#protestants i will make fun of you but you are/were so brave for getting through that 😭
vulpinesaint · 2 years
so glad i was raised catholic. i don't know what i would do with myself if i was raised protestant. try and appropriate catholic iconography and feel really bad about it probably.
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moonreader1010 · 3 months
Pac- what are you known for/famous for 💋
Note- 1. The pictures used do not belong to me. All rights go to the owner. (2) This is a general reading for entertainment purposes so take what resonates.
Pile 1. Pile 2
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Pile 3^
Pile 1- He said, "You bad, Nicki, " I said, "Thanks, sir" (thanks, sir)
Stay in some fresh prints, Ashley Banks, sir (banks, sir)
Call me A.I., sir, I'm The Answer (Answer)
I'm in the playoffs, sir, I advance, sir (advance, sir)
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okay so I feel like there is soo much masculine energy (not to be confused with being a male) . It’s more like your energy is veryy dominant and assertive. This is how people perceive you. You are this untouchable personality to other’s. You are perceived like a perfect leader who can deal with literally anything that’s thrown at them. You are also known as someone who is very stable. And people know you as someone who can control anything. Due to this, there could be many people who come to you for support. You might have a rags to riches story (or might have this in the future) and this will influence greatly what you are known for. This will be your trademark like you will be known as someone who went ahead and built their own empire. You will be also known for you financial success. You are also known as someone who is very wise and compassionate.
Channeled/above mentioned song- sir by Nicki Minaj ft. Future
Pile 2: "Ayo, just last week I told 'em to pick a side (side)
I bust shots, don't duck if it don't apply ('ply)
Bae out in Paris, he told me to pick a ride (ride)
Sike, made you look, I still didn't pick a guy
I'm the trophy of the game, everybody tryna win me (win me)"
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What’s with so much earth energy?? Lol. Anyway, before I even started shuffling the Cards I felt like you have a lot of jealousy surrounding you. Especially by women. Like you just get hated for no reason at all. So yeah. You could be known for being praised or being awarded a lot. Like it’s not even necessary that you actually get praised or awarded. There could be someone else getting the same things as you but no one would bat an eye but when you get those exact same things than everybody is protesting and being all jealous and bitter. And you know, when it comes to you then people only notice your success and achievements but they literally refuse to acknowledge the actual efforts that you were putting behind the scenes to get all that. They are almost blind when it comes to your efforts. Due to this, they could see you as someone who just gets stuff and gets a lot of opportunities. They might start rumours to ruin your reputation too. Despite this I can tell that you are known as someone who is fun. Like you know how to enjoy yourself. This makes these haters sooo mad omg keep it up. You could also be someone who speaks the absolute truth. You don’t really care who you are speaking against because for you if something is wrong then it’s f*cking wrong. You could also be known for your financial decisions like investments and stuff. And also the way you notice every detail.
Channeled/above mentioned song- hard white by Nicki Minaj
Pile 3- I don't want no drama
I just wanna be your diamond, babe
Guaranteed to be a problem
Every time I get around you, babe
I just want you to need me
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You are known as someone who has been through a big event and that event has totally changed you. You could be someone who USED to compromise or let anyone walk over you but now you know your worth and won’t let anyone play with you or you heart. You are known as someone who is very difficult to approach as you keep your heart safe and hidden. Karma could have a lot of significance for you. You are known as a very balanced person. You are also known as someone who can’t tolerate injustice. You are known as someone who is dangerous and people shouldn’t message with you. People see you as someone who is very very brave. And they might see you as someone who is still looking for the right people to let in. You might have been overkind at some point in your life and people took advantage of that. I just wanna give you a hug so bad. But now you people think thrice before even considering using you or your kindness. You are also known as someone who is very independent.
Channeled/above mentioned song- favourite by Nicki Minaj
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- canine, but mine (pt. 1: acquaintances)
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pairing: huang renjun x reader
au/genre: hybrid!au, fox hybrid!renjun, human!reader, virgin!renjun, smut, fluff, angst (?), the au is kinda unserious
don't like it, don't read it, okay... *sighs*
also, don't publicly shame me for any inaccuracies. i admittedly do not ready many (read: any) hybrid fics...
word count: 2860 words
warnings: HYBRIDS!, bullying, comforting, petting (not the sexual kind), semi-public diddling, mentions of virginity, cumming untouched, the base of renjun's tail is very sensitive......., sub!renjun ig
a/n: happy renjun day! 🦊
taglist: @jaeminnanaaa17 @i6renj
Ever since Renjun remembers, life has not been kind to him. Born not out of love between two people, but created in a laboratory for scientific research purposes, born not to be a part of society, but as an experiment for a potential weapon; part animal, part human, but not really part of either of those worlds.
Only after hybrid-rights-protests forced the government to take action against hybrid experiments, he was freed; free, but not really free, because that he'll never be. Instead, unloved by his creators that he could never bring himself to call parents, he continued growing up in a foster home, surrounded by kids that were nothing like him, kids that looked different than him, and kids that did not believe in the concept of "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself". The days he was not kicked by them, he was at least laughed at, mocked, or judged.
Renjun, objectively, knows that it's not his fault that he looks different, that he is different. He was just born, or rather: brought to life, with a set of orange fox-like ears on top of his fluffy, brown hair, a soft, bushy tail, tiny little fangs, and claws that he always keeps neatly trimmed to not accidentally hurt anyone.
The bullying did not stop when he started going to school, nor did it lessen the older he got. Kids are mean, Renjun knows that by heart, and he's never even had a friend. When he was 14, the girls in his class dared each other who would be brave enough to "kiss the freak", when he was 16, people started inviting him on dates only to laugh at him with their friends when he showed up all excited, and when he finally finished school and started going to university, he thought it would all be different. To be fair, he was no longer pushed into lockers, he was no longer spat at and people stopped pulling at his tail for fun, but the mocking did not stop. And even when he met another hybrid, a popular, big white tiger hybrid, he didn't receive any sympathy. God how he wishes to at least be a cool, strong hybrid, like a lion or a bear... or even a wolf! Why did they have to make him a stupid fox...
Ever since that day, he's told himself one thing: you're going to work hard, get through university and get a good job in the big city... where there are lots of hybrids and lots of supporters.
At this point, Renjun is fairly used to the bullying. With his goal in mind, he doesn't fight it, he just lowers his head, his ears laying flat against his fluffy hair as he waits for it to be over. He guesses that people are just not ready for hybrids yet.
One can only imagine his upmost shock when on the first day of the new semester, someone willingly sat down next to him. Admittedly, you were 5 minutes late and there were no other seats available, but you didn't beg anyone to please scoot over just so you didn't have to sit next to the weird guy with the tail. Renjun vividly remembers this day in philosophy class, as the professor went on and on about Henri Bergson and how the sand wasp instinctively knows where to sting the caterpillar to paralyze it, while Renjun was just smitten by the girl sitting next to him without gagging.
Unable to talk to you, he was just sitting there, smiling shyly to himself at this small act that seemed so big to him. He remembers almost falling off his chair in shock as you "psst!"-ed at him and awkwardly asked for a pen since you forgot yours. He remembers having to pinch himself as you smiled and thanked him, and told him you thought his shirt was cute. He remembers looking around in case you weren't really talking to him as you said, "see you next week!"
And when in the following weeks, you kept sitting down next to him even though there were other seats available, he was almost sure this had to be a dream. But it wasn't, and when during the third lesson, you softly asked for his name, he was this close to bursting into tears.
A few weeks into the semester, Renjun is currently sitting at the library, trying to memorize the different forms of utilitarianism. As always, he's sitting in a separate study room that he booked just for himself – a precautious attempt to not get made fun of as he's trying to concentrate. He crosses out his second attempt of trying to spell deontology correctly as he notices someone passing by the glass door to his study room. A moment later, the person backs up and looks inside, and he realizes it's you.
His heart stops for a moment as you begin smiling and waving at him, and he slowly lifts his hand to mimic the action hesitantly. Of course, you take that as an invitation to come in.
You close the door after slipping inside, still talking in a low tone as not to disturb anyone outside.
"Hey~" you say and sit down across from Renjun. He smiles and bites his lip nervously, "hey."
"You here all alone?" You ask softly, "is it okay if I sit with you?"
Renjun blushes. He knows you didn't think anything of it, but mentioning his lack of acquaintances is a bit of a sore spot for him.
"Sure... if you want," he says shyly, still not completely trusting that you're not going to turn this all around and make fun of him.
"Only if it doesn't bother you," you smile, "I'll be super quiet, promise!"
His smile is getting more genuine as you talk so casually to him. He just starts feeling a bit more comfortable, when sudden movements in front of the glass door make his head lift up.
A group of guys is standing there, pressing their faces against the door, clearly mocking his fox ears with their hands behind their heads. His heart sinks, he should've known this was going to happen today, it always happens when he's out in public.
"What-" you ask, noticing the pained look on his face and the way his ears are pointing down as he feels a wave of shame overcome him. You turn around, taking in the group of guys who're still silently making fun of the fox hybrid. "What the fuck..."
Renjun's ears twitch in surprise as you stand up, and he waits anxiously for what's about to happen. You rip open the glass door, lifting your finger into their face before speaking to them, hushed but still loud enough for a few people to lift their heads. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Did your mom not teach you manners? You should be ashamed of yourselves, you're university students, cut the crap with your preschool bullying, you fucking assholes," you tell them, and Renjun's eyes widen comically. You... you're standing up for him? For him?!
"If I see you doing this one more time, I'll get you kicked off campus... Now go back to being worthless idiots somewhere else. Leave him alone, I swear to God..." you say before closing the door, flipping them off, pulling down the blinds, and heading back to Renjun. To Renjun's upmost surprise, the guys actually left, and looking embarrassed at that, possibly because you just made one hell of a scene – and it's probably the sexiest thing Renjun's ever witnessed.
You sit down again, this time next to him. "You okay?"
Renjun breathes out shakily, ears twitching, tail swaying back and forth nervously. He's not sure what to make of this, someone standing up for him, it has never happened to him before. And before he can stop himself, he blurts out the question he's been asking himself since the moment your ass cheeks touched the surface of the chair next to him in that first philosophy lesson. "Why are you so nice to me?"
You halt, furrowing your brows. "Why wouldn't I be?"
He seems even more confused by that answer. "Um... You know, I'm a hybrid? Maybe you find that weird?"
You blink at him, "why is that weird?"
"Don't you... think I'm weird?" He asks. "Odd? Repelling? Freaky? Off-putting?? Anything???" He keeps listing adjectives as you keep shaking your head no. "Why... would you stand up for me?"
"I just don't like bullies," you state nonchalantly, "plus you're really cute."
Renjun's eyes bulge out of their sockets, tail curling up so suddenly that he feels like he's almost broken something in there. Maybe you're an animal friend, maybe that's all he is to you? "Cute? Like the fox parts or...?"
"Everything about you is cute. The fox parts are cute, but you'd still be cute without them."
Renjun just stares at you. This can't be real. He pinches the palm of his hand several times without you noticing, but he's just not waking up. If this is a dream, which he's almost certain it has to be, he could do anything he wants right now... like making your head explode- just to be sure! He concentrates greatly on it, but your head stays intact. He gives up. "You're not disgusted?"
"What?!" You look utterly confused, then your features soften into a look of concern. "Are people... usually disgusted by you?"
He nods without hesitation. "Usually, they just point and laugh, sometimes it even gets worse than that..." Renjun can't even bring himself to cringe as you put on a brave expression and tell him you're going to protect him from now on, because this is honestly the best thing that's ever happened to him. His heart melts at your words and it's hard to believe he's actually being comforted. There are no jokes being thrown around, no mockery, not even any pity. For once, Renjun feels like there's someone who wants to protect him. His lower lip quivers slightly as he holds back tears, and without thinking, he leans forward and places his head on your shoulder.
He hears you coo quietly, lifting your hand to his back and pulling him closer. "Is... is it okay if I stroke your hair?"
Renjun closes his eyes and nods. The warmth of the hug is comforting, the touch of your hands is gentle and soothing. His tension quickly dies down as he melts against you as he realizes that he has never felt like this before. And as you begin gently scratching and massaging his scalp, his ears begin twitching and relaxing at the feeling of your nimble fingers. He tries to hide the innocent pleasure that's shooting though his body, not sure if you would think it's odd, but his heartbeat is increasing rapidly. Your fingers feel like magic as they brush against his ears and scratch the base of his scalp. Suddenly a little too unhinged for his liking, he begins purring and nuzzling your neck, enjoying every single bit of your touch.
"God, you're adorable..." you say softly, making sure to pet him behind his ears and Renjun's entire body fizzles with pleasure at the feeling. As if it has a mind of its own, his tail curls around your legs. "Is this okay? Have you ever been pet like this?"
Renjun hums in delight, "I've always dreamed about getting pet like this..." Your fingers begin gently playing with his ears. At first, they twitch nervously, but soon, he relaxes into the touch. He notes that his ears are very sensitive when being touched by someone else that isn't himself, and he loves the sensation.
"They're so soft... I could pet you like this all day," you say softly, making Renjun smile.
"Do you...," he hesitates for a bit, "want to touch my tail too? It's even softer..."
"Do you want me to?"
Renjun nods shyly, lifting his tail a bit for easy access. The moment your fingers begin brushing over his fur, he shivers, whimpering slightly. Every other time, whenever someone's touched his tail before, it was rough and mean, but the way you oh so gently run your fingers through his fur makes him almost lightheaded.
"Your fur is so soft...," you whisper and he hums in response, eyes already closed as he gets lost in the feeling. His tail makes small circles behind your leg when you brush over the fur, he whimpers softly as your fingers move further up towards the base of his tail.
Your fingers feel so good, unlike anything he's ever felt before. He keeps questioning if this is love, or if this is what it feels like when someone really cares, but all he knows is that he craves more and more of this all consuming feeling, when suddenly, he lets out a short, loud moan. The tips of your fingers have unknowingly reached the base of his tail, causing a jolt of pure, white, hot pleasure to shoot through his body.
Shamefully, he buries himself into your shoulder, his tail curling around your leg. He's mortified as your movements pause for a second, he's sure he's messed up now, but then your scratching picks up again and he breathes out shakily, body twitching at the feeling.
You keep going and going, and he begins moaning softly.
"Is this still okay for you?" The softness of your voice makes his heart melt.
"Mhm..." is all he is able to bring out at the overwhelming sensation of being touched there for the first time.
"Have you been touched here before?"
"N-never..." Renjun whines softly. He's feeling himself harden in his pants, cock straining against the fabric of his jeans and he's sure you noticed.
"Are you a virgin, Renjun?"
The question catches him off guard, but honestly, he's too far gone now to feel shy about it. It seems that you have picked up on how sensitive he is, and he can't really blame you for your assumption. You seem so open and accepting of him that he doesn't even hesitate before slightly nodding his head, "yeah..."
"And you're sure that you want to experience... this with me?"
The feeling of your fingers on his tail intensifies with every second, Renjun feels dizzy, there's barely any blood left in his brain at this point, all of it damming up in his cock and every other sensible part of his body. "yes.. yes...!"
It seems like this is all you needed to hear to speed up your movement, fingertips scratching and petting him in the most arousing way possible, forcing whimpers and moans from his mouth. "Aahh... Ah..." He tries to hold back, but the sensation is too much for him. Your touch is too nice and it's making him lose control as he bites his lip to keep himself from letting out a vocal response, but it's not enough. He's starting to tremble, breath getting heavier as he begins panting harshly. This sensation surely feels very close to how he feels when he's about to cum.
And just the attentive person you are, you speak up about it. "Are you gonna...?"
"I... Aahh... I think so..." He says, his voice shaking as he speaks. "It feels so nice..."
Experimentally, you move your fingers to the underside of his tail, and Renjun's body jolts in pleasure, his whole body jerks as he moans out, mouth slightly open while keeping his voice down as much as possible given your current location. He reaches up and grabs your wrist to make you keep touching him there. "Please..." He says in a thoroughly pleading voice. "Don't stop.."
As he forces his eyes to open, he notices your eyes on him, your face so close to his, and his eyes inevitably dart down to your lips as he gasps for more.
