#rachel boyd
yuurionviktor · 6 months
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15 years later I’m still not normal about them
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soul-eater-screencaps · 4 months
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Soul Eater Episode 36
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thekingofwinterblog · 5 months
Horror of Witches
So one of Soul Eater's more halfbaked concept is the conflict between Death and Witches, and what it actually means.
Sure, we have Witch antagonists, but we're never really given a full look into the history of this conflict. We are instead just shown normal people's hatred and distrust, and while the manga acknowledges that this kind of phobia is wrong, it at the same time its kinda afraid to really explore the other side of the coin. To show us WHY people in universe have VERY good reasons to be utterly terrified of witches.
However, there is one moment that nails this idea. Where it uses Soul Eater's delving into horror tones, to tell the story of a single witch destroying an entire family. Namely Medusa's possession of Rachel.
In the Manga, this is a very creepy moment, but it's not anythign special.
The anime though, took this very basic possession scene, and made it a showcase of exactly why witches are FEARED in this universe.
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It begins the same in both versions, with young rachel running off from her mother to chase a dog(currently possessed by Medusa) because she, a young child wants to pet the doggo.
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And as any good old european fairy tale, the young child is punished for doing what she is not supposed to, by supernatural means, namely Medusa body hopping from the dog to her.
Her Mom then takes her home, oblivious that something horrible has happened.
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What i love about the way the anime does this, as opposed to the manga, is that this isnt as simple as Medusa just erasing Rachel's will and taking over. That's what happens in the Manga, but here there is something much, much more disturbing going on.
Namely a battle of the mind, not too disimilar to the fight Tsubaki had with her brother.
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Medusa's fight with Rachel is showcased on the Tv, where instead of the tv program Rachel's mom thinks her daughter is watching, Rachel's eyes are instead glued to something else, which we the audience gets to see.
We get to see Rachel's mind scape shown on the tv, as the same scene plays over again, and again, with the same words repeated ad nausea.
An apple, an apple, an apple, an apple, an apple-
I love how if you have payed attention to how this world works, you will pick up on the fact that this creepy scene isnt just some random TV scene that RAchel happened to watch, as it first appears.
No this is something deeply personal to her. Her soul. Just as Tsubaki's soulscape is a blue sky and the surface of an ocean, this orchard of apples is Rachel's.
It's just her, and the apples, her soul represented by the golden ribbon, and the red by what she wants, the things that make her happy, her mom, her dad, her love for her mom's cocking, her dog.
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then it flashes to something else. suddenly the random girl is gone, replaced fully with Rachel herself, and in the tree, a snake. A black Snake with Golden arrow markings.
the scene repeats itself as the girl climbs up the tree, until suddenly, the snake sliters over, and into the girls face, dissapearing from sight as it enters into Rachel.
The symbolism here is very clear too. Medusa is the snake in Rachel's garden of Eden, but what is most important here, is that it's not the apple that is portrayed as the bad thing here, no that is Medusa. The orchard and the little girl was doing just fine, until Medusa FORCED herself into it withouth the girl being able to do anything about it.
Even if the watcher has completely forgotten about the fight between the two siblings from so long ago, it's still a very disturbing scene, but what i find the most interesting is how this section of the fight between Rachel and Medusa ends.
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Because rather than coming to a decisive conclusion, it's instead interrupted by Rachel's mom telling her daughter to turn off the TV, which is so strong in Rachel's mind, that it forces Medusa to instead fall back to telling rachel to be a good girl, and listen to her mother, because Medusa isnt strong enough to just break Rachel's will.
She needs time, and in the end, it's rachel's mom who buys her that time.
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Then, after the sun has gone down, and the parents have gone to sleep, Rachel and Medusa are still battling it out in Rachel's mind, the worries that something seems... Off about Rachel today being the last words before they fall asleep.
But of course, Medusa IS surely going to win this contest. There was no questions about that. Her, and ancient and powerful witch, against a what, 6-8 year old girl? With no particular training to thriumph in such a contest to begin with.
There was no way this was going to end with Rachel expelling Medusa with her own strenght of will.
And so, after having achieved what she determines is a sufficient level of control, Medusa goes to the parents bedroom, very, very clearly planning to murder both of them...
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Only for Rachel, upon seeing her parents, to completely regain control, and throw herself on her parents bed crying, about a scary snake that was gobbling her up whole
This is a surprising moment, but also very much in line with Soul Eater's themes.
Alone, Rachel stood no chance... But with her parents at her side, even she was able to draw out the strength to keep Medusa at bay.
