#prototype x reader
ecto-gorper · 3 months
📌 rules, guidelines, etc
I will happily write; fluff, angst, crack, or any sfw genres! various tropes, polyamorous & queerplatonic relationships, almost anything :] oh i write for everyone too that is currently in the game!!!
I refuse to write; smut/nsfw/nsfl, kink or fetish content, pregnancy (yes it had to be said), character x character only, personalized/specific readers, -18 with romance (as a safety precaution sorry). any proshipper-like dynamics
Notes/other; i do not write for personalized/specific readers (gender, specific physical attributes like weight/hair color/etc) because i want my writing to be inclusive. HOWEVER i can make an exception for disabilities! i typically get multiple requests at once so please don’t be upset if you don’t see yours, i pick and choose the ones i want to do the most.
EMOJI ANONS: 🎩, 🐶🪷, 🐍, 🦾, 🌧️🫧, 🌹, 🪼, 🕯️👁️, 🦐⚡️, 🪲, 🦴, ☣️,🦉
have any questions? leave an ask or shoot me a dm and i’ll get back to you asap! 💭
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donutz · 4 months
Dogday x gn reader angst
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Request from Tumblr—! Here you go Dawko-fanpage☆
—☆You are a human in this
Searching around, you always find something interesting.
Like the dead bodies of toys, or blood splatters, a pool? That's something you didn't expect in this place.
One thing you figured out yourself about this place is that it's huge. It's like the square miles of this place is more than Mount Everest!
And even in this hell hole, you still made some friends. Some as in Poppy, Kissy Missy, and a smaller version of Dogday. It jumped on you when you weren't aware, but it didn't try to eat or kill you. It rubbed its head against yours, maybe these tiny critters can actually be cute.
Other than the fact they eat humans and toys.
And have jumped a singular man as a group.
Let's just hope this small Dogday stays innocent.
You were in a somewhat safe spot. These colorful and soft walls kind of distract you from the real world.
You wanted to rest, just for a while.
But something's telling you to go ahead. And the fact there's a murderous purple cat on the loose, hunting you down.
To have you not thinking about it, you pet the small puppy.
Cutely, it stuck its tongue out and started wagging its tail. Even the slightest bit of happiness can comfort you here.
You closed your eyes, resting, thinking about what to do next. When a small head lightly bumped against your stomach, bringing you back to the real world.
“Why'da bump me hm?” The tiny jumped off your lap and went somewhere.
“Oh, wait I don't wanna lose you!” You whisper yelled. You kept your eyes on it, following where it’s going.
You stumble upon an eerie hallway, being suspicious, you scruffed the small Dogday just in case. It tried to get out of your grasp, squirming, “I know you want to just go everywhere, but c’mon at least have some security for yourself.” You said to the tiny critter.
“You! You’re Poppy’s angel!” The rough voice scared you, making you flinch. When you saw the source of the voice, your eyes went wide.
“Come to save us.” The small one stopped squirming and was also looking at the much bigger Dogday. Maybe that’s why it was running over here, to tell you about the suffering life form you never knew about.
“Nothing left to save, not here.” He looked up at you, noticing you had the smaller critters, aka the ones who were eating him bit by little bit.
He shook his head and resumed his talking, “You’re in Catnap’s home, angel.” But he saw that you were distracted. With talking to the smaller version of him.
“Eat those belts and I’ll give you scratches for the longest time.” You whispered. The smaller Dogday understood and jumped onto Dogday’s arms, he flinched, scared he’ll get hurt again.
“Uhh, continue with what you’re saying, the smaller you is gonna eat away at the belts, don’t worry he’s tamed.”
“... If you say so Angel, You’re in their home. A million pairs of—” Dogday’s left arm was released.
‘Wow he sure is efficient..’ Dogday thought.
“eyes are on you now… Watching, waiting, hungr—” You caught Dogday before he could fully fall on the ground.
“See? Tamed!” You said with a smile as the small Dogday crawled up your arm. “Now, let’s go before all of us get eaten!”
Tiny Dogday crawled into your pocket as the bigger Dogday shifted to your back.
Even with the bigger Dogday being huge, you still managed through. I guess you being here gives you big muscles.
You finally made it outside. And could rest while at it.
“Bigger Dogday, I’m gonna patch you up. I don’t know how to reattach your legs back, but I’ll try to not have your organs nearly fall out.” You stated, assuring that Dogday won’t be in as much pain he’s currently in.
“You don’t need to angel—”
“But I’m gonnaaaa. So stop being so selfless.” You could hear small giggles coming from your pocket.
“What, you think this is funny to you? Huh ya little vermin?” The tiny was still giggling, even louder than before.
You let out a sigh and continued on, Dogday smiled(an actual one) a little from his smaller version.
You found medical supplies and went to work on patching up Dogday, trying to be as careful as you can. He’s been through enough before you even got here.
The tinier Dogday watched your process, jumping from your pocket and rubbing its head against Dogday’s much larger hand. He flinched a bit, but pet his smaller version.
After 15-30 minutes, you were done. “Alright, I’m done!”
“Angel, this is amazing I—!”
You heard the familiar sound of metal scratching against a floor. Oh come on, you can’t get a little bit of rest?! It was the Prototype, you thought he only comes near you if you killed somebody! And Dogday nor his smaller version is dead.
So, why is he here?
Well, you either defend yourself with your life, or sacrifice it or something. Though the hand most likely knew some moves, you still need to defend the two puppies that are behind you.
You’ve done the impossible so you can do this right?
Wrong! (^▽^)
The Prototype’s sharp and metallic fingers were plunged into your heart.
“ANGEL NO!” (I don’t know how to make this seem serious, I’m just here💀)
His hands were removed from your heart, though he didn’t take your body to build himself(that’s what I headcanon) maybe you weren’t worthy enough.
Prototype was looking for Dogday, but fortunately, he was nowhere to be seen, neither was his smaller version.
He needed to search, to find him, but— he doesn’t feel like it right now. So he left. Leaving you to die, maybe.
Who knows?
You can always do the impossible.
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maiko-san · 4 months
For some reason I keep thinking, what if the Prototype meets a Lil Misfortune! reader instead of Theo/Catnap? I imagine a situation similar to Misfortune and Mr. Voice.
Misfortune! Reader : Hello, there Mr. Hand. What are you doing today?
Prototype : .....
Misfortune! Reader : Hehe, you don't talk much don't you? Oh, wait cuz you're an arm. Arms can't talk, they don't have mouths.
Prototype : ..... (can talk but refuses to talk anyways, lol)
Misfortune! Reader : Anyways...do you need a hand with something?
Prototype : ( pondering why he chose this kid )
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
OK RUIN DLC AVAILABLE!! Can I make a request then? How do Ruin glam.freddy, Ruin glam.chica, Ruin Monty, and Ruin Roxy react to an overwhelmed reader? Too much is happening to Child Reader and he ends up crying or bursting with rage. How would they react to the reader? (sorry for my english 😅)
Oh don't worry! Your english is good! (for this, we'll just say reader takes Cassie's place)
Prototype/Ruined Freddy
All you wanted to do was find your friend, and you thought you'd find an ally in your quest when you discovered Freddy in the decrepit Fazer Blaster room.
