#ps: this is from 2021!
svt-interactions · 2 years
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joking aside, I love this site. I have learned so much from this site. I have received so much love and support from this site, and I hope to be here for years to come (especially now that we accidentally won Least Worst Social Media Platform, despite our very best efforts)
that being said, taking a break was really helpful for me mentally. it made me realize how much pressure I was putting on myself to keep people entertained so they would like me. I'm talking like, 'rereading & editing a single dumb shitpost a dozen times a day' levels of overthinking.
So yeah: I love it here, I plan to keep making people (and myself) laugh, but going forward I'm going to be putting less pressure on myself to be as entertaining/active as i used to aim for. Less "I choked on my gogurt" levels of humor, more "sensible chuckle." (sometimes I may even indulge in a joke that purposefully fails to resonate with the audience! it will be quite a mischievous little treat for me 🤭.)
anyways please be patient if my posts lack a certain pizzazz going forward. the pizzazz is out of stock. no there is none in the back room. the pizzazz is on back order ok. no I'm not paying for expedited shipping. our supplier is experiencing a shortage. pizzazz is a controlled substance, do you have no understanding of the paperwork involved? piss off with your piddling pizzazz
TLDR if you think my posts were mediocre before just u wait sweetheart you ain't seen nothing yet. (they are going to get worse. what I'm saying is they are going to get even more underwhelming. i feel good about this.)
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acaciapines · 5 days
i’m still not over the end of descendants of olympus chapter nineteen. if you were wondering.
like GOD the scene w percy-vera-minnie….one thing I adore about this fic is how even when characters make choices you don’t agree with you understand how they were brought there and can trace their progression from the happier days of sosf to the nightmare hellscape (affectionate) that has been this last part of doo. Percy’s actions make sense!!
there is just something so HEARTBREAKING, right. like, I’ve always loved how vera and evelyn’s stories have played out, where ev at the end of sosf accepts that her time has come and gone vs vera who NEVER had a happy life, not then, not now, but it is only in this future where the fates are waning in power that she can grasp for happiness and make it hers. and so vera getting so much: leo, a true honest friend who genuinely likes her; Minnie, the sister she tried her best by and still failed brought back from the dead. even in part two she was at least on halfway decent terms with most of the kids by the end—her chapter ends with them all singing kareoke! (sidenote: BEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE FIC i will hear no arguments)
and then to get this all she had to do was leave the past behind. all she had to do was drop evelyn.
i actually love that she did it—thematically dropping evelyn to save leo is just SO GOOD, choosing this future over the girl she loved in past. but of course this serves to put her on percy’s shit list, percy who loses not just Evelyn, but silena, any easy relationships with his siblings (ex drew), and he sees vera, the girl who killed his sister, the girl whose fault this all is, because it can’t be evelyn’s fault, he loves evelyn, he’d do anything for her, and it isn’t a tragedy, because vera could’ve pulled her up, should’ve fallen with her if not, leo be damned…
and Vera’s sister came back from the dead, while Percy’s sister is a monster, a monster whose salvation of divinity was stolen by a vera who will not let this life be taken from her…
and all he has to do to fight is to hurt someone innocent, whose only crime was loving vera…
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whisperprime · 2 years
Edit: Somehow a ton of paragraphs got moved around before posting this. Not sure how that happened, but they should all now be fixed now.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Interlude | Part 11 | Part 12
It rains near nonstop over the following day, but it puts little damper on Hob's good mood.
For the first time in centuries, he knows he will see Dream again. He doesn't have a precise date, but he will see him again.
And it won't be life or death or some other traumatic reason.
He hopes.
The thought buoys up his good mood and keeps it there through the morning and well into the afternoon.
Lucas, the head of his team of contractors, has been eyeing him all day. Hob is a little surprised it takes the man as long as it does to finally comment on it. "You’re in a good mood today. Meet someone new last night?"
Hob took a moment to finish sanding the area of the bar he had been working. They had just recently installed it and he'd wanted to try and knock out the staining and finish before the end of the week. Spot to his liking, he turned his attention to his nosey, friendly acquaintance. "No, no one new."
Lucas raises an eyebrow. His look is far too knowing. "Ah, one of those." He pats Hob on the shoulder, telegraphing the intent before following through when Hob doesn't move away, as he passes to get some more paint. "Old flames can be alluring, but you're just as likely to get burnt the second time."
Hob makes a noncommittal noise, both at the touch and the comment. From what he's observed, Lucas is always tactile with those around him that will let him get away with it. He thinks it his way of showing that he's come to see Hob as one of the boys.
He also thinks Lucas views him as a feral cat in need of getting used to human touch. Hob blames that on the fact that the first time the blond man had done it, the immortal had flinched so hard he'd spilled his drink. It had been the first time Hob had been touched by someone other than Dream since he'd been rescued.
Lucas had been more mortified than Hob had been, the latter brushing off the apologies. He hadn't explained why he'd flinched, but he had assured Lucas that it was fine to touch him, just warn him first. None of the rest of his crew were quite so tactile, but word had still spread amongst the group.
Since then, there was always a pause for permission before any contact.
Hob still felt the twinge of fear that Mammon had stolen the ease and love he'd had with touch, even as he reminded himself that all wounds took time to heal from.
Amy snorts from where she was tackling another wall. She's one of two women that made up Lucas' six-person crew. "You only say that because you have terrible taste in partners."
Mary, the second woman, laughs from near by Amy. "All of them might as well be incubi, for all Lucas can't stay away from them."
Lucas points a paint brush at them. "You're both just jealous I have an eye for excellent looking men."
The women made a few jeers at his exspense. Lucas might have an eye for great looking men, but he was not great at distinguishing keepers from one's that really should have remained one night stands.
Hob joins in their merriment. "It's not nearly that exciting. Just ran into an old acquaintance I thought I might not see again. Said they'd come by sometime."
Mary gives him a sympathetic hum. "Oh, but we know that look, luv. You definitely want them to be more than that."
Hob won't deny it, but he also doesn't want to prod this topic too much. His hopes are far too close to being up. "Cheeky, the lot of you. Am I paying you to build my pub or tease me?"
"Both!" Six voices ring out together. Hob contemplates flicking paint at them but doesn't care to start a paint fight when he still needs to get this bar table taken care of.
He finishes it within the next few days, which is just as well. In the weeks leading up to the start of the new term, Hob is forced to switch his focus from working on the New Inn with the builders to preparing for returning to the classroom.
Seeing the office that will soon be his home away from home feels like some integral part of himself sliding back into place. He wasn't always a teacher in the time between the Other Dream's death and when he met the Herald, but it was a preferred profession.
Add all this to teaching at a new school for the first time and Hob's feeling really good about his near future.
The afternoon of the day before the start of classes, Hob retreats out to a bench not far from the Inn. The contractors hadn't been in that day, so Hob had been taking it as an excuse to take some down time before everything went straight into the chaos that was the start of any semester.
The weather outside is a nice 21°C and Hob just takes a moment to close his eyes and bask in the sunlight. He has had ample opportunities over the summer to get some sun, and even taken many of them, but it still hasn't gotten old.
Hob's lounging spot is close enough to the park to hear the sounds of other people also taking advantage of the good weather, but far enough away so as not to be bothered by them. He is getting better with crowds, but he still finds them to be overwhelming after a while. There are too many people to keep track of and he has difficulty truly relaxing.
He absolutely could not allow himself to close his eyes and let his guard down in one. This is the other reason he had chosen this spot. Close enough to hear civilization, but far enough away that the sounds of a crowd would not drown out the noise of someone approaching while he has his eyes closed, face turned up to the sun.
It's been a fairly good system, so far.
Which is why he nearly jumps out of his own skin when he hears someone take a seat beside him.
Hob tenses. The average human shouldn't have been able to sneak up on him, so this is either the not so average human or something not human at all.
He's aware the being he's waiting for is perfectly capable of sneaking up on him, and has already done so once in this new timeline, but one doesn't spend 96 years not knowing when a demon is going to come for them without becoming more than a little hyper vigilant.
Hob slowly cracks an eye open and tilts his head to the side to get a look at his guest.
And all at once feels the tension drain out of him as he sees that it is, indeed, Dream.
"You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days, dove," he says as he relaxes back down onto the bench.
Dream nods in acknowledgement of the critique. He does not give any promises that it will not happen again.
Hob huffs as he sits up properly. “Good timing, as usual, though. If you showed up this time tomorrow, I’d be neck deep in afternoon classes.”
The Dream Lord raises an eyebrow at that. His attention focuses fully in that way that Hob has come to know that Hob has said something he finds of curious. “You are returning to school.”
“Yes, but not as a student.” The immortal grins and does a partial bow, similar to how he’d done when he’d introduced himself as a knight in 1589, but while still sitting. “Professor Gadsen, at your service.”
Something warms behind Dream’s eyes in much the same way they had when Hob had told him he’d started in the printing profession. “You’ve become a teacher.”
Hob straightens back up, his hand going to his ear in slight embarrassment. He’s forgotten how nice it felt to have his old friend look at him like that. “I did some off and on work as a professor in the other timeline. Must have taught at a dozen different schools. Didn’t always do it, but it’s probably my favorite profession, with publishing after that.”
Dream tilts his head to the side at the reminder that Hob has lived this whole other life. “What subject?”
Hob doesn’t know if he means what he’s taught in the past or if he means this time around. Decides to stick with the present, for now. “History 101, this time. Got my first two classes tomorrow.”
Dream nods. He falls silent, afterword, seriousness settling back on him like a cloak.
Hob, knowing this was unlikely to be a simple pleasure trip, waits to see what this is about.
He’s not kept waiting long. 
“I have some questions about the memory.”
Ah. Of course.
Hob sighs. “I think it would be best to move this conversation indoors.” He stands up and points over his shoulder. “I know a place we can chat uninterrupted, if you’re okay with a change in scenery.”
The Endless nods his consent, before rising to his feet as well. He follows as Hob starts heading back home. “Where are we going?”
The immortal throws a smile over his shoulder and points to the building in question. “Just a little something I’ve been working on for the last five months. She’s not done yet, but she’s getting there.” He near bounds up to the door as they near it. Opens the door and holds it open for Dream to enter for. “May I present: The New Inn.”
