surrounds the platform. The judge sat there at a table adjacent to it, folded their hands and brought them above the table and stared upon the many competitors in front of them.
“Today, we are deciding on who will be participating in our competition for $50,000, only the best weight lifters can compete for such a generous prize. Here are our 4 nominees for this section.” The judge said this all robotically as if it were clock work, because it essentially was.
You walk onto your spot with the weight assigned in front of you. Looking across you see Yeosang, he was already eyeing you and ofc had that irritating smile on his face.
You two and two other men are lined up. Yeosang was to go and lift first, you last . Yeo rubbed his hands together in the weight chalk before reaching down and gripping the weight. As if it weighed nothing he deadlifted it up to his waist. Ooos and Ahhhs filled the crowd from his easy attempt at this weight. The hard part, was him bringing it above him. He struggles fighting the weights gravity with his strength. After moments of him steadying his breathing and shutting his eyes tight he brings the weight above. Cheers fill the room and the judge lifts their brow obviously impressed.
The two other men went now. While yes they did bring the weight up there was no grace, technique as well as they struggled and lost form.
Now it’s your turn. You take a breath and prepare your hands. You look down and stretch your back. You reach down and take one last breath before you grip the weight and snap up to bring it to your waist. The burn in your limbs was severe but you couldn’t let them see you struggle. You’re gritting your teeth now. You need this, you must have this. You see Yeosang watching. His lift was impressive but you know that you can up him, even if it’s only by 1%. You look at your competitor knowing that if you just upped your technique you can lift this with better form and efficiency. Jongho and San are rooting for you as well as others. You finally push it above your head.
Yeosang has a look on his face. It isn’t a look of disappointment or bitterness as usual. He seems…proud ?
Finally you, yeosang and the two other competitors are lined up ready to hear the results. The judge gazes at all four of you and reaches down to his score sheet. He sits up preparing to give out the names of who’s going forward.
“With consideration of all aspects such as physique, form, technique, elegance, strength and performance…”
You’re sweating bullets. The suspense is making you bounce your leg.
“Our winners are…Kang Yeosang at spot number #27.” People of his crew cheer and he had a look of being triumphant. Now this is it. The decision that will truly decide if you’ll have a chance of competing for this 50,000.
“And l/n y/n at spot number #26.” We thank you all for participating in our intramural..next qualifying group please.”
Not only did you pass, but you’re above Yeosang right where you wanted to be. Once you get off the platform your roommates hug you and of course rant and rave on how proud they are. Jongho and San say they have something do but will be right back to train as well as agreed to drinks when you’re through with solo training.
While alone you sit at a utility bench stretching as much as you could before your workout and then..
“Congratulations. I look forward to potentially beating you later.”
You get startled and jump from Yeosangs presence which makes him smile from joy. He’s stood in front of you with his phone in one hand and a protein shake in the other.
“Your drink smells…get it away im about to vomit.” You dramatically hold your nose and shake your head.
He brings the shake to your face causing you to swat and kick at him to shoo him away.
“You qualified now but wait till later, bet I’ll have you out of here by the first quarter.” After he says this he begins to sip from his shake.
“You’re saying this as if it’s guaranteed you’ll still be here after the first round.” You say tilting your head matching his energy.
He pauses from drinking and stares causing his eyes to be like daggers, “I’m running through this thing till the end.”
“Compared to me you’re nobody, my name holds weight here while nobody knows yours.”
You refuse to let him get the last word.
“When this is through, nobody will even remember who you are. You’re already forgettable enough.”
Yeosang scoffs and turns back on his way to his crew. You make sure to continue staring at him with disdain until he dissolves into a crowd and is out of your sight.
[Time skip]
After you stay behind for a couple more workouts that you could handle (as well as regret.) the gym is closing up and it’s time to head home, and you’re anxious to get home at this point. All your clothes whether they’re for at the gym, after or backups were dirtied from your protein powder spilling, and the clothes you have on now are all sweated in. Your arms and legs are worn out, and you haven’t ate real food since the whole intramural. You grab your gym bag and look around but within the sea of possible competitors there isn’t a sign of San or Jongho. Luckily as if they could read your mind from afar Jongho facetimed you.
“Do not tell me . You guys forgot to get me.”
Jongho shook his head and passed the phone to San who looks as guilty as possible. “Well there was a good reason y/n I swear !!”
“San whyy what happened.” You’re not mad per say but the lack of a heads up has you floored. If you knew they’d leave without you, you would’ve had the money on your card for a good safe Uber home. Plus it’s scary ride sharing at night.
“Wooyoung had an emergency with Joong so we had to rush over there and we saw you with Yeosang after the round so we thought you’d get lucky and he’d take you home.” He says it as quick as possible like a kid explaining their side of a fight with their sibling.
“We’re on the other side of town because Woos new place is by the pier .” Jongho said, clearly ready to go home while mindlessly steering the car.
“ Thanks Jongho. But San. Why…….. would I go anywhere with that man.”
San looked side to side before saying something that would grind your gears. “I mean you say you hate him but I think you secretly want him bad and it’s ok if you do-”
“San. Goodbye I’ll find a way home I’m sharing my location I’ll let you know when I get there.”
“Y/N IM SORRY WE LOVE YOU.” San yells through the phone trying to save himself while Jongho only waves goodbye and ends the call.
While trying to regain composure of the sudden change in plans. Low and behold, speak of the devil Kang Yeosang was stood there with the same blank expression he typically hits you with.
You’re startled by him and of course had to let him know. “God you can’t keep walking up on people like that dude.”
Yeosang is unphased by your complaint and places his bag on his shoulder. “Look are you getting a ride home from me or not .”
“Woah eavesdropper much…but, if you don’t mind sure..there’s a problem though you have to wait for me to shower and we have to stop by the cleaners because my clothes are a mess.”
Yeosang runs a hand through his hair and put his headphones back on “No need you can do both at my place, let’s go.”
You hesitantly follow him out the gym into his car. Nervous because he’s acting as if you both weren’t competing for a spot earlier. Maybe this little rivalry wasn’t as serious as you thought.
“By the way, it was luck that you pushed into the spot above me, don’t forget.” He said it with a smile knowing that the comment would heat your temper. Nevermind. This rivalry is most definitely real and mutual. You guys begin the ride to his place.
[ A drive later]
Yeosang let’s you out the car and you finally can see the place this rude show off lives at, but instead of a lame apartment complex with no personality it’s a family home. You tilt your head confused on how someone as obnoxious and pretentious as him can live in such a warm looking place. He’s already at the door since he probably passed you while you were lost in your speculations and confusions.
“Are you coming in or what.” He sighs as he’s placing the key to open the door, once it opens his house already has an aroma of his eucalyptus cologne and laundry detergent. You both walk in.
“You barely have a job how could you even afford a family home for you alone.” You’re gawking at how neat and nice the house was, seeming like those homes you see in magazines that you wish you could buy.
He shrugged while sitting his gym backpack on the ground, “I saved money up when I could..plus the utilities downstairs are worn out and bad condition, hot water goes out fast so I got it for cheap.”
What he told you was essentially in one ear out of the other while you scan the house and the impressive color coordinated furniture and decor, mixtures of greys blacks and shades of blue in this current room.
Yeosang stood there humoring the fact you were amazed by his living conditions. “Anyway, make sure you get in the shower on time and the washing machines are to your left and I’ll be showering upstairs”
“Yea heard you, thanks Yeosang.” You just wanted to hurry out before you have to spend another minute around him.
You went into the bathroom and started the water, He said the utilities down here were bad sooo it probably takes a while for the water to heat up you thought. You leave the bathroom and head to the washroom to start your clothes and wait for them first. You place all your clothes in the washer and put it on a 30 minute cycle to ensure the stains will come out and that they’ll be extra fresh.
30 minutes pass and you return to the washroom after lounging in his living room. The washer went out halfway through. The stains are barely out and you’re losing it. You start the wash over and head to the shower but once you hop in the water is icy cold that makes you wince and hop out and shut it off immediately.
“KANG YEOSANG.” You screamed from downstairs hoping he’d hear and come down. Yet you see that to no avail he hasn’t came out his room and can hear the faint sound of his shower running meaning he won’t be coming from upstairs anytime soon.
You wrap yourself into a towel and rush upstairs and burst into his room and make your way to his bathroom making sure to open his door slowly and announce yourself so you won’t see him in the nude. Once you see his shower curtain is fully closed you now fully walk in.
“I heard you coming up what’s the problem y/n since you always seem to find one.” He peeks his head out to see you with an apathetic expression.
“You’re setting me up for failure. The washer went out and the shower is ice cold how am I supposed to freshen up and get home in these conditions.” Your arms are crossed and brows are furrowed.
“Ugh I literally told you the hot water goes out fast, you just weren’t listening.”
You now realize you trying to get out of his place as fast as possible has cost you to not have a simple in and out pit stop situation at this man’s house.
You let out a frustrated sigh and slide yourself down the wall you were leaned against feeling doomed.
“Here just come in here with me, I know you want to hurry and get back to your friends.”
You know deep down that this will probably lead to something dangerous, I mean it’s showering with your competition and the man you hate the mosts at the gym. But you’re desperate to get home and get to the gym in clean clothes.
“Fine you creep.”
You hop in the shower with him trying your absolute best and with all mental strength to not look at him a single bit, in comparison Yeosang is looking directly at your body while having an obvious smirk. Despite his initial perversion he turns away from you to give you as much privacy as possible after handing you a rag and the aloe soap he was using.
As you both were washing yourselves, while scrubbing your upper body you caught a glimpse of Yeosangs body. His physique was so brawny but gentle at the same time. The main thing catching your eye being his back and arms. That’s when the sexual thoughts start and you can’t help but think about and imagine how he can manhandle you into any position and get to work.