But something was very wrong as he emerged from the wreckage, joints clicking and parts shuffling before he finally turns to screech at you with great hostility.
Not with his mouth, as he lacked a head, but with his birthday cake hatch that acted like a gaping monstrous maw.
He hunted you down like a wild animal, chasing you until you managed to reach the next inhibitor-
Only for Freddy to be there first, cornering you at last and almost daring you to come closer.
But you were so terrified, so stressed that...you just hid somewhere and cried, not caring what happens to you anymore. "I-I'm sorry, Gregory..I can't do this. I'm too scared and I don't know where I'm going!!"
It's in that moment where Freddy briefly snaps out of the M.X.E.S programming controlling him.
He may have been a prototype, but he did have similar directives to his successor--that being to ensure the safety and happiness of all children who visited. That was his priority.
He follows your cries, and instead of attacking, he offers you the green present in his chest to cheer you up.
You worried it was some trick, but you take it anyways, finding a scratched-up Freddy magnet inside, barely recognizable aside from the shape.
Relieved, you smile and pocket the gift, wiping away your tears. "Th-Thanks, Freddy.."
He stands back up, only for the M.X.E.S to take ahold of him again.
While he's fighting back against it, you duck under him and turn off the inhibitor before making your escape, not looking back once even as he storms after you.
At least you knew he wasn't doing this on purpose.
Ruined Chica
If you weren't already overwhelmed enough by everything happening within the ruined mall...Chica's shattered voicebox was the icing on top.
The noises hurt your ears so, so much..and suddenly you became terrified of every creaking or grating metal sound, always thinking it's her.
Staying on your toes was important, of course, though it was getting to be too much for you to bear.
When she's hunting you down in one of the kitchens, you're so stressed that you end up hiding and covering your ears, trying not to cry as the noises continued.
Before they...abruptly stopped, as she's now aware that her voice simply wasn't going to come back.
But in that moment, she heard your sniffle and immediately found your hiding spot.
You think you're doomed until she sees you covering your ears still, and despite her eyes being out of sorts..
They looked quite guilty.
The M.X.E.S has no control over her at the moment, so she spares you and leaves.
At some point later on you find her original voice box, seeking her out and repairing her to the best of your ability.
"I smell pizza!!" She trills, before the reality sets in that she has her voice back at last!
And it's a brief moment of happiness for her before she shuts down, seeing you by her side as her vision goes dark.
While doing this didn't make you any less stressed about your search for your friend...you felt better knowing you helped her.
Ruined Roxy
She wasn't targeting you because of the M.X.E.S, but rather because she assumed you were Gregory, threatening to tear out your eyes and make them hers.
However she decided to stalk you at a very bad time, as you began shouting and throwing stuff at her after getting so fed-up with coming to dead ends and Helpi's irritating voice.
The first thing was a plushie, which isn't super effective in hurting her, but the sudden impact startled her nevertheless.
Then you began pelting whatever you could find on the ground. Soda cans, crumbled papers, etc. even as she apologized over and over, shielding herself.
"K-Kid, I'm sorry..!!"
"I'm not afraid you anymore!! LEAVE ME ALONE, FREAK!!"
Suddenly, she freezes up, sniffling before she touches her face self-consciously.
"Th-That's right..I'm...I-I'm a freak...I'm a hideous freak!!" She wails, ultimately collapsing to the ground crying.
You stop, realizing the (emotional) damage you've done and....feeling guilty when you see her sobbing.
You honestly thought she was mindless like all the others...and yet..part of her old personality remained, notably the "insecure" part of it.
Keeping the mask clipped to your side (as you didn't wanna see her through some green hologram), you approach and kneel down, awkwardly trying to comfort her.
"Roxy? I-I...I didn't mean to call you that. I'm sorry." You frown. "You're not a freak, you're still..um...p-pretty. I..I've just been angry and I took it out on you...because you keep thinking I'm Gregory."
She's surprised to hear that you aren't actually him, but is still hurt by the insult.
You stay with her for a bit, reminding her of the mantras she used to tell herself back then, and she begins to repeat them with a smile on her face.
"Your tail is beautiful, your hair is beautiful..and everyone loves you."
"My tail...is beautiful. My hair is..beautiful...and everyone loves me.."
"Yeah, that's good!"
Ruined Monty
He used to be the coolest character to you.
But now? He was nothing like his former self. Just a mindless beast crawling around and trying to bite your legs off.
It was sad, in a way.
Yet you've been attacked by him nonstop ever since you got that stupid mask.
He didn't just scare you, though.
If anything...you got angry right back at him, shouting at him to go away and/or throwing whatever you could to keep him off your back.
Somehow he keep finding you. It's like he had some personal vendetta against you and was powered by rage alone.
In Gator Golf, you found a golf club that wasn't broken, deciding to keep it with you should you ever need to defend yourself.
He was an alligator, yet it somehow shocked you when you're trying to reach the next conduit to unlock a door....and discover that he can swim.
You were stuck traversing boxes like you were playing "the floor is lava"...except the lava is Monty, of course.
When you finally unlock the door, he roars and makes a desperate grab for your leg, and would have succeeded in dragging you into the electrified water...
Had you not used the club to break his hand and chip some of his teeth.
It seemed to bring him genuine pain....but you didn't care.
"Sorry, Monty...BUT I'M NOT YOUR DINNER!!!" You shout as you knock him back into the water, watching him fry.
Part of you felt guilty for doing that once you calmed down and got to safely, but what else could you do?
He was too far gone to help. You had to put him out of his misery.
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cosmic-spider · 3 months
Trying to get in
Poppy playtime fem reader x smiling creatures sweet home au
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— — — — — — — — — —
After a week of meeting up Bobby and thinking things over. I have decided to take up Bobby’s offer. She told me that it would take a few days to get it the more important toys of her town to look over the idea.
After three days I went over to the field again. As I waited for Bobby I then noticed something off in the distance of some hills off in the distance.
Before I could get up to go and see what it was. Bobby showed up. She told me that the higher up toys said that you would need to have a meeting with me first before they can completely think the idea over.
I told her that I was ok with it. She then told me that I would need to be blindfolded as well as cared. So that the location of there town will stay hidden. I said ok as long as nothing scary happened.
Bobby then took out a small scarf as she then put it on me as a makeshift blindfold. She then picked me up. I think it was bridal style.
Either way she picked me up. She told me to stay calm, and relax since she was now taking me to the meeting area.
As Bobby cared me we made small talk. She told me about her friends. How she would like me to meet them.
After I guess about ten minutes I hear the sound of Bobby opening a door. When I asked she said where in the office building.
As she then continued to walk she then opens another door. Then placed me down on a chair.
Telling me that the other toys will come into the room in a bit. As well as to not be afraid since she will be right in the room next door waiting for me.
— — — — — — — — — —
I only sat down in the chair I was in with my hands on my lap. As I took some calmed breathes as try to calm my self down a bit.
After a few minutes I then hear the sound of the door opening from my right. After a bit I hear something like metal clinking and clanking agents each other.
I then feel the blindfold being pulled off my face. As my eyes adjusted to the light of the room. I see that only half of the room is lit up since the lite was right on top of we’re I was.
