#ps: the barista was very cute
ark1os · 5 months
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Love in Bloom
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (Plant!Dad!Bucky)
Word Count: 2,863
Summary: You and Bucky have the best coffee date then meet up at the Farmer's Market. Every minute you spend with him makes you fall harder.
Author's Note: More plant!dad!bucky for you! I'm so excited that you all liked meeting him so much! I'm having a lot of fun with him! You can read the first story HERE! And please check out @nalonzooo art to see how amazing it is! 😍Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
PS If you'd like to see the shirt Bucky is wearing you can HERE and the two plant pots, ONE and TWO. 🥰💕
Warnings: plant talk, Alpine fluffs, sweet and soft fluffs all around :)
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You and Bucky have been texting every day since you met at the garden center, silly plant memes and pictures of Alpine filling up the lines between sweet words and soft flirting.
You couldn’t wait to see him for coffee today.  
The bell above the door dings as you enter and your eyes search for him. He’s standing at the counter, a large black backpack slung over his shoulders and a bouquet of flowers in one hand. He’s not wearing his hat today and his long hair is pulled back into a low bun with several strands sticking out.
When he spots you he smiles wide and waves you over.
“Hiya doll,” he says when you get close. “You look beautiful.”
You preen under his sweet words and kiss his cheek hello. “Hi Bucky.”
At the sound of your voice, Bucky’s backpack starts to move and Alpine’s white furry head peeks out between the open zipper.
“ALPINE!” you squeal, rubbing his head.
“He would have been very upset if I showed up without him,” Bucky laughs. “You can take him out if ya want.”
You reach down and gather up the cat, carefully lifting him out until he’s in your arms. You coo and gush over him while Bucky waits for your coffees.
The barista sets them down with a smile.
“Oh…shit,” Bucky mutters, finally tearing his eyes away from you when the coffee arrives. “Uh…I almost forgot,” he continues, holding out the bouquet of flowers. “These are for you.”
You take them with your free hand and bring them to your nose, inhaling the sweet fragrance.
“They’re so beautiful Bucky! Thank you!”
He grabs your coffees and starts toward a small empty table in the back. “You’re welcome doll. I got them at the Farmer’s Market in Union Square this morning.”
“You picked them out?” you ask, softly fingering the petals of the different blooms.
“Yeah,” he answers, looking both proud and slightly shy at the same time. “I like makin’ bouquets but I don’t really get the chance much.”
Bucky puts the coffees down and pulls your chair out for you. 
“Well, it’s perfect,” you tell him as you sit, setting the flowers down on the extra seat. “Thank you!”
Alpine promptly curls up in your lap, his tail swishing contentedly back and forth as you pet him.
Bucky sits next to you and unhooks the front strap of his backpack before slinging it off.
You stare at his chest.
“Oh my god,” you giggle.
“What?” he asks. “Did I drop some of my breakfast on my shirt?”
His worried eyes shoot down and he pulls his shirt away from his body, studying it closely.
“That shirt is so cute!”
He sighs in relief and lifts his eyes with a chuckle. “Yeah, I couldn’t resist.”
You press your hand to the soft fabric to smooth it out, poking the spot where the cat sits on the shelf in between all the plants. The feel of his hard chest beneath your fingertips has you pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and it takes all of your willpower to drag your hand away.
“I love it,” you whisper. “It feels soft too.”
“It’s really comfortable,” he agrees. “I’m glad you like it. I didn’t even realize I put it on. Sometimes I wonder if all the plant and cat stuff is a bit much…”
“No way,” you interject. “What’s not to love about plants and cats?”
You sip your coffee and eye him over the rim of the cup.
“You get it,” he says, the corner of his eyes crinkling with his smile.
“Mmm,” you hum, “this is so good. I can’t believe I’ve never been here!”
“This place is great,” he agrees, “and they allow cats!”
After some yummy sips and comfortable silence he asks, “so how’s Spidey? Still alive I hope?”
“Thankfully still alive,” you giggle. “But I still don’t know the best spot to keep him and how often to water him and if I should repot him? If I kill another plant I’m not sure my confidence will recover…”
You laugh but the look on your face must say it all.
“You’re not going to kill him doll!” he assures you before launching into a barrage of questions and information.
You’re long done with your coffee and scones by the time you both feel satisfied that you have enough starter plant knowledge to keep Spidey thriving.
“When he gets too big for his pot I can’t wait to pick a new one out! They have so many cute ones on Etsy!”
Bucky drops his head with a playful scoff. “Don’t even get me started on Etsy. I have two new pots on the way right now.”
“Lemme see!” you squeak, smacking him in the arm in excitement.
He feigns pain and rubs the spot. “Ouch.”
“Oh please,” you tease. “You’re like solid muscle. There is no way that hurt.”
You squeeze his bicep and he instinctively flexes.
“Well now you’re just showing off,” you tell him, “and if you don’t stop I’m going to feel you up in the coffee shop.”
He goes still, his eyes laser focused on you before they drop to your lips when your tongue darts out to wet them.
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, feeling your skin heat with embarrassment. “I would never…”
“Doll,” he says, stopping you. “It’s fine. More than fine actually. I have zero problem with you touching me.”
His eyes wander over your face before he leans in a little closer.
“That’s good,” you whisper, getting a good whiff of him, clean and spicy.
“Here are your blueberry muffins to go!” the barista says as she sets down the boxes.
You and Bucky move apart quickly, clearly startled out of the heat of the moment.
“Thanks,” you say, giving the barista a small smile.
When you take out your wallet he stops you with a warm hand over yours. “I got it doll.”
“But you already got the coffee and scones,” you explain.
“And I’ve got the muffins too,” he says.
“Thank you.”
He leans in and gives you a soft kiss at the corner of your mouth, his lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary and your skin tingles.
“Thank you,” he whispers before pulling out his phone.
He scrolls around for a few seconds before turning his screen around so you can see it. There’s a picture of a white pot with a cat shaped face, the cat’s expression sweet and serene.
“So I got that one anddddd this one,” he says, scrolling again to a picture of another white cat planter, except this time it has four little legs.
“I love them,” you say. “They’re perfect and almost as cute as Alpine!”
Once you’re outside in the sunshine and back to some form of reality you reluctantly hand over Alpine.
“Guess I have to give him back huh?” you joke.
“Well,” Bucky begins, rubbing the back of his neck. “We’re going to be at the Farmer’s Market again tomorrow morning. If you’re around you could join us?”
“I do need to stock up on fruits and vegetables,” you muse. “I’ll be there, just text me a time later.”
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Thankfully Sunday morning comes quickly and you’re out the door in record time, strolling down West 17th street in the sunshine.
When you don’t see Buck you start to amble around the stalls, picking through various fruits and admiring the jarred jams.
“That one is really good.”
The deep and familiar voice makes you smile before you even turn around and when you do you see Bucky standing there with his backpack against his chest and Alpine’s head sticking out.
“Hey you two!”
He quickly but carefully swings the bag to his shoulder and wraps his free arm around your waist, pulling you toward his chest for a sweet kiss on the cheek.
His hair is down today, brushing his shoulder and you have a strong urge to take one of the strands hanging in his face and twirl it around your finger.
Instead, you reach up and tuck it behind his ear, your eyes studying his face while you lean into him.
“I also have that in fig and raspberry flavor.”
“I think she’s talking to you,” Bucky says with a smirk.
“Huh?” you mumble, still staring at him.
He delicately takes your chin between his fingers and turns your head toward the stall.
“OH!” you squeak. “I’m so sorry…I was just saying hello and um…right. Did you say fig and raspberry?”
The vendor nods with a knowing smile.
“That’s great. I love figs. I’ll take one!”
You slip from Bucky’s arms and finish the transaction, taking your nicely packaged jam and walking toward the next stall, still feeling a bit awkward.
When you stop at the sunflower stall Bucky says, “I’ve always wanted to grow these but I don’t really have anywhere to do it.”
“They get really tall right?”
“Yeah, taller than me,” he says with a laugh. “I have to do more research.”
“They’re beautiful! Have you ever been to a farm to see them. It’s amazing!”
“I haven’t yet but I’d really like to do that,” he admits.
“We can go together…if you want?”
“How about you let me take you on a proper date first then we’ll go out to the farm and pick sunflowers.”
“I love that plan.”
Even though you’re still standing beside the stall and there are people walking by and around you, it seems as if it all fades away as Bucky steps closer and his fingertips graze your arm, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
He whispers your name, his eyes falling to your lips just before Alpine’s paw shoots between your faces and bats away a loose piece of Bucky’s hair.
“Alpine!” Bucky chides. “Watch it buddy!”
You cover your mouth but can’t stop your eruption of giggles as you watch Alpine continue to try and bat Bucky in the face.
“Told you he was a menace!” Bucky says with a pointed look at Alpine who simply meows with a blink.
“Aw but who could be mad at that face?” you coo, scratching under Alpine’s chin.
“ME!” Bucky practically pouts. “I’m mad!”
A smile tugs at the corner of his lips and after a moment of silence you both start laughing again.
“Come on,” Bucky says as he slings his arm around your shoulder. “Let’s buy some food!”
By the time you’re done perusing and purchasing it’s almost lunch time.
“I’m starving,” Bucky says as he rubs his stomach.
Your eyes fall to the action just as his shirt rides up and you catch a glimpse of his taut skin lined with a dark trail of hair that disappears into his jeans.
With a hard swallow you avert your eyes and mumble, “me too!”
“Wanna get some lunch doll?”
“What was that?” you ask, lifting your eyes to find him watching you intently.
“Do you want to grab a bite? It’s lunch time.”
“Shit, already! I’m supposed to meet my best friend for lunch at one!”
“It’s only a little after twelve, don’t worry,” he assures you with a smile but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“I’d invite you to come along but it’s our girl time,” you explain, looking disappointed yourself.
“Nope, I get it doll. That’s important time but let me at least walk you back to your place.”
“I’d like that.”
He adjusts Alpine and his backpack then takes your bag from you, switching hands so his free one is swinging next to yours.
Every so often your fingers brush as you walk and finally he hooks his pinky through yours, gauging your reaction. When you smile and tighten your grip he entwines all his fingers with yours, brushing his thumb over your knuckles.
You walk back to your apartment hand in hand.
“I can’t believe I didn’t buy any flowers or plants today,” Bucky states, looking surprised as he holds the door of your building open for you.
“Oh my gosh, you didn’t!”
“It’s your fault,” he teases. “You’re a distraction.”
You press your teeth into your bottom lip and shrug demurely before turning and heading up the steps.
“Thankfully I’m only on the second floor…this is me.”
You point to the door on the left and start to fish for your keys. Once you have the door open you tell him to come in so you can take your bag and show him Spidey.
He approves of your placement and also Spidey’s overall health and you clap your hands together happily.
Your phone dings and you grab it, quickly reading a text from Nat.
“Thank goodness she finally picked a place to eat,” you laugh.
“Me and Alpine will have to pick some pizza up on the way home,” he says with a wink.
You stand only a few inches apart, staring at each other.
“Well, I guess…” you start.
“Thanks for meeting…” he begins at the same time.
You both drop your heads and laugh.
“I had the best time Bucky. I wish we could have had lunch too…”
“Nah don’t worry, it’s ok doll. I mean I do too. I would have loved to spend the rest of the day with you but you have plans. I understand.”
He turns and starts toward the door.
“Don’t forget to say goodbye to Alpine. He’ll bitch the whole way home if you don’t.”
As if on cue Alpine’s two white ears perk up and he pops his head out of Bucky’s open backpack.
