#quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol
greenthena · 2 months
A fanfic update on a Monday?
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He turned to leave, but half stopped himself, visibly oscillating between the door and the middle-aged English teacher in the sticky booth at the back of the bar.
What the actual fuck was going on?
His coat hanging awkwardly on one arm, Crowley glared at Aziraphale. That much Anathema could tell even though he was wearing his dark glasses. His eyebrows pulled together, pinched and drawn tight.
But his aura.
It tugged toward Aziraphale like a ship in a wild sea angling for safe harbor. It roiled and curled, stretching toward their booth, single-minded in its vector, as though there was only one place it belonged, one possible destination.
Keep reading on ao3...
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legjames · 1 year
drinking red wine in commemoration of my favourite angel and demon
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sergeantjessi · 1 year
On the bright side: The ending gives all us solo cosplayers the opportunity to cosplay Crowley/Aziraphale without the other one. For a short time only, it's canon to separate the ineffable husbands-
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noxnightingales · 11 months
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I am singing 666 bottles of scotch on the wall, NIGHTLY.
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orangekingfisher · 1 year
fruitberries skybattle one beer down a mojito to go (i will get through this night possibly and hopefully drunker than i am at the moment)
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meduzza13 · 7 months
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- What are you in the mood for now?
- Alcohol. Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol (c)
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nicolegmattos · 7 months
i love your tv show aziracrow/book aziracrow series so much!! i wonder what would happen if post s2 crowley met book crowley lmfao
Yeah, I wonder what would happen… 🤔 (oh, wait. I can write it lol)
Book Crowley: *entering the flat* Hm, that’s weird. I’m pretty sure this plant wasn’t here before.
Book Crowley: *sees TV Crowley lying on the floor* What the hell is this?
TV Crowley: *not looking at him* Me. Being miserable.
Book Crowley: May I ask… why?
TV Crowley: My Angel left me.
Book Crowley: He did WHAT?!
After quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol…
Book Aziraphale: Crowley, are you…? *seeing all the mess* What happened here?
Book Crowley: You did.
Book Aziraphale: Me?! I didn’t do this.
TV Crowley: You left me.
Book Aziraphale: How…? Good Lord, why are there two of you?
TV Crowley: Why is there just one of you?
Book Aziraphale: How am I supposed to know?!
Book Crowley: You’re bad, Angel.
Book Aziraphale: And you’re drunk, my dear.
Book Crowley: Why did you leave us?
Book Aziraphale: Us? I didn’t leave you. And I certainly did not leave him.
TV Crowley: *tearing up* We could’ve been us.
Book Crowley: Look what you did.
Book Aziraphale: That’s it. I’m done. I’ll come back once you’re both sober.
Book Crowley: Yeah, leave. YOU’RE GOOD AT IT!
TV Crowley: I miss him. I miss him so much.
Book Crowley: I know, I know. We’ll be alright. We don’t need them.
TV Crowley: You know that’s not true.
Book Crowley: Yeah. You’re right.
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suzypfonne · 6 months
Identifying Ethereal, Occult, and Celestial Beings - Field Notes:
Name: [redacted], Crawley, Crowley
Alias(es): Bildad the Shuite, Anthony J Crowley, Nanny Ashtoreth, David Tennant
Species: Angel Serpent of Eden Demon
Date of Creation: Before the Beginning
Date of Destruction: 2019 cancelled
Occupation: tempter temptress retired
Height: 6' 1" unless snake
Hair color: autumn-leaf-red, cherry-cordial-red unless snake
Eye color: pretty
Physical Description: angel snake humanoid flexible
Identifying Features: sunglasses; black exterior, with red accents; freckles, unless snake; refuses to obey gravity mavity
Relationship Status: single smitten divorced it's complicated
Diet: espresso and quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol
Gender: whatever is most inconvenient for the greatest number of people
Pronouns: any
Sexuality: Azisexual
Religion: Aziraphalean he doesn't have faith in much, but he has faith in his angel
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lessi-lover · 9 months
jealous darling? II l.williamson x reader
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★ jealous darling? II l. williamson x reader
your heart swelled with pride whenever you watched your favourite blonde play, especially in those times when the defender had her best moments. there was a magnetic energy about her on the pitch, she was nothing short of extraordinary on the field, a force to be reckoned with in the world of football. her skills were unparalleled, and her determination was unmatched. with a ball at her feet, she gracefully glided across the grass, making every movement seem effortless, yet incredibly precise.
today, she played exceptionally well, making smart passes and moving up the pitch when needed, showcasing her ability in all areas of the sport. you had always enjoyed watching the game from afar, but seeing her play brought an entirely new level of joy towards the english sport. as the match ended with a 4-1 score, you joined the other family of the players on the pitch to celebrate the win. wearing her number and name proudly on your back, you couldn't help but beam as you spotted her jumping up and down with her teammates. her face lit up upon seeing you, and she climbed over the barrier with a large grin that showed her post-match high.
