#q cells panels
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Q CELLS Solar Panels are the smart choice for clean energy. These panels deliver efficient and cost-effective energy for your home or business. Visit our website at www.sunlineenergy.com.au for more information and to see our products. For any questions or support, reach out to us at + (61) 1300-767-652
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evegwood · 10 months
how do you atually write a script for a comic fhhhdhdhdh like do you write it the same as a movie script idk how to start
My basic system is using bulletpoints inside a table. Each table cell is a page, which is handy for planning page spreads, and each bulletpoint is a panel. This script also divvies up the scenes by colour so I can block out how long each scene is:
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Because I'm the sole artist, I don't include any information that is obvious to me; that means expressions, poses, or individual panel sizes don't usually make it into the script. If there's something really dramatic and important I'll include it, but otherwise I tend to work out character poses when I'm thumbnailing or pencilling. I'm already kind of laying out the page in my mind when I'm writing so when I go back to actually draw it I'm like yeah I know exactly what face Vic is pulling here.
I do also have @spiremint on board now as colourist but because I don't really think in colour I don't have any notes for that in the script. Instead, I make notes on the inked/pencilled version of the page when I'm sending it to Spire for the colour script. Those notes will say stuff like the mood I'm going for, the weather, what happens in the scene so he can give me some cool alternate background colours. Spire never sees the script, it really is just for me when I'm pencilling/lettering, and then I discard it and work from what I have in front of me. It's a stepping stone tool, not a strict guideline of what the page should look like.
That's how I write a script, but you can write your script literally however you want! If it's just for you to read, you only need to include as much information as you find important. For some people that's everything because they either can't envision the scene without a description or because they want to make sure they don't miss anything important out, and for some people it's the most barebones thing imaginable. If it works for you, just do it!! You don't need to write a script like you would for a movie unless you really want to, or it's for someone else to see. Do you want to see the entirety of my script for the Chapter 5 lasertag scene?
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Now here's a more helpful answer. I always start with an outline of what exactly needs to happen on each page so I don't need to work too hard figuring out how many panels should pass before I need a page break. Example:
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You will probably want to think about three main things when putting your script together: dialogue, environment, and character. Each panel is an individual moment in time. That means you shouldn't have too many things happening in a single panel, and one panel should generally only have one dialogue moment, one environment note, and one character action. Someone can't jump up in alarm and then look relieved all in one panel, because that's two character actions (and would also be pretty difficult to draw but shh). A character shouldn't (can, but shouldn't) say they want to leave, then change their mind and ask for another drink all in one panel, because that's two dialogue moments. For environment notes, you really shouldn't have an explosion and the hidden treasure revealed all in one panel, because that's two environment notes. You don't need to stretch everything out into its own panel, but make sure you watch for too many things of the same category happening in one panel.
That's a lot of info, but I hope it helps!
I'm doing a little Q&A right now to celebrate the launch of the Inhibit: Book Two Kickstarter! If you have a question about Inhibit, comics in general, or anything else, shoot me an ask 🔥
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perfecttenth · 4 months
Perfect Origin submissions and beta designs
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Or at least what's known about them.
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Starting at zero, The Man's concept art has been uploaded to Pixiv by his creator, Seiji Tanaka, here and here. He was originally submitted as "Zeusman", based on the Greek deity of the same name. Even back then, he was supposed to be the true identity of Strong The Budo, except that in this rendition, he is a choujin cloned from the cells of Neptune King.
While Goldman was likely created by Yudetamago themselves, his Akuma Shogun identity is a refined version of "Vikingman", who was submitted by Kobayashi of Tokyo. Early color illustrations of Shogun tend to depict him with pure red armor, which may have been a leftover from his submission.
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Silverman's redesign process for his appearance in the 2011 run was extensively documented and released in the "JC55巻 56巻 発売記念品 2016 夏" booklet. His first rough design is completely different from the finished product, mirroring Shogun even moreso than his final design.
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Mirageman is one of the two Kenichi Ishii-submitted Origins, the other being Justiceman. Both him and Thingman, designed by Ken Hiroshima (who also worked on Painman together with Kentaro Sakamoto), were first shown as choujin submissions in Vol. 25 of Nisei Tag, named "Mirage" and "Doppelman" respectively. Thingman is nigh identical to his submission, but Mirageman used to somewhat resemble a circuit board, with PCB traces and pads covering his body.
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Abyssman is credited to Masashi Omori and Takamasa Minato, presumably being a combination of multiple submissions, as the Fan Book commentary implies.
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Ganman is famous for not only being a combination of two submissions, but also having his appearance modified after his initial reveal. His moose features were taken from a currently unknown submission that were applied to WANI's "The Cyclone".
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Yudetamago later clarified in the Vol. 47 Q&A that his design was upgraded to make him look more dignified, as he's supposed to be on the same level as Akuma Shogun. I've uploaded a catbox album with all the panels I could find of Ganman's original appearance here, but the original WEB version of the chapter can't be found in its entirety anymore.
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Crowman/Karasuman was submitted by Takayuki Wakisaka. His name and design have stayed exactly the same, except he's way thinner here than in the manga.
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The same Takayuki Wakisaka also appears to have submitted Psychoman's Grim Reaper identity. His new white priest-like design was probably refined by Yudetamago, since an Instagram post by Takashi Shimada shows what looks like concept art, as well as an alternate design.
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As of right now, this is all that is known about the design processes of the Perfect Origin. Feel free to add or correct anything if you happen to have more information.
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hermannsthumb · 1 year
Accidently going on a date without even realising it, because of a series of arguments/ trying to prove a point/ one-upmanship contests.
Maybe only realising it's a date when someone else points it out and they're both like NO
unfortunately i loved this prompt so much that it became a long fic i had to post as a separate thing on ao3. ENJOY
Hermann runs into Newton in the hallway outside Lecture Hall B, leaning one shoulder up against the wall with his hands in the pockets of his insufferably tight (and wildly unprofessional) skinny jeans. It sends Hermann staggering to a halt, more from surprise than anything else: he and Newton have an unspoken agreement to stay out of each other’s hair at these sorts of things to avoid causing a scene (per of the request of Marshal Pentecost, humiliatingly enough, after Hermann and Newton blew up at each other during a panel back in 2020) and make a point of comparing and carefully coordinating their schedules in advance. Newton should not be here. Newton should be in a talk on kaiju skin cells at Lecture Hall D, grilling whatever poor bastard makes the mistake of calling on him during the Q&A. He doesn’t bother greeting Hermann, just inclines his head towards the Lecture Hall B door. “It’s cancelled,” he says. “They just made an announcement in the lobby, I wasn’t sure if you heard. The speaker had to go, some kind of family emergency.”
