#purse dog yandere
weebsinstash · 2 years
I feel like Val is the type to get his lil pet hella hooked on some drug(nothing too debilitating…maybe) to the point they absolutely can’t leave him cause he’s able to get the purest most refined version of it and they can’t handle less.
Getting to the point that they just give up running and just start finally settling in to the pet role, or so he thinks, when he realizes they’re just constantly doping up to avoid him in their own little world. Always conveniently high off their horse during the times he usually wants to be pampered and loved by them and he’s just like “oh, well alright cunt if you like that shit more than me-“ just fucking instant cold turkeys them. Watching them get their withdrawal meltdowns and promising them just scraps to get whatever he wants. Snuggles, kisses, lick his nutsack just whatever cause he knows they’ll be desperate enough. Only to snort and grin as they look at him so pleadingly and cute and he tells them what a pathetic job they did, using any outburst as an excuse to… get rough with em.
Wrap them up, give em a lil time out or maybe set them up with a lil buzz toy to work out that frustration and give them a new distraction to get through the painful withdrawals. Only cooing at their pleading and licking up the drool from their chin.
Oh- got carried away there. Anyways he a nasty nasty man n I see him bein fuuucked like dat :>
Oh no absolutely is this something I've thought pretty intensely about. it's pretty implied in the Addict music video that Angel is addicted to whatever drug is in Valentino's cigarettes. when he is dancing but looking anxious, Valentino blows the smoke directly in his face and he goes from anxious to feeling more motivated which is probably deliberate on Val's part and also im pretty sure that unless this is just music video pizazz that Valentino has some sort of powers which would check out since dead sinners having powers is already established wirh Alastor
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There is also this pretty blatant visual metaphor
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and in Angel's room there are cigarettes that are varying stages of being unfinished implying he's trying to stop and he actively acknowledges through the lyrics "there's another rush of poison flowing into my veins, giving me a dose of pleasure that resides by the pain" and it's pretty clear that on top of being abused and being an addict he's also just trying to use drugs to cope with everything he's going through
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So ABSOLUTELY have I thought of everyone's favorite to hate scumbag pimp taking advantage of any weaknesses or addictions Reader may have and I personally can contribute my own personal experiences to this since I have a genetic predisposition to getting addicted and have had problems with alcohol and controlling my habits myself.
I can see it now. You're all in the limo and Valentino is smoking, Angel and a few others are too, and the Overlord looks over at you and laughs because you're smoking a joint and just starts openly mocking you for "that loser little kid shit" (even though I would stake my life that Vox would love getting stoned and gaming out and probably does so). You just kind of shrug him off, saying you're fine with just weed, but Valentino can't help but notice you're drinking too. You'll sit there, toke, sip, toke, sip, until you're a little loopy and feeling good, at your preferred level of euphoria, though there's been a few times you've just straight up fallen asleep in his limo from doing too much too quickly and Angel or one of the dancers had to jostle you awake.
Valentino doesn't see you hang out with anyone. He never sees you around town. As far as he knows, you work your shifts and only leave your rented room to get food, bathe, or run errands. Most of the times he sees you, you're stoned and or getting stoned, and there's been more then once that some catty little poledancer or whomever didn't like you whispered in his ear that you've been stumbling around drunk.
I've thought of it going one of two ways: he gets you high by force, or you ask him for it. Can you imagine it? You've been smoking weed but it just isn't the same, either your tolerance carried over from your human body or perhaps you've just been doing so much you built it back up anew, but now, one of the only things that brought you joy and calmed you down isn't working as well anymore, and you're having to spend more and do more and you'll cough your throat raw and still not feel 'how you want'. This high isn't how you remember it feeling before, so do more until it feels good! It is legitimately such a helpless feeling when you start leaning on a substance for comfort and you notice the efficacy wearing off. There's a sense of fear and desperation in it, that 'your only way to be happy' isn't working. And you start wondering, maybe I should try something else, something different, something stronger?
Val's been watching you and having his employees secretly keep tabs on you and you're all at the club and you're sitting near him and you look down at your last joint that's almost finished and you still feel miserable before glancing up at him with these big sad eyes and gestures to his cigarette, "so what's even in those anyway?" And he just smirks and hands it to you, "see for yourself, baby"
Or like, the same scenario but inverted from another perspective, Val can tell you've been smoking like a chimney to the point maybe you're even paying rent late because you're spending so much on your vices, and even if he can't immediately identify why, there's something that gets under his skin at seeing you all sad and gloomy. I wouldn't put it passed him to offer his cigarette to you and you refuse, and he pushes harder for it, trying to essentially pressure you into doing it until you cave, before just grabbing your chin and shotgunning the full capacity of his lungs straight into your mouth while you hopelessly fail to try to push him away
Either way, once the drug settles, you're just sitting there all 😊 smiling and giggling and engaging, overflowing with dopamine, all but melting into the sofa or limo custom you're sitting on while you play on your phone or listen intently to one of your boss' stories from when he eas alive, which always boosts his ego when you listen and you're like "wow that must have been so scary 🥺" and making him feel all big and tough, and maybe he can even convince you to cuddle a little. What, he's not touching up on you or anything, you can't just sit beside him? He can't wrap one of his arms around your waist and just hold onto you while he's on his phone? I mean, drugs and alcohol, scientifically proven, activate a specific part of your brain, and our brains favor the more primal feelings over rational thought which is why drunk and high people can act erratic and shit. So you're sitting there feeling all hot n buzzed n horny and suddenly Oh, big Mr Valentino has his hand on your thigh and is teasing you, hitting on you a little bit, and the mindset of "fuck that man something NASTY" is overpowering your usual rational thought of "GIRL BE NICE TO HIM SO HE DOESNT HURT YOU BUT OTHERWISE DONT EVEN LOOK IN HIS DIRECTION"
Valentino just lowkey making you a sex addict because he gets you high and gives you mind shattering orgasms 😩❤️ I imagine this would be extremely effective towards those of us that have lived more isolated lonely lives lol. The first morning after he fucks you and your new favorite drug has worn off, he can tell you're embarrassed, barely making eye contact with the man you had said some reeeeal freaky stuff to in bed (which he LOVED lol but he'll tease you for it just to watch you squirm). Maybe it'll be a week, maybe it'll be a few days, but you kind of avoid him, but then, it happens: the two of you wind up sitting in the limo near each other again, or at the club, and he catches you sending glances his way, eyes flicking between either his cigarette or him himself, looking away as soon as he notices you.
He'll pull you close, putting his hands on your body, purring in your ear, "what do you need from me, baby?" with the smell of his cigarette ghosting over your skin with the heat of his breath and you shudder and he knows, he knows you're going to be his new favorite toy
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yandere-daydreams · 1 month
Title: Wendigo Disorder.
Pairing: Yandere!Sukuna x Reader (JJK).
Word Count: 5.0k.
Written for a very lovely anonymous commissioner.
TW: Non/Con, Fem!Reader, Cannibalism, No Curse AU, Chef Sukuna AU, Oral Sex, Unhealthy Relationships, Kidnapping, Gore, Physical + Psychological Abuse, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, and Prolonged Captivity. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
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Sukuna kept the basement door locked.
That was the only part of his rustic, oversized house that was off-limits to you. For the first few weeks, he’d kept you either collared and leashed to the headboard of his bed if he was home and locked in a roughly human-sized dog kennel when he wasn’t, but now, you were allowed to wander freely, even if he still kept deadbolts on the windows and doors. Occasionally, he’d lock you out of the kitchen while he was working on a new recipe or tell you to stay in your bedroom while he talked to his every-mysterious “business partners”, but for a kidnapper, Sukuna was surprisingly trusting. The basement door was the only thing that was always locked – and you should know. You checked the knob at least twice a day.
It wasn’t that he was afraid of you escaping, or hurting yourself, or god forbid, hurting him. Even in the early days, before you’d proved you weren’t going to run away, he seemed to be more concerned that you might be a nuisance than that you might be any kind of threat. The only thing you really knew was that the basement was where he kept his meat locker, and while you were curious, you were sure that wasn’t what he was keeping you away from. Sukuna had you sample everything he made. If he was going to start withholding food, then he would’ve had to—
“Oi, brat.” You felt his elbow jab into your side, drawing you out of your thoughts. “Quit daydreaming and try this.”
You glanced towards him, pouting as you straightened your back and repositioned yourself on the kitchen counter. You would’ve been more comfortable to sit on the floor, or better yet, at the table in the next room, but he liked to have you as close as possible whenever he was cooking. Not that you’d have it any other way. “You’re always so mean to me,” you sighed, in a pitchy mock whine. “One day, I’m not going to want to spend time with you at all.”
“As if. You can’t get enough of me.” He rolled his eyes, turning back to the stove top. Currently, he was working on something for his restaurant – a variation on karaage, a spread of vegetables and meat (pork, maybe, but you weren’t entirely sure) sitting on a cutting board off to the side, a greased skillet waiting next to it. His attention was on the broth simmering in the pot in front of him, though, which his ingredients would strew in before being fried. He’d been toying with it for the better part of an hour, and you’d sat diligently within arm’s reach, only slightly motivated by the fact that he’d threatened to break both your ankles if you tried to move.
Your sample turned out to be a piece of broccoli – likely chosen to best compliment the flavor of the broth – and you accepted it eagerly, letting Sukuna bring his chopsticks to your lips and feed you by-hand. Of course, the flavor was heavenly, and of course, you took long seconds to savor it, letting your eyes fall shut as you chewed and swallowed. Sukuna watched you intently, his dark eyes never leaving your lips. It wasn’t a secret that his favorite part of you had always been your mouth. You didn’t mind – his cooking was the only thing you’d ever liked about him.
Praise would’ve been pointless. It was a given that anything he made would be the best thing you’d ever tasted, so you tried to focus on something more productive. “It’s… salty,” you surmised, pursing your lips. “Did you use your…?”
“Cum?” Sukuna finished. “Just a tablespoon. ‘m surprised you can even taste it.”
A month ago, you might’ve recoiled, refused to eat, but now, it was all you could do to pretend to be surprised.
You watched intently as he added another cup of water, another round of herbs all kept in mismatched, unlabeled jars. Your heart skipped a beat as he finally reached towards the cutting board, but he pulled away at the last minute, turning to you, instead.
“’kuna,” you whined as he slid into the space between your legs, planting a large hand on either side of you. “I was actually hoping to eat sometime tonight, y’know.”
“I know, I know.” And yet, he didn’t seem concerned, chuckling as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, pressing an open-mouthed kiss into the base of your throat. “You’ll get to, just sit pretty for a little while longer.”
“But—” He cut you off with another kiss, this one immediately followed by feeling of his pointed canines burrowing into tender skin. You flinched into yourself, and Sukuna groaned into your neck, drawing back just far enough to run the flat of his tongue over the twin puncture marks.  Your hands shot to his shoulders, but you resisted the urge to push him away. Even if you did, it was already too late; you could feel something stiff pressing against the inside of your thigh, hear him murmuring something low and affectionate into the dip of your shoulder. Resigned, you leaned back against the kitchen cabinets and shut your eyes.
At least, if he got this over with quickly enough, you might still get to eat.
Your first impression of Sukuna, unsurprisingly, was that he looked more like a body builder than a chef.
Calling him massive would’ve been an understatement. He stood a head above you, with biceps as thick as your head and a chest so defined, you could see the outline of his definition through the thin fabric of his black (presumably not Health and Safety compliant) tank top. He had piercings, too – twin studs underneath his bottom lip, lining the bridge of his nose – and tattoos, black lines forming intricate patterns across his jawline and bands around his wrist. You already had your back to the concrete wall, but you pressed yourself against it, regardless, eager to put as much space between you and him as possible. Sukuna remained where he was, perpetually unimpressed.
His introduction was brief, succinct. “You’re the little bitch Uraume sent out?”
“I… I think so?” You genuinely weren’t sure. The waitress had only told you that the owner wanted to talk to you outside, which you hadn’t been surprised by. It was your fourth time coming in that week, since his restaurant didn’t do takeout and the last person to order more than they could eat in one sitting was promptly and proudly taken outside and beaten half to death. You couldn’t risk that, not when more than half of your meals came from his shop.  “I’m sorry, I just—Are you the chef? I really like—”
“Shut the fuck up.” He took half a step toward you, and you glanced down the alleyway behind his restaurant. One end was cut off with a chain-link fence, and while the other side opened up onto a proper road, it was still more than fifty feet away. You never would’ve made it, not with someone like Sukuna chasing you. “Who sent you? The Gojo clan?”
Sent you? You had no idea what he was talking about – if you had someone to fund your addiction, you wouldn’t have to resign yourself the cheapest section of his overpriced menu. You opened your mouth, but must’ve taken longer to answer than you realized. You blinked, and suddenly, his hand was planted on the wall beside your head, his body only a hair’s width from yours. He had to tilt his head forward to look at you, which while not surprising, did little to comfort you. “Answer the fucking question.” And then, when you shrunk into yourself at his tone. “I swear to fucking Christ—Did he tell you what happens to the people who piss me off? Because you’re about to—”
“I can’t eat anything else!”
You were just as surprised as he was to hear your own voice. Still, you did your best to recover quickly, falling into a stiff bow as deep as the confined space would allow. With your eyes fixed on the pavement, you forced yourself to go on, to say something that would stop the owner of your favorite restaurant from murdering you in the alleyway behind that aforementioned restaurant. “I—I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time, but—but a classmate brought me here a few months ago, and—and I haven’t been able to eat anywhere else since. I can come in less often, if that’s what you’re bothered by, but please.” You forced yourself to inhale, to breathe. “Please, don’t ban me.”
At that, Sukuna broke. You didn’t dare to look at him, but you could hear the smirk in his voice, the airy laugh lacing his tone, as if he found something about your desperation funny. He did, obviously. You’d quickly realize that Sukuna found most things about you funny. “You think I’m going to… What was it? Ban you?”
You nodded furiously. “I—I know you kicked out that salaryman last week, and a couple students the week before. They were all regulars, but I haven’t seen any of them since.” It was a rushed explanation, only half-coherent, but you still tried to go on, bowing your head. “I—I can’t cook, and I can’t eat anywhere else, anymore. If you ban me, I really don’t have a lot of other options, so—”
“You can go back to your table.”
It was your turn to blink, this time, to startle. You didn’t straighten your back, not until you felt Sukuna’s hand on your shoulder, heard the grin in his voice sharpen. “Really?”
“Mhm. Don’t order, I’ll send something over. And you’re going to stay until closing.” And then, as you stared up at him with as much gratitude you’d ever felt, “We’re going to grab a couple drinks after I close up shop. Try to think of a few more compliments, before then.”
It wasn’t a question, but you nodded regardless. After scurrying back to your table before Sukuna could change his mind, a white-haired woman who you’d never seen working the front of house before brought you a meat dish so rare, you could’ve sworn it hadn’t been cooked at all.
It went without saying that you savored every bite.
“Needy ass brat.”
His bicep dug into your stomach where you were slung over his shoulder, your legs dangling uselessly was your hands clawed half-heartedly at his back. You weren’t really upset that he’d caught you – you knew it’d only be a matter of time the moment you slipped out of bed – but it was frustrating just how quickly he’d come to get you. You’d barely gotten to the kitchen, let alone the fridge.
Your mind drifted back to the basement door – to the meat locker. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you decided that you would try to pick the lock tomorrow, after he’d left for the day. Whatever punishment he’d dull out would be worth it, if you could actually get in.
Unceremoniously, you were dumped onto the floor of his bedroom, left to shamble to your knees as he collapsed onto the foot of the bed. You moved to stand, but Sukuna was quick to catch you by the hair and force you back down. “Disobedient, too,” he muttered, his voice still rough with exhaustion. “Tell me what you were trying to do before I decide you can’t be trusted with the ability to walk.”
You sulked, letting out a shallow sigh and resting your cheek against the inside of his knee. “I’m just hungry,” you explained, feigning thoughtlessness. It was more or less true. You were eating better than you ever had before, and yet, your stomach had never felt emptier. “I was gonna come back, after I got something.”