“Bye handsome,” you croon. “Be good and I’ll see you soon.”
“He’s not coming on our dinner date next week,” Bucky chimes in. “I don’t want him stepping on my toes again.”
“Awwww,” you say with feigned sadness. “I’ll miss him!”
When Bucky’s standing in your doorway he turns to face you again and licks his lips.
“Text me when you get home?” he asks, his tone unsure.
“I will,” you say with a soft smile.
“Have fun doll!”
You both stand there staring at each other again and you finally take a step closer, your eyes focused on his before they drop to his lips.
“Bye Bucky.”
You practically invite him to kiss you, pressing yourself against him as you lean up. You lay your palms on his chest and feel his muscles flex beneath you. He dips his head, his lips brushing your cheek before he gives you a quick peck in the same spot and turns on his heel.
You try to hide your disappointment with a smile but the corners of his mouth turn down as he backs up.
“See you soon,” he says quietly.
“See you soon,” you reply as you start to shut the door.
With a wave you shut it softly and let out an exhale as you deflate.
You’re not even two steps away when you hear a knock. Your stomach erupts in butterflies as you twirl around and swing the door open, staring at Bucky on the other side.
“That’s not at all how I wanted to say goodbye,” he murmurs before he steps back inside your apartment, shuts the door and spins you against it.
You realize there’s nowhere to go as you find yourself pressed to the door; Bucky’s hard body lined up with yours.
The first thing you feel is the strength of his metal hand as it wraps around your arm and his other clasping the nape of your neck as he drags you closer and covers your mouth with his.
You make a throaty sound you can’t control and cling to him, the smell of him, the feel of his hands holding you to him, it’s all overwhelming in the best way. His hand at your neck tightens every so slightly and he groans, the sound skimming across your skin like electricity.
He deepens the kiss, demanding more and it’s enough to steal your breath. Your hands dive into his hair and you moan into his mouth again, unable to stop it as his hand on your arm slips behind you and traces the curve of your spine.
With a muttered curse he breaks the kiss, pulling back only an inch to look into your eyes. His blue eyes are dark, his long lashes lowered as he traces his tongue over his swollen lips.
“Bucky?” you whisper.
He closes his eyes, resting his forehead to yours.
“I’m sorry if that was…”
“It was perfect,” you whisper.
His eyes open and he lifts his head, reluctantly putting some space between you.
“Perfect,” he repeats.
He still looks like he wants to kiss you again and again as his eyes wash over you and his expression looks pained.
Your phone dings again.
“Nat,” you state, not taking your eyes off him.
He wavers, leaning toward you before he mutters, “fuck,” and runs a hand through his hair. “Right. Lunch.”
“I’ll talk to you later doll,” he says.
“Ok,” you manage, willing your body to keep holding you upright.
He gives you a slow and sexy smile before turning and walking down the steps.
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@book-dragon-13 @randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @goldylions @sebstanwhore @kmc1989
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vespersposts · 2 years
Hi V! Hope you don't mind my joining your little event but I was needing some cute was from my blonde angel and I would like to suggest maybe a soft scenario with kise involving a coffe date early in the morning after his training, all to make sure he doesn't get back to his apartment until he is with you so you both can cook gingerbread cookies, drink chocolate and dance to christmas carols while decorating your shared home for Christmas.
Hope you like the idea baby 😘 no need to publish this if you don't want to and you prefer to just write down the post. I was just giving you and idea for our fav blonde angel. Love you lots! 🥰
Mer, (@storyhuntress13)
Merry Christmas and season's holidays my love 💗
I am very happy with the directions you gave me for that angel Ryota's Christmas story, really hope it won't disappoint! 👼
✨You know how special you are to me and I thank you again for coming into my life! Staying on topic, I could say that you are the best gift one could wish for, but I already know that twinnie will claim his share (i.e. all of you) ! ✨
A very big hug, V.
PS: he gets 2 gifts cause he's a gemini like me!
🎄 Masterlist
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The golden ribbon
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You smile when you feel his golden eyes rest on you, his lips silently speak your name, as if your presence was something magical. You see him straighten his back, move the sweat-soaked hair from his forehead and instinctively take a few steps towards you, but coach Kagetora's stern voice calls him back to his training duty.
"Best time to ask him a favour, he's completely wasted! Hi shortie!" Aomine comments, raising his hand in greeting, triggering the interest of the entire team, who don't spare any glances, smile and cheer in your direction. "Eyes off my girl, you bunch of animals!" you hear Ryota snort, before you intercept his gaze and see him blow a kiss in your direction under the resigned gaze of the coach. 
"My girl'.
Two simple words, which always leave you a little amazed, because you know he says them wholeheartedly ,but also with all the serenity of someone who has gladly taken a commitment.
And yet, you see the effect his presence has on people: from the girl who doesn't blink on the metro to stare at him, to the barista who offers him an extra treat just to see him smile, from the lady of the grocery store, to the schoolgirls who take dozens of photos of him during games to flood social media with thirsty comments.
Then there's you, who wakes up every day to his kisses, to his sweet provocations, to the millions of tiny attentions he lavishes on you.
You, who would like to shout to the world how cute he is when the milk froth from his cappuccino stops on his upper lip, or how your senses go on fire when he causally rests his big hand on your knee, chatting with you. Small moments in time, sparks of ordinary but unique days: just like now , sitting next to each other at the cute café a few blocks from your flat.
You, who are surprised when he pops the question.
"What are you planning, babydoll?" he smiles, casting a mischievous glance at you. "Plans? None in particular!" you try to downplay, resisting the temptation to spill the tea,now that he's getting dangerously close, leaving a kiss on your temple, dropping his head on your shoulder and sighing.
"I want to go home and do something. In fact, I want to go home and do lots of things. Lots of naughty things!" he murmurs, pressing his lips to your neck, gently sliding his hand down your thigh, making it complicated for you to sustain your mysterious secret, when it threatens to make you sigh in public.
"Christmas ornaments! I want to decorate the house with you, okay?" you exclaim receiving a puzzled look back.
"I know it's silly and corny but..." you stop, surprised by his light chuckle. "Christmas decorations... Is that your big secret?" he asks laughing openly, covering his face with his hands under your irked gaze "You are the cutest, I swear. I'm sorry... Don't look at me like that, sweet one. I'll turn our house into Santa's village to make it up to you!" he promises, briefly joining his lips to yours, intertwining fingers and dragging you out of the cafe to hold you close, letting go only to close the front door behind you.
Ryota is one to keep his word, even too much so. While you are busy choosing a suitable playlist, he is ready to cover your pretty dress with an apron, energised by your idea of trying to make gingerbread cookies for the first time.
It doesn't matter if you don't have the moulds or if the dough is left to itself,over and over, because you are so much more pleasant to handle. It certainly doesnt matter, if your hair turns white from the powdered sugar, exploding into a sweet cloud, as he tries to open it with a sexy move. The most important thing is to stand close together, ideally close to each other, and kiss, kiss a lot, kiss to celebrate every single minute together as if your lives depended on the union of your lips.
That is, until you interrupt his plans, by pointing out to Ryota, that the big tree in your dining room had been waiting patiently for days to be festively dressed. "We'll do it later, now let's be naughty!" you hear him murmur, his lips curled into a delicious pout and his hands unwilling to leave your skin. You caress his handsome face and he smiles at you again. He sighs, asks you for a couple more kisses and then, seemingly tempted by the promise of hot chocolate too, resigns himself to retrieve from the mantelpiece the decorations you both brought in the middle of summer to that house, dreaming of your first Christmas together.
"Thank you Ryota for pulling on the lights, now I'm happy in my shiny magic kingdom!" you say, lending your voice to a Santa toy  that has buttons for eyes, a sparking red cloth jacket and a wool beard poorly glued on his face .
He smiles, clasping your hand over his, explaining that he himself had built that puppet in his kindergarten years.
"It's kind of ugly, but I was so proud of it! Every year I used to force my father to put it on top, next to the star, and my sisters would go crazy!" he explains "This friend grew up with me, so ... We should build him a Lady-Claus so he can live happily too! That would be a great story to tell our children on Christmas Eve!" he concludes, looking with a hint of concern at your teary eyes, hugging you tightly and trembling a little, feeling his heart beat faster as he realizes that yours are tears of joy.
"Don't cry, we still have cookies to cry over!" he jokes, staring into your eyes, getting emotional in turn when he hears his favourite words coming from your lips.
"I love you so much, Ryota" .
What you feel next is the warmth, the sweetness, the sensual language with which each time your blond angel can let you know how much he wants you. His kiss is as romantic as it is passionate, as slow as it is impatient, in a swing of contrasts that makes you languish when his lips part from yours to address those words to you.
"Santa Claus won't mind if we put him and the star on top and do all those things we'll never tell our children about!" he whispers in your ear, effortlessly lifting you up, enjoying the sight of your pretty, flushed face, undoing the knot in your apron and letting it fall to the floor.
"I dont' wanna a lot for Xmas..." you hear him hum. His hands pull you to him, his eyes sparkle, his deep, sultry voice makes you escape a laugh. He asks the dot app for help, specifying that he has  memorised the whole song, but he wants you to dance slowly to the sound of the original melody, your favourite one. That's how, word after word, you get to "All I want for Xmas is you" and to the switch, which he caresses with the touch of his fingers, looking into your eyes, shutting down the lights, making you squirm deep inside.
That's how you begin your Xmas celebration.
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ddejavvu · 3 years
Coffee shop AU in which Remus is a very very shy and clumsy dude and brings Y/n the wrong order 🥰 PS: I love this multiverse monday idea! So so cute and your works are fantastic! X
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :D
ugh yes :( tysm sweetheart! I’m glad you’re enjoying them :) <3
You heard the soft call of your name, looked up to see one of the baristas working at the cafe you frequented staring inquisitively down at you, your coffee in hand. You glanced up at his soft brown hair, then his equally rich chocolate eyes, his freckle-dusted cheekbones, then down at the nametag on his apron. Remus. You felt a soft rush of heat spread over your cheeks, breaking out of your trace as you finally nodded, taking your drink from him.
"Thank you," You grinned, raising the cup to your lips as you handed a tip over to him. He nodded, sending you a sweet smile and stumbling slightly over his feet as he turned to lead.
You let out a soft giggle, relishing in the way that his cheeks turned rosy at the sound. You felt the coffee hit your tongue, bitterness sweeping over your taste buds and wrinkling your nose. The taste was so putrid that it sent you into a coughing fit, eyes watering and hand flying up to cover your mouth.
The barista turned on his heels, eyes wide at your outburst, "Oh my god, are you okay?"
You set the drink back on the counter tentatively, "Um, I think that's the wrong drink."
Remus hurried back to your table, yanking the coffee cup off of the wood and stumbling over apologies, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I- oh!"
You watched Remus's hand clench the cup so tightly that the lid popped off, the thick paper walls crumpling in his grip. The liquid inside spilled out over the rim of the crushed cup, landing on your lap and splashing onto your shirt. The drink was still hot, stinging your skin as it soaked through your clothes and filled the air with the bitter scent of whatever he'd made you.
"Fuck," Remus breathed, standing frozen as you peered down at your soaking wet outfit, assessing the damages that had been done. You looked up at him with a pained smile, pointing at the stack of napkins that were tucked into the front pocket of his apron.
"Can I...?"
"Oh!" Remus finally caught on, grabbing a fistful of napkins and handing them to you, "Um, hang on." You watched him slip the apron over his head while you were trying in vain to sop up the dripping mess in your lap. He went for his sweatshirt next, slipping the maroon fabric over his head and revealing the black t-shirt underneath. He slid his apron on again, brandishing the hoodie towards you.
