#ramble about France
cadmusfly · 4 months
I’m losing it at the guy who posted on r/napoleon asking if it was worth it to make a side trip to Paris from a trip to Poland to see Napoleon’s tomb
mentioned that losing his virginity was on his bucket list
Receiving comments being baffled and a few comments going “lose your virginity on/at the tomb!”
And then clarifying that he meant his napoleonic virginity, never visited Austerlitz or Waterloo or held a genuine sword
why would you fucking phrase it that way
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novuit · 27 days
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I'm grieving so badly over the quotes I remember that I never got to write down, so I'm going to draw a bunch of doodles with the quotes I still remember before I thankfully forget it forever. And to the people doing gcses right now, let's celebrate the end of having to memorise quotes from british plays by getting sloshed over champers and then drink more seeing as we have more exams this week!!! :D
(Edexcel gave us easier questions than I thought, I don't know what I was so worried about, hahah...)
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ego-meliorem-esse · 8 months
TBH your Francis sounds like he sees Matthew more as a pet rather than a child
I think thats the root of the problem. Not really a pet but rather a status symbol. Look at him he has a child who is a personification who looks like a mini version of him that means he is truly influential and an empire bla bla.
I consider love Arthur has for alfred pretty linear. From year 0 when Al is born he is loved fully. He is loved fully by his father (even if showing it would be less likely than cutting his own limbs off with a shovel) during the civil war, he is loved fully during the great war and the war that followed. He is loved fully today.
Matthew and François have a different love. Or rather, François' love is very non linear. I imagine it has spikes, but also periods of drops. When Mathieu is born François is proud. He loves his son but pride is stronger. Is always is for François. He has his own very kitch life, he is not made to be a father. Especially not to an emotional and sensitive lil babe. Mathieu is forgotten often and when he does ask for his needs to be fulilled, when he asks for any kind of attention form his papa, it comes to him with conditions. Yes, you can have new books imported from Paris but I will choose what you read. Yes, you may spend time with me but its going to be at a ball with hundreds of other aristocrats. Pets? Alright, but only the small and weak dogs that show status. It died during the winter? Oh well, that happens.
After a while Mathieu doesnt ask for anything. He yearns and accepts whatever comes his way in regards of a show of affection from the one who made him. If he gets attention its because he did something right, if he is forgotten, its becouse he isnt adequate.
I like to compare Arthurs and François' love by comparing their homes. Arthurs country mansion where Alfred grew up has signs of Alfred everywhere, in every room. You can tell there is a child living in this house. Not only is there a child living in it, you can tell exactly what type of person that child is, what their interests and hobbies are. One look at the bookshelf and you see what fascinates the boy. When you look at the very desk in Arthurs study, its cluttered with neat and precise handwriting with scribbles and doodles right under. The garden with fantastic and grand flowers has small patches of trampled flora at every point. The room where the child resides is always open, always visible from the staircase.
Françpis' home in the heart of Paris is clean. It smells of parfume and repolished wood. His hallway is cluttered with French history. The partlor is tidy except from vibeantly dyed clothing hanging drom the chairs and sofas. There is a half empty bottle of expensive wine on the table next to neatly placed, yet scattered papers. The only noteworthy contents of those papers is the exquisite handwriting that lays upon it. The floor is clean. The sofa is clean. The space is tidy. You can tell a man lives there. A man. Nobody else. If you were to take a peak behind the closed doors of the other rooms you'd find a room with a grand bed with eternaly disheveled blankets and pillows along with pieces of clothing hanging from the edges. Its a used bed. This bed is used by a man. Another peak behind another door at the end of the hallway shows a guest bedroom. A guest bedroom for a child. Some ten books are stacked neatly on the small yet elaborately decorated table next to the bed. A bed with clean and unwrinkled bedding. The colors of the room match to a fault except for the small personal items of the guest child. One could assume the child had no idea what the room they are staying at would look like and whatever it did look like, theyd spend so little time there that in the end it doesnt matter how it looks. The closet is extensively decored with patterns of gold and light blue without a scratch on it. The floor is clean and tidy. It would seem the child forgot to bring any toys while residing here. One wouldnt be at fault for thinking this man has some distant relatives or personal friends with children, and would ocassionaly let them stay at his home.
It's a long conparison but its the best way i can explain myself while sporting a pulsating headache after a long day of classes
So yeah, while I dont think Mathieu is in a position of pet by his father, he is in a position of child who is the result of an one night stand and has to visit his father whenever the court decides and whenever his father decides its convenient.
