#quarantine mansion characters
festering-obsession · 2 years
CW: Serial Killers, Yandere Content, (Forced) Established Relationships, Self-Esteem Issues, Hollywood-ized Disorders, Descriptions of Blood and General Violence, Stockholm Syndrome, Some Implied Bits But It Doesn't Go Far, May Be Ooc?, All characters and reader is 18 and above
A/N: I wrote some HC's of these fellas in like the prime of quarantine era. Nostalgia hit so these are losely connected to those HC's.
Jeff The Killer:
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The bed is cold and hard surrounded by four dark walls. From your spot on the bed, you can see the glimmer of the pale moonlight that reflects off the steel bars in the windowsill.
The mansion is relatively quiet at night, as it's the time most it's inhabitants are out for their nightly sprees, Jeff included. This is the only time you get some amount of free time to yourself, but you rather sleep the entire time so you can properly deal with Jeff when he gets back. Tossing and turning doesn't help the ounce of anxiety that lays in the bottom of your stomach. What were you scared of? The door is locked to keep you safe from the others, even though they know not to even try, and you dont have to worry about Jeff breathing over your neck as you try to rest.
Wait, were you scared for him?
No, no, no. You are not going to get yourself flustered over how your captor may get a fucking bruise while he's out slaughtering. He'll be fine, and you shouldn't give a shit about him.
One sheep, two sheep, three sheep...Anything to get your mind to stop from racing. And your eyes finally feel heavy as previous nights with little hours of sleep finally push you to slumber. The bed dips, and you're unaware of what time it is. Then a cool, splatter of something hits your check.
You crack open an eye and see Jeff hovered over you, his beloved knife is nowhere to be seen and his hands are gripping his jeans tightly. His sullen blue eyes stare into your figure, and there's blood covering his hoodie, with some splashed on his face.
"Jeff, why are you..." You begin and you see him snap out of it.
"I can stare at you if I fucking want to. Your ass was kidnapped for a reason." He snaps out.
"I never said you couldn't, did I?" You say leaning up and seeing the newly soaked blood-red sheets. Shit, you'll have to wash that out later.
"Stay being a smartass and your blood will get on me next." Jeff threatens. You flinch slightly, but you grab the edge of the bedsheet and raise it up to Jeff. He looks at you puzzingly before you wipe the blood off of him on one cheek before leaning in for a quick peck on the cheek. If it wasn't for what happened next, you could have sworn you saw his cheek grow pink.
Jeff grabs you by the hips towards him and presses his lips onto yours so fast you yelped. His hands moved over your body feverishly, and you could barely keep up with his movements due to the grogginess from just waking up.
Almost too quick, he pulls away as he askes in a hushed voiced. "Why, why did you never even contact me when I left that hospital?" He grits his teeth. "I thought we had something, but you, you changed. Do you even like me? Or is this all some bullshit act and-" You gripped his face and pushed yourself onto him. Your hands felt wet with blood, but you rather deal with that then his outburst.
Your lips connected to his.
The first time you initiated a kiss with him. If he was still a schoolboy, he would have been giggling and kicking his feet in happiness. But that was years ago, and he wants more.
Apart of you wants to think you're doing this to surivive, but another part of you is enjoying this.
You lean back for just a moment, parting from his permanent-smile. "You know how much I care about you, I was just scared of change."
Jeff moves you closer onto his lap, his arms around yours pulled as close as possible. "You know I'll follow you anywhere. If you even leave the room, I'll be there. You try to leave the mansion, I'll be there. Even in death, you will still find me, so don't even fucking try."
And Jeffery consumes you entirely again.
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The clock ticks in the background softly as you sit stiffly on the sofa. The normal red velvet plush would feel soothing, but as your heartbeat hammers faster, it feels like it's pricking into your skin. You don't even dare to move an inch as you could feel the proxies staring at you.
You can see Hoodie, his red eyes downcast as you look up to him, nervously fumbling his yellow strings of his jacket. His legs stay crossed on the floor of the room. Toby passes the room, from bookshelf to the window, nervously scratching down on his arms through the sleeves. You can fairly hear him repeated whisper "Oh, n-no, no, no, no..."
But Jeff, he sits on the couch right across from yours, his glare is intimidating and piercing. Despite him being far from you, you could feel his knife being edged closer to your neck. Move even an inch, and your neck is slit bleeding on the ground.
Masky comes back in his face, or mask, devoid of any emotion. "I was able to reach him. Boss should be back any moment now." Masky goes to look out the window.
"F-Fuck, we fucked up! No, n-no, what do you think he'll do to us? We just had to watch them and we me-messed that up!" Toby stutters, his scratching more feverous and you can see the seams of his jacket rip open.
"For someone SO paranoid, you forgot to check the locks to Slender's room!" Jeff gets up with a quickness, his knife pointed at Toby.
"Y-You shouldn't have dumped all responsibility onto me, ha-have you thought of that?!"
"Do you even think, you fucking cunt?" Jeff laughs. "I mean, can you even get a sentence out right?"
Toby goes to launch at him, axes drawn but Hoodie pulls him back.
You screech and jump back, knocking the couch over in the process. Your head gets hit on the wooden floor as you hear hushed voices. What once was chaotic, went eerily still.
You feel inky black tendrils climb over your body, and the distance from you and the floor grows.
Despite being slightly dizzy, you can feel yourself pressed against a silky smooth tuxedo. You can hear a cluster of voices, all speaking and tumbling over eachother as they rush to speak. A deep voice, almost static booms from the rest, finally bringing you back to your senses.
A pure white hand grabs the side of your face, lifting up slightly to gase at a blank slate.  "As long as they remain unharmed, make sure this does not happen again. Do your best to make sure there's no more escape attempts." Slenderman speaks again. "
"What if some other creature got to them before you or I could?" He grows tense, and the air fills with static. "You all would be dead where you stand."
That fucking static, the one that warningly rung through your ears before being kidnapped. The proxies react by gripping their hands tight and gritting their teeth, trying to endure. Not you. Fuck that. Your head that was once soothingly placed against his silk tux ripped away from him as you pushed yourself away from his body. You collapsed to the floor before clambering away from Slenderman, one hand pushing yourself up while the other was grasping the side of your head.
You ran for the door unsteadily shifting side to side as your hand reached out for the knob. Inky tendrils wrapped around your legs up to your thighs before being pulled up, but not hitting the ground. The static came to a halt.
"Leave us be." Slenderman had you gripped into his arms once more as he started at the still shaken killers. "I said, NOW." His mouth unlatched, ropes of white were the last bits holding it together.
One by one, they left in a hurry, Hoodie running down a hall, Masky hurrying to the basement, and Jeff jumping through a window.
Slenderman sat down on the couch with you tucked into his arms, grazing your cheek with a pure white hand. "I wish to not harm you, little one, but you can not attempt these stunts." His head leans against yours and even though he has no eyes, you can still feel them gaze into your eyes.
"I just, believe, that I was getting cabin fever. Could you please take me out? It could just be us both."
"Well, that may be sooner than we both think. You see, I was able to contact a man who is an excellent artist. I wish to have a portrait of us together to hang in the hallway." He lifts and hand and brings it to his "mouth" for a mock kiss.
A doll for him, that's what you feel like. "Sounds lovely." And you force a smile at him.
Ticci Toby:
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He was shaking hard in your grasp. The ripped magazine is torn to shreds with an axe dead center in it, that poor model in the front didn't know what was coming. All you can do is hug him tight as he sobs into your shoulder.
"Why w-were you looking at him..Does he have some-something I don't..?!" Toby stutters out as he grips hard into your ribs.
"Toby, no, I was looking at the recipe catalogue." You combed your fingers through his brown hair.
"Sure, I be-bet you think I'm ugly, and you wo-would rather be with someone normal." He pushes you off of him and grabs his other hatch, slamming it down on the already ruined magazine. You see the splinters rise with each hit of his axe, and you're almost at a lost for words.
There's a bigger hole beginning to form, but you're too scared that if you try to stop him, that axe will be going in you. You're able to usually help ground him, but now, you're scared. You scoot back from him, and you can't help but let frustrated droplets go down your face.
What could you even do to make him stop? The hacking stops and Toby turns to you. Despite his goggles, you can see a cascade of tears beneath them.
You shake but open your arms to beckon him to you. He wastes not a second, almost tripping on his feet as his weapons drop and he clings himself back on you.
You nudge the backstrap of his goggles off as he arms remain firmly planted on the sides of your body. You slowly and gently place quick kisses on his eyelids. Your fingers gently hook on his mask and tug them down. Both items fall to the ground with a tiny thud.
But Toby doesn't seem to mind in the moment. You press more kisses on his face now with the extra room.
"Toby, it's okay. I'm here. I'll always be here for you, okay?" You hug him so tightly but he melts.
"Do you re-really want me?" Toby numbly says. You slowly press him back to clearly look at him. His brown eyes scan over you, quickly growing anxious at the delayed answer.
You smile and kiss him. "Yes, more than anything." You use your sleeve to wipe off the tear stains and kiss them clean.
"I get it, magazines make me insecure too, but they got nothing on you." You cup his cheek and smooth over his scar.
"Why would they ma-make YOU insecure? You're p-perfect." Toby firmly states while leaning into your touch.
"I'll fucking kill those models for you if you ask." Toby stares at you, genuine and sure in his tone.
"No, no, lets just clean ourselves up, yeah?" You stand up, but his arms still try to hold on before dropping down. His brown eyes still gazing up at your figure.
You walk to the connected bathroom and turn on the shower. Thank whatever entity Slenderman was to know that even if they're his serial Killers, some of them were human (mostly) and needed basic hygiene.
You let it run as you help Toby up and his face grows warm. "Together..?"
"We won't do anything you don't want to do." You smile and take off your clothes.
"I'll be in the shower when you're ready." The water was warm enough and it wasn't long before you felt Toby behind you, slightly shaking.
"Can you ju-just hold me please?" He asks, the water droplets hitting his pale body and flattening his brown curls.
The steam in the bathroom filters out the cracks and fogging the mirrors. Your body sits on the floor of the shower with him, your body pressed to his back, holding him as close as possible so he doesn't break into another outburst.
For once it feels like, Toby's mind feels clear as he snuggles back into your body.
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mosscoveredcowboy · 1 year
What Each of the Disruptors masking behavior in the Arrival Scene tells us about their Character
Major Glass Onion Spoilers Ahead
Miles is the most important, even if he's not pictured, he and how he treats the idea of masking to prevent the spread of covid is represented by the Efficient Man™
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Miles Invites all his privileged friends out to his private island mid-pandemic for an unnecessary party, and he has a vaccine/"cure"/SOMETHING that makes covid not a concern and either:
doesn't share it with the world
on some level knows that it's bullshit and just wants to make his friends not mask over their Fun Weekend! and bum out the mood
tbh i don't think the second bullet is likely bc like, miles buys into his own hype that's his whole Thing but also lying to his friends to manipulate them is also very much his Thing
either way, he doesn't give them much choice about receiving this experimental "cure" nor inform them of what is in it
Miles is an egotistical self-absorbed dumbass, and harming people for his own personal gain, hell, just for his own personal entertainment, is entirely ok in his mind. I've seen people suggesting that the movie should have ended with Blanc testing positive for Covid after the trip and I think that would have been perfect. Miles's "cure" did nothing and everyone put their lives at risk during a pandemic just so Miles could have some fun and remind them all why they are under his thumb.
