#quirrel ma
silvercloudedskies · 2 months
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obsessed with @raddest-laddest ‘s quirrel ma… she’s just a little guy (with an even littler guy in tow)
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queruloustea · 3 months
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i have returned with some baby (?) quirrel shenanigans because he makes me happy and i enjoy drawing him all speckly
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(For some context rq; me and my girlfriend HC Quirrel as Asian/Japanese and a samurai) Right so I showed my girlfriend a few pictures of Quirrel Ma, and she made a few connections to Japanese culture and how it was (maybe still is? I'm unsure) a dishonour to surrender and she decided to RIP MY HEART OUT with the idea of Quirrel Ma being infected, and Quirrel being forced to "surrender" (leave her, let her go) and then spending the rest of his life trying to atone for his dishonour, which ends with him preforming harakiri (A Japanese form of sacrifice, where a samurai will cut their stomach open to die with honour and restore honour for themselves and their family) as a way to atone his sins Argshdhgs I'm literally going insane over this
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vomcat · 2 years
Nobody asked BUT
The language of Hollownest, even though not always intentional, has a lot of consistencies that I would like to point out for the sake of study and also fun -Stressed “Ss” sounds are used mostly for aggression. Like almost exclusively. (Examples: Hornet’s “shaw”, Quirrel’s “Kassah” as well as “Seruna seruket” from the Uumuu fight, Oro/Mato/Sheo’s “Gyassssooo”, A majority of Tiso’s voice lines having heavy stress on the “ss” noise, considering everything he says to you is essentially an insult or a challenge, heavy “ss” stressing in Pale lurker sounds, Consider also the audible difference from Dung defenders “Ru-mas” and Quirrel’s “Kassah” to tell the difference between a casual “s” and an aggressive “ss”) -Every character sounds slightly different in terms of dialect, despite all being from the same place (the place being Hollownest), I think that it goes to indicate possible status or at least where they were born. For example, Hornet is very heavy on her “ss” sounds, most likely because she has had to fight all of her life, and was raised in between the palace and deepnest. On the other hand, Relic Seeker Lemm has a very clear and enunciated tone, most likely because he’s been in the capital for most of his life. We don’t get very defining accents to determine definite character birthplace (because a lot of them are dead), but it gives a small look into how detailed and diverse Hollownest is as a place. -There are also repeated words and phrases, such as “Churo” or “Dostakugando”. Even if it’s most likey a coincidence I do eventually want to figure out what the words themselves mean, though I havent tried decoding it yet. I have a current theory that “Churo” might be a greeting or sentence-ender type thing (Such as “innit” or “desu”) BASICALLY HOLLOWNEST IS REALLY COOL AND I NEED TO STUDY ITS CULTURE AND LANGUAGE TO UP MY HOLLOW KNIGHT ART GAME AKSJDNAKSDJNAKDNADANS
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jacquelynlscott · 1 year
How to Structure Your Plot
📚 The plot is the “story” of the story. It’s the action; it’s what happens. There are a couple of basic plot structures for novels: Aristotle’s Incline and Freytag’s Pyramid. Of course, not all narratives follow these plot structures, and not every story should. But they’re helpful to know and think about when planning your plotline.
📈 Aristotle’s Incline
Aristotle’s Incline stems from Aristotle’s Poetics, where he theorized about the structure of plays. It looks like this:
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Here’s a breakdown of Aristotle’s Incline with examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone:
🏁 Starting Image: This is the opening scene. The starting image should give your reader a picture of the world and the main character. It sets the tone and reader expectations on genre and the main character for the rest of the story. Ex. We meet Harry Potter, an orphan with no friends living under the stairs.
☝️Plot Point 1: This scene changes everything and moves the plot into Act 2. During this plot point, the main character passes the point of no return and is invested in the story’s central conflict. Ex. Harry finds out he’s a wizard and goes to Diagon Alley.
🎬 Midpoint: The middle of the plot and Act 2. The midpoint is when the main character switches from reaction to action. Ex. Harry learns about the sorcerer’s stone and decides to protect it from Voldemort.
✌️Plot Point 2: In this scene, your main character is at their lowest point, and your reader is not sure things will work out. Plot point 2 kicks off Act 3. Ex. Harry loses Ron and Hermoine in the dungeon and must face Voldemort alone.
🔚 Closing Image: The closing image of the story is usually a mirror scene of the opening, but now things are different. Ex. Harry returns to the Dursleys, but now he has friends and is no longer alone in the world.
🔺 Freytag’s Pyramid
A 19th-century German playwright, Gustav Freytag, took Aristotle’s Incline and added more detail. He outlined dramatic structure into seven key plot points that fit into a pyramid. Freytag's Pyramid looks like this:
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Keep in mind the pyramid looks a bit misleading since the climax would come way later in the story rather than in the middle.
Here’s a breakdown of Freytag’s Pyramid, again with examples from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone:
🧑 Exposition: Narrative exposition is background information on your main character and their life. Your readers learn who the main character is, what they want, and why they can’t have it. Ex. Harry Potter has a great desire to belong. However, he’s an orphan who lives isolated under the stairs of a family who doesn’t like him.
🚀 Inciting Incident: This scene sets the entire plot in motion. Ex. Hagrid breaks down the door and tells Harry he’s a wizard.
🪜 Rising Action: During the rising action, a series of conflicts lead to the climax. Ex. There’s a troll in the school; There’s a break-in at Gringott’s; the trio finds the trapdoor under the three-headed dog that leads to the dungeon, etc.
😬 Climax: The moment of greatest tension in the plot. Ex. Harry battles Voldemort.
🛝 Falling Action: During the falling action, your main character can breathe and recover from the climax. This section helps bring your plot to a close. Ex. Harry wakes up in the hospital, where his friends have sent him candy and presents.
✨ Resolution: This scene solves the plot’s central conflict and reveals the story’s who’s, what’s, and why’s. Ex. Dumbledore explains why Quirrell couldn’t touch Harry and why the Mirror of Erised gave him the sorcerer’s stone.
🪢 Dénouement: (Pronounced day-noo-ma. French for “untie.”) This is the plot's outcome. You can leave the reader thinking about the theme or future possibilities for the main character. Ex. Gryffindor wins the house cup, and Harry returns to the Dursleys.
