#psychopath thriller
melaniem54 · 9 months
Review: One (Angels of Wrath Book 1) by Paulina Ian-Kane
Rating:2.75🌈 I’ve been reading several newly discovered (to me) authors recently, one of which is Paulina Ian-Kane. Kane’s books, from the descriptions, fall under the trope of “psychopathic killers for good” dark romance fiction. One, the first novel in the author’s Angels of Wrath series, follows one of a group of men rescued as children from a horrific, abusive secret government experimental…
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sahind · 1 year
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NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (2007) Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
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thequeenviana · 6 months
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Yandere Taehyung × OC × Yandere Jungkook
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
A painful cry escapes from Yana's swollen lips as her husband mercilessly beats her with his belt, the force of each strike leaving marks on her pale skin. Helpless and lying on the cold, dirty ground of the mansion's basement, Yana endures the brutal assault as this is not new to her. Her husband gazes at her with a mixture of disgust, hatred, and rage, his desire to kill her was evident in his eyes and actions towards her.
However, he knows it won't be that easy; he intends to make her suffer for all the harm she has caused his family, especially his beloved Nara.
Finally, he ceases his attack, observing Yana's battered state on the ground blankly.
Blood surrounds her body, as if she is bathing in her own pain. Yet, there is no trace of regret or guilt in his eyes as he coldly looks on her trembling figure. Yana, still crying in agony, curls herself into a ball, her body heaving with sobs.
A whistle suddenly reaches his ears,the sound echoing on the basement,but he pays no attention, refusing to turn around and identify the source. As the person approaches with a deadly smirk and an aura of danger, he stops and places a comforting hand on the younger man's shoulder.
Overwhelmed with emotions, the younger man breaks down in tears, hastily wiping them away. The older man embraces him tightly, his gaze fixed on the bloody woman, who is still painfully breathing. Yana, lying on the ground, gazes blankly at the ceiling, numb to the presence of the newcomer, as she already knows who it is,and she's scared of this man more than the one who beats her up to a pulp just right now.
She can't number the tortures that he have done to her that made her traumatized but still her love for him won't ever change even though he even cutted off her two pinky fingers after he have accused her of stealing.
"I missed Nara, hyung! So much!" the younger man cries out, his tough facade crumbling. The older man gently pats his back, closing his eyes and suppressing his own urge to break down in front of this cruel woman.
"I know, Jungkook. I missed her too," he whispers softly, reaching for the gun concealed in his black pants.
"Let's put an end to this woman's life. I can't bear it any longer."
Jungkook nods, his anger evident as he swiftly turns around, crouching in front of Yana. With a voice filled with coldness and hatred, he grips her blood-soaked hair tightly.
"I wish it was you who was dead, not our love," Jungkook harshly says through gritted teeth.
"And I also wish I never met you, you clingy bitch," he adds, his eyes burning with resentment. Yana, in her final moments, looks at the two men, making eye contact with them. All she sees is pure hatred and rage, as ever since Nara entered their lives, they both despised her from the depths of their hearts, deceived by Nara's lies.
A faint smile appears on Yana's face as her entire life flashes before her eyes like a movie recap. In her mind, she wishes she could express her feelings to both of them, to tell them that she had been there for them from the very beginning. But in the end, they abandoned her, even after all the time she spent by their side. She loved them both, forever.
She wished she could bring back time, change everything and never met them, stay away from them and live her life to the fullest.
She broke her family,her parents heart for this mans.
She turned her back to her parents who's begging for her to stop her ridiculous actions,but she never listened for this mans.
She have wasted and pushed away her best friends who she believes that time was not supporting her but now she regrets it for not listening to them,
She missed them,very much and she wishes to just for the last time she can say sorry to them,one last time and hug them tightly.
"I wished you two had trusted me more, because I was the one who was there for you both from the start. But you chose to believe her over your own best friend," she silently declares in her mind. With her eyes closed, she smiles one last time.
In the basement, the sound of the gunshot reverberates, marking the end of the woman's life.
"The end."
"Wait, what?!"
