#questionable parent inko here
hey-hamlet · 1 year
Since you mentioned that we can at least ask about MHA legend of zelda crossovers, how about this idea? The Triforce is passed down once a generation. And Pchako, Bakugo and Izuku are all candidates to receive a piece. And thanks to the last holder of Power having been AFO, Power has a bad rep. Duo to his attitude, Bakugo has been called that he'll get Power for sure. He's even bought into that idea. Then when the day comes, Bakugo Courage, Ochako Wisdom and Izuku gets Power.
OOOOOO ok ok ok I adore any content that addresses just how feral and unhinged Izuku is so Yes. I'm actually going to switch Ochako and Bakugo, I think. Bakugo's not actually as brave as her, in my opinion - he's just not scared. He's also wise in both battle sense and academically, so I think it'd suit him. He'd also be kind of mad about it, which is funny.
Ochako's parents were rich merchants with noble blood before she was born but they fell out of favor with the wealthy and have been just scraping by. When she was born with a softly glowing golden birthmark behind her ear her parents should have been excited. It was their path back into nobility - a child marked with the triforce was a blessing! One that solidified their place in nobility. But, a child of the triforce is Hyrule's child, not theirs. Not their baby girl, their only child - but a god's newest form. They keep quiet until she's 12, as long as they can wait, only a week after the second boy is found. They play up their ignorance, pretend they didn't know what the mark meant. All they can hope is that shes not marked for power
The Bakugo's were powerful nobles, ecstatic to see their son born with the golden mark on the palm of his hand. Due to their social clout their son wasn't taken from them, but he was given a prince's education. Due to his future power, he was paired with the young son of a kitchen maid, only a few days his junior, to act as a playmate and attendant. He grew up proud and brash and angry - his confidence and skill with a blade meant people assumed he must be Power, and his loud anger at the whispers meant he must be cruel. He was never nice to his playmate - the stupid boy wanted to fight along side him (but without the triforce, without the power of a god the rising tide of monsters would kill him - kill the only person really loyal to him and not the idea of what he could be) so Katsuki had to show him who the powerful one really was.
Izuku was born the night his father died, the night the great evil All for One was slain, the night his mother ran from their richly appointed manor to a stable at the foot of Hyrule castle. The golden triangle over his heart was a death knoll that all but ripped Inko's heart out of her chest the second she saw it. Just like his father's - the triforce ran in the royal family, only those with noble blood, those who had the blood of god in them, could be blessed like that. Bless, she thought spitefully, like the demon king? Or like Hisashi, a man she had loved, a man she'd seen grow greedier and greedier with his attentions, with his need for power, until he couldn't hide that Hisashi was a polite fiction told by the kingdom's doom. Izuku was raised alongside another boy with the triforce, Katsuki. Inko hoped that the brash boy's goodness would rub off on her son, so she turned a blind eye to the bruises and scrapes he left.
The day Ochako, the oldest by a few days, turned 16, their aspect of the triforce claimed them. Ochako, her broad shoulders and bright smile showing her courage. Bakugo, for all he was a brash bully, he couldn't hide his wisdom. And little Izuku, smallest, youngest and thinnest of the lot, with his big doe eyes and watery smile, for his power.
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sugarplumz100 · 16 days
Can I request reader meeting Mha characters family, you can pick whoever you think fits best :3
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A/N: Hiiiii thank you so much for requesting!
Characters: Midoriya and Bakugo
Synopsis: you get invited to go over to your boyfriend’s house to meet the parents!
Midoriya is a naturally nervous person. He isn’t nervous that his mom wouldn’t like you, that she will forbid Midoriya from dating you because she’s super nice and isn’t that kind of person. However he is nervous that something will go wrong, what if he trips when greeting you at the door, what if he gets food between his teeth, or if his mother shares an absolutely embarrassing story about him.
Although he’s very nervous himself, he will try to reassure you as much as he can if you’re incredibly nervous. From how he speaks about his mother you know she’s a nice woman and that you probably have nothing to worry about.
Once you arrive to the Midoriya household you can help but feel nervous. Gripping onto the nicely packaged thing of chocolates you knock. This is it…it’s happening…there’s no turning back
Good news chat! SHE LOVES YOU!
She thinks you’re absolutely perfect for her son, he knows he is a sweet boy and he has a ton on his plate with being a hero in training. She is glad that you have shown him nothing but kindness, love, and respect. That’s all she wanted for her son as a mother. She definitely tells you some stories but nothing too bad because she doesn’t want to embarrass Izuku too much. However she does whip out the photo album !
Pictures of izuku at the age of 9 playing with his figures, izuku in his boy scout uniform, and many other pictures that make Izuku turn into a tomato. Overall meeting Inko was more than you expected in a good way. She fully supports you two being together.
Although he doesn’t show it, he’s pretty scared that his mother will scare you off. Even though he’s basically a carbon copy of her and you put up with him, shit you even love him, he still thinks that her loudness and abrasive personality will scare you off.
The meeting was definitely a short notice, his mother probably found out he had a girlfriend and she just wanted to meet who would be the brave soldier to love and put up with her incredibly loud son.
Bakugo definitely did try hiding you from his parents for this exact reason, he’s just extremely nervous and won’t admit it. He isn’t to worried about his father disapproving because he’s the most forgiving however his mother definitely has strong opinions.
When you show up to the Bakugo household, his parents are genuinely surprised how different you are from him. They definitely thought he would’ve found someone just as hot headed as him but they were (happily) proved wrong.
His mother definitely asks you a bunch of questions, not in an interrogation way but to know more about you. So far she loves everything she’s hearing and Katsuki couldn’t be any happier seeing both of you getting along so well. His father is mostly listening and joining in here in there, just basking in happiness that his some found someone good.
Overall, they both love you and invite you over again and again. His mom definitely gives you a bone crushing hug once you leave though.
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rayshippouuchiha · 10 months
Thank you! So here I am to infodump, full of gratitude, and you can post this if you want no problem it's just a bunch of scattered ideas so yeah. Feel free to chuck suggestions at me too! I really don't know what to do with these... building blocks just yet.
Akatani Mikumo is Midoriya Hisashi.
Toshinori gets sandwiches by the Midoriya couple and it turns into an OT3 but that's much later down the line.
Hisashi is a journalist, keeps getting into everybody's business and Knows™ more than he frankly should.
Hisashi is a Cryptid™. But of a different energy from his son who is all lightning-in-a-bottle jittery On The Verge Of Throwing Hands feral sort of cryptid, Hisashi is mostly of this... supernaturally unflappable blank-faced chill entity.
Who keeps spooking people bc No Footstep sounds.
And might possibly be partially mute or just ridiculously soft-spoken bc when he tries to speak at normal volumehis fire-breathing quirk goes ballistic.
Might or might not have bloodline relations to AFO. Origins ambiguous, Inko just literally plucked the (then) teen off a back alley like he was a stray cat.
Also might or might not have more than one quirk, see the probable AFO connection.
Izuku got his mumbling thing from Hisashi.
A cryptid man who seems normal enough except a little off-kilter, like two inches to the left of what's a “normal” man? Weirdo but nobody can pinpoint how or why. That's the sort of vibe I want with this Hisashi.
And some Wack™ backstory lore I came up w for Hisashi, I dunno what I'll do w it but:
Cw: mention of infant murder, bc I'm Me™ and I was thinking about Yotsumegami (it's my favorite game) and how my version of Hisashi would tie in with it.
Yanno how in Yotsumegami “unwanted children” (children with disabilities, the younger of a twin pair or every sibling except the eldest in triplets or higher, etc) would be killed (it's a real historical practice in Japan, mabiki, they called it) or something like that? Would be kinda fun if an offshoot of that variety existed in the BnHA world, even if it's not outright child murder kids would be abandoned, especially in the chaos of the Dawn of Quirks. People who were scared of quirked people would abandon their quirked child, quirkist folk abandoned their quirkless children, it's chaos.
It would be more prominent during the initial chaos, though I guess laws and stuff would've been passed later on to prevent it or at least cut down the numbers— and the practice fizzled out but there's still a few remote rural villages who accept “unwanted” children.
One such secret community could be like, giving the surname “Akatani” (red valley, for the red of spider lilies used in mabiki in times past) to the children that were discarded at their metaphorical door. Do they still practice mabiki? Debatable. But it's like a giant secret orphanage with questionable, cult-like mentalities.
Akatani Hisashi was one of those until he miraculously escaped and tried to survive in the outside world.
