#queue sounds like ew
gunkbaby · 1 year
shuu shrine ✨✨✨
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added my sylvanian hörßë and flower shop. also lil piano ✨✨
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Realisations hit harder than coconuts
“y/n” Connor knocked on the cabin door. “you in there?” he asked once you didn’t answer.
You somehow managed to muffle an affirmation from beneath your blanket. Connor managed to open the lock and entered your cabin, finding you happily snuggled inside a blanket with a blissful smile on your face.
“Why are you sleeping on only a quarter of your bed?” he asked sitting down on the part of your bed which wasn’t filled with random stuff.
There were random papers and clothes scattered over half of you bed which you pushed away to make some space for you to take a nap.
You scooted and lay you head on his lap. It wasn’t rare for you both to take a nap together. It also wasnt rare for Connor to cuddle you while he napped, but it was rare for you to cuddle Connor while you napped.His hand immediately flew to your head to play with your hair.
You were way too tired to think about anything, leading you to nuzzle your face in to the crook of his knee. You had a blissful smile on your face at the idea of finally getting a nap.Connor found himself smiling at your peaceful expression.
He winced at the sudden pain in his chest.He rubbed the spot on his chest near his heart.
‘Why does my heart hurt all of a sudden?!’
‘Am I getting a heart attack?’
‘Oh gods I’m gonna die.’
‘I’m gonna die over here and no ones gonna find my dead body.’
‘Oh wait no. Y/n’s right here. Wait wasn’t I supposed to meet Travis in half an hour.’
Connor clicked his tongue at the thought of getting up again. He slowly lifted your head up from his lap and laid it down on a pillow beside him.
You whined at the loss of heat and the cold pillow but fell asleep soon again.
Connor ran out of your cabin sure to shut the door after he left and ran off to find his brother. He continued rubbing the skin over his heart. The ache had dulled a bit, but he still remembered how much it hurt.
When he finally found Travis it was with Percy. At this point Connor was subconsciously rubbing his chest. Travis frowned at his brother, “What’s up with you?”
“Acidity?” Percy asked raising an eyebrow at him. Connor clicked his tongue and shook his head, bringing his hand down and stuffing it into one of his pocket.
“Now what?” Percy asked the Stolls. “Now we wait.” Travis whispered.
The three were up on a tree on different branches a few feet away from the Ares cabin.
A scream left the cabin followed by the sound of someone falling down on the floor.
“Stolls!! I’m going to kill you both!!” Clarisse’s voice echoed through a 5 mile radius.
Percy jumped down from the branch he was on landing on the ground with a soft thud.
“And that’s our queue to leave.” Connor said jumping down from his branch, but he fell right down on a root which made him stumble and fall right on top of Percy.
“Connor.” Your voice chuckled behind the two boys, “Annabeth’s going to kill you if she finds you two like this.”
Travis laughed along with you while Connor got up from the awkward position he was in.
“Ew, I don’t like Percy.” Connor made a fake disgusted face to hide how extremely nervous he felt when you laughed. Even if you’re laughing at him.
Percy pushed himself up, “oh thank gods.” He dusted the soil off of him. “Hey! What’s the ew supposed to mean?”
Connor patted Percy’s shoulder, “Sorry Percy. You’re just not my type.”
You let out a laugh once again before gesturing back to Cabin 5, “You three might wanna run if you don’t wanna hang off of Clarrise’s spear like a kebab.”
That was enough to get Travis and Percy running, but Connor stayed back for a moment. “Weren’t you taking a nap?” Connor asked and the memory of you blissful smile returned to his mind along with that dull ache in his chest.
You playfully shoved Connor’s shoulder, “You know what? I was. And what a nap it was. But my mind told me after sometime, that my dumb best friend is about to pull off a very risky stunt so I should go and cover for him. Thanks for ruining my nap loser.”
The sound of a few dry leaves being crushed behind you signalled that Clarisse was catching up to Connor. He took it as his sign to start running. He saluted you with his signature trouble maker smirk and dashed off somewhere in the woods, leaving you alone wondering why you liked that smile so much.
“Where did that little squirrel run off to?” Clarisse asked standing behind you.
You turned to face her trying extremely hard to conceal the smile on your face, and succeeding too.
“Oh. I just saw it climb that tree over there.” You said gesturing to a tree beside you. “but if you don’t mind me asking Clarisse, what did that poor squirrel ever do to you?”
Clarisse was mad you knew that, you also knew that teasing her like this would just lead to her getting angrier, but you also knew that it was a lot of fun.
“That little idiot somehow got a whole layer of water over the cabin roof and then the roof broke and now my whole cabin is flooded. How did those two even manage to fill the roof up?”
“Yeah considering he’s so so so tiny. I mean I don’t even think he’s as big as my palm.”
“Y/n. Connor’s way taller than you.”
“Where’d Connor come from? I thought we were talking about the squirrel over there.”
“Oh gods Y/n, do you or do you not know where the Stolls are?”
“No I don’t. I haven’t seen them for the past 2 hours.” You lied straight through your teeth faking complete innocence. It was fun acting like you had no idea what happened just to get on Clarisse’s nerves.
Clarisse groaned and ran into the woods, the same way the three boys had gone not too long ago. But by now you had managed to stall Clarisse long enough that the three would be way out of sight for her. So you just went back to camp grounds to get to arts and crafts.
“Thanks for saving our butts back in the woods.” Connor said scooting closer to you on your table. You looked over at him only to find him sopping wet.
“You’re wet.” You stated the obvious while kneading some clay to turn it soft. Connor smiled, “Thanks I didn’t notice.”
You shook your head while smiling. “I’m guessing this had something to do with you punishment.” Connor nodded leading to tiny drops of flying from his hair and landing on you face. “Stop you’re making me wet.” You groaned pushing his face away from you. You realised what you said way too late. “No no no that’s not what I meant.” your protest didn’t stop Connor from bursting out into a laugh.
You went back to your little project trying desperately to ignore the tingly feeling in your stomach at the sight of Connor laughing. And failing miserably.
Connor stopped laughing after a while and saw you working with the clay. “What are you making?” he asked.
“I don’t know.” You simply replied.
“But you’re doing something.”
“Just because I’m doing something doesn’t necessarily mean I know what I’m doing.”
You looked at him, noticing the how he had clay smeared over various spots on his face from when you pushed him away.
“Connor.” You started. He just hummed in response, seemingly way to engrossed in the ball of clay currently in your hands. “Why are you staring at my clay like that?”
He said nothing while he grabbed the ball of clay from your hands. He started fiddling with it and you let him.
“Connor you have clay on your face.” You said smiling slightly.
“Hmm?” He said turning to you having no idea what you were talking about. And also having no idea how adorable he looked with that look innocent look on his face. And also having no idea that your heart skipped a beat every time he looked like that.
Clearing your throat to calm yourself you cleaned some clay off of his forehead with the back of your wrist. “You have clay on you face.” You whispered once again continuing to clean the clay.
Connor watched as you moved you wrist all over his face, probably having no idea how fast his heart was beating at the moment.
He prayed and hoped that you couldn’t feel how warm his face was right now. Or maybe you could. Because you were touching his face at the moment.
Wait, have you always had three shades in your eyes? Or is that was newer thing. How didn’t he notice it sooner?
Connor was hoping you’d finish cleaning the clay soon, because he thought he’d die of a heart attack if his heart didn’t stop beating so fast.
But he also did not want you to ever stop. He liked having your attention. Especially right now. And he really really liked how softly you were touching him.
“There you go.” But, alas the fates are never on Connor’s side. The clay had to be cleaned at some moment or another.
He half wanted to paint his entire face with mud or something if only you touched his cheeks like that again.
Oh gods is that creepy to think. Who thinks about their best friend this way, right?
“You might wanna go get changed. Unless you wanna die of hypothermia.” You said breaking the silence between you two.
The sun had begun to set and dinner was probably in an hour or so. There weren’t many people around you, just a few teenagers scattered here and there with some more kids who were doing their own crafts.
“I’m not really cold.” Connor whispered.
You gave him a knowing look, “You’re shivering.” Connor shook his head, “no I’m not.”
You sarcastically nodded and whispered an ok.
You looked at him again, “Go get changed Connor.” You said hitting his foot with yours.
He begrudgingly got up from his spot beside you. “You owe me.” He grumbled. You shot him a questioning look as he walked back to his cabin.
“You are acting weirder than usual today.” Travis said to him while he was at the campfire.
It had been a few hours since the whole ‘you wiped clay off of his face, and Connor could not stop his racing heart’ incident.
He was currently with his brother while you talked to one of the Aphrodite girls. He thinks her name is Aileena, but he can’t be too sure.
What he was sure about though was that you really shouldn’t get too near to the fire because the firelight made you look way too pretty and he was afraid he’ll have another heart attack.
“You’re staring.” Travis said to him while he handed him a marshmallow to toast. Connor took it from him, “no I’m not.” He denied.
Travis rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Dude, I’ve been standing at this same spot with a marshmallow in my hand for the past 3 minutes, you haven’t taken your eyes off of her for the entire time I’ve been here.”
Connor was paying his full attention to Travis but when he turned to toast the marshmallow he saw you laughing with Aileena once again and Connor could’ve sworn that that was the prettiest scene he had seen all day, if not all year.
“See see. You’re even sneaking glances right now.” Travis interjected. Connor took a deep breath and also tried to stop Travis marshmallow from being on fire.
“Ok fine maybe I just realised that my best friend, Y/n looks really pretty beside the firelight.”This led to Travis giving Connor a look that let him know that he wasn’t fully convinced.
“Or maybe I just realised that I like Y/n.” he said meekly. Travis chuckled at this,
“Took you long enough to figure that out.”
“Huh?” Connor questioned. “Everyone at camp could see that you like Y/n. everyone else but you two apparently.” Travis explained.
It took Connor a moment to register this, “wait. You mean to tell me, you knew? You knew I liked her.”
Travis was chewing his marshmallow when he placed a comforting hand on Connor’s shoulder, “Connor, I’m your older brother. I know things about you, you don’t know about yourself.”
Connor scoffed, “Oh yeah? Like what?” Travis picked up the marshmallow that Connor was holding, “You hit your head repeatedly with a coconut when you were two.”
“Even I know that’s a lie.”
“Nope.” Was Travis’s simple reply. “Well, I’m going to go get some more marshmallows.” He said getting up.
“Scoot over.” He heard your voice behind him. He did as he was told.
You were holding your own marshmallow at the moment and a blanket in another.
You sat down beside Connor, “I have a marshmallow in my hand, mind draping this over me?” you asked gesturing to the blanket that was now in your lap.
Connor nodded and draped the blanket over your shoulder carefully avoiding the sticky marshmallow. “Eat it or I’m gonna eat it.” He said gesturing at the marshmallow.
“Nooo.” You whined before popping it into your mouth.You noticed Connor shivering so you lifted up your blanket gesturing him to get in it. Connor snuggled inside your side and smiled at the warmth.
"Now I'm kinda cold." He whispered. "This is exactly the reason why I told you to get changed back then." You smirked. Connor simply chuckled and willed himself to look away from you.
Connor clicked his tongue before saying, “Travis just told me that I repeatedly hit myself on my head with a coconut when I was two.”
“I knew there was something wrong with you.” You said laughing at him. Connor chuckled, “maybe it was the coconuts fault.”