The young girl suddenly stood up from her seat, shouting in disbelief. The book she was reading was still in her hand as she stared at the last word, flipping the pages back and forth, hoping the author was playing a cruel joke with the ending.
"You've got to be kidding me! That's it?"
She continued to stare at the book, a pout forming on her red lips. Dissatisfied with the conclusion, she put the book down and crossed her arms in defeat.
She yelled in surprise as someone shouted near her ear, startling her. Her flailing hands accidentally hit the intruder in the nose.
The unexpected hit made the person groan in pain and touch their nose to check for blood. She quickly turned around to see her younger brother, Jae, still touching his nose and moaning in discomfort.
She gasped and quickly moved his hand away to inspect his nose, sighing in relief when she saw it was fine.
"Why would you do that? You know how clumsy I am sometimes."
Jae scoffed at his older sister before grinning and sitting beside her. His attention was drawn to the book.
"Why were you cursing, sis?"
Jae asked, noticing his sister's disappointment. She huffed, crossed her arms, and looked down at the book.
"I just don't like the ending of the book. And stop calling me old sis! It's annoying!"
She said, lightly hitting his head. He groaned and playfully glared at his older sister.
"What, you're my older sister, so I'm gonna call you that!"
He retorted.
"But still, don't add 'old' to 'sis'!"
She huffed and looked away, as Jae chuckled at his older sister's childish behavior.
"Oh, come on, just tell me why you're upset about the book's ending."
He asked, resting his head on his arms on the table and focusing on his sister.
"Can you believe it? The girl in this story died just like that, without getting justice for that evil woman, Nara's lies. Oh, I hate her! But I don't like what Yana did in this story either."
She shrugged before continuing, as Jae silently and eagerly listened to her rant.
"Yana was too desperate in this story. She didn't even do anything to get revenge for what that woman did to her life! And also, she was so clingy to those men! Like, woman, there are so many men in the world, not just them!"
She paused, panting and reaching for a glass of water which she quickly gulped down before slamming it back onto the table, startling Jae.
"And! You know those men! If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't be that dumb to chase them desperately and lower myself to them! Ugh! If I were Yana, I would change the whole story and make her life have a happy ending, not her chasing those men desperately and throwing herself at them like a whore!"
She spoke quickly, as Jae frowned at his sister's frustrating words about the story.
"Maybe the author planned it–"
Jae tried to interject, only to be cut off by his frustrated sister.
"No! It's absurd! How can someone just end it like that without a proper ending and justice for the character!"
She rolled her eyes and looked away as Jae looked at her blankly, shaking his head and chuckling.
"You should sleep now," Jae suggested, patting her head before standing up and leading her to her bedroom.
After wishing his still-grumpy sister a good night, he left for his room.
On the other hand,Fae slowly trudged towards her bed, slumping onto it, her mind still preoccupied with the frustrating ending of the book. She grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly as she lay down.
"If I were her, I wouldn't be that stupid!"
Fae muttered, rolling her eyes as she gazed out of her window. The tranquil night gradually soothed her racing heart, and sleep began to envelope her, leading her into a deep slumber that she would never forget her whole life.
The mansion was suddenly engulfed in a wave of panic.
The once peaceful silence was shattered by the noises that stirred Fae from her sleep. She frowned and groaned in annoyance at the disturbance, her mind still foggy with sleep. The murmurs of hushed voices filled the air, their whispers carrying an undertone of urgency and worry.
Gossip swirled around her, whispers of strange happenings that stirred the mansion's usually calm environment. Yet, Fae was too lazy to wake herself fully and investigate the cause of the commotion. Despite the intriguing rumors and the frantic atmosphere, she preferred the comfort of her bed, choosing to ignore the chaos and attempt to drift back into her peaceful slumber.
As Fae was on the verge of slipping back into a deep sleep again, her bedroom door suddenly burst open, causing her eyes to snap open in startlement. She gasped, quickly sitting up to see who the intruder was, her expression filled with anger as she prepared to unleash a barrage of words, determined to set this person straight and impart some wisdom about the importance of not disturbing a sleeping human, for God's sake!
But before she could utter a single word, her eyes widened in disbelief as she laid eyes on the furious man storming towards her.
