michsmeesh · 1 year
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sodomizer and rain???? being gay??? during PRIDE MONTH??? more likely than you'd think
close-up under the cut
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sagesden · 6 months
Moon 93
Gingerpaw is apprenticed to Snowfall
Hollypaw is apprenticed to Brightstar
Whitepaw is apprenticed to Squirrelstem
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Welp gonna have a kitten boom soon
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Cinderpelt has died of green cough
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Health update
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New scar forgot they were attacked by a dog
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As Brightstar travels to Skyclan's camp they were stopped by a patrol. The skyclan patrol brought them to the camp and Jaystar had met them outside of the camp. He looked old and tired, his deputy walked up. The deputy was chosen recently as their other had retired due to a bad injury and Jaystar was upset at the last gathering as he had thought that his friend had Betrayed him but Jaystar had sucked it up and just moved on and named his new deputy was Dappledfang.
Dappledfang walked up to the thunderclan group and hissed at them on why they were on Skyclan territory.
Brightstar looked to jaystar but he had looked away from the thunderclan leader. Brightstar sighed and explained that during a patrol a few days ago that they a killed Spiderpaw over a misunderstanding.
Raindew's eyes widen with horror and realization that with the description that Juniperpaw had given when they were in there for the shock. The description had fit Dappledfang down to their long fangs. Dappledfangs had killed spiderpaw. In fear Raindew had kept quiet and would tell Brightstar later.
Jaystar had looked at Brightstar and promised that He will Punish the patrol of cats who was on that patrol but for now they will need to get off of their territory and go home.
Brightstar will talk to them during the gathering next moon
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miasmaclockworks · 1 year
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Idk why but I made a oc for @8um8ble8ee au (my oc btw) and its just a version of him with a missing arm (Idk why but I didn't make a full body for him) his name is still Raindew (also for the people using the Raindew tag please just don't, I made that tag just for my oc Raindew)
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
Interrupted while organizing bc I found a box of old art I'd forgotten about and I went thru the whole box and now I want to get a storage container for it bc I don't feel like a cardboard box is the best idea to keep them safe. But there are no stores nearby me that sell containers like that!!! Tj *might* have something but also might not. And so now everything is on pause and my room is messier. Yay!
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enbypool · 5 months
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neverposted this but gay ponies who are married
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seraphim-coinz · 3 months
if youre feeling a bit better.. could we request rainy ) foggy themed snpts?? THANK U IN ADVANCE :3
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System Names: The Foggy System. The Rain Collective. The Mists. The Raindrops. The Fogeaters. The Fogfruit Collective. The Raincoats. Rainfrog Collection.
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Names: Rain/Raine/Rainn. Zenebe. Steam. Smoke. Sage. Ferdia. Cloud. Raviv. Fog. Dalfon. Amaya/Amaia. Indra. Jora/Jorah. Misty. Lan. Haze. Hazel. Anan. Niall.
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Pronouns: Rain/Rains. Drop/Drops. Fog/Fogs. Mist/Mists. Blur/Blurs. Clouds/Clouds. Daze/Dazes. Dim/Dims. Fade/Fades. Haze/Hazes. Storm/Storms. Gloom/Glooms. Daze/Dazes. Murk/Murks. Smog/Smogs. Steam/Steams.
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Usernames: foggyminded. foggingthingsup. raining-cats-and-dogs. foggyglasses. rainydayfogs. right-as-rain. rain-andor-shine. little-rain. rainingsuns. raindropxoxo. rainby. raindew.
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Titles: The Foggy-Minded One. [prn] Watching the Rain. [prn] who Disappeared into the Fog. The [term] who Dances in the Rain. [prn] who is Singing in the Rain. The Fog.
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Genders: Wavergender. Morjangender. Mystxfoggic. Frostbleu. Boyfog/Girlfog/Genderfog. Angelirainic. Rainsleepic. Rainystaria. Rainightcattic. Rainexploric.
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System Alts: Rainstorm. Squall Line. Cluster. Cold/Hot Wave. Drizzle. Downpour. Miasma. Cloudburst. Thundershower.