"Here, I'm so sorry, you can wear this. Lemme get your drink, um, your real one, that is.” Remus hurried off behind the counter, and you watched him duck into the back room, catching his reflection in the side paneling of one of the machines on the counter. He hunched over the sink, elbows braced on the metal as he held his head in his hands. The sight of his embarrassment admittedly brought a soft smile to your face, hands brushing lightly over the maroon fabric still clutched tightly in your hands. You slid the material over your head, relishing in the warmth that had accumulated under the fabric. 
Your morning didn’t seem as hectic as it had only a few seconds ago, lap still sticky with coffee but chest filling with the warmth of your previous encounter with the cute barista.
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
Hey I have a holiday prompt for you! What if it’s the pairing’s first holiday together and they stress about figuring out what to get each other? Any pairing you feel like! PS Reading your stuff never fails to put a smile on face!💜💜💜
Hi Blondey!
cute shit ahead. Modern AU
“Yen,” I swear,” Geralt panted into the phone. “It’s an emergency. Please, I need your help.”
“Yen please I’m actually begging.”
“You should have thought to beg before Christmas Eve.”
“I’m meeting him tonight, Yennefer, I’m on Wilson Street, with all the shops and I’m so lost, please.”
“I’ll set you up with Jaskier’s hot friend. The one from the coffee shop. She’s single.”
“...I’m on my way.”
-- -- -- Across Town, Triss and Jaskier’s Apartment -- -- -- 
“I just thought I’d have more time to get him a gift,” Jaskier wailed, draped dramatically over Triss’ beat up armchair. “And then it was thanksgiving, then finals and it’s Christmas eve and I don’t have a gift.”
“Well,” Triss said, sipping her cocoa and barely looking up from her book. “It’s not noon yet, shops aren’t all closed. What kind of gift does your relationship need?”
“What?” Jaskier looked up from his flop of despair, confused. 
“I mean, if you’d been dating for a month it would be slippers or some scotch or something.”
“We’ve been dating eight months though!” Jaskier wailed. “I love him, Trissy, desperately. I see his face and everything goes all pink and mushy.”
“You should get that checked out.”
“No, I mean,” Jaskier sat up and looked at her. “I think he could be the one. He might be it for me.”
Triss looked up from her book. She’d known Jaskier since university, and his heart had always been so mobile, but there was something shining in his eyes. She shrugged mentally. Put it down to a Christmas miracle, but Jaskier was really in love.
“What does he like?”
Jaskier huffed. “He likes being grumpy.”
“Me.” He paused for thought. “His horse, Roach, he loves riding. He loves his goddaughter, and mythology.”
“Lord of the Rings nerd?”
“Oh you have no idea, he’s basically Aragorn if Aragorn had albinism.”
“I know a place,” Triss said, getting up. “Put on your coat.”
“Will it be open?” Jaskier asked anxiously, pulling his boots on.
“They live above the shop,” Triss said, throwing his scarf at him.��“I know the owners, I’ll just shoot them a text.”
-- -- -- Back on the other side of town -- -- --
“Okay,” Yennefer said. “And you’re sure the hot barista is single?”
“Triss,” Geralt said. “And yes, apparently she’s been crying about it to Jaskier for ages.”
“Right, let’s go looking,” Yennefer said, looking remarkably cheerful.
The rows of shops were mostly open for last minute shoppers and Geralt and Yennefer fought through them. 
Well, Geralt fought. Yennefer just glared and people moved out of her way. 
“Does he cook?” Yennefer asked, pointing at a cookware store.
“Ramen and box mac n cheese,” Geralt said.
“You said he likes clothes?” A very full store with what could only be called hipster clothing.
“He has lots of clothes I want something...special,” Geralt said. He was trying not to lose hope.
“You really like this one.”
“I do, you met him he’s just...bright,” Geralt said, mumbling a little into his scarf as the wind blew a flurry at him.
“Hey, look at the music shop on the corner,” Yenn said. “I’m down here all the time, I’ve never noticed it before.”
Neither had Geralt. “Is it new?” It didn’t look new. It looked nearly condemned.
“You said he loves music,” Yennefer said, stomping in the direction of the store.
“I dunno, that store looks...”
“He loves music,” she said. “And you love him.”
They entered the store.
-- -- -- Triss and Jaskier -- -- --
“How the hell did you find this place?”
“I told you,” Triss said, matter of factly. “I know the owners. They’ll be down any minute to open it up.”
“They’re opening it up just for us?” Jaskier asked guiltily. It was Christmas eve after all.
“They owe me,” Triss said. “I introduced them. Well...reintroduced.”
“Welcome to The Sword in the Stone, Gifts and Novelties,” grinned a young man with very blue eyes and slightly large ears, opening the door. Behind him a blonde young man grinned cheerfully too, he was wearing a santa hat.
“Hi,” Jaskier said, stepping gratefully inside. “It’s a pleasure, I’m Jaskier.”
“Merlin,” said the young man who’d opened the door. 
“Arthur,” the blonde waved.
The pair just shrugged. Well, Jaskier, called Buttercup/Dandelion/Julian/a lot of other things, wasn’t about to tell people what to call themselves.
“I hear you need a gift for that special someone,” the blonde -Arthur- said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah, he loves fantasy stuff and I just... I don’t know what to get him.”
“Gotcha,” Arthur began to lead him back into the shop. Merlin and Triss were chatting by the door. 
“Were you thinking bigger, got a lovely cardboard cutout of Viggo Mortensen?”
Jaskier pictured Aragorn watching them have sex from the corner of Geralt’s little studio apartment. “Maybe smaller but kind of...niche?”
“Lucky you, this place if full of niche,” Arthur said cheerfully. 
Jaskier looked at the wall full of swords and was that a battle axe? “Yeah...”
“Does he wear jewelry?” asked Arthur, jingling a box full of metal in Jaskier’s direction.
“Not really,” Jaskier said. Then something caught his eye. “Wait...” he pulled something out of the box and held it up to the light.
Somehow...it was perfect.
“How much.”
-- -- -- Yen and Geralt -- -- --
“This place looks closed,” Geralt whispered to Yennefer, looking around at the racks of instruments.
“Not closed dearie, just dusty,” came a cheerful voice from right behind Geralt. He and Yennefer jumped.
“Sorry honeys,” said a little old lady with coke bottle glasses. “Got my slippers on, makes me quiet. She shuffled one foot, clad in pink fluff, off the floor as exhibit A. “Gift from my great grandson, aren’t they darling? Now,” she looked at Geralt with laser intensity. “You’d be needing a gift.”
“Um, yes ma’am,” Geralt said. How had she known?
“Ooohoo you need a gift,” said the tiny old woman, “Cause you’s a boy in love.” She nearly cackled. “Follow me honeys!”
Geralt and Yennefer looked at each other, shrugged, and followed. What choice did they have?
“Got a harp,” the shopkeeper called cheerfully. It was indeed a full, standing, concert harp. It had a figurehead on it but the face looked absolutely agonized.
“Maybe not,” Geralt said.
“Hmmm no,” said the lady, shuffling her fluffy slippers. “Bagpipes?”
“He lives in an apartment.”
“That’ll be a no, then,” said the woman, peering at a rack of instruments in the corner. “Aha!” she shrieked, startling Geralt and Yennefer both. 
It was perfect.
“I can’t afford it,” Geralt said, feeling hopeless.
“Oh yes you can,” said the little old lady gleefully, if she could Geralt got the sense she would be jumping and clicking her heels. “Nobody wants ‘em these days, this one’s seventy-five percent off!”
Geralt left with a weird shaped package.
-- -- -- Geralt’s studio apartment, evening -- -- --
“Hey,” Jaskier, said, stomping his boots on the mat.
“Hi,” Geralt replied, stealing a kiss. “What’d you tell Triss?”
“Told her I was sending a gift, what’s you tell Yennefer?”
“She’s heading over there now,” Geralt said. “With that movie they both like.”
“Ocean’s 8?”
“That’s the one, and a plate of homemade Christmas cookies.”
Jaskier smiled at Geralt and stole another kiss. “We’re never going to have a moment of peace, now we set them up,” he said. Geralt grinned at him. “Never, but I think we did the right thing.”
They settled in on Geralt’s little loveseat. Jaskier set a wrapped present on the side table. Beside it, on the floor, was a very poorly wrapped mess. Lots of scotch tape was visible. It was quite large.
Jaskier felt panicky.
“Should we,” Geralt said awkwardly. “Do you want to exchange presents now?”
“Sure.” Oh god, Geralt’s gift was so small, and what if he hated it?
“You first?” Geralt said, handing over the odd package.
Jaskier had always been a rip-it-open present person, but he took his time, although there was no salvaging the taped up paper.
“A lute?” he turned to Geralt in delight, face lighting up.
“A lute,” Geralt said. “Is-is that a good thing?”
“Oh my god, Geralt, yes! Oh I love it! I can’t wait to learn it!” Jaskier dropped kisses all over Geralt’s face, careful of his new baby.
He handed Geralt the little package. “It’s not as great but...”
Geralt was a folding kind of person and folded up the wrapping paper carefully, then he opened the box and took out the amulet with the silver wolf’s head.
“Oh,” Geralt said.
Oh. Was that a good oh or a bad oh? Jaskier tried to breathe slowly.
“Jaskier I...” 
Oh no. He hated it.
“It’s perfect.”
“When I was little I thought I’d be a knight,” Geralt said, pale eyes shining. “And I drew wolf’s heads on everything, my crest, I said.”
Geralt was holding up the amulet as if transfixed. 
“Vesemir can show you, he kept the drawings,” Geralt said. Then he slipped the medallion over his head.
“My knight,” Jaskier said. “My wolf.”
Geralt gave a playful growl. Jaskier’s heart thumped a little harder. Geralt must have picked up on something in his eyes because he cocked his head.
“Oh?” he rumbled, low in his chest. “You want a wolf, do you?” He growled again.
Jaskier leapt up, shrieking with laughter and ran to hide in the bathroom. Geralt caught up before he could close the door.
“I’ll huff and I’ll puff,” he said, dragging Jaskier closer and giving him a bear hug. He growled in Jaskier’s ear.
“And I’ll blow your...how does it go?”
“I’m not sure, wolfie,” Jaskier said, pulling Geralt closer by the amulet. “But I think it ends with you eating me all up.”
It was a very merry Christmas indeed.
Ope! Idiots! With a random appearance from BBC’s Merlin (In 2020? I guess.) and a little old lady. + the magic of christmas.
