nightmarefoxy69 · 5 months
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Me when I see the neighbor’s stupid dumbass pug
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navybrat817 · 1 year
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This is all in fun and a way to make tumblr fun & interactive again! 💌❤️
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Ahh! This is adorable. @tavners look at this.
Love and thanks. ❤️
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akascow · 2 years
weird how dogs were like crossbred and genetically modified into oblivian to create all these vastly different breeds and cats have been virtually the same since ancient times
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nascentus-morimur · 8 months
I will miss my dog when she goes from this earth, I really will. She’s very sick. She’s the last dog from my childhood and I adore her. She’s my phone background, and my little baby lady and I will miss her I will miss her I will miss her
But for now, I love her I love her I love her
I love being able to be here for her when she needs me, hold her when she needs to be held and itch the spots she can’t reach with her perfect little paws. I love being able to talk to her and watch her ears perk up even though she’s mostly deaf and I love being allowed (by her) to sit and pet her as long as I’d like.
I’m trying to stay in the moment, but I hope she knows how much I will always cherish every single second I get to spend with her. I’m trying to hold her face in my head, every little detail, because I’m going to want it later. My perfect little old lady.
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b0tster · 3 months
guinea pug ❤️🐗🖤
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hoedameron · 2 years
the way nikki had a better gala outfit than jen 😶
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fluffygif · 2 years
Adorable pug ❤️
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chunglesworth · 1 month
it would be killer to see more of your robopiss pair
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THANK YOU FOR THIISSUSISI I love robopiss SO much I’m so glad people like my rubbler that’s so freaking cool to me ANYWAY I think in his (Knubbler’s) new robo personage he becomes more weird. or at least more than he already is. Which means he climbs his little pug boyfriend like a cat tree. Love and peace ❤️
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paperweight91 · 9 months
It Went a Little Like This
Summary: All Andy really wants is his happily ever after, is that too much to ask?
Pairing: Andy Barber x reader
W/C: 2850
Warnings: Dark!Andy Barber, allusions to non-con/dub-con, stalking, Andy’s lost it guys.
A/N: Okay, since I sent @krirebr the FMK and she killed the dark!one, I thought it only fair to share the story about why that one was soooo dark. Moodboard by @krirebr , dividers by @firefly-graphics. Please send all the feedback on this one, it’s much darker than I think I’ve ever written, and I’d love to know what everyone thinks! Comments and reblogs feed my soul ❤️
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The convenience store around the corner from your house always had these little handmade knick knacks that you loved. You were surprised the first time you found a little handmade porcelain dog to add to your collection. After talking to the cashier you found out they bought locally made art once a week to give the artists exposure. You had fallen so irrevocably in love with that cute little pup you made it your mission to return once a week to find more.
As you perused the latest inventory, you saw a figure down the aisle. Looking up you recognized the man instantly, Andy Barber. His family had been spread across all the local news feeds for a year. You had always felt bad for him, going through the trial for his son, his ex-wife’s mental break. It was all so much for one person. You gave him a small shy smile and bowed your head as you tried to decide between the spotted Dalmatian or the cuddly looking pug.
Weighing both cute little creatures in your hands, you almost dropped them as Andy approached. “Cute.” He said reaching over you to pick up a Saint Bernard with its tongue lolling out. “You collect these?” His tone was inquisitive if a little confused.
You brightened at his interest, feeling your face heat slightly in embarrassment. “The store buys them from local artists to help get them exposure. And look how cute they are!” You held the Dalmatian in your hand up higher for him to inspect.
He chuckled at your eager response stroking a single long finger across the back of the dog. The action was innocent, but it sent something thrumming straight to your core. “You have many of these?” He quirked a brow at you.
“A few, I’ve never really collected anything before but I come back every week for these.” You smiled brightly up at him. A broad grin spread across his face, your enthusiasm clearly rubbing off on him.
He placed the Saint Bernard back on the rack, his eyes tracing each cute little face until finally he landed on a golden retriever playing in grass. “Thanks for the tip.” He reached out and gave your arm a reassuring squeeze before turning to head to the cash. “The dalmation’s the winner.” He tossed casually over his shoulder.
You let out a snort, going back to the two pups held lovingly in your hands. Finding more and more he was right, with a sigh you gently placed the pug back with its companions and made your way to the cash yourself.
