#raindrops doujin
shiro-kitsuna · 1 year
Raindrops Book!
Please take a look at this Fan of @raindrops-doujin from @youkaiyume!
He made a book that looks awesome and know me want to buy it..😮‍💨
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thegoddass · 4 months
I think it's about that time. Time to read @raindrops-doujin again
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revangerang · 6 years
Me @ me missing entire nights’ sleep while reading Inuyasha fanfic
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youkaiyume · 4 years
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My Patrons voted for a SessKag Raindrops doujin related sticker for this month’s merch reward so I just sent off the artwork last night for production! I can’t wait to get it in my hands, it’s going to be die-cut with a transparent backing! Will be sent out to $10+ Patrons :) 
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feudalconnection · 3 years
CONGRATULATIONS @raindrops-doujin​​!!! Your Fanart “Raindrops” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2021 2nd Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards, run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best doujinshi
Voting will take place between April 29th and May 13th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
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raindrops-doujin · 7 years
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Chapter 08 - 32
If you enjoy this comic and would like to support it, please consider Buying Me a Coffee. I’d really appreciate it!
Chapter Index 
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Somewhere in Time
9. Faith
Kagome curiously watched the great demon lord while breakfast was just being cleared by Sango, Rin, and Shippo. Sesshomaru was staring into the distance, his golden eyes narrowing. Suddenly, he sharply turned his attention to the group. Before he could speak, however, Kagome understood.
“Inuyasha! I could feel a jewel shard coming from there!” She pointed exactly where Sesshomaru was looking at and their companions quickly sprang into action. Inuyasha crouched and unsheathed his tetsusaiga. Kirara shifted to her neko-youkai form and with practiced ease, Sango leapt onto her back and they hovered above their camp to investigate.
“Sango, what do you see?” Miroku called out, taking his position beside Kagome. Shippo was perched on his shoulder, his tail twitching in fear.
“A snake demon is quickly coming towards our camp!” she yelled as Kirara descended.
“Take Rin and Shippo, stay high. The snake won’t reach you. Jaken-sama, take Ah-Un and follow Sango and Miroku,” Kagome instructed as she ran to grab her bow and set of arrows. The imp was about to protest but was silenced by a glare from Sesshomaru. Silently, Jaken took the reign and commanded the two-headed dragon to follow Kirara and the rest.
“Kagome-sama!” Miroku hollered from above. “What about you, Kagome-sama?”
The priestess shook her head and bravely turned towards the incoming danger. “I’ll stay with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru-sama. They can’t sense the shard but I can. Protect the children!”
The monk nodded and they all rose upwards until they were but small points that dotted the bright sky. Before Kagome could run towards Inuyasha, the daiyoukai was suddenly in front of her, crouching defensively.
“Sesshomaru-sama?” she asked, startled.
“There is a horde coming in from the opposite direction. Naraku’s.”
“Keh! We can beat ‘em!” Inuyasha strode towards them confidently.
Kagome’s brain worked quickly for strategy but Sesshomaru beat her to a plan. “Take Naraku’s side, little brother. The miko and I shall deal with the snake demon.”
“Oi, don’t order me around!”
“Your tetsusaiga easily destroys hundreds of youkai in one swing. This task shall be easy for you.”
“Sesshomaru-sama’s right, Inuyasha.”
Scowling, Inuyasha nodded and switched positions with them. “If you let anything happen to Kagome, you bastard…” He let the unspoken threat hang in the air.
Sesshomaru ignored this and assumed a defensive stance in front of Kagome. His youki rose magnanimously, filling the air with an astounding electric field. Kagome couldn’t help but flinch as the daiyoukai’s battle aura sizzled and clamored around her. Sesshomaru straightened and turned distractedly at her.
“Oh… I’m sorry. It’s just…” she stammered, embarrassed.
“Stay still, miko. No harm will come to you.” It was stated firmly, confidently, erasing Kagome’s fear and doubts. She nodded and held her breath as the snake demon burst into view, hissing and slithering. At the same time, Naraku’s demon horde dove towards Inuyasha, but was immediately blasted by tetsusaiga’s attack. The rest broke off and headed to Kirara and Ah-Un’s direction, and Sango’s hiraikotsu quickly made a wide swath. The rest were taken care of by Miroku with his wind tunnel, but Naraku’s saimyosho flew towards it threateningly, forcing him to seal his hand.
Sesshomaru curled his hand and a greenish light appeared, assuming the shape of his deadly whip. His eyes followed the slinking snake demon. “Where is the shard, miko?” he asked quietly.
Kagome quickly scanned the gigantic snake. Finally locating it, she pointed. “There! It’s embedded on the forehead!”
In an instant, the daiyoukai vanished in front of her and was suddenly airborne, heading towards the head of the snake. His dokkaso slashed where Kagome pointed, but its scales were too thick. Sesshomaru returned beside her, growling.
