#quidditch player ron
wizardemotions · 4 months
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the question came to mind of "in your ship, how might the larger/stronger party pick up or carry the smaller one?" and these were the answers i came to
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we-r-loonies · 10 days
an au where no-one dies, but harry is still famous, because James Potter is the chaser for the Monrose Magpies.
so many hogwarts students are obsessed with James; partly because he's talented, partly because he's fit. harry is not amused.
(as a form of protest, harry is the Chudley Cannons biggest supporter, after ron.)
when he starts playing as a seeker for Gryffindor, nobody is surprised.
james sends a very enthusiastic howler; "i can't believe my son's a SEEKER. A SEEKER!!! we're so proud, aren't we, lils?"
"yes, we're very proud of you, hon. but, please, focus on your studies as well..." "EVANS, OUR SON IS GONNA BE A STAR, HE DOESN'T NEED-"
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3twindragons · 9 months
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Hermione and Harry have the same type (quidditch players)
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Fanfic: Harry Potter & Death's Ultimatum Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction
When Ron stormed out of the tent, Hermione went after him to stop him and disapparated with him. What will happen following this small change to DH ? What will Harry do without his friends?
Over the years I've grown to dislike the Hinny canon pairing but she's actually decent and probably the most in tune with her canonical personality so I didn't mind this one.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
Drarry shippers: so here's my slow burn where harry and draco slowly resolve their differences and fall in love after draco learns to be nicer since obviously harry wouldn't be attracted to mean spirited behavior like-
JK Rowling: Anyway in book 6 Harry thinks it's hot when Ginny makes up mean nicknames for people, does cruel but accurate imitations, hexes people who annoy her, fouls players who cross her in Quidditch and humiliates Ron in public.
JK Rowling: Also they get together while Harry's trying to forget about Draco Malfoy.
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theostrophywife · 7 months
kiss with a fist | chapter thirteen.
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masterlist 💋 chapters 💋 playlist
pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: we made it - david hugo
author's note: you guys, it's the last chapter of my baby. kiss with a fist has truly been my labor of love and i'm so happy that everyone adored the story as much as I did when I was first writing it. a big thank you to anyone who has read, liked, reblogged, and commented on kwaf. love you my little pookies 🥹
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The rest of seventh year passed by too quickly for your liking. 
The last and final year at Hogwarts proved to be your best year yet, but in ways that you never expected. After the holiday break, you, Harry, and the rest of the Council worked hard to promote interhouse relations. Thanks to Pansy, many events and gatherings were held in which Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins alike mixed and mingled. 
The first inter house quidditch game had gone off without a hitch. Theo was a natural at finding common ground with the other players, making them feel at ease despite the obvious tension between houses. Slowly but surely, ripples of change started to materialize at Hogwarts. 
The Great Hall was no longer separated in pockets of red, green, blue, or yellow. Each table consisted of an array of members from each respective house. The courtyards were the same as your classmates now felt comfortable to venture out of their usual groups to mingle with others. Even the professors marked the change in the classroom. Pairing students from different houses together no longer felt like pulling teeth. 
By the time graduation rolled around, you were confident that the younger years would carry on the work the Council started. You watched with a smile as your fellow classmates hugged one another. A fourth year Slytherin and a fifth year Gryffindor were both teary eyed as they promised to write to one another over the holiday. 
“You did great work, Y/N.” Harry said from beside you. 
“So did you, Potter.” He pushed his glasses up and smiled. “I think we’re leaving a very different Hogwarts than the one we entered during our first year.” 
“I’m glad we got to witness the change before graduating. It’s nice knowing that we’ve taken a step in the right direction.” 
“What’s your plans for the future then, Chosen One?” 
Harry rolled his eyes fondly. “I think…I’d like to travel a bit. See more of the world. Eventually, I’ll probably join Ron and the other Aurors, but for now I’m content taking a gap year.” 
“As you should,” you said with an encouraging smile. 
“Well, not everyone is brilliant enough to be accepted into the most prestigious university in England.” 
“Don’t let Theo hear that. He’d have an absolute fit defending his beloved Cambridge.” 
Harry chuckled. “So you two are doing long distance then?” 
As if it were the most natural thing in the world, your gaze immediately tracked a familiar mop of curly brown hair across the room. Theo was talking animatedly with a few Hufflepuffs and a couple of Ravenclaws, but he looked up the instant he felt your eyes on him. Those watercolour eyes locked onto yours, crinkles forming at the corners as he smiled. That smile—the way it lit up his entire face, his lips curved into a bright, genuine grin that was reserved for you and you alone made your breath catch.
Gods, you loved that smile. 
But not as much as you loved Theo. 
Cheeky tosser that he was, your boyfriend winked in your direction and smirked when he noticed the flush in your cheeks. 
You chuckled. “Yeah, we are. Teddy’s determined to get his license before the year’s end, but in the meantime, he’ll take the train to visit and vice versa.” 
“Theodore Nott on the tube? Now that’s a sight I’d pay to see.” 
A pair of arms circled around your waist. Theo pulled you against him and rested his chin in the crook of your shoulder. “I’ll have you know that I’m a proud owner of a bloody clam card.” 
“It’s called an oyster card, you helpless git.” Pansy said, rolling her eyes. 
Luna chuckled in amusement. “Be nice, Pans. Theo’s actually gotten quite good at taking the tube.” 
Theo nodded before sticking his tongue out at Pansy. “Thank you, Luna.” 
The rest of your friends followed suit. Mattheo had Enzo in a headlock, ruffling his hair as payback for bringing up the upcoming group holiday in Triora. The eight of you would be spending two weeks out in the Italian countryside, but Mattheo was heading there a week earlier than everyone else. He claimed it was due to convenience’s sake since it would be easier to floo from Romania after Charlie got him acquainted with the other interns than going all the way back to London, but you knew the real reason for his early arrival. Mattheo wanted a few days alone with Isabella before everyone teased the absolute bollocks out of them.
Despite all his cockiness and arrogance, Isabella had him completely wrapped around her finger. It was quite entertaining to see Mattheo’s transformation from big, bad Riddle to lovesick puppy Matty. Even better because your boyfriend seemed to be in utter denial about his best friend dating his cousin who was basically like his little sister. 
“I’m only going early so I can claim a room as far away from Theo and Y/N as I can possibly get. I didn’t get a wink of sleep during the last visit. It’s like you two heathens have never heard of a silencing charm.” 
“We’ve heard of them,” you said with a smirk. “But silencing charms take out all the fun, don’t they Teddy?” 
Theo chuckled and kissed the side of your neck. “I’d say sorry, but I’m not. Not even a little bit, mate.” 
Mattheo wrinkled his nose in disgust. “Absolute nutters, the pair of you.” 
“Speaking of nutters, where’s Malfoy?” 
The corner of Blaise’s lips curved up into a smile. “Across the room. Talking to his fellow Sorbonne admit.” 
Sure enough, Draco and Hermione seemed to be in a heated conversation by the doors of the Great Hall. As you watched their exchange, you couldn’t help but think that the Sorbonne was not ready for its two newly admitted students of wizarding law. The irony of Granger and Malfoy, previous bitter enemies, studying together in the most romantic city in the world wasn’t entirely lost on you. Harry seemed to be thinking the same thing. Although Potter appeared more apprehensive than anything else. 
“Don’t worry, Draco will play nice,” you said, nudging Harry with your elbow. “And if he doesn’t, well I heard Hermione’s got a mean right hook.” 
The green eyed wizard smiled. “Yeah, she truly does.” 
He perked up as Ron and Ginny called him over. Hermione, seemingly coming to a pause with her conversation with Malfoy, made her way over to her friends as well. Draco gave her an awkward handshake, which made you smirk. His infamous aristocratic charm flew out the window as soon as Granger smiled at him. 
“I’ll see you all later. Don’t be a stranger, Y/N.” 
“Wait, Potter,” Theo called as he fished something out of his pocket. It was the sports coordinator badge that you gifted him for Christmas except it looked shiny and new, unlike the worn and well loved pin that he’d taken to wearing every day. “I suppose Ginny will be needing this now, won’t she?” 
Harry took the pin with a small smile. “Cheers, mate.” 
“That wasn’t the one I gave you for Christmas, was it?” 
Theo shook his head and fished the original badge out of his pocket. “There’s no way I’d part with the best present anyone’s ever gotten me, so I had a new one made. This little guy is staying with me.”
You beamed. “My cute sentimental boyfriend. When did you get so mushy, Nott?” 
He peppered kisses all over your face, making you squeal in delight. “Since a surly little Ravenclaw stole my heart. It’s all your fault, cara mia.” 
You tugged at the front of Theo’s robes, bringing him down to you. “My sincerest apologies, Theodore. However can I make it up to you?” 
“I have a few ideas, darling.” 
Draco groaned in revulsion. “We’re still here, you know. Gods, you two make me sick.”
“Shut it or I’ll sneak purple dye into your shampoo,” you snapped. 
Theo laughed as Draco gasped in horror. “Have I told you how utterly in love I am with you?” 
“Love you too, Teddy. Now about those ideas.” 
Theo smirked as you curled your fingers around his tie and tugged. His arms circled around your waist, pulling you close as your lips met his. As you kissed, you heard Pansy and Draco groan while Mattheo and Enzo dramatically covered their eyes. Blaise shook his head at the boys, but smiled nonetheless. Luna, sweet, shy, demure Luna actually wolf-whistled. 
Once more, you looked around at your circle of friends standing in Hogwarts for the last time while kissing the love of your life and grinned. 
You couldn’t have asked for a better day. 
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The autumn leaves littered the sprawling campus, falling like rain in varying shades of red, orange, and gold across the spacious lawn. It felt bittersweet to witness such a visual representation of the changing season, not only in the sense that summer was giving way to fall, but also signaling your transition from Hogwarts graduate to Oxford fresher. 
The past summer had been the perfect send off. You stayed at the vineyard with your friends for two weeks before setting off to explore Rome, Milan, and Venice with Theo. The two of you spent your days visiting museums, eating gelato, and laying out in the Italian sun. Even when you returned to England, Teddy hardly left your side. His nonna insisted on having you over for dinner at least once a week while your parents hosted tea in the back garden, much to nonna’s delight. Her opinion of the dreary English weather hadn’t improved, but she did love chatting with your parents about their occupations in the muggle world. 
