#quarantine mansion update
onbearfeet · 5 months
Things I have to google because I'm writing things in quarantine:
-Is a 104 fever actually brain-cooking (answer: no, but it's not good either)
-Can humans get parvo from dogs (answer: no, but other animals can)
-Newport mansion door size (answer: Ted is probably too large)
Updates as I think of things.
(Jack does not have parvo, but he IS insulted that Bucky suggested it.)
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Associating Characters Before We Start
Isaac Blugreen: Nagisa Hazuki / Little Prince; Loves Kitty Cats; Still calls them “Kitty Cats”; sweet asf; Notable Line: 🥰Hello!🥰
Caspian Grenfield: Deku with asthma, crippling anxiety, social anxiety esp, disaster gay, stutter mutter, nerd, loves shounen, Notable Line: I-I don’t think I st-st-stutter? *pushes glasses up*
Jax Jackson: explosive gay sex machine.
Robinson Wyatt: Caspian’s prince charming, likes shounen, smart, friendly, wise, approachable, good guy. DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIS MUM.
Lee Emmet: If Bakugou Katsuki was a quirkless midget who had a high, squeaky voice. A feist mouse. Notable Line: 😤CAN YOU AT LEAST TRY TO GET IT RIGHT??? IT’S LEVIOSA NOT LEVIOSAAA. IT’S LITERALLY THAT SIMPLE HOW COULD YOU EVEN FU-😡
Caleb Otto: 🎶When I was...
A young boy...
My father (and mother were completely cut out of my life by God for some reason and now I’m here)
Isn’t emo, just depressed; Looks kinda creepy and dark and edgy on the outside like he’d just survived the visitation of Death, but is actually a sensitive baby with hopes and dreams... kinda.
If Haruka was an edgelord and all he wanted to do with water... was drown.
His eyecolor is unsettled tho.
Notable Line: ...
Doesn’t talk much.
Mason Emalia: If Denki Kaminari was gay; Trouble-maker; Star basketball player; that guy who looks asshole enough to make you think he’s not gay; plays around with Jax (there are two different ways you can think about that, and they both right)
Notable Line: What color is the Pink Panther?
And finally:
William Otto: A big boy with a big heart; I forgot what I settled with his appearance; Sweet, loving, kind, helpful, friendly, hardworking, cooperative; Ideal big daddy; The kind of person who’d make you ramen noodles from scratch if he went in too hard; A good big bro to Caleb;
Notable Line: Aww... Please don’t cry because then *sniff* I’ll cr-y.
Cried watching Hatchiko
I might post what the characters look like later so get ready for that.
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moondoughmidoreee · 4 years
So, ya’ll must be wondering: WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU???
Well, that’s a really great question.
Recently, I’ve been working on a webcomic with a dear friend of mine. We’re both very VERY tired and lazy; therefore, work’s been really slow since a while ago. 
I’m also working on quarantine mansion at the same time, so that makes it hard to keep up with everything.
I’m also facing some real world issues right now (we won’t talk about that).
I’m really very truly sorry for the hiatus and delay (you can blame Koogi and Twitter).
I haven’t forgotten about QM so don’t worry. K?
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 4 years
(I finally did this. I just want to thank y’all for helping me, supporting me and for submitting asks 🤗. Without you this wouldn’t have been here so thank you. Btw, this list is always updated)
Albert Wesker: 
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Albert wesker x reader: 
Wesker x F!Reader
Albert Wesker x F!Reader
S.T.A.R.S Wesker x F!Reader
Visions of a madman (Wesker x F!Reader)
Betrayal part 1 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Betrayal part 2 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Betrayal Part 3 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Albert Wesker x Reader Fluff
Morning ritual (wesker x F!Reader)
Albert Wesker x Pregnant Reader
Albert Wesker x Deaf pregnant reader
Drugs (wesker x fem!reader)
Quarantined (Wesker x F!Reader)
You are not alone (Wesker x F!Reader)
You are not alone part 2
Late night (Wesker x F!Reader)
Meeting (Wesker x F!Reader)
One task (Wesker x F!Reader)
The mansion incident (GN!Reader x Wesker)
Albert Wesker x reader (new)
Cooking (Albert Wesker x GN!Reader) (new)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Wesker bonding with a pet
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
Albert Wesker being overprotective
Wesker trying to confess his love but gets interrupted
Albert Wesker proposing HC
Albert Wesker romantic HC
Albert Wesker x Reader wedding
Wesker x other characters:
Welcoming (Wesker x Ethan)
Jill Valentine x F!Reader x Wesker
Nikolai Zinoviev x Albert Wesker
Cravings (Albert Wesker x Excella Gionne)
Chris Redfield:
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Chris Redfield x reader:
Chris Redfield x F!Reader
Chris x F!Reader
Being Chris’ s/o would include (NEW!)
Chris Redfield x other characters: 
Paperwork (Chris Redfield x Piers Nivans)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small reader
Piers Nivans: 
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Piers Nivans x other characters:
Birthday present (Piers x F!Reader)
Paperwork (Chris Redfield x Piers Nivans)
You can have my scarf (Piers x F!Reader) (NEW!)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
Netflix and chill
RE boys and shaving/waxing
Leon S. Kennedy: 
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Leon S. Kennedy x reader:
Take me back for one more summer (Leon Kennedy x F!Reader)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small reader
Carlos Oliveira:
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Carlos Oliveira x Reader:
Carlos Oliveira x Reader fluff
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small Reader
Ethan Winters:
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Ethan Winters x other characters:
Chris Redfield x Ethan Winters
Albert Wesker x Ethan Winters
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small reader
Nikolai Zinoviev
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Nikolai Zinoviev x Reader:
I care (Nikolai x F!Reader)
Nikolai Zinoviev x other characters:
Nikolai x Sergei Vladimir
Nikolai X Albert Wesker
A job is a job (Nikolai x Ethan Winters)
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
Nikolai x Spanish speaker reader
RE guys with a small reader
Alex Wesker: 
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Alex Wesker x Reader:
Alex Wesker x F!Reader
Lady Dimitrescu:
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Lady Dimitrescu x other characters:
Chained (Lady Dimitrescu x F!Reader)
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters Fluff
Lady Dimitrescu x Brad Vickers
Ada Wong:
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Ada Wond x Reader:
Better than alcohol
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loveisnotadagger · 3 years
Love is Healing - Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 18/?