Dream pauses in the doorway, taking in the room before him. Most of the structure is finished, along with the bar and back room. He hasn’t gotten all of the appliances for the kitchen just yet, nor has he brought in even a fraction of the table and chairs, but there is a fridge and stove back there, along with a single table and chair out on the main floor that Hob, Lucas, and his crew take breaks out.
It’s not quite how he’d hoped to first introduce it, but he’ll take his victories where he can.
When Dream finally enters, allowing Hob to follow, he slowly works his way around the bar and into the main sitting area. A single, pale hand reaches out and runs along the lacquered surface of the bar table. “The New Inn is a pub?”
Hob puts his hands into his pocket to keep them from giving away his nervousness. Is glad he did when his old friend turns to face him fully, something intense laying behind those blue eyes staring back at him inquisitively.
“Yeah.” Hob answers simply. “I built her the first time, too.”
He watches as the implications of the statement lands. Blue eyes briefly darken, before that heat is banked. 
Hob clears his throat. Gestures to one of the seats, as he offers, “Would you like some tea? I think I have a brew you’d like in stock.”
He knows full well that Dream will like it. It had taken a few tries, but he and the Other Dream had found one he’d like. It hadn’t done anything for him, truly, the way tea drank in a dream would, but he’d enjoyed the taste of it. Hob had made sure to keep some on hand in the decades that followed, even if he couldn’t bear to drink any of it, just so he wouldn’t forget.
Dream nods as he takes the seat and Hob quickly escapes back into the back.
The excuse of making tea gives him the chance to settle himself. Knows that this isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. Curses the fates, again, for the memory having somehow followed him. 
Maybe dawdles a bit more than he should, because he really doesn’t want to talk about this. Hob briefly daydreams about hiding up in his flat upstairs, until he belatedly remembers that the being in the other room can hear daydreams and that really is going to give off the wrong impression.
Sure enough, when he returns to the sitting area, Dream looks like he’s mere minutes away from getting up and hunting him down. Hob chuckles softly at the look, ignoring the glare he gets in response for his amusement. “Sorry, dove. I wasn’t really going to do it.”
Dream’s glare turns to something more considering, as it sinks in that Hob was saying he wasn’t planning on following through with his daydream. He clearly wants to interrogate the immortal human over what all he knows. 
Hob isn’t about to hide that from him, but he’s kind of enjoying being the mysterious one for a change and he’s not about to give up all his secrets unless asked for them.
It seems that line of questioning is for another day, because what Dream asks is: “What originally happened in 1916?”
The wave of anger, both old and new, is familiar, and Hob doesn’t try to tame of his face as it twists into a snarl. “Some half-assed magician thought he could summon Death. Planned to try and get her to bring back his son.” He wrapped his hands around his mug in a way that suggested he wished it was something else. Blue eyes ticked down to them, cataloging the response. “Wasn’t Death he got though.”
The room around them dropped several degrees, anger and affront in the downwards twist of Dream’s lips. “Did he not understand the damage he would have done to his world?”
Hob took a sip of his tea - the same flavor as Dream’s - and shrugged. “He wasn’t affected, so what did he care?” He placed the mug back down on the table. “Bastard died in 1926. To my understanding, it was his son that held your counterpart captive for the most of the time he was down there.”
He thinks of Alex Burgess, who fled Fawney Rig to run off with the man he loved. Wonders what was so different this time that he found the courage to run away rather than lock himself in a prison of his own making. Ponders if it was possibly because Paul had been else where, and as such, was a stronger lure away.
It was a thought.
Dream seems to finally remember that tea was placed in front of him. He takes a sip as he ponders this new information. Pauses to stare down at the liquid like he’s never seen tea before and Hob knows he’s scored a win with the flavor. The tea gets an almost mournful look as Dream drags his attention away from it. “Who was it that tried to summon my sister?”
Hob contemplates the pros and cons of sic’ing Dream of the Endless on Roderick Burgess. Finds himself asking, instead, “Does it matter? They didn’t succeed.”
Dream breathes out slowly, lips a thin line of unhappiness. “Perhaps you have a point. They would be long dead by now anyway.”
Hob holds his tongue and lets the misunderstanding go. He does not correct him to protect Burgess from Dream, but rather because it feels too much like he would be turning his friend into a weapon if he told the truth.
He has already done that once before. He never plans to do it again.
No. He will deal with Roderick Burgess himself when the time comes.
The immortal human finishes his tea in a single gulp, savoring the sweet peppermint taste. It isn’t one of his favorites, personally, but he can still enjoy it. Especially with how long it’s been since he’s last had any. “Mm. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get some more tea.” He tips the empty cup in Dream’s direction. “Do you want anything else while I’m back there?”
Dream shakes his head, an air of distraction to the movement.
Hob does not try to stall a second time. Really just wanted some more tea. When he returns to the sitting area, he’s almost surprised to see the Dream Lord is still there.
And frowning at him. “What?” He hadn’t even daydreamed about escaping this time!
“You are still limping.”
“Oh, yes.” The immoral human returns back to his seat. “I don’t have the networks I had the first time around, so I have to wait until I can find a new doctor who’s willing to fix it but not ask any questions.” He would have been more than happy to look someone up from the first time around, but it’s been 273 years since he lived this year. He thinks he deserves to be forgiven for not remembering anyone’s names except the important ones.
Dream studies him. Carefully, he says, “I could fix it for you.”
Hob stares at him. “What?”
Dream gives him a look that states that he heard right the first time and he’s not going to get a repeat of it.
Hob coughs and shifts in his seat. The thought of those pale hands touching his ankle doing some odds things to his higher brain functions. “Sorry, dove. I just didn’t think this would be something you’d do.”
He gets a strange look in response, although he’s not sure over what. “I have broken things far stronger than human bones before.”
Oh, Hob has little doubt about that. Still, it’s not something he was expecting to have to deal with tonight, and finds himself at war between finally dealing with the issue and wanting more time to prepare for it.
He remembers that these aren’t things you’re ever prepared for. There isn’t really a reason to put it off. If set right, the bone will be healed by morning. He'll have to come up with a cover story for the sudden disappearance of his limp though.
Taking a deep breathe, he nods. “Let me run up stairs to grab something to bite on real quick. Won’t take more than a few minutes.” 
He’s halfway out of the chair, when Dream rises to his feet instead. “There is no need.” He holds out his hand, palm up and facing Hob, who suddenly finds himself flashing back to a certain encounter in 1789.
Instinctively, Hob goes completely still. “What are you doing?”
“I wish to sedate you.” Dream nods to the chair he’d just been getting out of. “You will want to sit back down first. I will wake you when it is over.”
Hob relaxes a fraction and his face splits into a smile at the consideration. “It's a kind offer, but I've dealt with worse.” 
Dream has the same stubbornness to him as when Hob tried to will off sleep right after his rescue. “If you will not do it for your peace of mind, then do it for mine. I will inevitably hurt you, Hob Gadling. I do not wish for this to be one of those times.”
“Ah, dove. How can I say no to that?” Hob feels himself folding like a wet tissue paper. He’s sitting before he even makes the decision to do so. “Yes. Yes, you can send me off to your kingdom for a bit.”
That pale hand starts to rise again just as a thought crosses Hob’s mind. He holds up his hands to block his eyes, as if that would actually protect them. “Wait!”
Dream pauses, and there’s a flash of irritation as his patience appears to be wearing thin at the interruptions. He near snaps, “What?”
The idea is mad and he’s likely pushing it. But Hob never got anywhere without being willing to take risks. And this is a risk he’s always loathed never taking. “Will you join me?” At the look of confusion, he elaborates, “In the dream.”
One of those elegant dark eyebrows goes up. “Why?”
Hob’s fingers go to his ear, nervousness winning out. “I want to thank you for this. For the rescue, too.” He drops his hand and squares his shoulders. “Let me treat you to a meal, in the Dreaming.”
Dream considers him, a knowing look in his eyes. “You do not owe me anything, Hob Gadling.”
He knows, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to spend more time with him. To take every chance he can get while he still can. “Maybe, but I still want to.”
A long silence. He’s just starting to fear he’s pushed too far, when, “Very well. I will join you for this meal.”
Hob feels his heart soar. He near leaps to his feet. “Well, if this is going to take a while, perhaps we should do this upstairs? We’ll be less likely to be interrupted if I sleep on my couch then down here.”
Dream hums in response to this. Hob gets the impression he’s said something of interest, but he’s not sure why living in the Inn would catch his interest. “You do not need to stop at the couch.” The immortal human pauses as he’s opening a back door that leads to the stairs to his flat. There’s that mischievous grin again that tells Hob he’s about to get another bombshell. “We can do this just fine in your bed.”
Hob feels his jaw drop. “Are you teasing me?”
The look he receives in return is too innocent looking to be for real. “Am I?”
Oh, one of these days, Hob is going to have his sweet, sweet revenge on this insufferable creature. He really will.
In the meantime, he’s just going to bemoan the fact that he’s totally not cleaned his bedroom recently and he had clearly not thought this through as well as he thought he had.
Part 13
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raatopaikka · 1 year
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In honour of #TAEMINisback here's an old pencil sketch I never posted! (2021)
(ballpoint version: 🖊 )
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knightlybydesign · 2 years
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[S] Knightly ==> Reunite
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caesium-55 · 6 months
—seven days. [ vii ]
pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader.
summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.
author's note: that's it folks. welcome to the end. peace out (my hand is hurting like a bitch) NOT EDITED NOT BETA READ EXCUSE THE MISTAKES
tags: @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @eugene-emt-roe @bellezaycafe @barnestatic @theseerbetweenus @wcnorris @notyouraveragemochii @lpab @vildetry06 @a-beaverhausen @formula1mount @loloekie @alucardsdaddyissues @juky-ps @cassianswh0reeee @devotedlycrookeddonut @amberpanda99 @supermaxv1 @evie-119 @spideylovin @harianaswhore @formulaal @landorris @onecojg @leclercdream @vicurious28 @c-losur3 @spookystitchery @0710khj @strollnstroll @justab-eautifulmess @ssrcsm i hope i didn't forget anyone
Max has visited your apartment a total of two times since he’s given you the keys. The first time—Max remembers it was in early January 2020. You held a housewarming party disguised as a little lunch get-together as a thank-you for his gift. Daniel and him as well as two of your former roommates, Max recognizes them as Julia and Kendall from the PR team, are the only ones invited. You cooked pasta. Your mother’s recipe, you claimed. It easily became one of Max’s favorite dishes in the world and he requests you to cook it from time to time.
