#rai sokolov
lighthousepigeons · 5 days
[Damien babysitting]
Damien: Nikolai, can you say Damien.
Damien: Come on, say Da-mien.
Nikolai: Da-
Damien: No, say Damien.
Nikolai: Dada.
Damien: You're one little shit aren't you?
Nikolai: Shit.
Damien: Fuck don't say that!
Nikolai: Fuck!
Rai, entering the room: Hey, Niko. Having fun?
Nikolai: Fuck shit.
Nikolai: Damien.
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uneednotknow · 5 months
So I was thinking
Vaughn Morozov and Maya Sokolov being good friends? Close friends? Best friends even?
Maya find comfort in Vaughn, he is a younger brother to her.
A brother she never had, infact.
Her and Mia are best friends, sure. But so is Vaughn.
Maya and Vaughn got closer after playing and growing up with each other. He listened to her. Advised her. Taught her academic lessons though he is a year younger than her.
Sure, he and Niko are also close friends but his friendship with Maya runs deeper compared to the one with Niko and Mia.
To him, she is a sister he never had.
She started falling Ilya? Yeah, she told Vaughn first(after much contemplation). I mean, it was hard to hide anything from him, he is like a human scanner- easily scanning and eradicating lies and acts.
She needs a someone to accompany her, for her hobbies like cafe hopping, buying new clothes, skincare and makeups- Vaughn only answers with a sigh and grab his car keys.
One night, after she went to UK for college and he is still in the US completing his high school, he gets a call from Maya. Before he could greet her or say anything he hears her sniffles and simply says "Let it out. You have me." That call lasted for a good hour with half of the time crying (her recurring guilt eating her inside out because of the "sin" She committed when she was 8, he didn't know that yet he was still there.)
True to his words. She had him. She always will.
When he visited UK for the Initiation, he had a long "sparring session" with Ilya, they spend almost 3 hours inside the boxing ring- interrogating him and his ability, his honesty, his sincerity and his loyalty towards his sister/friend, Maya.
If they were going to date, Vaughn was gonna make sure Ilya knew what he is getting into, that his wrong move will only result in a decade hunt for his missing body.
He understood why she fell of him, with all her public airings about going to marry into a rich family, he got that it was faux attitude. Deep down, she simply craved for genuine love and care, a home she could call her own, be herself. She preferred the calm gray of a simple and level headed man like Ilya than the extravagant blacks and whites of the Bratvas.
Vaughn sees right through anyone, Maya was no exception. He couldn't tell exactly what was bothering her, eating her alive but he knew there was more to her than her diva personality.
He knows that though that is her, it is just a fraction of who Maya is.
He knows that besides the micro skirts and tops that she loves to wear, she equally loves the sweatpants, jeans, sweatshirts and hoodies that she wears only when she is in the comfort of her home.
He knows she likes makeups and skincare but equally likes the Marvel Comics that she has a secret collections of beneath all those fashion magazines, or perhaps she prefers the latter more. She just don't wanna be seen as a comic nerd.
He knows that she likes this one indie band, not much known by people. And that is why he suddenly called her one evening when she was back in US for holidays, to go to that band's concert.
Who is that girl with Vaughn, she wonders, walking side by side towards her, the girl rolled her eyes at something he said whilst he simply looked at her, with amusement, and something more, Maya couldnt point out what
. Soon, she finds out that girl with Vaughn is also a fan of that band and he had somehow convinced her to come to the concert with a promise that it won't be just him and her.
She made a new friend that night, though they never got to exchange numbers.
He knows that she wants to open a small comic story, maybe a pop-up store along with it, and he is ready to help her. Though he still makes fun of her about her reaction when he caught her buying the comics like it was illegal substance and the fright she had when he walked up to her in the bookstore, trying to deny and make up an excuse.
Trusting him, she bashfully told him about wanting to open her own store and having her own brand of comics, illustrating comics from small artists who deserved recognition.
But he sees right through her, doesn't he? He doesn't make a big deal out of it and keeps it hush from everyone else like she asks him to.
When the "big reveal" about the kidnapping came to light and she felt like she was done for and abandoned, she thought she lost it all. Her sister, her brother, her mom and dad, her friends, her boyfriend- ex-boyfriend at that time. He was there for her.
She expected to see the same look of disappointment and abhorrence in his eyes but there was none of that. Rather, he still looked at her the same way he does to everyone- hazel eyes with not a swirl of emotion behind it.
He still treated her the same way he did before.
He offered her to tell him the entire thing without any lie, just honesty. And she did.
Maya felt like a whole weight lifted off her shoulders, so she asked him to help her, tell her what to do to be free. To be liked by people around her again, but this time genuinely.
When no one understood her, he listened to her.
When her tangled thoughts got the best of her, he calmed her down.
It annoyed him to the core that the people around her have decided to be a bunch of idiotic hypocrites who can't put themselves in her shoes, not understanding why she had to keep quiet for so long, not understanding that she herself was tortured by the kidnappers emotionally, not understanding that she was scared to lose what she have- her family.
But Vaughn was determined to be a good friend, a good brother to her. He visited her, though she screamed at him to go away. He encouraged her to get psychiatric help for her trauma, though she felt like she deserved all the bad things happening to her.
He let her know that he is there for her.
When she said she wanted to move somewhere they couldn't find her, he helped her do so. With a promise that she would be honest with her updates to him. Oh and along with Ilya.
To Maya, the girl who never had anything of her own. The lonely girl who despite all her acts of being high and mighty, was a scared child who took everything that was available to fill up the cracks of guilt and agony.
The girl who, despite all her efforts to make people like her the way she was, had to put up an act that she is above all of them so that if they already hate her, it won't hurt her when one day, she is left all alone.
So he let her do what she wanted.
This would be until she is in a much stable condition in life.
Vaughn could see the better future for her. He saw that despite being ostracized by her own family she is finally free. Finally becoming the Maya Sokolov without hiding any parts of herself.
And Vaughn only felt proud about the person Maya is going to become.