I then look into the darkness in front of me only to see a metal hand. It looked to be made out of metal, wires, as well as having a bit of bones at the wrist area.
Uh…hello? I said nervously as I looked at the hand then into the darkens of the other side of the room.
Hello human
A voice called out as it echoed a bit in the room. It was calm at the same time I felt like what we it was it was watching my every move.
I’ve been sent here to talk with someone. Is that you? I asked as i tilted my head as I looked into the darknes of the room.
Yes, that is right. I’m the one you came to meet with.
Ok then it’s nice to meet you um—
Prototype. My name is the prototype.
Nice to meet you s-sir.
The hand then pulled back into the shadows. Then it came back into view with a packet of papers plus a clipboard with papers. Being held out with only two of its long fingers.
Here. Take the clipboard first.
As I take the clipboard as I then get see a pen attached to the side of it. Ok then. What do you want to ask me?
Well you can fill out the papers on the clipboard. As I ask a few things about you?
Sure I don’t mind. Ask a-away. I told him as I then started to read the papers and fill them out.
What other job did you have before?
Well I’ve been a part time teacher helper and have worked in a daycare before that. I-I’ve also work at food and desserts shops. I even had a at home flower shot for sometime.
I said to the unknown figure. As I continued to fill out the paper now flipping it over to the back.
Ok then what job did your parents have?
Oh um I don’t know. I’ve never had parents I was raised by my grandmother. But she had a bakery.
Ok then. You pass the first text now onto the second. What do you know about this place your trying to get into?
Well I don’t know much but Bobby Barehug told me that it’s very big town. T-That everyone is very nice. That I can find a job here and get along with e-everyone.
I answered as I then finished the paper and re-flipped it over to the front side. And pushed the clipboard over to them.
The hand then took the clipboard into the darkness. I hear as they look throw the paper. As I hear the paper being flipped over to the back. Then reflowed to be on the front again.
Oh then everything looks good. I’m going to discuss this with others. So it may take a while to get you and answer. So in the mean time you can fill out this packet.
The prototype said as there hand pushed the packet of paper over to to me.Ok then I’ll be waiting for your response then.
Bobby you can come in now.
The door then opened showing Bobby at the entrance. Hi BB
Hi y/n. She softy wavered at me as she got into the room.
The meeting is over now. You can take her back to the filed.
Ok then.Bobby said as she then got the blindfolded back and then started to put it around my eyes again.
She then picked me up again now with only one hand. The door being opened was then heard.
But before Bobby could start walking I spoke. Good bye prototype. It was nice meeting you.
The prototype didn’t respond as Bobby then started to walk.
After a bit of silent walking Bobby picked me up and placed my feet on the ground. As she then took of the blindfold.
As my eyes adjusted to the light I then turned around to see she had a worried face.
What’s wrong BB?
I’m just a little nervous on what his answer is going to be. She then started to play with the end of her sweater.
I then went up to her taking her hand and holding them in mine. Well as best as I could with her’s coving my whole hands.
Hey it’s ok BB I’m sure everything will be fine. And if I don’t get the ok to get in then we can just keep meeting up here.
Well it’s almost 5 pm. I have to go home i will be back next Friday with this packet filed out. Hopefully the prototype has an answer by then.
I then gave her a hug and started to walk across the field back to my car.
If only it can be that simple.
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cupidszvlvr · 2 years
The way the world works | G/n ! Reader x Scaramouche
angst, a bit fluffy, archon quest spoilers, swearing.
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You watched intensely as scaramouche was preparing for his fall, You were a also a mere puppet like him. But not a failed puppet from the electro archon. But the cryo archon, you never really were needed. And so you were discarded, just like scaramouche. You both were friends even if he will never confirm it ever again. You stayed by his side not knowing you were being tracked down by the fatui and the tsaritsa. You were lost one day no where to be seen by Kunikuzushi he took it as you had abandoned him, left him to rot in his world of fantasies.. You were captured by held captive by treasure hoarders not really caring for your life,Unlike Kunikuzushi you knew how to fight and protect yourself.
You were flabbergasted to find out that the fatui had taken an interest on him, the very place you came from. You tried to get in contact with him, Last time was in inazuma were he had you in chokehold. He planned on murdering you, but something always stopped him. “I hate you so fucking much y/n.” He spat as he tightened his Grip on your neck, Tears were forming at your eyes not because of the position you were in but the words he spoke. “Kuni..please, L-lets talk this through-“ he tightened his grip on your neck even harder. “Oh ? Now you want to talk after you fucking betrayed me !?” He screamed, raged. Angry, upset. You wanted to comfort him like how you did back in the days.
“N..no! You got it all mistaken - !” You tried to lighten the grip on your neck but something was telling you that he wouldn’t lighten his hold. “ what do i have mistaken, indulge me y/n.” You felt like passing out and you did. Present time, Here you were with the Drendo archon and the o’ mighty traveler and his flying companion, you watched as nahida took the gnosis from the massive robot and watched how scaramouche desperately tried to take it back from nahida’s grasp. You couldn’t watch, it pained you to see him in such a state . You noticed that his eye’s widened as he fell out Off the giant robot, you screamed his name. Well, forgotten name
“Kuni…!” You were running after him, prepared to catch him as you unknowingly got a vision of your own. You leaped a bit, while anemo supporting you and You had caught him before he fallen. You were on the ground with him on top You desperately shook him. You promised him you would be with him with him at all costs, you broke it.. you felt a few tears streaming down your face and started pleading for him to wake up. “ y..you fucking crybaby..get off of me..” you heard him spat, and hugged his injured form. “ s-sorry its just that I’ve missed you..”
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©wandererluvr 2022
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gojoidyll · 3 months
Arthur Prototype x Reader
"As your hero, I hope to stay by your side."
As a new master fighting beside Fujimaru and Mash, you never thought you would find a deep sort of connection with someone. As a new matser, you only thought that your mission was to help restore the singularities and then move on with whatever Chaldea wanted you to do next.
Though, that all changed when you summoned your first and last servant. Arthur.
Granted, you were quick to learn that he was someone from a different timeline and that someone named "Artoria" was the "King Arthur" of your time period. But truthfully? You were glad you got Arthur instead.
Because you honestly couldn't imagine what life would of been like without him, and even though Fujimaru, Mash, and the others think you should summon a few more servants, you decide that you are perfectly content with just having Saber by your side.
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sirensea14 · 4 months
My Bright Star
Kickin' Chicken x reader {part 2}
>>(Part 1) , [part 3]
Summary: You're an orphan child from Playcare who came back to the factory 15 years later after you received a mysterious letter. (Time skip to chapter 3, the part where you fight catnap)
Warnings: gn!reader or fem!reader (whatever you want it be), fluff and angst, kickin's alive and a bit ooc, violence, blood, not proofread so there may be typos and other errors here
A/n: im honestly happy you guys are reading this shit😭 even if its a bit badly written! Here's part 2! I tried my best to narrate the boss battle in my own words. Hope you enjoy... You're up for one hell of a ride.
"Huff... Huff... That was... close! Damn that cat, you need a dental hygienist!" You panted after going through that hell of batteries and red smoke, pinching your nose from the gas. "And of course, I won't volunteer to be one." You sneered, brushing dust off of you.