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trashbag-usa · 1 month
i keep thinking abt how mark was like 27/28 when wkm came out. not in a "wow he made smth like that at such a young age??" way, though that is cool, but in a Lore Implications way.
dames, celine, william, the DA? they were all around the same age. their lives fell apart so quickly, and just fuckin. Disappeared off the face of the earth.
they probably had parents, relatives, friends who missed them and mourned and died a long time ago with no idea where they were or what happened. no closure.
jesus christ dude, damien was the MAYOR. and he just vanished without a trace? god knows what the masses thought about that-
we're all so focused on the tragedies happening within the manor walls, understandably. but no one ever thinks about those who lived with the butterfly effects of that night.
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cryingweasel · 1 year
I’ve seen a couple of posts about people being hesitant and not really wanting new players joining the qsmp soon + more languages being added, and I understand, but the posts mostly seem to be made by English speaking people and I don’t think they understand how big of a deal this is for some people. The internet is really focused on anglophone creators to the point that if you’re bicultural and living in the US, you will never get recommended a channel that doesn’t speak English, despite English speaking channels getting recommended everywhere else. The trending tab is only filled with English speaking creators. You have never had a problem finding content that’s in your language. That’s not something you have to do. The fact that there might be French creators added to the qsmp is so exciting for me because I will finally have a starting point to discover French creators, I will finally be able to watch content that is in my language. The qsmp is bringing non English speaking creators into the orbit of English viewers and that is so cool. People have started watching the Spanish streamer despite not understanding most of what is being said, they’ve started learning Spanish because they want to be able to interact with the Spanish community. If people are trying to learn French/Portuguese/German they’re going to have access to creators who speak that language!!! I have faith in Quackity that he won’t make the introduction of new players overwhelming, this is going to be so sick.
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quatregats · 2 months
Very funny how neither CS Forester nor Patrick O'Brian were buried in England. Guys really said yeah I'll write about it but I don't like it that much
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ionlytalktodogs · 2 years
POV I am your intrusive thoughts about mobility aids:
Most CVS-like convenience stores have canes for around $20 or sometimes $25. You can try out all the different options, maybe they even have folding ones or different patterns. I got my first cane from CVS for 25 bucks and it has flamingoes on it. And maybe you’ll try it and and decide it’s not right for you but it can’t hurt to try right? Maybe they’ll have one in your favorite color. Yeah maybe you don’t need it all the time but what about that time you took a really long walk and had to lie down for three days afterward? Maybe you wouldn’t have had to lie down if you had a cane. A cane for 25 bucks from CVS or a similar convenience store near you. Stop saying you aren’t disabled and you don’t want to be ‘offensive’ to disabled people. Buy the cane. Just do it.
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Does any one here remember the "avatar the last airbender/weirdly christian" ass fever dream that was "legend of enyo"?
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Please tell me i am not alone this stuff was so weird
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sleepinginmygrave · 1 month
just rewatched the whole season 3 of skam france today
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yellowloid · 1 month
one year ago today i was in paris @ accor arena and am were about to come on stage marking the very first time i saw them live 💔 i genuinely get so emotional every time i think back to that night and to my lil paris trip. i miss them so much
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sizzleissues · 2 months
Frankly im going to explode if i don’t tell someone about this fic but i need to at least wait another month just in case. But i can only pester my non-miraculer friends so much with details
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
It you liked my Napoleonic au, here is some Fernando from it :)
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Under the cut: process
him face:
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(I absolutely had to draw his Theee Musketeers look, that's honestly why I did a Ferrari alt)
I mentioned earlier how every time I opened the drawing, I'd just completely change it. Here's what I meant:
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The Renault suit really lends itself to the Hussar uniform! Also the Ferrari one is kinda stunted a bit comparatively bcs I accidently drew over the Renault one so I had to recover the backlog and was afraid to touch it any further LOL
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ego-meliorem-esse · 8 months
is Arthur capable of romantic love? How does that work with Francis who's unable of fidelity?
Hmmm good question tbh. And good comparison! I think bc they are that way, they just fit. Arthur is indeed capable of romantic love, but it's a love that comes with conditions. François is a perfect fit for that. They have an on and off thing going on and Arthur is comfortable with that. He is a person who doesn't really need romance in his life constantly, but sure, every once in a while you'll find the rat and frog combo in an intimate setting, sitting on the couch in Arthurs study sharing a moment. Happens every other leap year but still. Arthur doesn't expect fidelity or exclusivity from François and François doesn't expect romantic gestures or love confessions. It works out.
Arthur has had lovers throughout his millenias but the only kind of love that is constant for him is a sort of paternal love for his children. And even that is limited in it's expression. Zee gets material proof of Arthurs care and love and the ocasional "my dearest girl" and "my poppet". She is on the recieving end of Arthurs material generosity, getting dresses, supplies, trips as well as plane tickets payed for by her dad. Jack is rewarded with an understanding from Arthur that he doesn't have to live up to his dads high expectations (which is a strong form of love when it comes to Arthur) and doesn't have to bust his ass to be his son. He gets to study veterinary medicine and has the full support of his dad. Matt is tricky bc his love will always be on wobbly legs. He isn't Arthurs biological son, and even if Arthur insists it doesn't matter, it's a factor in their relationship. More recently (after the great war) Matt has gotten the status of Arthurs no. 1 confidante, and thats a strong and special love by itself.