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innerlandlight · 4 months
I finally did it!! The prologue of GODDESS OF REDEMPTION is out now on Wattpad. It's a fanfiction about Maya and Ilya the characters of Rina Kent's universe. Also it's my first time writing and I'm so excited!!🎀🦋
Here's my Wattpad account
Do follow me on instagram 🎀🦋
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scorbleeo · 9 months
Book Chat: Throne of Vengeance
Throne Duet (Book 2) by Rina Kent
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Source: Google Images
When vengeance strikes…
You don’t know me, but I know you. I’m the shadow that creeps behind you without notice. The moment you see me, you’re dead. An assassin. A killer. A nobody. Until I became somebody. I’ll make everyone who reduced me to a shadow pay. To do that, I’m willing to risk everything. Everything except for my reluctant wife. Rai Sokolov can show me her worst, but this will only end when death does us part. The road to the throne is paved with loss, betrayal, and blood baths. To win, we go all in. Our lives included.
Source: Goodreads (2021)
Don't get me wrong, I liked Throne of Vengeance, I even enjoyed it more than it's predecessor. Unfortunately, something was off with the writing in this book. There were times when I thought the writing style was amateur which should not be the case with Kent, considering she already wrote many books prior of this. Especially the ending, why was it so rushed and underdeveloped?
Lets start from the beginning. I really thought I was going to hate this book when Kent wrote another story with the amnesia plot, this woman loves her amnesia for who knows what reason. However, with or without the amnesia subplot, I absolutely love Rai in this book. Not that I hated her before, but she very obviously grew(?) or perhaps matured in Throne of Vengeance. I absolutely loved it when she meant her "nos". You would be surprised if you paid attention to how many ladies Kent has created who do not take their "nos" seriously...
On the other hand, my dear Kyle. This man went from being that idiotic alpha man in Throne of Power to a cinnamon roll for Rai in Throne of Vengeance. Not that I'm complaining, I am all for men worshipping their ladies. It just fascinated me that all it took for Kyle to mellow down was Rai forgetting him.
What did not fascinate me about Kyle in this book was how incapable he suddenly became. You mean to tell me this famed assassin is a good cop compared to the Russians? I'm supposed to believe this infamous killer couldn't break himself out of first Vlad's capture, then Rolan's capture? I apologise but the way Kent wrote Kyle Hunter since the beginning, his incapability here just didn't fit his profile. Maybe Kent's goal was to show us just how much of a queen Rai is and I love that but really, the Kyle in Throne of Vengeance did not match Kyle Hunter in any prior books.
Which brings me on to the finale because what? This entire duology have been going on about the Irish mafia and that was it? This seriously brought back memories of when we thought we were going to get a banger of a final battle in Game of Thrones only to have that half-assed battle with the White Walkers...
I have no idea what happened with Kent while she wrote Throne of Vengeance but that writing was absolutely off. Still not convinced? Here's another example. I know for a fact Kent can foreshadow, she did so for Ruthless Empire when she storyboarded Cole and Silver's story throughout the entire Royal Elite series. However, the foreshadowing here was a mess, it was too many in a short span of time.
Yes, I mainly have my issues with the writing style for Throne of Vengeance. But in spite of those issues, I still did like the storyline here.
Rating: ★★★★☆
More on the Throne Duet here: Throne of Power (#1)
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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Throne duet headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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xoxoskai · 10 months
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to keep you going this last week before God of Fury drops<3
Between all his sons-in-law, Brandon is Kyle's favorite.
Levi's is Mia (cousin-fuckers who stole his son and daughter he'll always beef with)
Brandon and Niko are the type of relatives to wear matching clothes on Christmas because Niko would take up any chance to wear matching anything with Brandon.
If and when Brandon bakes, no one gets a chance to even taste what he made before Niko devours it all.
The only place Niko can fall asleep in at record speed is Brandon's arms.
The only reason Niko teaches Brandon how to drive a bike is so he can put his arms around his boyfriend's slutty waist boyfriend.
Remi is terrified on Brandon's behalf.
"Bran, yes, he's hot but mate, look at that guy! He has some skin on those tattoos!"
Astrid shares Remi's concerns but soon comes to find out that Niko is the biggest goofball of sunshine and almost adopts him.
Surprisingly, the one who takes the longest to accept Brandon is Rai. Because it's not her first time meeting the Kings (hello, she's a far relative) and she's worried that her oldest who is actually tender hearted and plagued by demons of his past, might be crushed beyond repair if Brandon hurt him.
Brandon and Landon think they can get away with tricking their in-laws by dressing as each other but they underestimate the Sokolov-Hunters who told them apart the moment they walked in.
Brandon tried it on Niko once when he first divulged about how Maya and Mia used to do it, but Niko could tell Brandon apart from his "psycho" brother in a heartbeat.
"It's your eyes" He had murmured. "Yours sparkle"
Glyndon is weary of Niko but as long as Brandon's happy, she's happy.
Landon is supremely unhappy.
When Landon first opposes their relationship by threatening Niko, Niko flings back "Remember who you're dating and what I mean to them" back at him.
Niko and Landon almost kill each other multiple times.
If there's someone even more unhappy than Landon, it's Crieghton.
Creighton: "Does this mean I can't fight him anymore?" Elsa: "Why were you fighting him before this?!" Creighton: "Is anyone else hearing this buzzing? I should go check."
Niko goes feral whenever he sees Brandon shirtless and vice-versa but
Niko is always shirtless, so Brandon is always suffering.
Unlike Niko, Brandon doesn't carry him into a dark corner to immediately fuck.
If there's no scene of Brandon asking Niko "Who's fucking you?" Rina, you'll hear from my therapist. And if there's not a single, evil, unhinged Brandon moment where Niko is flabbergasted at the change and is accusing him of being two-faced at which Brandon will laugh, lean in and ask tauntingly "What are you going to do? Tell on me?" I will sue.
Brandon's muse is Niko. (Bitch, I said what I said)
Unlike Landon, Brandon doesn't divulge this piece of information to his boyfriend because he does not want to give Niko even more reasons to walk around with lesser clothes.
Brandon gets a tattoo for Niko on his ribs. (cue feral Nikolai)
After which Niko tries to get Brandon's name tattooed on his favorite organ, but Jeremy literally deadlocks the door to his room to keep him inside after Niko asked for opinions in their group chat about his decision.
Niko: You don't think it's romantic? Jeremy, Killian, Gareth, Landon, Eli, Creighton, Remi:
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They've definitely rolled around in paint and fucked on a canvas after it. Niko would display it in the entryway of their house if Brandon let him.
They've also joined the mile high club.
After they get engaged, Brandon calls him by his full-name as in "Nikolai Sokolov-Hunter-King" just to piss him off but Nikolai loves being associated to Brandon in every possible way, so it backfires.