You immediately went out of the Counselor's Office, but you paused at the door thinking about that dream. You were left hanging with so many questions to ponder about. In your train of thought, Kickin' flew to you and greeted you with a hug. Suprised by his move, you snapped back to reality and returned the hug. "I'm glad you came back in one piece, y/n." He smiled at you warmly.
"Oh was there ever a time I wasn't able to?" You chuckled, looking away from him awkwardly. Sarcasm was making its way into you. Kickin' was deadpan but laughed after a few seconds. You followed his chittering.
"Hey, uh, something's gone wrong. Grab the cord from the Counselor's Office and plug it in underneath the statue!" Ollie called. Ugh, of course he'll be calling. But you have no right to object, he's one of the only few sane people here after all. "We need to reach 100%!"
"Oh yeah, right! Got it." You snapped your fingers, " Goodluck." you went back to the building, grabbed the cord, and pulled it to the statue. "Okay, what was that goodluck for?" You whispered to yourself, Kickin' was behind you watching the surroundings in case something attacks.
"Wait here." You told Kickin' as you reached the door under the statue. He nodded and looked out to the darkness, his eyes glowing fiercely.
You plugged the cord, "96%, just a little bit more," just then, you heard a sound of a key dropping. "A poppy key? For wha--oh." The poppy circuit box, of course. You then went outside and ran towards that circut box. Kickin's footsteps thumping behind. You opened the metal case and pulled out the cord, running back to the statues, you felt a slight chill ran down your spine. You paused for a moment, "What's wrong?" Kickin' asked, "Nothing. Just... I feel like something bad's gonna happen." You reckoned. Kickin' warily looked at Playcare, his eyes searching out for possible predators.
You then continued to go and left the bird yet again outside. You finally plugged in the cord. "And, a hundred perce--!" your face fell deadpan as your triumph was interrupted by Ollie's call, "Okay, that should be enough power. Now take the huge batter to the gas production zone." You looked around spot where Ollie gives you the keys, a large battery glowing blue sat there. " So we can get out of here! It's the door by the cable car you arrived on. Goodluck." The call ended. "Yeah, yeah, Ollie. I know where it is." You muttered, carrying the large heck of a battery. "And that 'goodluck' was uncalled for," walking outside, you saw Kickin' who immediately took the battery from you and walked with you to the gas production zone. "Let me help you with that."
This time, instead of Kickin' waiting outside the door, he crouched himself to go in. "I'm going with you."
"Naw! Don't worry, KC. This is just the gas production zone. No need to worry here. I'm just gonna power up the gas and transfer it to the other tube. That simple!" you reassured him but the rooster clearly wasn't convinced. He kept a raised an eyebrow at you which deflated you. "Sigh... Fine then." You also had a feeling something's up to something anyway.
The two of you proceeded in the Gas Production Zone, "Alright. Gimme the battery." Kickin' handed it to you as you grabbed it using your grabpack. You walked towards the battery socket, Kickin's feather crown raised, alarmed at the surroundings. He hissed at the eerie feeling he's having, "Hm? What's wrong, KC?" You looked back at him, he's looking straight at you. "Uh, kickin', you're scaring me with that look..." something isn't right. You went back to walking to the socket. Kickin' wasn't looking at you, he was looking at something else...
The moment you almost inserted the battery is when CatNap appeared at the door, breathing his red smoke. You coughed, "Gah! What the hell!" Immediately you heard deep crowing sounds behind you, a mix of rooster crowing and a mosnter growling.
Catnap came into vision in a form way more terrifying than he should be. You fell down as fear came crawling through your feet. He walked towards you, each step intimidating than the last. Before he can swipe his claws at you, Kickin' Chicken immediately striked his talons on Catnap's face, earning a yowl from the beast. You immediately stood up as he bought you time to run into the elevator. Amidst of the red mist you saw the two monsters fighting at each other. Growling and crowing and hissing. Fighting each other with each swipe of their claws, blood poured out of them.
You went in the elevator, pressing the button to go up. The two disappeared in the mist but as you sought retreatment in the lift, Catnap appeared in front you. He glared at you with eerie eyes and you took in his frightening form. Skeletal and colorless. Faces and hands were carved on his body, moving and bubbling creepily.
You reached the top of the lift. You panted in a bit of relief of the experience, but worried for kickin'. "No... I... I can't go back. I'm sorry." Tears welled down on your cheeks," I'm sorry, Milo." You sniffed, brushing your tears off. You walked to the red smoke-infested area. "What now?" you protested, seeing a terminal and 4 battery stations. You looked at the monitor and read, "'This room can protect you. It was a safe room before. And it might be what saves you now. Familiarize yourself with it.' Oh no. What am I going to go through now?" You gasped. But you did as you were told, exploring the area. "A gate, a blocked path which I can access through the purple hand. 4 corridors for what? And... a trapdoor?" You listed. Jumping the platforms, opening and closing the gate,you listened to an eerie black VHS tape with what appears to be the 'Prototype' or 1006. You've heard of him numerous times, it was eerie that such an entity exists. And he can change voices! You felt a chill down your spine after watching the tape.
You went back to the terminal and saw the monitor's message changed. " 'The room should still have batteries. Use them to power whatever you need to in the room.' " you scanned the room with batteries scattered around you.
" 'To the left and right side of the room, in both the front and back, there should be small acloves with terminals ready for a charge. See for yourself.' " you hoped this nightmare is about to end. You switched your purple hand to a green hand and activated the receivers. It released steam thick enough to conceal the red gas from the front corridors.
" 'With a battery placed in the receiver, the charge will allow the continuous release of steam. See for yourself.' " again, you tested the back corridors by placing a battery in each of the two sockets. Steam emerged from above.
" 'Place a battery in one of the four receivers behind this terminal. Be alert. CATNAP IS NEAR.' " you read in alarm. "Fuck NO!" You yelled at the monitor. But against your will, you put a battery in one of the terminal's socket.
" 'Time remaining: 180... 179... 178...' " you panicked, your eyes darting around the room in trepidation. "... 176... 175-- *gasp!!* " your head whirled at the back corridor. You looked back and forth to wherever the footsteps were coming from. "L-light!" You switched to your orange hand and fired at the right back corridor. "Did that... work?" Footsteps reverberated in the room, but this time it's on the front corridors. You fired again, hearing something from afar. You charged your green hand and jumped to the blocked room with the two receivers. Activating it, steam was released. Catnap was forced to back down against the steam. You jumped down breathing heavily. "So this is where the battle begins... This is it... I'm scared..." you muttered to yourself. But you remembered Kickin'--rather, Milo, who was left behind. You felt bad for leaving him... "No--I'm not gonna die here!" You said in wavering determination. "Not at this time--" footsteps interrupted you. Doing the same thing, you fired at the 4 corridors, listening to which way is groaning. "The back corridor on the left." you took a battery and placed it in the socket. Steam poured down the monster as he retreated.
Repeating the process, you fired again at the 4 corridors, you listened closely and heard there were two footsteps coming to you. "That one... is an illusuon. The other is real," you said in confirmation. Front right corridor. You charged your green hand and steam was released. Catnap yowled at you.