Of course, you take it as an invitation to kiss him, and as soon as your soft lips merge with his, Renjun knows that he's going to cum. He feels like he's actually going to faint as the pleasure reaches new heights, your kiss building the tension up and up, his head spins as he feels himself tighten up.
Your movements quickly send him over the edge. The intensity of the sensation is making his body shudder as he pulls you closer toward him and he lets himself go, muscles tightening even further as he releases into his pants with a high-pitched moan.
Your hands carefully stroke over his tail again, your unoccupied hand coming back up to his hair to help him calm down. He's breathing heavily, body feeling fuzzy inside at the attention and from his intense release. "O-oh, God..."
"That was so hot...," you whisper, gently kissing the top of his head. He lets out a soft giggle. You successfully have made him blush once again. But just as he's really, fully calming down, he inevitably notices the sticky feeling between his thighs and cringes.
You chuckle softly as you notice the look on his face. "Maybe we should get you to a restroom..."
© 2024 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 3 months
Yo here to request big momo fic for you kind human, ok so momo going to milan fashion week ok, and she decided to bring YN her girlfriend with her to the event and they go to the after party and people are complimenting momo and YN the whole night and when they get home YN feels flustered with all the compliments and momo just says its all true ya know some true fluffy shit ya feel
A/N: Yes I know it took me a while but you know me by this point so allow it chimp.
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“Do I have to go? I don’t think they’ll let me in, they don’t even know me”, you say, trying to convince Momo to let you go back to the hotel.
Momo rolled her eyes and sighed, “It’s ok, I’m telling you, you believe me right? It’ll be alright, it’ll be fun actually, maybe you’ll see some people you know”, she tried to be comforting but it didn’t help much.
The fashion event was manageable but going to the after party too? You were feeling like an uninvited guest and you had not been to an event like that before and knew you would look awkward and out of place. But Momo did enough to make you tag along, for now.
It was a different story when you stood outside the entrance though. All your earlier doubts were creeping in again and you knew there was still time to turn back. But before you could make one last attempt to convince Momo she put both her hands on your back and practically pushed you through the door where you entered the room and froze, taking a few moments to look around as people almost immediately noticed you and you began to feel your anxiety climb up but then Momo comes up next to you, holding your hand and leading you to greet some of the people.
Immediately, you feel less tense, the people greet you with smiles and are not intimidating to talk to at all. In fact you were quite surprised by the amount of attention coming your way, with people often commenting on how you are such a great match for Momo. You start to calm down, even initiating a few conversations. All of a sudden it didn’t feel like you didn’t belong. Even though at times it felt like there was some forced politeness from others, you somehow managed to ride out the night.
“They weren’t just saying that you know”, Momo suddenly said, “you really did look so beautiful and like a model.”
“Mmm…”, you feel slightly shy, “I don’t know…”.
“Come on!”, Momo chuckled, pulling you closer, “I’m not joking.”
You sigh and smile, hugging Momo tightly, “thanks, I felt better when you were close”.
“Yeah, it seemed like that. That’s why I stayed with you the whole time”, She assured.
“No you didn’t!”, you protested, “You left me all alone when you saw the snacks!”
“Oh-No, that was…”, Momo tried to hold back her smile.
You playfully glare at her and she starts laughing.
“Traitor…”, you say as you hold on to her.
“Mmm…don’t say that, it was just a few minutes. You could have come with me.”, Momo teased.
You sigh again, leaning against her, proud of yourself for getting through this when you were so nervous and so happy and proud of Momo for helping you and believing in you.
You both hold on to the other, feeling complete in each other’s embrace. You love hearing Momo’s soft breathing when she hugs you and the way her hand is on your back. You snuggle into her and she chuckles.
“Are you tired now?”, Momo asks with a smile.
You stay quiet, slowly blinking but nod slightly, yawning.
Momo giggles, “you are so cute”, stroking your back. “Fall asleep in my arms!”
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bratzforchris · 11 months
No Tricks, Only Treats
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Summary ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆: Luke knows just how to treat you when you have to miss out on your favorite Halloween party of the year<3
Pairing: Luke x feminine reader
Warnings: Smut, oral (f receiving), marking, protected p in v, blasphemy (oh god, etc.), a bit/mention of a role-play scenario, sex while reader is sick, fluffy ending
Word Count: 2.1k (exactly!)
Note: Happy Halloween everyone! Whether or not you celebrate, I hope you have a lovely day <3 Also, I know the photo technically isn't Halloween, but I wanted Luke to look somewhat nurselike for the purpose of this fic >.<
“There’s no way I’m going to that party, Y/N.” Luke mumbled, snuggling beside you on the couch as he pulled a fluffy, white throw blanket over both of you. 
“You…” You paused to let out a chesty cough. “You have to, Lu. You’ve never missed an Ash Halloween party.”
“You’re sick, I’m not leaving you alone.” Luke hummed, laying his mop of curly, blond hair on your shoulder. 
“I'm not that sick, babe.” You sniffled. 
“Your fever was 102 earlier!” he protested. 
You curled into Luke’s side, coughing roughly again. You felt beyond awful, but you weren’t going to tell Luke that. He had never missed one of Ashton’s Halloween parties since he’d known him and you weren’t letting him now. Your boyfriend held you closer, allowing you to wallow against his chest, before laying your head on his stomach as Luke reclined against the couch. 
“I’ll be fine. You have fun.” You insisted. 
“So, if I check your temperature you’ll be fine?” Luke asked, raising his brow and searching your eyes, worrying clouding his typically bright blue ones. 
“Mhm,” You put on a brave face. “I’m an adult, Luke. I can care for myself.” You giggled. 
“I just worry,” the blond caressed your cheek. “You’re warm.”
“Luke,” You said firmly, your throat croaking. “Don’t make me drag you to that party myself.”
Luke pouted his lips, snuggling you closer to him. He ran a hand up and down your back, smiling softly as he heard sleepy noises falling from your lips. “Fine. I’ll go for an hour. Deal?” he smiled. 
“Deal!” You smirked, knowing you had won him over. “Go get changed into your costume!” 
Luke rolled his eyes playfully. “The party isn’t until nine. I’m staying right here and snuggling you until eight-thirty.”
You sighed, wrapping your arms around him and closing your eyes. “Y’know what? I’m okay with that.” You smiled sleepily. 
Luke held you closer, trying to keep you warm because of how awfully you were shivering from the fever. You let out a few barking coughs before closing your eyes and relaxing, knowing Luke would keep you safe no matter what. Your boyfriend hummed a soft, nonsensical tune until you fell asleep, caressing your hair with his lips. 
The next time you woke, it was to Luke picking you up and carrying you to your master suite. It had grown dark outside and the heat inside the house had kicked on, making you even more sleepy. You relaxed into Luke’s bridal-style hold as he carried you up the stairs and into the room, tucking you softly into your king sized bed. 
“Mmmmm Luke,” You mumbled tiredly. “Come snuggle.”
“I’m getting ready to leave, hun,” he said, fussing with something on your bedside table. “Do you want me to stay here?”
You snapped out of your sleepy trance when you heard what Luke said. You sat up and blinked your eyes sleepily, watching him bustle around the bedroom. You smirked when you watched your boyfriend pull the nurse costume out that you’d bought him earlier in the month. You had originally planned on being a doctor/nurse duo, but now, it appeared Luke would be a solo nurse. 
“You’re a hot nurse.” You giggled, coughing into a tissue. 
Luke wiggled into the teal scrubs, shaking his ass playfully. “You know it,” Your boyfriend came around to your side of the bed, laying on top of you to calm you down. “Are you sure you’ll be okay alone?”
You nodded, running a hand through his blond curls. “I promise, bub. Go have fun with Ash.”
Luke stood up off the bed and wrapped the costume stethoscope around his neck. He planted a kiss on your forehead with an exaggerated ‘mwah!’. “I’ll be back around ten, okay? There’s medicine, a water bottle, and a thermos of soup on your bedside table.” he smiled. 
“Thank you, baby,” You smiled and sniffled. “Now go have fun.”
The blond nodded, picking Petunia up and setting her on the bed with you. “Here’s a present; it’s a piggy.” he giggled, kissing you once more and slipping out of the room. 
You curled into Petunia’s soft, warm fur as you heard Luke pull out of the driveway. As much as you would have longed for Luke to stay with you, you knew he needed to go have fun. Besides, you were pretty content to lay in your cozy nest of blankets and pillows, watching Halloween specials and eating chicken noodle soup. You heard the wind howling the trees outside as rain splattered against the window. It was the perfect Halloween setting, you thought to yourself as you coughed sleepily. 
“I’m home, baby.” You heard Luke whisper as he laid his warm, plump lips against your feverish forehead. 
“Mmmm, hi Lu,” You whispered, rubbing your eyes. “Have fun?”
“I did, but it wasn’t the same without you.” Luke hummed, sitting beside you on the bed. 
“You’re too sweet,” You giggled, sitting up and putting your glasses on. “Damn, it’s already eleven?” You asked, letting out a barking cough as you reached for a tissue, glancing at your phone. 
“How long have you been asleep, hun?” Your boyfriend asked, beginning to take his costume off. 
“Since like, just after you left?” You said, more like a question. “I don’t really know, honestly.” You shrugged sheepishly. 
“Awwww, baby.” he pouted. 
“Wait!” You said when he reached to take off the scrubs costume. “Don’t take it off yet. I think you’re a hot nurse.”
“Even when you’re sick you’re still horny.” Luke laughed. 
You blushed, which wasn’t hard to do because of your already-red cheeks. Luke obliged your request, leaving the costume on and laying down with you on the bed, pulling into the little spoon. You blushed as you felt Luke’s soft stomach against your back and his dick that was beginning to harden at your words against your ass. He hummed softly, trying to relax you as he felt you wheeze against his chest. 
“Maybe I am.” You shrugged innocently.  
Luke laughed, rolling so that you were straddling him. “You know what they say the best cure for a cold is, right?” he asked, cheekily holding your ass in both his hands. 
“Cold medicine?” You joked. 
“Mmmmm,” Luke pulled you into him, starting to make out with you. “Don’t be a brat.”
You blushed and giggled, but pulled away from him. “You’re gonna get sick, Lu.”
“I don’t care,” he said with a lopsided smile. “It was bound to happen anyway. Just let me take care of you. I’ll be your nurse.”
You rolled your eyes, but kissed Luke again. “Fine. Be a good nurse and take care of me.”
The blond kissed you back again, his tongue meeting yours almost like a soft “hello”. He moved once again so that he was now topping you. “Arms up.”
You did as Luke asked, allowing him to pull off your Nightmare Before Christmas pajama shirt. He slowly trailed kisses down your cheek, before beginning to softly suckle on your neck, leaving hickeys that slowly trailed from the sweet spot behind your ear and down your neck, moving to leave them on your chest and tummy. Once he had left a small, soft hickey at your waistband, Luke looked up at you with blue eyes full of earnestness. 
“May I?” he asked, hooking a thumb around the waistband. 
You nodded, already feeling better with Luke’s electric touch. “Please do.”
Your boyfriend slid your pajama pants off, smirking when he realized you weren’t wearing any panties underneath. “Awww, already ready for me to take care of you?”
You whined, wiggling and arching your back against the sheets. You let out a cough, and Luke quickly began to hold your boobs in his hands, massaging softly. “For the cough.” he winked. 
“Feels so good.” You moaned out, your voice croaking a bit.
Luke left a kiss on both of your breasts, before moving down to your bare thighs. He slowly spread them, planting a kiss on each leg, slowly starting to leave kisses against your already damp slit. You gasped as the blond slowly licked over your clit, entangling your fingers in his curls. 
“Oh my god.” You whimpered, letting out a sneeze. 
Your boyfriend didn’t even give you a warning before he began to eat you out. His tongue was running across your folds and clit as he tapped out a rhythm on your electric spot, making you gasp out and clench your thighs around his neck. Your walls were already beginning to clench at the sensation of Luke’s beautiful tongue in and on you and despite your sickness, you already felt close to climaxing. 
“Luke, I’m close.” You whined, tugging slightly on his hair. 
The blond didn’t even answer. He just kept stimulating your sensitive spots with his tongue and his fingers until you had no choice but to let go. You came on Luke’s face, to which he lifted his head with a smile, wiping his eyes and nose with the hem of his teal scrub shirt. 
“You are such a good fuckin’ girl. Even when you’re sick.” he said, kissing you roughly.
You smiled, sneezing again. “Only for you…and your dick.” You giggled. 
“Is that asking for my cock, baby?” Luke smirked. 
You nodded sweetly, fluttering your lashes. “Please?”
“Well, as a nurse it is my job to make you comfortable so…” Luke chuckled, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the floor. 
He moved to pull a condom out of his bedside table, practically tearing his pants off and rolling the rubber onto his throbbing dick that was begging for stimulation. Luke lined himself up with your hole, looking down at you. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, checking in. “Don’t wanna push you too hard since you’re sick, princess.” 
“I’m fine. It’s making me feel better. Oh god, just fuck me.” You whined. 
“Someone’s eager.” he chuckled. 
You pulled yourself closer to Luke as he slid his tip inside of you, making you gasp out. “So fucking big.”
That must’ve fueled Luke’s ego, for he immediately slammed inside of you, bucking his hips against you. You were so wet that he didn’t even need to lube up. He just began to ride you fast and hard, moaning loudly himself. You were already so sensitive from your first orgasm that you felt close again within the first two minutes of Luke fucking you. 
“Close again,” You moaned, beginning to grip his back. “Makin’ me feel good.”
Luke thrusted into you roughly, making you both yell out at the same time. Something about the way he was grinding into you was unlike anything you had felt before. Your sickness had completely disappeared from your mind. All you were thinking about now was Luke’s enormous cock inside of you and how good it felt. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Luke speak, his voice husky. 
“Do it, baby. Cum all over my dick. Cum with me on the count of three.” Luke started and then began counting. 
As soon as he reached “three”, you both released, riding out your highs together as the sounds of sex filled your bedroom. Luke slowly slid out of you, panting heavily as he pulled the condom off, tying it off and throwing it in the trash can beside the bed. 
“You’re such a good girl. I had a great time,” he hummed, bringing you into him as he laid down beside you. “Feeling okay?”
You nodded, snuggling into Luke’s side as you caught your breath. “You were right. Sex is the best medicine.” You giggled. 
“I told you. No tricks, only treats.” Luke laughed. 
You swatted his bare shoulder gently, pulling the comforter over your naked bodies. “Please, no more corny Halloween jokes.”
“But they’re funny.” he fake pouted. 
“No, Luke. They’re not.” You giggled, coughing again. 
“They are!”
“Are not.” 
Luke rolled on top of you, leaving kisses all over your face as he began to tickle you. “You summoned the tickle monster, babe.”
You yelped out playfully, wiggling in Luke’s grasp. “Help!”
The blond left one last kiss on you, before relaxing and pulling you into him once more. “Happy Halloween, Princess Y/N. I hope you feel better.” he said sweetly, rolling to turn off the lamp. 
You blushed, hiding your face in Luke’s chest. Even after two years of dating, you still got butterflies when Luke called you princess. You loved him more than anything in the world and you knew he felt the same. “Happy Halloween, Nurse Luke.” You chuckled. 
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dahliamalfoy97 · 1 year
THRONE- Douma au, Douma x reader x a little bit of Akaza
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Synopsis: the reader is a devoted follower of the demon Prince Douma and is helplessly in love with him and simply just wants to please him. Eventually Akaza joins in on the fun.
Warning: 18+ SMUT, MDNI, very kinky and very hardcore smut so please proceed with caution. Dacryphilia, masochist kink, exhibitionist kink, Praise kink, Degrading kink, choking, slapping, spitting, blowjobs, oral sex, penetration, double penetration, anal sex, murder, all sorts of dirty things so again please proceed with caution. And please enjoy!
You made your way to the throne room, with the prince's favorite dinner. You were a servant of Prince Douma, the current heir to the Demon Kingdom.