That caused you to burst out laughing.
And that was the moment Connor Stoll realised that he likes you way too much, and that he doesn’t want to stop.
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frogtossing · 2 months
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i had such an amazing time in Cologne yesterday… i feel extremely hungover but it’s was so worth it.
it was so so nice to hang out with @echoes-of-mia again, you’re literally the chillest person ever irl and it was so fun to experience the concert with you :D 🫶
i met so many cool people while queueing (like the lovely @mogoce-nocoj who i got to talk with some more after the concert :D (even if i might have been a bit quiet, i was still processing the concert :P)), literally the best queue experience i’ve had compared to the other concerts i’ve been to (which were also nice!!! but i was a bit too shy to engage with people so i missed out a bit on the community aspect of queueing :<). i got so many cute bracelets and in turn got to give out a couple of mine :3. and i got some fucking beautiful stickers!!! the insanely pretty Kris sticker by the talented @autoantonyms and the stunning ASTP + Joker Out Köln stickers by @/vem.da.kris on Instagram!!!! so sad that the Dopamin fan project didn’t work out :( i really hoped they’d played it!!!
the concert itself was so so fun. before the show started, someone handed me those slay pose glasses and they’re so fucking cool??? and i also hastily traded some more bracelets inbetween the openers :D
also, wow, the stage design by @as-artrat-racik was so fucking beautiful in real life. i was genuinely floored by it!!!! and once the concert started, he first thing i noticed was everybody’s hair???? a bit random but Bojan’s hair looked super nice (like the length it’s at atm???) and omg, Nace mullet real????? + it’s impressive how long Kris’ hair has gotten again, compared to the last time i saw him on stage :0.
and i’m so glad i decided to abstain from listening to any recordings of any of the new songs because let me tell you, experiencing Šta Bih Ja live for the first time was a fucking religious experience. that song fucks so hard i need it injected into my veins IMMEDIATELY. and i love how they were peer pressured by the crowd to play Schlager even if it wasn’t planned LMAO. and it was such a pleasant surprise too! such a fun song which really reminded me a lot of some of Arctic Monkey’s calmer songs (like Mad Sounds). showed my recording of it to my mom earlier today and she said it might be her new favorite of theirs and that i should tell her once it’s out haha.
i love the incorporation of a keyboard in their shows now!!! Metulji with Jan on the keyboard was so nice, as was Everybody’s Waiting!! and i gotta say, i’m not a fan of EW but hearing it live was so so nice. i loved the staging of it all so much??? with it starting off by Bojan being all alone on stage, playing the keyboard and then slowly the others join him.. it was so awesome!!! never thought it would hit so differently live :0
the UM karaoke was so much fun and i heard so many lovely voices but i lost complete track of Bojan at some point 😭 he just vanished lmao.. also Sector 5 walked right past me??? i didn’t realize who they were at first and i just went ‘wait a sec those people look familiar’, so that was fun HAHA.
i got some merch after the concert and whew, that was maybe the most stressful part of the concert. poor Vita was the only one working at the merch stand and it was obvious that she was a bit stressed by the masses of people flocking to it :(. i love the shirt i got, even if i wanted to by the black tour shirt at first :D
i wish i could have given Nace the bracelet i made for him all the way back in June/July of last year (when i wasn’t even sure if id ever get to see JO live :’3) but it’s okay, ill be taking it as in excuse to see them live once again if i get the chance to 💪 (ill be earning my own money soon so that means i might be able to attend international gigs as well :D!) who knows what the future holds!
TLDR; I had an extremely fun time, Joker Out are so worth it to see live and there are so many amazing and talented fans out there, it blows me away every time. i’m really happy to be a part of this fandom <3
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iocainesmoothie · 2 months
Been playing ffxiv, paid to skip HW but really enjoyed stormblood, saw emet-selch for the first time.
I'm very impressed that his first introduction to the player was to be shot and rag dolled down the stairs, it immediately differentiates him from the other ascians who just say ominous and vague nonsense that never amounts to anything. It was almost more sinister, because it really illustrates the point that the ascians are noncorporeal horrors piloting a meat puppet.
Also very minor detail but I noticed even back in stormblood, instead of writing a boring talk quest as "go talk to so-and-so", instead they say "go meet SOMEONE at such-and-such place". Like it's so very minor, but instead of straight up telling me who you're going to meet they just sorta hint and say how excited that person is to see you again.
Mechanically it's the exact same boring quest format, and maybe I don't otherwise even care about that character, but even that tiny bit of speculating who it is and the implication that they have any kind of emotional response AT ALL is already elevating the writing.
I get the majority of quest text boils down to telling the player to go to X or talk to Y or collect Z and there's only so many ways to do that, and clarity of communication is always top priority, but in something long format like an mmo where the player has likely plugged in a hundred hours already you can kinda assume they've been trained to expect a certain order of events and can play with the format a bit.
Also the last duty of sb was one of those "everyone shows up at the big battle as npcs and cheers at you to go on to the big boss while they hold back reinforcements" fights and it's very anime but honestly it always works on me.
Been leveling up dark knight, but I bought the level 80 warrior boost because I hate playing with other people and I wanted to solo a bunch of the main scenario raids instead of queueing. Also I'm playing dark knight because aesthetics, and tanking for a group is too much responsibility for me.
Honestly dk kinda sucks compared to paladin and warrior, way less mitigation and self healing, and though it feels like I'm doing more damage it's still not as much as a pure dps.
Also bought a bunch of clothes on the shop in a moment of weakness, but now my outfit is so cool I don't want to change into anything else! And I kinda miss wearing vanilla gear and seeing your outfit change as you pick up upgrades. Oh well atleast I'm cute and it avoids those awkward moments when a piece from a new set doesn't fit with your current fit.
Ffxiv clothing designs are so gorgeous, even the shitty low-level vanilla garbage is kinda cute. Ppl who buy store stuff obviously look good but I have way more respect for the glamours I see where people just got really creative with in-game items. The graphics are like 10 years out of date but the hair and clothes and faces are still miles better than some of biowares stuff (guys I love you I'm on your side let's figure this out you can't just make everyone bald)
Also I've noticed the cuts scene cameras do a trick anime does a lot to cut down animation costs, the framing and panning and angles do a LOT of the work when they otherwise can't get these limited models to emote that much. Or else they just fully cut away and let a sound effect imply an action took place and your brain just fills in the difference.
Anyway I'm addicted and am probably wasting a lot of time on things I should be doing instead but it's nice to have something to hyper fixate on for a while, and I haven't even started SB or EW and I've heard they're both life changing so maybe I'll just glut myself until I've wrung all the dopamine I can out of it.
Also I've realized there is such a jump in writing quality in SB that I'm only really emotionally attached to lyse and hien and the general, the rest of the scions are all kind of... idk unlikable?? They're all the same kind of snarky but not really funny, and speak intelligently but not really with any character or having much to say. Allisae being maybe the exception but I feel like she doesn't get much screen time compared to her brother.
It was very touching that she's the tough prickly one, but very honestly tells you she feels alone and sadly asks you not to leave her in a moment of vulnerability before the fight where she reaches for your hand desperately before her soul is teleported away. Like damn yeah this is manipulative but you got me! I'm invested now!
Also that little crystal cat boy was in arr and I never finished/paid attention to his quest line so idk how he ended up i SB, guess I'll find out.
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nijohirjesyho · 11 months
Proposed Live a Live crossover for FFXIV
It’s probably not gonna happen but hey, they crossed over with Octopath Traveler’s Gatcha game so that’s cool. SE if you see this you can buy the idea off me for 20 bucks, I want this so badly. Also, spoilers for Live a Live, I don’t care if the game’s 30 next year, the remake’s almost exactly a year old. But since Oersted’s on the cover and in the trailers, his existence is no longer being treated as a spoiler.
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[Typical Random Roulette let’s be honest]
I’m torn between the requirement being The Black Wolf's Ultimatum/the end of ARR or being set post ShB. But the basic concept stays the same, just depends on if we roast G’raha for his habit of cross the rift gatcha rolls.
The WoL gets a quest of something weird happening in the shroud, typical event quest nonsense. They go to investigate and lo, 5 weirdos.
Their hostile at first until the Yugioh Protagonist Reject goes “Wait, they just thought of themselves as the Warrior of Light, they might know something, don’t stab them.”
A ninja decloaks behind you. 
So they introduce themselves, as Akira, Oboromaru, Masaru, Lei (I’m picking her because she’s popular of the Shifu’s three students and to have a girl in here), The Sundown Kid (The Kid’s fine), and the little robot is Cube.
Yes he’s round. Don’t worry about that.
They pause, count, and realize one of them is missing, so first task is go find Pogo.
Fortunately, it is not hard to find the caveman that’s dancing around excitedly, having found a boar. Which your party now has to deal with.
The WoL fights it, I think, so the others can go “cool, you do know how to fight” and also “this is Pogo. We think that’s his name. He responds to at least.”
Akira, who’s psychic btw: “Listen, the dude thinks in shapes, that’s what I’ve got. He doesn’t do words.”
Now that they’ve got him, they explain that something like this has happened to them before, and they’re pretty sure they just need to find a “Lord of Dark” and defeat him, and they can all go home.
Possibly a debate here about an unnamed ‘him’ that they’re unsure if they need to look before resuming that they’re happy to have the WoL along for help.
At this point you would be able to bring up Zodiark, (possibly special dialogue if after EW) and they all agree that while that sounds bad that doesn’t sound like who they’re looking for.
“Lord of Dark? Name probably starts with an O and gonna be a reoccuring pain?”
The WoL: Odin maybe?
They decide that the Odi in Odin and the title “the Dark Divinity” is a pretty solid lead, and ask you to help them find him and beat him up so they can all go home.
Like the FFXV crossover, you’d get to hang out with them a bit and chat, but it would probably be twice, either the group broken in half so you have a smaller group to chat with, or you pick two characters to talk to.
(If you pick Cube you two just vibe in silence, before Cube offers you a warm drink)
If chosen, they all (Pogo and Cube excluded) talk a bit about where their from and evil they’ve faced before, and give the WoL some advice and encouragement.
That over with, they queue in unsynced since they don’t have a healer, they’re like four DPS, two tanks, and whatever Cube is. (Baby and the one with an AoE heal).
So the eight of you fight Odin, and yeah, he’s not his normal self, something’s definitely warped him to be more like the seven of them remember, but you’re bringing him down, until it hits the DPS check that Odin always has.
This is a scripted loss, in that the other 7 get knocked on their asses, while the WoL is still up, but so is Odin.
When a new voice calls out “gods damn you!” and jumps in. The final hero, and the only one who looks like he fits the current setting, Oersted.
(I have mentally written dialogue for this btw, I’m just skipping a lot of it so as to avoid making this post longer. I’d say avoid subjecting you to my brain rot but you’re getting it already.)
WoL and Oersted go for it, and Oersted is definitely wrecking shop. His dmg output is insane. [Not because he’s my blorbo and poor little meowmeow but because that’s a reflection of the game, his stats are NUTS compared to the others]
Odin gets defeated, duty complete, huzzah.
The heroes get up, check each other over, chat a bit, before Akira probably goes “alright, I know this one [WoL] doesn’t talk much, but we all know you can.”