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Against all odds, Rachel managed to stave off Medusa, winning back complete control over her body, and she is rewarded for that by her parents tucking her in at night, thinking she had a bad dream, and in response giving her their unconditional love.
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So long as she has that, she will win.
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So having suffered a surprising defeat, Medusa pulls back and looks for another strategy... and she finds it during breakfast next morning.
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She confronts Rachel with the reality that her mom's coocking, which the little girl adores because she loves her mom, is simple and bland.
It's really not much, but it immediatly sows seeds of doubt in Rachel's young heart, allowing Medusa to once more gain control, if not fully.
However, she then finds herself being forced to put her current battle with Rachel on hold, as she realises her big sis Arachne is spying on her through a spider in the kitchen, which she kills by grabbing it, and then squishing it in a fist...
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An action which completely freaks out Rachel's mom.
Medusa then decides to leave, not because she wants to, or feels ready, but because of necessity. she has to leave before her sister makes another move while she is still weak.
It's a very precarious position, as as it is, Rachel could break her control at any moment, which for obvious reasons makes it precarious to use this body for combat.
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However, Rachel's mom then grabs her before she can leave, and terrified of her daughter's actions and weird, weird behavior asks her a logical question... That in Rachel's young mind, currently balancing on a knife's edge no doubt sounds like her mom is questioning her love for her, the same love she used to take back control the previous night.
And just like that, Medusa wins.
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With that decisive moment of doubt in Rachel's heart, She takes full control over Rachel's body, and using her own voice now coming out of Rachel's mouth, mocks her mom by telling her that her little girl was easy to manipulate as she, something unnatural has come into her home, and taken her baby from her.
She has broken this woman's entire life, and is so happy about it. This is what "The pull of Magic", Every Witch's natural inclination for causing destruction actually looks like to most people in this universe.
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It's a great scene, showcasing How even at her weakest, Medusa is still a great villain, but this moment also illustrates so, SO well why the average population of Soul Eater FEARS Witches.
Withes are capable of terrifying magic in this universe... But this isnt that.
This is a witch, using low level magic, at her weakest, DESTROYING a family, out of nowhere with no problems. This could happen Anywhere in the world, at any time, but the fact that this is happening here, in Death City, in the heart of the world order that exists speciffically to kill witches so this very thing doesnt happen, and Death was unable to do anything about it, really showcases the kind of horror witches are actually capable of inflicting upon the world.
You are not safe. anywhere. your protectors cannot sense us. we can infiltrate anywhere as we please, and you cannot do anything to stop it.
I really wish we got more of it, becuase this scene fleshes out just how terrifying Witches actually are.
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flyttadigs · 2 years
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crowsyart · 2 years
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The evilest little baby in the whole wide world
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freekicks · 9 months
forgot to share this highlight of my trip to harlan, kentucky: the display cabinet of “justified” props and memorabilia on display at the harlan tourism center.
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almostharlanquotes · 5 months
Tim: From now on we'll be using code names. You can address me as 'Eagle One'. Tim: USDA David Vasquez, your codename is 'Been there, done that'. Tim: Raylan is 'Currently doing that'. Tim: Art is 'It happened once in a dream'. Tim: Boyd. Codename - 'If I had to pick a criminal. Tim: Rachel is ... Eagle two. Rachel: Oh thank God.
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arkuiver · 3 months
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what i wonder is who the hell his darling is here
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jaspxr · 7 months
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Rachel, stop flirting, your colleague has a terrible headache!
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unleashedart · 9 months
This Justified edit has been on my mind for years but I’m just now getting to making it
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soul-eater-screencaps · 4 months
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redpool · 1 year
I wish there was more fanfiction for Justified.
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she-wolf09231982 · 1 year
Chapter 1-As I Live and Breathe
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Summary: You were reassigned to work for the U.S. Marshal Service in Lexington…Which also happens to be the department that your Uncle Art is in charge of. He was glad to accept you but knew it would be a blessing and a curse to have you as one of his officers. You are a complete professional in the field, but something about this new team brings out your inner mischief. Especially since your childhood friend, Tim Gutterson, is now one of your co-workers.
Author Notes: Character Intro, Tim Gutterson x Female!Deputy, Deputy Marshal Gutterson x Female!Deputy, Y/N, L/N, U.S. Deputy Marshal Service, Justified T.V. show references, Raylan Givens, Rachel Brooks, Art Mullen (Y/N’s uncle), Military/Law Enforcement terminology, Mentions weaponry and alcohol, sexual innuendos, a splash of sexism.
