#ramone x flo
pizgacz · 4 months
I found my old drawings of young Flo & Ramone
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Tbh I prefer their PL ver names-Lola & Roman js fits them so well
Also I lied I still don't know what am I supposed to do on this app,, why are comments on all posts I see blocked or summ 😭😭
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 7 months
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ALSO RAMONE WOULD BE AN AFROLATINO GUY (also debating on him being Haitian too hehe)
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@thisismisogynoir @punkeropercyjackson @c4ndytr4p @primaviva @weirdo09 @ptizzy @tatumis-a
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noy0urblinkerison · 2 years
Cars on Halloween
Jackson: "I'm going as jackson storm" hes the type I'm goimg as me hardly ever does halloween but when he does he goes as him self. Cruz has gotten him a couple times to do a couples costume with her.
danny, cam and bubba: ghost with sunglasses every year👻😎
Cruz: she goes hard out every year with the decorations and dressing up. she often goes as a pirate. One year her and jackson went as Tiffany and Chucky
lighting: zombie. just zombie every. nothing. nothing can stop him from going as one.
sally: she isn't that big on dressing up but will still dress up but as a simple costume. Sally is more in on planning the halloween party and giving out candy.
Flo and ramone: every year they do a couples costume and they always look the best ramone goes hard out on dressing up. one year they went as Elizabeth and Frankenstein.
luigi and guido: every year lighting gets them to go as luigi and mario.
mater: a Mad scientist
sarge: doesn't dress up. never has never will.
fillmore: wizard. sarge screaming " I THOUGHT WIZARDS ARE SMART"
Francesco: same as jackson. "I don't need to dress up I am FRANCESCO!" one year he did dress up him and lighting went as eachother.
Doc: . . . . . .dead body or ghost. . . .
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imaginewarehouse · 1 year
Human!Sheriff x Reader x Human!Doc Hudson || Drabble
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Plot: Flo's diner on Friday Night's is always a lot of fun- there's good food and drink (Which is not out of the ordinary, admittedly), good company (The whole town ends up there at some point in the night), and theirs dancing. You're determined to get the hot old men to dance with you.
Warnings: Age difference I guess but its not a focus point.
I have had this fic in my drafts, finished and all, for years. Since like, 2019-2020, but since I wrote it just for me (Also the reason for the fist person perspective), I had never bothered to edit it- well I finally did and I think its kinda cute ^^
“What are you two doing just sitting around and drinking over here for?” I ask Doc and the Sheriff, as I sweep off the dancefloor in exhaustion and rest in the chair beside Doc (The material of his blazer grazes my bare arm and I get a little jolt from the innocent touch). Mater’s a sweetie pie, and a great dancer but… boy, does he have more endurance than I do. After I take a second to gather my exhaustion and banish it, I turn to the two men and flash them a smile. “It’s fun out there!”
“Hmm, your exhaustion and the sweat completely bucketing off of you is especially encouraging.” Doc rolls his eyes, and turns to look back at the dancers. Ramone and Flo are dancing smoothly in the middle, like they’re practised, like they do it at home because they just love each other like that- unsurprisingly. Then Sally and Lightning are there, too, Mater’s found a new partner in Guido while Luigi laughs at his friend’s expense off to the side, and Lizzie's talking on happily to Red off to the side. A soft smile rests on my lips, until I turn away from the scene and back to the two men I’m sitting with. Sheriff’s already looking at me, which makes me smile wider.
“Being tired and sweaty is a good sign!” I exclaim, winking. “Sheriff, what about you? Fancy a round with me?” How many innuendos can I make with these men and get away with it? How many until they get it and take me? I’m not saying take advantage… because neither of them would do that- but at least recognise what I’m trying to get at here and ask me about it!!
He chuckles, moving in his bar stool chair to be more comfortable. “That’s a lovely offer, darlin’, but I’m afraid I’d probably just slow you down. I’m not as young as I used to be!”
At this, an opportunistic light switches on behind Doc’s calculating eyes, swivelling on his stool ever so slightly in order to turn that piercing stare on the sheriff. “Yes, he’s missed his last 3 check-ups, Y/N. Anything could be wrong with him.” Sheriff bristles and his expression dissolves into guilt, as he refuses to look at Doc who’s smirking. “Damn hot rods not allowing you a single day off to visit the office, right Sheriff?”
