#queer heritage posts
okay so I added this to the FAQ recently but I wanted to make it its own post bc it's important.
I'm [insert queer identity] can I call myself a fag/dyke?
But I'm nervous because [identity related nuance or specifics].
Still yes.
Can I call myself a tranny?
Look, you can call yourself whatever you want if you feel it fits you. I don't actually care that much nor do I have the authority to grant you a faggot pass or whatever. You can do whatever you want forever and you need no one's permission. I love you be free
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the-bi-library · 4 months
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Here are some upcoming bi Asian books! Make sure to pre-order the ones that interest you! 🩷💜💙 Books listed: Saints of Storm and Sorrow by Gabriella Buba The Dark We Know by Wen-yi Lee The Dark Becomes Her by Judy I. Lin These Deathless Shores by P. H. Low Rani Choudhury Must Die by Adiba Jaigirdar Better Catch Up, Krishna Kumar by Anahita Karthik Mistress of Lies by K. M. Enright Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao Please do let me know if I missed any books 💖
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tf2heritageposts · 10 months
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genuinely with blizzard being one of the shittiest companies known to man, the women character designs looking like they came straight out of a porno, and the gameplay itself being the most overstimulating flashing lights fest i’ve ever seen, i genuinely don’t understand how you could like the game
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biracy · 11 months
So much of how this website approaches the concept of slurs, particularly this recent era of "slur reclamation" discourse revival, continues to show that some of you are the whitest people on the Fucking planet
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I hope that all AAPI queers have a magnificent Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! Y'all are beautiful people with beautiful cultures, and you deserve this time to celebrate them and take pride in your heritage!! ❤️
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
Call to Action for all Americans!
This is of extreme importance, so I am begging everyone who sees this post to read it and share this information with everyone you know. Groups of conservative elites are planning to quite literally overthrow our government to replace it with a theocracy if they secure a Republican win in the next election (specifically they want Trump again, the man with RICO charges who attempted to steal an election with voter fraud and by encouraging alt-right violence in an attack on the capitol, but they will take anyone with similar ideology). No, that is not an exaggeration. This plan -- called Project 2025 -- is posted online for everyone to see, so please look it up. This is led by a group called The Heritage Foundation, a rich alt-right think tank with ties to fossil fuel billionaires that wants to walk back civil rights and environmental protections, which they view as actions by "the left" that are ruining our country, as well as outright criminalize being LGBTQ+ and implement conversion therapy as the only form of "treatment" for being LGBTQ+. I am not making this up, it is all detailed in their plan in fanciful distracting wording that tries to paint these things as being done for the sanctity of families and religious freedom.
The policies this group wants to put in place if they secure the next election will harm everyone in this country, even their own conservative and alt-right supporters. It is ONLY to benefit the 1% in this country. Let me state that again in clearer words. YOU ARE NOT SAFE FROM BEING SERIOUSLY HARMED BY PROJECT 2025 EVEN IF YOU ARE CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN, ALT-RIGHT, OR WHITE. This project is by the 1% FOR the 1%. This is not a situation where you should be voting for "small government" or "tax policy" on the right while ignoring the other key points of the Republican platform, this is an effort by Republicans' rich extremist donors to actively overthrow the government and rebuild it from the ground up to only benefit themselves.
You can see the framework of this plan being laid across the country by conservative politicians these elite groups have already paid off -- overturning Roe v. Wade and attacking reproductive rights and medical privacy, conservatives running under progressive platforms and then switching sides after being elected to take political seats from progressives that the people actually want in office and voted for, criminalizing openly LGBTQ+ people in public spaces and labeling them groomers for daring to exist, walking back voter accessibility and putting obstacles in the way of marginalized groups voting to attempt to steal the next election, banning books that teach anything that goes against their fascist white supremacist religious extremist world view (indoctrination), defunding public schooling because they don't want an educated public who can more easily understand them and therefore fight back against them, and walking back protections for children including those preventing child labor and providing free meals and family supports from public institutions like schools (while simultaneously screaming about protecting kids from trans people to distract you from their own blatant attempts to harm kids). Don't just take my word for this, you can see it in action around you with your own eyes by looking up policies Republican politicians have pushed across the country these last few years as well as discussions of Project 2025 in news outlets.