Their wedding bands have each other's name inscribed in them.
As does the underside of their ring fingers in the other's handwriting.
Nikolai tries drawing a heart over the i in his name and almost gets smacked.
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marvelmusing · 7 months
His Attention
Part of the Our Souls AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: An interaction between you and Aleksander at the university doesn’t go unnoticed, and you decide to take a subtle stand against the rumours surrounding you.
Warnings: suggestion of sexual content
My Masterlist
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He turns his head, lips spreading into a smile once his eyes lock onto yours. Andromeda dips her head forwards to greet Fabian, as your dæmon bounds up to her immediately.
It always makes you flustered, seeing your dæmon’s coiling around one another in public with no care for who sees them. Especially here, as you had been exiting one of the lecture halls at the University of Ravka with a bundle of books in your arms.
Aleksander inclines his head towards the open doorway, where the rest of the scholars and students in attendance continue making their way out into the corridor.
“How was it? I’ve heard Professor Kostyk is rather talented, though his style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.”
“We were debating whether a persons childhood alters what form their dæmon will settle as.”
“What do you think?”
As you explain all the different factors you believe can influence a dæmons settled form - their parents dæmons, the environment they grow up in, their place in society, and their ambitions for the future - you realise you’re rambling and grow self conscious. Aleksander’s expression is unreadable and heat burns over your cheeks as you stop talking. He smiles, and your stomach flips at the sight.
“Saints, I want to kiss you.”
While it’s flattering that he thinks of you in that way, you’re a little embarrassed that he might have been ignoring your words.
“Were you listening to me?”
“Of course. Dæmon ancestry, and nature versus nurture, and childhood experiences.” He seems to see the mixture of surprise and relief on your face, as his smile softens. “I was listening. It doesn’t make me want to kiss you any less.” A slow smirk spreads over his features as he tilts his head aside, eyes wandering down over your body. “In fact, I want you to tell me all about your theories, in bed, while I kiss every inch of you.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks.
He chuckles.
The crowd bustling around you makes you take a step towards Aleksander, subconsciously seeking his safety despite how flustered he’s making you.
“Some of the students sitting behind me were gossiping about you,” you say quietly. Aleksander’s gaze remains focused on your face, lowering to your lips as he smiles coyly.
“They said that you’ll be in attendance at dinner in the Great Hall this evening.”
“Will you be there?”
You blink at him.
Most evenings, you dine in the Great Hall with the other scholars here at the university. It’s common knowledge that Aleksander usually spends his evenings at the Little Palace on the other side of Os Alta.
He nods slowly.
“Then I will be there.”
“I suppose,” you say shyly, looking down at your books with a smile you struggle to suppress. “I will see you at dinner, then.”
Aleksander smiles widely and your heart skips a beat.
“You will.”
There’s a giddy smile on your face as you walk through the corridor and out through the foyer towards the courtyard at the front of the university. Sunlight warms your features as you step outside, golden rays shimmering down over Fabian’s coat.
At the sound of your name being called, you turn and see Lord Sokolov leaning against the building, a cigarette in hand.
“How do you know Lord Morozova?” he asks.
Self conscious, you curl your arms tighter around the books you’re carrying, holding them close to your chest, while you fidget with one of the spines.
“We’ve met at a few galas - that’s all.”
He stubs his cigarette against the wall before tossing it into the bushes. His dæmon, a small brown falcon called Rosa, skitters towards Fabian who retreats backwards.
“You ought to have a little more control over him.”
A frown creases at your brows and you breathe out a soft laugh as you remark,
“Who? Morozova?”
He doesn’t laugh, shaking his head at you instead. He gestures towards Fabian, who is now cowering between your legs, seeking safety from the inquisitive eyes of the falcon dæmon as she cocks her head at him.
“Your dæmon.” There’s a stab of hurt in your chest, which worsens when you see his features twist into a disgusted sneer. “Rubbing against his like that. It’s vulgar.”
“Vulgar?” you repeat.
He lifts his chin.
“Might I remind you, he is a lord.” His sneer smoothens out into a smirk as he feigns sympathy. “I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself, trying to be something you’re not.”
“Well, thank you for your concern, my lord,” you force yourself to say, though you fear he can hear the hurt in your voice.
Before he can respond, you’re turning away, Fabian scampering at your heels as the two of you flee the prying eyes of the nobleman and his dæmon.
The moment you get back to your quarters, you remove the simple dress hanging over the door of your wardrobe, slotting it back into place beside your other items of clothing before you retrieve a different dress. It is one of your favourites, but you have never been able to find the courage to wear it anywhere besides the safety of your bedroom.
Fuelled by Sokolov’s remarks, you draw your curtains closed and tug off your clothes before slipping the dress on for you to admire yourself in front of your mirror. With a determined nod, you start to get ready for the evening.
By the time dinner has begun, Fabian’s fur is brushed to glossy perfection and you have done everything you can to ensure your appearance is something you are proud of.
There are three tables in the Great Hall. One on each side of the hall, for the students, while professors, scholars, and guests sit at the table at the far end. This means you must walk the entire length of the hall, attracting the attention of many as your dress flows smoothly around your ankles, heels clicking smoothly over polished marble.
The majority of the table has been filled by the time you arrive, but luckily you spy a seat open directly in front of Aleksander. He sees you long before you reach the table, and his eyes remain fixed on your figure as you walk. He is the first to stand, and the rest of the table soon follows suit.
“Good evening, gentlemen,” you say quietly, ducking your head as you pull your chair back. The amount of attention you’ve gained is unexpected and your eyes flicker nervously towards Aleksander. As his gaze locks onto yours, you incline your head in a polite greeting. “Lord Morozova.”
He says your name smoothly.
As you sit down, you lift the tablecloth slightly so that Fabian can slip under the table. The familiar feeling of Andromeda nuzzling against Fabian soothes your nerves and the tension in your shoulders loosens slightly as you settle in your chair. Aleksander’s eyes hold an intensity that makes a warm flush run under your skin.
As dinner is served, Aleksander engages in small talk with the lords surrounding you. It’s strange, being in his company around other people. Though with the way Aleksander’s eyes continuously drift back to you, it’s almost as if you are the only person in the room.
Every time your eyes meet his, you take a sip of your drink for the sake of having something to do while his eyes are on you.
