#rage and the other side being joy. so i can't WAIT to see what this ummer does to me my blo will be UNUSABLE.
coffeeastronaut · 2 years
going to reach new heights of haterisms this summer
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civetfish · 5 months
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Was gonna wait to post this outside of ko-fi until I posted the corresponding part of my fic BUT since that's on hold for a hot second I might as well do it now!
So much yapping under the cut because I can't help myself lol (Mostly just a stream of consciousness, so its kind of a word salad)
I like to think that colors can change in brightness, mix with others, and appear in certain areas/patterns to give a bit of complexity to the use of colors for communication.
Top left is pretty straightforward- yellow is fear. It's the full body "puffed up cat" kind of fear where it's the ony emotion being processed. A lingering anxiousness would be shown more like a general yellow centered around the chest, while the rest of their body remains the same color. Feelings like a slight nervousness (Like handling a delicate object with big crab-claws, for example) would be shown through a "rippling" wave of yellow overtop of whatever colors are already present, originating from the chest or hands. ((link) this is pretty close to what I imagine (If the link doesn't work, skip to about 2:10) Spooky ocean warning! though if you're seeing this post in the first place I assume you're probably fine with it )
Green is analytical - He does this a few times in-game, and it's what makes the most sense to me. I also like to think it's the reasoning behind a lot of the Architect's... well, architecture. Green is a really predominant color in all of the architect structures / data hubs / machines / etc., so in cultural sense it would make sense for the Architects to be using the color representing their core values. The light blue around his sides is amusement/joy. (I put a little bit of this into my first chapter iirc) This is also based pretty closely to what we see in-game. (I.e. the little wave he does back at Robin, it's silly and playful and I love it sm)
The gray/dull tones (bottom left) are just that- the "muting/dulling" of whatever color it's applied to. The Architect who kind of killed his entire species is a little depressed if you can believe it! A muted blue (indigo, rather than light blue) would be melancholy, and the yellow tint in there is stress/dread. A completely dim gray Architect is basically completely numb, which is distinct from the typical "resting color" that Architects have when not feeling any emotion in particular at a given moment.
Dark blue (Or indigo, bottom right) is sadness. It could also be read as a sense of longing or wistfulnes, or a lot of other nuanced feelings depending on other colors or context clues.
And of course magenta (bottom middle) and that coral-ish color are love, more or less. It's a sense of fondness and deep affection, though Al-an himself is probably under the impression it's more like a loyalty and protectiveness; I don't think he has any real experience with love considering what we know about the network.
The coral color in the center of his chest is something I'll dive into more when I get that chapter out, but I think of it as a flush/heat, like an Architect blush. Orange is added to colors to increase the intensity of the emotion underneath, such as the inclusion with magenta to mean flustered or to red to mean a more heated rage. An embarassed architect would be fully orange, possibly leaning a bit towards pink, red or yellow depending on the specific situation.
For an "emotionless peak of innovation and efficiency" I am determined to shove SO many feelings into this shrimp horse. This stream of word spaghetti will eventually get rewritten into a basic color code.
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thenerdyindividual · 6 months
Surely someone has said this but I cant find it: merlin/arthur
This is the ship for me. Two sides of the same coin. The banter. The devotion. The friendship!!! The tragedy of them! Two young men growing up with so much pressure. Two young men who should have no reason to be friends, yet found each other and loved each other anyway.
Merlin sees Arthur as more than a prince, and that is something Arthur sorely needs. He needs someone who treats him like a real person. He needs someone who he can trust unconditionally, and Merlin is all of the above. Merlin will always have Arthur's back, come hell or high water.
Merlin swearing to make Arthur king in season 1, then giving Arthur Excalibur in season 4. The lengths Merlin goes to protect his soulmate.
The way Arthur matures and grows thanks to Merlin's influence. The way he goes from a boy who rages at the idea of being made fun of, to a man who can stand in a tavern while his servant takes all his money in a game and laugh! The way he risked his life for Merlin, thinking Merlin was only a servant. The way he is heartbroken when he thinks Merlin has been killed.
"Something has been bothering you, hasn't it?" "You haven't smiled in the last three days." "I am happy to be your servant until the day I die." "Everything I did... it was for you" "What would you do, Merlin?"
But also "dollophead" "idiot" "shut up" "Cabbagehead" "Merlin can't find his own backside"
They are full of angst, but they are full of joy. They are incredibly competent but also dumbass4dumbass. Jock/Nerd, Rich/Poor, Irritation to Lovers, Best Friends. There is tenderness that they only have for each other. There is vulnerability that they only show to each other.
Arthur gave Merlin a place to belong, and in his own way, Merlin did the same in return. Merlin is still waiting for him at the lake!!!
Congratulations! This is the first ship ranked:
Send me a Merlin Ship and I’ll rank it on a tier list. Note: This is a subjective ranking and a low ranking in no way means that I am shaming you for your taste in ships.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
hello! can I request yandere! shoto todoroki with a reader who listens a lot to old songs (from 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1950s, and 1960s) and even wishing to slow dance this song with someone.
OMG, I've listened to it and old vintage songs really do hit different, they're so melodious to hear😊
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All Shoto ever wanted was some love in life. He was reserved, emotionally shut off, cold and stoic till you came into his life and started making him feel things he couldn't control. At first he tried to push those feelings for you down, he didn't want to end up getting hurt again but seeing you smile and laugh with someone else just made him seethe in rage internally, his heart pained whenever he saw you with someone else, like someone was stabbing him with a dull blade tempting him to use his fire side for once to just burn that idiot who dared to take your attention away from him
He was growing obsessed with you, his thoughts revolving solely around you and what you could possibly be doing at every moment. He's slowly getting detached from the world and reality around him, sinking into a deluded fantasy of having you play the role of his loving little house spouse while he's the protector. He longs for a life filled with domestic bliss with you, he hates to even entertain the thought of you possibly marrying someone else other than him or being with someone else other than him. You both are destined to be with each other, why else would both of your paths cross?
He gets too consumed and lost in his dark and twisted thoughts of what he calls love for you, he started taking the liberty of even stalking the living daylights out of you, memorizing your habits. He's too far gone and consumed by how your life would be with him. He loves to admire your ethereal features when you're sleeping and immediately starts planning for taking you for himself and shielding you from his toxic and harsh cruel world, as he can't wait to have you in his arms. He's worried and confused to hear you screaming and upset when you woke up next to him the next morning as he gently shushed you and explained the situation to you in his usual monotone and stoic voice that you'd be living with him from now on. Of course it hurts him to see you sad but he feels slightly annoyed at you wanting to go back to your previous life, why would you need other people when you have him to love you and care for you and protect you?
To ease your boredom, he got you one of those old vintage radios you loved so much, information he found out thanks to his spying and stalking skills and his heart warmed with affection when he saw your face light up in joy and your beautiful smile that he'd fallen in love with was now back. You started listening to those olden vintage jazz songs these days with the radio be bought for you and he found you adorable when he saw you twirl and sway around to the beats of the song, like a graceful celestial dancer that descended from the heavens. Shoto developed the habit of listening to such songs with you as well, while holding you and caging you in his arms in a vice like grip so you wouldn't escape from his grasp
A few days ago he came across this one particular song called Put your head on my shoulder as he smiled softly to himself and watched you without your knowledge as usual while you swayed and danced to the tunes with a broomstick, unaware of his presence behind you. "My love, how about I show you how I can be a better dance partner than a mere broomstick?'' he asked in a soft voice, laced with affection and love for you as he held your hands in his and intertwined his fingers with yours as he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. He might look calm and composed on the outside, but inside, he felt like his heart was exploding, he couldn't believe this day had finally come when he'd be dancing with you to old vintage tunes like this in the kitchen, his dreams were finally coming true
He held your hand and twirled you around as the two of you moved together in synchrony and danced away to the symphony of melody from the radio. Shoto didn't want this moment to end, ever. He felt like the two of you were connected even more, he stared into the depths of your eyes and could feel his soul connected to yours, his heart already stolen by you. "I do not regret taking you for myself, my love...do not worry, we shall do this every night if this keeps you happy. I will do anything to maintain this life of ours...'' spoke Shoto as he lovingly caressed your cheek and brushed a few strands of hair that were falling on your face as his thumb found his way to your bottom lip. He didn't mind getting more blood on his hands than he already had, it was to keep you safe after all...what sort of husband would he be for you if he couldn't protect the one who resided in his heart?
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maibeewrites · 10 months
ULTRAVIOLENT || Chibs Telford x Y/N
part I. i'm you jazz singer
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summary: a twist from a scene from s6/ep1.
Y/N snitches, and gets punished for it
warnings : description of violence, domestic(ish) violence, beating
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Y/N was actually just finishing up on a Sportster. She pulled down her gloves, put down the tools, and wanted to head out, when the Sergeant at Arms stepped into the garage.
"Chibby?" Y/N called out to him with a smile. She usually gave everyone awkward nicknames.
Chibs slowly walked up to her, and had an expression which started to make Y/N feel uncomfortable.
"Is everything cool?" she asked.
Chibs walked slowly past her, then leaned on the counter.
"I need a minute with ya." He said with strict voice. Y/N's smile started to fade.
"Yeah, sure." Y/N still didn't know what to expect. Her and Chibs were on very good terms. Almost too good. At least what concerned Y/N' feelings. She also suspected that the Scot has a soft spot for her too.
But right now, Chibs was anything but soft.
Y/N froze when she saw the man taking off his jacket.
"You know, Jax might have gave you a pass, but I can't forget about that, so easily." Y/N's heart was pounding in her chest. She could feel the panic creeping up on her.
She had no choice. Roosevelt was pushing on her hard for intel. She didn't say anything though, what would seriously put her brothers or club at danger.
But she also knew that it didn't matter. She was a rat, and Chibs knew it.
The man started to take off his rings, and lined them up almost ritualistically on the counter.
Y/N wanted to cry. She knew what was going to happen. But she couldn't cry and she couldn't run away. Or to better put it, she wouldn't.
"I've never put my hands on a woman. Not once." He said slowly. "This does not give me joy or satisfaction. On the contrary." He put his last ring down. "But I have to do this now, Y/N." Chibs started to come closer. Slowly, menacingly.
"I know."
She stood her ground. With her back straight, chin up, she looked her friend in the eyes.
"I love you." she said.
"I know."
And with that came the first blow. The man didn't hold back. Y/N fell onto the floor. Her palms were scratched by the rough wood. Her head was spinning but she knew she had to get up. This time she could get up on her own. She tries to keep her balance and looked Chibs in the eye, waiting for the next hit.
Chibs felt rage, disgust, sadness and love at the same time. He didn't want to cause her serious damage but he knew he had to do this. She got away far too easily. If one of their brothers knew about her ratting, Chibs wasn't sure if she would get away with only a beating.
In her e/c eyes he could see sorrow, pain and determination. She wasn't broken. Yet.
He hit the other side of her face next. Y/N felt her lip slicing open and she almost bit her tongue. She fell on the floor again. A little bit of blood dripped down on the wood.
The pain was bad, the dizziness worse, and the fact that Chibs did this to her, the worst. But the worst of the worst was that she knew, she deserved this. She was well aware what this lifestyle meant. What being in a club meant.
This time she couldn't get up on her own. She tried tough, but she fell back on the floor. Chibs grabbed her and roughly pulled her up. Her heart was crying, but she wasn't. At this point she couldn't stop her body from trembling. She held onto Chibs' cut, looked him straight in the eye again, and awaited the next hit.
Chibs still didn't show mercy. Y/N let out a cry of pain. She was grabbing Chibs cut but could not fully hold on. She fell onto her knees in front of her friend.
It was almost too much for Chibs. But he felt this rush of rage which told him, this is not the end yet. He dragged her back onto her feet, but she could barely stand up. Her face was bleeding and red. She still didn't cry, but the defiance in her eyes faded almost completely.
Chibs hit her again, and she let out a scream. She felt something snap in her mouth.
He didn't let her fall this time, he grabbed her arm and waist, and kept her upright. She would bruise where he grabbed her, but at that point, it did not have importance.
Tears started to fall from her eyes. She couldn't look him in the eye anymore. Quiet but guttural screams and grunts could be heard. She couldn't take it anymore.
Chibs saw that she was almost gone. He wanted to steady her, but it was impossible. He dragged her next to the counter balanced her against it. Then he hit her one last time, as hard as he could.
Her cries were suddenly stopped when she finally lost conciousness.
They were silent. The man held Y/N's head firmly with one hand. Firmly, but gently, as gently as he could. With the other he was holding a piece of wet towel, and was wiping down Y/N's face. She was calmed down, only occasionally a tear left her eyes. Her face looked horrible. It was swollen, with red bruises which would turn blue afterwards. Chibs put stiches on the eyebrows where it was split.
Y/N felt that one of her back teeth was moving. She had to have that checked out. The blood was filling her mouth, and she let it drip from her mouth to the floor.
"What is it?" Chibs asked her, concerned that it was internal bleeding.
"A tooth." She spoke quietly.
"Let me see." The man said and she opened her mouth compliantly. He put his index finger carefully in her mouth and inspected the damage. He could feel it slightly moving.
"You will have to see a dentist about that." He said.
"I know."
When he finished cleaning her up, he started to slide his fingers through her hair with one hand, and reached out to touch her face with the other. Y/N flinched and almost jumped in her seat.
"Hey, it's okay." The man whispered, and caressed her face and lips. This was the first time since the beating when Y/N looked at Chibs. They sat in silence but they knew exactly what the other one wanted to say.
She closed her eyes and he leaned in to kiss her forehead.
Seeing her this way was hard on him. He never hurt a woman before, and he didn't thought he will, especially not Y/N. He stood up and pulled her up alongside him, then embraced her. He hugged her tightly and lovingly. That is when Y/N started crying. It wasn't even crying, it was sobbing. All the built up fear, sadness and pain crushed down on her. She couldn't stop shaking, her tears made Chibs' cut wet.
He didn't say anything, just took her into his arms, and sat down. He rocked her like a baby back and forth, sometimes kissing her cheek, forehead and caressing her gently. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity to them, she calmed down, and fell asleep in Chibs' arms.
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sno4wy · 27 days
Did you seriously drop that much money to try to make your awful ship more valid? Guess what? You didn't, hope you enjoyed wasting a ton of money. It doesn't matter how much money you pay, you and your lame friends will always be the only ones who prefer your fugly builder with Miguel. Just give it up and go jump off a bridge already.