So here’s another chapter!  I know it’s a quicker update than usual, but I am in quarantine because the person I live with tested positive for COVID, so . . . yikes.
Warning: This chapter is angsty with some hurt/comfort going on at the end.
Arianna and Loki were rudely awakened by the massive bang and the trembling of the house around them. Arianna basically shot up into a sitting position and Loki wasn't that far behind.
They had taken to sleeping in the same bed most nights since the first and only time they had become intimate, even though Loki still had his own room in the Tower in New York, and he'd been offered one there in Malibu. Loki had let Arianna choose whichever way she wanted, so they'd ended up sharing.
Considering what was now going on, she was glad she'd decided to share the room.
"Jarvis?" she called out but didn't get a response.
"Perhaps he is offline," Loki said.
"Yeah." She stood up and noticed the floor was still shaking. "We should go."
Loki was already standing. "Agreed."
They quickly made their way out of the room and were hit by the dust and smoke from something having blasted through the back wall – the one that was just one big window.
"Tony? Pepper?" she called out and reached for Loki at the same time.
She grabbed his hand and began making her way to what she knew was Tony's room even as she heard the familiar whup-whup-whup of helicopters. There was another bang from downstairs, but Arianna actually saw what had caused it this time: a missile.
Someone was shooting missiles at the house.
Without warning the floor began crumbling beneath her feet. Loki grabbed her and pulled her to his side where the ground was more stable.
"Perhaps we should go downstairs."
"Good idea," she said.
Tony had the Iron Man suit; he could get Pepper and himself out if it came to that.
It turned out that both Pepper and Tony were already downstairs - downstairs and laid out on the floor. They were both okay, just dazed.
"I told you we needed to leave," Tony said as he stood up, helping Pepper in the process.
"You did no such thing," Loki said. "But yes, we must go."
It was as they were trying to get out that the ceiling decided to cave in. Two things happened almost simultaneously. Tony, who had obviously been tinkering with his suits the past few months did something to make his suit shoot out to cover Pepper so nothing could fall on her and hit her; the other thing was that Arianna shot her hands up to direct her power and was able to slow down the rubble from the ceiling, at least enough for them to get out from underneath it.
"Hey, look at –" Tony began before another missile hit, knocking everyone but Pepper off of their feet.
The actual floor began to split and Tony was separated from the rest of them.
"Go! I'll find a way around."
Even as he said that, the house was struck again and it began to tilt down from the cliff and towards the ocean.
"Go!" Tony shouted to Pepper. "Get them outside."
Pepper hesitated.
"You have the suit! I can call it back to me once you're outside."
That got Pepper moving, Loki and Arianna following quickly behind her. Everything was fine until they reached the way out – it was blocked, and it took a few tries to get the blaster on the suit to work. It finally did, and they were able to get out.
"Tony, now!" Pepper yelled.
It was quite a sight watching the suit come off of Pepper piece by piece. It jerked her around for a few seconds, but she finally got free of it, which meant Tony now had it back, which was good because there was a never-ending barrage of gunshot being fired now.
There were three helicopters in the sky behind the mansion. Arianna could see whatever weapons being used sticking out of the sides of them. She wondered if she could take out the weapons without taking out the helicopters.
That thought didn't last long as something flew out of what used to be the back wall and hit one of the helicopters, causing it to plummet towards the sea.
The other two helicopters continued firing at the house, but it didn't take long for an energy blast to hit one of them and that one began twirling down as well, only this time it crashed into the remaining bit of mansion still hanging over the cliff. It began to crumble into the ocean, yet the last helicopter still continued to blast the cliff with missiles.
"Tony!" Pepper yelled.
He . . . hadn't come out, hadn't walked or flown out. If he'd still been in the part of the house that had broken off, then he was in the sea by now. Would he be able to swim if he was encased in his Iron Man suit? Would it even work if it became immersed in water?
The attack suddenly stopped and Pepper recklessly made her way back inside. Arianna made to follow her, but her legs decided to turn to jello at just that moment and she almost fell to her knees. She would have had Loki not been so close.
It was as if it hit her all at once – her head was throbbing, her body was shaking, and she felt all around awful.
"Steady," Loki said. "You've expended a lot of energy today."
"But Tony –"
"If he's fallen into the sea, there is nothing you can do." Loki's voice was quiet but firm. "If he's still inside, Miss Potts will find him."
Arianna allowed Loki to help her to the ground. She could hear Pepper yelling for Tony, and she was aware of the last helicopter flying away. It made her realize that Tony probably wasn't going to be found in the rubble of the house. Tony had been the target and whoever had been piloting the helicopter wouldn't have given up if there was a chance that Tony was still inside, or . . . alive and still inside.
But Loki was right. There wasn't anything she could do. She'd expended too much of herself already what with helping Happy to breathe earlier and then keeping the ceiling from falling on them just now – she didn't know how she'd done that. She just seen it happening and had reacted instinctively.
It had left her feeling more drained than ever. ----------
It didn't take long for the sound of sirens to fill the air. Not too long ago, Loki wouldn't have known or recognized what the noise meant, but he now knew that they meant some kind of emergency crew was on the way.
Why wouldn't they be? The building that used to be the mansion was basically destroyed, only half of it still standing. The rest of it had broken off from the cliff and fallen to the water below.
A lot had happened in a very short amount of time once he and Arianna had been shocked out of bed – out of their shared bed – to find the building they were in was being attacked. Not a promising thing to wake up to.
They'd made their way through the quickly-being demolished house, and they all would have been killed by the roof caving in if Arianna hadn't reacted so rapidly.
She was getting stronger and Loki was grateful that they weren't dead, but it did worry him how much of a strain using her abilities seemed to have on her. Loki remembered having what his mother called 'growing pains' when he'd first started learning magic. It had taken him years to build up the proper endurance to use magic in battle. The problem was that Arianna didn't have years. She was mortal and didn't have the amount of time to practice that he'd had when he was starting out. She didn't have an extended life span. He hoped him teaching her more wasn't shortening it.
As it was, he and Arianna were both seated on the ground outside the rubble, Arianna because she could barely stand, and Loki because he wasn't going to leave her side when she was so vulnerable.
Pretty soon the siren noises were met with flashing lights coming from different emergency vehicles: police cars, ambulances, fire trucks.