🆚 Outer vs. Inner Plot
Regardless of which plot structure you choose, you need two plots–an outer plot, which is the action, and an inner plot, which (as its name suggests) is internal.
Again, the outer plot is all the outside action in a narrative arc. Ex. Harry goes to Hogwarts, finds the stone, etc.
However, the outer plot can’t be all that makes up a story because that would be relatively boring and meaningless. Remember, what makes a story good is relating what it’s like to be human. To do this, writers use an inner plot. An inner plot is your main character’s internal arc and consists of something they need to learn or change. For example, if your main character needs courage, the inner plot is their journey to gaining courage.
Here’s a tip: the inner plot informs the outer plot. Suppose your main character needs to learn to be less stubborn. In that case, you don’t put that character in situations where everything always goes their way. You put that character in situations where the outside world challenges their inside world. You’re going to put that character in the face of “no” and never give them what they want and watch them have a fit.
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chuchiotaku · 1 year
[PREVIEW] TBA Chapter 19: To Set and to Spring
Ron’s picked up a new friend(?) in the middle of finalizing his plans with Quirrell. But what is the plan exactly? Will it really stop Harry from going through the trials and meeting Voldie?
Guess who's back? Back again? 🎶
Target Release Date: December 2022
Currently undergoing beta reading thanks to the wonderful @acnelli!
"P—Professor Quirrell, sir?”
The Professor was in the middle of arranging some books and parchment on his table when Ron approached him, causing the jumpy wizard to accidentally shove all said items to the floor after a shocked cry. “M—Mr. W—Weasley!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Professor!” Ron made a flustered expression as he hurried to help the man pick up the fallen books. “I didn’t mean to surprise you. I—I just thought, since, err, the exams were over, it was about time I talked to you. Been meaning to for a while now, really.”
The last of the term’s Finals had already come to a close, after what felt like an eternity (for most) of last minute notes reviews, essays revisions and late night study sessions. Even the first years—who had, arguably, the lightest workload out of everyone else—felt the exhaustion to their bones, and even Hermione admitted that the reprieve was appreciated.
(Although that reprieve did include going over exam questions and debating over the answers, which was not exactly Ron’s idea of relaxing.)
But while Harry, Hermione and Neville had left their classroom as soon as the exams had ended—in part, due to Harry’s persistently throbbing headache—Ron excused himself to go see Professor Quirrell, who the redhead knew was proctoring for a Third Year exam at a room a floor above theirs.
Quirrell’s brows furrowed in apparent confusion. “I—Is this a—about your e—exams, Mr. Weasley? I—If you’re w—worried about your p—performance, r—rest a—assured, you’ve done v—very well, as is e—expected of a s—student of your c—caliber.”
“Oh, that’s really nice to know, but I wanted to talk about something else.”
“S—Something else? R—Right now?”
Ron's gaze went to the floor. “I’m so sorry, Professor. I really don’t mean to be a bother, but this—I probably won’t have any more time and, and I really need to—”
The older wizard’s frown deepened. “Is—is it it th—that p—pressing a m—matter, M—Mr. Weasley?”
“I—It’s something a bit more personal, sir.” Ron paused. “Is there some place more private? I promise, won’t take too much of your time.”
The boy looked especially nervous, wringing his hands and glancing around the empty classroom occasionally, filling the forefront of his mind with so much anxiety and nervousness that Quirrell eventually acquiesced, leading the way to the vacated Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 
The classroom was located at the middle of a usually occupied hallway, but given the time of day (and schoolyear), the place and its surroundings were empty of students, staff and even ghosts. Although the trip took longer than Ron remembered, and there was a nagging sensation at the back of his head that something wasn’t quite right. Still, Ron made no mention of it to his professor, who had also taken the time to prepare some tea.
“I—I apologize for my p—poor manners, M—Mr. Weasley.” Quirrell said with a slight smile after setting a steaming cup of Earl Grey in front of Ron. “W—Was not expecting a—any g—guests any t—time soon, y—you see.”
“I should be the one who is sorry, Professor.” Ron said after lifting the offered teacup to his lips. “For causing you this trouble.”
“I—It’s q—quite all right, Mr. W—Weasley.” Quirrell answered, taking his seat behind his own desk. “Us P—Professors need to h—help our students t—the best we c—can, after all.”
Ron placed the cup back on the saucer, his eyes gloomy. “No, really, I should apologize, sir. I—err, I’m sure you’re aware, of the rumors going on about you?”
At that, Quirrell’s smile fell but kept the rest of his expression neutral. “I—I don’t think there’s a—anyone in the c—castle who has n—not heard.”
“Must have been really hard for you, sir.”
“It m—made things more, err, ch—challenging, shall we s—say? A f—feat in itself, r—really, g—given that I’m n—not one of the m—most p—popular Professors.” Quirrell looked thoughtful. “B—But wh—why mention this, M—Mr. Weasley? D—Do you p—perhaps kn—know m—more about how the r—rumors came about?”
“Th—that’s—” Ron’s hands balled into fists over his knees, his head bowed. “Professor, I’m sorry, but it was me.”
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miofrode · 2 years
— E tem mais uma coisa... — Diga. — Quirrell disse que Snape... — O Prof. Snape, Harry. — Sim, senhor, ele... Quirrell disse que ele me odeia porque odiava meu pai. Isso é verdade? — Bom, eles se detestavam bastante. Mas não é diferente de você com o Sr. Malfoy. E, além disso, seu pai fez uma coisa que Snape nunca pôde perdoar. — O quê? — Salvou a vida dele. — O quê? — É... — disse Dumbledore, sonhador. — É engraçado como a cabeça das pessoas funciona, não é? O Prof. Snape não conseguiu suportar o fato de estar em dívida com o seu pai. Acredito que tenha se esforçado para proteger você este ano, porque achou que isso o deixaria quite com o seu pai. Assim podia voltar a odiar a memória do seu pai em paz... J. K. Rowling em “Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal”, 1997, cap.16, p.201.
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Best bug bro that deserves the world.