Hey Anon, based on the three messages you sent me today, it seems that my sharing of my commission from Momodeary in the official Pathea Discord server really upset you. Your rage felt really familiar to me, and I thought about this a lot about why. I'm going to hazard a guess that you're lashing out at me more than usual because of the price aspect, especially for something that seems so frivolous. I get it -- I grew up in abject poverty, and I harbored a lot of rage about it both directly and indirectly for many years. It really sucks not having the money to do what you need, or even what you want, and it can feel like having salt rubbed into the wound when someone else shows off some pricey non-necessity that they got. Everyone deserves to get what brings them joy, as long as it isn't something that causes harm to others, and it sucks that capitalism/corporations/societal structure/etc make most people unable to attain that. I sincerely hope that things improve for you.
I'm fortunate now to do well enough for myself that I can afford a pricey commission like the one that I shared. I got the commission because I like Momodeary's art style, it's not a style that I see myself personally doing, and I'm making it up to myself now for all the things that I couldn't do in the past. I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to say it was to support the artist, as she has tons of clients and certainly didn't need my money, I'm really lucky to have been able to get a slot with her. If you have the means to do so and want to, I really suggest contacting her directly -- the worst thing she can say is no, but more likely is that she'll put you on an (admittedly long) waitlist. The point is, if you're upset about not being able to get a commission from her, don't write it off until you try. Worse comes to worst, she can't fit you in, but there are tons of skilled artists out there with similar styles that you can commission instead. It's ok though if you have your heart set on Momodeary, most artists are very accommodating as long as the client is understanding and willing to wait.
If your anger has to do with not being able to afford a commission from Momodeary, I'm really sorry about that. There are some ways that I can help, if not directly to get you a commission, but perhaps means to address the funds shortage issue. I managed to claw my way out of poverty, and in the process picked up more than a few ideas and tricks, however at the end of the day, there is no magical get rich quick scheme, and everything that you hear about how to find a job is sadly mostly true. For instance, a good resumé is an integral part to finding a job, and a big part of what makes a resumé good is proper formatting. Having gone from someone who sent out hundreds of resumés to someone who's had to review hundreds of resumés, I can tell you that so much of the time, it's a lot less about the contents of the resumé and more about its appearance. Countless qualified, heck, overqualified, people get turned down for positions because their resumés don't even get looked at. I'm happy to look over a resumé if you'd like, and of course I'd understand if you need to anonymize most of it before showing me. Please note that it is sadly the case that having a good resumé, or in many cases, all the correct qualifications, don't necessarily guarantee you a job. Connections are at least, if not more, important, so don't be shy about asking for help from friends and family in this aspect.
Finding and securing a job can be a long-term project though, so picking up some side hustles might be a good way to generate some income, especially as you can keep these side hustles after finding a job. A lot of people have even done so well with their side hustles that they were able to make them into their careers. I'm happy to make suggestions, but I'm afraid that my knowledge is chiefly confined to the US and my ideas may not be applicable or workable in other countries. I have found however that a fairly universal way to generate some income via a side hustle is through selling crocheted items. Crochet is very quick and easy to learn and master, and yarn is very cheap, especially if you get store brands like Joann's Big Twist. Red Heart Super Saver is also very cheap yarn that comes in a ton of colors. There are countless free patterns on the internet, and ones that aren't free tend to be pretty cheap, generally within the $5 range. It is totally legal to sell the stuff you make from purchased patterns; some patterns even explicitly state that this is the case. The best part about crochet is that you can do it while doing other stuff, like commuting to your job, watching a show, listening to music, etc. It's totally possible to churn out a ton of crochet animals (amigurumi) in one day. Dipping into fandom stuff by making characters from a certain franchise is a great way to sell crochet products. Another really cool thing is that there doesn't currently exist a way for crocheted items to be mass produced; while there are items that look crocheted, they're actually sewn together pieces and not true crochet. Machines can't currently make crocheted items. Buyers looking for real crochet products want something that only a human can make.
Online marketing tools are also pretty solid. Etsy is the way to go for handmade crafts, although they do take a pretty hefty fee (15%). You can try to cut down on that fee by listing on your own social media, in which case you'd still have to pay a 3-5% handling fee for payment processors, and it can be a pain trying to beat social media algorithms. If you're handy with TikTok, that's a great way to boost awareness of your brand, and you can use those same videos as Reels on Instagram and Facebook to get your accounts noticed faster.
If you're an artist, you could of course always try to go the commissions route, but I've found that this is a much harder uphill battle than trying to break into the scene marketing crochet goods. If you do decide to give crochet a shot, I really recommend investing in a quality hook -- Clover Armour is many crocheters' go-to. They are pricy, around $9 for a hook, but they last forever and they're super comfortable to use. You only need one to start -- I recommend the size G (4.0 mm) one, as that goes with the most common yarn weight for a lot of amigurumi. Big Twist and Red Heart Super Saver are also both Worsted weight yarn, for which you use a G hook. If this is something you really want to do but are really tight on funds, I'm happy to get one of those hooks for you, just tell me how to get it to you.
I have a lot of other ideas for possible side gigs, which all will require a lot of work, but will return income. However, I'd just be spitballing, so hit me up if you want to talk shop. You know where to find me. ;P
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lorrainmorgan · 6 months
Serpent's Innocence
[ 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐮 𝐦𝐲 🐍 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ]
Previous Part 10 Next
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You can read it here or just expand and enjoy!
"They found evidence of all three Unforgivable curses on the wand they confiscated from you, Mrs Morgana. But that wand you gave them... it's not yours."
Lorra's heart raced as she was escorted through the imposing entrance of the Ministry of Magic, her wand taken from her and secured by Arthur Sallow.
Even the time being, the building itself exuded an aura of power and secrecy, with its hulking walls adorned with front pages of the Daily Prophet, bearing headlines of every kind that showcased the vast range of wizarding news. From famous Aurors capturing criminals to the most mundane topics, like the top 10 best-dressed wizards and witches. 
Along the sides of the cold, black marble halls were rows of black chimneys, a telltale sign of wizarding transportation known as floo powder. Lorra watched in awe as witches and wizards appeared and disappeared in flashes of green flames.
Their journey led them to a set of ornate elevator gates. Lorra followed nervously as they descended what felt like an eternity before finally arriving at a door marked with an ominous phrase: Veritas vos liberabit - "The truth will set you free." 
What a wonderful way to spend Christmas Eve…
They cautiously stepped into the small room, its thick gray walls seeming to close in around them. The only source of light came from a dimly glowing floo flame chimney at the far end of the room, casting eerie shadows across the space. In the center of the room sat a worn and uncomfortable looking emerald sofa, serving as a waiting space for visitors.
“Wait here,” one of the stern-faced aurors instructed Lorra as he disappeared through the black metallic door on the other side of the room. She nervously took a seat on the sofa, her mind racing to make sense of what was happening. The rough texture of the furniture only added to her discomfort.
After a few tense minutes, the green flames in the chimney sprang to life, signaling the arrival of Matilda Weasley, Ominis, and Sebastian. Lorra's heart leapt as she rushed towards Ominis, nearly tripping over herself in her haste. They embraced each other tightly, their reunion filled with both joy and pain.
Lorra's shoulders shook as she fought back tears while Ominis wrapped his arms around her, trying to calm her down. 
-"Why would they take my wand? What is happening?" she asked Ominis trying to imagine any possible answer.
-"I don't know, dear," Ominis said, struggling to keep his own emotions in check. "But I promise I will do everything in my power to get you out of this misunderstanding"
-"Don't make promises you can't keep," Arthur sneered, strutting towards them with an air of self-importance.
-"Arthur, please," Professor Weasley interjected sternly. "This is a serious matter and we need to handle it calmly and professionally"
Sebastian rolled his eyes 
-"Always so professional and well-centered, aren't you Arthur? Our family and your colleagues must be very proud." His words dripping with sarcasm and rage.
Professor Matilda let out a frustrated sigh. 
-"Enough! I brought you both here because you insisted on accompanying Lorrain...and because the Ministry allows two witnesses in cases like this."
Witnesses… Witnesses for what?
She glanced at Lorra and gave her a reassuring smile.
- "I'll make sure the paperwork for your wand is ready as soon as possible, Miss Morgana, and with it, your release. Then you can see for yourself that she is innocent, Arthur." 
With that, she turned and left the room with the rest of the aurors.
-“Your wand is currently undergoing thorough examination in the Department of Wand Control, Miss Morgana,” Arthur Sallow began to explain in a stern yet cordial tone. He attempted to soften his approach by casually adding, “Without so many formalities, do you mind if I refer to you as Lorra?” 
She remained silent, her eyes devoid of any respect for him standing in front of her.
However, before she could respond, Ominis interjected with a sardonic and cruel tone. The true Gaunt attitude seemed to seep through his pores as he sneered at the auror's attempt at civility.
-"I'm sure she does mind, especially after being abducted without any explanation from our school. But I suppose you understand that." 
- "I'm not here to argue or entertain petty insults. I want answers, just like I'm sure you all do".
-“Of course you do…” Lorrain whispered.
-“Look, miss Sweety Pie, you’re not going to start giving me lip here. You need to remember your place, and watch it. I’ll give you whatever explanation when I see fit to do so.”
Fury burned in Sebastian and Ominis as they listened to Arthur's patronizing words towards Lorra. Their fists clenched tightly, itching to punch some sense into the arrogant man before them.
"Don't you dare talk down to her like that," Sebastian growled, his voice laced with anger. "She’s not a criminal!"
Ominis stepped forward, his wand at the ready. "We demand answers now, Arthur. Ignoring us will only make things worse for you."
Arthur sneered, his smug expression infuriating. "I couldn't care less about your political and social advantages, young Gaunt. I am here to protect the Wizarding World, and that includes keeping secrets from nosy students like yourself. You’re only here because Matilda Weasley’s stupid connections to the Ministry of Magic proceed her long before your births."
Sebastian's hands trembled with fury as he resisted the overwhelming urge to lunge at his cousin and unleash his pent-up hatred. He could still vividly remember meeting Arthur for the first time at a family reunion, and the disgust had only grown since then. In that moment, he despised his uncle just as much for raising such an arrogant and useless man.
- “Your audacity to accuse innocent people in the name of protecting society makes me sick”. 
-"ALLEGEDLY innocent, dear cousin, allegedly…" Arthur spat back. A flash of rage flickered in Sebastian's eyes as he clenched his jaw, fighting back the urge to retaliate. 
-"...And I'll thank you both if you’d let me do my damn job now!" 
With a sudden burst of rage, Arthur slammed his fist down on the wooden table with enough force to make it shake. 
A heavy silence filled the room, punctuated only by the faint sound of shallow breathing and the distant ticking of a clock. The auror's face contorted in anger, his lip curling to reveal two sharp fangs as he glared at the three slytherin students before him.
Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, he motioned for Lorra to enter through the ominous black door. As it closed behind them with a heavy thud, they were enveloped in an eerie silence, unable to hear anything from the other side. 
-"Arthur is the true living image of Uncle Solomon. They are so alike they can't even tolerate each other. That's one of the reasons he left Feldcroft, they are just like two drops of water, him and his dad " As they stood outside the door, Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle grimly at the irony. 
-“I didn't even know you had a cousin, Sebastian. Charming he is…”
-“Something changed in him ever since he returned from Paris, where he was mentored by Professor Bertrand Caillet. He was already moody and insufferable, but after his return, everything went downhill…
Their chat was interrupted by the sound of muffled voices and screams coming from inside. Panic crept into their minds - could they possibly be torturing her?
Sebastian grabbed Ominis’ hand, in which he had his wand pointing at the door trying to catch a better glimpse of what was- or could- be happening. Sebastian slowly pulled it in another direction. He wanted to prevent his friend from the possible scenarios coming to his mind. 
"Don't torture yourself with unnecessary thoughts, Ominis. If anything happens to her, I'll make sure Arthur pays for it with every last tooth." 
His comment barely registered, and Ominis just nodded silently, feeling frozen in place. 
But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was something else lurking just beneath the surface. An urgent need to share something important with Ominis, caused Sebastian to speak up despite the difficult circumstances. 
-"I know this is not a good time," he began hesitantly, "but I need to tell you something important." 
The blonde's attention now fully shifted to his friend
-"Anne has been-"
The creaking of the door interrupted Sebastian and jolted Ominis out of his trance-like state. Sebastian's sharp gasp and urgent movements snapped him to attention. Something was clearly wrong. Ominis’ eyes immediately shut to concentrate on what his wand was showing him was happening”.
Lorrain was being carried out of the room by Arthur and the other auror. 
She looked drained and pale, her normally vibrant features now marred by tear streaks and bloodshot eyes. She appeared exhausted and on the brink of collapse.
Arthur attempted to lay her gently on the sofa, but was quickly pushed aside by Sebastian and Ominis, whom took over the task of carefully placing her down on the stiff old cushions. The other auror hovered nearby, holding a small bottle of Withering potion to aid in her recovery. 
“We are not the monsters here, you know” the older Sallow said with full regret on his face. 
“Well you’ve certainly been behaving like one!” Ominis yelled at him, losing his grip as he could feel Lorra’s cold cheeks. 
Ominis had never felt the urgency to try to heal someone as hard as he wished he could at that moment. His hands traveled from her cold and sweaty forehead to her chest, that was beating so fast she could barely breath.
-“Sebastian, what did your cousin do to her?”
- “She’s just tired. Unharmed. She’ll be alright”
- “Does she look alright to you?!” Ominis yelled at Arthur but was quickly interrupted by the sound of the main door opening.
The -not so- imposing figure of Hogwarts' Headmaster, Phineas Black, strode into the room, his leather vest stretched taut over his chest and his long black coat billowing behind him. His presence craved attention, and it was clear he expected an answer or verdict from the other aurors in tow. 
-"W-What are you two doing here? Ugh, matter of no importance. Well, Arthur?" he demanded carelessly to the auror. The students just listened intently as Black continued his questioning. 
-"Have you determined her guilt or was this all just a waste of my time?" the Professor asked with a hint of impatience in his voice. The auror took a deep breath before responding. 