A few of the other diners excuse themselves after the main course, and now that dessert is drawing to a close less than half of the seats are still filled.
Emboldened by the wine, and the food, and the way Aleksander keeps looking at you, you slip your foot out of your heel and slowly trace your way up his calf. He stiffens slightly, eyes darkening as he holds your gaze.
Aleksander leans back casually in his chair, holding his glass of wine in one hand as he takes a leisurely sip. The corner of his mouth quirks as he swallows, amusement dancing in his eyes. He seems to be enjoying your attention, spreading his legs wide in his seat to give you free rein in your exploration. It makes you flustered, his subtle offering of himself to you.
Fabian and Andromeda continue petting one another underneath the table. They had spent most of dinner curled up beside one another, talking quietly amongst themselves. Now, the sensation of his soul playing with yours makes you squirm in your seat.
There will be other dæmons under the table, who will be witness to the interaction. They might not outright tell their human counterparts now, here at the dinner table, but watching the two of them licking and nipping playfully at each other, rolling over one another, will undoubtably mean the men around you will suspect what their dæmons can plainly see.
Aleksander finishes his wine, tipping the glass back to swallow down the last drop. He places it back onto the table, straightening himself as he does so. He looks at you, giving you a subtle nod before he addresses the remainder of the dinner guests, excusing himself for the evening.
“Might I walk you to your quarters?” he asks you, his hand on the back of your chair.
His question draws the attention back to you, heads turning and eyes flickering over your form. Smiling bashfully up at him, you nod. He smiles, sliding your chair back and offering you his arm.
The two of you leave the Great Hall, arms linked as you nestle yourself into Aleksander’s side to protect your body from the chill of the evening.
When you reach a darkened corridor not far from your room, you spin in his arms, slipping your arms around his neck before you lean up to kiss him. Aleksander smiles, cupping your face with one hand as he traces the other down your side.
He presses your body against the cool stone wall and a shudder rolls down your spine at the sensation. Both of his hands settle on your sides, fingers spread wide to feel as much of you as possible.
“What was tonight about?” he asks in a murmur, his body moulding against yours.
Before you can answer, his lips are meeting yours and by the time he pulls away from the kiss you’re breathless and can barely remember his question.
“What do you mean?”
“You wanted their eyes on you.”
Lowering your gaze, you stare down at the space between you both.
“Lord Sokolov saw us together, earlier today. He wanted to remind me that I’m beneath you and the other lords at that table.” Aleksander’s expression grows serious, a dark intensity in his eyes as he seems to consider your words. Straightening your chin, you look him in the eyes as you say, “I wanted to show them that I deserve your attention.”
He smiles softly, breathing out a quiet sigh when you try to kiss him again.
“You deserve my attention,” he affirms in a low tone. His hands remain splayed over your sides, thumbs stroking over the fabric of your dress as he holds you in place, his touch tantalisingly close to your breasts. “But what will they all say about you when they find out we’ve spent the night together?”
That makes you pause. There will already be plenty of your fellow scholars who think you’re trying to gain Aleksander’s favour by sleeping with him.
“I didn’t even think about that,” you admit.
He nods slowly.
“I would hate for anyone to question your success because of me.”
“I wouldn’t say there’s an awful lot of success for them to question,” you remark with a self depreciating laugh. He shakes his head.
“There will be.”
His words are quiet, but confident, which makes you smile. A warmth enters his expression and he crooks a finger beneath your chin, tilting your face up to receive a tender kiss that makes you believe him. One day, you will be a success.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire
S&B Tag List: @motheroffae @daddymaster21
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @acehyacinth
OS Tag List: @the-sweet-psycho @aoi-targaryen
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters @idohknow @vaguekayla @the-desilittle-bird
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pastamansta · 1 year
A List of Stop-Motion Feature-Length Films You Probably Haven't Tried.
If you’re anything like me, stop-motion animation is something that you’re sick of hearing about, because it’s always the same fucking recommendations. I took the time to browse over Wikipedia’s “List of stop-motion films” and do what I could to create a list of stop-motion feature-length films that might be worth a watch and that you haven’t constantly heard animation brats cream themselves over. Obviously, this list is not perfect, it’s mostly based off of the films I was able to find generally high reviews for on Letterboxd, but this list will contain nothing from Aardman, nothing from Laika, nothing from Wes Anderson, Tim Burton, or Henry Selick, but will contain at least a handful of things you haven't heard constant chatter about. These films are also fully stop-motion, so nothing from Ray Harryhausen or Jan Švankmajer either. Oh, and no shorts or television, obviously.
I will go ahead and put the following eight as films that aren't as frequently referenced in "best stop-motion films of all time" articles, but will find their ways into conversations about stop-motion without much difficulty;
René Laloux's "Fantastic Planet" (1973)
Will Vinton's "The Adventures of Mark Twain" (1985)
Adam Elliot's "Mary and Max" (2009)
Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson "Anomalisa" (2015)
Claude Barras's "My Life as a Zucchini" (2016) [French]
Phil Tippett's "Mad God" (2021)
Dean Fleischer Camp's "Marcel the Shell with Shoes On" (2021)
Guillermo del Toro's "Pinocchio" (2022)
If you haven't seen those eight, I'd take care of that first. Now, we hit other stuff.
Lotte Reiniger's "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" (1926) [German]
Wladyslaw Starewicz & Irene Starewicz "The Tale of the Fox" (1937) [French]
Ivo Caprino's "The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix" (1975) [Norwegian]
Piotr Kamler's "Chronopolis" (1982) [French]
Chris Taylor & Mark Hall's "The Wind in the Willows" (1983)
Dave Borthwick's "The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb" (1993)
Stanislav M. Sokolov & Derek W. Hayes's "The Miracle Maker" (2000)
Christiane Cegavske's "Blood Tea and Red String" (2006)
Jan Balej's "One Night in One City" (2007) [Czech]
Stéphane Aubier & Vincent Patar's "A Town Called Panic" (2009) [French]
Fernando Cortizo's "The Apostle" (2012) [Spanish]
Chris Sullivan's "Consuming Spirits" (2012)
Paul Cowan & Amer Shomali "The Wanted 18" (2014)
Jan Balej's "Little from the Fish Shop" (2015) [Czech]
Takahide Hori's "Junk Head" (2017) [Japanese]
Michael Mort's "Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires" (2018)
Cristóbal León & Joaquín Cociña's "The Wolf House" (2018) [Spanish]
Paloma Baeza Niki, Lindroth von Bahr, Emma De Swaef, & Marc James Roels's "The House" (2022)
That's what I've got for the time being. If you can recommend a feature-length, majority stop-motion film that's not Aardman, Laika, Wes, Burton, or Selick, I'd be more than happy to look it over and see about adding it to the list. Enjoy.