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toldentops · 5 years
every time I see anything remotely related to Stag Beetles and Broken legs(fanart, fic updates, etc.) i think my heart physically jumps out like no joke!!!!!!!!!! i need to prepare for gut busting laughter or some raw angst and i am here for it
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silvercloudedskies · 2 months
quirrel ma has so many notes this is weirdddd none of those people are gonna see this but IF YOU DO it means the world and i would love to chat about it
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tribus-mantodea · 3 years
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[ MA-12 ]
quirrel walking through the village and managing unscathed for the most part: I do not See the warning signs with masks on them because I am Blind.
the lords having some form of discontent in a way that there’s ANOTHER hallownest bug. ugh. the audacity, waltzing in and trying to ask things without the formality of doing something that isn’t so mind-bogglingly boring... like... a duel
it’s fine. quirrel’s great with a nail, probably taught by monomon and maybe suspecting others (where I think it’d be funny if at some point monomon herself managed to investigate herself but like. that’s unrealistic unless I stare at various parts of my interpretation urgadlfkhaj I’m too embarrassed to talk abt that further without being prompted)
even when he finds himself earning their respect/tolerance, it’s almost like talking to a tall brick wall “...So,” “No.” “Right! I understand. I’ll be on my way then.”
and while I’m sure he can infer and imply information without it being given to him outright, my little man. please. stop visiting. begone.
regardless of how feasible it is I just. like to think about possible interactions. maybe.
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Considering we both seem to be a bit bored, I figured I'd ask more. Hope that's still alright? You mentioned a few of your lgbtq+ headcannons for Hollow knight and i was wondering if you wanted to share more of them. (an example of my main ones are trans man Quirrel and nb Ghost ^_^ )
1: Hornet is Trans woman lesbian.
2: Quirrel is Trans man bi.
3: Grimm is Pan and uses he/they.
4: Monomon is NB aro/ace (really just said screw this, i want ma science)
5: Herrah is lesbian and polyamorous. (dont worry about the fact she had hornet with the PK-)
6: Lurien is gay. Very, very gay.
7: PK is pansexual and greyromantic.
And that is all i can think of rn!
(also, Ghost is canonly NB, as well as all the vessels!)
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danyx26 · 2 years
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Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal
–Podemos comprar tudo isso em Londres? — perguntou-se Harry em voz alta.
— Se você souber aonde ir — respondeu Hagrid.
Harry nunca estivera em Londres antes, Hagrid, embora parecesse saber aonde ia, obviamente não estava acostumado a chegar lá pelos meios comuns. Ficou entalado na roleta do metrô e queixou-se em voz alta que os assentos eram demasiado pequenos e os trens demasiado lentos.
— Não sei como os trouxas conseguem se arranjar sem mágica — disse, quando subiam uma escada rolante gasta que levava a uma rua movimentada com saídas dos dois lados.
Hagrid era tão grande que abria caminho pela multidão sem esforço, Harry só precisava segui-lo de perto. Passaram por livrarias e lojas de musica, lanchonetes e cinemas, mas nenhuma loja parecia vender varinhas mágicas. Aquela era apenas uma rua comum cheia de gente comum. Seria realmente possível que houvesse montes de ouro dos bruxos enterrados quilômetros abaixo dali? Haveria realmente lojas que vendessem livros de feitiços e vassouras? Não seria talvez uma grande peça que os Dursley tinham pregado? Se Harry não soubesse que os Dursley não tinham senso de humor, poderia ter tirado uma dessas conclusões, mas, por alguma razão, embora tudo que Hagrid tivesse dito até ali fosse inacreditável, Harry não podia deixar de confiar nele.
— É aqui — disse Hagrid parando. — O Caldeirão Furado. É um lugar famoso.
Era um barzinho sujo. Se Hagrid não o tivesse apontado, Harry nem teria reparado que existia. As pessoas que passavam apressadas nem olhavam para aquele lado. Os olhos delas corriam da grande livraria a um lado a loja de discos no outro como se nem conseguissem ver O Caldeirão Furado. Na verdade Harry teve a sensação muito estranha de que somente ele e Hagrid eram capazes de vê-lo. Antes que pudesse comentar isto, Hagrid o empurrou para dentro.
Para um lugar famoso, o Caldeirão era muito escuro e miserável. Havia umas velhas sentadas a um canto, bebendo pequenos cálices de xerez. Uma delas fumava um longo cachimbo.
Um homenzinho de cartola conversava com o velho garçom do bar, que era bem careca e parecia uma noz viscosa. O zunzum das conversas parou quando eles entraram. Todos pareciam conhecer Hagrid, acenaram e sorriram para ele, e o garçom apanhou um copo, perguntando:
— O de sempre, Hagrid?
— Não posso, Tom, estou a serviço de Hogwarts — disse Hagrid, dando uma palmada com a manzorra no ombro de Harry, o que fez joelhos do garoto dobrarem.
— Meu Deus — exclamou o garçom, fitando Harry. — É... Será possível?
O Caldeirão Furado repentinamente parou e fez-se um silêncio total.
— Valha-me Deus — murmurou o velho garçom. — Harry Potter... Que honra.
E saiu correndo de trás do balcão, precipitou-se para Harry e agarrou suas mãos, as lágrimas nos olhos.
— Seja bem-vindo, Sr. Potter, seja bem-vindo.
Harry não sabia o que dizer. Todos tinham os olhos nele. A velha com o cachimbo puxava o fumo sem se dar conta de que o cachimbo apagara.
Hagrid sorria radiante.
Logo houve um grande arrastar de cadeiras e no momento seguinte Harry se viu apertando as mãos de todos no Caldeirão Furado.
— Dóris Crockford, Sr. Potter não acredito que finalmente posso conhecê-lo.
— Estou tão orgulhosa, Sr. Potter, tão orgulhosa.
— Sempre quis apertar sua mão estou nas nuvens. Encantado, Sr. Potter, nem sei lhe dizer o quanto, Diggle é o meu nome, Dédalo Diggle.
— Já o vi senhor antes! — disse Harry, e a cartola de Diggle caiu de tanta excitação. — O senhor se curvou para mim uma vez numa loja.
— Ele se lembra! — exclamou Dédalo Diggle, olhando todos à volta.
— Vocês ouviram isso? Ele se lembra de mim!
Harry apertou muitas mãos. Dóris Crockford não parava de voltar para um novo aperto.
Um rapaz pálido adiantou-se, muito nervoso. Um olho trêmulo.