-“Despite administering Veritaserum at twice the legal dose and attempting Legilimency, we were unable to extract any useful information from her. Her early memories seem completely blank. As a result, we do not have enough evidence to move forward with a trial, Phineas. We are also waiting for the results of the Wand Weigher, but I’m afraid it’s a dead end”.
As if the words had fallen on deaf ears, Professor Black turned to face the blonde wizard next to him.
-"Young Gaunt, a word with you?" His stupid silly voice punched Ominis right in his brain.
Ominis rose from his seat, leaving Lorra in Sebastian's protective embrace, her now caretaker, making sure she drank all of the potion.
-"Do you understand, young Gaunt, that your family will not be pleased to see their youngest son associating with a criminal and a... stubborn farmer?" He gestured towards Lorrain and Sebastian with a dismissive wave of his hand.
-“I know... my father has made it clear... to some extent.” Ominis stumbled over his words, trying to translate them into something comprehensible from the ridiculous perspective of Black. 
Then it slowly dawned on him what was truly going on. This was no coincidence. This was perfect timing. 
How convenient…
-"Let me give you a piece of advice young man, from one pureblood to another: Stay away from them, until everything is sorted out and we know exactly what we're dealing with. I'm sure you understand what I’m trying to say." Professor Black spoke with a mix of pride and greed.
-"I do understand, Professor. Thank you for your wise words," Ominis forced himself to sound grateful and appreciative towards the headmaster, even though he was really just putting on a facade in an attempt to finish the conversation as soon as possible so he could return to Hogwarts. 
-"I'm so glad you understand... everything is for the greater good, isn't it? To maintain our pureblood status and connections." Professor Black finished with a smug smile as he patted Ominis' shoulder. 
Gaunt forced a polite smile in return, masking his true feelings towards the snobbish headmaster. He didn't even need his wand to see right through the facade of elitism and manipulation, all in the name of preserving their privileged standing. 
Ominis was smart. Extremely. He knew not playing along with the headmaster's game would only bring danger to him and his loved ones, but he had no choice. He had to maintain the facade of the well-behaved lamb, like he had always done. 
-"May I excuse myself? I believe I have more important matters to attend to." Ominis declared abruptly, feigning indifference to the tense situation.
-"There’s the young Gaunt I know! Of course, good boy. Get going and focus on your studies" Black replied with a sinister grin audible enough for others to hear. Ominis nodded in response.
As he walked away to the only chimney in the room, he slyly slipped his wand behind his left ear and whistled a tune. 
He hated whistling. 
But that was a signal to Sebastian, who caught the subtle motion and understood it immediately. They had devised this secret code years ago when they first met, and only they knew about it. Not even Anne, nor Lorra were aware of its existence. 
With a sneer on his face, Arthur scoffed as he watched the blonde wizard disappear into the green flames.
- "Well, well, isn't he just a quick changer?" he said mockingly, his contempt bubbling to the surface.
The headmaster only smiled proudly, convinced that he had managed to manipulate and control the situation to his advantage. But just as they began to bask in their self-righteousness, Matilda Weasley entered the room with two burly ministry officers, holding two chubby folders between her hands. 
-"Gentlemen," she announced with a smug smile, "I am pleased to inform you that this young witch is innocent of all charges you have falsely accused her of. And her wand has been thoroughly inspected by the Ministry. Not a trace of any Unforgivable Curses was found within its core." 
With a triumphant flourish, she handed over the sealed folders to Arthur Sallow for him to see for himself.
As he flipped through the pages, his eyes widened in shock. Every spell cast with her wand had been documented with meticulous detail. The evidence against her accusations of murdering Lady Igraine and Lord Gorlois were irrefutable.
-“Are you certain about this, Professor Weasley?” Professor Black's voice filled with disbelief and disdain as he stared at the green envelope with the results. His eyes were like daggers, willing her to be guilty of the false charges.
-“I made sure the officers followed all the proper protocol, Phineas. Prior Initio Incantato . It never fails,” Mrs. Weasley bit out through gritted teeth, her impatience evident. “Now, if I may, please take my students back to the school. This has been enough for today, don't you think?” She turned to face the Headmaster, a steely determination in her gaze.
-"Of course, of course, Mrs. Weasley," the Headmaster stuttered, clearly intimidated by her sharp tone. "Please, take them and be gone now. And umm...in the spirit of cooperation and convenience, I'll award 50 house points to Slytherin for your services to the school. Also, Merry Christmas!”
Mrs. Weasley scoffed at his pathetic attempt to silence his own students with mere house points. She couldn't help but feel disgusted by such a cheap attempt at manipulation. 
The deputy headmistress frantically pulled her two students close under her protective wing as they left the room threatening to consume them if they lingered any longer.
As they ascended in the elevator, Sebastian and Lorra stood silently at their professors' sides. She remained stoic, eyes scanning the elevator walls for any signs of danger.
-"Professor, how did y-" Sebastian began, but was cut off by a fierce look from her. 
-"You seem to have forgotten my past life as a curse breaker at the Ministry of Magic," she snapped, her voice laced with impatience. "I know how to navigate these treacherous waters, and there are some who still owe me favors, Mr. Sallow."
With a swift movement, they exited the golden elevator and she led them through twisting hallways, her pace almost frantic. In this moment, it didn't matter that she was their teacher - she was their protector. 
Lorra's breath caught in her throat as she whispered, finally regaining her voice. "You lied to them, professor, didn't you?" Her words hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the start of crackling sparks around them. 
"I did." She admitted. "They found evidence of all three Unforgivable curses on the wand they confiscated from you, Mrs Morgana. But that wand you gave them... it's not yours."
Without another word, the professor grabbed her students from the back and they disappeared into the closest chimney, leaving behind only a trail of green sparkles and swirling ash.
👉 Sebastian understood the assignment - protect your best friend's girl at all costs.
👉 Also I love the idea of Matilda Weasley being a badass
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bookofmirth · 2 years
I've seen people express some... feelings, about whether Mor has tried to "help" her mother out of what I guess is an abusive situation, basically claiming that Mor just allows women to be treated like shit in the Hewn City, but let's see shall we?
Her family … they … ” I’d never seen him at such a loss for words. Rhys cleared his throat. “When they were done, they dumped her on the Autumn Court border, with a note nailed to her body that said she was Eris’s problem.”
My sister and the others peeled away at the foot of the dais, taking flanking positions at its base. No fear, no joy, no light in their faces. Azriel, at Mor’s side, looked murderously calm as he surveyed those gathered. As he beheld Keir, waiting beside a golden-haired woman who had to be Mor’s mother, sneering at us. Promise them nothing, Mor had warned me.
I knew better than to ask if she thought her mother would come along. We didn’t discuss Mor’s mother. Ever.
I suspect that Mor's mother is, if not worse than Keir, then at the very least, highly complicit in the abuse and torture that Mor suffered. Women can, do, and will participate in abusing another, even if it's rooted in misogyny. Are we supposed to think that Mor should be... helping this person?
On top of this, we have Keir, the steward of the Hewn City - which honestly is confusing, because how is Mor "in charge" of the CoN if Keir is Rhys's steward there??? - anyway, he is the steward of the CoN, meaning he speaks for Rhys when Rhys isn't there, and when Mor tries to assert herself to him in acowar, this is the response that she gets:
“Last I checked,” Mor cut in, “you have been free to do as you wish for centuries. Longer.” Keir didn’t so much as look at her, earning a flicker of rage from Azriel at the dismissal. [...] Keir ignored me as well. As I’m sure he ignored most women in his life.
Leaving aside who is *actually* in charge of the CoN, the Night Court still needs Keir's army and Mor's family has a lot of history and political power (that's how they got the Veritas, Keir had info about the Ouroboros), meaning they can't afford to alienate them.
Mor is constantly dismissed and looked down on by Keir and Eris, so whatever her powers are, sjm hasn't defined them yet and maybe there is a reason for that. But in terms of misogyny and sexism in the CoN, that doesn't just go away because Rhys said "Mor is in charge now". They aren't all lining up to see what Mor wants them to do. Not to mention the fact that she routinely brings women to the library for healing. She took Feyre from Spring when Tamlin locked her in the house and gave her some much-needed advice about owning her own body. "Don't let the hard days win," ffs!
I just feel like the Mor people talk about in the fandom is nothing like Mor in the actual books. Which isn't unique to her, but i thought hey, while I'm rereading let's pull these quotes together and see what happens. It seems to me that her character is more the victim of poorly explained powers (sjm's fault) and being left on the shelf in acosf (also sjm's fault), but that doesn't mean we have nothing. And sorry but! I don't care if she was mean one time, the good far outweighs the bad.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Some angst regarding the TLH plotline. Nothing canon so to speak, I just felt like writing something with my main ocs again.
Jin slowly opens their eyes to a bright light. They wince, being used to the comfortable darkness from before. Well. As comfortable as feeling yourself wander between the line of life and death can be.
"Hmm...." Jin grunts, trying to get back to their senses. They try to get a feel for their arms, fingers- ah. Can't feel their legs. Nice.
"Tch" Jin flicks their tongue, annoyance entering their mind more than anything. What's happened before is still clear in their mind; they broke free, and saved Kenji. They would have liked it to go and check up on him, as well as the others, but no. They can't feel their legs. Or rather, their legs feel too numb to move right now. Either way it's annoying.
' Rayquaza? Can you hear me?' Jin calls for their Chooser in their mind. Despite their....rocky relationship, Rayquaza was also under the influence of....whatever the fuck happened to them. Might as well check up on them if they can't move.
But Rayquaza doesn't answer.
'Annoying', Jin scowls, but quickly shakes their head, ' No that's not fair. Rayquaza is just as hurt as I am, they need to rest'.
Shaking their head again, Jin sighs to themselves as they lay down in what they hope is a medical room. They can only really look up and to their sides. Up above was blinding lights- best not look up for so long. To their left was just a grey wall. Joy. And to their right was-
"Kenji." Their voice was hoarse, barely even there at all, and yet it was loud enough to get the sleeping Kenji to stir awake. Much like Jin, he had to adjust to the brightness of the room. His eyes wander a bit before resting in Jin. Any sleepiness that was there vanished immediately.
"Jin." Kenji said gravely, hastily getting off the chair he was sleeping on and crossing down at Jin's bedridden level. And Arceus, Jin has never seen him look so bad. His hair is messy, messier than they have ever seen him. The bags under his eyes look unimaginably heavy, as well as his eyes being red. Was he crying? Arceus, he was crying was he.
" J-jin you- you're awake! Are you okay?! Wait- no dumb question. Dumb stupid question-"
" Hey, hey" Jin says coolly, " Easy there. I'm fine, see?"
Jin tries to raise their hand, only to be met with a shock of pain.
" Shit ," they hiss, and almost immediately Kenji is on them,panic in his eyes.
" D-don't move, y-your still hurt!" He cries, and Jin can see the tears forming in his eyes.
" O-okay....sorry,"
Kenji stays over them, eyeing him over as if to check for anything. Once he does - or does- find it, he moves away, slumping down. The room is silent. But Jin's mind was loud and unforgiving.
' You left us,' a piece of their kind yelled.
' You harmed so many people! Innocent people!' another piece barked.
' What did we do? Were you angry with us?! Why?!'
' We were supposed to save people! We're supposed to protect them! And you ruined it! You-'
" I'm glad you're alright," Jin finally speaks, trying their best to keep calm. Besides, it wasn't a lie. Kenji seems to since at that, slightly turning away, avoiding Jin's gaze.
' Look at me'
" Kenji?"
' Look at me in the eyes, you coward,'
"I am glad you're alright," Jin reaffirms, despite their rage. Silence again. Kenji still doesn't look at them. Jin's anger gets the best of them.
" Kenji-"
" You were dying," Kenji sniffed, hugging himself. He finally looks at Jin, his eyes rest watered, " D-dante and Jude had to do a lot of convincing,"
Jin's heart stops.
' That's fine. I've almost died before and I turned out fine,' they try to rationalize, ' It's fine. It's fine, I'm fine, it's nothing-'
" Oh."
Silence once more. The lights are so bright.
"....I'm sorry," Kenji whispers, " I'm so sorry,"
Jin clenches their jaw.
"...I'm sorry, too".
Jin can hear Kenji trying not to whimper. They can hear him hold back his tears.
' I'm sorry I wasn't better. I'm sorry I wasn't there-'
" I-" Kenji stops to gather himself, unless he becomes a sobbing mess. The pain is still there, " I'm going to get the others,"
Jin doesn't get another word in as Kenji brushes out of the room, probably to get the other Chosen, leaving Jin again in the bright, I rely full room.
" Shit"
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Shut Up!
Summary: request! Bucky and Y/N hate each other... or so they say.
Warnings: as Steve would say: Language!, but really it's just a bunch of fluff.
Word Count: 1798
a/n: Italics are thoughts in their heads!!
This request brought me so much joy to think about. Happy Birthday anon! Thank you so much for all the love!!! ❤️ 💕 💗 💖 💘
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"BARNES!" You screamed, giving him the customary warning before throwing your least favorite knife at him.
He flung himself backward, catching the knife in midair.
Damn, that's hot. You shook the thought away, glaring at Bucky as he turned to look at you.
"Did you just throw a knife at me?" He asked, incredulous.
You rolled your eyes. "You deserved it. Plus, I warned you." You bit back.
"Y/N, you can't just throw knives at people." Steve sighed, tired of the two of you arguing all the time.
"I don't throw knives at people. Just Bucky." You said his name with disgusted expression. "And he deserved it!"
"What the hell did he do to deserve being impaled by a knife?" Sam chuckled, but only to keep the mood light.
"He wasn't impaled. I knew he would dodge it." You defended yourself, sneering at Bucky's smug grin.
"Not the point. What did he do?" Steve asked again, trying to clear the air despite it never working before.
You pulled the beanie you were wearing off your head, showing off your freshly bleached hair. It was nearly white, a stark platinum blonde contrasting your typical dark style.
"You know what they say, 'blondes have more fun'. I was just looking out for your social life." Bucky smirked, enjoying the rage.
She's so cute when she's angry. He thought as he stared at you.
Sam snorted, trying to hold in the laugh under your glare.
"How thoughtful." You quipped sarcastically, leaning in to threaten him. "I'm going to get you back for this." Your words were laced with venom, the anger palpable even in the vast gym.
"Looking forward to it! Thanks for the knife!" Bucky called as you stormed away, ignoring the thoughts lingering in his head. Not cute. Hot. So very hot when she's angry.