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The following week found you back in the artist aisle of the convenience store. This time Andy found you almost immediately. You were frowning at this weeks selection. Frogs. Who collects frogs?
“Nothing to take home today?” He smiled as he approached.
You grimaced as you looked at the faces. Sure they were kind of cute, but you just didn’t get it. “Frogs. They’ve never had them before.” You tried to pick your words carefully. They weren’t terrible, just not for you.
Andy laughed as your face twisted into a frown. “Come look over here, they’re not porcelain but you might like these better.” He clasped your hand in his and pulled you down the aisle. There were glass pups of several different varieties. You tried to suppress your excitement at his find, finding yourself bobbing up and down on your toes, your fingers itching to grab at them. He chuckled and released your hand and you eagerly grabbed two. Needing to inspect them up close.
After a few moments of silence you finally came back to yourself. You felt your body heat from your toes to your face at your childish reaction, in front of a stranger no less! You cleared your throat awkwardly and introduced yourself, juggling the glass pups carefully so you could extend your hand to Andy.
A slow smile spread across his face, his eyes twinkled in the low light of the store. The wrinkles that lined his eyes seemed to smooth at your own warmth. “Andy.” He said taking your offered hand in his own and pumping it up and down a few times. You found yourself drowning in the blue depths of his eyes. The beard that lined his face twitching up as he noticed your clear distraction at his looks.
It took you a moment to realize you were still holding his hand, and staring at him dreamily. You shook your head to clear your thoughts, it was inappropriate more than anything. “Sorry,” You mumbled, diverting your gaze to the glass puppies in your hand.
Andy stroked the back of your hand still clasped in his with the back of his thumb once before letting go. He gave you a wry smile, “Nothing to be sorry for, I’m glad I could help.” He placed his hands in his jeans pockets and scanned the shelves. “I’m not much for these, but seeing how happy they make you, I may become a convert.” He winked and ducked his head down, like he was embarrassed at the statement. You were sure you saw a bit of pink tinge his cheeks before he did.
“Thank you Andy, really! Although,” You hummed as you surveyed the precious puppies, “I really should cut back on these. I think I’m running out of space.”
He huffed out a laugh, “Maybe you should come back next week and see if they’ve got the porcelain ones back.”
You nodded, but seemingly like he could sense your reluctance, he plucked a beautiful small Labrador from the shelf. “Maybe just a small one?”
When you looked up you saw what could only be described as puppy dog eyes. You laughed and placed the others back on the shelf. “I think a small one couldn’t hurt.” You reached to pull the lab from his hand, “Let me.” He said.
You gave him a befuddled look. “Andy, I can’t let you buy this for me. You just learned my name!” A look flashed through his eyes so fast, you almost missed it. Ire at your casual rebuff. Taking a step back you shook your head, all mirth leaving your face.
Seeing your unease he immediately sprung into action, “I’m sorry.” He handed you the small glass pup and placed his hands on his hips. “I didn’t mean to. Ugh, I’m screwing this all up.” He brought both hands up and scrubbed them down his face. When his fingertips were at his chin and you could see his eyes again you saw regret and something else swimming in the blue pools. “What are you screwing up?” You reached out and placed a hand on his bicep, feeling the tightly coiled muscle loosen at your touch.
“I saw you here, a few weeks ago. I’ve been, after everything, I just.” He hung his head and gave a mirthless laugh, “It’s been a long time since I’ve had to flirt or any of this and I’m suddenly realizing I’m quite terrible at it.”
“Oh…OH!” You suddenly realized that Andy, was not at all as interested in the small figurines you had been excitedly showing him the other day, he had been interested in you. “Oh I’m sorry Andy. I didn’t mean to, I uh, I actually have a boyfriend.”
You felt the air between the two of you change, like someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the room. Andy’s arm flexed underneath your fingers. He searched your face and let out a sigh, “Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?” His free hand came up and removed yours from his arm. “I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one day, I’m…I’m gonna go.” His shoulders slumped as he curled in on himself, turning and exiting the aisle, and the store, before you could even respond.