This is, straight up, an attempt at treason by conservative politicians and the elite who are puppeteering them. For the sake of what shreds of democracy this country has remaining DO NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN IN THIS NEXT ELECTION. They are counting on you being uneducated and scared enough of "the left", "communism", and "foreign adversaries" like China and Russia that you will vote against your own best interests and give them all the power to hurt you and everyone else in this country (and the world as a whole, seriously. Take a look at their plans for our military around the world in their mandate if you don't believe me). If you're already liberal, centrist, left, democrat, whatever and you currently don't exercise your voting rights as much as you should PLEASE go vote blue in the next election. You need to be actively voting on both the state and federal level to help fight these threats to our country and our lives. These actions by the rich elites and their politician puppets are trying to lead us to potential civil war and the overthrow of the current US government. Again, THIS IS NOT EXAGGERATION. This is their PUBLIC PLAN for 2025 if they secure a Republican win for president.
Some articles discussing Project 2025 from various news sources:
The official Project 2025 website, which has their plan posted for anyone to read:
And the Mandate itself, taken directly from their official website for Project 2025: (Content warning, this mandate is full of anti-vax, anti-healthcare, covid denial conspiracy, systemic racism denial, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-reproductive rights, anti-equality, anti-divorce, anti-environmental protection, climate change denial conspiracy, anti-social support (SSI/SSDI, CEP, WIC, SNAP, etc), anti-public education, anti-higher education accessibility, pro-fossil fuel, pro-military expansion, pro-conversion therapy, pro-religion in government, and pro-government controlled media censorship and propaganda rhetoric as well as many other fascist, alt-right, religious extremist, and white supremacy political points.)
I have also included some screenshots directly from the Project 2025 mandate in this post for those of you who don't follow links to include a taste of just how evil this mandate actually is. A lot of these things are worded to make it sound like their goal is family protections, increased protections for "democracy" for the right, and to tear down the "corrupt ruling elite" (so they can make themselves the new corrupt ruling elite). DO NOT BE FOOLED, these policies will have wide reaching negative effects for EVERYONE -- including their own voter base. Project 2025 wants to create a government where the president, chosen by groups like The Heritage Foundation specifically for extreme right platforms, and their hand-picked political appointees have power over all other branches to restructure as they see fit and prevent those branches from being able to check the president's powers. This is not for the benefit of the American people, this is for the benefit of the billionaires heading The Heritage Foundation and their elite allies.
Finally, I'd like to make a note about one of the screenshots I included regarding wanting to criminalize pornography and imprison anyone who produces it. This note is for my LGBTQ+ friends and allies. When they are talking about pornography here they are specifically talking about LGBTQ+ rights, not actually porn (as detailed in the article I linked above about their plan to criminalize being trans). They are more likely than not including things like children's books that teach about LGBTQ+ equality and representation and even organizations like the Trevor Project -- a crisis support service for suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth -- as pornography to be criminalized. The proof for this is in actions taken by the Republican politicians they have already bought, like the "don't say gay" laws in Florida, which Project 2025 wants to make into federal law. This would also put LGBTQ+ parents and even non-LGBTQ+ parents who support their LGBTQ+ children at risk of being criminalized and imprisoned for exposing their children to "pornography" by being LGBTQ+ themselves or for "sexualizing", "grooming", and making "pornography" of their children by allowing their kids to be LGBTQ+ and seeking affirmative care for them. It would also put educators, librarians, doctors, and therapists who teach about and support LGBTQ+ rights, possess LGBTQ+ positive education materials, or provide affirmative care in the line of fire as criminals, groomers, and pedophiles. Again, this is not exaggeration. A lesbian couple was literally arrested in Houston for kissing in front of a homophobic woman who was with her child in a public space and then called the cops on them, which the arresting officers told the couple was "sexual harassment of a minor" when they asked why they were being arrested. That is the type of law and punishment that this Project plans to pass on the federal level if given the chance.