— Professor Quirrell! — disse Hagrid. — Harry, o Professor Quirrell vai ser um dos seus professores em Hogwarts.
— P... P... Potter. — gaguejou o Professor Quirrell, apertando a mão de Harry — N... N... Nem sei o que d... D... Dizer que p... P... P... Prazer enorme é c... C... Conhecê-lo.
— Que tipo de mágica o senhor ensina, Professor Quirrell?
— D... Defesa c... C... Contra as a... Artes das t... Trevas — murmurou o Professor Quirrell, como se preferisse não pensar no assunto. — não que você p... P... Precise, hein, Potter? — Ele riu nervoso. – V... Você veio c...
Comprar o material, suponho? Tenho que c... Comprar um livro n... Novo sobre vampiros — Parecia aterrorizado só de pensar.
Mas os outros não queriam deixar o Professor Quirrell ficar com Harry só para ele. Levou bem uns dez minutos para o menino se livrar de todos.
Finalmente, Hagrid conseguiu se fazer ouvir naquela balbúrdia.
— Precisamos nos apressar. Temos muitas compras a fazer. Vamos, Harry.
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mrslittletall · 3 years
If you accept vague asks for the whump thing, because I don't want to limit you to a character you might find boring, either 6 or 17 for Hollow Knight?
Title: Reflection Fandom: Hollow Knight Characters: Quirrel, Little Ghost Word Count: 1.431 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30279333
Summary: Quirrel reflects on his life during his last moments.
(Author's note: 
6: Fever 17: Drowning/Hypothermia
Anon! How can you give me Drowning for Hollow Knight and expect me to NOT make it about Quirrel?! Or were you betting on it?
I chose one of the two this time, because the two prompts didn't feel like they could be mashed together very well. Warnings: Suicide and Major Character Death. And drowning, obviously.)
Quirrel had sat and looked at the lake for some time when the little white wanderer appeared. He had encountered them various time in Hallownest, even aided them in their quest which led to him recovering part of his lost memories, and never had they said a single word to him and their face had stayed a stiff mask.
Still, Quirrel couldn't help but feel comfortable in their presence. He assumed for them to maybe stop shortly and listen to him, before moving on, but they did something different.
They approached him, stopped, looked up at him and then sat down next to him, their gaze facing the same direction as his, towards the Blue Lake.
Quirrel didn't look at them and instead, started to speak.
“Again we meet my short friend. Here at last, I feel at peace.”
He made a short pause, thinking about his next words before continuing. After all that had happened, his words didn't seem to come too easily to him anymore. Even his voice felt strained... aged even. All the years that got lost might have caught up to him.
“Twice I've seen this world and though my service may have stripped the first experience from me, I'm thankful I could witness its beauty again.”
It must have been beautiful the first time, and even though large parts of the kingdom laid in ruins during his second time, it was still beautiful. Though, there was one thing that was even more interesting than Hallownest.
“Hallownest is a vast and wondrous thing, but in as many wonders as it holds, I've seen none quite so intriguing as you.”
As usual, the little white wanderer didn't say a word. A little chuckle escaped Quirrel and he spoke further.
“Ha. My flattery returns only silent stoicism. I like that. I like that very much.”
The both of them stayed there, staring at the lake a while longer. Eventually, the little wanderer stood up and continued walking, not looking back at him or saying a single word. It had always been like that with them. It was just they way they acted. Them sitting with him showed him more than enough that they cared. If they hadn't cared, they would have just ignored him. They would have run past him every single time he encountered them, but they always, always had stopped and listened to him.
Quirrel waited until they were out of sight and he couldn't hear their footsteps anymore. Once their footsteps ceased, he rose and picked up his nail.
“I can barely remember having trained in the art of the nail, but I never forgot how to fight.”, he murmured to himself, rolling the nail around in his hands. It had aided him during his journey through Hallownest as well as helped to reach the teacher, Monomon, who he had always called Madam.
For some reason, she seemed to have been always displeased with it, but Quirrel couldn't recall anymore why. His memory was still hazy. The results of the fog of the wastelands, that wiped his memory clean. He could consider himself lucky that he remembered his connection to Monomon.
“I won't need to fight anymore...”, Quirrel murmured further and stuck his nail into the ground, the way the hilt faced, it looked a little like a cross. Then, he looked back at the direction the little wanderer had run off too.
“My friend, please don't cry for me.”, he said, a sad smile ghosting his face. “For I have lived twice the amount of time any bug should have ever lived and I am ready to move on.”
Quirrel stayed on the edge of the lake for a few seconds longer before turning around and walking into the water. It was shallow at first, but soon it would engulf him fully. He was fully aware that his species didn't possess the art of swimming.
Quirrel continued walking until his feet lost the ground under him and he could feel how his body started to sink. While he was content about his own death, with his mind at peace, his body still possessed some instinct. He could feel his arms and legs trash as the water filled his lungs and his strong desire to take a gulp of air, which never happened, because he knew that only water would await him.
His trashing was only from a short duration however, as he felt himself get dizzy and slowly sinking down to the ground, waiting for his awareness to end.
It was then when he saw something flash in front of his inner eye.
Himself, as a little grub, lost, alone, hungry, cold, his parents were nowhere to be seen, only a blanket in his little arms, crying in his desperation, for his parents, for anyone, to find him...
And the form of Monomon in front of him, floating through the fog, a tentacle touching her mask in shock when she saw him, picking him up, talking to him, bringing him to the archives, where she gave him food and warmth and comfort.
That has been how they had first met. How cruel of his memory to make him remember right when he was in the process of ending his own life. Still, Quirrel couldn't help but feel a deep fondness at this memory.
He still hadn't reached the ground and the more he sank down, the more memories surfaced.
Monomon teaching him how to write and read.
Monomon comforting him after he had a nightmare.
Him asking if he could work as her assistant, at the mere age of six. Monomon had agreed and gave him simple tasks, to make him feel special.
Him checking on Monomon after she had pulled an all-nighter. The both of them sharing breakfast together.
Monomon finding the cheesy romance novels he had bought from his salary and teasing him to no end about them. Still, sometimes he found the newest book of his favourite author gently laid upon his pillow.
A time in which he had been obsessed with the tale of the Grimm troupe and styled his mask and even the scarf he wore around his head in their image. Monomon loved to tell this story to complete strangers. How often had he stood there and begged her to stop. Not that it ever worked...