Your heart beat wildly in your chest at the exchange. How had your day gone so weird? You shakily released a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, trying to expel the tension from your muscles. Something about the whole exchange with Andy had set you on edge. It’s what made you lie about a boyfriend that didn’t exist. Shaking your head for what felt like the millionth time today, you placed the cute little glass Labrador back on the shelf and made you way to the exit of the store. You vowed not to return for a while, let you both cool off a bit before another accidental run in.
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Two weeks. It had been two weeks since your awkward exchange with Andy and you were itching to go back to the convenience store. You weren’t sure what it was about those cute little figures that had completely taken over your heart, but you knew you had to go see if they had gotten any dogs back in stock. You tried to distract yourself with chores, and movies, but you were so restless you could barely focus on one task for more than a couple minutes at a time.
You snarled at your reflection as you passed the mirror in your entranceway for the umpteenth time. Pulling on your jacket and boots before you even realized what you were doing. It was ridiculous really. It’s a store, lots of people go to stores. And so what if Andy was there, he was probably too embarrassed by your rejection to come back anyways.
Nodding to yourself in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and made your way down to the road. It was surprisingly warm for the time of year so you decided to walk to the convenience store. Silently berating yourself as you walked for letting a man, you didn’t know, throw you completely out of whack over nothing. He hadn’t even been that bad! He just seemed awkward, and you immediately rejected him without a second thought.
So completely in your own head, you didn’t even notice the silent figure approaching you from behind. Your pace was slow enough that they easily caught up, and pulled you into an alley off the road before you could even squeak. They placed a gloved hand over your mouth, but it didn’t matter, you were in too much shock to scream. You felt a prick in your neck before everything slowly went dark, and your limbs went slack.
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Your eyes fluttered open, bleary and unfocused. You couldn’t remember anything, and your head felt like it was full of cotton wool. Something was wrong, but you weren’t quite sure what. You brought your hand up to rub at your eyes, and heard a low murmur from your right. “There she is, how are you feeling, sweet girl?” You froze at the voice, you knew that voice. You struggled to place it, but you felt strong arms pull you back into a warm broad chest. It felt nice.
Soft hands stroked along your sides, before lacing through your own. You felt the scrape of a beard on the back of your neck as he nuzzled into you. “I was worried honey, you slept for so long. Are you back with me now?”
You felt like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on you, your brain finally caught up to what was going on. The alley, the prick in your neck, Andy had taken you. Before you could stop yourself you began to shake. Terrified of what the man whose grip on you had gone from soft to iron could actually do to you.
“Don’t be scared honey, you’re okay.” His voice held an edge, but there was a roughness to it as well, one you were all too familiar with. “Just be good for me. Be my good girl okay?”
It was posed a question but you could see it for the threat it was. Be my good girl, or else. You knew you had to tread carefully if you were going to get out of this. “Andy, what’s going on?”
He sighed and you felt him rest his forehead against your shoulder. “Honey, good girls don’t ask questions. I know this is new for both of us. It’ll take us some time to get used to it. Just let me take care of everything.” He let go of one of your hands to turn your face to him by your chin. Bringing his own face close enough so his breath whispered out against your lips. “I haven’t figured out all the rules yet, but we can do it together, okay? Now are you gonna be my good girl?”
His eyes held a darkness, the one you had seen flash through them at the store a few short weeks ago. Your voice seemed lodged in your throat, and only breathy little whimpers seemed to escape. You could feel the tears building in your eyes and fluttered them closed as you nodded your acquiescence. You just needed to buy yourself some time.
You felt his lips twitch into a grin against yours. “Good girl.” He whispered before kissing you. At his praise you were surprised to find yourself getting aroused. You rubbed your thighs together as surreptitiously as you could. Andy licked into your mouth as his hand traveled down to the hem of the dress you were wearing. He bunched it up above your hips and gently traced his index finger up and down your thighs. You shivered, and bit your bottom lip, trying to contain your reaction to his soft touches.
“You need to relax, honey. Why don’t you let me help you?” You could hear the smirk in his words and he got up from behind you. He gently laid you on the bed and hovered above you. He stretched himself like a cat before leaning in to kiss you again. This time you gave in immediately, searching out access to his mouth. His kisses were intoxicating.