PLEASE spread the word about this as much as you possibly can. They released this mandate so early because they are trying to gather an "army" of alt-right supporters ahead of time to steal the next election and take over our government immediately starting day one of a new conservative presidency, so we need to be just as proactive in mobilizing against this and making sure their plan is fully exposed to voters across the country so that can't happen.
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justsome-di · 1 year
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friendly-peep · 2 years
queer people 🤝Jewish people
being the first targets of fascists and being ignored/told to "just deal with it"/told that "it's not that bad"; and then being able to say "told you so" when fascists get to power and start targeting "less acceptable" targets
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agrebel18 · 1 year
so my dad just sent me this YouTube video on a preacher from a church going to a Seattle Pride fest getting teared apart (I refuse to watch it because I have a Feeling of what this video is about) and this is just gonna make any Christian person that actually supports minorities and that aren’t bigots and actually stand up to bigots look SO BAD, and honestly, if you hate a specific group of people SO MUCH, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SNEAK IN TO THEIR EVENTS AND INTRUDE???? 
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
URGENT: Congress about to pass a mass censorship and surveillance bill under the guise of "protecting children"
May 13 2023
The Senate has been in a "do something!" mode regarding children's online safety. They're using this as an excuse to push for widespread internet censorship and surveillance. The EARN IT Act, has a slimmer chance of passing with widespread opposition and some senators saying they won't vote for it. TLDR;The real threat is actually KOSA (s.1409), the Kid's Online Safety Act, which will mass censor and surveill the entire internet by giving all 50 state attorney generals the power to remove content that is "harmful" for kids, and force you to upload your govt ID online to access the internet. I'll explain how it works below the action items but it's absolutely urgent that anyone who likes having a free and open internet fights back. It's all hands on deck, because this has so much public support it's insane:
This is a link to the Senate Commerce Committee phone numbers and a call script to read off of. (202) 224-3121 connects you to the congressional hotline
Opposition is getting drowned, and these upcoming weeks will be heavy for lobbying and they're using young people to do it. We NEED to show these senators that young people are actually opposed to this and don't want it.
2. Sign these petitions
Open Letter Against KOSA
Petition 1
Petition 2
Petition 3
Petition 4
Resistbot: Text PHJDYH to 50409
3. Spread the word.
The opposition is getting absolutely drowned online. Dove has nearly 100k signatures to push for KOSA. Influencers on tiktok are pushing for this without ever having read the bill. Fucking Lizzo is sponsoring it. If you have twitter, reddit, tiktok, are in any community, SPREAD THE WORD, PLEASE.
Here is a linktree with all the above petitions for easy shargin: Link to linktree
First, KOSA pressures platforms to install filters that would wipe the net of anything deemed “inappropriate” for minors. This means instructing platforms to censor. We saw how these filters impacted websites firsthand with tumblr in 2018, with not only blocking all adult content but also sfw queer content such as suicide hotlines, art archives, wiping out entire blogs because they had queer fandom related posts, etc. Places that already use content filters have restricted important information about suicide prevention and LGBTQ+ support groups. KOSA would spread this kind of censorship to every corner of the internet. And who gets to decide what is and isn't harmful for minors? Oh don't worry, just every single state attorney general and the FTC, which is appointed by the president. You know, the same attorney generals that just banned gender-affirming healthcare under the guise that it "ruins mental health" of minors. This is why the Heritage Foundation was one of the first to sponsor the bill because they can use it to censor trans content, and Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee is it's co-author.
Second, KOSA would ramp up the online surveillance of all internet users by forcing websites to use age verification and parental monitoring tools. Yup, that's right. Now every single person who wants to access the internet has to upload their govt ID online to third party apps that get hacked all the time. You queer in a red state? You undocumented? You an activist? Have fun getting all your online activity and metadata attached to your govt ID.  
Over 90+ human and LGBT rights groups agree that KOSA is dangerous and updates to the 2023 version won’t and can’t address the big problems with the bill. This bill has MASSIVE bipartisan support, and the authors Blumenthal and Blackburn (yes, that Blumenthal that's pushing the EARN IT Act, and who also sponsored the RESTRICT Act and SOPA/PIPA if you remember) are using the tragedy of mothers who lost their kids to online harassment and young adults who've been traumatized online to lobby for it, and got Dove the company to use a bunch of influencers to push for this under the guise it prevents eating disorders...I wish I was lying. There are already 30 co-sponsors.