*While writing this, I imagined the character having a southern accent as well, but I encourage you as the reader, to use your imagination to your heart's wildest desires*
You step out of your Jeep and inhale the familiar scent of hot asphalt and Virginia bluebells. You forget how dry it gets in Kentucky as you cough after getting a mouthful of dusty air. You look up at the Lexington Federal Courthouse, let out one last exhale and proceed to the Marshal’s entrance.
You approach the security counter already emptying the contents of your pockets into the basket.
“Ma’am this is the Deputy Marshal’s entrance, I’m gonna need you to go around to the front and-“
You flash your badge to the suited man speaking to you. His mouth fell open from shock and embarrassment.
“Oh…I didn’t know you-“ He tried to continue.
You cut him off right away.
“Right, it was an honest mistake that a woman lookin’ like me could possibly be any kind of law enforcement. Ain’t no way they give a gal a shiney badge and a gun, is that what you were thinkin’?”
The man and his three other associates exchanged looks of confusion.
“May I have my affects back, please?” You ask.
The stupefied man offered the basket with your things in it. You pocket your keys, spare change and cuff key and walk on without another word wasted on security.
You walk through the double glass doors of the Deputy Marshal office and see a few deputies talking to an FBI agent. You couldn’t help but overhear the comical exchange.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Deputy.” The FBI agent scolded to the blonde man seated behind the desk, mouth full of food.
“I’m not playing. I’m an idiot. You can ask anybody.” Deputy Tim Gutterson replied earnestly but playfully gesturing to the other deputies.
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“And I can personally vouch for that.” You rang out for the whole office to hear.
The FBI agent, Tim, the other two deputies, and their Chief, Art Mullen, turn to look at you approaching.
Art chuckled and met you halfway. Tim smirked and hung his head.
“Y/N, as I live and breathe.” Art said extending his hand to shake yours, then pulling you in for a hug.
“Hey, Uncle Art.” You say hugging him back.
Raylan exchanged looks with Rachel who just shrugged.
“Come on over here, I want you to meet the rest of the A-Team.” Art said.
You both approach the group, all eyes on you.
“Y/N, this here is Raylan Givens. He came to us about a week or two ago from the Miami department.”
Raylan shook your hand with a dashing smile.
“Ma’am.” He stood to greet you.
“Pleasure’s all mine, Deputy. I read all about you going John Wayne on Thomas Buckley. Classy.” You say with an impressed smile.
Raylan laughed and began scratching the back of his head like a little boy all bashful.
Art continued. “One of my best deputies, Rachel Brooks.” He gestured to the female next to Raylan to which you also shook her hand.
“I believe it.” You say with a wink. Rachel smiled back.
“And this knucklehead is-“
“Thanks, Chief, but there’s no need for my formal introduction to Miss L/N.” Tim interrupted.
Art looked at Tim, then at you, then back at him.
“Deputy L/N to you, Mr. Gutterson.” You corrected.
Raylan, Rachel, and Art’s eyes widened. There was a touch of intensity in the air between you and Tim.
“Oh, so the rumors are true. You became the pin up girl of the United States Marshal Service.” Tim shot back smoothly.
You roll your eyes at Tim.
“Better than being known as the idiot of the United States Marshal Service.” You retorted.
Raylan and Rachel let laughs escape them.
“I like her.” Rachel said.
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“Alright, now, Y/N can you please follow me to my office so we can properly in-process you to this department?” Your uncle was already exasperated by the amount of back and forth you started.
You flash Tim a mischievous smile then turn to face the other two.
“Pleasure meetin’ y’all.” You say to Raylan and Rachel with a wave.
They returned a nod and a smile. They then both looked over at Tim who conveniently made himself busy at his computer. He looked over at them after feeling their stare on him.
“What?” Tim asked.
“So, you’re not going to explain what all that was about?” Raylan asked.
“What all was what about?” Tim asked.
Rachel rolled her eyes at him.
“Obviously you knew her from before.” Rachel stated.
Tim looked back at his screen and paused.
“…Perhaps.” He finally responded.
Rachel and Raylan look at eachother and shrugged.
“Ok, Gutterson, you can stay all mysterious if you want. One way or another we’ll figure it out.” Rachel said.
“Who am I to interfere with your womanly urges to find out juicy gossip?” Tim said sarcastically without looking up from his work. “You ain’t gonna find out anything.” He added.