“Uhuh, ri-right.” Sheriff quickly clears his throat, straightening in his chair now to look around at anything other than Doc. As he does that, Dr Hudson glances to me with a quiet, conspiratorial look before taking another drink from his mug, making me giggle quietly.
In a moment, I raise my eyebrows at him. “Why don’t you take a dance with me, then? You must be at the height of health, ey Doc?”
A grunt is his response, as the amusement leaves his blue eyes and he looks away again.
“Come on, one of you? Both of you? I’m not picky- I’m desperate! Mater’s got a new partner and… “I risk a glance at the tow-truck owner and can’t stop a laugh from bubbling up to the surface. “Guido’s a hard act to beat! He’ll never want me back. I’m dying to get back on the floor, though!”
“Guido’s seemed to have transformed miraculously into a sack of potatoes.” Doc states in that slow, gravelly drawl, assessing the dancing couples as well. And it’s true, making me really chuckle this time at his analogy. Mater is just swinging the little Italian around at this point, with absolutely zero help from Guido himself. Guido’s toupee keeps bopping around and slipping out of place.
I stop my chuckling by biting my bottom lip, and scraping it through my teeth as I turn back to them. Sheriff’s stopped avoiding Docs gaze now and is looking at me with him like they’ve won- like together they can ward me off- Oh, ho, ho, though. These two think they’re so clever and victorious. But they haven’t gotten out of this. No, no. I’m determined; I’ll get one of them to dance with me tonight, even if it takes begging!
“You’re right.” I admit, then lean closer into the table pleadingly. “But I don’t want to dance with Mater, I want you two! Come onnnn,” I whine, looking as pleadingly as possible to them.
Doc sets me with a firm, straight lipped look. “And you’ll continue to want me.”
Well, that’s that then.
I turn from him, to Sheriff. When Doc’s mind is set, he usually will never change it. Sheriff, though… he’s a bit more lenient. A softie. A sweetheart. That’s one of the things I really love about him, in contrast to what I really love about Doc; his cleverness, his sternness. Unbelievably sexy qualities.
And I’m right, too. The Sheriff’s looking at me a with worried frown under that moustache and thoughtful deep, dark blue eyes. Oh lord, these men and their blue eyes. They had me my first day here in Radiator Springs.  
I offer my hand across the table to him, and up the ante with my cute pleading look, which I hadn’t even known was possible. I do so by adding a little pout, and it does the trick. Sheriff heaves a great sigh and drops his large hand into mine, getting out of his chair. He rolls his eyes. “Hot damn… “He mutters something about the lord saving him, as I get up from my seat with the biggest beam on my face and springing into place next to him like a slightly overexcited puppy, before returning his gaze to me. “Remember what I said, I’m not as springy as I once was. And, I was never a very good dancer in the first place, so- “
“Let’s go!” Now that I’ve got him up, I’m not about stand here and listen to him talk himself out of this again, so I take us off to a spot on the floor. When I turn back to him and let go of his hand, I flash him a bright grin and think out loud in anticipation as the song ends and we wait for the next one to play. “Besides, the point of this is not to look good, it’s to have fun! Wanna have fun with me, Sheriff?” Okay, so I might have gone a little far with that last comment as the poor, sweet man goes a little pink, but I pretend not to notice that and just listen out for the first few beats of the next song. Before I can make the first move and pick up his hands again, as the song’s a bit boppy and perfect for twirling, he takes up mine first and then, before I know it he’s dancing with me. It’s so much fun!, he’s not half bad at dancing like he let on- there’s a little bit of funk and we slip out of time every now and then but that just makes us laugh. And he twirls me!! He twirls me!!! I’m also starting to think he was just being modest, with all that ‘I’m not as springy as I once was’, crap. Sheriff’s in shape! We’ve been dancing for the past 8 songs and he has not once needed a break or looked like he would be needing one any time soon.
It’s so much fun that I nearly forget to want a drink, or a break myself. The music is so hillbilly it’s fun, the laughter is elating, and the company is addictive. Every time a song ends, he’ll dip me and I’m not afraid that he’ll drop me; he’s strong, and his grip on me is firm. I laugh quite a bit when he does that, and when I get to twirl, and at some point he throws his hat off to Doc, and I’m surprised there’s still a Ford-Pines-Tom-Sellick-level head of hair there. Man, does this place know how to grow ‘em…
We go on like this for a few more songs, until he reminds me to get a drink and a rest for a moment and see how Doc is doing. “Hey Doc, I don’t think you should be worried about Sheriffs health, he’s fitter than me!” I exclaim elatedly as I collapse back into my seat beside him, exasperated but not really. Tired, yes, but annoyed, not at all.