He had kidnapped you from your family and had forced you to serve him however he pleased. But to be honest your family had been horrible and had been close to selling you a sex slave in order to make a living. But before they could do that. Prince Douma had invaded your home, slaughtered your family and took you in as his own personal servant. But unlike your family, all you had to do for him was serve him food, run errands and sometimes kill people for him. He never touched you in anyway. And provided you with the finest clothes. All made of silk. And despite him being your captor, you couldn't help but be grateful to him. He had saved you.
He had a reputation for being evil, killing for fun. A true devil. But you never saw him as that. Actually you kind of got off on his sadistic side. Something about his dark side drew you to him. You found yourself often dreaming about him at night. Wanting to serve him in other ways.
You'd do anything for him.
Right now you wore a red silk kimono. His favorite color. There were slits for both legs to slide through. Your breasts peaked through the neckline, and a sash barely kept you clothed. You wanted to take your service to the next level. Your long hair was done up in a messy bun so your neck was exposed.
His eyes immediately focused on you, the minute you entered. Those rainbow eyes scanned you up and down shamelessly, as he sat in his usual casual position. Legs spread out, laid back, and his elbow perched on the armrest. While his face rested in the palm of his hand. His silver hair fell in waves to his waist. He was dressed in a red sweater , a white kimono and red silky pants. He was beautiful in a deadly way. Like a snake luring you into his trap. But you weren't afraid. Nothing would stop the unhealthy rapid way your heart pounded in your chest.
"Hello little lamb," he greets in that musical lilt of his.
"Hello, my Lord ," you bowed your head as you nearer the steps to his throne.
"You are dressed quite lovely today," he notes, "red is my favorite color and I love it even more now seeing it on you."
"Thank you, my Lord."
"But I didn't summon you, so what brings you here?"
You bite your lip, "I want to serve you better, my lord."
You glance up to see his eyes widen with curiosity, "but you are already my best servant."
You can't help but blush, "I think you're being modest."
He tilts his head, rainbow irises turning into crescents, "I mean you do everything I tell you without hesitation or complaint- despite what I did to your family."
"My family deserved their face," you said protest, "you saved me, honestly."
At this he laughs, "ever so gracious too, and brave. Most humans would fear me, especially with my appetite for blood and other things. But you? You look at me like I hung the moon and stars in the sky, and I can't help but find you adorable. So as in a thanks to being my most loyal servant, I will reward you, tell me do you want new dresses? Money?"
You shake your head, taking a bold step up the steps that lead up to his throne, he watches with newfound interest and amusement. But something else flashed in those vibrant eyes.
Once you get to the top, you kneel down in between his legs, "no, my lord dresses and money will never compare to giving you great pleasure if you let me."
He reaches forward gripping your chin, with a thoughtful expression, heat coursed through your veins at the mere touch. All it took was one simple touch and you knew you were a mess down below. You ached for him in places that no man had gone before. "Just know if you do this, you're forever bound to me. Which means your soul, your pussy, everything, belongs to me. For all eternity."
You nod, "I know that's all I want. All I've ever wanted was to be yours."
"That's awfully, bold but you've never been a meek one, i know you crave my darkness," he says, his normally tenor voice just slightly lower, his hand caresses you cheek softly, tracing down to your exposed neck, a predatory grin surfaces that shoots straight to your throbbing core. You bite your lip.
"Please my lord," you plead softly, "I'd do anything for you."
"Anything? Hmm?"
You nod.
"Would you kill for me?"
He chuckles, "would you die for me?"
"Of course."
"And would you sell your soul, possibly become a demon in order to be with me?"
"Is that even a question?"
"Well?" He pushes, his hand trailing back up to your chin, his thumb brushing along the bottom of your lip.
"Fuck yes," you hiss.
He laughs, pleased, "good, than you may proceed, little lamb. Please me and I might reward you."
You nod eagerly, you trail your hand up his thigh, continuing until you reach your destination. You palm him through the silky fabric. To your surprise he's already hard underneath your touch. Massive too. You glance up at him wide eyes in shock.
"Yes, little lamb, that's what you do to me every day, you're not the only one that wants this, especially when you're wearing my favorite color. Making me want you even more."
With this new found encouragement, you hastily undo his buckle. Tugging his pants down, you grip his hard length and pull it out. Gripping it with your small hands. His mere size was alone to make your mouth water. Long, thick and veiny. You stroke him, feeling him, mesmerized by the hot heavy feeling.
"Like what you see?" He chuckles, those bright orbs teasing.
“Absolutely,” you murmur, “you’re massive.”
Slowly, you bend your head down and take his head in his mouth. He hitches a breath when run the seam of your lips long his crown. Up and down in a teasing manner. His hands lace with your hair to pull it out of your face. But they remain there in tight grip. You feel him pulsing in your hand as you slowly lick down the side of his shaft and back up again before going up to suck the tip in lightly, causing his precum to leak out to which you immediately flick your tongue over to taste. Letting his salty cum coat your tongue.
“You’re doing so well,” he praises. You continue this light teasing of grazing his shaft with your lips and going back to suck on his tip, soft moans falling out of his lips as he stares at you. His usual rainbow irises have darkened with lust. You continue to gather precum and saliva to slide it up and down his cock. Gripping the base of his cock you bring in the tip even further into your mouth. Slacking your jaw so you can take him in further. His thick girth stretching your lips wide, as continuing to suck his crown and sucking the underside of his cock. Glancing up, he was turning into a moaning mess. You stroke him as you continue to play with him, sucking and licking along his length. Letting your teeth graze his hot veins lightly, causing him to groan.
“Who knew that the little lamb would be such a fucking tease.”
You look at him wide with innocent eyes but there’s a small smirk. Focusing back on his cock, you force yourself to take it in deeper. Choking slightly at the stretch. You pull off only to take him in some more, finally when it seems like he’s in all the way, to where he hits the back of your throat, you begins bobbing your head up and down. Gagging each you go all the way down. Your nose hitting his pubic bone. His moans going higher and becoming more loud encourage you to go faster.
“Fuck, that’s a good little lamb,” his cracks slightly. “Your mouth is made for my cock. It takes it so well.”
His words of praise shoot straight to your core. You reach between your skirt. To which you have no panties underneath which catches his attention. Watching as you start to play with yourself.
“Does your pretty little cunt need some attention too, little lamb?”
You only can hum in response.
“Do you want me to fuck your needy pussy?”
Again you can only hum for your mouth is stuffed full, he tsks in disapproval. Without warning he roughly yanks your head off his cock, chuckling as a string of saliva connected to your lips and his cock. Before his gaze darkens.
“I asked you a question, slut.”
You whimper as he degrades you in that musical lilt of his. He grips your chin roughly. Before forcefully pushing your mouth back on his cock, pushing your head all the way down, causing you to gag. Tears stream down at the sudden brutality but it only turned you on even more to see the true sinister look in his eyes. To see that usual smiling face shift into something dark and cunning.
“What can’t answer because your mouth is too full of my cock?” He mocks. Yanking your head up and then forcing it down again. Seeming to get pure satisfaction of you struggling to take his cock each time. “What a pathetic slut.”
He begins thrusting up into your mouth. The back of his hitting the back of your throat harshly. Not letting you adjust at all, he laughs when you gag and cry, not letting up on his brutal assault on your mouth.
He grips your throat squeezing slightly with his long hands, causing you to choke at the sudden lack of air.
“It’s so fûcking entertaining seeing you choke on my cock, your tears also turn me on so much.” He smirks. “ you cry so pretty for me.”
You’re dripping now, you could feel your arousal pooling on the ground at his rough manhandling.
“Are dripping down there?” He taunts, “I can smell your arousal. Tell me, do you like me being rough with you and using you like the dirty whore you are ?”
He chokes you again, “I can’t hear slut, you’re mouth is full. Didn’t your parents ever teach you to not talk with your mouth full?”
You whimper at his words, loving how he taunted you.
Soon he’s shooting down your mouth, tugging you off of him. Forcing your mouth open, “fûcking swallow everything.”
You immediately obey making sure to swallow every drop and morsel of his cum. Then opening your mouth wide to show him.
He smirks, “good girl. Now get up and strip for me.“
You shakily stand up, and begin stripping. Slowly. Teasing him even further. Smirking at the way his eyes darken again. Noticing he was still fully dressed aroused you even more. Soon you are completely bare before him.
“No panties and no bra,” he muses, resting his chin in his hands taking you in lazily but that darkness lingered in those rainbow depths. “What a slut for practically strutting around my castle naked, begging to be fucked.”
“I only did this for you, my Lord,” you reply softly.
His grin widens, “of course you did. Because you’re not just a slut. You’re my slut.”
He stands up, sheds out of his own clothes and stalks to you like a predator assessing his prey. He’s beautifully pale. Every inch of him seems to be perfectly molded, from his well muscled chest, to his thin waist and thick thighs and long hard cock, that stood angrily and taut against his stomach. Your mouth waters at how beautiful he is. His hand caresses your your cheek, running along your neck and down your tits. He runs a finger over the hardened nubs. Pinching between his finger and thumb.
“So fucking gorgeous,” suddenly he’s behind you. Pressing your backside against his naked front. Pushing his hard cock against your ass. You moan feeling it poke and taunt you. He presses you against him. Biting you ear, smirking when you writhe against him, crying out. His hands run down your front caressing your tits, teasing them as he kneeds them before continuing a path down to your aching cunt.
“P-please my Lord,” you plead breathlessly.
“Please what ?” He taunts. “What do you want slut?”
“Please fuck me,” you whimper, “I need you to fuck me.”
“Hmm let me think about it,” he hums, “I think I want to tease you more. I love feeling trapped against me. Writhing like a helpless little lamb, waiting so desperately to be devoured. It makes me feel so good and so powerful.”
“Please,” you beg.
“But I’m not done playing with you yet,” with out warning he begins teasing your clit with his fingers. Rubbing it, causing you to buck and squirm against him. “So helplessly wet,” he chuckles darkly. “I bet I don’t even need to prep you. I can slide my cock into you with ease because you’re so wet and willing for me.”
To taunt you even more, he slides his cock in between your thighs. Running it back and forth along your aching seams. But not enough to go in. It was pure torture the way he teased your pussy. You were aching for him and he knew it, yet he continued to torture you with his cock.
“Please,” you sob on the verge of losing whatever insanity you had left. This man was driving you crazy. Crazy with need and desire. “Just fuck me already.”
Chuckling he ignores your plea, abruptly inserting a long finger into your walls. You instantly cry at the sudden intrusion. But with your wetness, your cunt sucked him in easily.
“See? You don’t need to be prepped. You’re all ready for me to fuck.”
You have no chance to breath or speak as he suddenly slides into you all in one go. Not giving your tight walls any chance to adjust before he immediately starts to drill into you. Instantly, you become a sobbing mess as he slams into you with such brutal, animalistic speed. Nothing human in the way he moves. Harsh and unforgiving. Relentless hard thrusts.
“Ohmygodohmygod,” you sob, reaching out to hold into something. But there was nothing but him to hold you up. He had full security and control of your body.
“You are so fûcking tight for me,” he grunts. “Such a perfect little plaything for me to fuck and destroy. I’m going to fuck pussy every day. Going to fuck it dumb so all it can think about is me and how I make it feel.”
“Please,” you mumble, “please use me as your plaything. Please my lord, fuck me dumb,”
He chuckles darkly, “of course you want me to fuck you stupid, because you’re nothing but a desperate little slut. My slut to fuck.”
He continues ramming into you without mercy, he wraps his hand around your throat again squeezing.
“Repeat after me,” he demands. “Say you’re my slut to fuck.”
But all you can manage is garbled words as he cuts off your airway. Which is he wants so he can mock and torture you some more.
He lets go of your throat, slapping your face, “fûcking answer me bitch. You’re my slut to fuck.”
“Y-you’re my slut to fuck,” you repeat, drunk and out of your mind.
He cackles before choking you again, “wrong words, sweetheart. Try that again. You’re my slut to fuck.”
“I’m your slut to fuck!” You scream out.
“There you go, there’s a good slut, my slut,” he slows his pace slightly, torturing you with slow strokes going deeper and deeper. As if he’s searching for something, you immediately moan and he smirks, knowing he’s found it. “You take my cock so well. I can feel you clenching around me, so I know you’re close, sweetheart.”
All you can do is nod.
“Beg for me to let you cum,” he orders, choking you again.
“Please,” you plead once more. “Let me cum.”
With a smirk, he quickens his pace, before bringing his mouth to the corner of your neck. Fangs graze your skin, before sinking in. You scream out the delicious pain of his bite and his hard thrusts of pleasure send you into a crashing wave of pleasure. You feel him releasing into you, hot and heavy. Filling your hole with every inch of his cum.
With a flash he detaches his mouth. He picks up and throws you onto his throne, he positions you so you’re sitting facing him. He yanks at your legs pushing them up so they’re perched on the armrests and you’re stretched and exposed for him to see. He’s quickly sinking to his knees, pulling you forward so you’re sitting on the edge. He runs a finger along your swollen wet clit.
“What a delicious sight, all ready for me to eat.” Instantly, he’s on you. Lapping and sucking in your clit, devouring you like a starving man. “So fûcking delicious,” he growls, against your clit his rainbow irises fix on you, never letting up as he eats you out. You cry out and arch your back at the overwhelming pleasure for you were still sensitive from your previous orgasm.
“Douma,” you choke in between moans. “Don’t stop.”
“Never,” he growls. “As a demon, I can never go to heaven, but fuck, you are my heaven. My little dirty Angel. You taste so fucking divine and your pretty little noises are my salvation. I am never letting you go and I will never stop devouring this pussy. I can’t get enough.”
And you get lost in the overwhelming pleasure of him feasting on you with such fervor, you can’t help but grind on his face. Wanting as much friction. Desperate for that release again. It’s when he inserts two fingers that you completely lose it, once again being overstimulated by his tongue and his fingers curling within you, stretching you out again- you don’t notice the doors to the throne room opening, footsteps sound, causing you both to freeze and look at the intruder.
“Who dares to interrupt my meal?” Douma demands in annoyance. But you push his face down to continue. Not wanting him to stop. His rainbow irises flicker with pride and obeys your command, he resumes his feast on your cunt.
You watch in amusement as the stranger continues to walk in. It was one of his followers. But there was so many of them, that you couldn’t remember his name but that didn’t matter.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” the follower stammers, “but we have an emergency.”
“And what is this emergency?” You press, in a mocking manner. Grinding your hips shamelessly on Douma’s mouth. You could feel your high building with each thrust of his tongue and fingers.
“Prince Akaza is here,” the idiot keeps his gaze averted and looking on the ground.
“Tell him he can wait,” you speak. “We’re are a bit busy at the moment.”
“Who are you to give orders? Human?” The follower hisses. “Just because you’re warming the Prince’s bed doesn’t mean you can give orders.”
Douma stills and turns to glare at the man, “that is your Queen you’re disrespecting, if she tells you we are busy and that royal asshole can wait then I suggest you fucking listen and show some fucking respect!”
“But but-“
“Fuck off,” you snap, pissed that you’re orgasm was being delayed by some idiot.
You pick up the dagger that’s sitting on the table next to the throne and hurl it at the follower. It imbeds itself in his throat causing him to choke and for blood to fill up. He claws at his throat in weak attempts to get it out but ends up ripping it out and falling to the floor in heap. Lifeless.
“Sorry he was getting on my nerves,” you look down at Douma who’s staring at you with intent, suddenly feeling shy at what you had done.
He grips your chin and pulls you into a kiss, “don’t apologize, sweetheart. You had every right to kill that fucker, he was disrespecting you. And interrupting our time together and you handled it perfectly.”
Your eyes widen, “really?”
“Yes. You’re fûcking sexy being all cold and demanding. Being ruthless and unforgiving. You’re everything I need as my Queen.”
“Then I’m not sorry for killing him.”
“How did it feel?” He questions softly, going to sink fingers in your cunt again, causing you to arch and writhe against his fingers.
“So fûcking good,” you moan.
He grins, “Atta girl!”
That’s all it takes for you to come undone around his fingers. But that doesn’t stop him from lapping up your cum from your cunt. Sucking all of your juices with a satisfying hum.