As it turned out, nonna was fascinated with your mother’s abrasive personality in and out of the courtroom and adored your father’s love for the arts as well. They talked for hours and hours while you and Theo curled up in the living room watching cheesy romantic comedies. He would never admit it, but you could’ve sworn that you saw him wiping away a few errant tears during Holly’s reunion with cat in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. 
The holiday bliss couldn’t last forever though. One by one, you and Theo said goodbye to your friends. Enzo was the first to leave. You hugged him tightly at the international floo station and shoved a box of chocolate frogs into his hands. A small gesture of thanks for all the treats you’d stolen from him during seventh year. 
“That should be enough to last you for a while.”
“It looks like you ransacked the whole store, Y/N.” 
“Well, I wasn’t sure if New York had a Honeyduke’s. I had to be certain that you were fully stocked."
Enzo grinned as you sniffled a little. "You better write back to us. I just know you’re going to break hearts in the States. Promise that you won’t do the typical Berkshire thing and actually speak to the American girls who fancy you, okay? Trust me, they will fancy you. The accent alone is a guarantee.” 
You were rambling, fussing over Enzo’s scarf. To his credit, he only smiled. “Yes, mum. Don’t miss me too much, I’ll be back for Christmas. Then we can gorge ourselves on chocolate frogs and gossip all about the American girls who fancy me.” 
Draco was next in the queue. You stood in King’s Cross, watching with a little smile as the boys awkwardly hugged one another. Narcissa was absolutely distraught about her only son’s departure, but you wouldn’t have known it by looking at her. As always, the Malfoy matriarch was perfectly prim and polished, but she did hug Draco more tightly than she usually did. She even waved to Hermione, who was boarding the same train to Paris. When it was your turn to say goodbye to Draco, you shook him by the shoulders and narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Don’t mess that up, ferret boy.” 
His gray eyes widened, following your gaze to where Harry, Ron, and the Weasley gang were exchanging hugs with Hermione. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“You and Hermione studying abroad in the most romantic city in the world? That’s not a coincidence. You better snatch her up before Granger makes the whole country of France fall in love with her because trust me, they will. She’s a catch.”
Draco smiled a little. “Yeah, yeah she is.” 
“Don’t mess it up, I’ve got it. Now get your freakishly strong hands off of me, Y/N.” 
Just as you released him, Draco pulled you in for a hug. He lowered his voice so only you could hear. “Thank you, for making Theo so happy. You don’t know how much we all appreciate it.” 
You ruffled his perfectly coiffed hair with tears in your eyes and a smile on his face as Malfoy complained about you messing up his beloved platinum blonde locks. 
A week later, you thought you were fully prepared to say goodbye to Mattheo on the same platform, but as soon as you saw him and Theo exchanging a tight hug, you burst into tears.
"Take care of my man," Mattheo said with a wink. "And remember, he may be your boyfriend now, but our bromance is forever."
You wiped away your tears and chuckled hoarsely. "I hate to say it, but I'll miss you Riddle. Try not to get eaten by a Vipertooth, yeah?"
"Being friends with you has oddly prepared me to face the dangers of dragon taming. I'll miss you too, Y/N."
The two of you hugged tightly. Mattheo chuckled as you tugged at his curl, resetting the sentimental moment with a typical brother and sister gesture. He flicked your nose in return before departing for the train. With a cheeky wink, Mattheo waved out the window until he disappeared from view.
When the time came to say goodbye to Pansy and Luna, you were a mess. In true Parkinson fashion, Pansy had rented a private jet to fly them to Brazil. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t cry, but the minute that you stepped out onto the runway, your eyes betrayed you. 
“I’ll have none of that,” Pansy said, her glossy bob skimming her chin as she gave you a disapproving look. “I will not have your tears staining my brand new pantsuit.” 
“Oh, shut up Pans.” The dark haired witch stiffened as you squeezed her into a hug. After a moment, she sighed in defeat and hugged you back. “I’m going to miss our shopping sprees and trashy reality television binges.”
Pansy chuckled. “I suppose I’ll miss them too. Keep an eye out on the boys for me, will you? Make sure they stay out of trouble?”
Your friend sounded a bit choked up. As strong as she appeared, you knew that it was hard for Pansy to be separated from her friends. They had taken care of each other all these years and she had been the glue that held the group together since they were kids, but it was time for her to have her own adventure now. 
You nodded. “Of course. I’ll send howlers on your behalf if they step out of line.” The two of you hugged for a moment longer. “I’d ask you to take care of Loons, but you already do that. I guess just make sure that my care packages make it through customs. You know how she is about her wotsits.” 
Pansy laughed at that and squeezed you one more time before saying goodbye to Theo and Blaise. The second you turned to Luna, the dam broke entirely. The two of you were in tears as you clung onto each other. 
“I’m so proud of you,” Luna said. “For getting into Oxford. For opening yourself up this year. For standing up for the people you love. You were the first friend I ever made. Everyone else thought I was strange and weird and slightly mental, but you didn’t care. You’re the best person to have in my corner, Y/N. I love you.” 
“You’re not just my friend Loons, you’re family. Thank you for being my voice of reason all these years. I couldn’t have survived the wizarding world if it weren’t for your kindness. I love you too, Luna.” 
If Theo hadn’t been holding you so tightly, you were sure you would’ve collapsed into a sobbing mess when the jet finally took flight. 
Those same arms wrapped around you now, pressing your back against his chest as Teddy rested his chin on your shoulder. He watched the autumn leaves fall outside of your dorm hall and nuzzled closer. 
“You know I love you, cara mia. But did you really have to bring your entire book collection? I almost ate shit on the stairs carrying all those boxes.” 
You chuckled. “You could’ve just used magic, you know.” 
“Well, I wanted you to know that you have a big, strong man who can do anything without the aid of magic. Even moving a whole bloody library all by himself.” 
“Oh good, tell him to come in here then.” Theodore frowned, which made you laugh. You pulled him in by the front of his jumper and pressed your lips against his. “I’m kidding, Teddy. Thank you for helping me move in.” 
Theo hummed against your mouth and smirked. “Hmm, wanna show your appreciation in your brand new dorm? I just laid your mattress out and I’m not opposed to breaking it in.” 
“Lead the way, babe.”
You squealed as Theodore picked you up bridal style. He captured your lips, smiling against the kiss as he nipped at your bottom lip. You snaked your arms around his shoulders, toying with the curls at the nape of his neck while your tongue danced with his. Theo kicked your dorm room open. By some miracle, you were assigned a single unit, which was just as well since Theo would be visiting often and the two of you weren’t exactly quiet when it came to certain activities. 
“Hey! I’d like to get my deposit back, you know.” 
“You shouldn’t have kissed me like that then, diavolina.” He pressed his forehead against yours and kissed your cheek. “As much as I love where this is going, I have something to show you.” 
You raised a brow as he lightly put you down. “Theodore Nott turning down sex? Is this the end of the bloody world?” 
Theo rolled his eyes before smacking your ass. “Don’t be a smartass. Besides, I’m not turning it down. Just postponing. I’ll have you facedown on those pillows in a second, right after the grand reveal. But first, you have to promise not to get mad.”
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. “What did you do, Theodore?” 
“You’ll find out in a second. After your guaranteed promise.” 
“Yes, because every surprise constitutes a cover my ass clause.” Theo pouted and flashed his best puppy dog eyes at you. “Oh, that’s low, Teddy. You know I can’t say no when you do that.” 
Your boyfriend grinned in triumph. “Precisely why I used it. Desperate times call for desperate measures.” 
“Fine, I promise not to get mad. Just show me this surprise of yours.” 
Theo covered your eyes and steered you further into the room. When he placed you right where he wanted you, your boyfriend took a step away from you. 
“Alright, you can open them now.” 
At first, you weren’t quite sure what you were supposed to be looking at. The single unit dorm wasn’t anything new. Brick walls, wooden furniture, and a comfortable sized bed. Except the room felt much larger than you remembered. There was definitely more space now with enough room to store a bookcase, desk, and dresser that hadn’t been there before. And then you saw it. 
A fireplace. Not just any fireplace either—it was a fully functioning hearth with emerald green flames, which could only mean one thing. “Theodore Nott, did you install a bloody floo in my dorm?” 
“Well, technically I didn’t install it. Potter helped me get in touch with that Weasley bloke, the head of the Department of Magical Transportation. What was his name? Paul? Patrick?” 
“Percy?” you asked incredulously. 
“Percy, yes. Strange man. Not at all like the rest of his ginger clan. Anyways, he helped arrange this whole thing.” 
“You went and got the ministry involved?” 
Theo pouted. “You promised not to get mad.” 
“I’m not mad. I just—how did you even—when did you even—” 
“The first night we got back from Rome, I tossed and turned in bed all night because I had gotten so used to sleeping next to you that going without seemed like torture. Then I started thinking about how I’d have to endure that for two whole years and I realized that it simply won’t do, so I made a few calls. Bribed a few people. Now you’ve got a floo in your room.” 
“How did you even get the college to agree?” 
“About that…” Theo said sheepishly as he slid his hands into his pockets. “I may or may not have made a very sizable donation.” 
“How sizable?”
“Can money really measure my love for you?” 
“How much did all of this cost, Theodore?” 
“Ten thousand galleons.” 
“Ten thousand galleons!” 
Your boyfriend backed away, which was probably the smartest idea he’s had all morning. “Before you murder me, please know that the money is being put to good use. I worked with the University to set up a scholarship for muggleborn witches and wizards. I know it’s a passion of yours, so I thought, why not kill two birds with one stone? Because of you, the Alessandra and Damiano scholarship will help give other muggleborns an opportunity to study here.” 
You softened. As mad as you were at Theo for spending an absurd amount of money, you couldn’t ignore the fact that it was actually very sweet and thoughtful. Not to mention the fact that the donation probably hadn’t even made a dent in your boyfriend’s account. You supposed this was a better use of his riches than waking up to a very expensive espresso machine in your house, complete with a barista that Theodore had flown out from Milan to show you how to make proper coffee.
“You’re smiling,” Theo noted. “Which means…you’re not mad, right?” 
“I’m not saying that I’m not upset,” you started.
“But?” he asked hopefully. 
