#super sentai au
neoymm · 23 days
while billy himself turn into cap, he is a magical girl and/or without his sister Mary and his best friend Freddy (or brother idfk)
but the whole kids in the shazamily (6) is power rangers (/super sentai my beloved), they are so colour-coded that i think they fit more in power rangers/super sentai
but since mary is also red, imma a lil’ switch in colour and make her costume white (sorry mary :()
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temporary name for them
Marvel Red! (the captain as always)
Marvel White! (wise legendary type)
Marvel Blue! (the cool type)
Marvel Grey! (the tech type)
Marvel Green! (the nice type)
Marvel Purple! (comic relief type or the feminine type — idk man purple is usually the tech one but eugene got the tech one)
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alexoreality · 1 year
Guys, suggest to me in which AU Luffy I should draw
Im bored guys help
My AUs in question
-Forgotten Bonds
-Hair Language
-Misplaced Hatred
-Deaf Captain AU
-Musician and Captain AU
-L the Diva AU
-Super Sentai/Power Rangers AU
-Older Brother Luffy
-Robin-Luffy Swap AU
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maverick-creator · 4 months
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Havent draw in months, but I managed to made myself draw some sketches and some characters redesigns
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shadowfear-art · 2 months
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Finally finished the "Power Rangers/Super Sentai au"
The premise of the story (has probably been done before), is humanity has found the element that created gods from myths in all around the world. And of course every power hungry person wants a piece to study or use to ascend to a higher being, leading to two options of "hero's vs villains"
The first option of using said element is via a technological suit, upside that it can regulate the element's chaotic energy and allowing its user to exceed their normal human potential. Down side the suit needs constant maintenance from the power's constant wear and tear, if broken the suit becomes useless leaving the user practically naked.
The second option, usually done by villains, is infusion. Various methods to do this but ultimately absorbing the element into the body and becoming vastly stronger which leads to change one's physical form, the draw back is there is a percentage of how much the human body can handle currently before failing (60%-65). If a failure occurs the person in question becomes a monster, powerful but dumbed down and subservient. Your typical monsters of the week, bad guy that are usually followers of those who didn't fail.
Which our story leads to Crocodile, a young CEO on the villains side funding their research on heightening the current infusion percentage. He wants power but isn't foolish enough to jump to the opportunity like everyone else only to fail or be beaten by a Revolutionary Ranger (or any other similar group).
Being smug when competing funders like himself fail he definitely ruffled some feathers leading to betrayal and kidnapping of Crocodile (speaking of birds, Doflamingo isn't part of this race for power yet until a few three-ish years later)
With the intent of absolutely humiliating the young CEO, Crocodile was infused at 100% purposely to cause him to become a failure monster. Which worked but not in the way anyone would ever expect.
Sand Croc couldn't be controlled and worse yet could not be contained baffling everyone as the large reptile rampaged all over the city for months.
The only person to come close to capturing the beast is Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Rangers, his relationship with the CEO is complicated as the two were romantic but the sides that each took made it impossible to continue said relationship. And honestly neither are over each other which brings Dragon to uncovering why Sand Croc is acting the way he is ...
100% infusion is terrifying when successful.
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dokidokitsuna · 3 months
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After the rain
Last night, an angel came to me in my dreams and told me I had to draw the Sentai again...they also said I needed to change the artstyle, but I didn't listen to that part. ^^ Anyway, here ya go~
I don't know why these young heroes continually haunt my dreams...I mean, they are adorable, but so are a lot of my other characters... :T If it will appease the angels, I promise to give their story another try after DDT is finished~.
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meganechan05 · 26 days
So what dem teeth do?
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Brain believes Himeno should always be the monster in au fics bc it works... But Rita as an awkward vampire is too perfect!
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diamondchili · 8 months
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king ohger but theyre a bunch of 20-somethings on earth just survivin… and havin movie nights <3
(id in alt text!)
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asanjou · 1 year
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had a suprise free evening so spent a while making an au where racules is the world's most pissed off cat
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howlingday · 11 months
(For Ru-Ja-Gun-Con)
Jaune and Ruby somehow end up back big the sword section and Jaune picks up an interesting blade.
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The only thing is after he picks it up it transforms him into this
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Jaune: (Drops it) ...IT DIDN'T WORK!
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choco-bloop · 3 months
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haven't posted in a good while because exams/tests were kicking my ass this week.
