#pure unadulterated plot twists and action
toby-du-coeur · 1 year
pt 7 scorch trials burn out at last: liveblog finale 🔥🔥
parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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he hasn't ditched the turtleneck 😂 ig he just likes em
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yes aris that is how we all feel abt ava paige
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i feel like fry is here purely to give sarcastic commentary, from 'you mean besides a griever pancake?' on.
live frypan reaction
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love janson in all black & ava paige floating in after the carnage, the only one dressed in white
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min looks SO betrayed and hurt. minresa moment fr
sells the way be blows up at her later. this boy values loyalty ✨
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dramatically reaching for fatal wound w my cozy hand knitted fingerless gloves
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thominho moment of ALL TIME that look i am feral
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love how jorge protects thomas during this scene. hes truly adopted him
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NOO they're holding him all slumped over
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love how bren has what look to be fake-worn jeans/leggings/jeggings when they are.. very much in the middle of a real apocalypse
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jorge like i smell some heroic dumbassery that needs enabling
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hes. running into the maze again. for minho again.
but this time he doesn't do it alone
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in which newt imitates the classic tommy 'confused but slightly aroused' face
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harriet and vince have a Thing. they're both fighters. jorge & brenda parallel
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the way his eyes shift to the side and his whole expression just blanks out like i have no fucking ide - ROLL CREDITS
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
Kill: A Bloody Good Time on a Train
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Hold onto your butts, folks! "KILL" is the latest action-packed thriller that's hitting us harder than a runaway train. just like the movie "Kill"! This Indian action flick just hit theaters, and let me tell you, it's a wild ride. Directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, this movie features Lakshya as the relentless hero, Tanya Maniktala as his love interest, and Raghav Juyal as a ruthless villain. It's a wild ride that feels like Jason Statham hijacked a Bollywood set. Let's dive into what makes "KILL" tick, and what kind of speed bumps it hits along the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da7lKeeS67c&pp=ygUKa2lsbCBtb3ZpZQ The Good: Action So Intense You'll Need a Neck Brace First things first, this movie's got action sequences that'll have you glued to your seat. From the first fight scene to the last, "KILL" delivers action in spades. We're talking hand-to-hand combat, brutal takedowns, and enough blood to fill a swimming pool (okay, maybe not that much, but you get the idea). The confined setting of a train adds a claustrophobic intensity that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Every punch, kick, and knife thrust feels visceral. Lakshya's portrayal of an unstoppable hero brings a certain raw energy that's hard to ignore. This guy doesn't just fight; he demolishes anyone in his path with a kind of brutal grace. It's like "Bullet Train" on a bad acid trip, and honestly, I kind of loved it. The movie's premise is straightforward but gripping. A gang hijacks a train with only knives, turning it into a rolling battleground. The hero, driven by revenge for his father’s death, must fight his way through this gauntlet of goons. The camera work makes every punch feel impactful, and the tight corridors of the train enhance the feeling of confinement and danger. It’s like "Bullet Train" meets "Taken," but with a distinct Bollywood flavor. Plus, the soundtrack is killer (pun intended). It's intense, relentless, and perfectly complements the high-stakes action on screen. Every time you think you can catch your breath, the music pulls you back into the chaos. There's barely a moment to relax in this movie, but hey, that's not why we watch action flicks, right? The Bad: Acting? Let's Just Focus on the Fights The acting in "Kill" is a bit, well, rough around the edges. Let's just say it won't win any Oscars. But here's the thing: in an action movie like this, who cares? Lakshya, our hero, might not deliver Shakespearean monologues, but he throws one heck of a punch. And Tanya Maniktala? She holds her own as the leading lady who gets thrown into the chaos (and somehow manages to look good while doing it). Another thing to keep in mind: the plot is pretty predictable. There's a revenge motive, a bunch of bad guys who keep making silly decisions (seriously, how many times can you leave the hero for dead?), and a whole lot of killing. The story follows a familiar revenge-driven arc without many surprises. The hero's motivations and the gang's reasons for hijacking the train are straightforward, leaving little room for plot twists or deeper narrative exploration. But hey, if you're looking for something that'll challenge your brain, this ain't it. "Kill" is pure, unadulterated action fun. The Verdict: A Must-Watch for Action Junkies "KILL" is a rollercoaster of an action movie that delivers high-octane thrills from start to finish. If you're expecting a deep and meaningful story, "Kill" might not be your cup of tea. But if you're down for a wild, bloody ride with some truly impressive action sequences, then this movie is definitely worth checking out. Lakshya's heroics, Tanya Maniktala's emotional depth, and Raghav Juyal's chilling villainy keep you hooked. Despite its predictable plot and occasional lapses in logic, the movie's relentless action and intense soundtrack make it a must-watch for action fans. If you're in the mood for a Bollywood movie that punches as hard as Jason Statham flick, "KILL" is your ticket. Oh, and one last thing: don't blink during the final fight.  You've been warned.
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Hi Sarah! My friend and I are starting a bookclub (as much as you can with two people who aren't pressed for deadlines) and I was wondering if you have any recommendations? (That is if you have time to rec anything!) We're starting off with Deathless and have Fitzgerald next in line somewhere but I def want to try to expand the genres we read and tbh from years of following you, I trust your judgement
I don’t...like giving recommendations? At least not directly, it seems like too much opportunity for getting it wrong. Everybody has their own tastes, after all, and even the best of friends don’t necessarily vibe with what you vibe with. (I’ve experienced this with multiple friends, so I know what I’m talking about.) Truly, one of the reasons that my whole “I’m going to get back into reading for pleasure!” push has been so successful is that I only bother with books that interest me, and stop reading when they fail to catch my attention.
But I’ve now read at least 60 books in 2020, which is approximately 60 more than I’ve read in the years prior, so I’m happy to share that. Below is my list of recent reads, beginning to end, along with a very short review---I keep this list in the notes app on my phone, so they have to be. Where I’ve talked about a book in a post, I’ve tried to link to it. 
Peruse, and if something catches your interest I hope you enjoy!
2020 Reading List
Crazy Rich Asians series, Kevin Kwan (here)
Blackwater, Michael McDowell (here; pulpy horror and southern gothic in one novel; come for the monster but stay for the family drama.)
Fire and Hemlock, Diane Wynne Jones (here; weird and thoughtful, in ways I’m still thinking about)
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn (here; loved it! I can see why people glommed onto it)
Swamplandia!, Karen Russell (unfinished, I could not get past the first paragraph; just....no.)
Rules of Scoundrels series, Sarah MacLean (an enjoyable romp through classic romancelandia, though if you read through 4 back to back you realize that MacLean really only writes 1 type of relationship and 1 type of sexual encounter, though I do appreciate insisting that the hero go down first.)
The Bear and the Nightingale, Katherine Arden (here)
Dread Nation, Justine Ireland (great, put it with Stealing Thunder in terms of fun YA fantasy that makes everything less white and Eurocentric)
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson (VERY good. haunting good.)
Tell My Horse, Zora Neale Hurston (I read an interesting critique of Hurston that said she stripped a lot of the radicalism out of black stories - these might be an example, or counterexample. I haven't decided yet.)
The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society, T. Kingfisher (fun!)
St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen Russell (some of these short stories are wonderful; however, Swamplandia's inspiration is still unreadable, which is wild.)
17776, Jon Bois (made me cry. deeply human. A triumph of internet storytelling)
The Girl with All the Gifts, M. R. Carey (deeply enjoyable. the ending is a bittersweet kick in the teeth, and I really enjoyed the adults' relationships)
The Door in the Hedge and Other Stories, Robin McKinley (enjoyable, but never really resolved into anything.)
The Hero and the Crown, Robin McKinley (fun, but feels very early fantasy - or maybe I've just read too many of the subsequent knock-offs.)
Mrs. Caliban, Rachel Ingalls (weird little pulp novel.)
All Systems Red, Martha Wells (enjoyable, but I don't get the hype. won't be looking into the series unless opportunity arises.)
A People's History of Chicago, Kevin Coval (made me cry. bought a copy. am still thinking about it.)
The Sol Majestic, Ferrett Steinmetz (charming, a sf novel mostly about fine dining)
House in the Cerulean Sea, TJ Klune (immensely enjoyable read, for all it feels like fic with the serial numbers filed off)
The Au Pair, Emma Rous (not bad, but felt like it wanted to be more than it is)
The Night Tiger, Yangsze Choo (preferred this to Ghost Bride; I enjoy a well-crafted mystery novel and this delivered)
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin (unfinished, I cannot fucking get into Le Guin and should really stop trying)
The Ghost Bride, Yangsze Choo (enjoyable, but not nearly as fun as Ghost Bride - the romance felt very disjointed, and could have used another round of editing)
Temptation's Darling, Johanna Lindsey (pure, unadulterated id in a romance novel, complete with a girl dressing as a boy to avoid detection)
Social Creature, Tara Isabella Burton (a strange, dark psychological portrait; really made a mark even though I can't quite put my finger on why)
The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins (slow at first, but picks up halfway through and builds nicely; a whiff of Gone Girl with the staggered perspectives building together)
Stealing Thunder, Alina Boyden (fun Tortall vibes, but set in Mughal India)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant; The Monster Baru Commorant, The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (LOVE this, so much misery, terrible, ecstatic; more here)
This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone (epistolary love poetry, vicious and lovely; more here)
The Elementals, Michael McDowell
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (didn't like this one as much as I thought I would; narrator's contemporary voice was so jarring against the stylized world and action sequences read like the novelization for a video game; more here)
Finna, Nino Cipri (a fun little romp through interdimensional Ikea, if on the lighter side)
Magic for Liars, Sarah Gailey (engrossing, even if I could see every plot twist coming from a mile away)
Desdemona and the Deep, C. S. E. Cooney (enjoyed the weirdness & the fae bits, but very light fare)
A Blink of the Screen, Terry Pratchett (admittedly just read this for the Discworld bits)
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine (not as good about politics and colonialism as Baru, but still a powerful book about The Empire, and EXTREMELY cool worldbuilding that manages to be wholly alien and yet never heavily expositional)
Blackfish City, Sam J. Miller (see my post)
Last Werewolf, Glen Duncan (didn't finish, got to to first explicit sex scene and couldn't get any further)
Prosper's Demon, KJ Parker (didn't work for me...felt like a short story that wanted to be fleshed out into a novel)
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
His Majesty's Dragon, Naomi Novik (extremely fun, even for a reader who doesn't much like Napoleonic stories)
Three Parts Dead, Max Gladstone (fun romp - hard to believe that this is the same author as Time War though you can see glimmers of it in the imagery here)
A Scot in the Dark, Sarah MacLean (palette cleanser, she does write a good romance novel even it's basically the same romance novel over and over)
The Resurrectionist, E. B. Hudspeth (borrowed it on a whim one night, kept feeling like there was something I was supposed to /get/ about it, but never did - though I liked the Mutter Museum parallels)
Stories of Your Life and Others, Ted Chiang (he's a better ideas guy than a writer, though Hell Is The Absence of God made my skin prickle all over)
Gods of Jade and Shadow, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (fun, very much a throwback to my YA days of fairytale retellings, though obviously less European)
Four Roads Cross, Max Gladstone (it turns out I was a LOT more fond of Tara than I initially realized - plus this book had a good Pratchett-esque pacing and reliance on characterization)
Get in Trouble, Kelly Link (reading this after the Chiang was instructive - Link is such a better storyteller, better at prioritizing the human over the concept)
Gods Behaving Badly, Marie Phillips
Soulless; Changeless; Blameless, all by Gail Carriger (this series is basically a romance novel with some fantasy plot thrown in for fun; extremely charming and funny)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf, Marlon James (got about 1/3 of the way through and had to wave the white flag; will try again because I like the plot and the worldbuilding; the tone is just so hard to get through)
Pew, Catherine Lacey (a strange book, I'm still thinking about it; a good Southern book, though)
Nuremberg Diary, GM Gilbert (it took me two months to finish, and was worth it)
River of Teeth, Sarah Gailey (I wanted to like this one a lot more than I actually did; would have made a terrific movie but ultimately was not a great novel. Preferred Magic for Liars.)