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Birdy shows up wearing a flashy mesh diamond mask a la Lana del Ray (note the rest of her staff with her properly masking). She still removes this useless mask to talk to people around her and exclaims about being able to "breath again" after taking Mile's "cure".
She's clearly doing the bare BARE minimum to look like she cares about quarantining and protecting others (see earlier in the movie when asked if she should be having a party she states "they are all in my pod" about hundreds of people in her home).
This aligns with how she approaches doing the right thing in general. Kind of trying to look like she's doing the right thing, but just barely, and you can see right through (ha) her actions and tell she's really doing whatever she wants for her own personal gain. She's not informed, doesn't want to do better, and doesn't listen to those around her who try to help.
Birdy doesn't have empathy for others, and this is later shown when we learn about her sweatpants scandal, how she was unaware that the clothing she made bank off of in the pandemic was produced in a sweatshop. Birdy is more concerned with how this news will make people on twitter mad at her than the actual inhumane working conditions themselves.
Lionel Toussaint:
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In the Arrival scene Claire snips to Birdy when she asks if she and Lionel stayed in the hotel that clearly she and Lionel had just arrived. However, unlike Claire, Lionel arrives alone, no one in a car driving him or staff around him. He's wearing a K95 mask, and for this point of the pandemic (it's assumed late 2020) that is still fairly new and most people were not masking this well (to my memory).
Lionel is a scientist, and clearly has a level of knowledge about the transmission of infectious diseases and general contamination protocols to make safe decisions during a pandemic.
Still, he shows up to Miles weekend party and presumably takes the experimental "cure" (though it's not shown on screen). This tells us that Lionel is smart, smart enough to know that Miles is dumb as shit, but he buys into Miles's hype, convinces himself that Miles is a genius and backs him up even when Lionel knows he's wrong or being outright dangerous (see later with his reaction to the hydrogen energy running Miles mansion).
Lionel trusts Miles even when he should be smart enough to know better. He trusts Miles because if he actually questioned Miles's motivations and morals he would have to question his own, and Lionel doesn't want to do that.
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Claire arrives wearing a cloth mask but not correctly. She gets out of the taxi she arrives in with something sticking out of her mouth and her nose completely uncovered. She constantly adjusts her mask in the scene, and gets too close to others while talking to them. She also takes Miles's cure without question.
Like Birdy, Claire is doing the right thing more because she has to, not from motivation to protect herself and others. Unlike Birdy, she seems to understand how to do this more successfully, a clear difference between the performance of a celebrity and a politician.
I think this is shown later in Claire and Lionel's discussion in the pool as she talks about losing her political base because of the actions Miles wants her to take. On some level, she must align with the environmentalist that makes up her political base, but her loyalty lies more with Miles and the power saying yes to him means for her campaign.
Claire, despite her clear disapproval of Birdy, is very similar to her in that they are both performing to an audience to not be in trouble politically.
This is also shown by her freak out about how Duke's murderer would report her being there, and how it would look if she was hanging out on a Greek island with a manosphere influencer. She seems to have more of a reaction to what people would think of her than to Duke actually being dead.
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Duke and Whisky's arrival is announced with gunshots. They arrive on Duke's motorcycle, completely unmasked from the beginning (also, like, I assume they don't live in Greece, did they ship the bike there???). He's confirmed is shown to be a right-wing manosphere influencer, along the lines of Alex Jones or Jordan Peterson, those assholes who tell boys how to harass women and then grift them into buying supplements. Duke also takes the "cure" Miles provides without question, but if he lived long enough to see it, he'd likely be one of the people who wouldn't have gotten vaccinated because he doesn't trust what's in it.
Duke has probably been acting like the pandemic hasn't been happening at all, while capitalizing on the topic in his live streams to talk about how "masking is for beta cucks" and how the government is trying to control you.
He is the character that is the most honest to himself in why he is still friends with Miles. It is all about the power and influence Miles can give him, and Duke will cross any line (including making Whiskey seduce Miles) to get it. This forwardness in playing the group's little manipulation game is what later gets him killed by Miles in my opinion.
Duke not masking is a great way to show this. He doesn't align politically with the others, yes, but also he canonically does not care what people think of him. He is a self-absorbed egotistical asshole like the rest of them, but he's proud of it, giving him more freedom to be open about that than the others.
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anyway I love how the time period of the pandemic was used in this movie and using each character's approach to masking as a way to inform you of their character is so informative and good storytelling
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maddie-grove · 3 months
The Top Twenty Books I Read in 2023
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1949): I thought somebody would make me read this book in school, but no one ever did. Now that I've read it, let me just say...mark me down as horny and scared! No, I will not explain what I mean by that.
Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser (2017): In this examination of Laura Ingalls Wilder's life and work, Fraser skillfully weaves a portrait of two complicated women (Wilder and her daughter/editor Rose Wilder Lane) with an overview of large swathes of American history. The examination of how Wilder and Lane adapted Wilder's life experiences into autobiographical fiction and why they made those choices is particularly interesting.
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (2022): This is a retelling of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, transplanted to Appalachia in the 1990s-2000s. Kingsolver retains the warmth and the pathos of the original, and the narrative voice is great.
Song of the Magdalene by Donna Jo Napoli (1996): Miriam, a Jewish girl in first-century Magdala, finds her life altered by unexplained seizures, which she must keep secret, and a first love that ends in tragedy. Napoli often brings it when it comes to thoughtful portrayals of disability and unexpectedly weird sensuality, and this novel is one of her best.
My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews (1982): Audrina Adare, a young girl with severe memory problems, lives in an isolated Virginia mansion with her domineering father and various deranged female relatives...and it gets worse. This is V.C. Andrews at her most deliciously perverse and lurid, and I was definitely rooting for Audrina to close the portal.
I Never Asked You to Understand Me by Barthe DeClements (1986): Faced with her mother's terminal cancer diagnosis and the unhelpfulness of most adults in her life, fifteen-year-old Didi ends up at an alternative school for truancy and finds a friend in Stacy, a would-be runaway whose home life is even more dire. This 1980s YA problem novel always gets me, thanks to the author's gentle, empathetic treatment of her messy teenage characters.
Black Swan Green by David Mitchell (2006): Jasons, a thirteen-year-old boy in early-1980s Worchestershire, copes with brutal grade-school politics, a tense home life, various small losses of innocence, and the odd supernatural event over the span of a year. My favorite stretch of the novel was where half a dozen scary/weird/sexually confusing things happen in the course of Jason taking one meandering walk through the countryside.
Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut (1963): I'd been intending to read a Kurt Vonnegut novel since he died in 2007, so don't say I never follow through on anything. This book is extraordinarily fun and absurd, which just enhances the horror of the eventual climax.
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (1905): Cash-strapped socialite Lily Bart struggles in turn-of-the-century New York society, mainly because she can neither fully commit to gold-digging nor figure out a viable alternative. Her crumbling state, both social and psychological, is horrifying yet fascinating to witness.
The Fell by Sarah Moss (2021): In November 2020, English waitress and single mother Kate breaks quarantine to take a walk through the countryside, with disastrous results. This short novel is lyrical, compassionate, and impressively stressful.
Old Babes in the Woods by Margaret Atwood (2023): This short story collection is split between vignettes featuring elderly couple Nell and Tig, and several standalones that vary wildly in tone and form. All are well-written, but I generally enjoyed the standalones best, especially the poignant "My Evil Mother," the chilling "Freeforall," and the thought-provoking "Metempsychosis."
Beware the Woman by Megan Abbott (2023): Pregnant Jacy goes with her new husband to visit his widowed father in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but a pleasant vacation soon turns into a paranoid nightmare. Abbott's lush descriptions--kind of sexy and kind of gross, as always--enhance a truly disturbing thriller.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925): This is another book I assumed someone would make me read in school, but I think all my teachers and professors were like "yeah, yeah, The Great Gatsby, we all know what that is." What you don't get from the Baz Luhrmann movie and pop-cultural osmosis, though, is the exquisite secondhand embarrassment of watching Gatsby pursue a married woman who is actually more into her husband, or just how fucking bizarre that husband is.
How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix (2023): Single mother Louise is pulled from San Francisco to her hometown of Charleston by the sudden death of her parents and has to coordinate funeral arrangements with her ne'er-do-well brother Mark...and it gets worse. This isn't the best or the scariest Grady Hendrix novel, but the sibling relationship is compelling and it features the incomparable Pupkin. I love that fucked-up lil hand-puppet.
Seventeen and In-Between by Barthe Declements (1984): High-school senior Elsie Edwards is beautiful, brilliant, and talented, but she's still plagued by the lingering trauma of childhood bullying, her terrible parents, and her complicated feelings for her long-term boyfriend (slightly older and jonesing to Go All the Way) and her male best friend (also trying to figure things out, albeit through working in the lumber industry in Forks, Washington). The Elsie Edwards trilogy is great overall, and Elsie's struggle to figure out how to move beyond her unhappy past is especially moving.
Don't Look and It Won't Hurt by Richard Peck (1972): Carol, the sixteen-year-old middle daughter of a poor divorced waitress, gets a front seat to her older sister's disastrous relationship with a scumbag, experiences her own first romance, and sorts through her feelings about her strained family and stultifying small prairie town. This is a sweet, understated early YA novel that offers a look into the last few years before Roe v. Wade.
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (2022): In this memoir, McCurdy recounts her relationship with her controlling, abusive late mother and her dispiriting time as a child star on Nickelodeon. I really enjoyed her writing style--clear, conversational, and bracingly pissed off--and she offers some good insight into the acting industry.
Just Like You by Nick Hornby (2020): Joseph, a twentysomething black working-class Londoner balancing his musical aspirations with babysitting gigs and a job at a butcher's shop, stars a romance with Lucy, a fortysomething upper-middle-class white single mom and schoolteacher. This is a pleasant, easygoing love story with some insightful commentary on how ordinary people form political opinions.
The Fourth Grade Wizards by Barthe DeClements (1988): Fourth grader Marianne is distracted in class and adrift at home after her mother's sudden death, but she has a good friend in Jack, who struggles in class because he's hyperactive. You might ask why this list is so dominated by one 1980s middle-grade/YA author, and the answer is that I love her. Also, I did not read all that many new-to-me books last year.