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pure-kirarin · 4 years
Zoro x dancer reader
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lofi-coffee said :hey! i just came from your zoro hc’s hxbsjxb which was absolutely *chefs kiss* btw! do you so scenarios? if so could i request a scenario based off of the “good dancer” hc, where hes admiring his s/o dance and she pulls him out to join her? he stumbles, its a lil messy, but who tf cares bc they’re happy and that’s all that mattersplease + thank you. hope you have fun writing it!💕
Thanks for your request and for your feedback ! It makes me so so happy everytime someone reads what I write...Because I never expected that anyone would read my work ! I wrote this and I hope that you like it...I had fun writing it but I don’t know if it’s what you expected or wanted hahah. ~ I love tension uwu Ps: cool tumblr name ;w; <3 (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ **************** How could she move her body that way ? It was almost indecent. That's what was going through Zoro's mind as his sight was hanged to your body. He was sitting there, away from the dance floor, drinking glass after glass of beer. He was lazily looking at you while enjoying his drink. Damn, what a good dancer He was quite entertained by your figure, gracefully moving to the sound of the music. He was in this little bar in Dressrosa, finding his way to it to enjoy a drink before the execution of the plan. The other strawhats were each discovering this rather charming city. Dressrosa...The city of passion, he smirked a bit, looking at you he was begining to understand why it was called that way. The ladies were good dancers, not that he cared about dancing much but...He had to admit that he loved getting entertained while drinking and you were quite the entertainment. Was it the drinks or was it his mind playing him tricks ? Because he was damn sure that it was as if you were the only one on the dance floor... Some soft bachata music was playing. At first, he could only see your back moving sensually. When you turned around, he swallowed pretty hard, both your eyes met and you weren't one to look down. You continued dancing while looking him in the eyes with a little smile on your face. He rised his eyebrow, she's not intimidated ? Good. He smirked, amused by your attitude. You were certainly aware that you were the star of the show. You didn't have a partner either, isn't bachata supposed to be a social dance ? Zoro didn't dwell on these thoughts, he just wanted to enjoy his night, his gaze attached to your body. The swordsman being a bad dancer wasn't going to say nor do anything. He just wanted to look at you and to drink a lot. He didn't want anything from you, in fact, you seemed surreal and he thought for a second that maybe you were the fruit of his imagination and that of the dyonisiac beverage. Maybe if his fingers caressed your hair, you'd vanish in smoke. He turned his face towards the barista, making a sign with his hand to ask for a new drink while his glass was still half full. His eyes then switched to the dance floor and you were gone, just as the music stopped. You vanished. He let out a sigh, were you really just a hallucination ? He thought his tolerance to alcohol was impeccable. « -Hey, are you going to join me or are you just going to look at me ? Your voice was smooth and sensual. Zoro looked from right to left, ah, you were talking to him, after all, you noticed his gaze. -Hm ?  He grumbled, amused but not impressed, not yet. -God. Don't react this way. Your eyes almost poked a hole through my body and now that's all you say ? » Zoro thought that you were quite aggressive in your advance. He wasn't going to deny that he was indeed looking at you. He didn't feel shy, he just looked and you couldn't blame him for it, not when you danced in that way. He looked you right in your eyes, looking for an answer, what did you want from him ? He was surprised of finding amusement, challenge, almost like you were defying him. He wanted to see how far you were going to reach. -I'm drinking. He waves his glass. You were aware of your charm and you knew that the swordsman found you attractive, otherwise he wouldn't look at you this way. But how could he devour you with his eyes and act so ininterested ? Your ego couldn't handle his attitude. You came to him by yourself and he was letting his « chance » go. Didn't he know how many other guys dream of dancing with you ? But you were drawn to this stranger, to this man that you have never seen around. His look when you were dancing caught your attention, it wasn't just a look of lust, it was a mixture of appreciation, fascination and desire. You wanted to know why he looked at you that way. You snatched the glass off his hand and drank its content in one go. He looked at you surprised. Wild. He thought to himself. He was starting to get interested in you. Could you be entertaining in more than one way ? You put the glass on the zinc quite violently and then you hold his sleeve really tight, pulling him a bit. «- Now you don't have an excuse. You dance ? He appreciated your boldness, however, what he didn't want to admit is that he is a really bad dancer. He was content just looking at you...But now you were defying him with that look of yours. -It wasn't an excuse. -Then what ? You're scared that I'll stab you or something... ? -Me ? Scared ?..Don’t make me laugh.” You giggled. Zoro knew about this « rumor », about Dressrosa's women being extremely passionate, stabbing their lovers if they ever cheat...What were you implying ? However, his swordsman pride didn't let him lose to you. He groaned and got up. You had a victorious smile as you held his hand, bringing him to the dance floor. The music started slowly and you knew that he didn't know how to dance Bachata. He was awkward and stiff and you found that to be cute. You wanted to dance with him because you knew that anyone could dance bachata, especially when you were leading. The music started and you put your arms around him. « -Eh...What are you doing here ? What am I supposed to do exactly.. ? You chuckled -It's bachata...here... you took his hand and placed it on your waist and the other one on your back. Don't worry, just follow me...anyone can dance. Place your leg between mine... -what ? -Trust me...Come on...Do it.. Zoro blushed a bit, he wasn't used to all of this dancing thing...it was silly, he just wanted to admire you while drinking but he was too proud to admit that he is « scared » of dancing, especially when you defied him with your fawn eyes. He stumbled, stepping on your feet making you let out an « ouch ! » of pain. His movements were so stiff, and honestly, he was just bad that it was almost cute. You expected a sensual dance, like bachata usually is but his hands on your skin were so tense. -Follow the music...Follow my body. » Some curious looks were on you, you looked amazing together even though the dancing was bad and messy on his part. Your grace almost made up for his false move, honestly all he had to do was to hold you close to him sensually but even something that simple seemed complicated to the swordsman. It was very endearing...Charming. You danced for a little while, following the rhythm of the music. -Oh god...you are worse than I expected...You said, provoking. Zoro was getting impatient and pulled you closer to him very aggressively. You were startled and stopped dancing. The swordsman had this aura that was pulling you towards him like a magnet. His look, the same one that he has earlier while looking at you...It was so intense, you wanted his eyes on you...You were dying out of curiosity for him. « -What's the matter now ?...I thought that you were a good dancer..  A smirk on the lips, a hot touch on your waist and you were already far, far away... -I...I am. You just startled me ! » You tried to hide your embarrassment but he read through your game. He was just as curious for you as you were curious for him. He wanted to see more of your dancing...And dance with you in many other ways. You passed the test, you looked resilient enough to put with his detached attitude. You also weren't scared of looking silly as seen from your little dance with him. The music stopped another time and he gave you a big smile now, he had to say that he didn't expect that he'd have such fun dancing with you. -Thanks for this dance, you said, ready to part ways. As your were turning back, he held your wrist pretty tight, startling you once again. You locked eyes with him, you thought that he didn't want anything more. He let go of your wrist then looked left, then right, then back at you. -Now that you showed me how to dance I'd like to show you something I'm good at... He scratched the back of his neck while saying this, always looking somewhat detached but also sure of himself. You were surprised but appreciated his honesty, after all, if it meant having those eyes look at you one more time...Why not ? -Haha...I'll be the judge of that. » You put your index finger on his chest then turned back. That night was the night when you met Zoro around a dance in the city of passion. It was also the starting of a passionate love story between both of you. Your love came in waves, just like a bachata dance, sometimes you pulled and sometimes he did, it was sensual, a bit awkward and messy at times but it was for sure passionate and enjoyable. ************ Please feel free to give me feedback and don’t hesitate to drop in my ask box to get to know each other =) I’m new to this fandom and I appreciate everyone already. ^-^ <3 
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k-odyssey · 4 years
Watched More Than Friends and now I have 3 A4 pages of notes where I have probably written the word cute about 50 times.
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I’m still making heart eyes at Woo Yeon’s outfits and still seriously torn about that love triangle. Honestly though, ever since last week I’ve been pretty amused by Soo. I probably shouldn’t be laughing at his misery but seeing his sad puppy eyes, knowing the way he treated Woo Yeon, I feel like he deserves it. And it’s doing him some good learning not to take her for granted.
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I kinda hate misunderstanding-based plot points as a general rule and the whole Namsan tower thing happens to be exactly that, and I just know this is going to blow up at some point in a horrible way. Especially because several people know and aren’t saying anything, Woo Yeon is going to hate that. Her new boyfriend must be feeling pretty bad about it too, knowing his personality.
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The airport flashback seriously took me by surprise. It’s too much fate for me. Are you telling me that she and Soo changed the course of his life that day? And did he recognize her? That part wasn’t subbed yet so I’m not sure but it’s strange enough that he ended up with Soo’s phone number and that they all met in Jeju, did we really need another layer of Destiny on top?
Woo Yeon’s bob-cut friend and her boyfriend have a super interesting and more realistic story. (Except that boy is too kind to be true.) I really feel for her and I hope she lets him help her.
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The prosecutor seems to be attracting one type of men only and that’s cute baristas lol. I’m rooting for the friend because I like him (new boy looks really young to me? but I’m terrible at guessing ages) but we’ll see.
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Anyway I love to see Soo lose his cool around Woo Yeon so much. Not necessarily the jealousy but when he just stares at her and forgets to pretend he’s not in love with her. Well, he’s not pretending anymore now, I guess. But the heart racing thing was very funny. “It’s genetics.”
PS: I can’t get over the flip-phones. Samsung must’ve paid a lot of money.
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whootwhoot · 4 years
»»—— 𝘬𝘩𝘶𝘯 𝘳𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘢𝘬 𝘫𝘢𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘈𝘜 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯s  ——««
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·         characters : khun ran and anaak jahad
·         series : tower of god
·         coffee shop AU headcanons 
·         (author’s note : hello ! I’m new here I’m not active much and I can’t really write properly lmao anyways hope you enjoy ^^ slight spoilers but its not much so^^) (ps: day #3 for tog minor character week) 
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-          Anaak and Ran are both college students in this
-          Ran would be the judgy barista who secretly judges drinks that his customers ordered
-          he works part time in Khun A.A’s café that’s for sure
-          Anaak often gets into troubles and fights due to her not- so- friendly personality
-          she and Androssi are best friends whilst Androssi knows Khun A.A and therefore dragged her to the café
-          gosh the first time Anaak went there she nearly fought Ran who was taking her order
-          “one cotton candy Frappuccino with whipped cream”
-          well obviously being Ran, he definitely judged her with those blue eyes of his
-          and being the prideful girl she was anaak had to ask
-          “What are you looking at shorty?”
-          “Shut up. You’re even shorter than me lizard face.”
-          well, you can pretty much guessed what happens next
-          honestly the customers were all scared by all the yelling and threats they were throwing at each other
-          Khun A.A had to step in and warn them both before they make the situation even worse lmao
-          still, after that Anaak still goes to the café and orders the same drinks every time
-          every time Anaak walks in the café Ran would go “ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
-          Anaak would sit as her usual seat beside the large window of the café
-          whoever who sits there will literally get booted off
-          she calls it her “VVVIP” seat
-          after Ran’s shift he would sit down next to Anaak in his attempts to annoy her
-          “Say lizard, why do you order the same drinks every time? Do you know that whipped cream makes you fat?”
-          “Shut up Ran. It’s none of your business if I like whipped cream.”
-          at the start, the both of them would be quietly sitting there
-          it’s quite, but it isn’t awkward, they don’t talk but they are both comfortable sitting next to each other
-          Ran would be on his phone whilst Anaak does her homework or just staring out the window
-          one day, Anaak asked Ran to help her out with homework
-          “Hey asshole, are you good with math?”
-          “Why?”
-          “Just asking.”
-          yeah he still ended up teaching her uwu
-          Anaak struggles hard with math, constant screams are heard in the café lmao
-          “What Do YoU MeAN yoU usE X?”
-          lmao even Ran can’t keep his cool
-          anyways they starting talking more after that
-          the café is super cold on rainy days and Anaak sneezes a lot
-          whenever Anaak slept on the café table Ran would gently place his jacket over her
-          Khun A.A saw that and wouldn’t stop teasing him
-          “Our café has cold air conditioning, if she decides not to come we’ll lose a customer, and we need the money.”
-          when Anaak wakes up and find out that the jacket is Ran’s she gets a little flustered uwu and tries her best to smile when giving him his jacket back
-          “Hey.”