"Repeat." you muttered, expression guarded and focused. You were sweating bullets at your fight. This time, you can hear three footsteps coming towards you, "One illusion, one is real and... another one?" You fired the flare gun on all of the 4 corridors. One was dispelled as an illusion. One was empty. One groaned. "Back corridor on my right!" You charged the battery socket and steam emerged. A cat's growl was heard. Then the terminal cried an alarm, "Now what?!" You put a battery in one of its 4 battery stations. Two of its sockets are now full. Your focus shifted back to the battle as the other footsteps kept going. "The front left corridor..." You fired at the other three corridors as you spared and listened closely to the fourth. Faint sounds of two claws were gnawing your ear. You took the chance to look at the monitor, "109 seconds... Still too damn long." You hissed.
You attempted to fire at the front left corridor but a familiar tall shadowy figure came to vision. Suddenly an alarm rang above you, the trapdoor was opening and Catnap was sneaking a view from you. Before you could react, a swift yellow whooshed before your eyes, feathers scattering. A loud flap of wings chimed, his talon grabbing the trapdoor handle. Kickin' Chicken voiced a deafening caw at Catnap and slammed the hatch shut harshly.
"Kickin'!" You called out to him. He landed near you and he wrapped his wings around you, and you returned the gesture. But due to his size, you could only grasp his wings. "I'm so glad you're alive!" you cried. He had his right eye as hollow as void due to a clawmark. Blood was gushed out of it, he also had a slash around his torso. He was a little bit bleeding. But you hoped he took a bit of rest before coming here. You had tears, moved by his appearance despite being badly wounded. Your embracement with each other was immediately halted by an alarm. The trapdoor is opening again, Catnap seems to not have yet given up even from Kickin's caw. He hissed at the cat and flew again to shut the hatch.
"87 seconds!" you exclaimed as you shot every one of the corridors, watching out warily for Catnap. Footsteps were nearing to the two of you. "Front left corridor!" You immediately powered the electric receiver, releasing steam to drive Catnap away.
Alarms rang, the hatch is opening. Kickin' plunged to close it. You fired at the four corridors, "Back left empty, back right illusion, front right empty, on the front left!" you powered it again with your green hand and steam was let loose, sending Catnap in a screaming fit.
"68 seconds." you counted, repeating the process on the four corridors. Activating the electric receiver. You whirled and fired at the back left, "Empt--" suddenly the terminal sounded an alarm again, demanding for another battery. "Oh fu--" Kickin' immediately grabbed one of the juices and put it in one of its sockets, putting it into silence. He's the only and most chivalrous monster you've ever seen in your life. You smiled at him warmly, feeling heat on your face. Your expression changed into a hardened one as Catnap's footsteps snapped you back to reality. 'No time for daydreaming! Our lives are on the line right now.' you slapped your cheeks as you pushed down the heat on your cheeks. Kickin' took a glance at your little trance and let out a low chirp.
Firing the back right, which has the fake, the hatch slowly opened again. Kickin' growl-crowed at him and clawed his face. The cat screamed and before he could wound kickin', he immediately snapped him shut.
The two of you worked together in the remaining 1 minute. Going through the same tactics Catnap has. Then the terminal sounded one last alarm, you grabbed a battery but before you can put it in, Catnap dropped from above the hatch and pounced at you. Kickin' seized him away by his talons, he cawing at him in the process.
You stood up shakily, inserting the battery in the last battery station, lighting up the electric port.
You switched to the green hand and powered it up. "KICKIN', BACK AWAY!" you instructed him and he immediately did what you said. You fired the overcharged green hand at Catnap. He tried to exhale red smoke but it only sent him in a fiery fit. "YOU... TRAITOR!" he screamed in a hoarse voice, rolling wildly on the floor trying to put out the fire. Kickin' moved beside you, placing a wing in front of you. He was in a crouched stance, ready to protect you in case Catnap attempts to attack.
Catnap continued to scream in pain, "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FOLLOW THE PROTOTYPE."
"I WILL NEVER." He said firmly in anger. The bird tried to attack him but a metal clawed hand emerged from above. Catnap was no longer on fire but he was almost burnt to a crisp. Yet alive as if it didn't hurt him that much.
"I... failed you... my lord..." He looked down, ears drooping. The prototype's hand flipped to look like he's offering a hand to help him. Catnap recovered and kneeled at him, as if offering and praying to him. You and kickin' were watching as the horror unfolds. 1006 stabbed Catnap by his mouth, blood gushed out from the back of his head. The Prototype then dragged his corpse up.
A/n: NUH-UH. THIS SHIT AINT FINISHED YET. *insane laughter intensifies*I only posted this now cuz this is getting a liiiiiiiittle bit too long so... here ya go, part 2! This is honestly one of the most intense things I've ever written yet in my life...
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diejager · 4 months
I watched someone play Prototype (2009) and now I’m thinking. What if you were a survivor like Alex and Heller, contaminated by the Blacklight (Mercer) Virus. Laswell discovered you through thorough snooping of the events connected to Blackwatch and it’s weaponising human tests, and found you after a following the mile long trail of missing persons. Talking and convincing you to help her as an asset in exchange for feeding you information and whatever you wanted (that you couldn’t get through consuming) as part of your deal with the CIA.
And lo and behold! Laswell has some contacts following a familiar trail of human testing and monsters looking eerily similar to infected you’ve killed and eaten. And it just happens that she was close to them and knew they needed assistance from someone who had prior interaction with these monsters and knew more than Laswell herself.
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yellowwithalisp · 9 months
Collateral damage - Alex Mercer x reader
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A crossover between Prototype, Infamous, Cry of Fear, Resident Evil, Watch Dogs, Devil May Cry, and Assassin's Creed!
---------------------------------- 🧟‍♂️💉🩸🖤 𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚜~ ---------------------------------- ⛩️ 🍙▪ Index ----------------------------------
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
🖤🩸▪ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢
🖤🍓▪ 𝘈𝘴𝘬:
🖤🔴▪ 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴:
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ecto-gorper · 3 months
prototype x player!reader hcs? like we're just another silly riding the elevator but we keep coming around to see him...
🌈 prototype/reader who always makes time to see him!
not sure if you wanted this romantic or platonic so i kept it vague! it is a joy every time prototype is in the elevator <3
prototype is always happy when you’re around! he appreciates your presence so much— mainly because you’re not mean or prone to asking invasive questions like some others in the elevator. they can just hang out with you without being uncomfortable or bombarded with strange questions and statements.
it’s not often you two come across each other since they only board the elevator on one floor, but it’s a joy when you’re reunited! partnering up together for certain floors is always a fun way to pass the time until one of you inevitably have to leave. and since prototype is quite the strong robot, you’ve got a metal shield to protect you from hostile things teehee (they do not mind at all)
you love to share your favorite items from the shop with each other!! whether it’s the maracas or silly red ball, sometimes all you do is mess around and have fun instead of participating in the floor. it helps keep your sanity in check tbh!! and you know prototype LOVES to play (particularly catch)
will answer any questions you have about them personally or just stupid silly things you come up with. they’re very very smart so if you’re ever wondering about anything, and i mean ANYTHING, you know the right bot to ask!
overall whenever you two are in the elevator together it’s a mix of teamwork and having fun. there’s never a dull moment and even if you’re a more shy or edgy person prototype always manages to cheer you up and brighten your day. there’s no lack of spirit when they’re around!!!