Hermann tries the door anyway. It’s locked. He deflates very slightly with disappointment; the speaker in question is one of the only other k-mathematicians still standing who’s yet to defect to the burgeoning wall project, and Hermann is rather a fan of his work. Hermann had, in fact, been looking forward to this weekend solely for his presentation alone. “Well, that’s marvelous,” he gripes at Newton, as if it’s his fault. “Aren’t you meant to be learning about skin or claws whatever other rubbish?”
“Wellllll,” Newton says, “it turns out I’m kiiiiiinda banned from a lot of the talks? Like, half of them? Um. They remembered me from three years back. You know, when you crashed my panel and made us both look like total—”
read the rest on ao3
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theanimeview · 7 months
[Review] Kumoricon 2023: Attendee & Presenter Experience (+Panel Links)
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By: Peggy Sue Wood
Kumoricon 2023 – DraftBy: Peggy Sue Wood
This is a small-scale event with lots of people. You could purchase a ticket for one day and tour the exhibit hall in a few hours with more than enough time for panels. 
This convention is good for first-time convention goers, particularly if you are not great with being in large crowds and struggle in long lines. Be warned though, there is very little cell service at this location!
Size and Scale + Food Alley
Location: Portland Oregon, Convention Center and Hyatt Hotel – November 17 – 19, 2023. 
Size: It has shifted from being mid-tier to small-tier in terms of scale. I did ask around about it, but none of the staff that I spoke to seemed to know. Based on venders assessment (the ones I spoke to at least), there seemed to be some bad-press lingering from the last convention that prevented venders from wanting to risk a potential loss of income in case attendees did not come. Some also seemed to believe there were conflicting values at play between convention administration and the individual venders. As far as I can tell you, I believe that the convention staff and administration are doing the best they can and seem like reasonable, harder-working, and passionate people when it comes to caring for and putting on the event. The venders too are making this a very positive place for attendees. 
Health and Safety Policy
Masks are optional. In terms of safety, I felt fine, even in the surrounding areas of the venue. For example, myself and a group of friends walked back late at night from dinner to the hotel and had no significant run-ins or problems. However, it’s evident that the surrounding area has experienced a decline compared to previous years.
Vender Hall
The usual space allocated for vendors seemed noticeably reduced, and the dominant presence was that of the vibrant and bustling Artist Alley. In the back was space dedicated for the voice actors and, divided by a set of black screens were the spaces allotted to the gaming area, which appeared more spread out than before. 
Artist Alley 
Despite expectations of a larger Artist Alley, its actual size came as a surprise. It was, roughly, five aisles in an “L” shape, and this unexpected scale left myself as an attendee surprised considering that last year I repeatedly became lost among the aisles. Still, there was great variation in the collection of artists and some had a surprising mix of materials (though, this could be because some artists split booths). For example, one of the people I attended with found Haikyuu!! fan art keychains at a booth that seemed to be selling some Rated M art. 
Cosplay Areas
While walking around the convention space, I was unable to find any specific areas designated for cosplay. Though I did see cosplayers making their own spaces in the main hall where the Kumoricon shop was found (right in front of the Dragon Boat Cafe, which is part of the convention center). On the upside—despite the amount of cosplayers and lack of cosplay photo-space, there were minimal blockages caused by cosplay, which was a positive aspect of the event.
Presenter Experience
I presented five panels this year at Kumoricon, and all were successful in my opinion. I even got to read some of the feedback, which all appeared positive. The Manga and Comics session, in particular, had considerable attention and generated numerous questions, which was fantastic and one of my favorite presentations overall. 
The best part was getting to connect with attendees after–so, thank you to everyone that came up at the end to talk to me! I loved getting to hear from you and to discuss the topics presented on! 
For myself: I think that, on two of them, I need to be better at my timing as I did end up cutting a few short to leave time for Q&A at the end. I will continue to work on improving, everyone, and thank you so much for your support!
For those interested, you can view my presentations here (and read my script in the notes section under each slide):
Anime Blogging Basics Bootcamp https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DyuNGJPNRm4du_pTIL-6jKqZ_qvSJnTG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109028846234695529861&rtpof=true&sd=true 
How Fan Content Creates New Fans & Other Important Information! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pCOc13nmGrT-R16k0ticvaDcljochrOh/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109028846234695529861&rtpof=true&sd=true 
Virtual Tourism With Anime https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qYGIS5e2O8oHxqZAp5t3zBb6XmF5S1wG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109028846234695529861&rtpof=true&sd=true 
Manga & Comics: A Different Cultural Base https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dSw09wnh1nQL80AVnQjbmPxwv8mCSYhZ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109028846234695529861&rtpof=true&sd=true 
Entering Anime & Manga Studies https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lRJefZ-dsUXX9lVvp7hDpQ7L4zWs5TOE/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109028846234695529861&rtpof=true&sd=true 
Overall (Food, Entertainment, etc) – Attendee Experience
Guest speaker Alisa Freedman delivered several presentations once again and they were all wonderful. I attended the Women in Japanese Studies panel and found it insightful and informative about the history of the field I hope to enter. My friends that attended with me went to some of her other panels over the course of the weekend too, and all of us felt like these were some of the best panels we got to enjoy during the event. I also attended a few other events/panels, all of which were engaging and—in my opinion—well chosen panels to have at the event. 
The event hosted a decent number of people without being overwhelming, meaning that the lines would go very quickly. The longest bathroom line I waited in lasted only two minutes, which is a very short wait for those of you that do not attend anime conventions regularly. The food line, when stacked, also progressed quickly. I would barely have time to refill a drink before my order would be ready. 
The Dragon Boat Cafe served good food, not great but not bad—making it somewhat —reminiscent of cafeteria food. Additionally, I purchased the convention refillable cup for $20, which provided purchasers unlimited drink refills throughout the 3-day event. This was a worthwhile purchase for me, considering how much I drink tea and water in a day.
Lines were, overall, relatively short which made this a really pleasant convention.��
Final Judgments
Venue: 4/5 – Little to no cell service through the space.
Staff: 5/5 – Excellent work!
Organization, Layout & Management: 5/5 – Very little waiting
Organization, Media Use: -/5 – Cannot judge as I did not look up the media and marketing before attending this convention
Attendance: 5/5 – Had a lot of fun.
Affordability: 4.5/5 – The ticket prices seemed reasonable given the size and scale. 
Overall: 4.7/5 – Will return next year!
If you enjoyed this post, please consider buying us a coffee, leaving a comment, liking, and/or subscribing to us!