Or maybe he didn't have the Akatani surname at first bc nobody in the remote village had any surname but once he got out he might've created the surname as a way to hm, not quite honor but carry his origins into his new life.
(maybe Yoichi was almost mabiki'd too, like I said I'm still not entirely sure where I'm going with this)
So Izuku gets to grow up w two parents who care a great deal for him. Maybe they move away, resulting in Izuku not having to deal w Bakugou in his childhood. Maybe Izuku makes friends with some other future 1-A classmate.
The Commission keeps trying to track down this one rogue “vigilante reporter” whose name is unknown. And they keep failing because Hisashi (along with his son and excessive gaggle of... comrades? followers? does the Midoriya family accidentally create an organization of rabid info gatherers?) is a certified cryptid.
Izuku has his hands in so many pots. He's a lot more nosey than in canon probably?
Endeavor had better be prepared bc his entire way of life is about to go up in smoke
I don't know why but I just have this very strong feeling that Stain doesn't like Hisashi for one reason or another.
I... wouldn't be entirely opposed to the AU just chucking Bakugou out the window so that he's not in 1-A (or in UA at all, fuck that pomeranian) and instead is replaced by another loud blond...
Fucking Monoma, LMAO.
A lot of the AU is just ?????? for now and most of it is Hisashi backstory but hnnnnng I want to do something with these jigsaw pieces I just don't know what
Also I'll be sending in Hisashi's design in a non-anon ask but could you append it to this ask's answer instead? Thanks!
I adore everything about this!?!?!
Also I didn't get another ask, anon or not, so Tumblr might have eaten it
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gentrychild · 1 year
Au where some of the kids die during the summer camp attack.
1 - The kids who die are Momo, the 1-B kid who carried her away from the chainsaw noumu in canon (well, this time, he wasn't fast enough), Aoyama (tried to protect another student and was killed by Twice for it), the poltergeist girl from 1-B and Bakugou (Tomura was very miffed that Dabi had the bright idea to throw fire at the boy with explosive sweat).
2 - UA doesn't get shut down (it's a close call with the public outrage, especially as people are kinda right in pointing out that the security was nowhere near enough, even without taking into account the previous villain attacks) but Nedzu is fired and replaced by someone from the HPSC.
3 - Izuku wants to come back to school anyway. Inko laughs in his face. Out of the question. He has been attacked by villains three times since the school year started. He is getting homeschooled until she finds him a non heroic school for him to study. The other parents in 1-A have similar reactions, even Endeavor is not impressed with UA failing to protect its students.
4 - All Might is trying not to show it but students dying while he wasn't here greatly affected him. He is falling back into his depression and he is having nightmares about Young Midoriya dying. The fact he has to announce his retirement soon doesn't help things.
5 - All that to say that the kids become vigilantes and must hide it from their parents. The League of Villains and the many villain groups inspired by them are suddenly hunted down by very short vigilantes.
+ 1 - UA's current administration is really annoyed that they have lost so many of their hero students and the HPSC is starting to consider the idea of recruiting this new wave of vigilantes.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 months
By music! Question, I was looking for a Drabble you wrote and post, I think it was a WIP about havenfall is for family, about hisashi’s will and how Izuku wouldn’t get anything if he transition or something and I was wondering if you could help me find it?
Inko had been the first to fall for Hisashi’s charm but she hadn’t been the last by far. Sitting in the small police station that Sherriff Hunt had escorted her, Izuku and Mr. Smith to, she figured Martha probably hadn’t been the last either.
“It fits his usual antics.” Inko said tiredly. “The only reason I stuck around was because he’d actively sabotaged my college career and had a lot of money. Leaving would have ruined me even with evidence of him cheating which three of his girlfriends had given me.”
“A real piece of work,” Sherrif Hunt said in disgust. She paused to look at Izuku who was lost in his own world with Inko’s phone and headphones.
“He’s looking up local heroes.” Inko explained. Hunt looked interested, eyes twinkling.
“Really? Does he know any English? My Japanese is rusty, and I’d like to talk about heroes.”
“He knows a fair amount.” Inko smiled as the sherriff easily drew Izuku away. Far enough he couldn’t hear but close enough Inko could see. She was a good woman, Inko could tell.
“Alright so, Hisashi left you and Izuku everything,” Mr. Smith didn’t beat around the bush. “His funeral was last week, but you didn’t come due to…”
“Izuku’s classmates thought it would be funny to push him down the stairs and he broke his arm and leg,” Inko said shortly. The lawyer stared at her in open mouth shock. Inko noticed that the Sherrif seemed to have stiffened briefly to. Enhanced hearing probably. “One of the parents at least felt bad enough to get a relative with a healing Quirk in but it took a while.”
“Oh…” Mr. Smith swallowed. “Okay, so, it makes sense why you’re staying here for a while.”
“Just a few years to handle Hisashi’s affairs so I can arrange to move to a new place in Japan. The house he and his mother lived in is still good, correct?” Inko asked.
“It is.” Mr. Smith nodded. He made a note on some paper he’d taken from his briefcase. “Izuku will inherit a large sum as long… as…” he trailed off. Inko sighed.
“Izuku declared he was a boy when he was four and I never denied him that. Perhaps he’s a little to young for it, I don’t know. Don’t ask me how gender works. I don’t see any harm in letting him explore pronouns and his identity. Maybe he’ll decide otherwise.” Inko sighed. “What did Hisashi put?”
“Izuku cannot go on hormone blockers and has to have a kid.”
“That sounds illegal.” Inko said instantly.
“It actually is thanks to certain laws in Japan.” Mr. Smith told her. “Here in the states it’s still legal so I believe he thought he could do that. However as most of his assets are in Japan…”
“He couldn’t.” Inko let out a breath of relief. “And you didn’t say anything?”
“Told him Japanese law makes that condition null but he ignored me.” Mr. Smith shrugged. “Not my problem.” The rest of the meeting was just discussing the assets. It was a fair amount of money, enough Inko could go back to college herself to finally get that literature degree she’d always wanted and not work until Izuku was in his teens. And Izuku could be well off as an adult himself. And that was just the liquid assets.
“How many houses did he have?” Inko wondered. There were four in America and two in Japan. Along with multiple sets of art and other goods. “Please tell me he wasn’t a villain.”
“Oh no, just shady,” Mr. Smith said. The meeting continued with Inko agreeing to have some companies clean out the houses and sell them, including the ones in Japan as Inko wanted to arrange a new home for her and Izuku. Without memories of her ex-husband.
Some days were better then others concerning him. She missed the man she thought he’d been; the funny and kind man who swept her off her feet when she was young. Who took her dancing and who promised to love her.
The cracks had appeared when she was twenty-five but she didn’t fully notice them until she was pregnant. When Hisashi knew she wouldn’t leave, because she didn’t have a job or any education. Izuku became her whole world and he used it against her.
Inko would never regret her son. Izuku was her pride and joy, a beautiful little boy. But Hisashi knew what buttons to press. It just got worse when Izuku got his diagnosis.
(She hated that word. Diagnosis, like being Quirkless was a terminal illness meant to kill him. It wouldn’t kill Izuku.
Society would. It already tried when he got shoved down the stairs. It tried when Inko had to fight to get anyone to care. When Mitsuki tried to convince Inko that Katsuki had nothing to do with it, when the woman was so obtuse to her son’s actions that she ignored Inko’s worry. When Mitsuki kept defending Katsuki even when proof came out.
When Inko tried to believe Katsuki apologized only to find Izuku sobbing because the blonde had burned Izuku’s arm due to ‘making auntie side against him’. Inko told Katsuki off and she realized how little anyone had seen her son as a person.
All highly illegal and Inko walked away after setting the police on Aldera and the Bakugou family. She blocked them all.)
Inko hadn’t been a saint when she’d learned Izuku didn’t have a Quirk. She’d gone through the motions and had a pity party until she snapped out of it when Izuku came home with tears in his eyes because he got told by a teacher he’d end up on a street corner.
He was five. Inko hated it took that single act of cruelty to wake her up. Hisashi hadn’t been woken up, but he’d been decent enough to keep up the facade.
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mikeellee · 8 months
Hi 👋
What are your opinions about mitsuki bakugo and what makes you think that she is a better mother than inko. I agree with you when it comes to this and I think shiggy had the best mum but I do just want you to go into deeper detail about it
Hi @bibibbon
First things first, I'm on my job right now (waiting instructions. I'm on my grace period) but I do have an answer for you.