How Do You Lose Those Ninth Grade Blues? by Barthe DeClements (1983): Elsie Edwards, no longer the emotionally battered class pariah she was in Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade but not yet the maturing young woman she'll become in Seventeen and In-Between, starts high school with everything going for her...except her horribly low self-esteem and her still-terrible home life. This is definitely the slightest installment of the trilogy, but it still makes an impact.
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Book Review: The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz
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Talk about a twisted yet sexy pandemic experience! Not like mine at all. Not like most of ours', I'd wager, which is probably for the best.
(Hence what makes this such a propulsive, escapist, grabs-you-by-the-hair in more ways than one read. )
All of us were in lockdown in 2020, and Kelly is, too, only she has decided to relocate to Virginia to quarantine in the spare room of a mansion with a couple she barely knows after her fiancé pumps the brakes on their wedding. She needs a change of scenery, a change of pace, to figure out the next direction her life should take. To figure out what it is she wants. And what she wants, as it turns out, is her hosts - Sabrina and Nathan - who open up their marriage for her.
Kelly finds her new life as part of a throuple. It's wonderful at first, blissful. She falls "hard and fast," (a bit recklessly and naively, with a touch of desperation, if I'm being honest) only to discover that she is not Sabrina and Nathan's first partner. There was another woman before her. And she's gone missing...she's gone missing recently.
As their stories keep changing and new secrets are revealed, Kelly must follow the cracks to find out the truth. For instance, who is she living with? What does she really know about Sabrina and Nathan, her new lovers? Do they play a part in the other woman's disappearance or is she safe enough to remain where she is, in the spare room?
This is part locked room (quarantine) mystery, part domestic thriller, and part erotica. It's more character-driven than anything, with every single one of them being unreliable or sketchy to some degree, even Kelly, whose "please love me" infatuation and naïveté had me wanting to eat my own hair. She's the type of character you scream at in a movie to stop being so stupid, so willfully desperate or trusting because she's about to walk into something unmistakably nefarious, but it's those qualities of her's which help usher the plot along.
And call me crazy, but there's something fun and also frustrating about that. Sometimes you're compelled by a character who makes you want to yell with frustration, you know? You simply can't help yourself!
I do have mixed feelings about the ending, which stretched the limits of belief. The killer took me by surprise, I admit, but I do wish the mystery/thriller portion of the story had gotten off the ground quicker because overall I liked the steamy close quarters chaoticness of it. The pandemic did crazy things to all of us, had us searching for who we are or who we could be in ways we never had before, and I liked how the realness of that was reflected in Kelly. She explored new parts of herself, she was changed immeasurably. Just as we all were.
If you're looking for something naughty, cloistered, or different, then you might want to slide this one under your nose. It takes readers on quite the journey!
Special thanks to NetGalley, Random House, and Ballantine Books for the ARC in exchange for my review.
3.5/5 stars
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Chapter 1 of the 16th Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Ceremony
From the desks of Sharper, BCBDrums and Gothicthundra.
(AN: Due to a change in scheduling with the upcoming football season coming up for me in August (I usually do the football stats for my local high school and juco teams here, in case if anyone new in the Kimmunity is curious) , I've decided that it would be best for me to upload the remaining chapters of the Prelude to the 16KPFA on the other story and upload the highlights of the Ceremony as a separate story to A) make the uploading go a lot faster, B) take a lot of pressure off of me of uploading chapters on a weekly basis because of the stress of doing football stats and C) allow me more time to do my own KP stories. -Sharper)
The story is still going to be rated T due to some strong language, some cartoon action violence, some suggestive comments, and brief use of alcohol.
Kim Possible, characters and settings, are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney. Any OC I create is my own. Any OC that I do not create is created by the owner of that OC.
So with that being said, here is the second half of the 16th KP Fannies: The Ceremony!
Chapter 1 - A (Socially-Distanced) Introduction
(7:04pm, March 11, 2021)
Ron's words echoed through the Colorado countryside.
Two weeks...two weeks...two weeks.
(Six Months Later, September 22, 2021, 4:19pm)
The world looks indeed different for the Possible-Stoppables than the one they left behind in early March. Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers, plastic barriers, social distancing markers, and sanitation crews were a common sight throughout Middleton. Quarantines and self-isolations if tested positive for the TEVID virus were also common as well. Furthermore, there was a mask mandate that had been in place since March. A vaccine for the TEVID virus was close to being developed.
Meanwhile, the Kimmunity Council were still holding meetings on where the 16th KP Fannies Awards were to be held since the Colorado governor has officially reopened theaters, opera houses and other places of entertainment, albeit only at 25% capacity. Due to the pandemic, all of the Council's meetings had to be held online.
Sharper was in the main media room titled "Council Rock" at Bonnie's opulent and extremely expensive mansion. He was talking with BCB, Split-n-splice, Eoraptor, Tennente, Whitem, CajunBear, Daccu, and MrDrP via video-conferencing.
"So what do you think we should do for the 16th Fannies if they are to remain on-schedule?" Whitem asked.
"Hold them at the North Memorial Theater?" came Daccu's reply.
"Yeah, I think we should do that." Sharper said, "But we need to limit the audience for this year's ceremony to just nominees, presenters, and members of the press. Twenty-five percent should be around 400 people."
Raptor agreed with Sharper.
"I think that would satisfy the governor's requirements for the seating capacity." he said.
"Plus, there should be testing for the audience for the virus as well." BCB added.
"Yes." agreed Sharper on the decision.
He then also laid out the other health protocols that will be in effect for the ceremony.
"We should also close off every other row as well, as well as adding those automatic hand sanitizers as well. Masks are going to be mandatory as well. The only time during the ceremony that we should take masks off is when we are speaking at the podiums, which will be 12 feet apart from each other."
"Are we all in agreement on these measures to protect ourselves against the virus?"
The other members of the Council agreed to these decision and decided, unanimously, that the date of the ceremony will be October 16 and the date of the 17th KP Fannies ceremony will be on June 7 of the next year in conjunction with the KP show's 20th anniversary.
The former day was also when the TEVID vaccine was to be released, first to the medical and those that were classified as essential workers.
(GJ Headquarters, October 13, 2021: three days before the ceremony, 9:06am)
Kim was working at her desk in her office. She, alongside with the rest of the Global Justice crew, had to wear masks that covered their mouth and nose, for they were still under the mask mandate of the state of Colorado.
She was wearing a black pantsuit with her GJ identification badge. She was combing through surveillance videos and photos.
Ron was outside her office. He had a professional-looking polo shirt and plaid khaki pants. Like his wife, he too had his GJ ID badge as well (though he had accidentally forgotten it on a couple of occasions). He also had a face mask as well as does Rufus.
"I'm trying to figure out these thefts!" Kim grunted, sifting through the paperwork "And it vexes me so!"
Ron tapped on the side of the steel door.
"May I come in, Agent K-P-S?" Ron grinned.
"Permission granted, Agent R-P-S!" Kim said, chuckling a little.
The steel doors to Kim's office whoosed opened as Ron came in.
"I totally like the doors that go whoosh." Ron said, "Remind me to get those doors for my office!"
"Can't." Kim smirked, "It's not in the budget!"
"Aww man!" Ron complained.
Then he got back to the task at hand.
"So how many thefts have we got going on?" he asked.
"It's been four jewel heists in June and July." Kim replied, pointing to the photos. "First, Starlet's jewelry collection worth $1.5 million was stolen in the dead of night. Then, the Holsten Twins were robbed of $4 million in jewels and diamonds. Next was MC Honey, who had $8 million in her jewels nabbed as well. And lastly, Britina, who had $14 million stolen of her jewelry as well."
"Wow! What are the connections to it?" Ron asked.
"Well, all involved celebrities and all involved multi-million dollar thefts." Kim explained as she shuffled through the surveillance photos. "And based of security camera footage, we do know that two thieves are involved. One man and one woman." She pointed to the figures of a man and woman, obviously covered in black.
"Man...they do move fast!"
"But as we move on into September..." Kim said, pointing to more surveillance photos, "...the thefts got bigger. Two in particular were of interest."
She continued on the details.
"About $31 million of jewels and expensive watches were stolen from a New York hotel three weeks ago for a promotional event on September 4th! And not more than two weeks later, on the 19th, $70 million in jewels and artwork were stolen from the daughter to an multi-multi-billionaire electric car company CEO. And those two robberies involved a team of at least 6-8 people, but two of the thieves have the same height and build from the celeb thefts."
"And from that electric car company CEO mansion's crime scene, they left behind these playing cards with letters on the back of them in permanent marker, but I can't figure it out."
Kim had 16 playing cards on them and the letters were written as follows CAWLRORKLEL and the numbers 126110.
"What could it mean?" she asked, being puzzled about it. Rufus jumped onto the table.
"I'm in the same position as you are, KPS." Ron said.
"Let's think about it first, Ron. They all involved high-profile events and people, they all target jewelry, sometime paintings, and the thefts keep on getting bigger and bigger." Kim said.
"Which means their next target would have to involve something big, something grander." Ron said.
Rufus tapped his paw against his face and figured it out. He arranged the letters and the numbers.
"But who would be wealthy enough to be such a target?" Kim questioned, tapping her head with her fingers.
Both Kim and Ron then heard Rufus chittering loudly.
"Rufus? What is it, buddy?"
Rufus chittered and repeatedly pointed with his paw on what he did with the playing cards.
Kim and Ron took one look and gasped.
"That's it! That is their next target!"
It said, ROCKWALLER 101621.
"It makes sense!" Kim exclaimed "She has the largest collection of jewelry known to mankind...The Rockwaller Family Jewels."
"We have to warn her!" Ron shouted.
(4 days earlier, October 9, 2021)
"Sharper, we got a big sitch here!"
BCB came running down one of the main hallways of Bonnie's mansion, which has now expanded to 300 bedrooms and 525 bathrooms with the completion of a recent addition.
She knocked on the door of Sharper's office.
"Come in!" came Sharper's reply.
BCB came running as fast as she could to his desk.
"Hey...BCB! Slow down!" Sharper insisted. "What's wrong!"
"The Timothy North Theater...was overwhelmed with a swarm of roaches and rats!" BCB exclaimed. She showed Sharper the pictures of the rats chewing on the seats of the chairs.
"Oh no! We're gonna have to get an exterminator...no, several exterminators...to get rid of these pests!" Sharper shuddered at the sight of the animals. "What about the Golden Rufuses?"
"They are safe in a truck in Denver and await your signal." BCB informed him.
"Since the North Theater has been infested with rats, I think we should move the 16th Fannies to the Rockwaller Opera House." Sharper said, "The date of the 16th will remain the same. I'm gonna have to probably send out a mass email, informing members of the Kimmunity about the change in venue."
(back to Oct. 13, 2021, 6:12pm)
"So what you're saying is that my family heirlooms are in danger of being stolen?" Bonnie asked.
She, Kim, Ron (and Rufus), Betty Director, Sharper and BCB were at Bonnie's main opulent mansion. Bonnie, of course, was not the same mean Bonnie as before after the three spirits of Christmas visited her last year.