Sukuna chuckled, running his fingers through your hair. You melted into his thigh, eager to keep his mood light, sentimental. “I feed you three gourmet meals a day, baby. Don’t act like you’re starving.”
“But I am.” You sighed, stared up at him with your doe-like expression. “I’ve really been craving meat, lately, ‘specially that stuff you keep downstairs. Can you make it again tomorrow?”
“We’ll see. I don’t want you getting spoiled, and ‘sides, I’ve gotta save some of it for the shop.” You frowned, sinking deeper into his thigh, and Sukuna sighed, raking his nails over your scalp. “But, maybe, if I got some motivation from my little helper…”
He trailed off, and suddenly, it was your turn to play oblivious. “Well, yeah, I’d obviously help,” you chirped, mimicking his smile. “I’m not very good in the kitchen, though, so you can’t blame me if—”
“That’s not what I want from you, babydoll.”
You felt something tighten in your chest. It wasn’t painful, but the way his fingers tugged at your hair was.
He didn’t pull. You tried to be thankful for that, but it was hard to be thankful for anything when his free hand was already at the waistband of his sweats, freeing the semi-stiff cock formerly hidden beneath the grey fabric. You frowned, but didn’t pull away. “How are you already hard?” And then, as you settled onto your knees, “You woke up, like, two minutes ago.”
“Always gotta have something nice n’ warm ready for my baby.” Rather than let your whining deter him, he focused on drawing you into his lap, encouraging you to lean into him, to brace yourself on his muscular thighs. Controlling as always, Sukuna guided you gently towards his cock. You half-expected him to force you down at the last minute, to laugh as he suffocated you on his length, but of course, he didn’t. He wasn’t that kind.
He wouldn’t let you play such a passive role in your own dehumanization.
You moved as quickly as you could without making your unwillingness entirely transparent, taking the head of his cock past your lips and running the flat of your tongue over his slit (already leaking, as if this couldn’t get any worse). You couldn’t pretend to be some pure-of-heart, dewy eyed virgin, not when most of your mornings were started with Sukuna thrusting three fingers lazily into your cunt and most of your nights ended with his face buried between your thighs, but you never seemed to be able to completely brace yourself for just how wide you had to open your mouth to take him, just how mindful you had to be to not let your teeth scrape against his shaft as you struggled to get past his tip. Like everything else about Sukuna, his cock was too fucking big. Not that he seemed to care.
If anything, Sukuna seemed to like the way you gagged around him. As you wrapped a hand around his base, pumping over the parts of his shaft you couldn’t swallow and trying to ignore the fact that your fingers didn’t touch, you heard him groan, felt his grip tighten on your hair, and knew he was staring at you, drinking in the sight of you choking on his cock with as little shame as you had dignity. “Good girl,” he muttered, more to himself than to you. “Are you gonna start moving, or does the spoiled princess need a little help?”
‘Help’ meant him holding your head in-place while he fucked your skull. Resisting the urge to shake your head, you bobbed shallowly, the veined underside of his cock gliding over your tongue as a knot of ache formed in either corner of your jaw, the strain already too painful to ignore. You could taste his arousal in the back of your throat, feel him throbbing against the hollows of your cheeks, but you forced yourself to dip your head lower, to take him deeper, to at least attempt to match the stuttering pace of your hand with that of your mouth. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep him distracted. His hand drifted from the back of your head to the nape of your neck, his thumb pushing rough patterns into your skin. “Still can’t believe I get to keep such a sweet thing all to myself.” It was almost cruel, how composed he sounded while saliva dripped from the corner of your mouth. “It would’ve been a shame if I’d fucked up and done something really mean, that first day. I don’t think I would’ve gone through with it, though. As soon as I got a good look, all I wanted was to see what that pretty mouth looked like wrapped around my cock.”
His breath hitched, his hips bucked, and you audibly gagged as the blunt head of his cock slammed into the back of your throat. You jerked away on reflex, but Sukuna didn’t let you go far. His hand wrapped around your neck as he rolled his hips, forcing another inch of his cock down your throat, then another, until it was all you could do to blink away the tears quickly forming in your eyes. Your hand fell away from his shaft to scramble and claw at his thighs, but if Sukuna mourned the loss of contact, you couldn’t tell. The only thing you could make out was his cock pulsing against the convulsing walls of your throat and his voice, as distant as it was deafening. “Fuck,” he sighed, then again, “Fuck. Desperate little bitch. My desperate little bitch. Can’t go three fucking seconds without needing me to take care of you, isn’t that right?”
Your only response was a desperate, keening whine – mostly muffled by the twitching object lodged in your airway. Rather than a plea for mercy, Sukuna seemed to take it as confirmation, taking you by the back of your head and forcing you that much further, that much closer. “Fucking—Take it.”
He didn’t give you a chance to spit, let alone pull away. Your nose brushed against the defined muscle of his abdomen as you felt something bitter and searing flood down your throat. Calling it swallowing would’ve been too generous.
That night, you vomited twice before letting Sukuna carry you to bed. Despite everything, you would dream only of the taste of fresh blood and burnt meat.
Despite everything, you only saw the kitchen of Sukuna’s restaurant once. He expected you at your usual table almost every day, invited you out for drinks at one of his classy, dimly lit lounges (a severe juxtaposition to his own hole-in-the-wall establishment) nearly as often as that, but he only let you see his back of house once, late at night, hours after closing.
Coincidentally, that was also the night he took you away.
Admittedly, it was difficult to remember why you’d been called back to the kitchen. That section of your day was blurry, distant, fuzzy around the edges from the moment you stepped into his shop to the second you woke up alone in a bed you didn’t recognize, the smell of sweat and cigarette smoke thick in the air.  Still, you could remember the feeling of chilled titanium pressing into your back, the heat of Sukuna’s body above you, what he’d looked like as you stared up at him from below. You remembered thinking, possibly for the first time, that you hated everything about him, from his inflated ego to his resonating voice to his awful, conniving smirk, and realizing that you’d never be able to leave him.
You also remembered the white-haired server being there – standing in the doorway, her expression one of pleasant indifference as she explained something grotesque and nonsensical to Sukuna, either oblivious to or uncaring of how deeply he was buried inside of you. You watched her lips move, but only a few words broke through the haze – disposal and witness, nothing that made any sense. You remembered noticing how pretty she was, and thinking that it was a shame she wasn’t the owner, rather than Sukuna.
You could remember asking for something, and Sukuna humming in response before something was shoved past your lips – heady and thick and raw. You tasted blood on your lips, felt yourself choke, and then, everything was dark.
“Oh, sweetheart.”
You should’ve known he’d gotten home. You’d been able to make out the sound of his footsteps through the floor above, been able to feel the light spill onto your back as the basement door and its useless, mangled knob were pushed open, but it wasn’t until you heard his voice that you could bring yourself to care. Even then, your hold on the raw chunk of half-frozen meat only tightened, nails digging into the ruddy, bleeding tissue. As much as you didn’t want to put a name to it, it would’ve been impossible to deny what it was – to ignore what you’d seen inside of the meat locker, to pretend you hadn’t recognized the disassembled bodies hanging on rusted-over hooks, to act like you could mistake the taste still heavy on your tongue for that of pig, or cow, or some other, inferior animal. It would’ve been useless, even if the temptation was still there. It would’ve been futile.
Almost as futile as trying to deny that it was the best fucking thing you’d ever choked down.
You heard the tell-tale creak of Sukuna starting to descend the staircase, and before you could stop yourself, dug your teeth into the brunt of the sinew, tearing off the largest mouthful you were capable of and swallowing it whole. You dipped your head for another bite, but it was too late – Sukuna was already behind you, his hand already wrapped around the collar of your shirt, your body already being jerked back and away from your hard-earned prize. You tried to dig your nails into the thick of the fat, to stuff the last of it past your lips, but with an airy chuckle and a quirk of his wrist, the cut was torn away and discarded just as thoughtlessly.
For the first time, you snapped towards Sukuna, your teeth bared and your eyes narrowed into something furious, something hostile. “Why would you—” And then, letting out a miserable sob and turning away from him, “I—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to break anything, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and then—”
“I get it, baby. You aren’t in trouble.”
“And then I found something heavy enough to break the knob and I couldn’t stop thinking about—” You cut yourself off suddenly, letting out a sharp exhale. “…I’m not?”
“No, princess, you’re not.” If you hadn’t known better, you might’ve mistaken his tone for something gentle. His gaze fell to your chest, and for the first time, you noticed the blood dripping down your chin, staining the fabric of your top. “We should get you cleaned up, though. You’ll only feel shittier when it dries.”
You didn’t protest as he pulled you into his arms and carried you upstairs, out of the basement, away from the meat locker. You didn’t say anything as he set you on his bed, your back leaning against the headboard, and eased your top over your head, replacing it with one of his own, and produced a damp cloth from the nearest bathroom. Gingerly, he cleaned the gore off your face, never rushing through a stroke or applying more pressure than was absolutely necessary, stopping often to kiss your forehead or the bridge of your nose. You were sniffling by the time he finished, crying by the time he left the room, and sobbing when he came back – a bowl in hand with a pair of chopsticks laid across its rim.
Its contents were predictable: meat, pan-grilled in thin slices and, as far as you could tell, left unseasoned. “I’ll make some rice when you’re done,” Sukuna went on, as you struggled with the chopsticks. “To balance it out. You’ll need something to take the edge off.”
You nodded vacantly, accepting the bowl greedily despite your shaking hands. It was better raw – the flavor richer, the taste fresher – but you weren’t in a place to complain, not when it was so much easier when you didn’t have to gnaw and tear like some wild, starving animal. Not that you weren’t eating like one – keeping the rim of the bowl pressed into your chin, never letting more than a second lapse between one mouthful and the next. You only paused when you felt the mattress dip, noticed Sukuna positioning himself between your legs, and but he only smiled, only rested a hand on your knee. “Keep going,” he urged. “It’d be a waste to let it get cold, right?”
“I don’t like this.” Your voice was still unsteady, prone to cracking, but it was true. You didn’t want him to pretend to be nice. “I’ve never really liked you. I’d leave, if I could. There hasn’t been a moment since you kidnapped me that I haven’t spent fantasizing about getting out and fixing what you’ve done to me.”
“You’re just saying that to hurt my feelings, doll.” You were, but it wasn’t. Slowly, he lowered himself onto his chest, one hand spreading your thighs apart while the other toyed lazily with the hem of your shorts. You felt him lean against your thigh, pressing an open-mouthed kiss into the tender flesh. You’d gained weight during your time with him – not much, just a few pounds, a little plush to soften your harsher edges. You weren’t sure whether or not to care. “I’m just proud, that’s all. Don’t you want me to be proud of you?”
You didn’t want anything from him. Your appetite gone, you placed the bowl haphazardly on the bedside table, watching through clouded eyes as Sukuna removed your shorts entirely, taking agonizing seconds to guide them down your legs before letting them drop to the floor below. You expected your panties to follow, but Sukuna only settled into place, dragging the pad of his thumb over the length of your slit, pausing to draw slow, idle circles into your clit through the silken fabric. It went without saying that he picked out your clothes, even if he rarely had the patience to tell you exactly what to wear. You were allowed to choose your outfit day-to-day, but it didn’t matter. It couldn’t, not when your entire closet was suited to his tastes.
His hands curled around your thighs. You felt his tongue before you realized what he was doing – wet and warm and thick, his saliva soaking through the thin material and infecting you, spoiling you. You tried to ignore it, to remind yourself that you should be used to this, used to him, but this just… wasn’t what you were used to. Normally, you could expect him to be cruel, degrading, impulsive, but tonight, he seemed more than happy to bury his face between your thighs and play lover – albeit, a lover who still must’ve known he was unwanted. A lover who must’ve known you would’ve preferred a captor.
Your panties were dragged to the side, his tongue immediately finding your cunt. He took his time, laving over your entrance, coaxing reactions out of you despite your best attempts to dig your teeth into your tongue and hold back. He knew too much about you. He’d had too much time to learn. Heat pooled in your core, leaking out through your pussy, and Sukuna lapped it up like a fine wine – his thumb finding your clit as his tongue traced patterns into your cunt, and—
And oh, god, you were crying again, tears dripping down your cheeks despite your pitiful attempts to brush them away. Sukuna’s eyes flickered up to meet yours, and you felt him smile against the inside of your thigh, his tongue dipping shallowly into your cunt once, twice before he pulled away, straightening his back. His hand quickly replaced his mouth, two thick fingers thrusting into pussy with a humiliating sort of ease, spreading apart and curling against you and filling his bedroom with those embarrassing, wet, vile noises you’d never been able to stand. He didn’t seem to mind, holding your gaze as he spoke. “When did you put it together?”
“I—I don’t know what you’re—”
“Don’t play dumb.” And then, as his thumb traced harsh circles into your clit, “You knew what you were looking for. What gave it away? The texture? The smell?”
Your mouth opened, but you didn’t answer, a fractured moan falling from your lips in the place of anything more intelligent. Sukuna hummed, adding a third digit, and you spilled open in an instant. “Your restaurant,” you managed, the words rushed and sloppy. “No matter what I ordered, the meat would always taste the same. At first, I—I thought you were just being cheap, but then I noticed how often your regulars would just suddenly stop coming in, and—”
You were cut off by your own miserable, keening whine; his calloused fingers catching on something tender and vulnerable inside of you and taking advantage of it. “And you kept coming in,” he finished, hushing your whimpering. “Loyal little brat. Uraume wanted to get rid of you, but I knew I was right to take you in.”
You didn’t respond. You couldn’t. You were too busy moving your hips against his hand, seeking out the pleasure that your body craved and your mind rejected. Sukuna took pity on you, cooing as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his lap, supporting you as the movements of his hand turned short, erratic, as he edged you closer and closer and closer to your climax. You came undone with a sob, burying your face in his chest, and Sukuna was kind enough to nurse you through it, to hold you against him as your body crumpled and your poor, beaten soul seemed to give out entirely.
Eventually, he broke the silence. “I think,” he said, bowing his head and running his tongue over your cheek. “It’s time for you to learn to cook.”
You couldn’t think, but you didn’t have to. There was only one thing you ever would’ve said.
“I’d like that.”
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ozzgin · 5 months
Hello! I just wanted to say I really like your writing style!!
I was wonder have you done a hybrid yan whose darling has a phobia of the animal they are a hybrid of?
Eg wolf with a darling scared of dogs, Naga with a darling scared of snake, ect.
I can definitely expand a little on that! I'll keep it very generic, so you can go for any kind of hybrid you'd like. :)
Yandere! Hybrid x Phobic! Reader
Featuring a hybrid of your choice and a Reader who's terrified of him, but not for the reasons one might expect.
Content: gender neutral reader, hybrid yandere, stalking, monster romance (mild NSFW)
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He's been in love from the moment he saw you. So entranced, in fact, that he didn't even notice he'd stalked you all the way to your home. And much too eager to see you again to not return there the next day, and the day after and so on, until today.
Today, however, was meant to be special. He'd planned to confess his feelings and pray for the best. What's the worst that could happen, he thought. If you were to reject him, he'd just return to his habit of watching from afar.
Though he didn't expect you to scream and run away in a panic. You nearly toppled over the ground in your frantic escape, white as a sheet, mumbling apologies that slowly faded into the distance. He could only stare. He didn't get the chance to introduce himself.
That was...not his best moment. That night he turned and twisted, plagued by a shame he'd never known before. Was he truly so irredeemably monstrous? He'd never interacted much with humans before, so he never quite considered his own appearance. Could he really go back to admiring you secretly? Was there no way to convince you? His heart throbbed melancholically.
In the morning, to his great shock, you were already waiting for him in the same spot, just as pale, knees bent and ready to sprint at any given second. You managed to blurt out your explanation: the phobia. He suddenly remembered one instance where you stumbled upon an animal and had a reaction similar to what he experienced. So, you were indeed afraid of him, but not in the way he initially assumed. His eyes lit up with newfound hope: you were giving him a chance, after all.
