#prsk hcs
squishosaur · 7 months
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she is fat. let's get that out there first and foremost.
she's pan & ace. vbs is poly and sapphic to me. you wouldn't understand. i can't explain it. the others are all bi fyi
she still wears her glasses most of the time!!! they can pry those out of my cold dead hands.
she's a furry. i have not decided if that means the hampster is her fursona for reals or not
she has anxiety and is comforted by soft things. toya sometimes gives her stuffed animals, an will give her hugs or let her braid/play with her hair, akito is probably the Worst and goes "here. whatever" and throws a jacket at her face (lovingly).
she's a good study buddy and likes to help with homework/projects or just give pointers! she probably has silly mnemonics and stuff too
she has cute stationary with animals on them!! akito is always embarrassed to borrow her pencils lol
she's a demigirl btw. 😊
OKAY ODDLY SPECIFIC?? she has a bunch of lanyards for no reason. they've all got different designs and pins on them. polka dots, puppies, worms on strings, lightning bolts, phoenix wonderland, etc. people have started just giving her buttons and pins just because.
horrible texter. will rewrite the message about 6 times and may not send it even after all that. sometimes she will just send stickers or emojis instead. her responses can be a little long and she gets really flustered over typos.
a lowkey picky eater. she prefers cereal without milk, plain toast/bread (no butter), etc. she doesn't like eating around people and will ask for "whatever they're having!" at restaurants to not make a fuss or "being weird" in front of people. she also doesn't like ordering.
hhhmmgng i have more but they're mostly for the whole group lol ✌️✌️
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walking-mess-lol · 1 year
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Mafuyu :}
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ascorian · 8 months
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a little thought i had about rui and tsukasa swapping clothes.. again........ yeah..
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bugstung · 11 months
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Prsk units but with my headcanons :D
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xulips · 11 months
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he's a rebel
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zgatotoon · 1 year
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kerizaret · 3 months
Wondasho physical affection / gestures headcannons because why not:
• Emu gives the most hugs and the most crushing ones. She cannot go 10 minutes without clinging to someone.
• sometimes she picks the others up and spins them in the air [to nenekasa's horror]. Rui has to lift and bend his legs so that he doesn't fall on her
• Rui always hugs from behind. Just completely drapes himself all over the others (Tsukasa is the victim of this most often because he's the second tallest and Rui doesn't have to bend too much and also doesn't immediately throw him off like Nene 60-70% of the time). He tends to hide his face in others' shoulders / necks / chests etc. when hugging. His hugs are the longest
• Nene is the one who initiates any physical affection least often. She prefers smaller or subtler gestures. She does like to hold hands a lot, or lean down on someone's shoulder / back when they're sitting next to each other
• Tsukasa gives forehead kisses (it ends up being to Emu most often – she also loves it the most. Nene pulls away more often than not and Tsks doesn't reach up to Rui's forehead normally so he only gives them to him when they're at eye level or feels the need strongly enough to pull his face down for it)
• while we're at it Rui likes kissing hair. Taking a few strands in his fingers and leaving a gentle chu on them
• Tsukasa constantly gives motivational or reassuring pats on the shoulder / back but quite often he does it so fast and with so much force that it ends up being a slap that leaves the others out of breath for a moment. Nene falls victim to that the most. He also does that a lot while laughing
• Rui gives headpats or gentle pats on the shoulders. The latter happen a lot when he fixes their positions during acting
• Emu loves to play with others' cheeks, be it poking at them, pulling, patting. She keeps booping everyone's noses when they least expect it to see their reactions
• whenever someone is frowning or too deep in thought or seems upset Nene always flicks their forehead
• Tsukasa started giving amateurish back massages when the others were tensed up. The others picked up on it and began doing the same for him. They like to take turns massaging one person once someone started doing it already.