The second time, Max remembers going there again after the Monaco Grand Prix 2021. It’s been only a week after your breakup with Leo and four races before the incident with the Hamilton fan in Silverstone. The team holds a dinner to celebrate Max taking P1 and usually, you’re present in these types of things—the after parties and team dinners and all forms of team celebrations in general because you like celebrations but you're nowhere to be found.
Max finishes dinner quickly and excuses himself to Horner. He grabs a beer and drives himself to your apartment, because he knows you’re definitely not staying in the hotel with the team.
When you’re sad, you tend to hide away. It's an annoying habit. You make it your career to dig your nose into everyone’s problem—Max’s most especially—and provide everyone with the help you can offer. It's your love language, Max thinks, to be insanely helpful to everyone but the moment that the places switch and you’re the one who needs help, you run away because you refuse to bother everyone else with your problems despite the amount of people who are willing to return the favor you gave them in the past. It is very hypocritical of you.
He knocks on your door. Four slow knocks followed by three quick ones, so you’ll know it's him. It's an established pattern, a system that works for both of you. You shout for him to wait and Max does so, observing the details of the woodwork in front of him as he waits patiently for you. You have a very nice door.
You open the door. Max’s brows raised slightly at the sight of you. You're still in your Red Bull polo shirt but instead of the pencil skirt you were wearing during the race, you wore short shorts instead. Black, fitted, and they stop a little above your mid-thighs. You're barefoot, too. No YSL heels in sight.
Max turns into a lovely shade of pink. You don't notice it.
You have long legs despite being 5’5” only, which gives off the illusion that you’re very tall when you're actually not. Your body ratio consists of seventy-five percent legs and twenty-five percent upper body. You have lean legs. It's full of childhood scars—thin white lines that are barely noticeable because of how old they are. You have well-built calves and dainty ankles, which look weird but also look right, and your feet are veiny, jagged lines of green blue on skin. Max thinks it's because you wear heels every day.
“Somethin’ wrong, man?” your voice sounds nasal, hoarse, and deep at the same time. Your eyes and nose are red and Max knows full well that you’ve been crying over Leo again and yet you carry yourself as if you're fine, standing in front of him with your shoulders straightened and your tone professional.
Max never liked the bitterness that washes over him whenever he sees you with Leo. But at that moment, he’ll rather endure the bitterness that chokes him until he thinks he’s about to pass out if that makes you alright, if that makes you stop crying.
“I have beer.”
It's a lame thing to say. He should have said something better. He should have asked if you’re alright, should have asked why you were crying, should have asked if there's anything you need him to do just so you’ll feel better. But his mind blanks and he just thrusted the beer forward.
You smile, shaking your head. You take the beer from his hands gratefully, “I have pasta. Wanna go in?”
It's a fair trade. You love beer. He loves your pasta. And so, he entered your apartment.
He faces your door for the third time in 2023. A million thoughts run around his brain per second as his eyes train on the wood patterns of your front door. Dread pools in his stomach as he holds the door knob. He only holds it, not twisting it and pushing it open just yet.
Max is stalling. He knows that. He shouldn't be stalling. He knows that, too.
He dreads what's waiting for him on the other side of the door. He can hear your voice in the back of his skull, saying, “Pussy. You risk your life and drive a rocket ship for a livin’ and you’re afraid of openin’ a damn door?”
Max takes a deep breath and opens the door. Silence and emptiness greets him.
Your apartment has always been bare. You refuse to buy carpets, curtains, houseplants, decorative furnishings or anything that can make your loft apartment seem like someone actually lives there.
(“It's expensive here,” you said.
“I’ll pay,” Max offered.
“No,” you shook your head. “I’ll just bring something from home.”
You never did.)
Max’s feet lead him to your living room. Dust accumulates on top of your glass coffee table and couch. Max remembers them coming along when he bought the apartment. You never got them changed.
His brows furrowed when his eyes landed on the familiar looking box that sits atop the coffee table. He strides towards it, head tilting to read the little pink sticky note attached to it. It reads: Sorry Max, I can't steal more from Kelly.
Max’s entire world crumbles down. He opens the shoe box and sees the shoe, arranged carefully in place.
He hurriedly reaches for the folder next to it and reads the writings inside.
Max, I know you’d be the one who’d find this one day. By that time, I’ll be in Texas already. I don't know if I’d have told you that I resigned already. If I didn't, that's because I’m a pussy. Sorry.
Anyways, I will say this as straightforwardly as I can because I think I had been a pussy long enough.
I resigned, Max. I won't be your manager by 2024.
Max keeps re-reading the last two sentences just to make sure he’s reading it correctly.
I resigned, Max. I won't be your manager.
I resigned, Max.
Max hurls the shoe box and it zooms in the air and hits the wall. He fists his hair and pulls. A scream erupts in his throat. The neighbors are going to file a noise complaint but Max cannot bring himself to care. He’s the one whose heart is breaking here.
He grabs the folder. Max feels something fall on his foot. He looks down.
A beaded bracelet. Navy blue and red—the color of Red Bull. There are three white beads in the bracelet and on those three white beads are the letters M and V—his initials—and the number 1—his current number.
Max drops on his knees. He picks up the little thing with trembling hands. He brings the bracelet to his chest and Max falls apart. This time, you’re not here to hold him together.
max: hey im planning to visit the US
max: do you think you can show me around?
Logan Sargeant is a good driver. That's a given. It's his profession. But the way he drives; it's making Max sleepy.
“So….” Logan begins awkwardly. “I’m assuming you're visiting Texas because of [Name].”
Max nods, “Yeah.”
“You're not mad at her, are you?” Logan asks. “For resigning?”
“She told you?”
So you told the American boy but not him? Max cannot help but be offended now.
“Well, I kinda assumed? Liam mentioned it to the other day, who heard the news from his cousin.”
Max’s brows furrow.
“Yes, Lawson.”
Max remembers the kid all too well. Liam Lawson has overtaken him in Singapore after all. It's embarrassing. Watch out, Max, you teased him. Liam’s out to get you.
“Liam probably heard it from Leo.”
Logan is mentioning too many names. Well, it’s just two but two is still many for his brain to comprehend right now.
“Yeah, Leo and Liam are cousins.”
Max pauses.
“Leo and [Name] still talk so I guess [Name] told Leo, who must have mentioned it to Liam, who then mentioned it in the groupchat with me and Osc—are you okay?”
Max tries his hardest not to scream.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he says, voice tight. “I’m fine. How far are we from Austin?”
They drive past a sign that says “Welcome to Austin.”
“Well, it looks like we’ve just arrived.”
Max is once again offended that Logan knows where you live while he doesn't. Vista Del Pueblo, Logan tells him the name of the place as they hop off the car. It's funny how close you lived from the Circuit of the Americas. No wonder you always requested to be home after the Austin GP before flying off to the next city.
The two-storey yellow and red brick house is empty. Despite that, it looks like a perfect picture of a happy childhood home. The backyard and the patio is wide. Beside the driveway stands an olden tree. Below the tree is a reclining chair that looks like it has gone through a dust storm and a thousand rains.
“It’s empty,” Max announces. Logan nods.
Logan ends up approaching an old woman in the neighboring house who was sweeping dust off her porch and asks her if she knows the [Last Name] family’s whereabouts.
“They haven't returned home since Christmas,” she replies. “Everyone in the neighborhood tried contacting them but no one got through. Ever since Julio died… It's like the entire family followed after him.”
Max and Logan stiffen, shocked at the news that's just been revealed.
Julio died….?
Max needs to find you. Urgently. He needs to see if you're okay.
The sun retires for the night and Max decides that it's time for Logan and him to retire as well. Logan drives them to a hotel and Max pays for two rooms despite Logan insisting that he can pay for his own. They grab dinner at the hotel restaurant, in a private area that Max paid for.
“You’re not angry at her, aren't you?” Logan asks for the second time that day. His plate is half empty. Meanwhile, Max’s plate is barely touched. His appetite significantly decreased. He keeps thinking about you, worried about how you're coping with Julio’s death. You are never the best person when it comes to dealing with pain. Physical pain, you can handle. You’re barely fazed when you burn your hand in the oven, when you hit your hip at the corner of the table, when you accidentally get scratches and you don't even notice it until someone points out the blood that terrifyingly drips down your arm. Max can still remember how you dealt with your breakup with Leo. All those nights crying, the unhealthy fixation in work so you won't have any space feeling human emotions, the moments where you disconnect with reality that Max has to pull you out of many times. The death of a father is a million times worse than a breakup. Max imagines a thousand scenarios in his mind. He needs to be with you right now. He needs to make sure you're alright.
“I hope you're not. You obviously are but I still hope you're not,” Logan continues. “She was always going to leave, you know? She told me in January. She told me that she needs to—
Max accidentally throws the glass of water he was holding. It falls onto the floor. The sound of shattering glass echoes throughout the room. Logan stares at Max with his eyes wide. A cleaning crew comes in a hurry and cleans it up. Max doesn't apologize, he only says, “send me the bill later” and sends the crew out. He turns to Logan.
“She needs to what?”
“You're angry.”
You reminded me, Max said in his mind.
“And?” Max raises his brow. “She needs to what?”
Logan lets out a shaky breath, “She needs to become an engineer or else she’ll never forgive herself.”
Manager. Engineer. What's so damn special about that engineering position anyway? Why are you so hell bent on leaving Max? Red Bull pays you more than an engineer. Hell, Max is even willing to raise your salary to the same amount as half of his annual salary in Red Bull if it keeps you from leaving him. Max is willing to pay for your student loans and refund everything you paid to USC during your college years.
Max pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh. He’s feeling too many emotions all at once.