"That's correct, Miss Rockwaller." Betty replied, "There were a couple of recent high-profile robberies with valuable stolen worth in the millions. We fear that your collection may be the next target."
"Well, my collection of Rockwaller valuables, including some really expensive Faberge eggs, are worth around $400 million." Bonnie said as she adjusted her engagement ring from Senor Senior Junior since they were engaged in January, prior to the pandemic. "And my uncles would really have a hissy-fit if any of the valuables ended up missing from Rockwaller property. Though it is protected by layers of security from the last time."
"Probably the reason why you would need the extra security with GJ, My Queen." Sharper said.
"And with the North Theater somehow being infested with vermin, the scene's gonna shift to your opera house." BCB added.
Bonnie agreed. "Yeah, Drums..."
"Uhh, Bonnie, please call me BCB." BCB corrected her.
"Right...right...BCB. Yeah, I gotta obey the guv's protocols of social distancing and health sanitizers and all that stuff." Bonnie said.
"Sharper, do you think these two events with the planned robbery and the infesting of the North Theater with animals are connected?" Kim asked Sharper.
"I don't know if it is...but if something weird does happen in the ceremony, we'll find out." Sharper said to Kim.
Bonnie replied with confidence, "Don't worry, Kim. Even with this pandemic, we're going to have a normal ceremony with nothing weird happening!"
"I sure do hope so, Bonnie." Kim said. _
(October 10, 2021, 1:55pm)
A brown sedan approached a nearby abandoned warehouse in downtown Middleton. The driver of the sedan scanned his ID badge in as the garage to the warehouse opened, giving him access. The sedan rolled in slowly before coming to a complete stop.
The two occupants got out of the sedan, one male and one female. The male thief was named Cody. He, in his mid 30s and with dark black hair and green eyes, had been an accomplice to several of the high-profile robberies of celebrities, including that of Starlet and MCHoney and has been wanted in four states. He was also an expert in creating tranquilizers to sedate any security guards and was also an expert in evidence cleanup.
The female thief, Amy, was considered to be the mastermind of the mentioned celeb thefts. She too was in her mid 30s, and had blonde hair and blue eyes and was wanted in seven states for the robberies.
They were part of a five-member team that often love to steal from houses of the wealthy and famous from around the globe. They were considered masters of disguise and often baffled police, which was the reason why the authorities contacted Global Justice for help. It was also because that they had help from HenchCo with a few henchmen serving as extra muscle to complement the group.
The other three members were a male and two females: Troy, Laura, and Emily. Troy handled the security detail, Laura and Emily were the most capable fighters of the group, for both had fifth-degree black belts. They were also all in their mid-30s. Troy also normally served as the getaway driver/pilot for the group.
Cody and Amy also got some Bueno Nacho to go as well. The Bueno Nacho #582 in Middleton had re-adjusted its dining room so that it roped off selected booths to maintain social distancing. It also annoyed Ron as well because their normal booth was roped off.
"What took you two so long?" Troy muttered.
"Don't blame me for their 6-feet social distancing bullshit." Cody replied while setting the food down.
"Did you also get extra Diablo sauce for my Naco?" Laura asked.
"Got some in the bag!" Cody added, pointing to the familiar packets.
"Let's set up the food first before we begin our biggest operation yet." Amy spoke, "Operation Mt. Rockwaller!"
The four other thieves agreed.
(30 minutes later)
While they were eating, Amy brought up the first instance of the planned Rockwaller theft.
"I think what we should do is to go in around 9pm, right when the 16th KP Fannies Ceremony is at the half-way point of the ceremony." she suggested, "We will go in four unmarked vans onto that access road that usually supplies her vendors and food to her servants, butlers, and maids. Three of the vans should contain the henchmen while the fourth will contain the four of us. Cody will be on the inside posing as a member of the press. Troy's MIT degree will serve us well in knocking out all the security cams at the Rockwaller mansion."
"So the next order of business is going to be that gate that leads directly into the mansion." Cody then said. "That area has two layers of automatic spike strips against any unauthorized vehicle and her mansion, I bet to you, is going to crawl with her personal security force."
"Right! We're going to knock out the security guards with this!" Amy said while she held up the standard-issue HenchCo knockout gas canister and HenchCo tranquilizer darts. "As for those spikes, Troy again will disable them."
"That is all well and good, but we will need a distraction." Emily suggested.
"Yeah, Global Justice will be on our asses even if we do steal the diamonds!" Laura added while chewing through her Naco.
"That is the reason why the Boss Lady who hired us for the job planned ahead!" Amy chuckled, mentioning her very rich benefactor, but not by name. "She has had this person broken out of jail not more than a week ago!"
Amy tossed a recent copy of the Middleton Examiner and saw that Glame Dover (aka Game Controller) had escaped from jail after a robbery a couple months ago that involved the stealing of the Z-Boy III technology from Japan that was, thankfully, foiled by GJ.
"The Boss Lady's army of superhackers blocked information of the escape from getting it out to local police departments and criminal agencies, including Global Justice." Amy explained while typing on her laptop, explaining their plan, "Like Cody, he will be posing as a member of the press. With the help of the Boss Lady, he had helped developed a new video game arcade machine that will be placed in the gaming arcade that is right next to the opera house. So that when they go into the lobby area for intermission, some of the nominees may try to play the game. But what they don't know is that it is a mind-controlling device! Once they play it, they will become mindless putty controlled by Game Controller! That will buy us some time in order for us to escape with as many of the Rockwaller diamonds as we can possibly hold...including the rarest one of all!"
She swiveled her laptop to a pink diamond.
"The Pink R! Worth around $18 million!" Amy exclaimed.
"Double that if we get it on the black market!" Cody added.
"Global Justice won't know what'll hit them!" Laura cackled.
"And we will become extremely rich!" Amy laughed evily.
The other thieves joined in on the evil laughter and continued plotting along.
(October 16, 2021, 6:59pm)
And so, the night of the ceremony of the 16th Annual Kim Possible Awards finally came. Unlike in years past, there was no red carpet ceremony. Furthermore, every other section of seats in the opera house was roped off and the 300 spectators (some select members of the Kimmunity, the nominees who could come, the awards presenters, and a few members of the press) were all spaced around the auditorium. They were all wearing masks, as per the requirement of the governor and the smell of hand sanitizer was still fresh. There was also no orchestra as well.
On the stage, two podiums were set about 15 feet apart from each other on the left and right. A table was also there as well with the 33 Golden Rufuses all polished (and sanitized) for everyone's convenience.
Backstage, Sharper broke with tradition from wearing his seersucker suit. Since it was in the cleaners, he opted for the black tuxedo instead. BCB was wearing (inserting what dress she was planning to wear here).
Both were wearing masks as well.
"BCB, I always worry about the ceremony going crazy at some point!" Sharper said as BCB adjusted his tie.
"Sharper, you worry too much about it." BCB laughed, "Nothing's gonna go wrong!"
"Sure do hope so!" Sharper replied before noticing the female stagehand tapping her watch on her hand.
"That's our cue!" BCB said. "Strike up the music."
Since there was no orchestra to play the KP Orchestral Theme, the stagehand had a CD Player that was attached to the opera house's sound system. She put the CD labeled "KIM POSSIBLE ORCHESTRAL THEME" into the player.
The theme began to play as the voiceover said:
Welcome to the 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards. Give it up for your hosts: BCBDrums and Sharper the Writer.
The ceremony carried a TV-14 rating for Dialogue, Language, Sex, and Violence.
Once the song died down, BCB and Sharper stood 8 feet apart from each other and the podiums were rolled over to them. The crowd stood on their feet and applauded the hosts. Both the hosts removed their masks.
"Good evening, and welcome everyone to the 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards!" BCB exclaimed. "I am your hostess for the evening, BCB Drums, and of course you know my co-host as Sharper the Writer!"
"Yep, I am here for the...is it fourth ceremony I hosted or co-hosted?" Sharper asked.
"That's correct! Me and GT hosted last year's ceremony before all the craziness happened." BCB replied. "Within the craziness that was 2020 with all the lockdowns, we as the Kimmunity were able to publish just about 500 stories last year.
"That is, if you can take BCB and GT's Little Ones and Lipsky Family Tales, respectively, into the totals." Sharper added.
"The number is, in of itself, impressive, considering that KP's been off the air for 13 years." BCB said.
"It serves as a testament to the dedication we, the members of the Kimmunity, have for our favorite redhead." Sharper replied.
"Or favorite brunette cheerleader, in your case." BCB snickered as the audience gave a light laugh.
BCB then continued.
"Anyways, we want to give thanks to the people out there in the medical field who put their lives on the line every day in the middle of this pandemic!"
The audience applauded what BCB said.
BCB then explained the layout of the ceremony.
"For tonight's ceremony, it is going to be 4 hours long divided into two 2-hour segments with a 20-minute intermission inbetween the Most Unlikely-Unique Story and Best OneShot (K-T)categories. We'll have a variety of awards presenters: some who are in the audience, and some who will be in virtual."
"And before we go to commercial..." Sharper added, "As per the tradition of the KP scribes and elders..."
BCB then finished his sentence, "...here are the winners from last year's..."
"Pre-Pandemic!" Sharper interrupted.
BCB glared at him before saying, "...ceremony."
One by one, the awards for last year's ceremony were presented with a picture of the recipient and what category they won with elevator music playing in the background.
The 15th KP Fannies Awards Winners (2019)
Best KP-Style Name - Mary Juana and Canna Abis - Stoppable Family Vacation - Sharper
Best KP OC - Anna Stoppable - This Is Our Year: college - F86Sabre53
Best Minor Character - Tara&Hope - TIOY: College - F86Sabre53
Best Villain - BattleF'yuri – All Things Possible 4 - Slyrr
Best AU - Never Be Normal - Maeph93
Best Crossover - A Possible Encounter For a Phantom (DP) - Neomark
Best Alt-Other Canon Pair - The Tweeb and the Queen Bee (Tim/Bonnie) - MD Michael
Best Kigo - An Unforgettable Sitch - iycewing
Best Drakgo - RTOD - Gothicthundra
Best Kim/Ron - What's the Alma Mater - MrDrP
Best Comedy - Adventures in Babysitting - Gothicthundra
Best Romance - KP: Sitch of Summer - Beatlestributeman
Best Friendship - The Greatest Man I Never Knew - Leon R. Patterson
Best Action Adventure - TIOY College - F86Sabre53
Best Drama - Forefit - BCBDrums
Most Unlikely-Unique Story - Ron's Groovy Sitch -Senaraft
Best One-Shot (K-T) - Scared of the Dentist - F86Sabre53
Best Novel-Sized Story (K-T) - United and Divided - Librana
Best Short Story (K-T) - A Most Unusual Gift - Mahler Avatar
Best Series - Things Change Series - Gothicthundra
Best M-Rated Novel-Sized Story - College Spring Break - Chris Palmer
Best M-Rated Short Story - Beyond Graduation – Aleego
Best M-Rated One Shot - Shattered - IcarusTheFoxkidd
Best Young Author - Iycewing
Best New Author - Gothicthundra
Best Single Line - United and Divided by Librana - "No, you were made for me. Literally." (Kim referring to Eric). -
Neb Award - Daccu65
Kimmunity Achievement - Sharper
Best Reviewer - CajunBear73
Best Story of 2019 - RTOD - Gothicthundra
Best Writer of 2019 - Gothicthundra
And as the final group picture of all the recipients of the 15th Fannies was shown, the screen faded to black. And with it came the traditional Kimmunicator beep.
