#quick tag access:
cinnameownsweet · 4 months
tag directory ☆
tag system! tags about a character will simply be their associated emoji (ex. 🌻 for lumine) and original content featuring a f/o will have the emoji and a quote next to it! (ex. 🌻 ♡ ╱ painting stars)
main tags:
#toast txt - all my original posts! #yumeisms - original selfship related posts! this contains writing, art and occasionally gushes! #imagines - reblogging imagines! #💌: mutuals! - well, posts from mutuals!! #my art - well. my art! #my writing - i think you get the gist #promos - self explanatory i think? #favs - favourite posts!!
other tags:
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jacazull · 5 months
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It’s time to do something fun to thank y’all for being here! If any of you follow my sister @vi050iv then you might be familiar with the band au doodles she posted a year ago on insta. Casey, Junior, and April are in a band managed by Sunita, and they sing about triumphs and rising against odds. They’re called The Underdogz 💥I referenced the cover of an idw issue I really like when drawing this~ (pretend I drew a z instead of an s in their banner)
Anywaysss I will doodle some prizes, so there’ll be a deadline (I’ll give plenty of time). Of course you’re free to keep doodling for the band au long after the date passes.
- Please use the hashtag #jacazull1kdtiys and tag me
- MUST HAVE Casey, Junior, April, and Sunita doing something band related (signing autographs, costume fitting, practicing, battle of the bands, posing for an album photoshoot etc)
- You’re free to add other characters or ocs as long as The UnderDogz are there
1st: Fullbody of any character
2nd: Halfbody of any character
3rd: Bust of any character
All prizes will be lined and colored in flats!
As an additional gift, I’ll be sharing the spotify playlists my sisters and I made for Rise over a year ago. Some songs may be a bit silly or out of place, but we had to compromise a lot LOL. Songs are taken out and added every now and then, but I hope y’all can enjoy them.
Casey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2cxt5JGKkv5bziUFWF6JAE?si=hU-A4oBoRzqy1Pl6zcsHKQ&pi=u-BT8s5FrWT3CU
April: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6g850asOOGeF4OsPi1Bb8J?si=lEa0b6aASMi7P5OdvApR8Q&pi=u-fq7uj8oLSZGf
Junior: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1j6Rf7mt7Yl5TfMpBRwTOw?si=cBxlZ3KhQxmEQ2aBKxhPqQ&pi=u-ATNIY-fKSwez
Raph: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Kt2htp2OpXDQgEFiRZnih?si=8q-kCtnBTTmCRQSJLNnMWw&pi=u-aToiW0YOQcSv
Leo: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZAWkn0QDysAXZgX7KqNuM?si=JYrB-Dx2Qoqnas-FEl4rUg&pi=u-240kik8DTgO_
Donnie: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5LaxNqoN451ErZQTAb0GUu?si=cdTNkIvjThe_2X15c1aKvQ&pi=u-uR1PkEe4QrSc
Mikey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08dBF9Eq6Ouj7yI0NB9zUQ?si=jxkXATyeTB-8bUGrIamR4Q&pi=u-C_fx-iF2TJeB
Okie I think I covered everything. Have lots of fun!!!
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cyb3r-mutt · 4 months
About Me
Transmasc nonbinary faggot thing
Bi and polyam
Vers switch!
AuDHD as fuck
I love to talk about stuff!! I’m a huge musical theatre nerd, I love DnD, I will gush over Dimension 20 at any given chance, I love horror films, love art history, and I love music! Talk to me about David Bowie or t.rex I’ll die
My asks and DMs will be open please come say hi!!!
Oh I also have a hypno side blog now -> @sl33py-mutt
Minors - stay the fuck away
Racists, transphobes, other bigots, etc
Feederism blogs (nothing against you I just have personal things around it)
Kinks and limits below the cut:
What I'm Into
Petplay!!!!!! Especially puppy play!! it's my most favourite
Robophilia/robot fucking/seriously let me have sex with a machine.
Somno <333
Cockwarming <3333
Praise but also humiliation
A lot of other shit I may or may not get into on here
Scat, feederism, calling me a pig
Terms I use
Anything really but I usually go for cunt, tdick, hole, chest, tits with or without boy or puppy prefixes. I’m not a huge fan of the term front hole? Nothing against it I just don’t resonate w it.
