#radfem sympathy
giritina · 1 year
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When people say that terfs view trans men as just pathetic "lost lesbians" and are sympathetic towards them, I think it's worth nothing that they do in fact treat gay trans men as sexual predators
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just-a-little-radish · 5 months
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In case any of y’all were wondering the current state of racial discourse on YouTube… this is literally the first few comments that crop up, I’m scared to sort by new… imagine being so brain dead that you can’t come up with another reason someone might behave like this (domestic violence, misogyny, other upbringing etc) and just assume it’s bc he has a bit more melanin in his body…
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bunni-bonez · 9 months
tbh I think it’s kinda fucked that young men who get radicalized by the alt right tend be receive way more sympathy from leftists than young women who get radicalized into terfdom. It seems like a lot of online leftists see young Nazis as enemies (as they should), but redeemable ones. They get the luxury of having their radicalization explained with Materialism so that they can, in theory, eventually see the light. Which on some levels is good. Deradicalization is a good way of defanging dangerous movements. But radfems never get that grace. Which is understandable, they are hateful bigots after all, but their ideas don’t spring from nowhere. I’ve spent more hours than I’d like to admit curiously scrolling thru radfem blogs. And honestly. I get it. A lot of it just feels like understandable frustration at growing up in a misogynistic culture. On tumblr at least, it seems like radfems are primarily angry at men, trans people are secondary enemies to them. Its justified to be angry. I may not have always lived as a woman, but I harbor a lot of pain and anger at the way misogyny affects my life. But that anger can not be the sole basis of my outlook. Because anger only shows you half the truth. And in the material blind spots is where radfem transphobia comes in. Trans people might not always be the main enemy, but they are the more vulnerable one. While we should oppose terfs, especially the active propagandists who want us dead, it is important to understand how young women get swept up in that ideology. And hopefully through that, we we can try to prevent that rabbit hole.
Or idk whatever I hate discourse lol
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
not sorry. i extend very little sympathy and patience towards tras who are underage, and the only ones who do get said sympathy are TIFs. but again. it's MICROSCOPIC levels of sympathy.
#i was also a tra as a minor (~10yo to 14yo)#and yet i never said even half the shit a lot of these kids are spewing with their whole chests.#i never hated on terfs; made rape jokes; made death threats.#I barely ever even argued with terfs bc i AGREED WITH THEM even as a tra. the only thing i disagreed on was how they went about it#(i felt like they were 'too mean'. now that i am a radfem i see we arent mean enough.)#i never in my life shared countless anti terf memes. never had a DNI.#never spammed terf tags and spaces.#never sent hate anons.#so yeah#i do genuinely judge kids who do this because i WAS ALSO A CHILD and i NEVER did this shit even at the height of the trans ideology#worming its way into the government and law.#people need to understand that children can and SHOULD have morals. just like adults.#you shouldnt need to be told 'hey this is bad' to know thats bad. if you have morals then you simply just know.#i tried to go vegan my entire life. would refuse to eat animals even when i was 4 years old. went officially vegan at 11 when i realized i#wouldnt die without animal protein (and even if i did i was sick of funding animal murder)#no one NEEDED to tell me to do that.#my morals simply did not agree with killing and eating other living beings.#so kids who are willing to do all this shit? yeah. thats ust a reflection of their innate morals. not even joking here either.#i work with kids.#i know how downright cruel they can be and not just in a 'im socially inept and have no filter yet'#but intentionally cruel.#intentionally heinous. and tiktok exposure only makes it so much worse.#so yeah if you are a minor and i go on your account and i see dozens of terf-hate posts?#i AM judging you and i feel zero sympathy for anything coming your way#and i do genuinely hope they wither away in shame and regret when they get older#I didnt even do any of this shit and yet i still feel ashamed and remorseful for the stupid tra shit i spewed (mostly about how#sex and gender arent the same. that was the HEIGHT of my trans rights activism. that's barely 1% of what these kids are saying.)#like i understand where theyre coming from and i get why theyd buy into the trans cult; but that does NOT excuse their behavior.#rudefem
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kiwitheg00n · 1 year
I had a conversation about circumcision with a coworker, due to another coworker who was anxious about his son getting his peen chopped up that same day. This is how it went....