As the emergency people began to comb through the wreckage Pepper Potts came out of it. She began making her way over to them. Other than the tears in her eyes, her face seemed to be set in stone.
"Tony?" Arianna asked when Pepper reached them.
Pepper closed her eyes, tears finally falling, and shook her head.
Something between a gasp and a sob escaped Arianna's mouth and she collapsed into herself as she leaned against Loki even more than she had been.
Loki knew that Arianna and Tony had been close – after Natasha and Clint, she was closest to Tony – and Tony had even considered her as family, more than just a teammate. From her reaction, Arianna obviously felt the same way.
"This place is going to be a media circus within an hour," Pepper said. "We need to get you out of here before that happens."
Pepper was mostly talking to Loki. It wasn't exactly public knowledge that he was still on Earth. If the media saw him there, they might just think he had done this.
"Where do we go?" Arianna asked quietly. "What are you gonna do?"
"I have to stay here. There will be questions I'll need to answer. I'll call one of the security people to come pick you up, take you to a hotel. I'll meet you there later." ---------- Pepper stayed with them until a driver in a black car came to pick them up. Loki helped Arianna into the backseat and sat beside her.
Aside from the quiet crying, Arianna was silent. She had become almost despondent once Pepper had let them know that Tony hadn't been found.
Loki didn't know what to do for her. She wasn't physically hurt, aside from a few scrapes and bruises, but she was grieving and there wasn't anything he could do aside from making sure she knew he was there for her.
It wasn't until they reached the hotel and were settled in their room – their room that had more than enough room for just the two of them - that she finally spoke.
"I've, uh . . . I've seen a lot of death," she said, voice tight and rough. "But I've never actually lost anyone, not anyone I was close to."
She seated herself on the edge of the bed and crossed her arms over her chest as if holding herself together.
Loki stood in front of her, hands clasped, fingers clumsily playing against each other. It was a nervous tic he had learned from his mother.
"Arianna, I'm –" He knelt down in front of her. "Tell me what you need. I'm not sure what to do."
He'd never had to help someone with grief before. There was no sickness on Asgard, so aside from accidents, which were rare, or dying in battle Loki could honestly say this was new to him. He'd never lost anyone he was close to either.
"I'm – I don't know," she said and looked at herself.
She began wiping away at her shirt and pants.
"I'm filthy." She looked at him now. "We're filthy."
"Yes," Loki said softly. "It's the dust and dirt from when the ceiling almost fell on us."
There were smudges on her clothes and skin, bits of dust and rubble in her hair. He probably looked just as bad.
He brought his hands up to rub up and down her arms.
"Would you like to get cleaned up? Would that make you feel better?"
"Probably, a little. A shower would be good." Her eyes widened a bit. "We don't have any clothes. We don't even have any shoes. My phone's still at the house."
"I'm sure Miss Potts will take care of everything when she has time."
"Yeah." She sighed. "Yeah, and we probably have robes here. Or we can request them."
She stood up then, legs still a bit shaky. To be honest, she was shaky in general, and Loki wasn't sure how much was from exhaustion and how much was from shock.
"You, um . . ." she looked down again. "You can come with me. You need to clean off too."
"You are requesting that I shower with you?"
"Yes. I don't wanna be alone."
Loki stood up, his knees protesting and popping, causing him to wince. He'd never had to worry about joint pain or other minor aches and pains on Asgard.
He took her hand when she reached for his and then followed her to the bathroom. ---------- 'This bathroom is ridiculous,' was the first thing Arianna thought when they stepped into it. It was almost as big as the actual room was.
Along the side wall were shelves of towels and robes. They looked soft and fluffy and would probably feel great against her skin when she was able to put one on.
There were also different soaps and shampoos to choose from, not just the generic kinds one would expect to find in a hotel bathroom. She grabbed a random one of each and placed them in the placeholder where the shower was.
The shower was the kind that was built so the water would come down on them like a waterfall. This was definitely not a room she could afford on her own.
She turned the knobs to set the temperature before she turned back to Loki, who was watching her carefully.
"I've never showered with a man before," she admitted.
"Well, they don't have showers on Asgard, so I can honestly say I've never showered with anyone before."
Arianna allowed a small smile to play over her lips before reaching down to pull her shirt over her head.
"Grab a couple of wash cloths," she said as she removed her pants.
Loki did as she asked as she rid herself of her underwear and stepped under the warm water flowing down. It wasn't long after that that she felt his presence behind her and she found herself becoming tense.
This wasn't like the last time she had been naked in front of him. That had been a happy and spontaneous occurrence. There was nothing happy or spontaneous about this. She was sad and weak and sore. She was also naked, and Loki was naked, and even though she had been the one to suggest them showering together, her mind was now telling her that it wasn't a good idea.
She jolted a bit when his hand touched her back, but she got herself under control quickly enough.
"We are tired and we are dirty. We need to get clean so we can go to bed." He slid his hand up to her shoulder. "Nothing else is going to happen. Not tonight, and never unless you want it to."
She sighed, her throat and eyes burning.
"I know. I know you would never –" She turned around to face him. "I know you would never do that. I don't know why I'm reacting this way."
She allowed herself to be pulled closer to him. She relaxed a bit once his arms were securely around her. She even put her arms around him.
"You're upset, overwhelmed. And we're naked."
Her face pinched up as his words sunk in and she nodded.
"I can wait outside the shower, if you need."
"No." She tightened her hold on him. "I'm okay. Or I will be. Just give me a minute."
She leaned more fully against him, their chests touching, her head against him, and let herself relax even more when Loki began caressing his fingers over her back.
His lips touched the top of her head and her body sagged in exhaustion.
"God, I'm so tired."
"Hm. Let's get you cleaned up then."
"Okay," she mumbled.
Loki stepped away and grabbed one of the wash cloths and soap.
"May I?"
"Y – you wanna wash me off?"
"If you'll let me. I'd like to take care of you."
"I – uh – okay."
The warm water flowing over her skin coupled with Loki gently massaging as he cleaned her of the dust and dirt helped soothe some of her aches away. He even washed her hair for her and it felt so nice she wanted to cry again, only for a completely different reason this time.
No one had ever taken care of her before, not like this, and definitely not a man who claimed to care about her, but Loki was and she liked it. She liked him – more than liked him – and it frightened her.