-          “Yeah?”
-          “Thanks… for the jacket.”  
-          Ran is totally taken back by this lmao
-          Anaak came in as usual one day, Ran greeted her by the counter
-          “Hey.”
-          “…”
-          after Ran finish making her drink he went to serve it
-          she wasn’t at her usual “VVVIP” seat, very unusual
-          he found her in the corner seat later on at the end of the café
-          she had what appeared to be scars and bruises all over her
-          Ran walked toward her and placed the coffee on the table
-          “What are you looking at?”
-          he said nothing and walked away
-          on top of the coffee was a small note that wrote : “Don’t waste my extra whipped cream lizard.”
-          Anaak walked out of the café only to see Ran outside standing
-          “What are you doing, don’t you still have work?”
-          “I got off early.”
-          Anaak started walking as Ran walked beside her
-          “…”
-          it went on for a couple of minutes until
-          “Hey, I just so happen to be passing by this way. I’m planning to head to the school’s dorm for a delivery.”
-          “Oh.”
-          a w k w a r d
-          along the way, Ran tried to crack jokes
-          “What do you call healthy spaghetti?”
-          “…”
-          “An ImPASTA”
-          he’s terrible.
-after several rounds of bad jokes
-Anaak is super annoyed lmao
-"Then maybe stay out of fights you can't win lizard."
-"Stop calling me lizard. Why do you do it anyway?"
-"Well, lizards have pretty good survival instincts."
-they kept walking until Anaak stopped
-"People think lizards are disgusting."
-"Maybe they just haven't met the cute ones yet."
 realizing what he just said, he nervously puts his hand into his pockets his checks flushed bright pink 
the sky was painted with the colors of a light sunset, highlighting the moment
as he turned his head, he was greeted with her bright smile
"Thank you."
that was the first time Ran wanted time to stop, that smile, the sunset, everything was perfect
"What are you staring at?"
he turned back and Anaak walked up to him
soft laughter were shared as the both of them make their way back to the dorm ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- (author's end note: holy i did not realised it be this long sorry, anyways im sorry if there's any grammatical errors or anything offensive in my post^^) 
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soggy-paradise · 4 years
Hey I know I dont usually make posts because I’m awkward- but I’ve had an idea for an au for one piece and I really just wanted to get it out of my head even if it’s messy and maybe doesn’t make sense and is dumb rip.
Ps I’m only on ep like 340 of one piece ive only been watching a month or two rip
So in this au Brooke owns one of those cool cafe book shop bars? Where you could get a coffee, a little rum or both together in one glass while you pick a book off of one of the many shelves (Mostly curated by one of the book worms in the group of employees he’s accumulated; Robin and chopper most likely).
And in addition to the great drinks and books there’s often live musicians; including Brooke himself, and many local artists making the place extremely popular. However very quickly the night to be there becomes Saturday night when the most well received band, the straw hats, comprised of the staff of the cafe take the stage.
Im imaging all the workers pretty much know an instrument and different combinations of them will go up to play different songs while the others pick up the slack with Luffy as the drummer, Zoro as the guitarist, nami on the keyboard, Robin on bass, maybe Franky on guitar too or something fun? Chopper with a tambourine or soundboard and finally Usopp as lead vocals (as I’ve recently found he’s quite skilled when he sung as sogeking). They’re having a great time and everything’s awesome but after a string of particularly bad chefs and bakers the cafe seems to perhaps be in danger of closing after like a health code violation or food poisoning incident??
In comes suave new chef Sanji who’s food is out of this world but also who has trouble letting loose like whatsoever.
But eventually usopp and the crew lure him out of his shell with their antics and music and usopp the cute barista makes him lattes with funny faces on them which eventually turn into hearts and yes this is sanuso I have brain rot for them; anyways this makes no sense but I just had to get it out of my head and maybe if I have time this week I’ll try to write a fix this week rip okay bye
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kpopshitposter · 4 years
Hi! How are you? I would like to do/have a written ship, is that okay? :D If it is possible with the groups: BlockB, EXO, NCT, BTS and Shinee.
So here is a bit about me: I am a literature major in university and an absolute bookworm. I am very chaotic, but to me it seems like an organized mess. I love to paint, write and cook! I have a very bad sense of humor.. (mostly word jokes :)) I dress quite classic and wear mostly oversized pants. I am very curious and like to excersice. I love to travel and listen/jam out to tons of music along the way. I am a night owl and I am doing all kinds of volunteerwork (and I am a barista as well :)) . And somehow I am late to literally anything.... (and I might be a bit quirky)
I hope that this is enough info. Thank you so much for your kindness and effort! Ps: I really like your blog. You seem to know almost everything... :0
Hi lovely!! Thank you so much for requesting and thank you for your patience. I hope you’ve been well!!
Thank you for your sweet words omg aofisdhi hahaha you’re adorable and ily
Since you didn’t tell me your age please consider the below regardless of that!!
Block B
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Our genius Kyung! Your personality and interests inspire him, your differences show him alternative ways of life and your similarities give you so much to bond over. He loves to suggest books for you and will always read any books you recommend for him, too. He likes to have peaceful moments with you as well as completely wild, fun moments where you’re completely ridiculous. He’ll make tiktoks with you if you want, too.
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Sehun! He’s basically addicted to worrying about you. He babies you a little and is constantly checking in with you when you’re out. His happiest moment of the day is receiving random selfies from you. You make him braver than he thought he could be, and he’s always trying to show you how much you mean to him.
NCT (OT21)
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Ten! You spend your time together being super aesthetic, basically. You paint one another (like, on each other’s skin), you read to each other, you dance around in the kitchen at sunset and spend a lot of time planning cute little dates. Your relationship is very pure.
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Taehyung! He likes to smother you with affection. A billion kisses isn’t enough for him. He loves to eat your cooking and in return will cook for you and will even feed you. He always takes care of you when you’re sick. He finds it difficult to sleep without you, and will typically fall asleep on the phone to you.
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Key! Nobody is as comfortable with anyone as you two are with one another. You have a billion inside jokes and it’s never-ending laughs when you’re together. When things have to be serious, it comes easily and you can both speak honestly. You’re able to work through anything and your relationship lasts a lifetime.
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taliasburns · 5 years
Legacies ao3 masterpost
Hello everyone. Like I promised: A masterpost of my favourite fanfics in the legacies fandom. I have decided to divide the fanfics in 4 categories: posie, hosie, phosie and hizzie. next to the title of the fic and the author of the fic i will put a short description and important information. i.e.: if its a oneshot or not. If the fic is completed and the trigger warnings / warnings. I will also put up the rating of the fic.  without further ado, i hope you enjoy! (ps: im only including finished fics. oneshots and fics that have updated recently)
Posie fanfics (penelope x josie)
(meet me) under the mistletoe - saltzpen | ongoing. rated T. no warnings apply Having just relapsed by kissing Penelope Park on her birthday, the absolute last thing Josie Saltzman needs is enchanted mistletoe to start showing up over school with a convenient excuse to kiss people she shouldn't. It's a shame, for her, that it is exactly what has happened. (okay so this is my absolute fav fic. @karolinarunaway wrote it and she’s an amazing writer. characterization is on point. Josie also kisses Hope. we get jealous!josie AND jealous!penelope. and the angsty bits keep you hanging on for m o r e)
You make my heart stutter (let’s get hight together) - sataninacroptop | ongoing. rated T. no warnings apply Josie has a crush on hope. Penelope (our lovely stoner) offers to help josie by pretending they’re sleeping together. There’s a bit of hosie in this fic but its mainly focused on posie. Also stoner!penelope has my heart.
(Give Me A Chance To) Prove It To You - Penelopeparkman | ongoing. rated T. no warnings apply 7 months after Penelope left Salvatore, she's now with Caroline in Belgium, still looking for a loophole to the merge, when the Saltzman twins decide to pay their mother a visit.  (i just have to say. This fic has only 2 chapters atm but holy shit this is one of my favs at the moment)
Stupid Cupid (Love Is In The Air) - posiecoven | completed. rated T. no warnings apply Basically a fic about penelope having “feelings” for someone else and jealous!josie. Happy ending.
Moonlight on broken hearts and burning regrets - mintwhiskey | oneshot. no rating. no warnings apply  there’s a party. penelope sees josie and rafael. penelope gets drunk. confessions happen. (its cute!)
You’re my muse the force that guides my pen - TravelerByNature | ongoing. no rating. no warnings apply No powers AU! penelope is an aspiring writer and a barista. Josie is the popular girl who keeps flirting with penelope. featurning landon and penelope brotp. (i freaking love this fic and im all here for the landon x penelope brotp)
Oh no (here we go again) - warriorwoman | ongoing. rated M. no warnings apply "I'm not in the mood, Penelope.""Oh, but JoJo, you were always in the mood. I guess a lack of vitamin me has been taking its toll."(The one where Josie doesn't need to fall in love with her ex-girlfriend because she never fell out of love.) (i love this fic. characterization is on point and it leaves me WANTING more every single chapter)
You Won’t Ever Be Lonely - FallingArtist | completed. rated T. no warnings apply post 1x06. Josie decides to do something for penelopes birthday (a cute post 1x06 fic, its completed and its fluffy)
I put a spell on you - Misschacilops | completed. rated E. no warnings apply Lizzie pronounced a spell wrong.... now josie has to deal with a lust spell and her beautiful ex girlfriend.
thought if i could fool you i’d believe it too, but the truth is i still love you - theyoungestzerogmechanic | oneshot. rated G. no warnings apply instead of leaving penelope decides to just tell josie about the merge.
A distant memory - Posieparkzman | ongoing. rated T. no warnings apply A fic set in 1x11. the slugs happened..... posie just did a bit more than just one kiss. its angsty but we love it!
A sleepless night - penelovemepark | ongoing. no rating. no warnings apply based on episode 1x12. penelope cant sleep so she wanders around the school. Then she hears a particularly damaging conversation. (so this is hella angsty but i love this fic!)
For the love of all things that’s unholy - P_Park | ongoing. rated E. no warnings apply Basically its a very angsty version of what could happen after 1x06. henelope brotp and lots of  an  g  s t.
Home - Curious_Archer | ongoing. rated T. no warnings apply A version of 1x14 where penelope sees Mg’s mom kidnap landon and she goes to help him. featuring landon and penelope brotp and lots of angst. 
If my heart was a compass - cf_writer | ongoing. rated E. no warnings apply Penelope and josie are roommates. and they “hate” each other (jokes on them they actually like each other) 
Kissing booths (and honest truths) - thirdwish | oneshot. rated G. no warnings apply Salvatore school organises a fair. Josie stands at the kissing booth. penelope pays a visit. (pre dating posie!)
You make me catch my breath(it’s you it’s always been you - sleepyshamrocks | ongoing. rated G. no warnings apply In this fic hope, lizzie and penelope try to protect josie from the secret about the merge (lizzie finds out) great friendships start blossoming. (this is a v good fic. one of my faves) (also includes hizzie)
When i close my eyes - posiecoven | ongoing. rated T. Graphic depictions of violence. Josie, who has told Penelope that they would never get back together, finds herself in Penelope's bed after 2 days of the talent show, holding her ex girlfriend. A post 1x11 fic. penelope has a shitty family and josie is there for her.
Too deep - thebugheadchonifanatic | ongoing. rated E. Major character death. Graphic depictions of violence. When lizzie starts dating josie’s ex rafael she and penelope start fake dating to make raf jealous. On the way josie realizes she has feelings for penelope. (a good fic. im kinda afraid of the major character death tho, nothing has happened yet but read with caution)
Accept the unexpected -  iloveyou_iknow (llostt_in_ttranslationn) | oneshot. rated T. no warnings apply It’s been 5 years since penelope left. Its the twins bday. featuring hizzie and posie.