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (extremely fun, though more trippy than Gods and the plot didn't work as well for me - though it was very original)
The New Voices of Fantasy, Peter S. Beagle (collected anthology, with some favorites I've read before Ursula Vernon's "Jackalope Wives", "Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers" "The Husband Stitch"; others that were great new finds "Selkie Stories are for Losers" from Sofia Satamar and "A Kiss With Teeth" from Max Gladstone and "The Philosophers" from Adam Ehrlich Sachs)
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gasoliya · 4 years
*air horn noises*
this is a massive post, so if you’d like to see some of the wanted connections i’ve typed out for my girl soliya, please read through the cut!! if your’e interested in any of them, please feel free to like or comment!!
let’s get writing, y’all!!! and come in here and catch this snuggle (and these plots)!
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if you want a quick and dirty run-down of soliya, please click here for my intro where i talk a little bit about her past and bio! if you want to read her bio (it’s pretty short!) click here! but if you want both the live action and the replay...read both B^)
a few things to say - i know i have alienated her to a degree since the highest population of muses are in their early to mid 20s, but that’s why i purposefully wrote her as a traveler to offset some of that!! so that this way, at least she’d be able to travel around to the other nations and make meaningful connections with a whole variety of people!
also - these titles are all song titles/lyircs from songs on a playlist i’ve had on repeat for the last few days in quarantine. some are directly applicable feelings/vibe wise, others are just the right feel in the title itself and not necessarily the song lyrics apply to the plot! (wow this feels like krp tumblr in like, 2014). sidenote: i am a very flexible rper, and am comfortable with nsfw themes but PLEASE let me know if you are not! would never want to make any of my partners uncomfortable and PLEASE do not try to push yourself if it’s something you don’t like to/don’t usually incorporate!
LASTLY, i’m 100% down to plot out original connections too! and if you have a plot or role that you think liya might be able to fill for your muse, just let me know! but the below are certain connections i’d love to see for her c’:
now, onwards & upwards!
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the other side x. (m/f/nb! any age! 2 open!)
for how angsty that title sounds this plot is not angsty at all LMFAO. while traveling with her father i imagine that she’d make some friends that she consistently seeks out whenever they’re in that nation! soliya is pretty relaxed and friendly, especially since that’s the whole point of a diplomatic visit. plus, just traveling to all the different air temples and nations, you naturally make connections! she probably tries to get to know as many people as possible and make as many connections as possible - plus a tour of each place from a local? heck yes! post-black sun, as she’s going through and getting the feel for how each nation is, as a representative of the air nomads and on her father’s behalf, i can imagine she’d be so fucking worried for all of the people she’s met and knows! this also allows us for current plots and past plots!! at the moment, looking for 1 muse for each spot from the other nations to start!
fire nation: open! 
water nation: open! 
earth nation: @zuerga​
way you move x.(m/f/nb! +/- 6 years! 3 open!)
sometimes you just gotta get out excess energy! what better way to do so than a friendly spar? love the idea of our muses passing the time not just with companionship, but with some bending sparring! learning the tricks and the trades of each other’s bending styles, and pushing each other to be even better. there may not be a need per say, to train, but it’s always nice to keep your skills sharp and learn more about each style and person! i think soliya would be fascinated by the other types of bending out there, especially the particular and unique subsets of each, and also by how each person’s own style affects the moves/impact/force! since she’s also on the older side of the spectrum, could definitely see her being a mentor type not just to other airbenders, but also just in tactical elements/critical thinking during spars, etc. post-black sun...there may be a need to spar for the intents of training. but also - check ins on status, health, is there anything that i can do for you?
fire nation: open!
water nation: open! 
earth nation: open!
love me less x. (m/f/nb! younger sibling! open!)
cough, so this requires the making of a muse, and i will put this on a wanted connection ask to the main page maybe like...a few days after i first start but like...this is a big part of liya’s origin story! i go over it here and here, so i won’t make this too long, but yes! i would SO LOVE someone to work this in their bio if they’d like and we can play out the various interactions pre, during, and post the incident. liya holds SO MUCH guilt from the accident and will probably never fully forgive herself, especially as she gets older, as the more mature she gets, the more obvious it is to her how much of a shithead she was as a teen. and even now, in her relationship with her bending and her personal relationships (esp. romantic) she’s guarded to a degree, even almost 15 years later.
I got too much dirt to come clean Closets full of skeletons that you don't wanna see Will you judge me? All my ugly? I won't blame you if you do
me & your ghost x. (m/f/nb! any age! 2 open!)
after the accident with her younger sibling at around age 16/17, she went into a period of self-isolation for about 4 months. 3 of which were spent on air temple island, and one in which she soul searched at the other 4 air temples (nesw). after she comes back home she’s ready to take on her father’s teachers on self-discipline and applying it into her everyday life & demeanor. that probably takes about another 4 months of intensive learning/meditation/isolation, along with traveling to other air temples for training with other airbending masters which comes to a total of 8 months in which she is just MIA. the idea for this plot would probably be that she is significant is some way to your muse - be it a big ass crush, an older-sister figure, a mother figure???, an incredibly strong friendship or any other dynamic, and when she just disappears without notice (i feel like she cycles through all the nations at least once every 2 months or so, stays for at least a few days) your muse is just “what the hell?” primarily a pre-black sun plot for the drama and character development, but that probably also means that by now (almost 15 years!) their relationship is hella strong and they’re very, very, close!
spot one: open!
spot two: open!
good news x. (m/f/nb! +/- 2 years! open!)
emotional support. someone to talk to, to confide in. this is someone, one of the VERY few people (maybe even the only one?) that she would confide in and talk openly about her feelings with, regarding the accident. i imagine this is a - after her 8 months of isolation/soul-searching, they’d meet for the first time, exchange kind of stilted pleasantries, and then just *emotional breakdown* as soon as they hugged. she’s be 17 at the time, so this is someone who would need to be about the same age/maturity to be able to handle it (or not!!! lmfao!!!!) and comfort or just, be there to help her work through it as she wouldn’t want to talk to her family about it - they’re just too close to the situation and their reassurances always feel a bit fake (to her).
similar to the above! primarily a pre-black sun plot for the angst and drama and character development, buy they’re super fucking close by now (or do they have a fallout???) so whatever we decide, it’ll affect what their relationship is like post-black sun!
I spent the whole day in my head Do a little spring cleaning, I'm always too busy dreaming Well, maybe I should wake up instead, A lot of things I regret, but I just say I forget Why can't it just be easy? Why does everybody need me to stay? [...] Well, so tired of being so tired Why I gotta build something beautiful just to go set it on fire? I'm no liar, but sometimes the truth don't sound like the truth [...]  Good news, good news, good news That's all they wanna hear No, they don't like it when I'm down
roxanne x. (m/f/nb! +/- 3 years! open!)
the general gist of this plot is like...liya, in her head: man, fuck this asshole!
it’s that person that just gets under your fucking skin for some goddamn reason. be it completely different values, incompatible personalities (which is some a1 shit cause she usually gets along with most), or they’re just flat out hostile...something makes it almost impossible to stay calm around this person. they just dig at her finely shaped walls, and though she’s spent YEARS cultivating her self control and discipline, this person always gets her so close to breaking it and having her lash out (aka returning back to her younger days), but she’s not going to let them get the best of her (right?)
post-black sun...honestly i have no idea LOL. this would probably just have to be worked out in more detail with whomever takes this plot! as the undercurrents of why they don’t get along can be attributed to many different things (pure unadulterated hatred? simple annoyance? hate chemistry?), which would then affect how they are/interact after black sun!
Goddamn, Roxanne Never gonna love me but it's alright She think I'm an asshole She think I'm a player
alright let’s make a right at this stoplight into sad bitch hours! beep, beep, we’ve arrived! (i’ve been listening to a lot of sad ballads don’t mind me)
details: i’d always imagined that liya’s had 3 significant heartbreaks/relationships in her life. why three? because it’s a magic number and there are 3 main sad songs that have been in rotation on my spotify!
when we were young x. (m/f/nb! +/- 1-2 years! open!)
*krp writer voice* childhood sweethearts...*aza voice* but with a twist it doesn’t have to be requited if you don’t want it to be! i’m totally down for the longing childhood sweetheart/crush dynamic but if that’s something you’re interested in! i’m down for liya to be the one with the fat ass crush or it can be your muse too! but at some point i imagine they do go it a try, but it does end cause they’re...young and dumb (lol). but it’s your ‘i didn’t want to lose you as a friend, no romantic relationship is worth losing you forever’ dynamic but they’re already past that point!!! but is it of no return? especially with recent events? they obviously care for each other very deeply still, and i imagine that they still keep in good contact, and now that they’re older it’s easier to brush off/get over, but did all of those feelings fade completely? who knows! you decide (pre-black sun)! post black-sun...hold the ones your love a little tighter.
Everybody loves the things you do From the way you talk to the way you move Everybody here is watching you Because you feel like home You're like a dream come true
all i want x. (m/f/nb! +/- 4 years! closed!)
CLOSED: @ddmaiga​ unrequited in a way (?)!!! i don’t have hard opinions on who is who, but they fall into a relationship naturally (probably either instant chemistry, same interests, shared spaces, same opinions, yanno, the way young adults fall in love). but one of them keeps holding back because yanno!!! they’re BARELY young adults (think 19-23)!!! and while one is ready to deep dive, the other one gets cold feet and things end...not badly (but it could if you want it to!) but things just aren’t the same. it’s not a BAD breakup but it’s one that’s never really resolved because neither was willing to completely hear the other person out, and seet things from their perspective. it felt like neither was willing to meet the other halfway *sad violin music* so it’s a breakup with lots of loose ends! even better if we can make up situation in which they HAVE to interact and it’s awkward as hell (pre-black sun)! post-black sun...cue situation in which they have to interact probably LOL
And there's one more boy, he's from my past We fell in love but it didn't last 'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway
bruises x. (m/f/nb! +/- 3 years! closed!)
CLOSED: @gataash​ i’m gonna keep this one a bit shorter and only give the gist, as i’d really love to flesh out this plot via...well, plotting! essentially, they/she fell really deeply in love (i’m thinking she’s like, 26-28 during this), as in - ‘i may actually end up marrying this person’ kind of deep. they’re not co-dependent by any means, but they’re attached at the hip whenever they’re near each other, and i think this would probably be a relationship that’s REALLY steady for at least like, 3+ years, but whatever the exact reason, something comes up and it’s related to her incident when she hurt her younger sibling as she’s naturally incredibly guarded about this (i mean hey, she went into a self-isolating state and didn’t airbend for about 4 months after it happened). they fight, she tries to keep calm, ends up losing a bit of that control, and VERY VERY MILDLY injures the s/o, but due to the precedence and the guilt and lasting trauma from all those years ago, she breaks down, ends it, and runs away (aye) and plays the avoidance game for as long as she can manage.
post-black sun...there’s no way they’re not going to reach out to each other, just to make sure they’re okay. (wow this wasn’t that much shorter...darn it, self...)
I've been holding on to hope That you'll come back when you can find some peace 'Cause every word that I've heard spoken Since you left feels like a hollow street [...] There must be something in the water 'Cause everyday it's getting colder And if only I could hold ya You'd keep my head from going under
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paperbagpetrichor · 5 years
Hold On | [Bertholdt x Reader]
This was written awhile ago (read: 2017); nevertheless, I hope you enjoy!
It was a clear, cloudless, beautiful day.  The sky had found itself in that elusive, impeccable state of hues, just darker than a pale blue but ever so slightly less saturated than a pure cerulean.  Not a single puff of whiteness dotted the admirable air.  A slight breeze blew now and then, gradually easing the sun’s sweltering heat into a pleasant warmth that remained in excellent equilibrium with the rest of the environment.  There was no remainder of the past few days’ previous humidity.  All in all, it was a day that you had dreamed for.  Not just because of the weather, of course; no, it was far more than that.
Today was the 57th Expedition Outside the Walls.
Otherwise known to you as the first time you’d truly see the world for what it was: one unconstrained, unconfined, and completely free from man’s touch.
For once you hadn’t needed a roommate to wake you up.  Your head had been the first one to pop up that morning, beating even the early-bird girl who lay in the bed adjacent to you, Mikasa.  Ymir had even greeted you with a pat on the back, glad to have the time she usually used to shake you from your vivid dreams to Krista.  At breakfast you’d wolfed down every morsel - something Sasha was not too happy about.
But no matter.  That spike of energy still remained within you, even as you sat through about twelve repeated verses of the same instruction plan, over and over, again and again.  The team you’d been assigned to - along with Ymir and Bertholdt - was led by Nanaba.  And she was nothing if not thorough.  
