#raising money for a vet bill
blue-n-nerdy · 11 months
Starting Super Mario WONDER Tonight @ 8pm EST!!
I hope you will join me~
Should be a fun & silly time! Just what I need while I'm sick hahaaa
Let's see what those Wonder Flowers do
I'll be live at 8pm EST Tonight!! Come hangout with me 💙
$5 tips on stream I will do a Beanboozle on cam & potentially suffer for your amusement, wahoo!! Raising money for BIG upcoming vet bill for the ferrets :3c You can tip me Here ✨
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ghcstcd · 3 months
Idk how my art style is going to be after everything. I hope you all accept that.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
stressing because i'm like. $80 short for bills.
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unbrokenteacup · 2 years
Hi, my name is Kat and my cat Harley has a weird penis (the vets told us so). Unfortunately, along with his weird knob comes a faulty bladder. We had to take him into an emergency vet just before Christmas for emergency surgery and while this saved his life he had some complications which made things…well…complicated.
We’ve done everything we can but his odd piss-pipe is still causing issues. Unfortunately we’ve grown quite attached to the little furry dickhead and would quite like to keep him happy and healthy for as long as possible.
so far he’s maxed out his insurance coverage, our savings account, our Christmas budget and our credit limits. This is where you come in; dear reader. If you can find it in your heart to help us pay for his meds to help his weird, crystalline urine flow freely we would very much appreciate it. Every little helps, after all.
At the time of posting this, we’re so close to our estimated goal, but the little shit needed another inpatient stay over new years weekend which is another bill to add to the growing pile.
Even if you can’t donate money, please share incase someone you know is feeling generous.
you’ll have our undying gratitude. No, really.
any funds that don’t get used for vet bills will be given to an animal charity to help other kitties get support they need.
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goldenkingyo · 2 years
Raising funds to help pay for my friend’s geckos vet bill!! Doing some art stuff and things!
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I got laid off a month ago, and my state has a program that requires they give me 60 days of notice with pay but I haven't had to work. Then I got a nail in my tire, then one of my cats had a 300 dollar vet bill, and I thought my laptop broke today (it's ok actually)
And now I am possibly un-laid off, which is great bc that means my life wouldn't be over, but god DAMN life has been kicking me while I'm down
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sanchoyo · 9 months
annoyed I’m not getting as many hours as I’d like at work bc when I started they were giving me mad overtime 😔 ik it’s probably the holidays but at this rate it’s gonna take me (materialistic) forever to get the things I want and actually need ☹️ tentatively once again considering if I’d have enough self discipline to do something like a patreon before remembering I hate putting stuff behind paywalls 😭
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hippiichi · 8 months
FINAL UPDATE: with that ive reached $1500!!!!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED AND TO EVERYONE WHO REBLOGGED AND AN EXTRA BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO COMMISSIONED ME!!! skippy is doing way better now than she was and im so glad that the vet bill can be paid off with this!
I will officially be closing commissions unless you have messaged me before hand about possibly getting a commission. While I will be keeping up this post for archival purposes I ask that you don't reblog it any longer, and here is a picture of skippy as thank you for all the love and support shes gotten from you all!
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idk how good tumblr is for this but i might as well try the vet bill ended up being about 1500 usd so anything to offset that cost would really help
- Update in the rbs!! but tldr skippy has hepatitis (liver disease) and may need more treatment ie more money from me. But dw I'm not raising the goal until i get a potential 2nd bill from the vet. -
More updates have been posted under the tag "#skippy emergency comm stuff" currently sitting at $1300/$1500
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sculien · 2 months
please help me save my cats life
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today my 8 month old cat started peeing blood, like...straight up blood. it's in his urine, but there's very little urine, so its mostly just dark red blood. he's very lethargic, constantly throwing up, and not acting like his hyper weirdo self and i'm so scared he's dying or going to die if i cant get him immediate help. anyone who has had, or has, pets know that vets will charge you thousands of dollars to keep your pet alive and won't really do anything to help you UNTIL you can pay. unfortunately, i have no money. i've been homeless and moving around the east coast for the last few years and i'm just now living in a house and trying desperately to get on my feet. (i have $4 to my name)
i know there are other causes out there that need the money and deserve the money, but i really can not handle another tragedy in my life right now. i hate asking for money, but if you can spare absolutely anything and share this post, i would really appreciate it.