"Young Master–"
One of the girls attempted to intervene, trying to stop the raging man from getting closer to Fae.'wait who were these people!' Fae couldn't help but wonder who these people were. Were they intruders? Are they being invaded?What was happening? Her mind raced with panic, but her thoughts were abruptly cut off as the man forcefully pushed the woman aside, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. Fae's eyes widened at the sight, her heart pounding in her chest.
In an instant, the man's hands closed around her neck, squeezing tightly, cutting off her airflow. Panic surged through Fae's veins. She desperately tried to speak, to gasp for breath, but the man's grip prevented her from doing so. She clawed at his veiny, tattooed, muscular arms, her attempts at resistance in futile. She knew she stood no chance against this imposing figure.
Fae managed to choke out a word, only to be abruptly silenced by the man who was choking her.
"You! I told you to stay away from her! Yet, you hurt her again!"
He yelled, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and....hurt? as he glared at Fae.
Confusion swirled in Fae's mind. 'Hurt who? What was this man talking about?' She couldn't comprehend the situation unfolding before her.
"Yah! Stop that!"
A manly voice suddenly shouted, and the man was forcefully pulled away from Fae. She gasped for air desperately, silently thanking the unknown savior who had intervened and saved her from the clutches of the man who had been choking her.
Fae's gaze darted between the man who had attacked her and the newcomer who had come to her rescue. As she looked around, she realized there were other unfamiliar faces in the room. Fear gripped her heart. Who were these people? And where in the world was she?
Questions flooded her mind, but before she could voice them, the man who had attacked her spoke up again.
"Let me go, hyung! This witch hurt Nara because of her jealousy!"
Fae furrowed her brow, her confusion growing as she looked at him with a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.
"Calm down, Jungkook!"
The name struck a chord in Fae's memory, though she couldn't quite place it. She shrugged off the familiarity, still struggling to understand what was happening. Was this some kind of prank?
"How can I calm down? This bitch is crossing the line! She's hurting Nara because she's jealous of her!"
The man continued, pointing an accusing finger at Fae, who glared back at him, her anger boiling over as she stood up in bed.
"What did you just call me, you bastard?!"
Fae burst out angrily, her voice filled with indignation.
Everyone in the room gasped, their eyes widening at Fae's outburst. It was a rare sight to witness their young madam raise her voice, especially directed at someone like Jeon Jungkook,her love.
Jungkook himself froze in place, stunned by Fae's sudden outburst. Had she really just shouted at him? It was a new and strange experience for him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He continued to stare at Fae, trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within him.
Fae rolled her eyes, her frustration still evident as she exclaimed, "GET OUT, ALL OF YOU!"
Her voice rang out even louder this time, causing everyone to flinch, except for Jungkook, who looked at her with wide eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what was happening. Why was his heart racing like this? And why did he feel a strange sense of hurt at Fae's words? It was the first time she had ever shouted at him and what's strange for him was he didn't like it.
Jungkook's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation, but he was abruptly pulled away from the room, not fully comprehending what was unfolding.
Fae's gaze settled on the last woman who was about to exit the room.
Fae called out, causing the woman to freeze in her tracks.
'God, I need to find out what's happening!'
Fae thought to herself, feeling utterly confused by the events that had transpired. She yearned for answers, realizing that this was not a prank anymore.The unfamiliar faces in the room made it clear that her family wouldn't orchestrate something like this, knowing how sensitive she was.
As she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the confrontation, a mix of fear and confusion coursed through her veins 'like the hell is happening,am I being kidnapped?oh hell no! that's not it and what the heck does that handsome man a while ago talking about?'
She only remembered sleeping in her room,then this!
She stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute as she addressed the last woman who had paused at her command.
"You! Stay right there. I need to know what's happening. I demand the truth.Did you all kidnapped me!?"
The woman's eyes widened, her expression a mix of surprise and fear at her young madam's exclaim of being kidnapped?
'Oh no,we need doctor Lee again' The woman thought with fear for the young woman's well being.
As the room fell into a tense silence, Fae's mind raced with questions. Who were these people? What had transpired to lead to this moment? And most importantly, why was she at the center of it all?But one thing she was sure of,she was kidnapped.