Oersted: “What a terrible thing, so filled with malice, and with hate. How far it must have reached to find this seed, to water it thus.”
I am bad at iambic pentameter but he definitely speaks in it, adjust accordingly.
Anyway, they all seem a bit wary of Oersted but he thanks you for the chance to fight beside a companion again, and to be cautious of letting hate fester in you, and to be sure to nourish love and hope instead. 
They all take their leave, quest ended, you’ve spent time with them, defeated the bad guy yay! (Replay the quest to hang out with different NPCs the true LaL experience)
Quest rewards: Cube Minion, Megalomania Orchestrion (YES I SPELLED THAT RIGHT IT’S MANIA NOT VANIA THIS TIME), and limited time glamours in the Gold Saucer such as Sundown’s Poncho and Hat (not visible on Hrothgar and Viera)
Please look forward to it (never happenng)
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khodorkovskaya · 11 months
two things today! well actually three, the third one being that i feel like a bad friend to nik. more specifically i feel bad about being a bad friend to nik. but that's not very interesting. so here are the two things i wanted to talk about today:
getting cockedblocked by dinosaur stickers
i had a dream about my groomer and i thought about what happened again and it's so funny and absurd so i wanted to tell you about him.
1. so i went to the stationery store today cos i needed to get envelopes and there was this hot guy in the queue. so i was like heuheuheuh. and he started talking to me! and i was like oh my god, is this actually happening? like im being approached by a hot person for the first time in my life and not some a weirdo.
oh also, side note, i couldn't stop myself from buying holographic dinosaur stickers too. like. holographic dinosaur stickers!!!
so anyway this guy starts talking to me and he tells me he's from sweden and his travelling around europe. and he's going to milan by train tomorrow and since there's no wifi, he decided to buy a little notebook to pass the time. and i was like ooo what are you gonna write in the notebook? and he was like poetry. and i was like thinking to myself like oh my god. a hot guy who's also a sensitive soul. wow.
and he asks me what im buying and so i show him the holographic dinosaur stickers like "yeah i love dinosaurs".
and then he goes to pay for his notebook and just... leaves.
without saying bye to me. nothing.
like was it the dinosaur stickers that turned him off?????
like come on!
so i stood there with my stickers like uhhhhhhh
so yeah, that was very funny.
if anyone catches a swedish looking guy called theodore in milan tmr, lmk! i have questions!!!
2. so i had a very sort of disturbing dream today. in the dream the guy who groomed me when i was 17 reached out to me like "hey whats up". and in my dream i was like oooooo im looking for a lover, right? how about we hook up? so i sent him a message like "heyyy" but then i remembered that he was into spanking so i was like ew no actually never mind. and then i woke up and felt sick.
and i thought about it today bc as silly as it sounds i still have this fear that one day i'll bump into him on the street. like we went on a date to this restaurant in the old town once and every time i pass by that restaurant im like shit what if he's there! which is ridiculous like he doesn't live there. and plus he's from a different city, so there really isn't a chance. and it's been many years but i sometimes still imagine scenarios of like accidentally meeting him and it sends shivers down my spine.
the last time he messaged me was when i was already with B. i think i even documented it on here cos receiving that message shook me to the core. i was like fuckkkk. i remember he invited me to his flat in lausanne or something. and i was like 😬😬😬
but yeah i was thinking about him today and how weird of a person he was. so i was 17 and he was like 50+. i told him that i was 18 but still like why would a 50 yr old pursue an 18 yr old. like why did he become this way? what was going on in his head? like
i remember when we were on our way to germany (yep, i went to literal germany with this man) he said, in all seriousness, that women mature faster than men and at 18 a girl already has everything figured out. like ??? i look at photos of myself at that age and i look like a child in makeup like those kids in toddlers&tiaras. and i remember him telling me that i had the perfect body and like yeahhhhh i had the body of a child but with breasts like what the fuck.
(omg so i wanted to find a pic of him to show you guys like his vibe. so i went on his facebook profile and he has a pic of him when he was younger and he looks exactly like nik...... this is so creepy. cos like me and my london bestie used to joke about how nik is gonna grow up to be this like weird 50 yr old who only hangs out with 25 year olds. and wow. okay.)
but anyway, to give you an idea of what the guy was like, so first of all he's from podgorica. and his last name is kočan. like as in cabbagehead. 💀💀💀
and he's this like typical old guy who goes clubbing type. like skinny jeans + some weird thin scarf + thick framed rectangular glasses. he has this like purposefully négligé beard and grey hair that's shaved on the sides. he has a basic tattoo on his shoulder that he got when he was younger and now regrets. and uhh yeah.
now that i've looked thru his facebook photos, he often appears in the bojack horseman outfit lol. like skinny jeans + jumper + blazer to the club combo.
he has a lot of friends. every photo he posts has so many comments like "love you [name]", "have a great time", "miss you", "let's hang out", etc. he's very social and people seem to love him.
and used to do ket a lot, tried to get me to do it too. and it's weird cos i remember when he'd kiss me he tasted like cinnamon. so now i have this weird like association. like ive never tried ket but whenever people mention it im like "oh, the cinnamon tasting drug". ive always assumed it tasted like cinnamon. even tho apparently it tasted like piss..? anyway.
he's a dentist of some sort...? and i don't remember whether he owns the club yacht or he's a shareholder or if he's just friends with the people who run it. but basically there's like this cruise on a yacht with techno music.
he has a daughter who's like 10 years older than me.
yeah. anyway. this is weird. like i wonder what he was thinking when he was pursing me. and he wanted to make out and touch me allllll the time. like a man in his 50s... with a presumed 18 year old... likeeeee. i just want to take a peek inside his head, you know? like it's so weird. does he realise how fucked up he is? what makes a person become this way?
wow okay i scrolled to the bottom of his facebook profile and his younger pictures look so much like my friend nik it's creepy af.
oh i almost forgot! he has a tiny penis! it was so small that the condom kept falling off. it was hilarious.
so um yeah! were you groomed as a minor? lemme know in the comments bellow! 😃😃😃😃😃😃
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writer59january13 · 1 year
An involuntary spasm
of the diaphragm
and respiratory organs,
with a sudden closure
of the glottis
and a characteristic
sound like that of a cough.
Rather mundane topic
lest one cursed
with said minor inconvenience
that subsequently manifests
into protracted health crisis.
I write much hiccup ado
about nothing, which
involuntary explosive release comes clear out of the hiccup blue
nary a sponge bob
square pants handy dandy blues clue,
where in tarnation
this uncontrollable bout jarring the Jimmy Neutron body
electric all's well
that ends well hiccup do.
Why such physiological
spasmodic trembling
undulating weird phenomena uncontrollable peculiar singultus kickstarts,
where one of many
extreme measures now suggested
such as ramming cloven hoofs
down the gullet wool shear lee be in vain to bring closure of glottis hiccups ewe
you wool sheepishly
moost likely find annoying as this hiccupping buck feels few
breaths short of taking
another potential drastic action… like hiccup swallowing glue
as an extreme solution wide whirled, webbed series of being held hostage
resorting to asking Horton hears a Who
to stomp his elephant legs (also known as hottentot bread)
atop thee abdominal chest (me not ribbing ye dear reader)
despite impossible mission
to escape, thus truncating mein kampf and additional fail safe measure
being trundled to an igloo
serving as ice cold emergency room
of a mockup hospital or calling
on the ghost of the late veterinarian
James Herriot to scare doggone such hiccup caterwauling
catering to gentile
or skeletal anorexic
hunger artist appropriately named Jew
Lean, thus, time and again
when said hiccup affliction holds me hiccup hostage
ye dear stranger knew
seeking cure twill drive me towards
considering additional outrageous
acts of desperation such as sticking ma head in the loo, which bizarre reaction
on par with holding out an appetite
until famished for moo
goo guy pan mixed
with delicious bowl of new
dulls steeped in broth,
an island delicacy renown on Oahu
even this atheist would ask
for salivation praying in a pew,
whereby sound of silence
echoed by hiccup right on queue
when nary a burble
until reaching amen hiccup rue
stubbornly persists,
no matter resorting
to consider extreme unction measures
at suppressing explosive strew
wing upsurge of diaphragm,
accursed diabolical solution
holding breath until
turning blue in the face
simultaneously forcing air thru
alternative orifices such as:
nasal passage and/or mouth, ears
or out derrière as last ditch effort.
Oft times physiological phenomena
faintly resembles bobbing up and down
analogous to the celebrated
jumping frog of Calaveras County
seriousness one best not undervalue
with a snort
lest ye surpass one poor soul when an accident
on June 13, 1922,
Charles Osborne
(experienced 20 to 40
involuntary diaphragm
spasms per minute)
hiccupped nonstop,
which condition persisted
for more than six decades,
only ending in 1990,
a full 68 years after it began.
Osborne's plight remains
the longest attack
of hiccups confirmed
by Guinness World Records
invariably accompanied
no doubt by a voodoo
Practitioner…until…at last whew
hiccups stopped mysteriously
as they started
bringing relief to him who analogously felt like caged primate in a zoo.
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Hi it’s your Santa Swiftie here!!! I’m so excited to get to make you something for the holiday season, but first, I need some info/get to know you better!
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do on your free time?
Do you have a favorite word?
What's your top 5 Taylor Swift albums?
Favorite Taylor swift mv? Favorite photoshoot?
Pick 13 Taylor songs you like!
What kind of music you like besides Taylor?
If you had to pick 5 songs to describe yourself which ones would you choose?
Who were your most listened artists on Spotify?
I know this is a lot lol, so take your time to answer it all! I hope you have a great week and a lovely December! 🎄🧑🏻‍🎄🎁❄️🎅🏻
hey there!! I'm so excited 😊 Thank you so much for your patience while I was getting over my illness! My blog runs on a queue but I don't use a queue tag so I'm sure that didn't help your concern that messages weren't going through. I'm finally feeling better and able to answer all your questions. One thing you should know about me is that I don't pick favorites so you're going to get some lists lol.
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do on your free time?
I do have hobbies! Like many Taylor fans I love to write songs. It's such a fun creative outlet. I also am an avid reader. I read a lot of classics back in the day (and almost became an English major) but after college I've been reading more romance and fantasy books. I haven't been brave enough to venture into Brandon Sanderson territory but we'll get there. I needed to give my brain a bit of a break after all the reading for school.
Do you have a favorite word?
Oh my gosh thank you for this! A word I have loved since middle school is ephemeral. I think it just sounds so soft almost like it's fading away. And it's about such an angsty concept. For my Latin class we wrote a tradgedy called Ephemora. It was the most fun thing ever.
What's your top 5 Taylor Swift albums?
Mkay this question is so unbelievably rude. Right after Midnights came out?? How the heck am I supposed to rank albums at a time like this??? For you I shall do my best:
In no particular order - folkmore, midnights, Speak Now, Red TV, reputation
But debut is a close 6
Favorite Taylor swift mv?
OOTW, IKYWT, Cardigan, Blank Space, Love Story, ATW short film of course
Favorite photoshoot?
If we're going to talk album photoshoots I'm obsessed with the midnights, RED TV, rep and Lover ones.
Here are a few more I really enjoyed:
EW 2019
Glamour UK 2015
Fashion Magazine 2015
Glamour UK 2013
People Magazine 2010
USA Today Newspaper 2010
Pick 13 Taylor songs you like!