Me: Yeah I'm not for that procedure it's unnecessary and mutilating perfectly good parts
Him: I dont want my son walking around with a turtle neck LOL
Me: Why does it matter? If my son wants the skin off he's more than welcome to do it when he's 18.
Him: ugh idk if I want that to happen when I'm already an adult
Me: You think a newborn wants it??
Him: You right
Me: How bout FGM, female genital mutilation
Him: OH idgaf honestly
Me: *In actual shock* Really? Wow....
So ahem for the Men out there who constantly bitch about their depression, crimes against each other, and "unfair treatment" guess what my immediate response will be: "Oh Idgaf honestly ;))" Thanks for the brilliant comeback I'm sure it will please plenty of men.
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burningtheroots · 1 year
What's your opinion on the whole concept of "Transandrophobia/Transmisandry" VS "Transmisogyny" from a radfem perspective?
A little context of why the question: Lately (as in this month and so) there's been a lot of infighting in Transblr between TIFs and TIMS over the whole thing of "TMA" and "TME" ("Transmisogyny Affected/Excempt", take a guess wich one is for each sex), over if trans men can and do suffer systemic oppression for being both trans and male (or "masc"), if trans women can and do still hold systemic power for being "amab" and if one side can opress the other and yada yada
The "funny" thing it's that one particular drama that kinda starter everything was that a group of TIMs/a couple TIMs and some TIF pickmes (ex 4chan/lolcow-type users) between eachother started saying how "Those Transandro Trutring Cuntboys/Pooners need to be Puppypegged, fatten up and impregnated agaisnt their will so they become chiller and stop whining about false oppression" (exact same terms and core message) because there was a lot of popular liberal TIF blogs discussing that "Hey! Despite transitioning to ""mascs"" or not-women, society at large and even the stunning and brave transgirls from our own community treat us like shit and even below human! Isn't that weird?". Because of this the "gay queer masc" user @/spacelazarwolf called this groups of TIMs and self hating TIFs disgusting 4chan-y "transandrophobic" degenerates rigthfully, and it kinda just went down more since then to this day 🤷‍♀️
I‘m sorry that this took so long, I saw your message but didn’t find the time to read and reply to it at once. 💀
So, I haven’t witnessed this infighting, but from what you described, it seems pretty obvious, at least to me:
The trans community knows exactly who is male and who is female, despite constant denial, and treats its members accordingly.
Trans men and other non-women identities claimed by TIFs are female, and they‘ll always experience misogyny — and TIMs will always have male privilege.
"Transandrophobia" is basically misogyny repackaged, and it doesn’t surprise me that the TIFs (who are female) get silenced and harassed in their own community by TIMs (who are male) and their handmaidens.
This just proves further that it‘s a men‘s rights movement — otherwise trans women (males) wouldn’t talk over trans men (females) and throw such misogynistic insults & threats at them. "Puppypegged", "impregnated against their will" etc. speaks VOLUMES.
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nedsseveredhead · 1 year
Sometimes i do feel a little for the radfem groups like.. their perception of womanhood is so steeped in patriarchy that in attempting to swing hard in the other direction, they too have broken women down only to their bodies- an ever imperfect definition anyway. A woman must have the ability to birth children, must be naturally beautiful, must have breasts and we can tell when theyre fake. All criterion in this imperfect structure not only reinforces patriarchal standards for girls, but are also as inobtainable to scores of cis women as they are for trans women.
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lostangel2006 · 1 year
No but going over my point again, it’s so obvious how much sympathy men get in comparison to women when you see how the internet has treated Chris Chan compared to J.K. Rowling. Both get constant harassment, but liberals CONSTANTLY will dispose their understanding and sensitivity to Chris Chan’s situation but if any nuance or critical thinking is allowed to J.K.’s situation, just any reaction other than ‘fuck that b*tch’ is an automatic spot on the terf blocklist. Mind you Chris Chan is a literal fucking rapist.