Hosie fanfics (hope x josie)
The note - SilentRain91 | oneshot. rated T. no warnings apply When Hope wanders the halls at night and runs into Josie, she wants to know what the note said. Hope won't let Josie walk away until she gets an answer, but what if she has more than one question to ask?
It’s a fine line (will you be mine) - toffifee | oneshot. rated T. no warnings apply Basically a hosie oneshot after lizzie tells josie about a weird dream (she dreams of hosie in that one AU) and josie talks to hope about it.
From dusk till dawn - SilentRain91 | completed 16 chapters. rated T. no warnings apply A hosie fake dating AU. they start out as frenemies end up being lovers. Also they’re at a summer camp.
We can dance if we want to - Natazz1011 | ongoing. rated G. no warnings apply basically its a hosie fake daing AU. There’s a ball coming up and josie needs a date. 
Phosie fanfics (hope x penelope x josie)
Three makes a party - Natazz1011 | oneshot. rated G. no warnings apply Mg gets confused after he sees josie and penelope together.... and also hope and josie together.
God, I’m tired - voluptuous_volus | oneshot. rated E. no warnings apply basically its phosie smut
Hizzie fanfics (hope x lizzie)
Come back, baby (home to me now) - Lizmikaelson | ongoing. rated M. no warnings apply In this fic hope and lizzie go on a journey to find penelope in belgium. Its mainly focused around hizzie but it has posie in it too. (this fic is like 3/6 chapters in but holy wow do i love it)
when the party’s over - rilayacamren | ongoing. rated G. no warnings apply Hizzie slowburn starting when they’re young
This could be love (if that’s what we wanted) -  Lizmikaelson | oneshot. rated M. no warnings apply Hope and lizzie after 1x13. its just aksjfhsal its really cute read it.
Into it (if you're into it, i'm into it) - ElizabethMikaelson | oneshot. rated E. no warnings apply basically lizzie and hope having car sex its greAT.
I will be updating this list every week or so!
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fhimechan · 5 years
#Hannigram Meet-Cute Challenge: April Monthly Update
In between the April Fic Swap and the Just Fuck Me Up, it's time to remind everyone that there's also our meet cute challenge running. Do you feel like you want to imagine a different, equally iconic way for Hannibal to fall in love with Will at first sight? Do you have more sassy rude lines to feed Will? There's the time to bring them out!
This month, @cinnamaldeide took the challenge upon herself, and delighted us with an AU where Hannibal is entranced by a rude employer who may be more than it seems...
Admirable Deceit by @cinnamaldeide #13: There was indeed no doubt about Hannibal being an acclaimed artist. His mere flaw was having lost inspiration along the way. He’d been however fortunate enough to meet a flippant cashier at the hardware store around the corner.
This story joins our previous beautiful entries, which you can find here:
#29: Welcome to Widdershins Close by @zigzag-wanderer #110: Fancy meeting you by @mazephoenix #74: Going My Way by @fragile-teacup #55: A Face Like Yours by @hannibalsimago
Since everyone who fills a prompt can choose the next, our list is already different from the initial one, and it's worth repeating  /(=・ x ・=)\
#1: B works at a bookstore and offers assistance to an embarrassed A, a customer carrying a large stack of self-help books.
#3: A walks into the kitchen, half-asleep, and mistakes B for her roommate. B knows the roommate and stayed overnight; makes breakfast for A. Need more details? Click on the post.
#22: A is having a quiet night at home – that is, until A’s apartment neighbour begins blasting music. Frustration levels rising, A goes to knock on the neighbour’s door to ask them to keep it down… at the same time B, the resident on the other side, is about to. Need more detail? Click on the post.
#27: B is sitting at a coffee shop, headphones in, attempting to write the next YA hit when A slides into the seat opposite B with a charming smile. B hesitantly takes off his or her headphones, and A says: “I just wanted to tell you that you’re the most beautiful person in this coffee shop.” 
#32: A checks into a cozy inn while on a cross-country road trip, beyond tired and ready to collapse. When A gets to the assigned room, he or she is in for a surprise! Someone else, B, is already in the room. Uh-oh.
#50: A is at his/her cousin’s wedding. At the reception, A wanders over to B, a stranger, and in the spirit of the romance and happiness in the air, asks if they’re here for the groom or the bride. B’s answer is both simple and, ultimately, confusing: “Neither.”
#116: Although A normally goes to the cafe on Thursday evenings, A’s sibling had called in tears, and s/he had been forced to miss it. So instead A goes the next evening, sitting down at a table with a fresh cup of tea, and then abruptly realized that Friday night was Speed Dating night as B slides into the chair opposite and says, “They say you and I only have five minutes, but I can tell we’re going to need longer.”
#117: A is a professional assassin hired to take out a client’s cheating husband. But the client also spoke to B, a close friend, who has made it his/her’s own mission to also kill the husband. Unfortunately, both A and B have chosen the same night to do so, and it just so happens that B is a bit clumsy… and keeps getting in A’s way.
#143: A’s blind date just left, mumbling some sort of excuse about leaving the stove on. Confused and feeling rejected, A sits orders another beer at the bar, wondering where s/he went wrong. B, who had witnessed the situation, goes over and says sympathetically, “I think I know what went wrong… there’s something in your teeth.”
#162: A is interviewing potential roommates and is having very little luck. When it comes to B, A says, “I’m so sorry, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t live with someone that I’d like to ask out.”
#166: A is at a coffee shop and sits down at a table, only to find a book on the chair. Intrigued, A starts flipping through it, and realizes it’s actually someone’s journal that had been left behind! And it’s fascinating. Unfortunately, B, the journal’s author, rushes back to retrieve it… and is horrified to see A reading it. But A, having gotten a feel for this person through his/her writing, asks if they want to go out sometime.
#176: A works at a pet store and is utterly surprised when B bursts through the door in a hurry and walks up to the cash without looking around. Out of breath, A says, “Please don’t ask why, but what do capybaras eat?”
#180: There has been a series of recent break-ins in A’s neighbourhood. B, a cop, knocks on A’s door to recommend safety measures and to ask if A has noticed anything peculiar — A hasn’t really seen anything, but invites the cop and his/her charming smile inside for coffee and a bit of false information so s/he might stay a while.
#186: A is walking through the park at night and notices B following close behind. With every step A is getting more and more paranoid until finally, as B goes to pass A, A swivels on his/her heel and punches B in the face! Turns out, B really was just trying to quicken his/her pace to make it home in time for the hockey game.
#207: A meets B and falls immediately for them, but B clearly doesn’t feel the same. After being rejected, A calls on Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love, to exact vengeance on B.
#210: A is a writer struggling to find inspiration for their next book. The publishers are breathing down their neck and the pressure is almost more than A can take. When A comes across an old Greek book in a thrift store, A brings it home and flips through the pages…. only to come across an old chant that was supposed to bring inspiration to those who read it out loud. A gives it a shot and… oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Somehow that summoned B, one of the Muses, to A’s living room.
#215: A is brought in to the police station for questioning about a crime they know nothing about and is put in an interrogation room… with B, who is another suspect in this particular case.
#239: A is sitting in a cafe trying to casually read their book, but is distracted by B’s loud phone conversation at the table over. B tells a joke over the phone, which makes A crack up unexpectedly – B looks over at A, annoyed that they were eavesdropping, but also appreciative that at least someone liked their joke! B hangs up and offers to tell A another.
#248: A is a barista and has come to recognize the regulars and their orders. One day, B walks in and A greets them, starting to prepare their order, when B stops A with a sigh: “I’m not who you think I am.” After receiving a blank stare from A who has no idea how to respond to that, B continues, “I have a twin. I’m the other one.”
#252: A is in the public library and notices a strange book that looks like it doesn’t belong in this section. A moves along to another genre, but it seems that this book is in every section… almost like it’s following A. How peculiar! When A finally picks it up to see what exactly it is, B appears out of thin air, and simply says, “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you.”
We welcome any type of media and any genre, from angst to smut to fluff to actual cute, and we're looking forward to receive any Hannibal or Hannibal Extended Universe themed works.
Anyone is welcome to participate, we'd be pleased both to receive a work from someone we pestered know or to encourage creativity in someone who's never participated before! (≧◡≦)
As always, we're grateful to @shikin83, @another-lost-one, @diemetzgermeisterin, @kio21557, @bonesandscales, @mazephoenix, @erodingthebluff, @hannibalsimago, @krey-9-jorce, @jadegreenworks, @h4nnibalism, @a-beautiful-day-to-be-arrested, @midwest-fannibals, @mowgliscode, @tigsmulii, @fragile-teacup, @cassraven, @alternativesky, @ache-for-him, @you-dropped-your-forgiveness, @killergamer97, @tinyenthusiasttriumph, @planetstarclaw and @cinelitchick for helping us spread the word. We wouldn't be able to reach anyone without your help! Thank you!
We're running this initiative on tumblr and on pillowfort, and the works are collected under this AO3 collection. Feel free to contact me or @cinnamaldeide for any doubt or question :)
We hope you see many of you next month... Happy meet-cuting!
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Ps. We're still missing a fucked up story, and with the jfmu coming soon I'd like to express my intense desire to see such a thing ;)
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babeejeon · 5 years
Author note:
Guess who has their semester break?
I have time, I have inspiration, so here is what comes next…
I just wrote some lovely drabble for kook, I hope you would enjoy it.
Word Count: 1613
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-Jungkook fluffy drabble-
After returning from your business trip, first thing you wanted to do is going to grocery shop. Right after your plane landed and you got your luggage. You have nothing in fridge, your shampoo and fabric softener is running out. So, you put your luggage to your car and started to drive to supermarket nearby your house. After parking your car, you enter the supermarket and take a shopping cart.
 Wandering around the racks you put everything which catches your eyes to the cart. You also didn’t forget to put the things in your shopping list.
 You love grocery shopping in a kind of funny way. Working as a project manager in a big company and considering your age you have nothing but a dull life. You love your job, yes you did. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is sometimes too formal, too boring, too dull. You have a lot of responsibilities, you are always in rush, you are so busy. But grocery shopping gives you domestic vibes. Not that you are doing it with your family or boyfriend, actually your family lives in another city and you don’t have a boyfriend. You are doing it all alone but its still peaceful, looking at other people shopping with their loved ones and dreaming same thing for yourself in the future just makes you smile.
 After stuffing your cart with things more than you need, you started to drag your cart towards cash point. At that moment you realized that you forget to get your fabric softener, so you drag your cart towards that section.
When you look at the racks of your favourite softener, you realized there is only one left.
You thought. But since it’s the last, you tried to be fast to grab it.But at the same time another hand grabbed it just like you did. Your eyes meet with the stranger.
 “I grabbed it first!” you both said at the same time. Your eyes went bigger.
 “Look I just came here after 8 hours flight and I need this.” You said impatiently.
 “This is the third store I am visiting. I am sorry but I can’t let you get it.” He said.
 “I can’t understand it. Why on the earth Downy is out of stock all of sudden?” you said annoyed. He averted his eyes from yours.
 “I, ugh..I don’t know but I just need to get this. I am sorry!” he mumbled and quickly grabbed the bottle. He was about to go with it, but you were quick to catch his arm.
 “Hey! Who said you can get it?” you said. His face dropped and he handed the bottle to you.