Suddenly, he’s manhandling you once more. Picking you up and sitting down with you on his lap, “go ahead and ride me, Sweetheart.”
You nod happily, as you hook your legs around his waist, straddling him. You take a hold of his still hard cock and line it up with your slit, teasing him lightly. Before sinking down onto him in one go. You sit for a moment, reveling in the way he stretches you out in this new position. You could feel every vein and inch of his skin against yours. You swirl your hips a little wanting to feel every inch of him stretch you out.
“God,” you moan in a shaky breath.
“That’s right, I am your god,” he cooes, tauntingly. “Now take your god’s cock and worship it with that deliciously tight cunt of yours. “
You smirk as you begin riding him, going jo and down his shaft, taking him in deeper with each bounce. You’re smirk falling into moan as you continue to fuck yourself on him. You lean forward connecting your lips with his, capturing them in a hungry, needy kiss. To encouraged with his own. Your tongues dance in violent battle both of you fighting for dominance but he immediately win. Smirking when you whine in defeat, but also loving how easily he took control of you. You wanted him to have full control. You wanted to give him all your love.
“You feel so amazing squeezing around my cock and you look stunning as you fall apart riding me, I love it,” he murmurs against your lips.
“I love it too,” you whine softly, your movements slowing down as you can feel yourself tiring and shaking around him, “I love you, Douma.”
He laughs and starts fucking up into you, gripping your hips tightly, to help brace you.
“Of course you do, I love you too.”
The doors the throne room open again but neither of you stop. Not wanting to be interrupted again.
“Don’t stop,” Douma growls, choking you again as he repeatedly slams into you from below. Let him watch how good I own this pussy.”
You moan and choke in response.
“Of course this is why you’re ignoring me,”’a deep annoyed voice calls out. This one more bold and cocky than the other intruder. “Ignoring your Princely duties to fuck a whore. How typical of you Douma.”
“That’s right she is my whore and not yours, Akaza,” Douma taunts, you, yourself can’t help but smirk. Glancing a smug grin over your shoulder at the other demon Prince. Something like disgust and slight arousal flickers in those yellow eyes of his.
“Well I can’t blame you,” Akaza says indifferently. But his eyes are dark with lust. “She’s fûcking stunning.”
“That’s because this whore, is My Queen, and she’ll be ruling by my side from now on.”
“I see,” Akaza murmurs. “Well I’ll come back to talk you again when you’re finished.”
“You sure you don’t want to join us?” Douma mocks. “You sure to be enjoying the show. She’ll probably happily take another cock. Isn’t that right, my little lamb?”
The purple haired demon prince is behind you in a flash, palming his hard tent through his pants. He was hot too, with pale skin and blue markings running down his face and exposed torso.
“Do you want me to?” He asks, taking your chin and forcing you to look af him as Douma lazily continues to pound into you below.
You nod, “yes. Yes please.”
He smirks, “well since you beg so nicely.”
You watch with half kids as he pulls his cock out of his pants. He lifts his fingers to your mouth.
“Suck,” he orders.
You oblige, taking his fingers into your mouth sucking on them and coating them with your saliva. He shoves them in deep, causing you to choke and your eyes do water. He removes them only to pry your mouth open again and spits in your mouth. You immediately swallow. He grins darkly.
“Isn’t she a perfect little slut?” Douma cooes, bucking his hips into you a little more brutal this time. Causing you to scream, your voice hoarse.
“Fucking gorgeous,” Akaza growls, he begins stroking his cock with your saliva coating his hands. He reaches in between where your cunt and Douma’s cock meet. Gathering the cum that is forming around and using it to brush along your asshole, feeling it eagerly flutter at his touch. Then he slowly begins pushing a finger in.
“Oh fuck,” you both hiss together.
“You’re so fucking warm and tight, Princess,” Akaza growls, “I can’t wait to stretch this pretty pink hole out and make it bleed.”
You whimper at his lewd words only turning you on even more. Plus Douma was still fucking your pussy relentlessly. He enters another finger, and then a third your hole scissoring and stretching you out even more.
“You want that hmm?” Akaza smirks, “you want me to make this tight little hole bleed?”
“Yes, please,” you sob.
He laughs, “so pathetic”.
Douma brings you in for a kiss just as Akaza line his tip at your hole, before slamming into you at full force. You immediately fall apart as your stuffed completely. Douma in your pussy and Akaza in your ass. Both destroying your insides without any of mercy.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck,” you scream, “I’m so full-feels so fucking good.”
“Such a greedy little cock slut, begging to be stuffed with two cocks? What mine isn’t enough? You need his too?” Douma laughs cruelly, “what a fucking greedy little bitch.”
You whine in protests.
“That’s right, scream for us,” Akaza growls, “scream so everyone can hear what a little cock whore you are.”
Soon enough, the overwhelming pleasure of being filled with two cocks and two demons manhandling you with such brutality, the pleasure becomes too much and you’re coming around them.
“That’s right, make a mess,” Douma laughs. “Cum all over us.”
Soon Douma is shooting his own load into you, you both watch in satisfaction as it fills you up. After a few more grunts and thrusts. Akaza follows soon after, not wasting a single second emptying his seed into your asshole. When demons are satisfied with you being filled to the brim with their cum, they pull out. You immediately feel yourself clenching at sudden emptiness, wanting to be filled again but your body was too tired to go again. Even though you knew you’d let them fuck you unconscious if you could.
“Thanks for joining us, Akaza,” you murmur tiredly.
“Looks like I’ll have to visit you two more often,” Akaza grunts, as he tucks himself back in his pants.
“You’re welcome anytime,” Douma says.
Shortly, Akaza leaves, Douma presses a soft kiss on your forehead before scooping you up.
“You did so well for me, my little lamb, now let’s get you cleaned up.”
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Imagine Sanji in the kitchen of the Sunny, in a bad mood, because the day before was a moment, witnessed by the full crew, of him chickening out of confessing his feelings for Usopp, even though it was obvious for everyone.
Now Sanji is making dinner but has a pesting captain in the room, who thinks he's subtle in asking questions but they are quiet obvious like 'What do you like in a partner?' because Luffy wants them (SanUso) to be together.
Well, Sanji is fed up and calls for Zoro to come and remove his freak of a boyfriend (their captain) (ZoLu is out) or there won't be dinner that day.
Luffy is protesting about no dinner but Zoro easily picks him up to take him away and tells Sanji:
"I'll do what you can't do, (being an attentive boyfriend)
so you can do what I can't." (living in denial) (or cooking)
Sanji is fuming, his cigarette is fuming, the dinner is fuming. Dinner is almost ruined by Sanji slightly burning it.
This is not his day.
Honestly, in his defense, he tried to confess in private but he wasn't brave to do it and everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) was listening through the kitchen door because they don't know what personal space is and the second Usopp got out of the room they stormed inside and started making fun of Sanji or telling him to go tell Usopp the truth already because they were going to fucking lose it.
Luffy is just trying to get them to be together because he doesn't understand why they're keeping their feelings hidden if they feel the same way. It's stressful! It doesn't make sense! And it's making both of them unhappy! Their captain is just trying to be of help but Sanji needs time to be ready, okay? He just- He just needs more time.
And Zoro would definitely say that and Sanji would go, like, fucking insane. It's his last straw, really. I think he confesses that same night because I don't think this man can handle more of this shit.
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starsenha · 1 month
DUET - audition day (chapter 1)
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The vibe at Decelis University’s dance studio was buzzing with that special kind of electric tension that only comes before a major audition. The regional dance competition was looming, and today was the big day to see who would snag the solos and duet spots. The studio was alive with dancers who had been pouring their souls into practice.
You were near the mirrors, adjusting your dance shoes, surrounded by your comforting and familiar friends.
“Hey Hoonie, can you pass me my water bottle?” you called out while stretching your legs.
Sunghoon, ever the attentive one, handed it over with a small smile. “Here you go. Ready to crush it?”
“Born ready,” you replied confidently, winking at him. “How about you?”
“Always,” he said, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Don’t forget to breathe out there,” Chaeryeong teased, poking you in the ribs. “You’re gonna need all the oxygen you can get.”
You laughed, swatting her hand away. “Thanks, Chae. Like I needed the reminder.”
Kim Gaeul, bouncing over with her endless energy, chimed in, “Come on, everyone! Group stretch! We need to be limber and ready to go.”
As you all began your stretching routine, Sunoo joined in, his dramatic flair evident even in his warm-ups. “I’m telling you, if my solo doesn’t make the cut, I’m staging a freaking protest.”
“Oh please, Sunoo,” Jeongyeon laughed. “You say that every time. Just dance your best and stop being so dramatic.”
“Never,” Sunoo declared with a flourish, making everyone laugh.
You noticed your younger brother, Riki, nervously fidgeting with his dance shoes in a corner. Concerned, you excused yourself from the group and walked over to him.
“Hey, little bro,” you said softly, sitting down beside him. “You doing okay?”
Riki looked up, trying to hide his anxiety with a brave smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… you know, a bit nervous.”
You smiled warmly, ruffling his hair. “It’s normal to be nervous, Riki-kun. Just remember, you’ve practiced hard for this. You’re gonna do great.”
Riki pouted, swatting your hand away. “Stop treating me like a kid, onēchan. I’ve grown up, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, Mr. Grown-Up,” you teased, poking him in the side. “But you’ll always be my little brother, no matter how old you get.”
He laughed, his nerves easing a bit. “You’re so annoying, you know that?”
You grinned. “I know. But seriously, just dance like you always do. You’ve got this. You’re amazing.”
“Thanks,” he said, a genuine smile breaking through. “Good luck to you too.”
“You too, little bro,” you replied, giving him a quick hug before standing up. “Now, let’s show them what the Nishimura siblings are made of.”
As you returned to your friends, Riki took a deep breath, feeling ready to face the audition.
The door to the studio swung open, and the atmosphere shifted instantly. Jay and his friends walked in, and the room grew quieter, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
Jay, exuding confidence, glanced around before locking eyes with you. “Ready to lose, Nishimura?” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes, suppressing the annoyance rising within you. “In your dreams, Park. I’ll make sure you eat your words.”
You and Jay had always hated each other. No one really knew why, but ever since you two met, it was like oil and water. Constant clashes, endless bickering, and no love lost.
Sunghoon, always protective, stepped closer to you. “Ignore him, Yn. Just focus on your audition.”
Jay’s friend, Jake, with his playful puppy-like demeanor, clapped Jay on the back. “Let’s see that solo of yours blow everyone away, Jay.”
“Piece of cake,” Jay replied confidently, shooting you a challenging look.
Lee Heeseung, shy but thoughtful, observed the scene quietly, while Yang Jungwon, ever the mediator, tried to lighten the mood. “Let’s all just do our best. No need for unnecessary drama.”
Mischievous and loud Shin Yuna added her flair to the mix. “Oh, but where’s the fun in that, wonnie? A little rivalry never hurt anyone.”
As the two groups sized each other up, you couldn’t help but feel the competitive fire burn brighter within you. You exchanged a glance with Chaeryeong, who gave you an encouraging nod.
“We’ve got this, boo,” Chaeryeong whispered. “Just dance like you always do.”
Gaeul, ever the cheerleader, piped up, “Yeah, Yn! Show them what you’ve got!”
Yuna’s friend Ning Yizhuo whispered something to Yuna, making them both giggle. You noticed but chose to ignore them, focusing instead on your warm-ups. Just before Jay’s group made their way to the other side of the studio, Jungwon patted your shoulder.
Jungwon was the only one in their group who was genuinely nice. “Good luck out there, you’re gonna kill it,” he said, with a big smile.
“Thanks, Won. You too,” you smiled back at him before he joined his friends.
The dance instructor, Lee Bada, stepped into the center of the room, her presence commanding immediate attention. “Alright, everyone. Today, we’ll determine our soloists and the duet for the regionals. Each of you will perform a solo, and the best male and female solos will be selected. The second best will form our duet.”
Hyunjin, the co-captain, added with a smirk, “Give it your all. We’re not holding back.”
The auditions began, each dancer giving their heart and soul to their performance. The tension in the room grew with each passing performance, the competitive atmosphere thick enough to cut with a knife.
It was finally your turn. You stepped into the center of the room, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. The music started, and you let the rhythm take over. Your movements were precise and powerful. You poured your emotions into the performance.
As you finished, the room erupted in applause, your friends cheering loudly. Even Jay had to admit, begrudgingly, that your solo was impressive.
“Not bad, Nishimura,” he said, trying to hide his admiration.
“Save your compliments for someone who cares,” you shot back, though your cheeks flushed with pride.
Next up was Jay. He sauntered to the center, exuding confidence. The music began, and he launched into a dynamic routine, his movements powerful and controlled. Every leap, every spin was executed with precision. He was a force to be reckoned with, and you couldn’t help but watch in awe, even as you hated to admit it.
When he finished, the applause was thunderous. His friends whooped and cheered, clearly proud of their leader.
“Top that,” Jay said, flashing a victorious grin at you.
“Don’t get too cocky, Park,” Sunghoon interjected, glaring at Jay.
The auditions continued, with each dancer giving their all. Sunghoon’s performance was cool and composed, his shy nature melting away as he moved. Chaeryeong’s dance was sassy and full of energy, while Riki showcased his talent with a playful yet precise routine.
Finally, the auditions were over. The dancers gathered, sweaty and exhausted but satisfied with their efforts. Lee Bada and Hyunjin exchanged glances, clearly impressed with the talent on display.
“We’ll announce the results tomorrow,” Bada said, her voice calm but firm. “Great work, everyone. Rest up and be ready for practice.”
As the dancers filed out of the studio, the tension between you and Jay remained. You both knew you had given your best, and now all you could do was wait.
“You were amazing, Yn,” Sunghoon said softly as you walked out.
“Thanks, Hoonie. You too,” you replied, smiling at your friend. “Let’s hope we both make it.”
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taglist: @sincerely-sunny @realrintaro @onlyhyunjin
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thebest-medicine · 3 months
Show, Don’t Tell
The Owl House - lee!Luz, lee!Hunter, lee!Amity, ler!Camila, ler!Willow, ler!Gus, ler!Luz - [read on ao3]
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Summary: Camila shows the rest of the Hexsquad a way she used to calm down / cheer up Luz during a scary movie when she was little. Soon, more of the Hexsquad reveal themselves to share the same weakness.
A/N: I come to bring you sweet owl house tickles, takes place during thanks to them
Words: 1.2k
“Si, and any time Luz was too scared—she always tried so hard to be brave! We always used to help cheer her up with—”
“Whoa! Mama, you don’t have to tell them about—”
“No, tell us! What is it?” Amity asked, a curious smile on her face at Luz’s blurted attempt to silence the story. Luz stared back at her with blushing cheeks before the eyes turned back to her mother a moment later.
“You’re right.. I shouldn’t tell them.” Camila said calmly. She waited for Luz to lose a bit of the tension from her shoulders, ler her guard down just a little… “I should show them!” She leapt toward her daughter with a war cry. Luz scrambled backward on the couch with a shriek of giggling terror.
“No! Mama! Dohohohohohohohon’t!” Luz cried, laughing already as she feebly fought to block the advancing, tickling hands. “Oh nohohohoho! Behehehetrayal!” She cackled as Camila got to her sides, pinching up along them to her ribs. Luz clutched at her wrists as she laughed, squishing herself further back into the couch.
“You see, Luz here is quite ticklish. Never fails to put a smile on her face!” Camila explained to the grinning witch teens as they watched on.
Luz’s face burned with embarrassment as she laughed and laughed, until finally her mother pulled back a minute later with a proud grin on her face. “Tadaa—Smiley Luz!”
“Moooom.” Luz whined through lingering laughter as she covered her face.
“Did you kids have this in the Demon Realm?” Camila asked next as Luz caught her breath.
Willow and Gus nodded with a familiar smile.
“My dad sometimes used to do that when I was growing up.”
“My dads too.”
“Heh, my parents never would have done anything like that, but, the twins...” Amity responded with a shudder at the memories. “They were pretty mean when it came to tickling growing up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, it’s not very fun when someone takes it too far.” Camila assured her. “Luz doesn’t mind as long as—”
“Mama! Please!” Luz protested with a nervous smile.