Copyedited by: Krow Smith | @coffeewithkrow
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I'm Meaner Than My Demons - Jonathan Crane (Gotham) X Female (Gotham) Reader
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Title: I'm Meaner Than My Demons
Jonathan Crane (Gotham) X Female (Gordan) Reader
Additional Characters: Jim Gordan (Mentioned), Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch, lady guard, and other inmates (Mentioned)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
WC: 1,871
Warnings: Mentions of depression, overprotective dad, big timeskip, asylum, hypnotism, death, and a bit graphic
It has been a year since Jonathan had gone to Arkham Asylum. Y/N has been getting through life in Gotham with her father. Every day she wakes up thinking about Jonathan and every night before going to bed she thinks of him. Many times she had asked her father if she could go see him, but her father would always say no. It was too dangerous. Y/N knew it wasn't. She was getting tired of this. She wanted to see Jonathan, she missed him dearly. She loved him then, and she loved him now.
In Arkham, Jonathan is sitting over his cell toilet, stirring something he is making. After a year in Arkham, Jonathan's mind changed. He was not the same boy a year ago. Many nights he dreamt about her. Her laugh, her smile. He had to get out and find her. And finally, he would.
Inside his mind, his thoughts fought. What if she forgot about him? What if she's now scared of him? What if she didn't want to come with him? His thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door, and outside, Jonathan heard Jervis Tetch speak.
“Knock-knock called the clock, time to rise and wield your scythe.”
The door opens.
“I fear I will require a moment more, Mr. Tetch.”
“Our moment is fleeting, my dear Mr. Crane. Its wings desperately beating.”
Jonathan poured a liquid in the bubbling fluid, causing a little explosion within the bowl. He quickly pours it into a jar, while Jervis watches nervously from the door.
“There, now scarcely a drop spilled. Shall we, Mr. Tetch?” Jonathan speaks, getting up and walking out.
“Let us be the pains, Mr. Crane.” Jervis spoke, following close behind.
Outside a yellow and black, metal door, Jonathan poured his newly made liquid on the lock. It bubbled and like acid, melted it away. Both metal doors burst open, and Jerome Valeska burst out dramatically. Santering out, he pulled his sleeve up a bit to reveal his arm, looking down at it, he slowly shook his head.
“When I say three hairs past a freckle, gentlemen. I do not mean five hairs past.”
“Let’s do better next time, hm?”
Jervis then stepped closer to Jerome, “Mind both P’s and Q’s, Valeska. We're not your militia to be backed and called.”
“I quit thinking you’d be without us.” Jonathan spoke up, stepping closer to Jerome as well.
“Boys, boys, let’s not squabble too early in our partnership. There’ll be plenty of time to stab each other in the backs later. But, for now, stick to Jerome’s plan and everyone will get what they want.”
Jervis interrupted, reasoning with Jonathan.
“An earthly kingdom of terror.” Jonathan spoke, voice gruff behind his mask.
“A piece of Gotham pie. Both sky and high!” Jervis spoke with a wide smile.
“That’s the spirit boys! Think big.” Jerome spoke up, walking in between the two before stopping.
“And lose the weirdo, she’s giving me the heebie-jeebies.” Jerome spoke, watching the hypnotized guard stare at them.
“Your work is done, my dear. Your race, I’ll run.” Jervis spoke to her, with an awkward smile.
“Glad to be of help.” She spoke, before walking to Jerome to give him the keys, before slitting her own throat and falling dead.
“Much better. Now, to free the rest of our cronies and blow this popsicle stand.”
Putting the key into a control panel lock, Jerome frees everyone. While inmates run around freely, Jerome, Jervis, and Jonathan walk together, saluted by Jerome’s inmate fans. And finally, they walk out the front gate of Arkham Asylum. Turning around, Jerome bowed to her loyal fans as they all cheered and applauded.
“Onward march!” He commanded as the three led a crowd of crazy psychos.
“Dad? Why are you calling?” Y/N asked, holding her phone to her ear and shoulder as she cooked pasta in the kitchen.
“We got the news that Arkham Asylum criminals have escaped! It’s all over the news! Lock all doors, windows, and shut the curtains! I am heading home right now! Don’t open the door to anyone!”
Y/N’s heart quickened and she quickly dropped the wooden spoon into the bubbling pot of noodles.
She quickly took her phone into her hand and quickly walked through the house, closing windows and locking everything as quickly as she could. Bringing the phone back to her ear, heart beating in her ears.
“Okay, I locked and shut everything. What should I do?” Y/N asked, her voice trembling.
“Stay in your room and lock the door. I am stuck in a bit of traffic, but I’ll be there as fast as I can. Go and stay in your room, lock the door. Do you understand me?” Gordan asked worriedly.
Y/N nodded but spoke up, “Yeah. Okay. In-room, hide or something. Lock the door. Got it.” She spoke, heading to her room.
“I’m going to go now. Stay in your room. Stay hidden.”
And that was that.
Y/N went into her room and closed and locked her door. Once again, checking her windows. Curiosity got the best of her and she looked under her bed and her closet. Getting on her bed, she dimmed her lamp and grabbed a book, knowing the whole situation would take a while. She set her phone on silent and set it down next to her.
Opening her book, she sat and read quietly. Reading and trying to calm down her nerves at the same time. Her mind kept going to Jonathan. Questioning everything. Was he alright? Where was he? Did he get hurt? Did he need help? It was hard for her to concentrate on her book anymore at that point.
Outside, a figure stood, staring up at the window, seeing the faint light behind pale yellow curtains. They stuffed their hands inside their pockets, feeling the small photos inside.
At some point, she almost thought she heard the door burst open. She quickly looked up from her book and up to her door. It was silent for a moment before Y/N got off the bed and quietly opened her bedroom door, peeking out into the hall.
Stepping out, she tiptoed through the hallway, seeing the front door broken on the floor. Looking around the corner into the living room, no one was there. She then headed to the kitchen, leaning in to look into the room. Standing in the kitchen, staring at the still bubbling pot of overdone noodles, was a tall figure in a striped outfit. The same outfit criminals in Arkham Asylum wore. The figure had some sort of bag over their head, like a potato bag or something. Y/N looked at them confused and honestly a bit scared. The person then pulled the bag off of their head, letting it hang in their hand by their side.
Right when they did that, Y/N’s eyes widened. Seeing the person’s hair. It was short and brown, just like Jonathan’s. The way he stood was just like Jonathan. She knew they were Jonathan.
“Jon?” She asked quietly, stepping out into the entryway of the room.
As quickly as she said it, he turned around to see her standing at the threshold, looking at him curiously. He looked a bit different but he was still Jonathan. He was taller, paler, and looked like he needed sleep.