Just as Nanaba was about to dive into her final reiteration, Ymir’s snores snagged her attention, and she sighed.  “Ymir,” she snapped, successfully startling the girl awake.  You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself.  It was as though your roles were reversed - on any other day, that would’ve easily been you.  Even Bertholdt seemed to have noticed.  His eyes were rested upon your seated form for longer than you’d noticed.  
“Sorry,” Ymir muttered, narrowing her eyes and resting her chin in her hands.  “But I think we get it.  When are we leaving, anyways?”
Nanaba folded her arms, a smile growing on her lips despite herself.  “As soon as Commander Erwin gives us the signal.”  She paused for a moment, glancing over at another group, one of whose team members’ was not particularly pleased with his position and had entered a fit of shouting.  Nanaba cast a final glance back in your direction, then ran a hand through her short hair and departed with a quick, “I’ll be right back.”
It was evident that Ymir had been trying to catch up on some sleep as she muttered, “Jeez...can’t Daz ever calm down?  There’s no way he’ll get out of here alive.”  Her tone was that of someone discussing the dirt on their shoe, not that of someone dealing with life and death.
“He’s just afraid,” you interjected softly, unable to suppress your pity for your poor teammate.  He always seemed to have too many things on his mind...unfortunately, everybody else seemed to disregard that, and viewed him as pathetic.  “And - considering everything, he has a right to be.”
Bertholdt appeared as though he had been about to say something, but as your phrases drew to an end his eyes quickly settled on his feet as opposed to you, where they had been just momentarily.  A small bead of sweat had formed on his forehead.
“No, don’t tell me you’re scared, too, Bertholdt,” Ymir groaned.
“Hm?”  Bertholdt tilted his head to the side, contemplating Ymir with a puzzled look.  It took him a few moments for the question to sink in.  “Oh - no.  Just wondering why we were placed so close to the front.”  His last sentence was just barely audible.
Only you heard his muted words, and, despite all your faith in the upper level members of the Survey Corps, you found yourself curious about the exact same thing.  The majority of the teams assigned to the front had been comprised of only experienced soldiers - or at least an even mix of new trainees and their superiors.  So why had your team, set to ride just behind the first row of the right flank, been chosen with three trainees and only one Squad Leader?  It didn’t make much sense to you.  “Maybe it’s because Bertholdt ranked so high?”
“If that’s the reason, it’s a dumb one,” retorted Ymir.  “I at least hope Krista got a safer position than this.”
Ah, of course.  This was why she was acting particularly ornery this morning: she and Krista had been divided onto different teams, relatively far apart from one another.  “Don’t worry, Ymir,” you smiled, “Krista can take care of herself.”
Ymir couldn’t help but give a small nod before falling silent.
A sudden ear-splitting call jolted the three of you from your small talk, sending you scrambling to your feet and racing to mount your horses.  Nanaba had already found hers at the head of your line of three.  “Ready?” She called back to her teammates.
You gave her a determined stare.  “Definitely.”
Bertholdt, next to you, gave you a timid smile and then replied, “Yes.”
He’d answered right on time; for, just a mere moment after he’d closed his mouth, Commander Erwin’s orders were delivered.
And, tightening your grip on your steed’s reins, you began your first steps outside the wall.
For some reason you were the only member of your team that was audibly infatuated with the scenery.  Miles and miles of fresh, overgrown, verdant grass, clumped together so closely that you couldn’t tell where one stalk ended and another began; a tall, dense forest of gargantuan coniferous trees in the background; an unadulterated view of the stunning sky, unlimitless in its sheer size.  You hardly took notice of the soft noises of amazement that were spilling from your mouth.
“[Y/n].” Bertholdt, on the other hand, had apparently heard them.  His horse fell in-step with yours as he closed much of the gap between the two of you.  “Stay focused.”
This yanked you out of your awe, but proved to be a needed reminder.  You had been more than prepared to fully submerse yourself in this new world and forget the mission entirely.  “Right.”  You leaned farther down, feeling the resistance between your form and the atmosphere greatly decrease, cape flapping about like a flag behind you.  This was why you were here: to plot a course from Karanes to Shiganshina.  Not to daydream about what could have been.  “Thanks.” Bertholdt was rather relieved that you didn’t notice the ever-growing redness of his face.
You rode on in laser-sharp focus for quite awhile without any further interruptions.  It was you, your team, your military branch, and your world.  Not the world within the walls - no.  The genuine, bona fide Earth, that ever-puzzling enigma constantly clouded with enigma so much so that you had been prevented from seeing it for all your fifteen years of life.  All of them until now.
And yet ‘now’ was the time when a purple flare exploded in the sky.  
“What?” Nanaba’s tongue slipped and she was exposed to be just as clueless as the rest of you were.  
“Emergency,” Ymir muttered, gritting her teeth as she tried to pinpoint the location of the flare’s origin in comparison to its range to Krista’s group.
You weren’t exactly dying to say something.  A strange sense of trepidation had seized your previous excitement, replacing it with something colder, something harder.  
Nanaba took a sudden sharp turn, yelling back, “Get ready!  Three abnormals approaching!”  She shot up a flare of her own - although it was black instead of the murky purple.
Your gaze followed her index finger, allowing your eyes to fall on the three aforementioned beasts.  They were relatively small - two five-meters and one seven-meter - but posed a threat nonetheless.  You waited, hands on the buttons of your 3DMG, ready to burst off at any moment, for Nanaba’s orders.  
But those expected orders never came, because at that exact moment another purple flare painted the sky, and Ymir flung herself into action.  “Ymir!”
“Damnit…” Nanaba ranted, performing a lightspeed head-twist round her shoulders to check and make sure you were still there.  A bit of the anger in her eyes disappeared as she saw the tensed figures of both yourself and Bertholdt.  “I need you two to try to reach the flare site.  Help with whatever is needed.  Ymir and I’ll get these, then rendezvous with you near the outskirts of the forest.  Got it?” Bertholdt beat you to an answer.  “Yes.”
“Good.”  And with that last, single word, Nanaba flung herself into the chaos.  
Lightly nudging his horse’s side, Bertholdt sped past you.  Upon noticing you weren’t by his side anymore, he cast an anxious glance back at you.  “We have to go.”
For whatever reason, a part of you - a small but nevertheless important part at that - whispered to you that something here wasn’t right.  No, not right at all.  You’d promised yourself that you’d never leave a teammate behind; wasn’t this exactly that?  
“[Y/n]!” Bertholdt’s message grew significantly louder.  He was practically yelling when he restated, “We have to go!  It’s Nanaba’s orders!”
Dammit.  Leaving Ymir and Nanaba behind drove a wedge deep within your heart, but your mind managed to grasp your body’s control for the time being, and it knew that it had to obey rules.  You desperately tore your eyes from the ongoing battle.  Staring wouldn’t have helped.  Ymir can take care of herself; Nanaba can take care of herself; together they’re practically invincible.  You had to keep reminding yourself this as you dashed after Bertholdt.
“They’ll be okay…” you murmured, perhaps to nobody but yourself.
“They will be,” Bertholdt reassured.  “We just have to do our part.”
You fastened your grip on your horse, fingernails digging into the leathery material of the stallion’s halter.  Just get to the site.  It’ll be okay.  It’ll be okay.
It took you all of ten seconds to realize it was absolutely not okay.
Within mere moments of entering a ten-meter radius of the flares’ source, the grass was no longer green.  It was red.  Red with the blood of your dead comrades.
“Oh - no…”
It was hard to find a spot that wasn’t littered with human remains.  The entire area was a massive above-ground burial site, its ghostly inhabitants severed from their bodies and tossed like limp toys across the Titan’s sickening sandbox.  Pressure built up at the back of your eyes and you bit the inside of your cheek to prevent the tears from spilling over.  You’d seen the destruction of the Battle of Trost, but that was almost nothing compared to this crimson carpet of carnage.  
You had been so focused on the magnitude of damage around you that you didn’t notice the only living person along with you draw closer.  “[Y/n]...” he began softly.
Head jerking round to face him, you nearly screamed at his sudden unwarned presence.  “This is - what...how could…?”
“Just hold on,” he urged.  “These people didn’t die without striking back - look.”  
You followed his gaze to a mound of giant, smoking, decaying bodies.  Titans.  These soldiers must have died fighting them.  It was no wonder...there were so many dead, it was almost unimaginable as to how many live ones there had been.
“Bertholdt!” You shot out the wires of your 3DMG, anchoring yourself to the tallest nearby structure.  “Watch out!”
An eight-meter class was approaching with frightening speed.  Immediately after landing on your desired branch you launched yourself into the air, using a bit of gas to slow your fall as you flew behind the Titan, landing on its upper shoulder blades and running across the length of them, dragging your swords through the burning flesh of the monster.  Its hand nearly caught you but you completed the task just in time: as it reached for your spot, it began to collapse, and you darted back to where your horse had remained, relatively unfazed.  Bertholdt must have continued on.  “Let’s go, boy.”
Soon enough you were riding just behind Bertholdt, who appeared relieved to see you.  “I - haven’t found anyone yet,” he informed quietly.” You spared him the translation: he hadn’t found any survivors.  “Okay.  The second launch site was a little farther - we have to keep going.”
With a nod from your counterpart, your plan was set in stone.  As much as you hated it you began to successfully tune out the ocean of vermillion within which you rode.  Deep breaths.  They had died valiantly.
The ground beneath you began to shake rather abruptly, as though the earth itself was to split directly underfoot.  You shot a gaze over your shoulder and spotted the sight: a ten-meter abnormal.  “I might need your help.  Keep an eye out.”  And you dove once more into the waters of battle.  
Swinging around it, you managed to devise a perfect plan to hit it in its weak spot, but as you propelled yourself towards the Titan it did something you’d never seen before.
One minute your horse was there, waiting for you.
The next it was smashed against a tree.
An inexplicable rage began to flow through your body.  You’d had enough now.  Losing your comrades was bad enough - losing your trusty sidekick was another.  This horse had been yours.  Yours and nobody else’s, and you had loved it to pieces.  It had loved you, too.
But now it was in pieces.
Your throat emitted a strangled cry as you stabbed into the tender flesh of your attacker, cutting far deeper and far slower than you would’ve under normal circumstances.  This absolute demon deserved its death; every painstaking moment of it.  You were hardly aware of the fact that you were shouting for Bertholdt the entire time.  You only felt your mouth moving, not the words that it was forming, calling for someone who wouldn’t come.  Had he been hurt?  You couldn’t see through the smoke as your opponent gave way to its pain.  
“Bertholdt!” you yelled, trapped in the terrifying state of unsureness.  Where had he gone?  Was he okay?  Please let him be okay, oh, please, please, please….
Your time to think was cut short as a thirteen-meter ran out to the left of the tree you’d perched yourself on.  Was this possible?  Did you have enough energy - enough supplies - to take on another - much less a large abnormal? You didn’t have a choice.  As such, you braced yourself once more, and fired off into action.  Calculate where its blind spots are.  Where can it not see me?
The mental preparations had almost been finished when a fifteen-meter appeared, hot on the heels of its thirteen-meter friend.  “Bertholdt!”  It was pointless, but you couldn’t help it.  
You had reached a point of pure hopelessness.  You were going to die, just as all the soldiers you’d found today.  Soon enough nobody would remember your name because you were just another dead body rotting in just another grave, alone, so, so alone.
If this was to be your end, you would go down fighting.
The tears in your eyes began to bubble over as you shot out frantically for the smaller, close titan, readying your blades with shaky hands.  You had to remind yourself to breathe; to blink.  You had to force your heart to keep going.  Almost there, just a few feet left.
There was hardly a foot between you and the thirteen-meter when you felt what may have been to most excruciating shock of agony that you had ever - and would ever - experience.  Your maneuvering gear was suddenly slammed back into your hips, the belts that connected it to your body constricting until they cut the circulation off, the buckle of the strap running just beneath your chest digging deep into your skin.  A harrowing crack was heard as pain bloomed like a deadly flower across your ribs.  Your screams were high and loud and labored and torturous, your lungs inflating and pressing against the shattered portion of your left chest with every mammoth inhale.  You were crying now, crying so hard that the tears completely blurred your vision - or at least almost completely, because you then realized the cause of this horrendous pain.
The fifteen-meter titan had snapped one of your wires.  And then, perhaps worst of all, it had grabbed you in one of its gigantic hands.  
This was it.
You still found yourself screaming for him.  There wasn’t any reason; you knew that.  You knew you were only causing yourself more pain along the path of your death.  You just had to.  Had to go out knowing that there had been someone you’d really, truly, cared about; regardless of whether he cared for you the same way.  