"Ahh...the Kimmunicator beep!" Sharper remarked.
"Which means that we are coming up on our first commercial break of the evening!" BCB remarked, "But when we come back, we'll present the first two awards: Best KP-Style Name and Best KP Original Character! So stay tuned!"
"Before You Go" by Lewis Capaldi played in the background.
3 notes · View notes
violetchemistry24 · 9 months
1)Murder Mystery- Muse A and Muse B are dressed up in old 20s-style clothes and go to a mansion. Neither knows the other but get to talking when they meet at a murder mystery event. After dinner, the cook screams and says there has been a murder. There are ten people there, each being given a description of their character. Muse A is a rich bitch, that doesn’t care for anyone else. Muse B is a cleaner, of the lower class, and speaks with a southern accent. Muse B and Muse A have a disagreement and try to get the group to believe the other is the murderer. In reality, it was a person x.  
2)Jigsaw - Muse A and Muse B get kidnapped and locked in a room with ten other people. A voice over the intercom asks them if they want to play a game. Muse A and Muse B then have to complete different tasks in order to make it out alive.  
3) Hunted- Muse A and Muse B have been friends for a while, as they are going on a late-night hike, they discover a dead body. After calling the police and waiting for them to arrive and take statements they return to their individual homes. The next morning both receive a note that has been sild under their doors saying “I’M WATCHING YOU,” the two don’t think much of it until they again go on a late night walk and they pass the spot where they discovered the body. They see two dead bunnies and their names written in blood along with a message that says “RUN.” The two run and realise a man with a machete is chasing them. The two need to work together to return home alive. 
4) Ghostbusters- Muse A and Muse B meet on a ghost-hunting tour of an abandoned psychiatric hospital. Both have never seen ghosts before so they are a little sceptical, but when things start going bump in the night, the two get very excited and scared about what happened.
5)Saved Your Life 3 (FOR ANY ROLE) - Muse A saves Muse B from being hit by a truck, pulling them away just in time. Muse B is incredibly grateful and asks them how they can repay them. Muse A tells Muse B to go to lunch with them, and the two get to talking and build up a friendship. 6)Under Fire - Muse A and Muse B are at a restaurant, dining separately. A gunshot sound and screams can be heard. There is a stampede of people trying to escape or hide. Muse A and Muse B end up hiding together in a broom closet. The two are scared and just hug each other without saying a word, only breaking the silence to ask questions about what happened. After a while of being stuck in there, they are rescued by a police officer. After the event occurred, they met again by chance. (Taken By Thaila)
7) Outbreak- When a disease similar to chicken pox breaks out in a local preschool, it leads to a quarantine. Though it seems harmless at first, it turns out that its symptoms include violent outbreaks that cause the children to break loose and terrorise the town. Muse A and Muse B find themselves stuck in quarantine together, and both must venture out to get supplies. Can either one kill a child, even if it means saving their life? 8)One-Shot, Two-Shot, Three-Shot, Floor - Muse A and Muse B are at a bar. Muse A has been stood up, and Muse B is just out for drinks. The two get to talking and of course, drink a lot together. Muse A gets incredibly drunk they can barely stand. Muse B looks through Muse A’s bag finds their ID and bundles them into a cab and takes them home. Muse B leaves their number on a piece of paper and explains what happened. Next to the note is a glass of water and paracetamol. Once able to understand what is going on Muse A texts the number, and the two meet up again.  
9)Tinder - Muse A and Muse B match on Tinder and agree to go on a date. The date doesn’t go to plan when Muse A or B’s crazy ex turns up and causes trouble. The date promptly ends with neither one really knowing each other. Muse A texts Muse B later in the night to try and set up another date. 
10)That’s My Pet - Muse A purchases a pet from a rehoming shelter. Muse B sees Muse A with the pet (either in person or in a photograph online) and tells Muse A that the pet is there that they lost. The two then go back to the rehoming shelter to try and find out what happened and try to figure out who the rightful owner of the pet really is.
11) Do You Wanna Build A Snowman- Snow in California? It must be a miracle. Muse A and Muse B are flabbergasted that it is snowing and engage in a snowball fight, before building a snowman. 12) Are You Stalking Me? - Muse A and Muse B are both at the gym together, on other sides of the gym not knowing either one is there. As Muse A is walking home Muse B is following behind. It appears Muse B is stalking Muse A, but that isn’t the case. Really they both just happen to go in the same direction. But when it’s late at night, and someone is following you, the most suspicious things race through your mind. 
13) Need Someone To Talk To? - Muse A is sitting at a table alone at a cafe, Muse B sees them crying and approaches them. Muse B asks if Muse A is okay and if they need someone to talk too. Muse A is grateful for someone wanting to listen and tells them what is wrong. Muse B listens and offers advice to Muse A. 
14) Amnesia - Muse A or B are strangers. Muse A or B sees the other gets hit over the head by a falling object and take them to the hospital. Muse A or B has amnesia and the other must help them figure out who they are.
15) Catch A Thief - Muse A or B has their bag stolen and the other Muse chases after the man that stole the bag takes them down and returns the bag to its rightful owner. Muse A or B (whoever had the bag stolen) wants to repay their kindness so takes them for a drink
0 notes
Associating Characters Before We Start
Isaac Blugreen: Nagisa Hazuki / Little Prince; Loves Kitty Cats; Still calls them “Kitty Cats”; sweet asf; Notable Line: 🥰Hello!🥰
Caspian Grenfield: Deku with asthma, crippling anxiety, social anxiety esp, disaster gay, stutter mutter, nerd, loves shounen, Notable Line: I-I don’t think I st-st-stutter? *pushes glasses up*
Jax Jackson: explosive gay sex machine.
Robinson Wyatt: Caspian’s prince charming, likes shounen, smart, friendly, wise, approachable, good guy. DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIS MUM.
Lee Emmet: If Bakugou Katsuki was a quirkless midget who had a high, squeaky voice. A feist mouse. Notable Line: 😤CAN YOU AT LEAST TRY TO GET IT RIGHT??? IT’S LEVIOSA NOT LEVIOSAAA. IT’S LITERALLY THAT SIMPLE HOW COULD YOU EVEN FU-😡
Caleb Otto: 🎶When I was...
A young boy...
My father (and mother were completely cut out of my life by God for some reason and now I’m here)
Isn’t emo, just depressed; Looks kinda creepy and dark and edgy on the outside like he’d just survived the visitation of Death, but is actually a sensitive baby with hopes and dreams... kinda.
If Haruka was an edgelord and all he wanted to do with water... was drown.
His eyecolor is unsettled tho.
Notable Line: ...
Doesn’t talk much.
Mason Emalia: If Denki Kaminari was gay; Trouble-maker; Star basketball player; that guy who looks asshole enough to make you think he’s not gay; plays around with Jax (there are two different ways you can think about that, and they both right)
Notable Line: What color is the Pink Panther?
And finally:
William Otto: A big boy with a big heart; I forgot what I settled with his appearance; Sweet, loving, kind, helpful, friendly, hardworking, cooperative; Ideal big daddy; The kind of person who’d make you ramen noodles from scratch if he went in too hard; A good big bro to Caleb;
Notable Line: Aww... Please don’t cry because then *sniff* I’ll cr-y.
Cried watching Hatchiko
I might post what the characters look like later so get ready for that.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 3 years
(I finally did this. I just want to thank y’all for helping me, supporting me and for submitting asks 🤗. Without you this wouldn’t have been here so thank you. Btw, this list is always updated)
Albert Wesker: 
Tumblr media
Albert wesker x reader: 
Wesker x F!Reader
Albert Wesker x F!Reader
S.T.A.R.S Wesker x F!Reader
Visions of a madman (Wesker x F!Reader)
Betrayal part 1 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Betrayal part 2 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Betrayal Part 3 (Wesker x F!Reader)
Albert Wesker x Reader Fluff
Morning ritual (wesker x F!Reader)
Albert Wesker x Pregnant Reader
Albert Wesker x Deaf pregnant reader
Drugs (wesker x fem!reader)
Quarantined (Wesker x F!Reader)
You are not alone (Wesker x F!Reader)
You are not alone part 2
Late night (Wesker x F!Reader)
Meeting (Wesker x F!Reader)
One task (Wesker x F!Reader)
The mansion incident (GN!Reader x Wesker)
Albert Wesker x reader (new)
Cooking (Albert Wesker x GN!Reader) (new)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Wesker bonding with a pet
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
Albert Wesker being overprotective
Wesker trying to confess his love but gets interrupted
Albert Wesker proposing HC
Albert Wesker romantic HC
Albert Wesker x Reader wedding
Wesker x other characters:
Welcoming (Wesker x Ethan)
Jill Valentine x F!Reader x Wesker
Nikolai Zinoviev x Albert Wesker
Cravings (Albert Wesker x Excella Gionne)
Chris Redfield:
Tumblr media
Chris Redfield x reader:
Chris Redfield x F!Reader
Chris x F!Reader
Being Chris’ s/o would include (NEW!)
Chris Redfield x other characters: 
Paperwork (Chris Redfield x Piers Nivans)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small reader
Piers Nivans: 
Tumblr media
Piers Nivans x other characters:
Birthday present (Piers x F!Reader)
Paperwork (Chris Redfield x Piers Nivans)
You can have my scarf (Piers x F!Reader) (NEW!)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
Netflix and chill
RE boys and shaving/waxing
Leon S. Kennedy: 
Tumblr media
Leon S. Kennedy x reader:
Take me back for one more summer (Leon Kennedy x F!Reader)
Who is most likely to cry after a break up (RE boys edition)
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small reader
Carlos Oliveira:
Tumblr media
Carlos Oliveira x Reader:
Carlos Oliveira x Reader fluff
RE boys and wrapping gifts
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small Reader
Ethan Winters:
Tumblr media
Ethan Winters x other characters:
Chris Redfield x Ethan Winters
Albert Wesker x Ethan Winters
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters
RE boys and parenting
Netflix and chill
RE boys and shaving/waxing
RE guys with a small reader
Nikolai Zinoviev
Tumblr media
Nikolai Zinoviev x Reader:
I care (Nikolai x F!Reader)
Nikolai Zinoviev x other characters:
Nikolai x Sergei Vladimir
Nikolai X Albert Wesker
A job is a job (Nikolai x Ethan Winters)
Netflix and chill
RE boys with an inexperienced s/o
RE boys and shaving/waxing
Nikolai x Spanish speaker reader
RE guys with a small reader
Alex Wesker: 
Tumblr media
Alex Wesker x Reader:
Alex Wesker x F!Reader
Lady Dimitrescu:
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Lady Dimitrescu x other characters:
Chained (Lady Dimitrescu x F!Reader)
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters
Lady Dimitrescu x Ethan Winters Fluff
Lady Dimitrescu x Brad Vickers
Ada Wong:
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Ada Wond x Reader:
Better than alcohol
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creepyhottakes · 2 years
welcome to creepypasta hell 🖤
TLDR: long-time creepypasta fan gets tired of the takes on this website that she doesn’t agree with so finally decides to take matters into her own hands
~my backstory~
hello, hello. I am Charlie, your friendly neighborhood creepypasta freak. creepypasta was my first ever fandom all the way back in 2013, so the popular fanon versions of the characters from that time continue to affect my interpretations today (for better or worse tbh). after the stabbing (you know the one) happened my parents forbid me from engaging with creepypasta anymore, but it was always in the back of my mind as a sort of guilty pleasure. then, during the original quarantine, I dove right back into it with a vengeance.