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donutz · 4 months
Poppy Playtime fanfics, oneshots, etc—☆!
Poopy Playhouse;Pt.1
Poppy playhouse will be discontinued
Smiling Critters—☆!!
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Requests!! Smiling Critters ofc!!
All Smiling Critters x reader
Valentine's Day special, Smiling Critters
DogDay x reader
Catnap x reader
Bobby Bearhug x reader
Craftycorn x reader
KickinChicken x reader
Hoppy Hopscotch x reader
PickyPiggy x reader
Bubba Bubbaphant x reader
Wuggies —☆!!
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Requests!! Wuggies ofc!!
Kissy Missy x reader
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icycoldninja · 2 months
My darling (Kuja x reader)
Hello? Is-is that you? Oh, Gaia, it is you! You're here. You're talking to me...this is incredible! Finally, finally, I can tell you how I feel! I remember the day you turned on my game, the day you came across me while controlling Zidane. I remember how you battled me through him, how you used him to defeat me; how you watched me die. I wonder, did you feel as pained as I did when you watched me take my last breaths? Ah, but never mind that, for I have something to tell you, something I've been waiting to tell you for so very long.
I love you.
It's silly, a perfect, powerful being like myself falling in love with a lowly human whom I've never even seen before...but here I am. In love. With you. Every time you turn on my game, my heart races with joy. Though I cannot physically interact with you, I am ecstatic to know that my elegance and grace is at least being beheld by you. And when you turn off the game, my heart sinks into sadness. All that is around me is darkness and emptiness; I feel so lonely. So afraid. Though it is a great blow to my pride to admit this, without your presence....I am scared.
I wish you were here, holding me in your arms, keeping me company so the darkness doesn't swallow me up. I wish you would tell me everything was alright, even if it wasn't. I just want to be able to hear you, to see you, to cherish and love you to the best of my abilities. I wish...I wish I was real!
Oh, but darling, don't despair. There is a way I can be real: in your heart. As long as you carry me in your heart, I will always be with you in spirit. When you hear a song that makes you think of me, I will hear it too. When you take a walk and see something you wish I could see, I will see it too. And at night, when you sleep, I'll be there too, and together, we shall build a majestic kingdom in your dreams.
Sleep well tonight, my darling. I'll see you soon.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Can you do Experiment 1006 bonding with a Child! Orphan!Reader and eventually escaping the factory with them? (I know he's not extremely characterized, but I still want to see an ask with him)
Oooo yes!! I'm so eager to learn more about this mysterious guy. I’m fully convinced he contains the soul of Elliot Ludwig but for this fic I’ll leave his origins ambiguous.
"[Y/n], sweetie? It's time to meet him."
Being lightly shaken from sleep, you rubbed your eyes to see the nice scientist lady you’ve been acquainted with. She was smiling down at you, and you smiled in return, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
Experiment 1006, aka the “Prototype”, though you knew absolutely nothing about this top-secret toy. You hoped to be paired with one of the popular toys, but you didn’t complain much. 
If anything you were excited to see what 1006 looked like! You felt pretty lucky compared to the other orphans, considering how “special” this one was.
So you eagerly followed the scientist to his chamber, noting the presence of a few armed guards and other specialists. Not to mention the door itself was reinforced with layers of steel and a complex locking mechanism.
‘Weird..I haven’t seen any other doors like this one.’ You were confused, and that confusion only grew when you were blindfolded, blanketed in darkness.
"Don’t be scared, it’s just me.” The scientist's voice calmly reassured you. “I want you to...really be surprised when you see him. Just keep it on until the door closes, okay?”
You nodded, trusting her. After all, she’s the one who adopted you and treated you like her own kid. As scared as you initially were when you learned you’ll spend the rest of your life in this place, she actually made it fun. She let you play games with Mommy Long Legs and all her friends, passing the “tests” with flying colors! You’d never want to leave. This place was basically paradise for children.
But there’s only so much she could do to shield you from the reality of why you’re stuck here. Of what might happen to you should you pass or fail these trials with 1006.
He’s become more violent, outsmarting even the top specialists--being responsible for the casualty of one.
Hopefully your presence will calm him enough to be studied. But obviously she didn’t want you to know that and for now will spare you from the truth, telling you that you’ll be introduced to a “very special toy”.
Once the door opened, you were rather quickly pushed inside before hearing it slam shut and lock behind you. It was unusual how frantic she and the other guards became, making you nervous.
Then you heard the sounds of thin metal tapping, scraping across the floor. It sounded like something was crawling towards you in a spiderlike fashion. Before you could remove the blindfold to see what was in front of you, you felt it being taken off for you with ease. And very delicately, too.
Now that you could see, your eyes widened when you realized this “special toy” was...just an arm.
That’s it. Just a large creepy arm made of metal, bone, and wires with needlelike fingers on each digit. This was definitely not any toy you’ve seen before, not even on a single poster or advertisement. 
You wondered where the rest of him was.
Through the security cameras, the scientists watched you interact with him. And not once did you cry, scream, beg to leave, or cower in the corner as they anticipated. You seemed to be communicating quite well with him, and he responded with a variety of gestures that his single hand could create.
The adults were astonished.
This was huge progress! Revolutionary, even. While Huggy Wuggy remained the optimal outcome for the experiments, they believed their prototype was near perfection and would be able to replace him soon.
But to avoid possible relapses into his hostile behavior, they decided to continue sending you into his chamber every week to play, studying you both for any new information he could provide them from how he interacts with you.
Still, there were times where he’d lash out whenever your sessions end and someone had to come take you out.
At one point, he had to be heavily sedated when he blocked the door, for once not trying to leave when he had the opportunity to do so. Rather, he tried to keep you from leaving.
This behavior was documented as “possessive”, but that was a lie.
He was well aware of what was going on here. He knew everything, including the fact that you were just among the many orphans subjected to the horrors this place contained--used as either suppressants for violent monsters like him or a candidate ripe for becoming a smaller living toy to be shipped around the world and bring joy to kids.
This hellhole wasn’t going to bring joy to anybody. Only suffering. These scientists who tried to play god were only getting innocent people killed.
He couldn’t stand to see you become one of them, especially after overhearing the last trial was coming up. He needed to protect you before you’re sent down into the depths of the factory, never to be seen again.
He needed to escape with you.
Then one day..
He finally seized the chance.
"I'm not worried about myself. One breakthrough and I'll be back. We must forge onwards in the name of science! Whether those who are beneath us understand it or not. End of-”
Blood splattered all across the cassette tape as it clattered to the floor, a body falling down beside it soon after, never to rise again.
1006 pulled his metal digits from the scientist’s neck before he continued through the corridor of many holding cells. Elsewhere, he heard the terrified screams of the staff and monstrous bellows of the other escaped experiments, finally feasting on flesh they so desperately craved.
He didn’t need it, though. He never did.
With nearly all the orphans gone, there was nobody to suppress their instincts to kill. And so he orchestrated this revolt by shutting down the security system and releasing them all from their confinements. A lockdown was initiated, but that only gathered all the humans together like cattle, ripe for slaughter.
How ironic. They are ones being treated like animals now.
Yet there was only one human he wished to spare.