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I want to be clear I don't like the whole trope "slap on his head" even if is 100% harmless and comical. That being said, Mitsuki didn't slap on her son here bc she is EVIL and ABUSIVE. Bk was acting like an ass and she discipline him.
Yes, in real life such action would make people frown but like mha is not real. Plus, Asian moms can be like that. Hell, hispanic mom too.
"Behave or I'll use my sandals/chinelo on you"
I'm latina. I've seen rude kids being threaten by this to behave...hate or love, this alone is not indication of abuse. Its a way to make the kids not act rudely...in my time, there was spooky stories too. "If you do this, the monster will get you" you know? It's a tool. Not expert on motherhood but a mom disciplining her son is not always equal to ABUSE.
Also look at the image I shared...people are hanging up on hating Mitsuki for this panel but like ...her son is threating to beat her up. Look, BK has show to be rude with his mom (if he was being abuse...he wouldn't have provoked her)
*He calls her hag. What mom likes to be called that?
* I remember a short where Bk asks his father why he married his mom and then at the end he said "so you couldn't get rid of her" haha hilarious isnt it?😒 I think this one is in smash. I think.
Also...let's imagine this: IF she was abusing her son...what this adds to the story? Many fics use this trope to justify BK. "His mom was abusive" ok...and what about Izu? Is he not allowed to be angry? Is "Mitsuki is abusive" free jail card?
Also the fics NEVER gave us a reason as why this woman would abuse her son. "Abuse doesnt need to have a reason" I agree in parts, its just if you are to do a story like that usually has a trigger "she lost her job/lost her hubby/was abused as well"
Mitsuki has none of this.
"Why you think she is better than Inko?" Well, she does parenting! As much people may not like "the slap on his head" it's something. Inko does nothing!!!!
On the war arc 2 the eletrical bangaloo...Mitsuki is seen worried for her son "oh no. Its raining you know our son's quirk dont fare well under the rain"
Does Inko knows anything about her son's quirk? Nah. She just weeps and does nothing.
Like Inko is such shitty mom that she lives in an extreme scale. Either fics shows her as LE BEST MOM EVER (read a fic where Inko was OP and her son is still abused and still asks for her to not hurt "kaachan"😒) or the worst mom ever. (One where she was happy her son got a quirk so now she can gave a life. She is going out and is barely at home, in essence abandoning her son, bk calls her auntie and still abuses Izu)
Nao is the best mom. No questions here. I dont like how all the Shimuras arent important.
Also she and Mitsuki are good moms.
The mc ...is saddle with his abuser and a pretty neglectful mom.
Not of the implication "Inko was thin but thanks to Izu being quirkless she got fat"
I dont think Inko has maturity to be a mom...but I see her as a lonely person who wanted to have a family.
She is a pathetic and sad character.
But hey this is a fandom where people say "Shig is so deep" and sigh...what can we do?
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wholelottatransbians · 3 months
This time about Gen Zero and multiple asks:
Midoriya probably invented quirk therapy as an actual functioning and moral thing to do, not whatever BS Togas did to Himiko. Probably making it so Mamadoriya was/is a therapist, so he learned a lot from her (and so kids can get at least so measure of mental health help)
2. Speaking of Inko, I can see her being the person who coined the term Quirk here during Izuku's childhood, partially as an endearment term and partially as a code word so neither of them outs him by accident
3. I think that Mei and Izuku would make a cute couple here. Their dates are just gushing over quirks, support gear, and their applications. I also think that Momo should be added to their nerd romance because she could be one to start a business course (as in PR and money-raising stuff). Making them parents of hero society.
4. What is Toshinori's deal here? I adore that man and want to know what he did do to inspire Izuku
5. Is Natsuo quirkless here, and if yes, did he knock the fuck up out of Enji for his stunt
Most definitely, he's arguably one of the first non evil Quirk enthusiasts, so he's already collecting notes on how the work and how to train them. He'll actually ask questions like "you need blood? can you drink animal blood? is there a way to ethically source some human blood for you?", instead of just telling you to hide it. It's great.
I knew I wanted Inko to work in the medical field somewhere, didn't think of Quirk therapy. It fits too!
While that is cute, I imagined the term existed for a little bit, as it's less... clinical? Than Meta Ability at least. He did scour online Quirk forums for a while before going Vigilante, so he definitely ran into the term.
Mei/Izuku is really cute, didn't plan for that one. And as nice is adding Momo would be, that would make for 3 AUs where IzuMomo is a major part. I'd seem biased.
Yagi was a professional athlete (What sport? Yes) that suffered a career ending injury years ago. He's one of the biggest supporters of Quirked Rights, no matter how much it "hurts his image". Midoriya is a huge fan of him, despite knowing very little about sports.
Secretly though, he's a Quirkless Vigilante, working with a group for the goal of taking down the "Shadow Lord" of Japan, All for One.
He's not, he has both Fuyumi's and Touya's missing resistances (he's immune to both high and low temperatures). He's also been trying to find his missing siblings to help them in any way he can.
And yes, he got at least one good swing in.
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justatalkingface · 2 years
Got another question for ya!
Do you think bnha forces conflict in some places?
Like say the war arc for example. Like how they had most of their Pros give up and retire so they could bring in the UA students to fight.
And it's just... why is UA the only hero school doing this? If this is supposed to be a big war that'll decide the fate of the world, why wasn't Shiketsu or Ketsubutsu brought into this? I know some of their students have quirks that could've been useful in the war, why was it just UA?
If you could think of any other examples of this series forcing conflict, I would love to hear them!
Oh yeah.
This gets to the heart of something that's bothered me for awhile now, and for the longest time it's been a UA only thing (though of course War Arc/Post War just dumped that everywhere as well): UA, and hero schools as a whole, are narratively trying to be too many things at once.
You see, on one end, UA is a high school. A fancy high school, at that, one where there's a high academic bar to admission (one I doubt Mina and Kaminari could actually pass, for the record, but OK, Hori, these classic normal teenagers that spend a lot of their time in and out of school training to fight, and seem to spend a lot of their free time being normal kids instead of intensely studying are in the top ten of the country academically or whatever that bullshit was in the beginning), with school festivals, and parental permission required.
On the other hand, students are all but thrown into dangerous shit all the time.
The school that goes, "Oh, hey there, first year interns! Whooo's ready to go raid a Yakuza den!" is the same school that has to bow down to Inko so Izuku can live there, because surprise! We did the whole, 'put the kids knowingly into a super dangerous confrontation as first years' bit before the War too!
Do you see the disconnect here? I've mentioned this before, but MHA suffers from being a 'modern' setting, with modern values, in what is apparently just normal ass Japan, despite all the technological advances that probably should have radically changed society. It makes it fun and exciting, sure, but... the thing is, in modern time society as a whole cares about kids, and isn't exactly ready to throw them into the meat grinder. Shonen school settings like this, though, are about that meat grinder, about throwing the kids into ever more dangerous situations to see if they live or die against all odds.
Everywhere else, though, gets away with it by being detached from modern society, like Jujitsu, or just in a different world altogether, like Naruto. In a military dystopian hellscape, after all, things like modern values are irrelevant, so we can watch Naruto go into dangerous missions where people die with no logical dissonance!
To some extent, the League allows Hori to get away with this, since they're outside of UA's control, but relying on just them to carry the plot gets stale, so other problems are needed to be, again, confronted by first year high school students.
So to allow that, they either need to just... not really explain why kids are allowed part of it beyond 'reasons', like Izuku raiding Overhaul, or try and give an explanation, like Kaminari is apparently the only decent electromancer on the hero's side in the entire country, so they needed him to hard counter the other only decent electromancer in Japan, only to raise more questions than I think Hori really wants to answer, or just make it really obvious how that their participation is being forced.
It reason for all of this goes back to, on a simple Doylist perspective, the fact 1A, or at the very least Izuku, needs to be involved with major events. In a shonen setting like this, they need to fight, need to be put in danger. But, again, modern setting: that isn't OK, to put actual minors in harm's way, deliberately, all the time. So 1A and/or Izuku are just... shoehorned into these dangerous situations, are forced into them as you said, but it's only 1A. Where are literally every other school?
*shrug* That's an excellent question!
No, seriously. You can ask that at almost every given moment in the manga given how nonexistent the other schools are. Shiketsu literally only exists to be UA's rival as needed, and that's still more than what Ketsubetsu gets (or hell, almost any other class in UA). Compare this to like, Harry Potter, and you'll see a similar problem that world building often seems to exist only to service the plot, rather than making a world that makes sense and making a story that fits within that world. HP is so mono focused into the (utterly nonsensical) school of Hogwarts means they can avoid those problems better than MHA, which keeps trying to shove us into the greater scope of the setting, only to look away and whistle innocently when we ask questions about it.