"you were outstanding, as always, williamson," you complimented her as she reached you. her smile widened at your words, but not before telling you off for the replacement of her favourite name, - babe. feeling like you were sorry enough, she leaned in and smashed her lips against yours for a special celebration kiss. "your into the semi's!" you exclaimed joyously, her excitement visible from head to toe. "and you're wearing my shirt," she responded, clearly delighted at your choice of clothing. you giggled at her energy, her gaze never wavered from you, admiration evident on her features.
she pulled you in close to her arms, voice carrying a sense of intimacy that made your stomach flip. "couldn’t have done it without you my girl," she murmured against your lips, her proud smile never doubtful. 
"it was all you, my love. I just showed up," you chuckled, reaching up to peck her still red and puffy cheeks. "you played so well." "thankyou," she blushed slightly at your praise, grin never fading as she tucked her head tightly into your shoulder. "did you enjoy the game?" she asked, her eyes searching for any sign that you hadn’t had fun. it was her caring nature that made you love her ten times more.
"always. i love watching you play, leah," you replied and her heart swelled at your confession. ”Cmon, let's get out here.” she whispered into your ear, quickly collecting your stuff and making your way out of the stands.
the celebrations continued for hours after the game, many of the arsenal crew - including you and leah, had organised to have a gathering in a quiet bar you were all familiar with. unfortunately, this resulted in a lot of alcohol being passed around, which meant the majority of the celebrants were teetering on the edge of full-blown drunkenness, something the blonde wasn’t too fond of participating in the middle of a season.
you found yourself heavily engaged in an intense debate on why spitting on the pitch is a complete ick, between the new ‘it couple’ of the arsenal squad - caitlin & katie. “it’s not on purpose, it just happens.” katie defended, her accent somehow even thicker at the unhealthy amount of alcohol she had consumed throughout the night. revelling in the playful banter you were able to create, you added that “it’s not impossible to not do it," and that you had successfully managed to get your stubborn girlfriend to quit it. amidst the laughter and lively conversation, you felt a pair of familiar hands wrap tightly around your hips. 
"leah!" katie greeted her. "have you come to save me from your dreadful girlfriend? I swear all she does is complain." katie joked, jabbing you lightly in the shoulder, which resulted in a glare from you. "she's gorgeous, so watch your mouth miss yellow card." leah retorted, referring to the yellow card the left-winger had received in the game against brighton.
"i'm afraid I have to end your little debate though, sorry girls." katie grabbed caitlin's hand leading them away, but not before brushing passed the blonde, whispering something in her ear. her grip became more and more possessive, as she pulled you even closer into her body. she led you away, pulling you into an empty room, seeking a little bit of quietness, all the loud bar sounds. making it hard for you to hear each other "what's wrong, my love?" you asked, trying to remember what happened during the night, if anything had upset your favourite girl. she held you firmly, arms tightly secured around your waist. "you're mine." she murmured against your neck, her tone possessive yet still loving. "i only want you to celebrate with me.” Her voice carried a subtle pout, eyes fixated on you as though you were her entire world - you were. 
"feeling possessive today, are we?" you teased, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. leah made a dismissive noise, clearly unfazed by your sudden brattiness, - she'd deal with that later. “stupid katie," she muttered, peppering soft kisses on your collarbones. "what did she say to you?" you questioned, intrigued at whatever the blonde would say next. "don’t worry about it, not important," she replied, obviously more engaged in making out with your neck, instead of answering you. snd there it was, clear as day, - jealousy. s newfound trait, which intrigued you to try and see how far the girl would go. "jealous, darling?" you teased, your eyes glinting playfully. “it’s baby to you.” she scolded. amused by her sudden possessiveness, you continued to tease her, your grin unwavering. "perhaps you're just jealous because you've never outplayed katie in the midfield," you said, the smile on your face matching your teasing tone. 
how much could you wind up the blonde you wondered."you're mine, don’t forget it." she responded simply, a hint of a smirk tugging at her lips.
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ktkellart · 4 months
Good Omens London Trip 🐍💞🪽
It's my Birthday today and I treated myself to a trip to London last weekend to see my favourite actor Michael Sheen in Nye at the National Theatre. I made the most of my weekend by combining it with a Good Omens filming location self-tour and I'd love to share it with you all. So, are you ready for the tour?
Here we go!
Starting off with Soho, and the inspiration for Whickber Street, where Aziraphale's bookshop, Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death, The Small Back Room, and the Dirty Donkey are located.
