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nanstar200 · 8 months
Resources 4 Gaza/ Palestine are under the #'s Gaza, Recources, or Palestine ! Please take a look if you can! I try to reblog helpful things when Im able! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
DNI list:
NSFW accounts (IM A MINOR)
Any other yucky people I didn’t mention 😒
Hi! ^^ Im Star! I’m 17 as of right now and I enjoy games such as Deltarune, fnaf, and ultrakill. I’ve been a big fan of both fnaf/deltarune for a long time! so if you want to Chat about those, (or just drop in for a chat ^^) don’t be afraid to shoot me a message!
all of my art is under #nuttdoodles !
• Probably Autistic tbh
•I LOOOVEE 90's toys colors (saturated colors rlly) and cyber core/ Y2k aesthetics!
• In a big fan of silly guys (ex; Spamton (Deltarune) / Sundrop (fnaf) / Spongebob, etc!)
• I’m also a fan of nu-metal and some other genres of music I cant quite put my finger on (you can also ask for recomendations/ inspo if you want! (I love talking about my music LMAO))
But anyways have fun!! Be kind to yourself and others, and please no hate or bullying on my page! And don’t be afraid to ask for my discord if you’d like!
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 1
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 2
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A/N: new series inspired by my perv!kurapika HC!! I’m not sure how long it will be, but I hope y’all will enjoy it!! He won’t be a huge perv at first, he still hasn’t had his sexual awakening. This series will be full of smut/spicy content, so be aware!!
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Kurapika tried to catch his breathing as he hid behind a garbage can, gasping out in pain.
His current mission was a dangerous one and had nearly resulted in the loss of his arm. Right now, he held the bloody gash and gritted his teeth. Kurapika had the scarlet eyes, but his mission was far from over.
“I think he went that way!”
Kurapika his his presence and pulled his legs to his chest, making himself as small as possible to avoid detection.
They passed the alleyway by, the Kurta holding his breath until he couldn’t hear their footsteps any longer.
He let out a relieved sigh, shaking some of the blood from his hand and opening his phone. He sent Leorio a quick text saying his mission was nearly over, knowing how worried his friend had been.
Now, Kurapika only had to worry about finding somewhere to hide while he recovered.
But where?
He didn’t know anyone in this city, he’d never been here before. Except…
A memory came rushing back to his mind, the blonde frowning.
“You always have a place with me, Kurapika. Here’s my number.”
If he wasn’t holding his injured arm to try and stop the bleeding, he may have slapped a hand onto his forehead.
Yes, she lived here. He’d forgotten.
Kurapika scrolled through his contacts, clicking her name and scrolling through the limited messages the two had sent each other.
She’d given him her address if he ever wanted to stop by, saying he was welcome anytime.
He just hoped (Name) wouldn’t mind him getting blood all over her floor.
Finding her house wasn’t easy.
She lived on the opposite side of town, in a secluded neighborhood framed by a small patch of woodland.
Although he was thankful it was far enough away that the people searching for him wouldn’t think to look there, he was still grumpy.
Kurapika couldn’t really help that. The more he moved the more blood he lost. When he finally stepped onto her porch, he had to lean against a wall for support.
He knocked on the door quickly, wincing at the sight of blood smearing the white surface.
If Kurapika wasn’t nearly doubled over in pain and bleeding out, he may have been excited to hear her voice.
The girl opened the door shortly after.
It had been a while since he’d seen her, nearly two years. The last time was in York New, when she and the others had been there to support him as he attempted to avenge his clan.
He could still remember the feeling of her hands pushing his hair back, the sound of her concerned voice reaching his ears.
The girl in front of him hadn’t changed much, besides having (shorter/longer) hair.
“Are you… oh god are you bleeding?”
He didn’t answer, stumbling inside and collapsing on the floor.
“Jesus Christ!”
(Name) kneeled down next to him, turning him so he was lying on his back.
Kurapika’s breath came out in rapid bursts, his eyes darting between (Name) and his arm.
“Hey, take deep breaths, it’s alright. I’m gonna get you into bed.”
She hooked her arm under his good one and pulled him to his feet. Kurapika leaned his weight against her, allowing her to lead him into a dark room.
“Okay, I’m going to set you down.”
She lied him down on the bed, not caring about the blood staining her sheets. She pushed her sleeves back and stood, moving to the other side of the bed to have access to his injured arm.
‘What… is she doing?’
(Name) pulled his sleeve back, wincing at the sight. “What happened to you, Kurapika?”
“… stabbed.”
“Well, I figured that much… I mean what situation were you in to get stabbed?”
When he didn’t answer, (Name) sighed. “Okay, we can talk about this later. Just…”
She placed her hand on his wound. “You’re going to pass out.”
That was the last thing he heard before blacking out.
Kurapika woke up to the feeling of sunlight shining onto his face. His eyes blinked open slowly, his good arm reaching up to shield them.
‘Where… where am I?’
He surveyed his surroundings, using In to see if there was anyone near.
Kurapika sensed two auras besides his own, both of them familiar.
He looked down to see his tabard and undershirt had been removed, replaced by a plain white tshirt. His injured arm had been bandaged and the pain had faded.
‘(Name) must of done this…’
His hand grazed his arm, his eyes softening ever so slightly.
Kurapika stood up, wincing at the soreness in his legs. The blonde opened the door to the room he was in.
“Yeah I think- wait did that door just open?”
Kurapika stepped out of the doorway, being greeted by the smell of eggs and bacon cooking on the stove.
“Oh, you’re awake!”
(Name) waved from the kitchen, a familiar white haired boy sat at the counter on a tall stool.
Oh, right. He was at (Name)’s house.
“… good morning.”
Kurapika walked over, sitting down next to the boy. Said boy raised an eyebrow, turning to get a better look.
The two stared at each other, Killua pointing at him. “When the hell did you get here?”
“I could ask the same of you.”
“I live here! Now answer my question!”
He lived with (Name)?
Kurapika glanced at (Name), asking for help with his eyes.
“He got here about 24 hours ago, at night.”
Kurapika blinked. He didn’t think he’d been out that long.
“Okay, okay. Why is he here though?”
(Name) shrugged. “I’m not completely sure, when he got here he was bleeding out on my doorstep.”
Killua huffed. “Oh, so he’s not here visiting.”
Kurapika rubbed his temple. Did he have to ask so many questions when Kurapika was having trouble remembering his own name?
“You haven’t talked with (Name) in what, years? And the first time you decide to show your face is because you needed something.”
Killua straightened up at the sound of (Name)’s voice. “There’s no need for all that. I offered up my home to all of you if you needed it.”
She placed a plate of food in front of the young boy, walking back and grabbing one for Kurapika as well.
“Now, eat up, Kurapika. You lost a lot of blood.”
The man knew Killua was right. Kurapika had been purposefully ignoring her, for reasons even he couldn’t completely comprehend.
He decided to listen, lifting a piece of bacon to his mouth and taking a bite. After the first bite, he realized just how hungry he was.
Kurapika shoveled scrambled eggs into his mouth, not caring too much about the taste. When was the last time he’d stopped to eat a full meal? Was it 3 or 4 days ago?
“Slow down, you’re going to choke.”
While he wasn’t paying attention, (Name) had snuck closer, placing a cup of orange juice in front of him. Ironically, her words spooked him into choking, the man coughing before downing the juice in one gulp.
“You’re acting like you haven’t eaten in days.” Killua said before munching on a handful of Froot Loops.
“That’s because I haven’t. I’ve been busy.”
(Name) sat down in front of them, taking a bite of her own breakfast. “You should try to eat three square meals a day. You need fuel for your body.”
He didn’t reply, standing up and walking to the stove to get seconds.
“How long is he staying?”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched. Why didn’t Killua just ask him?
“Oh, I’m not sure. As long as he needs to.”
“Just until I recover.”
The two looked up at Kurapika. He sat back down, starting on his second helping. “I’ll be gone within a few days to a week at most. Sorry for the trouble.”
(Name) leaned her cheek against her hand, elbow on the table. “You’re no trouble at all, I’m happy to see you again.”
This was one of the reasons Kurapika hadn’t contacted her. He remembered why he had trouble speaking with her.
She was way too nice, and he didn’t like how it made him feel.
“Thank you. I’ll make sure to reimburse you.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “No need. I don’t take money from friends.”
Killua sighed. “Don’t try to argue, she doesn’t listen to reason.”
(Name) scowled at him. “Rude.”
Kurapika put his plate in the sink, watching the two from the corner of his eye. They were talking about something mundane, (Name) seemingly more passionate about the topic.
(Name) turned away from Killua, giving Kurapika a smile. “I washed your tabard, and it’s drying right now. I did it by hand because I wasn’t sure if it was washing machine safe.”
“It is, but I appreciate your help.”
He suddenly remembered what happened right before he passed out.
“What… what is your nen ability?”
She grinned. “I can heal people. Technically, I just speed up the recovery process going on in your cells, so it takes a lot of your stamina to heal. You didn’t have a lot the other night, so you passed out. It’s most likely why you slept so long.”
That made sense. (Name) had always been the soft, motherly type. Of course her power would be that of a healer. That was why his arm wasn’t hurting as much as it should.
“I see. Thank you, (Name).”
“No problem, hun.”
Oh dear, another reason he didn’t speak to her. She was quite fond of pet names, and although they didn’t make him uncomfortable per say, it did make him feel… something.
Killua folded his arms against his chest, staring the blonde down. “What happened for you to get so injured?”
“I was stabbed-“
“I mean what situation you were in.”
Kurapika could swear he’d had this conversation before.
“I had a mission. To collect the scarlet eyes.”
“That’s all.”
Killua groaned, (Name) pushing herself up and taking her plate to the sink. “You really should be more careful, Kurapika. You nearly gave me a heart attack when you showed up bleeding all over my porch.”
“… sorry.”
He hadn’t meant to worry her. It was one of the many reasons he worked alone, he hated making other people worry about him.
“Don’t be. I’m just glad you’re alright.”
She patted his back. “Now, why don’t you rest. You’ll need at least another day until your stamina is recovered.”
He nodded and walked back to his room, closing the door behind him.
It was never easy being with her for too long. Ever since the Hunter Exam, she’d been someone he struggled to be around for longer than necessary.
She smelled good, she was nice, and always made his head feel fuzzy.
And he hated it.
He had trouble concentrating on his mission when his thoughts kept drifting to her. How she was doing, where she was, if she was okay. It was all he could think about after leaving York New.
But now it was near impossible to ignore her. Maybe he should have taken his chances with the thugs that had been chasing him.
As he watched the ceiling fan spin above him, he told himself he needed to leave as soon as possible. For both his and (Name)’s own good.
He didn’t want to hurt her again.
Kurapika awoke to a knock on his door, (Name) opening it up and walking in with her hands full.
“I brought your bag and clothes! If you write down your sizing I can go and grab you some spare outfits when I go shopping tomorrow.”
Kurapika sat up, pulling the bag into his lap. He peered inside, visibly relaxing when his eyes met those of the scarlet eyes. It was strange, you’d think he’d have felt anguish or anger at the sight of his clan’s dismembered eyes, but it felt familiar. Safe.
“I will accompany you.”
She tilted her head. “Are you sure? Didn’t you say you were stabbed in town?”
“Yes, but they have most likely left by now. They probably assumed I skipped town.”
(Name) sat on the edge of his bed, the man stiffening ever so slightly. “I see. Well, I’m glad your mission was a success. What are you planning to do next?”
He zipped up the backpack, placing it on the floor next to his bed. “I’ll find more information on either the Spiders or the scarlet eyes until I find one or the other. I’ll continue until I’m finished or dead.”
He said this so seriously, his aura determined. (Name) sighed.
“I wish you wouldn’t say things like that. You shouldn’t throw your life away.”
He scowled, his fingers brushing against the bandages on his arm.
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand. I will not stop until my clan has been avenged. I have no other purpose, that is my goal.”
It always hurt to see (Name)’s face twist into one of sadness when he stated his mission. She’d heard these words before, though more harsh the last time.
“I know, I know. Just…”
She placed a hand on his leg, squeezing lightly. “Just know that we care about you, okay? We all worry, so please, be careful.”
With that, she stood up and approached the door. “The shower is open if you need one. I just set out some towels.”
He nodded, not meeting her eye.
“Dinner is in an hour.”
She opened the door and closed it behind her.
‘I’m doing it again. I’m worrying her.’
Kurapika shook the memory of their last meeting from his head. He didn’t want to think about that right now.
He took up her offer about 15 minutes later, seeing a fluffy towel next to the shower ready for use.
There were only two sets of soap, one set being (Name)’s, and the others Killua’s.
He didn’t want to know how Killua would react if he used his, so he used (Name)’s. It was a soft, fruity scent, soothing his anxious mind as he rubbed it into his skin.
When he left the shower, he draped a towel over his shoulders, leaving his hair wet. He hadn’t dried his hair in years, never having the time.
He wish he had when (Name) came rushing over when he excited, scolding him.
“Kurapika, you’re going to get a cold. Sit!”
It was hard to argue when you’re being dragged and pushed into a sitting position.
“You have such pretty hair, you know.”
Kurapika sighed. Was his hair really that pretty now? It had been a while since he’d properly washed it. He’d take quick showers, just scrubbing it with whatever soap he could get his hands on before exciting the shower as quickly as possible.
She ran leave in conditioner through his locks, humming to herself as she combed through the knots in his hair. Her touch was gentle, much more gentle than his own.
When was the last time someone had been so close to him without trying to kill him? Even knowing (Name) wouldn’t hurt him, he still felt tense with her near. It felt unnatural, uncanny almost to have someone’s touch be so gentle and caring.
“All done. We’ll get you your own hair wash tomorrow, alright?”
He nodded in response. Kurapika just wanted her to stop touching him. He didn’t want to get used to being treated kindly. It made him soft, and that was dangerous for a man like him.