She had never wanted to open herself up to anyone, not in the way she wanted to open up to Loki. She'd never felt safe enough to. And as odd as it was . . . Loki made her feel safe.
He'd somehow known just what to say and do earlier when her mind had started messing with her, had known she'd needed reassurance that nothing was going to happen if she didn't want it to. He'd even understood why she'd been feeling the way she had.
He'd said she was upset and overwhelmed, and they were naked. She usually associated negative emotions with nakedness and he knew that. He obviously didn't want to become associated with those emotions. He'd let her decide whether she wanted him to stay, whether she wanted him to touch her.
He would probably never know how much she appreciated that.
@voteforevilthoughts, @purplekitten30
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: “Are you sure?” Yoongi asked seriously, his mafia, bloodlust self-taking over. “I do not want you to regret this or feel like you’ll be caring a burden on you after this.” “I’m sure.”
Warnings: Mafia au, angst, mentions of character death, mentions of killing and the act of it, anything that comes with mafia, language (ive now realized that I never put this as a warning for any of my works lmao), yoongi being soft just for you.
W.C.: 900+
Notes: Three updates in one day? This is new lmao, thank you quarantine life.
You Asking Them To Murder Someone Masterlist
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“Blake Y/L/N, you are sentenced to ten years of prison with no bail or probation on the murder of Michael Bennet. You will be taken to Rykers in the morning to start your sentencing.” The Judge ordered, slamming his gavel down onto the table, causing you to jump in your seat.
“No!” You screamed, racing towards your brother, trying to get to him. “That’s not fair! He did not do anything! He didn’t kill the man! He’s innocent!” You yelled, trying to convince the cops and judge. But to no avail, they did not listen or believe you, only believing the lies that are framing your brother for murder.
He is innocent! You know this because he has been living with you and your boyfriend for the past year, trying to get back up on his feet and quitting the gang he used to be in. It is ironic that you are in a relationship with mafia leader that runs the underground world all over the world. Yoongi did try to tell Michael what kind of gang he was in and how they are known for betraying their own, but Michael tried to convince your boyfriend that he is wrong and that his gang is like his family. Oh, how naïve he was…
You felt the familiar warmth that belongs to your boyfriend envelope you, pulling you into his chest, trying to move you away from the now angry cops. “It’s going to be okay; I’ll make sure he gets out of there.” Yoongi tried to reassure you, pressing his lips to the side of your head. “Let’s go home, baby.”
On the way home was quiet, besides your sniffles and sighs of sadness. Yoongi made sure to keep a hold of your left hand, softly caressing the top of your hand with his thumb while occasionally bringing your hand up to press a kiss to the back of your hand. The reassurance that your boyfriend is giving you is helping you calm down, but there is a dreadful feeling taking over you and you do not know what it is.
“You have that look on your face, baby.” Yoongi commented as he pulled into the long driveway that led up to his mansion home.
“I have a bad feeling, Yoongi.” You stated, “Something’s going to happen, and it isn’t going to be good. And I’m scared.” You admitted, not phased by the blank look that your boyfriend always held whenever he is thinking, plotting, or even killing.
“Whatever it is, or happens, I’ll make sure that you are safe and I’ll be there with you through it, okay?” He reassured.
“Okay.” You nodded, knowing that he is speaking the truth.
It was midnight when your phone began to blare its ringtone, waking both you and Yoongi up from deep sleep.
“Shut that thing up, will ya?” He spoke angrily, allowing you to move to get your phone, making sure to keep one arm around your waist.
Seeing that it is an unknown caller, you answered it anyways – only to be met with the worst news of your life. Yoongi sensed the change in your mood, softly asking if you are alright.
“No!” You yelled, voice broken and raw. “No!” You threw your phone across the room, throwing yourself out of the bed. “Blake!” You scream your brothers name, repeating it like a mantra, believing if you say it enough it will bring him back. Feeling your boyfriends’ hands on you, shaking you to get you to focus on him. “He’s dead Yoongi! Blake is dead! There was a bomb attached to the bus and it was sent off and killed everyone! Blake was on that bus!” You explained, holding on to Yoongi as if he is your lifeline. “They killed him! They killed my brother!”
Not knowing how to calm you down, being bad during these situations, Yoongi brought you into his chest, holding you tightly against him, allowing you to kick, scream, and cry. After close to an hour, you finally calmed down. Your breathing was finally going back to normal, but your shakiness was still there, concerning Yoongi to the max because he has never seen you like this before.
“Why would they do that?” You asked, voice broken and rough from the crying and screaming that you have done.
“Because they’re pieces of scum who deserve to—”
“Die. They deserve to die, Yoongi.” You stated calmly, a look of vengeance in your eyes.
Yoongi is shocked to hear you say this. His sweet angel, his baby girl, his innocent girlfriend who loves with all of his heart. His Y/N who would put herself in front of a bullet for a stranger. The one who believes in forgiveness and second chances, who would never dare harm on anyone, wants to get payback that results in death.
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asked seriously, his mafia, bloodlust self-taking over. “I do not want you to regret this or feel like you’ll be caring a burden on you after this.”
“I’m sure. They framed and murdered my brother; they just can’t get away with this without any consequences. I want all of them dead. Anyone who was apart, or even knew of this to bed dead. But most of all, I want him dead.” You declared, wanting the man responsible for all of this to be nothing but dead.
The look that you are familiar with was Yoongi’s eyes, and the look meant death. Leaning down, he kissed the top of your head. “Anything for you, my princess.”