“I will attack the snake demon and you will wait for my signal. Aim inside its throat.” The daiyoukai spared her a searching gaze and with grim determination, she nodded her assent.
Despite the rampage swirling around her, it was Sesshomaru that captivated her attention. Killing perfection. Yes, the name absolutely suited the inu-youkai who moved with the speed of light, who attacked with terrible precision, and who planned battle strategies with nerves of steel. He was, without doubt, the strongest youkai Kagome had ever met. He moved with such grace and fluidity that was every bit predatory.
Solid. Powerful. Dangerous. Very, very dangerous.
Knowing that Sesshomaru was fighting on their side comforted every fiber of Kagome’s being. No harm will come to you. Somehow, as she watched the snake demon glide around the daiyoukai, fear didn’t weaken her will.
“Miko!” Sesshomaru shouted amidst the clamor. His glowing whip had struck the snake demon’s head, effectively calling forth its wrath, and it dove straight at Kagome with blinding speed.
Taking this as the sign, she calmly strung an arrow to her bow and aimed squarely at the snake demon’s hissing throat. “Hit the mark!”
The arrow wheezed past, enveloped in bluish light, and shot right through the target. The impact sent an explosion of the youkai’s appendages and Sesshomaru whisked her away at a safe distance.
Inuyasha ran towards them after dispatching the last of the demon horde. “Oi, bastard! How dare you put Kagome in danger!”
Sesshomaru released Kagome from his arm and the priestess gingerly picked up the jewel shard from the bloody head of the snake demon. It was immediately purified from her touch. Holding it up proudly, she beamed at Inuyasha. “It’s all right. Sesshomaru-sama and I had a plan, and it worked perfectly!”
“Idiot! The snake demon came too close!” Inuyasha retorted, eyes blazing with concern.
Kagome shook her head. “Don’t worry. Sesshomaru-sama said no harm will come to me. He kept me safe. I have faith in him.”
Sesshomaru glanced away. One corner of his lips curled upward, and in the gathering light, it seemed to Kagome that he was… smiling.
Disclaimer: This chapter was based on YoukaiYoume’s Raindrops doujin. You guys should really check that out. It’s really one of the best SessKag fanfics out there.
END of Chapter
Featured SessKag Art: Randrops doujinshi, chapter 8, page 26 by @youkaiyume​
Somewhere in Time: Chapter Index
You can also find me at Fanfiction.Net, Archive of our Own, and Wattpad.
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eternalpassions · 3 years
What are your all-time favorite SessKag fics?
Surprisingly I don’t have a lot cuz I haven’t really had time to read a lot of sesskag fanfic. I feel like each ship has this thing they’re best at and sesskag seems to have the most and best fanfics. That being said, here are some of my favs
1) Red Sash (nsfw) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28396878
2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17422220
3) anything written by @mythicamagic
4) raindrops doujin( I count this as fanfic too)
Pretty sure I can add more as I remember more but this is what I have so far!
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shierak-inavva · 3 years
I agree with you about SessKag. Do you have fic recs?
oh god anon i love u and i want to hook u up but i am so bad with recs—i AM 9.986899% sure there’s a rec blog on here somewhere, but off the top of my head UMMMM
anything by mythicamagic and that’s the ao3 link but i’m pretty sure most of these i’m reccing are also on ffnet and dokuga
i know resmiranda is also starting to put that classic i feel like everyone’s read up on ao3 now, Tales From the House of the Moon ( which i just re-read recently because it stuck with me for over 10 years )
also When Comes the Rain is a fun, soft read that i’ve been working my way thru
and of course there’s the @raindrops-doujin which is one of my favorite works—not a fic, but a comic that’s been updating for YEARS now and is SO worth the read
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meldrymoon · 4 years
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Inuvember Day 28: AU
What started my love for the Sesskag ship was the fan doujin “Raindrops.” 😌💖
So I wanted to pay tribute to the amazing creator, @youkaiyume , for blessing fans like me with this beautiful tale. 😭🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️
It might not be complete yet, but its story has enraptured me personally for years and I can’t wait to see where it continues. 🤩✨
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
I saw this post a while back and I tried to look for it to repost and say my thoughts on it, but I couldn’t find it. Someone said that OC stories are not “x reader” stories. Said something about not putting “x reader” tags when it’s just your OC.
Well I have to disagree with this.
Sure, they are two completely different tags, but you shouldn’t get mad at them for putting “x reader” when it’s just about their OC( like “character x OC” but says “x reader” in tags). Technically, it’s still “x reader” ‘cause you can change the OC’s looks and descriptions in your own head if you want.
Some people might like the plot for the story with the character they’d like to read about, and can just change the OC in your head.
Or some are truly interested in the authors OC.
Really, it’s completely fine to put “x reader” in tags when it’s just about your OC.