The first months were rather clumsy. A lot of fidgeting, a lot of sneaky glances, and to his great dismay, a lot of distance. To think you were finally his, and he couldn't even hold you properly.
One must appreciate the small victories. You were no longer a stranger he'd follow from the shadows. He no longer had to imagine what you'd smell like, or what your laugh sounded like, or how your hands would feel in his. You have to take what's given to you, he'd tell himself once he was alone again, desperately touching himself to those scarce memories.
Despite his almost manic neediness, he always greeted you with a reassuring smile. Always asked before touching you. Always apologized if he got ahead of himself. He'd never allow his love to outweigh your comfort.
You jolt slightly.
"Sorry, was I too rough?" he freezes, observing your small, naked body underneath his.
"No, just muscle memory, sorry."
You purse your lips, embarrassed about your sudden anxious reaction in the middle of an intimate moment. Will you ever get over your fear?
"Hey now, is this the kind of face to have while I'm fucking you?" the hybrid jokes with a grin. "Small steps, remember?"
He'd wait forever if it was for you.
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cinellieroll · 6 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 2!
asmodeus, levi and barbatos ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part three (beelzebub, belphegor, solomon)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: some small nsfw on asmo's part :p
small note: thank you so much for the likes and reblogs! i never expected such a large majority of people to enjoy my content so it's very dear to me. once again, thank you!
☆ asmodeus:
- kinda bad at cooking. his way of slicing and dicing vegetables is very mediocre if not clumsy looking. there are days where his cooking is acceptable and days where it's to seasoned or too bland (always convinces himself its good tho and posts it on his devilgram)
- though he's kinda bad at cooking, his baking skills are okay! his favorite pastry to make are cookies because he can design them the most.
- "ofcourse mc! you'll always be the first one to try my desserts! unless you want to taste something else?~ ♡"
- he has a collection of sanrios, hironos and sonny angels in his room. ESPECIALLY sonny angels. crazy thing is he always gets them for free from his fans and its always the limited edition ones
- he really enjoys watching old movies from the human world especially the romcoms. mean girls, notting hill, pitch perfect. he will pester you to rewatch it with him even though you guys have seen it multiple times already.
- he keeps a small jewelry box in his room but instead of jewelry its full of pics of you and him and the gifts you give him. theres some pics in there where the other brothers were cut or crossed out so it'll be just you and him lmfao
- he is a yandere and i stand by this. it's not as obvious but if he's really into you he'll constantly mark you with his scent and the stuff he wears. he'll leave a hickey or a bite mark if you're lucky ;)
- the type of guy to only bring a purse to school. if you ask for a pencil the bitch is gonna open his bag and say "oopsie! i only brought my makeup pouch and mirror today. sorry babe!"
- has his own private concert in showers every goddamn day
- he'll either fangirl with you about celebrities or he'll get extremely jealous because you're simping for someone else.
☆ levi:
- sometimes his ass crack will be on display when he's sitting down on the floor
- wears booty shorts religiously. sometimes he'll casually just walk out his room wearing a hoodie and booty shorts with prints on it
- has a tumblr account where he posts a bunch of hc, drabbles and other shit and until now no one knows its him
- had an amino and discord phase where he always roleplayed with other people. till this day it haunts him at night
- he livestreams twice a week on twitch and has been scolded by lucifer on stream once. there was also a time where mammon barged in his room half naked and suddenly all the views went up 10x
- trolls on roblox like it's a 9 to 5 job
- every once in a while he'll stay in lucifers room while lucifer is doing paperwork. he'll just lay down on his bed, watch and play games and even fall asleep
- makes his own persona in every fandom he gets into and writes very detailed backstories (dw levi, same)
- only reads "x reader" fics for obvious reasons
- went insane because human world games and animes are better than the ones in devildom. dont get me started about aot. (his favorite is levi ackerman obvi)
☆ barbatos:
- wishes he could get piercings but since he's the demon prince's butler he obviously can't
- started tweakin when you said some humans keep rats and bugs as pets. like he stopped polishing some plates and looked at you like you just dog shitted diavolo's name
- really enjoys your spotify playlist filled with metalhead and grunge songs. he really likes slipknot
- likes to order those cute, fancy tea sets when he has the time. when you gifted him tea leaves and a limited edition teapot set his love for you sky rocketed.
- gets annoyed when solomon manspreads
- has a really good voice when he sings. he used to sing diavolo lullabies when his father would get angry at him
- scrolls through levi and mammon's post for educational purposes cuz he wants to learn slangs just incase diavolo asks him what a specific word means
- "barbatos, what does 'runnin from da opps' mean?"
- "my lord, 'runnin from da opps' is a slang made by the new generation. it means fleeing from your haters."
- loves to tailor and iron his bed sheets so he can have a peaceful rest after a long day of non stop errands.
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linos-luna · 1 year
Tantrums 🔪
Yandere!Soobin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: Yandere, manipulation
“Me! You only go out with me!”
“Soobin, calm down—”
“No!” Your boyfriend snapped back at you.
“Baby, I only went out to see my cousin…”
“Without me?!” He pouted while crossing his arms. “Noona, why wouldn’t you take me?!”
Truthfully your family weren’t exactly fond of him. He was kind and sweet but way too clingy. But you didn’t want to tell him that.
“Soobin… I’m not doing this right now…” You sighed while getting up from the couch, grabbing your purse and heading for the door.
“Where are you going?!”
“I just need some space to think. You need to chill out.” You said with a frown.
“No!” Soobin said while grabbing your hand. “You can’t just leave!”
“I’m coming back…”
“No you can’t leave!” He said while tugging your arm.
“Stop it, your acting like a child!”
“Don’t leave!” He said while pulling your arm. “No no no!”
“You only go out with me!!” He said now stomping his feet. “Only with me!”
Here it goes… he’s throwing another tantrum.
You try and ignore him by opening the door when you hear a sudden thud.
This tall man really threw himself on the floor and was holding onto your ankle while screaming nonstop.
“You can’t leave! I don’t want you to leave!”
“Stop it!”
“Stay here! Don’t leave! No!!” He continued crying while holding on tight to your ankle and kicking his legs.
God, this was embarrassing… hopefully no neighbors see.
He was getting obnoxiously loud and you finally gave in.
“Okay! Okay!” You said while shaking your leg. “I’m not going anywhere!”
“What?” He stopped and looked up at you with puppy dog eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You sighed while closing the door.
You kneeled to pet his hair and wipe his tears. He’s like a spoiled brat but you always give in. Why?
“Noona….” He said quietly as you helped him up. Acting as if he didn’t just cause a whole scene. “I wanna watch a movie with you.”
“Baby, im a little tired—…”
You could tell by the look on his face that he was ready to throw himself on the floor again so you ended up agreeing.
Soon you were both on the couch, watching a movie on Netflix. A bowl of popcorn was on the coffee table and you were resting your head on his chest. You weren’t paying much attention to the movie. Instead you were half asleep.
Soobin, on the other hand, sat there with a satisfied grin. Sure, throwing a literal tantrum is odd and childish, a bit embarrassing as well, but he loved how it got you to do whatever he wanted. If he doesn’t get his way, he’ll just throw a tantrum. It’s a clever act he puts on He knows what he’s doing. Besides, Noona will always feel bad for her baby boy.
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mitch-the-silly · 7 months
Hi hi hi hi hi big fan of your writing :3 do ya think you can do a vox x female reader when their out in public and some ones hits on reader??? *Disclaimer* I luv u (platonically)
Omg I love this idea and I love you too (platonically as well)!! Vox is my bbg and any idea to get me writing for him is literal heaven-
Anyway, he's a bit of a Yandere, I just know it!!! So here!
Vox x fem!reader
"Aggro of a Bleeding Heart"
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It was rare when you and Vox decided to roam Petagram City. The amount of low-class sinners that also roamed the place made it unsafe not just because of the extreme classicism the Vees believed in, but because crime was as high as you’d expect a city in Hell to be. Of course, today was an exception because you two were on your way to an exclusive club and you just refused to drive to a place so nearby.
So when you arrived at this club, he chose a table for the both of you and got up to greet some fellow overlords. You simply sat there, fancy purse in hand as you patiently waited for your Vox. You were always well-dressed and put together. It was one of the many benefits of being an Overlord’s girlfriend. A particular piece of your outfit that you always flaunted was a huge “V” shaped broach he’d given you. His hat logo atop of the letter. Some people commented on it seeming like him taking ownership of you (which might be true deep down within Vox’s heart) but truth be told, to you, it was a symbol of how close he was to your heart.
Now, needless to say, looking that pretty attracted men to you. All of which you rejected immediately. But rejection didn’t stop men at times. As was the case with the sinner who was flirting with you right now.
“Come on babe~ He probably doesn’t even pay attention to you~ And he definitely doesn’t please you.” The sinner smirked, pointing at your broach.
You made a face of slight disgust at him, “You don’t know anything about me, ok?” You huffed, undignified.
“Oh, I but I bet he doesn’t treat you right. Come on…~ Ditch that flat screen bastard. C’mon, you know you wanna…~” He insisted. You shook your head, suddenly noticing a figure behind him. Good, this would be over soon.
"I already told you, I'm not interested." You scoffed.
Behind him stood Vox, electricity cracking behind him and fangs out like a bloodthirsty animal. He was beyond protective of you and upon seeing another man speaking to you while you tried to move away from him, he knew he had to jump in.
“Í̷̬s̶̨͂ ̶̟͆ḧ̴̖e̸͆͜ ̷̯̊b̷̗̄o̶̡̐ẗ̴̮́ẖ̸͗ȩ̴͝r̶̢̃ǐ̵͍n̵̡͗g̶̗̈ ̸͍͠y̴͜͝ỏ̴͖ű̷̩,̸̞̒ ̶̦͋b̸̼̿ǎ̶̢ḅ̴͆y̷͖͝?̶̭̇ ” He asked, unable to keep his voice normal. The glitching being a sign of his agitation. He wanted to murder the man in front of him, strangle him with his bare hands, but he couldn’t. He would not dare cause that big of a scene.
“I already told him that I wasn't interested in him.” You sighed, simply annoyed by the stranger’s persistence.
That stranger turned quickly, and once he saw Vox behind him, attempted to scurry away from the situation. However, Vox swiftly appeared in front of him, grabbing the man by the collar.
“Y̵o̷u̴'̷r̶e̴ ̵p̷r̶e̶t̶t̸y̴ ̶f̶u̷c̶k̸i̶n̵g̵ ̶b̵o̷l̴d̸,̸ ̶a̸r̴e̴n̴'̶t̵ ̶y̷o̷u̸?̴ ̷T̴a̸l̴k̵i̶n̶g̵ ̸t̸o̵ ̸m̴y̵ ̴g̵i̸r̵l̴ ̷t̸h̵a̷t̶ ̶w̷a̴y̶.̷.̶.̸ ” Vox hissed, still crackling in pure rage. “I̶ ̷h̴e̸a̷r̴d̸ ̶a̷l̷l̵ ̴t̷h̴e̸ ̷s̵h̷i̸t̶ ̷y̴o̶u̸ ̷w̶e̴r̴e̴ ̴t̴e̵l̴l̴i̴n̶g̷ ̶h̷e̷r̸.̷ ̴Y̸o̵u̴ ̸t̶h̷i̴n̶k̵ ̸I̷ ̶c̵a̵n̸'̶t̴ ̶p̸l̶e̸a̸s̴e̶ ̷m̸y̸ ̸o̷w̴n̸ ̸w̶o̷m̴a̵n̷?̵ ” Vox added. His voice shaking as much as his hands. He looked like a rabid dog and it was… kind of hot to you.
“N-no, s-sir!” The man stuttered.
“It’s not what I heard you say, you u̸g̸l̸y̷ ̶f̵u̷c̷k̴i̵n̴g̵ ̷s̵l̷u̴g̴… I’ll give you two minutes to leave the vicinity before I b̴l̷o̸w̷ ̶y̵o̴u̶r̴ ̸f̸u̴c̶k̸i̶n̵g̶ ̴b̵r̶a̷i̴n̴s̸ ̴o̵u̸t̷ ̶w̵i̵t̵h̸ ̶a̷ ̸C̶r̶a̵m̵i̴n̶e̶.̴.̴.̸ ” He threatened. Oh, and he was very much capable of this. Shooting a sinner with an authentic Carmine weapon was something he’d proved he wasn’t above doing when it came to your safety or his jealousy, for that matter. And unlike regular gunshots, there was no coming back from a fatal shot from a Carmine weapon. If you were killed by it, you were fucked. Gone into oblivion.
“Y-yes sir!” The sinner stuttered. Vox let go of his collar and the puny man that had flirted with you a few minutes ago was now stumbling over himself trying to leave the club.
Vox shuddered, calming down and sitting next to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer towards him. “Fuck… I hate the fucking scum we live amongst. I’m not leaving you alone on a night out ever again, I’m… sorry about that bastard.”
“It ok Voxxie, it was kinda hot… what you did, you know?” You chuckled slightly.
“Yeah? You like it when I get all jealous over you?” He smirked, letting out a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah, I like it when you get all glitchy and crackly. It’s kinda cute...” You giggled.
“I should do it more often, then~.” He chuckled, planting a peck on your lips.
You kissed his screen and chuckled, "You should, it suits you a lot~" You cooed, placing a hand on his chest.
Vox let out another chuckle, "Well, good to know. Now I know how to win you over when you're being a brat."
"Hush, you! We're in public!" You protested, embarrassed that he'd say that out loud, but finding it kind of funny.
"Who said I meant it that way. Get your mind out of the gutter, baby~" He teased, holding your waist.
"I fucking hate you." You joked.
"Oh, you love me~" He retorted with a cocky laugh.
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nervousd · 1 year
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Chapter Two - Settle For A Ghost
→ Infatuation | m.list
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#SYNOPSIS— Out in the forest the recoms find high value priosners
#WARNING(S)— This is a dark fic, unhealthy obsession, possessive behavior, abuse of power, yandere, dark quaritch, implications of dubcon/noncon, stalking, creepy behavior, possessive thoughts, implications of baby trapping, implications of unwanted pregnancy
#CHARACTER(S)— Colonel Miles Quaritch, Recom!miles quaritch
Quaritch made his way through Pandora's jungle with his team behind. They were all on edge, tails and ears flapping agitatedly behind them. They raised their weapons as a pack of viper-wolves passed them; their yips and howls echoed. With weapons drawn the Recom squad expected a confrontation with the savages however they were proven wrong. The viper-wolves gave them a quizzical glance before scurrying away. His squad looked at each other in disbelief laughing as they lowered their weapons. Being in a blue body meant they weren’t seen as a threat. Z-Dog looked at Mansk, snickering ❝ No shit❞
They’ve trekked through the forest, slashing and cutting against the vines and roots that blocked their paths. Miles stumbled upon Site 26 a mobile link station for avatars were Jake sully resided alongside with Grace and other limp dick science majors. He alerted his team, giving them orders via hand signals. They’ve checked out the permitter shouting out ‘ clear‘ Miles headed towards the fallen AMP suit with two arrows sticking out. It was covered in vines and the wildlife of Pandora.
He crouched over the damaged suit, fingers turning the fletching of the arrow. His eyes were wide as he stared at the two green arrows jutting out. His ears dropped down a mixture of emotions in his eyes. He shifted his focus to the human remains of Quaritch, that had been left to decompose and rot. Colonel Miles Quaritch died here— gave one last official order demanding you to be buried with him. But the thought alone sickened him. This was the place he was going to bury you in, having given the order to kill once your cooperation with the RDA was finished. His tail flicked in frustration, just what more was he going to take from him? He understood— you weren’t his but you could be.
His ears perked up hearing a high pitched yell out in the distance, voices screaming out commands ❝ With me ❞ his hand briefly touched Lyle’s shoulder, gesturing him to follow his steps. Approaching his squad with his fingers twitching on the trigger angsty to see what got his comrades so riled up. ❝What have we here? ❞ Quaritch gazed at the na’vi carefully, eyes shifting to each hostage.