Him waking up with a blanket draped over him when he had fallen asleep over his work.
Monomon always having a pot of coffee ready for both of them when both of them had worked the whole night.
Her giving him the additional seal of protection, her mask, and sending him away once she would lay down to sleep for eternity. Quirrel had accepted, of course, without hesitation, he would do everything for the one who had saved him from starvation when he had been a grub.
“I will fulfil your order as long as I breathe, Ma'am.”, he had said, and Monomon had looked at him and said: “I know you will.”, but at the same time, she had looked so sad.
Finally having reached the ground, Quirrel barely had any awareness left in him anymore, but one last thing went to his mind.
She has always treated me like her son.
For her, he had been more than her assistant, for her, Quirrel had been her precious and beloved son. It didn't matter for her that they didn't share any blood connection, he had become her son once she had picked him up in the canyon.
I never once have called her mom...
How ironic it felt, this thought, right when he was about to snuff out the last flames of his life, after Monomon had already died, after he didn't have a chance to talk to her anymore.
This thought was his one and only regret as his awareness faded and his body stopped moving, laying still on the ground of the Blue Lake.
He entered the archives, passing all the acid tablets and ignoring the Uoma's that Monomon would let hang around there. He had gone this way so many times and he didn't even have to think where to go. He entered Monomon's workshop and there she was, interrupting what she was doing, turning around, a tentacle going to her mask and her body shaking as she chuckled.
“Welcome home, Quirrel.”, she said.
Quirrel came closer until he stood in front of Monomon. “I am back Ma...”, he interrupted himself and then corrected his sentence: “I'm back, mom.” (Author's note: Absolutely love the headcanon that Monomon adopted Quirrel. Also I am a big fan of characters meeting in the afterlife after death and just... vibing with what they always wanted, maybe moving on together. It's pretty obvious, but I am absolutely convinced that Quirrel died at the Blue Lake. I am super fine with everyone lives AUs, but in canon I think Quirrel drowned himself in the lake, because he had grown old and weary and was ready to end his own life, because he felt there wasn't any reason for him to be around anymore. That is why he is so content with his own death here. Obviously, I would have loved for Quirrel to stay alive and find so much more wonders in the world, but he felt like he hadn't any regrets. The one I added, well, that was my headcanon. I know this is a heavy topic and please don't feel bad if you have trouble handling it or couldn't handle it and please, when you yourself think that you might be better off dead, get some help. I promise, there is so much in this world that it's worth to live for. As always, comments are greatly appreciated.)
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im-a-meteorite · 4 years
i’ve been marathoning the harry potter movies since im in quarantine and i’ve been taking some notes. i’ll post them all bc why not 
sorcerer’s stone
harry knowing that there’s no post on sunday,, a genius
hedwig’s theme playing when harry looks out of the window and sees an owl flying by, very nice
hagrid doing magic at the house on the rock thing,, wouldnt the ministry be able to track that?? since there’s no wizard that lives there, they should be alerted?? or did they remove the trace from hagrid once he got expelled?? like does it work by the trace only or? bc if it doesn’t work by location then how would they know that a muggle witnessed the magic?? idk anymore
the kids staring at the nimbus 2000 and saying its the fastest model yet,, then the camera zooming on the handle w/ the background blurred -> the most straight forward foreshadowing
hagrid is actually the worst person to take harry on his tour situation,, like bro literally left him in the middle of a train station
the weasleys and harry going to the platform while theres a shit ton of ppl walking around,,, statute of secrecy where??
the great hall is on the first floor?? i thought it was on the ground floor
ew the hats
i wish the movies had dumbledore’s weird few words speeches
“theres not one witch or wizard that went bad that wasnt in slytherin” broooo
mcgonagall is so savage i love her
snape is an asshole
a crap ton of chessboards in the great hall study hall scene,, foreshadowing the challenges?
madam hooch really yeeted herself out of neville’s way
✨🥰 oliver wood 🥰✨✨
harry really wiped the troll buggers on his robe,, disgusting
snapes hair is lowkey on fleek tho,,
making most of the slytherins ugly bc they’re the “evil” house is just a disservice to all the inbreeding
hermione setting snape on fire is truly iconic and very extra tbh like sis why tf would u know a spell like that
seasonal transition wasnt that great tbh
overall the directing style is kinda basic
“not in the restricted section,,” rule breaking hermione is the best hermione
dumbledore’s handwriting is so extra and loopy like tf?? but it fits his character
the hedwig flying season transition was good
“immortal?” “it means you’ll never die.” “i know what it means!”
50 points each for being out of bed??? wtf is this point system
filtch saying there’s werewolves in the forbidden forest,,, thats illegal sir
hagrid calling the trio by their first names but draco by his last,, we love favoritism
harry’s thoughts r so ridiculous,, “snape doesnt want the stone for himself, he wants it for voldemort!” lmaoo wtf,, evidence pls sir,, u don’t even know he was a death eater. was it the bad vibes?? bc same
harry figuring out that the person who gave hagrid the dragon egg is voldy,, a genius
“kill us faster?? now i can relax!!” ron is so iconic i love him
“lucky we didnt panic!” “lucky hermione pays attention in herbology”
how is it that harry’s hand burned quirrel but not the skin on harry’s neck?? that shit makes no sense
yeah i really cant imagine this dumbledore fighting voldy in movie 5
hermione’s headband in the reunion scene is so cute i love it
chamber of secrets:
how is dobby even allowed to just jump on the bed?? like is it bc harry isnt his master that he can do smth like that
“dobby has heard about harry potter’s kindness” or whatever,, bro u work for the malfoys either the elves gossip or draco is waxing poetry about harry
aunt petunia saying “we have ice-cream” after that whole affair is just ridiculous
this seems like the extended version bc i dont remember the borgin and bruks scene to be that long
the close ups with lucius and ginny’s books r insane lmao like chris columbus made it so obvious
also mr weasley’s acting is so funny like its so exaggerated
lucius malfoy is so dramatic and extra we love it
also lucius knowing hermione’s name and “draco’s told me all about you”??? bro whats with draco?? lmaoo
snape really got mad with the whole car business
mandrakes r fucking weird bro how did jkr come up with that
omg colin had so many lines?? wow
omg erol with the fucking howler,, iconic
ron’s facial expressions?? pure comedy, rupret is so good
“pesky piksy pescinomy” this bitch dumb
“why is it always me?” poor neville
omfg ✨🥰 oliver wood 🥰✨
ahh using the seeker position for fighting
ew draco used the m-word
the shit the basilisk is saying is so lame lmaoo
how does harry not recognize that he’s hearing a different language?? or does parsaltongue act weird
“i know the counter-curse that could’ve spared her” bitch the dirty looks he got?? omfg
the movies would’ve been 500% better if they had lee jordan’s iconic quidditch commentary
“what did you expect?? pumpkin juice??” madam pomfery is a queen
dobby is dumb dumb
“who am i, hedwig? what am i?”