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
UNPOPULAR OPINION: since quarantine a lot of celebrity BS has really been put into perspective, and just bc of my age range I see Zendaya a lot and like...she genuinely seems like a good person. She does. But then I see all of these pictures she posts of events and outfits and yeah okay I'm sure it's part of her job and really fun, but get the FUCK over yourself. It's more of her social media presence than anything, and it goes for all people who post a million photos of themselves. Idk it just bothers me, sometimes it feels like she's so obsessed with herself
(same anon) which in some ways I'm like "you GO girl, love yourself, love your life!" I do want people to be that happy. I think it's more of the fact that she's super rich or something, but I hate when people are so "look at me, look at how beautiful and wonderful my life is!" while other people have fucking nothing. It's not even jealousy it's just like celebrities have such a small view of the world or something idk
i don't really follow zendaya that closely so i'm not at all updated with whatever's going on her side of things and i have nothing against her obviously. but i do get what you mean when it comes to celebrities in general, especially when the pandemic hit. like nothing annoyed me more than seeing these a-listers go around and preach: "everyone stay indoors, relax, take time for yourself, this is a blessing in disguise, etc." all while sitting in their million dollar mansions and their pools and big gardens with no ounce of worry as to where they'll find their next meal. and on top of that, go out and travel because they "need" it for recreational purposes...like how dense can you be? but i guess they also can't control who sees their stuff and they're allowed to do whatever they want so best way to go about it is to ignore it. some celebrities are on a different wavelength and there's not much we can do about that. i know and i get it can be frustrating to see especially when you'd do things differently if you were given that same wealth and opportunity but that all comes down to how you were brought up and your perspective on the world.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
Board Game Review: The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel
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Stanley Kubrick's The Shining may not be a faithful adaptation of Stephen King's novel - the author himself is a vocal detractor - but I find it to be an endlessly fascinating movie. It's one I love to watch annually during the first snowfall of the season, but revisiting the film in the context of the COVD pandemic uncovers a new layer of dread. The plot, after all, chronicles a man's descent into madness while isolated with his family.
The film's parallels to the lockdown, coupled with the resurgence of board games during this time, makes the release of The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel all the more timely. Created by Jay Cormier & Sen-Foong Lim (Dungeons & Dragons: Rock Paper Wizard) and featuring graphics by Rob Lundy (Dungeon Roll), it's the second installment in The Op Games' Coded Chronicles line of escape room-style tabletop games, following Scooby-Doo: Escape from the Haunted Mansion.
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The game begins as the psychotic Jack Torrance is locked in the hotel's kitchen pantry after his wife, Wendy, knocks him out with a baseball bat. You start as Wendy in the kitchen, and their son Danny soon becomes playable in his bedroom. By investigating your surroundings, solving puzzles, and uncovering clues, you traverse through several of the Overlook Hotel's iconic locales to escape from Jack and survive the night - or die trying. The game has no board, per se; tiles featuring additional rooms are added to the map as you play.
The game lasts an estimated two hours, but there’s a stopping point halfway through if you want to pause and return to the game at a later time. Gameplay requires a good deal of reading, as each action you take corresponds with a journal entry with in-character explanations. Some of the entries require you to draw one of 44 clue cards or open one of 11 secret envelopes for additional information. The attention to detail is impressive, cultivating an immersive environment similar to a role-playing game albeit more stringent.
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The directions are sparse considering the intricacies of the game. The mechanics of Danny's shining ability - an integral part of gameplay, as you might imagine - is not clearly explained, which can lead to frustration. Moreover, there seems to be an unfortunate misprint that comes up early on that makes the game virtually impossible to continue without skipping ahead, spoiling several details in the process. Even the provided hints, written in-character, are no help with this issue.
Single-player board games are few and far between, but that is one of the draws of the Coded Chronicles games, particularly during quarantine. Much like an actual escape room, it's beneficial to work with others to bounce ideas, but The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel can also be a fun solo challenge. Hopefully The Op can to issue an update to resolve the misprint, because the game is a uniquely engaging experience that allows you to play in the world that Stanley Kubrick brought to life 40 years ago.
The Shining: Escape from the Overlook Hotel is available now via The Op Games.
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battlestar-royco · 4 years
Everyone’s getting cancelled and exposed during quarantine. First it was a Ellen, then Dr. Phil, then Cash Me Outside Girl, Nessa Barrett (a TikToker), Cash Me Outside Girl a second time, and Ellen again after a joke involving her giant mansion being like prison because “I’ve been wearing the same clothes for a week and everyone here is gay”. And something tells me there’s gonna be more to come. In other words we’re all gonna get cancelled and exposed
Celebrities with too much time on their hands and desire for attention are really showing their asses lmao. I really don’t follow almost any celebrities but my sister does so I get occasional updates from her. It seems like not only are famous people acting the fuck out but also now so many people have the time to sit and watch their every move. This entire thing has shown how incompatible our (US) current policy and lifestyle is with any sort of sustainable society and it’s highlighted how delusional many rich people are. Yikes.
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Are you missing Disney right now? Have no fear! The nerd is here!!
One way to bring Disneyworld/land home to you is by making Dole Whip or churros right in your own kitchen!! Here are the official Disney recipes!!
Go on a walk with some of the ambient noise from the parks! I enjoy listening to ride soundtracks, Frontierland ambiance and Epcot ambiance! It’s a great way to feel like you’re in the parks while at home
There are full park walkthroughs that are at least an hour long! You get to see every little detail of the parks! You can watch and walk along outside or while using some sort of workout bike
Listen to ride/land soundtracks while working to keep the Disney mood :’)
When it’s nighttime, close all the drapes and turn off the lights! Then have yourself a merry old time and watch the fireworks!
There are a few shows on Disney+ that take you behind the scenes of your favorite in-park shows and attractions! Encore and The Imagineering Story are amazing! I cried :)
Keep up with DFBGuide on YouTube! They have almost daily updates about the parks, food, attractions, construction and events!!
Find dupes of your favorite smells from the park! I can gaurentee that theres a candle out there somewhere that smells churros or the Haunted Mansion or the Canada pavilion! There’s a smell out there for you!! But wait until quarantine is over to shop for candles lmao
^also on Etsy if you search for Disney scents, there WILL be one for you theres a pirate water candle!!!!!!!! :^)
Lastly!!! If you want a bedtime message from Mickey and friends for yourself or a family member, call 877-7-MICKEY !!! It’s a limited time thing!! It’s so great that they brought this back it’s so sweet :’)
I know this is nerdy and dumb but I miss Disney a lot! And in times like these, thinking about the happiest place on earth makes it feel a little less hopeless :) so bring some Disney home for yourself and your family! Trust me, the fireworks hit different at 2am, they had me crying :’)
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polar-stars · 4 years
Hi! I have a question about you next gen: how would your Oc react to quarantine? Would they be happy staying at home or extremely annoyed by the company of their siblings? Apart from cooking (which is obvious) what would they do with their spare time? You can choose any of your Oc you find more interesting to talk about in this situation. Thank you in advance! Stay healthy!