He gently cupped your cheek with one hand, his thumb soothingly stroking. You brought both your hands up to his shoulders, before settling by being gently clasped around his neck. His beard scratched your cheeks as he kissed you, a feeling you found somewhat unpleasant as you weren’t used to it at all. You whined into his mouth, and he slowly pulled away.
“That’s it honey,” he had mistaken your whine as one of pleasure and not pain. “Just let me take care of you, you’re being so good for me.” He trailed kisses down your neck and buried his face there. Your eyes darted around the room, looking for something, anything that could help you.
Andy pulled on the buttons at the front of your dress, opening enough to expose your chest. You inwardly cursed at your choice of a front clasping bra. Looking up at him with big tear filled eyes you brought one hand to his cheek and drew his gaze from your chest. “Andy, I don’t know. I’m scared.”
He shushed you and pulled you to his chest. “No honey, no. Don’t be scared, there’s nothing to worry about okay? I’ve known from the moment I saw you how perfect you are. So sweet, so beautiful. I knew, honey. Don’t you trust me?”
He pulled away so he could rest his forehead against yours. You saw nothing but truth in his eyes. Still you felt the tears leak from your eyes and a sob lodge in your throat, scared your tears would bring his anger back.
“Shhh honey, it’s okay. Why don’t we wait, huh? It’s been a big day for both of us. I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning.” With that he extricated himself from your grasp and went over to the dresser. He pulled a silk nightie from the drawer and sleep pants for himself. “Come on, let’s get ready for bed.”
You nodded stiffly, and with Andy’s help took to your feet. You stripped out of your dress, feeling Andy’s eyes on you the entire time. Chancing a glance up at him you saw the steel return to his eyes as your hand twitched towards the nightie. Sighing you unclasped your bra and tossed it in the hamper, you pulled your panties down and stepped out of them, tossing them as well.
From your peripheral you saw Andy nod, and took that as permission to put on the nightie. It was short, but felt like heaven on. You climbed back into the bed as Andy swapped his jeans, t-shirt and boxer briefs for his sleep pants. You turned on your side facing the wall. Hoping he would fall asleep quickly.
He cuddled up behind you, pulling you tight against his chest again. One hand settled across your stomach, the other he wedged underneath your head. He slotted his leg between yours and sighed, truly content. “You’ll see honey, we’re going to be amazing together. I promise.”
You nodded and quietly let your tears flow freely, staring at the porcelain Saint Bernard sitting on the bedside table. Accepting that for now at least, you were the property of Andy Barber.
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
We all talk about how narrator Harry will describe Draco with “glittering eyes, pale skin and pointy features, platina blond hair that glistens in the sun” and allat, and my Drarry loving ass approves. But can we please like take a look at Blaise Zabini?? Except Draco, Harry seems to find every single Slytherin ugly af. Crabbe and Goyle? Fugly bitches. Marcus Flint? Fugly bitch. EVEN PANSY PARKINSON IS DESCRIBED WITH A PUG LOOKING FACE (nothing can ever make me hate you Pansy 😔❤️)!
And then there’s mister Blaise “dark skin, deep dark eyes, high cheekbones, very attractive, EXTREMLY attractive” Zabini.
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hazbinv33 · 1 month
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I want to cry 😭 I never thought I would reach 50 let alone 100!! Words fail to express my thankfulness.
I'm so touched and honored for all the love I have received from you guys. Y'all are amazing and I appreciate ever single one of you so much!❤️
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So thank you a million times over to my incredible followers!! 💞
I'm sorry I could only list 50 mentions at a time so this is split into two parts. I wanted to list you all though so you guys would know how much I really appreciate the support!!