“Still don’t wanna get a dance in before the night’s over Doc? It really is fun!” Sheriff pours us both some water from the jug Doc ordered for us, laughing a bit because of the left-over endorphins, and I nod along intently.
“Yes, the offer’s still on the table until the last song ends. So, keep that in mind.”
I giggle, widening my eyes exasperatedly at Sheriff over my cup as I take a sip, before Doc starts up a conversation about Chick’s latest Lightning slander in the news.  
6 songs later, and the night’s about to end, sadly. I watch, quietly and honestly tired, as Ramone goes up to Red and requests a certain song, quietly. I guess it’s something special between him and Flow, but as the slow song starts to play, Sally and Lightning dance too- and I’m actually perfectly content and happy in just sitting by and watching, when a shift beside me catches my attention and I look to see Doc getting off his stool and stretching his back. “Ah… this is much more my speed. Y/N?” He raises his hand in front of my face without looking back from the dance floor, and I raise an eyebrow.
“You said the offer to dance was on the table until the last song. I believe this- is the last song.” A slow grin spreads across my face, and I cautiously, tiredly hop off my own stool, taking his hand in the process.
“Sure is!”
“Now, Doc, I’d’a thought you’d be up for something faster!” The Sheriff teases after us, with laughing eyes as he sits comfortably still in his seat.
A tiny smile graces Doc’s face, making me feel squirmy like it always does. “Yes, but my physical ability extends only to the minimum of what a driver’s required to be. Dear, now shall we?”
“Mhm, yeah, we shall!” I agree, grinning cheekily at him and waiving quickly to the Sheriff as Doc walks me onto the floor and swings me around to face him. The song, slow and easy, plays on around us as he fixes his hands carefully on the okay zone around my waist and mine find his shoulders. As we sway around the floor, I wonder; Will I ever get to do this with them as my men? Go out dancing as a date?.. Will these two ever realise how much I really like them?
When Doc grins again I wonder, if he actually already does know.
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im-not-batman · 8 months
ummmmm, Ronance cars AU??? (I am so intrigued)
This one is so silly i love it! It's exactly what it says on the tin. I havent got anything coherent written for it but i have bullet points and lots of notes. So here you go! I apologise in advance, i write these usually when im high or jacked up on inspiration so theyre always a bit chaotic lmao
Crack treated dead seriously - based on art by @logicallyserial (i think their art is steddie though, and i coopted it for ronance purposes)
~Robin is a famous F1/Nascar/Stock racer who is driving cross country because she wanted to drive her super fancy car instead of getting a plane. She is speeding and then her tyre pops on a stone or something and she loses control of the car crashing into smthn and is stranded in Radiator Springs (Hawkins).
~Steve is Mater and fixes the car up
~Dustin has to be there like, legally , but idfk who he'd beeeee
~Joyce is Doc because bad bitch etc etc
~Hop is the Sheriff (sidenote are there Doc Hudson x Sherriff shippers out there??)
~Nancy is Sally obv - she runs the motel in town with her family but Nancy is the one usually working. Things play out like in the animated masterpiece Cars (2003), Nancy convinces Joyce that Robin should pay to fix the road or at least do some community service. She ends up thirsting over sweaty road worker robin because lbr who wouldnt.
~ stobin bonding moments! (Is cow tipping a thing people actually do?? Ask Crispy) steve teaches robin to drive backwards like in the animated masterpiece Cars (2003)
~Robin's big race is against Henry/vecna/one – who is all gross and sexist about her being the first woman since the sport became co-ed – and Eddie who is an ex champion, is super lobely but wants to retire because he's racking up injuries.
~Will is Ramon
~I guess that makes Mike Flo even though I will NOt write Byler
~Argyle is obviously the stoner Camper so Jon is the Army guy?
~ Lucas is Luigi!!! Max is the forklift guy I canny remember his name!!!! Gordo??
