#qiaoying village
teyvatcompendium · 7 months
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Picking tea leaves in Qiaoying Village, Chenyu Vale, Liyue
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tasnad · 7 months
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the-curious-cat24 · 7 months
What a pleasant surprise! 🥰
I finally found the last adeptal carp and Fujin is really pretty! Lingyuan I hope you give a chance to open up with the mortals ☺️
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She is here! ☺️ I pin where she is standing.
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genshinmp3 · 6 months
Camellia Night from Jadeite Redolence Dimeng Yuan, HOYO-MiX
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bonjin-no-kamera · 3 months
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How do you not know how to make Tea?
Zhongli x F!Reader
I'm gonna edit this summery as I progress with the story.
But for now.. ---------------
A fanfic about you! The reader, Y/N is a girl who moved all the way from Qiaoying Village to Liyue Harbor. She's moved out of her childhood home and hoping to learn about herself and find out what exactly she wants to do with her life. In the meantime, her family friend Chun Li, has offered her a job at the Cafe she works at.
Its only been a few days and Y/N finds herself already struggling when she meets a strange man who fondly loves tea. What becomes of Y/N in this story? Will she find out the truth about Zhongli and who he is? Read and find out! <3
Chapter One
Come on, you can do this. You’ve done this a couple of times today already. You got this. You’ve been doing so well. Don't let yourself get so anxious now!
I took a deep breath and stepped towards a table that hadn't been served yet.
“What can I get for you?”
The man looked up from the menu. He held a stern face before he smiled as he looked towards me.
“This time I’ll go with the ‘Misty Garden’ please. I’d like it strong.”
he spoke with a rough, almost deep voice. As if he could shake the mountains of Liyue if spoken loudly enough.
It was then that I actually looked at his appearance, His eyes were a colour of bright amber, with hues of red sparked in them. And his hair was dark brown, the tips at the end a faint orange. It complimented his eyes beautifully.
I stood there too long admiring him, I realised.
“No problem, is that with milk or without?” I wrote down his order on a little notepad as well as his table number. 
“Ah, no thank you.” he shook his head and crossed his legs.
“Alright, then I’ll be right back.” With that I put my pen and notepad away and walked off towards the kitchen.
In the kitchen was my boss and head Chef, ‘Chef Ramn.’ He was too busy preparing food orders so I just left him to his devices. I walked up to where my friend is, she’s the one that got me into this job recently. She's also an old family friend. We both used to live in Qiaoying Village, before her family moved away. We were inseparable, Until.. We were. Haha. But hey! We’re back together now. And we’re just as much as best friends as we were back then.
“Hey Chun Li, can you make me a..” I quickly glanced down at my notepad. “‘Misty Garden Tea?’ Ah- Make it strong. He said.”
I ripped off the paper and placed it on the bench, next to other various orders from the customers of the cafe.
“Do you still not know how to make tea on your own yet? It’s really simple.”
Chun Li popped out of the storage closet, she seemed to be looking for straws, as that's what was in her hand. She strided up towards the piece of paper to look down at the order. “Yeah alright, fine. Could you put these straws away in the meantime?” she had placed the packet of straws on the bench and lightly pushed them towards me.
“Mkay, be right back.” I grabbed the packet of straws and walked towards the main counter, gently unpacking the straws and placing them in the cup we had out for guests to grab if needed. As I did so I took a glance back towards the man I had taken an order from earlier. This time he had a book in his hand. He looked so calm and at peace, it must have been a really good book because he had a slight, gentle smile on his face as he was reading, his head rested on his fist as his elbow was balanced on the arm of his chair, his knees still crossed from earlier. This man really was attractive. I wonder why he’s sitting alone? Maybe he’s waiting for someone.
He must have felt eyes on him because he suddenly looked up from his book and right at me.
Out of guilt and embarrassment of looking at him for too long I quickly averted my gaze and went back to the kitchen.
Chun Li was already done making the Tea and was helping Chef Ramn with plating. Without looking She pointed towards the brewing machine, Where the tea was sitting.
“Quick before it goes cold, silly.”
I tossed out a quick apology before hastily grabbing the tea and walked back towards the man. Who had stopped reading his book and was waiting for me.
“So sorry about the wait, Here's your tea.”
