#qu*nn too
pezberrypolls · 6 months
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serfuzzypushover · 3 months
&l&s. we c&nn*t stuck *ur h*me t*d&y. we &re *n & r*&d tr/p.
-ds &n*n(qu/rked up)
oh shit i just got back from a road trip today too!
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intricatepuckrituals · 9 months
i abandoned god too early in childhood maybe. maybe otherwise,, i would be able to search for a hockey player's name.
just their name.
just a wee innocent lil search of their name. and i would be able to scroll some.nice relevant pictoral results on tumbler dot comm of the face that goes w the name doing some silly team promo,,,without posts shouting at me abt how qu+nn hug#es is fucking trying to impregn@te me and post on insta abt it.
maybe then i would not stare at my ceiling at 1am and ask, are we all just...tumbleweeds running from the forsaken winds shouting, "y/n!!!" louder and louder in these echoing, barren lands, with the shadows deepening and the landfill ever growing. maybe,,.. maybe.
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sunshine-overload · 2 years
[BSTS] Main Story S4 Finale 'Seeking Mission' - Chapters 4~9
(note: The members of Starless are all currently searching for Saki's whereabouts. Yakou, Ginsei, Qu, Menou and Taiga are staying behind to perform and look after the store, Yakou is also helping out Unei in Haseyama's absence.)
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Chapter 4
-black screen-
saki: Nn…
saki: (Huh? What… happened to me? I can’t see anything, and I can’t move either… That’s right, I remember now. Someone suddenly grabbed my arm and I was taken away somewhere…)
saki: Nmngh….
saki: (I can’t talk… is my mouth gagged too…? Just who did this…)
???: —Are you awake?
saki: (That voice, it’s the man that kidnapped me…!)
???: Quiet, calm down. When you’re in a situation that you can’t comprehend, the first thing that you should do is breathe. Think whilst you slowly breathe in and out. If you do so, you’ll calm yourself. Breathe in… and out.
saki: ……
???: Whilst you’re settling down, listen to what I have to say. I will explain the situation. I kidnapped you by my own hand, you are currently tied to a chair.
saki: …..!
???: I will untie you now but I advise you don't try to resist. Stay put and sit there quietly. It would be easy for me to incapacitate you. So for both of our sakes, please choose the wise option to behave.
-blindfold is removed-
-old starless back room-
saki: (This place is… if I’m not mistaken it’s inside of the old Starless building. For some reason… I feel like I can hear something…?)
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???: As long as you stay there quietly without resisting, I can promise you that I will not harm you. Got it?
saki: …Yes, sir.
???: Thank you. Feel free to relax. If you have any requests I will fulfill them where possible.
saki: Then… is it ok for me to ask you a question too?
???: Provided that it is something that I can answer, yes.
saki: What are you planning to do with me?
???: When the time comes, I will release you. However, until then, I will have you stay with me.
-screen flashes white-
saki: (Ugh, for some reason the back of my head has started to hurt…)
saki: What do you mean by ‘when the time comes’?
???: This is somewhat of an experiment being conducted on you. I can tell that the results are not are not far off. If Kei manages to find this place, that is…
saki: Kei-san…?
-screen flashes again-
saki: (My head really hurts… it’s making me dizzy. I can hear… music…)
saki: …Do you have some sort of connection with Kei-san?
???: That’s—
-big screen flash, screen goes all blurry-
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saki: (My vision… I feel so dizzy I can barely see anymore. My head feels as if it’s going to split in two.)
-another big white flash-
???: What’s wrong? You’ve gone pale.
saki: (I have to pull myself together… but—)
???: …Let’s end our chat here. You can sleep for a little longer.
-screen goes black-
Chapter 5
-haseyama’s office-
unei: Yakou-san, are you free now? It’s just about the ingredients order list…
yakou: Oh yeah, I already checked it earlier and made some corrections.
unei: Huh? Didn’t you say that you were busy with your company’s work?
yakou: I was, but I got through it all surprisingly fast. In my case it appears I can work more efficiently when I’m busy with both the store work and my company work.
unei: Working on two completely different jobs… at the same time…? I think I would get everything completely muddled up. Thanks to you Yakou-san the store is running smoothly, but I wonder if Saki-san is ok. Truthfully even I would like to go and help search for her, I hope she’s safe…
yakou: We have to leave it to everyone else and do what we can for now.
unei: That’s true, let’s protect the store!
yakou: Oh right, about tonight’s shift…
sotetsu: Wow, so you really are using this room.
yakou: Hm, Sotetsu? Did you need something?
sotetsu: Not exactly, I guess I just wanted to see for myself how our acting owner operates.
yakou: Acting owner…? What are you talking about?
sotetsu: I heard that while Haseyama is in the hospital you’ve become the substitute owner in his place.
yakou: Huh? Have I!? What’s up with that, who did you hear that from?
sotetsu: Hmm I wonder who it was again, since the rumour has been spread far and wide y’know. It’s even reached the guests, they’ve been saying their congratulations on your assumption of ownership.
yakou: You’ve gotta be kidding… Since when was that going around…
unei: Yakou-san being the acting owner huh… That would be nice. Compared to the boss it's like heaven and hell!
yakou: No, this isn’t good at all, I need to put a stop to that baseless rumour…
unei: True, if the boss heard it he wouldn’t be happy. I wonder when he’ll be discharged from the hospital?
sotetsu: Haseyama will be in there for a good while. Injuries are injuries after all.
unei: I heard that he got caught up in a fight, were his wounds really that serious?
yakou: Huh? Fight?
unei: Yes, Takami-san told me to wait until things had calmed down before I go and visit him. I guess it really must be bad.
sotetsu: Drop it drop it, he won’t be able to handle the shock.
yakou: …Yeah, rest is his number one priority right now.
unei: I-Is he in such a serious condition!? Then… I’m worried but I’ll stop here. Though, I hope we’ll be able to see Saki-san and the boss’ smiling faces again soon! Until then, let’s do our best to maintain the store, acting owner!
yakou: Now you’ve even got Unei-kun saying it…
Chapter 6
-staff office-
nekome: Oh there you are. Taiga~ Can I bother you for a sec?
taiga: What? I’m busy right now.
nekome: Wow, is this all security camera footage you’re watching? It looks like a live feed of the downtown area, what are you doing?
taiga: I’m investigating them for possible masked footage. I’ve been 
duped by something like that before.
nekome: Hm? Is this camera inside a building? I feel like I recognise that place.
taiga: That’s the internal security camera in the old Starless building. I was told to check it periodically but nothing strange seems to be going on there right now.
nekome: So that camera still works huh. Hmm…
taiga: By the way, if you’re not here for anything then can you buzz off? I’m busy.
nekome: Oh right, I forgot. I wanted to ask you to check what’s on this.
-hands taiga a USB-
nekome: This was mixed up in the mail. It was in an envelope that had nothing written on it and wasn’t addressed to anyone. I want to see what’s on it but just sticking it right into a computer is…
taiga: Huh? That’d be suicide.
nekome: As I’d thought then? But if you handle it you have a way you can open it safely don’t you?
taiga: Hmm… fine then. Lend me it for a sec. That’s it that’s it, there’s no need to be afraid USB-chan, so let me see what’s inside of you~….. There we go.
nekome: Oh? Did it work?
taiga: Mm… There’s nothing but image data on here but it’s all corrupted.
nekome: Corrupted image files huh. Can those be restored?
taiga: Huuh? What a pain…
nekome: Ah, so even you aren’t able to do something like this then Taiga? Sorry sorry.
taiga: Excuse me? I didn’t say I couldn’t do it.
nekome: No no, I wouldn’t want you to over do it, thank you though~
taiga: Wait, I just have to restore it right? I’ll do it.
nekome: Uwah, if my little brother is that easy to swindle you’re going to make me worry.
taiga: It’s not like I’m doing this to flatter you. I’m also interested to see what these images are. …Nice, it’s done.
nekome: Amazing as ever-! So what do we have here…?
taiga: What’s this? An image of a flyer for a bargain sale?
nekome: Wow, the eggs are cheap.
taiga: There’s not much else apart from this… So it was just some sort of prank in the end, tch.
yakou: Taiga, the hall is really busy, could you come and help out?
taiga: Ah, roger.
nekome: Could I take a closer look at this flyer image Taiga?
taiga: What are you going to gain from staring at an image like that? What are you, a housewife?
nekome: Ahaha, take care in the hall.
