#purple sentai
pleuvoire · 3 months
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here's what think it's gonna be like
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neoymm · 19 days
while billy himself turn into cap, he is a magical girl and/or without his sister Mary and his best friend Freddy (or brother idfk)
but the whole kids in the shazamily (6) is power rangers (/super sentai my beloved), they are so colour-coded that i think they fit more in power rangers/super sentai
but since mary is also red, imma a lil’ switch in colour and make her costume white (sorry mary :()
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temporary name for them
Marvel Red! (the captain as always)
Marvel White! (wise legendary type)
Marvel Blue! (the cool type)
Marvel Grey! (the tech type)
Marvel Green! (the nice type)
Marvel Purple! (comic relief type or the feminine type — idk man purple is usually the tech one but eugene got the tech one)
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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months
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make me choose
orange or purple → orange
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akq96618 · 3 months
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[ 💜💥 ]
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Animage December 2023 Issue ft. Yuzuki Hirakawa Interview (translation below)
Publication: November 10, 2023 (between episodes 35-36)
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"Remain Immovable"
Rita Kaniska, who rules the absolutely neutral country of Gokkan, is both the king and chief judge who passes down judgment on international criminals.
"The Law is the spear that pierces kings. The Law is the shield that protects man. For this reason, Gokkan will remain immovable."
Rita never wavers in their convictions at any time, and judges fairly according to the law.
However, just like anyone else, Rita also has a heart. They get angry at those who resell goods based on their beloved animated character "Moffun," and when their emotions get out of control, they scream in public.
When they tried to seal Grodie with the "Ice Seal," a secret sacrificial technique that's possessed within their right eye, they felt the fear of death. Still, Rita's strength lies in their determination to remain neutral and immovable as the king of Gokkan.
It must have been a positive thing for Rita to have friends who understood their way of living, were concerned about them, and tried to help them.
The current mission of the Royal Sentai, is to reclaim the countries of Chikyu that have been conquered by the Uchu Five Jesters. Goma, who rules Gokkan, is a difficult opponent, once messing around with the kings using a technique that switches bodies. What awaits Rita in the upcoming battle to reclaim Gokkan?
-I want to make use of the sword fighting skills I learned from Hachisuka-san-
"As the story progressed, the number of kings working together increased, but is there anything you're conscious of when expressing these relationships?"
Hirakawa: Basically, I try not to put my personal feelings into it, but after starting the second chapter, I feel like we're closer than ever. I'm not sure if a part of them that unconsciously feels at ease has emerged. However, I think Rita doesn't just think of them as their friends, rather, they're comrades that help protect Chikyu. When it comes to Hymeno, who is the closest to them, rather than being conscious of how I interact with her, I treat her naturally as Rita, reacting timidly to Hymeno's aggressive advances.
"We found it interesting that when they switched bodies with Yanma in episode 28, unlike the other kings, they didn't seem to become closer."
Hirakawa: Everyone else had good interactions, but we were in an interesting frame of, "Huh, what are we doing?" (laughs). In that episode, I also discussed with Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya that among the kings, Yanma would probably enjoy being swapped the most, and that the most important thing was to enjoy the chaos of the situation. Also, I thought that if I went too hard in my approach, it would be too rough, or that it would come off as lame, so I decided to just do it naturally. The Director told me things like, "You don't have to try doing it like Yanma," so I felt like I played much more as myself
"Have you heard any feedback from Watanabe Aoto-san, who plays Yanma?"
Hirakawa: When we met up, he said, "It was alot of fun!" and "It was cool." But, Aoto's Rita was way too much (laughs). I don't really roll my eyes or cross my eyes or anything like that. "I" did that because I reached a state of maximum irritation due to the stress of being swapped…..if you think about it, could it be possible? When I saw the final cut and realized how he performed, I was surprised and asked myself, "I've been doing this?"
"What do you take into consideration when interacting with Morfonia, your retainer?"