With each passing second, Fae grows annoyed as the woman still did not talk anything .
The woman looks here and there not meeting Fae's annoyed eyes.
"Young Madam,I think you need to take a rest right now. Your father will come here and he will answer your questions."
She quietly excused herself and left in a hurry as Fae grips her hair in frustration.
Fae stands up straight again and ignore what the woman had said.
'No!I need to go home,my family is probably waiting for me!'
With a determined mind, Fae cautiously stepped forward towards the door, her main goal being to escape from wherever she was and return home. She couldn't shake the feeling that her parents must be worried about her by now.
Casting quick glances around, Fae stealthily crept out, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the people who had caused her distress. Fear gripped her as she worried they might catch her and lock her up.
As she ventured further, she noticed that the hallways were devoid of any people. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly ran down the left hallway. However, her hurried pace came to an abrupt halt when her eyes fell upon a picture hanging on the wall.
"Wait... What in the world is this?"
Fae exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening as she stared at the picture framed with a golden border.
"Is that me?!"
Horror washed over her as she realized she was in the photograph, surrounded by faces she couldn't recognize. A sense of unease crept over her, causing her to slowly back away.
But her retreat was interrupted as she bumped into a solid chest. Startled, she quickly turned around, only to find herself face to face with a strikingly handsome young man. She couldn't help but be awestruck by his appearance.
'Oh my god, he's so handsome!'
Internally fangirling, Fae found herself momentarily lost in admiration of the handsome man before her. 'wait where does he came from?I didn't seen him coming.' However, her focus quickly shifted back to her priority: escaping this imposing house and reuniting with her family, who she missed dearly.
Fae cautiously backed away from the man, catching his attention. He raised an eyebrow, surprised by her actions. It was the first time for him, as she had always been the one to throw herself at him, acting like a clingy leech. Her sudden change in behavior intrigued him.
"Jungkook told me what you did again, Yana," he said, his gaze turning cold as he took a step forward, cornering her against the wall next to the photograph.
Fae furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of his words.
'Jungkook again? No... no, Fae, that's ridiculous and did he just called me Yana?! Nope! It's probably just a coincidence,' she chuckled, momentarily forgetting the dire situation she was in.
Growing increasingly impatient and angry, the man punched the wall, not too forcefully, to bring Fae back to her senses. She flinched and became scared as she saw the murderous look in his eyes.
"W-what are you saying?!" Fae stammered, her fear palpable. There was a dark aura surrounding the man that made her tremble. Something in his eyes told her to run as far away as she could.
The man let out a dark chuckle, his deep voice resonating through the empty hallway. He briefly looked down, poking his tongue inside his cheek. Under different circumstances, it might have been attractive, but given the situation, Fae couldn't focus on that.
He looked up, glaring at her once again before speaking, "If you do that again–"
Fae had had enough. Before he could finish his sentence, she forcefully pushed him away, causing him to stumble back. Seizing the opportunity, she dashed away, leaving the angry, handsome man yelling for her to come back.
Gritting his teeth in anger, the man dusted off his expensive shirt and straightened it, glaring at the spot where Fae had disappeared. A loud commotion reached his ears, and he turned around to find a group of maids running towards him, panting heavily.
"Young Master Kim, pardon us, but have you seen Young Madam?" one of the maids asked, fear evident in her eyes from their frantic chase.
Raising an eyebrow, the man answered coldly, "I saw her running in that direction," pointing towards the path Fae had taken. With a smirk on his handsome face, he walked away, knowing full well that the woman's father, whom he had encountered earlier, would be furious after what he had said earlier. Punishment awaited her once again.
As he continued on his way, he heard the maids rush off in the direction he had pointed, their footsteps fading into the distance.
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weirdlookindog · 6 months
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Margaret Johnston in The Psychopath (1966)
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no, you don't understand, the way I cried here😭😭
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Mouse, 2021
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 5 days
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I would like to share with you a story from my time at Yonsei University in South Korea:
The Americans arrived about 4-5 days early, giving everyone a few schedule-free days to deal with jetlag and get acclimated before our Korean roommates arrived.