-yakou and taiga leave-
nekome: Now then, I’m a little interested in this ‘prank’….
-nekome taps the keyboard-
nekome: Ah, so it is a masked image after all. The real image is… Nn? This is… for one of our old shows. Then that means, this really is for real then huh. Hmm… I guess it can’t be helped, since it’s for her sake. Since we’ve kindly been invited, shall I pass this on to the intended 
Chapter 7
-staff office-
kei: You’re all here. Then we shall commence sharing the current information we have all gained. First, Team W, what do you have to report?
kokuyou: I asked some of the guys that hang around here and caught wind of some possible spots but they were all a bust. I’ve written the 
places down here, other than that, nothing.
kei: Next is Team P.
rindou: Recently in this area there appears to have been incidents involving large organisations, however none of them have been made public knowledge. It may be possible Saki-san got mixed up in something like that…
kei: Hm… Next is Team C.
mokuren: The culprit is a nasty ass bastard that sprinkles around false information to throw us off. Their goal isn’t Princess herself. I will continue to observe how things progress during the uproar of this kidnapping.
kokuyou: Tch, shut up.
kei: …Next is Team B.
mizuki: I beat up and asked some punks who were lointering around the area. Turns out they were after somethin’ called ‘black card’. Seems like Saki could be involved with that though, but I don’t know how.
kei: I see. Then, Lastly will be Team K. The place where Saki is being held captive should not be too far away from the store. Also, the culprit is likely acting alone. I do not think they have any accomplices.  
mokuren: Tch… None of these reports tell us anything concrete.
kokuyou: Knowing that she’s somewhere nearby is plenty. It just means we need to go and look for her on foot right?
mokuren: Staying here any longer is a waste of time. I’m returning to the search.
rindou: Me too, I’m going to try asking around once more.
mizuki: If I beat the shit outta all the punks hanging around then one of ‘ems eventually gotta be the one holding Saki captive!
-they all leave-
kei: …….
nekome: Oh there you are, got a moment~?
kei: What is it?
nekome: Not too long ago a dubious USB stick was delivered to the store. On it was an image of a bargain sale flyer… at least, that’s what it was made to look like. In reality, it was this. An image of a flyer for the show ‘The Red Shoes’.
kei: ‘The Red Shoes’…. If I remember correctly that was a show from the era of the old Starless.
nekome: This is quite a profound discovery is it not?
kei: ……..
kei: We are keeping a close check on the security camera in the old Starless building, I have not heard reports of anything being out of place 
nekome: Taiga hasn’t told you? It seems that our culprit-san has tampered with the security cameras in the downtown area too.
kei: …I see. You did say that even the data of this image had been disguised.
nekome: Can I leave the rest to you then? I’m not good with matters that could turn violent.
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kei: I will head to old Starless right away.
gui: Kei, I will come with you.
kei: As you wish, let’s proceed.
Chapter 8
-old starless back room-
saki: Nn…….
saki: (My heads been hurting this whole time… I must’ve spaced out…)
???: So you’ve finally arrived.
saki: Huh….?
-kei and gui walk in-
kei: Saki! Are you hurt?
saki: (What? Kei-san and Gui-san? Is this… a dream?)
gui: Saki, we’ve finally found you.
kei: My deepest apologies that it took us this long.
saki: …Kei-san? Is this… actually reality? Gui-san too… I…
kei: You don’t need to force yourself to speak, it’s ok. It looks like walking may be difficult for you. Would you grant me permission to carry you in my arms?
saki: Yes…
-kei picks her up-
kei: I’ll get you to a hospital right away. Everything will be ok now, I’ll get there right away…
gui: Master!
gui’s master: You finally found the place huh.
kei: So this was your doing after all. What is your aim?
gui’s master: I already told her this too but, this was an experiment. And also a wake-up call to you.
gui: An experiment… That’s why you kidnapped Saki?
kei: What foolish things are you saying? Why did you drag Saki into this?
gui’s master: I wouldn’t say I dragged her into it. Rather, I think this woman herself is already the eye of the storm.
kei: ……
gui’s master: Your methods of protecting her are inexperienced, weak and childish. Prepare yourself. Next time it won’t be settled as easily as this.
gui: Master, wait.
gui’s master: Gui?
gui: I’ve been waiting for you this whole time, just as you ordered me to. Have you come to summon me?
gui’s master: No, that’s not the case.
gui: What… should I do?
gui’s master: As I told you, learn what a ‘heart’ is at Starless. Have you come to a conclusion?
gui: …I don’t know.
gui’s master: Is that so. In that case I cannot take you with me then. I’ll be taking my leave now.
-screen goes black-
saki: (…I can hear music playing again. It’s so loud… My consciousness is……..)
Chapter 9
-hospital room-
saki: (Is this… the hospital? I…)
kei: Have you come to, Saki?
saki: Kei-san….
kei: You don’t need to force yourself to sit up, please take it easy. How is your condition, are you in pain anywhere?
saki: I’m ok.
kei: I see. …I really am truly sorry we could not rescue you sooner. It must have been so scary and difficult for you. Please allow me to take responsibility for all the distress you’ve endured.
saki: No, it’s ok…
-screen flashes white-
saki: (….Huh? I can… hear something.)
kei: Whilst assuring that I’d protect you I allowed such a situation to happen… You were right under my nose and yet I still noticed too late.
saki: (I really can hear something. This music… it’s gradually getting louder and louder… The more I listen the more I feel like I’m spacing out.)
kei: I’ve caused an unbearable burden to be placed onto your mind and body… I understand if you do not want to forgive me, but please at the very least grant me permission to stay by your side.
saki: (Is it really Kei-san that’s here in front of me? I can’t tell…)
-screen flashes-
saki: (The music…)
kei: Saki?
-cut scene starts, screen starts getting all distorted-
???(saki): Huh…? I’m…?
???(saki): Who am I?
-screen fills with the question ’who am I’-
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-flashbacks play on screen whilst BLACKSTAR plays-
kei: —!!
saki: Eh…? Sorry, Kei-san, I couldn’t hear what you were saying over the music. What was it?
kei: Music? But there is no… My bad, you must be feeling tired again. Please get some rest, I’ll be right here.
saki: Ok…
kei: Please be at ease. Because I will definitely keep you safe.
-season 4 credits roll-
To EX Chapters
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A lot of text flashes briefly on the screen during Saki’s flashback sequence, for anyone wondering here is what the readable portions say.
This is when Saki first met Heath, ‘Chiaki’ is written all over the place in different ways.
"What was that… just now? where? there's so much blood, it's so red, so red, I don't know anything about this, I know (unreadable)” white kanji in the background says ‘memories?’
“Have we met before? the first person I met, we’ve met before, my head hurts, help me, it hurts”
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Cervin!! :D
So, hopefully now that tensions have settled. Maybe this also might help make you feel better? Or something??
Could you please tell us more about your Quadrantmates, and perhaps, the last thing you were able to do with them so far? :O??
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-> A small smile dances on the Blueblood's lips at the mention of his quadrants "The l a st thing I did with Fre a n a w a s cook with her... It w a s quite enjoy a ble honestly. Just getting to spend some qu a lity time with her a nd getting to t a lk to her a bout... A nything. She's re a lly e a sy going a nd willing to t a lk a bout wh a tever." "A s for Dr a cm a, I did h a ve a little sp a t with him, like we norm a lly do, but it ended up with us w a tching some dorky movie he likes. A nd for once it w a sn't Trollf a ther. It's a lw a ys oddly soothing to be a round him. Even if he m a kes me w a nn a sl a p him a cross the f a ce a t times."
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"A nd... A md a l a. We h a d th a t whole pusher to pusher convers a tion. I w a sn't too prep a red for it, but it felt gre a t to get a ll of th a t weight off my chest. Getting to hug her tightly a nd rest my he a d on her chest. She re a lly is the best moir a il I could ever a sk for."