Having “x reader” in the tags can actually help people find your story. Helps the author show their story to more people. Cause most people don’t just search up “character x OC”.
If you don’t like the OC stories, then don’t read them.🤷🏻‍♀️ if you do, then read it.
I hope this was clear for explaining. If your still confused about my reason, then please pm me. I’ll gladly help you understand.
This isn’t really a big deal, it can just hurt people’s motivation to show the world their own creation. Everyone deserves to show the world what they can do, or what their passionate about.
So with that in mind, please don’t criticize people’s stories for something that isn’t that big of a deal.
I’m curious to what all of you think on this. Please feel free to comment your opinion.
Tagging: (if you would not like to be tagged in future posts, not sure if I’ll ever really do this again, please pm me)((I literally just tagged everyone I’m following))
@mx-kenpachi-be-thic @asnxdt @gorepity @lordduckass @defaultuser-lol @sukunasslut @bleachhaven @silenceofthecookies @onepiece-writting-forest @pinkaxolotl85 @handsoffmyscarfsherlock @purplelurkinghini @bakugotrashpanda @lcsbianist @dudeandduchess @voidbait @katsvbae @du7de @birdypendragon @notkageyamasprincess @secondhand-trash @avis-writeshq @vivinhun @dcondcst @miioouu @daddyzanchez @okatu-trash @planeta-en-orbita-x16 @ask-riiiiicksanchez @i-keepmyideals @zoraideale122 @raindrops-doujin @amissotakuworld @blue-pandicorn @importantpersonpicklepeach @luciddreamsfordays @theyugiohfanartistwritersblog @drstone-writings @aciid-eater @chuuyasnumber1simp @senkuishigami @senkusslut @senkuthirstclub
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punwati · 5 years
The life of a #SessKag shipper:
*Waiting for @youkaiyume to finish @raindrops-doujin
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Fanfic Appreciation Day!!
It’s that time of year again so I’m gonna tag my favorite writers here and I hope you all will do the same because they all deserve to be appreciated for all the things they do and the bullshit they have to put up with every day!
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@tilltheendwilliwrite I was lucky to find your InuYasha fanfics first. You get all the credit for how obsessed I have become with fanfiction. Thank you!
@sexykitty96 You aren’t only a great writer, you are also a great friend and amazing beta that has encouraged me throughout my writing process. Thank you!
@all1e23 @buckyofthemyscira @delicatelyherdreams @emeraldwaves @floatingpetals @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash @kittenofdoomage @kellyn1604 @moonbeambucky @redfoxmcgarden @raindrops-doujin @startrekkingaroundasgard @unicorns-and-fairy-dust @wolfchosen @youngmoneymilla
To all of you, I have loved and enjoyed many of your stories and I want to thank you for inspiring me to write my own stories.
For those of you I have had the pleasure of interacting with, thank you for your encouragement and friendly words.
For those of you that not only write stories but illustrate them as well, you are absolutely amazing and you deserve much more encouragement than you get on a daily basis.
For those of you just starting out, if you ever need anything, you are welcome to come to me at any time. I am just like you, still unsure when I post my creations, still looking for that one grain of validation for what I’m writing and craving the praise and joys of those who are reading each chapter.
I love you all and I hope you have the best Fanfic Appreciation Day today! XOXOXO
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youkaiyume · 4 years
I'm going to be working on my Raindrops comic today at 5 PM (pacific time) so in about half an hour. Will be doing Page 85, and livestreaming for at least an hour. Come hang out and chat with me. Want to access the livestream? consider becoming a patron!
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enberlight · 5 years
Got any Inuyasha headcanons?
I had to really think on this one. It's been... a minute since I've seen IY or been around the fandom. (@raindrops-doujin notwithstanding. Slowburn Sesskag. Ah. ♡)
But... I have a few...
If you can get him to stay still (good luck), Kouga is weak for ear skritches. (Ayame, take notes!)
I've never been able to get the moonbow out of my head. This is not a headcanon, just a permanent association from Ayame's confession.
I don't think I'll get to 10. Or was it 5?
Shippo got Inuyasha to eat modern dog kibble by putting it in a snack bag and acting like he didn't want to share.
Inuyasha ate it. Shippo has yet to confess it was kibble because he didn't expect Inuyasha to KEEP eating it and he'd be murdered if he ever finds out it's dog food.
Hmmm. Not great at IY headcanons... It's been too long! But anyone can feel free to art or write these if they tickle your fancy. Just tag me so I can see!
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harocat · 5 years
Hi! Would you be willing to make a list of which hetalia doujin you have available in English? I looked through your tweets and think I might be interested?
hi! do you mean the ones that are in English in the actual book? That is these ones:
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all six of these ones are in English.
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and from this pic, the two called Raindrop Prelude and Drink, Drank, Drunk are in English.
All of the English language books are 6.00 each! 
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