“Y/N…” He breathed out in hidden relief, taking a step closer, not wanting her to run away from him.
He felt his old persona coming back, clawing its way out from within his soul.
“Is it you?” She asked, taking a step fully into the kitchen.
“Yes. But, I have learned to not fear the scarecrows, but have become them." Jonathan spoke up.
“Well, that is better than fearing them, isn’t it?” Y/N smiled.
Jonathan nodded.
“So, are you gonna give me a hug, or just stand there?” Y/N asked, opening her arms, awaiting a hug.
Jonathan didn’t hesitate, he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. Digging his head into her neck, breathing in the scent of lavender and coconut. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face in his chest.
“I missed you so much.” He mumbled.
“I missed you too.” Y/N spoke, gently letting him go, keeping her arms around him.
Soon, there was an awkward silence, as they both just stared at each other. Y/N tilted her head, leaning in to brush her lips against Jonathan’s, but was interrupted when their noses bumped together, making them both giggle, and the awkwardness fades away. Then the moment his lips hit hers, Y/N began to kiss back.
She pulled away from him gently.
“Let’s get out of here” He mumbled against her lips.
Opening her eyes, she looked up at him, his eyes still closed as his hair gently tickled her cheeks.
“Where would we go?” She asked quietly, softly gazing as he slowly opened his eyes.
“Anywhere from here. Away from Gotham.” Jonathan spoke, nudging her nose with his.
“As long as I am with you, I’d go anywhere with you.” Jonathan looked down at her confused.
“You’d go anywhere? What about your father?” Jonathan asked, tilting his head.
“Who cares? As long as I get out of this place." Y/N spoke, letting go of Jonathan and heading to the stove, turning off the burner.
Turning around, she gave a small smile towards Jonathan, “Would you like noodles to go, to wherever we are going?”
Jonathan nodded and Y/N grabbed plastic tableware, dumping a good amount for the both of them in.
“If you would like new clothes, I bet my dad has something that might fit you.” Y/N spoke, pointing to her father's room while adding butter to the noodles.
A bit later, Jonathan came out wearing a gray button-up and some black pants. Keeping the same shoes and potato bag draped over his shoulder.
Y/N closed the lid of the tableware and placed it in a small bag.
“I am going to pack a few necessities, then we can go before my dad comes back and you can tell me all about how you got out.” She spoke, before pressing a kiss on his cheek and heading to her room.
Y/N went into her room and grabbed a duffle bag, filling it with a couple of pairs of clothes, bathroom necessities, snacks, books, phone, phone charger, and her notebook. She then walked to her closet and pulled a wood floorboard apart from the floor, picking up a box of Y/N's secret stash of money. She then zipped up the bag and grabbed new clothes to wear. Not thinking it was okay to go out to who knows where and be only dressed in an oversized sweater and sweatpants. She got dressed in something a bit warmer and grabbed her bag and walked out her room door, closing it behind her.
She then walked back to the kitchen, seeing Jonathan, standing and waiting.
“I am ready, are you?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.
Jonathan nods with a smile, “Let’s get out of here.”
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123567-9qaaq9 · 13 days
Benchtop Centrifuges Market Growth Prospects: 2024 | Size, Share, Trends
Benchtop centrifugation refers to a laboratory process in which a benchtop centrifuge—a compact, tabletop device—is used to spin samples at high speeds to separate components based on their density.
The Benchtop Centrifuges Market  was valued at $46.1 million in 2023 and is expected to reach $80.6 million by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 5.75% between 2023 and 2033
Benchtop Centrifuges Overview 
Benchtop centrifugation is a fundamental laboratory technique utilized across various scientific disciplines for the separation of components within a sample based on their density. This process involves the use of a benchtop centrifuge, a compact and efficient tabletop device designed to spin samples at high speeds, generating centrifugal force.
Benchtop centrifuges are widely used in biology, chemistry, and clinical laboratories for various applications, including the purification of cells, subcellular organelles, viruses, proteins, and nucleic acids, as well as for the clarification of solutions and preparation of samples for further analysis.
Key Components for Benchtop Centrifuges 
Sample Containers 
Control Panel 
Speed Control System 
Safety Mechanisms  
Benchtop Centrifuges Market Drivers
Advancements in Biotechnology and Life Sciences 
Growing Research and Development Activities 
Rising Prevalence of Chronic Diseases 
Expansion of Clinical and Diagnostics Laboratories 
Have an understanding of our report Click Here !
Market Segmentation
1 By Type of Centrifuges
Sedimentation Centrifuges 
Filtration Centrifuges 
Hybrid Centrifuges 
 2 By Applications 
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology 
Food and Beverage
Chemical Industry 
3  By Capacity  
Horizontal Centrifuges 
Vertical Centrifuges 
4  By End Users 
Food and Beverages 
Chemical Companies 
Oil and Gas Companies 
Mining Companies 
   Key Market Players 
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co. KG
ARI Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Biolab Scientific
Bioneer Corporation
And many others 
Download our sample page to have a better understanding click here !   
Recent Developments in the Benchtop Centrifuges Market 
• In April 2023, Eppendorf, a prominent life science company, unveiled the Centrifuge 5427 R, marking the introduction of Eppendorf's inaugural microcentrifuge equipped with hydrocarbon cooling. This innovation contributes to fostering a more sustainable laboratory environment. Through this advancement, users had the capability to conduct a diverse range of molecular and cell biology applications using a refrigerated device that incorporated a natural cooling agent boasting a nearly zero Global Warming Potential (GWP). The primary goal was to safeguard both samples and the planet.
•In February 2022, Beckman Coulter Life Sciences introduced its most versatile 3-liter benchtop centrifuge to date, the Allegra V-15R refrigerated centrifuge. It featured 10 rotor configurations and 50 programmable runs, along with a comprehensive array of adapters, allowing for a wide range of workflows and applications. These capabilities extended from cell and blood separation to high-throughput screening.
Visit our LifeSciences and Biopharma page click here ! 
Key Question Answers 
Q  What is the regulatory framework in the Benchtop Centrifuges Market ?
Q What are the key trends and the impact of COVID-19 on the Benchtop Centrifuges Market ?
Q What are the major market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the Benchtop Centrifuges Market ?
Q How is each product segment of the Benchtop Centrifuges Market  expected to grow during the forecast period 2023-2033, and what is the anticipated revenue generated by each of the segments by the end of 2033?
In conclusion, the Benchtop Centrifuges market is on a growth trajectory, supported by diverse applications, technological advancements, regulatory requirements, and expanding industrial activities globally. 