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sutorus · 1 year
#petrastmi guys please i was listening to a spicy audio on qu*nn right (don’t judge) and it was like best friend’s brother guy x listener and in this scenario he started flirting with this random girl TOOK HER TO THE BATHROOM AND MADE OUT WITH HER then listener got jealous and cornered him AND I COULDNT EVEN GET TO THE SEXY PART BECAUSE I WAS SO FURIOUS MY HEART RATE LITERALLY SHOT UP WITH HOW MAD I GOT AT THIS NONEXISTENT SITUATION… i’m way too jealous that made me physically ill. nawt for me 🤚
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spectroscopes · 2 years
tbh something I wish we would move away from a little bit is the idea that every time a woman is being harassed over a ship (e.g. grace van dien over that stranger things ship, sophia di martino over loki/sylvie) it’s all coming from migratory slash shippers who are angry at her for “getting in the way of their ship”. I don’t think it’s true and I think it lets people off the hook on what their real motivation is, which is misogyny.
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domesticmail · 4 years
psa on quinn hughes.
corwin (@moritzseider) made a great post on why pride night actually doesn't do much for the lgbtq+ community, and i highly recommend you check it out after reading this. short, to the point, and (as always) wonderfully written.
as a member of the lgbtq+ community, i like seeing players wear pride tape on pride night. even if it doesn't do much, seeing the bi pride tape on a player's skates gives me a sense of joy, because even if it's not a fuck ton of representation, it's still some effort. it's still them trying.
i see a lot of people (some members of the community, too) saying that just because quinn hughes didn't put pride tape on, doesn't mean he's homophobic.
"but zoe, maybe he forgot!" "maybe it's just not important to him!"
but he hasn't come out and said anything about his decision - and make no mistake, it was a decision. he didn't tweet an apology or an explanation or even some tiny little note to let us know it was an accident. instead, he has been silent.
if he cared about his lgbtq+ fans, he would've said something. he would've wanted to reassure us. even if it was for the sake of his image alone.
so i'm gonna say it's safe to assume it wasn't an accident. it was a decision.
i'd also like to say - silence does not mean innocence.
"you don't know that, you'll never know if it was or wasn't!"
you're right! i won't. i can choose to believe whatever i'd like, but we'll never know for sure unless he says something, so i'd like to pivot to a different, more important point: i can be as angry about his actions as i want. any member of the lgbtq+ community can.
on a night dedicated to showing support to our community, he was one of the few who decided not to step up. i've never been a quinn fan, never even really liked him, so i'm not necessarily surprised.
but him not using pride tape is something that, to some of his fans, can be deeply hurtful. and in the light of that, and because i'm a member of the lgbtq+ community, i'm choosing to stand against him.
"i'm straight and i don't care about whether or not he used pride tape! i'm gonna defend him!"
please shut up. be quiet. you don't know what you're talking about. this is not a conversation where your input is relevant.
"i'm straight and i care! i want to support the lgbtq+ community!"
you have every right to make fun of quinn for his bullshit. please remember to uplift the voices of the lgbtq+, though, because standing beside us and standing in front of us are two very different things.
"i'm lgbtq+ and i don't care! we don't know if he's homophobic or not! the tape doesn't matter!"
i'm really sorry you feel that way. i understand that you're probably a fan of his, and it can be really tough to reconcile when a celebrity or a famous person you're particularly attached to does something so vaguely homophobic.
it's easy to take the path of "oh, well, i still support him, the tape doesn't mean anything."
but you're only hurting your own community in the process. to some of us, pride tape is important. some of us love pride night. and when you invalidate those feelings to defend your favorite player, you're not being the upstanding fan you think you are; you're turning your back on your community for a white man you will never know.
it's perfectly fine to have your own opinion. but don't betray your lgbtq+ mutuals, friends, and followers just so you don't have to stop swooning over less-than-bare-minimum white man qu*nn hughes.
my inbox will be open to answer questions and have civil conversations with people! i am always open to helping others understand, and educating people. but if you come to my inbox to send hate or be disrespectful, i'm going to block you and delete your ask. you can be civil or you can be quiet.
@bowenbyram @officialgritty
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chicagodilfpunk · 2 years
people on tiktok are getting too out of hand with edd*e muns*n/jos*ph qu*nn
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icegoddessrukia · 3 years
1, 2, 14, 22 for the Glee fandom
Thanks so much!! 
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Super unpopular opinion but Santana/Qu*nn a.k.a Q*inntana. It's just a really weird ship to me, although it's aesthetically pleasing and I like both characters. They were too much alike, basically rivals and were frequently physically violent/verbally abusive with each other a lot. They had more of a sister like dynamic when they weren't competing. And I just don't get what the appeal of this ship is? The hookup shouldn't have happened, they were both drunk and Santana was depressed and it ruined the sisterly/best friend vibe they had. I've tried really hard to understand F*berry but don't really get that one either
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Hmm...H*vans (Kurt and Sam). They just never had romantic chemistry and I love the idea of a platonic relationship between a gay guy and a straight guy. Same with Bl*m (Blaine and Sam). Quinnt*na is one of my brotps in a way too even though their dynamic can be fucked up at times. F*berry also have one of the most interesting relationships in the show
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
About the fandom...hmmm idk what people think about the fandom. I guess the unpopular opinion might be that not everyone who likes Glee is obnoxious, there are a lot of more chill and intelligent fans out there who just like the characters.
Popular character you hate?
Hmm...idk how popular they are but I can't stand Jesse and Cassandra. Jesse was a pompous prick who was horrible to everyone most of the time and Cassandra has got to be the worst teacher I've seen in media. And I don't *hate* him exactly but Blaine bores me to death so I skip all his scenes
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boimgfrog · 3 years
Jjjjjjjjjjjayyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Qu*nn is offline now so i am going 2 send u a few asks but not as much as i sent Quinn because the keyboard is getting worse by the second anyways what is happening right now hm well my screen is blinking it is not supposed to do that this poor piece of shit is like 6 years old uh my vision is blurry and tilting a little but its just bv the screen is too bright and my eyes dont like it so I’m wearing my glasses and turning the brightness down it will b good in a few min /gen also the door keeps creaking because it’s LAME and CANT KEEP THE DOORKNOB ON because it’s LAME and DUMB and also doggie is dreaming in his nap and wiggling around it is very sweet and i almost posted “haha the tea post stopped getting notes” when it was relogged again with more kettle tag rambling and also i cannot feel my right toe
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pyrotrolls · 4 years
for sibbyl and/or vemili !! ♠️ 🗝 💒 🎮
Troll relationship asks!
Sibbyl first!!!
♠️: What an ideal kismesis is
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[A] fellow rust blood who reads tarot, draws, plays too many video games, and is too shy.
🗝: What the key to any relationship is
[M]y key is different than the average. [I] just want money.
💒: What they think about marriage/eternal bonding
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[W]hat like... forever? [I] haven’t thought that far ahead.
🎮: What their favorite thing to do with their quadrants 
[E]ach one is different.
♠️: What an ideal kismesis is
🗝: What the key to any relationship is
💒: What they think about marriage/eternal bonding
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🎮: What their favorite thing to do with their quadrants is
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Ayato Sakamaki [Ecstasy 1] ~translation|traducción~
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Thanks to @infernal-iris for having helped me with this translation~~~
Place: Eden.
Yui: (I didn't betray Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: (What can I do to make you understand it... ...?)
*Ayato appears*
Ayato: Hey, what are you doing here? Yui: Ah... ...I was just thinking of something Ayato: Hee... ...How could you betray me like that again? Yui: Wha... ...!! There's no way that I would betray you!
Ayato: I wonder. Don't you have a ''black heart''*? (It is a metaphor, it's signify that she was not a good person) Ayato: Be honest, you wanna stay away from me, don't you? Yui: It's not like that, the truth is, I was actually thinking of you... ...! Ayato: STOP LYING!! You don't really love me, that's why you let Reiji suck your blood, right!? Yui: He didn't suck my blood! Besides, it's not like I wanted that to happen... ...! Ayato: If you think that you can just go meet a man who is against us and expect that he won't do anything to you, then you must be an idiot! Yui: You don't have to say it that way... ...You're terrible Ayato-kun... ...! Ayato: You're the cruel one here... ...!
CHOICES: 1. Get angry.(S) 2. Get away. (M)
Yui: You're an idiot! Ayato: Ahh!? You're the idiot! Ayato: Jeez... ...I really can't believe it
*Ayato gets closer*
Ayato: Ahh, that's right. You were always supervising me, weren't you? Ayato: Just in case nothing strange would happen! Yui: (Is Ayato-kun really doubting me... ...?)
Yui: (If I keep talking to him more than this, I'll start crying... ...) Yui: (It looks like Ayato-kun isn't very calm... ...Maybe it would be better if I get away...)