The next few days, Bucky heard nothing from you. He didn't think much of it, considering you were likely plotting. It wasn't until you started being uncharacteristically sweet to him that he grew nervous.
"Hey, Buck, Steve." You smiled as you walked up to him and Steve.
"Hi, Y/N." Steve greeted you warmly, glad to see you at least acting cordial after the stunt Bucky pulled.
"Hi..." Bucky hesitated, unsure of what you were playing at.
He's so adorable when he's nervous. You shook your head, getting back on track.
"I brought you some drinks!" You excitedly exclaimed, handing the drink carrier to Steve since Bucky seemed frozen in place. "Protein smoothie for Steve, chocolate milkshake for Bucky."
You walked away without another word, throwing a thumbs up to accept Steve's thanks.
Steve happily drank his smoothie, enjoying the energy boost. Bucky just stared at the milkshake before throwing the entire thing away.
"Buck! Don't be a jerk. She bought that for you." Steve huffed, annoyed with his friend's childish behavior.
"I can't trust anything she gives me unless I saw it being made." He shrugged as if it was obvious.
"Jerk, she's not going to poison you." Steve rolled his eyes.
"You don't know that." Bucky shook his head, walking into the kitchen. The idea of a milkshake made him hungry.
The next day, you were back with more treats. This time a cinnamon roll for Steve, something he said was his guilty pleasure, and a chocolate eclair for Bucky. You were grinning ear to ear as Steve thanked you profusely.
She's so adorable when she's this happy.
Once again, Bucky threw it away, ignoring the glare Steve shot his way.
The next days followed the same pattern. You would seek out Bucky and Steve, giving each of them some snack, dessert, or drink. Bucky threw it away every single time, not trusting your motives.
You didn't break pattern for a solid week, watching as Steve grew increasingly annoyed with Bucky throwing away all of your treats.
"I made cookies!" You walked into the living room where everyone was enjoying movie night. You handed out cookies to every member of the team, saving Bucky for last.
As you walked back into the kitchen to return the platter, you heard Steve whisper yell at Bucky.
"Just eat the cookie." Steve glared, thinking you would be upset if you saw him through it away.
"I can't! What if she did something to it?" Bucky whispered right back.
"Buck! She gave one to everyone! You really think she would purposefully keep track of one specific cookie just to get you back?" Steve rolled his eyes, completely fed up with the situation.
"Yes! I really do!" Bucky defended.
"Eat the damn cookie." Steve spoke between his teeth, elbowing him in the side.
"Fine." Bucky hesitated in bringing the cookie up to his mouth, but ultimately gave in.
As soon as he swallowed the cookie, he knew something was off. His whole body felt tingly, but there was a pleasant warmth to it.
A sudden bright flash of light had you walking back into the room, watching as Bucky turned into a cat.
"What the hell..." Sam turned, glancing between the small white kitten and Steve's shocked expression.
He's cuter as a person. You couldn't stop the thought from popping into your head, causing you to chuckle.
Steve suddenly whipped his head to you.
"Y/N. What did you do?" He sighed, exasperated but a little impressed.
A small meow followed the question, earning various "awws" from the entire room.
"I turned him into a cat." You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending this was a normal occurrence.
"Did everything you brought him this week have the power to do... that?" He gestured to Bucky, who hissed at Steve as if to say I told you so.
"Nope." You shook your head, laughing as Bucky wobbled across the couch, not used to how it felt to move as a feline. "I knew he would think I did something to them, so I didn't. Just plain old snacks."
Damn, she is so fucking smart. Bucky's thoughts came out as a purr, startling the room.
"How long is tinman stuck as a cat?" Tony laughed, enjoying the sight.
"Just a few hours. Long enough to think about why he deserves this." You gestured to your hair.
"Can we take pictures of him in cute cat outfits?" Nat questioned, always up for blackmail material.
You pulled a shopping bag out from behind you, pulling a series of Avenger themes costumes.
"I'm one step ahead of you." You grinned devilishly, swiftly scooping Bucky up from off the couch.
"You're evil." Bucky glared at you as soon as he turned back into a human.
"You deserved it. Plus, you were so cute as a little kitten." You pouted.
That pout is doing things to me. Bucky shook his head, trying to maintain the angry facade. He ran his hands through his hair, causing your own thoughts to spiral.
What I would give to run my hands through his hair when he wasn't a cat.
"You turned me into a cat!" He yelled, chasing you down the hall back to the living room.
"You died my hair platinum fucking blonde!" You screamed right back, turning on him once you made it to the end of the hallway.
"I can't stand you." Bucky spat, while simultaneously thinking if only she wanted to touch me not as a cat.
"Yeah, well newsflash! I can't stand you either." You glared right back.
The team watched on with amused expressions.
"Who wants to see pictures of kitty Barnes in cat costumes?" You turned to the room, a wide grin adorning your lips. Without waiting for an answer, you displayed your phone on the TV screen.
He is so damn cute. Cat or no cat. You laughed as you swiped through the pictures.
Bucky tried to grab the phone from you, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of enjoying this too much.
Her laugh is like music.
"Oh my god! Shut up!" Wanda suddenly stood up, pointing at the both of you. "You two pretend to hate each other so much, but your thoughts tell different stories."
Your mouth dropped open, shocked at both Wanda's volume and words.
Bucky wore a similar expression, eyes wide and heart beating fast.
"Wanda, you read my mind?" You tried to deflect the attention.
"No. You were just thinking so damn loud it involuntarily popped into my head." She grinned, trying to impersonate your voice as she quoted your thoughts
"Damn, that's hot. He's so adorable when he's nervous. He's cuter as a person. What I wouldn't give to run my hands through his hair when he wasn't a cat. He is so damn cute. Cat or no cat."
"And those are just from the past week and a half!" She yelled at you.
Bucky grinned smugly, forgetting Wanda also heard his thoughts. "Oh, doll. Why didn't you just say you cared?" He asked in fake sympathy.
You glared at him, ready to fight again when Wanda switched focus.
"Don't start with me Barnes. You think just as loudly!" Her voice took on an exaggerated depth as she impersonated Bucky, sighing dramatically between sentences.
"She's so cute when she's angry. Not cute. Hot. So very hot when she's angry. She's so adorable when she's this happy. Damn, she is so fucking smart. That pout is doing things to me. If only she wanted to touch me not as a cat. Her laugh is like music."
"I can't take it anymore! The two of you are driving me insane." She huffed, barging out of the room in an effort to hear nothing but peace and quiet.
Everyone else quickly followed, figuring the two of you could use a minute to talk.
"You think I'm hot." Bucky stated the fact. "That's embarrassing." He grinned, slowly walking closer to you.
"Not as embarrassing you thinking I'm smart." You countered, a matching grin on your face.
"You want to run your hands through my hair." He smirked, placing his hands on your waist.
"My laugh is like music to your ears." You leaned closer.
"Just kiss already!" Sam shouted from the hallway, but the two of you were in your own world.
"Do you want to get dinner with me? Tomorrow?" Bucky asked, his forehead pressed to yours.
"I'd like that." You smiled back.
The two of you moved in tandem, pressing your lips together, fighting for dominance of the kiss.
You pulled back, breathless and needing air. "I hope you know I'm not deleting the pictures of you as a cat."
"I wouldn't think so." Bucky chuckled, pressing another quick kiss to your lips.
"You know what this means?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.
You grinned conspiratorially while nodding. "We can team up on Wilson!"
"My thoughts exactly." He smiled, pulling you into another breathtaking kiss.
Permanent taglist:
@averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hello! I hope you're having a good day! I was wondering if I could request the brothers with a partner thats been away for awhile maybe visiting family or something and the brother is having a hard time with them not around, missing them, so the mc decides to come back early to surprise them. Like maybe they open their bedroom door and mc is sitting there waiting for them or mc pops out of nowhere and gives them smooches and a big hug. What would their reactions be? If you don't feel up to it then please feel free to delete this, I'd never want to bother a writer. Also! I want to say, your writing is really great!! I can't wait to see more works from you in the future!
Some fluff for everyone~ you're not a bother, I just let myself get overwhelmed and some poor timing irl just happened last time - I'll be sure to be more thoughtful about how many asks I accept to do in such a short time
Though I only made it a short surprise visit - sorry!
He was ashamed to say it but he was missing you
You were having a small summer break to see your family and be back in the human world
For a man who's lived thousands of years he never suspected he'd fall this hard
He stared at the other side of his, foolishly believing you'd be there to greet him in the morning
What he didn't know that due to pact magic; you could sense his mood
An invisible tug pulling at your mind telling you to see him
When he got back home he immediately headed to his room, not wanting to deal with his brothers
"Hello (Y/N)."
He stopped, whipping around to see you on his bed
He let go of his shame, rushing over to you and fell to his knees
"I've missed you, my love."
"I know~ i could feel it in our pact, I never knew you'd miss me this much, you really are a softie."
"You're teasing will not effect me this time, are you back for good?"
Why? Because he was whipped and was internally screaming with excitement
"No but I thought I'd pop in to give you these-"
You cupped his face and smothered his face in kisses
Before he could do anything you suddenly disappeared, giving him a peace sign
He got a text not too long after saying you'll pop in next week
Everyone knew he missed you and I mean EVERYONE
even random demons on the street knew!
He was moping around, whining about you being gone
He constantly looks like a kicked puppy
And you could feel it with your pact, you decided it was best to visit him
You teleported in his room
He wasn't there at the moment so you kept yourself busy by playing pool
As soon as he trudged into his room you greeted him
You were surprised his neck didn't snap due to how quick it moved
"(Y/N)!!! YOU'RE BACK!"
He was Infront of you, picking you up and putting you down on his pool table
His face buried in your chest
"i knew you'd miss me, our pact was telling me to see you so I'm visiting."
"only visiting...? You won't stay?"
"Don't use your puppy eyes on me or else I won't give you your gift."
He immediately perked up at that, mouth sealed shut
You cupped his face and covered it in kisses, making sure to mostly aim for his lips
He wanted more
He tried to hold you closer but you only disappeared
Happy to see a note on his bed saying you'll come back soon
Nothing felt the same anymore
Gaming with people was just annoying and made him rage quit
He just rewatched old shows, saving up the news ones for when you came back
Is worried you're never coming back
You took pity on him feeling his pact flare up
You came back to the devildom wanting to surprise him, the human world feeling a bit lonely without his presence
You were hiding in his bathtub, under all the cushions
When he stormed into his room with a massive frown you immediately rised out of your hiding spot
He screamed pointing his fork at you almost dropping his food
"you're here?! Like---- actually!??!!!"
You almost tripped when you jumped out of his bed, rushing over to him
He didn't care how overwhelmed he got, letting you stroke his hair and hug him
"Only for a little bit, but your pact told me you were lonely and I wanted to see you."
He immediately got embarassed knowing he got called out
"i- I miss you."
You smiled, kissing all over his face and holding his hands
He was stunned and bright red but you suddenly teleported away
You texted him, telling him what you'll come back officially and for him to expect more surprises
Was more aggravated without you
'excuse you, that's my emotional support human'
He hated seeing any couple as he knew you were still gone for another week and he couldn't hold your hand like others could with their partner
Your pact was always raging; you almost tripped when you felt that invisible tug
It seemed it was time to visit the Devildom to sooth your boyfriend
You were hiding behind his door
When he came into his room you just missed getting hit by it
You saw his tense he looked and immediately slinked over, wrapping your arms around him
"Asmo I swear I will-"
When he saw it was you all tension left his body
He hugged you, sighing with joy as he leaned against you
"Now I feel bad I'm only popping in."
"hm, it is a shame perhaps you could stay then."
"I love you but I left mid dinner with my parents, there's only so long you can be in the bathroom before it gets concerning."
You both laughed but you knew you had to get back
So you kissed his face as much as you could reach before dipping back with a quick "see ya!"
Poor Solomon, having to hear him complain about you not being there almost every day
He spends most of his time in his room hiding away from his adoring public
Noticing his skin keeps looking awful no matter what he does
When your pact kept tugging you you knew you had to go see him
You teleported over, landing on his bed
He just left his bathroom, an oversized shirt on him and a towel aroulnd his neck catching the water still dripping out of his hair
"AH-! nooo sweetheart why did you come back now?! My hair isn't dry!"
"I'll come back later then-"
He pulled you into a hug, hiding his face in your neck
"nooo!! I missed you so much."
You just laughed, having mercy on him and patted his hair causing it to completely dry
"I missed you too, but I'm only seeing how you are."
"you're cruel."
You kissed his head before moving his face so he looked at you, he was pouting
You kissed all over his face before giving him a big smooch on his lips
You immediately teleported back when he tried to cling to you
You left him a note on his table that you'll be back in a few days
Don't look at him like that
He's just stress eating okay??!!
He's so use to having you cure other cravings he has that now he's gone back to being a complete eating Machine
Sure that never really changed but before your arrival he ate ALOT more
His pact with you was always shining and you felt the need to see him
You decided you'll pop in
You somehow ended up in mini fridge, all the trays were taken out and there wasn't a spot of food inside
You saw your boyfriend chowing down and coughed into your hand
"surprise, baby!"
He stopped eating, quickly gulping down and helped you out of the fridge
"you shouldn't be in there you could catch a cold."
"I missed you too."
You kissed both of his cheeks, giving him some actual kisses
He just let you shower him in kisses as he held your hips
"I missed you aswell, are you staying?"
"not for long but I'm coming back next week, save me some of that Ice cream."
He looked down at the ice cream and nodded with a frown
You teleported back after kissing his forehead
Has been clinging to anyone he could get his hands on
Which mostly was his twin, just clinging to his arm, leg, back, wherever he could
He missed hugging you and taking naps with you
Didn't even bother to hide how much he missed you
Has considered going back on all his chatacter development just so he would come back
You had a feeling it was best to go back to the devildom for a visit when your pact kept fizzing
He was sitting in his room, crushing a squishy plush cow with a snarl
"Missed me?"
He whipped aroulnd and just stared at you in shock
"I am asleep again?"
He frowned
"this is reality, I'm just making a stop here to see you."
He hugged you, breathing in your smell, missing it already
"I missed you, when are you coming back? Naps haven't been the same."
"you gotta survive another week, but I got something for you."