“Well, I can’t very well stay mad after such a thoughtful gesture, could I?” 
“So you like it?” 
You sighed, conceding with a nod. “The scholarship means a lot to me, Teddy. More than you know. I’m glad you named it after Alessandra and Damiano. It’s time the wizarding world heard their story.” 
Theo beamed. “I think so, too.” He caressed your cheek with a fond look on his face. “Do you remember what Coletta said when I first snuck you into the Slytherin dorms?” 
How could you forget? “La storia repetia.” 
“History repeats itself,” Theo said. “Alessandra fell in love with Damiano and they changed the world. When I fell in love with you, you changed my world. It’s the least I could do, cara mia.” 
With a grin, you pulled Theo down by the front of his jumper and kissed him. Your lips melded together perfectly like his mouth was crafted for the sole purpose of being kissed by you. A satisfied sigh left your lips at the thought of never having to go without this—without him ever again. 
“So what you’re saying is that we get to cuddle every night?” 
Theo grinned. “To cuddle, to kiss, to fu—“ He yelped when you smacked him on the arm. “To make love,” he corrected with a smirk. “We never have to say goodbye, only good night.” 
“Gods, I love you. You’re perfect.” 
The boyish grin on Theodore’s face made your heart skip a beat. Even after a year, you still felt like a giddy school girl with a massive crush. 
“The floo also connects to your house. I know how homesick you get, so I thought it would be nice to be able to pop in and visit with your mum and dad from time to time.” 
Tears lined your eyes. You didn’t even realize how badly you wanted it until this moment. You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend and squeezed him into a tight hug. He smiled against your hair and kissed the top of your head. 
When you pulled away, there was a little puddle of tears smack dab in the middle of Theo’s jumper. You sniffled as he swiped your happy tears away. “I can’t believe you talked my parents into all of this.” 
“It wasn’t that hard. They adore me, you know.”
Indeed they did. Your mum and dad had definitely fallen victim to the infamous Theodore Nott charm and you couldn’t blame them one bit. He was the perfect boyfriend and it was quite obvious to your parents that he made you ridiculously happy. 
“A little too much.” 
“Don’t blame them, amore mio. I’m just too charming for my own good.” 
“Yes you are,” you conceded with a sigh. Theo chuckled as you kissed the tip of his nose. “Shall we test out my new mattress then?” 
“You know you never have to ask me twice, but first—“ Theo held a finger up and fumbled with his pocket. 
“Another surprise? For Merlin’s sake, you're going to send me into cardiac arrest, Teddy. You're determined to turn me into a whimpering mess, aren't you?” 
“I guarantee you'll be whimpering in a minute. Scout's honor,” he said with a wink. “Although if you’re going to cry again, I’d prefer it if you did it while wearing this.” 
Theo pulled out a familiar locket—Alessandra’s locket. He opened the necklace. The right half of the heart still contained Alessandra and Damiano’s picture, but the left half was a picture of you and Theo. One that his nonna had taken of the both of you over the summer. The two of you were in the vineyard, the sun setting behind you with its golden glow, while you and Theo looked lovingly at each other like you were the only people in the world. 
You smiled, stroking the picture. “I love it, Teddy. But this is a family heirloom. Is nonna okay with me wearing it?” 
“Are you kidding? She was thrilled when I told her. Said you might as well start wearing it now since you’ll be part of the family soon.” 
“Oh?” you asked with a watery smile. “And do I get any say in this?” 
“Only if you say yes.” 
You nodded as Theo clasped the locket around your neck. The necklace sat just above your heart, making your boyfriend smile as he studied you for a moment. 
“My heart wearing my heart. Seems fitting, yeah?” 
“I love you, Teddy. You have my entire heart forever.” 
“I love you too, Y/N. Mind, body, and soul.” 
“Good,” you raised a brow and tugged him closer by the front of his jumper again. “Now if you’re done with your surprises…”
“Does the one in my pants count?”
You groaned. “For Merlin’s sake Thedore, just fucking kiss me already.” 
Theo chuckled at your impatience. “Your wish is my command, diavolina.” 
As Theodore kissed you in the middle of your new dorm in your brand new university, you realized that even as the seasons changed and the leaves turned, some things would still stay the same. 
Theodore Nott would always vex you, challenge you, and make you feel like you’re going out of your godsdamned mind every second of every day. 
There was nothing smart about falling in love with him. 
But for once in your life, you’ve never been so glad to be such a bloody lovestruck idiot. 
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Taglist: @annaisabookworm @marina468 @yaraasthings @the0doreslover@bubybubsters@moony-artemis @natasha887@lucyysthings@criesinlies @bunnymallowo@niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl@wordsarelife@clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar @mishtay @cherry-hoe  @littlebookbengal @maybefoxysouls @nomup  @aliensknowmyillusions @cinderellawithashoe @starsval @kalulakunundrum @lucyysthings @siriuslysmoking @purplegirls-posts @unstablereader @lqclercs @whatsupb18 @rikirritated @psychedeliccc @jetblackpayne @clairesjointshurt @ama1a2 @omwtkydttfym @cinderellawithashoe @xeqr @txzii @goldenmagnolias @ilikefictionalmen @xxpeachyxo @dirt-cup-draco @willowecho25518 @shulipp @pompeygirl89 @lame-ferrum @dustbunniess @justdizzie @sopsopsopy @therealallisonspear @sweetwonieee @spacecadet16 @moonsreid @grrbrielew @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @imaginationlover101 @s0kovianwitch @lucy-is-never-logical @unstablereader @ellieslaces @bellarkefandom @shereadsandcries @hrts4pads @loveforlupin
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annaloveshjp · 1 year
cold kisses ✧
harry potter x gn!reader
word count: 1k
summary: cute little scenario of harry being sleepy and wanting kisses ♡
“Y/N?” Harry’s voice pulls you from your book as he walks into the common room after his quidditch practice.
“Harry, hi,” you greet him. He walks over and plops himself onto the sofa next to you. Harry’s still in his quidditch sweater, which is a bit too big for him. He pulls the sleeves over his hands to make paws.
“You okay? How was practice?” you ask him, putting your book down and patting your lap, inviting him to lie down. He sometimes reminded you of a puppy.
“Fine, and good,” he says softly. He leans down and stretches across your lap, groaning as he does. The wind messed up his hair, sticking everywhere, but not much more than usual. You stroke his hair as he leans into you more, undoing any small knots the wind had created.
His cheeks grow warm from the fireplace that is always lit. He sighs in contentment as the warmth spreads through his body.
“Need a shower?” you ask. He doesn’t reply for a moment, then nods his head. “Yeah,”
“Okay, well, go,” you nudge his head lightly.
“I don’t want to,” he says. “You’re comfortable.”
“My lap will still be here after your shower, Harry,” you say, smiling. “Now go, love. Take a nice, relaxing shower,”
He tilts his head to look at you. “Okay,” he proceeds to roll off of the sofa, hurting his behind in the process.
“Owww,” he groans tiredly. “That hurt,”
“No shit, Harry,” you sigh. “Now shoo, before I drag your arse up to your dorm,”
He lets a small smile slip onto his face before getting up and going to shower, but not before kissing you on the cheek.
You pick your book up and continue reading as he showers. After a while, you check the clock and see it’s been thirty minutes and you start to wonder if he fell asleep in the shower.
You put your book down and walk up to his dorm. You knock and wait for a sign of protest but hear nothing, so you open the door.
Walking in, you look over to see Harry lying in his bed with damp hair and no shirt on. He looks asleep, but you confirm he isn’t when you hear a muffled hi coming from his direction.
You look around to make sure the other beds are empty (they were), then walk over to him and sit beside him.
“How was your shower?” you ask him, reaching over and rubbing his bare shoulder. He flinches slightly at your cold touch.
“Good,” he seems to be talking to his pillow.
A sudden idea pops into your head. “Hey, sit up,”
He lifts his head to give you a questioning look.
“Love, sit up,” you repeat.
He stretches before obliging. He now sits next to you on the bed, his eyelids drooping slightly.
“Good,” you say quietly before crawling behind him on the bed and sitting down again. You raise your hands and begin massaging his shoulders so he can relax.
He tensed up for a second. You questioned why in your head for a moment before realizing why he felt so warm; your hands had been cold before.
“Sorry,” you say. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No, it’s okay, they’ll get warmer as you go on,” he says. “But that sure woke me up.”
A small laugh escaped your lips as you continued with your massage.
“How did everyone do during practice?” you ask him. Your hands are getting warmer now.
“Everyone did fine,” he says. “Ron missed a few, and Katie got lightheaded after an hour, but other than that, it was good.”
“That’s good,” you agree. “D’you think I'd make a good player?”
“With your aim? No way,” he jokes. “But maybe a beater. Do you like hitting things?”
“Sometimes,” you say. “One time I actually hit my sibling with a pillow and knocked them off our loft bed,” you cringe and half smile at the memory.
“Ouch,” he says.
“Yeah,” you say. “Maybe next year I’ll try for beater, who knows?”
“That’d be cool,” Harry says. “I’d get to boss you around, ha!”
“You already can, Harry,” you say without thinking. Your face turns red in realization but thankfully Harry can’t see.
“I– what?” he turns around with a slight smirk as he notices your shocked state.
You quickly compose yourself and say with as much confidence as you can muster, “You heard me. You already can.”
He narrows his eyes for a moment. “Okay, then. Get off the bed.”
You didn’t think he’d actually start to boss you around, but you oblige anyway. You crawl around him and off the bed, now standing in front of him. “Is that it?” you ask.
“Now, kiss me.”
You look at him. “Is that it?”
“Maybe,” he says. “Now do as I say. Please?”
“Fine,” you roll your eyes playfully before leaning forward and giving him a swift peck on the lips.
“Hey! That wasn’t a kiss!” he whines as you back away.
“It was!” you say.
“Barely,” he retorts.
“Fine,” you say as you walk up to him. Harry scoots back on the bed to make room for you to sit. You sit down and look from his eyes to his lips.
His hand cups your jaw as you both lean in for a kiss. Your hands go to his warm shoulders as your lips meet and suddenly your whole body is warmer than just a few seconds ago.
You lean into him to somehow feel him more, which makes the kiss more intense. One of his hands goes to rest on your hip and all of a sudden you’re sitting on his lap.