One of the group continued to watch on confused, a strange smile working its way onto his face at the unfamiliar display of affection and sudden laughter.
“What, um…” Hunter spoke up a few moments later. “What is that?”
“Whaaaaaaaat?” Gus gasped dramatically, spinning to face Hunter. “Are you serious right now!?”
Hunter blushed a little at the attention as eyes converged on him. “Yeah, I uh, I’ve never seen someone do that before.”
“So you don’t know if you’re ticklish?” Willow asked gently.
“If I’m..? No...” Hunter looked to Luz, who had mostly returned to her normal composure and breathing. “Is it… Fun?”
Luz’s cheeks blossomed with redness at his question and she looked away. The whole group chuckled at that.
“Yes, it’s just a way of playing or bonding with someone. Lots of families or friends do it.” Camila explained, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I bet some of your friends here can help you find out.” She winked.
Everyone was smiling as she stood and announced. “I’m going to go make some popcorn and snacks for the movie, okay mijas?” Then, she made her way to the kitchen.
“Well, what do you think, do you want to try?” Willow asked, grinning at Hunter as she moved in closer on the couch.
Hunter swallowed, looking between her and Gus, who gave him a similar look. “S-Sure.”
Luz smiled at him reassuringly, then scooted out of the way so that Willow and Gus could get closer on either side of him. She turned to Amity, who was watching her with a blush of her own.
“A-Alright. What should I..?” Hunter looked between his two friends. Each got in close on one of his sides.
“Put your arms around us, like a hug!” Willow suggested.
Hunter blushed further, but then did as he was told.
“So.. there’s a few general hotspots that most people are ticklish.” Willow explained as she brought one hand up into view to get Hunter’s attention. “For example.” She brought down a wiggling claw hand, just over the middle of Hunter’s stomach.
Hunter jumped at the contact, a strange, unfamiliar sensation that made him want to shout. He reeled back with a wide grin, tightening his grip on his friend’s shoulders to keep from pulling his arms in. She kept tickling, light but persistent. Hunter couldn’t hold back the giggles long as they formed in his throat. Laughter still felt somewhat foreign on his lips, but this felt almost natural. “Wha-whahat- hehe- what is thihihihis?”
“Looks like you’re ticklish, buddy!” Gus cheered with a grin.
“Here’s another spot a lot of people are ticklish.” Willow pulled away her tickling hand, only to bring it back to poke into Hunter’s ribs. He jumped away from the touch, his body flinching toward Gus. Soon, he was met with a poke from that side as well as the other witch joined in the teasing.
“Ehehehhe it feheheeheels weheheird!” Hunter said through his laughter.
“Good weird? Or bad weird?” Willow asked.
“I-hehehehe I’m not suhuhure yehehhet!” He answered honestly, a little overwhelmed at the potency of the sensation.
“Here’s another spot a lot of people are ticklish.” She wiggled two fingers under his arm and Hunter yelped. His arm tugged back and slammed into Willow’s shoulder where she had him lightly pinned to the couch.
Gus moved his own hand up and started to poke around the other armpit, and Hunter laughed outright.
“Ahahahaha! Wahahaha- not thehehehere!” He gasped, wishing for a moment he could crawl out of his skin to escape the strong, intruding buzz of ticklish sensation.
The two of them stopped. “Sorry, too much?” Willow asked.
“No, just… that was a bad spot, I guess.” Hunter replied. “It’s fine.” Then, he continued, assuring them. “It was kinda.. fun. Is there… other spots people can be ticklish?”
Willow’s smile brightened. “Of course! Let’s try somewhere else. Let us know if it’s too bad a spot again, okay?”
“Okay..” Hunter nodded. “Hey, why are you grabbing my feet, Gus?”
Meanwhile, as Luz turned to Amity. “So, you said the twins were pretty bad, huh?”
Amity’s blush grew. She looked at the ceiling. “H-heh, yeah.”
“So I guess that means you’re pret-ty ticklish.”
The blush covered her entire face.
“Don’t worry, I don’t wanna do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” Luz leaned in, whispering. “But if you’d be okay with it, I’d love to try it some time.”
Amity giggled in anticipation. “T-That would be fine. I trust you.”
“Like…. Maybe now?” Luz smirked, giving her a playful look.
Amity nodded, already letting out small laughs. And Luz pounced, only to bring one slow, gentle hand down to poke at her twitching tummy.
“Hehehehe- AHH! Heheh!” Amity giggled, shouting out a little laugh at every new poke. Her laughter joined Hunter’s, and Camila smiled as she prepared snacks in the next room.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Yandere House Velaryon Headcanons (Platonic)
"The Old, the True, the Brave." — House Velaryon.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: First of all, Happy Halloween to whoever celebrates it! Have a great and scary day, I'll be watching some horror movies to get in the mood, but I had to finish this first. I intend, after doing the Hightower ones, to post a hc of all the Houses platonically yandere by the reader together, but until then, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! Oh, and once again, have a great Halloween!! 🎃
❝tw: yandere themes, possessive and obsessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationships, child being abandoned by its parents, mention of torture, murder, war and blood.
❝🐉 pairing: yandere!platonic house velaryon x gender neutral!reader.
❝word count: +2k.
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You came to the Velaryon family's embrace in a very convenient way for them, your family abandoned you after they were unable to raise another child. You were left adrift, exposed to all the dangers that surrounded a poor family and you, so young and naive, believed your parents would come for you. And in a way, your parents came to get you, only it was Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen. It was Laenor who found you and brought you to their parents, he was only a few years older than you and he fell in love with you and knew he had to take care of you. As Laenor expected, everyone in his family took a liking to you and started referring to you as (Y/N) Velaryon, child of Corlys and Rhaenys, younger sister/brother of Laenor and Laena Velaryon. They have become your new family and they will be the only family you will ever know.
Corlys is the proudest father there is for you, he is loving, protective and completely obsessed with you. He is an adventurous and ambitious man, Corlys wants nothing but the best for you and he knows that even the best will not be enough for you. The man will definitely take you on all adventures with him, even over his wife's protest, he just wants you to have fun and make the most of your life. He will spoil you, let you hear him and he will hear you too and he will let you know absolutely everything and he is against you getting married, even if it will benefit the Velaryon family, he still doesn't want to and won't do it. You can always count on him, as his father will do everything in his power to fulfill his wishes.
Rhaenys pours all her love over you, loving and caring for you with her whole being. She is a very loving mother, but she also has her temper, but don't worry, she will never take her frustrations out on you. Rhaenys will definitely pamper you and always assure her of her love for you, she will raise you as if you were a princess/prince because she knows that this is what you deserve. She is a brash and fierce woman when needed, you and everyone else must never forget that she has dragon blood coursing through her veins, and she is more than willing to make everyone understand that they owe you due respect, for you it's her child and she won't accept any kind of spite. You know you can always count on her for everything, she is her biggest company most of the time and there are no secrets between you.
Laena is the caring and protective older sister, she always takes time to spend with you. She, like her mother, is brash and daring and she always takes you with her for walks hidden from her parents, as she knows they will be worried if you leave Driftmark without them. Laena is extremely overprotective of you, she is against you getting married and will challenge every one of your suitors, be they male or female, and will most likely win, since she will have her brother's help in this. She loves taking you with her to fly in Vhagar because she knows how much it makes you happy. Seeing her smile is a top priority for her and she knows she will regret not making you happy, Driftmark's Delight.
Laenor is the typical big brother who wants to be a role model, he wants you to look up to him and will be honored if you want to follow in his footsteps. He is easily jealous if anyone else has your admiration, as he wishes to be the only one to have it. Laenor would love to teach you how to fight, because he believes, regardless of gender, you should always know how to defend yourself. He'd drag you to all sorts of parties and tournaments, just for you to see him win and have you laugh and have fun next to him. He, like Laena, is protective and will be annoyed if you have feelings for someone and will most likely challenge that person to a duel. All to protect his honor and his beloved little sister/little brother.
Vaemond is an ambitious man and very proud of his family lineage and to have you, an ordinary orphan, be given the surname Velaryon is a great insult to him and his house. He insists and tries to convince Corlys that this is all a big mistake, that you're a big mistake but his brother doesn't care about any of it and claims that if Vaemond says one more word about you, he'll be kicked out of Driftmark. Vaemond was silent for now, so he himself decided to investigate you and why everyone is so obsessed with you. To his surprise, it didn't take long for him to become just as obsessed with you as the others. He will play the role of a fun and ambitious uncle, ambitious as he still aspires to become Head of House Velaryon and even his love for you won't stop him from achieving that.
They are all obsessed and protective of you in a similar way and they don't intend to let you go. Corlys is the most controlling, he knows what's best for you and he won't have anyone, not even you, questioning his decisions when it comes to deciding your life, because he loves you and he knows what he's doing will just get you. benefit in the future. Rhaenys is the fiercest of them all, she is not afraid to stand up to anyone for you and that includes her own husband, she will question his actions if they make you upset, her mother will always be here for you. Laena and Laenor are alike in many ways, they are fun and protective of the youngest member of their family and won't let a scratch come your way. Vaemond is ambitious and unreliable, but he cares and takes care of you, he has learned to love you like his own child and will do anything for you.
You have immense power over this family and that is clear to everyone around you. Corlys and Rhaenys will pamper and love you immensely, they are your parents and they want only the best for you, you will have everything you want from the finest dresses and jewelry to the most expensive ship, everything to your liking and happiness. Laena wants to be your best friend, she is your best friend, she absolutely adores you and would die for you, you are the sister/brother she loves so much and knows she can't live without. Laenor is the classic competitive and showy older brother, he likes to show himself to you and he does on many occasions, he won't say it out loud but he craves your approval and attention and he will do anything to get them. Vaemond is a protective and loving uncle to you, but just for you, he will pamper and take care of you whenever he gets the chance, it is very common to see him around you, murmuring sweet and kind words to you, all the best. for you only. All members of House Velaryon desire one thing in common: your love and approval.
When the war on Stepstones breaks out, Corlys, Laenor and Vaemond want to take you with them, but Laena and Rhaenys object, claiming that you will be safer in Driftmark with them. There's a lot of discussion about this, and it's Corlys who gives the final stop and you'll come with them, because he knows he'll be able to protect you, Laenor and Vaemond agree with that decision. In Stepstones, you are kept out of reach where the battle rages. You will be exposed to the violence of war, of the massacres committed and even then you will not be allowed to leave until they are victorious. You will witness their victory, while receiving letters from Laena and Rhaenys concerned about you. If only you were with them, a lot of trauma could be avoided at such a young age.
A lot of things change over the course of a few years, Laena dies due to complications in childbirth and you are a mess, your beloved older sister has passed away and your parents and brother pour out all the anguish and pain on you looking for comfort. Unfortunately, you were unaware that later, Laenor would 'die' as well and when this tragic news reaches your ears, despair settles in you, as does the pain of yet another loss. Corlys and Rhaenys were heartbroken at the loss of two children and they turned to you, the only child left. Seeing your eyes filled with tears, they ran into your arms, comforting you and also seeking the care and love of their only surviving child. After Laena and Laenor died, your parents became even more protective and possessive of you, you are the only child they have left and they won't let anything happen to you. Never.
After these tragic events, things only got worse for you and your yandere family. Corlys went to Stepstones to fight in another war, but you remained with Rhaenys in Driftmark, as you chose to do so and your father respected your decision. When news reached you and your mother that Corlys was seriously injured and could be dying, the question of Drfitmark's succession was questioned by Vaemond. Rhaenys claimed that Driftmark would go to you or her grandchildren Luceyrs, Baela or Rhaena, but Vaemond contested claiming he should be the heir. When they turned to you for support, you chose to side with Rhaenys, against Vaemond and he didn't take it very well. This whole matter was taken to King's Landing to be settled and you were with the three families, the Targaryens and the Hightowers, who seemed particularly interested in you, but that was left aside when Viserys entered the room and announced that the Driftmark would be passed on to you. Corlys' grandson, Luceyrs Velaryon. Your uncle Vaemond did not accept this decision, and even after you tried to stop him, he called Rhaenyra's children bastards, which led to him being beheaded by Daemon. Seeing your uncle's lifeless body, you clung to Rhaenys, trying to rid yourself of this terrible sight.
When Viserys died, you and your mother were still in King's Landing and you were both locked in your rooms by Alicent, who said she hoped to receive your support for Aegon's succession, something you both denied. You and Rhaenys managed to escape the Red Keep and were present at Aegon II's coronation, your mother pulled you with her and took you to ride Meleys with her and after breaking into the coronation she said nothing and took you to Dragonstone, to warn Rhaenyra of Viserys' death and her throne being usurped. You were welcomed and received word that Corlys was sailing to Dragonstone, where you met her father with a warm embrace. He said he would never part with you again and that after he recovered you would live in Driftmark and not participate in the war to come, but Rhaenys said they needed to help Rhaenyra, which you agreed to. Which led Corlys to declare support for the Blacks.
The War is yet to break out and all you know is that you are not allowed to participate, Corlys and Rhaenys already have lost two beloved children and they will not lose another one, you will be kept safe and taken care of at all times. They've become paranoid about you, even the slightest scratch drives them crazy and they can't have you dead. They would not survive one more loss, the loss of their precious and beloved child. You cannot leave them, not even in death.
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mewnekoice-mecha · 10 months
From The Ashes
For the Wonderful @selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs
Thank you for letting me make this. This is a fun little plot i had for the Series. What happens when the Bsd cast find out that (fem)Guiding Light is an Internet Singer, and thanks to them overcame a creative block?
It's been a couple of months since the BSD cast came into your world, and honestly having them around has done wonders for your self-esteem and health. Right now you're looking through a book but not just any book your Song book, you were thinking about making them a song as thanks for just being there and getting them out of a slump.
Before the Cast came to your world, you were a fairly popular and well-known Internet singer but due to some family issues and just life it's taking a back burner and before you knew it six months had passed without you making anything. The only reason the bsd cast don't know about this is because you never took your phone or laptop into the mini recording studio you had in your house at the time. Since coming that studio has now being upgraded thanks to Francis and Alcott, your more surprised that no one questioned why there was a recording booth in the house.
Anyway, back to the point you're making a song and have to hide it from the others til it's ready which is proving to be easier said than done thanks to Three specific people *cough* Ranpo, Dazai, Fyodor*cough* and you're almost done, all that's left is adjusting the music and then actually singing it,but those nosy men won't let you.
Deciding enough is enough you go whine to Fukuzawa hoping he'll calm them down enough so you can finish the song. And behold it worked while Fyodor didn't really care Dazai and Ranpo sure did, and that gave you enough time to go find junichiro and con him into helping you.
"Ok I know I've been acting off lately but there's a reason for that, can you all meet me in the dance room," you asked. Blushing when curious eyes meet yours.
" It's about time, so we can finally see what you've been hiding," Ranpo declared, before dragging atsushi with him ignoring any protests.
After settling in the room, I explain what i've been working on and why I kept kidnapping certain people. That done I ask junichiro to start the music once I get settled.
(Start Playing "From the Ashes" by Illenium ft.Skylar Grey)
The room went black before showing a ruined town filled with smoke and ashes, as the music starts I appear wearing what was once a white dress now dirty with soot and burned in certain areas.
" Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah"
Moving around the ruins like I was scared but still powering on it became clear that I was badly hurt but ignoring it.
"I've been here before If you want, go ahead, start a war It's not that I'm brave It's that I would rather die Than for things to stay this way"
Still roaming the ruins, I look through the rubble looking more and more upset when i can't find what I'm searching for.
"Losing means nothing If there's nothing to lose
What do you want from me tonight? You wanna burn down everything in sight I'm not afraid of a little fire So light your matches And I will rise from the ashes"
Turning a corner shadowy figures could be seen laughing and mocking a figure on the ground,as I get close the figure turns out to be me but my dress is white and I'm wearing make-up and jewelry which I'm no longer wearing.