*Yui runs away*
Yui: ... ... Ayato: ---Don't run away!
*Ayato grabs Yui*
Yui: Ow... ...! Ayato: I'm not letting you go to a place where my eyes can't see you. Ayato: It would be troublesome if you go do weird things in a place that I don't know of. Yui: (That means... ...that Ayato-kun... ...for me... ...)
Yui: ... ...Why will not you believe me? Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: *crying* Don't you love me... ...?
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Yui: (It's useless, even if I try to endure it... ...the tears come out... ...) Ayato: Ch... ...It's not something to cry about... ... Ayato: Hey, don't cry... ...Damn... ... Yui: (Is Ayato-kun agitated... ...? What he just said weren’t his true feelings?) Yui: (In that case... I have to... stop crying... ...) Yui: I'm sorry... ...I'm trying to stop crying... ...but the tears don't stop... Ayato: ... ...Look at me Yui: ... ... Ayato: I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just getting carried away by my emotions. So... ... Ayato: How should I say it--- I'm sorry... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: Me too... Sorry for crying Ayato: *Kiss* Nn... ... Yui: *Blushes* Ah... ... Ayato: Nn... ...Mm... ... Yui: (A gentle... ...kiss... ...) Ayato: ... ...You're the only one that can't leave my side. Yui: Yes... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun is just feeling anxious...) Yui: (It can't be helped if he doesn't believe me. I just have to do my best to make him trust me again.) Yui: (No matter what happens, I will stay by this person's side...) Yui: Ayato-kun, I love you Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: (He's not responding... ...) Yui: (But, I can only trust that I conveyed it to him properly... ...) Yui: (For him to trust me, I have to trust him first... ...)
~The end~
Lugar: Pasillo del Edén.
Yui: (Yo no traicioné a Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: (Qué puedo hacer para que lo entienda... ...?)
*Ayato aparece*
Ayato: Oye, qué es lo que estás haciendo aquí? Yui: Ah... ...sólo estaba pensando en algo Ayato: Hee... ...De forma puedes volver a traicionarme, por ejemplo? Yui: ¡¡Qu... ...!! No hay forma de que yo te traicione! Ayato: Me pregunto sobre eso. Que acaso no tienes el corazón negro*? (Es una metafora para decir que en realidad ella no era una buena persona) Ayato: La verdad es que tú te quieres alejar de mí, no es así? Yui: No es así, la verdad es que yo estaba pensando en ti... ...! Ayato: NO MIENTAS!! Tú realmente no me quieres, es por eso que dejaste que Reiji chupara tu sangre, verdad! Yui: No chupó mi sangre! Ademas, no pasó porque yo quise... ...! Ayato: Si crees que irás a ver a un hombre que esta en nuestra contra y no te hará nada, entonces sólo tienes un jardín de flores en la cabeza!
*Pantalla se sacude*
Yui: No tienes que decirlo de esa forma... ...Eres cruel, Ayato-kun... ...! Ayato: Tú eres la cruel aquí... ...!
ELECCIONES: 1. Enojarse.(S) 2. Escapar. (M)
Yui: Eres un idiota! Ayato: Ahh!? Tú eres la idiota! Ayato: Caray... ...realmente no puedo creerlo
*Ayato se acerca*
Ayato: Ahh, es cierto. Siempre estuviste supervisandome, no es así? Ayato: Para que no ocurriera nada extraño! Yui: (Ayato-kun realmente esta dudando de mí... ...?)
Yui: (Si sigo hablando con él más que esto, se me saldrán las lágrimas... ...) Yui: (Parece que Ayato-kun no esta muy calmado... ...tal vez sea mejor que me distancie un poco)
*Yui corre*
Yui: ... ... Ayato: ---No escapes!
*Ayato atrapa a Yui*
Yui: Ouch... ...! Ayato: Ya no te volveré a dejar que vayas a un lugar donde no pueda verte. Ayato: Porque sería problematico que hagas cosas raras en un lugar que yo no conozco. Yui: (Eso quiere decir... ...que Ayato-kun esta... ...por mí... ...)
Yui: ... ...Por qué será que no me crees Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: *llorando* Tú no me amas... ...?
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Yui: (Es inútil, aunque intente soportarlo... ...las lágrimas salen igual... ...) Ayato: Ch... ...no es algo por lo que llorar... ... Ayato: Oí, no llores... ...Maldición... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun esta agitado... ...? Lo de recíen no fueron sus verdaderos sentimientos?) Yui: (En ese caso... tengo que... dejar se llorar... ...) Yui: Perdón... ...estoy intentando dejar de llorar... ...pero las lágrimas no se detienen Ayato: ... ...Mira hacía aquí Yui: ... ... Ayato: No era mi intención hacerte llorar. Sólo me estaba dejando llevar por mis emociones. Así que... ... Ayato: Como decirlo--- lo siento... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun... ...) Yui: Yo también... perdón por haber llorado Ayato: *Beso* Nn... ... Yui: *Se sonroja* Ah... ... Ayato: Nn... ...Mm... ... Yui: (Que beso... ...tan amable... ...) Ayato: ... ...Tú eres la única que no tiene que dejar mi lado Yui: Esta bien... ... Yui: (Ayato-kun solamente esta angustiado) Yui: (No puedo hacer nada si no me cree. Sólo tengo que esforzarme para que él confie en mí) Yui: (No importa lo que suceda, yo estaré al lado de esta persona) Yui: Ayato-kun, te amo Ayato: ... ... ... ... Yui: (No responde... ...) Yui: (Pero, sólo me queda confiar en que se lo transmití adecuadamente... ...) Yui: (Para que él confíe en mí, primero yo tengo que confiar en él... ...)
195 notes · View notes
lichfucker · 7 years
my editor wrote an article today abt har/ey qu/nn and po/son iv/y and I’m too scared to click on it bc I know she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s talking abt
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stonetalus · 7 years
Hellish post
pYesste e,,drray,, wi e ,, reev;;vealledd ;o;;sM,MEE  opp`A,gens  ffor ourr,, g;;rahai..c ;; ;no,v,o.ll adaaa apptAt  ti,ioon nnooff  t;thh.hees  fii;;rsgt ; A,,Addvveentuuree;;Zon,,n  e arcc,, AAn dn  r,r,ecceiivveeddsmoe  cri,rt,i  cismm o;  f ,thh,e ,, dii.reeccttionn   w.we,,e,,w;; hent witthh a  ofr taaa,,a..k o’ ssccoollortoii,n. th  hi;is araawToo;rkk rvEE  al ; ;;cam.me`  ssom;;oee mmoo  nth saaf tfferr, tih,,h;E firstssr e vveeal     off sOOm e off , oou,r chh  arh.ctcceerrS;;, ,,foor, wwh;hcchh w;;e  al..lss,, oore,eccceekiveeD ccrriitc,icismm  .o;;f  oo..ouurr thttrreee  lella..adds,   allll  off wwh,,hom  Wer,,r,,e  hW;;Wiijtte i N  tthe  see iini.itt,,ia,al  designss.  .U,s  an.nd tdhedd;g  rraphic  n;;nfoov,,ve,el ltjea.m reaallizeed;d  t;;thhatt, yyees,y  ]ta,a t,, is,i  x,,xttR  R;;emelly  bba,,daa,;; ,w,,wnet tb;baackk to]  t he d  rraawiinng; gbarod,  a  andnnvh  daa ,, SSweve,,e,rasll; lnog   id,,su  sccsoinS abo.ouutt  howo t  o.. beestt r,recctIf  y  thi..s .. zss..it;;tua,,att,,ion, r e;;esus..sllttinng i  n  th E,,EArrttw;ork ,, reevveearllde  yy,estt.errdayy.