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lymoncat · 9 months
AOT HCS MODERN AU! What pet you guys own
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he has a dog I’m not even gonna lie, he comes across as a dog person, he doesn’t care what breed but prefers big dogs specifically German shepherds he bought a dog when y’all moved in together and he’s actually really close with the dog, you named the dog bobo you chose the name cuz you thought it would be cute, the dog is very attached to eren
a cat, an orange tabby cat. Armin comes across as a more calm less crazy person meaning he would want a cat to chill and read with. He named the cat tangerine cuz it’s orange. You bought him the cat for Christmas one year since you didn’t know what to get him. It’s the wholesome moments, when you see him on the couch after work holding the cat, you fall in love all over again with your gentle small ray of sunshine
you may think that he has a horse but your very wrong, he has an annoying green parrot that calls you mom, you can simply walk by the change and you’ll hear “food mom?” And you eventually get used to it and get another parrot for them to play together and stop bugging you
oh you poor unfortunate soul, him and that tortoise. Jk he has a dog still, you poor unfortunate soul, him and that dog do everything together, he has a border collie that joins you two in everything, taking a shower, the dog is at the door, using the bathroom?, the dog is staring into your soul, trying to leave? The dog is following you out the door. The dogs same is bacon cuz the dog loves bacon
Bull dog off the bat, he has a big dog strong like him, they wrestle on the living room floor all the time, go on walks, play fetch, chase little kids- wait- what?! Yeah, they think it’s funny to chase children in the park especially the snotty teenager brats over in the corner doing some not so innocent things, the dog is a female named Presley very energetic and playful but don’t expect any unwanted visitors there will be none, middle of the night a robber comes ain’t no way that person getting out alive, maybe in a body bag but not alive.
a tortoiseshell cat with gold eyes, you guys went to an animal rescue center for your anniversary and he fell in love with this cat, he was begging you until you said yes I mean how could you not?! He’s batting those pretty green eyes while on his knees with the cat “please can we get her? I’ll do anything my love” it was a yes in that very moment and next thing you knew you were on your way home with a cat named pineapple don’t bother asking how that name came across his mind but it’s always nice to see him in one of his weird sleeping positions with pineapple splayed across his chest on her back
a lazy pug named Mr. There’s no question just a fat lazy pug that sheds buckets of fur.
you begged him to get an animal and he kept saying no until he came home to you having bought one without his permission, he glared and looked pissed until that fat fluffy black cat looked him in the eyes with her emerald ones. He caved in. The cat was named jasmine and he allowed you to keep it because cats are very hygienic and easy to take care of. He hates changing the litter box but will do it for Jasmine. And when he does actually sleep it’s curled up with you and jasmine and absolutely precious, jasmine sits on his lap when he’s doing work and he shares his food with her all of the time strangely enough she loves lettuce, you’ll be in the kitchen making salad and she’ll prance over and sit there meowing for lettuce
I hope you guys liked this, please comment your thoughts and send me requests and don’t be afraid to give me feedback ❤️✨
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18catsreading · 3 months
Misiek!!! Holy shit. An old sick chihuahua dragon. I thought i was vibing with other characters but i want to be misiek's fucking mommy. I want to take care of him forever and ever and ever ❤️
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Genuinely kinda looks like my 15 year old Chihuahua-Pug
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manygeese · 1 month
Because of his fire powers, Leo kinda hates the water. Buckle UP buttercups ❤️
Leo didn’t like the beach. He thought it was the fire powers. Maybe that was why he never learned how to swim.
Well, that wasn’t entirely true- his mom had tried to teach him, and he had been doing well for a while, but he never got rid of the instinctual fear he felt around large bodies of water. Combined with the fact that he stopped practicing after his mom died, he kind of just. Forgot.
Which is why he was being dragged into the ocean by Piper on group beach day. “This isn’t a good idea,” he protested while they were on their way there. “Shouldn’t we at least do this in a pool or something?”
Percy had scoffed from the driver’s seat. “Pools are domesticated water, if domesticated water turned out like a pug: sad and pitiful.”
Leo had given him a glare from his seat in the back of Sally’s SUV. “At least pugs don’t try to drown you.”
Now that they were there, his sentiment had yet to change. He stared down at the ocean balefully and thought in the back of his mind that Percy was right. The ocean was most definitely not a pug. It was more like a rabid Great Dane.
Piper squeezed his hand from where she was standing next to him. “It’s just some water. It’s nothing to be scared of!”
Leo looked at her incredulously. “Bitch, there are things in that water. I don’t do things.”
“All the fish are gathering around Percy and he’s all the way over there-“ she pointed towards the horizon- “so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” She stepped into the water, still holding his hand. She stepped a little deeper and Leo felt a pang of fear.
“Piper,” he whined like a toddler, “I don’t wanna…”
Hazel surfaced a few feet farther out, wearing her hair in braids so it wouldn’t get as damaged. She had a huge smile on her face. “Come on in, Leo! The water’s fine!”