It’s Berwick Street and a record shop that is very similar in shape to A.Z Fell & Co. Bonus points for spotting Duck Lane!
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Next is Berkeley Square, a short walk from Soho. The first two photos are of the real Berkeley Square gardens in Mayfair, and the last two photos were taken in the filming location of Tavistock Square across the other side of central London near Kings Cross. I’m sitting on their ‘body swap’ bench in the last photo!
As you can see, the benches are turned around facing inwards now but are the other way, facing outwards in Good Omens.
Oh, and I can confirm that there were no nightingales singing in either location 😭
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Heading up the road a few minutes from Tavistock Square to The Enterprise pub where I met a fellow fan who kindly took photos of me posing (I bet the staff thought we were off our rockers!). This is where Crowley drowns his sorrows in Talisker Whisky whilst waiting for the world to end after thinking he'd lost Aziraphale. Omg that poor poor demon, he was really just gonna die along with the world.
Also, one of my favourite moments of season 1 is Crolwey's line: "I heard that. It was the wiggle-on..." then shrugs. 😆 So many emotions in such short a time.
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Onto the Ritz. The first two photos are of the real Ritz (a stone's throw from Berkeley Square) and the last one is inside Masala Zone in Piccadilly Circus where the ‘Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol’ and ‘To the World’ scenes were filmed.
I ate in here alone to get the photo and was so lucky with the table I was given! Perfect discreet snap whilst eating my curry! Haha!
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Next up is Battersea Park and the Bandstand. It was a bit of a faff to get there, it's an 8-minute walk from the Battersea Power Station underground and we walked the full length of the park to find the Bandstand, but it was so worth it.
Also filmed here was Gabriel and Aziraphale’s run/jog. Poor Angel is soft scene.
The trees were a little leafier with it being mid-May and the park was very busy because the weather was glorious. They also have a beautiful lake here with herons!
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The Heaven & Hell staircase escalators are right over the east side of London in Broadgate Tower, Bishopsgate. I got the overground to Liverpool Street station to get there. It is in a private business building so I politely/awkwardly asked the receptionist if I could take a photo and had to explain about the scene from Good Omens… eek! But he kindly let me snap a photo anyway! (Phew)
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The Windmill Theatre was three minutes away from my hotel in Piccadilly Circus, so I wandered up the road to take a photo of where Aziraphale ‘performed on the West End stage’ as Fell the Marvelous. And wasn’t he just?
The scenes weren't filmed here but it was fun to find it anyway.
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St James’s Park is up next! I sat on their bench and got my friend to take photos of me posing and had fun editing the first photo. Haha! We enjoyed walking through the park, watching the ducks on the lake and had a nosey at Buckingham Palace while we were there.
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The Duke of York Statue steps are at the other end of St James's Park and were fun to walk up. I smiled to myself as I thought of the scene where Crowley says ‘Well let's have lunch? Hmm,’ and Aziraphale turns around, as it was the first time I realised that these two were more than just friends.
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Heaven’s top floor, the Sky Garden in Fenchurch Street near Monument is a very tall building with a botanical garden on the top floor. You can visit the sky garden for free, but you do need to book in advance so it’s best to plan ahead for this one. The views of London are breathtaking from the 35th floor and the tropical plants are fun.
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My last stop for this visit was Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. I booked a tour on the morning I was due to go home. The first tour is 10 am and lasts an hour, so I dashed off as soon as the tour guide was uttering his last words about the gift shop, across London back to Kings Cross to pick up my suitcase from luggage storage and get the 11:48 am train home!
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One I missed and could have easily gone to is St Margaret Street where Newton and Shadwell meet, and Shadwell fleeces Newton for a cup of tea with nine sugars and pockets the change. A bit gutted I missed it to be honest – I love Jack Whitehall (I’m back in London with the family in June so I’ll swing by and update then!)
There are also some other locations a little further afield that I might try to visit on a later date, such as Shadwell's and Madam Tracy's flat down Hornsey Road in Islington, Crowley's Flat exterior in Eastfields Avenue, Best Cafe on Garratt Lane where Crowley meets Shadwell, Crystal Palace Dinosaur Park where the ineffable husbands watch Warlock defacing a dinosaur sign and Antonella's Cafe and Bistro where Crowley and Aziraphale are thinking of ideas to track down the antichrist whist Aziraphale eats cake.
Okay, I’m gonna finish up with the man himself. The very kind, very charming, and VERY patient Michael Sheen The reason for my London visit in the first place. Nye was spectacular OBviOUsLy, but he was super generous with his time at stage door for us all. I got a hug and asked him to pass it on to Aziraphale (that angel really needs a hug) and it made him laugh, which made my night!