“reading? i didnt know you could read?”
“look at my face” “look at your tail!”
“you can’t cancel quidditch!”
“oh harry, if you die down there, you’re welcome to share my toilet”
lockheart: do you live here? ron: no *smacks him in the head with a rock*
“voldemort is my past, present and future” are all slytherins this dramatic??
the tension between hermione and ron in the last feast was insane
justin filtch fletchy is so ugly im so sorry i cant
prisoner of azkaban:
im sorry but harry doing underage illegal magic pisses me off every time
aunt marge 🤢
“do they use a cane boy?” “oh yeah, i’ve been beaten loads of times”
that whole scene is so chaotic
“you cant do magic outside of school!” “oh yeah? try me”
sirius really dumb for barking at harry like it makes no sense
the knight bus is probably one of the best things in this movie
“whatcha doing down there??” “i fell over” “whacha fell over for?” “i didnt do it on purpose!” “well come on then, lets not wait for the grass to grow”
harry leans over and looks for the grim, stan: “whatcha looking at?”
“yeah take it away ernie,, its gonna be a bumpy ride”
this whole thing is written and directed so perfectly
i hate how they replaced tom bc it really made no sense
all the bits of magic in the leaky caldron is so genius
fudge reminds me of trump but like dumber
the blue lighting and coloring is just great, it fits the colder vibe of the story (not like HBP with the hazy/blurry effect)
ugh the glass and mirror transitions are one of my favorite things,, alfonso curon really did that 
i love the weasleys,, also everyone looks great in this movie
omg the scene with arthur talking to harry about sirius with the sirius poster always being in sight?? amazing
contrast of light and darkness just echos the whole dementor vs patronus situation
i dont even understand why remus took the train other than for the nostalgia
the lights slowly turning off in the different carriages?? amazing
the visual representation of the dementors’ effect is great
i wish there was more emotion from remus when he’s talking about sirius,, like that was one of his only friends
snape clapping literally twice for remus,, ajhshsh
ahh the placement of the slytherin and gryffindor tables right beside each other to increase the tension and further the plot
oh yea the new dumbledore, also cool hat he has
omg the new fat lady painting
omg the candy scene?? so cute i love lads being lads. that scene just echo’s dumbledore’s light in the dark quote bc its storming outside at night and they’re creating a happy environment within the dark especially with the dementors
ah yes the clock references + following the bird to show us important parts of hogwarts and putting the whomping willow in the forefront
ron’s reading of harry’s tea leaves,, still on point tho. ron really has a knack for divination
buckbeak! omg drapple
draco is so hot especially with that ring also the slytherin pins??
“oh yeah, terribly funny, really witty. god, this place has gone to the dogs”
the kids look so messy i love it + harry’s uneven tie
“its killed me! your gonna regret this, you and your bloody chicken”
omg the boggart lesson
“riddikulus!” “this class is ridiculous”
fuck snape!
draco really pushed someone with his bandaged arm
remus is such an amazing professor i love him and i just miss him so much
ugh harry in this hoodie?? amazing
remus and harry’s conversation with the music :(( lily :((
wtf is that eye painting??
percy screaming about being head boy,, bro stfu
sirius is such a dramatic little bitch i love it
seasonal changes marked by the wimping willow
“turn to page 394”
what a fucking rude ass bitch,, i hate snape
harry really be seeing the grim everywhere
i wish they had “wheres wood?” “trying to drown himself in the shower”
winter transition with hedwig! + clock tower
“come and join the big boys”
i just adore this scene of the twins giving harry the map (bro i really want a series about the marauders)
whos that skinny bitch with draco???
harry’s way too rash tbh
also mcgonagall being also too nonchalant about the whole marauder’s situation?? like those werent your students
remus is a soft boy dark academia icon
if only dumbledore wasnt a dumbass,, remus could have been uncle moony raising harry with sirius
ron’s nightmare scene?? iconic
“my dad didnt strut. nor do i” umm james potter was also a drama queen sooo probably strutting
“you, YOU FOUL LOATHSOME EVIL LITTLE COCKROACH” “hermione no, he’s not worth it”
sirius’ dog form really looks like a rabid dog omfg
the part where hermione grabs harry while she’s on the wimping willow omfg
“finally the flesh reflects the madness within” “well you’d know all about the madness within, wouldn’t you remus?”
why the fuck is the shreaking shack is swaying in the wind??
why the fuck didnt they knock peter out?? like tf?? they’re actually dumb dumb there were so many ways for this to go right
this man really sent 2 13-year-olds on this dumbass mission
buckbeak really beat up remus,, “professor lupin’s having a really tough night”
harry’s a fucking psycho with this patronus bullshit,, i cant
can they stop screaming while flying on buckbeak?? someone might hear them
im still mad sirius didnt get his name cleared,, so much would’ve changed
“we did it” “did what? goodnight” i fucking hate dumbledore and his mindlessness omfg sometimes i wanna punch him in the face
fuck snape for outing remus as a werewolf,,, but also he really didnt have to resign. like istg wheres the marauder energy when it comes to defying everyone??
i wish the movies had went into the marauders’ history :(( its one of my favorite aspects of the series
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abatebusoni34 · 3 years
Falle in Harry Potter
Di seguito un’esibizione della mia capacità di trovare difetti nelle cose, aggiornata all’ultima lettura.
- Se 17 zellini fanno un galeone, perché una passante, lamentandosi dei prezzi, parla proprio di "17 zellini" ma non di galeoni? Sarebbe come per noi dire 100 centesimi anziché 1 euro.