Cold As You
Illicit affairs
The Moment I Knew
What kind of music you like besides Taylor?
I tend to listen to singer-songwriters that write acoustic-esque pop. Oh and I also listen to some musicals. I was mostly a theatre kid because I loved classical theatre like Shakespeare but I fell in love with some musicals along the way as well.
If you had to pick 5 songs to describe yourself which ones would you choose?
Damn this is a tough one. I'm really bad at limitations so you're getting more than 5:
Why am I like this? - Orla Gartland
Colorado - Reneé Rapp
Pity Party - Cate
The List - Maisie Peters
Personal Best - Maisie Peters
Girls - girl in red
Kintsugi - Gabrielle Aplin
mirrorball - Taylor Swift
homecoming queen? Kelsea Ballerini
Walk In The Park - Kelsea Ballerini
Being Alive - Company OBC
Growing Sideways - Noah Kahan
Hold The Girl - Rina Sawayama
Who were your most listened artists on Spotify?
I know we're supposed to get videos for the people that we listened to the most but I don't know how to access those so in no particular order here are some artists I listened to this year: Taylor Swift, Noah Kahan, Maisie Peters, Reneé Rapp, Gabrielle Aplin, Kelsea Ballerini, Conan Gray, Demi Lovato (love their new album!!), Halsey, Rosie Darling, Gracie Abrams, Cate, Abby Holiday, Lizzy McAlpine, Griff, P!nk, James Bay
I hope all this info helps 😊
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badbacksadsack · 2 years
this terrible housemate is back the kitchen using the blender early in the morning making so much noise like damn bro I'm just trying to rest and he be late at night, bringing loud fake moaning ass girls round to fuck this finance bro who is always switched on, always wants to talk when I'm washing dishes, cornering me by the sink asking who's the most famous person I've met ew, and my clothes smell like his weird giant pot of broccoli boiling throughout the week ugh, I actually can't stand the giant protein powder in the kitchen now and the constant NOISE he’s always so active with his loud self in the kitchen, bathroom, corridor, my room, my bed, my neck, on my back this other guy next door who is always taking the most creepy steps to make me feel self conscious when showering, he pulled my hair (i had definitely pulled the lions share out I'm not a monster) out of the bath drain and left it in the kitchen near the window so I could see... just an absolute creepy nuisance, a masseuse no less, like why u wanna rub people down in oil and stomp around with my hair in your fist my guy I also can't stand how much my boyfriend talks about and jumps to the defense of Ariana racism unoriginal grande a blackfish asianfish extraordinaire I'm upset for Mac miller I'm upset I ca't listen to Mac miller anymore because my abusive sister ruined it for me I'm pissed I have to roll every spliff for my boyfriend and I like I work for him I really don't like waking up at any random hour to any random scary sound above my head, those blender blades cut through my dreams I'm starting to half sleep half lie in wait like back in the trauma house it's so traumatizing to keep waking up scared I hate that I woke up to so many missed calls today it feels like I can't sleep without missing every appointment under the sun that I didn't even make I hate that its the fucking so called queens fucking funeral like anyone cares, we've been stuck unable to have any doctor's appointments, funerals or do much of anything for over a week because 1 person who has contributed to so much racism, colonialism and inequality throughout their life has finally at 96 with her private healthcare and foreign jewels has passed I hate how much public money has been spent on this public mourning when nobody gives a fuck about every black person who has died under much worse (ILLEGAL IMMORAL UNFATHOMABLE) circumstances I hate that people are wasting time queueing to see a coffin but would never show up for a worthwhile cause or protest I hate that there's anti anti-royal propaganda when there's so many people that are being looked down on for sponging off the system and barely surviving when there's millions of royals who do the same but worse, to accrue enough money to feed everyone in your country  should be illegal but I'm not the one making the rules and realise that legality does not always equal justice or morality I hate that I can't just get up and just go to the bathroom anymore I took it for granted as a right but realising in this minefield house it's a luxury I hate that I got the most notes on Tumblr on a post I fucking hate scroll down if u don't remember I wish I could wake up and feel less upset and angry but I keep waking up against my will, not rested, not safe, not happy, not where I want to be. not around people who put me first, not anywhere except here feeling like shit I'm angry that my mum expects to message me out of the blue asking me to come to a family function when in reality the family is dysfunctional and it is inherently unsafe for a small queer darkskin person like me I wish I had stayed on going to the gym so I would feel safer walking out into the world I wish I got out of the trauma house sooner before this fucked up stuff started to feel normal when things are tough I am so angry at the people who have hurt me that I've let I'm angry that I can't pee when I want, I can't speak up in real life as much as I want, I wish this would all be over but the light is at the end of the tunnel by november things will be different
0 notes
cas-backwards-tie · 3 years
Take a WILD fuckin' guess at who I've come to request a moodboard for... (It's Charlie. lol) Anyways, here's my info! Name: Britt/Brittany (idc which one you use, either is fine); any aesthetic you feel like making is fine by me; I'm 5'7" with straight, long, brown hair (though it's got a blonde ombre if that matters?), and fair skin; my interests are: baking/cooking, exploring both the city and nearby forests, anything autumn/halloween; my favorite color is orange. Thank youuuuu. ♡
Tumblr media
I think yours turned out my favorite, and it’s not just because I’m a simp for Charlie 🥰🙌🏻💖 I hope you like this, and you’re more than welcome, Britt ☺️ Happy Valentine’s! 🧸 @direnightshade
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phantomphangphucker · 2 years
Phic Phight - The Box Ghost Killed A Bitch
For: @murphy-kitt @brokeitwiththepowerofmathamatics @grimgrinningghoul
The Box Ghost is the least fearsome thing to ever exist. Normally not really an issue to anyone or anything other than the ghost’s own ego. But well, when ghost society is somewhat founded on fearsomeness…
Danny stares at the Sun, the Sun ‘stares’ back at him. Fuck it is way too bright today.
A couple of people on the street glance at him, wondering why the actually fuck he’s staring at the goddamn Sun. Everyone was taught -or learned through their own dumbass decisions- to not stare at the fucking Sun in goddamn elementary. Like come on, kid.
And then a box pelts him in the face, a corner square into the eye. Wee ocular trauma!
Is everyone around now looking for the general nuisance that was the Box Ghost? Yes. Because just like learning to not stare at the Sun like they’re trying to go blind -Zone what a dumbass- they’ve also learned that boxes equals Box Ghost; especially if boxes are being thrown. And unlike every other ghost that cropped up around here, this one just makes people roll their eyes.
Even Danny just kind of looks down at the box nonchalantly while holding his eye. The kid does mutter, “ow”, though, even if it sounds extremely monotoned. With the Box Ghost ‘officially’ making his appearance to gloat about that fact.
“HA! The mighty fearsome Box Ghost has done the ocular trauma! Fear me and my eye-related terror!”, and the sad sad pathetic ghost cackles.
Absolutely no one runs away in fear though. They either roll their eyes, keep on walking ignoring the whole scene, sit down to watch whatever mild chaos might just happen, or glare in annoyance. The Fenton kid is in the ‘glare in annoyance’ category, even sticking his arms out to the side in offence and saying, “dude, you really suck at this”. He is not wrong.
Then a big ass flat box wizzes by straight into the teens fucking neck. His head flying up into the morning Sun streaming blood like an oil painting. Queue screaming and the knowledge that:
The Box Ghost killed a bitch.
Multiple people throw up, some run and hide, one or two make steps to go towards Danny in an aborted attempt to help, and precisely two people pass out. Meanwhile, Danny’s head rolls off down a sewer drain. Gross.
The Box Ghost winces, “oh ew. Sorry ‘bout that actually”, and cringes up his entire face.
Danny’s disembodied voice, that fuck all no one is listening to because they are freaking out way too fucking much, coming out through said sewer drain, “dude whatever, do you really think I didn’t just telekinetically stop my own freaking face from face-planting into all sorts of nastiness?”, continuing while the Box Ghost floats closer to the sewer drain, “I get covered in lots of gross-ass shit but I do have standards about that”.
Apparently ectoplasm and other assorted viscera was one thing, and sewer yuck was an entirely other thing.
Once the Box Ghost gets close enough, he promptly gets his ass scared by Danny’s face just popping up directly in front of the sewer drain hole. Danny smirking, “ha deserved it. But seriously, why didn’t you just, like, make cubed square-headed cardboard arrows and shoot me through the heart or something?”. The Box Ghost now has literal sparkles in his eyes, making the teen sigh. The Box-related ghost does grab the side of Danny’s face and mildly attempt at subtly ‘returning it’ close to Danny’s body though.
The Box Ghost also can’t help but snicker in an alley when Danny just casually pretends he found his head in one of the boxes and puts it back on, walking down the street casually and whistling. Those around giving major ‘what the actual fuck’ looks to the teen all the while, while also questioning if what just happened did, in fact, actually happen.
The Box Ghost killed a bitch?
Well into the town gossip mill it goes regardless!
Not even half an hour later the little old lady who helps run the local church is slamming on her brakes as a Danny stumbles in front of her car with a fucking cardboard arrow sticking out of his chest and the Box Ghost flying after him while sticking out his tongue mockingly.
She absolutely runs him over. Breaking while going eighty doesn’t really work that well, all things being equal.
As soon as she has the chance to get out of her vehicle after it comes to a stop and multiple people come running over in a panic, she’s helping everyone try and pull the mangled body out from under the car. No one having a fucking clue what to do outside of calling the ambulance.
One thing was for sure though. The Box Ghost Killed a bitch.
Then the Fenton kid pops up like a fucking zombie, finger gunning at her, and saying that, “hey I'd take that to get looked at, your wheel alignment is all kinds of jacked up”, and just sort of wanders away, blood soaking his chest and actually hacking it up, everyone too stunned to do literally anything.
The Box Ghost killed a bitch?
Jesse, who’s stuck manning a little local coffee place, quirks an eyebrow as one Danny Fenton saunters in. “Danny, kid, how the Hell aren’t you dead?”.
The teen has the balls to smirk back at him, “well you see, when someone dies they become what is commonly known as ‘dead’”, sticking up a finger, “but since I’m not dead I very clearly did not die”.
“But how did you not die?”.
“Because I’m a potato”.
“You can mash me, you can smash me, you can slice me; and yet I’m still delicious enough to keep around for round two”, and takes his big ass cup of thirty shots of espresso to go with a wink like an absolute ass.
Jesse then watches, in growing horror, when the Box Ghost pops up stealing the weird-ass teens drink before a box pelts him in the back of the head, smashing his face into the bar of a stop sign; blood and brains splattering across the sidewalk.
Jesse shouting, “oh HOLY FUCK!”, and running out to people screaming around.
There’s only one thought on everyone’s mind as there’s an outright downpour of boxes: The Box Ghost killed a bitch.
Surprisingly the box avalanche hurts literally no one else beyond cardboard paper cuts; which, while worse than regular paper cuts, weren’t as worrying as the kid the Box Ghost just brained. But Danny gets up, shakes his face off like a wet dog and absolutely covering boxes in gore, and takes his drink from the Box Ghost when said ghost floats over slowly to hand it to him.
The teen muttering, “didn’t spill a drop. Wise man”. The Box Ghost looks overly smug and multiple people pass out.