Lyle smiled cruelly, ❝ Hey, Colonel check it out— four fingers. We got a half breed ❞ he held up the girls palm, gesturing at her fingers. His gaze stayed on her for a second before shifting his focus to the na’vi kneeling on the ground ❝ Show me your fingers ❞ In a defiant action, the boy rose both of his hands flicking him off. Quaritch smirked, eyes crinkling in delight ❝You’re his, aren’t you? ❞ the na’vi barred his teeth, hissing out with his tail lashing behind him.
❝ You’re his, alright ❞ amused as he was there was unfathomable rage bubbling in his chest. He grasped the na’vi by the braid yanking him up. The na’vi let out a painful groan, hissing pathetically. Quaritch gazed down at him with disgust in his eyes ❝ Where is he? ❞ he gave a firm tug on his braid. The na’vi spoke in his tongue causing Quaritch to scowl. His ears pinned back, nose scrunching up in frustration. He uttered the same words in broken na’vi, yanking his braid once again earning a painful cry from the na’vi.
❝ Really? you wanna play it this way? ❞ he questioned frustratingly, having had enough of playing this game. Quaritch pulled out his dagger from his belt, lips pursing in anger. He threw the boy to the ground, walking towards the female na’vi. ❝ Kri! Hey! Hey, don’t touch her! ❞ the human boy shouted, trashing against the grip that held him back. Quaritch peered down at him, head tilting slightly. The boy seemed down right feral, dressing like the na’vi.
❝ What’s your name, kid? ❞ The human boy hesitated briefly, ❝ Spider— ❞ It was like the world stopped, eyes wide like saucers as he stared at the boy—no his son. His ears preened up, the boys words repeated in his head. Was this your son? His? He collapsed on his knees, gazing at the boy with child like wonder ❝ Miles? ❞ his voice was laced with disbelief ❝Nobody calls me that ❞ his son pursed his lips, he was obviously discomforted with the name ❝ I’ll be damned, We’ll I figured you’ll be with your mother — ❞ his voice trailed off
His eyes widen, tail perking up. If his son resided near this territory than wouldn’t you too? You were a responsible woman— you wouldn’t of let your son wander off too far. Even if you had resented him for the pregnancy you still had morals. His tail thumped against the ground a clear indication of his emotions ❝ Where is she? Where’s your mother? ❞ His son scoffed shaking his head, a clear sign of his refusal to answer. Quaritch jaw tightened, nostrils flaring as he stared his son down ❝ Where is she?! ❞ his voice was loud, thunderous so— even his own comrades flinched from his booming voice. His anger had transformed him into a different man—
Yet the boy had remained quiet. ❝ What are we doing boss? ❞ Lyle had snapped him back into reality— a cruel one at that. But no matter, he’ll have the boy singing like a canary of your whereabouts. ❝ Iron sky, Blue one, actual ❞ his fingers pressed against the comm, ❝ Blue one, Iron sky, send your traffic ❞ the response he had gotten back was quick, ❝ We are standing by for extract, over— Be advised we are bringing in high value prisoners ❞
❝ Sit tight blue one, we’re inbound to your pos—❞ Cutting off the mic short, Quaritch rounded up his squad, gesturing them to follow as they treaded back to site 26. ❝ Lyle get me some audio on this ❞ With a few buttons to click on his holopad, he could finally hear the squabbling of his predecessor along with the feral hisses of— ❝ that’s Sully’s woman ❞ Lyle peered at the tablet, agreeing with his colonel ❝ she’s an animal ❞ His face scrunched up in obvious distaste, forwarding to where Jake had fought his predecessor on this very ground they stood on ❝ Give it up Quaritch ❞
The tablet zoomed in on Jake, ❝ It’s all over ❞ Jake gestured towards the obvious lost the humans took. ❝ Nothings over while I’m breathin ❞ His ears pinned back, almost wincing as the fight went on. Two arrows pierced Quaritch— the video log had ended abruptly. Lyle took the tablet from his hands, peering at the colonels dazed look ❝ Yeah there’s nothing else after that ❞
Quaritch leaned down picking up his predecessor skull, inspecting the three scars that ran through his skull. He grimaced— if he didn’t know any better it was like he was staring at his own future. Will his fate turn out like this too? Left to rot in this jungle, decomposing with predators nipping at his corpse. His ears flattened against his skull— no that won’t happen to him. His predecessor failed to kill Jake sully. He was weak— he was Human.
Lyle picked up the fallen dog tag on the floor ❝ want us to recover these remains? ❞ Quaritch brought up the skull at eye level gazing at it with intensity. Putting the slightest amount of pressure on the skull was enough for it to crumble. He swiped off the leftover debris from his palms ❝ No ❞ his answer was short and brief, there was no point in dwelling about this.
The sun was setting fast, night drawling in; bringing in the horrors that Pandora can bring. Yips and howls had everyone on edge, the recoms took a formation, eyeing the forest with hostility. Drizzle poured down on them, pelting on the ground leaving an ominous sound. Soon the drizzle turned into a heavy downpour. The atmosphere around them was tense, each Recom was on edge. And for a good reason too— ❝ Shut up! ❞ without a second to lose the Recom was shot dead with a green fletching arrow. He dropped on the ground with a loud thud, ❝ Contact na’vi! ❞
Bullets shot at the tree bark , splinters flying off by the rapid fire. The na’vi boy grasped onto a canteen and ripped out it’s pin, green smoke erupting from the metal can. The Recom let out a pained scream as the na’vi sunk down its canines in their flesh. Out of pain they let go of the na’vi boy, cradling their injured arm. Another green fletching arrow pieced a female Recom, her body fell flat on a fallen log. Quaritch retreated with the rest of the recoms, grasping onto Walker’s vest he brought her down to him. To his dismay she was dead on impact,
His eyes zoned in towards the arrow, the green fletching mocking him. His ears tipped back an unrecognizable look crossed his face. His canines flashed, ❝ Is that you Miss Sully? I’ve recognized your calling card. Why won’t you come on out? You and I— we’ve got some unfinished business ❞ he called out behind the tree, gripping onto his gun tighter ❝Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to! ❞ she yelled back at him with venom laced in her voice. ❝ I see you and the Corporal have been pretty busy, haven’t you? Dropped yourself a whole litter of half-breeds ❞ Shots continued to be fired, bullets whizzed through the air.
Quaritch crept forward silently, pouring out bullets, he was on their tails and he refused to go back empty handed. Quaritch fingers hovered over the trigger, eyes narrowing on Miles running away with a female na’vi. The gun shot rang out with a loud, Boom! momentarily blinding everyone in the process. His ears perked up hearing a painful moan coming up further, he slid across the mud. Quaritch cradled the injured boy to his chest, gimmick and blood coating his human flesh. He was clearly wounded and even showed signs of distortion. ❝ Fall Back! ❞ he yelled out
He threw the boy over his shoulders, retreating with his squad. Ahead of them was the their designated carrier, strapping the hook against his vest he was lifted upwards.
The doors shut behind him as he inhaled through his respiratory mask. He leaned down placing both hands on his knees, grimacing as he stared at the boy, he had blood trickling down his nose, rocking his body underneath the table. His footsteps led him to the other side of the table, crouching low; to his utter surprise the boy lashed out and leaned towards the opposite side heading towards the door. ❝Woah— Woah! Easy tiger— easy ❞ with his Supreme agility and strength it wasn’t hard to stop Miles from taking another steps further.
He pressed his palm flat against his chest as Miles continued to trash and fight against him. He spat and hissed at him like a feral cat before ultimately stopping his actions. His strength was no match to that of a na’vi let alone someone with combat experience. Quaritch withdrew his hand back, taking a couple of steps back. His hands were raised in the air hoping to appear non threatening to the boy ❝ We good? ❞ Spider scoffed, he turned his head away refusing to make eye contact with him. Quaritch kneeled down on one knee, ❝ Kid, you got heart. Those science pukes leaned on you pretty hard. But you gave them nothin’. I respect that ❞ There was a brief silence along with the clinking of metal, Quaritch hesitated briefly before outstretching his palm. There in the center of his palm was the dog tag of his predecessor ❞ I thought you might want this ❞
Silence once again, it seemed the boy was intent on remaining quiet. Inhaling through his nose, Quaritch was fed up with his refusal to speak— hell at least acknowledging him would at least count for something. He took the boys hand and slapped down the dog tag on his palm. He curled up his hands into a fist, giving a squeeze. ❝ That’s Colonel Miles Quaritch— Deceased, Killed in Action ❞ he gestured towards the dog tag.
Spider threw the tag across the room even daring to make eye contact with him as he did it. As a show of defiant towards him. His lips quirked up in amusement, outstretching his hand towards the discarded tag he picked it up, thumb brushing agaisnt the cold metal. Perhaps maybe you would want it. He dared himself to even think of you wearing it, a ghost of a smile curling up his lips. He turned back towards spider, ❝ I’m not that man but I do have his memories enough to know that well— he wasn’t always a good man but that’s not an apology to the na’vi ❞ he settled himself beside him.
❝ I’m not your father. Technically you and I, were nothin’ to each other but I can help you. I can get you outta here. I’m not gonna ask you to betray Jake Sully. I know you’ll never do that. You’re loyal and I admire loyalty. Just ride along otherwise, I gotta give you back to the lab coats. ❞ It seemed his words had managed to pierce into the boys head, had finally managed to wrap his head around his situation. He nodded slowly, agreeing to his proposal. Quaritch cleared his throat, palms rubbing down his legs in agitation ❝ I gotta ask— your mother, how is she? ❞
It seemed his words had managed to cause discomfort to the boy, he hesitated before mumbling incoherent words under his breath. Quaritch frowned, ears twitching, he didn’t quite catch his words ❝ repeat that again for me ❞ Spider rolled his eyes, ❝ I don’t know ❞ Quaritch looked at him in bewilderment ❝ You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know? ❞ Spider shrugged, ❝ I don’t know where she is ❞ A blank emotionless expression swept over his face as the realization of his words sunk in.
Just where could you be? Why wouldn’t you be with his son? You wouldn’t abandon him would you? Impossible— no. You were overjoyed to be pregnant with his child. He was sure of it— thinking back to the memories that were gifted to him he remembers your tear stricken face. They were tears of joy he was sure of it. He doubt the boys words were true, choosing to lie instead of telling the truth. Nostrils flaring, he stood up from the table, fist clenched at his sides. ❝ Don’t worry I’ll find her— for the both of us ❞
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
Cherry Wine.
Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: It is your last day of actual freedom, and Chrollo intends to have it end with a mix of your design and his own. Everything is perfectly set. All he has to do now is wait for you to come into the web.
Warnings: Yandere themes, a wild Feitan appears, stalking, drugging/restraining (chloroform/handcuffs), and kidnapping.
Word Count: 1k.
A familiar jingle accompanies the turntable’s rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers. It is your keychain, moving with your key as you unlock your apartment door, moving as your feet shuffle on your doormat to get rid of the dirt the soles had acquired from walking. The sounds of tired sighs, your headphones being placed beside the rack where your jackets and umbrellas and shoes are placed. Chrollo knows all of these melodies by heart because those notes make up the beautiful orchestra that is you. 
He hears the little creaking noise of the door closing, along with the lock being turned, sealing your fate. A small sound of the closet you keep near the entrance, which holds your bags and fancier footwear like high heels. Chrollo respected the silent rule of never wearing shoes inside, something that is out of character for him whenever he breaks into other peoples’ homes, and had placed his own black loafers behind that one expensive purse you only used one time for a presentation you had to make for your professors and peers. 
He had Shalnark record the entire thing and has rewatched it multiple times, each one seeming better than the last.
Everything about you, from how you walked, how you were so expressive with your facial expressions, how you seemed to be able to befriend anyone, everything about you felt like it came from another world. Or perhaps he is the one who came from another world, metaphorically? Chrollo chuckles at the thought. It would make sense, really, Meteor City felt like another world, that is for certain.
One of your cats meows loudly, the larger but older one from the way the meow was scratchy like nails on a blackboard, most likely being right next to you. He is distressed, perhaps. Chrollo is an unwanted visitor, after all, and despite being more of a cat person, he had to deal with your cats more than your dog, oddly enough. While your dog cowered and hid under the table, whining like she had been reduced to that of the small puppy she was when you first adopted her, your cats teamed up to attempt to scratch his eyes out whenever they jumped on the kitchen table or couch, hissing and possibly screaming bloody murder. Somewhere deep within Chrollo’s heart, it hurts a bit.
He knows that because of your naivety, you will just pet the cat, take off your coat, and your boots, and go upstairs, where your dining table has been set by Chrollo. It’s a welcome gift, in Chrollo’s opinion, but also perhaps an apology one as well.
As soon as you walk into the kitchen, your fate is as doomed as a little fly caught in a spider’s web.
“Come on,” You grumble. “Already? Geez. I just got that bag too…” Are you talking to your cat? “What the hell? I know you have stomach problems but… gosh.”
Ah. Do you plan on switching out the brand of cat food again?
“I guess that’s my own fault though for getting a cat I knew has digestive issues, huh? I can’t be mad at you. You’re almost the same age as me and… that’s a lot in cat years.” Chrollo hears the sound of a yawn as he presumes you are stretching. You must be tired, you have been on your feet all day today helping out your peers with their assignments, as usual. “It’s just now I have to clean up all this puke… argh.”
Should I speed things along? 
A text message from Feitan, who has been outside your apartment door, though you didn’t see him, unsurprisingly. He is most likely getting annoyed, from the tone of the writing, because Feitan can be doing much more important things for the Troupe instead of helping you “settle in” as Chrollo put it.
That won’t be necessary. Trust me. Everything is going as planned so far, even if this is a minor setback.
The reason why Chrollo didn’t choose someone like Phinks or Nobunaga to help him with this task is because Feitan is the most silent. He can easily imagine the other two scaring you away accidentally if they accidentally lose their cover.
The table is set, with flowers and books and other things you love. All he has to do is wait.
You should have just brought Machi.
Chrollo sighs at that, just barely audible. But he knows Feitan is nothing but loyal to him, so he knows that he will not try anything that he does not like.
Machi is busy shopping with Paku and Shizuku for the other things I need for [First], it would be rude to ruin their own task, Fei.
With that, Chrollo’s message is left on read.
Everything is going according to plan, and Feitan will not ruin it, even if he had wanted to.
All that is left is to wait. You’ll come on your own.
Feitan is only here if you attempt to run afterward, after you see your gifts, after all.
He hears footsteps, coming up the stairs, at long last.
A large meal is placed on the side of the table that has an empty chair. Chrollo sits across, smiling. Plates and bowls filled with things that are sweet, savory, and everything else in between. They are all your favorites, Chrollo double-checked with Shalnark before he had left. Other items are placed on the table as well, like that jewelry set you were eyeing last week but unfortunately was too expensive for you. You were trying to limit how much you spend, a good habit to build surely. It is a shame you will never get to use that skill, though. Unless Chrollo gives you an allowance each week based on how well you behave, an entertaining concept in his opinion, but if it ever becomes reality it will have to wait a few weeks at the very least.
Chrollo also had Feitan carry handcuffs, in case the chloroform does not work as it was intended to.
But that is after you two talk, it would be rude to not introduce himself and show off everything he has bought for you.
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lavandulawrites · 8 days
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Yandere Mello x reader
I’m rewatching Death Note and god I love Mello so much<3 this took longer than what I expected because I was busy and had a writers block. Please send me some Death Note requests<3 (I’m currently obsessed with death note)
Synopsis: Mello decides to take you for himself.
Warnings: abduction, drugging, breaking and entering, Mello is insane (for you<3), he blows up your fucking house
Word count: 1122
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Your flat was dark and empty. Just like it was when you left for work. Despite that something felt of. You let your eyes scan the open space and to the bathroom door and to the bedroom door. Nothing seemed unusual, still you couldn’t shake of the feeling that something was not right.