Morr eor,,r essss all  o;f t,he..e c,rCicct;;ticii mssr ,, ,w..e’’ve; r,,recc;;eiv veec  n.n,t  ers;;s konn aT,,TKoo,, wfohshe ksi,i nniis  ampplaaee ,bluue  ;;cooloorri  nn tthee;;se,  d;;esii;gns.  hth we,’vvee. phe..eraaDmwDDsoo tts..I  ddi,siiappp poiint,,nm.esnnt tthaayT,,T ,,Taak,o iiss  nozn..t ..erraalli,i,zee  d  i.. tchESS ;;epapegg.eS;Sa.. s ssaa,, yerrs  osn,o,,f  c,collor, —,— oro,, Too  b,be.e m.or.e . spe,c,pi  iicc ,a;a   LL  taa,,in.n  or  exp,licc,iittlly ,, MMe.eixcaccnnn ch h\.arr,,actCCe,err.  TTh,,heer  was  c,ocn.nern..n  ww;;e haad,,d  fa,,ailee;d  ttoo follolwt,, h,,hrrooug  gh  o\n ;;ann, opppp,ortuunittyy  ttoo;gget  bkeet  tt,tep rep;;p  reesentAAT Ti.ioonn;; ff]oor ; Latniixx  lli,,sTTee,,neers,,,in,,n steea/ d`op,pting  to; ttaak,,e a,a ssaF,,F,e rrooeu, ,a,nad dm]akae  ta,,ako  a  ;; fatNa,,s  y collo  r ,, wiwthwwo,ut   aannyy  kniido f;f  re,eaaL-.oww,rl,d ccsooNNn  n,ec;;ctt.iOOnn..M  uc  ch..h ;; o;;f  ttHee  ccrtiii;ciss   MaMlsso  foocuscceess oonn  ghho,ow t.thhta  .cooloo,,r (,o(..(r,,r,  too /bbe.. e  emore  ssp,,p;;ecii.F\iicc,;; grreeenn ssk,,ik;knn)   haass  aannitt-,-sseeiMtiic.c cnoonnotoaa,,tIIoons. ;T
hhi..iss con  ov,,v;;er;ra..itto;;nOO  was Haapeppnnuiingn i.in  ccretaa,inn c..c;orreerrs  oof.f oou.u;;r  fanaDo,ommm .. llon.ng.g Be;Bfooree ft..th;he  g..gr,,apphhicc  n,,vnel  la  ..r  Reevve;;exAl;;l  ottnomk  pplacce iyes  eerd  y.. ..WWe’’dve  bhhke,,ejaa;;rdd   c crrt,,iiCCiis  symf rmO  s,mooe, ffmool ks,,s    ovver   r,or;;rUR  polgi  caiiyy of  n..noot,, thAv  viin,ng  g   ccnao  o,nicall\  vrii,,su;;al e  pprresene,,e,ct;;tioonnss  oo  f  m a.ny off o..ou,,rU  C,,Ch.ap,,raa;;cttEEr s— .. a;a ppolic;;IYY thhA,tt haas si  rres;;uslst  de id n    a ,, nggenie,,ene;ely huummblidng   o  occee,an,,n oof  ffan,n t,,,   ut  allsso  ssooM Me,e   i.ns;st  acces.. soff  inn--f;;figgh;ht;tiinng,gu  bbeettiween   emmb,,el  r sso..f thee  c,,commmmu;n.iitty yywhhoo atve  u,,u.mbbr ae gwiitthh  o n;;aaontther,,r’ ’sd ; y;isspaarrAAttee  i,,i/ntteer..rpp;;reetaattioo;;n s  o,,of ct;te.eseechharaac;;ctterss..    A;;Anotoehhrr ; c  cirrit'cciim;;  ofe  th.ha..p  ol,liiccy sii tt;;haa t i  t  i,nh  hee;;ree,ntl  ty  ddooEsEE  nnott ,,fst..oer grrooodl  e\rrpreeeS,,nt,,tm.attiino,;;,  ianaadd ;;  in .. jffaa  cttj `rep..prrEE,s,,ennt ts  A;A, nnonC,COOm;mmii.talaa ;; waayy oof . H,andnnlliiNg grra caaiaal .. ,,r eprrees se,,entaatittonn oo[n nn.thhiisy ; shhoo\w.
hheerrje.e’,’s , t  t e,,h,  ttrruth  h ,Of tthh,,e  mmattt;;e: I,   the,,inknn  aasl ,ooff  th,,h;iss  c,,coomemmss    rffO,O]mmt hiHHs,s .. uunndeerrly.yinngg ;; ffpri;;cittonn /b  eTwT.eeee/n  w..wheree TThhe aad veentruu,e Zonn;; eea..andd uuitii  c,,r,,cea,,attorr.s,,, weeRR ..   whne we .. ss,,tarteedd  ..dooII  ngg thhe,e  poocd,dAts,s aNdd whh,,er  re.e w    e,,   hh esf;;ehhow;;,a nj..d. yyoou, ,,tthte,,e [co  mmuunni.itgyy,,.  aaree ;;a  t..t nno w..
w.. Jus,sttwinn  ;o,n.ce;e  DDeesccri,ibbeedt h ee SShoo wa..s a   “ccar tha,,T lEarned,,d  how to. oo;;fyl,” ; h.cIh  I tthi;;k, nni;S.  aann , aaccccuurr;;at.tee  w;;waayy  off ddEEssccriibibbn;g  t.ti..hss , ffriictii,onn.
Whe;;enn  wwee sttaarrtted,d,  ,,w,e, d diid,d  nottncsidre;;e   thhe;; fa;;ct, i,,Txhhao,,t foo..lks  wwo,,ou.lu.du rel,,laatte  too hte,,ese chahrra,,a;Ctt ers,,  oo;; . wwou ulld  ccA..er,,r ..abbmuo;;o thwatt  t.h;;eyy l;lhoooKKeedd  llik,,iee,, orr  ,if  t;;theyy   llo;oookeed; lli  ki,,iee ;; tthhemm,, orr , aynn;;hit  tnngg  allOnngftm ,, ,,o  ose;; lli,ineess.  ,,e d  idi,i not n. p,,p,,riio.roo  iTiipzee   repeeurees;;eot,ah,,tio  n ,, 'bbeac,cuus sE wee  lDDii, dnnt Oev,,ne  e   tthhi,innk of  I,,Itt  s.be..i  nq;;g ssoe  mT THHiinng  w,,w,e; wooull ddnne,,e,,d ,to ;; .Prr,,ioorr,,it;;it  ze;;e,. pp  r att  off  tahh ttI c annl a\ y,t  th,ehh.. f fee.et  oof tth e ,facttt; hat   THe A;ddE,EnnttU,ree , Z..nnel s ; ttArrtt  Edd aa,,s  aa oonne,,e-..ofoo,,f  fiilcleer  eppiSoddee  o;o,,f, MBM,MBBaM;thh,,a..t we  e ,,p  uufbblsthieed W..hillee  JuJJts  sii;;nw  a.as  `on nptaateerN.Ntiyy  leazevv ee/—;w ; e,,e  di;;ddN’bt t ahhve,, th,,haaTT  c Ognvve..e,,rssaatiioonn b  ccaua;assE w e . d;idnnt’  t;th;hinnk , t thi,is , sshoo wwwouluudd bbe  aa .s   how;w..  BuBBt    thee la  ag,reer ,, reasso..on niiss ,,t  h;;at,t ;tthh,,e   fo,,ur, of uuss ae;;re ; ;;a,lll ;whitee;; d du udedd,;s a,,a;nd;;d have  nneeve err,,,h  ad.d  t,,toot.. hiin;;nkk a,,aboBBut,to  u,r rreedppres;ennt..a;it..t..on nniin nm;;mledia    O;;ur,r en  ti;re  lliievss.