He raised a brow, confused on what it could be
But surprise! It was kisses all over his face
He felt true peace feeling you kiss him again and actually fell sleep smiling
You laughed as he suddenly flopped smiling like an idioit
You made kissed his cheek one last time before heading back
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honouredsatoru · 3 years
JJK Characters x You on a date
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notes : I tried including Gojo's love for Digimon since I also grew up watching Digimon and loving the anime with all of my heart, also because Gojo's seiyuu, both Japanese and English versions, voiced for characters in Digimon, so I wanna pay homage to the both of them. other than that, I also included my love for arts and history, something I tried to incorporate into my writing, just to make it like.. lilith's style, ya know?
extra notes : also I wrote megumi for Elli, just because haha.
warnings : slight cussing. not proofread lol. other than that, none. 100% fluff!
characters : gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, nanami kento, itadori yuji.
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Gojo Satoru - Arcades, vintage shops, especially collectors, especially Digimon, comic book/manga stores.
[Your name]! [Your name!]! Look, look! It's the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 series! All 9 of them! Let's get in!"
"Ahh hold on. Towu! We're supposed to visit the cat cafe, you promised that you would go with me and take pictures with the cat hairband on! And I'm starving!"
You jokingly scowled at him, tapping your Doc Martens feet on the ground, arms folding.
"Fucking adorable. Let me see if I can tease her more, hah." A smirk soon appeared on this blue-eyed darling of yours.
"Let me get the manga and I promise, I'll go to this cat cafe with you, baby. Hm?"
"Oh alright."
"I love you, sweetheart. I know how much you wanted to go there but the manga. I- ahaaaa"
He started pouting as he kept pointing in the direction of the Digimon manga by the window. You quickly opened your camera, taking pictures of him sulking, emitting a soft giggle that actually made his heart squeezed with joy.
He presses his lips against your forehead, thumb circling your cheek, gently squishing them before opening the door, yanking you into the comic book store with him. You vowed to hide the comic books once he goes on a mission. After all, he made you wait a month before the two of you finally get to go to this cafe you always wanted to visit.
"Baby, I can read what you're thinking. Your face shows it too. Hehe. Watch me hide your panties."
Taking in a few gulps of air to deepen your breath, you opened your eyes, to meet the love of your life's own eyes, snickering at you, his large hands on the crown of your head before ruffling your already messy hair. There is no way you can stay mad at this man, as childish as he is, you know he loves you and deep down? He knows you love him too.
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Itadori Yuji - Thrift stores, internet cafes to play online games with you, cinemas.
"Candy! [Your name] love! Don't! Make! Me! Ahhh cover up for me! I am gonna lose! I am gonna-"
He turns around to face you with soft eyes, his eyebrows slightly droopy before looking back at the computer, taking in the seconds in his head to register the fact that he lost in his mission with you in Inferno.
"Awww sorry babe. I mean.. you just started playing CSGO, so tell me, why- again- damn it- you wanna- AH. Damn it! Throw the fucking grenade! I mean why you wanna play this game, you need more practice- FUCK YOU."
Gentle chuckles were heard, emitted from his throat, his soft, peach toned lips landed on your cheek repeatedly as he rubbed soothing circles around your back.
"Breathe, bunny baby. You're so feisty whenever you start having online matches. Breathe. I love you, and I don't want you to get your blood pressure rising because of these dumbos, hm?"
Your lips curl into a faint and appreciative smile, nodding while your eyes are glued to the screen, ignoring the fading laughs and snickers from the people acknowledging your mini rage.
"I love you too. If I win, I'm getting us boba and chicken nuggets. So let me fight them, okie?"
"Yes ma'am!"
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Megumi - Museums, art galleries, photo exhibitions, aesthetic cafes.
"Oh Gumi bear, look at that! That is the Raft of Medusa, it was done by Thèodore Géricault, he himself interviewed two survivors from the shipwreck."
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He looks over your eyes that shine with excitement and pure happiness.
Was what he thought every time he laid his sight onto you. God knows that he falls in love with you every single time he is blessed with your presence. Resting his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, inhaling the scent of mixed berries and wild roses, he swore he heard his heartbeat increasing every two seconds in a span of one minute.
"Oh really? What do you think this painting is all about?"
Glancing at him before returning to the painting, you puffed your cheeks, pressing your lips together with your index finger curled on your chin and your thumb under it.
"Lord, she is so cute whenever she does that. Can I kiss her? Should I? No wait, she's trying to tell me her own interpretation of this painting. To me. Oh wow. I'm gonna kiss her... later. I can't interrupt her." That is all he could think of. You. He is deeply, madly, beautifully in love with you.
"In my opinion, it tells me the ways of how men, or human beings, seek out in order to survive. When we are at the brink of desperation, insanity, happiness, greed, lust, desire, wrath, grief, don't we all do things unimaginable to help us go through the day? They even resolved to cannibalism. I think even I would commit to that if I was in an extremely dire situation."
You looked at him, a wide smile on your face, emitting a soft giggle that entered his right ear and stayed within the chambers of his mind. He closed the spaces between the both of you, sealing his lips onto yours, with the intention of making this very moment last a little longer heavy within his heart.
Was what you thought of him.
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Nanami Kento - Theatres, historical museums, fine dining restaurants.
You squealed, lightly clapping your hands as you ran to a block of marble, your foot tapping against the floor. He chuckles, hands in his pocket, taking fast strides towards you.
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"Namnam! Look look! That's the Parthenon Sculptures! It was founded in hm... Athens, yes! If I am not mistaken, around 438 to 432 BC. These sculptures decorated the insides of the Parthenon, it is a temple located at the fortress of the Athenian Acropolis. It is said that this temple was built to appreciate and worship the Goddess Athena, she was the deity worship in Athens. Also, ah ah! Did you know that the word parthénos means "maiden", "girl" or ‘virgin"? And I-"
You look at him, your magnificent lover wearing a dark brown trench coat, with ecru brown trousers and a black turtleneck tucked in, his neck layered with white gold necklaces. Your hand unconsciously scratches your sideburns, giggling at the side of his stoic expression, eyes piercing yours beneath that yellow-green glasses he constantly has on his chiseled face.
"Oh... I am sorry... I didn't mean to bore you. I was just so excited because you know me! I love anything that is related to ancient greek history and mythology. I can't seem to get enough of it and it is absolut-
"I'm not bored, [your name]. I was just paying attention to every single word that pretty lips of yours uttered. It's magnificent that you knew all of this. It shows just how smart, curious, bright your mind and soul is. And darling?"
"I am lucky to be blessed with someone like you. With Gojo constantly following me, there is no way I can read the books I bought for myself. However, having you around, breaking the ice with your random history tib bits, I feel like I am reading the pages, savouring each word, alphabet, sentence, thus expanding my quest and love for knowledge."
You looked down. Normally, you're not the type to tear up this easily but seeing how this man, this angel of a man, appreciates the little things you loved and adored, you can't help but let the waterworks out. You lifted your head up to meet his gaze, the tip of your nose slightly stuffy. You grabbed his arms, clinging onto him, the difference of height and size makes it sweet to the eyes of strangers surrounding you both.
"Oh Namnam. Thank you so much. This means the world to me. Shall we... go and see the best of Ramesses the Great? I've loads to tell you!"
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Nobara - Shopping malls, ferry rides, beach dates, parks with cherry blossoms.
"Baby... tell me, have you ever seen anything as joyous as the ocean?"
You two stood by the seashore, fingers intertwined, your head resting on her shoulders, the sound of the seas splashing against the rocks and the warmth around your foot, it tingled but it feels good at the same time.
"I don't want this moment to end, [your name]."
"Why is that, pretty one?"
A faint sigh leaves her lips, you feeling her body loosen up.
"I just.. school is sort of stressful so my time spent with you liberates me from the pressure, fatigue, and image of curses embedded in my brain. Walking with you... through this airy womb of skies and clouds, don't you know it makes me happy?"
You leaned closer, pressing a soft peck on her cheeks, earning yourself a pair of scarlet cheeks with a gorgeous smile from the one next to you. You turned yourself to face her, hands on her shoulders, bringing her body closer to yours.
"Whenever and wherever you need me, I will be there. I might not be perfect, but I am gonna do my best to be the one you can always count on."
You pressed a kiss on her left cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss on her right cheek.
"I love you."
A kiss to the lips of the woman whom you shared your entire universe with.
"To the moon and back, I love you, Kugisaki Nobara."
The end.
tags : @tojisveryown @sookyshima @megumifushi @sixeyesgojo @sirthisisa-wendys @sasso-oda @fushigurocockslut @nkogneatho @kotarousgf @noritoshiikamo
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: When Fred finds out Y/n is planning on leaving the Wizarding World, he canalizes his feelings in the worst way possible, which leads to a terrible outcome that seems unfixable.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: angst
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: swearing
A/N: @meph1stophelian is here putting pressure on me to post this already so I'm apologizing for the poorly written ending lmaoo enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Fred, calm down." George begged me; he walked by my side, trying to talk some sense into me, but it was not the moment. "You gotta understand her— throwing a fit isn't going to help anyone—" I didn't even look in my twin's direction while he spoke. "Bloody hell, Fred—"
"Y/n!" I quickened my pace, leaving George behind after spotting her in one of the corridors, having a chat with a couple of Ravenclaws. "Can I have a word?"
"Sure— Oi!" I hadn't waited for her to reply before grabbing her hand and snatching her away to pull her into the nearest broom closet. "What was that about?"
"Tell me I heard Katie wrong and you're not actually leaving."
"I can't tell you that." She plainly responded, her voice steady.
A single, gobsmacked snide left my throat. "You're joking, right?" My heart ached as if it was being constricted when she shook her head no. "So you're fleeing?"
"Things are getting ugly so you're running away."
Her eyes dug into mines as she stayed in a very uncomfortable silence before replying with. "So what if I am?" When I averted my eyes from hers, she called my name. Her eyes were somewhat softer now, with a gleam of plea in them. "For the last two years we had nothing but tragedy. Diggory died, You-Know-Who is back and recruiting, the ministry is full on going against a teenager, this pink colored nasty toad is physically abusing us, and on top of that, I have to put up with my housemates' bullshit for having muggle blood— I'm tired!" Her voice had raised a bit, enough for me to know she was struggling to keep it at bay, but still managed to. "If I can have a life out of this then—"
"You're a coward."
"Fred." there was a warning on her tone, but I couldn't listen.
"You're leaving... people behind," she attempted to reason; I didn't let her. "Dunno why I'm surprised, really. At the end of the day you're a Slytherin for a reason."
Her eyes started to well up, and I couldn't tell if it was with anguish or fury. I knew I was getting under her skin, but that was exactly what I intended to do; if I was going to leave that room scarred, so would she.
"Self-preservation, you call it." I scoffed, feeling my own rage building up faster each passing second. "Pure cowardy."
"Is that what you think?" Her tone wasn't steady anymore; she was holding back the poison of her words, for my sake.
"Yeah." I wasn't capable of doing the same thing for hers. "And I don't want your cheap excuses and emotional manipulation to convince me otherwise." My face was probably red due to the anger, my jaw and fists hurt from clenching them; I was off the rails, and the person who would usually stop me was standing in front of me. "Better leave now so you don't have the chance to sell us out when shit goes down."
Silence fell upon us, our gazes locked, equally watery and with the same amount of fury and sadness within them.
And finally she snapped. "Maybe I'm a coward, but you're a self-absorbed prat who's not able to see beyond your own ego!" The way she said it hurt me more than the sentence itself. "This is not gonna be a DADA class, Fred! I don't want to fucking die because I was too slow casting Protego."
"Good luck, Y/l/n." I curtly wished her before stalking out of the broom closet I have initially dragged her into.
We avoided each other for a week. The following Monday, when I entered the Great Hall, I found George and Katie quite depressed.
"What's gotten into you?"
They shared a look before my brother turned to me, deciding to break the news himself.
"Y/n left last night." He gave me an apologetic look. "Thought she'd wait until the graduation—"
"But she's had enough." Katie finished, toying with her breakfast. "Honestly, I wish I had a life in the muggle world too."
My lungs were refusing to take the air inside; I felt as if I would choke if I stayed there, so I stormed out, jogging to reach the countryard.
I needed to breathe.
Even after the wind hit my face, that vital task felt like the most difficult thing in the world to accomplish.
I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her.
A sob escaped my chest, realising the harsh words I had spat at her were probably the last ones she would ever hear from me.
I love her.
A Year And A Half Later
I managed to apparate somewhere in the cornfield —the only place around the Burrow I remembered clearly.
I should have landed with a broom, but apparently, Mad-Eye didn't inform Lupin that I would serve as an extra escort for Harry if they were ambushed, so my broom was now smashed somewhere down the muggle road we had flown over.
Mentally cursing the damn moment in which I spoke to Shacklebolt in hopes of being useful in this war, I looked for the entrance of the Weasley home, which took me quite a while.
Funnily enough, it was Lupin who stepped out, wielding his wand and casting yet another hex at me that I somehow managed to block.
With a swift wave of my hand, he was propelled back into the house. "YOU!" A long-haired redhead I recognized as the eldest Weasley helped my old Professor up as I stalked to them with my wand up. "YOU HEXED MY BLOODY BROOM! I'M LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!"
"Y/n, calm down—" Shacklebolt was now besides me with his hands up. "He didn't know you were coming— he was trying to protect George from further harm."
My brain was slow to process his words, but as soon as it did, I started to down my arm. "What happened?"
"Snape hit him with the sectumsempra." My eyes widened at Lupin's heavy words.
"Did everyone else make it?" The three of them remained silent, the ginger shaking his head no.
My breath caught up in my throat, but before I could ask if Fred was alright, another tall ginger flashed the corner of my eye, and my head snapped to the living room's door.
Everyone was scattered around the house. Ginny took Hermione and Fleur to her room; Ron and Harry made its way up too; Tonks went out —she needed a moment alone to mourn Mad-Eye—, and, while my parents and I stayed with George, Lupin, Shacklebolt and Bill went to guard the entrance.
I was still kneeling by George's side, holding his hand while our mother healed his wound the best she could, when we heard a yell followed by a strong blow in the kitchen.
I looked at my mum and dad, my eyes flickering to my twin while I reached for my wand.
As I got up, more yells were heard, this time clearer; the voice was familiar— I knew that voice all too well.
There she stood, at the entrance of my home.