You flicked on the light switch to the lamp that hung over your coffee table. It was old and glass stained in beautiful greens. You sat your purse down with a tump on the dark table. Your shoulder ached and you groaned as you massaged it.
Suddenly you could see movements in your peripheral vision. It was sudden before it stilled. Your heart beat quickened and it felt like it was going to burst out of your rib cage.
You slowly lifted your head and the sight before you made you let out a startled yelp. Right there on one of your dining table chair sat Mello. The light you had lit wasn’t quite enough to properly light up the dining area, causing his beautiful features to be casted in a shadow, despite this you could clearly his piercing blue eyes staring into your soul. His legs were spread in a nonchalant way and his hands were deep in his pockets of his flared low-rise leather pants. He was dressed in all black with a leather vest which was a little bit cropped so you could see his skin. He hadn’t bothered to take of his heeled boots.
He tilted his head slightly at your little sound. “Did I scare you?” his low voice broke the silence. You could hear his smirk more than you could see it.
“What are you doing here…?” you asked with a shaky voice. You wanted to scream, run, but your feet were frozen onto the worn wooden floor and you couldn’t advert your eyes from his no matter how heard you tried. It was like you were in a trance. This must be how a deer feels like in front of the endless jaws of a hungry wolf.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” his voice challenging.
“Please get out of my house” you straightened your back at you sudden confidence.
He stilled in his movements. Multiple heartbeats past before he slowly rose up from the chair. With his head lowered slightly, he stalked towards you like a ravenous dog.
Your legs hit the sofa resulting in you plumping down. His hand flowed hand reached out and played with a stand of your hair. “I am here to take what’s mine” his voice low, but determined.
Your mount turned dry as you stared up into his eyes. Despite his marred skin, he was absolutely ethereal. You wanted to say something, to scream or run, but you were completely frozen.
He straightened his back before he turned around and walked towards the dining table. He rummaged through a bag that was sat on top of one of the chairs. He turned around to face you with a gas mask in hand.
You furrowed your eyes in confusion at the mask, which earned you a soft chuckle.
His right hand slipped into his pant pocket and pulled out a detonator. “You don’t need anyone else than me. Is that understood?” his voice was harsh and frighting.
He pressed his thumb down on the button of the detonator. A hissing sound could be heard from around the flat and as you let your eyes dart across the room you could see grey smoke coming out from underneath your bookshelf.
You stood up as fast as you could and when you turned to look at the blond man he was wearing the gas mask. “What are you doing?” your voice small.
Your eyelids started to feel heavy and breathing became difficult. You stumbled forward. If it wasn’t for strong arms supporting you, you would have fell head first into the wooden floor.
“Shusssh I got you” he whispered into your ear through his mask. The last thing you saw before your visit turned black was his eyes through the plastic of the mask. They were filled with love, possession and insanity.
You had no idea how long you had been asleep when you slowly woke up. The bed was comfortable, but unfamiliar. The ceiling was white instead of blue and to your right were a window were it should be the bedroom door. You weren’t home. Panic filled your senses as you sat up in a quick motion. You groaned as a sudden ache formed in your head. You clutched your hand against your forehead as your thoughts ran through the last things you remembered.
The sound of candy wrap snapped you out of your thoughts. To your left sat Mello on a light pink arm chair with flower motifs. He looked extremely out of place. He took a bite of the dark chocolate in his hand while staring you down with his blue intense eyes.
“How are you feeling?” his dark voice pleasant and oddly comforting giving the circumstances.
“Where am I? What happened? What did you do, Mello?” your questions running out.
He sighed, expecting your answer. “You are in a safe house. That’s all you need to know. As for what happened” he took another bite of his chocolate and chewed slowly as if he wanted to toy with you.
“I sat off a gas that works as sleeping has and at the same time can be the cause of gas leaks/explosions in homes” he shrugged. “It’s not dangerous as I got you out rather quickly. As for your flat… Well you won’t ever return there so it doesn’t really matter, does it?” he smirked.
“What the fuck Mello?! Are you insane?!” you screamed at the blond man.
His face soured. “Maybe I am. It’s your fault really. Running around without even looking twice over the shoulder” he leaned forward. “Do you understand how dangerous it is? What if something happens to you? What if someone frames you for something you haven’t done and Kira kills you?! Then what?” his jaw clenched in anger.
“I am doing this to protect you! Why don’t you understand?! I love you so much that it hurts I have never felt that way before and I don’t want to lose you” he rose up and clutched your hand to the point it hurt.
“Please… please corporate. I promise you I will protect you. This safe house isn’t forever, it’s only till things have calmed down. Okay?” a hand gently stroked your cheek.
He wrapped his hands around you and held you in a tight embrace. “ I love you and I will never stop loving you. Ever.”
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macsimagines · 10 months
I was hoping to request an imagine about Draken and Emma trapping/working together to get the person they've both had their eye on.
If its okay with you I'd like it to be nsfw
I am so sorry I think I promised you I would do this as a special request then went MIA on you I hope you will accept this as an apology
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Yandere!Emma & Draken (AKA Ken Ryuguji)
Ok so, you're very good friends with Emma, basically best friends since you were small children, but the truth is that you're like a little purse dog that she drags along everywhere with her.
Draken kind of just sees you as an attachment to her for awhile but then things start to change. You were Emma's #1 supporter for her feelings for Draken and basically did everything to set them up.
So of course, when they notice that you're no longer around as often it just feels off... You just want them to have time alone together as a new couple and they don't want to loose you.
Emma clings onto you more, borderline needy, and Draken just feeds into it. "She misses having you around, I miss it too. It's too quiet without you."
Sure you try to stick it out for them as best as you can but it start to make you feel like a third wheel. Of course their solution is that all three of you end up... sleeping together.
"You're inexperienced, Y/N, let us help," "Ya, we'll teach you and show you how to really feel good."
And her tongue feels so good, and his hand around your throat feels so right. You can't help but cave in, Emma knows exactly what you like and how to make you feel good and Draken is so eager to learn and happy to please.
She eats you out when Draken is done, saying that you both taste so good together, and he's is all too happy to fuck Emma again watching her lick you clean. She deserves it for being soo good.
Congrats now you're in the worlds weirdest situationship, the situation being that you have no idea why you're having 'casual' sex with your two friends and them convinced that you're an adorable throuple.
Of course they eventually realize you have the wrong idea about what your relationship is when you try to date outside of them, but don't worry they can fix that.
Emma gets pregnant. And its just soooo difficult for her, she needs her best friend now more than ever to help her out. You don't have time to date, you have to take care of her.
And Draken needs emotional support, he's never been a father he needs someone to teach him about how it should be done. You can't be dating when your friends need you.
Then of course the baby is born, happy and healthy, and you think your job is done but of course its not, because Emma is a first time mom and post-partum is so hard for her and Draken is a first time dad and fatherhood is so hard for him... its just a few months you can help out.
But then they start calling you 'mommy', start having their baby call you mama too, and now Emma has been dropping hints about how their baby needs a sibling and how Draken wants another one with you...
And now you can't leave because their baby has somehow become your baby too, you feed them and rock them back to sleep every night, they're calling you mama... how could you ever leave your baby...
uh-oh. Looks like you really are trapped.
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countrycrackheads · 7 days
Can you write yandere platonic bowers gang x reader?:3 like the readers a little bit younger then them and they see her as a younger sister? ^_^
“Y’know, you can’t scare every boy away forever.”
This defiance was met with some harsh glares and sneers. “Like hell we won’t,” snorted Henry from the front seat on the trans am. His knuckles were bleeding, a price he had to pay for socking your poor admirer into a locker.
“That kid won’t take care of you. Just be grateful we’re here to take care of you, doll,” Belch spoke up, trying to diffuse the obvious tension in the air.
“I know,” you sighed, looking down at your lap in thought. Having to write apology notes to every boy they socked in the face was starting to get tiring.
Patrick snickered from beside you, his eyes lifting from the zippo lighter in his hands. “Tsk tsk tsk. Somebody’s being ungrateful,” he taunted. You scoffed, your eyes not moving from the blood stains on your bottoms. Curtesy of Henry bouncing that kid’s head off the lockers.
Victor gingerly placed his hand on your shoulder, catching your attention. “Hey.” He offered a small smile—it was just his lips pursing. “Don’t think too much into it.”
You nodded, knowing better than to defy your older brothers. Not literally your older brothers, but they sure did act like it. Sometimes you hated it. Hated how they babied you, made you unpalatable to the general public. Hated how every girl and boy in your grade avoided you out of fear.
But there’s always a silver lining. Late night car drives with Belch. Smoke sessions with Vic. Patrick’s animal bone necklaces. Henry’s protection. With a killer on the loose, it was best to have a group of guard dogs.
Even if they drove you mad sometimes, you can’t help but to love your brothers.
i didn’t proof read this. bless up.
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ofallthingsnasty · 7 months
Basement wife is so happy to have her little purse dog. She’s like her little ally in the hell she’s living in, her valiant knight that’ll protect her from the dragon/crocodile. But that’s where the pug also causes her some stress. Every time her dog growls at Crocodile or even - god forbid - tries to bite him, basement wife is afraid that that’ll be the last straw and Crocodile will snap and hurt either her dog or her. So every time the pug is a little menace to her captor she is quick to scoop her up away from Crocodile and apologize so sweetly. Crocodile can endure the dog’s yapping and growling if it means basement wife is a bit more affectionate towards him (though he knows it’s only out of fear and a way to placate him)
Crocodile and the puppy part 1 // part 2 For more context about basement wife/Crocodile, check my matchig section on my OP masterlist here.
are you people trying to kill me... this is too cute. i just love the way we can mix yandere tropes with crack so easily, makes me smile
tw. yandere, minors dni, crack treated seriously
Oh goodness, of course! You’re so right - we’ve talked about what Crocodile thinks, but how would you know that he enjoys the leverage he has? That he’s playing you like a goddamn fiddle any time you hastily pull your little pup away from him when she’s having a tantrum. You can only really see what he’s showing you - and not to insult your intelligence, but I think it wouldn’t be too outlandish to think that the very man who kidnapped you (on what you perceive as a whim) is very much capable of ending that tiny life over nothing more than a headache. He’s a terrifying man. Honestly, he doesn’t care that you get all pliant and sweet out of fear only - he takes what he can get and shamelessly plays up his little moods when the dog tries to chew through his pant leg again. As long as she’s misbehaving when it’s just the two of them, he isn’t too fazed - but the moment you lay your eyes on the scene, he’s sure to curse and click his tongue just a bit too hard. How could he not? It’s too delicious how you gasp every single time, pull her away from him and press a couple of soothing kisses to his temple, all in the hopes of calming him. You’re genuinely scared for her and it makes you play so nice… Maybe getting you a mutt wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. Will you figure out that he’s not going to hurt her one day? Sure. But that doesn’t stop him from enjoying that little bit of extra love you willingly give him whenever he uses your fear against you. And not only does he expect you to smooth over any furrow that the little dog’s outbursts might cause, he also wants gratitude whenever the waters are calm, because he's just such a good, caring husband, getting you a little pet, isn't he? In the end, that dog plays right into his hands. Unwillingly.
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nonobadcat · 1 year
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For @oklolnoty
Down the Rabbit Hole - Five Chapters - 20k words - Yandere Shigaraki Tomura x Rabbit Quirk Female Reader
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5🐇 Ao3 Mirror
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Rating: 18+ readers only - Minors DNI
Whole story TW: Noncon, yandere with kidnapping, severe quirk based discrimination, binge drinking, canon typical threats of violence (reader directed), canon typical death (nonreader directed), oral (give/receive), PnV (doggie), breeding, and expensive designer clothing everywhere.
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Chapter 4: The Bag - 3k words
TW: Quirk discrimination, sexual harassment, AFO is a grade A enabler but a terrible parent, Tomura does not appear in this chapter
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"Honey? Are you feeling all right?"
Your head snapped up, eyes focusing in on the slender fingers waving in front of you.
Nyanko pursed her lips and pulled her hand away. "Girl, you've been anywhere but here," she teased.
"Oh," you murmured, shoving aside your hoodie to dig to the bottom of your bag. "Sorry. Spaced out for a minute."
She hummed, teasing the tufted tip of her left ear into an artful point. When you pulled out the designer gloss oil, she sneered. "Hero-boy coming tonight?"
"Every Wednesday after his shift, " you declared matter-of-factly before popping your lips. "He's very punctual."
"...after his shift?" She cocked her head. "Wait, weren't you out on a paid date?"
"Yup." You coaxed your eyelashes out of their clump before smoothing your hair.
She narrowed her eyes. "So why didn’t you drag the date guy back here to drink his wallet dry? It's kinda the whole dang point."
"Crusty boy," you explained.
"Oh." A catty grin broke on her face. "Decided you were no good too, huh?"
"I did my best to ensure it." You tossed your bag into your locker and headed for the door.
Nyanko raised a painted brow. "Wait, was he actually into you?"
You paused, a small smile playing on your lips. “Hopefully not."
Before she could ask any more questions, you slipped out into the hall. Spike heels clicked down the tile floor. From the main bar room, Usagi's fake giggles put your teeth on edge.
"Oh, Tano-san! You're so funny!"
Behind his back, she mouthed 'kill me'.
You flashed her a quick salute before dipping behind an ornate vase. Burning eyes drifted shut as you massaged the man-sized headache building in your temples.
"Think manic pixie dream girl, think manic pixie dream girl," you chanted to yourself.
Inside your head, a war raged. On one side, images of every genki girl-next-door that ever graced a video game cried out in voices that never tired, never worried, and certainly never nagged. On the other side, an exhausted, clinically depressed spinster snuggled into her oversized kigurumi and sipped her fourth cup of coffee. You willed the flood of powder pink passion to consume her in waves of giggling happiness. As their over exuberant perfection swallowed her whole, her only reply was "this is exhausting".
You flexed your smile a few times, shooting for cute and attentive over forced and creepy. Your mouth felt weighted tonight, as if each stretch of the cheek took twice as much effort. Muscle memory refused to cooperate. No matter how you tried, it screamed insincere.
“No, what I don’t like is… this. Whatever this is.”
You slapped your cheeks and shook off the memory like a dog shaking off mud. “He’s just a weirdo,” you muttered. “Stick to the routine and get that rent money.”
The door chimed. You glanced at the clock behind the bar. 9:30 PM on the dot. 
Hiking up the front of your tight, white dress, you hoisted the girls front and center. Electric charm sparkled from your smile as you bounced around the corner. 
“Oshida-san!” you squealed, tackle-hugging his thick, muscular arm. You nuzzled your cheek into his silk shirt while giggling. “Welcome home!”
The tall, dark brunette patted your head. “I’m home, Honey-chan,” he answered with a glittering grin.
Towering over the average Japanese man at 190 cm, Oshida Hideki, also known as Buster Man, looked like a king among peons. While not high in the hero rankings due to a low arrest rate, his cut, lean muscles put him front and center on every designer boxer-brief modeling campaign since he hit the market a half decade ago. Add a chiseled jawline dubbed “the most ideal miso face since Watanabe Ken” and his pet pack of three ribbon wrapped Papillons, it wasn’t hard to see why he topped the “wholesome heroes who can get you pregnant with one look” list for the past five years.
You wondered if his fan club would still find him “wholesome” after they heard that little line about cum in the lip color.
“Come on, come on!” You tugged his arm, pretending to drag him along to the bar. “Tell me some fun stories tonight, okay?”
Oshida-san allowed himself to be swept along by your excitement. “Fun stories, huh? Aw… Don’t tell me my little Honey Bunny is feeling down?”
You pouted. “Of course I’m down! I had to wait a whole week to see you!”
He chuckled, flopping onto the leather seat. “Guess I should come more often, huh?”
“Yay!” you cheered. With an exaggerated bounce, you hopped into the seat beside him. Then, touching your lips with your finger, you pressed an indirect kiss to his nose. “But don’t stress yourself out to do it, okay Oshida-san?” Big, round eyes stared up at him. “You work so many hours already...”