But in a late anniversary to one of the GAYEST kingohger episodes ever (tied with 30) AKA Episode 16 aka when the HimeRita fans went wild for the first time.
I was going to do canon HimeRita but instead did Lupat AU himerita since its been just over a year since I posted that fic
Transcript, because my handwriting is terrible on digital:
Rita: Can you not?
Himeno: Why not~?
Rita: The others could walk in
Himeno: C'mn, at this point they know without us saying
Rita: Still. You have all the time to bug me afterwards
Himeno: Nope~
Himeno: And you complain as if you aren't enjoying this.
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jacqueline314 · 29 days
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regaliasonata · 10 months
Alrighty @skyland2703 that evil idea I had for megaforce.
I mean, Vrak did find Noah interesting….if only this season was good, plus imagine him not just as Noah but also with Basco’s aesthetic 😈
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maverick-creator · 2 years
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The symbol of burning courage! GlyphRed!
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The symbol of the indomitable nature! GlyphGreen!
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The symbol of icy creativity, Glyph Blue!
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The pure and wild essence of magic.
Symbol Team Glyphenger!
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shadowfear-art · 2 months
I know it is specifically super Sentai. But I want you to understand my vision of Crocodile being hit with Pink Sugar Heart Attack.
🎶Whelp this is what it looks like 🎶
(Had to sketch this as fast as I could)
Since it fits had to use Law for Pink Sugar Heart Attack. Don't know if it fits timeline wise.
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... How about both existing but magical girl/boy being a consequence of the Super Sentai battles were the remaining energy contamination low key infusing some of the populace leading to a type of hybridization~
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dokidokitsuna · 9 months
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So I originally drew this...*checks notes*...a year and a half ago. In fact, it's so old, its file number came from an old scanning UI that I don't use anymore. ^^;
But, I decided to dredge it up and finish coloring it now, because I just want to post art again...! ;_; I feel like I've been stuck in WIP hell for an unusually long time...I'm hoping that it's just the holidays messing with my schedule; maybe after Christmas things'll go back to normal...
Anyway...as you can see, this is a leftover from the Super Star Sentai AU; an illustration I probably came up with as an excuse to use these formalwear designs from before.
Needless to say, I still miss the Sentai. ^^ Of all the AU main character groups they definitely had the best chemistry; I could (and did~) write them interacting for pages and pages. Fun fact: In the comic script, ^this party was only shown during a freaky nightmare MK has after Susie turns to the dark side and almost kills him and his brother. Although most of it is just a nice memory; a small showcase of how things were when public support for the SSS was at its highest, and the kind of relationship MK and "Sue" used to have. Something for both him and the reader to hold onto as they move forward into the blood-soaked roller coaster that forms the rest of the story. ^^;
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meganechan05 · 4 months
Royalty at the Grid Gala
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Big thanks to @/itmethanh on Twitter for hosting!
Full details below:
I really wanted to see Rita in a three-piece suit and the way I wanted to design it is to make sure there are still elements that would connect them to butterflies.
Most of the inspo for the coat does come from their original concept design as I decided to have embroidery with the Gokkan sigil on the sash. It still has the snow effect but I also decided to have God Papillon's wing pattern on the coattails as well. I've thought about giving them Blue Admiral wing patterns but I thought paying homage to God Papillon would fit better.
The butterfly accessories were placed similarly to Rita having their earcuff and bracelet so the hairpin and broach were placed along the same line.
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I originally wanted to give Himeno this giant ballgown filled with flowers and such to represent Ishabana, but I realized my skills with that was limited. But what stayed from the original design is her hair which I wanted to point out to be styled like a bouquet of roses. I also had her blonde after some color testing and her usual blonde hair was perfect.
I then thought "Well she's named after the Orchid Mantis which uses camouflage to look like a flower so I can just... turn her into one" which led to her design. Her outer skirt would be flower petals while the inner skirt is similar to a mermaid skirt.
I also included a lot of mantis claws in the design because I noticed her outfits don't really use that much so i wanted to try that as it would also fit with Ishabana's sigil.
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Morf, I always saw as someone who would wear something simple yet also elegant but also keeping the layered aspect of her character design.
Her dress has more liberty to be designed more like butterflies such as her bodice and outer skirt. The spot pattern and gradient is based off the Blue Morpho while the shine is more towards the Pearl Morpho.
I also added a matching hair ribbon so she and Rita can match.
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