“I think it's best if you talk to Leo?” Logan suggests. Max appreciates that he’s trying to be helpful but mentioning Leo brings nothing but more anger in him. Fucking Leo. Why does he know where you are? He’s your fucking ex for god’s sake. Why are you even still talking to your ex? “He’s close with [Name]. I think he can help you.”
Max contemplates.
He doesn't want to ask fucking Leo.
And he’s not that desperate to seek help from him.
Logan writes his number on a table napkin. Max pockets it.
After dinner, Max sits inside his hotel room. He dials the number Logan gave him because if he’ll tell you where you are, he can swallow his pride for a day. It takes three redials and two rings before Leo answers.
“Hi, is this Leo Stark?”
“Yes, this is he. May I ask who’s calling?”
“It’s Max Verstappen.”
“Hello, are you still there?”
Max hears a loud crash followed by a series and a whole lot of ruffling, “Sorry about that. Do you mind repeating that?”
“Max Verstappen.”
“Ah, so I’m not hearing things. I thought I was hearing things. Sorry. Do you wish to talk to James Vowles? I can transfer the call to him.”
“No,” Max says. “I want to talk to you. It's about [Name].”
“Oh.” A pause. “You're going to ask me where she is, aren't you?”
“You're smart.”
“Well, mate, too bad. I’m afraid I can’t tell you.”
“You can’t?”
“I can’t,” he echoes. “I mean I can but I won’t.”
“So you know where she is.” It's not a question. Something bitter rears its ugly head in his stomach. His bitterness and anger now dwarf his worry for you in size. Fuck Logan for reminding him that you always wanted to leave. Fuck Leo for knowing where you are.
“I’m going to ask again and you better give me the answer I want. Where is she?”
“The answer you want?” Leo clicks his tongue. “It’s always what you want. Have you considered what she wants? Does [Name] even want you to find her?”
“You don't know what you're talking about—”
“I do,” Leo interrupts and the way he sounds so sure of himself aggravates Max. “I do, mate. Believe it or not.”
“I see what's happening here,” Max sneers. “I’ve heard you and [Name] broke up because she was prioritizing me over you. Is this it? Are you doing this out of petty jealousy?”
Leo sighs, “You’re making this about you again.”
Max opens his mouth to retort but Leo cuts him off, “Let me get this straight with you, mate. When we were still dating, not once have I been jealous of you. I understood that she works for you and that she has to put you first in certain situations. After all, you’re her job. I’m just the home she returns to after work.”
Max’s jaw clenches. Leo was her home. It was the truth no matter how much Max hated it. Leo does not stop there.
“I have no issue with her focusing on you. The only problem I have with it is her tendency to focus more on you than herself. If you come to her at a very vulnerable time, especially now, there’s a chance that she’s going to focus on you again. She deals with grief in a very unhealthy way and I don't want her to do that. Not when she needs to properly grieve for her father.”
Leo sighs again.
“So please, mate, just this once. Think about what she needs right now and it’s not you.”
You don't need Max.
But Max needs you.
That is one of the most painful truths he’s ever been given.
“She’ll come back. She always does. It may take months. Years, even. Just… Let her grieve and let her pick herself up. There are people who don't want help because they need to do it themselves or else it won't feel fulfilling. [Name] is no different. Also, I’ll be honest with you, mate. I don't want you coming to her before she achieves her dreams. You’re so used to [Name] giving you everything you want that you forgot that she, too, is someone who needs and wants and dreams. She just wanted to be an engineer.”
“And how is this my fault?”
“You knew what she wanted. You agreed to help her achieve it. You didn't allow her to move to Renault. You told her that you’ll ask your team principal after you win and you did win but you didn't keep your end of the bargain.”
“Who are you to control her dreams? If you love her, you would have asked Horner, at least. She knows you never asked Horner. Maybe she would have never resigned if you tried to talk to Horner, but you let your selfishness win.”
Max feels all breath punched out of his lungs.
“You had the power to ask your team principal yet you didn't and she has to watch you achieve your dreams while she can't. Unfair, don’t you think?”
A pause.
“Just start considering what she feels, mate. That's all.”
“I am considering her. Always.” This is the closest to a love declaration he can admit out loud. The purest form of love is consideration, they say. When someone thinks about how things would make you feel, pays attention to detail, holds you in regard when making decisions that could affect you, keeps promises so you won’t be disappointed, that's when you know they love you.
“Are you really?”
Is he really?
“Take care of her for me, Verstappen. Even from afar. You can do that.”
The call ends.
Max stares blankly at the wall, still holding his phone against his ear. Then, he hurls it across the room. He aggressively drags his hand through his face.
Max flies back to Belgium after Austin to spend the rest of his off-season with his mother and sister. He apologizes to Logan for his behavior. Logan is a kind man, he forgives easily. He drives Max to the airport.
On New Year's Eve, Kelly messages Max. He can't say that he’s surprised. In truth, he’s been expecting her to message him, whether it's to beg to take her back or to curse him out or to tell him something about Penelope or it's to inform him that she's going to pick up her things in Max’s penthouse in Monaco.
kelly: i sent someone to pick up our things in your place
max: okay
kelly: also
kelly: *sent a photo*
kelly: she apologized for something that's not her fault
kelly: you have a good one
The photo is a screenshot of Kelly’s conversation with you, dated December 30. That was yesterday.
you: sorry about the breakup
you: i didn't know about the shoes
you: i didn't take it
you: im so sorry
you: i hope you're not too hurt
kelly: i think i’m the one who’s been taking him from you
kelly: take care of him for me
you: thank you for loving him
you: but i can’t do what you're asking
you: not anymore
“What’s wrong, baby?”
Max looks up to see his mother’s worried face.
“Oh, uh,” he closes his phone and almost drops it. Fucking clumsy fingers, fucking messages, fucking pain. “Nothing, Mum.”
His mother does not look convinced.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? No need to hide it. You may be a world champion now but you’ll always be my baby,” she says. “What does [Name] always say? Even champions are allowed to cry.”
At the mention of you, Max looks away.
“Tell me. Is it Kelly?”
The last time Max cried in his mother’s arms was when he was eleven. Jos always said boys should never cry. That boys who cry are weak. And weak people do not become champions. Max wanted to be a champion so he never allowed himself to be weak. Weakness only becomes a weakness if it is known so he learned to bottle it up over the years and all the bottled grief became anger. Hence, the birth of his serious anger issues.
He’s twenty-seven now with three WDC titles under his belt. He’s outgrown both of his parents in terms of physical size and in career accomplishments but when his mother’s arms wrapped around him, he allowed himself to become a little boy again. He allowed himself to be weak.
“She left me, Mum,” Max whispers, hugging her mother close. Sophie rubs his back in soothing circles.
“You’ll find someone, Max,” his mother assures.
“I don't want someone else,” he says. “I want [Name].”
Sophie blinks.
“Max, you—”
“Please, don't make me say it, Mum,” Max pleads, squeezing his eyes shut. A lone tear drips down his cheek. “Don't make me say I’m in love with [Name].”
Max sends an email to Christian that he’s not going to take a manager in 2024. Christian tells him it's a bad idea, that he needs a manager because he’s becoming busy with his schedules and everyone wants a piece of time with the third-time world driver’s champion but Max cannot care less. If it’s not you, he’d rather have no one at all.
Max wants to learn how to get used without you on his side. He did a little reflecting over pre-season and realized how he had become so dependent on you. He learns the functions of a Google calendar and how to use a Notion page.
Max just knows 2024 is going to be a shitty year for him.
Bahrain, Max remembers, is your favorite track. He doesn't know why you like Bahrain. Bahrain is hot. Bahrain is not as exciting as other race tracks. Personally, he prefers Spa-Francorchamps.
He also remembers that you like watching the air show. You never said it outright but you always have this smile on your face while watching the jets painting the sky with colors so Max kind of figured.
Max snaps a picture of the jets in the sky. He opens his Instagram and searches for your name in his message list. When he presses his conversation with you, the first thing that greets him is his spam of angry messages. All delivered, all unread. The last message, Max remembers, was sent when he visited Austin with Logan to search for you.
His finger hovers on the send button. He lets out a sigh and he pockets his phone instead.
Daniel approaches Max after Max wins Jeddah.
“Hey, have you been talking to [Name]?” he asks.
“Not lately,” answers Max. Not since she left me, Max thinks.
Daniel scratches his nape. “I think she's angry at me.”
“You’ve been talking?”
Now, Max is offended. So you talked to Leo, you talked to Kelly, you talked to Daniel, but you made no effort to talk to him? When was he going to get a message from you?
“Well, I kinda…” Daniel pulls out his phone. “I just checked up on her? And she replied like a week later. She sounds kinda angry? I don't know. Do you think she sounds angry?”
Daniel shows Max his last conversation with [Name].
daniel: hey!
daniel: heard from max what happened
daniel: we miss you! you should visit come by in bahrain! the opening is gonna be sick
you: can't sorry
daniel: aww how about jeddah
daniel: i’ll fly you out don't worry about traveling commercial
you: idk man
you: might be too much noise and distraction for you
you: good luck in jeddah tho
A very passive aggressive reply.
“Yeah, she is,” Max supplies.
Max wins Bahrain. Max wins Jeddah. Australia, on the other hand, is a funny story. First, the Williams team pulls an annoying move. Poor Logan. He had to give his car to his teammate and sit out of the race.
Max visits him after the news was officially announced. He finds the American racer in his driver room, sitting sadly on the bed with his head bent low, after asking a rookie Williams mechanic, who trembled at the sight of him.
It's a pitiful looking room. Max has a villa for a driver room. Logan doesn't even have a closet for his overalls, just a rack held together by hopes and dreams. The bed is so tiny and narrow that Max is sure he wouldn't even fit if he lies in there unless he assumes a tight fetal position.
“You’re here,” Logan stands from the bed, eyes wide in surprise. He hasn’t expected Max to visit him out of all the people in the grid. Not even his own teammate performed that courtesy. “Uh, I don't have anything. Here, have my seat. Do you want me to grab—”
“It's fine,” Max holds his palm up. “Sit back down, Logan.”
Logan slowly sits back down and moves to the side so Max can have a space to sit on. Max occupies Logan’s given space beside him. Their shoulders and elbows are touching.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
Logan nods.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
Max nods, but he doesn't believe him. Comfortable silence wraps the entire room. It lasted less than five minutes.