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anjumzm · 3 months
Midsummer Night
A Legacy of Gods Fanfic
JerCes Daughter x LanMia Son
Chapter 14
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Aanya Volkov
Never before had I seen my family members so on edge before a Bratva meeting. I wasn’t prepared to face my family, so as soon as we landed here, I tagged along with Caleb directly to Uncle Vaughn's Mansion, where all the Bratva business and meetings were conducted.
The Bratva meeting room felt like stepping into a crucible, where tradition and power melded into an almost suffocating atmosphere. The long, dark wood table was surrounded by the most influential members of our families. We were all waiting for the Pakhan to arrive. I saw my father seated at his usual place at the right of Pakhan, wearing a stern expression. Across the table, Theo’s grandparents, Kyle Hunter and Rai Sokolov, sat with calm yet formidable demeanors. The moment they noticed me walk in along with Caleb, Ms. Rai came towards me and took my hands in hers.
"Aanya, it's so good to finally meet you. I cannot express how happy Kyle and I are after Theo broke the news to us. Welcome to the family, sweetheart. I know my grandson's way of expressing his emotions is far from conventional, but trust me, when you get to know him, beneath all the coldness you'll find a man who's fiercely loyal and protective of his family. Please give him time, and I'm sure you'll come to appreciate him for what he truly is and not what you've heard about him all this time."
I blushed slightly. Yesterday's dinner with his parents, today's meeting with his grandparents—it all felt too much. I didn't even have a boyfriend a few weeks back, and now, we were discussing my marriage. My throat went dry at the mere thought.
Breathe, Aanya. Breathe.
"Speaking of the devil, where is Theo? I thought you both would come together," Ms. Rai asked.
"We've forbidden Aanya from traveling anywhere without security or anyone from family accompanying her, going forward," Caleb answered in his cool voice.
I could see Mr. Hunter getting ready to reply when we heard commotion outside.
"You motherfucker! I thought this was a part of some sick joke till now, but you've bloody taken it too far and I'm tempted to end your sorry existence, do some good for society," Aaron said, punching Theo.
Theo staggered a little, then got up, holding his jaw and punched Aaron right back. "You know, I'm kind of getting irritated with your barbaric ways, you illiterate moron. Unlike you, my face is a literal piece of art and I suggest you keep that in mind before you throw your next punch, dear brother-in-law."
"You little piece of—"
"Aaron! Leave him right away," my brother intervened, stepping between them. "This is not the right place or time for your episode. Look around where we’re standing. Your grandfather would hear about this and he’d be disappointed. We've raised you better than this, son."
"Uncle Jeremy is right, Aaron. Why raise our fits when there are other, more creative methods to disarm your enemies and bring them to their knees?" Alec came down the staircase, a picture of mafia royalty—authoritative and dominant. He was handsome, with thick black hair that contrasted sharply with his pale skin, high cheekbones, and a strong jawline that bore a striking resemblance to his father. Despite the subtle Asian features inherited from his mother, his dominant Russian genes made him the picture of a dark romance mafia hero.
Yet you declined his proposal. What a fool.
I declined his proposal because I wasn’t ready for a relationship, let alone marriage.
And here we are, back to square one.
Theo finally noticed him, and once their eyes met, I could feel the tension from here. Both of them were used to commanding and ordering people around them. One could only wonder how things would go if they were put in a single room. Only one would emerge victorious given that both believed themselves to be untouchable beings. Us mortals should feel blessed to even be in their presence.
"Long time no see, belochka," Alec said, kissing the back of my hand.
"The same could be said about you, spider," I said, almost grinning.
Me and Alec, we were kind of close since childhood, to the point that I'd always drag him with me to play princess and prince. We also had a small castle at my grandpa Adrian's place, and Alec used to tag along. As a kid, he was super shy, talking only when necessary and keeping to himself. Being the Pakhan's son kind of made other people wary of him, but not me. I thought he was similar to me, at least before he and Aaron were sent to Russia for some kind of training. When both of them returned, I'd lost the fun version of my brother and friend. Alec kept his distance from me, and Aaron became what he is now. But then last month, he'd approached me at the charity ball, said that we should catch up, but I felt awkward. It was as if I couldn't make up my mind whether to talk to him as my long-lost buddy or the future Mafia Lord. And then he proposed, which made me step away from him for good.
"Still saving squirrels and kittens, I suppose?" he jokingly asked.
"Still scared of spiders, I suppose?" I replied, which earned a laugh from him.
Before our conversation could proceed, Theo King stepped in, his hand at the small of my back and extended his other hand to Alec.
"Theo King. I didn’t ever get a chance to meet you personally, but have heard quite a lot about you. Safe to say your reputation precedes you, Mr. Morozova."
"Same could be said about you, Mr. King. You’re quite the player, aren’t you? But I’d like to inform you that you’ve stepped on the wrong turf. When yours is a life of calm seas and ours is a dance of shadows, I suggest you keep your hands clean, let the devils work in the night. I’d be happy to help you carry out your dirty work."
"Thank you for the generous advice. But I'm a creature of habit; I don’t take anyone other than myself seriously. As for the dirty work, I'm sure Mr. Morozova the senior would educate you on the matters, as to how I've proven myself to be a valuable asset to the organization these past few days, more so than the other heirs of the seating families," Theo replied.
The entire scene felt as though it was out of some movie. As if two lions were encircling each other, readying themselves to pounce at the right time.
Before the tension escalated, the Pakhan joined us at the head of the table, with Alec, my dad, and my brothers on one side and Mr. Hunter, Ms. Rai, and Theo on the other side. This was an intimate meeting with only my father and Theo's grandparents, for the Pakhan to decide if we could go ahead with the proposal, given that I'm my father's daughter and Theo's a Sokolov from his mother's side.