I, ,,dOOn’’tt. taapke ,,thaa sH,,Ho..or,rttncc..omi.inng,,z, lI[  ghty,L aa,ndd I.I ddonn’’T  exp,,pecmt a ny..yonne el..ls;;se  tto,, ee  i,,thher.  THHer;rae E/arre,e,, sdoo ..manny ,zthi  ng.gss  I   q..woUld cchha,,an,n;;geeei   ff,, I  IIcou  ullkdd st,ta;ar..t  o,o;;veerr — osmme , narrrattiiv  ve .. llph,h,oels.s.,  s/om;m, ,,shiitytt  and ,d'tthouug;;ghhtle..esss. trroopesE  —— buu,,t thhisrii  wwooUl  l Db,,b..e  tthe LLaa[res,,stt  hoonte  e. . If ww,,e  haaDD k,,knnonww wh.haat t hhis s ..ss how WooU,,Ud debc;;o  me,;,  ]wwee    Wpoou,lud h aavvee  .be..en n.nm,,moore  tthhoou,ugh,htt..f,,luu aabouut ,,prre,,essejn;nta,atti.on nwwhe..enww,E  ffiicrrsts  mmad.d ethes  es c,chhracetrrs.  In ste,,eazd;d,  w;;'ee ..id,,dn..n’yt,t c  o  no;;sbIIde,r  WWh,haatt; t  thh,epy ,,wo,,ouu ld;d  loook..k lkllee/ bbee;oondd  wwhha;;a  it,  Saniddc; onn  ,tehse eep err-roollledd Charzaacctt  re  s heeeets,s....  Wee, d,,diid,,nd’tt ccoo nsi,edr r arcm,e ;; ,,Beey yn;;od, .. deeccii..dingg wwhhehtter,r aalllffiin,sGG, ,,EE,lhvess,, TTieeffliNggs  or  DwDD,ar.ve.es pss  so.osee  ss,,edd   htte  E;Ebbstj p;paassSSivve abbiilli.itt[iies'ee.. ,,..Do;oinng .gtthh,,isss ,hog  hhaas,,s e;edduuaccttee ,dall lo,,f ,, us,,ab  ouu,,..t,,e..pressen,ta,atiioonn,,  a,an,ndd  c,cle/aa,lzrryy;, ,,wer’.’ee gsspt illllnoott  ggrre,a,t  aatt  oiitt. B;utt;; starti,in;;n  out,t,,, , ii..t w.assnn’t.. t evvenn  ana a,aaft,,teer,,rthh.o  ug[h  —,, ..tii ; jjusst t w,,wfa,,sna,,a’t aa hho..uoo..ghhTT,, bbeec,cfaausee w,e  kdiidnd.d,,t k;kn,noow  iitt awss a attuh;;hikn.ngg ttoo  th hinnkk aab ou,,ut;t.  ;;.ow,w w;wee   kn;oww ,  an dtth,eh ikFF i,iculliie,es asi;in,,vo'vvedd i  wtth eRRc;ocnni;ling  w,wHe  erre;e ww,E nst,ar..r  Teedd w ,, itt.h  WWh  h..taa w,w ei;now  w k,know  arer,r r,rS;im  m jusutpfl,,y  ppuut,t,,,  omn,nummennt ta,l. ..
rJu..tst,,i nin  ,,amde ihzs  cchh,,arraac;;ctterr.. Taaoo,  t;;tHHe j;joo,,ke[b eei,,inn,,g tthhatt 'tth'iss  nam, e,,esso  ouunndds  l lii.ke  “t]aaco;,”l  aancdd   TTh,,at hhe woou..ld ; bee  PPuu,rsuinn.g aa   qU,,est;; t,t i,on;nvvee,,nt,t tta,cc,,os..s , ni tthisti. /i..ie,,annttaas,sy, ,woorrlld,,d..  JJust,Inn   ttHHo;uGh;;tho f  /t.th;hiiS;S nam;e  As    aabbii;g a.naadd gg,ooof fy y joo..kee . sesvve  eprraal  mi  umttees ssbe,effoo,re  wwe   stta[rtetdd  r..reec,,crd,,oiN.N..g..   TThhe;;w eightt  ooff haatt  nnamingg  edcisiii,,ohnk  —x  t,,thaatt,,th,ed  eeciisioon   o..uldveeenn , hha,ve  we  ei;;iggh t  ——.. ddiida n oo tettnterr    hiSS  m,mn..id  dl,, T,Thhis  w;aSS;; a  a  ogoof;fyy  ,onne--offf ..epis  sood.ed.. H,e naamed  his,,s wwizardd T  Ta;;akko  ffoor;;r  t the  essm;me freeaas  s.oonn  thhatz.a I  nd ;me d  MMyy  DDwwavrenrr.. CCllcee   inn   thhy..e O.ne--ooff  D&  &DD  viddeeos g;;’Ivee d,d,on.nE ; aaT, P,Pooly,ygno,, “CCrr..ag ; TT’N;;eNNlspll o.n.”
,noo`WWnri Gt t,e, , str,r,i,feec i  T,’  s  dccaau.,ed d,   JJausstiiNN  wulOd.dnn ’tt . ;haavvee  nna.amme..dd ttfhhiss ccharcter rTrA..Aakoo. .,Inn  hI,,s,, oown wwo,,or,rdds:
. ““Itt,wwss,,  iiNN  caa..tuaality,,y,,  aa ddm;;ubb   th hiinng toitt  'o,, cco  o m..po;uioon.n,,ded;; bbyy ,, bthe ssupprr   of  t;;thhe  mmo,om..ennf tjj;o;,,e tthhaat.t  TaaaKoo’..’ss qqu;;uees,,t  WWaass  t o t  innvventt tthhee  t;ta;;acc.xo  th;;att  waa ss;;stt..u,p;;pi dII,bbeecaau;;ses ss/t;;thhEE  t,,tacco  w a..S i;in,,venntde,,e,, bby M  e,ex,,xII  c;ann sil..lv;;ve. rm,,i;;ne,,sr,r  aanndd n  sot a/  w,ziaiird ,,who o, ,i;; /nTT hef   iirst,, ,epi;is,soddee,,  I;; Ic l  laai m,,jus stt h.haail,lzeedd  f;;roomm  N““eew  EElffiinnkggt,,o;N.
““tII waass a; sps surr  foo ;;the e;meeoomm..e..nt,,t   goggooF,, bbutt oone..eu  thh,at  II’v’’e;;ef  ee,,t  ;;conssissetnn  tl;;lyy  guiiclltyy a bboo;;udt,, onn so,,oaMMe;;e  leev ell,,  forry ,,eaa sr.. II n,nee,,vter  ,nntteendeddd,,t  O OObbe,ed  isi,,imiisssiiev;;v  o..of aa   g. roruup;,` o  rra hkeerittaa,,ge;e,,, ,butt,, t.t,,Hvat,,as’;;’  e;xa..cpAttym  wwhhaat,tx I;I. ddd.”
.Tihsh  is s ,t  hee .pos.issttiomnn wwEE aare  nii nnow,,,,,and ..h aavv  e    beenE  iinn ssbiniccee t,,thhe s shhoow;;w. ss,,tatreed,d,,d anad i.it is ,, i,,irreeco.on,nciilab,,l;le bbEc,aumsEE . f ,t    hehh ;;ddeeccissiooNs sx  wE , mmaadde wwenhh w;w.. ;;essttArttEd  d,,d,,oin];g t;thhiiss`h    o..ow:: Theerr    aare ;elliSStte..Nxermes, ssanndd ana;;a  s ,, hwwo. wa;nt t  uuss ;to o,. .,i;i,n  ppu,urssuit  oorf bebbhtttte er,r rrEp Ere.r.rs;;sent;tiioon;;n,,  makkee,, Taaaoqkk aa ;caannniiccaall.lly;  Laat..i,,nx.x , oo..   M;;MeexIca,n c.haa,rgaaC,,Ctte;e.rq TThh eer,rwse eu lbut. toff tht,,tt ttdd\eeci,isiio.o.n  w;olldd , e  thh,a,,t ; J.usstIInn,, ;haydd mad..ed  a,,a M  M,,xee,iccaan cn..haaraCtr   tt;hat] ; h;ee garm..nedd  qaffte err t,taaccozss,,  w  whhoose eeqquuee,,st, wwaags t.to mmaake e  aa ta c;o, annd  w,,who s..spp,,en..T  th,e ;; ffi;;irsst  hal  offf  tyh,eb ,,capMaa;Ingg , ssteal,,linnlgg  ev,,vee,rtyy hiignn thhaTT wv asnnn’’;t nnaiileedd to;  th  h  e grroouun..dd.. ,
;T .ahtt’’ss   ann   oehvirmcr uusttplliiiFFii,ed.. ..w;;a yo,of,f,d e ,, ,scrribbignngTh;iss inh..err.enntly  commpp;;liic.ctaeed.d  pporbllem.m  Wee  hhcavvee  lliistte Neersr wwh..hoo hhae   no pprroob bellmmw  i,,i;thT aaa,akkoo ,, bbeei,i;;ngg AA   ;;Mexxiicacn  chcaa;ra;;acctts rr, nammeedd f  fterr ttacoos,ss aas c;;c  era,,t[ae;ed,d`, bbyy  a w Hi  itte  ,,ma..n jWWe  hhve lliitsxennerrs,,s  wwhhoo d,,o; hha  ev  isssues wh  iitthh ,, t th,,hat.t,, nntte;;rppr.e,taaTion,d  nd I  ca   yonooly;; i,,i mmjju u`s.s.Taaggi..innee  h,,hoow  aa . de eCi,,s,,IIoonxl ; iiek TTxhhata wwouulld rreaaddt, ,,o  s,,o,,meoonne W..hh,,o ju.j,st  ppi  ic.ckkde,,e  ttihss  ggr ra,,aPhh ic  NNovvel;; u,,upp oFF[f    aas,,sh,,h;e;lff   at ttheeiiR olca/l  l ,, ..sHHoo;;p..  Ween. feel,,e  iim  uj  jstme,,ens sle,,yE E  uunccmmfo..o;;trr  bal;;le eewith t ;; hhe  d,eiia of ,, r  re,trr,,o,,acttiive.llY.dd.ecla;arinng TTaaaakko jaa emmbber o  FF .a;;yn, p.partiiccu,,aar ,, rre,,ela,a-worlldd , g ro;ou  u jp wiithoouutt,,fcaattoorrn,,ig iiN,N t..hat;;  iideenttiiTvyy,a tt  alll pp,,oy,i  tn;;s wwhhiile p;plAAayy i;;ngg  tthhee[  ggamme,,,] ViVV]ewwi.ng,,g. e,e  achc.. .a,Ctt,iontnnaken   t  thhrougg;h  a ,, ;eens ,, hhaat hhaass   to .. beb    t,,hee] ,, ffi.ir,St  a,,adn  llyaatss  th  hinnggw  ee wooulld d cco;;onnsiiD,Deerr.