“You should break the car,” Max suggests seriously. “So no one can drive it, too.”
A soft laugh escaped Logan’s throat.
The door swings open and enters Leo, who freezes when he sees Max Verstappen sitting next to Logan. He looks at the two F1 drivers then back in his hand, where he was holding a large Stanley cup and two styro cups.
“Great, I only brought two cups,” he says, kicking the door behind him to close it. “Should have told me the world champion is coming. I would have brought the expensive wine.”
“What do you have there?”
“Beer,” Leo lifts the Stanley cup and gives it a small shake. “Transferred it to a Stanley cup so no one would notice.”
“James wouldn’t be happy,” says Logan, frowning.
“We’re not happy with him either,” Leo retorts, pouring the beer into the two cups. He hands one to Logan and another to Max.
“I suggested breaking his car,” Max inserts, accepting the cup. He still feels a bit weird to be hanging out with Leo like this. He’s angry still, but he’s not as angry as he was in Austin. Leo’s words, though Max would never admit it out loud, made sense. You left because of Max’s own selfishness. He was the one who had cut your wings and thought that his gesture was out of love when in fact, it was an action born out of his desperation and his fear of being left behind by you.
“Should I?” Leo humors his suggestion, shrugging his shoulders.
Logan sighs, shaking his head at the two. He can’t believe they're both older than him but still wield that petty immaturity.
“Please don't.”
Second, the RB20 has brake issues in Australia so Max ends up retiring in the middle of the race. Max hears everyone cheer at his retirement. That's when you know he’s good. When everyone wishes for his downfall. Everybody in Red Bull grows wary watching their prized driver stomp inside the garage, looking like he has a lot to say to the mechanics. His head is as hot as the burning car at the pit.
Max hears two people whispering amongst themselves:
“Mad Max is back.”
“Where's [Name] when you need her? He’s going to get blow up at us now.”
“[Name] really is a saintess because she’s the only one who can handle him when he’s angry.”
“I never appreciated her efforts before but I am now. I hope she never left.”
Max hopes she didn't, too. Out of all the people in Red Bull, he’s the one who wishes that she hasn't left the most. Now, he’s even angrier.
Max wins P1. If he doesn't, it's a DNF. The problem is the reliability of the car, not him. Never him.
He steps foot in Austin soil again on October 15th for the 19th race of the season, eager to win another P1 and increase his chance of snatching his fourth consecutive world driver’s championship title.
Fortunately, the RB20 doesn't fail him mid-race. The Dutch national anthem is heard all around the Circuit of the Americas and Max retires to the garage, too tired for any form of celebration. He wants to change out of his racing gear. He still has to fix his Google calendar and check out a few things in his Notion page. Who knew being your own manager can be so tiring?
Kendall comes by, a camera in hand. She snaps a quick picture, only one take because she knows Max hates taking pictures. Max believes you mentioned it to her before and has asked her to take the pictures quickly so he wouldn't get annoyed. You were always too thoughtful, always mindful of the little details. Perhaps, it was why he fell in the first place.
Max pivots on his heels to leave after he hears the camera click.
“Oh Max,” Kendall stops him. “[Name] came by earlier. She said congratulations.”
Max entire world stops spinning. Everything else became a mass of white noise.
“Where's she?” Max demands.
“She left already, said she’s got somewhere to be—”
Max sprints to his driver room, grabs his keys and ran all the way to the parking lot where his car was parked, not minding the screams and the questioning stares he received from the people he ran past them to his car. His mind only focuses on one thing—he has to get to you.
He drives down to the familiar road that he and Logan drove in last December 2023. He's racing against time and like all races he'd participated in, he hopes to win. He hopes that he’ll be able to see you. Max arrives at the red and yellow brick house in Vista Del Pueblo, jogging up until the front door and knocking. Four slow knocks followed by three quick ones, so you’ll know it's him.
No one answers. Max jogs up to the window at the front and peeks inside. The house is still empty as it had been in December.
Max's shoulders sagged.
He wasn't fast enough.
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antoniosvivaldi · 2 years
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Rotoscoping Tutorial by @antoniosvivaldi​​
Hi everyone! I’m excited to announce my long-delayed Rotoscoping Tutorial - requested by a number of people over the past calendar year. 
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create the cutout gifs like this (and seen in most of my gifsets under this tag) with Rotoscoping on After Effects. I’ll also provide additional examples and a number of things that I do to optimise my giffing / Rotoscoping workflow (e.g. useful shortcuts & other things to be aware of).
This is the structure of the tutorial:
Why Rotoscoping? Photoshop video timeline’s limitations
Photoshop workflow pt 1: Preparing your gif
After Effects workflow: Interface, shortcuts, and Rotoscoping tools
Photoshop workflow pt 2: Assembling your gif; with multiple examples
Bonus content: Rotoscoping tips* & workarounds to common issues
For quick reference, here are example gifsets (and where Rotoscoping is used in the posts) that I will mention in the tutorial:
Example 1: Cutout gif effect | panels 2 + 4
Example 2: Changing a gif’s background colour | all panels
Example 3: Cutout gif effect in a shape | all panels
Example 4: Putting it all together | panels 1, 3, & 5
What you need & need to know:
Software: Photoshop & After Effects (After Effects 2021 or later for Rotobrush 2.0)*
Hardware: 16GB RAM required to run later versions of AE*
Difficulty: Advanced; Knowledge in making gifs, applying layer masks, and using video timeline interface assumed
Key concepts: Rotoscoping (AE) / Video Timeline (AE+ PS) / Layer Masks & Groups (PS)
Supplementary files: tutorial resources
*I’m currently running the latest version of PS & AE on an M2 Mac, but I’ve also used older versions (CC 2015 & 2020) on Intel-based Macs. I’ll outline some known compatibility & performance issues, and workarounds later in this tutorial that could help streamline your giffing workflow.
Tutorial under the cut. Like / Reblog this post if you find this tutorial helpful. Linking this post / the example gifsets in your post caption, will be greatly appreciated if you read this to create effects seen in Examples 3 + 4.
1) Why Rotoscoping?
My Rotoscoping journey is motivated by the shortcomings on Photoshop - namely the limited options to manipulate the Layer Mask keyframes in the video timeline interface, as well my need to gif more efficiently.
Suppose I want to cutout this subject or recolour the background of a gif on Photoshop: I personally classify the gifs that I prepare on PS into 3 types based on the motion of the subject
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These are the common Photoshop-only approaches when attempting to mask the subject in the gif.
Case 1: minimal motion in the subject → a simple layer mask will do the trick
Case 2: some linear panning of the subject in the gif → using the Layer Mask Position keyframes in the video timeline interface will do the trick
Case 3: subject moves around a lot (e.g. zoom motion) → Unfortunately this is where a Photoshop-only workflow will require frame by frame masking. Layer Mask Position keyframes only apply positional translation (but not transformation / rotation) on the layer mask
Enter Rotoscoping on After Effects: Instead of resigning to frame by frame procedure on Photoshop, I opted to make my life easier by learning to Rotoscope on After Effects. This essentially provides me an opportunity to cutout / recolour a wider range of gifs with relative ease.
2) Photoshop pt. 1: Preparing your gif
Prepare your gif the usual way - whether you screencap or import frames from video.
Then your Photoshop should look like this:
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Now, I shall walkthrough & explain my personal giffing workflow (as of 2023) after loading the gif frames. To speed up the process, import my gif prep action file to Photoshop.
Going to Window > Action, you’ll see a set of actions under the “gif prep” folder. 
"set frame delay for timeline” (highlighted in yellow) will set all of your entire gif’s frame delay to 0.03s
“convert to timeline“ (highlighted in red) will take you to the Video Timeline interface
To play an action, press on the Play button (highlighted in green)
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i. Set the frame delay of the entire gif to 0.03s. (play “set frame delay for timeline” from my gif prep action pack)
I work with everything in 0.03s frame delay (or equivalently 30fps) at first. It’s always possible to change the frame delay of the final gif to 0.05s before uploading onto Tumblr.   
ii) Convert this gif to a Smart Video Layer (play “convert to timeline” from my action pack)
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Note: I personally don’t resize the gif just yet. That’s because Rotoscoping in full video resolution will render higher quality details around the edges as well as more flexibilities later on in the editing process.
Performance optimisation: If your computer has 8GB of RAM or less, you might find it helpful to crop / resize your gif to Tumblr dimensions now for a less sluggish performance in After Effects later on. 
(I have giffed on a desktop with 8GB of RAM and it’s quite slow at rendering individual frames of a 1080p short clip on AE)
iii) Add colouring adjustments on the gif. This will save you A LOT of time when you Rotoscope gifs that are originally very dark / poorly lit (e.g. the uncoloured Taylor Swift gif shown just above). 
If you usually colour your gifs at the very end of your giffing process (i.e. after sharpening), this will be a bit of a change.Nevertheless I still highly recommend adding some base colourings now to at least increase the contrast between the subject and the background.
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iv) To minimise lagging on After Effects, simplify this gif file as follows: 
Flatten / Unsmart this gif file back to frame animation mode: play “flatten” (highlighted in red) from my gif prep action pack
Set the frame delay to 0.03s: play “set frame delay for timeline” (highlighted in green)
Convert the simplified gif file back to the video timeline interface: play “convert to timeline” (highlighted in yellow)
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After “unsmarting” and converting back to the video timeline, your interface should look like this
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And voila! This gif PSD is now ready to be imported to After Effects for Rotoscoping work!
3) After Effects: Interface and useful shortcuts
Open After Effects and Import (Cmmd / Ctrl + I) your gif PSD that you’ve just prepared.
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After importing your gif PSD to After Effects, the interface should look like this. 
In the screenshot below, there are two compositions: the imported gif (highlighted in green) & another composition file made from selecting the imported gif (highlighted in red)
For the rest of the workflow, we will edit from the clone composition (the one highlighted in red), so select this one.
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Before we take our plunge into the Rotoscoping, here are a few useful shortcuts to remember. I’ll explain the Roto Brush tool in the next section.