right now i'm looking to raise at least $800.
i'm going to have to be annoying and constantly reblog this so i want to apologize in advance.
if you can't donate anything, i completely understand, please just boost this post in hopes that more people can see it. ❤️‍🩹
TLDR: my cat is very sick, peeing blood, throwing up, and is very lethargic and not his usual self. i need $800+ to get him to the vet asap.
i'm not using gofundme or anything similar bc i've heard horror stories of not getting the money released in time or at all, so i'm sticking with regular money apps. i promise anything sent to me is going directly towards my cats vet bill. c/ashapp: $airikahj v/enmo: airikah-j p/aypal: @/airikah
please feel free to send me an ask or direct message with any questions you may have. ❣️
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puddingcup · 1 month
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Hi it's me again unfortunately. Thanks to everyone's kindness we were able to secure a vehicle but the time spent without one still hit us hard. We are still behind on bills. Beyond that out dog Steel had to go to the vet today for what we thought was a UTI but turned out to be bladder stones. After he was seen by the vet we found out they recently changed their policy and stopped taking care credit so we had to pay out of pocket for his appointment. They also did a lot of unessicary testing and vaccinated him for rabies when his rabies vaccine was not yet expired inflating the bill more. We have scheduled his follow up with a different vet who does take care credit. We are paid monthly by our jobs right now so we are hoping to get just enough money to catch up on bills for this month. Any extra money raised goes to gas and groceries.
GOAL $400/$400
P-ypal: @/mewmewpudding
Venmo: @/moonshinecats
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pedrospatch · 2 months
hello again 💕 first off, thank you anyone and eveyone who sent me and my baby girl cleo love and well wishes. we’ve been at the animal hospital for about 4 hours now.
she has acute kidney disease, but her prognosis isn’t poor. however, they need to keep her for 2 days, do more bloodwork and have her on iv fluids. at the beginning of the consultation i paid $970USD out of pocket, and by the time her bloodwork was done and she was was diagnosed, the bill ended up at $1639.87USD
i pretty much spent my entire paycheck tonight and then some.
like most others, i hate to have to do this, but i’m in a bit of a tight place. i know many of us are, so there’s no pressure but i made a kofi seeking a bit of help if anyone is able to. i’m looking to raise some money for the rest of this month’s bills which total to about $150.00
when i get home i will reblog with proof of what i spent at the vet as the bill is being emailed to me.
again, i know it’s hard times for a lot of us, but even just a boost would be so helpful.
💕 vee
update 07/20/2024
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sovaghoul · 10 days
I need money for vet costs and household bills and I am still unemployed after two and a half months. Anything helps. Pymt info and more details below
Venmo: sovaghoul
PayPal: unnaturalredhead
My cat needs wound care on his face which would include sedation. My mom was in the hospital so my parents can't help much. If I could raise $350 for my bills and another $250 for my cat that would be great. Thanks.
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sapphstuff · 4 months
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Hiya y'all happy pride!! I've decided to do a pride YCH collab with my friend Surfer_SS to help him raise money to pay off vet bills, while my half will be donated to the trevor project!! Once finished, quality will look like the second image!! :3 Can be any species, gender, body type, outfit can be changed as well if you wish! Up to 2 flag colors can be in the heart, but also stuff like face paint n extra flags can be added too if desired! DM/Reply to claim a slot! :3 Or claim a slot via Ko-fi!!