;Thhis w   ,,a;s  t tevh,h t  uuff`  wev an  d t  ,,e,h ,, g,gtr;aph,,hic nnO,Ovvele   teeya  amm , ,ocnssi;idd..er;;de,,e ww..hiilee w ee`i,,ig,ghhiing..gt  hhe  cc'hharracbttee rreessiggn.s, ,  a  andd ddElE,EIbbeeaprrtto,o..nss; w;e;;r]ee f ,,u ckkiingg]  TTouug.H  Wheee , weel.lnnd,e e,d waaS.. t..that,t dtssniicee   Merlee  wwa;s;a caanoon,,i;;Ncaall,,y , a  a  bb;;e.acchh, D\;;waarf;;fh;,  iitt   ,maad  dee, aal,,ll  k k,inndss o.of  s n,,eS S..S;;f.orrh  i,,m jstuu  oo, ;aavee ,, ddaarr,,keerr  .kisnn.. AAftteeR  R w  r;est/Lii.ngg wit,,h ,, Th eaa'bboveec  oonsnniidde;eRa.ttii,onss, ,ee l,l;annd;dE doon,n aa  lo..ook;k  t that,t  ffelt  rirrg;;ghth forr  Taaakkoo,,,, wwh hichc..cw. h.s  bgaseedd ,, on a  llo.oo;o.. ktfhatt hhada. S;;Staarrtetdd ;;t  ; o,obbec..eooo,,mEE m..mooR,e  p;;p oupllar  aamon..oggtthe  ff.an   a.rr ttcoommuunn,,itty,y   fo..orr, ,th eh s,,shh,ow ,i,,i;;na  wwikhc;cHHhhee ,,waa.S rdadW,n wwiithh  greee;;ne ,,sk,k;i.n
.. Th,h,,i..s wa  ais  a  ;whiile,,e , gao,  a\,dn b efoorr,e tt  hE;;E]  ppsUhahc,k  a;gaakiinsnnt,,t greeen,n  TTaa,,akk ooerrallly ,,kiicckekkd off.f,f The hii s  tor,,ic,ll bbasiissp  ,,foor .th  ese , cl,,la,aim;; j;;ucjst tss a; re;;e kni.inn pdod..df ffsspceeuullat,iTTvee ,ub,,btt  we;;en  toookk  tth,heem    sriioo..sl,,,yy aann d, in,, ii..ann, effoor.rt cttoo avodi  ,,r un;nd,,ni,,inggv;; ffoull, o.o,f.h;;t,,,m .,wen t , w..itthh ;; mooree  ofoo  j appa,lae ,,ebule ;; huee..
, YYesst,t  erday..y,,;  we ;;leeaarreNd  xtthh,ere’ s..saa  i ghh EElf,f vrAAiA[;nt   iinn  thehh ,, PPHHB  ,— w h;hi,ich,,,,,, ccllearl,,lyy ,weww.w  ddI I,,dnna’t rea,dd ,, t t..h]aatt cgarreefullyy wwah,,enn .w e .. ssT,,arra.tEdd] — —  cc;;allledd hTTe   Mooonoo  EEl,ff  taHtt .h.ag ,, hossee   fe;;eaatuurer.s... aT,THHe;re’’s.. aasllo o`a SunSSh Elff ;;v aari;annt thtta ,, has s“b“..r“oon;nzzee skkiin    a\d[n,, haa.ir ..o;;rf,,fe , cco,po,o,,peer, ,  lba;ac,ck,k or;r go,,olddenb lo;nod,;,”   w h,,w;;im..ch h ww;;e  ,allsso oodiddn  n’’t knonnw    /aab  bcoout. ,, ;;(TToh  uggHH  w,,ew’v ve  opgttte nnl,,o;;tss  oF crtiic,,ciissm  s,assiy,,gnn t;;hAtt  TTaaakkoo’’ss  oroo,iigi,gnnaall  pprer-rrmmaade. c;;caar,act teer    Sh..eeett ;saaiid,d heemw,,aw,ws  a ,,uS.Sn..n,,E lff,  a;and\  tthaat   wwe  ;i illlffuul LLY. ;ig,gn;;n,,orr/eed  \thtaattc  an,,on,,n  asspEctt o,f  ,, h..hii;s  c;chharaaaaCCt,,..raee, b,nnoee o;off,, wwhiichh i  ;;s\,, ermbo,,otellyy  tturuuee.)