You pull away for air after a moment. “Good enough kiss?” you ask him.
“Almost,” he says. He leans forward once again and pecks your lips once, twice, then a third time before he says, “Okay, good.”
You smile and kiss him on the nose.
Harry pulls you with him as he lies down on his back, your head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around you protectively.
“I’m warm now,” you say. “Thank you for sharing your body heat.”
“No problem, love,” he says through a yawn. “Can we sleep now?”
“Of course,” you say. “Goodnight, Harry.”
“Night, Honey,” he whispers.
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Harry Potter being smaller than all first years (which we all knew anyway) but twice as feral.
Prefect Percy immediately noticing his small stature and being worried, Boy-Who-Lived or not. So he always offers him more help or just lends an ear. At first Harry is wary of him, no one is nice to him for no reason. Either it's a trick or with his new fame in the picture, because they want something but slowly he begins to trust Percy. Percy feels like a big brother for the first time in a long time. Ron and Ginn rarely went to him with their problems, they preferred Charlie or Bill (he couldn't blame them as he too preferred them but it still hurt), or worse the twins (that hurt worse). They didn't care for his advice. For his knowledge.
Harry was a breath of fresh air....well somewhat. Things he said were concerning and when Percy tried to get an adult to help (*coughMcGonagallcoughDumbledorecoughHisMomcoughHisDadcoughMADAMEPOMPFREYcough*) they brushed off his concerns which was more than a little concerning. So he just vowed to help Harry whenever and however he could. Then Harry somehow made the Quidditch team. At eleven. AT ELEVEN.
Oliver Wood loved his new seeker! He was timid at first but quickly found his confidence! Sure it was on the feral side but that's how Oliver liked his players! I mean, look at the twins! Plus Harry had the perfect seeker build! Though...he was on the small side. But Oliver chalked that up to the lid being literally eleven but when he looked closer he realized that no...Harry was really small. Too small. And Oliver would know, his mum was a healer and she taught him some stuff considering his love (obsession) with Quidditch.
So he pays more attention. And what he witnesses and notices is not...good. it's very telling. He tries to go to some adults about what he's noticed but nothing came of it and that really got him mad. Then out of no where Percy Weasley came up to him and started lecturing him on Potter's health and all Oliver could think was, oh thank Merlin I'm not the only one who's noticed!
He and Percy stayed up well past curfew talking about their smallest cub and somehow it ended up with them coparenting the Boy-Who-Lived. Oliver would be completely honest and admit he didn't think it would be so difficult until the troll incident....then the dragon incident.....then the CERBERUS incident!
Oliver became something of another big brother to Harry and another confidant. So when Harry told him more about what happened at the Dursley's (because Harry never called it home. Never) Oliver was already plotting to kidnap the boy from the house or the station whether Percy thought it was a good idea or not.
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albondiguilla007 · 2 months
Tomarry recs Part l
Soooo, for the Tomarry girlies, hope this reaches you. Here are some recommendations of the pair. You should know that all of these have something in common though, aside from being my favorites. These are TOMARRY fanfictions, meaning Harry x Tom Riddle, not Harry x Voldemort. (So, most of them time travel)
I feel more comfortable with this ship, and I’ve found that it tends to be less toxic, (though not always). Another thing, most of them put both Harry and Tom in equal footing, meaning, no abuse or manipulation (tho Tom certainly tries), or just any funny business.
If there is anything I love about these fics is how Harry confronts Tom in all of them, questioning his beliefs and social standing by just being good ole Harry. Sassy, magically powerful and impulsive Harry. So yeah, srry for that Bible. Enjoy!
- [ ] Wear Me Like a Locket Around My Throat: Technically incomplete, but it’s basically a second part. The main arch wraps up very nicely, so I’d count it as complete. The secondary characters are amazing, I fell in love with all of them. I don’t why, but Hogwarts feels pretty nostalgic in this one. 220k https://archiveofourown.org/works/7189349/chapters/16316573
- [ ] Terrible, but Great: Incomplete, still updating. The author has already written most of the second Arch. Tom reaaaallyyy wants Harry to submit and follow the Slytherin hierarchy. Harry won’t. They have the most epic confrontations. 173k https://archiveofourown.org/works/35714410/chapters/89052469
- [ ] Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men: Incomplete: This one is addictive, I’m telling ya. I couldn’t stop reading. Not time travel per se, but still amazing. A tiny bit of Drarry. Harry befriends the Slytherins (Blaise, Pansy, etc) Tom is OBSESSED with Harry, like absolutely crazy about him. 146k https://archiveofourown.org/works/8323864/chapters/19063957
- [ ] you belong to me (i belong to you): Incomplete: Auror absolute boss bitch Harry. He reincarnates in another boy. Sort of? He catches everyone’s attention (Tom’s) when he starts acting differently (confident, powerful, won’t take shit from anyone) than he did before. 112k https://archiveofourown.org/works/11270490/chapters/25203408
- [ ] Earning his notice: Complete: This one is very short, but I feel like it sums up all my favorite tropes. Definitely give it a try. So my boy travels back to Hogwarts, is sorted into Hufflepuff, manages to fly under the radar during his school years and starts working on a shady business on Knockturn Alley. Everything is fine until his shop is attacked by Death Eaters, and ✨surprise✨he earns Tom’s attention. 40k https://archiveofourown.org/series/1174940
- [ ] At the end of every road: Complete: Crack treated seriously. Fluff, sassy Harry. Tom courts Harry, they get engaged. Sort of. Harry becomes a professional Quidditch player. 90k https://archiveofourown.org/works/46642903/chapters/117465823
- [ ] What Souls are Made of: Complete: My two fav things: Golden Trio friendship + Tomarry (Ron and Hermione travel back in time with him) 277k https://archiveofourown.org/works/35109247/chapters/87462256
- [ ] Stab right through: Incomplete: Snarky Harry, I love him. He gets sorted in Ravenclaw (Harry is equally as confused) Tom is intrigued. 80k https://archiveofourown.org/works/12051324/chapters/27288978
more recommendations here: Part ll
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emeritusemeritus · 3 months
Spellbound [Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader]
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Title: Spellbound.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader
Timeline: Non-specified, no mention of canonical events but I pictured OOTP as I was writing.
Summary: Sick of how his twin’s devastating crush on you is affecting his Quidditch abilities, George takes matters into his own hands and meddles.
Warnings: Use of a love potion, essentially dubious consent. Pining, crushes, probably minor swearing. Fred’s a love sick puppy. Questionable morality on George’s behalf. Not beta read.
Word count: 2.7k
This was inspired by a lovely Anon request I was sent, original post here. I hope this is what you were looking for, I enjoyed working on this so much! 💙
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George Weasley was one half of the infamously disruptive Weasley twins; usually mentioned second and hardly able to be distinguished from his slightly older twin to those that didn't really know him. To those that did, his identifying qualities included being slightly quieter, more patient, more understanding and perhaps more moral... sometimes. Though it was never said aloud, he was the slightly better Quidditch player with a slightly better aim and was arguably more passionate about the game than his twin. He had more focus at least, which was never more obvious than during this season of Quidditch when Fred had been mightily distracted through most of the games, missing bludgers an amateur could have hit and earning more fouls in one season than he had in his entire time on the team. His reason? He had a crush. An almighty crush on you which made him distracted, inattentive, sometimes irritable and almost constantly mopey.
George was perceptive by nature and had picked up on his brother's infatuation not long after it began, noticing that Fred's attention was often pulled away as soon as you'd walk into the great hall or class. Didn't matter that they were in the middle of a conversation or a tactful sale, in you'd walk and out would go Fred's sanity. George couldn't deny that you were pretty, you'd turned his head a few times, not that he'd ever admit that to his brother, but the affect you had on Fred was almost laughable. He was certain he'd seen his brother drool once over you, the hearts in his love-stricken puppy eyes almost making George want to laugh and vomit at the same time.
When he wasn't pining for you in ways George could hardly fathom, Fred was often touchy and sulky at the unrequited nature of his crush. If he saw another bloke talking to you or making you laugh, he'd be insufferable for the rest of the day, shooting daggers at the culprit and threatening under his breath to set off a dung bomb in the unsuspecting lad's dorm.
To make matters worse, you'd started attending Quidditch games regularly when Ron made Keeper in support of your friend and also as support for Hermione so that she wouldn't have to sit alone with her two best friends on the pitch, despite being a Ravenclaw. Many people went to support their friends and as long as they weren’t competing against your house you figured it was fair game to support them. You'd also infrequently started attending practice sessions with Hermione, sitting in the stands or on the side lines where you would spend most of the time studying or drawing. It was a double edged sword for the team if you showed up or not; if you didn't, Fred would mope about and keep checking that you hadn't arrived late during the entire time on the pitch. If you did show, he'd spend the time trying to impress you with comical dives on his broom, outlandish tricks and almost everything exactly fulfilling his actual role to get your attention.
So George came up with a plan. One night when they were restocking the skiving snack boxes and checking on their slow-brewing potions, he'd come up with a plan that was admittedly a little immoral but should surely work. Tensions had risen between the twins after Fred had received another avoidable foul causing them to nearly lose the match and George had walked out of the changing rooms in a huff to start on the restocking, not wanting to hear Fred waxing poetic about how fit you looked in your jumper or how loudly you were cheering for him the few times during the match he'd actually played well.
George was sick of listening to it and it pushed him to a point when his plan seemed to be the only choice.
The next morning George had woken Fred early, dragging his half asleep twin out of bed to get to the Great Hall bright and early, the older of the two still dishevelled from sleep and rubbing his eyes, grumpy to boot.
"Don't see why you're dragging me down at this time, not like they'll run out of food," Fred complained grumpily as he tried to fall into step with George who seemed to be walking at a faster than normal pace down the staircases. About halfway down the staircases, Fred noticed that his jumper was back to front and had fixed it with a huff and a yawn, battling the wool over his wide shoulders.
"Told you, I'm starving," George replied vaguely with a shrug, a small smirk tugging at his lips as he turned away from Fred to conceal it.