Hey anon! 
First: I hope you stay healthy as well 🍀 Second: Thank you for the ask + giving me a chance to talk about my kiddos 🙏 That’s always a joy for me to do
Kimiko would certainly struggle with quarantine. The fact that she can’t work in Yukihira-Diner upsets her and she feels her life lacks a lot of excitement during those days. She’d still try to make the best out of it and would most likely put on YouTube tutorials and the likes to teach herself some new things to try. Also she would help her father clean the house every second day. Her brother Hiraku in the meantime actually gets some E10-related tasks and such from Noboru additionally to the school-work that Totsuki would possibly give out for their students to do over quarantine. He barely does any of them. Rather he spends most of his time with texting and YouTube/Netflix, aside from experimenting dishes. He does miss the drill and excitement from Totsuki and all the parties where he is the center of attention.
Hiroshi does find his enjoyment at staying home. He helps out his mother a lot, plays with his younger siblings and also gets pretty crafty. The entire Aldini-Tadokoro-Family handles the situation rather well and is good at giving themselves distractions and things to do. The only major thing that specifically Isami is anxious about is how long it might take till they can see their relatives form Tuscany again. 
In Tuscany, Mika is scared of possibly getting bored. She spends a good bunch of time with either working out with her mother (they have a work-out-space in their mansion) or binge-watching romance-series on Netflix. But she definitely longs for outside activities and hopes it will be over till her favorite season summer kicks in. 
The Hayamas have a really big garden at their house and of course, Kaori therefore spends most of her time gardening. If not outside with her flowers, she either reads or watches a vintage movie with her mother. Akio, in the meantime assists his father had experimenting with fragrances for a possible new perfume or makes some photo-albums with pictures from past travels. Overall, the Hayamas don’t get much time to relax normally and try to make the best out of having to stay at home. 
The Nakiris live in such a big mansion and probably, out of all the characters, have therefore the most moving space of all. The fact that they can’t either visit the Yukihiras or their family in Denmark is certainly a drowner though. Both Lola and Mona distract theirselves mainly with working out with their father, Netflix (with Lola watching shows like “Gotham” or “American Horror Story” or idk what and Mona watching Slice-Of-Life stuff and even getting into K-Drama) and listening to music (Heavy Metal for Lola and Techno for Mona ofc).
Suzume (and her father) understand theirselves as valuable sources of entertainment in these days. Suzume gets pretty active on social media with video-clips and tons and tons of memes. While she definitely longs for the outside and more social activities, Suzu is not one to get bored easily. She works out a lot (She actually does Aerobic every morning ahdsh yeah in her 80s-Aerobic-Costume), practices her calligraphy, entertains her family with occasional dance-numbers and so on. Takayuki in the meantime mainly plays WoW or works out with his big sister. Their father also subjects them to a lot of family games and activities though, so there’s also lots of movies watched and lots of charade, Monopoly and what not. 
The Mimasakas are generally one of the closest families in terms of spending time together and affection. They find a lot of activities to do together and are also the most open to compromises (like in terms of which movies to watch and such). Ran also offers some advice to students of Totsuki online, who might be more stressed out by the quarantine (and it’s Ran, so she more or less knows exactly who those students are). She also sews a lot, alongside Ayano. Ayano also plays a lot with her dolls and hosts an afternoon tea-party everyday, to which sometimes Subaru, Kazuo, Nao or Ran also join. Kazuo meanwhile watches a lot of romance movies and shows, writes poems or practices his dancing to impress Mika. 
Yasu either cleans up, carves some wood or assits his mother in one way or the other. Occasionally he will also just play some video games or watch some documentaries on Netflix.
Chieko !! READS !! She reads it all: Books, E-Books, Essays, Poems, the product-list on her milk-tea….etc. She also plays a lot of chess with Zenji. At times she gets really annoyed by Takahiro’s pranks and such but she does well overall.
Hideyoshi expands on his social media presence during this time and actually posts videos with updates and such everyday and on how he’s doing and he occasionally even streams reactions to YouTube videos or playing video games.  Him and his family also just have their own little karaoke nights at times. But in the end, Hideyoshi is one of the candidates who just wants quarantine to be over since he misses the excitement of parties and the likes. 
Daisuke and his family actually have a movie marathon going on. They go through all kinds of vintage movies from Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart to classics of the 80s like “Back to the Future” (Funfact, that’s Daisuke’s favorite movie) or “Ferris Bueller’s Day-Off”. Occasionally Daisuke also uploads videos of him playing guitar, as he does spend a lot of time practicing it during these days.
Masashi mainly either works out or practices calligraphy aside from sharpening his cooking-skills. Albeit he also practices some other Japanese customs here and there. He also puzzles occasionally! Mainly after arguments with Kei! (And the two argue a lot in the end….quarantine is rather difficult for this family being honest). Kei meanwhile shuts himself in his room for the most part and plays video games, like he’d also do on holiday days. He does get dragged out of his room a lot in the end, mainly by Nene, being the concerned and family-oriented mom as ever, who sees this as a chance to get some family-bonding time done.  Often argues with either Masashi or his father during these days. Shigeo kind off just attempts to use this as a chance to engage more in the hobbies he usually has little time for, although the feeling of being unproductive certainly irks him a little. And so he reads quite a lot of crime-novels, plays Sudoko on his phone or watches something on Netflix. As I said, Nene also tries to use these days to get everyone closer together and often tries to come up with activities for all of them to do together. They often end up arguing on whichever movie to watch.
Generally, they’re all not really used to just…that much free time and even if they don’t have to stay at home…this family surely can be difficult a lot of times.
Kiyoko would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little upset about not being able to go shopping and all of that. She keeps her Instagram and other social media active though and posts something everyday, often including suggestions on what to do throughout the quarantine (as a rich girl in a large mansion she does find some things to do). She also spends a lot of her time with her sisters actually. Mainly dressing them up (Yoshiko is annoyed). Moe watches some recordings/movie-versions of her favorite ballets or plays Animal Crossing New Horizons some cute-enough game with Kei thanks to the internet connection.
Noboru keeps himself busy with administrative work as first seat even from home and when he does take a break from it: he mainly paints of course. He looks up pictures of landscapes on google and draws them. It’s not the same as being outside and painting to him, but its good enough as distraction. He also reads a lot. 