When you look at it, after the initial setup you can see how Hori is trying to alternate where the dangers come from, to keep the story fresh: League attacks, then students go on an internship and are attacked. League attacks again, so they need to internship again so someone else can try and kill them. Ugh. And yes, I know Shigaraki is lurking in the background during the internships, but the League isn't the focus at those points, the heroes vs internship villains are; all he's doing there is showing how he's developing as a mirror to Izuku's development.
Beyond that.... you know, when you actually think about, when the staff knows that, A, a mole exists, and B, there's a group of people who seem interested in ambushing portions of the school when they separate from everyone else and become vulnerable, maybe, just maybe, someone should have brought up that taking a field trip into the wilderness was perhaps a questionable choice. You know, between how isolated they are, full of vulnerable kids they need to protect, how there's no way to call reinforcements, and how the mole could tell the people who want to, among other things, kill said children, and have access to a warper wasn't exactly a genius choice. Doubly so for Nezu since he knows Izuku has OFA, and that with the context that AFO has he probably knew about it by that point, and just in general since 1A was already attacked and that unstable individuals might have a grudge against them.
Of course, this is forgetting the conflict in school. And to a degree, I think I'm getting off topic, since a lot of that forced conflict in school is about Izuku feeling stressed and in danger rather than him being in physical danger, but... you know, Bakugou literally tries to kill Izuku, and there was nothing stopping him other than his own inability to land the hit. Izuku randomly gets a quirk, and then some murder tentacles almost off someone before he can get it under control.
They put these kids, kids with dangerous superpowers, teenage impulse control and minimal apparent training on how not to hurt someone when using them, into fights and then do basiclly nothing to keep them from going out of control. Why? Because, well, it makes it more dramatic for the readers. Thinking about it for five seconds makes it clear how messed up that set up is, compared to Final Exams, for example, which for all its problems are against teachers, well trained teachers with years of experience deliberately holding back (seriously. The idea of those weights doing anything to slow All Might is laughable. Really, the idea of any amount of them beating him is hilarious, but that's more because how wildly OOC his power level is more than anything).
I mean, hell, the Zero Pointer exists. I know people think its programmed to stop before it hurts anyone, and that it wouldn't have stomped on Uraraka, but.... that's putting a lot of faith into UA's safety policies. Even if it was, the fact it's so big means it destroys everything around it, which could easily kill someone on accident if a building collapsed on them. The sheer spectacle of it aside, the fact that someone in charge thought to unleash that in a city filled with kids (or really, anyeone) is nuts.
So yeah, there's definitely some forced conflict in MHA, as part of how so much of the setting itself is enslaved to the almighty weekly cliffhanger.
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atenea14 · 28 days
Chapter 2: Web of Hearts
In the Wake of Heroes
Soulmates AU
Pairing: Katsuki x Eijiro x Shoto x Izuku x OC (not physically described though)
Warnings: Season 7 spoilers, events of the anime not represented accurately, soulmates AU, slow burn, not beta read, nothing else for now.
Word count: 2,5k
Divider from: @saradika
Previous chapter Masterlist
Comments or any interaction is appreciated
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While Saya had left in the arms of Katsuki accompanied by the rest of the boys, the adults gathered there stood still in silence and confusion for a couple of minutes, almost as if they were in denial of what they had witnessed. Finally the movement of the medical staff brought them out of their stupor. Mitsuki shared a long look with her husband before speaking. 
You’re that girl’s father right?- Her question brought the attention of a black haired man that was pinching his nose with two fingers, he looked at her and extended his hand. 
- Yukine Renji - Mitsuki reciprocated the handshake and presented herself and her husband. 
- We’re the parents of Katsuki. - 
- By your features I guess we’re talking about the boy who was carrying Saya.- 
- That’s right. - Renji nodded and turned to face another one of the parents. 
- Todoroki Enji. - Pleasantries were exchanged again and another uncomfortable silence followed. 
- So… are we going to address the matter or… - Mitsuki was the one taking the initiative again but only received a shrug from Endeavour and a sigh from Renji. 
- Good evening, I’m Aizawa Shota, I’ve also witnessed it. I’m a teacher at UA and I tutor the class where these boys study. I’m not sure if the school or me can be of any help for the families but please let us know if we can do something. - Gratitude was expressed.
- Thank you Aizawa but this is too recent for us to be able to do something, let alone some parents are still missing.-
- Yukine is right, we should warn Inko and Kirishima’s parents. I can go find Inko, she’s also in the hospital.- 
- Do you know Kirishima’s parents too, Ms Bakugou? - Endeavour asked. 
- No, I don’t have a relationship with them.- 
- I believe they're also in the hospital, I’ll ask what Kirishima's room is and ask them to come. - 
- I’ll call my wife.- 
- Should we all meet in the cafeteria? We may be a bother in the middle of a corridor.- Everybody agreed at Renji’s suggestion and after 20 minutes they were all seated. 
- Uhm… Can you tell me what this is about?- 
- Yes, we’d also like to know.- Inko and Kirishima’s parents needed to be filled in. Some sights were heard. 
- I believe our sons are soulmates.- Mitsuki was as blunt as always. 
- Really? Izuku-chan and Katsuki-kun? But… How has the bond been activated now? They have known each other since forever. - 
- No, no I meant… All of our sons are soulmates.- This time Mitsuki made a circular movement with her arm signalling to all the presents. Some parents needed reaffirmation and after another uncomfortable silence and some whispering Kirishima’s parents talked. 
- We’re Eijiro’s parents and we’re aware that Shoto, Bakugou and Midoriya’s parents are here too but we don’t believe we’ve seen you before sir, does your son also study at UA?.- 
- Apologies, I should've presented myself first. I’m Yukine Renji, and Saya, my daughter, does not study at UA. She’s the girl who entered mid fight in the aerial coffin. - 
- She was really brave, I believe her participation was crucial in the war. - Renji softly smiled at Inko. 
- It was, and now she’s also helping with some heroes' recovery. - 
- She’s a good girl. - The man replied curtly with a nod. 
- That’s amazing, aren’t you happy about this Yukine?- He lightly tilted his head and looked directly at Kirishima’s father. 
- I’m proud of her but… I just wished the situation was different. - Kirishima’s father nodded at this.
- I can understand the feeling.- 
- Excuse me for changing the topic but what are we going to do about this situation? - It was the first time Rei spoke that evening. 
- What can we do? If they are soulmates we can’t interfere. - Masaru chimed in. 
- Surely we can do something, it’s not as this is a common soulmate bond. - Kirishima’s mother frowned and gently rested her right hand on her cheek. Masaru also frowned.
- It’s uncommon but not unspoken for, especially in younger generations. I don’t think that the fact that they’re five and not a couple gives us any right to intervene. - Everybody looked genuinely surprised at Endeavour's statement.
- I agree. I’m aware of your concerns because I share them. I know that my daughter is a good girl and I want to believe that your sons are also good. At least I know they are all responsible because of their interventions in this war so I suggest we don’t make any intervention for now and wait to see what the kids want to do. A normal relationship can get really complicated because of the family's intervention but with 5 sets of parents… - Renji didn’t end the phrase but showed a troubled expression. 
- I guess you’re right. - Kirishima’s parents relented. 
- Well, Mr Yukine if our kids decide to have a romantic relationship I promise I’ll be the best mother-in-law.- Mitsuki’s determined expression made Renji smile. 
- You’re going to need to fight for that spot. - Rei’s statement surprised even her husband. 
- I’m not planning on staying behind. - Inko quickly chimed in. 
- Me neither. - Kirishima’s mother brightly smiled while Renji cleared his throat and smiled.
- I appreciate it, a lot. - A nurse suddenly approached them.
- Mr Yukine, we're going to fetch Saya for her appointment. - 
- Thank you, I’ll be there in a moment. - 
- Is she alright? - Rei looked genuinely concerned. 
- She has recovered from her injuries but between the stress of the fight and the endeavour of using her quick to heal she’s still weak. What about the boys? - 
- Eijiro is being sent home in two days. - 
- Izuku still needs to stay. - 
- Shoto needs to stay too.- 
- And Katsuki. - 
- I see, I hope they have a fast recovery. We should exchange contact information later, now if you’ll excuse me I’ll go with Saya. -
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Your pain is probably due to over exhaustion so from now on you’ll have to rest in bed after using your quirk but with the new diet, supplements and medical control there should be no further complications. You’ll have to stay in the hospital until we’ve finished treating heroes with your quirk. We’ll schedule the operations depending on your health state but you shouldn’t need to stay here more than a month. 