Just as it was about to completely encase you in its grasp, a ragged voice that was almost at first unrecognizable blared off.  “Hold on, [y/n]!”
In a flash the two main fingers that had grabbed you were suddenly gone, sliced cleanly off by someone with immense skill.  You fell inelegantly to the ground, softening your blow with the small amount of gas that remained in your gear, and felt your hands grow wet with the salty liquid spilling from your eyes.  You couldn’t hear much of anything above your own sobs, but you felt the ground trembling beneath you as gargantuan steps were taken by the giant beasts that had nearly snuffed out your light.  There was nothing more that you did besides put your face in the grass and weep.  Weep for your friends, out there somewhere, perhaps meeting worse fates.  Weep for those that had died at Battle of Trost.  Weep for your pain.  Weep for your fractured rib.  Weep for yourself.  Weep for the dead.  Weep for the fact that you could have joined them.
Weep for the fact that the last living person anywhere near you could be killed within an instant.  
Weep for the fact that you could hardly move your body to help him.  
Two deafening crashes suddenly occurred, one directly after the other, and the ground convulsed for the last time.  
“[Y/n]!  Hold on.” You felt someone gently helping you to a sitting position, fingers timid and wary, as if their very touch could destroy you.  “B-Bertl…”
“What happened?” He demanded, putting a hand around your back to help steady you and ease the pressure placed upon your injury.  His eyes were brimming with fear and sadness and...something else that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Words came to you, but they failed to make it out of your mouth. “I - I…” you started, choking up, “I….”  
You flung the arm of your uninjured side around him suddenly, pulling him to you, burying your head in his chest.  You couldn’t speak.  But you could hug.  And Bertholdt, your greatest friend, your closest companion, your lifesaver, needed so much more.
His heart rate increased drastically as your face rested against it, the pumping of his blood audible due to your sheer closeness.  And he hugged you back - so gently, so carefully, as though handling a wounded butterfly for the first time.  “We’ll be alright,” he whispered, running a hand through your hair.  He’d wanted to do that ever since he’d first met you - both embrace you and play with your locks.  He was in need of just as much comfort as you were.
And you two formed that perfect equilibrium.
“Thank you.”  The two words managed to float effortlessly from your mouth.  “Thank you - s...so much…”
He pulled you closer.  “I shouldn’t have left you like that.”  His voice had relapsed into its typical reserved, soft sound.  “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”  And, as you two held one another, it was.
No matter how much suffering you had seen or endured or lived or experienced or suffered, this moment, this one simple, tender, marvelous moment...it was enough to take the pain away.
“You’ll be fine, [y/n],” he continued, perhaps not directed at you so much as for you, “we’ll be found, and we will be alright.”
And, as you two held one another closer, you were.
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Jungle Comics #2
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Jungle Comics #2 Antarctic Press 2019 Rhula Written by Chuck Dixon Illustrated by Ben Dunn Lettered by Brian Denham Shanna The Firehair Written & Illustrated by Ben Dunn Coloured by Ben Dunn & Nick Webb Jungle Angels Written by Anthony Zicari Illustrated by Isaac Cordova     The jungle continues to heat up as we feature three great new stories! Chuck Dixon brings back Jo-Jo and Rhula to battle elephant poachers. Shanna the Firehair teams up with an alien policeman to capture a creature on the loose in her jungle. And in their premier adventure, jungle princesses Kara, Tygra and Pantha are inexplicably thrown together to battle slavers who have invaded their kingdom!     This book kind of showcases the fact that the past is making a comeback. With Jungle Comics, most of Ahoy Comics and Atomic Pulp comics we're seeing a return to the genre's and aesthetic from when comics were more fun, had a sense of innocence to them and showcased women in a way that was popular of the times. Sure they have skimpy bikini's but that's okay it does nothing to diminish the fact that they are women of power, status and ability to be feared and respected among the denizens of the lands they inhabit.     There is something awfully nice about a book with three ongoing stories creating an anthology series with different creators doing each one. So that we get to see different styles of storytelling happening here it is definitely a treat. Featuring Chuck's story right off the bat is something that I hope we continue to see occur. I feel like this is the main feature and it's one that I really am starting to enjoy as we get to see these big game hunters who are exactly like you picture them to be.     The way that this is being told is phenomenal to me. The story & plot development we see through the sequence of events unfolding and how the reader learns information is spectacularly laid down. The character development is extraordinarily well done. I am impressed actually with Finn and his tactics we see in the beginning and the emotions he displays. I think that shows some rather nice characterisation for a man of his ilk. The pacing is really good here too as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns along the way. The way this story is structured and how the ebb & flow takes us on this journey shows why Chuck remains a top storyteller.     The interiors here are beautifully done as the linework we see is so nice and the rendering of the animal life is so gosh darn mesmerising. The trees in the backgrounds and such make it almost feel like we are looking at a photograph. The attention to detail through how we see the varying weights being utilised is sensational. How we see the way page layouts are utilised and the angles and perspective in the panels show a solid eye for storytelling. The colour work is fantastic and I really like how we see the hues and tones within the colours creating the shading, highlights and shadows. I mean seeing the way the trees cross across the characters is just brilliantly done.     Now the second feature with Shanna is a bit more off kilter to me as we have this crossover between her and an anthropomorphic species. Almost as if someone is channelling Manga. So her ship crashed her there, the natives raised her and they are their own different species as well. So in reality it is a nice mash-up of things to create something unique, interesting and extremely entertaining. I don't say this a lot when you anthropomorphic characters, it's not really my forte, but the story is solid and I find myself fascinated by what is happening. The writing, story & plot development, characterisation are all extremely well thought out and executed.     The interiors here are great the linework is strong and how we see it laid down and brings out this attention to detail is extremely nice to see. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a good, solid eye for storytelling. The colour work here is nice to see as well which doesn't surprise me since it's Ben has done both right now.     The third vignette is a little more quirky to me. It is as if Charlie's Angels too themselves to the Jungle and stayed there. The overall vibe, mood, tone and feel is there for it and to see the girls in action and introducing us to them is pretty impressive. Plus the surprise ending for me was a total hoot and a half. So I like the story & plot development, the characterisation and the way the story takes us through the pages and fits in this amount of space.     The interiors here are interesting to me as well. I love seeing the wildlife being brought to life and the linework and the various techniques being utilised here is definitely a treat for the eyes. It has a very kind of classic comic book style to the work and I am more than okay with that. Though ya might to reconsider the tiger stripes on Tygra or at least keeps the bosoms consistent. The colours are nicely done, I'd like to see more shading and highlights being brought out by utilising various hues and tones within the colours. ​     Overall this is fun, pure unadulterated fun and it is so very much worth reading. Go back to a time when Jungle Comic Books were interesting, sexy-without being sexist-and showcase these amazingly strong female characters who leap into action whenever anything threatens their domain.
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Halloween 2018 review
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The Halloween series has never really had a good break. In the forty years between the original’s release and the release of the newest film in the franchise, there has been a grand total of one good sequel… the third film, which has nothing to do with the rest of the series. The other sequels and reboots are a confusing latticework of alternate timelines and confusing plots that do little except turn Michael Meyers from a monstrous, eerie force into a bland, stereotypical vengeful slasher who just can’t be stopped. The only thing separating him from Jason Voorhees is that what little we understood about him was incredibly stupid and he never went to space.
And then along comes this film.
This film feels like a deconstruction of the failures of the franchise as a whole. The biggest problem with the movies – the Thorn timeline, the H20 timeline, and the Zombie reboots – is that they ultimately defanged Michael entirely by offering some sort of explanation for his motives, be it that he was Laurie’s brother, born with an evil curse that causes him to murder, or that he was just a white trash redneck hillbilly piece of shit in a Rob Zombie movie. Michael Meyers in the first film was ultimately as chilling as he was because his motives were entirely unknowable. We never find out why he killed his sister, or why he escaped and began killing Laurie’s friends; it was just something that happened, with no real rhyme or reason. That is ultimately what made Michael so terrifying, and what none of the later directors seemed to understand. They kept trying to rationalize Michael’s killing in a human narrative. Likewise, in this film, everyone save Laurie is trying to rationalize why Michael is the way he is. They offer all sorts of theories, all sorts of rationales, all sorts of attempts at humanizing Michael Meyers… but ultimately, the only person who truly understood Michael was Dr. Loomis. Loomis believed Michael Meyers to be nothing but pure, unadulterated evil. This, right there, is the truth of the matter, and why Michael Meyers is such an utterly terrifying villain: there is no reason to his actions, and if there is it is utterly alien and unknowable to us. He does what he does because he is simply a monstrous being, a truly irredeemable evil whose perpetual silence speaks volumes. The true failure, in universe and out, is that trying to rationalize Michael’s actions is a doomed endeavor, and these attempts at rationalizing him drive the plot, and ultimately drive Michael to a perfect place for him to begin a new killing spree. The failures of others at trying to comprehend him is what led him back to the utterly horrifying simplicity that drives him. It’s so brilliantly meta, moreso than every single one of the Scream films.
The plot is artful in its simplicity – 40 years to the day that Michael Meyers went on his original rampage, he is once again freed upon Haddonfield. This time though, Lauire is prepared, having spent the past four decades in paranoid doomsday-prepper mode… though this has alienated her daughter from her. Can Laurie survive the night and perhaps bury her demons once and for all, literally and figuratively? Or is Michael finally going to get the biggest treat of all this Halloween – Laurie’s head pierced with his knife?
This film’s greatest asset is, of course, Michael Meyers, finally returning to form. As mentioned above, gone is the convoluted backstories of the Thorn Trilogy and the Zombie films, and even the immediate sequel of the first film – back is the simple, terrifying idea that there are just people of pure evil in this world who do what they do for undefined reasons. Nick Castle returns to the role that made him famous, and returns with great gusto; his Michael may not be the mountain of a man the Zombie films made Michael into, but he is still a chilling force of savagery. And while the overtly supernatural elements of Michael’s character have been done away with, as in the first film there is some ambiguity, some doubt as to whether Michael is entirely human or perhaps something far more sinister… an ambiguity that is best kept when considering how the sequels ended up. Michael Meyers manages to take back the “scariest scene in which a killer walks at a brisk pace” from It Follows in an incredible oner scene in which, on Halloween, Michael goes from one house to the next and trick-or-treats in the way only he knows how.
But Michael would not be quite as effective if he wasn’t up against someone who could handle him. I don’t think I really need to tell you Jamie Lee Curtis does a fantastic job reprising the role that made her famous; here, Laurie has become the horror version of Sarah Connor, with all the emotional baggage, badassery, and familial alienation such a title implies. Somehow she manages to outdo Sidney Prescott in Scream 4 in terms of sheer badassery, and in some of the best subversions and homages in the film, Laurie manages to pull some of Michael’s classic moves against him. These two aside, the supporting cast is actually pretty enjoyable, with everyone getting just enough development you’ll care about what happens to them. Standouts include the charming little boy Julian who is babysat in the film, the badass and surprisingly useful Sherrif Hawkins, and a little boy who expresses a love for dancing and is the one who along with his father discovers the bus of escaped mental patients that signal’s Michael’s freedom.
Of course, none of that would matter if not for the score. John Carpenter did to the score what Michael does to teenage babysitters: he fucking killed it. All of the music is perfect, atmospheric, and amazing, and of course we get plenty of redone versions of the classic theme, as well the classic musical cues. I don’t think there could be a better horror film score than this, it is simply incredible.
If I can level any criticism at this movie, it’s that, despite a few twists and turns here and there, what you expect is pretty much what you get. This is a back-to-basics slasher film, one that doesn’t codify the genre the way the original film did but rather reaffirms what we love about it. For the most part at least it avoids a lot of the bad cliches of the genre, but there’s no denying that this is what you’d expect plot-wise. This is no bad thing, though, as even if it isn’t reinventing the wheel it is clearly a huge love letter to the entire franchise – there are references and homages to pretty much every entry in the series,  including a reappearance by the Silver Shamrock masks of the third film. It acts as a wonderful extension of the first film, and is finally a worthy sequel to one of the greatest slasher films of all time, and a worthy outing for the grandaddy of the slasher genre as we know it. Forty years of screaming teens being slaughtered by implacable monsters were spawned in the wake of Michael Meyer’s Halloween rampage back in 1978, and finally he has returned to remind us after all these years just why he was as influential as he was.