Y;Yess,tEErddaayy,.., a,ft..te r  rallll t..hitss wwEnntt    dowwnn,.,; wwee ,, wEree  a  all  o;on ,t[h ,,e. pph;hOOnne ffo..o mrroU.Urfss,  ttryiniig;; ..to.o,, figguurrb  e , uott    whhaT  gtx  doo  . OO,uurr ;o   ri gi,innal  linnee ;;of tthhinn;;kiing ha hdndd,,’tt chhaangg;ed; M  akking  T aAAdkkoo  LLAtinn..x  ;mneea,,nssc that;;t J su,utin w  ouldd;; hhaavee  m..maadde aa  Me..exiccaanw;; w,,zaa.rd d thh;;t   h,,e NNaaxm,,med d  afftter a,tcoos,, — w;hww,,cii,,,,f  rroomm  oour rrperrspeecct;tvi,,in,,e,  s  n’ttg,grreat tt—r  w..wof h  e  whte.en pp,,lay,,ed dwfddithh  ouuTT  ;any yyco;onss;di;;ie era,a.t,,iono  foorr t.. ecc  ulttuuraa  rarrmmiffi.icaaioon,ns` ,o  ff l..thaat td , e.enntityy WWe,e  o  o.t  isNN  tthe ,,   weedeess.  aabbiit::;; C.Coou  ul;ld  wwee , ujj,,t;;s m a  k hhiimmjjustt a aSSuugn EEfdll,,,  an,n,,d  akme,,e  h..hii m    j jusst ll;;oo.o,,k cloosser tto  what hee .. ffOlkss  wwhoo  arree ,l, eveeeraaiGGnn G,,Gthseze  cRRitiicc,sms wwaNt Nh.h mii jusstt  to ,, l..ook,  wwit;;tluootd aaddd;ressssn,ngg thhee.s   peciific    rrea,,al;;l,-wor  rl;l'  ,, oc ullt,,tu,,ruuall;;iddennt tj;;it,yn  t tAt ttthe,,e,,y w,waatn hiim j   ust ,, t  tov ,, rff il.ll??;O rr s tha;a,t ,, a c,, hi ckkenn  shh  ittx ;halffc  r,meeaassuree, a,n;;D wwoo.ulld d .ommoorreeh,, a  aR  Rt,,   mthhaann  GGo;;o;;od ? T
hat.ts’, Whherew e,,e’’r,re e, ,tttooddaay  y.  Thheerree’,’;s n oott .. aa neas,,s;y ssolUUtitoonn...  hTTerre j uutss i.issnn’t tWee  hhava eeffAAs.n  whhoo W,,Wantt s st.to,,o    ,do , beetTTper..r ,,to  haav m,,eoree ddivieerrssityy inth; ,,e  tthr..re..e.e, amm  in,,n  chaH;Hraac,res  s  off thhi;s lbooo..kw...  Buutt  tthohsse.e chh;;araccteerSS  we..ree cerrattEE.d .. and ppl,,laaye;edd bby yww..hit;;te ep;peo;;pLLee whhoo ddiiD,Dnn’’t' c,c.onsiider t,t;ee r  aamifiiccaattioniss of  tth;;heiErr, eevvry.. acaat,tioiinn  w whhenn  veeweedd  t,,t,hruoog.h  a ,, spsessc,,if.cii cu,,lttruaall lleenns ,, wwihhlle  ..pll  y;nIgII.. Yees;st..tlerda,,ay,y ,;,w;;e  heaard  frooM ,, ff,,owLLkkss w  whoo saidii.. iit,, tta;s. ,,pr,rxooBllmeeaattii'c  ,,thha,,  ]weem ade  ..Me,,rll,e  bro w  N,, CCo,onns;;iedz..rinng ,, t,,th..hatt he  ,,hass , aa bbacckkst;;toryr rrpwhEE,e  h eh wwaass,  ,  mo.or re,e orr  lleesiS,,   adde,ead.dbE,Ea   daadd.. TTH,,H;att’,’s a haarr.s hb,o`;biihlinngg  dvo,n,w ooq ffthhee chhaaAAc,terr,  bu utt  thec,ri,,ctticciis  smm aab,,bssol,ut,teleyy  hhass  mme,er ritt., W,,e  didnn’’tt   tth;inn..k .. ofty    'Haatt wwhe,,e;;n, wwe  dec..cii[d,,d,,de;e  ,,o.n, MMe;ernel’ss nneeww d eesiig,,gn.n  BBuu]t  itt;’bs  kiindn of; ex;x,acctlbty ;;whh,a,,T  I,I’m taallk,niigg , a/bou,utt, hh,,e.ree::,, IIf, thhe,,e  ,Taaazkpoo  inn thiiss graaphiic c no;;ve L;ahdd  ,,daarrk s;;ki[,,n,, h , jo,,w m..many  ssi,imm js.tuii,lar cc,rriitit;c.ciimmys c . ou;ld;d;;be.e a;ildd  at hhiigss  f efet?,  IIxf  f  wee    g gave. MMAgngjuss dd,,arrk s,skki.i,, ,a nn/dd .hTenn ..hee sspeennt,,t t ee. c  amzpaiignn ,,be,eiiNg,,g tthee m or,r  pHyHHs..siicc,,A..l,,  m'o.re,,e agggrrre,esiive,lb es,sss itnnelll,,ec,,c..tuua,all ; Mee,,m,ebbrr  f  h,hiis   s;t,em,,   cth,er eRc;;e i  issumees t..ther,,rE., t;to o.o.o  I,s ,,AAnnyyo f  th,,h;;a.tg oo,,d    repeer  rssnte,eaattiOn?nn  
II’’m, m\na to  p;p,ittccHi..in  n g thhe,ese pposs;;sblitiiiiee,, ssto ttbeb , ,nSSiidee  ——  igge,,enUU,inellyy , a,,a,m ontt... ,, Bu Bttb thehhee  `aare  tht e . ht;tiing SwE’..vde yb,,be..en ,, t,s,,ru;;ugg.g;illnn  g  wwitth,h  s..sinne,,c we.edeecIIdde, ,ot  doo  thizs  gra..aph..hIIcc    novveeLL.. OOuurr  pp..ol illccy,,y  HHasnn’;’t  cchAAnngeed,,d—   w e ; st,,tilll ; donp’ hcoonnssiiyddeer anyy , vvIIsual  ,,ree..pResseNNtat;oi  inns,s  o,off[  tthe;ese,, cchhar.raacttesrr  TTo, b,,bEE .c annon.,NN  annd  ee;ve,r  wwiil  ——  b,butt  Wee ,, ap,,sL,Lo UUnndb,,errsstan..nd ddthaatt ,, thhmis ssan . ,,innssu`f;;ff;iC;C.iee..nt  wway ooF rrespondn;;niNg  t..to.. t,,theesse.. ;eccr;;it,iciisms.;.
z. \T,T.h.E  sol..tciuo,on  tth.h,,e w;;ho lle, TT,ema; aalaandee,,  onn ,fo..r ..t;; ih,,s ggraapphcii;; snnovveell ,,ids    im m  m  j;usttip,,erffeec  .t Itt hAAs d ;; i.issapaapvi,nOtOOecdd s  so;;oemm p.e,eo,,pL..Le ,ee .. aand iitt iis, go.oiinng,g ,, to o c.coonntt,,i,,n,,ue  too ..Diissaap..ppoiniT  SSoomm,,e;; peoopl le.,. BBuut t hreeee  iis,, nno  nno,onn--ddisspppoiin  tiin,n gs oloouto  nii.  AAnn.d  tHaat’..’ n,noto  FF,irrstt; S  ccond’’SS  a Fu.lT,,  aansdd  .it  cc e..rttaanillyy    cssNN’tt .. Carrey’s faau;lt;t;. ItII iiss ;   oC mppvletel,,lY YYbbeecauus,e  o;foo, tthee rroocck  andd [aa haarrd, d;;dpllaacee  t,hat  wwe;er’’`ee. pso,itiooneq  nfd  beeteeeenn,.., ,, a,,a d nnAlll beecca,,ua,,ass.e ,  of ooruu  ffail  uR  e  e ,, ttoo,etSablliifshh mA ksso,oLLiidd foouNN;;d,,aiioon..n; ;forrth; ess;;e C.ha  raactter;rs aan,nd   thheeirr  iide,,nettiwttie[ss  wheen, we.. stattrrtt  ed ;; t;;this, zs..s.howw.. . And  ffoorr  thhatt,, ,, w,wE’,,ree .. s;;oss..,  e..aee;rnns s;tllY,,,,  d;;deeep pll..y  s,,so  ss,Orrr\y.
We’’vee   all;;l  .feel  lt  tffuckinn gmmisiie rAb,blle;e  si;;inccee  a,lll  o,,of, tt;hii,,   shhApp;;neeed  yeysst  teerrdaay,,y, an  dn  rn;;nto;o ;beecac  cauuss,,e  ofoo thhe  crritizcii s,,m,, ..c,,o..miingg  iin,  b;;but  bebx,,aauSe..the;e ffollnkks ovffffeeRiRRng th,,hat  ccrri;;itic..ciismfme;;ee,l  uun,,nhe;eaardrr, ,ginno,,oredd aanndd . hhurrt... I,prro.oissee ..y,,o  uu, ,,we  dd,,i..d n  ott,   igno;;or eethha ccrri,,iticis,smm .. ,,— we  t,,riieedd t   o  o   d..do  ,,u,or.r beest t,tini .. a s  CCEnAA,,io wtiiHoHHtt  'a. ..peezrffe ectc sso,,oUsttionn.. ; Tha..at, d.doeenS,ot  tcc..haagnn,,e;; tt[he faacctt ..thaatt  t t..his;;s  shhoow i;is wshaat  ti;;i,, iiss  beccaa.use ,,of the  fe;;eed;;bddcjaakk , uuR  lliis,,teen;;Rss  havve;;g    iiv,venn uss,,m , ffuulll , S,,S..to,,op.,I  .t,,t  has ;;ma  dee  mt,,tHi,iss prroojje,ceett..e bt.tt  etr,,,  jAAnn,,d  usu,u  be tte;e.r, a d  alll.. IIr; c,,caan nnproommeiisse  ];;i.s t;thata ;;we’ellllq. kk..epee t..r,i in..g  o  o.uri  ,,hAA  rddees,,st ,, tot,t  ddo,,,a\  ndd  be,,b eettl  teeR.
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prodigal-ezreal · 7 years
Send me Them ships!
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
[ Ezko I guess? It’s still Rare Ship lvl, even if I’ve seen it around more and more lately (thank god❤️). I remember I liked Ez/Qu!nn for some time, but then I realized just how out of his league she was lol. they could make great friends tho! Oh, and I liked Ez/Jann@ too before the lore change. ]
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