The Box Ghost killed a bitch?
Needless to say there were a lot of weird stories going around that could only agree on one thing: the Box Ghost maybe kinda sorta killed the Fenton kid with boxes. It might have been flattened cardboard decapitation. It might have been a box-powered projectile heart stab run-over combo. It might have been a stop sign embedding box-alanche. It might have been a lot of things. But either way…
The Box Ghost was apparently fucking deadly. And, like, maybe people should maybe watch their shit a little more yeah?
One Danny Fenton snickers to himself from an alley after overhearing a dude with a newspaper tell a guy at a bus stop exactly that. Danny looking back to the Box Ghost and holding up a fist for a fist bump, “Hell yeah, told you”, getting his desired fist bump, “now they at least got some fear for you. Ancients! You might have more rep than Skulker’s ass. That fucker ain’t never killed any bitches here”.
The Box Ghost has twinkles in his eyes and looks like he might just think Danny was a minor deity or something. The Box Ghost does a little cheer, “that means I AM FEARED! MWAHAHAHAHA! YES! FEAR MY MIGHTY BOXES OF DOOM!”, then pausing and excitedly pointing at Danny, “and fear you too! I! HAVE MADE YOU MORE FEARSOME TOO!”.
“Yeah dying publicly tends to do that”. Danny snorts, pointing at his boxy comrade, “it is very ‘what the actual fuck Fenton’ worthy if I do say so myself”, putting down his hand, “anyway, you good now? Satisfied?”.
The Box Ghost proudly crosses his arms, head in the air, “I am more fearsome than Skulker! It is acceptable”. Making Danny roll his eyes at the other ghost, “yeah the general consensus is ‘what the actual fuck Box Ghost’ as well, so you better be”.
All in all, it seems their plan worked out splendidly. What plan you ask? Well…
— Three Hours Prior To All Of Today's Box-Related Shenanigans —
Danny, as Phantom, sighs tiredly into his hand, watching the Box Ghost out here harassing a murder of crows into ‘fearing him’. Yeah not happening anytime sone buddy. The guy had been up to this shit for the better part of a freaking week. Not that anyone was really paying attention, noticing, or minding that other than him due to just how lame Boxy was.
Either way, Danny was annoyed. Officially annoyed. So he’s gonna try a different tactic. He’s gonna park the Box Ghosts obnoxious ass down and have a… conversation. Which fine, he didn’t much do. He was a combative motherfucker alright? Get off his ass.
“Hey yo Boxy! What the fuck man, leave the poor birdies alone. You do know those things remember shit right? And will, like, solidly wreck your shit forever more now, right?”.
The Box Ghost pauses trying to dump a box of boxes on said birds, “I… had not considered that. But! THE BOX GHOST IS TOO FEARSOME TO FEAR SOME BIRDS!”. Said birds start pelting him, very painfully, with coins. The Box Ghost flees. It is extremely pathetic.
Danny following after and staring at the grumpy-looking ghost, “dude”.
The Box Ghost apparently loses it at that, throwing up his hands in a way that for once doesn’t resemble his scary fingers thing, and rounds on Danny, “you wouldn’t get it, ghost child! You are properly feared! Greatly!”, dropping his arms and sagging, looking entirely despondent, “I… am not”.
Danny has no fucking clue when the guy gained any self-awareness but apparently he now has to deal with a ghosts self-worth issues. But also… “since fucking when, Boxy? No one fears me?!?”.
The Box Ghost looks at him like he’s absolutely crazy, apparently the box-related ghost wasn’t the only one with self-awareness issues. “‘No one fears you’ you are The Phantom! EVERY GHOST AND THEIR PET EITHER FEARS OR RESPECTS YOU!”.
“Oh pffft. Bullshit”.
The Box Ghost blinks at him, “you have LITERALLY never lost a fight and you’ve bested some of the most powerful of us to ever exist! IT WOULDN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE FOR US TO NOT HAVE FEAR OF OUR PRINCE!”. Even though the ghost is shouting he doesn’t sound even mildly angry. More confused and slightly awed, while also being frustrated but not with Danny. “WHY DO YOU THINK SO MAY ARE PLAYING NICE WITH YOU NOW?!?”. He legit wants to know the halfas response to that.
Danny sticks up a finger, “okay point, but, and this is a big but, everyone still shit kicks me even if they also help me”, grumbling to himself, “and that help’s pretty fucking reluctant. If there was actual fear there they’d be eager, not reluctant”, then addressing the Box Ghost again, “we’ve made friendly, not I’ve made them fearful”.
“He makes me pies sometimes for the fuck of it!”.
The Box Ghost blinks, “huh”.
“Yeah that’s what I thought”, rolling his wrist, “and plus, the general consensus of the entire student body and most of Amity’s adults is that I’m kinda a pathetic weakling. Fenton me anyway”.
The Box Ghost goes wide-eyed, remembering many many incidences of humans being just petty mean dicks to the halfa. “That… MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “yeah, so not feared”, sighing, “now why are you bitching about your lack of being fear-inducing”, gesturing at him, “it’s not exactly new news, you know”.
The Box Ghost completely deflates, slouching actively more than normal, “LunchLady is with child”.
Danny rolls his wrist, entirely unfazed since he knew this was gonna happen sooner rather than later, “and? Shouldn’t that be a happy thing?”.
“But no one really FEARS me”.
Danny feels like he’s talking to a stuffed animal or something here, “and? Dude, so what?”.
“‘So what’! So what! How will I keep her safe if no one fears me!”, drawing in on himself some, “they won’t fear my vengeance of boxed doom if they hurt her”.
Danny sighs, so that’s what this is. Makes total fucking sense. Because yeah, if all that was standing between some asshole ghost and Elle or even, like, an unconscious Cujo was the Boxy Ghost’s one hundred percent not scary-ass, Danny wouldn’t have any faith either. Sighing again, “so what? You’re just gonna keep harassing my ass ‘till ghosts, what? Respect and or fear you?”.
The Boxy Ghost’s nod and shrug is a little more pathetic than usual.
Danny glares at the sky, for fucks sake, “bro, buddy, my boxy pal. Out of everyone you harass me the most, you harassing me even more ain’t gonna do shit”, pointing at him, and giving probably a horribly stupid idea, “dude, how about I just let you, the ever fearsome Box Ghost, outright kill Fenton me. Because bro, I won’t actually die and killing someone is one hell of a way to get fear”.
And the box-related asshole stares at him like he’s lost his fucking marbles. Fucking fair but still, what a dick. “You… will let me kill you”.
“I won’t actually die”, rolling his wrist, “just don’t mention that to anyone”. If the general population of the Zone actually were aware of his whole optional immortality thing that would kinda be a problem and would make whatever this currently was a bit redundant.
The Box Ghost stares for a bit before grinning and rubbing his hands together evilly. And thus a plan of sorts was set into motion. A really stupid, unnecessarily reckless, and overly dramatic plan, that didn’t actually involve all that much actual planning so much as an agreement for the Box Ghost to just go buck fucking wild and surprise one Danny Fenton with sudden murder attempts that said teen won’t just easily avoid.
However the Box Ghost was entirely unaware that Danny was actively using this as a means to terrorise basically the entire ghost species, rather than just using this as means to give Boxy some ghostly street cred in the name of protecting a child.
— Return To Present —
What no one in Amity knew -minus Danny, who had a guess that shit was going down- was the absolute chaos also going down in the zone every time some ghost brought back a report of Phantom’s untimely full demise. From how the fuck are we gonna deal with this over-powered kid fully dead, to thinking up all the necessary preparations. It was like they were all getting jerked around and given mini core attacks every time someone was like “THE BOX GHOST KILLED PHANTOM!” And then someone else followed up with “NEVER MIND HE’S STILL HALF KICKING!”, ten minutes to half an hour later.
Everyone was pretty solidly pissed with the Box Ghost… but also kinda rather scared a bit shitless. Because the boxy motherfucker was repeatedly doing shit that would one hundred percent kill a human, even if it wasn’t offing Phantom for whatever reason.
Ember’s the one to confront him first. Her sticking her arms out to the side when the box-obsessed ghost crops back up in the zone. “Box dumbass, what the actual fuck?”.
The Box Ghost looks very smug, “what, bothered that I am more FEARSOME than you? Unlike you I have a kill count”, muttering to himself, “technically. Sorta. Kinda. I’m taking it”.
Ember screws up her face, “you couldn’t go and try to murder literally anyone else?!? Why him?!? What is wrong with you?!?”.
“You’re just mad I’m better than your boyfriend”.
She looks very disgusted with him, “no, just, ew”, and pinches the bridge of her nose, “I can’t believe I’m saying this”, then looks up at one of the most pathetic ghosts ever and says, “congrats, you idiot, on causing chaos and panic almost to rival that other idiot Pariah. No one wants Danny dead, you fucking moron. Why do you think we’re all not trying to actually fully kill or end him anymore?!?”.
The Box Ghost physically pauses, “wait so you are actually friendly and it isn’t that you just fear his current position”. The ghost boy was right! He wasn’t actually feared! Weird.
Ember blinks at him and facepalms, “sure some of us are actually friends with him but-”, then basically shouting, “-NO! Unless if he fully dies then YES!”.
“Yeah ‘oh’ you pain in the ass!”.
The Box Ghost points, “so his potential is fearsome”, ha! Take that Phantom.
Ember immediately shoots him in the face, shouting, “FUCK YOU!”, while flying off.
Regardless, Danny’s whole ‘make the Box Ghost feared through somewhat but not really staged murderers’ worked in a whole different and unexpected, to the Box Ghost, way. Namely that all the ghosts were now vaguely fearful of the Box Ghost, specifically fearful that said Box Ghost would go off playing a ‘off Danny Phantom’ game again and actually kill him.
Danny wasn’t about to complain about other ghosts going and fighting the Box Ghost for him every goddamn night though. He still did it for the misplaced aggression of it though; here and there, every now and then.
And the Box Ghost? Well he was just very very pleased with himself and fairly sure that no one was gonna mess with his soon-to-be little lady. His boxed sweets of a ghost, the LunchLady, would be so proud. (And oddly, she was. Mostly because she actually understood the why and because Danny had actually told her about the fact that he would only die if he actually wanted to. The boy could quite literally just stand up, decide to have a heart attack, and keel over; becoming king proper. She stayed contentedly silent about these facts purely because he was much healthier and a much better eater nowadays).
Phantom give a ‘one free murder’ pass as a baby shower present actively did not help the Zone general worries and fears, but absolutely did help protect the new box and food related baby ghost. Phantom not so subtly dropping that he actually meet the child once dude to timeline tomfuckery and she basically tried to kill him, also added to everything.