“You’ve been so quiet today. You alright?”
Kurapika jumped. He hadn’t expected her face to be so close when he turned at the sound of her voice.
“I’m… I’m just tired. Don’t worry too much.”
‘Please. It only makes it harder for me.’
He scooted away from her, turning his attention to the TV.
There was a random anime playing, Kurapika noticing Killua sat in a beanbag chair watching along and snickering.
“I’m going to work on dinner, you two be good, alright? That means you, Killua.”
She sent him a look and stood up, walking in the direction of the kitchen. Once she was out of earshot, Killua’s smile faded.
“Why did you think coming here after what you said to her is okay?”
“Excuse me?”
Killua rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. I’m talking about the last time you two were together. It upset her a lot, you know.”
Kurapika didn’t answer. He had no excuse, not able to look Killua in the eye.
“I said what needed to be said. I stated only the truth.”
Killua scowled. “I don’t care if it was the truth. She cried for days, Kurapika. Days. She was inconsolable.”
Kurapika stiffened and bit his lip. “It’s none of your business what happens between me and her. She seems fine now.”
‘God I’m such an asshole. She cried? I made her cry?’
Killua blinked, a look of confusion on his face. “None of my business? Are you insane? You’re my friend, you’re SUPPOSED to be her friend, if it’s anyone’s business it’s mine. Is she only worth your time when you need something from her?”
Kurapika didn’t answer. Killua scoffed, standing up and walking past him.
“I don’t know what the hell you want from her, but just know…”
Killua stopped right next to him.
“She may forgive easily, but I don’t. Hurt her again, and I won’t think twice about breaking your arm.”
Kurapika watched him from the corner of his eye. “I don’t plan on staying long enough to hurt anyone.”
They stared at each other, Killua’s eyes cold, but hurt. “Don’t outstay your welcome.”
Dinner was quiet, and awkward. Both Killua and Kurapika seemed irritated, (Name) struggling to make conversation before giving up.
Both were quick to go to bed after dinner. (Name) flinched at the sound of doors slamming, sighing softly.
She walked around the house, picking up little messes KIllua had made during the day.
‘Messy brat.’
She giggled to herself, placing another empty box of chocolate robots in the trash. She wondered how he was able to eat so many and stay so thin.
She jumped, quickly turning to see Kurapika standing in the doorway of his room, staring at her with his intense gray eyes.
“Oh- yes?”
He stayed silent for a moment, seemingly choosing his words carefully.
“What… time are you leaving tomorrow?”
She hummed. “I’m thinking after breakfast, so around 8 am. Is that alright with you?”
He nodded, looking away. “Yes, that… that should be fine.”
Thinking the conversation was over, she continued cleaning, humming to herself.
He was still standing there, his hand gripping the doorway hard enough to make a creaking sound.
Kurapika bit his lip, his eyes on the ground.
It was silent again, his hair falling to hide his eyes.
“Never mind. Goodnight, (Name).”
“Oh. Goodnight.”
Kurapika closed the door behind him, holding his chest.
He had told himself he’d apologize for his past actions, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak.
‘She probably hates me, but she’s kind enough to help even those that hurt her. God… I’m such a fucking idiot.’
He sunk into the floor, bringing his knees to his chest.
“My mission will always come before you. Always.”
He flinched at the memory of his words, groaning as he rubbed his temple. Kurapika knew those words were true, but he wished he hadn’t said it out loud. Just the look on her face when he spat it at her, right after she’d risked her life to help him was enough to make his chest ache.
Had he really become so cruel that he couldn’t apologize to someone so dear to him? Would he really spend the rest of his life running from his feelings? From her?
‘It’s safer that way. For both of us.’
He sighed, pulling himself up and plopping down onto his bed. It smelled nice, (Name)’s scent lingering on the comforter as he pulled it up to his chin.
Kurapika couldn’t allow himself to get too comfortable. If he did, he wasn’t the only one who’d be getting hurt.
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canonkiller · 6 months
Hi, I'm trying to do art commissions, but no one has commissioned me yet. Do you have any advice for attracting customers?
I wrote a lot of words for you in hopes that at least some of it will be helpful, so I'm putting the bulk of this answer below a read more to save people the scrolling. The quick and easy two tips that I find people forget to do the most are:
Is your art easy to find? Having a pinned post with a tag for your art, a link in your bio, or an art-focused / reblog-light blog (like this one!) make it so that people know you draw, and knowing you've been posting art for a while makes you less likely to be a scammer.
Is your commission info easy to find? People can't buy things that they don't know you're selling; clear and accessible links to your prices and terms are important.
Now for the real bulky meat of advice giving, where I say a lot of words that may or may not be relevant:
I have a lot of advice, but I do want to say before getting into it:
A lot of selling art (especially in a non-industry setting, like with social media commissions) is luck.
There is no one size fits all method for selling art, and it's best to go with what feels right to you (I'll go more into this later)
Tips for selling are not necessarily tips for creating, and there will be advice in here that I don't apply to myself. Determining what you do and do not implement is something you should decide for yourself and your work flow.
Your art not selling doesn't mean nobody cares about it.
Personally I think the idea of intentionally curating a single subject demographic of Customer and Consumer for your work is limiting and doomed to burnout in a non-industry space. I will also touch more on this later.
Now for the rest of it in varying orders:
✨ Attracting Customers
This one is going first because you mentioned it specifically. It is kind of vague though, by nature of the term, so what I advise doing is specifying.
When you are thinking of a customer, are you trying to appeal to:
People who will buy pre-made art products? (Pins, stickers, prints, etc)
People who will buy custom work? (Commissions for specific subject matter)
People who will buy art resources you've created? (Fonts, bases, texture packs, 3d models etc)
There's also frequency: a repeat customer of custom art will usually be appealed to more by a wide range of options (like illustrations), while you might get more single-purchase customers if you only offer a limited range of options (like only icons).
Demographics also, of course, play a substantial role in just custom art commissions; furries get lauded as high spenders, but they're also a huge community that is focused around OCs, so by statistics alone they will have more people with spending money and will be frequent customers of people drawing OCs. A narrower audience means fewer people, but often the spread of the people within that audience is the same - and at the end of the day, selling an art piece only requires one other person, it's just a matter of happening to find them.
The follow up question is of course the finding: the average artist in fandom spaces selling commissions does not have the platform or budget for an ad campaign. This, however, is also its own category:
✨ Posting Online
Right out the gate: anyone who has told you that just drawing x thing is the way to get easy money is wrong.
"If you draw more fan art, you'll -" wrong.
"Nobody cares about that, you should be drawing this instead -" wrong.
"if you need to sell fast, just sell porn -" wrong. And also re-evaluate your perceived lack of quality or value about the subject.
The things you will be able to create easily and consistently will be the things YOU, SPECIFICALLY, like to create. It is also entirely impossible that you are the only person on earth to have ever liked those things, which means that if you create them, there are people out there who will enjoy them.
It feels itchy to be like "and those people are Potential Customers", but it is true; your work will resonate with people. They will want you to create it. It is vitally important to your own well being that the things you create, that you want others to enjoy, are things you enjoy as well.
(This is also why the "just draw porn" joking advice that gets tossed around is particularly fucked up. You as the artist should not feel forced into drawing things you aren't comfortable with, and the vast majority of customers for explicit content also don't want the people making it to feel forced into doing so. It's basic consent. I have strong feelings about this.)
If you are creating things and putting them out into the world, they will find an audience. That audience may be one singular person! The number does not matter, because that's still a person who - again, sucks to frame ig this way - has the potential to buy things from you.
If you're constantly chasing a bigger follower count, more interactions, etc etc for the future, it can genuinely be pretty taxing on the people who want to support you in the present. When you enjoy someone's work, and want to support them, being told constantly that that support is not good enough is frustrating. Trying to follow your work should not lead to seeing more "likes are WORTHLESS and NOBODY reblogs my things" posts than it does art. You are a person making things to share with other people, and you have to remember it or you will burn yourself out into a desiccated husk.
TL:DR consistency is key and the easiest way to be consistent is to just draw whatever the fuck you live drawing in whatever ways you want to draw it, and then slap it on the internet somewhere and Keep Doing That
✨ The Actual Commission Information
this one is just factual really. A lot of artists have really shitty commission sheet layouts, because advertising graphic design and illustrative art are different skill sets. That's fine. You don't have to remake the wheel. A good commission sheet should include:
More images than text (if you can't see what the examples are when zoomed out, you have to rearrange or cut down on words)
Examples organized by price / type, and clearly labeled
Your personal favourites for examples - one really strong example piece is better than twenty tiny images of work you think is just "okay"
Contact information - having a method that works WITHOUT a social media account (email.) Is important and way easier to keep organized, imo
A SIMPLE list of strengths (the things you draw the best) and things you won't draw (common example: mechs). You do not need to list every fandom or subject matter. Limit yourself to a top five.
A clear and easy to type link for your terms of service. Carrd, and sites like it, is good for this. This will go into details about your process, what you will and won't do, permissions granted to the commissioner (like "no, you can't make an NFT with this"), your privacy policy (saying you won't sell commissioner details to third parties), and other stuff. You do not want to have all of this on your original post, because it should be thorough and you want your main post to be showcasing your work and not your legalese. Here's mine as a reference; if you have trouble writing your own, feel free to copy from it and make the necessary alterations for your work.
✨ There Was More I Was Going To Write But I Forgot
I have a different document of commission related talk here, which is also incomplete but in a different way. It's in my nature. Hopefully some combination of this and that can be useful to you. Sorry if they're not. I love you have a nice day
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spookyscarydemonbabe · 5 months
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A/N- During the normal April rain, i got the urge to watch some more of S4. Have i officially finished it yet? No. Does it still give me little ideas every now and then? Absolutely. And sorry to come back with such a (somewhat) depressing fic 😂 please know i’ve been working on a few things back and forth for the last two months so expect a few scattered fics here and there when i get around to finishing them. I still miss you all very much 😘 (P.S. i got this story while listening to Drive by The Cars, hence the title :p)
Summary- Late one night you get a call from Eddie that sends chills down your spine
Genre- Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Warnings- S4 spoilers, mentions of death/dying
Tag List- @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @gvf23 @wheels-of-despair
(tag list is always open, let me know if you’d like to be added 🖤)
Word Count- 4.5k
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Tonight was finally the night.
The last dreadful day of school before spring break, thank god. For another seven days you would be able to stay up late, sleep in, hang out with the guys, smoke, put a dent into the list of movies Jeff and Gareth had been making for you to watch before you die, and maybe finally dive into that stack of books next to your nightstand that you’ve been putting off reading. All the while you’d have full accessibility to the house while your parents were on vacation for a little spring break of their own.
It would be bliss. Save for the few shifts at work during the week, but it was a sacrifice you’d be willing to make for all that extra free time.
You had finally sat down after a shower, your hair still damp at your shoulders as you sat on the couch with a bag of chips at your side and a can of pop waiting to be opened at the living room table, you reached for the remote and as soon as you clicked the power button you could hear the incessant ringing of the telephone. As much as you wanted to ignore it and let it ring, something just didn’t feel right.
There was something that washed over you as you glanced down the hall at the phone on the wall, and just couldn’t help but carefully wander down to pick it up. Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach before you could even say anything.
Eddie was at the other end. Crying, hyperventilating, and you could just hear his panicked pacing through his quick speech. It took a moment for you to even realize what was happening before finally speaking up,
“Eddie! Eddie, calm down, i can’t understand you. What’s wrong? What happened?”
“I don’t know!” He shouted into the phone between sobs, “I was in my bedroom and then walked out and she was acting so strange and then she started floating and-“ He couldn’t finish. Whatever it was that had happened, you knew it wasn’t something that could be fixed with him calming down.
“Ok, it’s ok, you don’t have to tell me. I know you’re really scared right now, i’m here for you ok.”
“(y/n), i don’t know what to do…” He cried out, and it was heartbreaking hearing just how badly he was hurting without even knowing what was going on. The mystery of it all was panic inducing enough for you, you couldn’t imagine how Eddie was feeling on the other end.
“Eddie, i need you to listen very carefully to me, ok? I want you take a deep breath, i want you to get your keys, and i want you to drive over here. Don’t bother with going home, don’t bother grabbing anything or stopping anywhere, get over here now. I don’t know what the situation is but i can tell that whatever it is, it isn’t safe.”
He said not another word, and you heard the click of the phone on the other end, the disconnect tone playing in your ear wasn’t helping the situation.
Within minutes you could hear the screeching tires of Eddie’s van pull into your driveway. You watched from the front window as he struggled to pull the keys from the ignition, rushing to get out as fast as he could. When he saw you carefully open the door for him he couldn’t help but run to you, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace, his head buried in your chest and you could hear the slow sobs start once more.
“Ok, it’s ok. Shh, it’s ok…” You still had no idea what was happening.
All you knew was that Eddie was here, crying, panicked, scared, and he needed you.
You quickly shut the front door, clicking the lock and moving your arms around him once more, one hand moving to cradle the back of his head as you felt his tears start to soak through your shirt.
He was trembling, cold to the touch, and you were terrified not knowing what on this earth had made him feel this way. He was in a state that you had never seen him in before, and as painful as it was to not bombard him with every question you had floating around in your brain about what could possibly be making him like this, you let him be. He needed time, and what he needed now was someone to make him feel right again.
The moment you heard the sobs start to quiet and his breathing became slower, you carefully pulled yourself away, hand still on the back of his head to comfort him as his arms never left your sides,
“Shh, it’s alright. Take a few deep breaths ok?”
Eddie looked up to you and nodded, his bloodshot eyes slowly closing as he took a few shaky deep breaths. Your hands moved to his cheeks, wiping away the few stray tears that slipped through.
“You don’t have to tell me what happened right now,” Eddie opened his eyes as you held his cheeks, “but i need to know if you’re hurt, or if someone else is hurt…” You looked down to his Hellfire Club shirt, spotting a few stray droplets of blood, but Eddie seemed to be physically fine.