~my blog~
this blog is going to be my headcanons for the creepypasta characters that I like, in the form of:
unhinged text posts
answering asks (please send me asks)
obviously I can’t claim a lot of these ideas as completely my own, because I’ve interacted with a lot of people in this fandom over the years and taken bits and pieces to mash them up into my perfect abominations. but I’d say that’s the case for any blog of this sort.
~things I will do~
nsfw: because, like most others in this fandom, I have the hots for a lot of these characters. I am an adult, so I would like anyone who is not an adult or who doesn’t want to see my nastiness to block the tag “creepysmuttakes” and obviously don’t send me any nsfw asks if you’re a minor.
x readers
character x character
pretty much any other genre of headcanon you can think of
creepypasta mansion headcanons: obviously, these are what I came here for. there’s going to be a lot of them, and I hope to get asks about them as well.
Marble Hornets, EverymanHYBRID, Tribe Twelve: these tend to be a little iffy for me as far as my deep understanding of their lore, but I’ll do my best (also they’re gonna be altered quite a bit to fit my interpretation so if you don’t like that stay mad ig)
Ticci Toby/Toby Rogers: you’d have to pry this precious little man from my cold dead hands to get me to give him up. so he’ll be here too.
~things I probably won’t do~
character x character of something I don’t already ship: there are exceptions, like if I find a dynamic compelling but don’t personally headcanon it. in that case, you’ll just need to ask.
angst: listen, okay. I hate being sad. I use fandom to cope and distract myself from real life. there will likely be some instances where I will talk about the myriad of issues these characters are carting around, but don’t expect it often or for these discussions to be at length.
sexualizing Slenderman: I headcanon Slenderman as asexual and having no genitals, so if he’s gonna fuck anyone there better be a damn good reason. not completely off the table, but it would take a lot of convincing, let’s put it that way. (and also it’s not gonna be that sexy even if it does happen trust me)
~things I won’t do~
anything relating to Offenderman: this is self-explanatory. if you think any romanticization/sexualization/humanization of a character who was created to be a rapist is okay, kindly get off of my blog.
sexualization of BEN or Sally: I headcanon both of these characters to be minors and incapable of aging so that’s absolutely not going to happen.
x readers/character x character with characters whose sexualities are incompatible: what I mean by this is, if I headcanon a character as a gay man and you want an x reader with them and are a woman, not happening. sorry. find another blog. same goes for lesbians with men, etc.
here are the characters I’m taking requests for:
and here’s my ships:
in any case, I hope you enjoy your time in my little spooky wonderland!
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izzielizzie · 3 years
this is more of a truly devious head canon prompt instead of an ask, but how do you think the different characters would react to like covid/quarantine stuff?
yeah of course!
Stevie would be good for like, a month? She'd listen to a bunch of podcasts, she'd argue with her parents about how a virus is not a hoax stop spreading lies, she’d have phone calls with David, she’d facetime Janelle, and call Nate every now and then to make sure he’s alive. But, after the first month she’d get a little restless. She’d probably call David every day after dinner and go on a walk and talk or something. She’d Just get really restless after being cooped up with her parents. 
Honestly, knowing Stevie she’d solve at least a mystery a month and pester Nate and David to get them to listen to her put together ideas. 
Oh David would be just fine. His father would probably stick him in some summer mansion or something that has staff so all of David’s needs are taken care of even though he doesn’t actually believe there’s a virus and really he’s spending all his time undermining the task forces put in place by the government. David would resent this and pay the staff their money in advance and send them home. He’d then spend all his time playing video games, smoking, calling Stevie, and playing more video games.
Honestly, this kid would not be bothered. At some point he’d probably be restless but not too restless? About once every two months he’d find some billboard advertising his dad’s campaign that he’d find inventive ways to destroy. It kind of becomes a game with Vi and Stevie pitching in ideas. He does talk about how much he misses Stevie a lot of the time it’s very cute.
Nate does not change one life habit at all. He sits in his room with the curtains and doors closed and writes or listens to music or answers phone calls with extreme exasperation. Nate is at home in this new world. Sometimes a parent makes him leave the house and he does so rather begrudgingly.
Janelle is the opposite of Nate. She spends a full week freaking out, another week cleaning every surface she can find, another week sewing masks and checking in on people (simultaneously) and then she goes back to freaking out. Honestly she’s having a breakdown every five minutes. At some point Vi intervenes and it calms Janelle down enough for her to knock “freaking out” from the cycle. Janelle probably starts some initiative to recruit doctors in the ER with the rest of her family (all of whom are doctors) and she uses her constructing abilities to make ventilators. She also makes care packages for all her friends with personal notes: “please go outside you’re going to die of vitamin D deficiency” goes to Nate, “arguing with your parents is only going to cause tension tone it down and also drink water!!!” goes to Stevie, Vi gets something sappy, and David gets the very straightforward “stop!!! smoking!!! pot!!! do you want to die????”
Vi is rather calm until the Black Lives Matter protests erupt and suddenly they’re in full activist mode. They goes to every protest they can, they speak at every single rally, they write letters to politicians (Edward King gets a very strongly worded letter cosigned by David it’s amazing), and they cultivate as much information as they can. At some point Vi and David work together to undermine all the work David’s father is doing and they actually bond.
hope you liked it!! feel free to suggest any other character
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mythicmalasada · 3 years
i’m starting a thing called imagine your main genshin team in a modern au going to disney world together
headcanon dump (feel free to rb and add how u think it would go for ur team!)
lumine’s been there before with aether, so she knows how it all works. no one else does
xingqiu buys one of those hidden mickey book guides at the airport and hones in on it for the rest of the trip. he’s absolutely dedicated to finding all of them
bennett gets stopped at airport security on the way there because there was a water bottle in his backpack and they almost miss their flight
lumine warns them they’ll get dehydrated pretty quickly and chongyun immediately overheats and they have to stop inside an air conditioned shop and buy him a $15 water bottle
there’s a pool at the hotel and bennett cannot stop for 10 minutes to sit on a lounge chair and just relax. everyone else is tanning and he gets up to go buy a water gun
thus ensues a drenched, murderous xingqiu woken up from his nap and lumine/chongyun chasing the two of them through the pool so xingqiu won’t kill him
bennett makes them take pictures together Everywhere because he never wants to forget the trip
xingqiu and chongyun at the hotel go to buy candy at the vending machine in the middle of the night and start chasing each other down the hallway and lumine pops her head out of the door like wHAT ARE YOU DOING ITS MIDNIGHT
xingqiu absolutely has one of those spray water fans on a necklace and a fanny pack and the fan is ALWAYS going
bennett has to talk to every single dressed up cast member he meets and he’s 100% convinced they’re real
bennett: oh my god mike wazowski!!! how are you how’s monsters inc the minimum wage worker in an oversized fursuit: 
lumine gets really competitive over the buzz lightyear fp shooter game and it scares everyone else
++kazuha wears sunglasses and is drinking from one of those refillable park cups the whole time even on rollercoasters and every pic they get of him on a ride looks exactly the same 
lumine goes batshit insane wanting to ride every single rollercoaster, methodically dividing up each section so they can ride every one before the park closes
bennett picks out little souvenirs that remind him of his friends back home so he can bring them back something
chongyun tries to sit out on half the rides and the rest of them bully him into getting on 
“oh you’re scared huh? this one’s too tall for you is it? that’s alright, we can get another round on the frozen ride” “wait-”
xingqiu rides the peoplemover like 20 times because he likes it and they’re all begging to get off
xingqiu likes the stupid intellectual rides like carousel of progress. absolutely fascinated
xingqiu pretends none of the actual rollercoasters scare him when in reality he’s petrified of everything from expedition everest to the teacups
bonus points if chongyun’s like “we can’t go on that it’s crazy we’ll die” and xingqiu’s all “oh you big baby haha wimp” and they get on and xingqiu clings to his arm frantically
xingqiu’s the only one small enough to fit on a kiddie ride so they force him to go on alone and take pictures of him as he goes around like 😐 
bennett makes them wait on line for the river safari ride for an hour and as they’re next in line it starts to rain and they close it down
coasters stall on at least 3 separate occasions because of bennett
bennett developing an odd fascination with all of the mickey shaped foods
chongyun finds out there are several ghost related attractions (haunted mansion, tower of terror, etc.) and drags their asses there
“what the fuck??? those are holograms” “what on earth were you expecting”
chongyun (at first) doesn’t understand they’re not real spirits and tries to be heroic by climbing out of his cart and charging at the ghosts screaming FROM WHENCE YOU CAME
they’d all get matching mickey ears to wear around the park
they go to one of those theme restaurants and xingqiu gets called on to stand up and interact with the characters and literally freezes. nope. he won’t do it 
bennett stands up for him. spoiler alert it’s fucking hilarious 
bennett is like :D the whole time completely without dignity and their entire table is in tears
lumine falls asleep on the shuttle ride back and bennett lets her sleep on his shoulder
chongyun gives xingqiu a piggyback ride on the way back to the hotel because he’s tired
not a headcanon but just. i miss how foreign and comforting hotels and hotel rooms feel when ur on a trip
bennett befriends a lizard outside their hotel room and tries to take it back on the plane with him
he gets stopped Again in the airport going home and lumine turns around like ‘what now’ just to see bennett wrestling with a security officer over a small lizard in his backpack pocket
i think they’d all really enjoy the fireworks show/fantasmic. sitting there in quiet awe watching everything light up around them :)
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i really liked doing this because we’re in quarantine and i haven’t left the house in *checks watch* 12 months or so and i miss amusement parks and interaction so i hope it made u guys happy !!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA 6th Popularity Poll Reaction Post - Risky Spoiler-Dodging Edition
hey guys, so seeing as the results from the 6th popularity poll were leaked today, I figured I would do a separate reaction + analysis post this year, rather than piling it in as an extra on top of the chapter reaction post tomorrow. I figure this makes more sense anyway, since they’re really two completely different things. also this way I can write as much as I want lol.