They took a seat at the table and once again Fred complained as he saw hardly anyone up yet except for a few Ravenclaws huddled together on the other side, talking in hushed but excited whispers. Fred begrudgingly accepted a glass of pumpkin juice from George and simply looked at the few slices of toast in front of him, his stomach still asleep. So consumed by his tiredness he didn't even notice that George hadn't taken a bite of any food even after five minutes, despite his prior claims of being starving. Fred sat in a gloomy slump at the table, head in his hands and staring down at the table, if his eyes were open at all whereas George kept his eyes trained on the open door in a much more jovial mood.
"Morning," your voice rang out quietly but pleasantly. George had to physically place his hand over his mouth to conceal the laughter that was threatening to burst out of him watching Fred's reaction to your voice. It was like he'd been electrocuted or at least unknowingly stunned as his head shot up, elbow banging on the table as it slid off the edge of the wooden table as his head whipped up to look at your face.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," you said with a timid smile and a little laugh before taking a seat beside George. You’d usually sit with the other Ravenclaws but as it was so quiet this morning you figured you would sit with the twins.
"You're up early," George says with a smile, offering you the jug of pumpkin juice, which you gladly accepted. Fred had said nothing but his pink cheeks were talking all by themselves, though you didn't seem to notice.
"Wanted to take a long walk around the grounds this morning," you reply after taking a sip of the juice that George had poured for you. "I've been trying to do more exercise lately... it's always so pretty in autumn so it's not as horrible getting up early."
"Why?" Fred says, finally speaking. He regrets it the instant your eyes fall upon him, realising that the word had tumbled out of his mouth before he could even think, his tone a little sharp and defensive, as if it was an unnatural thing to do. "I meant, about the exercise."
"Oh, well I guess it's good for my head," you explained, placing down your cup. "And the waist line, I feel like I put on a stone every term with how good the food is." George chuckles along, finally helping himself to the breakfast food in front of him but you notice that Fred hardly reacts.
"I know what you mean, if it wasn't for Quidditch I'd probably be the size of a troll."
Your laugh renders Fred even more speechless than he already was, so much so that he'd accepted his fate as forever mute at this point.
"Well thank Godric for Quidditch," you say with a smile. Fred doesn't miss the way your gaze suddenly flashes over him, most notably his arms as he lifts the cup to his lips, making him choke into his juice. It was the first time he'd ever noticed your gaze slip over him so obviously.
"Must be tough being a beater, those bludgers must be really heavy," you say, your gaze hardly moving from Fred's arms, up and across his shoulders before slipping down again. He couldn't believe you were looking at him like this, especially when your eyes travelled up to his face and you caught his eyes. You didn't look embarrassed or look away, simply gave him a playful smile before addressing his twin again as he replied to you. Fred was dreaming, he must be.
But the attention didn't stop. Fred didn't know what had changed that morning but he started noticing little things like how you'd catch his eye when you walked into a room, like you were seeking him out, or if he gazed over at you it was only time before you would look in his direction too. He no longer had to pretend that you were cheering the loudest for him at Quidditch matches because you actually were, and noticeably so. You still attended practice sessions infrequently but you no longer kept your head down and in your books, now you were actually watching the team practice, though it appeared you were really only concerned by one half of the beater duo.
George's plan had worked. Fred was in a good mood more consistently, played better during Quidditch as he was actually focused on the game and no longer trying to get your attention as he already had it. Sure he was still grouchy if another male approached you but he didn't feel quite as bad about it when you would seek him out mid conversation, as if you wished it to be him instead.
"I'm gonna ask her out," Fred says one night as they enter their dorm, throwing off his big jumper and leaving it on a pile on the floor beside his bed.
"Maybe you should wait until after this season mate, only two more matches to go if we carry on playing well," George says delicately, taking off his own jumper but instead choosing to fold it onto the chair beside his bed unlike his sloppy twin. He watches as Fred's face scrunches up in displeasure at his words but he doesn't immediately question them, taking time to think about it.
"Yeah maybe," Fred says eventually, reaching don under his bed to pull out the large tray of stock they had stashed, mainly the slicing snack box stuff.
The two of them restocked and replenished the stock they had on hand for a while, completely ignoring all homework before they slipped down to the common room later that night.
"Gonna check the potions," George whispers in Fred's ear before slipping off, leaving him with Lee in the common room.
If Fred noticed anything off about George when he gets back, he doesn’t mention it. But George can feel it, the sense of dread and guilt, exactly what he didn’t want to happen was coming to fruition. He realised then that he’d have to break it to Fred, admit what he’d done.
“You coming mate?” Fred asks, grabbing his quidditch stuff ready to head to the pitch but pauses when he sees George sat on his bed, not making an effort to move. He looks sad, distressed even.
“What’s up? You didn’t eat all those Bertie boys did you?”
“Fred,” George says quietly, eyes slowly rising up until he’s looking into the all too familiar eyes of his twin. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
For the first time in history, Fred and George Weasley weren’t speaking. It was their first proper fall out, first argument and the first time in history that they hadn’t been wandering the corridors of Hogwarts together, causing mayhem or mischief but no one knew why. The tension between the pair was awful for them and everyone around them. Then suddenly, they were back together again even though it was still tense and not at all like it was before, they found their way back to eachother.
“Y/n,” Fred says from behind you, pulling you away from your conversation as the Ravenclaw table, your friends looking on curiously as you turned with a smile to see Fred behind you looking a little nervous.
“Hi Freddie,” you say with a smile, having missed him.
“Can I borrow you?”
You nod, turning to your friends to say bye and got up from the table and followed him out of the Hall, thinking how strange he was acting. He leads you up the staircases with little explanation and manages to sneak you up into his dorm through the portrait hole, something you couldn’t believe he managed to do.
When you walked into his dorm, you saw George sitting on the bed you assumed to be his, the room a little untidy but not awful.
“George?” You say, worried about the sad look on his face. He gives you a little smile and a brief wave as Fred closes the door behind you.
“What’s a matter? What’s going off?” You say, looking between the two. Fred offers you a seat on the nearby bed you assume to be his and he sits beside you, both now looking nervously at George.
“George has something he wants to tell you,” Fred says, casting a rather harsh glare at his brother, tone sharp and resolute. George takes a deep breath, clearing his throat as he looks up at you.
“I,” he manages to get out, but shuts down the moment he opens his mouth, apparently losing all the words he needed.
“It’s okay Georgie,” you say gently, trying to give him confidence.
“No it’s not,” Fred retorts in a much harsher tone. Your head whips round to him and he softens as he looks at you.
“He’s been giving you love potion,” he says, nodding his head towards his guilt stricken twin. Your mouth falls open in disbelief, a frown pulling at your eyebrows as you try your hardest to think of how it was possible.
“I didn’t really mean to,” George says weakly but quickly changes his wording when Fred’s glare increased threefold. “Okay I did but not with any malicious intent. He’s bloody obsessed with you and I couldn’t stand the pining anymore, it was insufferable. He wasn’t focusing when you were at Quidditch and I just wanted him to focus again so I thought if you gave him attention back then he’d have his head back in the game and it worked.”
“George!” You say completely outraged, in disbelief that he’d have actually done that. “Stop it right now! It’s not funny.”
He frowns at you briefly, just quick enough for you to see as he looks between you both.
“I haven’t given you any in over a week,” he says curiously, “I ran out last week.”
The room is silent after his reveal as you start to slowly realise that even if you had been given the love potion initially, being without it hadn’t actually changed your feelings of Fred.
“You’re obsessed with me?” You ask, turning to Fred who looks like he wants the ground to swallow him up.
“I wouldn’t have said obsessed… but yeah, I really fancy you,” he says, not quite meeting your eyes. It’s a split second decision that leads you to closing the gap between the two of you, legs touching as you scoot along his bed and slowly lean in to him, trying to gage his reaction. He doesn’t resist in the slightest and finally looks up into your eyes just long enough to realise what’s happening before your eyes close and your lips meet.
George slips out quietly with a pleased look on his face, knowing that everything would be alright in the end. He walks down to the little store room where they brew their potions and he smirks to himself when he sees the still very full cauldron of love potion simmering, the pearlescent pink glow radiating from it.
You’d believed him to easily, both you and Fred. And if he had to take the hit for a little while, it was worth it.
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Taglist Requests
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thelighthousestale · 13 days
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Love in Secret: The Secret Wedding Everyone's Talking About
By Rita Skeeter
The Vanquisher of Voldemort, Harry Potter, and his Hogwarts sweetheart, Ginny Weasley, have secretly eloped!
Mr Potter, hero of the Second Wizarding War now a celebrated Auror, and Ms Weasley, a star Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies, have long been a favorite couple among fans. Their popularity endured even through persistent rumors that Ms Weasley used love potions to secure her longtime relationship to the famous wizard.
Ginny Weasley, the youngest daughter of the famously large and somewhat eccentric Weasley family, has always had her eyes set on Harry Potter. Friends from their Hogwarts days recall a shy young girl with a crush that bordered on obsessive. But could this infatuation have driven her to take more sinister measures?
Anonymous sources from the Ministry of Magic have hinted at an investigation into the matter. “It’s not uncommon for witches to resort to such measures when their affections are unreturned,” said one insider. “And with Harry Potter’s fame and fortune, who could blame her?”
When reached for comment, Ron Weasley, Ms Weasley's brother and Mr. Potter’s wartime sidekick, told this reporter to perform a vulgar sexual act on oneself that is too crude to write in this prestigious paper.
Despite their high-profile lives, the couple has always sought to keep certain aspects of their relationship private. Their decision to elope reflects their desire to cherish their love away from the prying eyes of the public.
The newlyweds have yet to make an official statement, but sources indicate they are currently enjoying a romantic honeymoon at an undisclosed location.
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3twindragons · 9 months
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delacoursshp · 10 months
Hii I came across your fred fic and i have to say that it was really amazing ! I saw that you were taking requests and i was wondering if you were down to write either a victor krum smut where the reader is close to the golden trio and a bit jealous of the relationship him and Hermione have, but ends up being invited to the Yule Ball by Viktor, or a brother's best friend smut fic with Fred where the reader is Ron's best friend and stays a lot at the Burrow and secretely becomes Fred's gf but get caught by Ron and are forced to reveal their relationship.
Have a nice day, sorry if there's any mistakes, english isnt my first language !
oh myy dayss. i love both ideas! i chose the viktor krum smut bc my boy needs more attention. i think this is longer then i wanted it to be, i got carried away😭 but here you go love!
viktor krum x fem reader
"my jealous girl."