“Stop eye fucking me y/n.” He casually says without turning, as if he had eyes on the back of his head or can simply sense your eyes scanning his soapy muscles.
You know you were practically eyeing him like a piece of meat but when it comes to Yeo…denial is your bestfriend. You sucked your teeth, “I wouldn’t even actually fuck you let alone eye fuck you.”
Yeosang casually continues to wash himself down while a small laugh leaves his lips. “I beg to differ.”
Your mouth is agape and in disbelief from his snide remark..but you strangely want to push this scenario..“I doubt you could even make me cum in the first place in all honestly.”
“Bet I could make you in 5 minutes.” Oh he’s game.
“If you could even make me cum period, I’d let you get to the squat bar before me when the comp starts tomorrow.” You continue to wash your back, anticipating his answer to the offer.
He finally turns to you, having such an evil grin. He gets closer, you twos chest touching from how close he’s gotten. “Alright y/n, you’ve got a bet.”
Literally a couple minutes later
Yeosang has you backed up into and pressed against one of the shower walls, fingering you at a pace that has you biting your lip and having to control how much you move your hips to get more friction. Giving you kisses that are hungry and full of lust. Even though you feel like you’re on cloud 9, you can’t let him know how good he’s making you feel.
“Wow. I thought I’d cum in 5, I doubt I’ll cum at all at this rate.” You’re hoping he can’t clock your ragged breaths from the stimulation.
He stops and scoffs as if that’s the worse thing you’ve told him ever. He pulls his fingers out quicker than you could now and give you a stare that you could only describe as primal.
“Let me show you who’s really stronger between the two of us..”
Yeo lifts up your legs and gets on his knees. He rests your legs on his shoulders and uses all his upper body and arm strength to keep you held up. Then he immediately goes for your cunt, he automatically starts licking and prodding your entrance with his tongue.
“Put me down we might fall.” You gasp knowing you’re holding in a moan that’s itching to tumble out of your mouth.
Yeosang pulls his face away for a moment and laughs as though you said a joke. He tensed and flexed his muscles in his typical show off fashion. “Trust me, you’re not falling anytime soon.” He goes back to attacking your cunt.
He switches between flicking your clit with his tongue at an overly stimulating pace that makes you squirm and then brings his tongue in and out your hole causing you to breathe rapidly.
“You’re such a mess from my mouth alone, ‘s cute”. He mutters before continuing to move you a bit so you’re indirectly riding his face.
“I hate you, so much Yeo..” You whimper as you try to grip the slick tile shower walls for solace.
You can feel yourself reaching the edge but he stops and gently drops you back down onto your feet without you slipping a bit. He effortlessly bends you over and smacks your ass twice, causing you to yelp. He snickers at your sudden reaction and attempts to slide his cock in. It slides in and you make a sigh of relief as his moderate thrust begin making your legs quiver. But since he can’t get a good stance from the wet floor he accidentally slips out.
His cock slips out another time and he grunts in frustration. He cuts the water off and picks you up bridal style with ease and no hesitation. He walks you both out the bathroom and practically tosses you in the bed and immediately parts your legs. He holds your legs up for you since he knows you’re already weak. Both of your bodies are still dripping with shower water and now sweat from the intensity of everything.
“Now I can fuck you like you deserve.”
No warning he drives his thick cock in. You’re folded in such a way that it’s almost like it’s straight out of a rough porno. Your glistening bodies and his messy hair makes this so much more erotic. His thrust are so harsh and strong it’s moving your body upwards per each thrust.
“Hate me so bad but you’re taking my dick, pathetic. Trying to be all big and bad when you’re a bitch in heat.”
“Shut up.” You gasp from how his cock hits you at the exact right spot almost each and every time. “Me letting you fuck doesn’t mean….” You can’t even finish your sentence because moans keep spilling out.
“You can’t even talk. Is it that good ? I know it is but I wanna hear you say it.”
You cover your face with your forearm because the humiliation has you clenching around him and a shadow of shyness takes over you now. Yeosang immediately ends it though, using only one hand to hold your ankles up he moves your arm away with his free hand so he can see you squirm under him. He fucks into you harder, you can hear his hips collide into yours. His hips are relentless while fucking his cock into you.
“Should’ve known that bad attitude was because you wanted my cock. Irritated because you needed to be fucked into a mattress.”
“Yeosang I’m sorry for being so rude, speed up so I can cum please.” You can’t believe those words came out your mouth for the man you despise the most .
He stops and you whine from the sudden emptiness you feel from him taking his cock out. He lifts you up onto your knees and holds your head/jaw in his hand. He brushes his thumb on your lips.
While he stares and smirks he hits you with a command. “Open for me.” He lightly prods his thumb between your lips as if he alr knew you’d open your mouth up just for him, and you did. Your mouth wide he presses his thumb down on your tongue and licks his lips. He puts his face over yours and spits in your mouth.
He gives a nonchalant smile afterwards, and gives you a messy kiss and harshly grabs your ass.
“I knew you’d do it for me, such a good girl…let me help you since you’ve been so good.” He says while bending you over into doggy. You start in the regular position but he pushes your upper body farther into the bed and has your ass high up in display for him. Then he brings his cock back into you. Yeosang immediately starts giving rapid thrust, dragging his dick in and out like he never wanted you to forget this.
You immediately clench around him and can feel your cunt becoming wetter and wetter by the second. You keep repeating Yeos name like a mantra for good luck and moaning like you don’t have an ounce of shame in your body.
Yeosang starts groaning from how tight your cunt was and how hot you looked. He was pulling your hair and it’s a mess, lips looking plump and lightly swole from the bruising kisses and your eyes were glassy. Your body was still glistening and looked like artwork in front of him. He couldn’t help himself and began to smack your ass. You brace your body and felt like you could cum right then and there and whined loudly which was music to his ears.
“Yeosang I’m so close it’s too much.” Your pupils are blown and you feel the white hot knot inside you slowly unravel.
“Me too…where do you want me to cum, where do you want me to make a mess.” Yeosang utters breathlessly.
“In me, please just fill me up.” You know if you were in your right mind you wouldn’t dare let his man finish in you, but the fog of pleasure you’re in clouds your judgement.
“Cmon y/n cum on my cock.” He demands right before smacking your ass a final time surely leaving a mark behind. The band in your belly snaps and you squirt all over him and simultaneously you can feel him practically breeding your cunt. You’re both breathless and fall out onto the bed. Drained of energy, you lay on your stomach trying to gain back control of your breathing. You feel Yeosang leave the bed.
Is this how it ends ? You fucked dumb on this assholes bed while he washes up to come back and either kick you out or leave you alone here to go elsewhere. You sigh and start mentally preparing yourself to get out his bed, put your probably damp gym clothes back on and take a walk of shame into a cheap uber. Yeosang returns but instead of him walking in ready to tell you to leave he comes in with grey pajama pants on and a black tanktop. In his hands he has a wooden tray meant for eating in bed. There was a small white plate with 2 toasts and a glass of juice and a chilled water bottle. He gets back into the bed sitting in front of you
You quirked an eyebrow and looked to Yeo, “What’s this for, you think I need a quick pity meal before you kick me out of here” You roll your eyes while ripping the toast apart and eat it with slight annoyance.
“….Kick you out ?” He looks just as confused as you were when he presented the food tray to you. “I’m not kicking you out Its about 11pm and none of your clothes have been dried yet you can’t even go anywhere.”
An “oh” was all that came out of you. It was all you could come up with in response since you’re surprised he isn’t trying to run you out of here like you assumed and actually cares a bit.
“Plus all you ate at the gym was a fucking granola bar.”
You finish up the toasts and take the folded napkin in the tray to wipe off some messy crumbs. You brush your hands of any other crumbs that could be lingering over the tray. “I guess I’ll just text San and Jongho now to pick me up once my clothes dry.”
He lays by you on the bed, reaches to his drawer and grabs a spare pair of boxers and a large black tee. “Here, wear these and just spend the night….let them know you’ll see them at the first part of the competition tomorrow.”
You can’t believe this. He’s actually trying to act as though you’d sleep in the same bed with him knowing for sure that you literally despise him. Loathe him. Can’t standdd him.
You take the clothes and turn over to your gym bag to grab your phone. You immediately text San and Jongho that you won’t be coming home tonight and you’ll see them tomorrow.
Part two coming soon.
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yelenasdiary · 9 months
Plssss headcanons please I can imagine her blowing a kiss for you before throwing a punch to her opponent.
Boxer/MMA Fighter! Yelena is so beautiful, I love her!! I hope you enjoy these 🥰
Please note, I don't know all that much about boxing or MMA so please forgive me if I have said anything that is incorrect.
You met her at the gym after you accidentally sprained your ankle on the treadmill and she was the only other person in the gym at the time.
She has a sleeve of tattoos and a stack of piercings in one ear.
She trains daily, except for Sundays.
She loves sending you after workout selfies!!
You're at every single one of her fights.
When she knows she's about to win a fight, she loves blowing you a quick kiss or a playful wink before delivering the final punch and/or kick to her opponent.
You're always there to help patch her up after her matches and making her relaxing baths with plenty of muscle relaxants.
She loves when you braid her hair for her before her matches.
She's beefy, let's be real! & she loves picking you up in her arms!
She loves involving you in her career somehow and will let you help her train, doing push ups with you sitting with your legs cross on her back.
She most definitely has taught you self defensive and is very protective over you!
You love cooking for her and making sure she gets all the nutrients and protein she needs. There's always a smoothie waiting for her in the morning.
She always makes sure you have the best seat in the house at her matches.
She's a BIG cuddler! She's always cuddling you, in bed or the sofa, from behind in the kitchen or while you're brushing your teeth, she always wants to have her arms wrapped around you.
You are her biggest support just as much as she is yours.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok |  @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | 
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mr2swap · 1 year
Happy valentine's revenge
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-Hi Babe! are you ready for our da...- Derek was silent halfway to the living room and the entrance of the apartment that he and his boyfriend shared, he had no words to describe what was in front of him Johnny Peterson the bully who had done his entire adolescence hell was now in his apartment.