I bent over and placed the tea down on the table. As well as tucking my hair behind my ear to not get it in the drink.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” 
I smiled as I stepped back a bit to better see the man I was catering to. 
“No, Thank you. This tea is all I need. And do not worry about the wait.” 
He grabbed the tea in his right hand, glanced at the liquid, took a soft sniff at it, and then took a sip.
“Mmm, the tea is clear and glows with a pleasing hue. Its richness is complemented by a floral and fruity fragrance. Exquisite”
“..Ah- I’m glad you enjoy it!” I held my hands in front of me and took a quick bow.
The man smirked with the cup still against his lips. And softly chuckled.
At the sound of his chuckle my heart skipped a beat. Dang it, This guy was so extremely attractive and alluring, But I cant be swooning over customers, that's such bad etiquette. He’s just here to relax and enjoy a cup of tea. I shouldn't disturb that.
I turned to take my leave before I heard him speak again.
“Wait a moment, please.”
I turned around and looked at him, he was standing now. His tea was placed next to his book on the table before him. He was really tall compared to me.
“I am afraid to admit, but I realised I don't have any Mora on me at this moment. Please could you put this on my tab?”
I looked at this man in pure shock. Tab? Do we even do tabs in this cafe? Why the heck is he here if he doesn't have any Mora? Is this some sort of new scam? I want to ask Chun Li but I’m worried about him running away while I go to ask.
He can see the gears turning in my head while I think of what to do.
After thinking too hard I came up with a solution. “Dont worry about it, I’ll pay for your tea.”
The man looked at me with surprise in his ambered eyes. “Oh, No.. You shouldn't have to do that, I’ll come by tomorrow and have it paid for-”
“Please don't stress about it. You seemed to really enjoy the tea. I’ll pay for it, just for today.”
The man leaned back a bit, and smiled with interest. “Alright then, Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, really.” in the back of my mind I am sweating with nervousness. I did need the Mora, my months rent was coming up. But I wasn't thinking clearly. I thought too hard and too quick for a solution. At least I cant get in trouble if the man was gonna run off with a free beverage. How much was this drink anyway? Couldn't have been that much.
The man spoke once more,
“Can I have your name, please?” I swear his amber eyes were glowing, I know I have already said this but they really were gorgeous. Without thinking I answered.
“Uh- it’s Y/N.”
The man repeated it, it rolled off his tongue as if he had never heard of it before.
“An enchanting name. Thank you, Y/N.”
I laughed nervously and placed a hand behind my head to try and remove the anxious tension I had lingering in the back of my mind. “You already thanked me, I should get going now.”
The man seemed to slightly frown in disappointment, but within a second quickly adjusted his expression. “It was a pleasure meeting you. Please, Have a good evening.”
I bowed in response and waved goodbye as I disappeared back into the kitchen. As soon as I walked in I immediately leaned on the closest wall and I sighed before I took a look towards the clock. Two more hours, Great. Although I haven't done much today it feels like I’ve been here for far too long.
“Whats up Y/N?” Chun Li once again walked out from the storage closet, this time she had been putting stuff away. Couldn't tell you what though. She bent over the counter and ticked stuff off her check-list.
“Chun Li.. Do we.. Do Tabs? Here?” I began fiddling with the strap of my apron.
She stopped what she was doing momentarily and looked up, clearly in thought before her face lit up and she gasped as she looked towards me.
“Ohh! You met one of our regular customers! Yeah, He usually forgets to bring his mora. He always manages to pay us back though. We don't actually do tabs here but Chef Ramn lets him off. As long as he continues to pay us eventually.”
I looked at her stunned for a moment, he's a regular? I’m surprised by how quick she realised who I was talking about. Wait.. this means I didn't have to actually pay for his drink. Now that I think about it, if he was gonna scam me he would have succeeded anyway, because I told him I’d pay for it, god I am so stupid. Anyway, I do still need to pay for it, let me just check how much it was and put it in the till.
I turned over to look at the menu board we have next to the front counter. “..Misty garden Tea costs 1500 mora? Our other drinks cost only 500..”