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- use of y/n, jealous reader, reader is friends with the golden trio, both are of age, yule balllll😍😍
warnings: smut, 18+, doggy, oral (f receiving), rough but loving viktor, love-making, dirty-talk bc we need to hear our mans sexy accent.
you were sat with your friends, neville, seamus, harry, ron and hemione; the 4 boys were gawping at the triwizard cup. you rolled your eyes at them, and you started a rather hateful conversation about mrs trelawney with hermione.
you never really found the triwizard cup that interesting; yeah, it was cool and yeah, anyone who won the cup would be one of the bravest people alive, but whatever.
a lot of people entered the entrance hall, admiring the blue object. one particular figure caught your eye. the buff, burly yet skinny visitor; viktor krum. your eyes stayed glued on him. yesterday, when he first made his appearance at hogwarts, before you even knew he was an amazing quidditch player, you already had a big crush on him. he was exactly your type. for a split second, his deadly eyes caught yours too. he savagely strutted towards the cup, stepping inside of the age circle.
he dropped what looked like a small piece of paper into the cup, and an enormous flame flew upwards, calmed down and his mates were cheering.
viktor smirked proudly; it looked like his eyes were fixated on you again. you almost blushed, and glanced at hermione, who was smiling at someone opposite of her. following her eyes, you saw viktor again, who was now smiling a lot brighter, and winked at.. hermione? the two didn't break eyecontact, until fred and george caught everyones attention.
you felt a sort of unease rise up within you. it felt like an itch, that you were unable to scratch, or a knot in the stomach that wouldn't let go. the feeling wouldn't go away, and you started to feel like it was becoming visible on your face.
you stood up, muttering a 'see you later' to your friends and hurrying off to the gryffindor dormitory.
you sat down on one of the scarlet red sofa's, grabbing a book and began "reading", although the book was held upside down. your face was heating up, your brows were furrowing and your nostrils stood flared. why hadn't hermione told you something was going on between her and krum? or was there even something going on? well it certainly seemed so didn't it?
tumultuous thoughts relentlessly raced through your head. your grip on the book hardened so much, the pages started ripping.
the bell rang.
you almost forgot that you still had one last lesson today. you dropped the book on the floor and rushed to your next class. everyone was already seated, and you went to sit next to hermione, who was sat behind ron and harry. she looked at you as though worried, as you were taking your books out of your bag.
"y/n, are you alright? you dissapeared just like that, earlier." she had this merciful expression glued on her face, and you smiled and muttered 'fine, i'm fine' to relieve the tension from her sad face, but you also still felt uneasy being in the presence of someone who possibly liked someone you did too.
once the lesson had finished, you stuffed your books and -about the 7th time this day- a work sheet into your bag. you immediately walked off. "hey- y/n! wait up, will you?" ron yelled. great, you thought. just perfect. hermione was the first out of three to catch up with you. "are you sure you're fine?" she asked. you sighed.
"hermione, what is between you and krum?" you spit spontaneously. she looked at you as if flabbergasted, then said, "well, me and viktor are kind of, you know, dating."
'what?' you thought.
"right." you replied blankly, nothing else could come out. they're together? this only made that irritating storm inside you worse, like you were about to puke.
you walked with the three of them to the dorms, staying quiet. on the way, you glanced at one of the yule ball posters. 'now who am i gonna ask?' you thought. of course, there were lots of other boys willing to ask you. but you didn't care. you thought you had a chance with viktor. how stupid, too. of course he'd already have someone, considering his reputation.
you realized the four of you stood before the fat lady, who was whining about something that sounded like 'that longbottom child.' hermione muttered the password and she, ron and harry stepped in, except for you.
"actually, guys, you go ahead. i'm just gonna go fetch neville, he's probably stuck again somewhere." you lied. they nodded in agreement and hermione yelled 'bye!' as the painting closed. the fat lady looked confused at your presence. "my dear, i've already let you in. i don't suppose i have to-"
"no, i'm going." you spoke quickly, not being able to bare another one of her rants.
you made your way down the frustrating stairs. instead of actually fetching a probably struggling neville somewhere, you went to the triwizard cup. you just stared at it, the blue light radiating on your skin. there were barely any people here, most of them still had lessons to attend.
you rested your head on your hand, focusing on the blue flames, waiting for anything to happen; even if it was the most impossible thing ever; viktor krum asking you to the ball.
just then, viktor entered the hall. great. he sat down next to you. you avoided his eyes, but your breathing was far from slow. it was awkward, but comforting. having him close to you. sad that nothing more than that could ever happen, as you wouldn't betray your friend.
then, viktor inhaled. a shaky, sort of inhale. "y/n" he spoke.
'y/n? as in, me?' you thought.
"what?" you said, still avoiding his gaze. it wasn't supposed to come off rude, but you just couldn't look at him. he sighed, in a nervous way, then spoke words you'd never thought would come out of those beautiful lips.
"y/n, would you like to go to the yule ball with me?"
you gasped softly, eyes widened and immediately averting your gaze from the cup, to viktor. of course you wanted to say yes, but what about hermione? you were truly confused. so he wasn't going to ask his own girlfriend?
"viktor," it felt weird to say his name infront of viktor himself. "what about hermione?"
viktor pursed his lips, "we are no longer something. i broke it off with her just now. she was pretty, yes, but i do not want her. i've always wanted you. i know you want me too, right? i see it whenever i am with hermione. your face goes murderous."
you laughed in embarrassment. "oh, please. i don't want you that bad."
"sure, y/n. but... what is it? yes or no?"
"it's okay, y/n. it really is. he apologized. though you should've told me earlier that you liked him!" hermione assured. you had told hermione everything about what happend. her reaction was relieving.
"i know! i still feel bad, though. who are you going with?" you asked. you truly felt bad that viktor just ended it with her like that. hermione grinned. "oh, no worries, i've got someone." she said mysteriously. you both let out loud laughter at her tone of voice.
"'mione! c'mon, tell me!" you begged. "well, he's a hufflepuff, brunette, handsome. good at quidditch." she whispered. you thought deeply. hufflepuff.. brunette.. good at qui- "DIGGORY?" you gasped. hermione shushed you while chuckling and nodding her head. "we're both some lucky girls, aren't we?"
bang! the door slammed open.
"hermione! y/n! we've already found dates!" it was ron, harry next to him. "i suppose you haven't yet. that's okay, you can take eachother!" he teased, both boys chuckling. "i think all the best guys are unavailable by now-"
"mind you, ron, we've already gotten dates. the best ones, too." you said, grinning.
hermione laughed at rons dumbfounded expression.
"what? who?" ron squeaked.
"i told you, the best ones." you repeated, giggling with hermione.
"pfft, alright then, don't tell me! like i care!" ron said angrily before storming off, a smirking harry behind him, looking back at you and hermione.
you winked at harry then playfully shoo'ed him away with your hand.
"atleast harry got it."
it was the day of the yule ball. everywhere you went was excited murmuring; girls talking about dresses, boys sharing which girl they were gonna take, and even staff giggling happily.
the lessons were shortened to give students more time to get ready for the ball. once all the lessons finished, you, hermione and ginny rushed to the girls dorm to get ready. hermione wore a beautiful, soft pink gown, a light tint of red lipstick, and her hair done in a glossy, tight hairstyle; your almost empty, abandoned bottle of sleekeazy's hair potion finally came in handy.
ginny was also allowed to go, since she's been asked by neville. she wore a white-beige dress with a gorgeous tiara.
then there was you, you were wearing a long, tight, glimmering dress that revealed your back, neck and shoulders. your hair sat loose, shining. you haven't ever felt prettier.
the three of you admired eachother and giggled, before making your way to the ball.
you were greeted by viktor, who was wearing a red suit of rough material. "you are beautiful." he said. you smiled up at him as he offered you his hand. you took it, and the both of you walked off to the ballroom with the other contestants and their dates.
after a while of dancing, viktor suddenly took your hand and walked to an empty, faraway space in the ballroom. "viktor, wh-" he shushed you with a deep kiss before you could finish your sentence. his hand crept up your waist and you leaned into his touch. the kiss ended rather difficult and sloppily, since both of you didn't want it to stop.there was a moment of just examining eachothers facial features, lust and need filling the air so quick, that your pants were being heard. your heart was beating so fast you were sure viktor could hear it.
"come on." he said, and you had no choice as he brought his arm around your waist and forced your steps to follow his.
"viktor, are you sure we can just leave the ball like that-"
"shh. in here." he said firmly. he pulled you into a barely lit, small messy room. it looked like an abandoned cupboard. your eyes wandered around the room for a second before viktor had you by the waist again, connecting his wet lips to yours once again.
it didn't take long for his rough hands to slide down to your butt. he squeezed the perfectly round cheeks, making you whimper into his mouth. he kissed you harder, deeper. you backed up on instinct. he followed, still in the what seemed like an endless make-out session. your back was now against the door, and viktor snaked his hand behind your back, easily unzipping your dress. you broke the kiss, gasping for air. viktor now had his attention on sliding your dress off, slowly. teasing.
"viktor.." you whined. it was supposed to be warning, but it came out desperate. and you were. who could blame you, when his lips felt that good.
he bent his head forwards licking a stripe up your throat and then kissing around your earlobe. he sucked on a spot by your jawline, making you let out a high-pitched gasp. "i love your little noises." he whispered into your neck. your dress finally fell off, leaving you in your bra and panties.
"ohh, fuuck." viktor mumbled, as he raised his head from your neck, eyeing your body. you automatically moved your arms to cover up yourself, but viktor grabbed both of your wrists with one hand and held them above your head.
"don't do that. you are perfect." he said, his other hand playing with the waistband of your underwear. you thrusted your hips forward, impatiently waiting for him to give you something.
he chuckled at your antics. he slid your underwear off and turned you around. your hands clawed at the door material, as krums back locked you tightly to the door. you heard the faint sound of a belt buckle unlocking, and you let out a sigh of relief. viktor smacked your butt one last time, making you squeal. you cursed your current position for not being able to see how his pants and boxers slid off. he teased your entrance with the tip of his cock, swirling it around the little hole.