~ In the end everyone comes to Robin's big race à la the animated masterpiece Cars (2003) and Robin makes her base camp Hawkins for the rest of her career, she and Nancy fall in LOOoooOove etc etc
(mayhaps some circumstantial steddie towards the end. Robin tells Eddie that Hawkins is a pretty cute town to retire in if you ignore most of it lol. Eddie is intrigued and visits, meets hot mechanic steve)
Send me an ask with which of my WIPs from This Post you wanna hear about!
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x0stormie0x · 1 year
Hello @xceooflightningstormx!
I too ship Lightningstorm in its own way here's a question to chew on.
Are there other ships on par with Lightningstorm that you are invested in? Especially the WGP racers including the regional replacements for Jeff and/or the Next Gen racers?
Hello!! Thank you so much for the ask!
I don't think anything really compares with how much I ship LightningStorm. However, here are some of my other ships from the fandom that I highly appreciate and love seeing content of!
- Cruz x Natalie
- Flo x Ramone
- Jeff x Lewis
- Doc x Sheriff
- Luigi x Guido
- Ray x Gale (specifically for my AU)
- Sometimes Sally x Lightning (outside of the movie, the content people make is pretty sweet)
And occasionally Francesco x Lightning. (LightningStorm kinda replaced it for me)
And that's all I can pretty much think of for now!
I don't ship a lot in the fandom, thought I love seeing all of the WGP ships and other outside ships. (Even SalQueen, @/tailfinpass's artwork makes me cry with joy)
But yeah! Those are just a good majority of the ships I have in the fandom. Most of em are pretty well known!
^^ thanks for the ask once again!
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rawiswhore · 7 months
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Sunset Strip"
In 1996, you quit your job as a stripper to join the World Wrestling Federation.
Wrestlers have visited strip clubs during their free time, but unfortunately, wrestlers in the WWF, WCW and ECW never really visited the strip club you worked at.
So, backstage during the summer of 1996, you invited the sexiest wrestlers in the WWF to the locker room.
Those sexy wrestlers you invited that year were Shawn Michaels, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Leif Cassidy before he grew facial hair, Brian Pillman (yes, Brian Pillman!), Bret Hart, and Davey Boy Smith.
There are other sexy wrestlers you could've invited, like Marty Jannetty, Billy Gunn and even Thurman Plugg.
Wrestlers you wish could've been in this locker room with you were Razor Ramon and Jeff Hardy, but Razor left the WWF in May to join WCW and Jeff wasn't really much in the WWF during the summer that year.
Shawn, Hunter, Leif, Brian and Bret all had their long hair hanging down when you invited them to the locker room.
When you were in the locker room with these men, you and these men weren't being filmed nor were you about to be filmed for a WWF episode or pay-per-view, this was backstage on your free time as well a s these wrestlers' free time.
You stood on top of the bench in the locker room, where those aforementioned male wrestlers stood in front of that bench.
A radio was plugged into a socket in the locker room, where that radio was playing a CD of some of the music you used to strip to.
You were dressed in a short sleeveless nighty/negligee with matching panties underneath.
As you stood on top of that bench, with a smile on your face you began to sway your body around while your hands grabbed the bottom of your nighty and pulled it up, showing off your thong underneath.
These wrestlers standing in front of you---in particular Shawn, Brian and Leif---were all smiling happily and eagerly as they watched you.
Shawn, Brian and Leif cheered for you with smiles on their faces when you pulled your nighty up to show your panties.
Some of these wrestlers like Shawn  Michaels and Brian Pillman whistled at you like how men whistle at attractive women.
There are many other outfits you could've worn when you're about to strip for these wrestlers, like some of your stripper outfits or even just a towel wrapped around your body.
When you worked as a stripper, sometimes you just wore a towel wrapped around your body.
You turned your body until the side of your body was in front of these men, where your hand grabbed a strap of your nighty and slid it down your arm.
Brian, Shawn and Leif were chanting "Take it off!" over and over again at you.
Some of these wrestlers didn't have to stay in the characters they played in on television---hell, many wrestlers hated the gimmicks they played during the New Generation era and weren't playing themselves---so Hunter could've chanted "Take it off!" at you too.
Your turned your body around until your torso was in front of these men, where your other hand grabbed your opposite strap and pulled it off of your shoulder and down your arm.
You raised your hands and forearms out of your straps until your negligee dropped off of your torso to reveal your naked body.