“Someone else…” The thought of whatever had happened made him muster up another quick sob.
“I’m glad you’re ok. We’ll worry about that in a little bit ok, right now let’s stand you up.” He nodded once more and your arms moved to hold onto his, trying to give him a reassuring smile as he did his best to slow his breathing back to normal, “Let’s go get you cleaned up, come with me.”
You still held onto his arm as you led him upstairs. This wasn’t the first time he had come over, he knew the layout of your home well, but you wouldn’t dare leave his side while he was in this state.
You slowly walked him down the hall and into the bathroom, letting him carefully sit on the toilet as you leaned over and fidgeted with the knobs for the faucet. Eddie leaned over, his elbows at his knees, palms at his forehead. His breathing had slowed finally, but he was quiet. You reached your hand beneath the faucet and once the water felt warm enough you pulled the curtain and started the shower for him, kneeling on the floor before him.
“Eddie?” He slowly moved his hands and looked to you, eyes still bloodshot with swollen cheeks from all the tears he had shed, “I know that whatever it is you’re going through isn’t easy, but all i want to do is help you. You know that right?”
He was still silent, but nodded.
“Take a shower, clean yourself up. I promise i’ll be nearby the whole time, and i’m going to come back in a few minutes with a towel and pajamas for you, ok?”
He nodded again, and you gave him another smile as you stood. You pushed the hair aside on his forehead and placed a gentle kiss to the space, and it seemed that this finally got a reaction out of him. His lips twitched at the corners, and you could see he wanted to smile back to you but he was just so exhausted.
You left the bathroom and shut the door behind you, standing there for just a moment to listen for anything. As soon as you heard a bit of shuffling and his clothes hitting the floor you smiled to yourself and wandered to the hall closet, grabbing a towel and then heading into your parents room to steal a pair of your dads pajama pants and an extra shirt for Eddie to change into. They’d be oversized and probably a little uncomfortable but they were better than nothing.
You walked back to the bathroom door, towel and clothes in hand, and waited. After a deep breath, and a quick shake just to get your nerves in place, your gently rapped your knuckles at the door,
“Eddie?” You opened the door just a crack, “I’m coming in, ok?”
You only heard a groan from him, but it was enough for you to enter once again. You saw his clothes piled up on the floor and placed the towel on top of the toilet, the extra pajamas on the counter. You could hear a few sounds from him through the curtain, a few groans and it sounded like he was doing his best to keep his composure. You left him to his business, grabbing his clothes off of the floor and quickly folding them into a pile and carrying them out with you, save for his underwear that you left with the extra pajamas for him.
“I’ll be in my room ok? Take all the time you need and i’ll be there when you’re done.” You said before stepping back out into the hall and softly closing the door behind you.
With one more deep breath you walked to your bedroom door, flicking the light switch on and leaving the door open for Eddie whenever he was finished and ready to come in. His clothes were placed on top of your dresser and you quickly wandered around to grab a few things for him. Extra pillow and blanket, a hair brush and some detangling solution, and you grabbed a few small snacks from your munchies stash under your bed for him to snack on. You didn’t know what he would’ve needed, but it was a good idea to be prepared for anything.
As you sat on your bed waiting for him you reached for the remote and switched on your TV, you heard the floorboards creaking at your door. Eddie was standing there in your doorway, towel in hand with his wet hair soaking the shoulders of the oversized shirt.
“Hey, come on in, close the door behind you.” You smiled to him, standing up and approaching him slowly, “Here, you take this, and i’ll take that,” You had handed him the TV remote and took the towel from his hands, leading him to the end of your bed, “you sit and find something to watch. Let me deal with your hair, i know you like how gentle i am with it.”
Eddie finally gave you a smile. A small one, but it was something. He sat at the end of your bed and you sat behind him on the mattress, reaching over and grabbing their hairbrush and detangler before lifting his wet hair and draping the towel over his shoulders.
He finally seemed calm as you sprayed the fruity scented detangler into his hair, gently brushing at the end in small sections as he finally found a channel to settle on. It was one of the local public access channels that showed old music videos while the host talked about all his favorite parts from the video afterwards. Music was always his happy place.
Eddie breathed deeply, quietly, sitting there before you with his eyes on the tv while you gently brushed his hair. He was always so grateful to have you to turn to when he wasn’t ok. Though it was odd to see him like this.
You had seen him cry when he was panicked over having to repeat another school year, you had seen him scared after Wayne found out he had swiped a few cans of beer from the fridge, but this was something new. This was a different kind of fear. He wasn’t trying to brave this one out and take it on the chest like he had before. It was like he had reverted to a scared little boy with no clue what to do or who to turn to. This was something he couldn’t face alone and he knew you knew that now.
You kept quiet as you finished with his hair, setting the brush down next to you and using the towel to scrunch his curls, gently pulling it off of his shoulders and bringing it to your hamper. He didn’t move as you went to sit next to him, only turning to you as you nudged his shoulder to grab his attention.
His face was still slightly puffy from the tears he had shed, his eyes were slightly pink, but his breathing was normal and that you were grateful for.
“Are you ok?”
His eyes wandered away from yours and he shook his head gently, still not speaking.
“Eddie, i know you might not think i’ll understand whatever it is you’re going through, but i want to understand. Please…” You moved yourself to sit in front of him, his view of the TV blocked by your form, “I just want to know what happened.”
Eddie clenched his eyes shut and took a deep breath, and as he opened his eyes they began to water once more,
“You won’t believe me…” He choked out.
You stood for a moment and quickly ran over to your nightstand, grabbing the box of tissues for him to use whenever he needed them.
“Yes i will.” You reassured him. “Eddie, i know you wouldn’t lie to me, but i don’t know what’s going to happen if you don’t tell me. You said someone else was hurt and i saw the blood on your clothes… If you did something-“
“I didn’t do anything!” He shouted, cutting you off mid-sentence.
You sat back on your legs and reached over to turn down the volume on the TV, sitting and waiting patiently for Eddie to be ready to finally tell you what the cause of all his panic was. You could sense that he was ready, it was just hard to find the words.
With one last deep breath he looked down at his hands in his lap,
“I was at the trailer with Chrissy, i met her after school and she said she was going through some stuff. Asked for something strong. I left her in the living room while i went to look for it and when i came back she was acting… different.”
You tried to move closer to him but he backed himself away.
“Different how?” You asked.
His lip started to quiver and his eyes were shut tight again.
“She was just standing there… silent. Her eyes were rolled back and then her feet just lifted off of the ground, but not like she was floating, like someone had picked her up but there was nothing… no one…”
You gave him time. He needed patience, and you could see that whatever happened next was what caused him to act the way he was. He was terrified of something, someone, but he didn’t know what or who.
“I tried to wake her up and see if maybe she was just freaking out or something but…” His lip quivered as he tried to collect himself, but it was clear that this was an event he was having to relive every time he closed his eyes, “She floated up to the ceiling and it was like…” He started to hyperventilate again, and you inched closer, reaching out and gently grasping his arm, though this time he didn’t move away, “it was like something was inside her, breaking every bone in her body…” He couldn’t stop the flow of tears, and you couldn’t bear to have this go on any longer. Though it sounded crazy, Eddies reactions weren’t making it seem crazy.
“Ok, ok, you don’t have to tell me anymore, it’s alright.”
Eddie quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in close as he sobbed into your shoulder. You held him gently, slowly moving your fingers through his hair to try and comfort him. It always worked before.
“You don’t have to tell me any more…”
You said to him quietly, the music on the TV softly playing in the background was helping slightly to dull the horrific reaction Eddie was having to this memory.
A few moments had gone by, and though he was no where near better, his breathing was slowing and the tears were slowly stopping. Or maybe he just didn’t have any left in him.
“You think i’m crazy, don’t you?” He said through slow breaths.
“No.” You said plainly, “I don’t think you’re crazy Eddie. It sounds unreal but… with how you’ve been reacting i don’t see anything else making sense…”
It was an insane scene to think about. It sounded like something straight out of a horror movie, and those things were fine, they weren’t real. But this was. And Eddie was horrified.
“Did you call anyone else about this? Did you tell the guys or the police?”
“No…” He whimpered, hiding his head back into your shoulder, “I ran… I didn’t know what else to do or who else to go to…”
“Eddie,” You carefully lifted his face away from your shoulder, grabbing a tissue and wiping away the tears that trailed down his cheeks, “I know it’s scary, but you have to go to the police.”
“I can’t…”
“Yes you can.”
“I can’t, they’ll know i did it!” He shouted.
“You didn’t do anything!” You shouted back, quieting him once more, “I’ll go with you, i’ll vouch for you, i’ll say that you saw her earlier in the day and then you came over afterwards, i know you couldn’t have done something like this Eddie.”
“No.” He said it with no emotion between every word you were saying, “No, no, no. You are NOT lying to the police for me (y/n).”
“Then what are you going to do?”
Eddie was silent for a moment, sniffling as he recollected himself. He brought his knees up to his chest and looked down into his lap,
“I don’t know… They’re going to think it was me anyways…”
“Don’t say that!”
He could hear in your voice that talking about this was making you more and more worried for him. That’s the last thing he wanted.
“I’ll figure something out.”
You were quiet.
Neither of you were sure how to go about something like this.
You moved yourself to sit back next to him, your legs crossed in front of you as you fidgeted with your fingers in your lap. The quiet music on the TV was fading in and out and as the song played, somehow it managed to calm both your nerves, at least a little bit. You slowly leaned over and put your head onto his shoulder as you sat together, bringing your hand up to wipe away a single tear that had fallen from your eye. But of course once the first one started, it was difficult to stop. Eddie only noticed your tears after he heard a few muffled sniffles from next to him.
He looked over to you and saw the wetness at your cheeks and reached one arm around your shoulder to pull you in closer,
“Why are you crying?”
“Because,” Another sniffle as you reached up to wipe your eyes, “I’m worried about you…”
The corners of Eddie’s lips curled up into a small smile as he rested his head on top of yours,
“It’ll be alright… I promise.”
You silently nodded, looking up at him with a pursed smile through your wet eyes. You didn’t know if he would be alright, but Eddie wasn’t the type to lie. Especially not to you.
With a deep breath, you slowly shut your eyes and let out a yawn, Eddie catching it and doing it himself a moment later.
“Why don’t we get to bed?” You offered, “We’ll get everything figured out in the morning.”
Eddie nodded, slowly getting up and stretching his arms over his head as you stood up next to him.
You wandered over to your bed, grabbing a few pillows and holding them in your arms as you started to pull one of the blankets away for Eddie to use before he stopped you,
“Wait! Um…” He was hesitant for a moment, but you let him take his time, “Could i uh… If you’re ok with it-“
“Do you want to sleep in bed with me?” You cut him off, seeing that he was a bit uncomfortable at the thought of having to ask. He nodded and you smiled to him as you placed the pillows back into their spots, “Of course you can.”
You pulled the covers back to make room for him as he wandered to the other side of your bed. He’d stayed the night plenty of times before, but never like this. Just the two of you sharing a bed. The thought of it made his heart flutter, and maybe under different circumstances he might even consider it a romantic thing between you with the music helping the mood. But he was just happy that you cared so much for him.
He didn’t know if you liked him or not, but he knew that you loved each other.
“Go ahead and make yourself comfortable.” You fluffed up his pillows as he sat at the edge of your bed, grabbing the remote as you walked over to Eddie’s side, “Here. Put on anything you want, i’m going to go downstairs really quick and make sure everything is locked up ok?”
Eddie nodded as he took the remote from you, closing his eyes gently as you pushed his hair back from his forehead and placed a gentle kiss onto the skin,
“I’ll be right back, but just in case, you call me if you need me ok?”
He nodded once more, the corners of his lips curling into a smile as he watched you leave the room. The quiet music and the sound of your fading footsteps somehow made him forget about the incident. Or at least forget as much of it as he could.
He kept his attention on the TV, listening to the music play to get his mind off of everything else that had happened that night. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he knew that he couldn’t have you getting hurt because of him too.
He looked at the remote in his hands and fidgeted with the buttons for a moment, looking back up at the door as he heard you enter the upstairs hallway and close your bedroom door behind you.
“All locked up.” You said with a smile.
Eddie smiled back and took a deep breath as he set the remote onto the nightstand next to your bed.
“Want to keep the TV on?” You asked as another song started to play.
Drive by The Cars.
Eddie nodded and pulled the covers up over himself, settling into bed, yet keeping his eyes on you. He needed to make sure he had you in his sight, just in case. You reached out and turned off the light switch, the glow from the TV softly illuminating your room.
It was strange.
You’d dreamt of a moment like this before.
Eddie in bed with you, safe and comforted, though you never had imagined it would happen like this.
You slowly walked over to your side of the bed, lifting the covers and laying yourself next to Eddie as he sat with his back against the pillows resting on the headboard. He had been staring at nothing and yet he seemed like he had been seeing everything at once. Glazed over with both fear and exhaustion. All you wanted to do was help, Eddie knew that, but a situation like this was so hard to read.
“Hey,” You said softly up to him, his head turning to look down to you, “lay down. I want to talk to you for a second, ok?”
Eddie slowly moved his body downward, lifting the covers up as he adjusted himself next to you, trying so desperately to keep himself at a respectful distance. His face was close to yours, noses so close to touching, and you could feel the warmth of his body as it lay close. Even in times like this he still kept so warm.
“I’m scared too… I don’t know what it is that you saw, but i promise you that i’ll do everything i can to make sure you’re safe.”
“(y/n), you don’t have to do that-“
“I do.” You cut him off sternly, “Eddie, i love you. I care about you. The only other time you’ve ever come to my house freaked out was when Wayne caught you swapping out his vodka because you didn’t know alcohol froze.” Eddie smiled to himself as he remembered that night, knowing he fully deserved his punishment for doing something that stupid, “Whatever happened, i know you didn’t do it. I know you. Do you have anywhere else you can stay? Some place safer?”