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queerwhohatesithere · 2 months
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raising money for bottom surgery!
cashapp: $chamomileflowers
venmo: wisteria_flowers
go fund me:
let me share some. i had my first consult for surgery last year. after that, another consult, and i started getting electrolysis (hair removal) which is still in process. this has been in the works for a long time and i’ve been thinking about it for even longer. i’m fully aware that at this point my surgery date of march 10th, 2025 is close and i’m asking for a lot. i’m honestly asking for a miracle.
money has been extremely tight for me lately. one of the reasons for that is my concussion in october, which led to a hospitalization, the depleting of my savings, and several follow up PT and vestibular therapy visits. i haven’t been grocery shopping in months. i get all my food from a food pantry as well as necessities. i’m trying to keep rent my only expense but things happen, such as me having to pay a vet bill for my dog, or smaller expenses adding up like cat litter and food.
in essence, i’m struggling. so this is me asking for help, putting myself out there, asking you reading this to give anything you can, or to share or repost this. i know times are tight for everyone so obviously don’t feel obligated to donate if you can’t. spreading the word however, would be amazing. i really, really want this to happen. i don’t want to have come this far to fall flat on my face.
here’s where i’ll end. while i am extremely glad i’m trans, it is so so hard for us to survive right now. so if you’re trans, i see you. i’m glad you’re alive, and that you keep putting one foot in front of the other. all we can do is support each other and do the best we can. truly, that’s all anyone can expect from you. thank you for reading, i hope you have a lovely day :))
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boymayorr · 1 year
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i'm currently taking pet portrait commissions to try and raise money to help pay for vet bills for three of our dogs that were bit by an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. two are young puppies who are currently hospitalized. i will only be doing headshots with a simple color background similar to as shown. dogs only. i'm taking 2 at a time. 2/2 slots open. $100 each. quickest way to reach me is through discord (user is boymayor). if you cannot/don't want to commission, please share around/rb. thank you <33
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terriwriting · 6 months
Hi. My name is Terry and I went into debt during the pandemic lockdowns. Some of it was because I had to break a lease to escape a building the landlords were turning into a slum (elevator was broken for nearly a year, roaches overran the place, next door neighbour was throwing coke parties all night). For a while things were okay, but then the rising cost of living and rising interest rates made that debt unsustainable. Now I'm lurching from one crisis to the next and I need to get out from under this debtload before it crushes me. Everything donated to this fundraiser will go directly to paying down that debt, because it is the single biggest problem in my life and makes every other problem worse.
I actually owe over $10,000, but I have one Guaranteed Investment Certificate left over from years ago when I was able to save money. That matures in August and I've already made arrangements with my bank to have it applied directly to my debt. The GIC is for just over $7,000, which leaves me with $3,000+ to pay off somehow.
Currently I make just enough to cover bare minimums (rent, utilities, groceries) and if I can get extra shifts I can keep up on interest payments. But if I can't get those extra shifts or if I miss a shift I fall further behind. And sometimes I get enough to pay the interest, but I get it too late in the month to pay by the due date and still end up being charged a late fee. For a while I was making headway on the debt, then the cost of living went up and I was just breaking even. Then both the cost of living and interest rates went up and now I'm barely hanging on by my fingernails.
I have tried to make up the difference by cutting back. I've reduced my phone and internet services to the lowest levels available, and I try to keep my power usage to a minimum. Water is included in my rent but the area I live in is in drought conditions and water bills are going up. Property taxes are also going up in the region. My rent will probably go up at the end of my lease, whether I stay in this place or try to find a new one. Every apartment in this city is too expensive now, and my landlords have actually been comparatively reasonable in raising rent.
The cost of living has gone up too fast for me to keep up with, and I can't make my interest payments or reduce this debt on my own. Every small setback becomes a crisis, and I've made two posts here to cover things like vet bills and end of month bills. If I can reduce my interest payments immediately and reduce my debt over the next few months, I can get out of this spiral. If I can't, I'm going to keep tripping from one crisis to the next until I fall completely.
It's not all bad news. I have a couple of ongoing writing projects that might actually earn some money. My cats are healthy (thanks to everyone who donated to my previous fundraiser). And I have an apartment that is close enough to shopping and work that I don't need a car. I'd be doing alright if not for this debt. So: Everything donated to this fundraiser will go directly to paying down that debt, because it is the single biggest problem in my life and makes every other problem worse.
Thank you for reading this.
$100/$3100. Thank you!
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