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Alter Alts: Raindrops. Clouds. Droplets. Winds. Snowflakes. Fogs. The Muddled. Shadows. Cats and Dogs (raining cats and dogs). Drizzles.
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System/Alter Alternatives are not being added, this is just for my lovely friends <3/p
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lonely-starlequin · 11 months
How the ghouls spent Halloween 🩷
Mini fic!
Word count:1706 words
Paring:(implied) swissrora, RainDew,cumulusCirrus
Type:tooth rotting fluff
Summary: phantom really wants to go trick or treating like humans do as he’s seen so many movies about it.
Warnings:tooth rotting fluff, light swearing, teasing.
Fic below cut🩷
Usually the ghouls spend Halloween inside the ministry going “trick or treating” by going door to door with the siblings of sin. But the needy ghoul has been shown in too many Halloween movies and has been begging to do it for real, like humans do.
And he begged and begged until he was ready to give up and throw in the towel.
Currently, it was early morning, and the ghouls were nestled up together on the couch after breakfast was finished. They were watching some cute kid’s Halloween movie that someone popped on when they were in the den. A few ears twitched as footsteps approached, but no one moved to look as they were far too engrossed in this movie.
Copia leaned up on the back of the couch, resting his arms on the ledge. “Good morning, my ghouls,” he said softly so as not to spook the still sleepy ghouls.
The girls looked over and let out sweet, happy trills of excitement to see their papa so early in the day. The others had a more groggy good morning back as they tried to yawn away the sleep still clouding their minds. All except Phantom, who sat cross-legged on the floor, a soft pout playing on his lips as he knew what day it was and he knew Copia had come to give them the final verdict on Halloween. Copia crept around the couch to kneel down next to the phantom. Phantom glanced over. Good morning, papa,” he mumbled softly, not wanting to be rude, but disappointment played in his voice.
Copia cupped his face lightly. “What’s wrong, phantom? Aren’t you excited to go trick or treating tonight?” Copia smiles softly as he reveals that they have been given permission. Phantom sits there frozen for a moment before looking up at him with huge eyes, trying to gauge if he was being serious. Papa gave him a small nod and a smile to reassure the young ghoul. Phantom squeeled and pounced on Papa, pulling him into a tight hug that sent them both tumbling to the floor.
“Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He trilled and purred, nuzzling up to his tail, wagging much the same as a happy kit. Copia chuckled softly, rubbing his back. “You’re welcome, my little bug.” He slowly sat up, letting Phantom sit still in his lap.
“It took a lot of convincing, but I got her to agree, even if it came with a few conditions. So all of you listen up because you must be on your best behavior tonight, alright?” They all nod and give him their attention.
“You have to stay close; no wondering off, no picking fights, no fighting each other. If you choose to unglamor parts of yourself, make sure it’s one that humans can replicate, such as ears, eyes, fangs, and such. And lastly, we will be leaving here at 6 and driving to a local neighborhood, where we will trick and treat for 4 hours. Sound good?” Copia smiled as he laid down the ground rules for tonight.
They all exchanged looks of agreement and excitement. “I shall come to get you at 6, so make sure you’re all ready and dressed up,” he smiled, sitting phantom down on the couch with the rest of the ghouls. Phantom smiled, excitement rolling off him in waves. Copia softly kissed his head before departing.
As soon as Copia left, the room erupted in excited cheers and celebration.
“Who knew we just needed the charm of this cutie to finally go out? We’ve been trying for  years!"Cirrus squealed the mushing phantoms face in her hands, giggling and cooing at him.
All the ghouls were entirely restless until six, just wanting time to move faster; their excitement made it impossible to wait that long.
Around 5, the ghouls ran to their rooms to get ready in their costumes that had been planned and prepared months in advance.