“You are right, it wouldn’t be so kind of me.” He said and turn his back and left the store. You looked after his back, all like that, dumbfounded.
 I didn’t mean I would get it..
You thought. Taking your shopping cart, you went to cash point and pay them. After bringing what you bought to your car, you grabbed the bottle. Opening its cap, you smelled the soft scent. The boy from grocery store was on your mind and you were feeling bad for it. Grabbing your phone, you searched ‘downy’ on internet.
 ‘Downy sold out in Korea after BTS’ Jungkook mentioned it in his Fancafe chat’
 After reading the article, you searched for the boy. For some reason he seems very familiar. You heard about the band, but you never listened them or something.
You thought. His band members weren’t familiar but he was pretty familiar.
 Anyways, his fans must be crazy. How could they make it sold out? Wait, was the boy from supermarket also his fan? Aw, if yes you would feel bad for taking it.
When you arrived home, you quickly put the groceries into cupboard and fridge. After that you took a hot shower and took a nap without even drying your hair. Exhaustion took all your body, so you find your self in the arms of sleep.
 When you wake up from your nap you run the washing machine. While putting your fabric softener, he comes to your mind. He was wearing oversized grey hoodie and matching grey sweatpants. His hood was on and he has black mask on his face. He was looking the way too cuddly in that outfit. You couldn’t help but dream how lovely it would be to cuddle him.
 Next few minutes you were staring into ceiling and dreaming. When you come back to your senses you mentally slapped yourself and went to your kitchen to cook some dinner for yourself.
You opened your eyes at 8am. Other people have Monday syndrome but you have it for Friday. You have your motivation and goals on Mondays, but you feel so exhausted and reluctant to go work on Fridays. And you definitely don’t feel different on this Friday morning.
 You opened your phone to check the weather forecast and messages.
Wow! Only message I get is from my boss.
You thought when you see only your boss’ name on your messages. Clicking unwillingly to the message, you mentally prepared yourself for what is written in that message.
 “Morning Y/N!
I am sorry for not giving you this break for earlier, but you did great job last weekend in the business trip. You are free today. I know one day break is not too big, but we need you at work too much. So I decided to give it on Friday, your least favourite day in week 🤭🤭🤭  , so you can have three days with the weekend.”
 You reread the message. Because you can’t believe it. Because your boss never gives breaks unless it is too urgent. She even asks the reason several times if someone wants to use their leave for absence.
 You felt extremely happy and decided to have your breakfast in your favourite coffee shop in down street. Quickly taking your shower and getting ready, you left home after fifteen minutes. It was only half past eight in the morning but walking on the street in not-so-formal clothes and not heading to your office, you were more than happy.
 You walked slowly and didn’t forget to examine the people and life around. Every morning you were in too rush that you don’t even realise it’s almost spring.
 You arrived the coffee shop in ten minutes. There is a little bit queue, so you decided to quickly join it. When it’s finally the turn of the person in front of you, you were eagerly looking at the person. Not that you are a stalker but because you were waiting for him to finish his order so you can order yours. But when you saw his eyes, you felt a very unfamiliar and weird feeling in your stomach.
He looks like the boy from supermarket, the one who loves Downy. You weren’t sure but perhaps it might be him. You were feeling strong desire to talk him, but you just don’t have the courage.
 A few minutes later it was your turn so you ordered quickly and approach to the place where they give your order in a tray. He was waiting there too. You keep glancing at him but when the barista gave your orders before his you had no chance but go to your table.
 You pout while looking at your cupcake. But when someone sit in front of you without asking, your attention goes there.
However, when you see the person you never even expect to sit with you, your eyes went bigger and all of your words disappeared. He giggled and gave you a big smile. He was wearing a mask like the other day, but his smile was obvious from his cheekbones.
 “I thought it would be okay for me to sit with you. Since you were glancing at me in every 2 seconds and I thought you have something to tell me.” He said in a teasing manner.
 You blushed at his words and giggled. You wanted to say something in reply, but nothing comes to your mind.
 “I wanted to ask you if you are his fanboy?” you blurted out. His eyes went bigger in confusion.
 “Whose fanboy?” he asked.
 “Ugh, what was his name? The one who mentioned Downy and caused it to be sold out. I can’t remember his name.” you said.
 “Ah! You mean Jungkook. But why are you asking, you don’t seem like his fan?” he asked.
 “Yes, I am not. I mean I don’t know about them except their name. But I just asked because you looked like you wanted that Downy too much. So, I felt bad when you gave it to me and the after reading the article, I thought you were his fan.” You said.
 “Cute!” he said. This time, you looked at him with confusion. It was his turn to blush.
 “I mean the idea of his fanboy buying Downy. But no, I am not his fan.” He giggled. You smiled at the scene.
 “Would you like to go on a date with me after eating our orders? We can walk around the Han River, maybe we can cycle, too.” He asked out of sudden. You blushed at the thousandth time today at his words.
 “I would love. But why so sudden?” you asked.
 “Because you are cute.” He said.
 PS: Three minutes later when you asked him if he plans to eat his order with his mask, you find out about his little secret and why he is not Jungkook’s fan. He said, it would be so narcissist of him.
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It Starts with a T (4)—T. Teravainen
Message me to request an imagine. No warning. This is it. This is the last part. I hope you enjoyed this small 4 part series. Find the other parts with “#it Starts with a t”. Find more of my imagines by searching “#hockeyimagines” in my blog.
PS: sisu is a Finnish term that refers to courage and grit and perseverance.
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The guys stared at him in awe as he held up the cup. Sebastian, Justin, Martin, Andrei, and Jeff (whom they had on Skype for this very moment) couldn’t believe it. Three months to finally get her number. So much money, not that it really mattered, spent on coffee and hot chocolate.
“We’ll have you called her yet?” Jeff asked.
“No,” Teuvo answered.
“Why not?”
“I call when she get my name spell right.”
“You’re pathetic,” Sebastian gasped. “You have a girl who clearly wants to know you, not because hockey, and you are petty.”
Teuvo shook his head. “I have plan. I be dumb and pathetic like you say if I let her go. I am none of those.”
“That’s our Turbo,” Justin grinned.
Two weeks later, before facing Jeff as a Sabre for the first time on Carolina ice, Teuvo, Jeff, Justin, and Sebastian walked into the coffee shop just like they had all those months ago. “Are you ready?” Sebastian asked in Finnish.
Teuvo nodded, but honestly he was a wreck on the inside. It was their idea for this to happen. He had a different plan, but it apparently wasn’t good enough for them. She was at the counter, staring at them over her current customer’s shoulder. She looked please to see them.
Jeff, Justin, and Sebastian ordered the same drinks they had those months ago. “And for you?” She asked Teuvo.
He could feel their eyes on him. “A latte.”
Their gasp was so audible, many of the café’s patrons turned and looked at them. Teuvo only smiled. He refused to go along with their plan. She grabbed the cup. “And your name?”
“Number 86,” He slid her two tickets to that night’s game. “And the one you’ll be cheering for tonight. Extra ticket if you want to bring friend.”
She smiled and nodded. The guys just stared at him as he walked up smugly. “What just happened?” Justin asked.
“Turbo got guts; that’s what happened,” Jeff laughed.
Sebastian shook his head. “You crazy, Finn. You came with sisu.”
Teuvo nodded. “Always had plan. Good plan. Yours was a stupid one.”
A barista set four drinks on the counter. “I have an cookie dough frappe for Jeff, an americano for Justin, a black coffee for Sebastian, and a latte for 86.” The barista’s face contorted, and she looked up and saw Teuvo standing there and sighed. “This is for you, Y/N’s by. I really need to start making he give you your own drinks.”
The four players walked out of the café. “Do you think she’s going to show up tonight?” Justin asked.
“Totally,” Jeff nodded. “She is so into him.”
“You look jumpy,” Sebastian whispered to him. Teuvo was surprised by the acknowledgement, as he had been deep in thought, and jumped a little. “She will show. Promise.”
“Flagged her ticket,” he told his best friend. “Security supposed to bring her here before game. Still hasn’t been here.”
“Turbo, security says you’ve got a guest waiting for you in the hall,” Victor announced when he came into the locker room.
“Good luck!” Sebastian shouted in Finnish as Teuvo ran out of the doors.
She was leaning against the wall. Instead of her usual ponytail, her hair was down. He liked it better this way. “You came,” He noticed her jersey. “And you’re wearing my 86.”
She smiled and nodded. “I agreed to cheer for you. It would be weird if I showed up with an Aho or a Staal jersey.”
“When did you realize who I was?” He asked.
“The visit when your friends wore the shirts with your face and name on it,” she answered. “You seemed familiar before that but I don’t really keep up with sports. I’m just trying to pay off my student loans and get a better job than being a barista. Hockey just doesn’t fit into the budget sometimes.”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” She paused for a minute. “Why haven’t you called or texted me?
“Wanted you to spell my name right just once,” he admitted. “I think it’s cute what you do, but I want to see Teuvo spelled right just once. I was stubborn as Sepe says.”
“What if,” she began, “I made a poster and I spelled your name right?”
Teuvo grinned. “I’d like very much. Have you done?”
She grabbed a poster that had been laying against the wall. “I was going to send this with my friend who’s in our seats, but I really just wanted to show you. Only you, and maybe those friends of yours, would understand it.”
Turning around the poster, Teuvo read “Hey Turbo, been thinking about you a latte.” A picture of a coffee cup with his face and name, spelled correctly, we’re on it.
“I love it,” Teuvo chuckled.
“It’s stupid,” she said. “There aren’t really good coffee pick up lines out there, which is why I brought you this. It’s good luck hot chocolate. I know you love to order these often before games.”
Teuvo blushed and thanked her. He turned the cup around, hoping to see T-E-U-V-O in front of him. He sighed at the sight of T-O-F-U. He smiled. This was better than his name. “At least it starts with a T.”
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mu11berry · 5 years
another otp meme for rhen and dameon
I always steal memes from @the-moon-dust-writings because I can’t help myself, I’m sorry
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold? Dameon even though he is then freezing since he gets cold more easily but he really loves Rhen. And when Rhen notices him shivering she insists on sharing and they are a warm bundle of cuddly floof, thank you. Also there’s like an “imagine your otp” post or something I’ve seen about person A having a soft fluffy oversized jacket with their name on the back that they’ve kept carefully since high school in hopes that one day they’re significant other would wear it and when they meet person B it becomes their life mission to see B in the jacket and A would be Rhen and B would be Dameon and Rhen would be so frustrated because he would always remember to bring a coat and she just wants to be cute, dang it!  I really need both of these fics 
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up? Dameon, and he has this adorable fairy-giggle except deeper and Rhen loves it. (When Dameon picks Rhen up she smiles and nuzzles into his neck and he still ends up being the one giggling, thank you)
Who compliments the other in front of everyone? Dameon, this is just pure canon. He’s always building her up and will tell everyone how great she is<3 Rhen keeps her compliments mostly private because she knows Dameon would get embarrassed and she respects him. Also pure canon. I am blessed.