Call me literally anything I’ll melt but my faves are for sure anything puppy or pet related, slut, fag, toy, pretty/good boy!!
May add more I’m just bad at tagging:
#Bark at me - asks
#cyb3r.audio - audios
Oh this is a thing too :3
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lallelol · 5 months
Ayo if anyone can see this can you tell me how much of my art you can actually see in #my art???? I can’t tell if it’s bugged or not
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sillyfaggot · 9 months
if you don't know: demikittycule is made up of @tee-gee-em , @omegamoo , @tweewig , and I. if you want to ?? research? before you answer I guess uhm. look at @demikittycule and omegamoo and I both have dkc tags
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 7 months
Wait hold on, you know N! Way bwtter than most, even! Which might mean, even as a secondary observer, you saw or heard a lot about Reshiram or Zekrom! Is there anything you can tell me about them, preferably the former? How they're summonedz their general temperament?
Well. In our timeline, N summoned Zekrom, so we are far more familiar with it than its sibling. I have only met Reshiram once, and only briefly. However, I am well versed in the history and mythology surrounding both of them. This...may be somewhat long.
The Twin Dragons are not so much summoned as awakened. You cannot just perform a ritual and conjure them to you like Giratina in the movies--you need to have access to their slumbering Stone forms. Legends say that they can only be awakened by one who pursues truth or ideals with pure intent, free from selfishness or greed, and warn of grievous consequences if one who is not pure of heart touches the Stones. (Although there is no concrete historical evidence that anyone has actually been hurt in the attempt to summon the Dragons--falling down the stairs of Dragonspiral Tower aside--and modern archaeologists brought the Light Stone to a museum without dying painfully, so perhaps those stories are exaggerated.)
Touching the Dark Stone with pure intent did work for N. Possibly also for his rival, although N has said he wonders if Reshiram did not awaken in response to the presence of their sibling, instead.
As for temperament...the Dragons have been the companions of kings since the days they were one being, and it shows in their demeanor. When in public, both of them tend to be somber, dignified, and somewhat intimidating--although in private, they are not above stealing snacks. Zekrom takes its role as guardian of ideals very seriously, but also bonds as strongly with its companions as any Pokémon. It misses its old partners quite terribly, apparently.
The Dragons are thought of as moral guides, but the curious nature of their creation has left them with...gaps in their moral compasses. Zekrom fights for those who dream of an ideal world, but cares not whether their ideals are founded in truth as long as they are sincerely held. I am not privy to Reshiram's inner thoughts, but would imagine they are much the same as their sibling--guiding those who seek truth, but caring not whether they hold to ideals in the process. There is a reason traditional Unovan philosophy calls for one to hold both virtues in balance within their heart, and a reason the Dragons tend to pursue the truths or ideals sought for by their chosen human partner instead of declaring what is right on their own. (Zekrom is apparently quite disconcerted by the nature of its existence as half of a whole.)
As a side note, Reshiram is traditionally considered the patron of all those who seek or share truth--teachers, librarians, judges, scholars, scientists, philosophers, etc.