Preview the previous: fn + up arrow
Preview the next frame: fn + down arrow
Add to Roto Brush selection: holding Shift while you’re using the Roto Brush Tool
Subtract from Roto Brush selection: holding Alt while you’re using the Roto Brush Tool
Change Roto Brush size: while holding Cmmd / Ctrl, click + drag your mouse left / right
4) After Effects: The Rotoscoping Process
To access the Rotoscoping tools, click on the Roto Brush icon (highlighted in red in the screenshot below)
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Then you’ll get the following dropdown options with two Rotoscoping Tools
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Roto Brush Tool: This is where you add / subtract your Rotoscoping selection in your composition
Refine Edge Tool: Paint around the edge of your selection for more refined edges. Very helpful for Rotoscoping fuzzy edges / hairs
To make some Rotoscoping selection, first grab the Roto Brush Tool and click on the subject you want to cut out from your composition. 
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When you’re Rotoscoping you’ll see this in the Effect Controls panel. 
There are two versions of Roto Brush:
Version 2.0: The Rotoscoping selection is powered by AI for higher accuracy when you propagate the frames. 
Version 1.0 (Classic): This is the legacy Roto Brush Tool that uses a lesser algorithm. Recommended only if Roto Brush 2.0 is unstable on your machine due to RAM issues.
And two quality settings for Roto Brush 2.0:
Note: I am currently unable to use Roto Brush 2.0 with Best quality model on my machine to compare the differences myself, so I’ll link this page that explains the two quality settings.
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Note: if you’re using an older version of After Effects you’ll see this instead. This corresponds to Roto Brush 1.0 / Classic in the newer versions of AE.
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When you’ve made a selection using the Roto Brush Tool, you’ll see the pink lines around the subject. This is the region that you’ve selected to Rotoscope!
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To bring out some details around the edges, grab the Refine Edge Tool and paint around the edges
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Then the interface will look like this
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To view the Rotoscoping selection that you’ve made more intuitively, you could click on the following buttons.
Personally I like the viewing my selection using Toggle Alpha (the second box from the left) & Toggle Alpha Boundary (the 3rd box from the left)
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Toggle Alpha
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Toggle Alpha Boundary
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Note: If you aren’t happy with the initial Roto Brush selection, you can always add (press Shift while using the Roto Brush Tool) / subtract (press Alt / Option using the Roto Brush Tool) your selection.
After you’re happy with your Rotoscoping selection in the first frame of your composition, press fn + down to view the next frame.
Repeat pressing fn + down and fix the selection along the way (e.g. I subtracted a small area from my Rotoscoping selection with the Roto Brush tool to make the edge look cleaner).
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After fixing the selection along the way, go back to the composition file (select the clone composition again) and you will see that a cutout gif is made!
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To export this, go to File > Export > Add to Render Queue. You’ll be redirected to the Render Queue panel at the bottom of After Effects. 
Highlighted in red: click to change export setings
Highlighted in green: click to change save destination
Highlighted in yellow: click to render video
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To preserve the transparency of your cutout gif, you need to change your export settings in the Output Module. 
Under the Video Output section, change your Channels to RGB + Alpha. Press OK. Then Render the video.
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5) Photoshop pt. 2: Assembling your final gif
The essence is to drag the cutout gif (aka the video file that you’ve just rendered on AE) into a new PSD composition file. This will be where you’ll do the rest of your giffing. Your workflow will contain the follow steps:
Make a new blank PSD composition file in Tumblr dimensions
Enable the Video Timeline
Follow the instructions detailed in the individual examples i.e. drag the cutout gif into the PSD & adjust the timeline start / end points
Exporting the final gif. If you’ve worked in 0.03s frame delay all the way up to here, just play the action that I’ve provided in the tutorial in the following order to set the frame delay to 0.05s.
EXAMPLE 1: finalising your cutout gif | sample gifset
After enabling the Video Timeline in your PSD composition file you’ll see something like this
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Go to your folder, drag the cutout gif you’ve made on After Effects, resize / reposition, then press Enter. 
And also make sure to adjust the Video Timeline’s start / end values.
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Add some finishing touches. Because I did the Rotoscoping at full HD resolution, I’ll also need to sharpen my gif in this step.
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After you’re happy, you can export this into a gif file and do what you usually do to change the frame delay to 0.05s. 
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Notes on my “Unsmarting” approach:
To prevent accidentally writing over a PSD composition file that I’ve spent time editing, I personally render this into a short video (File > Export > Render Video) and use the following export settings (to prevent quality loss)
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Then I open the rendered clip and play the actions in my gif prep action pack as follows:
flatten: this “Unsmarts” the clip / video
set frame rate: this sets all frames to have 0.05s frame delay
This is the final interface that I get before I pull up the Save For Web window.
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EXAMPLE 2: changing your gif’s background colour (for Case 3 gifs) | sample gifset
From your folder, drag BOTH the cutout gif (rendered on AE) and the original gif to your blank composition. 
Important: you need to make sure that both layers are properly lined up in the composition file (i.e. selecting both layers when repositioning / resizing)
 On Photoshop, press Enter twice and place the cutout gif on top of the original gif from the Layers panel. Then you should get something like this
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Select both layers and resize / reposition them in your PSD composition until you’re satisfied with the placements.
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The basic idea here is to add some adjustment layers / other things in between the cutout gif and the original gif. To do this, select the original gif layer in the Layers panel.
Then you can start adding.a bunch layers e.g. textures, onto the composition.
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And then here’s the exported gif!
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6) Fancier Rotoscoping examples
Note: knowledge in using layer masks / groups and making shape / text layers assumed
In the next two examples, I’ll show you how to combine the two previous examples with shape / text layers.
EXAMPLE 3: Placing your cutout gif into a shape / text layer | sample gifset
Add a text / shape layer to your blank PSD composition
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We want to prepare a masked group so in the Layers panel:
Make selection from layer: Cmmd / Ctrl + Click (highlighted in red)
Make a new group: click on the folder icon (in yellow)
Create layer mask: click on the icon (in green)
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After duplicating the masked group you’ll get something like this in the Layers panel
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Drag your cutout gif into the PSD composition
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Place the cutout gif into the masked group on top
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Select the mask of the top group and paint (in white) over the region you want to reveal for the cutout gif
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Add some finishing touches & export the gif!
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EXAMPLE 4: Putting it all together | sample gifset
You follow the same approach as in Example 3 to prepare the masked groups, but you need to drag two gif layers in (and resize them using the approach outlined in Example 2)
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Place the gif layers as follows
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While selecting the mask of the group on top, paint (in white) over the region that you want to reveal in the cutout gif
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Now select the original gif (placed within the other group) and add some adjustment layers
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After adding some finishing touches & exporting the gif, I get this!
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Note: you can do even more overlay effects in the background portion of example 4. There will just be more masked groups + adjustment layers
7) Bonus: Some useful Rotoscoping / giffing lifehacks
— Use best quality footage that you could find & Rotoscope in full video resolution, for better details around the edges
— Poorly lit scenes & low contrast edges are harder to Rotoscope (e.g. Toy Story set / TS evermore set).
If you’re new to AE, I would recommend choosing videos with well-lit gifs with simpler backgrounds and high contrast edges (e.g. Maisie Peters Cate’s Brother set)
— Use Rotobrush 2.0 if you’re using After Effects 2021 or later. It’s more difficult to Rotoscope / change background colour for gifs with a lot of movements with the classic Rotobrush tool. If the scene is tricky, you might want to switch to the “Best” quality model.
— The recent versions of Photoshop require at least 8GB of RAM. If you have less RAM, it will still work provided you have enough scratch disk space. For better performance, it’s best to close other applications when you’re using Photoshop.
— The recent versions of After Effects require at least 16GB of RAM. If your machine has less RAM than this, there are some workarounds to prevent your machine from hanging: 
Essential: close other applications that you’re running on your computer
Resize your gif down to Tumblr dimensions & sharpen it before importing to After Effects.
Install an older version of AE 
8) Bonus: Some known software + hardware issues, and workarounds
I currently have minimal issues in my giffing workflow, but I’ll nevertheless outline a few common known Photoshop issues for anyone who needs some workarounds.
— Video Timeline interface missing: this affects Apple Silicon Macs (i.e. M1 / M1 Pro / M1 Max / M1 Ultra / M2 / M2 Pro / M2 Max)
Update to newer version of Photoshop (updated 2022 or 2023)
Open Photoshop with Rosetta
— Scratch disk full error: This is a common issue with machines that lack RAM & have nearly used up internal storage. Editing video layers in the timeline interface uses a lot of memory hence will require a lot of scratch disk space. 
Make sure that you have enough free storage space while using Photoshop. Alternatively you can use an external hard drive as a scratch disk.
These are a few issues that I have personally ran into over the course of giffing on multiple devices & multiple versions of After Effects.
Note: Inputs from M1 / M2 Mac users with regards to experiences on using the After Effects Rotoscoping tools are welcome!
— Rotobrush 2.0 set to “Best” quality model causes AE to crash: this affects anyone who’s using MacOS Ventura
I’m currently experiencing this issue on my M2 Mac. The workaround right now is to change the Roto Brush 2.0 quality setting to Standard. 
This is due to some software compatibility issues on Adobe’s side specifically with MacOS Ventura. Fingers crossed that they will properly fix this bug in the future updates!
— Cannot re-open project files with Rotoscoping: this affects anyone using the initial release of After Effects 2020 (I had installed this on an Intel-based machine and it sucked)
The only option here is to update to a later version of After Effects.
8) More useful Rotoscoping resources
Rotoscoping + Keyframes Tutorial by @jenna--ortega​
Rotoscoping + Masking Tutorial by @usergif​
Rotoscoping For Beginners in After Effects | Motion Graphics Tutorial
I hope you enjoy reading this! If you have any questions / need any help related to this tutorial, feel free to send me an ask!
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leclsrc · 2 years
archived ✷ cl16
genre: instagram/mobile au
The Internet goes back on memory lane and recounts their favorite parts of your past relationship through posts and memories.
auds here... req’d but i spun it into something a tad diff. also runs a bit long sorry! i hope u like it everyone :) the nickname is from this song which is one of my absolute favorites. i truly advise u all to listen to it!