With a weary smile, he laid his head back on the top of the booth and patted your head again. “You’re very sweet.”
You giggled. “My name is Honey after all!”
All at once, his voice pitched into a hard grumble. “Are you ever going to tell me your real name?”
Sure! Right around the time you decide being stalked by a horny client was both romantic and desirable.
“Aw…” you teased, kicking your legs like a child. “...but I want the guy I like to call me something cute and Honey is a super cute name.”
He frowned before tossing his shoulders to throw you off. “Where’s the beer menu?”
Great. And now pushy-mc-grumpy-pants is gonna buy beer over champagne just because you wouldn’t give him what he wanted. You’d think that someone who wears a mask in all his photoshoots would appreciate keeping a secret identity secret. 
With a smile more plastic than a Licca doll, you opened up the menu and flipped to the craft beers section. You tapped a white ale with a patchwork cat on the label. “Since it’s a Wednesday, I’d recommend Suiyobi no Neko! The mild citrus aftertaste is supposed to be good for the mid-week hump.”
He smirked. “Did you just pick it because the label is cute?”
…no, you picked it because Mama-san is offering an extra 10% bonus on it for the next month since it costs 1.5x what a basic Sappro does.
You stuck out your tongue and thunked your own head with a playful fist. “Got me!”
“You’re so silly, Honey-chan.” He chuckled. “You never think too much do you? Must be nice.”
Your fur bristled. “I’ll order those drinks then!” 
As you started to rise, he caught your wrist. You turned. On his face was a perverse smile, one he never showed to the cameras. A husky voice purred at you from below the come hither stare. “You’re wearing my lipstick, Honey-chan.”
Ah, so it was going to be one of those nights. Great.
He loosed your hand and gave your tail a fast squeeze. “Go on, bunny girl. Hop to it.”
As soon as you turned your back, a cloud of loathing fogged your expression. You flagged the waiter for the drinks before schooling your face into an empty headed smile. By the time you settled back at Oshida’s side, any lingering irritation lay buried below a professional’s mask.
“Neh, neh, Oshida-san,” you prodded his meaty arm. “Tell me about your week? I always love hearing your stories.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, last Friday was a bit exhausting.”
“Oh no! What happened?”
“Some kid got lost and we spent several hours hunting for him.” He sighed again, this time even more dramatic than the last. “Turns out he was just playing around, hiding under his bed. The parents swore they checked there, but clearly they did not. It was stupid.”
…oh no. He was inconvenienced by a kid being a kid. Better call the fun police.
“Wow, that sounds rough,” you agreed. “You put in all that effort too…”
“I know!” Another sigh. “Such a waste. I should have been patrolling the city.”
What he meant was “showing off for the ladies”. After all, peacocking in spandex while adoring fans swarmed him was clearly sexier than chasings kids with dust bunny energy.
“You know—" you touched his shoulder "—I think that the fact you worked that hard just for one little boy's sake is amazing. You're so kind."
He paused mid-rant and smiled at you. "Sometimes, I think you're the only one that appreciates me." He tapped your nose. “My sweet Honey…”
You giggled to hide the grimace.
The waiter set an oversized, weeping bottle of white ale beside your elbow along with two tall glasses. You tilted the glass and poured the beer to a frothy head. Oshida took his drink and gulped down half of it in one blast.
“Go Oshida-san! Go!” you cheered.
“Heh,” he grinned, wiping his full lips. “Like that do you?”
“Super manly,” you cooed, snuggling into his shoulder. Then, you took a delicate sip of your own. “I dunno that I can keep up.”
He threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his body. Wafting from below the slim-fit Hugo Boss suit, two sprays too much of Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue clocked you across the nose with “fresh, colorful, citrus and bamboo”. It did little to hide the pungent smell of “stale, muddy, sweat and locker room” that a simple shower could have fixed.
“That’s okay, babe, I’m not into those girls that drink like fish and swear like sailors. I like you for who you are.” His fingers walked up your bare thigh. “You know. A real lady.”
Oh? He likes you for who you really are, huh? Bet this cunt wouldn’t say that if he watched you pound your fifth sake bomb.
“I want the girl from the alley.”
As the raspy voice replayed in your ears, you shivered.
No, but you nodded anyway..
Oshida shrugged off his sport coat and wrapped it around your shoulders. You sneezed and smiled through watery eyes.
"You're kind, Oshida-san."
Brown eyes locked on your lips. His cheeks flushed from the beer, he leaned in. "I wanna taste that lipstick I bought you."
With a strained laugh, you twisted out of his hold. "No! Bad boy!"
"Aw…" he whined, trying to pull you back in. "I could be real good to you though, if you'd let me."
Not this again. 
You gulped, glancing away. "Oshida-san… Your fans would freak out if someone like me was your girlfriend." 
"So? I don't care about that."
Of course he didn't care. He wasn't going to get harassed by rabid, ugly-jealous housewives for being "the whoring slut" that took their fantasy husbando! 
"Honey-chan, I love you."
"A nice girl like you shouldn't be working in a place like this."
You wouldn’t have to if the Nice Guys™ who interviewed you spent more time staring at your resume than at your tits.
He thumbed his broad chest and beamed proudly. “So, why don’t you let a real hero save you from all this?”
Wow… he said that with a straight face and everything. 
With a forlorn smile, you shook your head. “I owe Mama-san so much for hiring me despite my inexperience. Until I can repay her generosity, it wouldn’t be right to just abandon her. She’s basically my family, you know.”
Oshida wrinkled his nose. With a huff, he slammed back the last of his beer. You tried to refill his glass, but he clamped his hand over the top. “You could be a little more grateful when a man buys you something nice,” he snarled at you. 
Seriously?! This guy actually thought a 3,000 yen lip stain was such a great gift that you would risk your job to give him a gratitude bang!? Pochi-chan’s simp brought her a diamond encrusted Rolex last week just for the chance to touch her wrist. 
“Oshida-san…” You tugged at his silken shirt sleeve, letting your burning eyes well with crocodile tears. It wasn’t hard. His jacket reeked. “Please…”
Please stay and spend more money because rent is due next week.
One look at your quivering lip and he collapsed back into his seat. “Oh Honey-chan. I just get so frustrated because I know I can give you a better life.”
Ma’am! Enemy troops are playing the “I’m only angry because I love you” card.
Quickly, deploy countermeasures!
“Thank you for worrying about me, Oshida-san.” Smiling through the painful lie, you dabbed your tears with one finger. “Someday, I hope things will be different.”
Namely, that he can learn to be content with the client-professional relationship he pays you to have.
“So—” you poked him in the chest “—can I hear more stories now?”
“Anything you want.” He lifted his glass. “Fill a guy up, would ya babe?”
Biting your tongue, you poured the thirsty man another drink.
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The three hours after you helped Oshida’s drunk, handsy self into the back of a cab passed by in a blur. After the less-than-heroic departure, Mama-san paired you with a short, balding ophthalmologist who owned a pet rabbit as a child and, apparently, had never maintained a meaningful relationship since. He spent most of the evening asking your opinions on birthday presents for his estranged thirteen year old daughter. It took exactly three pictures from her social media to notice her obsession with cute manicures. By closing time, your client was armed with a full analysis of his daughter’s favorite colors, what shades of polish would pass the “my school is run by prudes'' test, and which couture brands were worth the money (Dior Vernis - always a classic) and which were not (Louboutin’s packaging is too hard to control). Even champagne bubbles could barely lift the worry weighing him down.
“So, where is the closest location again?” he asked with a hiccup.
“Ginza,” you answered with a glittering smile. 
Flushed to the tips of his ears, he pressed his greasy head into his shaking hands. “W-what if I pick wrong?”
“That’s why we’re leaving the box half full, silly,” you reminded him. “When she notices there are three more spots left in the carrying case, you tell her that you wanted to take her to the store so she can pick the rest out herself.”
“Can’t you just choose them out for me, Honey-chan?” he begged. “We could make it a paid date! You can pick some out for yourself too!”
“Ah, ah, ah!” You tutted with a playful tap to the tip of his nose. “Papa-san needs to sweat a little over the gift or it's not sincere. ❤”
“You’re right,” he sighed and hung his head.
With a giggle, you patted him on the back. “It’s hard to have a good relationship with your kids when you live so far away. The key is that the money is used to buy the experience with you, not her affection. That, you have to earn by showing her you are paying attention to things she likes, even if you live apart. Understand?”
He nodded, tears welling in his eyes. He paused in the entrance to pump his fist. “I’ll do my best, Honey-Sensei.”
“Fight on, Papa-san!” you cheered.
As soon as the glass door slipped shut, Mama-san snapped the deadbolt into place. Sooty lashes and a knowing stare peaked over the edge of her black, lace fan. “Very energetic, for two in the morning.”
“Tell me about it,” you groaned, slumping against the countertop. “He drank two high balls and an entire bottle of champagne by himself! That man’s liver must be pickled!”
Mama-san’s eyes narrowed. It was the closest she came to smiling. “We need to talk. Follow me.”
The round, sweeping train of Mama-san’s emerald green mermaid gown snaked back and forth across the pale tile as she led you to her small, corner office. By the time she’d ushered you inside, you were sweating bullets. She reached below her desk. Rows of sequins winked from her long, lace sleeves. Without a word, she placed a fiery orange box tied with elegant brown ribbon in your hands. Just beside the tiny caricature of a handsome horse cart were two words: “Hermès - Paris”.
Your jaw dropped. “Huh?!”
She held out a small red trimmed envelope crafted from elegant ivory linen. Scrawling calligraphy read: “For Honey Bunny”. Shaking hands peeled it open.
Thank you for your attention to my protégé this afternoon. It has been a long time since I have seen him so animated. Please accept this small token as compensation for any social skills he is yet lacking. I do hope you will continue educating him in the future.
You raised an eyebrow. “There’s no name on this card?”
She set her fan down before draping herself across her dark, wingback chair. “Can you not guess?”
“May I open it?”
She waved her permission before folding her hands under her chin.
The brown bow slipped loose. You lifted the lid. Inside, creamy tissue paper lay neatly folded over a bulky, beige dust bag emblazoned with the horse drawn carriage and the letter H. You tugged open the draw strings, only to find a rectangular leather tote in a shade of dark grey-brown with white top stitching and palladium hardware. As you pulled it out, a small card holder flopped onto the desk. Mama-san picked it up and inspected the contents.
“What is it?”
She held it out to you. “The bill of sale. It’s from this evening.”
Long, golden talons tapped the desk. “Birkin 35s are in high demand and Etoupe is a popular neutral. They are almost always out of stock.” She snorted. “Though apparently, not for him.”
“Shigaraki-san’s mentor?”
She nodded, passing you the receipt. “I bought myself the Noir version to celebrate opening this club. The consignment store in Ginza found a thirteen year old model for me. It was a good deal at 2,000,000 yen.”
Hands shaking, you lowered the purse back into the box like your very breath might tear it to pieces. “I-I can’t accept this!” you protested.
“Do not be ungrateful to our patron. It reflects poorly on the club,” Mama-san stated. “Also, I would not recommend reselling it. He will find out.”
You gulped.
“I will email you the website for the organizer I use.” Mama-san slipped to her feet, lifting the black enamel phone on the corner of her desk. “However, a drunk woman should not walk home alone at night with that box. You’ll be taking a cab with my compliments on a job well done.”
Despite going drink-for-drink with two men for the past five hours, you found yourself entirely sober.
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Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 🐇 Ao3 Mirror
Expected Completion Date: Aug 17st, 2023
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Taglist: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @shig-a-shig-ah @castershellwrites @smilinghowever @krystalwithakay @iris-goddess @ss-syche @mortallysparklyfun @meameows @magnificentclodpiezonk @betterfettered @utena-akashiya @ventdavi154 @st4rrust @imaginedheroine @the-lady-writes-what @shiggysimp69 @toughbook @naughteehee @tampon-earrings @alotofpussy @derobsawiempleh @jadke-bean @saintvinny @cookiecrumblemoonster @curlyangelsblog @hurthermore @prehistoricfreak @insomniamoth22 @celesterdzc18 @sasuqahs @gloomysel @ohnoitsthatonekid @tracksuit-goth @cinnatwisted@anteabellee @unlikelytrio @meru-the-succubus @diawh0re@linastired @mikeyrights @headmastermephistopheles @omisdolly @nochedeodio @starstruckvega @laurelyna @shiggysimp69 @certainlygay @rxyno @ventdavi154 @patch-workk @paranormal-dude @grenosethino @fancylardbucket @utena-akashiya @toughbook@oklolnoty@zombiegr1 @shyyykat @ushi-uri @flamme-meuf2-shiggy @vampirec0w @perpetual-fangirl900 @nekolover93@saskenma@betterfettered @thread-knight @st4rrust @sparrowwritesforop @aphorditeslust@pindelighted @tadokorochannn @usaggii
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dalchiid · 1 year
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 39
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 7,481
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 39 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession, Dub-Con, Cunnilingus, Smut, Blood, Biting
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You're playing with fire. You know that. What you and Namjoon did - Hoseok might just kill you over it. No, not kill you. You don't think he would ever grant you that type of freedom. He just might do what he did to the other girl: drug you and keep you locked up. What would he do to Namjoon? You're not sure but you can only imagine it would be nothing good and you already pitted him against one brother - Jimin. If you do the same to Namjoon, who he's really close to, you don't know how that would work. It makes you nervous to be honest. It all doesn't stop you though. You haven't done what you guys did again but you still share hugs and kisses.
It hasn't been long since you two got each other off. It's only been two days and you're back with sharing your time with Taehyung as well. He allowed you to have your alone time with Namjoon. You don't know if it's because he's been told off about it but you're allowed to be alone with your crush? Your lover? After what you two did you're pretty sure he's more than just a crush to you.
Anyways, you're back to hanging out with Taehyung. He's actually been pretty sweet with you. Always offering you snacks and drinks. Asking what games you want to play or having you in his room listening to music and asking what you're favorite genre is. You told him and he would put it on to listen to. He'd get into it and shockingly made a playslist of your favorite songs to listen to. As if knowing you were to ask why he did that he stated that he always does things like this. He has individual playlists he made consisting of his brothers' interests as well as his friends'.
You don't know how to respond to that but for some reason it warms your heart.
"Since you're here," Taehyung starts. "I wanted to ask you something."
Your brows raise. "About?"
"Have you ever wanted a pet?"
"Oh." You shrug. "I never really thought about that."
"I only ask because I want one."
"What kind of pet?"
He smiles as he looks through his phone for something. When he finds what he's looking for he angles his phone towards you and on the screen you see a puppy. Its eyes are still closed and its on its back to reveal its round belly. No doubt full after drinking milk.
"You want a dog," you ask.
"Not just any dog. I want this one." He looks at the screen. "He's a pomeranian."
You purse your lips and hum.
You don't know why but the idea of Taehyung, the same Taehyung who scared the living shit out of you, wanting a small cute dog surprises you. It just didn't fit his image but you know you're judging him. You don't know Taehyung the way his brothers do. This is clear and you think you should be less judgey and learn more about him. The same way he wants to learn more about you. You're not escaping any time soon, unfortunately, so why not?
"Do you know what you want to name him?"
He looks up and smiles. "Yeontan."
You can't help but to smile back.
There's a sudden knock on his door before it slowly opens to reveal the last person you were hoping to see.
"I knew I smelled a rat." Jimin grumbles with a sour look.
"You're finally back." Taehyung doesn't sound the least bit surprised. He probably sensed his brother from a mile away.
"I am." Jimin says. "Why is she here though?"
His brother raises a brow in question as he looks between you and Jimin. He can see your change of mood and how your heart beat quickens by the slightest bit.
Instantly you feel a wash of tranquility come over you and you know it's Taehyung's doing. He's trying his best to keep you calm and you would thank him if it weren't because he chooses to speak.
"I invited her. Problem?"
There's a snarl that mars Jimin's face at the response. "I have my reasons."