0 notes
alacarhelsng · 14 days
The Ship
A smart troll would have looked at all the potential plans and realized that this mission was doomed to fail. A wise troll likely would have given up before getting to this point after realizing they would mess with the Empress's fleet. Alacar was not a wise troll but he was a smart troll yet above even that, he was an insane troll.
So the idea of failure meant very little to him so long as he also accomplished his goal. With that goal being so close at hand for the first time in years he had gone somewhat feral with his anticipation. Not only was he unwilling to entertain the idea that the mission could fail, but his idea of success included killing every troll on board including himself. Which was the reason his small splinter cell was so crammed inside the ship's operations cabin. The rest of the compartments had been filled to capacity and very unsafely packed full of volatile explosives. "I hate this." Syhren snarled as her elbow pressed into Alacar's neck. "Yes well, I'm not exactly a fan of this myself." Alacar snapped. "I don't care what you're a fan of demon." Syhren shot back. "Could you two not bicker for 2 fucking minutes?" Vlad growled in a way that sounded like he was pinching the bridge of his nose, a motion prohibited by the fact that Bea was wrapped around one arm and Lonque had accidentally straddled the other. Luckily for everyone else in the too-small space, the two did manage to stop bickering at the behest of the only person they both cared about. That lasted exactly until Alacar shifted his neck and caused Syhren to punch herself lightly in the face. The proceeding snarling, hissing, thrashing, and attempts to murder Alacar lasted until the ship they were after finally came into view and Vlad was able to calm down the homicidal troll. "If killing you wouldn't get V killed in the process you'd be DEAD." Syhren spat the words at him like they were lethal weapons "Yes I'm aware Syhren, that's why I didn't want you here." Alacar dismissively responded. "Both of you, stop. Al you need to focus on landing the ship." Alacar's hands balled into fists over the control panel before he relaxed with a sigh. Vlad was one of the few people he'd let call him that nickname, but it still made his blood boil with rage to hear it and know that his mate-sprite was still so close and far away from them. "You're right, give me a moment." Alacar held position outside of detection range and put a call onto the viewscreen. He would have preferred using his palmhusk but it was currently in his pocket which was blocked off by Bea's leg. The first call bounced and the second one only picked up towards the last ring pulling up a video of a highblood. A high-blood who was naked and in the process of having someone do something very inappropriate behind him which was pushing him closer to the camera's view in a steady, impressively fast, rhythm. "Mmmmm Heeeeeelloooo~" "Q….. could you have stopped to take this call?" "I c-could have, but where's the f-fun in that?" He occasionally stuttered the words as he attempted, very poorly, to conceal his moans. "Alright well… remember that favor you owe me?" Alacar continued on, trying to ignore the events like they weren't happening. "Oh fuck yes!~ You d-did great covering up my mmmmmess." "Yes I did, well I'm cashing it in, you know someone in the fleet right? "Nnngh Yeeeessss. My adorable helper Rimmer- hold on." Alacar looked away from the feed, though not everyone did, as Qimzal got louder and pulled up to reveal much more of what he was doing. The pause in the conversation was filled with moans, graphic sounds, and finally a joined louder cry before Qizmal sat back in front of the Camera now wrapped in a robe. "Mmm sorry about that, it was easier to finish first. What would you like from my cute little helper?" "Right." Alacar sighed then continued. "I need you to let us onto the ship he's working on right now without setting off any security measures." "Done," Qimzal said curtly. "Say hi for me, and blow him a kiss." The feed cut out and the group waited in awkward silence for a while. "That happened." Bea spoke up having been stuck at an angle that forced her to watch. "Yes well… not all friends in high places are the same." Alacar groaned.
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nuadox · 3 months
Study maps main genes involved in immune response to infection by dengue virus
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- By Maria Fernanda Ziegler , Agência FAPESP -
By comparing data for the immune response to natural infection by dengue virus to data for activation of the immune system by dengue vaccines, researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) have identified molecular markers that could be used in the development of novel vaccines and treatments for dengue.
They also reiterated the efficacy of two vaccines already available on the market: Q-Denga, manufactured by Takeda Pharma (Japan) and now being distributed by the national health service in Brazil (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS); and Dengvaxia, produced by Sanofi-Pasteur (France). Both are live attenuated virus vaccines.
“We analyzed the data systemically and found various similarities between the immune response elicited by vaccines and the immune response to natural infection. Of course, vaccines induce an immune response without the damage done by the virus. We were also able to characterize several pathways [that involve signaling between defense cells]. The interferon pathway [mediated by this antiviral protein produced by leukocytes – white blood cells – and fibroblasts] proved to be crucial, with several important genes that can be considered novel biomarkers of the disease,” Otávio Cabral-Marques, a professor of molecular medicine at the University of São Paulo’s Medical School (FM-USP) and principal investigator for the study, told Agência FAPESP.
The study was supported by FAPESP via two projects (18/18886-9 and 20/01688-0) and reported in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology. It is the first to identify immune signatures of dengue by systems vaccinology, an approach that explores the complex interactions underlying vaccine-induced immunity in humans.
The researchers analyzed 955 transcriptome samples from patients with natural dengue infection and participants in clinical trials of dengue vaccines (the transcriptome is the complete set of RNA molecules in the organism). They obtained the data from a public database.
They found 237 differentially expressed genes common to both the patient samples and trial participant samples. “Based on 20 of these shared genes, we were able to create a panel to distinguish disease severity, especially in the late acute stage. We also used machine learning techniques to classify ten predictors [immune signatures] of disease severity in cases of natural infection. These are crucial to the immune response to the virus,” said Desirée Rodrigues Plaça, first author of the article and a PhD candidate at USP with a scholarship from FAPESP.
Dengue is caused by four viral serotypes (DENV-1 through DENV-4) and, when symptomatic, progresses through three clinical stages: febrile (initial acute), critical (late acute) and recovery.
Interferon pathway
“There are many differences, but we also found many similarities between the immune responses induced by vaccines and natural infection. By funneling the dataset, we identified 20 genes that are common to both processes and similarly expressed. They are responsible for enriching the immune system’s protective pathways, especially the type I and type II interferon pathways,” Plaça said.
Interferons are cytokines whose main role is to inhibit viral replication. They trigger a chain reaction that affects several molecules. According to the article, the interferon antiviral pathways are not only responsible for early (front-line) defense, but their complex biological functions also set the stage for development of robust and lasting adaptive immunity.
“The interferon pathways are very important to activate the adaptive response, which consists of T cells and B cells [types of white blood cells called lymphocytes] and provides permanent protection [as do vaccines]. It’s extremely important therefore to know which genes associated with the interferon pathways are key drivers of the adaptive response that affords the best protection,” Placa said.