Eddie thought to himself for a moment. He didn’t know. He had a million things racing through his head, before finally looking to you and nodding his head. You were unsure of his answer, but you didn’t want to keep prying.
“I don’t want to tell you what to do Eddie, but you really need to tell someone what happened.” You reached your hand up and gently held his cheek, and you could see that though he didn’t know what he needed, he needed you to be there with him, “I just want you to be ok…”
He could hear the cracking of your voice, knowing how hard you were trying to hold back your emotions, but it was terrifying. For him, for you, and for god knows who else this may have happened to.
Eddie reached up and grasped your hand in his, holding it tightly as he looked to your eyes,
“I promise i’ll be ok.”
You couldn’t tell if he meant it, but you nodded as you looked to him. He wanted to be ok, and you knew he could take care of himself, but when Eddie needed help you knew it was serious. You just hoped he’d be able to come out of this unharmed.
Eddie took a deep breath and moved his hand to the back of your head, raising his lips and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. His arms slowly wrapped around your body, pulling you in close, and as he moved himself closer to you it was clear he was starting to cry again. Softly. Quietly.
Your arms moved around him and held him tightly, one hand slowly moving through his hair as the other gently scratched over his shoulders to comfort him,
“Shh, it’s ok…” His quiet sobs and whimpers only made you hug him closer, “I’m right here with you, you’re safe, i promise…”
It would take a while before either of you would get any sleep, you figured as much when Eddie ran through your door and into your arms. He needed someone there and you were so happy to be the person he came to, wether you knew how to help him or not.
As you lay in each others arms, the slow song playing softly from the TV soon was able to lull you both to sleep.
Every now and then throughout the night, Eddie would wake up in a cold sweat, seeing the scene that had unfolded before his eyes earlier. He’d look around the room, see you sleeping so soundly in his arms, and he’d calm down.
He was safe where he was.
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weirdstuffinthewoods · 3 months
Jane Schoenbrun and the Screen Trilogy
Director Jane Schoenbrun’s “Screen Trilogy” seems set to define a period that feels deeply personal to those whose adolescence was shaped by the meteoric rise of the internet and the isolating comfort of technology.
Using a cohesive blend of glowing cool-toned hues, long, lingering shots, and scores and soundtracks that perfectly evoke teen ennui and lonely melancholy, Schoenbrun has used the allure of the screen to craft dreamlike meditations on identity, isolation, and transness that leave viewers feeling so seen.
A quick glance at the tumblr tag, letterboxd reviews, or TikTok videos shows one common thread: Thank you, Jane. And it's well-earned from the beginning. (More under the cut)
With the first installment of the Screen Trilogy, Schoenbrun tackles the questioning of identity through fears generated from unrestricted childhood internet access (something that usually gave the millennial generation something we can never unsee). we’re all going to the world’s fair follows Casey, a teen who partakes in the viral World’s Fair Challenge that leads to an ambiguous separation of self that leaves the audience questioning whether Casey was truly losing herself or merely participating in an elaborate, creepypasta-fueled MMORPG. When speaking about the film with The Hollywood Reporter, Schoenbrun says,
“It really resonated and reminded me of something I went looking for online in my own youth, which was an effort to remove myself from my body and my identity and exist in a space where I could express myself creatively, and perhaps even explore myself personally, outside of ‘the real world.’”
Casey mentions at one point that she can feel herself leaving her body, adding to the overarching theme of dysphoria.
This and many other vulnerable moments are shared through video which is really the only way the audience gets to know Casey, a key piece of information when JLB comes into play. Like us, JLB sees Casey expressing a number of concerning symptoms and thoughts. JLB reaches out to Casey, an adult man reaching out to “save” a teenager he knows nothing about. The adolescents of the internet age know this character all too well.
Between the unspoken disquiet of JLB’s “guardianship” and the time spent with Casey out in the barn in the middle of the night watching ASMR videos with her stuffed lemur, Poe, Schoenbrun’s work reaches out to the kids who, like them, found solace on the internet. We found a world that was bigger than our little towns, we found ways to self-soothe (visual stim videos come to mind as the new ASMR), and sometimes we found people like JLB (we basically made Chris Hansen the hero he is- we love Chris Hansen). For the first time, the isolated, sometimes trans or questioning, internet kid in us felt seen.
Schoenbrun slapped us with nostalgia again in 2024’s I Saw the TV Glow, a magenta-saturated amalgamation of teenage ennui and suburban melancholy that pushes through your ribcage, reaching for your heart without you even noticing until 2/3 of the way through, your frantically beating heart is ripped from your chest among screaming tv static and sparks, leaving you silent in the face of wails of unimaginable pain and need.
Soft-spoken 7th grader Owen meets 9th grader Maddy who’s reading the episode guide for The Pink Opaque- a Buffy-style 90s paranormal teen show Owen has only caught glimpses of, but that he’s totally fascinated with. The two watch an episode together, and as Maddy leaves Owen tape after tape to watch on his own, the pull of The Pink Opaque becomes impossible to ignore.
Schoenbrun is open about it- “I really did live and breathe Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I cared about Buffy more than I cared about my real life”. The same was true for a lot of us. Millennial kids weren’t quite the latchkey kids of the 80s but also weren’t yet the iPad kids of the late 00s. Parents were still learning how to parent and were either too controlling (like Owen’s parents) or too absent (like Maddy’s). Piggybacking on the theme of identity from world’s fair, the kids that didn’t see themselves reflected in popular media or the cliques at school would become masters of escapism, using books, movies, or TV shows like Buffy (it was Charmed for me) to create an inner world where they felt safe, wanted, seen.
Where world’s fair is about the loss and search for identity, I Saw the TV Glow tackles the question of “what next?” What do you do when you know time isn’t moving right, that life isn’t supposed to feel like this? When you learn exactly how to fix it but it sounds absolutely terrifying and insane?
Maddy has no hesitation. “I’m getting out of this town…I’ll die if I stay here. I don’t know how or when exactly, but I know it’s true.” Owen, like Isabel in The Pink Opaque, Maddy says, is afraid of what’s inside him. In Variety, Schoenbrun comments on their differences.
“What we experience through Maddy is this ultimate self-liberation: you have to destroy yourself totally in order to be reborn as who you really are. … Maddy knows that there’s somewhere where she can be full and it’s not worth staying in this place.”
The film encloses a number of deeply disturbing, viscerally upsetting scenes in monologues that connect the audience with feelings of dysphoria, of the disjointed way trans people experience time, and the fear of that time running out in conjunction with the fear of the future. Like world’s fair, the conclusion is ambiguous, but more hopeful in its way. It acknowledges the pain, the fear, the sheer exhaustion of transitioning, but proves it as a method of survival, and reassures the audience, “there is still time”, before leaving them with a cut to pink static where they can cry it out to some Frances Quinlan.
Not too much is known about their third installment, Teenage Sex and Death at Camp Miasma, but Schoenbrun explains that it both pays homage to and critiques the lineage of trans and queer villains as sexual deviants. The New Yorker sums it up as follows:
“[Teenage Sex and Death at Camp Miasma] follows a queer filmmaker hired to direct a new installment of a long-running slasher franchise. The director fixates on the prospect of casting the “final girl” from the original movie, and the two women descend into a frenzy of psychosexual mania.”
Slated to be gorier and funnier (thank God) than the previous installments, Schoenbrun is now turning to the aftermath of transition and the reclaiming of identity through sex, an important and often overlooked facet of transness. They’ve also sold a book, Public Access Afterworld, originally meant to be a TV show but now taken down in literary form. Schoenbrun hopes it will rival franchises like Sandman or Lord of the Rings in its scope, finally giving trans media an epic of its own.
All this fan can say is I can’t wait.
Jane Schoenbrun Finds Horror Close to Home | The New Yorker
'I Saw the TV Glow' Director Jane Schoenbrun on A24 Film's Trans Meaning (variety.com)
How We’re All Going to the World’s Fair Grew Out of Internet’s Subconscious (hollywoodreporter.com)
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Species Decipit
Part 1 | Masterlist WIP
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: The Winchester brothers were once good friends with Sarah. She was a good hunter, and made pretty good company too. But after running into the Men of Letters, things changed drastically for the trio.
Type: Series
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, OFC Sarah Rogers (probably more that'll be introduced later on)
Genre: Angst, action, slight fluff, possible smut but not yet
Warnings: If you haven't seen the whole show, this series contains spoilers for seasons 11-12.
There will be mentions of blood and violence, and alcohol use. There will also be a fair amount of cussing, but not more than what's in the show. If those aren't your thing though, read at your own risk. Some parts of this series may contain more of these subjects than others. Also, fair warning, this gets very angsty, like a lot of angst, so be prepared.
Word count: 3,493
Send me an ask to let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist!
Beta: I don't know their Tumblr tag but @Outofnowhere82 on Discord, a member of the @spnfanficpond, helped me with this one
A/N: I posted this on Wattpad first, it was posted with the title "Everybody Wants to be My Enemy" (Link here) but I decided to change it a little and post it here too. I think I like this one better so I hope you guys enjoy this angst-coaster ride 🥰
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The moment she pulled the key from her pocket and slotted it into the keyhole of the heavy iron door, Sarah had to take a moment just to breathe in. The walk up after sliding out of her car was one that felt like she'd been on auto-pilot, as her mind was already wandering through the surreality of being back here again. How many times had she come in, and yet this time would be among one of the only–if not the only–that she did so without the two lumbering flannel-clad brothers Winchester flanking her sides; the only time she'd come here without knowing that they'd probably be waiting beyond that door, for her to come in or to open it for her.
But as she closed her eyes for a brief second, she shook the thoughts away and turned the key over to unlock the mechanism, and pulled it out only when she heard the familiar click to grant her access. Descending down the small winding staircase, she made it to the second and final door to go inside, which she pushed open after another quick unlock with the key, and stepped inside as she tucked said key into one of her pockets a moment later. Her gaze shifted throughout the room, her cerulean hues not being able to see much in the pitch dark. Sarah pulled a flashlight out of the duffle bag on her shoulder, and clicked it on as she carefully made her way down the stairs to find the power box. She tried to ignore the sinking feeling she had at the fact that the place was not only dark but also so quiet she probably could have heard a faucet leaking in the shower room halfway across the bunker. It was stupid wishful thinking but some part of her had hoped that maybe, just maybe they were home… but they weren't, and she told herself to grow up because it was stupid to have hoped for in the first place.
Once she found the power box, the blonde flicked her eyes over the different switches for a moment, before pushing the correct ones up to turn everything on. In the blink of an eye, everything in the war room lit up, followed by the library, and in the hallways that lead out of the war room. For a moment, it was almost soothing, because she was reminded of the first time she'd come here seeing the place all lit up in all its true glory. She still remembered Sam explaining what the place was, where things were, and the house rules. Which of course, Dean had chimed in for that last part, no surprise there. But the memory, fleeting as it came, made the tall huntress smile faintly in reminiscence. It was such a simpler time, compared to now.
When her mind came back to reality a second later, Sarah cleared her throat and clicked off her flashlight, putting it away as she took a right and started heading down the hallway towards where the rooms were. She was headed for her own room, so she could set her things down at least, but curiosity got the better of her when she passed by familiar number 11; Dean's room. She's already gone past it but something made her stop, and backtrack to the door where she turned and clenched her jaw as if it would hold back the wave of guilt that threatened to come forward. She shouldn't have come back here, it was hard enough to be finding her footing right now without those men, and the place may have been home once but now it just reminded her of the things she'd done. Yet somehow she couldn't stop herself as she pushed the door open further from where it was slightly open just a crack.
Fumbling her hand along the wall on the inside of the room, she flipped the light switch on. She didn't know what she was really expecting, but she wasn't sure she was prepared to see it still in the same shape as it had been the last time she'd seen it. Wall decorated with all Dean's weapons as per usual, a crate filled with vinyl records right next to his record player just as he liked it, his desk still a mess that had a system of Dean's own devising…. And most of all the bed of all things was still half-assed in the process of making it. It made her shake her head slightly but whether it was out of familiar amusement or sadness would be up for debate. She made her way over to the record player then, and set her bag on the chair before selecting a Rolling Stones album. The needle was set on its surface a moment later as the blonde set it up, and she turned up the volume a bit while the classic crackling switched to the first notes of "You Can't Always Get What You Want". Admittedly, as she heard it start she almost switched it to a different track, or just a new vinyl entirely, but instead she snorted a sort of scoff at the cruel irony and picked up her bag again as she left the room with the door open so she could hear it continuing to play.
Sarah deposited her bag into her room next, because it happened to be on the way in-between Dean's and Sam's room, always had been. And she didn't even bother with unpacking yet, just leaving her bag on her bed as she ran some cold water to splash on her face with the sink that was in there. It took her a moment to just, settle, because readjusting to what she used to call home was a big step for her, truth be told. But as she hummed along to the song drifting from Dean's bedroom, the tall huntress did actually take it upon herself to trek down the hall further to Sam's room, hands in her pockets as she walked. And what she found was an empty room, bare of decorations, in contrast to his brother's. But the other difference was that it was still neat as ever; neatly made bed, tidy coat rack, not a thing out of place. Unless you counted the few books that were sprawled across that very same neatly made bed, with a small stack living on the desk beside his laptop from whenever the last time he'd used them was. It was a sad sight, as familiar as it was. She was so used to finding the man busying between one book to another in here, whenever he wasn't stationed in the library to do the exact same thing. She didn't spend as much time in that room however; she ended up turning away with a deep breath in and shut the door behind herself, clicking the light off on her way.