Prompts: A situation where Danny dies (not the portal accident) in a public setting and everyone freaks the heck out, but then he gets up as if nothing happened. and The Box Ghost has been particularly annoying as of late. Danny asks why, and finds out that he's about to become a father, and wants people to fear him so he can keep his child safe. and Danny's victory against Pariah Dark has left him as the successor for the crown. Unfortunately, his half-ghost status means he cannot properly take the mantle, leaving him as simply the Prince, and that he would have to die fully to become King. Not wanting Phantom to have that much power, the ghosts decide it's better to keep the kid alive as long as possible. (The ghosts reluctantly start helping Danny, may get less reluctant over time. Whether Danny is aware of his royal status or not is up to the writer)
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sneezefiction · 4 years
soft nekoma sleepover
Nekoma x Reader - Sleepover Headcanons
a/n: the Nekoma portion of my soft sleepover series :,,) my friends and i have had rough weeks so far and i thought this would be a sweeter way to cope <33
warnings: none!
wc: 1280
you’ve always been such a strong person
whether you’d had a rough week full of assignments and exams or there was tension with your family/friends, you would always manage to hold your head up high and push through it all with a convincing smile on your face
but this past week finally pushed you over your limits
as you walked into Nekoma’s volleyball practice that Friday afternoon, manager’s clipboard in hand, you tried to keep up your usual peppy expression on
...but the smile refuses to reach your eyes
Yaku greets you warmly, expecting a big grin and a soft hug from you, but all you could do was ruffle his hair and walk quickly to your seat, holding in tears of frustration
this threw him for a loop and Yaku definitely asks you what’s wrong and if Lev did anything to upset you because, and i quote, 
“I will fight him right here, right now. Just say the word.”
you just shake your head and stand up to give him a quick, wordless hug, which only leaves him more confused?? because he wants to fix this and you’re being really quiet??
Kenma then notices your gloomy presence and mentions it to Kuroo who’s eyes snapped your way quizzically
you were clearly upset and, if they weren’t completely mistaken, you looked like you’d been… crying?
Kuroo wasn’t having it at all bc you, of all people, deserve to be happy & smiling
he calls the boys in for a huddle but Kuroo asks you to wait on the bench with that trademark sneaky smile on his face
as they all converse, you see heads pop up and turn around to glance at you, Lev and Yamamoto’s concerned expressions making it obvious that you were the topic of conversation
it became clear that, even without words, your misery hadn’t escaped them… you couldn’t decide whether it was a blessing or a curse
“Alright!” Kuroo’s volume gains your attention
everyone turns to you and you feel as though you’re shrinking under their gazes
“We have a proposition for you, Y/n…” Kenma explains quietly
“More like a demand, but whatever you say Kenma.” Kuroo cuts in, with a slight drawl
“How about you come over to my place tonight? We’ve not had a team sleepover since our last training camp and none of us are busy tonight.” the quiet setter finishes
Kenma sounds reluctant, his eyes shifting from the floor to the wall, avoiding your gaze as much as possible
yet one glance over to you reminds him why he’s offering up his precious Friday night
a real smile graces your previously downcast face, which makes all the boys go silent in awe of what a simple sleepover suggestion could do
now cut to Kenma’s house where he has two consoles of Mario Kart already set up bc it’s the only game that everyone on the team knows how to play
you get there last, much to your own dismay, because you had hoped to feel more settled before interacting with all of the boys again
just before you walked in, Inuoka made sure that everyone was smiling, welcoming, and that there’d be no fights (@ Yaku)
and the team agreed that tonight was all about you: their precious manager who really needed some encouragement and fun in their life
the moment you set foot inside, you’re met with cheery faces, bowls of popcorn, “cards against humanity” on the table, and a spot on the sofa (that you have to assume is meant just for you)
everybody looks SO DAMN COMFY:
Kai, Kuroo, Lev and Fukunaga are in name brand sweatpants and soft t-shirts, Shibayama, Inuoka, and Yaku are in clean workout shorts, Kenma is in a trendy sweatshirt and the rest of him is covered by a weighted blanket, and Yamamoto & Teshiro are in their volleyball uniforms from earlier (ew)
you get a quick nod and a brief smile from Kenma (basically Kenma was never meant to be a Professional Host™), but the rest of the boys are ✨Beaming✨ as you look them over
and your heart swells because this is exactly what you needed. to be in the presence of these sweet, granted kinda sweaty, guys where there were no goals or deadlines to be met
Kuroo’s grin quickly catches your eye and he pats the open couch seat next to him
and conversations take off smoothly and sweetly, the airspace full of friendly taunts, crude jokes, and screams from Lev’s being hit by 3 blue shells in a single game of Mario Kart
after several hours of you beating their asses with Princess Peach on Rainbow Road, everyone ends up splayed out across each other for the sake of comfort
your head found its way to Kuroo’s lap (the two of you being both third years, classmates, and close friends) and his hands move to give you a much needed scalp massage
you feel the weight of the world melt off your shoulders. it’s like one night was all you needed to clear your head and at least help you back onto your feet
with your legs dangling off the arm of the couch, Kuroo’s hand now just gently stroking your arm, you decide to thank them for tonight as best you could, because you’ve not felt this happy in what seems like months
“I just want to let you kids know that you’re all the best.” you cut through everyone’s conversations, voice resting on their ears for a moment
“And, uh, not to be disgustingly cheesy… but I really love you guys.”
you cover your eyes, acting as though you were embarrassed, but in reality you feel tears threatening to spill out
Kuroo’s expression falls for a moment, because he’s not stupid and can tell you’re still processing everything
so he simply lifts your hands off of your eyes and you, with a perfect tear skimming the side of your face, can’t help but let out a soft, relieved laugh
it’s silent for a second, but Kuroo just smiles & opens his mouth to say something
but he’s interrupted by some rude-ass kids (Yamamoto & Inuoka) shouting out their love for you and rushing over to smother you in tearful hugs
you’re saved by Yaku, who’s grabbed them both by the backs of their shirts, stopping them in their emotional, hug-giving tracks
but your giggles continue, now laughing at all their surprised expressions and Kuroo’s peeved one from getting cut-off
so you hop up off the couch, place your hands on your hips and allow their eyes to rest on you before swinging your arms open wide with the sweetest, most genuine smile you can muster
“Well, are y’all gonna come hug me, or should I just go now?”
queue a small stampede of boys tackling you (gently) to the floor, laughter bubbling from every mouth, and warmth that spreads from the outside, in
in between the chuckles, shoves, and “get off of me’s” you hear a phrase tumble out of Kenma’s mouth
“We love you too, y/n.”
it was supposed to be unheard, lost in the tumbling around you, but those three words then took traction in individual ways with different boys
“We love you!” 
“I love ya.” 
“You’re kinda okay, I guess...”
“Marry me, y/n!”
“Shut up, Yamamoto!”
you would always have a place with them, no matter how bad things got and no matter what anyone said about you
because whenever you needed them, they’d be sure to show up, just as you’d do for them
soft team sleepover series
soft shiratorizawa sleepover
soft karasuno sleepover
soft seijoh sleepover
soft fukurodani sleepover
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals, @moonlightaangel, @kit-tea, @theworldupthere, @sugasugawarau, @star-puff, @akaashisupremacy
(comment, dm, or send an ask to be added to my general tag list - blogs in bold could not be tagged) 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter fourteen
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Chapter fourteen
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: talks of spencers major anxiety, parental death tw (not Diana or bob and Linda), trauma talks, computer hacking and new members joining the family...
word count: 4k
from the beginning <3
Taylors biggest surprise that weekend was what she had planned for Amoreena that night.
She set up a fort in the theatre room, they had every snack imaginable and any movie of her choice to watch. Karaoke in the corner, popcorn being popped in a theatre-style machine, and 3 different, matching child and adult, princess dresses for them to choose from.
It was all an elaborate plan to keep her preoccupied until bedtime, which Taylor offered to handle so that her parents could have a little wedding night date alone.
They’re all ready for a wonderful night when Spencer’s phone started ringing.
“Hello?” Spencer answers, sneaking away from the girls so he could hear better.
“Spencer, I am so sorry to interrupt you this late, but we have a situation… it’s not something that should be discussed over the phone. Do you have someone to watch Amoreena while you and Y/N come into the bureau? As soon as you can?”
His stomach drops, he feels instantly sick. “Not until you tell me who’s dead, who’s dying or who’s trying to kill us.”
“No one is, Spencer, it’s not a case or criminal related, it’s… personal, someone is here to see you,” she sounds serious and Spencer is still just as worried.
“I’ll tell the girls,” he responds before hanging up.
Y/N is standing right behind him, listening with wide eyes as she waits to soothe his panic. They worked like a well-oiled machine, she could physically feel his anxiety and in return, something about her just being there made him physically feel better.
“What’s wrong?” Taylor asks as she appears behind Y/N, Amoreena now off changing into one of the dresses she picked.
“They won't tell me on the phone but they need me and Y/N back at Quantico as soon as possible,” Spencer explained with a pale face, “we can go in the morning.”
“I’m fine watching Amoreena for the night, there’s a hanger down the road with a few of my dad’s planes, I can have someone take you to Virginia within the next hour? It's only 7 pm, I’m sure you can be back before bedtime?” Taylor offered her services for the 100th time that day, “It’s not a problem, really, and they wouldn’t call if it wasn’t serious, they’re the FBI after all.”
With that, they said goodbye to Amoreena and told her they’d be back before she woke up in the morning. If not, she had Y/N’s cellphone for the night to call them before she goes to sleep and when she wakes up, so she won't bother Taylor that early. (Even though Taylor said she wouldn’t mind early morning Amoreena cuddles.)
He was anxious on the drive to the small airport, the old man named Norman, chartering them that night was incredibly kind, they were granted lading access in Quantico and before he could prepare, they were up in the air. He chatted up a storm with Y/N on the headset radio as Spencer overthought the upcoming chat with JJ and stared out at the world below them.
On queue, he jumped from anxious to scared when they land, before getting in the shuttle from the airstrip to the front entrance, but he’s so incredibly terrified when it comes time to actually start the walk to the bullpen.
“Will you come in with me?” His small voice asks as she is pinning a visitors tag on her shirt.
“Of course,” she smiled, taking his hand as they walked into the elevator together.
He grips her hand tighter as the elevator stops, dipping and returning to the right height and making his stomach drop the same way a rollercoaster would. He hated that feeling more than anything, having it alongside the anxiety wasn’t helpful.
He can see JJ and another girl sitting together at his old desk. She’s smiling at whatever JJ says, she looks exactly like Amoreena just with box-dyed black hair that shines purple under the lighting. She’s in all black, she pushes her glasses up her nose with her sweater hiding her hands, Spencer knows she’s a foster kid from just her posture.
“JJ,” Spencer makes their presence clear and the little girl turns to him with a huge smile, running to him and wrapping her arms around his waist. “Hi?”
She’s sobbing ten and he doesn’t know why or even who she is, he lightly holds her with complete shock on his face. He stares at JJ with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as he communicates the confusion and terror with his eyes.
“This is Josephine Elliot, or Jo as she likes to be called, her parents passed away a few months ago and she recently found out her biological father was actually a sperm donor and not her moms husband,” JJ explains a little before sighing and sitting on the edge of the desk.
“She hacked into the sperm bank and found your name, and google led her to the FBI and they stopped her at the second gate, the first only let her in thinking she was your other daughter, Amoreena.”
“I’m so sorry,” the poor girl wipes her tears with her sweater sleeves, “I don’t know why I hugged you when you don’t even know me, ew sorry.”
Spencer pulls her back into a hug, “it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about wanting a hug ever again. You can have whatever you need from me.”
She cries more, holding on to his shirt as he holds her, shushing her softly and rubbing his hand over her back. It’s weird how safe she seems this early in their acquaintance with one another, but he understands it. She’s so desperate for someone related to her to love her again, to replace what she was missing from her parents, that she’s already accepted him as a father without thinking it through. Without even know what he would be like to her.