Now let’s get a sequel to Season of the Witch.
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peakytoms · 7 years
spontaneity//tommy shelby
A/N: smut smut smut smutty smut smut. no plot, only smut. did i mention smut? i am a beacon of sin but with an tommy shelby being my inspiration who the hell can blame me. this is my first smut piece so please lemme know what your thoughts are! if you have any ideas, requests, or concepts you want me to try to work through just hit me up! i am always in need of things to procrastinate with :)
word count: 2574
You were pulled from your dream with a sudden jolt.
Still hazy from sleep, it took you a few moments to realize just what was behind your sudden state of alertness. Then you felt Tommy roll your erect bundle of nerves in his supple and strong lips while laying between your legs.
Tommy noticed the change in your breathing and body as soon as you came to, bringing his one hand reach up and caress your breasts in a greeting, twisting you nipple between his forefinger and thumb. Before you woke, the small and delicate noises that escaped your lips were merely breathy sighs and whimpers, but now that you are awake they were an onslaught of moans coming out from your lips like a running faucet that you could not turn off. Despite your thighs hugging against Tommy’s ears, he was still able to hear yours sounds with perfect clarity. Knowing that he was the sole reason for these crude moans and gasps, he couldn’t help the curl of his lips from smirking against your fervently aroused flesh.
Your hands find his hair, pulling desperately to get him to come up and meet your open mouth with his. But it was no use, Tommy all but yelled his refusal into your now sopping folds and gripped you tighter, drawing you impossibly closer to him with his arm that was holding down your hips. His tongue and lips were making you delirious, and you found it hard to protest him any further. Acceding to his touch you slid your hands down his head onto his shoulders, leaving behind new half moon indents to the collection you’ve been building on his skin over the years, relishing in how he growls savagely into your center as you do.
You yearn out his name in a pitiful plea. The sensation of it all was too much. Even with Tommy's strong arm holding down your hips you struggle for more friction, trying you best to grind into him for more. The soft yet firm skill of his tongue was a wet heaven between your legs as he worshipped you, sacrificing his own pleasure at your alter. You could feel the orgasm coming in the tense trembling of your thighs, building quickly and hotly from deep within your core. You were anxious, desperate, and begging for it and Tommy, who could read your body better than his favourite book, knew it. He could not stop the low groan that came out from deep in his throat against your hot, swollen cunt, sending violent vibrations to every nerve in your body. The sensations so strong, and powerful, you swore you could feel it ripple even through the nerve endings in your teeth.
Tommy continued his tongue through your wet folds, teasing you slowly and purposely until he tortuously his tongue inside, slowly fucking you with the range of his skilled mastery. He opens his mouth to provide some much-needed suction against your center and you scream out, pulling his hair much harder than you meant to as your back arches aggressively toward the ceiling. Tommy hums against you, satisfied with your wanton reaction to his spontaneity so earlier in the morning.
Rocking your hips against his face as best you can with his arm that is still weighing down your midsection, your upper body squirms in desperation. His nose was pressed up against your engorged clit sending a shiver up your spine as he shakes his head, devouring you with his unquenchable passion. You both could tell how dangerously close you were now, and Tommy, eager as ever to give you all the gratification you deserved, gave no warning and no time for adjustment as he slid two fingers deep into your wet and fevered core—moving his lips to give your clit, aka his “most precious jewel” all of his oral attention.
Your hips were now bucking wildly against him, his arm no longer able to constrain you against the violence of your thrashes. The moans coming from your mouth turned to almost feline like mewls and Tommy had to spend considerable effort to refrain himself from stroking his twitching cock before he had finished with you.
When he stilled the ‘come-hither’ motions of his fingers against your frontal walls and removed them, you screamed out in an angered cry, only quieting when he stuck those very fingers, the ones he held deep inside you, which were now generously coated in your own desire, inside your open mouth. You sucked on his fingers ravenously, hungry for any connection to him. Biting down perhaps a bit too hard on them as your walls clenched around his moving tongue which replaced his fingers. The evidence of your passionate morning tryst gushing into his face like a geyser of pure exploded ecstasy. The waves of your orgasm flooded into Tommy’s mouth and the soft and slow laps of his tongue against your overstimulated sex had you writhing and twitching uncontrollably beneath him. He began to praise your exuberance and despite all that has transpired in the past few minutes since you had been awakened, that made you blush.
Tommy groaned a sigh of total contentment as he finished indulging in some of the excess juices that still pulsated out of your cunt. Briefly, he rested his head on your thigh, breathing the scent of your sweet and musky sex deeply into his lungs, savouring you. He was likely to have stayed there and fallen back asleep in that position were it not for your tugging on his hand and arm to come back up. As Tommy made his way up your body, he trailed his tongue across the sweaty sheen of your naked flesh. Biting down hard onto your hip bone before kissing it softly, making you gasp for even more breath. His journey back up to your face was much too slow for your liking, forcing you to grab the back of his neck and bring his lips onto yours yourself. You could taste yourself on his breath and on his tongue, and noted how deliciously well you paired with the taste of tobacco and whisky that was so distinctively Tommy, humming into his mouth with overwhelming pleasure.
Tommy is the first one to tear away from your mouths embrace, repositioning his lips onto the sensitive skin of your temples. You reach back down his body, trailing your clawed nails down his freckled and strong back to firmly grab onto his arse, not being able to resist a cheeky squeeze of his cheeks before reaching around to palm his—
“Ah-ah, I wasn’t done with you yet,” he murmured into your ear, taking your earlobe between his teeth, and sucking it into his warm mouth, but pulling away and retreating back between your legs before you could even realize what he meant with his words.
“Tommy, come on. Don’t you want to—”
“Oh, I will…but once I’m through with you. And we're not done yet my love.” He says, interrupting you before you could finish your question.
“My God—what’s gotten into you eh?... Not that I mean to sound ungrateful or anything.” You moan out curiously, closing your eyes as he once again trails his tongue down your naked flesh toward your center.
“Would you rather me stop?” he questions, making a move to pull away despite already knowing what your answer will be.
“Hmm… Nah—you’re alright. Go on,” You mused, setting in comfortably against the pillow on your back and letting your body relax into his tender caresses.
“I thought as much,” Tommy hummed into you naval, before taking your swollen nub back into his mouth like he was starving for it, making you shriek out his name in pure, unadulterated thrill.
It didn’t take long until you were once again squirming around Tommy’s head. He drew the flat of his tongue over the throbbing pearl of your flesh again and again making your body convulse as the red-hot sensation coursed maddingly throughout you body. The resulting cacophonous sounds of the burbling of his mouth on your dripping core mixed with your inundated moans of praise filled the room. Quickly you spasmed around his tongue after just a few minutes of Tommy drinking from you happily. You body going limp apart from the sporadic spasms and twitches of your aching essence. He shot up from between your thighs to kiss you hard on the mouth, sharing in your taste once more. Without any control, you bit down on Tommy’s bottom lip as he trailed his fingers up your raw slit to roll one your nipples between them, burning your skin in every inch of his path.
“Jesus Christ!”
“Fuckin ‘ell— Sorry Tom.” You whimper out against his mouth, grinning irresistibly as the metallic taste falls on your tongue. “You'll let me make it better? Please Tommy?”
Tommy moves his hand to clear your face of your fallen hair, thumbs caressing your prominent cheekbones in adoration. He stares deeply into your half-lidded eyes, considering his next course of action.
“Are you sure you can handle it again? I wasn't planning on being gentle.” God, he was such a fuckin tease that man.
Rather than verbally answering, you palm his still hard cock with your hand, groaning with lust as you feel the iron velvet of his libido. You pull back the sweat sheened skin to rub your thumb languishingly over his oozing tip. Tommy lets you continue the movements of your hands for a few moments while silently panting into your hair with desire, building the momentum before he roughly takes your dainty hands in his and pins them above your head. You grab on to the edge of your headboard and bend your knees to wrap your trembling legs around his rigid waist, locking your ankles behind him and bringing him closer so you can grind your hips upwards against his. His eyes move from in between your thighs to your glistening eyes as he teases the tip of his appendage against your overly stimulated sex, watching your erratic breath hitch as he barely makes contact a few times more. He enters you with a hiss, though you couldn't tell if it were his or yours.
Tommy starts off moving slowly, allowing you time to adjust to the full feeling of his cock inside you before he starts rucking his hips into yours at a faster and more aggressive pace. He meant what he said about not being gentle. His primal, animalistic desire had been building gradually ever since he woke up to feel you grinding against his legs while deep in your dreams. You are so overstimulated that you don't even notice the tears falling from your eyes until you hear Tommy cooing soft praises into your ear.
“That's my girl... So good just for me…Go on doll, don't hold back. Take it love. Fuckin’ christ that's it my girl...Fuck.”
Another orgasmic wave rolls through your body as Tommy continues to drive himself into you powerfully, growling as he feels your already tight walls clench even tighter around him. The sound of your bodies merging drives your eyes to the back of your head, and you are overstimulated in every one of your senses. He fucks you through your orgasm not yet reaching his own end, but never stopping the slur of praises and curses rolling off his tongue. You moan out his name in desperation, pain, and excitement, already feeling another orgasm building its momentum within you before the last one even finishes. Tommy watches from above with a feral look in his eye knowing what's going to happen as he witnesses the tell-tale signs of your undoing. Your breath is haggard, your eyes squeezed shut, and your mouth open in a small smile of pure elation.
You use what little strength you have left to pull Tommy's head back down to yours, breathing into his mouth words of your love and devotion. In your state of frenzied hysteria, you even start to thank him and compare him to a fucking god. His soft moans replying back to you growing louder as his thrusts become sloppier, your words arousing him even further as you can feel his cock harden the slightest bit more.
“Come on soldier. C’mon Tommy—Fuckin God—Come for me!” You scream into Tommy's open mouth, sure enough causing his undoing. Your body was at his mercy as another orgasm rippled through your entire frame once more. You couldn't even feel the warm spurts of his desire filling you up as you were already overflowing. The combination of his and your orgasm slowly gushing out around him and pooling onto the sheets beneath you. It takes Tommy a minute to stop convulsing inside you before he pulls out, cautious not to move your painfully overstimulated body any more than necessary. You watch with your glazed over and half-open eyes as he stares down at your still pulsing and aching cunt with a proud and glorious smile. Amazed with how he was able to make your body react so dramatically because of him. You whimper quietly to bring his attention back to you, needing to be in his arms to properly calm down all the raging sensations in your body. A gentleman as always, Tommy obliges your not so subtle request, laying down beside you on the bed, allowing you to curl into him at your own pace. He turns his head on his side to face you, leaning in with a gentle and tender kiss which you accept without hesitation.
“Brilliant as ever my love.” He mumbles into your open lips before releasing them to reach for the pack of cigarettes by the nightstand. He palms the tin and grabs two out, lighting them both between his teeth before placing one right in between your awaiting lips. You lay your back into the crook of his shoulder and settle with his arm wrapping around you. Still not fully cognizant your arm floats up to where you think his face is and you wait for him to catch hold of it. He brings your trembling hand to his lips and places a tender and loving kiss on your open palm, keeping it there until he can feel your body start to come down and your breathing return to normal. You could feel your heart glow from the romantic sentiment behind the gesture. A gesture which Tommy reserved only for you as a softer way to physically demonstrate his unwavering devotion and loyalty to you and you alone.
“Ain't so bad yourself soldier.” You reply coquettishly a few moments, finally regaining some cognitive capacity. You try your best to remain blasé as if he didn't just fuck you into oblivion and move your other hand between his legs to fondle his softening flesh with adoration. Laughing coyly as you feel him lightly shudder under your touch. The both of you stay like that for some time, finishing your cigarettes and joining your lips once more before getting up to begin your morning routine.
You still weren't sure what had caused your lovers rather spontaneous and generous session this morning, but you knew better than to question it. Tommy was a riddle. An absolute mystery sometimes. But fuck if you didn't love how he could always keep you on your curled toes and desperate for more.
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heatherly84 · 7 years
Ben’s Ultimate Movie Playlist
When he gave this to Zane and Xur, I have no idea. Maybe after they watched Star Wars, I dunno. But watching Star Wars was why. For him, it was actually really fun and exciting to be part of shaping how aliens see his planet. And also he just loves sharing the movies he likes generally.
It was those two goals that drove what ended up in this collection and what didn’t.