Like riding a bike, she found the kitchen with no problem, and bumped the light on with her elbow as she was mid-way through pulling her shoulder-length hair into a messy bun. Once that was done, she went straight for the fridge to find herself a beer….if there even was any still. She didn't trust any of the food in there honestly, not with how long it had been. So she didn't think much of any of it or how it looked as she shut the door a moment later and instead searched out the bottle of Jack she'd always kept in one of the cabinets for safekeeping. Glad it was still in its same hiding spot, Sarah took to finding herself a glass a moment later, poured some liquor into it and took a long sip. But she damn near dropped it when she heard a very deep, very familiar voice as she froze, thankful that the bottle was already on the counter. She hadn't even heard him come in but that voice sure alerted her to his presence, followed by the feeling of metal against her henley covered spine.
"Don't move a muscle, bitch." His voice was hard, gravely with how low his tone was despite being just loud enough to catch her attention. His signature etched silver Colt M1911 with ivory grips was up and aimed square at her as he pressed it against the middle of her back, and if looks alone could kill, Dean's stoney features probably would have. Sarah wasn't normally on the receiving end of such looks, but she'd seen them before, and she didn't need to look at him to feel it on her now, just knowing he was glaring holes into the back of her skull. The weary woman didn't say anything at first, too stunned to really know what to say and not daring to move with how Dean looked. So there was a moment of utter silence between the two, one that was thick enough to be cut with a knife.
"I'm gonna start asking questions and so help me I better get nothing but straight answers from you." He didn't have to tell her why for her to know what would happen if she didn't. Swallowing hard, she simply nodded, and let him go on. "Why the hell are you here? Did your new, fancy boss send you?"
She didn't know how to describe it, but there was a part of her that grimaced when he said it like that, and yet another part of her couldn't help being pissed underneath whatever showed on the surface. "No. As far as they know I'm dead now. I plan to keep it that way."
"Right. So you just decided to come in for a visit, is that it?" He didn't sound any happier than before, in fact if it was possible he almost sounded a little more pissed. The truth was the last he'd seen her, they were on opposing sides and Dean still couldn't get past it. As far as he knew she was still the Brits' lackey, and in his eyes she was lucky he didn't shoot her on sight. "I'm only gonna ask one more time. Why. Are. You. Here?"
Breathing in deeply she turned just a little more to face him better, and in the same motion pulled the gun swiftly from his hands as she clicked out the cartridge before tossing it onto the counter. She didn't get a word in, at least not much beyond an 'I was-', before she had to duck as a heavy right hook was coming her way. She was quick to move with his hits, keeping up decently as they scuffled there in the kitchen but he played dirty by chucking a towel in her face to disorient her and proceeded to sweep her legs from under her. Going down with a grunt as she hit the hard tile floor; before she knew it she was wrapped up by the man as he knelt beside her, his arms expertly around her neck in a headlock as she tried to squirm and free herself.
Unaware for the moment, Sam came into the bunker right about then, dumping his things on the war room table for now because he'd noticed with the lack of a response from his brother with the conversation he'd tried to start, that Dean wasn't in sight, and frowned as he looked around. "Hey, dude- where'd you go? Dean??" He waited another moment or so before he started down one of the halls and calling out louder for him to hopefully hear. "Dean! Hey, where are you man?"
Still there had been no response. Giving a tired sigh, the taller Winchester ran a hand through his hair, about to give up. But that was when he caught, albeit faintly, scuffling from the kitchen, before a few metallic clangs of things clashing, and that put the male into alert mode as he then pulled his pistol out and began jogging for the kitchen as he followed the direction of the sounds. "Dean?! Dean!!"
By the time Sam got there, Sarah was fighting just to stay conscious, because there was nothing within her immediate reach that she could really use, and even if she wasn't short, Dean was still bigger than her and so it was hard to fight him off. "De- Dean- lis'n- pl'se- I'm not he- to hur- I jus-" the huntress tried to choke out against the strong forearm squeezed against her windpipe. She hadn't even noticed Sam arriving, as she was too focused on keeping her vision focused and trying to get oxygen–both of which she was definitely failing at with how the bigger man holding her made it impossible to get enough air in no matter how hard she kicked and fought.
"Dean, what is-" and this time, Sam was the one to cut himself off, because he recognized the blonde right away even in that situation. And he almost, almost shot her right there because of how he'd come into this. But the pacifist buried in him urged him not to, at least for now, so instead he readjusted his aim to be towards her thigh, grazing just enough to not be too fatal but also enough to catch attention and keep her from running very far. "Dean! Hey, let her go!"
At first all Dean gave his brother was a hard look, because the idea was insane. She'd tried to kill them before, or at least fed them to the lions in a way, and he really fucking hoped his brother wasn't trying to forgive her for all of that. But Sam's voice came again, urging him. "Dean, c'mon. She can't get away like that, you can let her go."
Finally, with a split second of debating, Dean let her go with a grumble, and stood up as he went to grab his gun and reload it before aiming it on Sarah once more.
Had she the lung capacity, Sarah would have screamed when her leg was shot like that. But she didn't, and so no sound left her unless you count the squeak that briefly croaked out at it, with her eyes scrunching shut to grit through the pain. Even still, she fought to keep herself conscious, and when she was finally released? She fell to her side, one arm weakly propping herself up while the other massaged her throat as she coughed, trying to regain air to lessen the stars in her blotted vision. After a moment, she finally leaned herself up against the island as she just worked on catching her breath, a hand squeezed against her thigh where the bullet had hit her to help stem the bleeding. It was already staining her jeans a dark red, leaving traces on the tiles where it dripped slightly. It wasn't much but it was enough that with the momentary deprivation of oxygen in tandem with the bloodloss—and her own….less than ideal health state—she was already feeling a bit dizzy and fighting to stay awake. She closed her eyes just for a moment against the pain, as if somehow she could will it all away and maybe when she opened them again, this would all have been her imagination so they could start over.
"Now what happened here?" Sam was the first to break the very brief lull of silence, excluding Sarah's coughing, and he glanced to his brother for a moment, arching a brow.
Sarah paused for a moment to settle herself, breathing in first before answering. "I just wanted to come home. There's no reason, there's no scheme, nothing… I'm just trying to get a handle on myself again, that's all. I didn't think you were here, the lights were off and no one seemed to be around." She obliged him with her answer, albeit weakly, despite how she tried not to sound or look it. But Sarah never had been the best at hiding her emotions on her face, or at least not with people who knew her well. In fact, probably the only time she was perfect at it was when the Brits had her under their thumb. But she doubted Sam would believe a word she said, let alone Dean. The look of distrust never once left the older Winchester's features, and once she'd answered, there was even a small squint. She knew all too well that meant he was debating whether to even give her a sliver of trust to believe her story. "Look, Dean, I-"
"Save it. I don't want the pity story you're cooking up there. I want you out of my kitchen and out the damn door. Because so help me, if I see your face in here again-" his voice, which had raised a little to cut the blonde off, was interrupted by his brother as he shot a look at Dean. Never once did Dean's attention leave her though. "Dean, slow down a sec. How'd she even get in?- how'd you get in?" The taller male's gaze shifted to Sarah with the second question, brows furrowed as he tried to work out the equation in his mind.
In any normal circumstance the woman would have been not just relieved but also glad to see the other brother, but any glimpse of those feelings was squashed by the fact that his reaction damn near mirrored Dean's. "I…I still had a key. Look, like I said neither of you were even home when I got here, I thought-" But she cut herself off there, licking her lips and clearing her throat as she quickly changed her words from 'I thought you were really gone' to: "I thought the place was empty, I just needed a place to…find my own head."
"Plenty of motels, coulda bunked down anywhere. Why here?" Dean's response came without skipping a beat. And Sarah had to try not to wince at the coldness in his voice.
That stung. More than she wanted to admit. She knew she'd done….horrible things, she knew that and so in a way she didn't blame him. But that didn't make it hurt any less to hear that from him. "Because this is home. This is square number one for me, I thought it would help-"
This time it was Sam who cut in, mulling over her words. "Help what, exactly? And why should we believe a word from you?"
"You don't wanna believe me, fine. I don't give a rat's ass. But if you're gonna shoot me, shoot me. If you really wanna hear jackshit from me? Stop reaming my ass out and take it or leave it." She sounded frustrated that time, wearily so, and likely because of the pain in her leg for the most part. Fumbling for the towel that had been dropped on the floor, she tugged it over and used it to tie around her thigh because her hand was not only getting tired but also not doing the best job of applying pressure, the blood already beginning to ooze out between her fingers. She grimaced through the sting of pain it shot through her leg, before resting her head back against the island once she'd finished the task and letting her eyes slide closed.
Dean shared a glance with his brother, jaw muscles clenched and gaze asking the silent question of 'your call, what's it gonna be?' because if it was up to him, he was ready to unload a clip in her. Sam was the one giving her any kind of leg to stand on here, so whatever sliver of the emerald eyed man that was giving her even a fraction of a chance, that was the part that was letting Sam make the call.
The taller male took that silent message, and glanced towards Sarah once more, a brief squint flashing through his eyes as he considered the options. "Alright, start talking then. From the beginning, no crap, tell us what happened since you left to work with the Brits."
This was going to be….a long ass night. She knew it would be. Though she supposed it would have been anyway, regardless of whether it went this way or not; the only difference in this version was that they were really still alive, and Sarah wasn't sure if that was more of a relief than it was pain. It was complicated. Whatever the case though, the tired huntress sighed, albeit shallowly due to her current state, but as pained as she was to do so she nodded with eyes closed as if to hide away from the two towering men while she tried to recall. Soon though her mind seemed to fail her, fading into simple darkness as the sounds around her dimmed out. Seconds turned into minutes, without her even realizing, as she stayed like that, unconscious to anything happening around her.
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Taglist: @ageekchiclife @babypieandwhiskey @buckys-zomdoll @canadianspnhunter @cas-backwards-tie @castieltrash1 @deanscarlett @deanwanddamons @ellewritesfix05 @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @firefly-in-darkness @idreamofhazel @idreamofplaid @kalesrebellion @katelyn--renee @kayteonline @kickingitwithkirk @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @manawhaat @melbelle45 @mrswhozeewhatsis @mysaintsasinner @mysupernaturalfics @notnaturalanahi @plaidstiel-wormstache @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @supernatural-jackles @there-must-be-a-lock @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @trend90s @waywardjoy @whispersandwhiskerburn @akshi8278 @fuiabarcelos @ssonia13
22 notes · View notes
tactician · 8 months
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as you probably know, the most recent pokemon games feature pretty significant pokedex cuts due to the sheer magnitude of pokemon that are now available to us. this means that some pokemon are simply not featured in certain mainline games, which adds a unique element to a lot of pokemon's ribbon master journeys. re: my experience with reides, working around unobtainable ribbons wasn't exactly a new experience - after all, there were no available shadow horseas/seadras/kingdras in pokemon colosseum or pokemon xd, so i knew that my kingdra wouldn't be able to get the national ribbon (granted to purified shadow pokemon) - but it still was something i had to consider and plot out carefully as i brought him up towards the more recent generations. for example, reides was unable to get the hisui ribbon (granted for taking a photo with your pokemon in the region's photo studio), as the horsea line was not featured in legends arceus... and, for a long time, i figured that he wouldn't be able to get any of the ribbons (and marks!) featured in scarlet and violet.
but then... the dlc happened. the glorious, glorious dlc.
the horsea line was re-introduced into the pokedex when indigo disk - the second batch of dlc for scarlet and violet - dropped. needless to say, i was EXTREMELY hype about this. in my previous post, i mentioned not being sure if reides would be able to join me in this current generation of pokemon. i wondered if i'd have to brave the long, long queues of pokemon shield in order to get the master rank ribbon on him and make him a true ribbon master... but fortune smiled down on me, and reides was miraculously granted access to generation 9 of the pokemon games.
before i get into reides' journey through paldea, kitakami and unova, here's a quick reminder you can find each part of reides' ribbon master journey here on my personal website, or here in my ribbon master tag on this tumblr! it spans from my childhood copy of emerald version to my... uh... adulthood (lmao) copy of scarlet version... so it's quite the sizeable read! to everyone who's stuck by me for this whole challenge and expressed support for my lovely kingdra: thank you so much! and for anyone new to the reides saga: welcome, and i hope you enjoy my posts about him!
with that handled... it's time to cover a brand new generation of ribbons and marks!
as a big pokemon fan, i tend to play new games and dlc the very moment that i can. in the current era of #gaming, that means obsessively checking for game updates on the night of dlc releases. as i mashed that + button on my pro controller to check for updates to my copy of scarlet, i felt especially nervous. thanks to people being mischievous and sneaking alleged leaks around on twitter, i knew that the horsea line was supposedly being introduced into the game... but i'm extremely skeptical by nature. (can you believe that some people go on the internet and lie?!?!) i didn't want to believe that reides' ribbon master journey would continue until i saw a little horsea (or seadra... or kingdra...) swimming around in a digital body of water myself. once my game finally updated, i sprinted over to blueberry academy as SOON as i could and began running around the terarium in search of a horsea. i found one swimming around in a lake almost immediately.
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when i tell y'all... the scream i scrumpt... LMFAO. joking aside, it felt like i could finally breathe again. i was SO READY to plop reides into my file and get right to grabbing the ribbons and marks that were added for gen9. unfortunately, gamefreak had other plans for me, and pokemon home was under maintenance. after falling dramatically to my knees, i busied myself with getting the rest of my team for the dlc ready. this included grinding out the necessary bp to unlock wild starters in the terarium, then embarking on a shiny hunt for my fav starter pokemon of all time - totodile! after hours and hours of looking around, i managed to catch one successfully in a love ball and named him barge. along with the rest of my indigo disk team, barge would go on to be close friends with reides. anyway, after a lengthy maintenance, pokemon home was eventually ready to go. i leapt right in, retrieving reides and plopping him into my party. i'm a huge fan of the updated pokemon models in scarlet, so i was hype to see the one that they gave shiny kingdra. i was NOT disappointed in the slightest!