also, just fyi, I am still completely unspoiled for chapter 293. and probably the smart thing to do to keep it that way would be to log off tumblr and hold off posting this until tomorrow, but I apparently have no impulse control today so oh well. anyway, so I’m hoping you guys will keep this spoiler-free if you don’t mind! as always, I would prefer to just jump right in completely unaware tomorrow like Troy returning to the study room with the pizza boxes lol.
okay so this first part is just going to be my predictions. fyi I am writing this part on Wednesday night, and then I’ll add on the results part on Thursday or Friday (ETA: Thursday, apparently, since I am impatient.)
okay so first of all, just as a refresher, this poll was open to Japanese voters from Aug 3 to Sep 30. meaning chapters 279 through 285. meanwhile last year’s poll took place around the tail end of the MVA arc. so between then and now we had Heroes Rising, the Endeavor Agency arc, and the War arc up to the part where the 1-A kids took on Gigantomachia in Gunga, and started battling Tomura in Jakku. so technically only a couple of arcs, but a LOT of stuff going down in them. oh and season 4 of the anime as well
so! firstly, I predict that my truculent africanized honeybee son will hold on to his crown at #1, coming off a year in which he did some internship-boosted soul searching, borrowed OFA in movie canon, and finished out the voting period as the my-body-moved-on-its-own character development MVP. like CALL ME CRAZY lol, but I’m pretty sure his title is safe. and then after him will be Deku and Shouto as usual
Aizawa should hopefully also have a strong showing because the dude had a banner fucking year. reunited with his old dead friend, took on Tomura with his hopelessly inept hero pals, and then chopped his fucking leg off. he had better be in the top 10. his fucking leg died for this, idk what else he has to do
Endeavor also stands a decent chance of doing well given the internship arc and the final episode of season 4. which I’m sure will go down just swimmingly if that does happen lmao. especially if he somehow manages to rank higher than...
Dabi, which I don’t think he will btw, but you never know. anyways though, but I’m thinking Dabi’s going to have a stronger showing than in past years (in the last poll he only got 367 votes and was ranked 19th). mostly because of his fight in the Gunga mansion, and his cheekily censored name reveal to...
Hawks, who is also going to rank pretty high here, I think. might be he loses some points for killing off Twice, but his back was basically to the wall there. and he has always been very popular, and I think season 4 will also give him a boost, along with his heavy involvement in the first half of the War arc
Tomura was already in 6th place last year and I think he cracks the top 5 this year. he’s gotten exponentially more popular since the MVA arc, and got a boost in the last poll even though his flashback had only just barely happened, and he hadn’t finished Awakening yet and all that stuff. anyway, so he’s only gotten cooler and more tragic since then so I think he makes a big play here
Kirishima, Momo, Tokoyami, and Mina should also hopefully do well, since the poll opened right in the middle of all that Gigantomachia action, and Toko had just got done being an absolute badass and protecting his birb dad. I don’t think he’ll quite make it to the top ten, but he should
and last but not least, I’m hoping that Mirko will come out and take the polls by storm, although I have no clue how popular she is in Japan lol. she’s clearly Horikoshi’s favorite though. she SHOULD be everyone’s favorite, but I mean, we’ll see how it goes
anyway that’s it as far as predictions! and so now, through the magic of writing stuff at different times, we will fast-forward to the part where we actually find out the results!
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Kacchan looks SO COCKY and SO HAPPY and SO ADORABLE, YES I SAID IT. he is adorable as FUCK. I don’t quite know what it is about this particular Kacchan that just screams “LOOK HOW FUCKING CUTE MY STUPID, LOUD SON IS WITH HIS BIZARRE WINDOWPANE-LOOKING CONVERTIBLE SUNGLASS GOGGLES and his POORLY TIED CRAVAT”, but I think it’s because he looks like if a Digimon character and a FMA character had a baby
anyway, so it looks like most of the people present here are more or less who we expected to see. except that I can’t tell for sure if that’s Dabi or Shindou, and if it’s Shindou I’m going to punch somebody in the face so you will have to excuse me
Iida wearing a TRENCHCOAT and a TOP HAT with ENGINE EXHAUST GOGGLE ACCENTS is my new favorite Iida of all time. take note how there is no possible way he can wear those goggles with them sitting on top of his hat like that. plus he’s already got glasses on. these are just purely for aesthetic and IF THAT AIN’T JUST THE STEAMPUNK WAY
Deku out here speaking softly and carrying a lead pipe. Kacchan you best look out. seems like he’s done watching you take first place year after year while he languishes in the number two spot. your only hope is that he trips while attacking you because his boots are unbuckled
Shouto’s standing over there with the rest of the non-first-and-second-place characters, but what are the odds his results are actually within spitting distance of Deku’s same as always. anyway he doesn’t mind, though. also his outfit is by far the most sensible one here, but if you look closely he’s got some sort of fire extinguisher/jet pack thing strapped to his back that’s got a control switch on his belt. Shouto are you jetpacking or putting out fires
Kirishima out here all “I’m not sure what steampunk is so I’m just going to take off my shirt and pose”
AIZAWA WITH THE EYEPATCH SKLKSDLKFJLSKJLDFKJSLDFFJLDKSJFL:KS. SIR. SIR. also, lowkey furious that Horikoshi refuses to show us the automail leg that he is clearly sporting here but which we just can’t see, SHOUTO MOVE GODDAMMIT
Endeavor has TWO fire extinguisher-slash-jetpacks. THE BETTER TO... WHATEVER. look at you here in the top ten again. you really live for that controversy
HAWKS OUT HERE WITH HIS STEAMPUNK BEATS BY DRE AND HIS WEARING A RING ON EVERY FINGER. nice to see you’ve still got your wings there, kiddo. then again Deku still has both of his arms too so who even knows what is going on
BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH, IS THIS DABI OR SHINDOU. as if I don’t know the truth deep down in my heart. y’all I am gonna flip lmao. it’s not that I dislike Shindou, strictly speaking. but just... I can’t explain what it is, but if you put him and AFO next to each other and told me “you can only punch one”, I would be having a serious crisis. just, THIS FUCKING GUY, idek. STOP SMILING
Tomura looks like he just wandered onto the set here by mistake and has no idea where he is or what is going on. it’s because you’re wearing a bigass severed hand that’s blocking your entire view, Tomura. just take the hand off your face my sweet murder dumpling
anyway! so I managed to also find a link to the full poll results while somehow managing to avoid spoilers, and then I wanted to compare the results to last year’s poll, and so I made... this
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hopefully you can all see this. if you’re on desktop you might be screwed, but on mobile you should be able to click and enlarge it. I mean, assuming you actually give a fuck about boring poll analysis spreadsheets lmao
anyway, so there were actually 13k fewer votes cast this year which is a bit of a surprise. is the series not still growing in popularity? do people apparently have better things to do during their quarantine lol
anyways but despite this, and despite getting 8k fewer votes overall, Kacchan still managed almost twice as many as his closest competitor. well fought, Deku. please put down that pipe
I somehow always underestimate the power of ship popularity to influence these things. but for example, it looks like Present Mic got that Vigilantes Trio bump. ride that wave for all it’s worth my man! hell, you got me on board
Iida fucking Tenya somehow got some sort of POWER BOOST out of NOWHERE which I can’t explain at all lmao, but I’m here for it. NOT BAD FOR AN OLD MAN
Sero managed to get the exact same number of votes in both 2019 and 2020. clearly the most loyal fans in the business
Mirko being all the way down at #20 is, of course, a travesty, and I hereby nominate her to be the one to punch Shindou in the face
ngl though, the lack of a single female character in the top ten hurts just a bit. it’s not overly surprising, but still. the worst part of it is that even if you kicked Shindou to the curb and moved everyone else up one slot, it would still be all dudes since Mic beat out Momo by a margin of a little more than a hundred votes. hard to stay mad at Mic for too long, though. ah well
Tomura actually lost a bunch of votes which is a genuine surprise to me. I know the villain standom isn’t as dominant in Japan as it is in Western fandom, but still. you can go ahead and punch Shindou too I guess
Tokoyami lowkey doubled his vote count over the past year while hiding down there at #18. he is slowly becoming more powerful. biding his time
anyway so I think that’s it! I mean not really, but I’m getting kind of tired lol. so just, you know, insert the usual gripes at Overhaul’s ranking here, although we can be happy about Magne making her way onto the list (r.i.p.), and Mineta and AFO taking a very satisfying slide down (all the way out, in AFO’s case; good riddance you bum). Hadou also got a huge boost which is awesome. Mustard’s persistent ownership of the #36 spot will forever remain a mystery to me, but oh well
anyways, this was fun. and I really do feel like everyone is looking away on purpose so that when Deku brains Kacchan with that pipe in about two seconds from now, there will be no witnesses, oh my fucking god
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peri-b · 3 years
being quarantined with my characters
Cato: 100000000000/10 like GOD i'd love to be quarentined with her. You'd never go hungry this girl is always making something. she wants to watch alll the horror movies, and she wants to do all the cute little pinterest idea things. Pretty much by the end your house would look like it's from pinterest. Also she'd make those cupcakes that look like ducks. That needs to be said. she would also zoom with her family like alll the time. zoom with her friends too. She needs that social interaction. She'd also wanna go on walks with you!! with a mask ofc, though don't get annoyed when she says good morning to every single tree Rose: 5/10 like, she's okay but she's also like. You wouldn't really see her a whole lot? she probably broods a lot cause she's seen plauge before. but if she's feeling nice she'll try to cook you something! It prob doesn't turn out well but it's the though that counts. She makes amazing playlists tho. Like turn one of those bad bois on and it'll be a blast. She will probably bug you sometimes, but that's only when her intrusive thoughts get real bad and she needs human interaction. Has a shit ton of fun stories tho. She would 100% turn on disney movies with you and sing along and no i'm not bitter that she's a better singer than me Nat: 6/10 she'd be fun, would def dance naked under the moonlight with her. She'd use that time to work on her witchcraft and focus on herself. She usually orders food cus like,, she will not be cooking. you order from really nice places tho so that's a plus. If you don't like crystals or candles etc. then you're gonna have a bad time because she will n o t shut up about it. personally I'd love it, def wanna talk witch stuff with her. Vixen would be fun too. happy boi loves naps Safiya: 8/10 another person you wouldn't see too often. She likes her alone time and is proably annoyed that she's stuck with someone. But like. She doesn't really bother you. Spends a lot of time in the woods, so you kind of get the house to yourself. Don't mess it up tho, she'll get grumpy. When she's feeling nice, she'll watch a movie with you, or teach you how to woodcarve. Won't laugh if you mess up, she'll just point out different technuiqes. She feeds deer and babytalks to them you caught her doing this and she doesn't speak to you for a week. but she's super chill. you'd probably watch a lot of stiduo ghibli and she def cries but will not admit it. if you like having your hair braided- then she might braid it. only cause "i'm getting really stircrazy" yea sure Safiya I belive you Chizu would prob be like a 5/10. She'd be fine for a while but then she'd get so stircrazy. like. she must do something. anything. So she goes to you. "Hey. Entertian me i'm bored." She probably says so you kinda sit there like :/ she likes going on long drives. doesn't talk much, just plays music and looks out the window. she would learn how to make hot chocolate and suddenly- she's always making it. like Chizu you do not need hot chocolate at three am but whatever makes her happy another person who has lots of stories to tell, and she would tell you (after a lot of convincing) let her do your nails plsss, or you could do hers. doesn't matter. spa day. this will be happening. after time goes on she's less bitchy and you end up cuddling under blankets watching somtin like Criminal Minds- to which Chizu will then go on and crituiqe each episode Mary is like. idk. 6/10? at first she does not see the point to all of this so she's like h u h - but she'll stay inside. BONUS THO you live in a big ass mansion so if you don't wanna talk to her- you don't have to just move to the other side of the house. like fr, you could live together and not see each other o n c e. but like, eventually she'll seek you out cuz like, she's bored. she'll bug you for a bit- she is def the person that orders too much dumb shit from amazon like pls, Mary. S T O P she'll do your hair tho. 10/10 does it really well. can't cook tho. can barely make tea. so that's kind of up to you cus she's a vampire n all. she tries to get some hobbies but ends up starting one- gets bored- starts another- gets bored... you get the idea. lots of unfinished projects around the house
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imthefailedartist · 2 years
The Bubble 2022
This movie is very long and the novelty of it wore off very, very quickly.