Her eyes met mines as soon as she caught a glimpse of me, and my head started to spin. I knew I had no right to do what I was about to do, but after that night's events, in which the war became very much real, I couldn't help but rush to her and engulf her in a tight hug.
Surprisingly enough, I couldn't take more than two steps forward, since she did what I intended to do first.
"You're alright." She mumbled against my shoulder. My eyes shut, trying to block the tears that threatened to fall. "How's he?" She inquired whilst pulling away with a concerned frown.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded in the living room's direction. A quiet sough escaped my lips as she passed by, her hands lingering on my arms for a brief instant before she entered the room and took careful steps towards the settee.
I barely caught a couple of words from George and Y/n's exchange, my mind still buzzing due to the shock.
"What do you say, Freddie?" I frowned at my twin, regretting not listening to the conversation. "She can take my bed, right? I'm not gonna get far anyway."
"Right." I agreed, struggling for my voice to come out steady. It was Y/n we were talking about; I had known her since our fourth year, I had been friends and more with her, seeing her shouldn't be that nerve-wracking.
A couple of minutes later, we were all heading to our respective rooms, and as I closed my room's door behind me and Y/n, it dawned on me that I had underestimated the anxiety that could cause me being left alone with her.
Get it together, Fred.
"If you want, you can grab a shirt from the drawer." I finally managed to speak, motioning at the chest besides the window. She nodded and turned to it to look for one she could sleep in.
Now that I had the opportunity, I carefully observed her, and soon realized how much she had changed in the time we were apart. Not only when it came to her physical appearance; she stood a bit straighter, talked a little calmer; the joy with which she used to sparkle was dim now, eclipsed by a severe, worried attitude— a sign of us no longer being the kids who messed around at Hogwarts.
"I missed you" I knew right away that wasn't the best start for the conversation.
"It sure didn't seem like it." The bitterness in her tone stung my heart harsher than I expected.
"You're still mad?" The way I was conducting the conversation was making me want to bang my head against the wall.
She sighed, turning around now that she had the shirt on to meet my gaze. "A year and a half, Fred. You didn't contact me for a year and a half. I thought we were friends."
"You left me behind!" I talked back, partly because I panicked, but also because I, to my surprise, was still mad too. "What did you even expect?"
"A letter?" She questioned, throwing herself down on the bed. "I mean— I didn't really expect anything, but a letter would have been a good way to let me know you didn't fucking hate me." My eyes, now fixed on my lap, went wide when Y/n's voice broke at her last three words.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled, quite ashamed of having to apologise while also being scared of saying anything that could harm her further. "I'm sorry about not writing and- uh... I'm sorry about what I said to you. I know it's not an excuse but I was really mad and..." I cleared my throat and felt the blush creeping up my neck even before I finished the sentence. "... and hurt 'cause you- I thought that maybe I wasn't important enough to you and- yeah, I'm sorry about what I said." I tried meeting her eyes but they were fixed on the wall before her.
"It's fine." She shrugged, "I guess you were right anyway."
"I wasn't right-"
"You were." She hugged her knees to her chest and hid her face there. "Wanna know why I'm back?" She didn't need my response. "They're hunting down my family." My heart stopped beating for a second due to the shockingly deadpanning tone. "A friend gave me a tip-off— they were tracking them down. I got to them just in time." I refrained myself from asking about them —the less I knew, the better. "So yeah, you're right, I was a coward and left people behind."
My body shot up and my legs carried me to George's bed; without me being fully aware of what I was doing or which consequences it could have, I sat down and pulled Y/n into my arms.
Though she was shocked at first, her body soon relaxed into the familiarity of my arms, and she let out a relieved sigh. "You're not alone on this." I whispered, pecking her crown. "I'm here, okay?"
"So you don't hate me?" She murmured against my chest.
Maybe it was the fragility of her voice, or the warmth of her embrace I missed so much; maybe it was this past year and a half of regret, or the night's events, but I couldn't hold back my words.
"I love you."
And even though she went stiff, even if I had just blurted them out almost in accident, I didn't regret saying them, because I, in fact, loved her.
She pulled away to look into my eyes. "You mean it?"
"Yeah." I replied, calmer than I had been in a while. "And I'm really sorry about everything, if I could turn back time—" words and air were cut off by her lips crashing against mines.
We had kissed before, but it was on a bet's behalf or to prank someone; this was different, this was her pouring her 'I love you' into actions, and I embrace it gladly.
"No more running away." I commanded when she pulled back. "From now on, we stick together." She nodded, her forehead resting against mine and her palms on my chest.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 2.416
Warnings: hurt - comfort; some small cursing
Summary: Nyx dates you for you eight months and everything seems good. At least, you think that. Therefore, you're shocked as Nyx breaks up with you.
Nyx broke up with you because of reasons but ... was it really the right decision? And might his friends be helpful to knock some sense into Nyx?
Nyx watched how you danced through the kitchen. Soft music was playing from hidden loudspeakers. With a low voice, you hummed along while preparing two cups of hot chocolate. For eight months, Nyx dated you. You were pure joy, the kindest person Nyx had ever met. You cared for him in a beautiful way. You gave him the feeling to be something special. To be valuable. There was no time you weren't there for him. You had been able to soothe the pain he was carrying in a loving, self-less way.
"We have to stop this.", Nyx said low but serious and almost feared you hadn't heard him as you didn't react.
But you had heard him. Frowning, you turned over to the man who stood in the middle of your apartment, "We have to stop- what?", you asked, confused even if you already had an odd feeling spreading through your body as you saw Nyx' serious expression.
"This. Between us. I can't do this anymore- well... I could but I don't want it anymore.", Nyx said while looking you straight in the eyes.
"Y-you wanna break up with me?", you considered that it might be some cruel kind of a joke but the longer Nyx stayed silent, the less funny it became, "Nyx? You scare me. What is going on?", you asked, stepping forward, reaching for him.
But Nyx stepped back, drawing his brows together, "I told you what is going on. I'm leaving you. Now. We… Sure, we had some fun together but… it's not enough. You are not enough for me."
Your blood ran cold by his emotionless voice. The soft blue eyes you loved so much resembled more sharp diamonds, "I- I don't understand. Nyx, where does this come from? Have I done something wrong?"
"No. I mean, yes! It's not one thing you have done. It's everything you do. To be with you gives me nothing. I'm bored having you around.", he continued his merciless honesty.
Tears were brimming in your eyes, almost spilling out of them, "No… you can't mean that.", you whispered helplessly, feeling your heart breaking into tiny pieces while a voice told you that his words were just lies. Even the way Nyx looked at you, told you that there was more than he said. He wasn't telling the truth but you had no idea why he tried to hurt you then, "Tell me the truth. What is really going on?", you asked.
Nyx stared at you, blinking several times because he couldn't believe what he heard, "Damn, I had no idea how stupid you are! I told you what is going on. I'm leaving you. I don't have to explain anything. Don't call me or stuff like this. Just … forget me.", he said, grabbing his jacket and leaving your apartment without looking back for one second.
You stared at the closed door, motionless. Just one single, hot tear was escaping your eyes, rolling down your cheek, leaving behind a trail of sadness on your skin.
Three days had passed since the last time Nyx had seen you. Three days since all the things he had said to you. You, the most precious and important miracle that ever happened to him. You, whose eyes would forever haunt him. Day and night. His nightmares were nothing compared to the shock and the sadness he had seen in your face because of the words he had chosen to hurt you.
Nyx was awake for seventy-two hours straight. Trying to drown his guilt and sorrow with alcohol but no matter how much he drank, Nyx couldn't get your tears-filled eyes out of his mind. Or the way you had tried to reach out for him. The TV blurted some nonsense. It was nothing more than background noise. He couldn't focus on anything around him because you always came back to his mind.
Therefore, Nyx needed several minutes to realize that the dull knocking sound came from his own door. Slightly swaying, Nyx crossed his small, one room apartment to answer the door. He already expected to see you. That, even if he had said you should stay away from him, you would ignore him. Somehow, Nyx hoped you had come to see him.
But instead, Crowe and Libertus stood in front of a tired looking Nyx. His hair was tousled and all in all, he looked miserable, "Wow… you look…", Libertus said, searching for the right words.
But Crowe was faster. She pushed past Libertus, "You look like shit.", she said. As she spotted all the empty bottles, she added: "And you smell horrible."
Nyx crossed his arms over his chest, "Are you done with insulting me?", he said, turning around to let himself fall into his armchair.
With a stern expression, Crowe followed Nyx while Libertus opened a window for some fresh air before he looked at his best friend, "Spit it out. What is going on?"
"YN left me. That's going on. I'm just trying to deal with this. Problem?", Nyx hissed and glared at his two friends.
Crowe frowned, looking skeptical, "YN... left you…", she asked doubtfully, "And when?"
"What day is it?", Nyx asked, noticing that he had kinda lost track of time.
"Friday.", Libertus answered serious.
"Oh, then three days ago or so-"
"Or so? Nyx!"
"What?", Nyx snapped, looking at Crowe with gleaming eyes, "They left me, ok? They said they couldn't do this anymore with me being a Glaive. And I don't blame them.", he said angrily while taking the next bottle of booze, "And now, if you don't wanna drink with me, I would be thankful if you two leave me alone."
Crowe and Libertus waited a moment but they saw that there was no way to discuss anything with him. So, they left Nyx alone with his self-destructive behavior. At least, for a little while.
On the street, Crowe stemmed her fists into her sides, "You believe what he said? That YN left him?", she asked Libertus.
He shook his head, "Not for one second."
But no matter how often one of his friends asked, Nyx stuck to his story: you had left him after eight months because the life with a Glaive wasn't what you wanted. You wanted more. You needed more stability and mostly, you didn't want a life where you always feared for Nyx' life.
So, one day, Crowe and Libertus walked to Nyx who was busy polishing his Kukris while looking tired like every day during the past two weeks.
Nyx noticed the two well-known shadows towering above him, "What is it now?", he asked, annoyed, without looking up.
"We watched you long enough and this has to end!", Crowe said.
Nyx was about to answer but the siren interrupted him and the others. A new attack by Niflheim troops killed this unwanted conversation before it even started.
While getting ready for action, Crowe watched Nyx. From the outside, he seemed to be composed and calm, dressing his combat clothes and putting his Kukris into the right spots but she knew the difference. She saw his wild eyes that told her that some kind of storm was raging inside of him. She just wasn't sure how this storm could break through: if Nyx would just let off some steam or if he would do something stupid.
Slowly, she walked over to Libertus and Pelna, "Hey, guys, do me a favor when we're on the battlefield. Look out for Nyx."
Pelna frowned, "You think he's not ready to fight?"
"Oh, trust me. Nyx will fight. I just fear he could do something stupid."
And somehow, Crowe should have been right with her assumption. While she was busy with the other female Glaives to create a thunderstorm to destroy some of the Niflheim ships, Libertus was fighting on the ground against upcoming waves of demons. Pelna fought on his right side while Nyx on his left.
It was a hell of a battle and everyone was busy but at the same time, Libertus kept an eye on Nyx as he had promised. But as Libertus checked Nyx' position once again, his friend was gone. Quickly, Libertus called Pelna over to him and together, they searched for Nyx.
"Over there! Is he suicidal or what?", Pelna asked as he watched how Nyx tried to fight against a bunch of ass-kicking demons at the same time. One demon aimed for Nyx without his knowledge and both, Pelna and Libertus, feared the worst.
"We have to do something. He has to get out of there or he will get killed!", Libertus called out over the ear-piercing sound of an explosion some distance away.
"I will warp me to him, help him to fight.", Pelna said, threw his knife to Nyx' position and fought against the last few remaining demons.
As the field was clear, Libertus ran over to Nyx, grabbing him by his uniform jacket to push him against the next half broken wall, "Stop this shit!"
"What? Doing my job?", Nyx hissed, pushing Libertus away from him with a glaring expression.
Libertus kept Nyx' glance, "No! You try to get killed! Since you left YN, you're more reckless than ever before."
"I told you YN left me!", Nyx called out, ignoring the next explosion which covered everyone in dust and debris.
Libertus stepped forward, towering above his childhood friend, "You weren't really thinking that I believed that for one second, right? Crowe neither. YN would never leave you like that! Unlike you, they are sure how they feel for you. YN already loves you too much to leave you! And that's why you left them with some flimsy excuses, am I right? Because you’re too scared to admit your feelings you have for them.", Libertus hissed angrily.
Nyx' eyes flickered back and forth between Libertus' eyes. He swallowed thickly before he tried it again, "N-no… YN... They said they couldn't do this anymore-"
For a quick moment, Libertus lost his temper and punched Nyx right in the face so Nyx' head snapped to the side before Libertus grabbed Nyx by his collar again, "Don't lie to me ever again! YN spoke with me. They told me what you have said to them! And you know what? They weren't even crying because they knew that everything was just a lie! YN knew that you did it to push them away from you!"
Nyx felt how the guilt was back in charge about what he had done to you. There was no excuse in this world that would ever be enough for what he had said, "But I... I...", he whispered weakly.
Libertus let go of Nyx, staring at him with a stone cold expression, "We will end this damn mission! Alive! All of us! And then, you apologize and go back to YN!"
It was raining for hours and you were just making a cup of hot, delicious chocolate as someone knocked. As you opened the door, curious who it would be for such an hour, a dripping wet Nyx stood in front of you, looking like a kicked puppy with his long hair clutching to his face.
He still wore his Glaive battle uniform, coming straight from a mission. Libertus and Crowe had made sure that he went to you. He still had dirt and dust in his face, a few scratches were crossing his skin while the rain water was dripping onto the floor of the hallway. His eyes were red-rimmed and all in all, he looked more tired and worn out than you had ever seen him before.
Nyx' heart hammered in his chest as he saw your eyes holding a caring glance while you looked at him patiently, "I- I'm sorry-", he breathed, shaking with coldness and a tear filled voice. He wanted to say more. He wanted to apologize for everything but he got cut off as you just pulled him to you for a strong embrace with your arms firmly snaking around his neck.
Nyx immediately snuggled into the crook of your neck with his nose, shaken by sobs while inhaling your warm, familiar scent. Your body heat enclosed him and within one second, he felt back home again. The emptiness and darkness he had felt during the last days slowly vanished and got filled with warmth.
"Welcome home, hero.", you breathed lovely, raking your fingers through his soaked hair to soothe him.