Johnny slowly approached taking big and noisy steps towards Derek while he was only wearing a tiny pink thong, when they were only a couple of inches away Johnny with her thick and powerful voice whispered in his ear -Make me your bitch...-
—3 hours before
Johnny Peterson had walked into the trap like a hungry animal, 3-for-1 on protein powders, dietary supplements, and plus-size sportswear in a lonely alley? He was too obvious and suspicious, but for someone as big, powerful, arrogant, and stupid as Johnny it was like finding a gold mine.
Johnny was the biggest, strongest, and most arrogant guy in town, nobody messed with him. But he used to pick on everyone, especially the smallest people he could find, like my current boyfriend Derek. I love Derek. I would do anything for Derek even this.
 He and Johnny used to go to the same high school. Johnny was the statewide wrestling champ and Derek was a member of the debate team, and there was nothing more fun for Johnny than treating my boyfriend like shit. He still has some scars on his thin and delicate body, and he still has more scars on his soul every time he talks about Johnny and how he treated him like his personal punching bag, it makes me boil of Blood.
That's why I planned all of this. -WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME, SON OF A BITCH? LET GO OF ME OR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!- Slowly the muscles, the height of Johnny's entire appearance, was quickly and painfully transferred to me. He could feel my muscles bursting as he sank in front of my eyes, The arrogant and handsome Johnny deflates and became the person who looked at himself in the mirror every day, we were exchanging our bodies.
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When the process was over, the arrogant Johnny was now on his knees with a flushed face and tears in his eyes from the pain. Finally, the magnetism that had made it impossible for both of us to let go of our hands disappeared. I think my body doesn't resist the process so well because the instant I let go of him he passed out.
I flexed my powerful new arms and that made my shirt rip thanks to how huge it was now, my clothes had ripped in the process, but Johnny's clothes were still intact, I undressed him without any problem right now he was double the size it was a few minutes ago I had to admit it felt fantastic to be this powerful too bad I couldn't enjoy that sweet moment with Johnny I had a valentines date with my boyfriend and this muscular ass was screaming to be fucked.
Happy valentines day, I hope you like your gift, I wrote this last year for this date, you can check out my patreon and see all my stories to give yourself a gift wink wink ♥️
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fetishfairytales2 · 4 months
Ask Princess (Heather)
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Ask Heather: Sissy Punishments
Hey there, all you perverted ladies and losers! Looks like Sissy Brandi's suffering is becoming quite popular. Our followers keep on growing and with that, we have more questions for me to answer. Which can only mean one thing...it's time for another round of Ask Princess Heather!
Today’s question comes from one of my bad ass babe followers who wants to know how to put her boyfriend in his place.
"Princess Heather, help me out here! I've tried everything and he still thinks he's a man, even though I've got him wearing pink lacy panties and being my little cuckold. Like, he should know better, right? How can I put my little sissy in his place?"
Oh honey, there are so many fun ways to humiliate your sissy boyfriend. Does he tremble at the thought of your strong and dominant real man boyfriend? I make sure all my boyfriends get to experience Sissy Brandi. It's a great way for them to release their frustrations from their high-powered jobs. Of course, some of those guys are just so stressed out and all they really want is a good blowjob, ya know? I get such a kick out of watching my bulls use Brandi. They love making her get on her knees, pinching her nose until her mouth opens, and getting her poor sissy throat all the way down their cocks. Real men love feeling powerful over submissive little sissy bitches. I bet your boyfriends would love to remind your sissy who's the man of the house now.
Or you can put your sissy girl on a special diet -“protein only”! What kind of “real man” would let that happen to them, right? Poor Brandi is so full of random men’s cum that I call her “Sperm Bank”! I put it in her bottles, in her feeder pacifier gag, and she even has to lick my panties clean after I fuck my bulls. But of course, she knows that it’s the only way she has a chance to cum. It makes her so desperate to clean me up on my date nights. If she's really desperate, I love making her beg Connor to let her suck his dick like the little slut she is. Whenever Brandi’s ego gets too big, I like to force feed him a fresh load, it really reminds him of his place.
There’s always chastity too babes, it’s my favorite. I have Brandi in this cute pink chastity cage that she always has to wear, and guess who has the keys? That's right, me! And just to add insult to injury, I've been downsizing the cages every few months, teasing her about how I'm shrinking her dick. "Pretty soon, you'll just have a little clitty like a real girl!
Honestly, girl, it doesn't matter how you do it as long as it's humiliating. The ultimate goal is to make that tiny-dicked loser know that everything that happens to him is because of his inadequacy as a man. The more you, as a bad ass woman, can make him suffer and feel worthless, the better. Just remember girl, you are the one in control. If you want him to be a sissy, he WILL be a sissy.
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noir-drabbles · 24 days
Draft 4
Summary: On the final layer of this frozen lab where no living creature should be, Alban encounters you as you step through the doors, untouched by the temperatures.
(Was playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead and got struck with this little scene. Not complete, obviously, but I got over 800 words out, so I consider that a win! If this was to be a whole short story, it probably be about the Reader counting out how many promises where broken while in that final floor lab cell, and Alban basically being the one to carry the torch of those broken promises, even though the one who made said promises was the same person that gave his little sibling a horrible fate. Reader is not Alban's sibling by the way, but said sibling was involved in Reader's creation. I think.)
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And out of the mist, in slow and leisurely steps, came you. Untouched by the frost that covers the walls, you pace through with only an over-sized lab coat to keep you warm.
He raised his gun, because what was he supposed to do when someone seemingly immune to this freezer of a lab pads out of the yawning jaws of wretched open iron doors? Everything that Alban has encountered down here hasn’t been human, why would he start to believe that you were suddenly the exception?
However, he didn’t shoot. When you’re in the lonely hellscape of a world for as long as he has, one can’t help but want to grasp at that small chance of another intelligent being. Someone to talk to and just, have a reminder that one’s not alone. A stupid desire, but it stayed his fingers either way.
“You’re…” and you spoke first, ignoring everything for the sake of focusing on his face, as though that was more interesting than the possibility that your body will be filled with bullets, “You’re not a face I recognize. Are you new? Do you know where everybody went?”
The ease in your tone spoke of confidence in one’s safety. You don’t think he’s a danger to you. And with all the creatures and undead Alban has found, trapped and killed, he probably wasn’t. If a battle broke out, he’d probably be lucky to even keep his torso.
…then, let’s talk. Distract and, perhaps, have a comrade. Or at least a neutral acquaintance.
“I don’t know,” Alban lowered his aim but never put his weapon away. Instead, he pointed to the curled back doors behind you, layer upon layers of metal bent by some unfathomable force. “Did you do that?”
“Hmm?” You turned back and looked around, peering into the darkness before landing on the doors, “Oh. Yes, I did. The power went out a bit ago, so I had to tear my way through. Am I in trouble?”
The look of guilt was gentle, almost afraid. His younger sibling gave him a look like that once, when they scribbled over the carpet with permanent marker. They didn’t know it was a bitch to wash out, in much the same way that you probably didn’t know that you’re not supposed to be tearing doors.
It’s… uncomfortable. Here he is, in a lab that got colder and colder with every sub-floor Alban entered, like whatever these bastards had they wanted to preserve in ice.
“What?” Because what else was he supposed to say?
“Sorry,” you rubbed the back of your neck, “Here, let me see if I can fix them. I didn’t let anyone out, I promise. I was just hungry.”
“Uh, wait wait, you uh,” this was dumb, he shouldn’t be doing this, he should be running, but he’s been alone for too long and dammit, he wanted to know more, “if you’re hungry, then here,” he dug out a protein bar, half-frozen and nearly impossible to bite through, “I got this.”
He’s got more, just in case. It’s a day over it’s expiration date but he’s sure it won’t kill you or anyone. He thinks. He’s not sure. Either way, starving, it’s not a way anyone should go, monster or otherwise. It was something those little kids shouldn’t have experienced.
You perked up with interest and, as much as he’d hate to say it, the innocence–the delicately and deliberately cultivated innocence–was disarming. It felt normal, and for a moment, Alban wasn’t living in a world that was ravaged by a splintering reality. In a world where ice doesn’t flow from the all-consuming black eye in the sky and humans don’t freeze over and break out of their shells as nightmare-ish creatures.
Here, it just felt like Alban encountered a strange person that needed a helping hand as much as he did.
You grabbed it in both hands, your likely stolen lab coat falling from your shoulders, leaving you in a stiff and dirty hospital gown reserved for all lab rats. The ice didn’t affect you, not a single part of you was even dusted in crystals, but even so, Alban dug into his backpack and pulled out a spare parka.
He draped it over your shoulders just as you bit into the bar, bits of it splintering right onto the floor.
“Thank you,” you said after swallowing, wiping at your mouth, “So, who are you, really?”
“Nobody important,” at least not to this lab. He doesn’t know much of this place, and he doubts this lab ever knew of his existence beyond just a name in a family tree. “Just a stranger to this place. My name’s Alban, and I’m just here to find out something.”
A trail of never ending papers and entries, of constant transfers from lab to hospital to another lab, and finally, here. A layers deep laboratory known more as a sarcophagus, a crypt. A place for unstable, and unusable waste.
His sibling was taken here, that’s all Alban knows.