"Well then, without any further ado, let's get started. Jeremy, what’s the reason behind the sudden announcement about Aanya’s engagement to Theodore? Last time we talked about the matter, you were adamant about how Aanya's still a little girl, and you wouldn't be thinking about her marriage for at least the next few years. What happened? Did she suddenly grow up from the last time to now?" Uncle Vaughn added in a taunting manner. I knew he was still salty about the whole Alec's proposal thing.
"I assure you, Pakhan, my intention remains the same. If it wasn't for my daughter's happiness and my respect for her choice, I would have buried this...him, before he could even dare to finish taking his and Aanya's name in a sentence together," Dad said in an agitated tone. I knew I'd hurt my dad in the worst possible manner. But if this marriage was the only way to secure my family's future, I’d do it. I'd do it a hundred times if I had to. I avoided looking at my father's side, fearing the disappointment in them. The guilt I would feel would kill me.
I promise you, Dad, once this is all over, I’ll make it up to you. To all of you.
Kyle Hunter, Theo’s grandfather, intervened, his voice calm but firm. “Jeremy, Theo’s engagement to Aanya is a decision that both families should respect. We are here to discuss it, not undermine it.”
My father’s gaze hardened. “Respect is earned, not given, Kyle. Theo must prove that his intentions are genuine. As of now, I do not trust him."
Rai Sokolov, Theo’s grandmother, added with a measured tone, “Jeremy, you know our family well. Theo has proven himself time and again. This engagement is no different.”
Alec leaned back in his chair, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Proven himself? In what way? By manipulating situations to his advantage? Aanya deserves someone who understands her, someone who’s been there for her.”
I felt Theo’s grip tighten on my hand. “Are you underestimating Aanya’s ability to make her own decisions, Alec? Saying that she's naive?”
Alec’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Aanya, do you feel the same? Do you believe Theo can provide what you need?”
Why, just why am I being put in a spot like this?
"I...I respect him, Alec. He's a man of his word and has principles. It's my choice to get engaged to him, and I request everyone to respect my decisions. I know this has come as quite a surprise, but this is not a decision I've made in the heat of the moment," I said in a stable tone, although I felt nervous as hell inside.
There's pin drop silence before th3 Pakhan intervenes.
"I think there's not much to discuss then, Jeremy. Since our dear Aanya wants this, and me being her beloved uncle, I cannot keep her away from something she wants. Theo, you have my permission, but know this: Aanya is a child who's under the Bratva's protection—a Mafia princess. If you even accidentally make her cry, you'll face severe consequences, the kind you're not used to."
"I assure you, Pakhan, I'll keep her in the palm of my hand. I'll do my best to meet all her expectations."
"As you should, Mr.King, as you should."
Alec starts moving to Theo's side, whispers something to him which makes him go rigid and right when he's about to move out the door he makes the "I'm watching you sign" to Theo, his smirk conveying that he's up to something. I know it.
As we all were leaving, I tried to talk to my father. "Dad, I—"
"Not here, Angel. Let's get home first."
Just when I was moving towards my father's car, a hand came out of nowhere, pulling me into a dark room.
"Theo, what the hell? Are you mad?"
"Stay away from Alec."
"Stay away from Alec. You'll cut all your contacts with him—no messaging, no contacting him, talking to him, or even looking at him."
"I won't. Alec's my friend, and you're not the boss of me. Just in case you've forgotten, this is not some match made in heaven; it's an alliance. You have something I want back, and so here I am, bending to your whims, but there's a limit to it, Theo King. I won't allow you to dictate what I do and wear or whom I meet. You.Do.Not.Own.Me." I poked his chest with every word.
Just when I was about to escape, he pulled me back by my wrist and locked my hand above my head with one hand, his other one resting beside my head. Our lips were inches apart. I could feel his breath upon my lips, my eyes wandering over his features—his eyes, straight nose, mole near his right eye.  Perfect, just like the whole of him.
"Theo...let me go," I whispered.
"I can't. I can't stop thinking about you, little bird. You're in my head, everywhere I go. I keep reminding myself that this is an alliance, nothing more, but every time I look at you, I feel this blatant need to own you, mark you in a way that declares to the whole world you're mine. I want to bind you to me, little bird. Pull you into the abyss where no one else but you and I will live," he said in a voice not more than a whisper.
Just a taste, just one touch...
He leaned forward, our lips lingering on each other.
"Aanya! Where are you? We need to leave," Aaron's voice broke whatever spell I was in, and I ran out of the room.
I need to get back the black book, need to end this, before the flame in me turns into a full-fledged fire. One that will engulf both him and me.
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💫 Welcome to the Rastel Bookshop Official Blog! 💫
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Q: Who are you?
A: My name is Aden! (18, they/them) and I’m the creator of Iron Curtain! My main blog is @t4per3c0rder
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Q: What is Iron Curtain?
A: Iron Curtain is the name of my original story. It takes place in the 1980’s and without giving too much away, is about American and Russian agents working together to save the world.
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Q: Why is the blog called Rastel Bookshop Official?
A: Rastel Bookshop (also spelled Rästel) is the name of the shop several of the main characters operate out of for a good chunk of the story.
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Q: What can we ask about?
A: Anything really! Whatever you have a question about! It can be about characters, story elements, updates, etc!
Q: Who do we ask?
A: You can either ask me questions or the characters!
Characters you can ask are:
Jerry Baker 📺
Vasily Sokolov 🪶
Vicki Myers 🗡️
Heidi Engelmann 🎻
Damien Richardson 📚
Lloyd Walker 🌾
Ilse Lütz 🍫
Kathleen Williams 🎀
Casey O’Conner 🦋
Jules Bakshi ✨
Jay Clancy 💋
Alex Clancy ♟️
Rick Henderson 🕸️
Adeline Allard 🔶
Colette Rousselle ⚔️
Miroslav Svaboda 🏛️
Ash Davis 🐇
Mae Astor 🥀
Jack Astor ♥️
Valeriya Agapova 🍓
Dimitri Agapov 🌻
Ilya Volkov 🐺
Sergei Lipovsky 🐏
Lyudmila Lipovska 🌸
Dr Polnoch 🌙
Ray Henderson 💵
Charlie Martinez 🐬
Charlotte Montgomery ☕️
Edith Clancy Buffet🐚
Rafael Alvarez 🥊
Cyprian Kaminski 🍃
Andrew Clancy 🦁
Robert Ripley 🎭
Spider Lily 🩸
Frank Clancy 🍷
Pretty much anyone tbh!