Chun Li, still staring at me, replies. “Yeah, it's one of our harder Teas to make! The ingredients are also hard to get. It's a very delicate tea-”
Chun Li then goes on into her spiel about how she would make the tea. She actually really loves the art of tea making. Hence why she's working here. She hopes to create a new fantastic tea that will leave her customers extremely satisfied and relaxed. She also hopes to one day open her own Tea shop here in Liyue harbour. One of the many reasons she loves to make tea is because of where we grew up. Qiaoying Village is actually very well known for their love of tea. Funnily enough though, I never learned how to make tea. I just leave it to Chun Li. She’s very determined to teach me though. 
I smile as I listen to Chun Li’s Tea lecture. I can tell she’s very passionate about her work. I can admire that. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do. Tea making, unfortunately, isn't quite what I’m looking for. Once she's done with her spiel she's off to finish her checklist. And I really need to figure out how I’m gonna pay for this month's rent. 
I quickly go over to my bag to pull out my wallet and start counting the amount I need to pay for this guy's Tea. I am never offering to pay for a stranger again. Without at least checking how much I am gonna have to pay first. I quietly make a small sob before putting the mora in the till. No one heard me thank goodness. But it still hurts to lose precious mora.
With that I worked another 2 hours and went home.
SO! How did I do? Did you guys like it? Please let me know in the comments. I will try to upload as much as I can.
ALSO I could not for the life of me find any good stories with just Zhongli, I could only ever find genshin harems??? idk maybe I've been looking up the wrong tags. If anyone has zhongli fanfic suggestions tell me!! <3
I also wanna state this is my first Fanfic, I had my best friend beta read for me and she said I did amazing for my first chapter, so! I hope you all enjoy it too. I was gonna write a few more chapters before releasing so its not just 1 chapter by its-self but I couldn't contain my excitement to share.
By the way! I haven't seen cloud retainers friendship story quest yet but I plan to do it tomorrow. I am currently still trying to finish Chunyu Vale. I fell so deep in love with the scenery. Kicking at myself for not putting the story in Chunyu Vale for this fic but in a future one I definitely fo sho will! I also want to make a Zhongli Fanfic from around the archon wars before Traveler entered teyvat, That does require me to lock into the whole lore doe, I will do it for you guys! I really want to be as truest I can be to the actual genshin lore. It's all very fascinating to me.
also I dont know if im posting this correctly on tumblr, I apologise
for those wondering this is what Chun Li looks like! (also youre wearing a very similar uniform to her.
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anyways yee, enjoy! <3
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illyhillyu · 8 months
📢💥 CHENYU VALE YOURE EVERYTHING I LOVE AND MORE💥 📢 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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apopcornkernel · 9 months
Chenyu Vale locations, translations, and lore/cultural references
⚠️ genshin 4.4 leaks ahead
💗 please do rb if it helped <3
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(all names taken from these 2 pics)
沉玉谷 • 上谷
Chenyu Vale • Upper Valley
沉玉谷 • 下陵
Chenyu Vale • Lower Hills/Lower Mausoleums
遗珑埠 Yilong Port
暝垣山 Mingyuan Mountain
宝玦口 Baojue Pass
灵濛山 Lingmeng Mountain
古茶树坡 Ancient tea tree slope (or ancient tea cultivation slope?)
药蝶谷 Yaodie Valley
翘英庄 Qiaoying Village
赤璋城垣 Chizhang City Wall
来歆山 Laixin Mountain
悬练山 Xuanlian Mountain
隐山狻兽 Yǐn Shān Suān Shòu (Hidden Mountain Suan Beast?)
遗珑埠 Yilong Port
遗 yí - leave behind
珑 lóng - jade with dragon inscriptions used in praying for rain
Symbol of Felicitation talks about a “slab of fine jade” that was used to pray for “sweet rains”. In Sacrificial Jade, it also talks about how the people of Chenyu Vale would throw jade into the waters on auspicious days, to make obeisance towards their god.
暝垣山 Mingyuan Mountain
暝 míng - dusk (n.), dusky or darkening (adj.)
垣 yuán - wall
Completely off of vibes, it’s reminiscent of the legend of Chenyu Vale being the remnants of the Chasm civilization (from Jadefall’s Splendor).
宝玦口 Baojue Pass
宝 bǎo - precious
玦 jué - circular notched jade
玦 jué is also used as a symbol of severing ties with someone.
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Also, the jade ornament in this leaked photo look like a really big jue. Yes the hole is bigger and so is the notch, but I can’t help but think it’s a jue.