With the information they obtained in the study, the researchers were able to develop therapeutic strategies to inhibit, activate or induce expression of genes involved in the immune response, opening up possibilities for the investigation of targeted therapies for dengue fever.
They identified the main genes (such as OAS2, ISG15, AIM2, OAS1, SIGLEC1, IFI6, IFI44L, IFIH1 and IFI44) involved in orchestrating various aspects of the adaptive immune response. OAS2 and OAS1 have antiviral functions, while ISG15 restricts virus replication, for example. AIM2 activates the inflammasome, a multiprotein complex of the innate immune system that when activated produces molecules that tell the system to send reinforcements to the infection site, initiating pro-inflammatory responses crucial for effective antiviral defense.
SIGLEC1 participates in immune cell interactions, facilitating antigen presentation and adaptive immune recognition. IFI6, IFI44L and IFI44, all of which are interferon-inducible, are implicated in modulation of apoptosis (programmed cell death) and antiviral defense. IFIH1 is a crucial sensor in shaping adaptive responses to RNA viruses such as dengue. IFIT5 and HERC5 “are known for their roles in interferon-mediated inhibition of viral replication”, the authors note.
“The many relevant genes involved in this complex process underscore the intricacy of the link between the initial antiviral pathways and subsequent adaptive immune processes. It’s as if the beginning and end of a story were joined up,” Cabral-Marques said.
The article “Immunological signatures unveiled by integrative systems vaccinology characterization of dengue vaccination trials and natural infection” is at: www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2024.1282754/full.
This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. Read the original here.
Header image: The study identified similarities between the immune response to natural infection and the immune response elicited by the vaccines Q-Denga and Dengvaxia. Credit: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/Agência Brasil.
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Butantan Institute’s dengue vaccine protects 79.6% of those vaccinated, study shows
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aerospaceaviation · 3 months
Solar Powered Equipment Market Strategic Assessment, Trends 2030
The latest report, titled "Global Solar Powered Equipment Market Share, Size and Trends | 2030", by The Insight Partners offers a comprehensive analysis of the Solar Powered Equipment market, which comprises insights based on an in-depth Solar Powered Equipment market analysis. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis, and contemporary advancements in the global market.
The Solar Powered Equipment market has been growing significantly in recent years, driven by many key factors, such as increasing demand for its products, expanding customer base, and technological advancements. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market, includingSolar Powered Equipment market size, trends, drivers and constraints, competitive aspects, and prospects for future growth.
The purpose of this report is to provide valuable insights into market dynamics, enabling users, investors, and business owners to make informed investment decisions. The Solar Powered Equipment market report offers accurate information on different market segments and highlights the top companies operating in each segment.
The authenticity of the data is ensured through verification by industry experts and opinion leaders. The information is gathered through comprehensive primary and secondary research, and it is presented in a well-organized manner using tables, figures, diagrams, and charts to enhance clarity and comprehension of the Solar Powered Equipment market trends.
Our Extensive Research Report Includes:
Solar Powered Equipment Market Forecast- Coverage- Market Size, Share, and CAGR | Forecast by 2030
Market Scope– Aim of the research, A glance at key chapters
Market Dynamics- Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Market Players – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation in Solar Powered Equipment Market
Regional Framework- Key Regional Markets, Growth Projections
Product Pricing Research and Customer Analysis
Key players covered in this report are Companies ABB Group, Canadian Solar, First Solar Inc., Hanwha Q Cells, JA Solar, Jinko Solar, LONGi Solar, Shunfeng International, SunPower Corporation, Trina Solar and others
Research Methodology:
Most research studies use a combination of both primary and secondary research methods to ensure comprehensive and accurate data analysis. The specific methodology used in a Solar Powered Equipment market research study will depend on various factors such as the research objectives, the target audience, and the available resources.
What is our report scope?
This report is centered around the global Solar Powered Equipment market, with a specific focus on North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, the Middle East, and Africa. The report classifies the market by manufacturers, regions, types, and applications. It presents a comprehensive view of the current market situation, encompassing historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume. Additionally, the report covers technological advancements and considers macroeconomic and governing factors influencing the Solar Powered Equipment market growth.
On the Basis of Solar System this market is categorized further into-
Grid-Tied Solar Systems
Off-Grid Solar Systems
Hybrid Solar Systems
On the Basis of Equipment this market is categorized further into-
Solar Panels
Energy Storage System
Power Meter
On the Basis of Application this market is categorized further into-
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
The following section of the report offers valuable insights into different regions and the key Solar Powered Equipment market players operating within each of them. To assess the growth of a specific region or country, economic, social, environmental, technological, and political factors have been carefully considered. This section also provides readers with revenue and sales data for each region and country, gathered through comprehensive research. This information is intended to assist readers in determining the potential value of an investment in the following regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World
Strategic Outlook and TIP Recommendations
Strategic planning is essential to the success of any firm. The strategic advice in this area is essential for investors and enterprises. A company that has a forward-thinking, forward-focused vision endures through good times and bad. Understanding the components of the business environment enables organizations to take strategic actions when and where they are needed.
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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Popular QCells Solar Panels
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Upgrade to the Q.MAXX BLK-G5+ 410W solar panel today and start enjoying the benefits of clean, renewable energy. Contact us today to learn more
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iruchakalyan · 3 months
The Global Solar Encapsulation Market was valued at USD 5.28 Billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach USD 9.86 Billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 6.9 % from 2024 to 2033.
A process where solar cell strings are encapsulated between 2 sheets of encapsulated foil is known as Solar Encapsulation. The main purpose of encapsulation is generally to increase the life of PV installation.  For encapsulation, the material has features like flame retardance and corrosion resistance. Materials such as Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, UV Curable resin, and Non-Ethylene Vinyl Acetate are mainly used to laminate solar cells which protect them from vibration and shocks. The use of encapsulation is expanding in various industries such as the building and automotive sectors. Solar Encapsulation has gained enormous popularity in recent years due to its ability of efficiency, durability, good performance, and cost-effectiveness of PV modules. Encapsulation ensures the safe operation of solar PV modules resulting in low maintenance.
The worldwide adoption of solar panels and increasing demand for electricity are becoming the primary factors in driving the market growth.
Economic Impact of Covid-19:
The analysis of the COVID-19 recovery trajectory provides an overview of the main strategies that industries are implementing to respond to and recover from the economic crisis. It also focuses on the post-pandemic and pre-pan\demic era of the Global Solar Encapsulation Market through PEST analysis, SWOT, Quantitative and Qualitative analysis, Attractive analysis, and DROs. Innovations by market players and an increasing number of products will propel the growth of this market.
Trends: Increasing demand for sustainability solutions for the environment is boosting the market.