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
Random request but would it be possible to do head-canons of various creeps of your choosing who have an s/o (female) that's super strong. Like she wields a giant 200 pound claymore (think cloud from FF7)
Pftbft Cloud is so 😳😳
Also I just LOVE swords n daggers n such, it was so much fun choosing the gifs, I hope ya enjoy! ^^
Masterlist: x
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Jeff the Killer
This dumb bitch is constantly trying to fight you
Not in a mean way or anything, he just loves sparring, and he loves a good challenge
If he can’t beat you, you should expect sneak attacks throughout the day because he is such a sore loser
And if he can beat you, expect him to brag about it all the damn time
This manses, I stg 🙄
That’s only, of course, if you’re willing to fight him
If he knows you don’t want to, he’ll always be down, but he won’t force you—your heart’s gotta be in it, or it’s just not the same
These combat sessions often lead to more physical action, if ya know what I mean 😉
He’ll often ask about your diet & workout routine because he’s (obviously) super into fitness as well
He doesn’t cook for other people since everyone complains his food is bland, but he’ll cook lots of protein-based meals for you to make sure you’re eating properly
It’s nice to have his expertise on fitness & nutrition, and vice versa
And as much as he likes smaller partners he can manhandle, he can’t deny the benefits of such a strong, fit partner~
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BEN Drowned
Fanboy Moment™️
He is sUch a simp, it’s unreal 💀💀
He will, like, Constantly ask you to crush him between your thighs
Makes Mommy jokes all the time because he wants you to ✨wreck him✨
He also develops a habit of watching you work out because 👀💦
But other than how goddamn horny he is—when he pulls pranks at the mansion, he often goes running up to you so that he can hide behind you 😅
Surely, you’d protect him from the creeps that wanna beat his ass, right?
He‘d love to handle your sword if you let him
He’s semi-decent at fighting with them, but he might struggle just a tad with yours because it’s so heavy
If you’re patient with him and his horniness, he’d love to learn more about sword fighting
Especially if it means the two of you will spar & he’ll end up pinned beneath you 😌😉
What can I say? He’s a romantic at heart~
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Eyeless Jack
Aww, does his little human mate really think she’s stronger than him? That’s cute
It’s very unlikely that you’re stronger than Jack—his supernatural strength is a force to be reckoned with
But! that doesn’t mean he won’t appreciate your strength!!
On the contrary, he loves how strong you are
Knowing you can hold your own in a fight really helps ease his protective instincts
AND he likes knowing he doesn’t need to hold back as much as he normally would 😉
Similar to Jeff, sparring matches are a fairly common occurrence
He loves play fighting with you, and he sometimes shamelessly lets you win because he not-so-secretly likes it when you flaunt your power
His demonic side especially loves a mate that’ll prove their strength to court him~
He’ll gladly patch you up whenever/if ever you get wounded in a fight or during training
Even despite knowing how strong you are, he still can’t resist being a tad overprotective of you sometimes
It’s honestly very sweet uwu
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Laughing Jack
For the most part, LJ doesn’t really know how strong the average human is
He doesn’t spend that much time around people, so it can be difficult to remember what they’re capable of
Usually, when he does experience a human’s strength, it ranges between children, unarmed adults and adults with weapons
So he sees a fairly wide range of human power
Having a strong s/o does not help with this confused perception
It results in him kind of just,, assuming everyone’s that strong
And he becomes weary of nearly every human he comes across—even little kids
You just can’t trust those little bastards
If he ends up finally understanding that you’re much, much stronger than the average person, he’ll feel a sense of pride swell in his rotten black heart :)
He likes having you as a mate because he thinks you’re special~
Still, human abilities are quite odd to him, so you can’t expect him to fully understand—poor bby :”)
He’ll love & cherish you despite not always knowing what you’re capable of <3
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He is into it
Like BEN, he thinks it’s hot—and he’s absolutely shameless about it
He won’t even try to hide his attraction
On the contrary, he‘ll shower you with compliments & cheesy pick-up lines revolving around your strength all the damn time
He’s a brat, so he’ll no-so-subtly act like a cocky little shit so that you can remind him of your strength ;)
Other than that, he’s pretty curious, so if you’re alright with it, he’d love to test how strong you really are
He’ll ask for blood samples & fitness tests, he’ll hook you up to machines with wires—he’ll have a field day in his lil’ science lab if you let him :)
And he might even figure out why you’re this strong—genetics, training, maybe something supernatural of sorts?
He’ll absolutely fuse together some big weapons if you want
Like heavy, powerful tools that have a shit ton of gadgets attached to them & 1001 lethal features
He’s a science-y person, so he’s pretty versatile
Anything for his strong s/o uwu
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sterekchub · 9 months
Have you done: fat Derek decides to go on a diet, but it makes his normal grouchiness escalate to much and cause tension in the group as he gets snappier and his leadership worsens and can’t think straight, so the team decides to force him to sit down and have a big feast cause they need the old Derek back and decide they should keep him stuffed and less grouchy for now ob.
Oooof I love this. 🥲Derek deserving nice things even they need to be forced upon him is just…everything. (this is gonna be a lot of fluff)
Maybe this is right after Derek loses his Alpha status. Bulging muscles fading away to his normal lithe and muscular form, his powers slowly adjusting themselves to “normal.” The pack might not like Derek- but no one thinks he’s weak or defenseless because he’s not an Alpha anymore. (And he’s still a werewolf, which the humans of the pack constantly point out).
But Derek feels inadequate now that he KNOWS what he was capable of as an Alpha. So he trains even harder. His diet ends up being black coffee, plain chicken breasts and protein powders and vegetables cooked in the smallest amount of oil and not a single hint of salt or pepper or seasoning to be found. Derek trains and eats like his only purpose is to be a soldier for his pack.
Even though his pack is getting increasingly annoyed by Derek who has started yelling at them for every small thing. Throws Isaac into a tree for chewing too loud. Tosses Scott into a window for smelling like peanut butter and eating during training.
They can all see he doesn’t look okay- his muscles look more “bulging” only because he’s dehydrated and they can see him swaying in his feet and light headed.
After more arguments than they can count, with Derek insisting he’s fine and no, he isn’t eating their junk food at weekly pack movie night because he actually cares about his training and form.
“Derek. Stop. It’s pack night, sit and have some pizza.”
Derek who is so touch starved finally he can’t say no when he’s pulled onto the couch between Erica and Stiles and when the pack is all crowded around him, sitting on the floor by his feet or a hand over his shoulder handing him a plate.
He gives in. It feels right. It feels almost like having a family again. So he sort of tunes out listening to Jackson and Stiles bitching at each other, loses track of the many conversations around him, and he doesn’t notice his plate being refilled, that one piece of pizza seeming to multiply until he’s warm and full.
Then it keeps happening. The pack grab his black coffee out of his hands and give him a whipped cream covered monstrosity with a bag of fresh bagels. Someone always comes by with a lunch. Boyd and Jackson stop him during his too-intense workouts so he drinks and has snacks. At least two or three people have come to have dinner with him some nights (and most nights he finds himself over with the Sheriff and Stiles, clearing plate after plate and headed home with a Tupperware of leftovers).
Derek is nicer when he’s content and stuffed. Happier. Like the more food he has in his gut, the less thoughts in his head.
They let him know in their own way he can protect them and still be soft. That he can still smash through a solid brick wall even with a pudgy belly and the start of a double chin. Enjoying food and enjoying himself doesn’t make him weak.
(Or he can let himself get even softer. Get stuffed more often so he doesn’t need to think, just has to trust his pack will protect their past Alpha and know what’s best for him…)
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Heard you were having bad brain times and wanted some silly fun stuff, i gotchu.
How about some stereotypicallly basic white girl things op characters do?
Some ideas(feel free to add your own): loves pumpkin spice everything, says shit like "totes ma goats", lives for drama filled "real tv" shows, wears a pink tracksuit, watches Mean Girls religiously(the movie title is very literal,you don't need to have seen it), listens to Taylor Swift all the time, loves Twilight, eats a bagel for breakfast everyday, planned their outfit based on a white suburban mom's pinterest board
Just some ideas, hopefully this is fun and I hope you feel better soon💜💜💜
With love,
May darling <3 I love this idea and I feel better and sorry this took a second.
I hope no one takes offence, I'm white as hell so like.. yes. [also we are all a little white woman aren't we, deep down there's a Beccy and a Karen lurking]
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Marco  He’s the bitch that can’t wait for pumpkin spice to come around. He also showed up to Wano 20 minutes late with Starbucks which is pretty white girl of him. His Sphinx outfit looks like a mom coming back from yoga.
Ace Spends too long looking at TikTok. Daddy issues.
Thatch Drinks wine and writes smut.
Izou Goes and gets his nails did but spends the entire time gossiping about the bitch down the street and her shit haircut.
Law Is a huge twilight fan and spends hours online fighting about whose better looking that one guy or the other one guy. 
Rayleigh All around his home is ‘wine o'clock’ -  ‘everything is better with prosecco’ and has those bowls that say ‘bowl ‘plate’ and so on. ‘Live Laugh Love’
Buggy Would murder someone if they messed up his $80 extensions.
Hawkins I can imagine him telling Kaido he can’t go out and kill people because ‘uh don’t you know Mercury is in retrograde? I just can’t babes’
Boa ‘R U OKAY HUN?’ at every vague sounding Facebook post that's like : ( or ‘ugh’
Nami Is the person who posts : ( vague on facebook. Also, she’s a huge Karen, fight me. She would walk up to God himself and ask to see his manager. 
Thatch, Killer, Sanji Could spend hours watching episode after episode of ‘Real housewives of Dressrosa’ and ‘teen mom Grandline’ 
Zoro, Kid Post gym selfies on insta making sure you can see their protein shakes.
Nami, Vivi, Boa, Rebecca Do ‘Zumba’ and won’t shut the fuck up about it and makes it their entire personality for the three months they attend.
Perona ‘This car is powered by fairy dust!’  ‘princess onboard!’ ‘my other ride is a broom’ bumper stickers.
Whitebeard ‘My children are my world’ and the stickers that are stick figure families along the back of his van. Fighting a salesperson who gets paid minimum wage over 10 cents.
Hawkins, Drake, Izou Won’t leave the house before checking their horoscopes. 