When she finally calmed down enough, Spencer led her towards the briefing room so they could have a moment alone to talk. He wanted to know her, and she needed to know him before she made another big decision. He let her know who he was, what he used to do and the rundown on his relationship with Y/N and Amoreena.
“So you met her at the park and got married a week later because you both have dead exes and somehow through fate, you made a kid together?” She summed it up in a way that made it sound ridiculous.
“Mutual trauma is a great bonding tool, I’m sure you probably listen to rock music or anything sad and angry because you know someone feels the exact same way you do? I was like that when I was a teenager. We've both lost someone we loved and then made Amoreena out of pure luck,” he combated her snarky summary with his own profile of her.
“I actually like Taylor Swift, Paramore, Evanescence and Olivia Rodrigo when I need to scream about being sad, thank you very much,” she teased him, finding a very easy rhythm as they got to know one another.
“You’re going to lose your mind when you find out who’s with Amoreena right now,” Spencer smiles, somehow everything just fits together.
“What?” She looks so confused, scrunching her face the same way he did to push her glasses up without her hands.
“It’s a long story, but essentially we were at Taylor Swift’s house when JJ called, she’s watching Amoreena still,” Spencer explained, watching her jaw drop.
“Who the fuck are you, dude?” She whispered, and it took Spencer by surprise. “Sorry, I’m so used to swearing in front of adults lately to get my point across. But seriously, you’re so interesting…”
“Understandable,” Spencer laughs lightly at her strange compliment. “I have a lot of connections, and I’ll do anything to see the people I love, smile, that includes you now.”
“You barely know me and you’re just ready to accept that I’m your kid? Didn’t this just happen to you last week?” She laughs at the insanity of it all, “you’re going to have a million kids at this rate, dude.”
Again, she calls him dude and he knows she’s just trying to distance her emotions as they grow fonder and fonder. A coping mechanism so that she doesn’t get hurt anymore, she’s lost too much and she’s not going to love him just to lose him too.
“My dad ran out on me when I was a kid, I basically raised myself when my mom’s schizophrenia got bad, I know what it’s like to feel alone even when you’re with people who are supposed to love you,” he makes sure she knows who he is inside.
“I’m sorry,” she reaches a hand out for him, holding it softly. “I never really liked my dad growing up, he always felt off… I can’t explain it, but he was never the same guy twice he was either angry, miserable or scarily happy," she explains him and all Spencer can think is how he sounds like an unsub.
"I do miss my mom a lot, I didn’t know what else to do when I found out they couldn’t have babies together and she went to a Sperm bank without telling him. I know the names of your other kids too, besides Amoreena, I’m really surprised you found her mom without hacking the system too but, yeah, Dylan is 6 and Alice is 10, they’re both in DC with the same 2 mom’s, so if you didn’t want me, I was going to see if they would cause I’m technically their stepdaughter in a weird way and if I spent one more day in that foster home I would have ended it all,” it's a Reid rant, she's his for sure.
It takes him a minute to absorb it all, “wait, Amoreena is mine for sure?”
She nods like it’s a stupid question, “could you not tell my just looking at her? The 3 of us have the same face.”
“No, they wouldn’t tell us at the clinic,” Spencer is still in shock but more so that she got into the database so easily, “how did you do it?”
“It was easy, I had all the information about the sample my mom used so I just encrypted an email to the secretary of the sperm bank so as soon as she clicked the link to read more I’d have access to her computer, they didn’t even know I was in the system, they probably still don’t know I was there,” she explains it exactly how Penelope would.
“I don’t want you to think I’d ever not want you,” Spencer holds her hand a little tighter, “I’m not sure what the process will be like trying to get the foster agency to agree to me taking you home with us, but I’ll see what I can do. We have a big house and enough room for you in our hearts if this is where you’d like to be. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, you might hate the farm life and the isolation and all the cousins you now have, but you’re a piece of me and I’m not letting you go.”
She uses her free hand to wipe her tears on her sleeve again, “please, I know it’s not going to be the same but I miss having a family so much.”
He wraps her up in his arms, he knows the feeling all too well. One day his mom was there, the next day she was gone and no one prepared him for that. She never had to do this alone, Spencer wasn’t going to let that happen to her.
“Y/N is wonderful, you’ll love her and Amoreena. We live on a huge farm and there’s a lot to do during the day and people to spend time with, believe me, you’re going to feel so surrounded by the love you won’t know what to do with it all,” he shares from personal experience.
“Okay,” she hugged him tighter, pressing her face into his neck as he talked more, feeling the vibrations of his voice on her forehead to know that he was real. That his words were true and she was going to be taken care of.
“Is there anything about yourself that you’d like me to know? Or any questions you have? I’m sure this is going to be an interesting adjustment,” Spencer asked as he pulled away, looking down into her sweet eyes and seeing the hope she was still hanging on to.
“Is Y/N even okay with all of this? It’s her house isn’t it?”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine with it, she knew I had you and the other 2 out there somewhere, we just never expected to meet you so soon,” he’s as honest as possible, talking to her the same way he would with Henry, she seemed even more mature than him.
“Can she come in here too? I’d like to get to know her as well, see if she’s really as lovely as you say she is,” she smiled, coping with her trauma the same way he and Y/N did, with humour.
Almost like Y/N could feel him thinking about her, she knocked on the door before opening it a crack, “sorry, I have some updates,” she smiled.
Josephine smiled at her, “come in.”
Y/N sat down close to her and placed her hand on her shoulder, “my sister is a foster parent, she called her caseworker and they were able to rush the emergency next of kin paperwork, you can stay with us for as long as you would like to.”
“You’re serious? You barely know me?” She kept repeating that as if she convinced herself earlier in the day that they wouldn’t want to know her.
Y/N wrapped her up in a soft hug and Spencer saw all the tension leave Josephines body as she settled against her. It had been a long time since a mother held her, she didn’t realize how much she needed it until she was in her arms.
“You’re half Spencer, so by default you have a portion of my heart now too. I’m not going to love you as an obligation or because I feel like I have to, I love you because you’re part of him and our family,” she whispers into her hair, “I know what it’s like to be alone, you never have to be... unless we’re smothering you then I get it, but you know what I mean.”
She laughed in Y/N’s arms before pulling back. Y/N held her face in her hands and looked at her gently. She ran her fingers through her dyed hair, “you’re going to fit right in with the 4 of us.”
“Four?” She repeats, wondering who else they lived with.
“I’m pregnant,” Y/N smiles as Josephine lights up.
“I’ve always wanted to be a big sister,” she cried a little, “my mom named me after Jo from Little Women, she said she always planned to give me lots of sisters.”
“If this one is a girl she’ll be Eleonora like—“
“Like the poem, Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favourites,” Jo smiled again.
Somehow, without even being there, Amoreena’s mess of glitter glue was able to patch her older sister's broken heart right then and there too.
“I read really fast, my mom said she was going to go bankrupt buying books for me,” she opened up more and more, the hurt of the memories fading as she remembered them with happiness instead of mourning.
Her mom was gone, but the love of a mother filled her space once more. Y/N took her under her wing, keeping her warm and making sure he grew to be as happy healthy and wonderful as all her other babies.
They arrive at Taylor's door once again at 11:30. Amoreena is sound asleep in the spare room, not even able to change out of her princess costume or phone them to say goodnight. Taylor said she had a sugar crash and just asked to go to sleep, reminding Taylor that she had the best day ever before closing her tired little eyes.
Jo was very anxious to meet Taylor too, telling her a similar story to Y/N’s from just a few hours prior. Taylor made sure she was comfortable for the night in another spare room, making her a hot chocolate and some snacks from earlier that day at lunch. She was the best host, a wonderful friend and an even better honorary godparent to these girls of Spencer’s.
“Can I have a hug?” She sheepishly asks before she has to turn down the hall to her bedroom for the night.
Spencer answers by wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to his chest once more, he wasn’t sure how his heart could hold so much love for these girls, and still have room left to make more one day. It was a dream come true to have a family this big, no one was going to believe that he gained 3 kids and a wife in under a month.
He kissed her on the forehead gently, seeing her smile at the contact let him know it was fine. “Goodnight dad,” she whispers, pressing her lips together awkwardly the same way he did before turning down the hall and disappearing into her room.
She had only a backpack of things currently, not expecting everything to go as smoothly as it did. She had enough clothes to sleep in, and Taylor happily provided some old tour perch to her just in case she needed something new to wear. Something to help her ease to sleep that didn’t feel like she was going back to her old life in the morning.
Amoreena was going to have a field day tomorrow when she met her big sister, the beautiful girl who was busy covering her scars with bandaids provided by Spencer, but it would take a lot of time, effort and care to make her feel truly healed again. It was going to be interesting seeing Amoreena adjust to sharing him so early, especially since he knew Jo would need so much more attention to ease her anxiety moving forward.
Spencer sat on the guest bed beside Y/N, noticing all the rose petals and candles on the dresser and night tables, “oh she really had a lot planned for us.”
“She’s the fairy godmother of our dreams,” Y/N agreed with a laugh. “I don’t mind staying up late tonight if you don’t mind leaving on Monday instead?”
“I was going on suggest the same thing,” he smiled at her, leaning in to press their lips together gently for the first time since the wedding that afternoon.
“let's get into our comfy’s and go for a walk on the beach, Taylor left me the keys to lock up when we come back,” she whispered the words against his lips before smiling.
“Can I call Derek before we go? I really need to talk to him,” he’s honest with her as he pulls away, feeling really anxious and shook up at the events of the day. He needed his best friend.
“Yeah, I’ll go check out the rest of the guest house, come find me when you’re done?” She says softly, getting off the bed with a smile and stepping out of the room with a small wave.
He takes his phone out and dials the number, waiting with the phone pressed against his ear as it rings. Again and again, every new hum in his ear making his heart beat faster, “hello?” He’s finally rescued.
“Have you talked to anyone on the team lately?”
“Who died?” It was everyone’s go-to question when they got a phone call like this one.
“No one, quite the opposite actually—“
“She’s pregnant!” Derek shouts, cutting him off and Spencer can hear Savannah asking who from the background.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not why I'm calling,” Spencer replies only to be met with Derek's laughter.
“Penny and I had a bet on how long it would take.”
“She cheated because she knew we were trying,” Spencer takes the fun from him, Penelope always won. “I have another kid.”
“I know man, birth is so cool— well I’m telling him anyway,” Derek is clearly talking to Savannah and him at the same time, “we’re pregnant again too.”
“No, Derek, I’m pregnant and sick as hell while you’re perfectly fine,” she snaps back at him as she takes the phone. “You better be so kind to her Doctor Spencer Reid; rub her feet, make her breakfast, thank every god on earth and the ground she walks on for being willing to make another version of you, do you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am,” Spencer hold back a laugh, wondering when Y/N would have a hormonal switch like that, “but I didn’t mean the one in her stomach, another fully formed human of my creation walked into the BAU looking for me today.”
There’s a rustling through the phone as Derek takes it back from her, “what the fuck did you just say?”
“Her name is Jo, she’s exactly a month younger than Henry and her parents died 7 months ago,” he continues without even repeating the last part, “Derek I have 3 kids now and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Where are you right now?”