• continuing this ^^ Surprisingly Nene is the one who starts doing it most often for Tsukasa since she pays attention to his acting a lot on rehearsals and is therefore usually the first one to notice it if he's tense
• Tsukasa and Emu enjoy playing with others' hair (Tsukasa often starts doing it subconsciously when deep in thought) and sometimes end up having braiding competitions
• often when sitting next to each other, Rui likes to bump their legs together. If he does it with Nene there's a 100% chance it will turn into a kicking war
• Emu is trying to teach them all a special wonderhoy greeting handshake but she keeps adding something new every time so it's gotten so long they sometimes struggle to remember it. Discussions to settle on one fixed handshake are underway but they still can't choose
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liking the PJSK side characters isn't enough, i need to imagine that, like the main characters, they're all somehow connected in a massive friendship web of their own
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stariiberry · 1 year
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"transfem bigenderfluid tsukasa came to me in a vision one day and I've been running with it since. she deserves some self expression methinks. it's not that she doesn't get it through theatre but she's always playing grandiose knight in shining armor roles i think she deserves to branch out and be a pretty pretty princess and I think she would enjoy it lots peace and love on planet earth" - @2-kakimiko-1
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
emurui arc ender (shocked face)
do you have everything about all of their parents? i for some reason can’t find anything about ichika’s mom, rui’s dad or emu’s mother (i may be blind, pretty sure emu’s mother was mentioned and ichika’s mom was aswell. i know she was mentioned in ichika’s introduction but i haven’t seen her in story yet)
The parents who don’t have physical appearances are generally less important and rarely show up or are mentioned (with a few exceptions) but we do learn some things about them from card stories and such. Here’s some stuff I can remember about the faceless/nameless parents
Ichika’s parents met because they liked the same song. It’s where her name comes from.
also her dad reads manga
We don’t know much about her mother. she's nice though.
Saki and Tsukasa’s mother is a piano teacher. Considering that she’s friends with Harumichi, she probably used to play professionally
We don’t know much about their father, but he has a tendency to spoil Saki (mentioned in Tenma Hinamatsuri)
Honami’s mother is a beautician (mentioned in an area conversation iirc) and her father is a hairstylist (mentioned in Petit SEKAI Episode 6)
Shiho and Shizuku’s mother is a koto instructor and their father used to be a guitarist in a band
We don’t know much about Minori’s parents but they show up in STEP by STEP!. They initially had concerns about her switching courses and being a full-time idol, but after seeing that Minori was prepared and determined to be an idol they let her go ahead
We don't know a huge amount about Haruka and Airi's parents either. Similar to Minori, we know they are nice parents and supportive of their idol careers and that's about it.
Haruka's mother is a nail artist. She was worried about Haruka when she was younger because she rarely smiled.
Kohane's dad is a photographer. He's also the one who bought Count Pearl.
According to Kohane, he has a penchant for coming up with weird names
An mentions in MEIKO's 1* card story that her mother, Yuka, is not a good cook.
I think it's stated somewhere that Yuka is a teacher but don't quote me on that
Akito and Ena's mother makes them eat their carrots because she thinks they should at least try to eat the things they don't like.
She's pretty laid-back and thinks her kids should be able to do whatever they want to do. She's meant to be the polar opposite of Mrs Asahina.
In Ena's fes card it's revealed that she kept some of the old art that Ena threw away in case she ever regretted it
Toya's mother used to bake him cookies a lot and that's why he likes them
She was also very overprotective of him when he was younger and basically wouldn't let him do any recreational games or activities in case he injured himself and couldn't play piano.
She taught Toya to play the violin. I'm assuming that she used to play professionally and that's how she met Harumichi.
We don't really know anything about Emu's mother iirc. She's mentioned occasionally but I don't remember her ever appearing off the top of my head. In Smile of Dreamer it's mentioned that she's abroad doing volunteer work in Cambodia.
Nene and Rui's mothers are good friends due to being neighbours. Nene even used to call Rui's mother "auntie" when they were younger. Her mother recorded a lot of her performances from when she was little.
Beyond that we don't really know anything. I don't remember Nene's dad ever appearing but he is mentioned.
Rui's mother is a biologist, as mentioned in Revival my dream. I have a theory that she mainly works in entomology (study of bugs), or maybe more specifically lepidopterology (study of moths and butterflies), because Rui talks a lot about a moth at one point and has books on butterflies in that event. He talks about some other bugs as well.
His dad is a robotics engineer, also mentioned in Revival my dream. He doesn't actually appear though.
Rui's mother had a very similar background to Rui. She was often called weird and eccentric because of her interest in biology and didn't have any friends until meeting Rui's father, who was really into robotics.
We don't know a huge amount about Mafuyu's father. He does push her to achieve as much as her mother does, but he seems to have limits.
We don't know a lot about Mizuki's parents either, but they are very supportive of them and were worried when they started skipping school
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here-to-saturn · 1 year
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tenma doodles + rui
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vivid-daycare · 14 days
cg honami giving kanade her favourite homemade soup (with a lot of here comes the aeroplane), then tucking her into bed and kissing her goodnight. ough.
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starshine-valley · 4 months
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Coming alive on this account to say that these three are transmasc to me goodnight.
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marokra · 8 months
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ah yes, my favorite more more jump member ariana griande
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xulips · 1 year
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