For reducing carbon footprint there is high demand for environmentally sustainable solutions. A drastic shift toward renewable energy sources is seen due to the depletion of conventional energy and growing concerns about the environment, this creates a demand for solar encapsulation in the forecast years. Moreover, rising awareness of the benefits of renewable sources and their properties such as mechanical resistance, and good insulation are expected to drive the growth of the solar encapsulation market in the coming years.
Moreover, rising awareness of reducing carbon footprint, technological advancement, rapid urbanization, and increasing solar applications for power generation are propelling the Solar encapsulation market to growth.
Key Players:
First Solar
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
STR Holdings Inc.
RenewSys India Pvt. Ltd
Jinko Solar
SunPower Corporation
The Solaria Corporation
Elkem ASA
Wacker Chemie AG
Lucent Clean Energy
Novogenio SI
Hangzhou First PV Material Co. Ltd
DNP Solar
Know More- https://nexbindinsight.com/energy-and-power/global-solar-encapsulation-market-by-type-technology-application-and
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revolutionarysolar · 6 months
Revolutionary Solar: Unleashing the Power of Hanwha Solar Panels for Reliable and Efficient Solar Energy Solutions
Hanwha solar panels, manufactured by Revolutionary Solar, are a product brand of Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd. This company has emerged as a new global leader in solar power by combining two of the most renowned photovoltaic manufacturers in the world, former Hanwha SolarOne and Hanwha Q CELLS. Hanwha Solar represents the former Hanwha SolarOne module portfolio and offers module types such as the HSL 60 S and HSL 72 S. As a regional product brand, Hanwha Solar is committed to delivering high-quality solar panels to meet the growing demand for renewable energy solutions.
The Hanwha solar panels made by Revolutionary Solar have impressive specifications. With a weight of 22kg and dimensions of 982 mm × 1954 mm × 40 mm, these Hanwha solar panels are designed to be durable and easy to install. In terms of power, Hanwha solar panels offer a range of 310 to 340 W, providing ample energy generation for various applications. What sets these Hanwha solar panels apart is their exceptional performance at low radiant energy per unit, boasting an extraordinary 96.0% efficiency. This means that even in less ideal conditions, these Hanwha solar panels can still deliver impressive results, making them a reliable choice for any solar power project.
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miqenergy · 6 months
The Best Solar Panels for Homes
When it comes to solar panels, efficiency ratings matter. This is because the more efficient a panel, the cheaper it will be over time.
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SunPower offers some of the best solar panels for homes, offering high efficiency ratings and warranties. These panels are available through chain companies and local installers.
SunPower is one of the best solar panel brands for homes because their products offer a high level of efficiency, strong performance warranties, and superior durability. However, this quality does come with a price tag.
Customers that choose SunPower’s premium M-Series solar panels will benefit from its industry-leading efficiency of 22.8% and a below-average degradation of just 8% over 25 years. This also translates into more energy savings for homeowners.
The downside to this is that the premium M-Series solar panels come with a high price tag. But for homeowners with limited roof space, the cost may be worth it in order to maximize electricity production.
Panasonic is one of the best solar panels Sydney manufacturers on the market. Their panels can withstand hot weather and operate at high efficiency. They also have some of the best warranties in the industry, protecting your investment for 25 years following installation.
In addition to a superior product warranty, Panasonic offers an outstanding power production warranty. It guarantees 90% of initial power output after 25 years. The company’s technology and dedication to quality mean their solar panels last longer than other brands.
Their N330 HIT solar cells use a combination of monocrystalline and amorphous silicon to create a powerful, high-efficiency module with a 19.7% efficiency. This model also has bypass diodes for a great shading tolerance.
Longi is a large volume manufacturer who produces quality solar panels at an affordable price. They are a Bloomberg 1-rated company with a strong reputation. Their solar panel warranty is also one of the best in the industry.
They manufacture in a few locations including China, Vietnam and Malaysia. They maintain an office in Australia, which is important for a range of reasons, especially when it comes to warranty claims.
They use a variety of technologies including bifacial cells, monofacial cells and PERCs. They also use gallium-doping instead of boron in their wafers, which reduces the degradation rate to around 2% a year.
Q Cells
Q Cells offers superior warranty coverage and German-engineered products that scream quality. Their solar panels nsw come with a 25-year product and production warranty, which matches the best warranties offered by SunPower and Panasonic.
They have efficiency ratings between 19.5% and 21%, which puts them in the highefficiency range. Their innovative all-weather technology optimizes electricity generation when light and temperature conditions are less than optimal, like cloudy or rainy weather.
Their world-record-holding PERC cell concept called Q.ANTUM DUO eliminates gaps between the cells to increase power output. The result is a powerful solar panel that withstands high snow (5400 Pa) and wind load (4000 Pa). These panels also have one of the lowest degradation rates in the industry, meaning you get over 85% of their original performance after 25 years.
JinkoSolar has state-of-the-art solar panel manufacturing facilities around the world. They also offer an impressive product warranty and a commitment to their customers.
Their N-type panels are the most energy efficient on the market and have a low rate of power degradation. They also come with a 15-year product warranty, although this can vary depending on the region.
Their cost efficiency makes them a good choice for homeowners on a budget. They are $0.25-$0.50 cheaper than premium brands, which can save you thousands on a solar system. They also have an excellent record when it comes to quality. Their products are highly rated by PV Evolution Labs and have received top-performer ratings in 6 of their annual tests.
Canadian Solar
Canadian solar panels installation is a top-tier manufacturer and their panels have excellent performance. They are a popular choice among solar shoppers comparing quotes on the EnergySage Solar Marketplace.
They have a good performance history and back up their products with warranties that are above industry standards. They have manufacturing facilities in Asia and the Americas, and they make a wide range of cost-effective solar modules for residential, commercial, and utility-scale systems.
Canadian Solar’s HiKu line uses mono PERC half-cut cells and is better at dealing with shading than standard 60/72-cell panels. It also has a lower temperature coefficient than some competitors and is less susceptible to microcracks that can reduce its lifespan.
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tdgsolar · 7 months
Cost of 120 Watt Solar Panels | 120 Watt Solar Panel Price
120 Watt Solar Panel Price  - Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as many people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. If you’re thinking about making the switch to solar, you’re probably wondering what the 120 watt solar panel price is. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about 120-watt solar panels, including their cost and what you can power with them.
What is the 120-watt solar panels?
120-watt solar panels are solar panels that produce 120 watts of electricity when exposed to sunlight. They are typically used as part of a photovoltaic (PV) system to generate electricity for homes, businesses, or other applications. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and can be used for both off-grid and grid-tied systems.