First semester, I had issues with my roommates keeping the room insanely hot (like, they kept the room so hot that laptops would overheat), mainly via the floor heater. My roommates had more flaws than good points and were actually banned from the program for academic reasons.
All I was told about second semester was that they actually put special focus on who my roommates would be, as a sort of apology for how bad mine were.
So, second semester, my first roommate arrives, a small and adorably doll-like girl whose English name was Sophia. Sweet, cute, almost cartoonishly high-pitched voice. She comes in and in the most angelic tone goes "Do you like it hot or cold?" I answered cold, and she grinned and said "Me too!" and walked over to the coil where the floor heater connected to power, slammed her designer stiletto heel into it so hard the whole thing dented at a right angle, and destroyed that thing, never to work again.
Then very sweetly and just as cheerfully said "Oops! It was like that when we both arrived :)"
And like, yeah, sure, whatever you say, psychopath who is now sleeping 3 feet from my skull.
Sophia had arrived early, the other 2 roommates were coming the next morning, and so we go to bed about an hour after meeting.
At 2 in the morning, I wake up to feel someone touching me. Sophia was pulling my blankets up to my chin (they'd apparently fallen when I rolled over). In a white nightgown with long black hair obscuring her face, illuminated only by a sliver of light through the curtains like a demon from a horror movie.
And in her sweet, high-pitched Poppy Playtime kind of doll-like voice she sing-songs "Sssh~ Go to sleep~~~"
I have never gone
from 97% asleep
to so very wide awake
so quickly
in my entire life.
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If you take the setting, boss/employee relationship and comedy from “Chief Kim/Good Manager” and the murder, obsession and psychological torture from “Strangers from hell”
…. you get “Psychopath Diary”
Oh and also the other guys has the Surname “Seo”
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Finn: A very accurate portrayal of mental health and PTSD in a thriller series? What a miracle! Finn’s trauma is not played for scares, just relatability and realistically. Due to an incident as a child, she has an extreme interest in true crime, and may be getting stalked by not just one, but TWO people.
Wendy: Girl was in the most horrific situation and came out the other side. She is so close to the horror that she can touch it, she can see Jack’s descent into madness when she rifles through his papers, she’s part of one of the most iconic chase sequences and most quoted horror movie moments. Additionally, she’s the rare final girl who *did* get to have sex and be a little less “pure”
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eri-pl · 11 days
Silm reread 6: the Shinies!
We are getting into things that divide the fandom a lot (= Feanor and his stuff), so one important note: in the reread posts, I am mentioning the stuff that I find interesting or I remembered differntly, or I did not remember. Those are generally things I wish to remember. Not cherrypicked points to prove anything. Just stuff that was surprising to me + seeking the meaning of "Darkness".
Also, I am a honorary (adopted?) Feanárion, but politically on the fence, pro-Valar, pro-Melkor-getting-over-his-bs, and I think Luthien was cool and Elwing was good (but not as cool as Luthien), but also that the sons of Feanor (Celegorm included) need help, and hugs, and generally something (something not being violence). TLDR: I am not interested in getting into a heated discourse.
OK, now for the reread proper:
A speculation (stated as such) of Feanáro having foresight that things will go bad soon. A more direct statement that he thought how to protect the Light of the Trees to make it indestructable (!)
Trauma foresight = the best foresight, it seems.
They loked like diamonds, so canonically white-ish. their fire is made of mixed Treelight, so I would assume warm white is canon.
They shone like stars of Varda but had real life inside — I really need this in English! OK, I googled it.
OH. Something else but: "he pondered how the light of the Trees, the glory of the Blessed Realm, might be preserved imperishable" — It may be me jumping on things + Tolkien's poetical wording, but this seems like a strong suggestion of "Fefe wanted to jump higher than his head" (he was not the first one) and sheds a light (pun intended) on his sttitude towards the Silmarils later.
