nyxthesis · 2 years
Advanced Warfare Infection (Burger town) Exo Zombies Review
+Map has two solid training spots which is much better then outbreak
+the maps ending saw the introduction of Bruce Campbells character to the mix
+has a better trap selection than outbreak especially the one on top of burger town itself
-Oz felt even more unbearable to play as then in outbreak which would be fine if you could just mute the characters and nothing else but no you can't, a feature that was in world at war was not in advanced warfare, that to me is just embarrassing
-easter egg step with the valves and meat have to many spawn locations to memorize, well you can memorize them but fuck is it alot to remember and with zombies bleeding out and qurentine rounds making it so maybe the area your looking for the meat is unavailable just makes the process take way to long
-the wonder weapon is not too bad power wise but it is severely lacking in the ammo department to the point I don't think it's worth using it your going for high rounds
-with all the rng that the map already has they felt the need to make one step where you need the maps wonder weapon, all you do is shoot the meat, that step felt like an excuse to make you use the wonder weapon beacuse why else would you use it
-surivor rounds are one of the worst things in zombies history, it ruins the flow or rythem that you maybe developing (which is a huge theme with this map) and the survivors are almost impossible to protect and if you fail to protect them you get punished heavily, every generator shuts down so you can't buy perks but on top of that you can't buy ammo for wall weapons or upgrade your guns so on a map with a wonder weapon with shit ammo you get punished for what feels like way to long by not being able to even get ammo or hell even hit the box/3d printer all you can really do is wait and it is the most mind numbing thing in zombies having to wait to even get a weapon but that's not all of you do somehow manage to save them what's your reward? All you get is the current weapon you're holding upgraded by one rank..... That's just plain insulting weapon upgrades cost 2 500 points/credits which you can get in no time at all so the rewards are just pointless, a waste of time like everything on this map speaking of wastes of time
-quarentine rounds make it so one of three main area's (excluding the damn sewer of course) are filled with gas that leaves you infected but to make this even better when you get to later rounds 2 areas cam get shut down and if your unlucky they will be the areas you can upgrade your weapon to get more ammo making the maps ammo issue even worse, I even heard that eventually all 3 areas can get locked down at once leaving you no choice but to go into the sewers speaking of the sewers
-the sewers are so dark and grey that it's hard to see which would be bad enough if it weren't for those annoying as hell steps that you need to look for the valves or meat and besides just the sewers this has to be the most ugly map in zombies history just looking at it makes me want to vomit with how desaturated it looks
-the goliath could have been a good boss enemy if not for the devs giving him emp abilites which were annoying enough with the regular emp zombies so that makes him just a pain in the ass and in general he's just a annoying bullet spunge that beacuse his shield there is no great way to take him out fast from what I could tell
-the easter egg step where you have to season the golden pan (yes I know it's as stupid as it sounds) has almost no room to train the zombies and they are too fast and agressive for you to be able to make space making it feel like a death sentence but no it's needed for this god forsaken easter egg
-the easter egg it's self just fucking sucks, it's not fun, it's not interesting hell even the set piece of launching the rocket feels joyless with how miserable this map is and what are you even trying to do for most of the egg you may ask? Building a burger. That's right your main quest is building a damn burger and the game takes it dead serious, what a joke
-there is still dog rounds but they spawn in with zombies so remember that ammo issue I mentioned earier, well now you don't have that gimme easy max ammo round to keep you from running out too easy
-there is only one disinfection chamber and it's so far out of the way that if your hit on a host round you have to book it to the chamber as fast as possible to even have a chance I swear this map fails in everyway
Overall I may have forgotten some flaws this map has it has that many but there is no doubt in my mind that this is easily the worst map In all of zombies and it will take alot for any map to over take it
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dirkpilled · 2 years
saw a vid of some girl talking abt how she thinks the reason ppl r detransitioning a bunch rn is because during qurentine BL blew up and so everyone wanted to fetishize gay men. n then also bashed terfs in the same video... As if " gay trans men transition to fetishize gay men " isnt a well known Tumbl-erf talking point. like i promise you girl Bl/yaoi has Always been extremely popular and i did not see an considerable spike. maybe ppl detransition.. bc.. i dont know.. AMERICA IS RAW DOGGING TRANS PPL IN THEIR ASS RIGHT NOW?? and that the gc detransitioners + gc trans ppl ur seeing always existed theyre just being all boosted right now on PURPOSE bc its very useful to further the rhetoric at this point.
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didi203 · 4 years
2021 here we go... started watching “Cougar Town” all over again, one of my best decisions by far!
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tylernol4thypain · 4 years
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Quarantine lewks
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I’ve realized I’m not struggling with staying home, I’m struggling with everyone in my family having to stay home with me
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madllamamomma · 4 years
I need that update Nix Hydra....
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I really do....
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hicaake · 4 years
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Okey this got me😂
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antifascistea · 4 years
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Sometimes you just gotta make historical costumes with shit around your house
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evil-eyebrow · 4 years
Okay, but where are all the quarantine fanfics?
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bookworm-1 · 4 years
People during quarantine
Leo: stays inside playing games and building stuff
Percy:goes out to the lake for a swim everyday
Nico: never seen outside, already a pro at self isolation
Jason: stays inside playing games with Piper
Frank: goes on hikes everyday with hazel
Annabeth: doesn't go outside only plays animal crossing *this is only an image everyone knows demigods can't have electronics*
Will: can't stop won't stop baking
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firefandoming · 4 years
Everyone keeps talking about domestic violence towards adults by spouses or romantic partners being worse because of quarantine but no one is talking about child abuse and neglect being worse. How many kids who only escape is school is being hurt more? How many kids who's parents are still being forced to work while schools are closed are just being left alone to fend for themselves? Or being left in the care of abusers more? How many kids are being hurt more right now because their caretakers are just tired are putting up with them? How many kids were planning to confide in school staff about abuse happening at home now have no one they feel safe to tell?
We need to talk about this
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inside-an-adhd-mind · 4 years
work place
Anyone else find it difficult to do all things from working to chilling in the same place?
My mind just outright refuses to do it... i keep changing  rooms everyday in my house in search of that perfect place that would let me work with no distractions!!!!
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luandersonleandro · 4 years
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didi203 · 4 years
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My mood in 2020 🙄
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thedapperdudeguy · 4 years
Day ???
The first week of distance learning is officially done, and the second week starts tomorrow. I was surprised by how much the students seem to miss school and just want things to go back to normal. Their first assignment was due on Friday and I really expected almost no one to turn anything in, but it looks like I got almost 60 or so assignments turned in (maybe a little less than half!). We just got an email telling us that the kids will get NG for this quarter, meaning that there's insufficient evidence to give the kids a grade. This makes me worry that they wont take this distance learning stuff seriously, I know I wouldn't have at their age.
My seventh graders are working on journaling their time in quarantine, and some of their responses just break my heart. One kiddo lives with her mom and grandma, and since her grandma is sick she isnt allowed to leave the house at all. Her journal was just talking about how bored and lonely she is, and I felt so bad for her. I know all this is so rough for them, and I'm really looking forward to when all of this is over and things can go back to normal.
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luciacanepa · 4 years
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