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LOOK AT HOW GORGEOUS HE IS. the tiny scale details... the glossy shine... my god. as much as i liked the sleekness of the models in gen8, i like the more realistic ones that gen9 introduced a whole lot more. the devs did a phenomenal job; kingdra looks absolutely majestic. with my full indigo disk team now present in my copy of scarlet, i had to take a group shot and treat everyone to a sandwich!
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reides met five new pals: bane the weezing, grunge the krookodile, bento the snorlax, axe the haxorus, and, of course, barge the feraligatr! i shiny hunted for all of them myself, as i really enjoyed doing the same for my kitakami team during my teal mask playthrough.
i wasn't quite ready to take on the indigo disk plotline, though. my first order of business was grabbing a ribbon for reides - namely, the paldea champion ribbon! i hopped on a plane and flew back to paldea, signing up for a spot in the academy ace tournament.
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i really love the vibes of the academy ace tournament; everyone is so passionate about the battles, and the music is an absolute JAM. i was especially happy about reides' first experience as a competitor in it, too, because my fav character in the game just-so-happened to show up for it!
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that's right: arven - the man, the myth, the legend - challenged me and reides to a battle.
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shoutout to him holding his pokeball upside down. just one more reason as to why he's truly one of the best pokemon characters. (btw, as happy was i was to see arven, i always feel so bad to fight his mabosstiff. that's my FRIEND!!!!!!)
anyway, after sweeping his way through everyone in the academy ace tournament, reides was granted the paldea champion ribbon for his efforts.
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after nabbing that ribbon, i decided that i should really get a move on with the indigo disk's actual plot, as i wanted to avoid spoilers and also REALLY wanted to know what happened next in the plot. i was pretty invested in the hooks that teal mask introduced and was especially worried about kieran. (just why did teal mask's plot force us to lie to that poor kid, btw?! just thinking about it gets me so annoyed. i'd go through an 'evil' arc too if i was in his shoes, i'll tell you that.) even though it's not really relevant to reides' ribbon master quest, i figured i'd share some photos of his storyline adventure, too.
(btw, i'm writing this post in feb 2024, which means that indigo disk has been Around for around 2 months and thus the spoiler embargo is pretty much lifted - but, still: be warned that there are some spoilers for indigo disk beyond this point!)
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the battles in indigo disk ended up being pretty tough; i was glad that i put time aside to train up my team properly. we managed to take on the blueberry elite four and kieran and ultimately Prevailed - even if the battles were quite close, at times! i was kinda sad that there was no ribbon associated with beating all of them - it would've been nice to finally get some form of an unovan ribbon on my ribbon master - and i was also pretty shocked that the dlc didn't introduce a battle tower. regardless, even if reides didn't get a ribbon for his performance in the battles, it was still awesome to include him in them, and i had a whole lot of fun.
i also brought reides along for the Shenanigans following the blueberry academy plotline.
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luckily for me, briar, carmine and kieran were chill with waiting in the underdepths of area zero while i took reides on a bit of a photoshoot. it was just so pretty down there!! how could i resist!!
anyway, silly little wanderings aside, it was really cool to have reides involved in the big showdown against terapagos. i was especially happy when kieran snapped out of his funk and i got to battle alongside him. his hydrapple even used dragon cheer, powering reides up during the battle. it made the whole experience feel all the more significant.
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with everything all sorted out, i ended up being really happy with the indigo disk's overall plot. i definitely liked it a lot more than teal mask's narrative and was really pleased that we could become proper friends with kieran once more. (i still wish that we could've apologized for lying to him, though.)
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now that i was safe from indigo disk spoilers and emboldened with love for pokemon as a whole, i decided to pick up my ribbon-collecting in earnest once more... though the next ribbon on my list was not actually a ribbon. it was a mark! introduced in gen8, marks are basically the same as ribbons. i think of them as little stickers on pokemon, haha. the first one that i set my sights on was the gourmand mark, which has a chance of being randomly given to your pokemon after eating a meal with them! these meals can be the store-bought ones or the ones that you make yourself via the picnic system.
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frankly, i have no idea WHEN reides got this mark, as i went sort of crazy with buying lots of different meals. (i really like the food art in this game, okay!!) it definitely didn't take long for one of these meals to really strike his fancy, though. he got the gourmand mark very quickly and also got the title 'reides the gourmet' along with it!
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i then decided that i'd try to get the other two marks on reides in one fell swoop. the first of these marks was the itemfinder mark, which your pokemon has a chance of getting when they pick up an item in the overworld. to get this mark, you have to make use of the let's go feature, which allows your pokemon to walk alongside you. the second of these marks was the partner mark, which... can be quite the ordeal. your pokemon basically has a 1/100 chance to get this mark with every 10k steps that you take. additionally, your pokemon also has to be friendly towards you in order for them to have a chance at getting this mark. since both of these marks rely on random chance, i knew that i could get really unlucky and end up going off on one hell of a grind for them... but i decided to just take it one step at a time. instead of focusing on getting the marks to trigger, i wanted to wander around and enjoy the sights around the various regions of the game. after all, i was lucky to even HAVE reides in this generation - and these marks gave me the perfect excuse to take lots of photos with him, too!
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i was especially happy to take some photos of him with aske, my shiny gallade who joined me for my teal mask journey. as you guys know, reides the kingdra is named after a character that i play in a dnd campaign. similarly, aske is named after another character in that campaign; he's reides' boyfriend!
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i also enjoyed roaming around *as* reides while using the new synchro machine, too! i'm not sure if items that you pick up count towards the itemfinder mark in this mode, but i'd like to think that they do.
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thanks to my casual approach to getting these marks, i actually have no idea how long they took for me to get on reides. one day, i just happened to check and they were BOTH there, so i guess the 'grind' truly ended up being completely painless. in the following screenshot, i'm hovering over the partner mark, but you can see the itemfinder one at the end of the row above it, too.
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with the marks now handled, i had one more ribbon to get on reides before he could become a true ribbon master. this ribbon was the one that i was the most nervous about by FAR. the master rank ribbon is granted to your pokemon once you emerge victorious in one (1) online battle against another player... but the catch here is that the battle has to be in the master rank. for me, it meant climbing from the beginner rank all the way up there.
naturally, i procrastinated with this ribbon a whole lot. i took reides along for the (amazing) epilogue when it dropped in january, taking more pictures with him and making more memories... all the while wondering just when i'd get around to tackling the Final Ribbon.
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as it turns out, i didn't actually end up procrastinating on it all that long. my friend cody visited me a few days after the epilogue dropped, and my other friend blee stayed over at my house for his visit, too. both of them knew about reides the kingdra and we decided that we'd tackle operation: final ribbon acquisition together, with blee spearheading it as someone very well-versed in vgc. over the course of a few days, we managed to get up to master rank - running into a bunch of really interesting teams and occurences during the climb of legend. (special shoutout to a dedenne who kept trying to spam nuzzle on pokemon who were completely immune to it, but who successfully spread the glory of Cheek Pouch via entrainment onto us all.) i learnt a truly crazy amount of stuff about the competitive world of pokemon and really enjoyed all of the different rental teams that we tried out.
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upon arriving in the master ball tier, we had to switch gears, though, as we couldn't use rental teams anymore and, instead, had to build one from scratch so that reides could be included in it. i ended up building this portland regional finals team as per blee's recommendation, though we swapped out raging bolt for reides, himself. since it was my own team and not a rental one, we gave nicknames to each team member.
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my entei is one that i got in an event years and years ago (they're shiny and in a cherish ball), so i couldn't nickname them... but just know that they are 'flamberge' in spirit. o7 reides also got an electric tera type (and tera blast as part of his moveset) for fun, as his namesake is associated with storms.
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it was a lot of fun making this team!!! the very specific ev-spreads that some of the pokemon required gave me a newfound appreciation for all of the feathers that i happened to pick up while wandering the terarium... not to mention all of the mochi that i collected while oustin' ogres in kitakami.
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once the team was all built, it was time to get the final W in order to secure the ribbon at long last. we could all breathe a whole lot easier, as when you rank up to another ball tier, you can't "demote" to a lower one - so falling back into the ultra ball tier wasn't a concern. victory didn't evade us for long, either!
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after a REALLY fun battle against someone named alex, operation: final ribbon was finally complete.
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reides - along with the rest of the team who helped clutch out the victory - got the much-coveted master rank ribbon.
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upon getting this ribbon, it finally happened.
reides the kingdra officially became a ribbon master.
a journey that began back in october 2023 finally came to a close. with his 91 total ribbons (since his two golden memory ribbons have 48 ribbons in total within them), reides now has each and every single ribbon that he can possibly attain from his origin game of emerald version to the current pokemon generation.
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i'm sure that all of my posts speak for themselves in terms of the sheer amount of effort that i put into this challenge. there were many times that i thought i hit a "roadblock," be it in the form of a gruelling grind or worries over not being able to access something due to hardware restrictions. in the end, however, reides was able to rise above all of the challenges. i got sooo much help and support from friends over the course of this whole challenge, so i have to give a BIG shoutout to every single one of y'all! and, of course, i have to extend thanks to all of the people who posted about their ribbon mastery experiences online, as i definitely couldn't have guided reides to this point without them. i'm hoping that the posts that i made about reides' journey can serve as a guide of sorts to anyone who wants to pick up the challenge for their pokemon, too!
at any rate, reides is my very first ribbon master and i definitely plan on keeping his ribbon collection up-to-date in future generations of pokemon. i say it time and time again, but the ribbon master challenge is amazing because it gets you interacting with aspects of the pokemon games that you may have never even thought of trying out. you form a true emotional bond with your pokemon, and it's just... so very fantastic. you make so many memories!!! so while there might not be an update to the reides saga until those generations are out and about, i'm already excited to keep on hunting for ribbons and am hoping that the horsea line is included in every single game going forward! because, quite frankly... it's what reides deserves. >:)
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before i Sign Off on this post, however, i wanted to share something i bought to celebrate reides; namely, a custom shiny kingdra diorama from nerdidecor on etsy.
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ISN'T IT SO CUTE!!!!! i put it right on my desk next to my pc so that i can always have a little reminder of my amazing ribbon master with me. i'm hoping to get more shiny kingdra stuff in the future, too!
either way, thank you all so much again for keeping up with me and my beloved kingdra! i'm already looking forward to being able to write up another one of these posts in the future! until then, reides is definitely going to enjoy a nice vacation from ribbon hunting. rest assured that i will be taking the very best care of him!!! :D
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rascal-xo · 1 year
Things We Never Said - Simon Riley x Female Reader
summary: it’s been a few weeks since your death, and Simon finds an unknown piece of your memory on base…
warnings; ANGST, mentions of death, overall sadness
Tags: @pukbadger @fiveshelmet @myguiltypleasures21 @madamemelaninn @emmaadlerrichtofen1 @swissy23 @thatchickwiththecamera @glitteryeggalmondherring @glitterypirateduck @glitteryeggalmondherring @allaboutirem0 @kittyoonsstuff @guiltgoreglory
A/N: Quick blurb to let you know that i’m alive - Also I no longer have access to my google form that I made for people who wanted to be added to my taglist so if you want to be on it, COMMENT UNDER MY MASTERLIST (pinned to my profile) My posting schedule is hella messy so keep checking back in every now and then if you aren’t on the taglist already.
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Ghost, walked down the dimly lit corridor of the military base, his footsteps echoing in the silence. It had been a few weeks since Y/N’s untimely death, a sacrifice made in the chaos of a life-or-death situation. Captain Price had ordered her room to remain untouched, a small shrine to her memory. It was the least the 141 could do after losing someone so vital to the team.
With a heavy heart, Ghost pushed open the door to Y/N’s room. It was as if time had stopped in this space. Her belongings, her scent, everything felt frozen in time. He ran a gloved hand over the edge of her neatly made bed, memories flooding back.
He approached her small desk, cluttered with mementos and photos. Among them was a pair of backup dog tags she always kept close. Ghost picked them up, his fingers trembling slightly. He stared at them, lost in thought.
As he reached for a framed photo of her and the rest of the 141 on a rare day off, his fingers brushed against something unexpected. A folded letter, hidden beneath the photo, caught his attention. His heart skipped a beat as he pulled it out.
The handwriting was unmistakably Y/N’s, and he felt a lump in his throat as he saw his name on the front. He carefully opened the folded paper…
I know you’ll stumble upon this at some point, so i’m writing down some thoughts now anyway. Life's funny that way, isn't it?
I'm sorry, too, for any mess I might've made along the way. Life got tangled, and I wish I could've sorted it out better. I got you caught up in my mess and I promised myself i’d take you out of it eventually.
You've been so important to me, even when I couldn't quite say it right. Your happiness was always my biggest hope, and I hope you find it, even if I'm not around to see it.
In another world, in another time, who knows, right? But just remember, you meant the world to me.
Oh, and about all my stuff, there's no will or anything, but I want you to have it. You can do whatever you like with whatever’s left in my room when you all make it back to base safe. I secured all knowledge that you all will.
Maybe it’s selfish but I hope you’ll keep a piece of me with you. It’s not fair to ask that of you, but I will be at peace knowing you’re safer now.
You’re forever in my heart and mind, Simon Riley. Don’t forget it, Lt.
With all my love,
Simon’s world seems to crumble around him. The words weighing heavily on his soul, like an anchor dragging him into an abyss of grief. A profound emptiness settles deep within him, a hollow ache that left him gasping for breath.
It was as if the letter has stolen the very essence of his being, leaving him adrift in a sea of sorrow. The room feels colder, the memories more distant, and the future more uncertain. The person who had given his life meaning, who had been his anchor, was gone.
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unabashegirl · 1 year
Enticing (18)
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Author's note: the following chapter is shorter than usual, but I hope you enjoy the unfolding of the drama. ASK TO BE ADDED TO THE TAG LIST!
WARNING: cursing, mentions of abuse and fighting.