"(Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah) From the ashes From the ashes (The ashes, the ashes) So light your matches (The ashes) And I will rise from the ashes
(Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah) (Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah) From the ashes (Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah)"
The figure on the ground glared at the people laughing before getting up and saying something, which didn't make the people laughing happy but shadow me didn't care and walked away from them.
"The flames fill my lungs Burning up everything I've become It's not that I'm brave, no It's that I've been here before And I know I'll be okay
Losing means nothin' If there's nothing to lose"
Leaving that scene, I continue on my walk before hitting another memory, this time showing the BSD cast helping me and showing little shots of day-to-day life, like reading with Oda and Poe, Riding on Atsushi, petting Rashomon and more. As the slideshow continued my dress was slowly burning and and I was turning darker.
"What do you want from me tonight? You wanna burn down everything in sight I'm not afraid of a little fire So light your matches And I will rise from the ashes
(Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah) From the ashes From the ashes (The ashes, the ashes) So light your matches (The ashes)"
As I turned towards the Cast I smiled before slowly falling apart like ashes, forming a Phoenix out of my ashes I 'flew' around them before landing on the ground in front of them as a pile of ashes.
And I will rise from the ashes
(Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah) (Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah) From the ashes (Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah)
(Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, yeah) So light your matches And I will rise from the ashes
The pile of my ashes started moving before, 'Hatching' and I rose again but now my dress is back to white and and I had my hands stretched out towards them. After that it was silent until I was knocked over by Anya and kenji, with nanomi and atsushi not far behind saying how cool that was and why did i hide such a thing.
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tyarichtofen · 1 year
His Eminence. Part I/II
Cardinal Copia x Reader - Masterlist
This one took me so much time jekghoej i'm so sorry Also ! I have a real problem with 'Your Eminence' rn so be prepared ghesties I kind of rushed the end, sorry :[
Warnings : smut, Dom Copia (he's kind of a dick?), thigh riding, orgasm denial cuz im a slut for that lately, also not proofread am deeply sorry
2.5k words
The room was calm, except for the brave few who whispers in defiance of the disciplinary rigor of the Cardinal and his usual bearing. Sitting at the last row of the room, you were diving in your already half-full notebook. You scribbled frantically on the sheet, letting your imagination guide you. You shouldn't do that here, really. You shoud listen to his lessons. Despite what your gut told you though, you were writing yet another daydream about the Cardinal and you.
First, it had began as a simple way of escaping the boredom in your chambers -and also because you found the Cardinal scandalously attractive-. But the more you wrote about him, the more your little crush developed.
You wouldn't dare tell anyone about it. A mix of shame and a fear of him finding out. Rumors travel fast in the abbey. And the Cardinal Copia finding out about your ridiculous little crush about him was the last thing you needed. A part of you was sure he would make fun of you in front of every of the other Sisters and Brothers of sin for that.
So every time someone would ask what you're writing, you just pretended to revise your previous lessons. Siblings would throw you weird look after your admission, although they wouldn't say anything and just leave you be. Who would smile so dumbly at their notebook if they're studying ? Was their first thought.
« Copia's lips were soft against mine. Something you wouldn't expect from him, but it's a pleasant surprise. I let myself get carried by him, his hands secured around my waist-
'Ahem,' Copia interrupts and you close your book at light-speed. 'Sister, what are you doing ?' He asks, both of his hands gripping the edge of your desk and leaning over your smaller form. His face doesn't betray an ounce of what could be in his mind, like always. Although you think you can see some sort of annoyance. Which would make sense since you weren't paying attention in his lesson.
'N-nothing, Your Eminence.' You steal a quick glance around you, only to see each of the siblings already looking at you. Your hold on your habit tightens when Copia let an heavy silence hang. Your face is red and you keep looking down at your book in shame.
Of course that would happen someday. You mentally curse yourself and a million questions rush freely around your mind.
In a quick motion, Copia takes the book from you. You stand up to protest before you even have the time to think it. You lift a shaky hand and lean awkwardly over your desk to try and reach it, but the Cardinal is faster than you and has already stepped back.
Copia wears the smirk of the cat who caught the little mouse it had been looking for after a long moment of longing for it. He opens and flicks through the many pages until pausing at today's one.
You stand there in defeat. A cold chill run up and down your spine as you prepare for the worst shame of your life. Your position is rigid as you await for the Cardinal’s wrath anxiously. Copia looks up from your book and make direct eye contact with you. There is undeniable mirth in his eyes. For a moment you wonder how long he waited for this occasion.
He clears his throat, and you think you're fucked. You slump back in your chair, wanting to make as much noise as possible in an attempt to be louder than his voice.
His smirk doesn't falter however he doesn't read out loud. Which is an actual relief. In all honesty you expected him to, knowing how mean this man could be at time for his own pleasure. He basked in the misfortune of some, it appeared, if it was for his own pleasure. You half expected him to bury you in your embarrassment. To rub the knife in the wound and make fun of you.
After he read a few lines, a deep chuckle rose from his chest and his mustache twitch in crooked amusement. You curse yourself for finding it attractive despite the situation. You try to calm your racing heart but to no avail. Your hands are helplessly shaking on your laps and you stare at them as if it would erase everything around you.
The loud thud of your book on his desk makes your gaze flip up to him.
'You will stay with me after class, Sister ?' Copia asks, his back facing you. It sounds like a question but deep down you know he's not asking.
'Yes, Your Eminence.'
The rest of the lesson has been even more silent than the usual. Every time the Cardinal caught your gaze he will smirk again and again. This bastard even interrogated you a couple of times when he never did before. Just to push you further in your unease. Which definitely worked.
The class finishes after what felt like a long, long time. One of your friend wished you good luck before leaving you alone. Alone with Cardinal Copia.
You're ready to face your punishment, you decide. The sooner you're over with it, the better. Still, you stay sitted, eyes on the table before you and don’t dare to utter a word. Copia is already a few feet away from you. Fitted perfectly in his black cassock and his hands crossed behind his back he approaches you dangerously.
'So,' You can feel his powerful gaze travel on your clothed body without shame. 'What's written in there my child ?' Copia asks, dangling the diary he took from you in his hands.
He knows. He read it, of course he knows. But he wants you to say it anyway. That damn audacious bastard.
'Nothing, Your Eminence.' You repeat yourself. It clearly isn't the best choice to deny the truth and you don't even know why you did that but your faith is sealed now, you just hope he would indulge you a bit.
Your hopes were fragile and vail. This man was merciless and deep down you knew it. Now that he had caught you, he won't let you go this easily. Even begging would be useless, although you could try. He'd find it cute for you to try. To actually beg him. Sooner or later you'd be begging him, he decides.
'Hm, I see.' He says, thoughtful for a second. He spins on his heels and goes over to his desk. He sits in his chair before removing his biretta with extra care and placing it on the wood before him. You finally gather the courage to look at him. He's wearing this stupid smirk that has your mind wandering on his face again. His legs are lazily spread and one of his elbow is propped on his knee. 'You don't mind I read a bit further then ?' He continues, already flipping around the pages. Your opinion actually didn’t matter that much to him, he only asked by pure mockery.
'I-' You try to protest again but this time his reaction is not the same. Copia's previously sly grin falters and he looks at you with a scold which makes you close your mouth quicker than you opened it.
'Come here, topolina.' He beckons you closer to him with this same insistance in his eyes. He's playing with you and you find that strangely arousing. If it was any other man you'd be repulsed. But something about the Cardinal just made it make sense.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself before getting up. There is a stutter in your step and a wobble in your knees that doesn't go unnoticed by the Cardinal.
'Sit.' He commands once you're standing in front of him. You look around, trying to find a place to fit but can't seem to find one. 'Sit.' He says again with a lighter voice, patting his right thigh. This stole the words out of your head and made you freeze. There is a heated embarrassment coupled with a desire for more running under your skin.
So you do as you're told and sit on his muscular thigh. A sharp gasp escape your throat when your groin makes contact with him. You're suddenly aware of how wet the situation got you.
A maddeningly cruel chuckle erupts from Copia's throat as he too acknowledge it. He snakes his hands at your waist and secure you on him, adding small pressure on you. He leans forward, his face settling in the crook of your neck. His nose brush against your breathing pipe and you can hear him breath you in. You squeeze your eyes shut, hasty but afraid of what he might do or say.
'You smell delightful, topolina.' He smirks against your hot skin and press a chaste kiss there. A strangled whine is teared away from your throat before you have the time to enjoy the feeling of him so close when he tenses his thigh under you. One of your hand shoot up to cover your mouth and the other grip at his shoulder.
His mustache tickle your skin for only a second before he leans back in the chair again. The closeness was too much and not enough at the same time. He was making you dangle over the precipice. Keeping you waiting and desiring him just more.
'Ah, where was I ?' He mindlessly asks as if the situation wasn't affecting him that much. His right hand keep your waist in a secure grip and the other one maintain your notebook open. 'Ah, sì. Ready little one ?'
You tentatively open your eyes again but quickly look down, almost failing to supress another whine when you see where your bodies are touching. The hand covering your mouth slowly loosens and it instinctively sits atop his other shoulder.
‘Yes, Your Eminence.' You comply to anything he has to offer with a little voice. He smiles a toothy and proud grin upon seeing your face before tilting the book in your direction. You look pretty he thinks, your face all flushed and your eyes wide with astonishment and a tinge of anticipation of what he might do visibly flashing in your mind.
Adorabile topolino.
He shakes the object in his hand and you quickly understand what he wants you to do. You uncomfortably gulp. You look at him for a brief moment, your basheful face is met with his stupid smirk and his absurd arrogance. Half of you want to insult him for his attitude but the other part, the stronger one, want him to wreck you until you even forget your name. Until your legs are shaking and all your tired body can register are his groans and moans.You suddenly clear your tight throat to escape the zone out you were making in your mind. Reality is so much sweeter right now.
'Cardinal Copia's body hovered over mine. Strands of his hair were falling on his forehead from how worked up he was.' Your voice is fragile and it quivers at the end of each sentence. You try to steady it, you try to build a facade of confidence but to no avail apparently. He hums pleasantly in your ear, encouraging you to keep going. That was also a testimony of his own pleasure of your timidity. You don't know if it's part of his teasing but anyway it has a strong effect on you.
You try to squeeze your legs together, but all your met with is more friction with his thigh. 'His grip on my wrists tighten as he pushes his hips flush with mine. A low growl escapes him helplessly at the contact.' Copia's hand started working your body in circles on top of him, his grip tightening slightly around your curves. Once again you obey his command and follow his lead without a word.
Copia swallows thickly, hoping you won't catch on it. His eyes leaves the book to focus on you. He's already hard but that's not how he wants you. All he wants today is to play.
‘Look at me.’ Copia commands. Slowly, you lift your head to meet his gaze. As soon as your eyes make contact with his, a pathetic whine leaves your needy mouth and your back arch toward the Cardinal’s body. The grip you hold on his shoulders tense.
His own breath grows ragged as he watches you. Suddenly, he pulls your body flush against his in a quick motion that has you seeing stars. Your panties are ruined and you can feel yourself gushing over his thigh. Leaving a dirty mess between you.
His breath mix with yours due to the proximity and you hope he’s gonna kiss you. That’s all you’d need to cum. For him to ruin your mouth as much as you’re ruining his cassock right now.
Soon enough your thighs spasm and you fail to supress the whine bubbling up your throat. He laughs with cruelty and you can feel his hot breath against your heated face. He also takes the opportunity to speed up the pace
'Cardinal-' You pant in his clothed shoulder. He closes the book and grips it tightly, the leather of his gloves creaks under his force.
'Sì topolina, just like that.' Your fingernails digs into the fabric of his cassock when you hear his delicate praise.
His nose is brushing against yours, and it's only a matter of second before you give into the temptation of kissing him yourself. When you finally lean into him to try and muffle your obscene noises, he leans back from you. You're on the verge of the precipice and Copia halts your movements.You whine and wiggle and squirm in his strong grasp that keeps you in your place. Tears wells at your eyes.
'Please,' You whisper, not trusting your voice too much given the circumstances. 'Cardinal-'
'Ah, ah.' He quips with his low voice as soon as you try to start moving again. He manhandles you and in a second you're standing on wobbly legs before him. You immediately stare down at his pants and you're suddenly basheful when you see the wet patch you left on his thigh.
'Shh, it's okay topolina.' He reassures, wiping a gentle gloved hand at your tear-stained cheeks. You sniffle and try to calm down, not wanting to seem like a fool to the Cardinal. He lays a soft kiss at the crown of your head.
He wanted to make you cum. Truly, he did. He wanted to see your beautiful face blissed out by an orgasm he would deliver. But oh, how seeing the beautiful tears running down your cheeks, experiencing the shake of your legs around him and because of him was delicious in his vision.
'One last thing topolina mia, hm ?' The Cardinal inquires, brushing a rebellious strand of hair behind your ear. You look up at him with doe eyes. 'Don't you dare touch yourself before I do.' He commands with a quiet voice, tilting your face up to meet his gaze with deft fingers under your chin.
It's all he says, before staring at your lips for a moment and leaving the room with no other words, your book in his hands.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 11 months
The Good Die Young
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Warnings: mentions of graphic themes, war, injury, weapons, sexual images, language, 18+. Pairings: Jake Seresin × f!reader. Disclaimer: This is a series reflecting on the true events of the US Marines in WW2. All of the characters are fictional and not based off are original characters (except for Jake Seresin) and they are not representations of the real, brave men who fought in WW2. I have tried to make all the events in this series as accurate as possible but please bare in mind this is fanfiction and i have added/ changed certain things to fit with this.
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December 1943
Dearest Jake,
I can’t believe it has been four months since you left us. It feels like only yesterday that you were here, safe in my arms. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. I hear reports on the news and from the papers that things are bad but I believe no man can sum up what it is like if he had not been in the war himself. I have seen the brotherhood you have formed first-hand and the love that you share for each other. I only hope your love for each other is enough to get you through what is to come.
The papers bring the never-ending news of the war. I am kept busy with new articles. The latest being the death toll. With each name and age I write down my heart breaks a little more. I fear that most of them are no more than boys - just children really. Not even old enough to buy alcohol and yet they are old enough to fight for a war they do not understand. I fear that this war is far from over, I wish I could bring better news on that front.
We are both doing well here though. My tiny bump has started to show and Fern keeps making fun that soon my clothes will not fit me but I do not mind. This little one is a part of you that I carry with me always and will continue to do so until you return to me and we can be a family at last.
I hope you can celebrate Christmas wherever you are. I don’t have many plans for Christmas, it doesn’t seem right celebrating it when you are stuck in some foxhole or on a ship god knows where.
My heart aches for you, my love. I pray each night for your safe return.
Yours always
To my dearest Y/n,
You do not know how much relief I felt to receive your letter. Your words are my light in these dark times.
Christmas here on the ship is not the same as at home. We had a hearty Christmas dinner and sang some carols but I’d much rather have been with you than stuck here. As you can imagine, the company of George and Frank for Christmas Day doesn’t compare to you.
Edward drew me a picture of you for Christmas. The picture you sent me ended up getting coffee split on it by Frank one morning and was ruined. He’s drawn you almost from memory. I never realised how good of an artist he was but his talents are wasted here. Now I can cherish a drawing of you, close to my heart as always.
I hope you're safe this Christmas. I hope you can enjoy it with your friends and if I don’t get to write to you again, I hope you have a good new year.
I miss you Y/n. I miss you every day but just know that you are what gets me through each day, the thought of you and our child is all I need to help me through.
Yours always
New Britain - December 1943
Jake flinched, smacking his neck as he killed another mosquito. “Fucking things!” He protested as George laughed at him, the cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth.
“What ‘ave you got to laugh about Lover Boy? Still writing letters to Florence?” Jake craned his neck to see the letter but George quickly stuffed it into his pocket, along with the drawing of Florence that Edward had done for Christmas. “None of your damn business, Cowboy.”
It turned out that Edwards' gift to everyone had been a drawing. Most of them were of the girls they loved but for Johnny, Edward had drawn his spaniel, Daphne. Johnny was over the moon and was no longer bothered by the others' teasing when it came to Daphne. ‘You’ll see what I mean when you meet her boys. She’s quite the catch.’