Reasons for Investing in 120 Watt Solar Panels
Increased Energy Efficiency - Installing a 120-watt solar panel system can help to increase the efficiency of your energy production, as the system is designed to absorb more energy from the sun than a standard 60-watt panel.
Cost Savings - Investing in a 120-watt solar panel system can save you money in the long run as you will not have to pay for electricity from the grid.
Environmental Benefits - Solar energy does not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants, making it an environmentally friendly way of producing energy.
Increased Power Output - 120-watt solar panels can generate more electricity than traditional 60-watt panels, allowing you to generate more energy for your home or business.
Long-Term Investment - Investing in a 120-watt solar panel system is an investment that will pay off for years to come, as the system will remain operational for a long time with minimal maintenance.
Cost of 120 Watt Solar Panels | 120 Watt Solar Panel Price
For top performance and high efficiency with an unimaginable feel, you should consider monocrystalline 120-watt solar panels that don’t cost much. For extra versatile and adaptable arrangements that combine style and lighting schemes, think about polycrystalline or thin-film cells.
The cost of 120-watt solar panel can range from around $5000 to $10000. The cost will depend on the type of panel you choose, as well as the wattage rating and size. Monocrystalline solar panels are generally more expensive than polycrystalline or thin-film panels, but they are also more efficient and have a longer life span. 
Where Can You Buy The Best Quality Solar Panels? 
At TDG SOLAR, you can find the best quality and reliable panels that meet the sudden increase in demand for photovoltaic, monocrystalline silicon, or polycrystalline silicon cells, designed to convey reliable strength and prevailing performance. To make it easier to find the perfect panel, you can use multiple channels to narrow your choices. From best match to the number of requests or price, you can track down the best 120 Watt Solar Panels on TDG SOLAR. 
Frequently Asked Questions 
Q - How many volts does a 120-watt solar panel produce? 
Most 120W solar panels have an ostensible rating of 12 volts, although this can draw in 18 volts over the course of a single charge. We can sort amps by separating watts from volts. A 120-watt solar panel at 18 volts produces 6.6 amps per hour under normal conditions. 
Q - Can You Connect the Solar Panel Directly to the Battery?
Yes, you can connect the solar panel directly to the battery. However, it is recommended that you use a solar charge controller in order to make sure the battery is charged efficiently. This will also help to protect the battery from overcharging or any other damage that might be caused by the solar panel. 
Q - Can I connect the solar panel directly to the battery? 
Yes, the solar panel can be directly connected to the battery. However, for an efficient and safe connection, a Solar Charge Controller is an essential need to charge your solar panel battery. 
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123567-9qaaq9 · 24 days
MRD Testing Market Future Trends to Look Out | Bis Research
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MRD Testing is a sophisticated diagnostic technique used primarily in oncology to detect and quantify residual cancer cells that may remain in the body during or after treatment. 
The global MRD Testing Market is a rapidly growing segment in the healthcare industry, driven by the increasing demand for accurate and sensitive methods to monitor and manage cancer patients. 
The MRD Testing   market was valued at $1.67 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $6.67 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 14.81% between 2023 and 2033. 
MRD Testing Overview 
MRD Testing refers to the detection and quantification of residual cancer cells that remain in a patient after treatment, which are below the detection threshold of conventional diagnostic methods. MRD testing is particularly significant in hematologic malignancies such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, where even a small number of remaining cancer cells can lead to relapse.
Have a look at our sample page here !
Market Segmentation 
By Technology
By Target Detection 
By End Users 
By Region 
China dominated the Asia-Pacific MRD   market in 2022 with a share of 36.08%. Although the market is expected to remain in a strong growth phase due to the massively growing number of cancer cases and the rising health-related awareness among people in Asia-Pacific, a significant barrier to the increasing adoption is an uneven economic balance among countries within the region.
Importance of MRD Testing Market 
Assessing Treatment Response 
Predicting Relapse 
Tailoring Therapy 
Key Factors
The MRD Testing market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by several key factors like 
advancements in technology
rising cancer burden, 
clinical evidence supporting MRD monitoring
Key Players In the MRD Testing Market includes 
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Sysmex Corporation
Mission Bio
OPKO Health
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
 ICON plc
Hoffmann-La Roche
and many others 
Techniques used in MRD Testing 
 Flow Cytometry - This technique uses fluorescent antibodies to identify cancer-specific markers on the surface of cells.
 Polymerase Chain Reaction- PCR amplifies cancer-specific genetic sequences, allowing for the detection of one cancer cell among a million normal cells. 
 Next Generation Sequencing - NGS provides detailed genetic information by sequencing DNA or RNA at high depth, offering unparalleled sensitivity and the ability to identify clonal diversity and mutations. 
 Digital Droplet PCR- A more recent advancement, ddPCR partitions the sample into thousands of droplets and performs PCR on each droplet individually, providing high sensitivity and precise quantification.
Applications for MRD Testing Market 
Treatment Response Monitoring
Relapse Prediction
Treatment Decision-making
Prognostic Assessment 
Clinical Trials and drug development 
MRD Testing  Market Dynamics 
Market Drivers 
Advent of MRD and its Awareness among Consumers
Increasing Incidence of Cancer Cases Demanding MRD   
Rise in administration of solid tumors 
Expanding Medicare Coverage for MRD   
Recent Developments in the MRD Testing Market
•Quest Diagnostics acquired Haystack Oncology, expanding its oncology portfolio with the inclusion of advanced liquid biopsy technology. This addition aimed to enhance personalized cancer care by offering highly sensitive diagnostic capabilities. Integrated DNA Technologies launched the Archer FUSIONPlex Core Solid Tumor Panel, a pioneering cancer research testing solution that has been enhanced and fine-tuned to include a broader range of single nucleotide variant (SNV) and indel coverage.
Visit our precision medicine page here! 
Key Questions Answered 
Q What is MRD   ? 
 Minimal residual disease (MRD) testing is a supplementary approach to detect extremely low levels of blood cancer cells and solid tumors following the treatment of conditions such as acute and chronic leukemia, lymphoma, or multiple myeloma. MRD specifically pertains to the minute population of cancer cells that persist in the body despite achieving complete remission (CR) through chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation.
Q What kinds of New Strategies are adopted by the existing market players to strengthen their positions in the Industry ? 
The global MRD   market is currently witnessing several developments, primarily aimed at introducing new products and services. Major manufacturers of MRD   products, along with the service providers, are actively undertaking significant business strategies to translate success in research and development into the commercial clinical setting.
In conclusion, MRD testing is a powerful tool in modern oncology, offering the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes through more precise and personalized treatment strategies.
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