Mihawk INSANELY LONG COMPLICATED COFFEE ORDER and will make you make it again if that milk is full fat.
Shanks Woo girl 
Sabo Sticks gum in someone's hair if they even mildly piss him off. Spends $400 on boots and never wears them. Oh, watches you make his drink like a hawk and before you make his second one 'Um excuse me, I ordered TWO drinks' while your still making it.
Queen, Black Maria At a restaurant ordering dessert ‘Oh I shouldn’t’ ‘Oh no babe, you deserve it’ ‘okay, I’ll be a devil and have a piece of that cheesecake’ BOTH GIGGLE
Doffy, Kaido Pink tracksuit bottoms and small dogs in their handbags. Shades and purses that cost more than your house. Roger Takes one sip of a beer  and acts drunk ‘I’m sooooo wasted guys omg’
Franky, Sanji, Roger, Thatch Crying over movies like  ‘Dirty Dancing’ and wishing they could be the girl and the lead guy is so hot omg.
Corazon "I'll just have ONE glass of wine" and the glass is the side of his head. or runs a bubble bath and drinks three bottles but it's not a problem it's self care.
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Tag yourselves, I'm Marco with a dash of Thatch.
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hopefulatrocity · 1 year
From The Ashes Chapter 2
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Note: First full length part. I’m still looking for a beta reader if anyone is interested. No Daryl this part, but next part has his POV included. He and Pheonyx will meet in the part afterwards. 
If you want to be added to a taglist, leave a comment or message me
CW/TW: Anxiety, beginnings of anxiety attack, hunting, allusions to past trauma
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics & @omiyours
Banner by: @liminal-creations​ 
Prologue Part 1 Next
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   The world became very repetitious once the dead began to rise. Sure, there was always the risk of being bitten or attacked by hordes of the undead. But the motions of living continued to be the same every day. Find food, find water, find shelter, avoid the dead, rinse, repeat. Pheonyx didn’t have to worry about shelter or water, being on the Greene farm, but the monotony was still there. Wake up, hunt, tend to the animals and crops, train Kismet, eat dinner, sneak off to kill the shadows in the woods, sleep. It’d been that way for almost two months.
   Everything changed the day Rick Grimes showed up on their property: a shot boy in his arms and eyes full of pleading hope. 
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*66 days  post outbreak*
  Pheonyx knocked his arrow, breathing slowly and focusing on his target: a fat, ball of brown fur that was currently chewing on an acorn. The woods around him were loud with the whistling of the breeze and the tweeting birds. He drowned it all out though, the only thing on his mind was hitting the small animal. Fingers releasing, fletching brushing his cheek, the string vibrated against his fingertips,  his arrow flew true and hit the squirrel between the eyes. When the squirrel fell from its spot in the tree, he felt the thump of a bony tail against his leg and he looked down. Kismet looked up at him with a stereotypical Bully smile, tapping his toes in excitement. Despite the death and carnage that had happened in the past couple of months, the dog still had the power to make the young man smile.
   “Go get it, Kizzie.”
   The dog took off, practically tripping over his own feet to grab the small rodent. Another smirk lifted Pheonyx’s lips. His pup was anything but graceful when he was excited. Despite this, he was a natural when it came to hunting and scent tracking. The hound in his blood was very prominent. Kismet was eager to please and excitable, but he also was serious when given a job. So when the need to hunt for food became a necessity, Pheonyx began training the dog to retrieve and follow scents. He waited patiently for the animal. Without thinking, his hand pressed to his, now flat, chest through the thin flannel shirt he wore. It was still a shock sometimes when his hand met smooth muscle instead of mounds of dysphoria-inducing flesh. The area was still a mixture of sensitive and numb. The scars were healing nicely, as were the nipple grafts. Both tingled most of the time, but still didn’t have much sensation when it came to touch. He’d managed to get his surgery done one week before the world ended. At least now he didn’t have to worry about paying back the credit card he used to fund the surgery. Technically, he got a 10k surgery for free. That was probably the only upside to the deadly global pandemic.
   A blur of dappled fur trampled the forest floor, only stopping to grab up the small corpse with the arrow sticking out of it. Kismet gave it a small shake and trotted back to his owner.
   He took the animal and removed the arrow from its head. Luckily, Kismet hadn’t broken the arrow this time. They were still working on gentle handling when it came to Pheonyx’s precious supply of arrows. He could always make more, but it was a bitch and half to do.
   A gunshot sounded through the air while he was tying the animal alongside his other catches on his waist.
   Otis must have found the deer he was tracking, Pheonyx thought.
   While he didn’t approve of the older man using a loud rifle to hunt, the farm was running low on protein options and Otis had offered to go find some bigger game. Pheonyx’s catches of squirrels, raccoons, and opossums only went so far when trying to feed 7 people. Especially since his stepfather kept sacrificing their chickens to the dead that were in the family barn.
   The thought of what, who, was in the barn made his heart clench. His mother and his brother were currently rotting away next to their neighbors. Hershel believed that a cure was going to come. That the government or some research facility would come out with some kind of medicine that would right the world. But Pheonyx knew better. He was there when his brother died. He saw him stop breathing. Saw him open his eyes, the bright green that used to be was replaced by milky white, and launch at their mother. Pheonyx watched his brother tear into their mother’s arm, sentencing her to the same fate. A day later, he held onto his mom as she died. His fingers on her pulse, the rhythm disappearing under his fingers before she turned, just like Shawn had. They were dead. Walking and ravenous, but still dead. Since then, Hershel and Otis had been taking the Shadows they found and putting them in the barn. His stepfather was stubborn and refused to believe that these people were dead. 
   Everyone except for Pheonyx was in denial. He could tell Maggie was losing her faith though. Every trip into town, every encounter with the shadows, was breaking her resolve. She still held out hope though that everything would be okay again. He couldn’t though. He knew this world. He’d seen the darkest parts of it and, unfortunately, he knew that bad things rarely got better. They just continued to fester and bleed.
   Which was why Pheonyx had to be the strong one and protect the farm. Every night, he went into the woods and cleared any dead that crossed his path. He’d wait until everyone was asleep then slip out with his primary weapon, a Civil War era Navy cutlass sword, that he nicked from the antique store in town. It was light weight and more aerodynamic than a machete. And the guard allowed him to push the dead away without worrying about his fingers being bitten. He’s spent the better part of a week tanning squirrel hides and sewing the leather to create a sheath to holster the sword at his hip.  Sleep was a rarity now, as he walked through the farmhouse door just before dawn most days. Giving him just enough time to change out of his bloody clothes and slip into the shower to clean the gore off of his tanned skin.
   Pheonyx was brought out of his thoughts as Kismet nosed at the squirrels hanging off his waist. He pushed the pup’s wide snout away from the corpses.
   “You’ll get your fair share. Don’t worry. We should probably head back. If Otis caught that deer, this should be enough to last us for the week.”
    The two began making the lengthy trek through the woods. These woods were second nature to Pheonyx, so finding the way back was easy.  Kismet stopped to pee on several trees, making the trip longer than it usually was. Before long, they were stepping out into the cleared land near the farmhouse. In the distance, He could see Maggie sitting on the front porch with a book in her lap. He and the dog jogged up to the house, grass crunching under their feet. As they got closer, Kismet sped up upon seeing one of his favorite people.
   “Incoming!”, Pheonyx yelled in warning.
    Maggie had only a second before the thick-muscled dog was running up the steps and launching himself into her lap. The dog was easily 70 lbs of muscle, but he still thought he was a lap dog. She was slightly shocked but she dropped her book to begin scrubbing the wiggly boy.
   “How is my favorite boy?”, she cooed. Kismet licked her face happily and his tail thumped on her leg.
   Pheonyx caught up and stepped up onto the porch next to them. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and removed his bow and quiver from over his shoulder. He placed them gently against the side of the house. “I feel like I should be offended at that. I’ve known you for nearly 21 years and this mutt is your favorite?”
   Maggie feigned shock and covered the dog’s ears, “Don’t talk about my boy that way, Pheonyx Archer Greene. I’ll let you do your own washin’ from now on.”
   Chuckling, he reached out and ruffled his sister’s short brown hair. “You know I don’t mean it. He’s my boy too. Really glad I decided to bring him along instead of boarding him. Don’t know what I would do without his goofy ass.”
   Kismet’s ears perked and he stared out into the distance. The two Greene siblings turned to look out into the field, expecting to see Otis with a deer slung over shoulders, but were met with the sight of a man in a Sheriff’s uniform running towards the house. He was carrying a kid in his arms, blood coating the khaki colored shirt he wore.
   Maggie picked up the binoculars from the table beside her and used them to get a better look. Pheonyx grabbed Kismet’s collar and pulled him off his sister’s lap.
   “Kismet, stay.” The pup whined but laid down on the porch, his butt wiggling at the prospect of a new friend approaching the house. He was much more trusting than Pheonyx would have liked.
   His sister called out for Hershel, “DAD!”
   Pheonyx grabbed the Glock 19 from the holster at his right hip, his sword being on the left. He deftly untied the squirrels from his hip, letting them fall to the porch next to his bow and quiver. Flipping the safety and making sure a round was chambered, he jogged to meet the man halfway.
   “Was he bit?”, he asked, pointing the gun at the man. Unlike his family, Nyx knew that there were bad people in this world. As much as he wanted to help the pale, bleeding child in the man’s arms, he also had a family to protect. Whether the child was bit or the man had bad intentions, he couldn’t be sure. So he needed to be cautious.
   The Sheriff was panting, sweat dripping down his face. “Shot. By your man. He said to find Hershel. Is that you? Please. Help me. Help my boy.”
   The look of pure desperation in his sky blue eyes, had Pheonyx lowering, putting the safety back on, and holstering his weapon. He figured if he knew Otis’s name, this probably wasn't a trap.