Alfred is a different story altogether. Even if he won't admit it, Arthur would give his firstborn the sun, moon and stars from the sky. If Alfted does something well or even extraordinary it's always "Well it's Alfred." He is the first one to receive Arthurs (uncommon) compassion, care and understanding.
As for romantic love, he can live without it. His randevous with Portugal, France, Spain etc... are all that: randevous. François ia honestly the only constant romantic partner he can stand. Precisely because François gives him the space to not not call for months, not answer texts and not initiate a meeting between them. If Arthur is up for it, great, let's ruin the sheets. But if he's not, well François has other contacts in his phone.
In short, they fit. Not asking too much and not recieving too much. They know eachother well enough for it to work. They like it that way.
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jimjamkagaricci · 3 months
how many of the osemanverse characters do yall think were triggered like sleeper agents with the current twenty one pilots resurgence
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Okay how about a stranger things / queer eye crossover?
Obviously Eddie is their hero because he has been through literal hell and back and doesn’t exactly have his life together. He watched a friend be brutally murdered in front of him in his living room, he's been wrongfully accused of being a satanic serial killer, he nearly died in the process of protecting his friends, and his home got completely uninhabitable. He needs help. A lot of it. And the fab5 are SO ready to give it to him.
Bobby builds him and Wayne a supercool new trailer from scratch. He gets both of them their own bedroom that perfectly fits their vibes and makes the living room completely different from the one they used to have to wipe away the bad memories and make it into a safe space where they can hang out together and invite friends over. Wayne isn’t allowed to see how it progresses through the week, but no one can keep him away. He wants to help Bobby with the project and doesn’t take no for an answer. They end up becoming best buddies in the process. Bobby, also having ran away from home as a teenager, can relate to Eddie quite well, so he gets very emotional when he sees that Eddie has this relative who has always looked out for him and had his back.
Tan is very excited about expanding Eddie's wardrobe from washed-out band shirts to higher quality blacks. He genuinely loves Eddie's edgy style and loves giving him the means to elevate his wardrobe. Eddie is also down to try some new things so Tan gets him in heels and a badass black skirt with fishnets at some point, which he ROCKS. He also takes Eddie to a fashion designer so that they can design a new Hellfire shirt and Corroded Coffin merch together while doing some bonding.
Jonathan is HORRIFIED when he finds out that Eddie's only grooming product is a 13-in-1 shampoo/soap/face wash/shaving cream/toothpaste/body milk/motor oil kinda thing. That doesn’t stop him from swooning over Eddie's locks non-stop. He never even suggests cutting Eddie’s hair: he fixes up his bangs a little bit and gives him some good oils for curly hair that give him a major glow-up. (He also tries to talk him into a proper skincare routine but everybody knows it’s not gonna last more than approximately 1.4 days)
Antoni literally cries when he sees the Munsons’ sad tiny kitchen and has Bobby swear he’ll give them something better in their new home. Eddie has the weirdest eating habits, he loves completely gross combinations like honeycombs in orange juice or chocolate with cheese. Antoni is slightly concerned but mostly impressed by his boldness. Eddie isn’t a bad cook per se, but he’s very experimental and completely unhinged in the kitchen, so Antoni tries teaching him some guest-friendly meal that won’t make anybody’s tastebuds implode. Eddie isn’t that into it but he tries his best to impress Antoni because, let’s be honest, Antoni is hot and exactly Eddie’s type.
Karamo teaches Eddie that he needs to heal on the inside as well as the outside. He takes him outside of Hawkins, to a Lord of the Rings convention in the city, somewhere he can be himself completely and leave the ugly comments he still has to deal with everyday behind him. Eddie doesn’t exactly like to talk about everything that happened to him, but Karamo takes his time to break him down and build him back up again. He also invites Eddie’s band/D&D friends to join them for a while, in order to make Eddie talk to them about his traumas, and to show him that his friends will always support him. It’s tough for Eddie, but in the end, it really helps him trust his friends and himself again.
At the house reveal, Eddie sees Wayne cry for the first time in his life. His uncle just BREAKS when he sees Eddie’s awestruck face; he can’t stop sobbing and he needs Bobby to hold him. Eddie himself can’t stop grinning the whole time. Everybody he cares about is there and the trailer park almost seems like a beautiful place.
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rip to every fictional man ever, but nothing any fictional man has ever done will ever be hotter than Lord Mount Dunstan from the 1907 novel "The Shuttle," casually and civilly threatening to "break every bone and sinew" in the primary antagonist's body because he threatened to lay a hand on the girl that Dunstan loved. absolute king behavior.
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