It is all hands on deck. I'm dead serious when I say if this bill is passed it is the beginning if not end of the open and free internet.
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If you're white, please can you not say bulldyke? That is a slur aimed at black lesbians. This is a just in case you come across it. I have been called it before and I would rather white people wouldn't say it. Thank you!
I am Black and am familiar with the term, but I'm also gonna post this as sort of a PSA because I've also seen it misused before by white folks who didn't know its history. The same is true for bulldagger (which is derived from the same term "bulldiker")- both words are generally used to refer to butch lesbians but especially Black butches specifically.
The exact etymology of the terms are unknown but the dehumanizing implication of "bull" is apparent. It is a term that, like others, has been reclaimed, but its use is complicated by its history of racialized usage; terms like "stud" are similarly racialized.
There's nothing wrong with reclaiming slurs, but be mindful!! Not all words are for all people, and some terms have more complex connotations than just meaning queer. Do your research!
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cosmicblame · 2 years
Me, a nb person: “oh my nipples didn’t get the schedule or make any slides so they will not be presenting”
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tf2heritageposts · 6 months
I think anti demoman is a straight white british girl.
so tracer?
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oliveoilcorp · 1 month
Hi there, new followers!~ (an intro post)
You can call me Olivia or Olive
Black Queer graphic novelist / illustrator / writer of werewolves, supernatural horror, romance, etc.
ºMy Portfolio, Socials, and Store Linksº
Recent works include...
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Darlin' and Her Other Names: A werewolf-western-horror-romance comic set across Colorado and Kansas in 1881. The story follows two strangers who meet in a moment of mutual desperation and forge a vengeful partnership. The first installment, Part 1: Marta, was self-published online in March 2023.
BALLAD FOR BLACK CASSANDRA (coming soon): A brooding comic-poem debuting in October 2024 as part of the ShortBox Comics Fair. 
Hyssop: A short horror comic featured in the Ignatz award-winning horror anthology Shades of Fear... "Rachel becomes a live-in caregiver for an elderly woman on a rural property. Things between the woman and her daughter have been tense, and Rachel quickly realizes that this is no ordinary job."
The Muse: A short horror comic featured in Dark Horse Comics' Headless Horseman Halloween Annual... "Dear Writer, Congratulations on your acceptance to the Meadowgrove Writing Residency..."
Artie and the Wolf Moon: A middle-grade werewolf graphic novel that follows 8th grader Artemis "Artie" Irvin after she accidentally uncovers her hidden werewolf heritage.
That's about it! Thanks for following along with my work 💕
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Pride Month is over. As the “LOVE IS LOVE” banners come down and companies lose the rainbow gradients from their logos, we’re faced with a painful truth: LGBTQ+ people, especially the most marginalized among us, are in the crosshairs of a queerphobic backlash that is targeting our health, our histories, and especially our youth. And things are getting worse, not better. According to NPR, half of all US states now ban gender-affirming care for people under 18. Eight states now censor LGBTQ+ issues from school curricula via “Don’t Say Gay” laws, and two more states are considering similar legislation this year. The number-one book targeted for censorship is a graphic novel memoir about gender identity.
This June, Democratic lawmakers marched in Pride parades and spoke on stages, vowing to protect our community and fight back against legislative attacks on queer youth. But some of these same lawmakers are actively pushing federal legislation that would cut LGBTQ+ youth off from resources, information, and communities that can save their lives. Currently, 38 Democratic senators support the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that is vocally opposed by many queer and trans youth, along with a coalition of human rights and LGBTQ+ groups. As a queer- and trans-led advocacy group focused on the ways technology impacts human rights, our organization, Fight for the Future, has seen bills like KOSA before: misguided internet bills that try to solve real problems, but ultimately throw marginalized people under the bus by expanding censorship and surveillance rather than addressing corporate abuses. KOSA’s most obvious predecessor is SESTA/FOSTA, a Trump-era bill that its supporters claimed would clamp down on online sex trafficking. Instead, the bill did almost nothing to accomplish its goal, and has actively harmed LGBTQ+ people and sex workers whose harm-reduction resources were decimated by the subsequent crackdown on online speech.