   “Not me. My step dad.”, Pheonyx heard the loud screen door behind him and the sound of his stepfather’s hurried steps approaching. “Come on, let’s get him inside.”
   Before Hershel could ask, he filled him in, “He’s been shot. Said it was Otis, and that he told him to bring the boy here.”
   Hershel nodded and led the sheriff into the house, past the rest of his family that had gathered outside at the commotion. The vet began to fire off commands, asking Patricia to get his kit and ordering Maggie to get painkillers, coagulates, alcohol and clean linens. Pheonyx ushered Beth and Jimmy away from the guest room off the main living area.
   “I need you guys to go out front. Otis should be back soon too. Command Kismet to be on guard. He’s gonna growl if someone comes up but he won’t attack until you tell him to. Wait for Otis, the less people in here the better. Jimmy, take my gun,” he pulled the gun from his holster and handed it to the teen, “Remember what we talked about?”
   Jimmy nodded, checking the safety and checking the magazine for rounds. While Hershel was against gun use on the farm, Pheonyx refused to walk around without one. It had been the source of many arguments between them. He had taken Jimmy, Beth, and Maggie out for lessons shortly after the outbreak began. Guns were a last resort for the dead, but if the Sheriff had a group that wanted to attack them, a gun was more threatening to humans. Jimmy and Maggie were naturals with firearms but Beth was still hesitant and very innocent. She believed, wholeheartedly, that the shadows could be cured, like their father did. She also only saw the best in people. The idea that someone would try to hurt the family was something she refused to believe. Which was why Pheonyx gave the gun to Jimmy. The boy had only been dating Beth for a few months, but he was visibly head over heels for her. Pheonyx knew he would protect his little sister no matter what.  
   Beth looked hesitant but pulled Jimmy out to the front porch. Nyx rolled his sleeves up and moved into the guest room, where Maggie and Patricia had returned with the items Hershel asked for.
   “Is-Is he alive?”, the Sheriff asked desperately, his voice shaking with emotion. Sweat was dripping down his pale face, and he was shaking. Shock, Pheonyx thought. He honestly didn’t look much better than the injured boy on the bed. Both had a deathly pallor to their already pale skin.
   Hershel unbuckled the belt that was used as a tourniquet from around the boy’s chest, “Pillowcase. Quickly.”
   The man was still standing in shock so Pheonyx jumped into the fray. He grabbed one of the pristine white pillows from the bed and pulled the case off of it. Folding the pillowcase into a thick pad, he pressed the cloth against the boy’s stomach. Warmth from his blood soaked into Pheonyx’s hands. This wasn’t the first gunshot he’d helped treat. The others had been farm animals but the same principles applied.  His stepfather pulled out his stethoscope and began to check for a pulse.
   “I’ve got a heartbeat. It’s faint.”
   The sheriff let out a small breath of relief but his body still radiated tension and despair. Maggie and Patricia were moving at the end of the bed, pulling out all the tools Hershel would need to treat the boy. The older woman moved to Pheonyx’s side of the bed, “I got it, Nyx. We need room, take him please”, she inclined her head towards the boy’s father. Pheonyx nodded and moved around the bed until he was standing next to the man.
   “Hey, we need to give them some room. What’s your name?”, he placed his hand gently on the man's arm. There was a fog over the man’s blue eyes and it took him a moment to respond.
   “R-Rick. I’m-I’m Rick.”, he stuttered and nodded to himself, as if assuring himself that that was really his name. At that moment, Pheonyx was surprised that he could even answer that.
   He kept his tone calm, as if he were talking to a scared animal. “Rick, Hershel is a great doctor. He’s going to do everything he can for your boy. But we need to give them space.” He squeezed Rick’s arm and gently steered him out of the room. They both watched as Maggie began to set up an IV for the boy.
   “Move!”, an unfamiliar voice floated in from the side window. Rick and he looked out and saw two men running towards the house. The large frame of Otis was struggling to keep up with a taller man with curly black hair and an impressive amount of muscle. Pheonyx’s eyes were locked on the shotgun in his hands. The man didn’t have it pointed at Otis or the house, but it still set him on edge.
   Pheonyx and Rick both walked out the front door. The sheriff was still in a daze, but Pheonyx walked with purpose. Outside, Beth and Jimmy were standing with Kismet growling at their side. The teen boy had the gun in his hands, finger off the trigger like he had been taught.
   “Jimmy, give me the gun. Take Beth upstairs, please. Kismet, stand down.”
   Jimmy glanced at Pheonyx out of the corner of his eye, hesitant to let up his stance, but he still handed the gun over to the older man. The boy led Beth into the house, the porch door slamming shut behind them. Kismet grumbled but stopped growling at the approaching men. He trotted over to his owner, leaning against his side with his tail wagging. Pheonyx pulled out a bit of squirrel jerky from his pocket and handed it to the dog, rewarding him for standing guard. Otis and the unknown man had made it to the porch by then. Pheonyx guided Otis inside, Kismet on their heels, wanting to give Rick a moment with the other man. He was still leery of the newcomer, but he also knew that they wouldn’t try anything while the boy was being tended to by his stepfather.
   “He’s alive? Is he still alive?”, Otis asked, his voice cracking.
   Pheonyx nodded, “Yeah. Hershel is working on him now. What happened, Otis?”
    The older man was on the brink of tears, “I should have listened to you. Shouldn’t have used the gun…”, He sniffled and wiped the sleeve of his army green shirt over his eyes. Otis was a large man. Tall and wide set. The appearance made him look more gruff than he truly was. He was a soft man at heart.
   Pheonyx pulled him in for a hug, “It’s not your fault, Otis. I know you would never shoot a kid intentionally.” They separated and Otis nodded. He took a deep breath and pulled himself together. The younger man truly didn’t blame Otis. When they discussed the use of firearms, Pheonyx’s only thoughts had been on the noise. Shadows were drawn by sound and nothing was louder than a rifle going off in the middle of the woods. “Patricia and Maggie are helping Hershel. He might want to ask you some questions about what happened though.”
   Rick and the other man walked in. The sheriff was still in shock, walking as if in a cloud. The other man was holding himself together well. But his posture was stiff with fear and probably a bit of suspicion. Unfortunately, the end of the world left everyone with a plethora of the latter. You can’t trust anyone, no matter how good their intentions seem. Pheonyx had learned that earlier than most. (Heck, he had the damn phrase “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, tattooed on his ribs. One of many tattoos that graced his skin). Maybe that distrust was what aided him in surviving this long.
   Kismet jumped up on the couch right near Otis and Pheonyx, no doubt looking for a comfortable spot to nap since he was relieved of his 10 minutes of guard duty. Pheonyx gave him a head pat and another piece of jerky from his pocket. Normally by now, the dog would be chowing down on the innards of their morning hunt, but with the chaos he was reluctant to leave his family alone with the strangers. While he was 90% certain these men wouldn’t try anything while the boy was being helped, he couldn’t let his guard down. The two strangers walked into the room where Hershel was working on the boy, and Pheonyx walked with Otis to stand in the doorway.
   Hershel was keeping pressure on the boy’s wound while Maggie held up the IV attached to his small arm.
   “You know his blood type?”, the old man asked gruffly.
   Rick nodded, “A-positive. Same as mine.”
   There was a flicker of relief that flashed through Hershel’s eyes. “That’s fortunate. Don’t wander far. I’m gonna need you.”
   Pheonyx took a small step forward towards the boy’s right side, arms crossed over his chest. It was instinctual. A way of creating a barricade without hiding behind a physical barrier.  “Hershel, I’m O negative. Might be better to draw from me first if he needs blood.”, he glanced at the two men on the other side of the bed and took in their haggard appearances. It was more than shock and stress from the situation. Their faces were lean from lack of food, and they radiated a bone-tiredness that one could only acquire after falling on hard times. “No offense but you guys look like you haven’t eaten a good meal in a while and you’re both in shock. Taking blood could put you right next to him in that bed, Rick.” He may have been wary of the strangers, but it was an injured boy. Not offering to lower his guard and donate blood was something he wasn’t willing to do.
   Rick muttered his thanks, wiping at tears that spilled over his lower lids. The other man inclined his head in a respectful nod. Hershel grunted in agreement. 
   “He’s right. We’ll take yours, Rick, as a last resort. Otis, what happened?”
   Otis hadn’t stopped looking at the pale boy since they entered the room and he didn’t move his eyes even as he spoke, “I was tracking a buck. Bullet went through it”, his voice wavered and cracked. “Went clean through.” He made his way around the bed to Patricia, seeking comfort from his wife.
    “The deer slowed the bullet down, which certainly saved his life, but it did not go through clean. It broke up into pieces. If I can get the bullet fragments out…”, Hershel trailed off while lifting the pillowcase from the boy's wound and looking into the bleeding hole.
   Rick’s breathing increased a bit and the fog in his eyes cleared a little. “Lori doesn’t know. My wife doesn’t know–”, a sob wracked his body and the other man placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “My wife doesn’t know.”
   Hershel glanced at Pheonyx and inclined his head at the men. Wordlessly telling him to get them out of the room. He followed his stepfather’s silent command. “Why don’t you guys come with me into the living room? Hershel needs room to work.”, they both looked at him reluctant to leave the boy’s side. “We can talk about how to get word to your wife. One of us can probably ride out and find her but I’ll need you to pinpoint where she is on a map.”
   This seemed to motivate the Sheriff and he nodded. They both followed Pheonyx into the living room farthest from the guest room and settled onto the couch. Kismet was still sleeping in the other room, snoring away and unaware of the tension occurring around him. There was a small writing desk in the corner of the room where they kept the majority of the local maps, some were hung up in the stables where Pheonyx used them for planning runs and plotting shadow trap locations. He went and pulled out one of the simpler maps, one that showed roads but not altitude. Grabbing a marker, he quickly starred the area where the farm was and marked the way which Rick had come from. “I’ve marked where the farm is on this map. The arrow is the direction you guys came from to get here. Try and mark where you think your wife is at. Maggie knows these woods about as good as me. So, if you can mark a general area where she might be, she should be able to catch up to her.”