Liberal’s common detraction to give any support towards that she’s a rich white woman that has threatened a minority, so it’s open season to launch any attacks on her. Wait, isn’t Chris Chan also a:
-White ✔️
-Rich (obvious not a billionaire but has been able to live out of a basement playing video games for over 20 years, so atleast comfortable financially to my knowledge, by the way I know very little about this person by the way because I don’t not fucking care about his life, so any working class lens of discussion is void.)
-Woman (when I was 12 he was still calling himself Christine so by tra terms, yes.) ✔️
-Threatened a minority (assaulting an elderly woman) ✔️
And the common defense given to Chris Chan is that they’re a neurodivergent minority that’s been constantly under attack for just living their life so back off you monsters. Yeah attacking an autistic person for their interests is shitty but when this weirdo commits literal crimes and gets backlash for it that’s when y’all are on the defense squad, but when a woman who gets bomb threats while not physically putting hands on anyone to harm them, she isn’t the one getting the babying because she ‘deserves it’, and so many people have no regards or morals when doxxing and suicide baiting radfems and problematic women who fit the exact same neurodivergence card because in that situation ‘it’s not an excuse actually’ but for a male it is. Hmmmm
It’s literally that the average person has more empathy for a socially unadjusted nerd that just so happens also to be a rapist and domestic abuser than a politically problematic woman, yay wow amazing I love it.
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
no body part is evil btw
#blocking terfs and so many of them are convinced that penises are evil and bad#if you feel that way you need therapy and i mean that. it isn’t normal to think a body part that half the people on the planet have is evil#if that belief is from trauma you need to handle it.#trust me! i have also had fears like that due to trauma! but those are things that therapy can help with#you shouldn’t normalize it and act like that’s a fine basis for your belief system because it’s so fucking unhealthy and unhelpful#having a penis doesn’t make you evil having a vagina doesn’t make you good you people are so weird#dove talks#generally the level of fear a lot of terfs (and radfems in general) just live with that they think is just normal is really sad#yes misogyny is something to be scared of. yes you can be scared of bad things happening to you because you're a woman.#but turning those fears into a deep-seated paranoia to the point you cant interact with men at all?#to the point you think everyone with a penis wants to harm you? to the point that you think all men are evil?#thats not healthy or something to normalize or encourage#ive seen some of the people really far down the radfem rabbit hole who believe in the idea of female separatism#actually say you should be scared of male children. *children*#not even teenagers. we're talking younger than 5 years old.#ive seen several people who believe in that say that even as toddlers. boys are dangerous to girls and they should be separated.#how can you think thats a normal thing to believe???#if youre so afraid of men (or those you see as men) that youre scared of male toddlers you need help full stop#also that can lead into very unsavory territory like not having sympathy for young boys who get sexually abused#ive SEEN people say that its not bad if a male child gets sexually abused because all males are violent and want sex always#i dont say this lightly but thats fucking insane logic. youre unwell if you think that. sorry#sorry for posting so many text posts with long rambling tags i have so many thoughts and opinions
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bighominiglo · 1 year
It's almost like men NEED us to be pick me's and kept from society and thinking for ourselves and isolated. Literally all it took for women to stop choosing men, marriage, and domestic servitude was a wee little bit of financial stability (but still not nearly as much as men, women are still much poorer).
Now on Twitter and the manosphere and common prevailing right wing ideas are that society is collapsing and men are lonely and getting violent and no one is having kids and men can't find any sense of purpose or get into college or do well in school because the bar is too high because of the women :(
If women getting the slightest bit of freedom is all it takes for society to collapse and the birth rate to plummet, then it should. If men can't handle NOT having half of the population be their sex slaves then men don't deserve to be in society. If we go extinct we'll know it's because men never learned how to actually coexist with women without subjugating them.