The pair laughed as George stood to help Jake tie the last rope for their canopy around the tree, it wasn’t much but at least it would keep the worst of the rain off them. The hope of keeping dry in the jungle was limited and once the rain began, the heavens opened and it poured for hours. Most nights Jake barely slept, too busy watching the rain fall and listening to the noise of the forest to sleep.
“What are you reprobates doing?” Frank boomed, jokingly stalking over to his fellow Marines. “You think it’s funny so you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the pair, a new cigarette balanced behind his ear ‘For later’ he always said but it would often fall out and be lost somewhere along the way.
Jake only laughed, “Don’t worry Sarge, you're still number one.” Frank laughed, smacking Jake on the back heartily.
“Congratulations Cowboy, looks like the Marine Corps did make something out of you after all.”
Jake shook his head. He’d recently been promoted to Staff Sergeant and it had brought with it a never-ending string of teasing comments from his friends, all meant in the usual joking fashion.
“How’s that girl of yours doing?” Frank asked smugly. He’d been the first to find out Y/n was pregnant and after the initial congratulations he followed with a never ending line of ‘Bun in the Oven’ jokes.
“Should have put a ring on her first, Cowboy.” Really though Frank was happy for him, the thought of a baby filled the group with hope for the future.
“Well I’m sorry to break up the party fellas but just because you're on machine guns doesn’t mean you're missing out on the patrol. Mortar squads are going too so I want you two with Shorty and Mary.”
“You got it, Harvard,” Jake swung his Springfield over his shoulder, lending George a hand and pulling him to his feet. “Let’s go catch us some Japs.”
The rain trickled down through the canopy, soaking the thin, mesh blanket that covered the lower half of Jake’s body. He groaned, rolling onto his side and watching as a single stream of water dripped into the large, muddy swell that surrounded the tent. The murky water reflected the moon, rippling it across the puddle with each gust of wind. Jake watched it sadly, wondering whether Y/n were looking at the same moon. He often wondered what she was doing, whether she would be eating breakfast or going to work or out with her friends. His life here felt so distant from the life he had with her.
“JAPS! THEIR COMING!” It always amazes Jake what came after those three words. Men dashed to their posts half awake, half-dressed and unable to form a coherent sentence but could fire off a round of mortars like it was nothing. Jake grabbed the barrel of the Browning Machine Gun whilst George posited the baseplate along the tree line. Neither of them cared how wet they were getting now, their helmets creating a shield against the worst of the rain but still allowed it to run over the rim and straight down their backs, soaking down into their trousers.
“MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!” Jake and George sat in complete silence, their eyes scanning the tree line at the edge of the clearing. Jake could hear his heart beating loudly in his ear, the rhythmic thudding keeping in time with his breathing.
“THEIR HERE!” And with that, the bullets start flying. Jake let out a cry as he squeezed the trigger, allowing the short burst of ammunition to fly into the darkness, an orange glow lighting the treeline as the bullets were fed through the gun. Between the shouts of other Marines, mortar pounding the earth and the gunfire Jake could hear his heartbeat increasing in time with the Browning's fire.
The fight was almost over before it began. “CEASE FIRE!” Jake’s ears were ringing, he rested his head against George’s shoulder who hugged him back. He never realised the bond he’d have between him and his fellow machine gunner but he could imagine being here without him. He pulled out his padded glove, lifting the now burning hot barrel of the machine gun from the plate. Jake wouldn’t be surprised if they’d need a replacement barrel for it soon, the number of rounds it had fired for them over time was impressive if not hellish at the same time.
Dear Y/n,
I am afraid to say we lost Johnny last week. There was an attack in the middle of the night. I don’t know how it happened but I found him the next morning when we were clearing the bodies. I’ve never lost one of my friends before but to see him so lifeless, so deathly pale. Y/n I don’t know how any of us are going to make it out alive.
The group hasn’t been the same since. Frank is in a foul mood, he blames himself I think but he doesn’t want to admit that. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. The damn Japs will have hell to pay the next time How Company gets near them.
He had the picture of Daphne clasped in his fingers. I’ve kept it. I wasn’t able to throw it away so I sent it with this letter. I hope you will keep it safe for me.
We’ve left New Britain now. I don’t know where we are going but our group is stretched thin. We look worse each day and I don’t know how much more of this we can stand to take.
George is doing alright. He and I keep to ourselves mostly. He writes to Florence often and she writes back. He’s officially invited us to his wedding back in the States when the war is over. I don’t know where you want to live after the war but maybe we could visit my hometown while we are there. I know my Ma would love to meet you, she’s heard all about you (only good things I promise)
I miss you Y/n. I’ll miss you until you're in my arms again.
Yours always
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Taglist: @wkndwlff @a-reader-and-a-writer @averyhotchner @mayhem24-7forever @callsignmaverick5 @ssprayberrythings @smoothdogsgirl @xoxabs88xox @luckyladycreator2 @abaker74 @elenavampire21 @classyunknownlover @okiegirl24 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @airedale17 @shadowolf993 @topguncultleader @callmemana @t-nd-rfoot @desert-fern @cherrycola27 @green-socks @jstarr86 @starkleila @alexxavicry @floralfloyd @soulmates8 @depressed-friend-blog @mayhemmanaged @shanimallina87 @bcon24 @books-are-escapes @dakotakazansky @memeorydotcom @mads-nixon @iceman-kazansky
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project-do-over · 25 days
Bookwyrm1982 is available
Bookwyrm1982: hey
Violet_M00n: Hey buddy! How's things?
Bookwyrm1982: they're good. Can I ask you something?
Violet_M00n: Anything at all, what is it you want to know?
Bookwyrm1982: can you tell me more about the future? You mentioned a pandemic...
Violet_M00n: Ah, I was wondering when you'd bring that up. Yeah it was a disease knows as Covid-19, which spread massively across the world in 2020.
Violet_M00n: The whole world went into lockdown, economies shut down, people were told to stay indoors. It was a mess until they developed the vaccine a year later.
Violet_M00n: Hundreds of thousands of people died, which is what you'd expect. But there were also things you didn't expect.
Bookwyrm1982: like what?
Violet_M00n: like how people went wild panic-buying toilet paper. (make a note to yourself to stock up in 2019)
Bookwyrm1982: oh did the disease cause diarrhea or something?
Violet_M00n: Not at all, it was an upper respiratory illness. IS a respiratory illness, it's still around even though people don't act like it.
Bookwyrm1982: oh. Then why did they buy toilet paper?
Violet_M00n: who knows, probably some viral post or something convinced people it would run out, and then the news started reporting it which made more people panic buy it...
Bookwyrm1982: The virus spread through the mail?
Violet_M00n: What? No, why would you think that?
Violet_M00n: OH, right. Viral post. That just means it got spread around LIKE a virus. Not that it actually was one.
Bookwyrm1982: that sounds confusing
Violet_M00n: Language frequently is.
Bookwyrm1982: so what else was weird?
Violet_M00n: Culture kinda shifted massively. No one could leave their homes, so people started taking up hobbies. Like baking sourdough bread, or learning magic, or whatever.
Violet_M00n: A lot of us were saved thanks to the new Animal Crossing game. And massive online games like Among Us and Fall Guys became super popular.
Violet_M00n: Everyone learned quickly how to video chat. Zoom, the name of one of the platforms, became a household name.
Violet_M00n: People, mostly conservatives, started protesting having to wear masks and not being able to get haircuts.
Violet_M00n: And our government pretty much abandoned us all, trying to pretend the pandemic wasn't happening.
Bookwyrm1982: that sounds awful :(
Violet_M00n: Oh, it was. But there was good in it too. For example our partner and I got to grow really close because of it. And we gave up caffeine.
Bookwyrm1982: really? Why?
Violet_M00n: Seemed as good a time as any. Didn't really ever have to be up at a certain time, could nap if I needed to.
Violet_M00n: And now I don't need to worry Bout getting headaches if I can't find coffee, or falling asleep in the afternoon from the caffeine crash.
Bookwyrm1982: bit don't you miss coffee?
Violet_M00n: Yeah, a little. But now I can focus on coffee I actually like, rather than taking whatever I can get. It's freeing. And decaf isn't really all that bad, if you get the good stuff.
Bookwyrm1982: I couldn't even imagine.
Violet_M00n: I know, but there's a lot of stuff we could never imagine.
Bookwyrm1982: like you being a girl?
Violet_M00n: US being a girl, but yes, that's one.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't see how I could ever be brave enough to dress like a girl in public.
Bookwyrm1982: I just know everyone would stare at me, or make fun of me.
Violet_M00n: A lot of that is social anxiety talking. A lot of it is, sadly, true in your time too. People still use gay as an insult, after all.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't.
Violet_M00n: You do, and I don't hold it against you. You're just fitting in.
Bookwyrm1982: :( sorry
Violet_M00n: It's all good, don't worry.
Violet_M00n: Eventually we get experienced enough with the world that we stop caring so much what other people think, at start living life for ourselves.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't think I could ever do that.
Violet_M00n: You will. You could now, if you tried. Taking the first step will often show you just how much easier the road is than you think. And then it's just one more step, and another, and before you know it you're living life happily, more so than you could ever imagine.
Violet_M00n: But think about it for a sec. Wearing a pretty dress instead of whatever sweatshirt you grab from your dresser first.
Violet_M00n: Imagine hanging out with your girl friends without it being weird or you being the exception.
Violet_M00n: Imagine... Girl's PE class.
Bookwyrm1982: ...that does sound kind of nice
Bookwyrm1982: I've always envied girls for being able to wear so many different things, have so many different looks. While guys just have the default.
Violet_M00n: I know ^^ you'll get there.
Bookwyrm1982: ^^?
Violet_M00n: It's a smiley face. The carats are eyes. It's more Japanese style.
Bookwyrm1982: oic. Do people speak Japanese in the future?
Violet_M00n: No, but we get way more into anime as we get older.
Bookwyrm1982: ugh, japanimation looks so weird though, and everyone is always screaming.
Violet_M00n: heh, it's cultural. You'll start to understand it more, someday.
Violet_M00n: That being said, if you wanted to jump in on the trend now, it would be really cool if we didn't miss the Sailor Moon boat in your timeline. It feels like a cultural touchstone that we really missed out on.
Violet_M00n: You should give it a try. That and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Violet_M00n: And Ranma 1/2
Bookwyrm1982: Oh yeah, that guy from camp was telling me about that.
Violet_M00n: I know :3 you should really check it out.
Bookwyrm1982: is that a kitty face?
Violet_M00n: Yep! I'm sure that exists in your time though.
Bookwyrm1982: maybe. I don't think I've seen it.
Violet_M00n: I'm gonna have to get back to work, so pardon me if I don't respond right away.
Violet_M00n:... Which I'm just now realizing doesn't happen thanks to the time-skipping the client does. Oh well, still seems polite to say.
Bookwyrm1982: np, I'll talk to you soon.
Violet_M00n: or just keep talking now, I'll reply as soon as you do remember?
Bookwyrm1982: right. Time travel is weird.
Violet_M00n: you're telling me!
Violet_M00n is away
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parisian-nicole · 2 months
GarVez Ficlet: The Fishing Expedition
I had started working on a completely different fic where after hanging with the team at a bar, Luke and Penelope were heading out together. He was being a gentleman and walking her to her car which she had parked down the street. She had started to ask him if he thought Tyler had felt sad or left out because they hadn't invited him. Luke was of course bothered and rolling his eyes as she went on, but then he noticed Tyler and some woman a little ways ahead of them standing on the curb looking very cozy. Luke lies about leaving something behind to try to get them to go back to the bar before Penelope noticed, but she caught him. Penelope bravely walks right over to Tyler and the mystery lady (much as she had in the last episode when she saw Tyler w/ his ex Teresa) and introdues herself. I hadn't decide yet if I was going to make the lady in my story Tyler's pregnant fiance or have them married with a newborn son. After last week's episode I scrapped that fic. But This new one came into my head. I hope you enjoy it.
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“That was fun, right?” Penelope Garcia said with a smile, as she and Teresa Campos walked through the parking lot of the café they had just left.
“Mhm-hm,” Teresa replied through pursed lips that curved at the corners to mimic a smile.
“We should definitely do this again sometime,” Penelope proclaimed as they finally stopped at their cars which were parked next to each other’s.
“Yeah, no, I don’t think so,” Teresa spoke out and her words sent a gut punch to the woman standing in front of her, whose face was crestfallen.
“Why not?” Penelope asked as she rapidly blinked to stave off the tears that were suddenly stinging her eyes seeking release. Even the slightest rejection from others always seemed to cut her deeply.
“Because I don’t like fishing,” Teresa stated and her words made Penelope’s brows furrow in confusion. “And tonight, you took me on a big fishing expedition just to find out if I am hooking up with Agent Alvez,” She added on and Penelope’s eyes widened in surprise as her mouth opened as if to protest but then quickly clamped shut because she was never at ease with lying to others. “Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy hanging out with you and it was fun for the few moments that you weren’t talking about Luke.”
“I’m sorry,” Penelope apologized as she bowed her head a bit and stared down at the asphalt.
“It’s all right, I am not mad or anything,” Teresa said. “I mean I get it, there is a serious vibe between you and Luke. I picked up on it within a few seconds of being in the room with you two.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Penelope huffed out and hugged herself as if shielding herself from an attack. “Luke and I are just friends.”
“And you’re telling me that you’re not at all interested in being more? Didn’t you two, date?” Teresa asked as she crossed her arm against her chest and allowed her backside to rest upon the backend of her car. She was interested in hearing this story.
“It was just one date, and it was uncomfortable, and we both realized that we’re better as friends … and how do you even know we went on a date, anyway?” Penelope rambled as a blush crept down her neck and spread across her chest.
“Luke told me and he also told me that he loves you,” Teresa threw out to gauge Penelope’s reaction.
“Wait…what?” Penelope squeaked out as her face held a wide-eyed, mouth-gaping look that Teresa could not discern as shocked or horrified.
“Ha, I knew he was lying when he said that you knew he loved you,” Teresa said and at these words she could clearly decipher that Penelope was shocked by what she was hearing, not horrified.
“Why would he tell you that and …” Penelope’s words died on her lips as her mind still reeled from what Teresa had just stated.
“And not tell ‘you’?” Teresa completed the question and Penelope nodded. “Because he’s a chicken shit. I called him out for not being brave enough to tell you how he felt about you, and to shut me up, he said that you already knew. I knew better but it was none of my business so I let it go. I’m surprised you didn’t already know. The guy is ga-ga for you which is why I have decided to steer clear of him. After going through hours of therapy that has put me over two thousand dollars in debt, I’m learning to not fall into old patterns. And hooking up with a guy who I know is not mentally or emotionally into me, just because he’s super-hot, and he smiled at me was a major pattern with me. Although I was tempted by Luke, I even flirted with him about dating. I mean, the man is drop-dead gorgeous, sexy as fuck, and Latino,” She said this with a smile that Penelope matched as she also nodded in agreement to everything Teresa had listed. “He’s also kind, super sweet, and has such a big heart, which completely belongs to you. So, I have to ask what the hell is wrong with you? What I mean is, why are you pining over Tyler when you have a man like Luke who would do absolutely anything for you?”
“Luke and I work together and it could make things complicated and messy. Also, Tyler’s a good guy and … and you also dated Tyler,” Penelope defended.