So. The list. Alphabetically:
Aladdin (1992)
This is actually Ben’s favorite Disney movie. That started for a typical seven-year-old reason (it was one of the only feature length animated Disney films that wasn’t about a girl), but frequent rewatching and the passage of time has just turned it into pure, unadulterated nostalgia. 
And The Band Played On (1993)
(Author’s note: Did not realize that alphabetizing the list would put the biggest downer on it so close to the top. Whoops. /o\)
This movie made the list, even though Ben has almost no other serious ones on it, because trying to explain the whole gay thing to Ziz and Zia was a nightmare for them as a family (obviously more Nat and Zach, but- Ben cared) and he thought of this movie as the ultimate one that shows what human society has historically thought about it. And maybe that’s something Zane might want to talk to the kids about, with some context to put it in. Essentially: this is Ben trying to help Zane parent. ...that the movie he chose is so depressing says something about how Ben feels about the idea of parenting.
Clue (1985)
Ben doesn’t watch a whole lot of mysteries, but when he was told that Xur liked them, he really tried to squeeze one he really loved out of his memory. This was the first result he got. Sure, it’s not exactly a mystery in the classical sense, but it has one and it’s also really funny. He especially loves that it has three endings (his favorite is the one where Miss Scarlet did it).
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
Secretly, Ben likes musicals. He blames Disney on general principle. This one is one of his favorites, even though it does edge too close to more serious than he’d like, because he kinda identifies with Tevye. He’s a dreamer and a joker who resolves an incredibly serious issue at one point by just making up bullshit. Yeah, Ben relates.
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
This one ended up on it because of the tendency people have to refer to Zane as Space Hitler. Yeah, Ben thought he’d give him a movie about plotting to kill Hitler when people call him Space Hitler and that seemed totally appropriate. Because Zane’s trying not to be Space Hitler anymore, and that goal is one Ben really wants him to succeed at. So he’s trying to show Zane the lens through which other people see him. He knows it’s something Zane already knows, but he wants it to be something Zane feels. Part of the magic of movies is that they can give people feelings in a way that history lessons and witness statements cannot. (Though he is genuinely anxious that when Zane watches the legendary scene of Hans Landa intimidating a dude into giving up the Jews he’s hiding in the floor, Zane’s going to relate more to Landa than to Shoshanna, the girl in the floor.)
Juno (2007)
The “find him a movie about it” school of teaching people things is an ideal that Ben comes by honestly because it’s how he was raised. If Squirrel didn’t know how to explain something to him, she’d find a movie, a TV show, or a book that did. This was part of a series on sexual responsibility that his mother put him through. She chose it because it got across very nicely “sometimes people get pregnant, and giving the baby up for adoption is a choice available to them- but that can be very hard, even if you’re very sure.” 
For Ben, this is a formative movie that he has a lot of feelings about because of that, but also? It’s funny. And sweet. And has a romance that gave him a lot of feelings as a kid who was bad at socializing, because Paulie Bleaker should not remotely have been able to get a girlfriend like Juno with how awkward he is, but that happens and in context, it even makes sense. Plus, the soundtrack is fucking rad.
Kill Bill - Vol. 1 (2003)
This is just straight-up a fun action movie, with awesome sword fights and insane karate. This edges out most other action movies for Ben because- well, he likes Quentin Tarantino. (He’s the only director represented on the list four times.) And on a somewhat tactless level, he hopes that Zane will identify with someone on a revenge quest for their child, and the twist that the child is actually alive, complete with happy ending. (I suspect that’s not going to be as cool for Zane as Ben is hoping.)
Kill Bill - Vol. 2 (2004)
Well, you can’t rec the first one without the second one! The second one is the one that has the happy ending!
Moana (2016)
The first movie to make it as part of Ben’s Intro To Human Religion series. Ben’s not a particularly religious person, but he recognizes how much of that informs human culture- and also that Zane’s kind of going through a crisis of faith right about now. So here’s a story about what humans think gods are like, what other gods are out there, and what kind of relationship some humans have with them. (Yeah, Moana and Maui have a relationship that’s between god and man. Weird to think of that way, huh? *g*)
Also, it’s just plain got a good story with cool characters and a good soundtrack. ...this is the second time that observation has been part of a movie’s selection for the list. It will not be the last.
Mulan (1998)
Ben’s second favorite Disney movie. (His feelings on Classic Disney, like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty is that yeah, they’re prettier, but he doesn’t like the stories or music as much.) This is very much his Weep A Lot Over My Daddy Issues movie, which is not really a secret. Mulan goes on the quest as part of her search for independent self-identity, sure (and he figures Zane can relate to that), but at the heart of it all, she did everything for her father. 
Ben doesn’t know what it’s like to have a father, but he likes to imagine it involves loving and being loved that much.
Newsies (1992)
Part of Ben’s secret love for musicals. This is a favorite- although he’s seen this five hundred times and actually still can’t describe the plot to anybody beyond, “Um. Strike, strike, strike, strike! ...?” But he remembers the songs and the dances. Holy fuck, does he remember the songs and the dances. If he wasn’t tall enough now to hit his head on the ceiling, he would probably still sometimes jump on his bed singing “King of New York.” 
Other than that, he’s also hoping to teach Zane to root for the underdog. Which is a pretty important component to human movies in general, actually.
Prince of Egypt (1998)
Another part of Intro to Human Religion. Ben finds the actual Bible very tedious, but discovered in films that a lot of the stories in it are fucking amazing. This is a good one for that because from the very beginning, the stakes feel tremendously high: it starts with Moses’ mother, a slave, trying to hide her baby from Pharaoh’s soldiers so that he isn’t killed. That is a strong as hell opening, and the movie is very good at keeping you on the edge and very invested in what’s going to happen.
As ways to introduce Zane to the most popular theology on Earth goes, he figures this movie is better than most.
Psycho (1960)
Another that made the list because Ben wanted to have more mysteries for Xur and this was the closest he could think of. This DVD case actually has the plot summary on the back removed with a note stuck in its place that says, “Report back. I wanna know when you cracked the twist.”
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Another Tarantino. This one was chosen because it has more pop culture jammed into its first fifteen minutes than most of the other movies on this list combined. If you wanted to condense everything you needed to know but were afraid to ask about late 20th/early 21st century humans into one movie, it would probably be this one. 
Plus, how fucking legendary is Samuel L. Jackson doing that fake Bible verse?
Plus plus, also a great soundtrack!
Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
Ben realized at some point he had got this far without having even a single horror movie on the list. He’s not a huge fan of horror, but at the same time, he felt like he should make an effort to include one. Just for the sake of exposing them to the idea. ...also, this one’s scary as hell, even though there’s almost no violence and only one special effect in the whole damn thing. That’s actually a majorly impressive achievement.
It cemented its place when he realized that its plot is kind of also a mystery. (The next time he sees Xur, he is going to apologize for how many of his choices are only “sort of” a mystery or “also has a mystery,” nothing is straight-up procedural. He just doesn’t really watch them.)
Saved! (2004)
Continuing Intro To Human Religion, but also borrowing again from his mom’s series on sexual responsibility. (”Keeping the baby is a choice you can make, too.”) This one’s a comedy that’s also a great look at Evangelical Christianity (...it’s very critical of it). He thought it was probably a more helpful choice than Prince of Egypt was, since that one’s about the mythology that inspires people to believe, but this one is about how people who believe actually live. 
He did tape a note to the cover to watch Prince of Egypt first, though. The scene where Mary tries to get G-d to smite her really only makes sense if you already have the context that G-d smites people occasionally.
Se7en (1995)
“Finally, a mystery that’s pretty unambiguously a mystery! Shows police work and research! Excitement! \o/
...okay, yeah, it’s also a gruesome horror movie with a horrifying twist ending, but I’m doing my best here, okay?”
Does not count as Intro to Human Religion, but Ben did consider that some of the movies that are will probably give helpful context to this one.
The Shining (1980)
Also part of his “crap, I should add some horror movies” selection, although like Rosemary’s Baby, it made the list because it’s good and it’s scary, even without a lot of violence or special effects, just something that builds tension and builds it and builds it and builds it until the protagonist snaps and it’s almost a relief that you’re not just waiting for when he’s finally gonna do that anymore.
As human movies go, it’s a fucking great one.
Sound of Music (1965)
This movie appeals to Ben on several levels. One, it’s a musical, and it’s probably one of the best ones, at that. Two, Ben had a desperate hunger as a child for brothers and sisters, and this movie is about seven of them. Just watching them all together was the kind of thing that could suck him into a movie for no other good reason as a kid. Three, they’re siblings in a band. Fuck. Yes.
Oh, and there’s some cool historical drama stuff unfolding.
But mostly that siblings in a band thing.
West Side Story (1961)
Just one more musical! Just one! This actually isn’t one of his favorites (did they not have Latinos in the sixties? Were we invented by a mad scientist in 1985?), but he recognizes that its influence on how musicals would be made afterwards is important and worth acknowledging. Also, they managed to make Romeo and Juliet without suicide, that’s pretty cool.
And who among us could ever resist singing “I Feel Pretty” in the shower after hearing it for the first time?
Yours, Mine, and Ours (1968)
This movie is basically sibling porn* for people who used to fervently wish they had siblings. Ben grew up enraptured by the relationship between Mike and Philip as they go from stepbrothers to brothers. He also still falls over laughing over the line, “My sister’s locked herself in the bathroom and she can’t get out and I can’t get in and it’s my turn!” “Which sister?” “I don’t know her name yet, but she’s stuck for sure!”
It’s also basically “being a military family” porn for people who might be into that. Like, for instance, Xur or Zane.
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
Kill: A Bloody Good Time on a Train
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Hold onto your butts, folks! "KILL" is the latest action-packed thriller that's hitting us harder than a runaway train. just like the movie "Kill"! This Indian action flick just hit theaters, and let me tell you, it's a wild ride. Directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, this movie features Lakshya as the relentless hero, Tanya Maniktala as his love interest, and Raghav Juyal as a ruthless villain. It's a wild ride that feels like Jason Statham hijacked a Bollywood set. Let's dive into what makes "KILL" tick, and what kind of speed bumps it hits along the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da7lKeeS67c&pp=ygUKa2lsbCBtb3ZpZQ The Good: Action So Intense You'll Need a Neck Brace First things first, this movie's got action sequences that'll have you glued to your seat. From the first fight scene to the last, "KILL" delivers action in spades. We're talking hand-to-hand combat, brutal takedowns, and enough blood to fill a swimming pool (okay, maybe not that much, but you get the idea). The confined setting of a train adds a claustrophobic intensity that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Every punch, kick, and knife thrust feels visceral. Lakshya's portrayal of an unstoppable hero brings a certain raw energy that's hard to ignore. This guy doesn't just fight; he demolishes anyone in his path with a kind of brutal grace. It's like "Bullet Train" on a bad acid trip, and honestly, I kind of loved it. The movie's premise is straightforward but gripping. A gang hijacks a train with only knives, turning it into a rolling battleground. The hero, driven by revenge for his father’s death, must fight his way through this gauntlet of goons. The camera work makes every punch feel impactful, and the tight corridors of the train enhance the feeling of confinement and danger. It’s like "Bullet Train" meets "Taken," but with a distinct Bollywood flavor. Plus, the soundtrack is killer (pun intended). It's intense, relentless, and perfectly complements the high-stakes action on screen. Every time you think you can catch your breath, the music pulls you back into the chaos. There's barely a moment to relax in this movie, but hey, that's not why we watch action flicks, right? The Bad: Acting? Let's Just Focus on the Fights The acting in "Kill" is a bit, well, rough around the edges. Let's just say it won't win any Oscars. But here's the thing: in an action movie like this, who cares? Lakshya, our hero, might not deliver Shakespearean monologues, but he throws one heck of a punch. And Tanya Maniktala? She holds her own as the leading lady who gets thrown into the chaos (and somehow manages to look good while doing it). Another thing to keep in mind: the plot is pretty predictable. There's a revenge motive, a bunch of bad guys who keep making silly decisions (seriously, how many times can you leave the hero for dead?), and a whole lot of killing. The story follows a familiar revenge-driven arc without many surprises. The hero's motivations and the gang's reasons for hijacking the train are straightforward, leaving little room for plot twists or deeper narrative exploration. But hey, if you're looking for something that'll challenge your brain, this ain't it. "Kill" is pure, unadulterated action fun. The Verdict: A Must-Watch for Action Junkies "KILL" is a rollercoaster of an action movie that delivers high-octane thrills from start to finish. If you're expecting a deep and meaningful story, "Kill" might not be your cup of tea. But if you're down for a wild, bloody ride with some truly impressive action sequences, then this movie is definitely worth checking out. Lakshya's heroics, Tanya Maniktala's emotional depth, and Raghav Juyal's chilling villainy keep you hooked. Despite its predictable plot and occasional lapses in logic, the movie's relentless action and intense soundtrack make it a must-watch for action fans. If you're in the mood for a Bollywood movie that punches as hard as Jason Statham flick, "KILL" is your ticket. Oh, and one last thing: don't blink during the final fight.  You've been warned.