   The other man took the map and marker, even though Pheonyx had held it towards Rick. The man was still dazed though.
   “I’m gonna grab you both some water.”
   Pheonyx took a little bit of time walking to the kitchen. He was antsy. Strangers were a trigger for him. Strange men especially. The commotion of the injured boy had had his mind occupied and his anxiety had been diminished. But now that he was alone in the open kitchen, those nerves flared. Six years and his demons still held a grip on his heart. His hands shook as he opened the fridge and took out three water bottles. Setting them on the counter, he breathed deeply and opened one of the bottles. Taking tiny sips, he felt his body begin to settle down.
   Gotta be strong for them. Beth, Maggie, Hershel, Otis, Patricia, Jimmy, He repeated the names three times before his heart reached a normal pace.
   Pheonyx left his bottle on the counter, grabbing the other two bottles, and walked back into the living room. He could hear Rick and the other man talking.
   “ A little girl goes missing… You look for her. Plain and simple.”, Rick said, his voice determined.
   A little girl was missing? Before Pheonyx could ask any questions, the door to the guest room opened and Maggie stepped out. She glanced around and caught her brother’s eyes. “Pheonyx! He needs blood.”
   He tossed the bottles of water onto the couch next to the men and hurried after his sister into the room. The pained cries of the boy reached his ears, breaking his heart. It was like a time machine sucked him back to the past. The noises were reminiscent of the sounds he made on many occasions as a small boy. The scars on his back burned, almost as if the lashes were being whipped into his skin for a second time. Determination filled him, an internal promise to himself that this boy would live. No matter what. He stripped off his flannel shirt, letting the clothing item fall to the ground, leaving himself only in his gray wife beater. Patricia grabbed his arm and began to sterilize the ditch of his arm. 
   He felt eyes on him, and he caught the stare of the strange man. It was a look that Pheonyx was very familiar with. One of contemplation, confusion, and a slight bit of disgust. More than likely, the man was trying to figure out “what” the tattooed man was. Was he a feminine framed guy? A trans man? Or a butch woman? He had a feeling that the strange man wouldn’t take kindly to him being any of those. The ability to pick out transphobes and homophobes had become a sixth sense of his. And this man was setting off every one of his warning bells. Trying not to think of it, Pheonyx averted  his eyes to the boy, his brain not comprehending the frantic talking around him. He watched as the unknown man stepped forward and held the flailing boy down, allowing Hershel to dig into the wound for one of the fragments. The boy's screams rang in his ears, blocking out the feeling of the needle entering his vein.
   “YOU’RE KILLING HIM!”, Rick screamed, tears running down his face. He moved to try to push Hershel away but Pheonyx reached out and grabbed his clammy hand with the arm that Patricia wasn’t working on.
   “Don’t, Rick. He’s trying to get the shrapnel out. We don’t have any sedatives so he’s feeling everything right now. But Hershel has to do this.”
   He squeezed the man’s hand, trying to offer him some kind of comfort, before pushing him back gently.
   The boy’s cries stopped suddenly and the air in the room chilled, everyone’s hearts skipping in fear. The man holding him down pulled away, his face paling and he stuttered while looking at Hershel for reassurance.
   The older man spoke softly but firmly, “He just passed out.”
   He pulled the forceps out of the boy’s wound, the bloody instrument holding a piece of bullet in its metallic grip.
   “One down. Five to go.”, Hershel muttered.
Prologue Part 1 Next
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21 notes · View notes
jessource · 1 year
THE MENU ( 2022 ) * sentence starters.
“please don’t smoke, it’ll kill your palete.”
“(name), tonight is huge.”
“when you smoke, you ruin your ability...”
“oh, come on!”
“thank you.”
“thank god.”
“is that gonna fit everyone?”
“a night?”
“you’re fucking kidding, right?”
“what, are we eating a rolex?”
“come on, let’s not ruin this by talking price, yeah?”
“just go with the flow, let it be magical.”
“not bad!”
“oh, thanks man.”
“you deserve this, baby.”
“you know who’s gonna love this? (name)!”
“fuck. we’re dicks, huh?”
“great. a power tasting.”
“they’ll be wasted by the amuse.”
“hi guys.”
“look at you on a gangplank in heels.”
“holy fucking shit.”
“(name), oh my god.”
“who’s (name)?”
”okay, well, it’s official.”
”tonight will be madness.”
“all aboard!”
”please make yourselves comfortable...”
“and avast, me hearties!”
“let's hope she’s seaworthy, eh?”
“yes, sir. yeah.”
“boat jokes... we’re on a boat.”
“yeah. we’re on a boat.”
“hey, we got a famous person on board, huh?”
“hey, aren’t you supposed to be running interference for me?”
“make sure people don’t bother me, then?
“god, we both know you were not bothered.”
“i saw all his movies when i was a kid.”
“hey, listen.”
“apparently, he’s a big foodie.”
“beautiful. thank you.”
 “it’s one of his classics.”
“the lemon pearls are made with alginate.”
“alginate, as in...”
“pond scum.”
“it’s laughable.”
“it’s actually fucking laughably good.”
“think i prefer just the oyster, though.”
“please don’t say ‘mouthfeel’.”
“too late. mouthfeel.”
“jesus, this is like prom.”
“yeah? i never went to prom.”
“really? why not?
“‘cause none of the cool girls like you said, ‘yes’.”
“aw, poor baby.”
“well, fuck those bitches.”
“it’s a pleasure to have you.”
“you gave my real name?”
“what about the paparazzi?”
“paparazzi? we’re on an island.
“i’m (name).”
“we’ll endeavor to make your evening as pleasant as possible.”
“that was really awkward, i’m so sorry.”
“don’t worry about it.”
“we’ll just go straight to the restaurant, if you don't mind.”
“we’ve seen the tour many, many times.”
“thank you. please follow me.”
“so, like, what are you working on now?”
“aw, hey, thanks for asking.”
“see, people still know me.”
“we have the bounty of the sea surrounding us.”
“out there, right now, we are harvesting scallops. you’ll eat them tonight.”
“hey, harvest harder, me dude!”
“we’re starving!”
“this is insane.”
“smell that.”
“yeah, i’m a huge embarrassing foodie.”
“i love this stuff.”
“and i’m close, personal friends with the chef.”
“can we pop in here?”
“dude, i read about one of these online.”
“can i check it out?”
“but please, do not touch our proteins. they're immature.”
“so, what happens if you serve it on the 153rd day?
“does all hell break loose, or...”
“well, i suppose the bacteria would introduce itself... to the consumer's bloodstream and spread into their spinal membranes... after which point, he or she would become incapacitated... and shortly thereafter expire.”
“so, yes, all hell would break loose.”
“i’d like to work for her.”
“this is where we live.”
“you actually live here?”
“here we are family.”
“we harvest. we fement.”
“we slaughter.”
“dinner is typically four hours and twenty five minutes.”
“it’s best that we all live here.”
“burned out?”
“there is food at the end of this, right?”
“who lives there?”
“isn’t the GOAT the greatest of all time, though?”
“look at that view.”
“wanna take a picture?”
“just... you should have the better view.”
“well, i don’t need a better view.”
“you know my name?”
“well, the attention to detail, it’s like, fuck!”
“yeah, i noticed you didn’t ask his name.”
“this ongoing obsession with snow.”
“it’s officially a plague, and no one is immune.”
“i want to hear your pitch for the show...”
“come on. i’m trying to do a goodbye toast. can you please just let me do that?”
“i told you this two weeks ago.”
“we’re doing this? the ‘talking about our lives’ thing?”
“me and (name) aren’t good. it’s not good.”
“are you at fault?”
“i’m an asshole.”
“we’re pathetic, aren’t we?”
“so it’s okay... that i’m not as into this as you are?”
“i’m sitting with the coolest girl here.”
“they play with the raw materials of life itself. and death itself.”
“that was beautifully put, (name).”
“i think i’m starting to get it.”
“i have to beg of you one thing.”
“do not eat.”
“is he serious?”
“be mindful.”
“and look around you. here we are on this island. accept. accept all of it. and forgive.”
“here they come.”
“we, the people on the island, are not important.”
“what happens inside this room is meaningless...”
“nature is timeless.”
“are you crying?”
“it’s just that i find it all very moving. it’s all so beautiful.”
“i’m pretty sure he doesn't even know about your existence.”
“relax. just eat your rock.”
“oh, my god. for crying out loud. it’s not brain surgery, okay?”
“okay, so we go to italy, right?”
“i eat the cheese, and then...”
“that’s a disaster.”
“whatever. at least we can say we’ve been here, right?”
“my dad used to say that you buy the experience.”
“i mean, this looks like... a suburban landscaping.”
“is he gonna keep doing that?”
“bread has existed in some form for over 12,000 years... especially amongst the poor.”
“ancient greek peasants dipped their stale, measly bread in wine for breakfast.”
“and how did jesus teach us to pray if not to beg for our daily bread?”
“he must be joking.”
“it’s gotta be a bit.”
“are you fuckin’ serious?”
“he’s basically insulting you.”
“it’s a concept.”
“i know what a concept is, (name).”
“call me the girl next door... but maybe there are some rules that you should give a fuck about...”
“this is all very clever, and i  didn't want to pull this card... but you know who we are, right?”
“i know who you are.”
“we won’t tell a soul.”
“you will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve.”
“that is not what i meant, and you know it.”
“i am perfectly capable of deciding when i eat and what.”
“you shouldn’t be so fucking rude.”
“where do we know her from?”
“ so, let me tell you a memory of mine.”
“i finally had to stab him in the thigh with kitchen scissors.”