💫 Thank you for Reading 💫
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year
Rai: I raised a perfectly well-behaved, functioning son.
Brandon: You have a son I don't know about?
Nikolai: I-
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starnightlover · 1 year
hiii love I’m so happy I found your blog because I’ve been a reader most of my life and I’m so excited at the aspect of manifesting my fave fictional characters as friends, like I’m thinking of manifesting a bff like elsa steel/rai sokolov (from rina kents books) and maybe some other people but it’s just amazing finding other people who also love manifesting stuff like this but ive never manifested anything fiction or “illogical” before but tbh I don’t even doubt it at all because it’s literally just the same thing as manifesting any other person or thing, etc, I already know how they’re like so I’m just gonna decide I met her in a cool way and we are best friends 🤍🤍 tysm for this blog much love <33
I am literally gonna cry seeing asks like this makes me so fucking happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited for you and your mindset is just chefs kiss 💋👏🏻
Thank you so so much for your kind words and I think your desires are so freaking cool and iconic!!!! Seriously we need more people like you who are manifesting such things in this community!!!! I know your characters are with you rn 🤭🖤
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laithesque · 1 year
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Illustrations for Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451', by Andrey Sokolov.
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
The verdict is final and not subject to appeal
Chapter 1: Are you selling a Slavic wardrobe?
Pairing: Felix Sokolov/Agent A
TW: very light sexual implications, espionage, brainwashing, imprisonment, injuries. Nothing detailed.
Word count: about 1000.
Notes: Agent A is obviously a self-inert so they're from my home town, have an interest in history and all that. In my head, all the dialogue happens in Russian.
Warm rays of setting sun fill the small room on the outskirts of Paris. Most of it is taken up by a double bed, the sheets on which are in disarray with a person sprawled lazily on top of them. A door to the tiny balcony is open and a man, naked from the waist up, stands there smoking. Agent A (it's them on the bed) looks up at the man with adorning eyes and a smile of a well-fed spring cat. As if feeling their gaze on his back the man turns around to meet it. They stretch, scrunching their nose and make a calling gesture towards him.
"Come back to me, Felya, come here."
Felix puts his half-finished cigarette in an ash tray and falls on his stomach on the bed beside them, as they giggle and kiss him, turning him on his back.
"If we ever meet back home," Agent A starts.
"When, we meet back home," he corrects them, stressing the first word.
"Always such an optimist," they hum, "I admire that in you," they prop themselves on the elbow. "When we meet back home," they stress the first word, parroting him, "you better quit smoking. I wouldn't be able to kiss you, if you smell like Belomor," they say teasingly.
He laughs and pulls them closer, they put their head on his shoulder and their hand on his chest. They lie in silence like that for a bit.
"There's a bridge in Paris that has Neva nymphs on it," they start, absent-mindedly tracing patterns on his chest, "It always makes me think of home. I can almost smell the gulf water when I see it. I can show you tomorrow, when we go for a walk," they pause and cast a short glance up at him, "Kirovsky Bridge is a pair to it in Leningrad - it was designed by Eiffel. What would I give to show it to you instead, to show you my favourite city... And for you to show me Moscow," Agent A says dreamily.
"Haven't you been to Moscow already?" Felix raises his head from the pillow to look them.
"Of course, I have," they put their chin on his shoulder and practically touching noses, look into his eyes, "But I haven't seen your Moscow. When I was there, I didn't even know it existed, and now I'll be looking for it, even if I'm there without you."
He cups their face and kisses their forehead, "I'll show it to you, I promise."
Just before senior lieutenant passes by them, they stand up in one swift movement and put a hand on his shoulder gently but firmly stopping him, they lean into his ear, staring somewhere into the back his cap.
"I'm sorry, Felix. It has to be done - it's all for the sake of the mission. But I swear to you, I'll get you out. I'll fight tooth and nail to free you," they make a small pause, dropping their eyes, "As soon as I get out myself," they finally look into his face and taking him by his loosened tie, they kiss him, with no regard to what brand of cigarettes he smokes.
Agent A straightens up and looking right ahead, fixes their suit.
"Go, comrade senior lieutenant, they're waiting for you," their tone is cold and professional.
When the door slams behind them, they let out a deep sigh and rub their face, collecting their thoughts. They are waiting for Agent A too.
Getting Felix out was difficult, but they managed. Of course, they managed, they promised him, after all.
And so, he's standing in front of them, tired, with deep bags under his eyes and a stubble on his cheeks. His light hair is cut uncharacteristically short. A purple bruise is forming on his jaw.
"What a face do you have, Sharapov*," they chuckle, looking over him.
"Had dinner in Astoria," he matches their tone.
They swallow and get serious, staring somewhere into his chest.
"Listen, Felix. Like I already said, this all was for a mission - for the greater good, if you will, and if I had to, I'd do it all over again, but I'm sorry it had to involve you like that. With all that in mind I understand if you hate me now. You have all the reasons for it. Your life doesn’t have to involve me at all, I’ll give you some money and a new passport and you need never see me again."
They finally raise their eyes at him and find him looking at their face. They don’t look much better than him, after all. He suddenly raises his hand and for a moment they think he might hit them. He gently puts his fingers on their forehead, where their equally shortly shaven hair reveals a future dark scar.
“That’s new,” he notices, quietly.
“That happens when you have to be ‘allegedly’ shot in the head during an escape attempt and then crawl through the forest like damn Maresyev,” they take his hand. It’s rougher than usual but it’s still his. Still familiar.
“Where are you planning to go now?”
“Britain. I still have an objective I need to fulfil and all the signs lead there,” Agent A answers honestly.
“I’m coming with you,” Felix says firmly, “If to be free, you need to finish your mission, then I’m helping you finish it. Because I need you to be free.”
They look at him in disbelief. “You don’t have to. You don’t owe me anything.”
“I owe to show you Moscow, I promised. And you still owe me Leningrad” he lets corners of his mouth raise, just a little.
“Felya,” they let out something close to a sob and hide their face in his chest, wrapping their arms around him.
Agent A only gets to show him their home city when it bears a different name and the country, they served to does not exist anymore.
*that's a slightly changed movie quote.
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xoxoskai · 5 months
that no one really asked for, but everyone needs<3
Damien Orlov is Nikolai Sokolov's Godfather.