Phantom had struggled a bit to pick a costume; he had so many ideas that he had to pick just one. He wanted to make it perfect, so he had the others help him out. And they decided the best was to do Dracula, as it combines bats and a famous horror movie. The girls helped him add bat wings to the sleeves to make him feel more bat-like. He put on a tiny bit of makeup, like the girls showed him. He added black lightly around his eyes and used pale, pale makeup on his face. He unglamoured his fangs so he looked more like a vampire, and lastly, he slicked back his hair to make him look all fancy.
Aurora dragged Swiss to her room to get ready. Swiss had whined and protested the whole time, but really he was excited to match with her. She had recently seen that new Barbie movie and was obsessed with it, so she decided this was what they needed to do. They decided on the matching cowboy outfit because Aurora thought they were the cutest. So they got all dolled up in their costumes, super excited Swiss doing a horrible job hiding it. Aurora sat in her mirror, doing her makeup and putting on cute earrings. She rummages through her things till she finds her pink nail polish. She delicately paints her long nails with the quick-dry polish, as she has no time to waste with it having to dry. After that, she had Swiss help her put her boots on while she finished up. Swiss did so happily and put on his own matching pair after. After they were finished getting dressed, Aurora took just about a million photos of them.
Cumulus and Cirrus had gone a similar route as Aurora. They also watched the Barbie movie and decided to wear something from it, and Cirrus decided on the cute workout outfits. It was Cirrus’s idea, as she really just wanted to see Cumulus in a tight little body suit all night. And Cirrus opted to be Ken for the night, so they’d match and be super cute. They did each other's makeup, putting on bright neon makeup to match their costumes. Cumulus sat at the vanity as Cirrus helped brush her hair up into a slick, high ponytail. After she put the visor on over it, Cumulus turned to look at her, smiling. “How do I look?” Cirrus only squealed and covered her face in kisses. So cute! e! Cumulus giggled, hugging her.
The mountain was ready. He’d been working very, very hard on his costume for weeks. He was going as a deer, and he couldn’t be more excited. He had built realistic-looking deer legs to go over his own legs like pants. They had hooves and a little tail for the full work. For his top half, he opted for a fur jacket with a black shirt underneath. He let his horns show, as they were already very similar to deer. He sat down to do his makeup. He drew on a cute deer nose and used eyeliner to make his eyes more doe-like. Once satisfied, he admired his work and went to the den to wait.
Lastly, dew and rain Rain wanted them to match, but a few were stubborn. So while Rain was getting all pretty in their mermaid costume, Dew was busy pouting and working on his costume. He found a way to make the costume more fun for himself and made a fake fishing pole, attached a safety pin to the end, and went over and hooked it to Rain's leggings. ”I caught you,” he chuckled, thinking he was so clever. Rain glanced back to his pants, then to Dew, and let out an amused giggle, not realizing how much of a pain in the ass Dew was going to be all night with it. Rain ignored it for now and went back to putting on his makeup. Beautiful shimmering blues and greens covered his eyes and cheeks as he spread the thin glitter over them. He looks back at Dew. Does this look  good?"He nervously wrung his hands together; he’d never done his own makeup before and was worried. You look beautiful as ever,” he kissed him softly. “Let’s grab one of the girls, though, because you know I can’t do hair like they can,” he smiled, leading Rain to the girls room to finish up the look.
Once all the ghouls had finished getting ready in their costumes, they met back up in the den to wait for Copia.
At six, Copia arrived in the den in a very silly rat onesie, as he didn’t want to be cold all night.
Copia loaded up the ghouls into the car and drove them to a nearby neighborhood where they would be trick-or-treating for the next few hours.
Phantom was the most excited, bouncing on his toes and running up to the houses excitedly and impatiently, waiting for the others to catch up with him.
Soon, the four hours wore down. After many houses, many compliments on their costumes, and a few pictures, they tiredly walked back to the car, hitting a few more houses on the way back, their bags weighting heavily in their arms as they were heavily filled with all sorts of candy they'd never had before. The drive-back was quiet but filled with tiny pieces of content.
Once they arrived back at the ministry, they invited Copia back to their den to trade candy and settle down. Before they got there, they all went to their rooms to change into their most comfy Halloween pajamas and take off their makeup.