The only thing under your nighty was a thong.
You then rotated your body until you stood on your side, sticking your hip out at these men.
With smiles on their faces, some of these wrestlers pulled their wallets out of their pockets and pulled out some money, where they stuffed some dollar bills in between your thong straps.
Brian reached his hand out and, with a smile on his face, his hand smacked your ass cheek a few times.
You didn't mind his hand smacking your ass, after all, you are about to give a striptease.
You also rotated your body until you stuck the opposite side of your hip out, where some wrestlers sandwiched their money into your thong strap.
There are many things you could do to pretend to be a stripper, like do the splits on the floor and roll over.
But it's hard to type down dancing.
Many of these male wrestlers want a lapdance from you since you're playing a stripper.
And lapdances they did eventually get.
There are so many male wrestlers you wish could see you in this locker room pretending to be a stripper, but those wrestlers are off in WCW and ECW and they can't come to the WWF yet.
Throughout your performance, many of these male wrestlers were getting erections under their pants and they were tempted into masturbating to you.
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chickthiccs · 1 year
Smash or pass
Ramone and Flo obv
Finn Mcmissile
Louise Nash
Ramone smash I like impalas and guys with accents
Flo pass, she looks too much like a shark
Sheriff pass he's not my type, like him as a character but don't wanna smash
Finn McMissile smash x 1000
Cruz smash she's cute and bubbly
Jackson smash cos he's hot
Louise and Smokey both pass they're a bit old for me
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queen-ch3rry · 2 years
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Hey, Ramone's is where it's at, my friend!
Finally got around to drawing this art exhibition on wheels and I'm so, so pleased with how he turned out!
Normally I don't do black and whites of my art because it just doesn't look that good but this time I decided to go in for the gusto... color was actually an afterthought I added as a bonus
Paintjob inspired by "Radiator Springs 500½" short, yet with turquoise blue as a homage to a beautiful gem of the Southwest
Find my art at Instagram: V16ClassyCaddy.art (active!) My Discord Server: Motorama City (active!) DeviantART: V16ClassyCaddy (semi-active)
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minniethemoocherda · 7 years
One of the things I love about the Cars fandom is that there is no shipping wars. Most people ship all the canon ships like Sally/Lightning or Flo/Ramon etc and ships that people have don't split any of these canon pairings up like Cruz/Natalie or Sarge/Fillmore etc. Some people ship Lighting/Francesco or Holley/Finn etc but I've never heard anyone disrespect anyone's ship or get into any arguments. Everyone is really respectful and nice. It's one of the reasons I love being in this fandom. ❤️
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noy0urblinkerison · 2 years
Going shoping
sally: ok mater you go get the milk, cruz and jackson you 2 get the flour, stickers get the meat, flo you can get the snacks, ramone get the soap, and I'll get the breakfast stuff. OK LETS GO!
5 Minutes later
lighting: what was I getting again?....
with flo
flo: nuts or chips... or chocolate almonds!
with ramone
*gets all the bottles of conditioner and shampoo in the shopping cart
with cruz and jackson
cruz: what are we doing here again?
jackson: babe for the 5 millionth time getting the flour
cruz: are you mad at me?
jackson: what?! no, of course not baby
cruz: good... then can we cupcakes!
jackson: what- no,... fine
with mater
mater: ok heres the milk
back with sally
sally: hmm should i check up on them?, nah
15 minutes later
sally: did you get the meat?
lighting: oh so thats what I was meant to be getting... i got a micowave pizza
jackson: wait we were meant to get flour
flo: you will never believe they had chocolate almonds
sally: did anyone get what they were meant to be getting?!
mater: if it makes you feel better I got a turtle
*ramone walking out with a mountin of conitioner and shampoo.
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 2 years
Hear me out
cars royalty au
Ok so uh—
Idk where to start, but there was a post that discussed a cars royalty au (I'll try to find it again)
Edit: FOUND THEM (X) and (X)
But basically—
Doc is the king
Sally is the princess/next in line
Sheriff is the royal adviser
Sarge is the head of the military
Flo is head chef
Ramone is the royal talor
Luigi and Guido are castle stewards
Red is the fire chief
Fillmore is the royal mage (yes, there's magic in this au. Also he and Sarge are in a 'totally secret relationship', but everyone knows about it anyway)
Lizzie is also a royal (maybe the queen before Doc?)