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It was quiet, very serene. The excitement that once engulfed all five of them had dissipated into thin air. She left the table, proud of herself for what she had done especially after seeing their faces in the distance.
Harry was dumbfounded. He had never expected her to show up. Let alone out him as she had. He knew that he was in trouble with Y/N. She had let go of his hand and her behavior had changed.
They had dinner in almost complete silence. Aside from the brief conversations that Alessandro and Michael had, trying to lighten the mood. Harry barely ate. His appetite had been ruined. On the other hand, Y/N not only had eaten her pasta, but she finished two glasses of red wine before the plates arrived at the table.
Y/N was drowning her pity with expensive wine. Once again, she felt like a fool. She felt like everyone in the restaurant was staring at her and laughing at her ignorance. Everything now made perfect sense. The late meetings and evenings at the office and how he had stood her up that night. He was seeing her, and God knows what they were doing. She wondered — and if they were doing nothing wrong, why hide it?
No one ordered dessert or coffee not even Alessandro. It was too tense, and they all wanted to run out of there. Y/N stood up first and was the first out of the door.
“Are we still going to the Opera?” William asked as he hung back, wanting to have a chance to talk to Harry. There was one thing that William was clear about, he would never try to justify Harry. He had fucked up and William had always been just. This could have all been easily avoided if he had been transparent with her.
“I think so. She would never forgive me if I canceled the plans” He was embarrassed by his own actions. He looked like a liar. He just didn’t know how he was going to fix it. Things had been going so well, she was elated. Now, everything that taken a turn, and he had to figure out what he was going to say to her.
They all got into the car and didn’t share a word. That was until they entered the opera house and Y/N gasped at the beauty of the building. Alessandro hooked his arm with hers and smiled.
“It’s beautiful” she smiled, amazed at the grandness and the splendor of it all.
“The first time is always special” He smiled, “My father would always play opera at home. This is where I always feel the closest to him”. He gulped down the sudden sorrow that grew within him. Y/N gave him a kiss on the cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. “Let’s go then!”.
“I need a few minutes. Where is the bathroom?” Alessandro gave her quick directions and she disappeared in the multitude. It was a packed house, but they were all grateful that they had reserved a balcony for them only.
“You know you are a real stronzo” Alessandro pointed out and not without gesticulating in true Italian matter.
“I know” Harry rolled his eyes. He was a grown man, and he could admit to his mistakes.
“You fucked up” Michael added.
“I know!” He exclaimed, getting the attention of some of the attendees that stood around them, conversing just like them.
“Instead of agreeing here with us and being a little shit. Go and apologized for heaven's sake! And, we can have a decent rest of the night” William ordered him. Harry shifted his attention to him. Harry hated being bossed around, and his stance was tense. William didn’t back down. He stared back at him with the same dominance.
“Fine” he exhaled and went in search of her.
Harry entered the lady's room and found her wiping her tears. She looked up and stared at him with teary eyes through the mirror. There were two other women beside her. They turned and looked at him. Astound not only that a man had dared to enter the lady's room, but a man of his caliber and natural beauty was in their presence.
“Get out” he demanded as his gaze turned towards the other women, but they didn’t budge. “Are yeh deaf? I said get the fuck out!” Both women jumped at his tone, picked their pursers off the vanity, and hurried out the door.
Harry closed and locked the door after them.
“Pup” he painfully said as he reached out to grab her by her arm and pull her into his chest for comfort. He knew why she was crying, and it had nothing to do with him. “Your father—”
Alessandro’s comment about the absence of his father had reminded her of her own father. She felt guilty of not remembering him. It had been his dream to take her to Italy. Y/N’s father would read her about ancient Rome when she was little. Now, she was in their dream city, and she had not once thought about him.
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me!” She yelled, yanking her arm away from him. Harry was surprised at her reaction. It was the first time that she had ever cursed at him. She was truly pissed at him, and he could only blame himself. “You don’t get to talk about my father after tonight”.
“Calm down” he pleaded. Tears streamed down her face, her makeup was smudged, and she was exasperated. “Don’t yell. Talk to me”.
“No” she shook her head, “All I’ve done is have patience with you” sniffing, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “I’ve tried to speak to you, but nothing I tell you seems to go through your fucking’ head! Once again, you’ve managed to embarrass me. I looked like a moron in front of your friends and your ex. Why do you keep lying to me?” she cried, “What do you get out of it, huh?”
“I didn’t lie.”
“You did!” she yelled, “You never told me that you had met with her. You hide it from me! Is that why you stood me up last time?!”
“You think I cheated on you?” He slightly chuckled and shook his head at her. “That’s what you are worried about?”
“Fuck you, Harry!” She was offended by his cruel laugh. Nothing about the situation was funny, and it made her think that he wasn’t taking her seriously which only made the burning feeling in her chest grow.
“If I had wanted to cheat on you then I would have already dumped you!” He was now angry. Many things could be said about him, but a cheater never. “This is ridiculous! Have I not proved to you that you are all I, see?” he yelled. “You are acting fuckin’ crazy, and I suggest you calm down before this turns ugly!” Harry warned her.
“You keep lying to me and hiding things. How the fuck am I supposed to trust you when you are a lying fuck!” Harry clenched his jaw and took one single stride to have her face to face. “What? You are going to fuckin’ hit me?” Y/N stood tall; she wasn’t going to allow him to intimidate her. She glared at him back. “Hit me then” she whispered, daring him.
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TAG LIST: @0oolookitsme, @happycupcakeenthusiast, @kennedywxlsh, @hsfics, @stylesbrock, @cuddlingwithharry, @sucker4angstt, @bluemoonedwings, @cherriesrae, @vornilla, @mellamolayla, @harryscurls21, @stilesissaved
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nagaruru · 1 year
How to get into The Idolmaster SideM!
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have you ever thought to yourself, man, I would love to get into a really cool male idol franchise with characters of a large range of ages and banger songs with themes of always having another chance to find yourself? no? not that specific? well, either way, I'd like to introduce you to the idolmaster sidem, the male branch of the idolmaster franchise!
if you've ever wondered how to get into sidem, or have never heard of it but I've made you curious, feel free to read more!
alright, let's get into it!
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my first suggestion would be to watch the anime! it used to be on crunchyroll, but isn't anymore, but you can absolutely find it on any of your favourite...alternative anime viewing websites, if you get me. through the anime, you get to see the beginnings of 315pro, as well as hear more about the origin stories of some of the idol groups there! not all of the units are in the anime, but if you're interested in the units dramatic stars, jupiter, w, highxjoker, sem, and beit, I would highly recommend it for an in depth look at them! not only do you get to see the origins of each unit mentioned, but you also get to see how they all grow alongside one another, helping 315 productions to truly come to thrive!
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after watching the main anime, i'd recommend checking out wakeatte mini! wakemini is a series of shorts starring all of the idols in 315pro, including ones not featured in the original anime! the only unit that is not there is c.first, as this series was made before they were introduced. the series also has three original songs from it, themed around the attribute types physical, intelli, and mental! all idols have their own type they fall under.
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after watching the anime, i would recommend checking out miraheze wiki for magazines, or short comics, of the characters you like! the introduction magazines are a quick and easy way to learn more about individual idols, and there are magazines for sidemoba events as well. though, if you're curious about more, i would also recommend using project imas, as it is the most up to date resource for idolmaster content! there are very well written descriptions of all the idols in 315pro, as well as other branches of the idolmaster franchise, located there!
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regarding ingame story content, the sidem community has a lot of dedicated and hardworking translators helping the three games that sidem has had become more accessible to english speakers! this is the big translation document! i would also recommend, if you have a twitter account, to check out the hashtag SideMTL. SideMTL is a tag used by translators, and is also a place for you to find shorter form content, such as text conversations, phone calls, or birthday episodes.
also, i'd recommend saisuta subs on youtube! saisuta subs is a channel dedicated to uploading translations from the latest game, saisuta! all of saisuta's content is fully voiced, so having something like this exist is a really great asset! thank you to all of the subbers, recorders, and of course, translators that make this all possible!
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speaking of translations, if you're curious about the origin of the first male character in idolmaster, ryo akizuki of the sidem unit f-lags, he got his start in the ds game dearly stars! dearly stars is being translated by cait, and I highly recommend checking it out! ryo also has a manga version of the story, neue green, that you can check out on your favourite totally official manga reading websites!
and, of course, if you're interested in the amount of great music that sidem has, all of it is unregionlocked and up on streaming services like spotify! sometimes it takes a bit for newer songs to be added, as bamco likes to wait to increase cd sales, but they'll be added after a little bit! until then, you can usually find them floating around somewhere.
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finally, I would like to recommend looking into lives! the seiyuu are a major part of the appeal of sidem. some are well known, some are not, but all are loved! they are all really talented voice actors and performers, so please give them a watch sometime! pictured above is only a fraction of the many seiyuu that we have! while I can't tell you where exactly to find the lives... a lot of them can be found on certain... websites...... they're floating around out there! if you would like to purchase tickets to a live, usually they are able to be streamed using the website stagecrowd! 8th live is coming up this year, so get ready!!!
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thank you so much for reading, as well as for (hopefully!) having an interest in sidem! the fandom is full of wonderful people, and we'd be so glad to have you!
we may be going through a rough patch right now, due to decisions by higher ups (sidem is a very successful franchise, but higher ups aren't treating it with respect, is a short explanation i can give), but sidem fans are full of love for their favourite idols, and they will be more than happy to share their love of these idols with anyone interested! i for one am always up for telling everyone about how much I love kuro, lol.
thank you again for looking at this guide ! i hope this inspires new people to check out sidem as a branch! sidem is truly 315 (saikou)!!!!!!!!!!!
a guy who ranked t10 two years in a row for kuro kiyosumi in saisuta's yearly character ranking event (im proud, let me brag!!!!!!)
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bwabys-scenarios · 10 months
Shalnark NSFW Alphabet
warnings: non-consensual filming, exhibitionism, pegging, toy use, mentions of various kinks
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved @stygianoir
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Shalnark is a cuddlebug! When he’s done, all he wants is to be snuggled up in your arms. He prefers squishing his head into your breasts or tummy!
He’s not the best with aftercare, but if you did something different or intense, he’ll whisper praises in your ear, and offer to get you something to drink.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
His favorite body part is his hair! He likes when you tug on it when he’s eating you out, or when your run your fingers through it lovingly when he thrusts into you sensually.
He loves tits!! Big or small, he loves to squish and squeeze them during sex. He NEEDS to have a nipple in his mouth when your ride him, or he’ll just babble and whine like a little baby.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to surprise you with his cum, whether that be giving you a creampie without warning or pulling out of your mouth to cover your face in his seed. He’s a lil silly, but if that makes you uncomfortable he’ll stop.
He cums a decent amount, you’ll feel nice and full after a few rounds with him!
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He definitely has a camera in your shower… it’s tiny, hidden perfectly to capture your naked body. He heels a little guilty jerking off to you while you shower innocently, but god it just gets him off knowing you’re completely unaware of his dirty little secret.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
He’s actually really inexperienced! He’s had one partner before you, and they barely got past making out. He got a handjob and that’s about it.
I feel like he watches a LOT of porn, and ends up hacking your computer to see the kind of porn you watch so he can try and play into some of your fantasies.
Still, the first time you have sex, despite how hard he tries to appear calm and collected, he still cums quick and gets incredibly flustered the second he sees you naked in person for the first time.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He doesn’t really have a favorite! He ends up bending and pushing you into various positions during sex, but if he had to choose one, it would be something that gave him access to your tits while he fucks you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He cracks some jokes and tries to keep things playful most of the time, but he can be sensual occasionally and that’s when he needs reassurance and love. He doesn’t like playing around, but he is a bit shy and inexperienced, so just follow his lead when it comes to being goofy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Pretty well groomed, and yes it’s blonde.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Mmm, this is a hard one. I’d say he sees sex as something down between two people who love each other, but idk if he sees sex itself as romantic. While he can definitely have his moments where he’s slow and sensual, really taking his time to make you feel good and loved, most of the time he’s feral. And a bit perverted…
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh god he jacks off a lot, especially in the beginning of your relationship before you’ve had sex. Any second he gets alone he’s got his hands in his pants thinking about fucking you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Period Sex
Bondage(both ways)
Filming sex
Breeding kink
Impact play(him receiving)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Oh Shalnark LOVES to have sex in public. It can be as simple as having you cockwarm him on a train ride, or fucking into you while the two of you hide behind a dumpster while your friends wait for you behind a corner. He loves watching you struggle to reapply your makeup and fix your hair and clothes enough to look presentable…
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He gets turned on by… pretty much anything you do. He finds you very cute and tempting.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
He won’t hurt you, but god would he give anything for you to step on or slap him…
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving, but loves receiving too! He’s gotten pretty good at making you cum on his tongue within minutes…
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Mmm, most of the time he’s fast, but not rough! Sometimes he’ll take it slow and sensual, when he’s feeling more lovey dovey.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh he LOVES quickies. Pull him in for a quick creampie in a public restroom and he’ll be so happy. He loves filling you up with his cum and watching you walk around, a little bit of his cum dribbling down your leg <3
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s more than willing to experiment! You asked him to try out pegging and he ended up loving it! And again, he loves having risky sex in public!
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last as long as you want him to! Once you’re too tired he’ll pull out, but before you say you’re done he can go and go.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Oh yeah, after you introduce him to the wonders of anal he has a few toys for himself! Of course he has toys for you as well. A few vibrators and dildos… he’ll make eye contact with you while he sucks your juices off of whatever you he just used on you ><
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s horny, so he’d rather not tease you and get right into sex, but if you’ve been a brat lately he’ll edge you for hours.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s pretty loud, and isn’t afraid to whimper and whine about how good your pussy feels in your ear!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s actually close to tears the first time the two of you have sex! Shalnark has always thought you were too good, too pure for him, so getting to make love to you overwhelms him a bit, in a good way. Your reassurance that you love and care for him is enough to bring him to tears.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
He wears boxers, he’s relatively muscular, more on the lean side though. His cock is around 5 inches long, decent girth. Pink tip and nipples ❤️
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
REALLY high, it’s why he’s such a big fan of quickies. He could pull you aside for a few rounds at any time, when he’s visiting you don’t even wear panties to make it easier.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He is out like a light the second he cums, usually snoring between your tits LMAO… he’s easy to wake up, so if you tap his shoulder he’ll groan and roll over so you can move.