“In Taylor Swift's guest house.”
“Spencer, be serious with me, are you doing drugs again?"
“Ask Penelope, she contacted Portia, Rossi’s stepdaughter, who contacted Taylor so I could help Y/N and Amoreena meet her, then JJ called and made us fly all the way to Quantico and now I have 2 children living with me and one on the way. Not to mention, child 1 is extremely jealous about sharing me with people and hasn’t even gotten accustomed to being a big sister, and child 2 is so traumatized she hacked the fucking sperm bank and explained it to me like it was as easy as making a sandwich. I am in over my head here, Derek.”
“Okay, that sounded more like Spencer Reid,” Derek’s calm and happy voice calms him slightly and prompts him to take a deep breath. “If she’s able to hack she’s most likely like Penelope, we can introduce them. She’ll need someone who understands the loss of a parent. Amoreena, on the other hand, you need to spend a day with just her. Take her to the movies, or to see a play or something. Let her know she’s always going to be your little girl no matter how many siblings she gets.”
“Thank you, I needed someone who wasn’t my overly optimistic wife to tell me if I could do it,” he’s overly honest, Derek is his person and will always be his person.
“I get it, thanks for calling me, I’m really glad you’re okay,” he can hear Derek's smile and all he wants is a hug from him. “How was the wedding?”
“Good, we all cried a lot,” he laughs then, “we were supposed to have a big dinner on the beach before we got called into Quantico, so I’m going to go spend time with her now, I love you, Derek,” he rushes the words out so he doesn’t get overly emotional.
“I love you too, Spencer, have a good night,” Derek hands up before they both get too emotional. They always had a knack for making the other cry in times like this.
He lets out a deep sigh before tossing his phone on the bedside table. 3 of his 5 kids were here with him and Y/N now, safe and sound. If anyone else needed him, they could wait.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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gangrenados · 4 years
You're jealous?
I suck with titles, someone please help 🤦🏽‍♀️
hiii, can I request an imagine were Dick and reader are in a relationship and he’s jealous and doesn’t wanna talk to her and she keeps asking him wats wrong, kinda suggestive if you feel comfortable (sorry for my english) in the Netflix show world please, love your writing
This have been on the queue for ages!! Sorry for the wait, hope you like it @wintercapilson 💕
Note: Okay so I made Hank a little bit ooc to made him annoy Dick so yeah that
Warning: light smut 🤙🏽
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There was no doubt that the tension filled the room and it was making you annoyed. Far as you knew, Dick just wanted to start the day early and finish some undone paper work that has been accumulating, he wasn't fond of the idea, but your promise of keeping him company cheered him up a little bit.
"You're so clingy!" You teased him as you looked around the fridge for some food. " I can't believe it sometimes, you act so tough and bossy around others, but you're just a clingy boy..."
You smiled when you felt Dick's arms wrapping themselves in your waist, he rested his head in your shoulder and gave you a wet kiss on the cheek.
"Ew! You're gross, boy wonder." You cleaned your cheek with the back of your hand, Dick laughs just made you punching him jokingly in his bicep.
"I like that nickname..." he chuckled, leaning in the counter as he took his cup of coffee.
"Morning everyone" that husky voice was the one who changed the light atmosphere of the morning. Hank was half asleep, his bed hair proved that.
He walked up to you and grabbed a cup from the upper cabinet, as he took one of the cups he looked at you from an instant." You look good today, (y/n)" he blurted out casually, totally oblivious to his Dick's sly gaze.
"Thank you Hank, that's so nice of you!" You shrugged off his compliment, offering him a smile while Dick was frowning.
This scene was stupid and he just didn't liked it. Was he exaggerating? Maybe, but living this kind of thing every day was starting to get on his nerves. You see, you both had this type of relationship were you flirted with each other shamelessly.
It started with small touches, then it become compliments and then suggestive jokes. It didn't matter to him if Hank was just trying to be funny or if you really didn't pay attention to it, he was about to throw hands with the king of comedy if he didn't stop.
Dick watched carefully the way Hank looked at you with a stupid grin on his face."You know, " Hank sipped from his cup, gazing at Dick from a brief moment, knowing what he will say would cause him to lose it.
"We would make a great couple; I mean you're a gorgeous girl and I'm pretty handsome, we would be a power couple without doubt." That sentence just made Dick roll his eyes so hard that his eyes almost got stuck in his skull. It was too much, everything about this was making him mad and to make it worse you laugh! What the fuck was that?
He was about to walk up to him, you noticed to quick change on your boyfriend behavior. The way he looked at Hank like he was about to stab him, his stiff posture, too different from what he was like a few minutes ago.
Dick clenched his jaw, about to tell his friend to shut up and stay on his lane, but you were quicker." I'm sorry to tell you, but Dick and I are the ultimate power couple." you put your arm around his waist.
But not even that got him to calm down his nerves; Dick needed to step aside and cool down. This fiasco was causing him a headache. So he leaned into you and whispered in your ear he was going to finish the paperwork in your shared bedroom and with that he left.
Dick didn't liked to label himself as the "jealous type", it wasn't like he didn't let you have guy friends or be nice to other men, no. But that scene was too much and even after a couple of hours spent working on pile of files of resolved cases Dick could still feel the little rage that bubble inside of him.
He rubbed his tired eyes, maybe it was time to take a rest and set his mind on another thing.
He turned around at the sound of the door opening." You good, Dick?" He sighed, looking away as you entered the room with a concerned expression.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He spoke nonchalantly. You bited your lips for a few seconds, doubting if it was a good moment to confront him.
"Really? Cuz it didn't seem like that when we were in the kitchen..." you bought up the theme cautiously making Dick huff.
He sat on the and passed a band through his hair, already annoyed by this. "Well, maybe it's because Hank was flirting with you."
"We're just friends, Dick. It's no a big deal-"
"Don't come up with that." He interrupted you." I'm not comfortable seeing Hank touching you and talking to you like he was your boyfriend, okay? I don't like. And I'm totally fine if you two are friends, but that kind of shit just get on my nerves."
"So you're jealous?" You walked up to him, Dick gaze was serious. There were a few things that could trigger this man, but you never really believed that a thing like this could put him in such a bad mood." Hank just does that to mess with you, he told me himself."
Dick didn't even answer, for him that was still awful. "Don't get mad, you know you're the only one for me." He hummed, putting his hands at both side of your hips as you straddle him.
"Dick, you're the guy I really love, alright?" You put your arms around his neck, getting a bit closer." I like you with flaws and all." Dick smiled a little at your confession.
"Yeah?" He asked in a soft tone, breaking down slightly his serious posture. You nodded, before pecking his lips.
"Of course I do!" You said happily.
Dick broke the distance you had with a heated kiss, his grip on your hips got firmer. Maybe it was because the intensity of your make out that caused you to grind on him.
Dick got away from your lips to leave a trail of kisses that went from your neck to your shoulder, sucking and kissing the spot that connected them. "We should fuck." He suggested in a groan." The youngers aren't here so it won't be a problem."
"You want some revenge, don't you?" You giggled; whimpering slightly at the feeling his boner brushing against your pussy." I can't tell you no, babe...."
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Tag list: @nervousfandom @la-femme-lupita @c0-77
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bombini-fan-page · 3 years
Langa allergy season headcanons
This poor boy
Horrible allergies constantly
Stuffs toilet paper in his nose
It’s worse since he moved since they have plants in Okinawa that they didn’t have in Canada
Reki finds him laying in bed with tissues surrounding him (queue the panic because he thinks he’s sick)
Is a big baby about it (“Rekiiiii it hurts when I sneeeeeze”)
Sleeps sitting up with 7 pillows behind him
He smells like garlic oil because his mom insists on him rubbing it on his chest to help (begrudgingly he admits it does)
Poor fella gets ear infections because of it
If he even looks at a flower he will sneeze
He sneezes like dads do. Aka fucking loud
His cough is so bad
It sounds like he’s trying to cough up a fur ball
The “I miss when I could breath through my left nostril” kid
Takes a Benadryl and is out of it. Hallucinating, falls asleep within minutes, sleep walks, sleep talks, you name it
He milks it just to get more attention from Reki (“hold me it makes me feel better 🥺”)
Reki gives into it very easily
Swears he will never consume dairy again
(He downs a glass of chocolate milk as soon as he thinks his allergies are gone)
Then they’re back again
He had learned and tried every allergy hack and trick and has a list of what works and doesn’t. (His favorite is to use a T-shirt as a tissue because hey it works well and his nose isn’t raw)
Joe will make him (or any of his other boys) special food without dairy when they come in when they have bad allergies (“JUST DONT SNEEZE ON THE FOOD AGAIN FOR THE LOVE OF FU—“)
At first Kaoru was wondering why Langa was saying “stupid cherry blossom. Ruined my life”
Miya laughs at him until Langa sneezes on him (“ew you slime! you literally got your slime on me!”)
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celine-song · 3 years
tagged by @billy-crudup​ thank u bestie!
tagging @madeline-kahn @saoirse-ronan @chastainjessica @bijespers @rogerdeakinsdp
1: Why did you choose your url?
i watched parasite and was completely blown away so i wanted an url to honor bong joon ho!
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i have an animal crossing sideblog @hoofhoo and i used to have a roosterteeth sideblog a long time ago but it’s no more
3: How long have you been on tumblr? 
since 2011 i think? ew
4: Do you have a queue tag?
no bc full disclosure my entire blog is on queue so there’s no point having a tag for it. i do it this way bc i usually come on tumblr, reblog a bunch of stuff and then barely go on here throughout the day so i like to space things out
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i saw ppl post gifs from here on another website and talk abt tumblr so i was like sounds fun im gonna try it out. and the people who made gifs on here seemed like gods so i wanted to do it too kjdsvnksdjvn
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i used to have celebrities as icons but i’m at a point where i have no idea who to even choose so i wanted something neutral and there are a few ppl using icons as pfps so i looked up yellow icons (kajvavn) and found this one and it seemed perfect i love the lil heart and the shape of it
7: Why did you choose your header?
i actually had to go check what my header even is skdvnsjkvn but i watched chungking express for the first time a couple months ago and i wanted to have a somewhat fancy edited header and i chose a screenshot from that movie. i was going to change the movie on my header every month (edited in the same style) but idk maybe i’ll do it every season instead
8: What’s your post with the most notes? 
this is so embarrassing
9: How many mutuals do you have?
i don’t know the exact number but i think most people i follow are mutuals! love ya babes
10: How many followers do you have?
more than i deserve but i think a lot of them are inactive since i’ve been here a long time sdkvnjvn
11: How many people do you follow?
153. doesn’t sound so impressive now that most of them are mutuals huh sdkjvnn
12: Have you ever made a shitposts?
im not sure what qualifies, but i think i made some in the druck fandom
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
like one or two hours i think? not as much as i used to tbh
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
not really an argument, i just had ppl argue with me in my askbox but it never escalated to a whole conversation sdjfvnjsk
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
thanks for the guit trip babes i still won’t reblog unless it’s something i really care about
16: Do you like tag games?
yes but i’m so bad at checking my mentions i do them once in a blue moon sdkfvnsjdf sorry luvs
17: Do you like ask games?
also yes but i don’t get a lot of asks when i do them kdfjvnsk
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
all of them are legends
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes i have a crush on my gf 😌
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