- A whole month in here? O come on can I not go home between interventions? - 
- Saya is for your health. - Saya side eyed his father.
- We’ll talk about this once we get there. If you have good recovery rates I’ll let you go home, if not you’ll have to stay. Does that work for you Saya? -
- You're making it sound as if I had a choice. - She just sighed and nodded. 
- But you’ll be with Mirko, she will spend more time here than a month. - The girl's eyes shined. 
- You don’t need to send me home. - 
The doctor laughed and left the room. 
- You are incorrigible Saya. - 
- It’s in my genes. - Reiji chuckled. 
- I guess it is. - 
- Aren’t you going to ask me anything? - 
- Do you want to talk about it Saya?- 
- I don't know, it’s really confusing. - 
- You’ve talked with them right? - 
- Uhm… well more liked I had anxiety and cried and they comforted me. - His expression softened.
- I see. Well, they seem to have good families. - 
- What? How do you know? Have you investigated them already? - 
- No, most of the parents witnessed the soul bonding moment so we’ve been talking. - 
- This gets worse by the minute. - Renji looked at the ceiling as if he was talking with someone there. 
- Oh don’t be so dramatic. They have good parents and we’ve decided to not intervene for now so don’t worry about it. - 
- What do you mean for now? - He gave an exasperated sigh and ignored her question. 
- I have to make a couple of calls, I’ll come back later. - 
- No that’s fine, you can go home, it won’t be long until dinner time so don’t worry. -
- Are you sure about this? - 
- Yes, I’ll watch something with my mobile. -
- Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow morning. - 
Saya’s POV: 
Someone knocked at my door when I was about to start eating dinner upon looking I realise they’re here.
- Can we come in? - Izuku gently asks. 
- Oh sure. - I’m a little taken aback upon seeing them with their dinner. 
- We were going to have dinner together and we thought that maybe you would want to join us? - Shoto is the one who clarifies the situation. 
- Yes I’d like to, but there’s no room for all of us in here. -
- The nurses let us use their resting room, they have been spoiling us. - Eijiro cheerfully smiles. 
- That’s great, then let’s go. - I pull the sheet of my legs but before I get up Katsuki speaks. 
- Wait, you shouldn’t be walking. -
- Oh I’m already fine, don't worry I can walk. - Katsuki frowns at my words.
- No you can’t, the nurses have told us to not let you make any efforts. -
- But walking two minutes it’s not an effort. - Katsuki crosses his arms. 
- It is. - Now I’m frowning too. 
- It’s not. - When I’m standing up he gently pushes me down with one hand. 
- Let me carry you. - 
- No, you’re still injured and you are the one who shouldn’t be making an effort. - 
- I’m perfectly able to carry you. - The other three boys were silently watching the interaction not knowing who is more stubborn of the two of you. 
- I’m awar - Eijiro interrupts you. 
- I’ll carry you. I’ve not been sent home because I’m not in the priority list for some final tests but I’m completely fine. - Katsuki pouts and I sigh, surrendering, they won’t let me walk and nod. His smile is contagious so I can’t help it and smile back at him when he picks me up. 
- Thank you.- I look up at him and realise he is already looking at me, our faces just a couple of inches away. 
- You’re welcome. - I chuckle a little when I see blush creeping his cheeks but I’m aware I must look the same. 
Eijiro softly puts me down in one chair, Katsuki helps me by pushing my chair to the table and Shoto places the dinner in front of me while Izuku passes me a glass of water. I can’t help but get a little overwhelmed at all their attention. 
- Thank you guys. - They smiled and reassured me except for Katsuki who tells me to not be a dumbass and that makes me smirk. We start silently having dinner. 
- Soooo… Are we going to talk about this or…? - Eijiro leaves the question hanging in the air. 
- What would you like to discuss? - I’m suddenly nervous and I’m not sure why.
- Well we’re soulmates - I look at Eijiro and smile softly. 
- There’s not much to discuss about it, it’s not like we can do anything about this. - 
- I know… but what are we going to do? Are we… Does this mean that we’re dating now? - Eijiro’s boldness made all of us blush. 
- Have more tact shit hair. - 
- Kacchan stop insulting us. - Their antics always make me smile. 
- I think it’s too soon to define what kind of soulmates we want to be. You’re already friends but I’ve just met you. - 
- So you want to wait some time until we know each other better and then decide? - Shoto is a little stiff, probably because he’s nervous. 
- Yes, I think that’s the best option. - Shoto smiled. 
- I agree. - 
- I don’t mind waiting whatever time to define our relationship - Looking at Katsuki I realise the intensity of his stare towards me. - But I don’t want to have a friendship with my soulmates. - 
- Kacchan what… - 
- No Izuku. Now that the bond is formed I wouldn’t be able to date someone who’s not my soulmate and I won’t bear it if I see any of you with someone else. Do you want to have a friendship now? I’m fine with that. I do want to meet you but I also want to focus on my career so I also think that acting like friends is the best option but keyword, acting. - I look at him with the same intensity, his words have made me really happy. 
- I’d like to reprimand Kacchan for his bluntness but… I’d break my heart to have soulmates and not be in a romantic type relationship. - Izuku grabbed his neck with his hand to soothe his nerves. I smiled at them after hearing Eijiro and Shoto agreeing with them.
- I’d be lying if I said that I disagree with you guys. I couldn’t stand it if you got a girlfriend. Silly right? I just met you but I know I’d get really sad. - 
- I don’t think it is silly. - Eijiro beamed at me. 
- To sum it up, we’ll give ourselves the time we need and we’ll just be friends. Knowing that all of us want to have a romantic soulmate bond in the future. - Shoto was a little bit more relaxed now. 
- Yes, I’m glad we’ve clarified this. - Izuku beamed at me too after hearing me. - Oh, one last thing. Can we keep this to ourselves? I mean I don’t mind if you tell someone in your family or a close friend but I would like to keep the relationship things as private as possible. - 
- I can understand why. - Shoto smiles at me. 
- Yes, our bond is just ours. I’m not giving explanations to extras. - 
- I don’t mind but I don’t get it.- Eijiro tilts his head in confusion. 
- Third parties interventions can make things difficult for us, especially because we have a bond group. That doesn’t mean that we won’t say anything about our relationship but we have to be careful to not overshare. - Eijiro grinned again at Izuku’s explanation, he’s like a golden retriever. 
It was getting late and the nurses started staring at us so once we finished eating we decided to call it a day after exchanging our contact info.
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- Izuku-kun? - 
- Ochako-chan! I’m glad to see you. - 
- Me too, we haven’t been granted access to your room until today. I… I’ve heard what happened yesterday, is it true? - Izuku blushed and slightly hid his face with his hand. 
- Ah… yes I’ve found my soulmates. - Ochako got confused. 
- Soulmates? In plural? - 
- Yes! We have a soulmate bond. - She forces a smile.
- I see, with Bakugou-kun and Todoroki-kun?- 
- Yes, but Eiji-kun and Saya-chan are my soulmates too. -
- Saya-chan?- 
- Yes! I’m sure you’ll be friends, she’s great. - Ochako had lost colour in her face
- So there’s a girl in your soulmate group? - Izuku frowned at her expression.
- Yes, what’s wrong?- She tries to hide her feelings by putting on a smile. 
- Oh nothing! I’m glad for you. Now I’ll let you rest, you look tired. - 
- It’s ten in the morning, I'm not… Ochako-chan? - Izuku is completely puzzled and tries to go after her but his wounds aren’t completely healed and he can’t catch her. And that’s why Shoto finds him panting and resting against a wall in the middle of a hallway.
- What’s wrong?- 
- I have no idea Shoto-
AN: The most oblivious boys of the group are going to handle this weird situation. What could go wrong?
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rolesplay · 4 months
・┆✦IMAGES FROM THE PAST — a very ooc midoriya inko & aizawa shouta fanfic heavily "borrowed" from gakuen babysitters.
They find old photographs instead of keys.
"Hey, have you seen my keys?" Midnight asks, standing up from her position - which was bent under her desk, looking for said keys. "I can't seem to find them."