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rallamajoop · 6 months
Some Zoe/Mia fic recs
To wrap up this little impromptu Mia-Winters-week on a positive note, I wanted to throw a quick rec for a great author of Mia/Zoe fic, CoffinLiqeur. I'm reccing them as an author rather than reccing specific fic because they're single-handedly responsible for nearly half of all the fic ever posted to AO3 with the Mia/Zoe tag (a paltry 42 fics at time of writing). They've also written a bunch of Ethan/Mia, and a ton of other mostly-RE7-focused RE fic ‒ but it's the Mia/Zoe stuff that really stands out for me.
And seriously, there's so much here I've been craving in Resi fic for ages and not been able to find! Most of all how CoffinLiqeur never shies away from the horror, the grief and the trauma of everything these two women went through. There are stories here about Zoe and Mia trapped in the Baker mansion, leaning upon each other for comfort, about Zoe dealing with her feelings for Mia after Mia's escape with Ethan ‒ even about them reconnecting after Ethan's death, and going on to bring up Rose together (and for any non-fixit universe, where Ethan doesn't make it out alive, this is now seriously headcanon confirmed material for me).
Not all their fic is that heavy, but the weight of their shared grief for the years they've lost, for Zoe's family, and later for Ethan too, all hits just the right note ‒ these stories can absolutely make you feel just how hard Mia Winters loves, as well as Zoe's own complex mix of strengths and vulnerabilities. Remember how I was just rambling about how much wintersberg fandom has been missing by shying away from any hint of a Heisenberg/Ethan/Mia love triangle? This right here is such a great example of all the lovely angst and complex emotions that could come out of that.
It doesn't hurt that CoffinLiqeur has a brilliant handle on all their character voices too ‒ including the rest of the Baker clan. Jack and Marguerite are just as loudly terrifying and Lucas just as creepy as they all should be. There are some really lovely surreal sequences too ‒ seriously, so much to rec these on.
CoffinLiqeur mostly writes Zoe as trans ‒ though this is that species of trans-fic where it doesn't really come up other than as an excuse to write PIV between a same-sex couple, which I know can be a squick for some trans readers (though a selling point for others). You won't get to see any exploration of what it would've been like for Zoe to grow up as a trans lesbian in rural Louisiana, the added horror of losing access to HRT during her three years of imprisonment, or any of the other explorations of dysphoria vs mould-body-horror that immediately struck me on considering the possibility of a trans Zoe either. That's more a case of missed opportunity than a real judgment on their fic though ‒ this is really just me wishing (yet again) that the AO3 community had better conventions for tagging this stuff so I could set my expectations going in.
I should also mention that the overwhelming majority of CoffinLiqeur's fic are very short prompt-fills, with some of those prompts feeling like a more natural fit than others, and a lot of the fic feeling very quick and unbetaed. There's a real stream-of-consciousness flow to most, which can be brilliant for establishing mood when used well, but can also lead to long run-on sequences that can be very hard to follow in others. So there can be a degree of quantity over quality here ‒ but given how many truly lovely Mia/Zoe stories I've still found in their archive, I'm really not complaining at all.
You can find all their fic here, or the Mia/Zoe tag specifically here ‒ or you could just go through my own recent bookmarks for just the shortlist of my own favourites here. (And there's also plenty of wintersberg in those bookmarks too, if that's mote your speed)
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Why can't we leave comments on the prompts?
I used to have comments/replies on, but I would run into situations where people would put really funny short mini-fills, bring up interesting ideas or concepts related to the idea or suggest stories that fit the prompt that somebody already wrote.
When people put those things in replies/comments, it’s something that I’d typically have to go into the replies manually and add to the post via screenshots or trying to copy/paste then link back to the original poster. I don’t want to do this. When people change their URLs, it makes that entire credit outdated. With tags, I can at least reblog from the person who created the tags, while for replies, there's nobody to reblog back from. I want to encourage people to add what they want to say to a reblog. Reblogs are easier for people to get credit for their additions. It lets others gain quick and easy access to their writing tag too, as many people who reblog and add things also normally tagged it with their specific writing or ideas tag. Some posts I see on my dash for other things will have replies with amazingly cool ideas were screenshotted and added to an original post, and it’s a bit of a pain to try and find the blog so I can see if there’s more content. Especially when/if, as I've mentioned, they changed their URL.
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
13. “Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.” -gentaro 🍭
# tags: scenario; current relationship; light romance; angst which turns into a comedy; fluff too; quarrel; mention of crying; sfw
includes: female reader ft. gentaro yumeno {hypmic}
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13. “Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.”
Enraged, you tapped your index finger on the mahogany countertop in the tiny kitchen, waiting for your boyfriend to come home. It was eight o’clock in the evening; you just finished your night skincare routine and all you dreamed about is your favorite series or book, warm tea, a soft blanket and the presence of your loved one. Unfortunately, you found out something that literally broke your heart in half that day. For the first time in your life you felt so betrayed, so deceived, so sad, so angry, so... You just felt bad, the worst in the whole world.
This evening was supposed to be perfect; there were few customers at work, so you spent that day talking to your co-workers, your closest friends. Then you went to the store for some really quick shopping (you bought a kilo of flour, three apples, a packet of chia seeds and soy noodles for tomorrow’s lunch) and finally you took the above-mentioned bath and ate supper, waiting for Gentarou. In the meantime, a few things happened... Things that ruined your mood, plan of the day and plans for the next hours (or even days).
When you heard the key click in the door, you rolled your eyes almost immediately, snorting under your breath. The slam of the door and the rustle made your heart beat faster, and when Gentarou entered the living room with a little smile, you almost tore him apart with your dark eyes.
“Hi, baby.” He greeted you and came closer with the intention of kissing your forehead, but you quickly pushed your head away and stood up. “Huh?”
“No ‘huhs’. Do you have something to tell me?” You said, frowning. The young man merely shook his head, unsure of what exactly you meant. “Ah, okay. That’s really interesting.” You giggled as you looked out the window. “I don’t know how you could hurt me like that, Gentarou. I trusted you.” You added, turning back to him. The first tears appeared in your eyes.
“Y/N-chan, what’s going on? I really don’t understand what you mean...” He started a little worried. He wanted to touch your hand, hug you, soothe you. “Darling...” But instead he received a disappointed look.
“You cheated on me!” You screamed, clenching your fists. Your hands immediately went pale.
“W-What?” He shook his head again in denial. “Y/N-chan, I would never do that to you.”
“Then... Look into my eyes and tell me that you’re not lying. Do it, I am waiting.” You growled furiously. “Silence is the answer... No one else has access to my secret candy cupboard! You ate all my favorite cookies, drank my favorite sugary drink, and you didn’t share popcorn with me! I bought it especially for our movie night tonight, Gentarou! Traitor! You are a traitor!”
Gentarou looked at you, almost fainting. A second ago, he wanted to get down on his knees in front of you, want to cuddle up to your feet and apologize for something he didn’t do (I mean real cheating – mental or physical with another person, another woman). He almost cried himself and almost had a heart attack because of your serious expression, raised voice and tears on your cheeks flushed with anger. He almost wanted to call his friends who would confirm his frequent meetings with them, because he spent the last few weeks rehearsing and at concerts. He even wanted to give you his phone and laptop so you could see that he never texted anyone (except you, Dice and Ramuda, and his parents).
He almost died because he couldn’t imagine life without you. And it’s all because of stupid cookies and soda drink...
Definitely Gentarou should run to the store right now for a lifetime supply of your beloved white chocolate chip cookies, drink, salty popcorn, milk chocolate, spicy chips, and whatever else was in the snack aisle...
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insomniac-ships · 1 year
Hi! Hey! Hello!
Are you proship and want a chill place to hang out? I have a Discord server now! I'll put the rules under a read more, but here's some real quick information!
》 Proship safe! Ages 13+ welcome!
》 PluralKit for systems of all kinds!
》 Custom/Personalized roles and colors!
》 Largely inclusive of good-faith identities!
》 Tons of channels for fandom, art, and more!
》 Well-vetted and safe!
Please be aware that I may be a little bit picky about who receives invites. This is to keep the server members safe from targeted harassment and keep the server safe from raids. All invites will be single-use, but will not expire!
If we're mutuals, or I see you in my notes or the proship tag frequently, you'll get an invite with no issue!
About custom/personalized roles and colors:
🔶 All roles are strictly cosmetic with the exception of the moderator, gaming, and NSFW access roles. 🔶
In #🏷role-requests, please include:
▸ your desired role name (whatever you want, really!)
▸ the hex code of your desired role color (ex. #DAF7A6)
Would you like to join? Send me a DM!
Server rules under the cut!
➼ 1.) Be Respectful
Simply treat others the way you wish to be treated. Intentionally bigoted or inflammatory behavior will result in being banned.
➼ 2.) Keep it Civil
Everyone has differing opinions and views. Please keep things civil and agree to disagree if necessary. If you are asked to change the subject, please do so. Polite and respectful debate is perfectly acceptable. Argumentative and obstinate behavior is not.
➼ 3.) Profanity is Fine
However, please refrain from using sexual, insulting, or defamatory language toward other users.
➼ 4.) No Spam
This includes but is not limited too: loud/obnoxious noises in voice chats, @mention spam, character spam, image spam, and message spam.
➼ 5.) NSFW Channels are for Adults Only
Access to NSFW channels will be provided if asked, as long as you are over the age of 18. Minors will not be given the role. Lying about your age in order to gain access to NSFW channels will result in a ban.
➼ 6.) Mind the Blacklist
Please be mindful of the blacklist! Provide trigger warnings when necessary outside of spoilered text.
〚 Example:
TW specific blacklisted topic
||Text containing the mentioned blacklisted stuff.|| 〛
If you need anything added, please let me know! If you'd prefer to do so anonymously, you can send me an ask on Tumblr instead.
For those of you with access to The Nope Zone: blacklisted topics in the Nope Zone category do not need to be spoilered, but should still be warned for accordingly!
➼ 7.) New Rules may be Added as Needed
An announcement will be made if new rules are added, as well as when the blacklist is updated.
Three Strikes and a Baseball Bat
We operate on a three strikes system, with the addition of a Mega Strike dubbed "a Baseball Bat".
► A user will receive a strike if they break server rules. This is usually a verbal warning and a 10 minute time out if necessary.
► A user will receive a Baseball Bat depending on the severity of the rule breaking. A Baseball Bat is the equivalent of two strikes. Two Baseball Bats is a kick from the server.
► Each strike will last 30 days.
► Baseball Bats last 60 days.
► Users will be informed when they get a strike, as well as the reason why.
► Instant bans will be doled out in certain circumstances, including but not limited to:
encouraging suicide/self harm, victim blaming, serious threats of violence, doxxing, stalking, deliberate use of hate speech, etc.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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witchail · 3 months
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( i've already forgotten the time i've lived as human... beyond this vague memories was an appetite for "the desire to be loved by someone" as i shivered in the cold loneliness.)
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# 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐋 - independent, low-activity, extremely canon divergent portrayal of C.C., the immortal gray witch, from the code geass franchise. inspirations from re;surrection and the untranslated r2 novel will be present, with focus being on character development rather than scripted events. beloved by ailli (she / her / 25+ / pst. ) permanent mood : vibing.
icon template : poetryrph, hyruleshop theme + graphics : hyruleshop
PSA : it has been a very long time since i watched the anime. i do not remember much aside from selective memories i have for c.c. scenes / moments. i have watched re;surrection and while i do not agree with the pacing and the convenience of it, i am inspired by the character depths c.c. was given. i do not follow canon or fanon portrayal, and frankly i am just here to vibe.
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01. hello, hello, once again i will reiterate this is an extremely private and likely very slow activity blog. i work very strange and inconsistent hours, and thus availability has been rather scarce. discord is available to mutuals, where i eagerly await to plot / chat / geek out about our muse. also duplicate friendly.
02. due to my work schedule, shipping is not a priority in this blog and it shall remain reserved for close friends who are interested in plotting something beyond the ship. i am ship-exclusive, so i only ship with one version of said muse. once again be aware that i am very low-activity.
03. needless to say, i am someone who adores plotting. i love complex plots, plots that compliments canon, plots that derails from canon, i think plotting is great. my motivation for threads is honestly influenced by context, and if we have that i can definitely go ham. of course, i know not everyone carries my same preference, but i will do my best to accommodate.
04. please be aware : i have grown extremely tired with drama / gossips circulating around the rpc. i will follow / unfollow people at my own discretion and would prefer to stay away from any spectacle or public showcasing. frankly i am just here to write, have fun with mutuals, and preferably not pick sides. my current stance on call out is rather neutral, and i would prefer to make my own conclusion rather take on the pressure of public outcry. i take this level of judgement seriously.
05. keep in mind : i do not do character exclusives. i do not have the energy to commit to anyone's portrayal nor do i want to make anyone expect / wait from me in general. as mentioned above i am really busy, so i cannot and will not do an exclusive writing with any character. i do practice having mains, but even then i am just a very chill and lazy blog lmao.
06. i ask that you tagged your nsfw content, particularly anything involving nsfw imagery. due to the nature of my job, i have free access to tumblr and would prefer not to see any nsfw visuals if it can be tagged and avoided. i am very attentive when it comes to adding tags in my filter list, and if the untagged offence happens repeatedly : then this will be one of the few reasons i will unfollow.
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