Like SESTA/FOSTA, some of KOSA’s supporters have positive intent. Many lawmakers and organizations support KOSA because they are concerned about real harms caused by Big Tech, like addictive design features and manipulative algorithms. But, also like SESTA/FOSTA, KOSA doesn’t touch the core issues with Big Tech’s extractive, exploitative business model. Instead, KOSA relies on a “duty of care” model that will pressure social platforms to suppress any speech the government is willing to argue makes kids “depressed” or “anxious.”
Under KOSA, platforms could be sued for recommending a potentially depression- or anxiety-inducing video to anyone under 18. We know from past experience that in order to protect their bottom line, social media companies will overcompensate and actively suppress posts and groups about gender identity, sexuality, abortion — anything they’re worried the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could be willing to argue “harms” kids. How do you think a potential Trump administration’s FTC would use that kind of authority?
Other features of the bill stretch its censorship potential further. Despite language claiming that the bill does not require platforms to conduct “age verification,” to meaningfully comply with the law, platforms will have to know who is under 18. This means they’ll institute invasive age verification systems or age-gating, which can completely cut off access for LGBTQ+ youth who have unsupportive parents, and/or make it unsafe for queer people to access online resources anonymously. KOSA creates powerful new ways for the government to interfere with online speech. For this reason, the bill is like catnip to extreme right-wing groups like the Heritage Foundation, the coordinators of Project 2025, who have explicitly said they want to use it to target LGBTQ+ content. KOSA’s lead Republican sponsor, Marsha Blackburn, has also said in an interview she wants to use KOSA to protect minors “from the transgender.”
The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) purports to protect children, but in reality, it’s a censorship bill that would impact LGBTQ+ youth. #StopKOSA #KOSA
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thehealingsystem · 7 months
Hey, can we talk about the violence against queer natives for a second?
Nex Benedict was a 16 year old nonbinary student who was brutally murdered by three of their female classmates. Not only that, they were a Native American living on a Cherokee reservation, though not enrolled in the tribe, and their actual heritage is that of Choctaw.
Their death was not properly reported on until the blog post that genderkoolaid shared was made. Their nonbinary identity had remained unacknowledged, and it took even longer for their native one to be.
They were a victim of the rising anti-trans rhetoric spreading throughout places like the US. They were beaten in a bathroom after Oklahoma had banned trans people from restrooms, designating them to only use that of their assigned sex. Nex was attacked in the girls bathroom.
A native, two-sprit, nonbinary teenager. Whose identity and the actual circumstances behind the incident, a hate crime, wasn't even published beforehand. They died tragically, a death that could've been easily prevented.
Do you know how scary that is? I'm just like them. A native, two-spirit, nonbinary teenager. I have to keep on hearing stories of people my age, who live in the same country, who share my identity, getting murdered. Not even just murdered, but erased.
I know for an absolute fact that if I died tragically, who I am will not be remembered. My deadname will be on everything. I would not be counted in trans statistics, nonetheless statistics on transmascs. My identity would not be respected. My native heritage wouldn't matter. I didn't get to be enrolled. And Nex had supportive family and friends, people who stood up for them. Not all trans kids get to have that.
I've had to think about this before many times. From the other trans youth deaths I've seen. From nearly becoming one of them. When is it enough? Why do the people in power do nothing to stop kids like me from being killed? Why do they only want to make our lives worse?
I'm very lucky to live in a state that has not wavered on it's protections on LGBTQ+ residents. Though I am reminded often that that can easily change, if things keep going like this.
I could've easily been them. I can still easily be them. There are many other kids who can be them. Everyone should be doing more to protect trans youth, and protect queer natives. We're so often forgotten about. I'm part of small tribes, and tribes who barely even exist anymore. My elders desperately trying to keep it alive. Please do not erase us. I'm queer, I'm native. Nex Benedict should have been protected, youth like me should be protected. I wish the best for their family and I hope their memory is never forgotten.
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