“Yeah, and I got to know him pretty well, and as nice as he is he's also selfish. We both know that he has experienced trauma due to his sister’s murder. It’s hardened him in ways that will not allow him to be ‘mentally and emotionally’ available, and I think he prefers it that way. You know, not letting anyone get too close out of fear, they will get taken from him, like his sister. And he always used his sister’s murder as an excuse whenever he did something wrong, like getting drunk at a bar, picking a fight, getting arrested, and then calling me to bail him out of jail. Or my personal favorite, going off the grid for days not calling or answering the dozens of concerned messages I would leave him,” Teresa went on and the words made a lump form in Penelope’s throat as déjà vu washed over her. “Hey, sorry,” Teresa spoke more gently as she could tell that her words had upset Penelope. “I know this is really none of my business, but I just have to tell you as someone sort of on the outside looking in, I can see that you are a ‘helper’ and a ‘fixer’. I mean, you didn’t know me except that I was the ex-girlfriend of a guy you’re interested in, but you still jumped head-first into trying to help me. You fixed a problem that Tyler created in my life, and I greatly appreciate that. But you have gotta know that you cannot help everyone and you cannot always fix their problems,” Penelope averted her eyes to the ground as she listened to words that she had been told on numerous occasions in the past but had not ever heeded. “Don’t spend your energy trying to help fix Tyler Green, because I can tell you from my own experience it’s a waste of time. Also,” Teresa reached over and placed her hand against Penelope’s arm which prompted Penelope to look up at her. “Don’t let the ‘coulda, shoulda, woulda’s’ stop you from starting something more romantic with Luke. He is truly an amazing man and the way that he looks at you … Dios mío, chica. He would try to give you the world, the Moon, and the stars if you would let him,” Penelope couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face at hearing a stranger affirm things that she sometimes wondered about. “Here,” Teresa began rummaging through her purse, she then pulled out a card and held it out to Penelope, who took it and read it. “That’s my therapist, she’s really good. Maybe she can help you learn what your bad patterns are and how not to fall into them. Anyway, thank you for the free food and drinks,” Teresa joked while she moved and opened her car door as Penelope smiled at her. “Next time,” She tossed on and Penelope’s eyes lit up at the prospect that she and Teresa could actually try to be friends. “No talk of Luke, Tyler, or any guy for that matter, deal?”
“Deal,” Penelope agreed as she eagerly nodded her head. She remained standing at her car watching as Teresa drove off. She then pulled out her cell and dialed a number. “Hey, Luke, are you doing anything right now?” She asked and remained silent awaiting his reply. “Would you like to have a late dinner with me?” Penelope questioned and then bit her bottom lip as if preparing for his rejection. “You would, great,” She gushed out with a big bubbly smile. “And you’re sure I’m not interrupting anything?” She nodded as he spoke. “Yeah, you always say that I’m never bothering you, but…” Her words ended as he said something else and made her giggle. “All right, well, I’m just a couple of minutes from you. You know that café that’s one block over from your place … Yep, that’s the one. Okay, I’ll be waiting for you inside, see you soon,” Her smile got broader as she ended the call and then turned to head back inside the café. She had only taken a couple of steps before her phone pinged and alerted her that she had a message. She looked at the caller ID and her smile faded a bit as she saw the name ‘Tyler’ displayed. She opened and read the message:
~ Hey, I need your help.
~ What happened?
~ I’m at some bar right now. I’m not drunk but I’ve had enough drinks that I probably shouldn’t be driving. Do you think you could come pick me up? I could really use a friend right now. It’s been a bad day.
Penelope knew that today would likely be a bad day for Tyler, it was his sister’s birthday. So, she hadn’t been surprised when he had been MIA at work and hadn’t acknowledge the three calls and six text messages she had left him. She also wasn’t surprised that he had gone out drinking or was now texting her seeking some solace, and there was a part of her that wanted to race to him and comfort him any way she could.  But there was also a voice screaming in her head that this was the ‘pattern’ that Teresa had just been talking about. She took a deep breath and started typing.
~ Sorry, but I can’t I’m about to have a dinner date with Luke. I can call you an Uber if you drop me your location.
~ No worries, I’ll call an Uber myself. You enjoy your ‘date’ with Luke 🙁 and tell him I said hello.
~ Ok, good night.
Penelope hurriedly placed her phone back in her purse and stood there a couple of minutes more as she waited for the guilt to kick in. If it did, she would ask Luke to go with her to get Tyler. That would be her insurance that Tyler would not end up back at her place for the night. As she thought about it more, she was sure that had been his intention in contacting her. If he had ‘needed a friend’ he could have reached out to her before going to some bar to drink. She was not just some booty he could tap whenever he wanted a distraction and comfort. She was better than that.
“And I deserve better than that,” She mumbled out as her brows furrowed and she frowned a bit. Penelope had been so deep in thought that she hadn’t noticed that Luke had arrived, parked, and was making his way over to her.
“Hey, Chica,” He called out just before he stopped to stand right in front of her with concern showing on his face. “Is everything okay? I thought you were gonna wait for me inside. What are you doing out here?”
“Oh, everything is fine. I actually just met up with a friend here before I called you and they just left,” Penelope stated and the look on Luke’s face and the way he nodded while averting his eyes prompted her next words. “It wasn’t Tyler,” He didn’t say anything but his relief was written all over his face as a smile tugged at his mouth. “I’ve decided that I can’t pursue a romance with Tyler.”
“Right, because he works with us now and you have your rule about dating someone you work with,” Luke offered.
“No, it’s because we never really had anything real,” She countered. “I mean, it was definitely real for me, but we all know that he only came into my life so he could get help tracking down Voit so he could kill him to avenge his sister’s murder. Also, he got some amazing sex for good measure.”
“I was kind of, sort of, starting to get along with the guy, but now I wanna beat the shit out of him again for how he treated you,” Luke huffed out and Penelope could tell by the way he clenched his hands into a fist that what he said hadn’t been in jest.
“Luke, you don’t need to defend my honor.”
“No, but I want to,” He said this with such conviction as he stared intensely into her eyes that another blush swept across her chest.
“Because … you love me, right?” She cautiously probed seeking confirmation to what Teresa had told her.
“Yeah, I do,” He nodded as he frowned up and he looked like he was offended that she even had to ask him that.
“Are you in love with me, too?” She asked and his eyes widened a little and she could tell by the way he kept swallowing that he was nervous. As he silently stood before her, she also became nervous thinking that Teresa had been wrong about his feelings.
“Yes, I am,” Luke finally confessed as Penelope gasped and her mouth gaped in her surprise. “But hey, you don’t have to worry about it. It doesn’t have to be a big thing-”
“What do you mean, you just said that you’re in love with me and that’s a huge thing, Luke,” She squeaked out as she clutched her left hand across her chest. Luke was becoming panicked by her reaction.
“Fuck! I’m sorry, Penelope, I never wanted you to find out. It doesn’t have to change anything between us.”
“It changes everything,” She stated as a single tear slipped from her eyes as she looked at him bewildered.
“Look, I know that you don’t have romantic feelings for me-”
“But I do,” She cut off his words and the current fear running through his mind where he was thinking he was going to lose her friendship now that she knew the truth.
“You … you do?” Luke was shocked and his bulging eyes and open mouth was the testament. “But on our date, you said…”
“I said the truth,” Penelope interjected and her words made Luke’s face become a mask of confusion. This was how she constantly made him feel; hot and cold. Sometimes she’d give him a look or say things to him that would have him thinking she was interested in him, but then she’d become cold and distant with him again. “Our date was awkward for me and I really didn’t know how to talk to you at that time without dunking on you. I realize now that it was all on me, my old hang ups from when I was in middle school all the way through college. It was like a broken record with me; the superhot guy who I’d have the biggest crush on but I knew was way out of my league, would ask me out. But it would always end up with them trying to molest me or get me into bed. I started developing these lovely ladies when I was eight,” She pointed at her breasts but Luke hadn’t even registered the move as his face hardened in anger at knowing that was how she was treated.
“I would never, ‘ever’ do that to you,” He defended. “In fact, I really want to track those guys down now and beat their asses.”
“I know you’re not like that, Luke, I really do,” Penelope said this softly as she gently placed her right hand against his left arm in hopes to placate his madness. “But the night of our date that’s all that was playing through my head at first, because I really had no idea that you had true romantic feelings for me. I just thought that you thought it would be your last opportunity to get me into bed before I left the B.A.U.”
“Penelope, I had been in love with you years before our date. I mean, I can’t tell you the exact moment it happened, but I do know the exact moment that I realized I was in love with you,” These words stunned her.
“You do?” She asked him as a slight smile graced her lips and he reciprocated the smile as he nodded his head, but then his face grew somber as he remembered.
“Yeah, it was at Phil’s funeral,” He confessed and she would have never suspected that that would have been the day of his revelation. Her face scowled up in confusion but she remained silent to allow him to continue. “You were the only one from the team who came, and I know the others didn’t feel comfortable because none of you knew him that well and you hadn’t been invited by his family. Even Lisa didn’t come with me for the same reasons, but not you. You came, partly to pay your respects to Phil but I knew that you mostly came to give your support to me. Standing there at Phil’s graveside funeral, when I felt your hand grasp mine and I looked over and saw you standing there, right at my side, mami …” He paused and shook his head a bit as his mind and heart became bombarded with the emotions he had felt in that moment years ago. “I knew without a doubt that I was in love with you. I had always been attracted to you from the second I had laid eyes on you, but I seriously could have dropped to my knees right there in that cemetery and proposed marriage because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I loved you and wanted to spend my lifetime loving you.”
“Oh, Luke,” Penelope softly sobbed out as her tears fell which he quickly reached out and wiped away. “I didn’t know that that was how you felt.”
“I know, and the timing was so shitty not just because it was at my best friend’s funeral but also because he really liked you. And I mean in a romantic way. He had been asking, no, it was more like harassing me to hook you two up, ever since we brought him Lou and he first met you. I didn’t know I was doing it at the time but I was totally cock blocking him, because I didn’t want him anywhere near you. And I’m sorry I lied to you when you asked me if Phil had asked about you.”
“Boy, we’ve both been going about things the wrong way by not being more open with each other about how we feel, haven’t we?” Penelope stated as she sniffled and wiped away more tears that had slipped out. “I mean, we’ve missed out on years of what might have been a happily ever after for us.”
“Well, the story is still being written, and ‘this’ right now could be the beginning of our happily ever after, right?” Luke asked tentatively. He inwardly sighed in relief as she slowly smiled while nodding her head.
“Yeah,” Penelope agreed.
“Yeah?” He repeated as he also smiled.
“I would like to find out where the story leads.
“So, would I, but can ‘this’ be our official first date and that other one we can say it was just a test run?” Luke joked.
“Definitely,” She concurred as she giggled and nodded in agreement.
“Shall we?” He shifted to stand beside her and offered her his right arm, which she linked with her left arm.
“Luke,” She stalled his movements before he walked them to the café. He looked down at her curiously and awaited her next words, but instead he experienced a pleasant surprise when she leaned up and deliberately pressed her lips upon his. His reaction was instinctive as he swiftly wrapped his arms around her waist, pressed her flush against his chest, and deepened their kiss. The need for air finally pulled them apart but neither relinquished their hold on the other. “For this to work I’m going to need two things,” Penelope panted out as she gazed directly into his eyes. “One is exclusivity because I am a very monogamous person-”
“Me too, and I don’t plan on sharing you with anyone else so I’m going to need you to make Tyler aware that we’re now dating, or I will have to,” Penelope hurriedly nodded to this.
“I kind of already did when he texted me right before you arrived, but I will talk to him to make it crystal clear, so there’s no room for doubt or confusion. And that leads me to the other thing I’m going to need in order for this to work between us. We can’t hide things from each other. We will need communication because I’m not always good at reading between the lines or seeing the obvious, so I will need you to talk to me. We both need to always be open, honest, and receptive to each other, no matter what.”
“Absolutely, I can do that,” Luke concurred. “Soo, are you agreeing to be my girlfriend?” He questioned as he casually tossed his right arm over her shoulder and moved them towards the café.
“Only if you’re agreeing to be my boyfriend, ‘and’ if things don’t work out romantically between us, I get to have unrestricted visitation rights with Roxy,” She replied with a cheeky smile and Luke’s head fell back as he laughed while agreeing. He never would have anticipated that this would be how his day would end up. He had been happy when she called him, elated when she asked him out to dinner, and now he just felt overjoyed and truly blessed.
“Boy, I need to go fishing more often,” Penelope mumbled to herself as they stood at the door to the café that Luke was pulling open for her to enter first.
“What was that, my beautiful girlfriend?” He asked teasingly as he had not made out her words.
“Oh, it was nothing, my handsome boyfriend,” She teased back while feeling contentment as well as excitement about what their future held.
*Fic art made for entertainment purposes only*
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scattered-irises · 1 year
How about Kaito gets bombarded with star wars facts by chris as a prompt?
Hi I have never watched Star Wars my entire life so have some Kosmo stuff instead sorry
"And so, it turns out that Dorothel's aunt had been Dark Elphaiber the entire time!" said Christopher. "Isn't that the very pinnacle of storytelling?"
Kaito stifled a yawn, his face nearly collapsing into the bowl of popcorn.
"Mm," he grunted.
Christopher's face fell.
For a moment, he was taken back to when he was just a nerdy, sweaty teen who had too many Dorothel posters in his room. The rejection unexpectedly hurt. He didn't want to admit it, but his stomach twisted itself into a knot. At a birthday party, the cool kids had laughed at him while he told them about the latest Kozmo episode.
His lips trembled. He forced himself to make a brave face.
"How could you be bored by this?!" he asked.
"I'm more into things like Star Trek. More science than fiction. Kozmo's just...a bit too out there. I don't like magic," mumbled Kaito.
Christopher's mouth opened in shock.
"It's not magic! It's the Energy Arts!" he protested.
Kaito's eyes slowly slid over him.
"Yeah, that's a magic system."
Christopher gritted his teeth.
"You literally saw the face of God, who is a dragon. You also witnessed me using my Barian powers. You were also just brought back to life. How could you not like magic?" asked Christopher incredulously.
Kaito shrugged.
"It feels like an easy solution to the hard things in life," he said.
Christopher balled his hands into fists. Kaito was wrong. Kaito was so, so wrong! He had spent hours debating with haters on message boards in his youth. Looking at Kaito's indifferent expression as he watched Dorothel sob over her prophesized destiny brought a wave of anger up Christopher's chest. There were so many things he could say, mixed in with sharp Internet-borne insults.
"I think you're an unseeing idiot," he spat, all the pent up rage he had as a teenager rising up again.
Kaito gave Christopher a mildly disappointed look.
"All this? Over a show?"
How could Christopher tell Kaito that this was more than a show? It was his childhood and adolescence, all wrapped into one. Not a day passed by without him thinking of it. His collection of Kozmo figurines were worth a fortune. His cosplays were carefully kept in his closet. Hell, he even spent last year streaming his Kozmo game playthroughs WHILE IN COSPLAY. He could strangle Kaito for this.
"It's not 'just' a show!" began Christopher, his anger building. "It's a part of my soul, just as much as the Numbers were!"
Kaito's incredulous expression grew. He used to think Christopher was cool. Like, really cool. Like rides-a-horse-in-a-stormy-hurricane-shirtless kind of cool. Not a sweaty-palmed, spit-spraying nerd who had a hard-on for fictional women.
"You don't understand, do you?!" continued Christopher. "The magic of the moving picture!"
Frankly, Kaito never watched TV growing up. It was either because he was too busy building things or taking care of Haruto. He gave Christopher a blank expression. Christopher got upset over the most random things.
"We can go and watch Barbie, if that makes you happy," Kaito awkwardly offered.
Christopher's frown seemed to sink down to his shoulders. His eyes seemed to bulge out of their sockets.
"Did I hear Barbie?!" yelled Thomas as he ran down the stairs. "It's not as good as the Bratz Movie but I'll watch!"
Christopher glared at Kaito, steam almost coming out of his nostrils.
"Have fun," he snarled as he stormed off.
Tonight, he will talk to his Dorothel bodypillow and posters. Surely, she would understand him.
Thomas plopped himself next to Kaito and grabbed a handful of popcorn. He looked after his brother and snorted.
"You made fun of his hobby?" he asked.
"I just said I didn't like magic," mumbled Kaito.
"Yeah, he's spent too much time on message boards. To him, you basically just trashed his entire livelihood," snorted Thomas as he flicked through the films.
"He needs to go outside more," grumbled Kaito as he took a handful of popcorn.
Thomas snorted.
"He's kinda like your Ken," he noted.
"Just more grumpy," added Kaito as the introductory logos began.
"He's gonna cry into his Dorothel pillow. Just you wait."
Kaito briefly raised his eyebrows. Then he went back to watching the movie. If he strained his ears hard enough, he could hear sniffling.
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