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There are funny jokes and scenes, but few and far between. Showing the "Cliff Beasts" final cut wasn't funny after the first time. It's funnier if we just see them acting on green screen then for one scene we see the finished product (Spoiler: the genitals scene) to highlight just how terrible the movie is.
This feels like Judd Apatow wanted a way to force us to accept his other kid as a star. It did not work. Someone famous, who thinks they're normal, wrote it and it's why the movie just doesn't function. They are trying to make fun of the thing but realized the people they are satirizing are their friends.
It could work. It should work. It's got the parts that work and they do, but rarely. If the movie took its premise more seriously and had the ridiculousness happening around the seriousness you've got something. Think Tropic Thunder. It could've worked as a behind the scenes documentary, especially because they make a point to highlight the behind the scenes camera man.
This could've played with language in such an interesting way. "In these unprecedented times" became a meaningless mosh of words after hearing it so often. It could've been such a great joke. A bunch of clueless, spoiled, actors who think their crappy movie is going to be the thing that unites us or whatever saying that in earnest to camera. It would be so funny. Them lamenting about how hard this has been then cut to a crew member who can't go home and is making significantly less and is worried about where the next paycheck is coming from because Hollywood is essentially shut down.
Netflix did this and very well with Death to 2020.
Wishes and Musings
Karen Gillan's character being obsessed with her shitty boyfriend was never compelling. It felt like she never liked him.
The director trying to use this as his comeback or a new director trying to prove themself or a nepotism kid using daddy's money and connections.
The "love story" was pointless. It could've been funny if it was a tactic to get him to behave. He's an actor with a history of not showing up or walking off, so they use her to keep him in line but they actually start liking one another.
What the hell was that bullshit at the end with them fighting for their rights. See that's the problem with this movie being a vanity project. No regular human is going to give a shit about these rich asshole being mistreated. Which they were and that's bad, but it felt shoehorned.
The tik tok star could've felt more out of place, and isolated by the big name actors. But imagine moments of her phone endlessly buzzing with notifications and the stars panicking because they aren't getting the same social media interactions. Dichotomy of fame and internet fame.
Her trying to teach them how to use tik tok but then thinking it's beneath them. Also this would've been a great role for Diana Silvers. Instead we're stuck with Apatows daughter and she's not bringing it.
Keegan Michael Keys character trying to start a cult is funny and the realization moment is great but it's buried because we don't see his character to often.
Dustin trying to imbue more meaning into the movie while the writer a normal person is telling him no one cares about that. They just want to see flying t-rex's get shot in the genitals was great
They could've had a side plot of the crew trying to sabotage production to keep extending filming for more money.
Guz Khan was great. I wish he would've come back.
Needed more of the actors and director being sad about being separated from their families for so long, but also being happy because quarantining together in their big mansions was too much together time.
This movie is 2 fucking hours long. WHY!!! They could've cut this to a tight 70-80 minutes and it would've maybe been funny.
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justcallmenikki7 · 4 years
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: “Are you sure?” Yoongi asked seriously, his mafia, bloodlust self-taking over. “I do not want you to regret this or feel like you’ll be caring a burden on you after this.” “I’m sure.”
Warnings: Mafia au, angst, mentions of character death, mentions of killing and the act of it, anything that comes with mafia, language (ive now realized that I never put this as a warning for any of my works lmao), yoongi being soft just for you.
W.C.: 900+
Notes: Three updates in one day? This is new lmao, thank you quarantine life.
You Asking Them To Murder Someone Masterlist
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“Blake Y/L/N, you are sentenced to ten years of prison with no bail or probation on the murder of Michael Bennet. You will be taken to Rykers in the morning to start your sentencing.” The Judge ordered, slamming his gavel down onto the table, causing you to jump in your seat.
“No!” You screamed, racing towards your brother, trying to get to him. “That’s not fair! He did not do anything! He didn’t kill the man! He’s innocent!” You yelled, trying to convince the cops and judge. But to no avail, they did not listen or believe you, only believing the lies that are framing your brother for murder.
He is innocent! You know this because he has been living with you and your boyfriend for the past year, trying to get back up on his feet and quitting the gang he used to be in. It is ironic that you are in a relationship with mafia leader that runs the underground world all over the world. Yoongi did try to tell Michael what kind of gang he was in and how they are known for betraying their own, but Michael tried to convince your boyfriend that he is wrong and that his gang is like his family. Oh, how naïve he was…
You felt the familiar warmth that belongs to your boyfriend envelope you, pulling you into his chest, trying to move you away from the now angry cops. “It’s going to be okay; I’ll make sure he gets out of there.” Yoongi tried to reassure you, pressing his lips to the side of your head. “Let’s go home, baby.”
On the way home was quiet, besides your sniffles and sighs of sadness. Yoongi made sure to keep a hold of your left hand, softly caressing the top of your hand with his thumb while occasionally bringing your hand up to press a kiss to the back of your hand. The reassurance that your boyfriend is giving you is helping you calm down, but there is a dreadful feeling taking over you and you do not know what it is.
“You have that look on your face, baby.” Yoongi commented as he pulled into the long driveway that led up to his mansion home.
“I have a bad feeling, Yoongi.” You stated, “Something’s going to happen, and it isn’t going to be good. And I’m scared.” You admitted, not phased by the blank look that your boyfriend always held whenever he is thinking, plotting, or even killing.
“Whatever it is, or happens, I’ll make sure that you are safe and I’ll be there with you through it, okay?” He reassured.
“Okay.” You nodded, knowing that he is speaking the truth.
It was midnight when your phone began to blare its ringtone, waking both you and Yoongi up from deep sleep.
“Shut that thing up, will ya?” He spoke angrily, allowing you to move to get your phone, making sure to keep one arm around your waist.
Seeing that it is an unknown caller, you answered it anyways – only to be met with the worst news of your life. Yoongi sensed the change in your mood, softly asking if you are alright.
“No!” You yelled, voice broken and raw. “No!” You threw your phone across the room, throwing yourself out of the bed. “Blake!” You scream your brothers name, repeating it like a mantra, believing if you say it enough it will bring him back. Feeling your boyfriends’ hands on you, shaking you to get you to focus on him. “He’s dead Yoongi! Blake is dead! There was a bomb attached to the bus and it was sent off and killed everyone! Blake was on that bus!” You explained, holding on to Yoongi as if he is your lifeline. “They killed him! They killed my brother!”
Not knowing how to calm you down, being bad during these situations, Yoongi brought you into his chest, holding you tightly against him, allowing you to kick, scream, and cry. After close to an hour, you finally calmed down. Your breathing was finally going back to normal, but your shakiness was still there, concerning Yoongi to the max because he has never seen you like this before.
“Why would they do that?” You asked, voice broken and rough from the crying and screaming that you have done.
“Because they’re pieces of scum who deserve to—”
“Die. They deserve to die, Yoongi.” You stated calmly, a look of vengeance in your eyes.
Yoongi is shocked to hear you say this. His sweet angel, his baby girl, his innocent girlfriend who loves with all of his heart. His Y/N who would put herself in front of a bullet for a stranger. The one who believes in forgiveness and second chances, who would never dare harm on anyone, wants to get payback that results in death.
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asked seriously, his mafia, bloodlust self-taking over. “I do not want you to regret this or feel like you’ll be caring a burden on you after this.”
“I’m sure. They framed and murdered my brother; they just can’t get away with this without any consequences. I want all of them dead. Anyone who was apart, or even knew of this to bed dead. But most of all, I want him dead.” You declared, wanting the man responsible for all of this to be nothing but dead.
The look that you are familiar with was Yoongi’s eyes, and the look meant death. Leaning down, he kissed the top of your head. “Anything for you, my princess.”
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warrior-kitty · 3 years
Smash Bros fic series masterpost
Into The Smash World (Smash 4 era)
You Are Cordially Invited (coming at some point)
A Rainy Day 
The Subspace Emissary
A Challenger Approaches (series of one-shots) 
F is for Friends
Escapism (Smash Rescuers book 1)
Insurgence (Smash Rescuers book 2)
Every Penny Counts (Smash Rescuers book 3) (title pending)
Beyond The Smash World (Smash Ultimate era)
More fics sure to come once I figure out what direction to take this era
Everyone Is Here (series of one-shots)
Warriors of Wonder 
The Link Conundrum
World of Light
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
A Beautiful Day for a Smash Wedding 
New Horizons Get-Away 
This Is The Ultimate Smash Bros 
untitled Smash/Kingdom Hearts fic (the fic I talked about in this post. the title is pending) 
Holiday fics and AUs 
Haunted Mansion Mayhem (halloween fic)(‘A First For Everything’ book 1)
The Harvest Festival (A First For Everything book 2)
Peppermint Hot Chocolate (A First For Everything book 3) (on hold/to be rewritten)
Resolutions (new years fic)(A First For Everything book 4)
A First For Everything (valentine’s day fic)(A First For Everything book 5)
Quarantined in a Crowded Mansion (in progress)
Rooming Arrangements (Smash Manor) 
Rooming Arrangements (Assist Hotel) 
How The Manor Functions
The Pokemon Smashers
The “Silent” Characters 
Friend Groups
The Multiverse
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