“we’re not so smart when we’re young.”
“no, the pictures. they’re all of us.”
“what the hell are these?”
“how did you get these?”
“yeah, a fucking taco that might hold up in court.”
“stop talking and let me think, okay?”
“did you just fucking snap at me?”
“you do not send shit back to this kitchen, you child.”
“what did you just call me?”
“i called you a child... because you’re fucking acting like it.”
“(name), you need to apologise to me right now. you cannot speak to me that way.”
“actually, i can because, ding dong, i’m the one who’s paying.”
“how can i assist you?”
“what’s behind that silver door?”
“you shouldn’t be in here.”
“why do you care?”
“i’ll ask again. who are you?”
“i’m (first name) (last name).”
“so, where are you from, (name)?”
“you want the address for mom’s trailer park, you asshole?”
“no, it’s not who you want me to think you are.”
“you shouldn’t be here tonight.”
“please get the fuck out of my way.”
“he aspires to greatness, but he’ll never achieve it.”
“there is no way to avoid the mess.”
“the mess you make of your life... of your body... of your sanity... by giving everything you have to pleasing people you will never know. ”
“what are you doing?”
“what’s wrong with you?”
“the fuck is that?”
“that was a shock. i didn’t see that comin’.”
“what happened?”
“it’s just part of the menu.”
“it’s part of the show.”
“that’s a stunt? what was that?”
“this is an exclusive experience.”
“is he dead?”
“it’s not funny.”
“it looks so damn real.”
“this is just theatre, right?”
“he just fucking shot himself, okay?”
“it looked very real, (name). quite real.”
“we’re leaving. now.”
“is something wrong?”
“there is no boat to leave on.”
“that would be very difficult without phone service.”
“fucking move.”
“i’ll handle this.”
“with which hand, (name)?”
“with which hand will you handle this? left or right?”
“what the fuck are you saying?”
“shall we choose?”
“come on. leave the guy alone.”
“what the hell’s goin’ on?”
“do you need assistance finding your seat?”
“there’s a finger right there.”
“it’s not funny, lady! jesus christ!”
“this is real, isn’t it? i can’t do it.”
“i can’t do a hostage thing. i can’t.”
“then why don’t you go talk to him?”
“because you know him, right?”
“i made that up.”
“because i’m a name-dropping whore.”
“your husband’s ring, madam.”
“i honestly think that this whole thing is just for our benefit.”
“that’s why he texted me.”
“why are you doing this?”
“i’ve served many (name)’s. you’re not a (name).”
“what the fuck does it matter?”
“you were not a part of that plan.”
“with us, or with them?”
“and then you’ll let me live?”
“let you live? no!”
“we’re all gonna die tonight.”
“so, the question is, do you wanna die with those who give, or with those who take?”
“it’s arbitrary.”
“these decisions are important...”
“god damn it. it’s not fucking fair.”
“you smoke all day. can’t even fucking taste it.”
“we’re cornered. let’s focus.”
“wait, what’s the play here?”
“what are our options?”
“the door is guarded... but that could be a play.”
“hey, guys. we gotta do something.”
“we can’t be cowards.”
“this worked in a movie i did once.”
“when they bring their knives and forks, we just storm the kitchen, okay?”
“you think we have better knife skills than them?”
“what other choice do we have?”
“fuck it. i’m gonna break this fucking window.”
“there’s a saying. ‘sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea’.”
“i’ve found that not only does tea cleanse the palate, but it offers a soothing balm when facing some hard home truths.”
“but before we continue... are there any questions about me?”
“i think i speak for everybody here when i say that... i wanna know... i mean, we wanna know...”
“why the fuck is this happening?”
“you loved that i texted you an invitation for this evening.”
“your ego was fed.”
“it wasn’t cod, you donkey.”
“and i’ve been fooled into trying to satisfy people who could never be satisfied.”
"just say how much, and we’ll give it to you.”
“do you hear that silence?”
“listen, can you hear it?”
“and what have you decided?”
“i shouldn’t be here.”
“all of this... is not meant for me.”
“you’re not sure i’m brilliant, so don’t say it.”
“i’m not sure that you’re brilliant.”
“i was expecting more.”
“i guess i’m gonna have to make your decision for you.”
“you thought i couldn’t tell?”
“i know a fellow service industry worker when i see one.”
“how do you know him?”
“you’ve been eyeing him all evening.”
“you don’t rattle easily. so, how did he rattle you?”
“if we can find a boat, we can make a break for it.”
“into the tranquil night air.”
“i’ll send for help. first thing.”
“i’ll leave you to it.”
“it’s getting chilly.”
“yes, well... there was a time that would have meant a lot to me, (name).”
“you know, it’s the emoji for me.”
“don’t fucking run next to me.”
“you’re running next to me!”
“it’s a big fucking’ forest! fuck off!”
“are we all really dying tonight?”
“everyone dying was my pitch, actually. i’m super proud of it.”
“anybody want any wine?”
“i heard a pop.”
“not that you guys give a single, flying fuck... but my name is not (name). it’s (name).”
“party’s over.”
“welcome back.”
“what did you get?”
“how’d you do out there?”
“i did great. i killed it.”
“i’m the only one who got away.”
“i’m sorry. i’m a fuckin’ failure.”
“i’ve been stealing money from you.”
“i know. you cc’d me in on it.”
“tell me why you’re here.”
“and what were you told?”
“what were you told ahead of time?”
“‘everyone would die.’”
“i seem to remember you had a date.”
“so, you hired her knowing she’d die?”
“you entitled piece of shit.”
“i’m gonna kill you, (name)!”
“calm down.”
“you can’t blame her, can you?”
“you’re not like the others, are you?”
“come with me.”
“i have something for you.”
“mr handsome boy.”
“i’m proud of you.”
“what do you need? we have everything.”
“shit? would you like some shit?”
“we strive for perfection... which of course does not exist, and that is a hard truth for me to accept... so please forgive me.”
“and that concludes our demonstration.”
“do you see a barrel?”
“look, i’m not trying to sound, like, all whatever here or anything... but i just don’t think it's really fair.”
“do you wanna know why you’re being punished?”
“i saw the film calling doctor sunshine, and i did not enjoy it.”
“it was a sunday.”
“seeing you again now haunts me.”
“what happens to an artist when he loses his purpose?”
“what school did you go to?”
“i’m sorry. you’re dying.”
“do you think you’re special?”
“you’ve disobeyed this rule.”
“you’ve been a nuisance since you have arrived.”
“you will not replace me.”
“i didn’t forget.”
“happy birthday to you.”
“you told them it was my birthday?”
“seemed funny about three hours ago.”
“i am a monster. no, was a monster. and a whore.”
“and at last, the pain is almost gone.”
“i can no longer be hurt, (name).”
“as dr. king once said, ‘we know through painful experience... that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. it must be demanded by the oppressed.’”
“did he just quote martin luther king?”
“i see you found our radio.”
“it’s a boat!”
“did you call someone?”
“why didn’t you all try harder to fight back? to get out of here? honestly, you probably could have. something to think about.”
“are you the owner?”
“come on. clearly, there’s a misunderstanding.”
“on your knees with your hands over your head. now.”
“you’ve betrayed our sacred bond of trust.”
“you’ve shown your craft to be careless.”
“you’re an eater. you’re a taker.”
“i don’t like your food.”
“what did you say?”
“for starters... you’ve taken the joy out of eating.”
“every dish you served tonight has been some intellectual exercise... rather than something you want to sit and enjoy.”
“when i eat your food... it tastes like it was made with no love.”
“oh, this is ridiculous.”
“you’ve failed.”
“you’ve bored me.”
“and the worst part is... i’m still fucking hungry.”
“you know what i’d really like?”
“tell me.”
“yeah, we can do a cheeseburger.”
“the cheap ones your parents could barely afford.”
“american cheese is the best cheese for a cheeseburger... because it melts without splitting.”
“is the fryer still on?”
“one moment, please.”
“thank you... for everything.”
“i told you, you weren’t leaving.”
“the s’more.”
“it’s everything wrong with us, and yet we associate it with innocence.”
“but what transforms this fucking monstrosity is fire.”
“i love you all!”
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morroodle · 2 years
Back with my mechanic morro au brainrot so have some loose thoughts
In the version of the au where morro inherits wu's creation powers: he uses them exclusively to make explosives and while wu is happy he had them powers god dammit morro that's not what they're for
Morro is a petty little bitch to literally everyone but mostly to wu. It's his personal life goal to dissapoint wu as much as possible. Wu loves him but man is he tired of his shit
He has his own little signature/mark/crest thing that he puts on all the things he makes from a small gun to the ninja mechs. It's design is an eastern style dragon 🐉 wrapped around one of those little bombs 💣. He designed it when he was younger and kept it because he thinks it's cool (it is and i wanna draw it when I find motivation)
Morro cannot be allowed to be bored and unsupervised (or just bored in general). He can and will invent new war crimes.
Speaking of crime: everything he does is completely legal. He has many many licenses and regularly uses legal loopholes to make sure he can never get in trouble. He dosent actually need to because who is going to go after one of the heros of ninjago but still. If anything he sees it as a challenge. Its also the only thing stopping him from committing mass destruction.
He could absolutely take over and or destroy ninjago if he wanted, way more efficiently than garmadon. He has no interest in doing so but fsm help ninjago if he ever changes his mind
His blood stream is either 90% caffeine or he has never touched a cup of coffee. Both are funny and there is no in between
As stated previously he cannot be left unsupervised, mostly because he will commit explosions but also because he cannot take care of himself. His diet is exclusively protein bars and he hasn't slept in 2 weeks. No one knows how the hell he is functional. He would be absolutely disgusting as well but once someone mentioned him needing to shower so he invented a machine that can wash and dry him completely in like 2 minutes.
I love this au it's just fun. Feral morro with guns is great and I will make more (eventually)
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