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
In Touch, April 13
Cover: Pregnant Kate Middleton having a girl and Princess Charlotte picked her name 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Who Wore It Better? Delilah Belle Hamlin vs. Scarlett Johansson
Page 3: Ming-Na Wen vs. Laura Marano, Lucy Hale vs. Hilary Duff 
Page 4: The full video of Kanye West’s notorious 2016 phone call with Taylor Swift in which they discuss his then-unreleased song Famous was leaked giving Taylor the current edge in the pair’s epic decade-long feud 
Page 5: Makeover of the Week -- Jonathan Van Ness shaved off his trademark beard during quarantine, Courteney Cox doesn’t remember being on Friends, Alec Baldwin and wife-to-be Hilaria dated 6 weeks before their first kiss, Blake Shelton tried to steal ex Miranda Lambert’s thunder by dropping a clip of his Nobody But You duet with girlfriend Gwen Stefani on the same day Miranda released her official Bluebird video 
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- Kesha’s $5 million wood-and-concrete in Mar Vista 
Page 8: These stars cut their kids out of the will -- Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, Daniel Craig, Gordon Ramsay, Simon Cowell, Marie Osmond, Jackie Chan 
Page 9: Lucy Hale confessed she has a fascination with teeth, Man Candy of the Week -- Maluma, Winner of the Week -- Kelley Flanagan who came in fifth place on The Bachelor has been spotted hanging out with Peter Weber, Losers of the Week -- 2020 Olympics are postponed until 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic 
Page 10: Up Close -- Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani shared an update on his quarantine mullet 
Page 11: Kylie Jenner’s daughter Stormi Webster, Becky Lynch trains for WrestleMania, Maren Morris and newborn son Hayes Andrew Hurd
Page 12: Go Take a Hike -- Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern, Rebel Wilson, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Ellen DeGeneres 
Page 14: Celebs Go Stir Crazy -- Chris Meloni models his quarantine kilt, Amanda Seyfried models a messy makeup job, pregnant Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev do the Flip the Switch challenge, Jeremy Renner dresses up as DJ Sloth to entertain daughter Ava 
Page 16: Family Matters -- Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green and their kids Noah and Bodhi and Journey make a trip to the grocery store, Jessica Simpson and kids Maxwell and Ace 
Page 17: Ashley Graham and son Isaac, Hilary Duff and kids Luca and Banks 
Page 18: Coronavirus Craziness -- how these 10 celebs reacted to the pandemic -- David Geffen, Madonna, Gal Gadot, Vanessa Hudgens, Evangeline Lilly 
Page 19: Lady Gaga, Jaime King, Sam Smith, Cardi B, Gwyneth Paltrow 
Page 20: Stars Clean Up Nicely -- Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy shave together, Jessica Alba in a face mask, Gigi Hadid in a gold facial mask 
Page 21: Dua Lipa and boyfriend Anwar Hadid in face masks 
Page 22: Chips Off the Old Block -- Brie Bella and daughter Birdie, Will Smith and daughter Willow, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and daughter Giovanna 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Another little princess for Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton -- the future king and queen relocate to Anmer Hall to self-isolate as they await the arrival of their second daughter 
Page 27: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s $20 million Malibu mansion 
Page 28: Tiger King: Burning Questions 
Page 30: Maddox Jolie-Pitt comes home -- Angelina Jolie’s eldest son flees South Korea to be with his family 
Page 32: Stars Without Makeup -- Demi Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow, Portia De Rossi, Cardi B, Jennifer Lawrence, Rita Ora 
Page 33: Courtney Love, Ana de Armas, Chrissy Metz, Michelle Pfeiffer, Meghan Trainor, Ashley Greene, Ireland Baldwin 
Page 34: Julianne Hough, Paris Jackson, Olivia Wilde, Heidi Klum, Cameron Diaz, Alicia Keys 
Page 35: Kate Winslet, Julianne Moore, Nikki Bella, Geena Davis, Julia Roberts, Irina Shayk, Jennifer Lopez 
Page 36: Celebs are the new personal trainer -- Chris Hemsworth, Halle Berry, Candace Cameron Bure 
Page 38: Margaret Qualley took a break from self-isolating in LA to go for a walk but onlookers were alarmed when they saw how skinny she has gotten 
Page 39: Tamron Hall may be a hit with viewers but behind the scenes staffers are claiming she is a nightmare, Ariana Grande and her mother Joan have been granted temporary restraining orders against a man who was arrested outside her mother’s home, Star Sightings -- Giacomo Gianniotti (pictured), Ali Krieger and wife Ashlyn Harris (pictured), D-Nice
Page 40: Ben Affleck’s new relationship with Ana de Armas has his ex Jennifer Garner afraid he’ll start giving their kids less attention 
Page 41: Lori Loughlin and husband Mossimo Giannulli along with 12 other parents charged in the college admissions cheating scandal asked a judge to dismiss the fraud and bribery and money laundering charges against them accusing prosecutors of extraordinary misconduct by concealing evidence that would bolster the parents’ claims of innocence, Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich making things work, Meryl Streep’s daughter Grace Gummer has ended her marriage to keyboardist Tay Strathairn 
Page 44: The Big Interview -- Amber Pike and Matt Barnett on joining Love Is Blind -- we never thought we’d actually get married
Page 48: Beauty Buzz -- Scent-sational Spring -- Emma Roberts 
Page 50: Style -- Spring Fitness Essentials -- Reese Witherspoon 
Page 52: Did I Really Do That? Eiza Gonzalez channeled Charlie’s Angels, Reemarkable lifted from Lifesavers
Page 54: Animal Overload -- My dog looks like Diane Keaton 
Page 56: Entertainment 
Page 58: My Night at Home -- Ebony Obsidian, Guess Whose Art Boy -- Cooke Maroney, Caspar Jopling, Lucas Zwirner, Marco Perego, Louis Eisner, Ben Shattuck -- Jennifer Lawrence, Sienna Miller, Zoe Saldana, Ashley Olsen, Jenny Slate, Ellie Goulding 
Page 60: Double Take -- Paris Jackson runs errands with boyfriend Gabriel Glenn in LA 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Aries Daisy Ridley 
Page 64: Last Laughs
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Quarantine Mansion will have its own separate blog for chapters, while the extras stay with me.
Haha. Extras.