- Ad Hogwarts sono ammessi gufi, gatti e rospi, e i Weasley ci portano un topo da diverse generazioni. Ok.
- Se infrangi le regole, ma con classe, non solo eviti l'espulsione, ma diventi il più giovane Cercatore dell'ultimo secolo e vinci anche la Ferrari del mondo dei maghi. A 11 anni.
- Nessuno deve sapere chi ha regalato lo scopa a chi, ma... gliela fanno arrivare per posta davanti a tutta la scuola. Soluzioni alternative, no?
- Le enormi "porte" del campo di Quidditch sono d'oro? Davvero? E dire che le scope della scuola sono vecchie e brutte...
- La partita di Quidditch più lunga di sempre è durata tre mesi? Anche in un mondo magico, com'è possibile?
- Cosa cazzo ci fa un cane a tre teste in una stanza accessibile a chiunque abbia una bacchetta? Quindi a chiunque chiunque.
- Malfoy chiede un libro in prestito. A Ron. Dài. Forzatura.
- Che punizione assurda è mandare quattro 11enni senza alcun addestramento a rischiare la vita in una foresta-incubo?  Lasciandoli a tratti completamente soli, tra l'altro.
- La Gringott è la banca più sicura al mondo. Hogwarts lo è ancora di più, anche se è una scuola. In ogni caso, tre 11enni ignorantissimi riescono a superare ogni singola prova fino alla pietra filosofale. La sicurezza...
- Silente riceve "un gufo urgente" per Londra. E ci va "in volo". Quindi su una scopa. Insomma, il gufo è tanto urgente che invece di Smaterializzarsi, Silente inforca una scopa per andare fino a Londra. Immagine ridicola tra l'altro.
- Quirrell ha Voldemort dietro la nuca, ma pranza gomito a gomito con Piton e Silente. E continua a insegnare comunque, come se niente fosse. E anche non si sapesse niente di Voldemort attaccato al culo, cazzo lo lasci ancora a contatto con gli studenti se addirittura arriva a cercare di ucciderne uno?
- E Piton? Dov'era Piton quando Harry affronta Quirrell-Voldemort?
- In un anno di scuola non si impara un cazzo.
- Com'è possibile che Gilderoy Lockhart sia stato scelto per insegnare? Dovrà almeno aver sostenuto un colloquio con Silente prima. E anche ammesso fosse l'unico candidato, non sarebbe stato meglio dare la cattedra di Difesa contro le Arti Oscure a Piton, che tanto la voleva, e cercare un nuovo insegnante di Pozioni? O Silente è stupido, o Silente è stronzo.
- Ok che sei un pezzente, ma un intero anno scolastico in una scuola di magia senza la cosa effettivamente più importante per fare magie sembra difficile. Non esiste un fondo per maghi pezzenti che venga in aiuto in questi casi? Avrebbe almeno dovuto ripetere l'anno.
- L'ultima sconfitta del Grifondoro dell'anno precedente, a causa dell'assenza del suo Cercatore, è stata la peggiore degli ultimi trecento anni. Perché mancava il Cercatore. L'unico scopo del Cercatore è prendere il Boccino d'Oro, cosa che darebbe 150 punti alla propria squadra; al massimo. Solo quello. Quindi, negli ultimi tre secoli, il Grifondoro ha sempre preso il Boccino per primo... cosa nemmeno determinante poi. Non ha nessun senso: numero sparato a caso.
- Un Bolide cerca di uccidere un allievo dodicenne: nessuno fa niente. Continuare è a discrezione dell'interessato. Ok.
- Si dice che l'unica cosa ricevuta in eredità da Harry sia il suo Mantello che rende invisibili. Trascurando un conto corrente senza il quale sarebbe il più povero dei poveri e che invece ne fa un nababbo.
- Tutti si salvano sempre dal Basilisco, mai nessun morto. Forzature per evitare traumi.
- I ragni tra loro parlano inglese. Ok.
- Cazzo ne sapeva Aragog di un Basilisco se era nato e vissuto sempre nel castello?
- E sapendolo, cazzo non lo diceva ad Hagrid? Il disincentivo della paura non convince.
- Prefetti, fantasmi e professori fanno la ronda costantemente: due dodicenni riescono ad entrare e uscire dalla scuola quando vogliono passando dal portone principale. Cigolante. Ok.
- Lockhart ha "rubato" le imprese di altri maghi. Ma cancellando la memoria a questi ultimi non avrebbe comunque potuto prendersene il merito, se non per un breve periodo: perché la memoria delle persone testimoni di tali imprese non l'ha mai alterata. E ci ha pure scritto libri di successo su queste ultime. Com'è possibile che non siano mai state screditate dai diretti interessati?
- Fawkes trova, raggiunge e salva il culo a Harry. Un uccello. E Silente? No? Quindi Fanny > Silente.
- Da come si intuisce, Silente già sapeva dei crimini di Lockhart. Lo sapeva da sempre probabilmente. E gli ha comunque dato la cattedra. Allora è proprio stronzo.
- Silente dà ad Harry il permesso di restituire a Malfoy un Horcrux. Un ex Horcrux, per la precisione. Ma perché darlo via con quella semplicità?
- Lucius Malfoy non dà niente a Dobby. Getta un calzino. Lo getta via. E Dobby interpreta la cosa come gli pare. È una formalità piuttosto fumosa quella per liberare un elfo domestico. Stando a quanto si legge, gli sarebbe potuto bastare frugare nella spazzatura dei Malfoy finché non avesse trovato un qualche indumento.
- Harry e Ron hanno saputo di aver guadagnato 400 punti per la propria Casa nello studio della McGonagall, da Silente. Quindi al banchetto finale non potevano venirne nuovamente a conoscenza, come è scritto.
- Il Nottetempo è un vero e proprio deus ex machina finalizzato a tirare Harry fuori dai guai. Come chiamarlo resta qualcosa di fumoso e ambiguo. Il fatto serva praticamente l'intero Regno Unito rende ancora più fortunoso il suo arrivo in Magnolia Crescent.
- Sirius Black viene presentato dalla Gazzetta del Profeta come, probabilmente, il più efferato criminale mai rinchiuso nella fortezza di Azkaban. Ciò per cui è condannato è in effetti orribile, ma... mi sembra un'esagerazione. Basti pensare a Grindelwald, o alla Lestrange...