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Plus it literally matches up to the in-game placement of Baojue Pass. Come on guys please hear me out
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灵濛山 Lingmeng Mountain
灵 líng - spirit (n.); clever, effective (adj.)
濛 méng - thin drizzle, mist
Spirit mist mountain? I think it’s this place—the pathway cutting through mountains fits the map as well!
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My dilemma here stems from the fact that you can translate 茶树 together or separately. I’m leaning towards together, but we’ll see! anyways this one is self explanatory
古茶树坡 Ancient tea tree slope (or ancient tea cultivation slope?)
药蝶谷 Yaodie Valley
药 yào - medicine
蝶 dié - butterfly
I think this is a reference to 木蝴蝶 Oroxylum indicum, better known as the Indian trumpet tree or tree of Damocles. It grows in Southern parts of China (and Chenyu Vale seems to be based on Jiangnan, which is in the South) and has medicinal properties.
Oroxylum indicum seeds are used in traditional Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. [“Oroxylum indicum”, Wikipedia]
翘英庄 Qiaoying Village
翘 qiào - raise up, hold up
英 yīng - flower
Reminds me of Qiaoying Village’s tea-serving ceremonies that incorporate flowers during the yearly blooming of the spiritscent flowers!
Each year, when the Spiritscent Flowers bloom, Qiaoying Village will prepare for its tea-serving ceremonies. Once the flowers wither, flower tea infused with nine layers of scents are presented in the village hall. [“Soulescent Bloom”, Echoes of an Offering]
赤璋城垣 Chizhang City Wall
赤 chí - red
璋 zhāng - jade sacrificial vessel
城垣 chéng yuán - city wall
赤璋 chí zhāng, specifically, is a jade ritual vessel used by the Emperor to sacrifice to the god of the South. [《周礼》 “The Rites of Zhou”]
The shape more or less looks like this
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来歆山 Laixin Mountain
来 lái - come
歆 xīn - admire
These are the same characters in “Echoes of an Offering” (来歆余响), so we can gather that it’s less of admiring and more offering. Plus, judging from the map it looks like there’s some sort of altar platform at the top.
Also, if that isn’t an altar idk what is.
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悬练山 Xuanlian Mountain
悬 xuán - hang up
练 liàn - white silk
With the release of the leaked pictures, I've seen people point out how similar the houses looks to Jiangnan architecture. Additionally, if you just skim the Wikipedia page for Jiangnan, you’ll see striking similarities with Chenyu Vale lore.
Anyways, my point is that one of Jiangnan’s historical trade products—other than tea and celadon—was silk. So it may be referring to that.
World Boss: 隐山狻兽 Yǐn Shān Suān Shòu
Hidden Mountain Suan Beast
“Suan” refers to Suanni, a mythical Chinese dragon who looks like a lion (hence the term ”lion dance”). And yes, it's the same Suanni mentioned in Ga-ming's intro post!
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AND that’s all i have. if you stayed with me this long, thank you!!
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redthemarten · 8 months
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Aaaaaaaah I've been getting so many notes since yesterday, thank you, friends qAq Have some doodles as sacrifice
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The ga ming drawing streak goes hard..my 4th drawing of him technically
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zhongrin · 7 months
chenyu vale is such a 20/10 area i love it so much
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also what IS this bird and why do i want it as a pet
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teyvatcompendium · 7 months
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Qiaoying Village, Chenyu Vale, Liyue
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orchideae · 9 months
AAAAAAAAA YES!! CHENYU VALE IS COMING FOR LANTERN RITE!!!! And oh my god, the leaked art from ages ago that was so gorgeous that we thought would be Fontaine is actually Chenyu Vale, I'm losing my mind. 'There is also a village located right by a river, which just looks absolutely stunning', aaaAAAAAA PLEASE, THIS HAS GOT TO BE QIAOYING VILLAGE.
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the-curious-cat24 · 8 months
I will post my thoughts about lantern rite later! But this is a nice surprise! I didn't know they are here in Qiaoying Village! Zhongli, acting obtuse while trying to avoid Monsieur Neuvillette is funny, he didn't think that we notice his acting ahahhahaa.... Oh peepaw you are so silly! 🥰😘
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genshinmp3 · 6 months
Brocade Dreams from Jadeite Redolence Yang Lee, HOYO-MiX
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bonjin-no-kamera · 6 months
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