"viktor, please." you softly said. viktor chuckled darkly, kissed the back of your neck and held your wrists behind your back. he entered you slowly, the both of you moaning in unison. he stopped at the hilt, pulled away fully, then pushed back inside completely, making you cry out.
"so sexy." he moaned, biting at your neck. he started a slow, passionate pace, which didn't last long. you gasped loudly as he sped up, faster and faster, until wet skin-slapping noises were to be heard.
your moans did not only increase in volume, but in amount as viktor let go of your wrists to hold your throat tightly. your head now fell completely limp onto his shoulders, eyes shut. his other hand moved to your bra, clicking it open and letting it fall off.he played with your breasts, in a way they jiggled every now and then. "fuck, viktor! don't stop.." you screamed, not caring as the music from the ball was far too loud for anyone to hear you.
"thaaat's it. cum on my cock, beautiful." his words sent shivers down your spine, one in particular that sent shockwaves to your core.
he retreated his hand from your tits, lowering it to your thigh. he squeezed the flesh before lifting it up so he was tip was probing at your cervix.
"oh god- ah!" your voice was barely working anymore, as you were close to your orgasm and mainly because of viktor grip on your throat. "i'm, i'm-"
"go on." he said, his voice sounding strained. "please, baby." this sent you over the edge. you shook and choked on your own moans. the feeling was nothing like you had ever felt before. with the little strength you had, you reached for viktors hair and held onto it, to express your gratitude. he grunted in amazement, once again placing kisses along your jawline as you came down from your high. "my jealous girl."
your legs felt like jelly, so viktor muttered a spell that shoved the junk away to a corner of the room, making space for you to lay down. he picked you up and followed you down onto the floor. he was placing kisses all over your body, making you sigh in sensitivity. then he reached your stomach, licking around your navel and kissing it. tiredly, you smiled at him. he grabbed your legs and moved them just slightly upwards, making you wince. viktor then stuck his tongue out, before letting it dissapear into your cunt. "oh, viktor." you moaned.
the new level of overstimulation made you squirm and gasp for air. it felt so good, but it was too much. he licked you clean, his tongue swirling around the bundle of nerves, and dancing along your entrance.
"hmmhh.." was all you could let out, as he finished with a kiss to the clit, and sat up on his knees.
viktor watched you intently as you got up on your elbows, too exhausted to move any other muscle in your body.
"look what you did, krum." you said playfully. he just smiled in return, looking rather proud.
"next time, you reward me for it, yes?"
a/n: no bc, LOWKEY in love rn. i love love loveeee this idea, and i'm so grateful i got to write this. anywayss, hope you enjoyed! <33
- sincerely,
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blackstarregulus79 · 10 months
one Jegulus raising harry thing i never see is when harry come home with a s.p.e.w badge and explaining about Hermione and how obsessed she is with house elf rights right then.
Regulus then joining the club when she visits for the summer and they spend the whole day drinking tea and talking about elf rights.
harry was so embarrassed about it to.
james thought it was cute and joined as well.
they both promoted the movement at their professional quidditch games (because in my head they both became quidditch players) and it expanding beyond any of there wildest dreams.
they did respect that some house elves liked what they did but they also pointed out that not all were treated right.
so it became more about treating the elves fairly then freeing them. (mostly due to regulus's involvement)
but Hermione was always leading and running everything until she graduated Hogwarts and worked at there new foundation full time.
harry and Ron would sometimes volunteer (and Regulus would drag draco along using his god father card)
and james and reg worked there part time when they weren't playing quidditch.
can some one plz turn this into a full length fic i need to read this
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kitty-tea · 4 months
Like father, like son
(Link to masterlist)
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Summary: Harry and his father James are similar in so many ways. They like Quidditch, they’re both Gryffindors, and they have you in their lives. The difference is that you feel something for James that you’ll never feel for Harry who is younger than you.
A/n: originally supposed to be a single part but it was too long so I turned it into multiple parts.
Pairing: James Potter x reader
NSFW 18+ only!
Word count: 3.8k
Tags/warnings: mature content, love triangle (kind of), masturbation, sexual content, fluff, angst, mentions of death, reader is of age, heavy sexual tension, borderline adultery, one-sided crush, James lives, doesn’t follow the main storyline at all, conflicting feelings, accidental groping, innocence kink, slow burn
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Ever since your parents were murdered by Death Eaters, you had never been in a stable living situation. You never stopped moving in between the Potters’ house, the Weasleys’ Burrow, or Sirius’ ancestral home. Out of everywhere you’ve moved, it was those three places you spent the most time at. When you were an eighteen-year-old in your seventh year, and your friend Harry was fifteen and in his fifth year, you got the news that your childhood home had been burned down. Harry and the surviving adult members of the Order decided it was then that they would introduce themselves to you, and the secret society your parents were a part of. They knew it was the Death Eaters who were responsible for your parent’s demise, but with no evidence of their responsibility, the Ministry had no arrests.
Everything in your life began to change and move too fast for you to keep track of from then on. The pain of losing your parents was easily numbed out by all the studying you subjected yourself to, but it wasn’t until after you graduated that the pain settled into the void that was once filled by academic stress. The members of the Order understood that you were in no place to go out and find a job, so they gave you allowance money for doing house chores for them.
You first met Harry formally when he, as a first year, was introduced by Oliver Wood, as the new Seeker for your house’s Quidditch team. You were skeptical about having a first year player on the team since it was against the rules, but Wood and McGonagall told you to trust their judgment, and Harry had won his first match. You congratulated him, and after that, you’d kind of taken him under your wing. Being older than him by three years, you weren’t close with him in the same way he was with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, but besides that, he never had a big sister, so that’s how he came to see you as. But that was when he was younger.
When you visited his family’s home in Godric’s Hollow over the winter holidays, you met his parents for the first time as they gave you their sincere condolences for your loss.
Another thing in your life that moved at you too fast was the little crush you were starting to have on your little friend’s married father. The moment you met James, you got straight into bonding over Quidditch since the both of you played the same position for Gryffindor. You were eighteen years old, you never had a crush before, your life was a stressful mess, and you didn’t need the guilt of being attracted to a married man to be added to it. You wondered if it was normal to feel the way you felt about having a crush on somebody. You’ve heard the other girls at school giggling and smiling about their crushes, but they were boys their age, not married, and they weren’t dealing with the type of stress you were dealing with.
Out of every family whose house you stayed at you spent the most time at the Potters’. Lily had come to see you as the daughter she never had. James on the other hand, was someone you were so desperate to hide your attraction from his wife.
Since you didn’t have much clothes of your own, you had to wear Lily’s hand-me-downs, or God forbid, whatever Sirius’ mother used to wear in her teenage years. Between those two women’s fashion senses, it was easy to say you favored Lily’s bright sundresses over Walburga’s gowns that reeked of darkness and death.
The sight of you wearing Lily’s old clothes around the house was enough to make James lose it if he wasn’t in front of his family with his wife complimenting you on how adorable you looked. Lose what? His sanity? He didn’t want to know.
That night as his wife was asleep next to him, you asleep on the living room couch, and his son asleep in his own room, all of them blissfully unaware of his racing thoughts, he couldn’t get the image of how you looked out of his mind.
James felt guilt and arousal overcome him as he pictured the way Lily’s dress (now yours) clung so effortlessly to your figure, showing off your thighs, barely leaving anything to the imagination.
Those days that you went to go live with other families were a breath of relief for James as much as it was torture. Relief because his mind wasn’t clouded with his filthy thoughts about you that he had in front of his wife, and torture because he missed everything about the intoxicated feeling he’d get from your addictive scent when you’d walk past him to the fierce pounding in his chest that made him feel the same way he felt about Lily.
Speaking of looking at you, he didn’t think you’d catch onto how his son started looking at you, but he did. He was a boy once, he understood the signs of a lovesick boy, and Harry checked all the boxes. He hoped that he wouldn’t be pursuing a relationship with you. He was a fifteen-year-old boy, and you were a young woman, of course the feelings his underage son had were no less inappropriate than the feelings he had for you as a married man!
To go behind his wife’s back and act on his feelings would not only be a betrayal to her, but to you and his son as well. It would ruin the family dynamic that the four of you had been building up. And he didn’t want to take that away from you. Even though you were an adult, Lily and James referred to you and Harry as “the kids.” Lily might’ve thought it was cute to have herself and James call you that, but to him it made him feel disgusted at himself, for it only reminded him even more that while you were closer to his son’s age, you were not a kid.
The day he’d almost crossed the line of no return was during the hot summer of his son’s sixteenth birthday, when Lily told you, Harry, and James that she was going out to meet friends, leaving the three of you alone. James decided it was a good idea to take “the kids” out for some ice cream in town.
Once the three of you sat down next to one of the coffee tables, taking refuge in the cool air circulating around the ice cream shop, Harry sat on the couch next to you while James took his seat on an armchair across the table from you.
Harry congratulated you on finishing your magical education, telling you how strong you’ve grown after everything you went through in your last year. You then shifted the focus of the conversation onto Harry’s upcoming sixth year, asking him about the classes he’ll be taking.
James watched as you and Harry talked for a while. Even though his eyes never left you, he could sense the lingering looks his son would give you, and it made him seath inside. James didn’t know if it was cute or pitiful that you made it very clear to Harry that when you would tell him you saw him as more than a friend, you meant that you saw him as a little brother.
When Harry had finished his ice cream, he pulled out some Muggle coins from his pocket and told you to join him in the arcade area of the shop when you were done before running off.
Even though you were still in a public space, James felt like he was alone with you.
With the way you were licking your ice cream off the spoon slowly while keeping your eyes on him, it would’ve been easy for onlookers to mistake it as an attempt at seduction. Even he would’ve mistaken it as such if you didn’t know he was married. He thought you might’ve been spacing out, unaware that a drop of the sweet threat had stuck near the corner of your lips as you finished the bowl.
Only when he called out your name to get your attention did you jolt out of whatever daydreams you were immersed in.
That sweet look you gave him with your doe eyes almost made him forget what to say until his eyes fell to your lips.
“You’ve got something. Right here.” He pointed to the spot on his face to mirror where the ice cream was stuck.
You stuck your tongue out swinging it near your cheek and failing to reach that spot which made James chuckle. You looked so silly with your whole face scrunched up in concentration.