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welcometogrouchland · 3 months
Also in the replies of the Steph concept art on twitter announcing she was gonna be in a new project at DC (posted by Travis Mercer), there were at least 3 comments saying "will Tim be there?" I don't care how hard you ship timsteph I'm exploding you with my eyeballs if you do that on my girls post again
#ramblings of a lunatic#taking a step back to acknowledge that my stanning may be getting overzealous#but then again I'm not in ppls quotes or replies I'm vagueing on an entirely different website with no relevant tags. it could be worse#anyway I know tims had it rough these past couple of months ever since zdarsky shifted focus of the batman title to have less tim#but it still feels. idk. just a wee bit uninspired to act like steph can't go two steps without tim being behind her#im ngl i like timsteph when they're cute but timsteph twitter has been. pissing me off a tad lately#the refusal to acknowledge the sexism in dixons robin run and how it impacts stephs writing and their relationships writing#the refusal to acknowledge tims occasional condescension and hypocrisy when it comes to stephs vigilantism#seemingly only wanting her to be spoiler when he wants her around and telling her to give it up most of the time#also the constant disrespect of stephs batgirl era on there weirdly enough?#I've harped on about this on main and in drafts but despite it's flaws it's a good turn for stephs character#she's the focus she gets development (an upward trajectory! which had previously been unheard of for her! bc she did have flaws as spoiler-#-its just that both writers and characters alike seemed to arbitrarily decide she didn't have the capacity to grow past them! but she did!)#hell i saw a BIZARRE take today i just have to bitch about#which was them saying that Batgirl was a ''heteronormative mask'' steph put on#with spoiler being her more authentic self (and this being paralleled to gender expression with stephs isolation from the batfam as spoiler-#-showing how she ''wasnt like them'')#which. I'm not denying you the view that spoiler has a certain genderific swag to her but the needless dragging of her batgirl persona#steph got treated badly as spoiler bc she was A Girl. it's genuinely that simple dixon felt batman and robin would never stand for a girl-#-running around doing the things they did and would need to chivalrously stop her. he's gone on record saying this#she's constantly getting belittled by mostly men (cass also dismisses her but it feels distinctly less gendered)#and in the end it's barbara who learns to give steph a second chance despite her mistakes and they have a positive relationship#something ppl are quick to dismiss as being in and of itself sexist bc they're pairing the two girls off together#as if batgirl isn't a legacy and as if babs and steph don't have parallels in their resilience and refusal to accept when ppl tell them no#for better and for worse!!#like. idk how you took the strongest feminist element in that comic (bc there are elements of sexism here and there! 2009 n all)#and somehow turn it into ''heteronormativity'' YOU PPL ARE JUST SAYING WORDS AT THIS POINT!!!#anyway. someone take away my internet access
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nanstar200 · 5 months
About me 😏🎉
Resources 4 Gaza/ Palestine are under the #'s Gaza, Recources, or Palestine ! Please take a look if you can! I try to reblog helpful things when I can! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
DNI list:
NSFW accounts (IM A MINOR)
Any other yucky people I didn’t mention 😒
hello! Im Ari or Star, I go by they\them and I enjoy fandoms like Deltarune and fnaf! I’ve been a big fan of both fandoms for a long time so if you want to Chat about those, or just drop in for a chat, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message!
all of my art is under #nuttdoodles !
• Probably Autistic tbh
•I LOOOVEE 90's toys colors (saturated colors rlly) and cyberccre Y2k aesthetics!
• In a big fan of silly guys (ex; Spamton (Deltarune) / Sundrop (fnaf) / Spongebob, etc!)
• I’m also a fan of nu-metal and some other genres of music I cant quite put my finger on (you can also ask for recomendations/ inspo if you want! (I love talking about my music LMAO))
But anyways have fun!! Be kind to yourself and others, and don’t do stupid shit that can affect you or your mental health!! /silly 🫶🫶🫶💕💕
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beansnpeets · 7 months
Oh my god. I'm not tech savvy enough to work for a lawyer that's even less tech savvy. It just took us like 2 days to fix a problem that we created ourselves, but couldn't figure out what had happened. I finally got it figured, tho, after so much grief. We're just both stupid, it's fine.
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geometricalien · 7 months
15 people, 15 questions
Tagged by @ultfreakme thank you!! 💕💕
1.) Are you named after anyone?
My first name is biblical and since my parents are Christian and my sibling also has a biblical name, I always presumed it was bc of that. My middle name though is actually a last name from my lineage
2.) When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday! It was day 2 of being home alone since my roommate left for the week and I was feeling particularly lonely since another friend wasn't able to hang out with me the last couple of days in addition to feeling isolated from family during the holiday season Plus being on my period --- yeahhh
3.) Do you have kids?
No. Nope. Nuh uh. Ask me again in 10 years
4.) What sports do you play/have played?
I did volleyball and basketball a lot in my youth, did soccer in elementary school
5.) Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. Mostly only with friends when we know we are being sarcastic and are playing it up? Otherwise, I'm just such a literal person I hardly use it elsewhere (even when my friends and I are joking/using sarcasm we often say "just kidding" afterwards)
6.) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly height and hair. I have such bad face blindness, and I've had it forever. But I'll remember if someone was taller/shorter than me and their hair color
7.) What’s your eye colour?
Grayish blue. They were described like ice before if that helps
8.) Scary movies or happy endings?