The one-slightly related to the mafia- kid that all the second-generation mafia kids are scared respect is Sebastian and Naomi's firstborn (I said what I said)
In the Morozov household, all arguments are solved through uno.
Ironically, the one with the best accuracy while firing a gun is the one with the least bloodlust in him, Gareth.
Annika is closest to Lidiya Morozova and the Orlov Princess.
Naomi and Sebastian are Gareth Carson's Godparents.
Adrian tries to homeschool his kids, but it backfires when neither of his kids let him work in peace as a sign of protest. He reluctantly lets them attend a private school with an army of bodyguards.
Kai Takeda becomes the next head of the Yakuza.
Vaughn is very good at playing video games to the point that he gets invited to play at events.
Maya and Gareth are the best at cheating while playing any kinds of board games and often defeat the rest (Killian loses because he's in a team with Nikolai who gets bored midway and tries to sabotage the game instead).
Damien is good at cooking while Kirill has a hidden talent for baking. Adrian finds the prospect of both of them wearing aprons funny until he is put on duty for washing the dishes. Wearing his daughter's purple, floral apron.
Jeremy becomes really good at lip-reading while he's trying to figure out what his parents are talking about over his head and as an adult, he's desperately trying to lose the habit around them.
The one who taught all the boys to drive a bike is Mio Orlov.
She also taught Sasha who nearly gives the Pakhan of the Bratva a heart attack when she figures out how to do wheelies with Rai cheering her on.
Kyle Hunter is exceptionally good at hide and seek and the kids could never find him whenever the Sokolovs were hosting sleepovers.
Annika has knocked endlessly and tirelessly on Adrian's office door till he let her in so she could demonstrate her pirouette the first time she had perfectly done it (Adrian had made Yan, Kolya and Boris give her a standing ovation).
Rai Sokolov is everyone's go-to Aunt for anything their own parents aren't letting them do. Asher and Reina won't send their sons to another continent for college? Enrolls her own son to go with them. The girls want to go to a concert? Sends an army of disguised bodyguards with them. One of the kids is drunk and needs to be picked up? She's already buckling into her car.
Adrian and Lia are Vaughn's Godparents.
Mia Sokolov starts giving plants as birthday presents and nearly makes Kirill and Damien bust a lung from laughter when she gives Adrian a cactus.
Karina Morozova has the reputation for giving the most bizarre gifts that the kids end up loving. Rents out an entire theater for Annika's birthday party. Buys all the game-machines in an arcade for Vaughn. Tells Maya they are going shopping for her birthday and flies her to Paris for it. Sees Jeremy reading bl when he's home from college one time and buys him an entire boxful of yaoi comics with a "I dog earmarked some of my favorites" note. She's extra that way and they all love it.
Damien, Adrian, Kyle and Kirill also have a group chat that Adrian has tried leaving multiple times. When Annika and Mia get boyfriends, Damien is laughing so hard at their predicament that Adrian reveals his daughter's secret relationship with the Pakhan's eldest son and then leaves the group. Again.
Lidiya Morozova becomes the first woman Pakhan after her uncle dares anyone to oppose her crowning with her getting backed up by four of the strongest Bratva families.
Vaughn and Kirill bond over making castles out of playing cards. They've spent lots of days, sitting cross-legged on the floor and stacking one card after another, using multiple decks. It's how he discovers his love for architecture.
Maya Sokolov is a natural at coding and hacking, but she finds it boring and even refuses Adrian's attempt to teach her to hone her skills.
Kyle is really good at magic tricks. Almost all the kids (minus natural cheaters, Maya and Gareth) fall for it even though some of them don't want to (Jeremy and Killian, they know it's a trick, but they can't prove it).
Naomi is not approving of Damien until she actually talks to him and realizes he's just a bakayaro.
Mia Sokolov is really good at escape rooms while Nikolai spends half the time going "That was a clue?"
Ilya Levitsky is only accepted into the family after he goes through extensive torture and lives on to say, "You can't keep me from her". He wins Kyle's respect with that.
Lia discovers that she's really good at drinking games when she's having a girl's night out with Sasha, Mio and Rai. She can throw darts with her eyes blindfolded.
The Volkovs have movie nights on Thursdays where the movies are decided based on a game of jenga. Annika swears she's not shaking the table (she is).
The Morozovs host the best sleepovers. We're talking Princess Diaries level of sleepovers with mattress surfing, vending and claw machines in the house and treasure hunts across the entire property.
The Orlovs are the best at throwing parties and love any occasion to do so. Cherry blossoms are blooming? Throw a party. His daughter got an A on her dictation? Throw a party. Someone bumped into Damien and he didn't kill them? Throw. A. Party.
The Carsons are the best at pretending they have no ties to the Bratva. You saw an army of bodyguards leaving their house? Must be the new interns Asher is hiring. Their oldest nephew has tattoos at the age of 11? But he loves drawings. Reina's twin is AWOL the whole time? She's just shy.
The Weavers are horrible at pretending they aren't related into some shady business.
The Sokolovs' house is synonymous with a common playground. Especially after Mia's kidnapping. If she's scared to go out and meet anyone else, ofcourse the rest of them are gonna come over at all times and spend time with her, it's only natural.
Don't even wanna promise a part two when I know I never commit but here's to hoping?
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head-post · 1 month
Bulgaria seized heroin worth $38 million at Black Sea port en route from Kyrgyzstan
Bulgarian authorities seized about 436 kilograms (960 pounds) of heroin at the Black Sea port of Burgas, according to AP News.
The district prosecutor’s office reported on Monday that the heroin was stashed in 434 packages hidden inside an officially declared cargo in a trailer. The drug load is estimated to be worth 35 million euros (nearly $38 million).
The cargo arrived in late July via an overland route from Kyrgyzstan to the Georgian Black Sea port of Batumi, from where it crossed to Burgas. The next stop was supposed to be Alexandroupolis in Greece.
The trailer, believed to be carrying cable-laying machines, aroused suspicion due to its strangely long stay at the port, Ivan Sokolov, head of the anti-drug department, reported. According to him, an X-ray examination led to the discovery of hidden heroin. District prosecutor Georgi Chinev stated:
So far, there have been no arrests, and no persons found involved in this cross-border crime.
Drug trafficking in Bulgaria is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Bulgaria, which is on the route of drug flows from the Middle East to Western Europe, has taken extensive action in recent years to prevent drug trafficking.
Read more HERE
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