"I don't deserve you.", he breathed against your skin, embracing you even stronger, clinging to you desperately in fear you could disappear.
"Well, maybe you're right... maybe you're wrong. But ... it doesn't matter. I just want you, Nyx.", you answered honestly.
Nyx leant back, slowly cupping your face with his shaking, cold hands to stare into your eyes he had missed so much, "But why? Just why? I'm a mess. I could die so easily and I don't wanna put you through this pain because you would miss me... So, why god damnit do you want me?"
You nudged Nyx' nose with your own, "Because you're wonderful. Nyx, I saw your real you. How caring you are. How lovely you can be. You're so soft and sweet to me. You're perfect. Even without admitting it, you love me so much and I try to give you as much as I can back because you deserve it."
"And still, I tried to push you away...", he whispered, devastated about what he had done to you, about all the cruel things he had said.
"Yes, and you know, I understand why you did it. But, trust me, I would rather live a life in pain because I have lost you than to live one minute without having you in my life at all.", you swore solemnly.
Nyx couldn't stop the tears from running down his cheeks, "I'm so, so sorry.", he whispered and kissed you desperately because of the loyalty and unconditional love you showed him when he didn't even deserved it but when needed it the most.
You broke the kiss after the first sensation to have him back again. With closed eyes, you were slightly swooning and with a soft smile on your lips you said: "Come in. You have to get out of these wet clothes before you get sick. I also made some hot chocolate that will warm you up.", and with these words, you brought Nyx softly back into your apartment and into your life where he belonged.
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oksana-moods · 3 years
Summary: As the seasons passes you by, it is inevitable for you to watch the fall.
A/N: This is an AU requested by the darling @multi-muse-transect and you might find it in here. This request filled me with joy and worries at the same time, because it was hard to create a visible story in my head before trying to write it down. But I really enjoyed all the research about Nova Corps, hence it took me a little more than intended.
Warnings: Language, marvel’s canon violence… if there is any other that I should mention, please, let me know.
“You take my breath away. You're a supernova and I'm a space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon.”
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#not my pic
Carol is at a window looking at the sculptures and other buildings of Hala, she’s just arrived from a mission against Kree insurgents. ‘They're like weeds’, she thinks. No matter how hard she fights or fights back, they always come back and never learn that against the Empress they will never succeed.
The lights are beautiful in Hala, but they will never compare to the lights of the Old Earth. She takes a look at the latest reports of her home planet's reconstruction on the table beside her and sighs, knowing that New Earth will soon be ready.
Years ago, Ronan attacked Earth with the intention of destroying Carol and he did, in fact, destroy her heart. Even though she could absorb and redirect energy, she failed to destroy all the missiles before they hit the ground and then it was over. And the beginning at the same time.
Completely possessed by the grief of losing her home and loved ones, Carol went hunting for the Kree and, more importantly, for the Supreme Intelligence and, one by one, Carol brought down her tormentors until she became the Empress of Kree, residing in Hala.
Her patrols to different galaxies have been reduced as she monitors the Kree group responsible for rebuilding the Earth, chases mutineers and still rules the Empire. Her Empire. There's not even time for karaoke, she thinks, as her eyes follows a shooting star across the night sky of her capital.
Her eyes narrow when said shooting star seems to take a route, rather than a random path, because it is a celestial body without navigation. This shooting star is, in fact, very different, she observes. And, almost a second late, she notices that someone is heading right for her.
Taking her by surprise, you hit the balcony glass as if it were nothing and saw Carol's body hurl against the wall with the impact of your body. Not even spending a breath, it's your turn to be hurled against the wall when Carol fights back even harder than you.
You fight, exchange punches and blows. You notice that she's slightly surprised to find a worthy opponent, something that's still unheard of. Until today. Until you.
And that intrigues her, how could someone be so powerful without her knowing?
"Did the Kree insurgents send you?" She asks after you collide on Hala’s sky, the noise and vibrations being felt even in buildings far away from the fight.
"No." You answer. “I was sent by Nova Prime to deal with you” You barely finish your sentence, and you attack Carol again, but she's confused. She had heard of Nova Prime when she was still a Kree soldier. When she fought for the wrong side.
She then looks at you once more. She takes in the clothes you're wearing and your helmet, which covers your eyes with a blueish light but leaves your chin bare. The symbol that resembles a star painted in red on your golden helmet indicated what you are. Nova Corp. You are a corpsman.
A bright, gold insignia in a form of three circles linked in your chest shines even in the dark, showing her that you’re not an ordinary corpsman, but a Centurion. You are Nova Corps’ Commander. Okay, that explain why you’re so powerful.
"What do you want with me?" She asks without the slightest pretension to continue fighting and for the first time you don't attack, you stop and look at her. Wow, the reports of her strength and agility were consistent with what you see, but there was nothing about her beauty. Shaking your head, you answer it.
"Justice." Seeing the confused expression on Carol's perfect face, you continue. "You are crushing the democracy that existed for the inhabitants of this planet, the countless reports of an empress overthrowing entire communities have crossed galaxies."
"Justice, you say." You see her eyes flash with anger and hatred. "And what justice does Nova Prime intend to give Earth?" She approaches dangerously and you have to remind yourself to not cower under her glare.
"The Kree have destroyed my home, so I won't give them one until the New Earth is rebuilt and populated." The threat in her gaze, in her posture, was tangible. "And nothing and no one in the universe will make me concede freedom to this barbaric species."
"Being a barbarian yourself?" You turn your head to the side in a questioning tone, but she takes it as irony. Maybe it was. “An eye for an eye, as earthlings are fond of saying. Or should I say, used to like?” A kind of roar was the only warning before her fist collided with your face.
"Wash your mouth before you talk about Earth, soldier." She patched up a string of blows you couldn't get out of. "Nova Empire has always fought the Kree, why they want to protect them now?"
She was strong; you've already figured that out, but like many other very powerful beings in the universe, they tend to think they're the only ones with powers. Absorbing most of the blows and directing the energy against the empress, you use your power blast and with that, once again, Carol is hurled against the wall of her palace.
As an automatic response, Carol uses the powers of her fist and you feel the force of a thousand cannons throwing you backwards into space, grunting right after with the impact of Carol's body, engaging the fight once more.
You could tell that she was angry and, according to your studies, humans tended to be guided by such frivolous feelings. And that was something you intended to use to your advantage.
Being two beings bestowed with stamina, the fight would go on for hours until someone got tired, but if she uses her powers erratically and drenched in rage, she will be drained quicklier.
“I am the Empress of the Kree Empire! Answer me!" The tone of voice in which she addresses you makes it clear that your goal of getting under her skin is working. With a smirk, you respond.
“Nova Empire takes care of the galaxy and has balance as its main goal, your highness. To overpower other species is not our intention.” Your response seems to enrage her even more and the only reaction you got from her was more blows and more blasts in your direction.
You dodge, you block, and you realize she's getting careless then letting her guard down. And that's where you come in with quick jabs almost powerless, only to enrage her more and more. Just to remind her that even an Empress has weaknesses.
You hit the ground and certainly the people throughout the city felt like it was an earthquake. Something was off and before you could react, Carol hits you with a blast right in the middle of the chest, throwing you meters and meters into a random building.
This time, you start feeling the impact on every wall you hit. You feel dizzy, your hand is shaking, and you find yourself bleeding. ‘What's going on?’ You think as you watch Carol's figure to grow in your field of vision.
The smirk on her face is ridiculously sexy, but you barely have time to make any comments before her voice reaches your ears. "Apparently, you're not that tough without your helmet on, are you?"
You look at her hand that is carrying what was once your helmet, now just broken shards and she drops it into your lap. Without your helmet you are ruined, as is your mission.
The smirk and one last punch were the last thing you remember before she knocks you down cold.
Your head was about to explode inside your skull, and you blink at the light entering your cell. All that brightness was not helping your headache at all.
It's been a few days since you've been taken prisoner by Empress Carol Danvers and whether Xandar knows or has noticed your disappearance is something you have no idea of. And when Nova Prime sends reinforcements after you it won't be pretty.
Before proceeding on your mission, you had already been informed that all diplomatic avenues had been tried but completely closed by the Empress. That way, Xandar wouldn't try negotiations to try to get you back. Perhaps this would trigger a new war.
A war you couldn't afford. Certainly, you didn't want the weight of being the trigger or the spark in a cold battle of inflated tempers on your shoulders. Carol had a very short fuse, as you witnessed firsthand, while Prime could be an slayer when the situation called for it.
Days passed, becoming weeks and your monotonous existence is only interrupted by the Empress's daily visits. Visits that you don't know why she still keeps, when it's pretty obvious that you have no information to provide.
You are a member of the Nova Corp and have been sent on a solo mission to "dissuade" the Empress from continuing to rule her own empire with an iron fist. There were no ulterior motives, no espionage or reinforcements waiting in the moon not far from Hala.
You were a single, last resource. There was nothing but you and your broken form. A failed soldier.
You were standing, watching the sun shining on buildings across Hala through the small window in your cell, admiring the dots circling farther down the street, almost forgetting that each dot was a person. You wonder if Carol forgets who they are.
"Um, admiring my city, I see." You spare her a brief glance before you return it to the window. She was in a red robe with local designs, and you can't shake off your head at how beautiful she is. How beautiful she looks in red. Or any other color.
You don't exactly know why Carol still comes to your cell, but you can't lie to yourself that you don't like it. You do. But you convince yourself that any company is better than the solitude of these walls, just that and nothing else.
She is an empress after all. A Sovereign, considered by many to be evil and tyrant. But each gentle gesture towards you reminds you that her hands are stained with blood. Like yours. Your conscience doesn't seem to know which side it should be on.
"Forgive me if my boredom is exacerbated, your city is the only thing I have left to admire." You answer still looking ahead, afraid to look at her and be mesmerized. The Empress was a mystery that captivated you, as her answers were never what you would expect them to be. Just like now.
“I could end your boredom. Hala’s Summer Trade is famous across the galaxy, have you ever tasted Pluot Fruit?” Your head swivel towards her so fast it feels like a whip.
"Summer?" Quickly you do the math in your head, in this solar system the days and seasons were longer than in Xandar, so... "How long have I been kept in here?"
"Too long, Nova." Nova? What kind of nickname is this? Shaking your head, you question her. "Nova? This is not my name." She giggles and moves closer to the energy field that makes up your cell door, she’s one yard away so you can smell her perfume. White jasmine.
“I know it isn't. But I decided to abbreviate the title of Nova Corps to Nova, besides, I own this place…” she opens her arms to emphasize what she's talking about. "I can call you whatever I want, prisoner."
You decide to play her game and with a smirk on your face you respond. “Prisoner? Now, seconds ago weren’t you inviting me for a walk, your highness?”
You lick your lips when you see her face contorting in a mix of anger and something else, but what, you don't know. “You abuse my benevolence too much. Your precious Xandar never tried to open a ransom deal, you are of no use to them or to me.”
Her words crash into your chest, and you feel your heart break a little more. Months have passed and there was no sign of another corpsman coming to your rescue and now she tells you that Nova Prime didn't even try to negotiate your freedom.
You close your eyes and with small, defeated steps you walk to the window. A lifetime dedicated to Nova Corp and Xandar, to be abandoned like a stray dog ​​lost from its owners. Like someone worthless.
Defeated and hopeless, you ask Empress Carol why she still keeps you alive. Standing in the hallway leading to the dungeons hall she smiles triumphantly and speaks. "For my entertainment, prisoner."
"What do you think of the Pluot?" Carol's voice breaks your train of thought.
"Strangely delicious." You respond by referring to the strange appearance, as if it was a dried fruit and not completely juicy right after tasting it.
As with the fruit, such was your surprise to see Carol's interaction with her subjects. Many of them kept their distance, paid their obeisance and respects to the Empress, and continued on their way with their heads low.
However, a reassuring number of people seemed to genuinely like or even admire Carol and not out of obligation. Doing a 180° turn in the opinion you once held of the Empress, she was extremely adorable when interacting with children.
Who knew the fearsome tormentor of the Kree empire would be so… human? How can someone, who keeps a prisoner just for her own pleasure, be so kind? You wonder if they were the same person at all.
She smiles in response to what you said and you smile back, completely unsure of the reasons why you do.
After the Hala market tour went without incident, that is, without any attempt to escape on your part, Carol has granted you the right to stroll through the inner gardens of her palace. As much as you want to hate the way she plays as if you were a puppet, you can't.
You try to hate her, but each day you spend in her company makes it harder for you to deny the feeling that, gradually, grows in your chest. Then, you find yourself desperate to hang this passion before it's too late.
Your morning walks allow you to see autumn slowly approaching, little by little, with each leaf touching the ground. And if you used to enjoy Carol's garden alone, over time, the Empress's company became part of your routine.
"Why are you still keeping me alive, Carol?" You rarely addressed her by the title of empress or nobility, and she never forced you to use it, she seemed not to care whether you recognized her power or not. Nor did he seem to mind when you used it ironically.
"I like your company." She answered and that made you look directly into her eyes. "It isn't every day that I find a match." Her answer made something boil in your chest and you had to force your heart to understand that she was probably referring to the fight.
"I'm not a match for you, your highness." You spoke. "Everything special about me came from an enhanced helmet." A sad smile danced on your lips, remembering how powerless you felt when you saw it broken in her hand. You remembered how broken you felt yourself.
“Everything special about you comes from your heart, Nova.” Her tone was low and as much as you wanted, there was nothing to grasp in it. She spoke this sentence as if she were speaking about the weather but for you it just set your heart on fire.
Between stories from a lifetime ago, when Carol was only a human being without a single clue that the universe was bigger than her world and stories from her time adapting and training in Hala, you felt yourself slowly but surely falling for her.
The change for you was visible and you prayed it would be visible only to you. If before you thought she was beautiful, now she’s extremely attractive in your eyes. Even when choosing simple robes, Carol was always dressed impeccably.
After spending so much time together, it was only a matter of time before you realized that the Empress was possessed of vast intellect and knowledge about many different things.
But what strike you most was how funny and mundane she could be, yet, she still had that special something in her eyes that never failed in make you weak. You were a prisoner, indeed. A prisoner of her eyes.
Unlike many extremely powerful beings, Carol was humble enough to listen to your stories, and even encouraged you to tell more details about yourself. She never quite understood, but something about you drew her as if you were a magnet.