Anyway back to that part about life: "and yet, as were they indeed living things, they rejoiced in light" So they are living things, not just "like" living things. Silmarills = baby Trees is canon! (OK, somewhat canon? but they *are* alive, and by logic they must be bred not made-in-the-strict-sense by Feanor)
So they glow by themselves with warm white, but also they are iridescent like diamonds. Beautiful indeed.
Everyone enjoyed them, fefe apparently had no problem showing them to others at this point. I would assume he ok-ed Varda doing her thing on them.
Aaand of course Melkor wants them too.
And, for some reason (I suppose just "it didn't occur to them it may be important") the Valar do not tell Elves that Men will be a thing. Except Melkor, who of course tells them. In secret. Yay. What a trustworthy source of information.
Melkor not understanding Men (I mean, understanding them even less than other Ainur do) because he was not paying attention is canon! :D XD Oh what an idiot. Like… "Nobody told me it will be on the test" attitude. and. this is canon. This is his canon attitude. How am I supposed to not pity him when he sounds so 12-year-old? Yea, he is terrible, but also so childish at times. I'm gonna bluescreen again. Also, he is a jerk very much.
And we get to the point when Fefe gets posessive on the shinies. (Also, Melkor never ever got even close to them)
also the book does not claim the Silmarils weren't his, just that the light living inside them was not his own nor his creation. which very much fits with my "Silms as living creatures" reading.
Melkor is conflicting everyone and projecting his issues on Fefe (BTW I wouldn't be surprised if at this point he tells himself that the Flame Inperishable was rightfully his and was stolen from him etc etc, he feels like he would do that)
Feanor makes a secret forge! That's… a bad idea but also kind of cool. Even Melkor does not find out. that's even cooler of Fefe.
We are explicitely told that Manwë did not react to Feanor speaking about leaving, because the Noldor came willingly and had the right to leave, which would be crazy (in the opinion of the Valar, which I do not agree with, but I do not agree with Feanor's attitude either) but the Valar would not stop them.
Banishment. Fingolfin does not usurp anyone, at least in Polish translation. Finwë moves to Formenos to his beloved son, leaving the ruling of Tirion to Fingolfin.
The jail-crow scene is even funnier after I realized it is after Melkor's lies were found out and he is actively hiding from the police Tulkas and Orome. He talks to Feanor at his gate and (judging from the door shutting at the end) it is either Feanor was coming back home and they talk in front of the gate, or Feanor actually opened the gate to talk with him. This makes it even better. Fefe literally kicks the once-most-powerful-Vala out of his house.
The "do not talk to Feanáro when he is thinking" rule strikes again.
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pantophon · 5 days
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Some more screenshots from my game.
If you haven't, you can check out the demo right now on Itch: Verdunville Prologue by pantophon (itch.io)
There are also support pages if you want to donate for its development and paying a sweet voice cast: Patreon | SubscribeStar (wip)
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boxofbadaddiction · 2 years
This man has zero redeemable qualities. Not a single positive attribute to his personality and yet...I watch the movie and if someone were to ask me which character I'd pick as my fav/loml- it'd be him.
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boosaot · 4 months
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It’s the lil laidback “안녕”,, can’t stand his ass 🙄
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Seo Inwoo I’m in your walls :)
(“I can excuse murder but I draw the line at hitting women” “YOU CAN EXCUSE MURDER??” /meme)
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Sorry Jihoon you gotta go, nice knowing ya 👋
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Do you want my honest opinion Inwoo? (Yeah yeah yeah scapegoat n all that but 🫵🤨🏳️‍🌈)
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ARE YOU INSANE???? (I thought he snuck in a fake blood packet or smth but damn-)
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Sir I will toss you off the damn roof if you don’t stop messing around rn
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erensemeraldorbs · 7 months
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yalllll “i’m dating a psychopath” webtoon is sooo good but omg if a hottie like him was stalking me i’d be giggling and twirling my hair 🤭🤭 i ate up all the chapters go read it ‼️
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mugglebornstuff · 2 years
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andreai04 · 1 year
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“I’ve already been a prisoner once—I won’t let it happen again. No way.”
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kimfilmss · 2 years
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Kmovie — Midnight (icons)
Wi Ha Joon as Doshik
Movie available on drama sites
like or reblog if you save ♡
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