Cementoss looks up from his computer. "Have you tried your bag again?" "Yes. I've turned it inside out and there aren't any keys there. I did find some money I never knew I slid in its pockets though." Present Mic stands up from his chair, beginning to help with the search. "Are you sure you didn't just forgot it at home? Comes with the age." The blond man is swiftly given a punch on his head. Eraser Head isn't even sorry for him. His friend should know by now how Midnight reacts to such comments. "Are you implying I'm old?!" "N-no!" "Say, what's the commotion going on in here?" All Might (the skeleton version) enters the room with a hand raised as a greeting. He promptly coughs blood after. Cementoss wordlessly gives the newcomer a tissue, because his handkerchief looks like it's drenched with red. "Midnight lost her keys," Eraser replies as he focuses back on the work he was doing. "I see," All Might nods, as he heads to his desk and takes a ruler from the pencil holder. "Sometimes, doing it normally is not enough," the hero declares. There is a silence that settles in the room, and everyone (not including Eraser) looks at each other, confused on what the hero means. They are all surprised when All Might kneels on all four and begins to use the ruler to sweep under the drawers and desks in the room. He finds a lot of things: bunch of papers, a pencil, a pin. But most interesting of all, is a small white envelope. "What's this?" All Might picks it up, pats off the dust, and inspects it. Mic's interest picks up and he goes besides All Might. Midnight, not to be outdone, goes to the other side of the tall man. "Oi, Eraser, it's got your name on it." It breaks him out of his concentration. He wonders what it was himself. A white envelope... white envelope... white enve... oh no. He stands up. "Don't-" He's too late. Midnight has already taken it upon herself to steal the envelope from All Might's hand and open it. "I'm sorry," All Might says apologetically to Eraser, "I couldn't stop them." Eraser sighs. The two holding on to the envelope gives a gasp and then turns to him. They are speaking both at the same time, so it would be hard to pick up what they're saying, but their expressions, and the thing Midnight was holding says it all. While Mic holds on to the white envelope and frantically waving his hands around, Midnight has her hands on a bunch of pictures, with the visible one being a picture of a younger less tired Eraser Head beside a smiling pregnant woman. Everyone present in the room gives him varying degrees of questioning looks. Eraser merely sighs again.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
"So, Nedzu-san, why'd you call me here?" Aizawa Shouta asked, while mentally debating on whether or not he should crawl back to his sleeping bag. "Ah," the little white bear dog rodent creature, clapped his hands paws?, "Well, that's because -" He was cut off by the door sliding open, and a voice saying, "I-I'm sorry I'm late!" The two men faced towards the newcomer. A woman? "Uhm, I didn't know where to go so I-" Green hair tied back in a half ponytail, bangs covering her forehead. She had a bag on her shoulder, and was wearing a dress. She was petite, except her tummy is huge? "I-I kinda got lost?" Pregnant? "Inko-san, come inside!" "Uhm, oh, uh, okay." She hastily entered and closed the door, standing beside Nedzu and in front of Shouta. She shyly looked Shouta on the eye and said, "I-I'll look forward to your cooperation today!" "What?" "Well," Nedzu started cheerfully "You'll be acting as Inko-san's husband for today and attend the parenting classes with her. It's for your studies!" He didn't know where Nedzu got the idea that he needed parenting classes. He'll be taking the exam to teach high school, not kindergarten. "What." "Oh,  you don't know? Parenting classes are lessons held at community centres and hospitals to teach new parents!" The little guy cheerfully declared. "I know that. What I want to know is why I have to -" "You have to! This is such a rare opportunity! Now here's the camera," - he handed it over to Inko - "and off you go! Have fun!" He pushed them out of the room and closed the door behind them. The two of them were walking in silence, and really, Shouta should just have been happy with that. He rarely gets this when he's with someone else, however, this silence was suffocating, more so than usual. Besides, he was curious. "Inko-san, where's your husband? Is he at work today?" "Oh, uhm, yes. Hisashi-kun is abroad, and he won't be coming back until next year, actually." "Huh?" "Hisashi-kun is a scientist. He's doing research at Turkey right now." What kind of husband leaves his wife? "That's... nice? A scientist?" "I know!" And that was the only warning Shouta got before Inko suddenly barraged on how cool and awesome her husband is on getting his dream job, so on and so forth. He closed his eyes to calm himself. He opened a door that should never be opened, huh? Still, Shouta thinks, it seems alright that her husband left if he's this loved. He paused when Inko suddenly staggered, a hand on her mouth. "H-hey -" She knelt down on the pavement, her hand on her belly and then said one thing: "The baby is coming." "Wait, hold on!" He exclaimed. He did not expect this. Definitely not this. "I-I'll be calling an ambulance!" He's a licensed hero. He should be able to handle this easily. Shouta was surprised, however, when the phone he was dialing on floated out of his grip and into Inko's hand. She smiled. "Just kidding." He wondered if she knew that he was so near in having a heart attack with what she did, as she gave him back his phone. They were back with the silence, until they reached the venue for the class. He was about to open the door, when Inko gripped his shirt. "I'm really sorry, Shouta-san," the woman said, "I thought that doing it would make it less awkward for us." His thoughts went back to the panic (Aizawa Shouta, panicking? The world might be ending) he felt earlier. He sighed. "It's fine." The teacher welcomed them with a, "My, what a young couple," to which Inko replied with a bow and a thank you. And then, the class started. Inko took a lot of pictures, as they did the basics of child care training (he found the doll creepy). It was during the discussion when he saw Inko with her hand over her mouth again, the other over her belly.
He realized now what really was happening. It seemed she noticed he had caught his attention, because she turned to him and said, "The baby is coming... Just kidding," and flinched. He puts down the pen he was using and raises his hand, even standing up. "Sensei, my wife is feeling unwell, may we be excused?" Inko gives a small squeak in surprise. "Sh-Shouta-san..." The teacher responded with a smile letting them off and directing them to the nearest comfort room in the vicinity. When she was finished, they sat on a bench nearby. Shouta spoke up. "You really should have said something," he said, "if you weren't feeling well." "I'm sorry," she replied, feeling better now that she had vomited. "I just didn't want to worry you over something so minor... Nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy, see?" "Still, you shouldn't push yourself," he responded. He paused, and then, "Common? It happens all the time?" "Yes. It's normal for pregnant women to experience them." "Must be hard." "Yeah, but that's alright. If it's for this child," she rubbed her hand over her belly, chuckling, "I can bear the pain." Is this what they meant? When they say that 'Mothers are strong?' "Alright." He brought up a hand to pat her on the head. "You can imagine this is your husband's hand then, telling you what a good job you're doing." She giggled. "Hisashi-kun's hands aren't as thin as yours you know." "Ah." He was about to stop patting her, but she continued on speaking. "But the kindness and gentleness it's as familiar as his." He stopped, and began fixing his scarf. "Thank you, Shouta-san," Inko pressed on, "now that you're here, I don't think I have to worry much about this child." He hides the smile and the blush threatening to appear from his face. "Ah..." "You have to work hard for your exams. Do your best, Shouta-san!" He gave her a nod. "And eat and sleep properly! You're thin!"
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
"Eraser should have just told us this story!" Midnight complains. "I thought he had a secret love child somewhere!" "I'd know it if he had one though," Present Mic says, as he drinks the tea the principal offered earlier to him. "Ah, that's true. It wasn't him that told me the story." "It's the Inko woman, wasn't it?" All Might supplies, deep in thought. "Yes. Well, Eraser just gave me back the camera after they finished then. Such a shy kid, he was." Cementoss nods in agreement. The door to the Teachers' Lounge opens and in enters Eraser Head. He takes in the sight of the people on what can only be described a tea party. "You're talking about me, aren't you?" he says. "Of course!" Nedzu laughs. "The pictures brought back some memories, after all. But anyway, since you're already here, I'd decided you and All Might will be together to visit 1-A's parents, alright? I'm telling it to you now, but the official plans would still be discussed later on the meeting."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
INKO: "P-please, come insi-... Shouta-san?" SHOUTA: "Inko-san." TOSHINORI: "Huh. I was right." IZUKU: "O-Okaa-san?"
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
SHOUTA: "So." TOSHINORI: "So?" SHOUTA: "So. How important is Midoriya to you and why is he going to be the new Symbol of Peace?" TOSHINORI: "..." SHOUTA: "Not only am I his teacher, I was also his dad for a day. I have a right to know."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
MIDNIGHT: "I still haven't found my keys..." o(〒﹏〒)o *phone rings; she answers* MIDNIGHT: EEEEHHHHHHH?????!?!?! W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LEFT IT ON MY FRONT DOOR???!?!!?!?!
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Confessions by Anxious and caffeinated
“All Might,” he said, daring to look him in the eyes, “what…what are you saying?”