“Did I get it?” You asked hopefully.
“Here, let me help you.” He said without thinking as he got up from his seat and plopped down next to you. Right to where your exposed thigh was touching the fabric of his jeans.
He was so close to you he felt like he could get drunk just off the scent of your strawberry shampoo. You looked so small and innocent, looking up at him like a deer in the headlights.
It was as if his heart was possessing his body and controlling his hand that brought itself up to your cheek, his thumb wiping across it. He could’ve just let go of you, or better yet get you a napkin to clean yourself up which is what he should’ve done in the first place. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, you weren’t a little girl. That thought still didn’t make him feel like less of a pervert.
He was for sure spacing out because the next thing he knew, he found his thumb had landed on your bottom lip. He miraculously found it in himself to stifle a groan that wanted to escape him as he felt your tongue give out a small, hesitant lick.
“All done!” You let go of his thumb and gave him a cheery smile as if you hadn’t just almost made him cum right there. “I’m gonna go see what game Harry’s playing!”
You stood up with your empty bowl and threw it in the waste bin before running off to join Harry, leaving him to feel disgusted in himself.
He was indeed disgusted in himself for how he had imagined for a split second that it was his cum all over your pretty lips instead of the ice cream.
One of your favorite activities to participate in was dueling. The older adults in the Order thought dueling was something important that should be incorporated into your life post-education. You thought it was interesting how each of them had different styles for training you. With Sirius, he would throw insults to purposefully catch you off guard, to simulate fighting with the enemy, while with Molly, she would tell you what a good job you were doing and to keep it up.
It was Remus who first brought up the idea to have everyone take turns training you. You couldn’t stop blushing as he bragged to James and Lily about how you and Harry were one of the most talented students in your years he saw potential in. And now that you were out of school, it was the perfect time for you to focus on learning how to fight to expand on that potential.
You usually had your training sessions in the Potters’ or Weasleys’ backyard since there was way more space and less risk of property damage than Sirius’ family home in London.
It was a guarantee that Harry or the younger Weasley children would come and watch you, seeing that it would be a good learning experience for them too.
Harry sat next to his father on a bench, giving you a thumbs up as you stood in front of Sirius, preparing for the sparring session in the Potters’ backyard. It was just you, Sirius, and the father son duo out there. Lily was out once again this time at her job.
You and Sirius got to it straight away firing spells at each other. While Sirius used Protego, you knew you weren’t as skilled in the shielding charm, so you opted to move out of the way when he’d blast at you.
“Don’t you know you’re just tiring yourself out with all this moving!” He shouted at you. “Bombar-”
“Arresto momentum! Descendo!” That combination had him slow down his movements before suddenly thrusting him onto the grass.
“Nice one!” James clapped his hands. “You’ve got good reflexes! Keep going!”
“Shut up James, you’re distracting her! That’s my job!” Sirius turned to him, giving you an opportunity to cast Flipendo, sending him rolling backwards.
“I win!” You held up your arms as Harry jumped up and high-fived you. “Who’s distracted now?” You stuck your tongue out at Sirius, who was still on the ground, rubbing his head.
“That’s not fair! James, it’s all your fault! It’ll be our turn after the break!” He pointed accusingly at his best friend.
“I’ll be looking forward to it. You won’t stand a chance against me, old friend.” James smirked.
“Both Sirius and your dad are such show offs.” You laughed with Harry. “Typical Gryffindors.”
“Hey, don’t pretend like you’re not one of those too, young lady!” Sirius snapped his fingers at you.
“Ugh. I’ve got to use the loo. I think she flipendo-ed my bladder.” He groaned, standing up. You and Harry only looked at each other and burst out laughing as he disappeared through the back door.
“You’re getting so much better! I can’t wait until I’m old enough to use magic outside school! We can practice together!” Harry praised you.
“Aww, Harry you’re so sweet! I love you!” You smiled at him, reaching out to ruffle his already messy hair.
“I… love you too.” James knew that one sentence had two different meanings depending on which one of you said it. Besides, what did the young boy know about love? What he was experiencing was a silly teenage crush. He couldn’t fall in love with you, he was too young for you. He wondered if his own son even knew how poorly he was concealing his little crush from him. He might have you fooled, but James knew him better than you did in terms of how he showed his feelings.
“You’re the best little brother I never had!” You opened your arms, letting Harry into your embrace.
“Yeah, thanks.” He wrapped his hands around the small of your back. Both you and James could see the frown forming on his face. James was glad in a way that you and Harry weren’t the same age or else he would already have asked you out, he was completely sure of it.
“What’s wrong?” You innocently asked Harry, tilting your head. You looked as though you were wondering what Harry was thinking as you caught him staring at you.
“Nothing… I’m just-I’ll just be standing outside the bathroom and telling Sirius to stop hogging it.”
It was just you and James now, standing alone in the middle of the grass.
“Is that how you’re preparing for your turn with Sirius? By standing around doing nothing?” You spoke first.
“Yes.” James shrugged. “He’s got no idea what’s coming for him.”
You could feel a blush creep up your cheeks as you thought you saw him wink at you. You awkwardly shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to find something to keep the conversation going.
“You did well. You’re still young, and you’ve got so much to learn.” James said. You didn’t know when you had moved so close together to the point of your toes nearly touching. “Show me your stance again.”
You put your wand out in front of your face and flicked your arm.
“Darling, I’m sorry, but you’re leaving yourself open to an attack. Try this.” Your breath hitched in your throat as James got so close behind you to the point his chest was lightly pressed against your back.
He took your fist that was clenching your wand, lowering it slightly so that it wasn’t as in your face anymore.
“There. Now you can see your target much better.” His voice dripped into your ear like sweet honey, making you feel weak in your chest.
You were however more horrified with yourself at the ache that began to grow between your legs as you felt the tips of the fingers of his other hand brush through your hair before tucking it behind your ear.
“Why don’t you try again?” He whispered, his lips almost touching your earlobe. “This time, bring your legs apart more.”
“Wh-What?” That was the only word you remembered how to say at that moment. You were so distracted by his smooth voice you couldn’t stop the image of yourself naked with your legs spread in front of him from forming in your mind.
“To help you balance.” James clarified. Okay, he didn’t mean anything sexual by that. You had to remind yourself as you felt a shiver run through you along with his hands that slid from your arms to your waist and hips before landing on the cotton hem of your shorts.
You could feel the heat between your thighs grow as James gently squeezed the soft flesh that was dangerously close to your pussy. You were glad you wore panties that day or else you would’ve soaked through the thin material of your shorts by now.
You didn’t know what you were thinking when you squirmed and you felt James’ forefinger grazing just the lightest bit against your pussy. You could’ve sworn you heard him whisper a cuss word.
“James?” You tried to bring him back. “How am I doing. Is my stance good now?”
“Yeah… you’re doing excellent.” He breathed out.
You had never felt an erection against your body before, but you were sure you could feel something hard pressing against your ass at that moment.
“I’m going to let go,” thank goodness. You didn’t know how much longer you could take it with him manhandling you like that. “And you’re going to cast a spell with the new stance I taught you.”
You felt like you could finally breathe as the weight of his body disappeared from behind you.
“Engorgio.” The flower nearby ballooned up.
“Good girl.” You didn’t know whether his eyes had darkened or it was the lighting.
James was as equally disgusted in himself as he was intrigued. He had come this close again to crossing the line between what was and wasn’t inappropriate with you. Actually, he was sure he deserved time in hell for how he was touching you earlier as it was definitely considered inappropriate. He was intrigued because he was now sure the attraction went both ways.
The slightest whimpers he could hear coming out of you was something he couldn’t get out of his mind as his hand softly squeezed around his cock, with his other hand planted against the shower wall.
It was like his eyes had suddenly been opened to the glances you’d cast at him that would linger a little longer than what was normal. Speaking of normal, he knew he shouldn’t be shaming or ridiculing you for these feelings you were having. He knew it was normal for young women to catch feelings for older men. He’d seen it in the way Nymphadora Tonks looked at his best friend Remus, even if Remus himself tried denying it with excuses such as, “I’m too poor, I’m too old, I’m a werewolf.”
He imagined that instead of his hand pumping around his cock, that it was yours, or any body part of yours. Your lips, your pussy, your tongue, he wanted it all. He let himself admit it.
He could never go back to telling himself that he only saw you as a daughter. He may be able to convince everyone otherwise, but not himself.
His mind went back to how his finger had accidentally grazed over your clothed pussy, where he could feel the heat of it along with the outline of your inner lips rubbing against the seam of your shorts.
He started wondering how you would taste on his tongue. He imagined you would be an addicting treat to him that he couldn’t get enough of.
He then got curious about how tight your walls would feel around his dick. He deduced from your conversations that you never had sex from the lack of boyfriends mentioned. At this point, he was so desperate for his seed to spill into your virgin cunt, to the point he shut his mouth abruptly as he caught himself grunting your name. He knew no one in the house would hear him over the sound of running water, but he could never be too careful.
With one last stroke of his cock along with the image of you bent over in front of him, water glistening along the soft curves of your body, he let himself go. He wished it was your tits his cum hit not the shower walls. He squashed that thought out of his mind almost as soon as it crept in.
Trying to escape those thoughts, he aggressively yanked the shower head off the rack, desperate to wash away any evidence of his indecent activity.
Even behind your innocence, you had to be hiding a beast that was waiting for the right man to have it lured out. He wanted it to be him, but he couldn’t betray everything he and his family had worked for, he reminded himself for the umpteenth time.
Why couldn’t he just look at you the same way his friends looked at you?!
There was definitely something wrong with James because the way he looked at you was not how any father should look at his daughter.
Then, there was Harry. The way he looked at you was not how any brother should look at his big sister.
Harry’s little crush he had on you seemed innocent, the extreme opposite of James’ sexual attraction towards you.
For a second James envied his son. He was too innocent to have his mind plagued by these wild fantasies of you. All he got was a fluttery feeling in his stomach from looking at you which translated to a poorly concealed blush to other people’s point of view.
He understood Harry’s feelings towards you. You were a beautiful, kind, young woman, how could he not be smitten by you? How could he be angry at his son for feeling something so natural for any boy to feel?
He could just be angry at himself. Yes, he deserved to burn in hell after all.
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