“You’re both trying to drown me!” Leo accused, pointing at Hazel and waving his arm around dramatically while Piper held on to his hand.
“Incorrect. I’m teaching you to swim,” Piper claimed.
“Teaching, drowning, same difference.”
“So Kindergarten teachers are just drowning kids all day?”
“That’s how it felt!”
Piper sighed. “Please, Leo?” She said, fixing him with her puppy dog eyes.
Leo sighed in turn. “Fine.”
Piper’s smile was a thousand watts, but Leo wasn’t paying attention, as he was busy trying not to visibly cringe at the feel of water around his knees. It felt suffocating, like all the pressure of the abyssal zone was right there at the shore.
He vaguely recalled how he whined at his mother when she took him to the lake. She had just pinched his cheek and told him he could never learn if he didn’t try- that it might take time, but she wanted him to do his best.
He took a deep breath and another step. It surrounded him up to his waist.
“Great job, Leo,” he heard Hazel say from deeper in the water. He barely caught it since the beating of his heart was loud in his ears.
He groaned. “Oh my god, I hate this so much, it feels so bad, I wanna go home, oh my god,” he squealed in one breath. He screwed his eyes shut and fanned himself frantically, worried that he might catch fire and burn Piper.
He felt as though every creature of the ocean, every unknown lurking under the depths, was gunning for him. Like the sea floor would give way underneath him and he’d be stuck in darkness, unable to do anything about it. Like the ocean itself was trying to snuff him out. He had a hunch that if he let the water reach his chest, the water would crush his heart to bits.
He felt this way around every body of water- at the lake at Camp Half Blood, he always thought a nereid would jump out and drag him under. When Piper had taken him and the others to her pool, he knew from the chlorine smell alone that the water would rush into his lungs the first chance it got. When he had plummeted towards the Grand Canyon floor, all the way back before the war, his only thought had been about how the water would try to choke him when he got close enough.
A small wave crashed against the sand and Leo jumped, ripping his hand from Piper’s. He swayed backwards on the unstable sand. She cooed at him, saying that it was gonna be alright, that the waves weren’t that big, that she’d be right there with him, but he didn’t hear. He felt a wet hand on his shoulder and Hazel’s voice speaking to him. He didn’t listen.
All he could feel were the waves lapping hungrily at his legs, dragging him under a little bit at a time, so nobody would notice when it consumed him entirely. He would kick and he would scream, but nobody would hear him. The water would stifle his pleas for help and suck his breath out and hold him under till his lifeless body bobbed back up to the surface.
All he could hear was the desperate breaths he was taking, trying to keep a loose grip on consciousness. His heart thumping loudly in a panicked pattern. The hiss of the water evaporating as he burst into flame.
The hand on his shoulder fluttered backwards.
Piper replaced it when he finally flickered out. “Hey, calm down, it’s okay,” she soothed, rubbing his back. He just sat down miserably on the wet sand, some of which had turned clear, and buried his face in his hands.
“M’sorry,” he sobbed when Piper took one of his hands off of his head. “I wanna learn. Y’know, for y’all. Shoulda tried harder.”
Piper shook her head. “No, no. You did good. It takes time, right? And you don’t have to do it all right now.”
He laughed wetly. “That’s what Mama always said.”
She smiled and the sun made her teeth look bright white.
Hazel hugged him from the side. “How about you just stay with Jason on the shore? Oh! And maybe we can play volleyball later!” She exclaimed.
Leo laughed. “Hell yeah, Haze. Me and Piper are gonna beat y’all’s asses.”
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pastelwitchling · 4 months
Hiya Rin, I'm in love with all your Malex stories and re-read them constantly. I can't wait to read more of Numb when the next chapter is out ❤️❤️
If you would, could you give us more of Daffodil and Potato, I absolutely love them.
Wishing you a Ramadan Mubarak. Xx
Alex woke to shuffling somewhere inside the house. He lifted his head from where it rested on Michael’s chest, alarm instinctively surging throughout his body at the idea of someone in their home, someone here to hurt his Michael –
“Shh,” Michael’s soft voice came at once, his hands sliding into Alex’s hair. “Calm down, baby, it’s just the demonic fur babies.”