Izuku could have laughed at how stricken All Might looked at the question if not for the tension in the air. “My boy…I-I'm saying that…uh, well…your mother and I, we…we have developed…certain feelings a-about one another.”
Words: 1381, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, mentioned
Additional Tags: Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Retired Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Nervous Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku loves his parents, Mentioned Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is a Dork
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48936037
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omnitheist27 · 10 months
Here's a question regarding Izuku of The 40.
How do you think Izuku would react to:
Seeing the creator of his world, Horikoshi Kohei?
Seeing that his own personality and traits are inherited from his creator; as in their shyness, their intense fanboy interests in superheroes, having good supportive family relations with their parents (e.g. Izuku learns that the games he played with his mother involving him role-playing as All Might to rescue Inko as a child was directly inspired by Horikoshi's own experience with his mother), and how at their lowest point, making it big in their chosen careers (Izuku gets the chance to fulfill his hero dreams after he gave up on being a hero while Horikoshi was planning on a career change after two failed manga publications (e.g. Oumagadoki Zoo and Barrage) before his last attempt at My Hero Academia)?
Seeing in the interview (video above) of how Horikoshi considered Bakugou Katsuki to be more interesting than him (mainly due to having difficulties and setbacks needed for him to grow out of his arrogance) but does admit that he's a nasty person whom Horikoshi would rather keep his distance from him in Real Life (which is also fair considering that we don't have the advantage of a third-person viewer omniscient perspective in Real Life).
Seeing in the interview (video above) that Horikoshi admits to being mentally weak, which the interviewer compares to him "diving off the building" to go for the broke with My Hero Academia (ironically, the same could be said for Izuku at the beginning of the manga).
Seeing how Horikoshi's last two works before creating his world, and the My Hero Oneshot, serve as a reference prototype.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
The World's Bold Flaw
The World's Bold Flaw by Callisto
When Izuku was five, Present Mic announced that he would be going on a tour across Japan. Of course, he attended it. He poses the pro hero a question that would eventually alter the course of his life.
“Present Mic?” “Yes, little listener?” “C-can a Quirkless person be a hero?”
Words: 5373, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A, pretty much everyone, don't make me tag them i beg you
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, and all canonical friendships
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, but that's all parental slow burn, Class 1-A Friendship
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48056731
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thatforgottenbasilisk · 6 months
some heroes wear masks (some of those masks are stolen)
Chapter 2 (AO3) (My Fic Masterpost)
Originally Posted on 4/2/2024
Rating: T
Izuku talks to the mysterious doctor, and then comes home.
"Who the fuck is Inko?"
Izuku's savior comes in the form of Shigaraki's grumbling at the doctor, who might know his mother, who clearly recognizes him in some kind of capacity that may or may not have something to do with the situation at hand.
The doctor glares at Shigaraki, and hisses, "Quiet, boy. She's nobody that you need to know about, if Sensei has not seen fit to inform you." This either mollifies Shigaraki, or he passes out from the sedatives that have almost certainly been fed into his IV drip. Izuku waits for a few moments to see if he'll learn anything more, but the doctor just looks over expectantly. It seems like he's still waiting for his answer.
"... Depends on who's asking." Izuku takes care to pitch his voice slightly lower than it really is, talk slightly lower than he usually does so the mask muffles it more, and bite his tongue when he's done talking so he doesn't accidentally start muttering and give away his entire thought process. He doesn't want to be identified outside of this particular context, especially not by anybody else who's in this room. He still doesn't know the consequence of this, he doesn't know how this man knows his mother, he doesn't know what she might have done to be inadvertently involved in something like this- unless he knows her by total coincidence, which is better but still definitely not great.
What's also very not great is the implication that someone named Sensei also knows his mother- granted, this may not be true, since Sensei seems like the boss of everything that's going on here and Shigaraki seems like he respects the guy, so it would be an easy avenue to make him stop pursuing a line of questioning, just imply that Sensei definitely knows everything and decides what information should and should not be given to certain people. Shigaraki doesn't seem like the kind of person who would see through that, or else Sensei is the kind of person that nobody wants to question.
The doctor, for his part, smiles behind his bushy mustache and says, cryptically, "A friend of your father's," which asks a lot more questions than it answers.
Midoriya Hisashi, the name that was neatly printed on Dad's monthly checks from America, is also the name of Izuku's supposed father. He says "supposed" not because he suspects Mom of having cheated or anything, but because the evidence of him being a real person and not just an elaborate hoax is practically negligible, in Izuku's humble opinion. He doesn't remember a thing about the man, hasn't spoken to him either in person or remotely, and hasn't seen a single picture of him aside from his and Mom's wedding photo- which, conveniently, has his head cropped out of the picture because of the height difference between the both of them.
Plus, there's no evidence of anyone named "Midoriya Hisashi" existing in either Japan or America to be found anywhere online, and Izuku has looked. The only instances of that name popping up in any legal records are on two documents: Mom's marriage certificate, and Izuku's own birth certificate. It may be the most suspicious situation that Izuku has ever been even mildly personally involved in, including the situation he's in right now. Besides, even if Midoriya Hisashi does actually exist and Izuku just hadn't looked hard enough, the man disappeared on his family and indirectly caused the situation at hand by stopping the child support money without warning.
"Then I'm nobody." Izuku answers while taking another step back. "Just give me the money and I'll be on my way." He doesn't want trouble. He doesn't want any so-called "friend" of either of his parents wrecking his life or digging him even deeper into this whole thing. He doesn't even want to be a spy, not really, because as much as Kacchan had seemed like he believed that whole thing, Izuku's got other priorities now. There needs to be food on the table before he can think about biting the hand that put it there.
"Very well. Sensei will ensure that you and your mother are both well cared for. That portal will take you to the meeting point." Izuku feels a sinking in his gut as he realizes that the doctor doesn't believe him. He's already been figured out, and his only hope of this being the end of it is if he's lucky- Izuku is very rarely lucky. This is more likely a threat than any sort of kindness.
He doesn't know who Sensei is. He doesn't know how he knows where to send the money. He doesn't know what he's just gotten himself and his mother into, and he doesn't know how he can get out. Is it even possible to get out? Is this going to end well, or is it going to end bloody? The only hope that Izuku has of it being the former is if he goes to the heroes, but if he's caught, it'll definitely end up being the latter.
He doesn't know if the heroes can keep him safe, at least long-term. He doesn't know if he can rely on anyone to do anything, really- and why should he? Nobody's ever been trustworthy, nobody's ever protected him, nobody except for Mom, who he's just thanked by throwing her to the wolves.
"Shigaraki called this whole thing the League of Villains, right?" Izuku asks, climbing out on a ledge he should never have been anywhere close to. He feels like he's standing on the roof of a building, wind pushing him towards the edge, his hands clammy and feet unsteady. "If I'm one of your villains, then anyone else I may know stays out of it."
The doctor waits a moment for Shigaraki to respond, to agree, but evidently the drugs are working too well for that. The doctor seems to decide to answer on Shigaraki's behalf, "Of course. It would be a waste to bring in someone that would make you less productive."
"Good. Let me know when the next mission is." Izuku responds, acting for all the world like he means this, acting for all the world like he wants this.
"We'll be in touch." The doctor says, and turns away to his work, dismissing him without another word. He moves towards the portal that the man covered in mist creates, never taking his eyes off of anyone in the room, not even dead-to-the-world Shigaraki.
This is going to end bloody, Izuku knows it. He's just trying to make sure it's not Mom's blood in the end.
Mom is already home when he gets there. He only notices because the welcome mat is a little askew- she must have used the spare key, he thinks he saw her keys on the counter this morning, and if anyone was going to break into the house then they would use one of the portals that the mist villain had because the chances of being targeted by two different groups of criminals in one day are astronomical- and he knows that there's no way he can sneak inside without her noticing. He can't even intercept the automatic absence call from the school.
He sighs, throws away the sickness mask, and puts the knife in a pocket where he can, hopefully, surreptitiously put it in the sink without it being seen on his person and pretend that he wasn't carrying a weapon while skipping school.
Should he ask about the doctor? What would he even say? "Hey Mom, by the way, were you or Dad ever friends with a criminal who would hypothetically have the resources to break into UA and make a murder attempt on All Might?"
No. That would be stupid, and alarm her for no reason. He's got it covered, everything is fine, they won't touch her. Izuku will make sure of it, even if it costs him his life- and it probably will, considering the kind of villains he's up against and considering the kind of trick he's pulling.