Hirakawa: I try to be as "flat" as possible without being too overwhelming. Like in the kabedon scene in episode 25, when they want to convey their thoughts, I'm always conscious of conveying them clearly, even if it's in their own awkward way. No matter what Rita and Morfonia say to each other, they'll never leave each other, as they know that their relationship won't change, so I feel like they're not hesitant about it.
"Have you had any memorable interactions with Yuichi Hachisuka-san, PapillonOhger's Suit Actor?"
Hirakawa: We usually film separately from each other, so I share information with Hachisuka-san whenever we meet. He incorporates what I talk to him about into his actions after the transformation. When we're fighting unmasked, he's always by the camera man's side, giving me friendly and detailed advice. We also have alot of small talk that's unrelated to acting, so I'm very grateful that he's so open and friendly with me.
"In terms of unmasked action, we think that episodes 32 and 33 depicted some pretty intense action scenes."
Hirakawa: That's right. It was the first time in the second chapter that I had to fight unmasked, and there were quite alot of moves. Rita's fighting style is not to attack the enemy themself, but to cut them down as the enemies approach them, so sword fighting skills are important. It's important to have a sense of balance between stopping your movements and applying force, and Hachisuka-san taught me alot not only during action practice, but also on the set. I've always loved to move my body, and even before King-Ohger I participated in a few practice sessions for action scenes and became interested in it. Hachisuka-san taught me the basics of how to hold, swing, and draw out the sword, and I'd like to continue challenging myself even after King-Ohger is over.
-Overflowing emotions between my mission and fear-
"The cast members of King-Ohger are actively engaged on SNS, but we have the impression that Hirakawa-san especially has frequent opportunities to interact with the fans."
Hirakawa: I'm conscious of doing something on SNS every day. I belong to LDH, which is famous as an artist agency, and their artists have many opportunities to directly interact with their supporters at things such as live performances and release events. However, the acting team doesn't have many opportunities like that, so I wanted to create a place to interact with the fans, so I use the Twitter space to talk and stream on Instagram Live. Also, I wanted to give people a chance to get to know me through Rita. I'm glad that the fans enjoy the gap between me and Rita.
"I see. It sounds like you had some deep thoughts and were communicating them."
Hirakawa: Well, I've always liked talking, so when I'm home alone, I sometimes start saying, "I'm kinda bored," or "I'll talk for abit" (laughs). I feel that I've become better at speaking since I've started streaming, and that my thinking is faster than before. Up until now, I haven't had many opportunities to communicate with the fans, so when I read their comments, it was encouraging to realize that there were so many people who supported me.
"Other than Rita, if you had to name your favorite character, who would it be?"
Hirakawa: Since playing him in the body swap episode, I feel attached to Yanma. I've always wanted to play a role with that kind of cool feel and slightly rough tone. Also, I guess I'd say Gira. I think his charm lies in that he's straightforward, honest, and cute, but the anger he shows and the feelings he has for his friends is also appealing. His face is looking more and more like that of a king, and in episode 29, there's even an effect where lights rush from his eyes, which was super cool!
"Please tell us about some of the most memorable episodes so far."
Hirakawa: In episode 30, the secret of Rita's right eye was revealed, and the culprit behind the "Wrath of God" was revealed to be Grodie, which still leaves an impression on me. I didn't know about the secret of their right eye, so I was surprised when I read the script. Grodie is played by Amano Kousei-san, who is a senior at my agency, and he also performed in Kamen Rider (played Sakuya Tachibana/Kamen Rider Garren in Kamen Rider Blade), so I have fond memories of being able to co star with him.
"Shiono Akihisa-san, who plays Souji Rippukan (Kyoryu Green) in episodes 32 and 33, also comes from the same agency."
Hirakawa: Yes. Shortly after being chosen to play Rita, I happened to have the opportunity to meet Shiono-san in another production, where I told him that I would be appearing in Sentai. I was very happy to be able to work together in the collaboration episodes, with Shiono-san encouraging me with, "Do you best."
"Going back to episode 30, we think it was a major turning point from Rita's perspective."