With anyone else, Alex would’ve needed to confirm for himself, but he knew Michael would never let anything touch him, so the fear immediately seeped out of him and he melted back down against his chest. Michael chuckled, running a hand down his back.
“They’re not demonic,” he murmured sleepily. A pause, then, “Well, Potato isn’t.”
Michael kissed the top of his head. “You know, if you scooch off me, I can go see what’s wrong.”
Alex grumbled, hugging Michael’s waist and moving halfway on top of them. “They’re fine, don’t move.”
Michael’s chest rumbled against Alex’s ear with his laughter. “Wow, you’re so obsessed with me.”
Alex buried his face deeper into Michael’s chest, breathing him in. “Yes. Very obsessed. I have the sexiest husband in the world, and I love him more than anything, how could I not be obsessed?”
He felt Michael’s smile widen against his crown, his hold on Alex tightening and tightening until Alex couldn’t breathe.
“Want me to let you go?”
“No,” Alex mumbled against Michael’s neck.
More shuffling sounded somewhere inside, like a guitar case being knocked over.
“That’s your cat,” Michael said.
“Oh,” Alex laughed sleepily, “my cat, huh?”
“I’ll take responsibility for Po, but Daffy’s yours.”
“I see,” Alex said, “so it’s your fault that he chewed up my music sheets from Forrest last week?”
Michael squeezed him even tighter and growled, “My pug has good taste.”
Alex hummed, smile widening. “Or he knows how to follow orders.”
Michael scoffed, but just hugged him tighter without a word. Alex chuckled and managed one kiss to Michael's pec before a bark and angry meowing sounded.
“Okay,” Alex started to push himself up again, “now I really do need to check on them.”
“No need,” Michael said, as right then, Daffodil and Potato came running in, Potato barking after the furball kitten. They were both getting bigger, but Daffodil still only barely made it onto the bed with her three legs while Potato ran around it, barking madly.
Daffodil ran right for the blanket and hid under Alex’s stomach before turning to Potato and hissing, swiping her claw at him. He barked happily, his tail wagging.
“He’s just playing with you,” Michael sighed, scratching between Daffodil’s ears, “you grouchy fuzzball.”
Daffy didn’t acknowledge Michael’s head scratches, her eyes fixed intently on Po, as though worried that if she looked away for a second, he would find his way onto the bed and try to smother her with kisses. Again.
“She doesn’t like games,” Alex smiled, poking her nose until she stopped arching her back and her fur settled. “Do you, my little demon?”
Daffy caught Alex’s finger between her teeth for seconds before she let go and licked the wounds. Alex, undeterred, continued petting her when she pushed her head into his palm.
Michael hummed, reaching over the bed to pet Po. “So a lot like you, then.”
Alex snickered. “Please. I would’ve married you when we were seventeen if you’d asked me to.”
“Don’t say that,” Michael groaned. “It really depresses me to think of all that wasted time, Alex.”
Alex’s smile softened against Michael’s hip. “Wow,” he murmured, “you’re so obsessed with me.”
“Yes,” Michael said without missing a beat, even as Daffodil glared, exasperated, at the still happy and waiting Potato. “Very obsessed.”
Happy Malex Monday ❤️
I wanted to let you guys know that next week's malex monday might be late. I won't be in the country, and so posting will be a little difficult. I will do my best to save a draft so that I can publish the fic on Monday, but if it doesn't come, then it hopefully will just a few days later ❤️
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sims-4-vibes · 4 months
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The place to be for fun, sun, smiles, laughter, happy kids, happy pugs and a happy life with your happy wife..!! Just leave your Balenciaga's at the door❤️ 
 Lot Details:  50x40 (Robles family Residential)  
Growing Together - Anchorpoint Wharf
2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Sauna, Home Office, Luxury Outdoor Bar/Lounge/Dining & BBQ, Swimming Pool, Outdoor sunken lounge  Sun... fun... smiles.....!!
Fully playtested - please let me know if you find any problems
Pet - friendly
Designed and furnished for a family of 3 or 4 with a pet or two
 TwistedMexi: - T.O.O.L - Better Build Buy
Made with love...❤️ @SIMS4VIBESYT
You can watch the Full House Tour here ♥
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Finally this luxe property is available on my Patreon - this property is exclusive to the Motherlode Vibes♥ Tier
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