And when he managed to shred the cell door’s hinges and break it down, he was relieved to find you in your bed, coming out of a deep sleep. You were given anesthesia some time ago in preparation for your “next adventure” in this facility, and you wondered where the scientist lady was and why she wasn’t escorting you.
But you were happier seeing 1006 greeting you, and you got up and approached him with a sleepy smile. Despite still being too tired to question him on what was happening, you followed him out of the cell and down the hall, ignoring the distant screams of the adults around you and strange animal-like noises.
Only a few of the toys calmed down as you passed them by, though 1006 told you to ignore them. They didn’t pursue you, being both obedient and terrified of the prototype. Once you left the room, only then did they resume their murderous rampage.
You weren’t sure how long you were wandering, hiding, and sneaking through vents. But eventually, one of the shafts led to the outside world.
That’s right.
You were actually outside--a place that didn’t reek of oil, old fabric and plastic, chemicals, and machinery. A place where you could see the sun, clouds, and dry grassy fields.
At this point, the anesthesia finally wore off completely and you realized what was happening.
You were out of that place.
You were free.
“Wow..” Was all you could whisper in your hoarse voice as you looked around, taking in every sight and sound possible, though the sounds of metal scraping against the ground made you turn back to 1006. You noticed he was going back towards the vent and frowned a bit. “Where are you going? We’re free now!”
He corrected you, saying that you were the only one free.
As for him, he realized that he needed to stay here. Out there, he was incomplete. There was no way he could care for you in the current state he was in. For a simple arm, he could do many things, sure, but unfortunately raising a child was something he couldn’t.
But the least he could do was free one who knew the true horrors of this place. One who may grow up to tell the tale so no other company tries these unethical experiments...
One who might even gain the strength to return and confront said horrors once and for all.
In his heart--or lack thereof--1006 knew it had to be you. You were destined to be set free...and to eventually set the others free.
For now, though, he had to figure out how to make himself whole again. He wasn’t sure how just yet, but he wouldn’t find those answers out here.
You, however, had a chance to find yourself.
Although you were sad to see him go, you believed his every word, understanding this world would only see him as a monster. So you crouched down as he opened his hand, allowing you to place your small palm in his metal one, watching his fingers curl around your hand tenderly.
“Thanks for being the dad I never had,” you whispered, a smile on your face and tears in your eyes. “I’ll miss you.”
After letting go of each other for the final time, he skittered back to the factory, giving you a small wave before he disappeared into the darkness. He sealed the vent shut in case you decided to follow him.
You’ll be the one to live to tell the tale.
And perhaps..even end it.
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mercuriedad · 1 year
Hello Tumblr.
I write x readers, or only T-1000, let my thoughts here, and, edit. Don’t ask more you don’t need more information.
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fangswbenefits · 11 months
Suit Up
Summary: Miguel craves to mark you as his, but he’ll have to start slow… so he offers to build you a custom suit. For now.
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Miguel POV. Obsessed Miguel. Innocent and inexperienced reader. Pining. Sexual tension and frustration. Masturbation. Breeding kink.
* ˚ ✦ Part 1 (you don’t have to read it to enjoy this one)
Miguel had decided he was going to build you a suit.
Not just a regular one, but an extension of his own.
He craved to have you for himself, and to have others know that. But he’d have to play his cards right. This level of obsession could easily scare someone off at first.
Especially you.
His sweet, sweet girl.
So he settled for this: building you a custom digital suit to match his.
Slowly, but surely you’d start to connect yourself to him more often.
Or so he hoped.
He found you in his lab early in the morning, sitting by the desk while taking your sweet time with a slice of watermelon.
“Good morning.”
As expected, you jolted in your seat, turning to face him.
A few droplets of juice dribbled down from your lips and chin, and eventually landing on your shirt.
You offered him a messy grin, bits of watermelon all over your teeth, but the absolute innocence of that action tore straight down to his cock.
“Oh! Miguel, hi! Sorry—” your voice came out slightly muffled, as you placed the half moon slice on a plate. “This watermelon is so sweet! Want a taste?”
His brow furrowed and he halted right in front of you. “There’s…” his voice trailed off, eyes fixed on your chin.
You immediately picked up on the implication and wiped the sugary liquid from your skin with a napkin, bringing a few fingers to your lips as well.
Miguel cursed inwardly and wondered if you were truly unaware of how suggestive all of this looked.
He slapped that thought away. No. You were too innocent for that. Your words and actions held no second meaning.
You were genuinely so fucking clueless that it only served to fuel his obsession with you.
His cock gave him a warning twitch.
He was all too familiar with those by now.
Would you be this messy while sucking him off? Would you not be able to keep it all in and eventually swallow?
He’d be fine with you not swallowing it all at first. After all, he did cum a lot. It would probably be overwhelming for someone as innocent and inexperienced as you.
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts at once. “Yes?”
“I’m sorry for making a mess,” you said, hurriedly cleaning the desk.
There was no doubt you’d be the death of him.
Apologising for making a mess…
“Don’t worry about that,” he managed to say flatly. “I’m sure it tasted really good.”
You then smiled once more and let out a cock-twitching groan. “Oh, yes! But… why did you want me in here my casuals today?”
He moved to tap the hovering screens in front of him. “I was thinking you suit might need an upgrade.”
“What? But I built this one myself… what’s wrong with it?” you whined softly, sticking your bottom lip out.
His cock twitched again.
“I know, I know,” he reassured you with extreme ease. “But I’ve been working on a prototype of my digital suit and would like for you to test it out.”
A blatant lie.
He had just decided this the night before, after that post nut clarity had hit him hard.
How else would he mark you without you even realising?
You blinked a few times, having to tilt your head up to stare at him, and it was enough to flare his imagination.
“Really?” the excitement in your voice was palpable and he felt a sudden rush of satisfaction. “That… that would be an honour, Miguel!”
His fingers tapped through multiple files. “You’ve been helping me out a lot in the lab lately. It’s only fair that I show my appreciation.”
Your gaze wavered momentarily, broken by his genuine praise, and Miguel nearlt bit his lip from this sight alone.
“I do it willingly, Miguel. I love learning new things from you,” your eyes were back on his, and you were bearing a warm smile. “You’re a great teacher!”
He tried hard to tear his gaze away from your lips, and offered a mere nod.
You deserved more than a nod.
And your eagerness to learn from him made him feel swollen with pride. An ego booster.
It was quite addicting.
He’d teach you so much more if you’d let him. He’d teach you how to embrace your pleasure and use it for him only. Oh, how he’d enjoy teaching you how to suck his cock, or how to use your words to turn him on.
He would teach you all he knew.
You’d have all of him.
But he wanted you to want him the way he wanted you. No. He needed you to need him. To crave and yearn and feel the unfair ropes of despair tighten around you.
“I’ll just need your measurements,” he said, fetching a couple of measuring bands from a top shelf. “These will measure every tiny detail, so the fit is as suitable as possible.”
You nodded eagerly, lips slightly parted. He moved to grab each wrist, closing the metallic band around each wrist.
“Feet up,” he asked, hoping his voice wouldn’t betray his true feelings.
You lifted one leg after the other, and he carefully clasped them around your ankles, the feel of your warm skin and proximity nearly having him bite his own lip.