“We shall see.” Rachel challenged. Raylan just scoffed and redirected his attention to paperwork on his desk.
After about an hour in a half in your uncle’s office, you emerge with Art in the lead.
“Ok, Y/N, this will be your desk.” Art motioned to the last desk right between Tim’s desk and his office.
Tim rolled his eyes and let out an audible, irritated sigh.
“Seems a bit crowded over here, Chief, are there any other desks available? A closet, perhaps?” You asked your uncle.
Rachel chuckled in amusement.
“You could share a desk with Tim if you’d like?” Raylan offered. “He’s dying for company I assure you.” He continued teasingly.
Tim shot Raylan an annoyed glance.
Art cut off the back and forth.
“This, is your desk, Deputy L/N.” He said sternly tapping the top of the bare desk surface. He turned around and went back into his office.
You put your side piece and your badge on your new workstation.
“Welcome home, sweetheart.” Tim said mockingly.
You shot a dull look at Tim.  He winked at you.
Damn him and those blue eyes.
You exhale and look away from him.
“Don’t be thinkin’ those baby blues will get you anywhere, Gutterson.” You say attempting to hide a smile.
Tim totally caught it, though. He had a knack for noticing the tiniest details. It’s what made him an excellent sniper.
“No ma’am.” Tim replied with a smug grin.
“Is that absolutely necessary, Y/N?” Tim asked you referring to your scented candle burning on your freshly cleaned desk.
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“Smells bad enough in here to knock a dog off a gut wagon, Tim. The scent of Aspen Pine ain’t gonna kill you.” You respond.
Raylan laughed out loud.
“Knock a dog off a gut wagon, Y/N? Really?” Raylan asked you as he sat up in his chair to get a better look at you.
“What? Too old school holler even for you, Givens?” You snickered.
Raylan laughed. “No ma’am, just haven’t heard that saying since I was a kid, that’s all. Where you even from?” He responded.
“I was born in Maces Spring, Virginia. Most of my family is from there. Moved to Indiana around high school where I met this fine gentleman right here.” You gestured to Tim.
Tim scoffed.
“So, you do know Tim from before!” Rachel squealed.
“Yes ma’am, I do. Went to every homecoming and prom with him.” You confirmed.
Rachel let out a hearty laugh, as Raylan shot Tim a surprised glance.
Tim rolled his eyes, dropping his head back onto his chair.
“Didn’t think Tim was the….dancing, tuxedo, boutonniere type a guy?” Raylan said mockingly.
You look over at Tim.
“He isn’t. He wore khaki cargo pants, a button up, and had one of his daddy’s flasks filled with Wild Turkey as a belt buckle.” You explained.
Rachel covered her mouth so she wouldn’t snort from laughter. Raylan chuckled.
“Wow, Tim.” Raylan said rather loudly, utterly shocked.
“Ok, get your jabs in now, Y/N. Your time will come for humiliating pastime anecdotes.” Tim said pointing at you with a roguish smirk.
“Bring it, Gutterson.” You reply leaning on your elbows across your desk getting closer to him. “Rachel, I’ll have to tell you about the time I snuck under the bleachers with this one during a football game!”
Rachel fanned her face, mocking a rising temperature, “Oooo girrrrrl.” She keened.
Tim bit his bottom lip, then side eyed you. You flash him a flirtatious smile and a wink.
You both remembered that night…And the many nights that occurred after that.
“If we are quite finished here, I’d like the four of you to meet me in the conference room, stat.” Art announced poking his head through his office door in an authoritative, fatherly tone.
Tim was the first to proceed everyone to escape the torturous ridicule you and Rachel caused him.
Rachel walked over to you and hooked your arm.
“We’ll have to have girl’s night. I’ve been the only woman on this team for awhile. It’s about time another adult was brought on to help me handle the boys.” She whispered to you. You both giggle
“I heard that.” Raylan shouted over his shoulder.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Justified
Sample Size: 1,258 stories
Source: AO3
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grande-caps · 6 months
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Justified - Season 3
Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 14.502 files Resolution : 1.280 x 720 px
-Please like/reblog if taking!
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i-have-so-many-qns · 11 months
I've been watching Justfied with my folks...
I have discovered, I love Walton Goggins in everything I've seen him in so far... was strangely excited to see him in that TBBT episode too... I will always love Venus Van Dam (Which he was doing while also doing Justified??!!)
Also, everyone is right. Tim Gutterson and Rachel Brooks should have been on more than they were.
P.s. I also think my mom has developed a mild crush on Olyphant.
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