- L'autista del Nottetempo, Ern, si tirerebbe un colpo. Di cosa? Non di pistola di sicuro.
- Alla sua prima lezione, Lupin dice che nessuno sa che aspetto abbia un Molliccio quando è solo. Davvero? Eppure in un mondo di maghi qualcuno che sa vedere attraverso le cose c'è: Malocchio Moody, per esempio.
- Il Molliccio è, a quanto pare, virtualmente onnipotente: assume non solo la forma ma anche i poteri delle paure altrui. Quando si trasforma in Disennatore, poi, riesce addirittura a far rivivere a Harry i propri peggiori ricordi. Non si spiega apparentemente perché, quando Disennatore, su Harry abbia potere, ma quando Luna piena non ne abbia su Lupin.
- Incoerentemente ai futuri libri della saga, in questo le votazioni sono sempre in decimi.
- Harry viene a conoscenza di troppe cose in circostanze piuttosto fortunose.
- Fudge definisce Sirius come il servitore più fedele di Voldemort. Esagerazione.
- Durante lo scartamento dei regali di Natale, Harry e Ron non prestano attenzione al pacco-Firebolt se non per ultimo, e non arrivano ad avere abbastanza perspicacia da farsi un'idea di cosa si tratti, nonostante il pacco venga presentato come lungo e sottile.
- Filch adesso restaura ritratti: Silente gli affida pubblicamente il compito del restauro. Che successivamente viene pure definito opera di mani esperte. Mah.
- Delle lezioni che coincidono sull'orario, nella settimana scolastica, sono comprensibili; ma perché dovrebbero esserci anche esami alla stessa ora? Dureranno un paio d'ore in media, perché fissarli per lo stesso giorno e alla stessa ora?
- Grandissima parte di quel poco che si impara ad Hogwarts è davvero inutile: Incantesimi Rallegranti? Teiere trasfigurate in testuggini?
-  All'interno del Salice Schiaffeggiante, Lupin dice che la Pozione Antilupo dev'essere assunta una settimana prima della Luna piena. Ma allora perché Piton gliela portava la sera stessa? E poi, la trasformazione non avviene finché Lupin non è investito dalla luce lunare. Che senso ha la pozione allora? In quelle notti potrebbe rinchiudersi in una stanza dei sotterranei.
- Sirius è sorpreso di sentire nominare Piton, alla fine del monologo di Lupin. Sorpresa ingiustificata: Lupin l'aveva nominato poco prima, raccontando di come fosse proprio Piton a preparargli la Pozione Antilupo. Che Sirius non lo stesse ascoltando?
- Piton dice di aver visto non solo Lupin, ma anche gli altri, sparire nel passaggio segreto per la Stamberga Strillante. Questo però difficilmente è possibile: Piton vedrebbe ciò dalla Mappa del Malandrino sulla scrivania di Lupin, dopo che quest'ultimo già aveva lasciato il suo ufficio; e lo aveva lasciato proprio dopo aver visto Sirius, Ron e Minus prima, ed Harry ed Hermione poi, entrare nel passaggio.
- Sirius parla con i gatti, a quanto pare...
- Non si può Evocare cibo, ma la signora Weasley lo fa.
- Evitabile e deliberata violenza su di un Babbano: la guardia ai cancelli dell'accampamento. Da parte dei maghi "onesti" intendo.
- Solite esagerazioni: Barty Crouch parla più di 200 lingue...
- Ancora esagerazioni: 422 finali della Coppa del Mondo di Quidditch. O si tengono ogni anno (ma misteriosamente non se ne fa mai riferimento negli altri libri) oppure è davvero una cifra tirata a caso.
- Nella foresta vicino all'accampamento, Hermione, e poi gli altri, usano la magia. Al di fuori della scuola quindi, ma... nessuno se ne frega minimamente.
- Tassisti babbani alla Tana. Devono essere parecchio stupidi per non avere sospetti su una casa così. Casa descritta come evidentemente magica da Harry alla sua prima visita, nel secondo libro.
- Hermione giudica Aritmanzia più sensata di Divinazione. Ma Aritmanzia è una forma di divinazione...
- Nel mondo magico uccidere, torturare e coercere un uomo è punito allo stesso modo: ergastolo. Penalmente ingiusto. E stupido.
- Tre libri da leggere soltanto sugli Incantesimi di Appello: tre libri. Tre.
- Com'è possibile che un gufo riesca a trovare Sirius ovunque si nasconda, ma l'intero Ministero no?
- Come è possibile che il padre di Hagrid, che era un mago, abbia messo incinta una gigantessa? Lo voglio veramente sapere? No.
- Perché rendere proprio la Coppa Tremaghi una passaporta? Avrebbero potuto farlo con lo spazzolino di Harry il primo giorno di scuola. O con qualsiasi altra cosa, durante l'anno... invece no, meglio moltiplicare all'infinito i rischi e portare avanti la recita...
- Piton, come tutti i Mangiamorte, avrà pur sentito il richiamo del Marchio Nero. Perché non torna da Voldemort? Magari portandosi dietro Silente.
- Forzatissimo deus ex machina: prior incantatio.
- Come ha potuto la moglie di Crouch avere con sé scorte sufficienti di Pozione Polisucco, all'interno di Azkaban? E come ha potuto esser seppellita proprio ad Azkaban con le sembianze del figlio, se gli effetti della Pozione Polisucco scadono ogni ora?
- ll Pensatoio si rivela un oggetto troppo comodo, e nel farlo sfugge ad ogni logica: il ricordo è decisamente troppo dettagliato, in considerazione del fatto appartenga a una sola persona. Nella fattispecie, il peggior ricordo di Piton rivela accadimenti che a quest'ultimo dovrebbero essere in realtà del tutto sfuggiti.
[Nelle mie annotazioni su Google Note mancano gli ultimi due anni. Sono abbastanza sicuro di poter trovare difetti anche là, ma è innegabile la qualità della narrazione e della scrittura s’alzi parecchio dal quinto capitolo in poi, col maturare della scrittrice. O forse è semplicemente il romanzo di per sé a maturare. O forse più probabilmente sono vere entrambe le cose.]
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