“Wait, do I have be naked?”
The question caught him completely off guard and he straightened up at once. “What?”
Miguel felt more blood rushing downwards and was grateful his own suit was able to keep most of his strained erection from sight.
You broke into a nervous laugh. “Oh — I mean… you’re naked under your suit, right?”
He nodded. “Your suit becomes an extension of yourself and it should feel like a second layer of skin,” he added, extending one arm out, and allowed you to see the digital layer of fabric quickly retracting from the tips of his fingers all the way down his naked torso.
The reaction was immediate.
Your eyes landed on him for only a split second, before looking away.
For the second time that day, Miguel’s ego soared to incredibly dangerous heights.
You looked so innocent and sheepish, not daring to gaze at his incredible physique once again.
He wouldn’t hold that against you, though. You’d have plenty of time to gawk at his body once he managed to break into your mind, and make you his.
“It feels more comfortable this way,” he added reassuringly, as his suit promptly covered his exposed skin once again.
You turned to look at him again. “Oh! So I don’t actually have to be naked,” you giggled in relief.
“No,” Not for this, he wanted to add.
The height difference was starting to take a toll on his ability to focus. Having you sitting on that chair, perfectly levelled to engange in a more suggestive scenario, was enough to feel the blood boil in his veins.
He needed more.
He needed to touch you.
“Let’s boot the measuring analysis program,” Miguel took your hand in his and helped you on your feet. “I need you to stand still.”
He needed so much more than that from you, but he’d have to settle for silent agony for now.
You were visibly excited, barely able to contain yourself as a smile settled on your face, and he felt the sudden urge to praise you for being so eager and such a tease.
He tapped a few commands on his watch, and came to stand behind you, careful not to stand too close, or you’d notice his hard cock.
“Do you trust me?”
You shouldn’t…
You turned your head to the side to look into his crimson eyes, confusion twisting your face. “Of course I do, Miguel.”
… because he wouldn’t.
He rolled his fingers along the hem of your shirt, slowly rolling it upwards. His heart went into overdrive instantly and he could feel the first droplets of precum dripping down his cock.
You flinched once his knuckles brushed against your skin.
“Are you okay?” he asked, halting at once.
You nodded and giggled lighty. “That tickles.”
His sweet girl…
How was he supposed to endure burying himself inside you inch by inch when he couldn’t barely keep his composure now?
Once the shirt was resting under your breasts, he moved one hand to grip it gently from behind, effectively tightening the fabric flat over you. From where he stood, he could see your bra’s outline and how your breasts heaved with each breath you took.
This was driving him mad.
Your cleavage was so inviting and he had to take a step back, ensuring his erection wouldn’t accidentally brush against your ass.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take this off?” you asked.
You were so fucking sweet and innocent, and he wanted nothing more than to rip all of your clothes apart.
“Just let the program scan your body,” he said, voice strained and breath coming out in shallow pants. “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes,” you immediately replied.
Such a good girl for him… his sweet girl…
He would want to ask that same question the day he got to teach you how to suck his cock.
You’d struggle at first.
But he’d be patient.
He’d probably need to come up with a serum to inject himself with to keep from exploding right away, and he couldn’t have that.
You would need proper guidance, wouldn’t you? How he’d love to have you on your knees, mouth dropped open and receptive.
His other hand was now pressed flat against your tummy and he nearly bucked his hips in response.
Careful, Miguel, he scolded himself.
Was this too much?
In reality, he didn’t need to be doing any of this for measurements, but he couldn’t help himself.
He needed you closer.
He needed to feel you shudder against his touch.
He needed you to need him.
You gasped softly once he started to moved his hand down ever so slightly, fingers nearly touching the waisgband of your pants.
“Ticklish?” he asked in a low voice.
You hummed, bucking your hips into him with a faint giggle, and he felt his cock into contact with your ass.
Oh, fuck.
He had to let go of you right away, flinching back.
You turned to eye him, worry plastered all of your face. “Did I hurt you?”
“No!” he said right away, more precum droplets spilling out. “I think the analysis is complete,” he cleared his throat and turned his back to her, looking down to his bulge.
He wish he could set his cock free.
He wish you would offer to set his cock free.
He wanted you to know and see how much his body craved yours.
“Miguel, are you okay?” you asked tenderly, moving to stand by his side, brushing his tense bicep. “We can finish this some other time.”
Was it really possible for someone to be this clueless? Was your inexperience that blinding? Hadn’t you felt his erection?
Against his will, he nodded.
He needed you gone right away.
He had to get off urgently.
“You’re overworking yourself again…”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
How he’d love to make you his and have you take care of him.
Your hand squeezed his muscles gently. “Is there anything I can do?”
Please, touch me… “No. I’ll just finish the suit and have you test it out soon.”
Your hand dropped.
Maybe if he asked you to let him fuck your hand, you’d let him. Maybe.
He’d settle for you watching him jerk off to you, at this point.
“Can I pick the colours?” you then beamed, glancing up at the orange screens. “Can I? Please?”
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Sure. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay!” you chirped happily, swiping across the customisation menu on the screen.
Miguel paced quickly into a storage room to his left, groaning into the back of his hand.
In no time, he had the front part of his lower half of his suit vanish, cock springing free, fully coated with precum.
He let out a strained and breathy sigh of absolute relief.
“Ay, Miguel…” he muttered to himself, realising just how badly this obsession had gotten.
His cock twitched, sending strand of precum to dangle from the tip.
From this angle, he could see your back, shirt still nicely tucked under your breasts, revealing so much of your skin to him.
That would do.
For now.
Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he set a slow pace at first, testing out his limit.
Dangerously close.
It was unfair that you were so close, yet so far. You were completely unaware of your effect on him.
Faint anger took over him.
You should be the one to bring him relief.
This was all on you… his sweet, innocent, inexperienced girl.
The pace quickened and he felt his fangs extending in anticipation.
You were bending over the desk, lifting your ass just enough for his mind to have imagining himself ramming into your from the back.
You’d love that position. Maybe not at first, but he’d teach you to enjoy thoroughly.
Being rawed and bred. You’d be a loving mother, wouldn’t you? You’d let him breed you over and over again, because you were just nice like that.
So eager to please.
He wished you’d bend over a little more, so he could fully immerse himself in his lust.
Feeling one fang dig into his lower lip, Miguel wondered how long it would take to draw blood, considering how hard it was for him to suppress his groans.
He couldn’t tear his eyes from you and his desire nearly pained him, because his hand would never be as tight as you, and it would never feel like you.
But he had to get rid of this now.
He had to complete your suit and mark you as his.
Everyone in Nueva York and across other universes would know you were his.
They would know not to cross you, for his wrath would be unmatched.
The sweet tingles of an orgasm soon engulfed him whole, and he threw his head back and fluttered his eyes shut, relying on his mind to keep your alive as he fucked himself for you.
Just you.
His sweet girl.
Just his.
He squeezed the first spurts of warm cum with his fingers, allowing himself go roll his hips in a broken rhythm.
The metallic taste of blood pooled in his tongue and he knew his fang has dug too deep, but he didn’t care.
He would break himself for you.
And you would, too.
You just didn’t know it yet.
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Part 3
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