Depends on my mood. I like horror movies and there are just so many different kinds- I haven't found a movie that genuinely scares me in a long time though... The last one I remember was Nope. I walked out of the theater and was just watching all the clouds in the sky fkdlsajf
9.) Any talents?
Nothing is really coming to mind... I guess I'm crafty? And it shows itself in different ways. I enjoy the process of creating. Be it in writing or drawing or baking and decorating or following steps- I enjoy having a vision and creating it
10.) Where were you born?
11.) What are your hobbies?
I read books and fanfiction, I write fanfiction, watch anime and shows, cook, bake, play genshin impact. I've been playing wordle every day for almost a year now. I like tactical stuff with instructions- like legos or putting together furniture- I got this DIY book nook last week and spent like 8 hours putting it together. In school as part of the STEM program we learned how to draft both by hand and on the computer through CAD and Solidworks- those were fun. I miss that. Again it uses that same part of the brain as legos. I also like playing with cards. I have solitaire and pinocle on my phone. I was also learning how to play chess (like the strategy part)
12.) Do you have any pets?
My family home has the cat I got my 8th birthday (barn cat, brown tabby with four white socks on his paws). In the apartment though there is my roommate's black lab, half ragdoll half Siamese cat, and who knows how many fish that keep having babies
13.) How tall are you?
5'10'' (on a good day sshhh)
14.) Favourite subject in school?
MATH HELLO! (......... but also the drafting classes damn i miss those)
15.) Dream job?
Can there be such a thing as having extreme trivia knowledge on my fandoms? I'd like that alot but otherwise.... I'd like to work at one of those cat [Blank] things. Be it a café or a bar or a bookstore (that'd be awesome!!) I think that would be fun
Tagging @alienjack @szivtalan @glitt-erm @amnestyaubrey @farklelucas @brazilian-whalien52 @bloodyspade0000 @traditionalartist @illbebuyingallofthoseflowers and anyone else who sees this and wants to hop in ☺️
#ask game#tags#personal questions?#the talent and hobby one were hard#bc yeah i can do things! paint draw write sing! but i wouldnt necessarily say im Talented at them. i can pluck at a piano. dont give me a#song and expect me to play good/well in a week though.#the one thing i thought i could say i excel in was math and thats...#dont ask me to do simple math like add two numbers. i suck at quick math like that that relies on memory. bc yeah i know what 6×7 is! or#18+5! but it takes my brain a moment to find the answer or remember and process the way to solve something.#but i say i majored in math and people oooo and ahhhh and say you must be good at math!!#i hate math!!#and like- yes and i get it. sometimes i do to.#to want to major in math means you must have had some success and fallen in love with it. and yeah that success can come through innate ski#ll or trial or both.#i found that my love for math deepens when i struggle bc that makes the success that much sweeter.#i feel like there is a connection in this struggle and solving with the bringing about a vision from crafting...#maybe they just have a similar feeling of success. maybe thats all...#but its not i feel in my gut that its not.#writing a proof and beginning with a vision and seeing where the logic leads is very similar to starting a project- be it building something#or writing a novel or starting a painting. you follow the flow and see where it leads you. access if its met its goal or expectations.#and fix the mistakes and if necessary start all over with a new approach.#it is creation.#sorry for the ramblings
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hiro-of-hyrule · 2 months
Chapters ———————
◇ Empty (for now)
Tags —————————
◇ hiro's hyrule refs ◇ art tag ◇ thoughts n rambles ◇
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aaronymous999 · 11 months
Facing a dilemma… including Miles in Spider-Man: Aaron Allan but because of the only radioactive spider dying after biting Aaron and Cindy I’m like how am I gonna give this dude Spider powers.
I want him to be Spider-Man because he’s iconic as Spider-Man.
Example of the trio of Spiders being humorous
“I’ve got you now Spider-Ma- Spider-Men!”
“I mean yeah you have me and the other Spider-Man- we are Spider-Men but she isn’t. That’s Silk.”
“What? That’s stupid can’t you all just be Spider-Man?” “I’m a girl.”
“Why not Spider-Woman then?”
“Silk is a much cooler name.”
“God dammit I’m not doing this anymore officially retiring from supervillainy.”
Anyways I’ll figure something out, maybe, probably. Spider-less Miles is cool but him being Spider-Man is cooler so I have to make it real!! Somehow!!