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That 10 Best Anime Series on Netflix
Beyond the typical movie and TV offerings on Netflix, the streaming product also has an array of Anime ranging with mainstream staples enjoy Naruto to primary series like Neo Yokio. But with shows featuring patio furniture from ninjas and icon robots to sentient gear, superheroes, and murderous high-school scholars, how can an individual choose which to look at first? In order to resolve your streaming doubts and woes, Vulture provides this guide to help Netflix’s Anime selection, featuring ten of the greatest shows available to stream today.
Attack on Titan
In some of our current age with terrifying dystopian facts, it’s hard to identify a dystopian show with something novices at deliver — nevertheless here it is usually. In the environment of Attack on Titan, humans are now living communities enclosed inside giant, concentric rooms. Outside the rooms, giant humanoid pests called “titans” wander. Oh, and they also have an appetite with regard to humans. When smart, larger titans using new abilities demonstrate themselves and break in the barriers, the military ought to figure out ways to defeat them and fortify metropolis. Oppressively sad inside particular way just dystopian shows may be, Attack on Titan follows three friends as they simply join the military and tend to be immediately thrown in the fray of some sort of titan attack. Not a single thing sacred in the following show, which options beloved characters possessing mercifully crushed, chomped, together with smashed in just about every episode. Still, that writers know interest, building a world and then a story with many layers that, as soon as you dig in, you can’t help but dont stop learning .. Season one on Netflix.
Death Note
Virtually no, not Netflix’s abominable live-action version. I’m talking regarding the original series, which stands among the greatest Animes out of them all. Such hefty approval is well-deserved just by this show, which builds relating to the classic cat-and-mouse investigation company drama and branches out in the realm of that supernatural, in which passing gods and magical notebooks are definitely the norm. When Light Yagami, a bright (but everything needed sociopathic) student gets his mitts a notebook so that him to anonymously stop whomever’s name he writes within it, he begins some sort of campaign to cleanse the modern world of its criminals — consequently, all those which oppose him. Nevertheless first, he must ward off the equally smart and eccentric detective determined to give up him. Beyond it's deft twists together with turns, Death Note additionally addresses questions approximately morality, justice, together with capital punishment. Almost the entire package, plus beautiful animation and well-written discussion and plot, makes Death Note the cream in the animated crop.
Fate/Stay Night [Unlimited Blade Works]
If you value your Anime which includes a coat of shine, you’ll like the following series, which has cartoon so shiny it seems like they ran the illustrations via the power wax in the car wash. A gaming turned manga directed Anime, Fate/Stay Night [Unlimited Blade Works] comes after Shirou Emiya, an idealistic high school graduation student who gets dragged to a secret life-or-death miraculous tournament fought just by magicians and their own servants, the summoned mood of mythological together with historical heroes. For any surviving victor waits the legendary Ultimate goal, which has the strength to grant the superior magician any wish the affected individual desires. Although there’s truly great history of matches being successfully adapted into other styles of media (ahem, Silent Hill along with the Resident Evil franchise), Fate/Stay Night will work. The real treats are definitely the battles and that servants, who comprise such mythological greats since Medea, Cuchulain, together with King Arthur, and both of whom has an exceptional ability or gun.
Kill la Kill
File this in the position of “lovably, comically foolish. ” Kill la Kill comes after the journey on the schoolgirl named Ryuko as she quest for her father’s monster. Wielding one share of a giant couple of magical red scissors since her weapon of preference, Ryuko enrolls within a high school that the students fight thanks to uniforms that allow them to have superhuman abilities. When Ryuko learns a sentient consistent that bestows her with her very own set of specialized abilities, she has to help fight her way in the school’s hierarchy with uniformed super-fighters to uncover the answers your lady desires. Two few more episodes of 100 % pure, unadulterated camp, Kill la Kill shamelessly benefits gold in regards to racy humor together with packs every minute with action, going with almost manic pace through its block, which plays out being a drug-fueled fantasy. Almost the entire package is grounded just by Ryuko, the the majority determined, streetwise miraculous girl you’ll truly meet.
Among the most popular Anime number of the past 2 full decades, Naruto has done considerably to bring Anime in the mainstream. Naruto, a little ninja with latent abilities and then a heart of your old watches, goes on missions together with his team and tries to figure his way in the direction of becoming the Hokage, a- of the whole village. Full of underdog fights and sunny self-assurances, Naruto takes on most of the tropes of that shōnen Anime sort. But if you’re in need of subtlety and succinct storytelling, look in another place: With hundreds with episodes, Naruto is long-winded to speak about the least. Nevertheless, it’s not a major international sensation for virtually no reason; it’s a great action-packed show using comedy, drama, and positive messaging regarding the power of labor, determination, and neighborhood. Seasons one through three on Netflix.
One-Punch Man
Without a doubt, it’s not probably the most exciting concept: a bored superhero with the unbeatable one-punch breach tries (and repeatedly fails) to uncover someone to test him. Who wishes to watch a robust, near-unstoppable hero consistently win? But One-Punch Man is not even close to the typical superhero exhibit. Our hero, Saitama, loaded in uncool, hand crafted superhero duds, seems interested in getting deals in the supermarket than establishing himself as being the great savior in the city. Drawing with tropes from well-known shōnen and witty books, One-Punch Man provides comically exaggerated villains, idiotic together with incompetent heroes, and an unconsciously powerful protagonist in whose thriftiness and deadpan laughs make him — and this also show — truly extraordinary. Season one on Netflix.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
A tackle the popular sort of magical-girl Anime, Madoka Magica isn’t that fluff-and-puff series it is very much. When a middle-school person named Madoka together with her friend Sayaka face a catlike miraculous creature who assures to grant these any wish once they agree to struggle witches, it appears like everything’s going to remain flowers and natural light and cute clothing. But when Madoka together with Sayaka meet many other magical girls and the fine print on their magical-girl agreement, there’s not really much flowers and sunshine as there does exist death and give up hope. (However, there are a good amount of cute outfits. ) Madoka Magica riffs away from the expectations of magical-girl Anime to develop something darker, without a doubt, but also even more ultimately fulfilling. Quite possibly the animation, some sort of surprising 2-D collection of patterns together with colors, is trippy together with jarring, but in best wishes ways.
Rurouni Kenshin
Don’t skip this golden oldie, among the list of oldest Anime series on the market to stream on Netflix. Rurouni Kenshin comes about during the Meiji period of time in Japan, where an assassin formerly termed Hitokiri Battousai (“Battousai that Manslayer”) now moves the name Himura Kenshin and lives for a friendly, wandering samurai who vows never to take another lifetime. As a warning sign of his reformed options, he travels which includes a sword with some sort of backward blade. However the show has it's lighthearted moments, it’s not flippant considering how it handles it's themes of atonement together with justice. And even though it’s got a few filler episodes, the action views are memorable and Kenshin can be a worthy protagonist. For new fans to your series, there can be a few questions: How come the main dynamics talk like Yoda? The amount of times can the term Battousai be said within a episode? Is a sword which includes a backwards blade a good thing? Why is a villain a mummy? It’s acceptable, you can just pick it.
Sword Art Online
And for that reason it was claimed: Blessed are that gamers, for they shall inherit the globe … or at the least some really fascinating gear. This series comes after a talented teen gamer named Kirito since he tries the brand new in interactive playing games: Sword Art Online. He and innumerable others quickly identify that they’re trapped contained in the game, and once they die in that virtual world, they die in true to life. The only way to avoid, of course, may be to defeat the gameplay. Kirito teams up which includes a fellow kick-ass online gamer, Asuna, to face that game’s bosses and various human threats, and work out how to live their lives from this virtual world. The action from this show is a giant draw, but the true pull is precisely how it depicts the best way its characters react inside circumstances. The connection between Kirito together with Asuna, which evolves with a partnership between two teenagers looking to survive to an adult, supportive romance between a family who had to quickly become older in a distressing situation, is so well-done that will you’ll be rooting for your kids more than you would probably Romeo and whatshername.
Your Lie in April
Undoubtedly just about the most beautiful works with animation on Netflix today, what Your Lie in April delivers visually should be matched by precisely what it delivers sentimentally. In this passionate drama, strait-laced piano natural born player Kousei Arima undergoes a mental breakdown for a piano recital together with becomes deaf to your sound of his well-known piano-playing. But as soon as Arima meets Kaori Miyazono, a modern young violinist which plays with wildness together with passion, he starts out to re-evaluate precisely what he understands approximately music and themself. Your Lie in April certainly doesn’t cover where it’s advancing: We’ve got a great emotionally damaged boy and a manic pixie wish girl, and we realize from the beginning that there’s a superb chance this entire thing could join the express train to your Land of Crying. Still, you can’t allow but get used by the account of Arima, in whose joys, fears, and anxieties are sent to life through verdant, synesthetic animations that move along with the music. That alone makes this worth watching.
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
Kill: A Bloody Good Time on a Train
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Hold onto your butts, folks! "KILL" is the latest action-packed thriller that's hitting us harder than a runaway train. just like the movie "Kill"! This Indian action flick just hit theaters, and let me tell you, it's a wild ride. Directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, this movie features Lakshya as the relentless hero, Tanya Maniktala as his love interest, and Raghav Juyal as a ruthless villain. It's a wild ride that feels like Jason Statham hijacked a Bollywood set. Let's dive into what makes "KILL" tick, and what kind of speed bumps it hits along the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da7lKeeS67c&pp=ygUKa2lsbCBtb3ZpZQ The Good: Action So Intense You'll Need a Neck Brace First things first, this movie's got action sequences that'll have you glued to your seat. From the first fight scene to the last, "KILL" delivers action in spades. We're talking hand-to-hand combat, brutal takedowns, and enough blood to fill a swimming pool (okay, maybe not that much, but you get the idea). The confined setting of a train adds a claustrophobic intensity that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Every punch, kick, and knife thrust feels visceral. Lakshya's portrayal of an unstoppable hero brings a certain raw energy that's hard to ignore. This guy doesn't just fight; he demolishes anyone in his path with a kind of brutal grace. It's like "Bullet Train" on a bad acid trip, and honestly, I kind of loved it. The movie's premise is straightforward but gripping. A gang hijacks a train with only knives, turning it into a rolling battleground. The hero, driven by revenge for his father’s death, must fight his way through this gauntlet of goons. The camera work makes every punch feel impactful, and the tight corridors of the train enhance the feeling of confinement and danger. It’s like "Bullet Train" meets "Taken," but with a distinct Bollywood flavor. Plus, the soundtrack is killer (pun intended). It's intense, relentless, and perfectly complements the high-stakes action on screen. Every time you think you can catch your breath, the music pulls you back into the chaos. There's barely a moment to relax in this movie, but hey, that's not why we watch action flicks, right? The Bad: Acting? Let's Just Focus on the Fights The acting in "Kill" is a bit, well, rough around the edges. Let's just say it won't win any Oscars. But here's the thing: in an action movie like this, who cares? Lakshya, our hero, might not deliver Shakespearean monologues, but he throws one heck of a punch. And Tanya Maniktala? She holds her own as the leading lady who gets thrown into the chaos (and somehow manages to look good while doing it). Another thing to keep in mind: the plot is pretty predictable. There's a revenge motive, a bunch of bad guys who keep making silly decisions (seriously, how many times can you leave the hero for dead?), and a whole lot of killing. The story follows a familiar revenge-driven arc without many surprises. The hero's motivations and the gang's reasons for hijacking the train are straightforward, leaving little room for plot twists or deeper narrative exploration. But hey, if you're looking for something that'll challenge your brain, this ain't it. "Kill" is pure, unadulterated action fun. The Verdict: A Must-Watch for Action Junkies "KILL" is a rollercoaster of an action movie that delivers high-octane thrills from start to finish. If you're expecting a deep and meaningful story, "Kill" might not be your cup of tea. But if you're down for a wild, bloody ride with some truly impressive action sequences, then this movie is definitely worth checking out. Lakshya's heroics, Tanya Maniktala's emotional depth, and Raghav Juyal's chilling villainy keep you hooked. Despite its predictable plot and occasional lapses in logic, the movie's relentless action and intense soundtrack make it a must-watch for action fans. If you're in the mood for a Bollywood movie that punches as hard as Jason Statham flick, "KILL" is your ticket. Oh, and one last thing: don't blink during the final fight.  You've been warned.