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Liked by tchalamet, pierregasly, and 2,042,034 others
charles_leclerc Having a grape time
yourusername SNL worthy joke
pierregasly Real funny
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July 18, 2019
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Liked by florencepugh, zendaya, and 2,455,001 others
yourusername Happy birthday goof ❤️ call me
charles_leclerc Calling...
vancityreynolds Kids these days.
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October 16, 2018
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Liked by katehudson, tchalamet, and 7,991,549 others
yourusername Night of pure magic. Thank you to the team, crew, stylists, and costars that made this possible ❤️ (PS: So much bustle I couldn’t get a decent pic with Charles. Have this instead)
charles_leclerc 🥂😘
tchalamet U ROCK!!!!
katehudson SO deserved babe!
florencepugh You. Me. Wine night. Now
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February 9, 2020
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Liked by f1, tomholland2013, and 5,200,369 others
charles_leclerc You continue to teach me everything. Watching you on set is electrifying. I love you always & I hope you never wipe my kiss off your Oscar yourusername
yourusername Never :)
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February 10, 2020
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Liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 3,296,054 others
charles_leclerc Fourth year of being your henchman.
yourusername Calling... 😄
florencepugh Miss you both!!!!
carlossainz55 🥳💪🏼
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March 10, 2021
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billkaulitzwife · 1 month
The Outsiders Nowadays (in 2024).
Ponyboy (born 2010)
on playstation 24/7
his username is smth stupid like ‘smokersleftlung’ or ‘mylittlep0ny’
“wya?” when ur at his door
noah kahan lover
jeans, steel toe boots, camo shirt, neon orange jacket.
would try to get his friends to read
but gets called a dork :)
“Something in the Orange” on full blast while thinking of Cherry
posts horrendous .5s of himself on snap
typa guy to hold a fish on his instagram
favourite show is probably yellowstone
Johnny (born 2008)
loves open boxing the gang !
sad he has an xbox and not ps like the boys
HATES fortnite.
unironically says skibidi gyat
“hey dal, look at that furry over there.”
its just some kid.
foster care.
dallas would add him on snap and getting annoyed when he said “wyll”
has a stupid bow by his name
like bro you are not coquette.
cries to wlw poetry.
snap user: “ooh_achurch” insta: “cadecade55”
used :3 once and never did it again.
watched friends and says “hes so me” whenever he sees ross.
Dallas (born 2007)
typa guy to yell GYATTT in public
barks at emos and furries
vapes in the school bathroom
would call you a slur for looking at him for more than a second.
mullet + perm combo
jumped a 7 year old and got on the news
male manipulator core
owns a husky named after himself
knife enthusiast.
screams at his dad for ten more minutes on the playstation
“do u send?”
no i do not thank you very much.
suicide boys. lil peep.
thinks he’s dean from supernatural
same username everywhere: “imnottexan”
fav show: big mouth
Adelaide (born 2010)
regina george but on a mental level
arsonist !
had a friend group with “bug” “kai” “arson” and “alex” in 2021 and nearly khs.
almost thought she was bi.
fought a girl in the locker room at school
takis, cookie monster pajama pants, latina makeup
SABRINA AND CHAPPELL LOVER, used to be a swiftie
sturniolo triplet fan (owns all of space camp)
buys clothes from shein
usernames: “addiethebaddie” “adelaidecurtis”
fav show wld be shameless
grew up on spongebob and bubble guppies
writes poetry in her notes app
Darry (born 2004)
“live laugh love” sign somewhere in the house
“Doesn’t know how to text normally .”
has a pinterest board full of pumpkins and dogs
invested in the kardashians
the therapist friend
facetimes the gang when he’s on lunch break
doesnt understand what skibidi is
blasts dad rock when he drops off the twins at school
duct taped two-bit to the top of his car during freshman kill week
did the same to steve
class of ‘22
lowk eats up lana del rey
hates twitter and instagram
username: “darrel_curtis”
believes in angel numbers (me too king)
has a picture of him holding a fish on his instagram to ‘attract the females’
Sodapop (born 2008)
owned wizz for less than a day
trolled little kids on roblox with steve
saw too many… things on omegle.
scrolls on tiktok for hours.
usernames: “thispxssytasteslikepepsi” “sodap0p08”
binges twilight in hiding
also barks at emos and furries
laughs at any kinda fart joke
showed pony a picture of a horse and said “found u online”
they fought.
threatened to break the tv when he couldn’t play slime rancher for three hours
turns his life360 off when he goes out with sandy or to a car show
Two-Bit (born 2006)
broke four controllers when he played seige
trolls on fortnite
finally fucking finished high school (class of ‘24)
ice cream scoop hair
binges bojack horseman
bo burnham’s biggest fan
made a huge deal when the queen died
refused to wear a mask during quarantine because ‘ITS FOR SISSIES’
preaches the second amendment “MERICAAA”
username: “twobit”
sends random memes in the gc when the others are fighting
hates xbox users
complains about adelaide using shein
“tummy hurty” posts on his insta story
would slap the shit out of you if you said seige was just a game
Steve (born 2007)
trolls on dti
eats goldfish like his life depends on it
username: “handletherandle”
also preaches the second amendment
and the first
and the fifth
went on a school trip to dc and hated everything he had to eat
doordashes when he has enough
wld call you a slur for a GOOD reason
avid minecraft player
and overwatch.
mountain dew addict
reposts politics and cars on twitter
hates minion memes
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 7 months
a list of some spring movies/series 🌷
spring is here!! and so is your friendly neighbourhood little organisation freak of a goblin to give you a list of some spring movies and series. as always, just close your eyes and point somewhere on this little list, or even put the numbers in a generator and go with whatever the result is ♡
summer | autumn | winter
🐝 ‧₊˚ ⋅ movies ⋅˚₊‧
mary poppins (1964)
the sound of music (1965)
aristocats (1970)
alla vi barn i bullerbyn (1986)
my neighbour totoro (1988)
kiki's delivery service (1989)
a league of their own (1992)
the secret garden (1993)
pride and prejudice (1995/2005)
whisper of the heart (1995)
clueless (1995)
my best friend’s wedding (1997)
parent trap (1998)
10 things i hate about you (1999)
notting hill (1999)
she's all that (1999)
but i’m a cheerleader (1999)
bring it on (2000)
miss congeniality (2000)
spiritied away (2001)
the wedding planner (2001)
legally blonde (2001)
princess diaries (2001 + 2004)
spy kids (2001-2003)
maid in manhatten (2002)
bend it like beckham (2002)
tuck everlasting (2002)
school of rock (2003)
how to lose a guy in 10 days (2003)
something’s gotta give (2003)
13 going on 30 (2004)
finding neverland (2004)
howl’s moving castle (2004)
saving face (2004)
the notebook (2004)
imagine me and you (2005)
nanny mcphee (2005)
penelope (2006)
miss potter (2006)
step up (2006)
she’s the man (2006)
bridge to terabithia (2007)
enchanted (2007)
atonement (2007)
stardust (2007)
ps i love you (2007)
wild child (2008)
made of honour (2008)
ondine (2009)
bride wars (2009)
valentine’s day (2010)
tangled (2010)
leap year (2010)
easy a (2010)
from up on poppy hill (2011)
jane eyre (2011)
crazy, stupid, love (2011)
what to expect when you’re expecting (2012)
remember sunday (2013)
saving mr banks (2013)
about time (2013)
now you see me (2013 + 2016)
love, rosie (2014)
testament of youth (2014)
kingsman (2014-)
paddington (2014 + 2017)
far from the madding crowd (2015)
burnt (2015)
brooklyn (2015)
cinderella (2015)
the man from u.n.c.l.e. (2015)
lady chatterley's lover (2015/2022)
creed franchise (2015-2023)
me before you (2016)
mother’s day (2016)
this beautiful fantastic (2016)
the light between oceans (2016)
paterson (2016)
how to be single (2016)
hidden figures (2016)
gifted (2017)
dunkirk (2017)
ocean’s eight (2018)
life itself (2018)
peter rabbit (2018)
christopher robin (2018)
tomb raider (2018)
set it up (2018)
crazy rich asians (2018)
spider-verse movies (2018-)
1917 (2019)
the art of racing in the rain (2019)
can you keep a secret? (2019)
booksmart (2019)
someone great (2019)
endings, beginnings (2019)
emma (2020)
enola holms (2020-)
the last letter from your lover (2021)
the world to come (2021)
🌼 ‧₊˚ ⋅ series ⋅˚₊‧
little house on the prairie (1974-1983)
moomin valley (1990-1992)
greys anatomy (2005-)
gossip girl (2007-2012)
skins (2007-2013)
the great british bake off (2010-)
new girl (2011-2018)
brooklyn nine-nine (2013-2021)
the fosters (2013-2018)
the 100 (2014-2020)
jane the virgin (2014-2019)
outlander (2014-)
grace and frankie (2015-2022)
poldark (2015-2019)
critical role (2015-)
howards end (2017)
girlboss (2017)
she's gotta have it (2017-2019)
the bold type (2017-2021)
mr. sunshine (2018)
queer eye (2018-)
crash landing into you (2019)
the witcher (2019-)
dickinson (2019-2021)
sex education (2019-2023)
bridgerton (2020-)
ted lasso (2020-2023)
nevertheless (2021)
abbott elementary (2021-)
flatshare (2022)
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svt-interactions · 2 years
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galatariel · 11 months
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what i used: • 2021 macbook pro with m1 chip (390/500gb storage used she's hanging in there) • photoshop 2020 • mpv (for screencaps but this isn't needed!) • handbrake (available for linux, mac and windows here) • video source to gif
what is handbrake? basically its a software that helps you change the format of videos, such as for certain devices or screens, or in the case that we're going to utilise, quality and frame rate!
disclaimer: handbrake is super easy to use and very beginner friendly for this procedure and it can make a video go from 30fps to 60fps however it does not replace the quality of true 4k/blue/master-pro res files. in the gif below, this is the level of detail in a master pro-res file.