He takes his own key out of an inner pocket of his jacket- probably not smart to have his house key on him during criminal activity, he should avoid that next time, and he doesn't want to think about next time- and unlocks the door. He knows that no lie will satisfy his mother, because she knows him better than anybody and she always knows when he's lying, so he doesn't even try to think of a fake story to tell her.
He's barely even shut the door when Mom comes running out of the kitchen towards him, tears running down her face and hands already outstretched towards him. He's taken aback by the force of the sudden hug, but he reciprocates almost immediately; he doesn't know what's going on, he doesn't know what Mom's heard or why she's home early, but he'll roll with it as well as he can.
"Oh, Izuku, thank goodness!" She cries out, halfway muffled by his shirt. "Katsuki's class was attacked this morning, I tried to call you and tell you to come home, but you never answered!" Oh no. Izuku left his cell phone at home, so that nobody would be able to track him that way and know where he was or what he was doing, but that decision seems to have backfired immensely. He already scared Mom more than any question would.
"Mom, I'm okay, I just left my phone at home." He says, honestly, and Mom's breathing grows a little steadier as she stops being quite so tense.
She hangs on for a little longer, then lets go and backs up a bit so she can look him in the eye. Izuku still doesn't feel right being taller than her, even though it's been this way since he was twelve; he doesn't like looking down at her. She takes a second to look at his clothes, not his uniform but casual wear, all in black, and her expression somehow sinks even more than before.
"Where were you?" She asks in a voice just barely above a whisper, full of a fear that Izuku hasn't heard from her in over a decade, not since that fateful doctor's appointment when Izuku found out his life was never going to be anywhere near as good as any of his peers. He doesn't know what to say; she'll find out the truth, sooner or later, but any part of it will hurt her. She'll feel guilty over the fact that he feels the need to support the family, or else just the fact that he went into villainy; she'll be terrified for him any time he's out of her sight if she finds out that he's going to be doing this for the Heroes, though he hasn't even yet decided if it'll be in a funneling-information sense or a take-them-down-from-the-inside sense.
He doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't know how far in he is, and he doesn't know how far in he'll end up.
"Dad was a criminal, wasn't he?" Izuku doesn't mean to ask that. He does it on purpose, but he immediately regrets it when Mom goes deathly pale and brings up a single, shaking hand to cover her mouth. Izuku's hands are shaking, too; he's scared to know the truth either way.
"Izuku." She nearly whispers his name, too, and brings both of her hands up to Izuku's face. She stares him dead in the eye, unblinking, despite the tears that are still soaking her cheeks. "Izuku, baby, promise me you'll never get involved with him."
Izuku doesn't answer. He can't answer, can't promise anything because he's already broken it. He's already trapped in a web of his father's making- his father is the one with these connections to the underground doctor, and his father is likely the reason he was recognized. He's already involved, and he doesn't know how not to be.
She must see it in his face, because she puts a little more force into her hands, so that they're a little more firm, a little more present. "You have to promise me you won't go back there. No matter what he does, no matter what he offers you, please don't ever go back." Mom is practically begging him, and Izuku still doesn't know what to do. He knows that he's going to go back, because if he doesn't, then this Sensei will kill them both. There's nothing he can do.
"I promise." Izuku lies, and Mom is so desperate to believe him that she doesn't catch him in it.
Instead, she lowers her hands, and says in a small voice, "Good. Wash up; I'm making us lunch." Izuku knows that wash up also includes changing out of his haphazard villain costume, so he walks to his room to grab a change of clothes.
On his nightstand is a flip-phone that wasn't there when he left this morning.
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Heyo. Here are my Naive Melody questions. First, what type of non-Family villains can we expect to see in the upcoming rampage? Second, are there any other canon characters that are children to AFO? And third, will Inko learn any other special moves apart form ripping out people's eyes with her telekinesis?
There are only a handful of people without the innate fear that comes from having AFO as a parent crazy enough to think they can take on All Might head-on and win. Even fewer who are also smart enough to try a different tactic.
2. Yes.
3. Kind of but not really. She’s going to focus on strengthening the quirk so she can move larger objects and be more resourceful. Pulling out eyes is gross and she hates doing it, even though it’s very effective.
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myfixationacademia · 1 year
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Tagging here @zachmidoriya
So after mentioning over and over the fact that Rody and Izuku are brothers in this universe, have lived together in Otheon, and go to UA together, I figured it was about time I not only draw him but also tell his story in this particular alternative reality, where not only his father lives but he meets Izuku way early on.
Rody's life compared to canon events goes about the same, saving for the fact that his father got to live and never joined Humarise, this simple event being avoided by the fact that he nearly missed his kidnapping attempt when he saw Izuku crying on a bench all alone, thus the two young boys become friends.
Rody and his siblings were in a kid area at the Police station that his father brought Izuku to, Eddie told him that he was going to talk to the officers with Izuku to get in contact with his parents, however, the young boy managed to catch a glimpse of the confrontation between his dad and Izuku's father, as well as Eddie offering his own home for the two to stay over for a while until they had a safer place to go.
The two young boys were pretty awkward, even with Rody mustering up the courage to talk to Izuku and invite him to play games with his two siblings, he wouldn't budge, it left him questioning just what he was doing wrong as most kids got along with him well, why was Izuku different? The answer came from Inko. She revealed to Rody that back home, Izuku had a small group of friends that were tightly knit together, but she felt that the one he missed the most was his best friend, Katsuki, and sadly, the two did not talk much upon arriving at Otheon, another thing that Hisashi had convinced Inko to do, not let Izuku get distracted by anything so he could focus on his studies, including calling who was essentially his only friend at that point, even if she tried to bring that up, her husband would dismiss it as Izuku could just make new friends, even if most of the class seemed to pick on him.
With the new context, Rody got to work, he asked his father if he could get a computer installed in his room for studying, his father questioned him as he was still too young to use a computer without his supervision, and Rody was having a hard time making his point, but thankfully, Pino appeared, and in between the chirping, she manages to say "Izuku" and "friend", Eddie was the one who got the bird part of his son's quirk, so he could understand every noise his son's bird companion was saying. Eddie told him that he could use the birthday money he got from his grandmother, but Rody protested as he was saving for a toy airplane model he saw in a store near their house, and that he was saving up for ages and even did extra chores, Eddie then suggested that he could wait until Christmas to get it, Rody was about to celebrate when he saw Pino looking over his shoulder, Izuku was watching a Japanese cartoon of the Number one Hero, Pino was probably trying to remind him of who this was for, and while he could wait, Deku was... another story, especially given what he has gone through thus far, so he agrees to the first deal and the computer arrives within a week.
Although saddened by not getting the airplane, Rody was happy that Izuku had a method of communication with his friend from overseas, and this secret would go to his grave with him, Rody would smile whenever he could hear the two boys chatting from inside the room. Izuku went out of his way to thank Mr. Soul, but the man quickly corrected the boy that Rody was the one who told him to get it for him, and his mom even added that Rody was going to use that money for something else, leading to one morning, Rody waking up and seeing Izuku helping early with dishes and making the table in the morning, cleaning his bed and doing his homework after lunch, and helping Rody take out the trash in the evening.
As time goes by, Rody signs up for a robotics class after school, gaining some popularity in the class due to his father being an engineer, but makes it clear that he's aiming for a different field, and he hammers that down when he makes a set of armor for Izuku as a final project AND one of the samples to apply for a UA scholarship with Izuku, and both have passed.
Adding to the "weirdness" of this new behavior, was the fact that Izuku would try, although with a lot of struggle, to talk to Rody and his two siblings, and in the attempts to find a common topic to talk about, the two find out that they have a common goal, to go to UA, but for different reasons, Rody wishes to study Support and build not only gadgets but vehicles for heroes, specifically aircraft.
Eventually, that weird behavior gets a explanation, as Izuku comes home with his mother from buying groceries, and the young freckled-boy give Rody his late birthday Present, a toy airplane model, it wasn't the same he was aiming for, however it came with a small book about the collection and fun fact about each item, Rody did his best to hide the tears but Pine was already being snuggled by Izuku for comfort.
Rody spent his first year in Japan doing what he could to learn Japanese, even if English had become a universal language, and finishing his last year of Middle School like Izuku, and both were living under the roof of Recovery Girl, as Deku was her intern, and she did not want to separate the two siblings.
Even way before their parents started dating, and eventually got married, Lala and Roro had already claimed Izuku as a brother, and Rody was not about to argue with his younger siblings, after all, he agreed! Izuku is his brother from another mother, even when that mother becomes his own too.
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