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Check out my reblog for extra locations when I visited London again a month later, and for a hilarious bonus photo of.... Gabriel??!
Here’s the wonderful map I used -
from this website:
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Hi! I feel like in a lot of fics Crowley will casually flirt with Aziraphale (before they're together) making him flustered and i wondered if you knew of any fics where it's the opposite? Like where Aziraphale will casually just flirt with Crowley? I'd just like some confident Aziraphale and some flustered Crowley tbh. It could be any rating ^_^
Thanks in advance!!!
Hello. We have a plentiful #flustered crowley tag that you should check out for more fics like this. Here are some more to add to the collection...
Strawberry Meringues by heldtogetherwithstring (G)
Aziraphale and Crowley finally have their picnic, during which they discuss the invention of meringues and the discovery of honey. The St James Park duck population watches in approval, but neither they nor Crowley could have predicted what Aziraphale's next move would be. OR Aziraphale and Crowley have been pining for so long and Azirphale decides enough is enough.
Sunk On You by Ambra_Sue (T)
When Crowley had to bring his nephew Adam to swimming lessons, he didn't expect to sink quite so fast for the hot, blond swim teacher.
The Burning of Sulphur (Reminds me I'm Home) by Fizzy25 (T)
Crowley wonders if this is what he was made for. If he was made to only admire Aziraphale. If every moment in his life, the stars, the fall, the apple, was only a prelude to this singular moment. He wonders if there will never be anymore to them. Crowley hopes that he will be content with this. In which Crowley is a lovesick, touched-starved occult being who is too in love with Aziraphale to do anything but stare.
Ice to Meet You (Dutch Waltz Into My Heart) by BooknerdMiss (G)
Crowley takes (read: is dragged by) his nephew Warlock to a professional sporting event that he's less-than-thrilled about. Lucky for him, he gets to sit by an angel.
Extraordinary Amounts of Alcohol by AppleSeeds (T)
Crowley gets extremely drunk and stumbles into Aziraphale's bedroom, mistaking it for the bathroom. Crowley doesn't remember much of what happened or anything about his drunken confessions, but Aziraphale does... He just needs to work out whether Crowley really meant what he said or whether it was just alcohol-induced rambling, and what better way to find out than to see how Crowley responds to a bit of subtle, and slightly less than subtle, flirting?
at the airport terminal by bearwonder (E)
Crowley has worked the same soulless job for two decades, and he hasn't had anyone to talk to since his pet snake died a couple years ago. When Industrial Holdings (Holdings) PLC sends him to their annual conference in the US, he expects a week of mind-numbing boredom bookended by two torturous half-days spent in airplanes. But as fate would have it, an embarrassing mishap leads him to meet an unrelentingly positive flight attendant who smiles at him like he's a real human being, and makes him think that maybe, if he plays this right, he won’t have to die alone.
- Mod D
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ssheepie · 13 days
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Alcohol. Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol.
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leviosally · 3 months
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Okay. I’m running behind on my daily prompts but life has been insaaaane 🙈.
So, Ive been wanting to do something for Old Vines forever, and since I am currently re-reading, and the prompt for the 14th was Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol/drunken shenanigans, I finally did the thing. @sevdrag 🥰
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noxnightingales · 9 months
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Metatron, bugger! I recognized him and his dirty look. Now my angel is gone, and since I don't work for Hell, and cant exist in "our" bookshop, I am homeless. Of course, I have my Bentely and my plants, which are quite unhappy. I could get a hotel room...ah, but what's the point?
Every day I ask, what's the point?
Still writing hideous poetry and even some awful smut to pass the time. Time is what I have too much of. I am also on a first name (okay, last name) basis of all the pubs in tri-county area. At least I won't have to watch that angel's favorite movie, "It's a Wonderful Life." However, if he were here, I would. Instead it will be a fifth of whiskey and like The Velvet Underground's "The Black Angel's Death Song."
AJ Crowley
Aziraphale, who? *sobs*
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booksandmate · 11 months
Because i love your takes, what is something you would like to see in s3?
well first thank you! and second i know you said "something" but here's a list because keeping it short isn’t my strong suit:
1941 continuation
rooftop scene
“my dear boy” or any of its variants
bitchy aziraphale. need him to assume the title and make everyone in heaven have a bad time
looking into each other's eyes + kissing in the rain. hair sticking to their foreheads, clothes absolutely soaked
the “why? love” quote somewhere
meetings to discuss the second coming when they have not yet resolved their shit. just unresolved sexual tension ok
crowley duke of hell
us time. ritz. quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol
gay sex
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Peter: What are you in the mood for now? Stiles: Alcohol. Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol.
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