They made their way back to the den and waited on copia before spilling out their candy onto the floor. They happily traded and swapped candy to get ones they really liked. They put everything in their proper candy bags once they were done and crawled up onto the couch to begin a movie. Everyone snuggled up sweetly, purring contently, as a Halloween movie played in front of them. Their eyes became droopy as the night began to wind down. They all fell asleep curled up with each other entangled in one another’s arms, legs, and tails.
Happy Halloween 🎃
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faculaeghoul · 2 years
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Dewdrop hates (loves) him.
anyway, cute lil doodle to chill after the raindew lake drawing
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Ok RainDew floating and holding each others dicks, but I raise you:
It started as a joke but now its a competition. They’ve started stroking and gripping each other with a particular goal in mind, but a moan or whimper means no more touch. They essentially just float around edging and teasing each other since neither of them can stfu ever. 🤓
Yes 10000%. They are squeezing, and rubbing their fingers under the sensitive spots under their heads. Dew makes sure Rain drips like a faucet the whole time, and Rain makes sure Dew is digging his fangs into his lip to try to keep the noises in.
It's only a matter of time before they give up on the game and Rain disappears under the water to make Dew moan for real.
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89rooms · 6 months
The air without is impregnated with raindew moisture, life essence celestial, glistening on Dublin stone there under starshiny coelum. God’s air, the Allfather’s air, scintillant circumambient cessile air. Breathe it deep into thee.
James Joyce - 'Ulysses'
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mxsinizter · 1 year
Having soft RainDew thoughts 🥺
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sagesden · 6 months
Moon 92
Mosstone and cinderpelt has had a single kitten
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But also Willowpelt is now expecting
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Health update
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Raindew sneaks out of camp with a bundle of herbs and meets a loner on the border he blushes seeing her and helps heal her as they talked softly in the night
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Titanium will be banned from patrols next moon
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TW: Death
Brightstar was fuming when the patrol had brought back the news and Spiderpaw back to camp she is going to march to Skyclan to demand to know what in the name of Starclan is happening
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miasmaclockworks · 1 year
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Wowweee I forgot about this
@pasteldragonstuff @beeeepis4why
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artsytattletail64 · 8 months
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💚🧪 Professor Allister (Allen) 🧪💚
Here's Allen! The tattlesib's father! He's great ^w^
💚💚 Bio 💚💚
The genius inventor of the Tattletail family, Allen is Rose's loving husband, and the father of the Tattlesibs! He is often very anxious and jittery, especially when Plum gets into his workshop(?). Speaking of his workshop(?), Allen has many MANY cool inventions in there! Most are safe, but if used carelessly, they can also be dangerous... lets hope nobody reckless gets their paws on them... (Plum-)
Overall, Allen is a very kind fella, though he usually seems jittery and stressed. He stutters also. Allen often gets very flustered around his wife, Rose, who he finds very lovely! Rose is aware of this, and will purposely flirt with or tease him. (Hehe) Sometimes he gets distracted looking at her, and forgets all about his surroundings. He REALLY loves her!
Allen also has TERRIBLE eyesight, like his son Dewdrop. He has glasses for a reason! (Don't ask how those absolutely TINY glasses help- uhhh it's cartoon logic HEHEHE)
Also, Allen has a sister, who's name is Raindew! She looks a lot like Dewdrop.
He also has a fear of spiders. A HUGE fear of em!
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miasmaghoul · 2 years
Miasma please I cannot do this. The RainDew piss?? You are going to kill me! My boys!! Dew would have such a cute blush on his face as he tries to hide it!! But Rain isn’t that dumb, he knows exactly what it’s doing to Dew. Fuck I am going to go feral I am a rabid dog you don’t understand -🌌
Oh Rain knows exactly what he's doing. So does Dew. The power of a free use dynamic baybeeeee. Mean Rain at his meanest. >:)
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smoke-signs · 1 year
saw someone tag my phantomdew as raindew...do you guys not read tags or ?? 😭😭
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