The sparkle in your eyes as you spoke about your homeland, friends, or your passion and honor in serving Nova Corp thrilled her. There were many things in you that stirred emotions in her, as well as aroused feelings that she thought she was no longer capable of feeling for a long time.
And so, without realizing it and at the same time fully aware of what was going on beneath her skin, the Empress fell in love with her Prisoner.
Winter at Hala marked when your quarters were no longer a cell but a room in Empress's palace. Larger than your home in Xandar, the room was beautifully decorated with art, and you could discern some Xandar artwork. You wonder if it was coincidence.
Despite being as warm as a star, Carol suggested that both of you should trade your walks in the garden for spending time in the library available at the palace. And that's how you began to be the Empress's company during her meals.
It started with lunch and then evolved into dinner and now Carol finds herself waiting for your presence before even touching her plate. ‘I shouldn't allow myself such weakness’, she thought. However, she couldn't bring herself to change or to avoid the need of your company.
"I beg your pardon?" You speak, barely able to avoid spilling your soup. The increasingly warm but shy rays of the sun and the many animals strolling in the courtyard tell you that spring is just around the corner. And that's exactly what almost made you spill the soup, in first place.
Carol cleared her throat, promptly speaking again, as if you had not heard her from the first time. “I’d be delighted if you grant me the honor of your company for the Spring Ball due in two weeks.” She looked at you expectantly.
Your mind was swirling as to why she would want you as her company, out of all people. She was the Empress; she could have anyone she wanted by her side. Yet, here she was, asking you to be her date.
The time in Hala flew slower as it did in Xandar, but it felt like the opposite, for the Ball came faster than you thought it be possible.
And here you were, walking down the entrance stairs in a beautiful golden gown with Carol’s arm locked with yours. Her deep green dress was marvelous and when you saw her welcoming you with that pretty smile of hers you thought you could melt.
Much to your dismay, Carol could sing just as she’d told you she could, but you never believed in her. It wasn’t hard for you to realize that you were free falling in love with her even more than you already were. If it was possible, you fell in love again. You’d be her prisoner, forever.
As the night went on, you were mesmerized by the ball, the music, and the way of life in Hala. It felt like a different life, one that very much resembled prince and princess’ tales that you heard when you were a kid.
A life that didn’t quite belong to you but looking into her eyes it made it feel like everything was possible, reachable, as if her power could create a different world. Just as she did. As ruler of the Kree empire, she created a new kingdom.
Standing in the balcony, you welcomed the cold air hitting your skin that was inebriating your senses, previously flooded by the Empress. The stars illuminated the sky of Hala making the city bellow you even prettier.
A soft touch in your hand brings your gaze back to its owner and a small gasp scape your lips when you see how close she is, even more so when you wish she were closer. “I never told you how beautiful you are tonight.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
“You flatter me, your highness. You’re flawless yourself.” A small smile creeped up her lips and you forced yourself to keep your eyes locked with hers, proven to be a hard task when she started to lean into your ear.
“There is something that I wanted to tell you for a while ago.” Her hands on your waist made it difficult for you to pay attention to her words, along with the feel of her cheek touching your cheeks made your knees weak.
“You’re no longer a prisoner and you can leave Hala if you want to.” Her thumb drew patterns where it touched you and you could feel your skin burning. “You’re free, but I wish you’d stay here.” She backed down and now her eyes were boring into yours.
“I wish you’d stay here with me.” She stressed.
Your heart and head were running thousand miles per hour in completely opposite directions. The rational part of you wanted to take your freedom and go back to Xandar, even though you should find it suspicious that, almost after a year, she’d let you go. Specially after you’d learned so much about Hala. About her.
However, your heart’s been slowly giving itself to this woman right in front of you, and there was nothing that you wanted more than to stay here with her. Surely, you felt left behind by Nova Prime, but it still stings in you that no one came after you. Not even a fellow corpsman.
‘Not one that you know, for that matter.’ You shook your conscience’s voice away and gave in to your heart. The rational part of you broke at the exact same time as did your helmet.
“Carol, I…” You begin but she interrupts you by placing an oh so soft lips on yours and there is no voice to hear anymore. Nor rational, nor emotional. There are only her lips pouring her heart into a kiss and you do just the same.
Right in that moment you felt as if your heart was about to melt, maybe it would, if she hadn’t broken the kiss and rested her forehead in yours.
“Tell me you’ll stay and rule by my side.” Before the true meaning of her words could sink in, the sky of Hala suddenly shone as if thousands of stars appeared right in that moment, drawing the attention of you both.
Not long until you realized that it wasn’t stars, but thousands of spaceships painting the night over your heads, and you’d recognize those ships anywhere. Xandar was here. And a voice that you’d never forget was heard above all noise.
“I am Nova Prime and Xandar declares war to Empress Carol, accused of murdering Nova Corps’ Commander.”
‘Why are they accusing her of murder?’ You thought to yourself. It does not make sense that she’s being accused of killing you when you’re alive. Unless…
“Carol, what did you do?”
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daisiesandshakes · 3 years
Fanfic (William Shakespeare & reader)
Warning: light smut
Also warning: english is not my native language, but I hope you enjoy!
Words: about 2000 (wow... I am surprised by myself)
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One step closer
It was a bad day.  In your opinion it couldn't have been worse. Since nearly three weeks now you're helping Shakespeare with his new play. Your task was to take care of the costumes, stopping by for cleaning or darning them. But after a few days an actress catched a bad flue and William asked you to take her place.
You happily agreed to his wish. First everything went smooth, it was challenging but also fun. You liked to work with the other actors right away, enjoying their open and caring personalities, but the most important thing: You are able to spend time with Shakespeare.
At first you were only curious about him, you wanted to know more about the great mysterious William Shakespeare, who has left the mansion, and for sure you wanted to find out more about his work. The more time passed by, the more you could see your feelings change.
By this time it is impossible for you to face his glare without trembling legs or hundreds of butterflies in your stomach. William Shakespeare- the perfect gentleman, always treating you with respect and a gentleness that borders on adoration. Plus he is an extremly hard worker, fully dedicated to his plays, he is considerate and charming, he's got a fine sense of humor always making you smile, and his voice... oh you could spend hours only listening to him. In one or two rare moments you were even able to notice a softer, almost shy side at him and at that rare moments you knew you were lost. Helpless to his force of attraction like a planet to the force of gravity from a black hole.
You're really trying hard to hide that you're in love with him.
Who are you at all? Only a normal young woman who fell in love with one of history's greatest men. He deserves better than you. William deserves a woman who is as much talented and captivate as him. So you decided to admire and love him in secrecy.
But unfortunately those secret feelings for him happened to be the reason for your desaster today.
First William adjusted your new costume over and over again. You could feel his hands moving over your body and as he corrected the ribbons of your corset you were at your limit. You sensed his breath in your neck and there was no way to hide the tremble that rushed through your form. "Are you okay? Do you need something?" His enticing voice next to your ear... You almost blurted out 'You!"
With shaky words you explained you only forgot to eat proper this morning. He hummed at your words, then promised to offer after rehearse everything to you what you desire. Ah... Your mind spun.
Later he took place for one of his actors to show how the scene should look like. That ment he held you in his arms and whispered lovingly lines while looking straight into your eyes. You weren't able to remember your part anymore, you barely managed to stutter an excuse and asked embarressed for a small break. Not waiting for the answer you broke from the embrace and hurried off the stage - when the next drama happened.
You lost balance as your long dress stuck to the rail und you fell down the last stair. One of the actors helped you up and you assured quickly to be okay while realising the beautiful costume is ruined. Tearing up you fled the scene without looking back.
And now you're sitting on the chaise in the changing area, desperate, full of shame and tired of yourself.
Hot tears of frustration are spurting out as Shakespeare opens the door slightly. " May I come in?" He asks with a soft voice. A sobb leaves your lips and you try to wipe your tears away as soon as possible."Sure, William". He sits down next to you, trying to meet your gaze. But you are feeling ashamed, looking down, avoiding his eyes. "I.. I am so sorry for ruining the rehearse and the beautiful dress..." another tear rolls down your cheek. With two fingers under your chin Will lifts your head.
"There is no need to apologize, my brave maiden", he whispers and let you drown in his enchanting, mismatched eyes. You can't help it - more tears are spilling out and his other hand reaches up to wipe them away affectionaly. Will's face is so close to yours, you can feel his breath on your skin. He cups your face. "Tis is all my fault and my heart is bleeding with sorrow, knowing I did this to you". You frown. "I don't understand William... Why should my clumpsiness be your fault?"
Staring in your eyes, he sighs. "I know what your heart desires, my fair maiden. Now I know it for sure." His thumbs caress softly  your cheeks. "The past days I could see a change in your glare when you looked at me.. and when you thought I wouldn't notice that your eyes are following me". In shock you're holding your breath and you could feel the heat rising in your face.
The playwright shows a small, almost shy smile "But.. I wasn't sure at first, you left me wondering what brought up tis change in your behavior. Mayhap I divined it and I only was afraid to let your very soul whisper to the solidified heart of mine, which didn't know how to respond anymore after so many lonely centuries."  Will swollows hard "Sometimes I felt a bit confused about you..." he confesses.
"When I made a move upon you, you made a move backwards. Sometimes you took two steps. Then again I thought to glimpse the truth demand of your heart in your eyes. And the thought that it could be me what your heart desires made me weak."
At this point you're questioning reality and your eyes grow wide in disbelieve. Are you fantasizing? Could it be...?
"Yes, I am weak for you my fair maiden..." He continues in a whisper as if he can read your mind. He leans a bit closer, his forehead touching yours. "Tis weakness frightened me" his lips graces your eyebrows, then your cheekbones, a shiver runs down your spine. His lips feel so warm and soft... A whimper leaves your lips and you close your eyes.
"But at sudden my soul obtained greater fears to me." William's lips travel down, brushing your jaw. You inhale the scent of his silken hair and his shaving water. Your mind goes blank and your heart is beating so fast and hard now, you're afraid he can hear it.
"Not to see tis very expression in your eyes because of me anymore. Not having you around me anymore. Never being able to touch you..." Now he whispers in your ear, his lips touching your earlobe ever so slightly and you can't supress a moan. "As I knew my true fears and my deepest longing, I decided to force you to a reaction... And though I feel ashamed for doing tis to you... " William murmurs between tender butterfly kisses he places along your jawline. Shouldn't you be angry now with Shakespeare?  But your mind wasn't able to create a reasonable thought and his alluring sing-song voice hypnotizes you. Forgetting everything else, you only want his touch and get lost in your love for him.
"Your oh so sweet, passionate reactions brought tis insecure heart of mine more joy I could ever  imagine. For now there is no turning back... Nor for me, nor for you fair maiden."
He stops moving his mouth over your face and with a seductive voice he pleads "Look at me."
With intermittently breath you open your eyes to meet his stare and your heart flutters over the desperate, wanting  glance.
"Would you forgive tis poor, troublesome sinner?" Barely able to speak you manage somehow to whisper:"How can I not forgive you, Will? I love you so much."
Moving his fingers through your hair he grabs the back of your head, his eyes now dark and full of pleasure. " To grace me with those words.. they make me dizzy with desire..."
Again Shakespeare leans in closer, his burning eyes glued to your mouth. "And would you allow tis poor sinner who loves you insanely, wildly and infinitely to taste your lips...?"
Your heart misses a beat. Maybe two. This time you skip the answer, pulling him at his collar into a kiss.
William lets out a moan of surprise, throwing his arms around you, pressing your body against his. The kiss grows fast deeper as you feel his tongue flickering against your lips, begging for entrance. Obeying his wish, you let his tongue slip inside and the world around you stops existing.There was nothing you could do but moan into his kiss helplessly. Feeling his demanding tongue pushing in deep, then teasingly intertwinning with yours, while his hands endlessly caress the curves of your body, ruins  every yet existing rest of reason. The uprising heat in your veins burns to a point of hurt and starts a raging fire from your belly down to your inner thighs.
Suddenly William breaks the kiss, pulling your head to his chest, where you can hear his speeding heartbeat. "We should stop here my fair temptress, or else I won't be able to hold myself back anymore."
What? No no no... now that you've got a hint of the taste of everything you were craving for the last days, you have no intention to stop so soon. Your body still humming with pleasure you cling to his shoulders and leave a trail of small kisses from his collarbone up to his neck. Rubbing his cheek against yours he whines "Ah my godess, my temptress... " burrying his face at your neck he inhales your scent "You can't imagine how much I crave for your blood... it's calling me, singing alluring to me like a Sirene..."
As his tongue laves over your neck your form trembles and a lewd moan escapes your lips. He found one of your most sensitive spots.  His grip at your body tightens. He brushes his soft lips over the spot again with a flickering of his tongue. You can feel your hips bucking at this sensation and you gasp.
"I can't... stand it, I can't resist.." Shakespeare's voice - so needy and trembling with passion.
"Bite me Will!" You blurt out.  "I beg you, please bite me!" Does this desperate voice really  belong to you?
William hesitates only a brief second, then he pushes your body down, then let his fangs sink into your delicate skin with a groan.
After a sharp but short prick waves of burning, unearthly passion roll through you over and over again.
This passion cannot be human, it sets your entire body immediatly on fire and your core clenches. You can hear Shakespeare crying out as loud as you, pressing his hips against yours. Crying and moaning you start to pass out, repeating his name like a mantra.
As you open your eyes again, William fondles with your hair, observing you with a glance so concerning and lovingly, it almost makes you cry.
"I am so, so sorry... I was too greedy.."
You smile at him. "Don't feel sorry Will, I am doing fine and... " You inhale sharp "and by all the gods,  it was.. intense..."
You can feel your desire rising up again only by the thought of what happened before.
Shakespeare watches you with an intense stare, swallowing every reaction your body shows. His fingertips brush lightly over your lips before kissing you fiercly and senseless.
Then he pulls himself away.
He pants, placing a tender kiss on top of your head "I wish to seduce my godess in an adequate ambiance. So I'll take you now home with me, making sure I fulfill every wish and dream you can imagine... " he whispers seductively as he nuzzles his face in your hair. You both hold still for a few minutes, trying to calm down again, just enjoying to embrace each other. Unable to stop smiling, tears sting in your eyes. You can't remember that you felt happier anytime in your life.
Thank you for reading! 💝
Part 2
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