"You can have all the reasons but when she's with me you get over them."
Your eyes widen. Was Taehyung defending you against his brother?
Jimin scoffs. "I see you two have been getting cozy behind my back."
"Not in the way you think." Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Also, you stink. Go wash up then come back. I'll be waiting for you here."
You can't see it from here but Jimin's nostrils flare in annoyance.
Despite wanting to bite back he doesn't. Instead he leaves and closes the door gently behind him.
The calm feeling from before leaves you as Taehyung eases up his power over you. You look at him and mumble a small "Thanks" to which he grunts in response.
"Don't mention it."
You bite your bottom lip as an awkward silence fills the air. Or at least it feels awkward to you. Taehyung is looking through his phone like nothing before he smiles and angles the handheld device towards you to show you something.
It's another picture of the puppy. This time he's cuddled with his siblings and you can't help but smile at the sight.
"I just got the picture now." He looks at it again. "I can't wait until he's old enough for me to take him."
Seeing this side of Taehyung is weird but oddly refreshing. He no longer looks like the scary vampire you were too afraid to interact with.
He said he was giving you a chance and though you think that's nice of him you're also worried because you know this will come to an end some day. You'll run away and leave a heart broken Hoseok and Taehyung will loathe you for it. It almost doesn't make you want to leave but you know you can't stay. No matter what. Not even for Namjoon would you stay. You'll figure things out between you two but it'll have to be on your own terms and not by anyone in this household. He should be able to understand that you're sure.
Taehyung looks at you as you're thinking but you see him from the corner of your eye. When you look up at him he gives you a smile.
"Thank you for hanging out with me."
Your brows furrow a little.
How can this be the same Taehyung that made you feel afraid? He's being sweet towards you and it makes something in your heart beat painfully. You don't know what it is per say but it aches. Maybe because you know he won't be like this forever.
When you realize you've been quiet you shake your head with a sigh.
"You don't have to thank me." You smile though it barely reaches your eyes.
Taehyung huffs before looking down at his phone and turns on some music that fills his bedroom.
Looking around you take a good look at his room. His bed frame is an eggshell white with the headboard being button tufted. It gives off an elegant look along with his white round nightstands. A TV twice the size of Hoseok's sits across the room on a white entertainment center. There's odd trinkets here and there that scream unusual but it fits him perfectly. From statues to paintings. One particular painting catches your attention. It sits on the wall above his bed. Flashes of bright colors spilled across it along with bold faces in the middle. You turn your head slightly as you take it in and Taehyung clearly notices because he looks between you and the painting.
"I painted that," he says.
A mild look of shock overtakes your features. "Really?"
He nods his head with a brief shut of his eyes. When he opens them again he looks at you.
"I paint some times. It's nothing grand but it's something. It helps me to get my aggression out."
Your lips part the slightest bit as you think about it.
The brushstrokes look hurried and untamed. You can easily see why they must look that way if this is a form of therapy for him.
"Does it work?"
He frowns. "Does what work?"
"Does it help with the aggression?"
His puffs his cheeks out before nodding. "Sometimes yeah. I've broken a couple of paintings and tossed them after because I don't like looking at them. The ones that remain, like this one, are proof that it can help. I just need to learn how to keep myself at a simmer, like Hoseok says."
At the mention of your captor you listen more attentively.
"What does Hoseok say?"
Taehyung leans back on his hands. "He said I have to imagine my anger like a boiling pot of milk. When you boil milk it rises fast. Faster than water. So you have to keep an eye on it. You don't want the fire to be up high because it'll rise too fast. You want it around medium so it can simmer. Hoseok says I should never let my anger boil too high because when that happens it'll be too late. I have to learn to walk away when I can. To lower the fire." He licks his lips while he thinks a moment. "I oftentimes let it boil too high. I know I need better control over it. We've found ways to help but it's not always enough."
He sounds a little sad. Like his problem with his anger really gets to him.
"If you don't mind me asking," you start off tentatively. "Have you ever tried therapy?"
Without a second to waste he nods his head. "It didn't work. To be fair the type of therapy I went to was a group one and it really pissed me off. Hearing from the outside in - hearing other people talk about their problems sounded so stupid to me. Just hearing them talk about avoidable situations would get me so angry, but then at some point I realized I'm no different from them. It was with that realization that I decided group therapy wasn't for me."
"What about one on one?"
He gives you a sorry smile. "I'm on the waiting list."
It seemed to you that Taehyung does want to change. You don't think he's doing it just because his brothers tell him to but because he knows he needs the help.
It also shocks you a little that he's on the waiting list. With the money he has you know he must have good connections.
"I didn't even know there could be a waiting list for therapy."
He nods his head. "I was shocked to find out too."
"Are there any other therapists you can see?"
"There are but the next closest one is two hours away."
Your brows raise slightly before furrowing.
You'd tell him the two hour drive would be worth it but this isn't your life. It's his. He'd have to ride two hours to and back and that's not to say if they would have any openings either.
"Only time will tell." Taehyung interrupts your thoughts.
You give him a small smile.
To change the conversation Taehyung asks you what you plan on doing for the rest of the day.
You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know. There's nothing I haven't already done in here but I don't mind staying in. I'll figure something out."
"You're welcome to stay here. At least until Namjoon or Hoseok are done with work."
Cringing a little you shake your head. "Jimin will be coming back to you soon and I know he doesn't like me. So I'd rather not be here."
Taehyung gives you a long unreadable look. For a moment he looks like the Taehyung you knew from before and it puts you a little on edge. Ultimately though he shrugs his shoulders.
"Whatever you want. You know the rules by now."
The rules by now... The same rules that restrict you from leaving the grounds without one of the guys.
You don't know how to respond to that so you just keep quiet and go to stand.
"I'll see you around then." Taehyung says but he's looking down at his phone.
"See you."
You take your leave then but not without looking around the hall to make sure Jimin isn't around. He's not so you slip out and close the door leaving behind one of Hoseok's many brothers.
You wonder what to do now. Hoseok might get upset if he finds out you're alone but you can't stomach being with Jimin. At least not for now. He'd only make the situation with you worse. Surely Hoseok will understand that.
As you're walking through the hall aimlessly you hear a rumble. It gives you pause until you hear it again a few seconds later. It sounds like thunder and you realize a storm must be coming. With that in mind you make your way to the garden so you can watch it pass while sitting under the sun roof.
Some look your way as you run down the stairs. You want to catch the storm before it passes. It's not your favorite thing to do. Watch storms that is but you haven't seen one in a while.
When you get to the sliding doors you open it and are greeted by cool air as rain begins to pour down. You're happy it's cool and not muggy. You take the chance to sit on the couch and look out towards the garden as the flowers are pelted by the raindrops.
You're mind grows blank then. There's nothing to think about. You zone out and come to every now and again when the thunder rumbles.
What is there to think about? Escaping? You think of that all the time. There's nothing you can do about it now. It's pouring like crazy. You'd rather not be caught by the storm. You have no umbrella nor a raincoat. Now could be the perfect time to leave but you find yourself unable to get up. Not because you can't but because you don't want to.
When you escape you'll make sure it's during the day. When the sun is at its full potential so it'll make it harder for the vampires to come and find you.
With only that thought in mind you jump a little when you realize there's a presence standing beside the couch you're sat on.
You gasp and it makes Seokjin divert his attention from the garden and onto you. He smiles something warm before stretching his hand out towards the couch.
"May I?"
Nodding you scoot over a little so he has space to sit down. When he does sit he gives a tired sigh before directing his attention to the garden again.
Silence is what follows. You try not to let his presence get to you but you can't help to look at him sometimes.
He looks a little tired but he does his best to not let it show. When he realizes you're staring he looks at you and back towards the garden.
"I didn't know you like to watch storms," he says.
You shake your head no but remember he can't see you.
"I don't."
He hums. "Then what brings you out here?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to see one. It's been a while since it's stormed."
"You're right." He nods before turning to you. "Does Hoseok know you're alone?"
You sigh before grumbling. "No."
Seokjin chuckles a little. "You like playing with fire."
Your eyes draw over to him just as he looks back at the garden.
He draws quiet for a moment and licks his lips before tonguing his cheek. Something akin to a scoff is released from him until he's smirking and it leaves you feeling unnerved.
"You," he pauses. "You and Namjoon. You've grown quite close haven't you?"
Your heart skips a beat just as you swallow deeply. You know he's on to something but you try and feign innocence.
Seokjin huffs a laugh. "You know people talk, Y/N. I have eyes around these halls. Whatever they see I see too."
Your brows furrow as you begin to breathe in and out a tad bit faster.
Without a missing a beat he continues.
"Care to explain what the two of you were up to in his room?"
Your eyes widen and you're glad he's not looking your way because your face screams guilty but you know he can hear your heart beat.
You shake your head and try to regulate your breathing.
You have to get him off your tail somehow. You will not allow him to do this to you.
"I don't see you questioning on why I was in Taehyung's room just now."
Seokjin turns to you with a smile. "Oh were you with him? I guess my eyes aren't always everywhere."
You're frowning at him but he doesn't react to it.
"Still though," he says. "What you have with Taehyung is nothing like what you have with Namjoon."
You grit your teeth. "So what? Do you agree with Jimin? You think I'm up to something?"
"I didn't say all that, dear child. I'm just interested in knowing the unknown."
"Well it's unknown for a reason. Ever thought about minding your own business?"
He throws his head back as he lets out a big laugh. "I can see why Hoseok likes you so much. You have a fire about you."
You cross your arms. "Believe it or not he actually hates that about me. He'd rather I just go along with whatever he says."
"Really now?" Seokjin isn't laughing but a smile dances on the edges of his lips.
It grows quiet then save for the rain that pelts the ground and the occasional rumble. The storm seems to grow stronger the longer you stay out here.
It's uncomfortable sitting out here with Seokjin. You didn't think the topic of you and Namjoon would come up. When he said he had eyes everywhere the only thing you can think about are the servants. Even when it seemed like they minded their own business clearly they didn't and as a Lord in his own home he draws from them the gossip he wants.
You wonder if he knows more than what he's letting on. Did anyone lean their ear against Namjoon's door? No. You don't think so. Namjoon would have been able to sense them. All Seokjin knows is that you left to his brother's room. He's picking on you because he wants to know more. His curiosity isn't sated. That's all.
You sigh but can barely hear it over the storm. It feels like the couch beneath you trembles when another clap of thunder sounds throughout the cool air. The rain continues to tear through the air but you remain dry beneath the sun roof.
Seokjin leans back and crosses his legs. He doesn't seem the least bit bothered by anything. His eyes draw close as he takes in the smell of rain water and the sound it makes.
He looks so peaceful. Like he hadn't just ruined your mood with his prying. It makes you roll your eyes but there's nothing you can do about it. At least you don't think you can. Maybe you'll run the issue by with Hoseok. See if his brother can talk some sense into him. Teach him to mind his business. Would you really like that? You don't know actually. Probably not. You'll complain to Hoseok but hope he doesn't actually confront Seokjin. For your sake.
Soon after you find yourself closing your eyes as well. Maybe if he thinks you're falling asleep he'll leave you alone. As a matter of fact, you choose to lie down then and curl up on the couch with a pillow beneath your head and one you hold close. You can feel Seokjin's eyes on you as you get comfortable. He doesn't make a sound but when you look at him he goes back to closing his eyes.
This must be the weirdest encounter you had with one of Hoseok's brothers. You're just taking a nap after a little back and forth you would have loved to never have experienced. It's whatever you think. He's not your problem. At least you won't let him be.
Eventually you do fall asleep. It's not a deep one but you do feel a little well rested. You also note that you feel weighted down on. When you open your eyes and look down you see an arm wrapped around you. It makes you frown.
You wiggle in your spot as you go to turn around and face the body that holds you close. You shouldn't be surprised but you are when you see that it's Hoseok. His eyes are closed as he sleeps. He doesn't feel when you move nor sense that you're staring at him. The little light provided outside lets you see how calm he looks.
For some reason he looks a little different to you. He's the same old Hoseok. Maybe because you just woke up so your mind is a little hazy.
Your eyes are half lidded as you stare.
His lips are posed into a small pout as he sleeps. You stare and stare at it and without a second thought you bring your finger up to it. You touch his lips that feel soft and press into them lightly. You honestly have the urge to want to pinch him and not a soft pinch. This brings you back to when you wanted to smother him with his pillow the night he had a migraine. It's rational, you think, for you to want to do this. He upsets you, but you refrain from hurting him.
You sigh softly and just as you're about to pull your finger back you feel the softest kiss planted onto it. Your eyes draw up to Hoseok's and you see that they're halfway open.
Your hand falls to rest between your chests.
There's nothing said between you two as you both stare. You must have woken him up. You should have kept your hands to yourself but there's nothing you can do about it now.
Hoseok keeps his sights on you. Even when he comes to slowly sit up so that he's hovering over you. He stares before leaning down to kiss your forehead then the tip of your nose and then your lips. When he pulls back he's smiling softly.
"Did you have a good nap?"
You blink a few times after his question like you have to think about it.
Nodding your head, you wrap your arms around you to warm up from the cool air. Hoseok notices and leans closer to you so that you feel more of his weight and what little warmth he can provide.
"When I came looking for you in Taehyung's room you weren't there. You didn't pick up when I called either and I come to find you and Seokjin asleep out here." He smiles. "Everything good?"
You lick your lips and nod again. "I think I just needed a nap."
He hums.
His eyes draw down to look at your necklace. He picks up the lock and plays with it with a smile.
You know he's thrilled to see you wearing it. You haven't taken it off since the moment he placed it on you. He said you don't have to take it off when you shower because it won't tarnish. You kept in on because you know he'd hate it if you do take it off so you've been stuck with it.
It's like a collar to you. A shackle. A reminder of who you're dealing with. Just the thought of it begins to sour your mood a little.
You tremble beneath him and it makes him frown. A chilly breeze passes you by and sinks deep into your flesh.
"We should go inside. Come on," he says as he sits up.
You get up and stretch after having been in the same position for what must have been hours. A thought strikes you then about Hoseok.
"How long were you asleep with me?"
He takes your hand in his as he helps you stand up.
"For a bit. It was still daylight out when I found you and Seokjin. After I woke him up I decided to curl up with you."
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You wonder.
Sending a smile your way he leans in to kiss your temple.
"You looked too peaceful. Plus, I couldn't say no to a nap myself."
So that's what happened.
You think about the eldest vampire and what he must have thought about being woken up. You also think about your conversation and if he alluded to anything to Hoseok.
"Seokjin didn't say anything weird to you, right?"
Hoseok's head tilts the slightest bit. "No he didn't. Did he say anything to you?"
Should you bring it up? You don't think you should have said anything in the first place because now he's looking at you in interest and you don't think he's going to let you drop the subject.
You bite your bottom lip as you have this internal debate before sighing. "Nothing it's just... He um - I think he's spying on me? Or something." You shake your head. "Forget about it."
"Hey, hey wait."
Hoseok holds onto your arms as you try to leave.
"No. What do you mean he's spying on you?"
"I think I'm just looking too far into it."
He grabs your attention with his fingers gripping your chin.
"What do you mean that he's spying on you?"
He clearly looks upset and you're feeling like you opened up a can of worms that should have stayed shut.
You twiddle your thumbs together in anxiousness. "He pretty much told me that he has eyes everywhere and that he's prying to find out about the unknown. Unknown being my business at this point." You take a deep breath before spilling the next few words. "He wanted to know why I was in Namjoon's room. Was kind of giving me shit about it despite me having been in Taehyung's today."
Hoseok shakes his head. "Wait. When were you in Namjoon's room?"
You try to maintain your breathing to keep from panicking. "It was a few days ago. He just wanted to show me something."
Your captor seems convinced but then he frowns. He releases your chin and turns his back towards you.
"Hoseok. Hoseok where are you going?"
"To talk to Seokjin."
In a state of panic you grab his arm. Your shoes skid across the pavement as he drags you along but you try your best to keep him from moving.
"Hoseok stop! Please."