Mater is Sally's butler
And McQueen could be a runaway prince?
I'm not sure yet, but he somehow finds a home here and gets engaged to Sally
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Ships/Pairings Part 1
Hey guys I wanted to make a post showing which Cars and Planes pairings I like. Some are cannon and some aren’t. This will be 2 parts.
This is my opinion it is okay if you like or don’t like any of these pairings. These are in particular order.
MqQueen X Sally (OTP)
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Mater x Holly(OTP)
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Holly x Finn
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Flo x Ramone(OTP)
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Jackson Storm x Cruz
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Do you have any favorite/least favorite ships for the characters?
I have to say that Ramone x Flo is one of my favorites
I don’t really have a least favorite, I don’t think.
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Cars Shipping Appreciation Week is 30th July- 5th August
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stormy-boy · 7 years
What are the theme songs of Ray, Mater, Flo, Ramone, Storm, Tim, Cal, Bobby, Lightning, Sally, Chase, Danny, Cruz, The King, and Doc?
Oooh, boy. I don’t have the best knowledge of classic/country music, so I had to go digging around a bit. I tried my best XD
Ray: Hard to tell, since we don’t know too much about him. Based on the Storm Chasing book, I’d say anything that’s “training montage-like” in nature. Like “Eye of the Tiger” or something. Since he’s kind of Storm’s trainer.
Mater: He kind of already has one in Cars 2. Other than that, maybe ELO’s “Mr. Blue Sky.” Since it’s such a fun, carefree song.
Flo: Anything Etta James, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, etc. I like to think Flo’s a classy lady :P
Ramone: “Canción del Mariachi” by Antonio Banderas. Fun fact: Cheech Marin was in Desperado, the movie that features this song. Also Spanish hip-hop.
Storm: AH STORMY BOY. Basically anything dubstep/electro. Also hip-hop/rap. Some ideas I had: “Me, myself, and I” by G-Eazy x Bebe Rexha (will be making a music video for this), “Believer” by Imagine Dragons, “Nobody Speak” feat. Run The Jewels-DJ Shadow (The Mountain Will Fall), courtesy of @whipplefilter’s video. The ‘MLG song’, “Dr - I Keep Holding On (My Hope Will Never Die)”. The song Storm plays in the movie… Just for fun: Scorpions’ “Rock You Like a Hurricane.”
Tim: Again, we don’t know much about him. Probably songs in the iTunes top 100. AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” to counter Storm (they were rivals in the Origins book).  
Cal: Maybe some David Bowie. Like “Heroes” or “Starman” or something. Although I think I saw some people headcanon that he listens to heavy metal. XD
Bobby: “The Boys Are Back In Town” by Thin Lizzy
Lightning: “Real Gone” by Sheryl Crow. What else? XD Anything country/classic rock really. Just for fun: AC/DC’s “Highway to (hillbilly)hell” and “Back in [Blue].” Mötley Crüe’s “Kickstart my Heart” (this could apply to any of the racers, really).
Sally: “I Love L.A.” because Randy Newman. Just for fun: Eagles’ “Hotel California.” I feel like she’d listen to indie/pop/folk, though. Maybe some Taylor Swift or Lana Del Rey.
Chase: I honestly don’t know, sorry. Anything country, ‘cause he’s from the South, but with a mixture of pop/rap/hip-hop ‘cause he’s Next-Gen.
Danny: “Malagueña Salerosa” by Chingon (maybe as a Danny/Cruz thing, ha ha). Mostly because I like Kill Bill. But Danny seems like the kind of guy who’d listen to hip-hop/rap.
Cruz: Upbeat workout songs. Maybe some Shakira or Beyoncé, lol. The Zumba song in the movie.
The King: “King of the Road” by Roger Miller… because “king.” Maybe “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Anything Johnny Cash.
Doc: That soundtrack that plays when he drifts in the first movie. Besides that, Cat Stevens’ “Father and Son” (in relation to Lightning). “Blaze of Glory” because I like Bon Jovi.
Phew! Wow, sorry, I kind of let this answer get away from me. This was hard. Had trouble with some of these. If anyone has any better ideas for this, feel free to add.
(This is basically just a classics playlist, isn’t it? Classic rock is great y’all.)
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