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thweaty · 5 years
What have you been watching on YouTube lately? Quarantine has taken me to a dark place where I ended up watching the ACE family house tour and every single mansion I’ve designed on the Sims is cuter despite obviously being limited to only certain furniture items and styles
i’ve been under a reddit hole under the guise that i’m on there to stay ~updated~ on current events and thus can’t berate myself for slacking off when i should be studying which is... lol
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marvelzombiesrp · 5 years
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Click to enlarge map.
What once was a single mansion in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains has, by necessity, become quite a deal more.  As the population of survivors swelled, so grew a greater necessity for space, accommodation, and resources.
Through blood, sweat and tears, not to mention an enormous degree of planning, the Safezone was born.  The Safezone enclosed Haven, with its two mansions, the housing that had been built, the modest schoolhouse and the fields in which they grew their food and raised their livestock; and united it with the nearest town, more farmland, a plentiful source of fresh water, and a vast expanse of local forest.  While there are still walls, strong walls with thirty metres of forest cleared on either side of them to ensure anything that might try to climb can be seen and stopped, these walls are far apart and easy to ignore.  It feels almost as if the world hasn’t changed.
Due to the sheer size of the Safezone, there are sentry cabins posted at intervals along the wall, and drones equipped to monitor the area.  No one can approach the walls without being detected by the security system, and someone will be able to greet newcomers at the gate, or if someone is in the wrong place, travel out to meet them.
Key to the map:
“B” -- The Bridge
This is the official point of entry to the Safezone.  Facilities include:
First aid services
Infection screening and quarantine
Admissions (Room assignments, system searched for family and friends, job aptitude, minors enrolled in school or apprenticeships).
Vehicles equipped for travelling outside the compound.
The expanded original settlement.  Facilities include:
Simple housing for newcomers before taking a permanent home in Hopewood.
Research and Development
Infirmary (minor injuries and illness, emergency care)
Farm (produce and livestock)
Food storage
Radio station
Information Bank* and Apprenticeship Resource Centre (formerly the schoolhouse)
Specialised gym for superpowered individuals
*The internet is gone, so information must be gathered again.  Most of the Information Bank is accessible via a network accessible to all Safezone residents, aside from restricted information held on a separate server, which houses medical records, field and lab reports, and other sensitive information.
New Silverside Farm
A small, majority-mutant farming commune founded by a group that originated in a gated neighbourhood in Massachusetts.  Already adept at working together, they began to fix up a rundown farm that was in the path of the expansion.  Facilities include:
Farm (produce and livestock)
Cabin-style homes
Horse stabling
Formerly Corinth, New York, a town with a population of about 6,500 before the outbreak.  Facilities in current use:
2000+ houses (restored as needed)
Fully equipped hospital
School campus
Gym with pool
Town hall
Several places of worship
Mini Golf
Group meals are held three times daily at the country club, as it had the biggest kitchen in town, and plenty of room for seating.
Travel between these locations is made possible by electric or modified vehicles, as petrol powered vehicles have ceased to function.  The Safezone receives power via arc reactor, solar energy, and wind energy.  To conserve power, there are shuttles available for travel between major locations at scheduled times.  In addition, there are tracks through the woods established for cycling and horseback riding.
This post will be updated as needed.  Players are welcome to suggest other amenities that should be specified.  There is plenty of room on the map for new locations to be added.
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phgq · 4 years
Manila locks down 2 villages, buildings
#PHnews: Manila locks down 2 villages, buildings
MANILA – Two villages and two buildings in the city of Manila will be under lockdown starting 12:01 a.m. Thursday until 11:59 p.m. Sunday, due to rising coronavirus disease infections.
Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso announced in a live Facebook update on Tuesday that based on Manila Health Department (MHD) data, Malate Bayview Mansion in Adriatico Street and Hop Inn Hotel in M. H. Del Pilar Street of Barangay 699, Malate has 17 Covid-19 cases; Barangay 351 in San Lazaro, Tayuman has 12; and Barangay 725, also in Malate, has 14.
“Lahat ng barangay na may 10 pataas na impeksyon ay isasara natin pansamantala ang kanilang buong barangay o building, ila-lockdown (All villages in the city with 10 or more infections will be temporarily closed, the whole village or building will be placed on lockdown),” he said.
Domagoso signed Executive Order (EO) No. 06 on Tuesday “declaring certain barangays or portion thereof, of the city as critical zone (CrZ) per zoning containment strategy in order to provide rapid response operation to contain the resurgence and spread of Covid-19”.
EO 6 will pave the way for disease surveillance and massive contact tracing, and verification or testing, and rapid risk assessment in the said areas.
Domagoso said the city will be strict in the implementation of the lockdowns, stating that only authorized persons outside of residence (APOR) will be allowed to go out of their homes.
“Lahat ng lalabas na hindi kasali sa mga pinapayagan. Ilalagay namin kayo sa aming quarantine facility ng 14 days kasi you are exposing other people sa danger, so ‘wag kayong lalabas (All those who are not allowed to go out of their homes but still go out will be placed in a quarantine facility of the city for 14 days because you are exposing other people to danger),” he said.
Those who will be given quarantine passes and may go out of their homes are health workers, military personnel, service workers (pharmacies, drug stores, and funeral homes), utility workers (energy, cable, internet, telecommunication companies, water, sanitation, and critical transport facilities including port operation), essential workers (goods delivery, food delivery, banking, and money services), barangay officials (Chairpersons, secretary, treasurers, councilors, and executive officers), and media practitioners accredited by the Presidential Communications Operations Office and the Inter-Agency Task Force.
Domagoso said the early announcement will give ample time for residents of the affected areas to buy their necessities.
The residents of Barangays 351 and 725 will be given food packs and cops will be deployed to ensure proper implementation of lockdown rules.
"Station Commanders of police stations covering the said barangays are hereby directed to employ and deploy officers and personnel in strategic locations and areas necessary for the effective implementation of the ECQ," the EO read.
As of Tuesday, 154 new active cases were recorded by the MHD, bringing the total number of confirmed active cases in the city to 988.
There were also 74 new recoveries and two new fatalities, as total recoveries and deaths reached 27,639 and 817, respectively. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Manila locks down 2 villages, buildings." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133105 (accessed March 10, 2021 at 03:21AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Manila locks down 2 villages, buildings." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133105 (archived).
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