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getting started it's easiest first to note the timestamps of the video you want to encode, and keep in mind that unless your computer is incredibly powerful, i wouldn't try to encode an hour worth of footage in one run! my laptop could handle about 30 seconds in one go before she started toasting.
using handbrake: once you've downloaded the software, open the software and it will come up with a pop up window asking you to open the video source (that is presumably saved within your folders) and go ahead and do so!
in the range section, use the drop down button to navigate to seconds and enter your timestamp. the duration on the side will show how long of the footage you're gonna encode is!
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then go down to the save as, and give your footage 'to be snipped' a name. this isn't necessary but useful because if you're planning to say, encode 3 or 4 small parts of footage in one sitting, each encoding instance will overwrite the previous one. so i just call mine 'cut 1', 'cut 2' and so on.
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next go to preset, and there you'll see such a wide variety of options that you can play around with, with differing qualities, frame rates, sound options, and so on. for the sake of this tutorial, i'm using 'superhq 2160p60 4k av1 surround' and i've used the drop down menu to select it! then go ahead and press start! the time taken to complete depends on the duration of footage that you sent to encode! you'll find your encoded video as an .mp4 file in your designated folder (which you can change via browse at the bottom)
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what next? • if you prefer to open footage directly into photoshop (my ps can't handle it), then go for it! • if you screencap as i do, then just use mpv or whatever screencapping program you prefer to make the screencaps and open in ps in your usual manner. • you can use the timestamps to further process the video through vapoursynth to denoise, but i've yet to try that!
the results for this first set of example footage, i used footage from the be the sun concert file, which is almost 2 hours in length and 4gb in file size.
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you can see the difference in the smooth frame rate of the footage, as well as the quality of the sharpening!
and to utilise the bane of gifmaking, a gose episode, notorious for dodgy pixelated frames and less hd quality in 1080p on youtube, i ran it through the same settings!
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these are the exact same files, downloaded using 4k video downloader and with the same sharpening, but see how on the original file, the sharpening looks a bit more harsh and 'outlined' while it seems to sit softer on the encoded 4k version!
so i mainly use handbrake for dvd files, or not-so-hd 1080p youtube videos or videos that seem a bit clunkier but i had never tried them on a tv/film file so take a look below! i used a 1gb (so not very good quality) of a show (as compared to its 4gb files).
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as i said at the start in the disclaimer, handbrake can't replicate true file quality, as you'd expect to see in a proper hd bluray/t*rrent file of a show but there's an interesting difference in the frame rate. personally it's not something i would utilise much there but its all up to individual preference on how someone prefers to have their gifs <3
this is a very basic run-through of how i used handbrake, as i haven't really explored all its features and i use this as a quick process when i'm running through seventeen dvd/dl files but i feel like it would work well on general youtube videos (such as interviews, episodes, behind the scenes) and feel free to send an ask/message for any help/clarification! <33
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so-many-sainz · 2 years
Trapped — charles leclerc
To the anon who asked for Gigi as yn. Put some Seb in the mix, hope u don't mind. 💖
instagram edit
vettel!yn x charles leclerc
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Liked by lance_stroll and 70.692 others
yn.vettel one more year joining my annoying ass bro in his f1 journey. love you, sebastian.
Forza Ferrari. ❤
ps; welcome @charles_leclerc, it's always exciting to get new members in the 'making seb's life chaotic' club.
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cl16xred omg our 👸 welcoming charles🥺
ferrarinews yn ❤❤❤❤❤
tifosilove she's seb's #1 supporter
vettelxferrari we love u yn!!😚😚
charles_leclerc thanks yn 😂😂😂😂
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Liked by pierregasly and 173.503 others
charles_leclerc Another week, another race. 👊🏼❤🐎
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yn.vettel let's fucking goooooo charlie boy!!!! 👆🏻❤
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 75.436 others
yn.vettel i ♥ tropical placessss
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lewishamilton get ur ass back with us!!!
yn.vettel mmmm no
charles_leclerc see you in abu dhabi yn!
sebxsharl omg seb's kids being bestiess
danielricciardo have fun kiddo
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Liked by landonorris and 120.389 others
yn.vettel not sure of the context here, but look at these dorks. @charles_leclerc and Seb. ♥
Happy to be back at the paddock, wear a mask and be safe.
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charles_leclerc that can't be the best shot u got 🤨🤨
yn.vettel nope but it is my fav
pierregasly glad to have you back, yn!
yn.vettel added to their story
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Liked by yn.vettel and 888.536 others
charles_leclerc I learnt so much from you as a person and as a driver in these last two years. Thanks for pushing me to improve all the time, it's been a honor to be your teammate, and I honestly wish you the very best.
Top driver and Top Man.
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ferrarifans sobbing
yn.vettel Seb appreciates your words so much, Charles. We all see you as a dear friend and the greatest human being. love u.
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Liked by lance_stroll and 81.634 others
yn.vettel we wear green now.
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lance_stroll suits u both ♥
charles_leclerc 🥺😕😔
yn.vettel hi weirdo! miss u, let's grab some dinner later
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lec_updates Charles today enjoying his summer break with some girl
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lecxvet WHAT
charlosferrari is that yn vettel?
vettelseb5_ no! she is spending her break in ibiza with her friends
fan245 that´s yn! she posted a story at Monaco today!
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Liked by pierregasly and 1.254.527 others
charles_leclerc vroom vroom
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yn.vettel looks like fun
lewishamilton like u don't know....
yn.vettel that's hot 👍🏻
charles_leclerc thanks bebé, u too
vettelplus_ OMG WHAT
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 102.235 others
yn.vettel 💗
charles_leclerc bellisima mon coure ♥
isahernaez guapa!
pierregasly oh ok
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Liked by yn.vettel and 953.185 others
charles_leclerc she´s back home, stuck in ferrari at the moment. ❤
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carlossainz55 red > green
sebastianvettel open an ig acc they said...it will be fun.....
yn.vettel guess red suits me better, je t'aime.
part II part III
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ace-of-spaders · 3 months
*taps the mic and laughs nervously because of the major stage fright*
Lizzington shippers, fam, grandmas and grandpas, can I have a moment of your attention, please?
It's not a secret that, while some people in Lizzington community are still active, whether they write or make gifs or keep our dash full of Lizzington even in this trying times ( @melbob26-blog, thank you for this! ), Lizzington community as a whole went into hibernation over the last couple of years.
And I get it, interests change, especially when one show ends and there's another ongoing, moving on from the show that ended is totally natural, especially when it didn't give your favorite characters the happy ending they deserved.
I get it.
Hell, for a pretty lengthy while there I focused on other ships and shows, too, especially after TBL ended ended last year.
But you know what I realized earlier today, when I reread some of the old fics, browsed through gifsets and text posts, watched some fanvids?
It's the show that ended, for some in 2021, for others in 2023. And the only thing that means is that it cannot disappoint us anymore.
( it's not like we were suddenly deprived of quality content, because let's face it, the fans have been the main source of the quality lizzington content for years now, while the show gave us mere crumbs, on a good day )
But Red and Liz?
They are still out there, fighting criminals, catching Blacklisters, travelling the world, shamelessly flirting, toppling shadow organizations, raising Agnes and/or any other children they have, and generally being the sexy badass power couple they are!
Nothing changed in that regard.
So why would we mourn them, when they are out there, healthy and happy and in the middle of yet another adventure? I'm sure right this moment Red is drawing Liz into another one of his heists and she's only too happy to join him, even though she pretends that she's not, for the sake of the game.
There's literally no reason for us to stop writing, giffing, editing, sharing theories and headcanons and memes and just talking about our favorite couple.
And by writing all of this, I want to propose something daring to you:
Let's revive the Lizzington community!
Let's rewatch earlier seasons and gif the hell out of them because it's been a while and because precious moments between these two are not going to become less precious even if it's giffed 10 or 100 more times, not to mention that ever gifmaker's style is different, so there are virtually no two identical gifsets as there are no two identical snow flakes.
Let's make fanvideos, picspams, picture edits, fanart, moodboards! The amount of songs, quotes, moments etc that can inspire you is virtually endless!
Let's write fics, let's explore AUs, let's give each other prompts and challenge each other to try something new or practice some aspect of writing, like writing kisses or AUs or hugs or making up Blacklisters etc!
Let's share headcanons and theories and ideas and what our versions of Red and Liz are like, because everyone has their own unique versions of Red and Liz living in their head, and it's just beautiful, if you ask me!
Let's reblog stuff, filling each other's dashes with Lizzington!
Let's scream about Lizzington because no one does it like them!
Let's revive the Lizzington Community, we all miss it!
PS. Feel free to reblog this post – spread the suggestion!)
PPS. To assure you that I'm not the type of person who encourages others but doesn't do anything themselves, I can tell you I've already got some ideas for a couple of Lizzington events in mind. Those include challenges, thematic weeks etc.
PPPS. I'm not sure how many people are checking the tags these days, so I'm gonna tag some people I know under the cut, just in case, to spread the suggestion. If you weren't tagged, trust me, it's nothing personal!
@meetmeatthecoda @iwouldlovetoeatyourtoast @agxntkeen @factoseintolerant @tale-xistime @james-baeder @lettie1609 @withwhatiam @peace-love-on-planet-earth @missourired @felilaprivada @strawberry-pills @roominthecastle @codewordpumpkin @my-robot-heart @kitkate91060 @imyourplusone @shelly1952 @itsjustme-itsmylife @castle2cute @nancyjocom @cress-26 @lunaarlilacs @femaleoptimistic @scifi-gk @greeneyedsoul88 @figureofdismay @shippinglizzington @kissthefuture @thetwistedargent @actuallylorelaigilmore @sorrydearie @turningtimeinthetardis @buildinggsr @apicturewithasmile @windfalling @piketrickfeet
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orykorioart · 1 year
are you still taking taz requests? I would looove to see blupjeans in your style 🥹
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I was thinking of how to make Blupjeans more “in my style” since I’ve drawn them plenty before, but then I remembered I have this sketch from (JEEZ) April 2021 that I still really liked, so I cleaned it up a little bit for this request! Hope you’ll like an extremely on-brand Blupjeans as pokemon trainers :-)!
PS. I don’t have quite the brain juice atm to write down my HC for them as trainers, but if you’re interested feel free to drop any asks about it and I’ll answer when I have the time!
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