It would be really funny ( might storyboard this this would actually be hilarious ) if they kept like one vile of the Spider’s venom in case it came in handy and when they experiment on Cindy since they only figure out she has been bitten they realize the venom can give Spider powers so Norman or some villain rushes for it while meanwhile Miles who snuck in because his friend Cindy has been in the lab too long and he got worried and came looking for her and they just stand off with each other and so that the scientist can’t get to it he just takes it and chugs it right in front of them. The whole secret identity thing would be rough and it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but it’s HILARIOUS.
@raisondetre2012 thoughts?
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honeymoos · 1 year
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🦷 moog/mo !! 24 🍟 they/ he !!! 💉
twitter ☆ instagram ☆ pinterest ☆ discord server
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varteeny1234 · 1 year
🍉 Call me V! (or Varteeny)
Welcome to my blog! Here you will find a whole bunch of mcyt related stuff, mostly Hermitcraft, Empires, Lego Monkie Kid and the Life Series with some Owl House and Assassination Classroom as well as whatever other fandoms I dip my toes in. If you follow me you will become subjected to my interests
This blog will contain mcytshipping, so I would recommend not going through my blog if you don't like that sort of content (I tag all my own posts, but usually not others since I'm fast reblogging) and I have a few main ships but am also a multishipper
I draw and write stuff sometimes, these posts will be tagged under "my stuff" and I do take requests! And feel free to ask or dm about whatever :]
I am Varteeny on ao3 as well
Blank blogs WILL be blocked
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Feel free to use my art as pfp/header, with credit!
also the blog title is a reference to scott's mcc 33 practice stream where someone in-game said that "ethogirl" is an acronym for. that. anyways im normal keep scrolling
go watch bigb secret life
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whatudottu · 2 years
Out of left field but I’ve been thinking about alien eyes and specifically unique aliens eyes and how Ben 10 is sorely lacking in variety.
So I’ve been thinking about one of the sets of eyes that comes prepackaged with some special detail; lepidopterran eyes.
Starting off with the obvious, let’s talk about those stalk eyes though-
Between snails and crabs (and all the little creatures in between), eye stalks are very good at looking around when you either have no neck or have a very energy inefficient equivalent, but sometimes the sight itself isn’t the greatest depending on the type of eye (snails don’t have auto-focus and manually use the stalks to adjust vision, crabs have compound eyes and see hundreds and thousands of small blurry repeating images). Lepidopterrans, with four prehensile stalk eyes which have the ability to shoot goo, probably don’t have the best sight because of this.
But what’s this I hear about a goo shooting set of eyes? Where does the goo come from and how does a lepidopterran aim and otherwise not be bothered with gak coming from their face?
Well- perhaps unlike the eyes of Earth’s creatures, the ‘pupil’ does not act as part of their eye but as a barrel of a gun.
Something something the Original Series was being wacky by having current Ben transform into a ‘pupil’less Stinkfly only to have Babyfly and Papafly get a set of black dots, yada yada Omniverse came along and gave Stinkfly some well deserved holes, what if the reason why lepidopterrans can see while firing is because their eye is not the entire opening of the eyestalk but a concentric ring of compound eyes that circle some goo tract. Compound eyes may not be the best kind of eyes for sight and otherwise aiming, but a full regular eye would not quite fit around the tract without getting crowded and compound by proxy; besides, who needs sight when you’ve weaponised stink. Lots of flying insects have compound eyes anyway.
But moving away from eyes, the formation of this eye tract would mean that at the base of all four of a lepidopterran’s eyes there probably isn’t a brain but instead a special goo organ. It’s not to say that a lepidopterran doesn’t have a brain at all, but it certainly means that the already poor sighted bug has a longer distance to send visual information to a relevant occipital lobe for perception, their brain being located - like certain Earthen bugs - more so within their chests. This organ can also be accessed by the mouth to spew out goo rather than shoot it.
Why have I made this post? I have no idea I was zoning out and now I’ve finished a write and have no clue where I am or if this was cohesive, have some unique alien eyes and now some weird biology shit.
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2for2long · 7 months
juliet && 🇳🇵🇺🇲 (est)
minor¹⁶ so NSFW dni
nb queer he/she
romeo && serenity <3
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