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun? Dameon discovers to his horror that he has a sense of humor when he starts telling jokes to make Rhen laugh, and even more to his horror, most of the jokes are puns. Rhen does laugh though, not necessarily because she thinks the jokes are always funny but because Dameon makes her happy<3
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up? When Rhen has a bad day, Dameon makes her favorite dinner and takes her out for dessert, and he brushes her hair and listens while she talks it out and always knows the right things to say and the right times to be silent and he lets her cuddle into his chest and strokes her back and is so gentle and kind and being with him makes everything Okay. When Dameon has a bad day, Rhen brings food home and finds the biggest softest blanket to wrap them both in (+ the cat) and there are lots of cuddles and she doesn’t always know what to say but she cares enough to listen and try to say something and that means so much to Dameon and her courage and strength inspire and comfort him and they just love each other so much, I love them
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear? Rhen would pick something soft and flowy and simple and light for Dameon and spend all day sitting in his lap because it’s so soft. And Dameon would pick something comfortable and pretty for Rhen, that she could easily move in but would also feel angelic in and also he would enchant it with a shield spell just in case. 
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go? Well in canon Rhen meets Dameon’s family before she meets Dameon, and the introductions go messily. Being introduced as the other’s significant other is a whole different story. Rhen’s parents would have met Dameon before, the first time they passed through Clearwater (and ps I totally need that fic), and they would be thrilled because Dameon is so respectful and so obviously gentle and kind and so clearly adores Rhen, plus Ma is absolutely tickled by Dameon’s sense of humor, and he reminds Tailor of himself.  Devin is also thrilled because he knows a child of Talia’s will be good to his daughter. And Talia is obviously on the moon because she shipped them before they even met each other; remember when she introduced them? And had apparently been going on and on about Rhen to Dameon before that? They are her OTP, it’s canon. (Rhen has three parents and Dameon has one, I am crying help me </3)
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer? Okay you caught me, I haven’t actually read that many coffee shop AUs. But I think I can see Dameon as the employee more easily. Rhen is not a coffee person, she already has so much energy to burn, but she has a huuggee sweet-tooth and she likes to come in for hot cocoa sometimes, and when she meets the cute barista who says her name with that adorable half-twist and has beautiful dark eyes richer than the chocolate in her drink then she starts coming in for hot cocoa all the time. And Dameon used to dread work and having to put on a smile for hordes of grumpy people who haven’t had their morning coffee yet, until one day when he looked up to take an order there was an infectious smile and a chipper voice asked for hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles and when he took her name he knew he’d never forget it and then they fall in love obviously. And now I need this fic too
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person have their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ETC. Not at first because Dameon is not used to being touched and Rhen respects him, but when Dameon opens up and starts to feel comfortable he is a real life teddy bear and loves all the little touches like his arm around her waist or her head on his chest and half the time Rhen probably just plops down in his lap probably
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy? Dameon does all the small things, cooking meals and helping Rhen with her hair and getting her flowers and everything he can think of to make her life easier and happier. Rhen likes to surprise him with kisses and cuddles and she uses the flowers to make flower crowns for him sometimes<3
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary? They both try to spoil each other and it becomes a playful contest but at the end of the day Rhen lets Dameon take care of dinner and he lets her get the doors because they know it’s nice for the other to feel useful and like they’re improving the other’s life and also they have a ball with all their friends and family and they and dance all night, thank you now I also need this fic
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another? It happened very gradually for both of them. Rhen was stolen from her world and thrown into chaos, getting to know Dameon and experiencing his friendship and compassion felt like coming home and she didn’t realize how much she had come to adore him until she started to have chances to experience parts of her old world again and found she preferred everything, old and new, with his company. Dameon hasn’t felt at home in a long time, despite living in the same place his whole life; there hasn’t been love there since he was very small. When Rhen walks in the first time with her Big Personality and easy conviviality he immediately feels the difference, but he doesn’t know what’s happening and when he does start to realize how important she has become to him he’s terrified of letting her in and risking losing everything again but slowly, gradually her courage and strength inspire him and he does his best to open up and tell her how he feels even though he’s not sure he understands it, and when he does she kisses him and that’s answer enough for both of them and THIS TIME, I already wrote the fic so yay. I am still accepting submissions though. Also I like to headcanon the confession happens in or near Thais for symbolic reasons
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss? Rhen does this! Very Gently because Dameon is precious to her<3 Also he has to bend down for the kiss because she is short XD
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist? I think Dameon would be this sap, and he’d pick songs like the ones on my rhenxdameon playlists on spotify and youtube (I’m unstoppable guys). Recent additions are “You Are The Only Exception” by Paramore and “You Bring Me Home” by Imaginary Future. There would also be a lot of Sleeping At Last.
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars? Dameon-- he’s been dreaming of it for weeks, he prepares a little picnic with homemade desserts, all of Rhen’s favorites, and he brings the softest warmest blankets and casts some kind of shield spell to keep the bugs off, and he brushes up on all the constellations, and then Rhen is there and he forgets everything except how to laugh at all the silly stories she comes up with for the shapes she finds in the sky and how to wrap the blankets around them both when it gets cold. And Rhen loves it, her stories get sillier and sillier to keep Dameon laughing, and she appreciates the blankets but she mostly cuddles up against him, and it’s just them and the stars and they are in love and everything is beautiful<3
also am tagging @queen-of-ice101 and @ghedahrianvampress
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exoticarmy127 · 5 years
🎧 Track 02: Unforgettable by Nat King Cole
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🎵  “That’s why darling, it's incredible that someone so unforgettable... thinks that I’m unforgettable too.” 
Featuring: BTS - Jin
You can tell a lot about a person’s personality based on their coffee preferences. Having worked at the Espresso & Chai for almost a year and half now, you learned to pick up little details about the frequent coffee-goers…
Like how the espresso and Americano drinkers, or those who liked their coffee black and bitter to the point that its almost satanic in your opinion, were the workaholics and the business men and women who are always in a hurry so they like having it for ‘to-go’. The latte drinkers are usually the millenial’s who liked to keep it safe, and are quite the trend followers. Aesthetics are important to these drinkers as you’ve seen them take photos at the cafe with their drinks then post it on their respective Instagram accounts.
You liked the Cappuccino lovers the most because they are highly creative and motivated, though may be a little obsessive at times. Then there’s the Frappucino drinkers who are the risk takers of the bunch and are not afraid to stand out; usually the teenagers who come in when school ends.
Of course those are just rough observations from the frequent customers and you were sure there’s more to their personalities than what lies in their coffee preferences, but you couldn’t seem to ignore the pattern.
But then there’s him.
The first time you saw him, it was late afternoon and the shop was bustling with people—mostly the younger generation since classes just ended. When he came in, it was like you were suddenly submerged in a movie scene where everything moved in slow motion and all you could see was that tall, handsome figure walking towards the counter you were currently manning.
He was wearing a long coat over a black turtle neck and his face was one that made you believe there truly was a God in existence who crafted such beautiful human beings. He was looking down at his phone and when you greeted him and asked the usual “What can i get for you?”, he smiled and told you his order:
“I’ll have a Venti, Caramel Macchiato, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free.”
And that’s when the fantasy began to fade because wow, high maintenance much? 
You didn't mean to judge, but working at a coffee shop for a while had made you wary of those who liked their coffee a little too customized. You made a list of the most obnoxious coffee orders: from drinks that required lite water (what was that even?) to sugar-free syrup (totally lost the essence of syrup there).
You were a little disappointed that this guy, who looked like he had just fallen from heaven, was one of the obnoxious ones.
“And your name, sir?”
Too bad Jin, you thought with a sigh as you scribbled his name on the cup along with his long order specifics.
“That’ll be $4.75.” you said and he handed you the money. You expected him to leave right as you gave him the receipt but instead, he paused and pointed at your apron.
“Nice. I like Super Mario.” he smiled, which totally caught you off guard. He left before you could respond and as you looked down, you saw that you still had that little Mario pin stuck next to your name tag and from then on, you couldn’t seem to get your mind off of the man with the obnoxious Caramel Macchiato order.
Jin returned to the shop a few more times and it made you wonder about him because each time he ordered a different drink and came in at different times. Some days he’d order something as obnoxious as his very first or something simple as a vanilla latte. Some nights he went for a couple shots of espresso or a mocha frappuccino. 
Frequent customers often had a usual drinks and usual times but not Jin. And it made you more curious about him considering you couldn't find a pattern in his coffee preference that would tell at least give you an inkling of what type of person he was. The fact that he’s unknown to you…and unpredictable made him the more memorable and you often looked forward to seeing him come in through the doors of the cafe.
And when he left, the thought of him often lingered in your mind for hours.
But sadly, your barista days at the cafe ended a couple of months after meeting Jin and you had to take a different job because it paid more and would fit your university schedules. You worked as a waitress in a fast food chain and on the weekends, you worked for your uncle and his catering business.
It wasn’t much different from your first job, considering it both involved serving people, but you liked working at the Espresso & Chai. You liked making coffee and its easy-going atmosphere; you like the way it was bustling in the morning and almost peaceful at night. Heck you even liked your co-workers, Jimin and Taehyung, no matter how annoying they were with how they always flirted with customers by scribbling their phone numbers on the cup.
You missed the smell of roasted coffee grounds that surrounded the shop and the way some would make small talk with you at the counter on their better days...
Or maybe you just missed a certain Jin and his unpredictable orders whenever he came by.
It was a Saturday night and you were manning a mini bar at a wedding were your uncle took a gig to cater at. It was already late and there were only a few people left who were talking at the tables or dancing a slow song on the dance floor. It was a familiar tune and you found yourself humming along as you wiped some glasses.
“Excuse me?”
You sighed, thinking how no matter how late it was, your shift wasn’t exactly over. “Hi, what can I—“ You paused when your eyes settled on your current customer, who was a familiar—beautiful—face. He was wearing a black tuxedo which hugged his broad shoulders and tall frame just right, making anyone at a distance swoon over him.
Jin smiled upon your eyes meeting his and you would be lying if it didn’t make your stomach churn at the sight. “Hey. I thought it was you.”
He knows, you thought in surprise. “You…” you swallowed. “You know me?”
Jin shrugged, looking almost shy. “How could I not? Y/N, right?” your heart drummed at how he remembered your name. “You’re the one who takes my orders at the cafe.”
Oh right, you thought, feeling almost pathetic for even thinking that he would remember you of something more special than being the one who took his coffee order.
“And I would’t forget…” he suddenly added and the music playing in the background seemed to be speaking to you as his eyes gazed at you in a way that made your skin prickle with excitement. “How come I don’t see you at the shop anymore? Are you on leave?”
“Oh. No, I—uh, I had to quit.” Jin frowned at your answer and you felt a little triumphant at his disappointment. “It was clashing with my class schedules so I took a different job at another restaurant.”
“You still go there?” you asked him, out of curiosity.
“Not so much anymore.” he admitted, and something in his words made you feel shy and a little proud.
“Oh…well, um…” you half chuckled as you motioned your head towards the glasses to change the subject. “Can I get you anything now? Like old times sake?” you added jokingly and you wanted to punch yourself for it because that sounded so lame. 
“Actually…” he said thoughtfully as he leant on the bar table, looming so close you could see the sparkle in his eyes. “I came to ask what time your shift ends.”
At his words you felt yourself blush and your mouth seemed to have a mind of its own as it replied, “In a few minutes...”
“Great! Save me a dance?” he asked, biting his lip cutely and who were you to say no to that?
Later that night, you found yourself dancing with a man (him in his tux and you in your work shirt and jeans) whom you only thought about in your fantasies.
Jin was definitely unpredictable, you thought as you danced the night away the way Cinderella only ever did. And as the songs goes, you couldn’t help but wonder how someone so unforgettable… 
Thinks you’re unforgettable too. 
Went a little overboard with this one keke~ I liked how it turned out though! 
Tell me what you think!
PS: listen to Sia’s version of this song <3 It’s my fave~ although the original is a classic :D Thanks for reading!
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LSS PLAYLIST ; mobile 
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