The sound of you begging brings him to a pause. He turns towards you with furrowed brows.
"Just let it go," you say. "Please."
He huffs. "Why? He made you uncomfortable, right?"
"Yes but I don't want you guys to fight."
"Who says we're going to fight? I just want to let him know not to do that to you again."
You take in a deep breath and sigh. "Hoseok it's going to turn into an argument. I already know so please. Please let it go." You beg. "For me."
At this his expression changes. He no longer looks hellbent on confronting his brother.
Grabbing your hands he brings them up to his lips to kiss.
"I'll let it slide. For now. If he does it again you let me know."
You nod your head. "Okay."
You know you should have just kept your mouth shut. It would have been better but no. Of course you had to speak up. He even questioned you on why you were in Namjoon's room. How stupid are you? What if you would have bombed the response on why you were in there? Thank the gods you didn't otherwise he'd realize something was up.
You're back to trembling again because of the chilly air when a breeze blows by. Hoseok catches you and he's back to caring for you.
"We should head inside. I don't want you catching a cold."
Without a word you follow him back into the house. The lights adorning the ceiling are bright against your eyes. You have to squint and blink a few times until you're fully adjusted to the change of lighting. It's also chilly in the house but it's nothing like the fresh cool air of the outside and that's just after a storm. You're not entirely looking forward to when the temperature drops once the cooler seasons draw in but at least the halls would be warm with the heater.
Hoseok laces his fingers with your own and draws you in close to his side.
"So," he starts. "What were you up to today? I left you with Taehyung. Any reason why you left?"
You cringe. "Yeah um. Jimin... came back home."
He hums but he doesn't sound annoyed. "I was wondering when he'd come back. Did he say anything to make you uncomfortable?"
Besides calling you a rat? Something you don't plan on telling Hoseok otherwise he'd get riled up and confront Jimin. You just got him to calm down with Seokjin.
You shake your head. "No. No he didn't but I didn't want to be around him so I left."
"So wait. You were alone?"
There's a subtle roll to your eyes you hope he doesn't catch. "Yes but only for a bit. Seokjin found me sitting out back not long after I got there."
He sighs. "Still. Unless it's absolutely necessary please stay with one of my brothers if I'm not available. Okay?"
It doesn't sound like he's upset but worried.
You mimic him with a sigh of your own. "Okay."
You don't plan on listening to him but agree anyway to get him off your back.
Hoseok releases your hand so he can wrap his arm around your shoulders. He leans in and kisses the side of your head and squeezes you tight.
"I love you, Y/N. You know I'm just looking out for you."
All you can do is hum. At least he didn't expect a verbal response from you.
The two of you go to head down the hall towards his room but a call to Hoseok forces you to pause. You both turn around at the sound of Jungkook's voice. It's the loudest he's ever spoken around you and even the way he jogs towards Hoseok is unusual for you.
Hoseok smiles at the youngest of his clan. "What's up?"
Jungkook comes to a stop when he's close by. He gives you a onceover but his eyes don't rest on you but on his brother.
"I was going to call you but since you're here. Now that Jimin is back home I was hoping we can all have a movie night."
"Oh." Hoseok raises his brows. "Did you ask everyone else?"
His brother nods. "They said yes."
Hoseok gives Jungkook a long look before switching his sights over to you. He looks like he's debating something and you think you know what.
"Don't let me hold you back," you say. "Go."
He grimaces at the idea of leaving you alone but Jungkook cuts in.
"You're welcome to join us, Y/N. You've already gotten in the way of my time with my brothers. You're free to do so again tonight."
"Jungkook." Hoseok admonishes.
"What," he asks in a clueless manner.
The young vampire gets on your nerves but you're starting to wonder if he actually means to be rude. He seems to be unaware of how ill-mannered he can be. Still doesn't change the fact that he annoys you.
Hoseok sighs but he doesn't drill into his brother.
"If Y/N is up for it then yeah."
You hate how this decision will be made by you. You don't like being put on the spot like this.
To be honest you would rather drink bleach than be in the same room as Jimin. And Seokjin now too but the last thing you want to do is tear an even bigger rift between Hoseok and his brothers. Not that you care necessarily but there are some things better left untouched. You know. Despite what you and Namjoon are doing behind everyone's backs.
"Yeah," you say. "It's fine with me."
Jungkook looks indifferent towards you but Hoseok smiles.
"Just give us a few minutes to wash up, Kooky. We'll be right down afterwards."
With one last look your way Jungkook nods and heads down the way you came. Disappearing completely when he turns the corner.
You look back at Hoseok with a question on the tip of your tongue.
"Wash up," you ask.
"Yeah." He continues to walk with you close to his side towards him room. "We were outside for a while. Despite the storm I sweated a little. You did too," he says.
Your eyes widen in embarrassment.
Of course he can smell you but you still feel a little affronted. Your expression just makes him laugh though.
When you enter his room he's already on the move of gathering your things for a shower. He has a change of clothes ready for you and the water running slightly warmer than usual. It fogs the mirror a bit but he switches on the fan that sucks out the steam. It's a bit loud so it blocks out any outside noises.
He calls you over and helps you undress. Tossing the clothes you wore into the hamper and your shoes tucked against the wall. His fingers dance across your skin lightly before he goes to undress himself. You don't stick around to watch him and so you slip into the shower and begin bathing yourself.
You take in the warmth of the shower with a sigh. It feels so good against your skin after having the chilly air seep into your bones. You wish you can stay under the falling water forever but know you can't.
Slowly you're enveloped in Hoseok's arms as he stands behind you. It makes you jump from how quiet he was but he shushes you gently. When he presses himself against you you feel his hardness against your backside. It makes you grow stiff but he either doesn't notice or seem to care as he begins to give you soft kisses against your neck.
"I love you," he says against your skin. "You know that?"
You don't answer him but flinch when he nips you.
He turns you around and presses your back against the cold wall. It makes you shiver.
Hoseok's kisses on your flesh grows hungrier until he pulls up to kiss you on the lips. You moan into his mouth as he parts his lips and lets you take from him what you need just as the high hits you. It's a splendid feeling as always despite the fact that it turns you into someone else. Someone who partakes in whatever Hoseok wants.
His fingers slide down between your bodies until he reaches your core. Until he lightly plays with your clit and rolls it around. Your legs spread further apart and you jut your hips out so you can feel him where you need him most.
You feel him smirk against your lips because he knows he's got you where he wants.
He enters two fingers into you after spreading your arousal around and pumps them slowly. The back of your head rests against the wall as you feel Hoseok's kisses spread down and further down your body until he's on his knees before you. The last time he was between your legs Iike this you had to imagine Namjoon to be able to come but with the high you can just focus on the pleasure being provided.
You whine as your fingers find his hair that grows wetter by the shower.
He flicks his tongue against your clit just as he finds the spot inside of you that drives you wild. You openly moan into the warm air as the tips of his fingers rub punishingly against the roof of your cunt. Your fingers grip his hair tighter and it makes him nip your pearl.
"Ah," you gasp.
"Be gentle, baby."
That was a warning and so you loosen your grip on him.
It doesn't stop you from squirming as more of this pleasurable feeling pulses through you. Even more so when he grabs your right leg to hoist it around his shoulder. It gives him better access to you and you're loving every minute of it.
You can barely acknowledge the fact that you're pressing your head further into the wall as you arch your back because of how hazy your mind has grown. Pleasure running its course both through your mind and your body. All of it due to Hoseok who eats you out like a man starved.
You gasp, you moan, you writhe. You're a caricature of a porn star as you reach a hand out to grab the shelf next to you.
"I'm close Hoseok," you nearly slur.
Your words encourage him to go faster until you're crying out from your enraptured form. Until you're cumming on his tongue and fingers and he takes from you what he desires.
Hoseok groans into your cunt as he slows the pace of his fingers as you slowly wind down from both the high and your orgasm. Lapping away at you gently before removing himself from you to stand up straight. He instantly seeks your mouth and you can taste your arousal as soon as his tongue finds your own.
Another hit of the high.
He grinds his fully erect cock between your bodies and he moans.
"I need to fuck you. Now."
You hike your leg up to wrap around his hip and he helps you bring the other up so you can wrap yourself around his waist. Your arms hang loosely around his shoulders just as he enters your leaking core and slowly brings you down until your flushed against one another.
"Hold on tight, baby."
From there he fucks you fast and hard. It brings you to cry out loud as you're rocked with carnal pleasure once again. He's relentless in his pursuit for another orgasm from you and his own that he seeks. His fingers dig into your sides as he keeps you close to him.
His forehead comes to rest on your own and you open your eyes to see that he's watching you. You can see the ice blue of irises being muddled by the blood that waits to be shed from his eyes. When one tear escapes finally it slides down his cheek and you follow it with your own eyes until it falls away to where you can't see.
You draw your sights back up to his and watch until he closes his eyes and pulls back to where you can see him grit his teeth in ecstasy.
Your walls flutter around him as you gasp.
"I'm close again!"
Hoseok sucks air through his teeth and picks up the pace. He growls something animalistic and holds you closer. His pelvic area rubs against your pearl just right until it sends you over the edge and you're cumming once again.
Your lips part as you let out a long drawn out moan. Your walls squeeze him over and over again until he's mumbling "Fuck, fuck, fuck" and cumming deep inside of you. You feel the way he twitches as he humps into you and without a second to waste he bites you hard over the mark left by Jiyoo and scars it with his own set of teeth. The feeling makes you whine in both pain and pleasure as the high hasn't fully left you yet.
His hips grind against you as he draws out your blood to drink. He suckles at your neck before running his tongue over the wound to heal it. You can both feel and hear the way he pants against you. His cock is softening but he can't bring himself to part from you. The way you're still clinging on to him makes hum in happiness makes him nuzzle his face into your neck.
You sigh against him.
Finally it's over. You wonder what prompted him to even want to have sex with you. You weren't due for your hit just yet. He usually likes to wait until the two of you are winding down for the night. Either way you're happy you had it and hope he gives you more later on. Even if it means you have to fuck him again.
After a second you feel a burning sensation in your nose and make him jump when you sneeze. It's followed by a second sneeze and small tremble from you.
Hoseok leans back to look at you with a frown. His cool hand comes up to touch your forehead then your cheek.
"Are you getting sick," he asks. "You're warm."
You shrug your shoulders with a grimace. "It's just the water is warm. That's all."
He shakes his head. "Doubt it. Let's finish getting ready and I'll give you something for it."
When he pulls out of you you whine to which he coos at you. It doesn't stop him from hurrying to clean you both up. He even makes you push out his cum so that none of it leaks out after you're washed up.
You're quick to clean up but it's followed by another sneeze and a cough. You say you just need something to drink but he doubts you. He's sure you're getting sick and so you let him baby you when you're dressed in one of his baggy shirts and sleep shorts.
He's drowning you in his scent and you just let him because you can't bring yourself to care right now. Not when you're feeling like this. Maybe he's on to something but you won't admit that.
After the two of you are dressed he calls someone and sends for them to retrieve something for a cold. You assume it's a servant of some sort that he's called and when he hangs up he helps braid your hair and keeps it off your shoulder.
"I think it's best if we stay here tonight. I'll let Jungkook know that we'll hang out another time."
Immediately you yell out "No!"
Hoseok looks at you bewildered as you pout.
"Why," he asks.
You sigh. "He hates me. Maybe not as much as Jimin but he does. I don't want him or any of your brothers hating me more than they already do."
Would Taehyung turn cold towards you again? You imagine Jimin and Seokjin would talk shit about you and, despite what everyone says, Jungkook hates you and clearly he will hate you even more.
Hoseok frowns. "My brothers don't hate you."
You give him a deadpan look.
"Seriously, Y/N. Jimin is just upset because of what happened but he'll get over it eventually. He always does. You know Yoongi and Namjoon like you and Taehyung is warming up to you. Seokjin doesn't have any reason to hate you and Jungkook doesn't hate anybody. That's just the way he acts. Sooner or later you'll see that he'll care for you the way he does his brothers."
You're pouting now as you shake your head. "Please just listen to me for once. Don't cancel tonight. I'm fine. I'll drink the medicine and you'll see I'll be fine."
Now it's his turn to pout as he thinks on your words. You wish he'll hear you out because you don't want to stay locked up while his brothers plan on your downfall. Yeah you'll exclude Namjoon and Yoongi from that. Maybe even Taehyung but everyone else surely dislikes you in some form or another. You can't make enemies out of these men. Not as much as you already have.
"Hoseok. Please."
Your captor sighs but he nods his head.
"Fine. But you have to take the medicine."
"I already said I will."
He nods. "Okay."
You're a little relieved even though you'd rather be away from Jimin but if he sees you're making an effort to be around him maybe he'll change. Like Hoseok said: eventually.
You can't make enemies and you can't worsen the relationship. You need people on your side. If not to defend you from Hoseok then to lower their guards so that you can escape without alerting them. That's your plan. Make friends even with Hoseok himself and leave while you still can.
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Okay this is my first time writing in many years, so please be gentle I'm very out of practice!
Yandere!Lip Gallagher x reader
TW: physical abuse, mental abuse
Yandere!Lip would so put his cigarette out on you after a heated argument about you going out with friends too much. He just needs to leave permanent reminder of who you belong to somewhere everyone can see.
You stood in front of Lip's dorm room door swaying silently. It was 2am and you held your heels in one hand and your phone in the other.
Twelve missed calls.
You knew you'd fucked up. You'd been out all night bar hopping with your best friend, Anna, for her birthday. She had convinced you (with vodka shots) to ignore your boyfriend's texts and calls, "Just this one night! It's my birthday!" she yelled in your ear over the music and pouted. You were already a couple drinks in when she gave you the puppy dog eyes and put a shot in your hand, you grimaced but agreed and handed over your phone for Anna to put in her purse.
That was hours ago.
You put your hand on the doorknob and just held it there for a few seconds before slowly opening the door. The lamp was on and Lip was sitting by the open window smoking. His ashtray was full of cigarette butts and you knew you were the reason he was up all night worrying.
He looked over at you with a blank expression as you closed the door behind you and sat your shoes down by the foot of the bed. "Lip... I'm sorry... I-" "You're slurring," he interrupted, "how fucking drunk did you get?" He scoffed and exhaled smoke out the window into the cold night air.
Tears welled in your eyes, "I really am sorry, I didn't know what time it was and Anna kept ordering us drinks and she kept wanting to go to one more club and it's her birthday I didn't want to say no and we haven't been out in a long time I know I messed up but I-"
"Come here." Lip stands up. You sniffle and stumble over to him, "Please Lip..." He grabbed your arms to hold you up straight and still in front of him, his cigarette dangled from his lips, face expressionless.
Without warning he took the cigarette into his hand and pressed the cherry hard into your shoulder. You screamed and he slapped his other hand over your mouth. Lip tossed the now out cigarette out the window and pulled you close to him. "Shhhh... you did real good. You did so good baby."
Lip sat on the bed after a moment and gently pulled you to him to sit across his lap, "I know it hurts, it's gonna be okay baby," You whimper and look over at your shoulder, the bright red circular mark was beginning to blister. You buried your head into his shirt while he stroked your hair.
"Shhhh... you know why I had to do that don't you?" He asked softly and kissed the top of your head. You nodded into his chest and stifled a sob, "I w-was bad... I didn't think ab-about how you'd f-feel..."
"That's right, you know what you did wrong," Lip puts a finger under your chin and tilts your face up to look into his deep blue eyes, "And I don't want anyone to see you to in this dress again without knowing you're claimed." He muttered as his gaze shifted to your shoulder and he softly rubbed his thumb over the welt he left.
You hiss as he touches the wound but don't flinch away, "I'm sorry Lip, I love you."
"I love you too."
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
This wave of Yandere ghost ladies with curves in all the right places reminded me of my old crush on hachishakusama so thank you
Bro her and the slit mouth lady were my queens. Yes ma'am you are gorgeous plz kiss me before you stab me with your scissors. With hachishakusama I probably look like a purse dog but I'm perfectly find with that
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