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
Kill: A Bloody Good Time on a Train
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Hold onto your butts, folks! "KILL" is the latest action-packed thriller that's hitting us harder than a runaway train. just like the movie "Kill"! This Indian action flick just hit theaters, and let me tell you, it's a wild ride. Directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, this movie features Lakshya as the relentless hero, Tanya Maniktala as his love interest, and Raghav Juyal as a ruthless villain. It's a wild ride that feels like Jason Statham hijacked a Bollywood set. Let's dive into what makes "KILL" tick, and what kind of speed bumps it hits along the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da7lKeeS67c&pp=ygUKa2lsbCBtb3ZpZQ The Good: Action So Intense You'll Need a Neck Brace First things first, this movie's got action sequences that'll have you glued to your seat. From the first fight scene to the last, "KILL" delivers action in spades. We're talking hand-to-hand combat, brutal takedowns, and enough blood to fill a swimming pool (okay, maybe not that much, but you get the idea). The confined setting of a train adds a claustrophobic intensity that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Every punch, kick, and knife thrust feels visceral. Lakshya's portrayal of an unstoppable hero brings a certain raw energy that's hard to ignore. This guy doesn't just fight; he demolishes anyone in his path with a kind of brutal grace. It's like "Bullet Train" on a bad acid trip, and honestly, I kind of loved it. The movie's premise is straightforward but gripping. A gang hijacks a train with only knives, turning it into a rolling battleground. The hero, driven by revenge for his father’s death, must fight his way through this gauntlet of goons. The camera work makes every punch feel impactful, and the tight corridors of the train enhance the feeling of confinement and danger. It’s like "Bullet Train" meets "Taken," but with a distinct Bollywood flavor. Plus, the soundtrack is killer (pun intended). It's intense, relentless, and perfectly complements the high-stakes action on screen. Every time you think you can catch your breath, the music pulls you back into the chaos. There's barely a moment to relax in this movie, but hey, that's not why we watch action flicks, right? The Bad: Acting? Let's Just Focus on the Fights The acting in "Kill" is a bit, well, rough around the edges. Let's just say it won't win any Oscars. But here's the thing: in an action movie like this, who cares? Lakshya, our hero, might not deliver Shakespearean monologues, but he throws one heck of a punch. And Tanya Maniktala? She holds her own as the leading lady who gets thrown into the chaos (and somehow manages to look good while doing it). Another thing to keep in mind: the plot is pretty predictable. There's a revenge motive, a bunch of bad guys who keep making silly decisions (seriously, how many times can you leave the hero for dead?), and a whole lot of killing. The story follows a familiar revenge-driven arc without many surprises. The hero's motivations and the gang's reasons for hijacking the train are straightforward, leaving little room for plot twists or deeper narrative exploration. But hey, if you're looking for something that'll challenge your brain, this ain't it. "Kill" is pure, unadulterated action fun. The Verdict: A Must-Watch for Action Junkies "KILL" is a rollercoaster of an action movie that delivers high-octane thrills from start to finish. If you're expecting a deep and meaningful story, "Kill" might not be your cup of tea. But if you're down for a wild, bloody ride with some truly impressive action sequences, then this movie is definitely worth checking out. Lakshya's heroics, Tanya Maniktala's emotional depth, and Raghav Juyal's chilling villainy keep you hooked. Despite its predictable plot and occasional lapses in logic, the movie's relentless action and intense soundtrack make it a must-watch for action fans. If you're in the mood for a Bollywood movie that punches as hard as Jason Statham flick, "KILL" is your ticket. Oh, and one last thing: don't blink during the final fight.  You've been warned. Read the full article
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themovieblogonline · 5 months
Boy Kills World: A Mind-Bending, Ultra-Violent Trip (Review)
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Looking for a movie that will blow your mind with its action sequences, then confuse you with its story, and leave you with a "wait, what?" feeling by the end? Look no further than this Boy Kills World review. This action-packed flick starring Bill Skarsgård is equal parts Deadpool, Kill Bill, and fever dream. The movie throws you right into the deep end. We're introduced to "The Culling," an annual purge where people are randomly chosen to be…well, culled. It's a messed-up system, but hey, that's the world we're dealing with. Enter Boy (Skarsgård), a mute and deaf young man raised by a mysterious Shaman (Yayan Ruhian) who looks suspiciously familiar (think "The Raid"). Shaman's training methods are…unconventional, to say the least.  The movie doesn't waste time explaining why Shaman is training Boy, it just throws you into this bizarre student-teacher dynamic with heavy Star Wars vibes. We see Boy dodging everything from shuriken to cheese graters (seriously, that kitchen fight scene will scar you for life). A Cast of Colorful Characters (and Some WTF Moments) Sharlto Copley steals the show (seriously, is that even him?) as a villain who channels both Christian Bale and Michael Scott from "The Office." Then there's the mysterious Kill Bill-esque biker chick with a soft spot for kids (Famke Janssen) and Boy's ever-present hallucination of his dead sister. Yeah, this movie doesn't shy away from the weird. The fight choreography is fantastic, with a healthy dose of gore that would make Sam Raimi proud. There's a constant sense of danger, and Boy's journey to get revenge is brutal and bloody. However, the movie isn't perfect. The pacing drags a bit in the second act, and the constant inner monologue from Boy's inner voice (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) gets tiresome. There are also some plot holes you could drive a truck through, like the strange decision to make one character completely unintelligible. A Twist You Won't See Coming (and a Shocking Origin Story) Just when you think you've got the movie figured out, it throws a massive twist your way. Let's just say there's a whole lot of family drama going on, and Shaman might not be the good guy you thought he was. This revelation, coupled with a mind-blowing hallway fight scene (seriously, this movie is a contender for the best hallway scene of 2024!), makes the ending totally worth it. "Boy Kills World" is a wild ride from start to finish. It's a movie you watch for the insane action sequences, the WTF moments, and the sheer audacity of it all. Just don't go in expecting a deep and meaningful story. This is pure, unadulterated entertainment, perfect for fans of comic book movies and anyone who wants to see Bill Skarsgård go full-on action hero (with a dash of mute rage). The Origins of Boy Kills World "Boy Kills World" is the directorial debut of Moritz Mohr. The film was first announced in 2019, with Skarsgård signing on shortly after. The script, based on an unpublished graphic novel, was praised for its dark humor and over-the-top violence. Filming took place in South Africa in 2022, and the movie was finally released in April 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV_MWPL-jq8 Read the full article
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themovieblogonline · 5 months
Boy Kills World: A Mind-Bending, Ultra-Violent Trip (Review)
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Looking for a movie that will blow your mind with its action sequences, then confuse you with its story, and leave you with a "wait, what?" feeling by the end? Look no further than this Boy Kills World review. This action-packed flick starring Bill Skarsgård is equal parts Deadpool, Kill Bill, and fever dream. The movie throws you right into the deep end. We're introduced to "The Culling," an annual purge where people are randomly chosen to be…well, culled. It's a messed-up system, but hey, that's the world we're dealing with. Enter Boy (Skarsgård), a mute and deaf young man raised by a mysterious Shaman (Yayan Ruhian) who looks suspiciously familiar (think "The Raid"). Shaman's training methods are…unconventional, to say the least.  The movie doesn't waste time explaining why Shaman is training Boy, it just throws you into this bizarre student-teacher dynamic with heavy Star Wars vibes. We see Boy dodging everything from shuriken to cheese graters (seriously, that kitchen fight scene will scar you for life). A Cast of Colorful Characters (and Some WTF Moments) Sharlto Copley steals the show (seriously, is that even him?) as a villain who channels both Christian Bale and Michael Scott from "The Office." Then there's the mysterious Kill Bill-esque biker chick with a soft spot for kids (Famke Janssen) and Boy's ever-present hallucination of his dead sister. Yeah, this movie doesn't shy away from the weird. The fight choreography is fantastic, with a healthy dose of gore that would make Sam Raimi proud. There's a constant sense of danger, and Boy's journey to get revenge is brutal and bloody. However, the movie isn't perfect. The pacing drags a bit in the second act, and the constant inner monologue from Boy's inner voice (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) gets tiresome. There are also some plot holes you could drive a truck through, like the strange decision to make one character completely unintelligible. A Twist You Won't See Coming (and a Shocking Origin Story) Just when you think you've got the movie figured out, it throws a massive twist your way. Let's just say there's a whole lot of family drama going on, and Shaman might not be the good guy you thought he was. This revelation, coupled with a mind-blowing hallway fight scene (seriously, this movie is a contender for the best hallway scene of 2024!), makes the ending totally worth it. "Boy Kills World" is a wild ride from start to finish. It's a movie you watch for the insane action sequences, the WTF moments, and the sheer audacity of it all. Just don't go in expecting a deep and meaningful story. This is pure, unadulterated entertainment, perfect for fans of comic book movies and anyone who wants to see Bill Skarsgård go full-on action hero (with a dash of mute rage). The Origins of Boy Kills World "Boy Kills World" is the directorial debut of Moritz Mohr. The film was first announced in 2019, with Skarsgård signing on shortly after. The script, based on an unpublished graphic novel, was praised for its dark humor and over-the-top violence. Filming took place in South Africa in 2022, and the movie was finally released in April 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV_MWPL-jq8 Read the full article
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Sharksquatch #02
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Sharksquatch #02 Handwritten Entertainment 2019 Written & Lettered by Shawn Gabborin Illustrated by Sergio Rios Coloured by Rosa Colon     After tracking down the Sharksquatch, have Chance, Val, and Chief gotten themselves in over their heads? Blood, guts, and lots of insides on the outside are waiting for you..........     Sometimes you have to be careful with ideas and story's like this one that you don't go too far over into pure kitsch. Too silly and you veer into not being taken seriously as a writer, at least from my point of view. What Shawn manages to do here though is take a silly concept of a cryptid that doesn't exist and make it into something that we want to see more of. I will say it's akin to any of those made for SyFy movie, only better. Better is better and it has this personality , walk, personality, talk, with personality, smile, with personality, charm, personality, love, personality.     I can't give anything away here but I will say this, Shawn blew my mind with the story within these pages. I wasn't expecting nor prepared for what was going to happen at all. I was going to say something else but when you read this, and you really damn well should, you'll understand what I am talking about. Just the overall way that this is being told and how we get to see the events unfold grabs you by the ears and doesn't let go. Strong and interesting beyond belief this is what we all want to see in our comedic horror and make no mistake there is this dark adult black humour to this as well.     The story & plot development that we see through the sequence of events unfolding before us as well as how the reader learns information is extremely well done. The way we follow the characters through their adventure and see their actions add this action/thriller aspect to the book. The character development that we see is phenomenal and as the the book keeps moving forward we see more and more what makes these people tick and the motivations for what's behind their actions. The pacing is strong and solid as it takes us through the pages and the myriad of twists and turns along the way. All of which work so seamlessly together as they are weave through each other to create a spectacular ebb & flow to the book. The overall structure of the book is done extremely well and it nicely showcases Shawn's skills as a writer.     The interiors here are interesting for sure. The creativity and imagination on display in bringing this to life is fantastic. I mean creating a new mythical cryptid is a dream gig right and it comes across beautifully on the page. The utilisation of the varying weights to bring out the attention to detail here is fantastic. When we see backgrounds being utilised in the panels they do such wonders in expanding the moments, bring us a sense of depth perception, scale and size and scope to the story. So I would like to see them further utilised in more panels. Also thank you for giving Chance that masculine makeover heh or at least kind of stripping him down for action it's nice to see this on a guy these days. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows a solid eye for storytelling. The colour work is nice. We could do with seeing more variation in the hues and tones of the colours we see to create the shading, highlights and shadows. This would benefit the musculature we see greatly. ​     There is a lot going on here and I have to say that the way Shawn is able to really bring this about and keep it all moving forward without feeling like it's too crowded is sensational. This is pure unadulterated fun and if you want to call it a guilty pleasure then go right ahead because this is definitely in that category alright. You can head over to Handwritten Entertainment at https://squareup.com/store/Handwritten-Entertainment/ to order this and more.
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