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uptownthots · 11 months
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hboradicalfeminist · 1 year
hey gyns, in todays episode of male violence and entitlement: 
my older brother stuffed firecrackers inside my ac and blew it up! he (33m) was mad at me (26f) bc i wrongfully called the cops on him after he hit me and told me he was gonna kill me!! 
everyone around me has taken his side even though im absolutely viewing this as an attempt on my life!! am i crazy for seeing how what he did could have easily started a fire?? apparently i am bc the only sympathy i’ve gotten is ‘aw that sucks’ and ‘buy a new ac before theyre sold out’
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bleuberrygliscor · 2 years
Listen, as a big ol' honkin Socialist I believe everyone has the right to live happily-
Right up until the point where your happiness calls for the culling of other people. Then either you stop being a literal child or you die by my hand 🩵🩷🩶🩷🩵
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I think what sucks so much about being a trans man is that you start from being told your entire life that femininity for you is better, that masculinity is bad, and that being feminine is simply better. Then you find that you're actually a man, and like masculinity more, or like femininity but only as a man. You have to fight that conditioning from cis people in the outside world. But then you get into queer spaces, where you likely had prior support and community as nonbinary or butch or anything "masculine but you're morally pure because you're not a man but be careful." Now that you are a man, you've crossed the line. And now you're essentially damned and tainted and everything transphobes said you are. Except now this rhetoric is repeated by other queer and trans people.
Now it's trans people insisting that femininity is better, that masculinity is bad, and that being feminine is simply better. Now it's trans people telling you that you being masculine is evil, that you should be feminine, essentially that you being masculine, what makes you trans, is bad, and that it would be better if you were a woman. And worst of all, you merely existing as a trans man is then said to be proof of you aligning with the same people (patriarchal terrible cishet men) who made your life terrible for wanting to be masculine in the first place! And then when you bring any of this up, you get the exact same misogyny. The exact same condescension. Except it's justified by "progressive" trans people because trans men are only ever called men when we can be demonized for it, and are women any other time. Essentially a "take being treated like a woman like a real man". So you actually experience misogyny, transphobia, anti-transmasculinity with bigotry towards you SPECIFICALLY FOR BEING A TRANS MAN, but then are denied that you are oppressed at all.
The only people who have ever made me consider de-transitioning have been other trans people. Trans people enforcing the rhetoric that (especially white) femininity and womanhood is inherently morally pure is so dangerous. My first abuser was my cis mother. I've seen trans women who extend any sympathy to trans men at all be entirely cut off from social support from trans radfems. It was a trans girl who "joked" that testosterone would make me a mass shooter. Some of the most vicious anon hate telling me to kms has been from self-hating trans men who make their whole personality about how trans men don't actually have issues. It was a trans girl who emotionally abused me and justified being neglectful. There needs to be accountability for how trans people treat us. We can't control how cis people act, but trans people can and need to do better.
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icedsodapop · 2 months
The radfems dismissing any critique of white feminism when it comes to criticizing how much attention and sympathy the Ballerina Farm controversy is receiving are so annoying. But then again, transphobes don't understand intersectionality 🤷🏻‍♀️
Is what happening to Ballerina Farm horrible? Yes, the tradwife life is inherently horrible becos they are part of a relationship dictated by patriarchal values and rigid gender roles. However, is it the worst thing to happen to women? No, there are other horrible things happening to women, esp Black and Brown women that yall are ignoring. It's giving Gabby Petito debate, it's giving Barbie Oscars controversy.
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mesetacadre · 1 month
are Marxist radfems a thing or is this just like national socialism where they use the name to garner sympathy
There are transphobic marxists out there, but I wouldn't call them radfems, because radfems' whole thing is appealing to a believed metaphysical femininity within feminism that's, of course, boxed in by a set of biological characteristics that they can't ever get straight. Transphobic marxists use very twisted arguments supposedly based on dialectical materialism, but they fall flat in the face of even the most basic scientific research on trans people and the social relations from which being trans emerges. Gender is a broad category of these social relations that tend to line up with primary and secondary sexual characteristics, but there is nothing inherently tethering between those and Gender, nor is sexual dimorphism that strong in humans anyway.
tl,dr: Radfems are transphobic but not all transphobes are radfems
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