Hirakawa: The relationship with Karras, the previous king, was explored in depth, and Rita's actions towards their mission and determination to protect their people was depicted, which I thought was cool to play. For the scenes where Rita's emotions were overflowing, I wanted to express them in advance, and wanted to express them within the atmosphere of the scene. The scene where Karras collapsed in front of my eyes was so powerful, that I was surprised at how much emotion I felt inside of me and how much it moved me. The scene where they use the "Ice Seal" on Grodie is especially emotional. It's a secret technique that seals away both yourself and your opponent, so using it will lead to Rita's death. Rita is conflicted between their duty as a king to protect their people, and their fear of dying. I played the role imagining those feelings, but since I had never experienced the loss of a loved one, it became so overwhelming, that I couldn't stop crying during filming, and had to be given time to calm down.
"You played the part with a great amount of emotion."
Hirakawa: When I read the script, I often write down what I'm thinking of at that moment, but for the scene where I use the secret technique, I wrote, "I leave the rest to you." Then, when it came time to perform, I imagined everyone's faces…..I thought, "I don't want to die," and "But" and I cried not only as Rita, but also as Yuzuki Hirakawa (laughs). By deciding to protect the lives of their people and the peace of Chikyu more than their own life, Rita was able to grow even more, and when Hymeno stopped them, I feel that they were able to firmly realize that they were not alone.
"Finally, please tell us about some future highlights."
Hirakawa: In episode 36, Rita will do some interesting things in the scenes regarding Hymeno's marriage matchmaking, but I think episode 38 will be the main highlight for Rita. Filming is about to begin (at the time of this interview), so I know I have to do my best......I really hope everyone will look forward to it (laughs). _
Question to Kaku So-san! (Kaguragi Dybowski's Actor)
Kaguragi often goes to different places alone, like infiltrating other places, without anyone noticing. I'm curious to know how he manages to stay out of everyone's sight with such a large body. I also want to know how he takes care of his long hair. If you look closely, Kaguragi's hair is quite smooth. It's actually a wig, but I'd like to hear Kaku-san's interpretation of how Kaguragi takes care of his smooth hair. (-Hirakawa)
Questions from Murakami Erica-san! (Hymeno Ran's Actor)
Q: What kind of food does Rita like? If you were to make a Gokkan coat for Hymeno, what would you propose?
I have a feeling that Rita likes sweet things. I personally like wagashi, so I think they'd appreciate that (laughs). A coat that's a dress with her legs showing would look cold, so it should be like a poncho and worn over the top. I think a long coat with a hood would be nice. A fluffy white ball (snowman) coat, or a kamikiri (mantis) coat! (-Hirakawa)
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meganechan05 · 6 months
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I love how artists draw black cats as just blobs with ears and a tail and all you see in the middle is just their big ass eyes all (O O) 😂
And then I remembered that we all call HimeRita the Black Cat/Golden Retriever ship bc that's basically their dynamic and color scheme. (I still call Rita a black cat tho bc their energy just screams it even though we also call them a murder puppy)
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egophiliac · 2 years
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Rita, mon amour 🦋
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chico-robot2 · 1 year
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ssremitm · 2 months
Boon special (💜)
I wanted to finish drawing the full sentai team today so here’s Sakito before I go to sleep.
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His outfit is honestly pretty easy to drawn when taking in smalll details, and for his eyes I was unsure if I wanted to give him unique lashes or not so he gets mini ones.
(His hair is still.. something to draw. Toku shows makes understandable hairstyles.)
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mofffun · 1 year
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nightfal1n · 2 months
Good thing about onsen collab is Mina got assigned black color while Kafka is red because by sentai genre code black is mean to be the last to join but make the most impact while also have a strong bond with red asfasfg
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harukakitous · 1 year
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"Oh, they'll be fine."
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doggendoodle · 6 months
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so i'm changing my avatar
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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months
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Genba Bureki in Bakuage Sentai BoonBoomger 01x16 Purple Killer
+ bonus
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akq96618 · 7 days
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rise and shine
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regaliasonata · 9 months
Jeramie: For every insect that is killed on Terra via pesticides there will be a tax increase on the rampant bugism that is occurring from such actions.
Rita: Get out of my office.
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