#ranboo’s dress is really nice :)
samberrybay · 2 years
Ranboo in da dresses!
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remitro · 2 months
feeling shrimp emotions about cbee again. sorry it will happen again
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angelxxreaper · 10 months
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imaginemcyt · 1 year
growing up with sbi would include...
synopsis: what it's like to grow up part of the minecraft family in a semi-canon sbi au.
tw: mentions of fighting, some hurt/comfort. i think that's it!
listen to: runaway by aurora, seven by taylor swift, soldier poet king by the oh hellos, poet by bastille
inside jokes with tommy. obscure references that nobody else understands, it's like a secret language. someone will say something and you two will look at each other before bursting into laughter.
"hey mates, i'm thinking pasta for dinner. how does that sound? ...what? what's so funny?" *you and tommy crying of laughter in the background*
you're probably closest with technoblade. it's no secret that wilbur and tommy spend a ton of time together, especially after the creation of l'manberg, so you tend to gravitate towards techno.
techno lowkey really enjoys your presence, you're "marginally less annoying" than your other siblings.
in reality, it's a huge ego boost for him.
you're still super close with tommy, though. you're probably closer to him in age, so you guys hang out together.
you guys have a chore schedule because there was too much fighting over it before.
occasionally you trade chores with tommy, which gets on phil's nerves sometimes but whatever, as long as the chores get done.
wilbur plays you his newest songs to get your opinion on them.
once when you were a kid, wilbur accidentally got gum in your long hair and it had to be cut short. your hair went from knee-length braid to chin length bob thanks to wilbur's gum and phil's handiwork with a pair of kitchen shears.
not quite sbi but some would argue he is (we'll call him sbi-adjacent), you're extremely close with tubbo.
you probably had a crush on him when you were growing up 😭😭
you couldn't help your ten year old self!! he was sweet and he was your age and he was your closest friend! how could you not develop a crush on the bee boy????
maybe it didn't go away and maybe you married him?? and then ranboo gets introduced to the mix and suddenly you're all happily married?? omfg im squealing sorry
you guys are literally the song its nice to have a friend by taylor swift
anyway back to your regularly scheduled sbi content
you're the gardener in your family. techno has his potatoes, yeah, but you have your beautiful garden of sugar cane, wheat, and carrots. you have mushrooms galore and your flower patches? unmatched.
when you were young, you loved hand picking the mushrooms out of your garden for dadza to put in the mushroom stew.
techno used to braid your hair for you when you were young. every day your hair was neatly braided and out of your face.
but lord knows between your habit of tree climbing and your adventures in the creek with tommy and tubbo, the braid would be proper messy at the end of the day.
you'd take a bath and then when you were clean and dressed, techno would braid it for you again before bed.
you'd sit in front of the fire, and he'd braid your hair in silence, but if you asked him to tell you a story, he'd hide a smile and then dive into a tale from greek mythology.
you'd fall asleep there, curled up in front of the fire, and techno would gently pick you up and carry you to your bed, the voices screaming at him to protect you the entire time.
if you get hurt on your little adventures, phil will carefully bandage you up before wrapping you in his wings for a warm embrace.
when you're sad, you usually seek out wilbur. he's the best one to go to out of your brothers. he will give you a hug and listen to you vent, or he'll play you songs on his guitar if you don't want to talk about it.
tommy doesn't know how to handle it if you're upset. if you want a distraction, he's your man. he'll take you to the creek or to visit tubbo, asking what kind of mischief you'd like to get up to, or he's plugging in his video game console, handing you a controller. if you're seeking comfort, look somewhere else because good lord LMAOOO, if you're crying he's probably like "hey what are you doing? stop that" *disgusted face*
techno isn't good at comfort, and he'll most likely ignore you, but he'll let you wear his cloak or rest your head on his shoulder. if you're crying, he might wrap an arm around you and read to you to help you feel better.
if phil sees you upset, he'll wrap his wings around you and let you cry it out before asking you what's wrong. and when phil asks, it's less of a "tell me if you'd like" and more of a "you will tell me what's upsetting you and we will talk it out". he wants to help you feel better and he can't determine the best course of action if you're being secretive about your feelings. he may pry, but he really means well.
techno teaches you how to defend yourself once after a spider catches you off guard in your garden. luckily he was there to protect you, but after that he decided it was time you learn to do that for yourself.
one time you got in trouble at school for fighting a girl and when you got home, phil surprisingly wasn't mad at you. he sat you down at the kitchen table and was like "fighting? really mate? that isn't like you."
you explained to him that the girl was being mean to tubbo and he wouldn't defend himself so you did it.
you didn't get in trouble, instead he gave you a lengthy discussion on how violence isn't the answer, but ended it by saying how he was proud of you for standing up for your friend.
techno was secretly proud that you used some of the moves he taught you.
this got super long my bad 😭 but i could legit go on and on about sbi family dynamic all day long. please let me know if you'd like a part two because i'd be so happy to make one!!
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wilbursprincess · 4 months
hiii i was the one who requested the proposal :D it turned out really good! can i be 🙈 anon?
since we’re on the topic of proposals could you write about what the wedding would be like? or maybe even the honeymoon?
You and Wilbur’s Marriage
Wilbur Soot x Female Reader
Warnings: A few lines about the *ahem* wedding night towards the end ;)
Hi 🙈 anon… (and ✨ anon, since you requested this too!) Sorry this one has taken me awhile! Life has been. Lifing. But on the bright side, this is such a cute ask :)
Headcannons below cut!
~You two have a beautiful wedding, in a field full of flowers in the British countryside with all your friends and family <3
~Phil, Tommy, Ranboo, and Charlie are his groomsmen, decked out in ridiculous ties and even more ridiculous socks.
~Grace, Molly, Kristen, and Niki are your bridesmaids! You dress everyone in long silk gowns, accentuating the decor and the scenery!
~The ceremony is gorgeous, with vows you wrote yourself and rings that sparkle in the sunlight.
~”You may now kiss the bride!” Nonono, Wilbur takes it as ‘you may now literally sweep the bride off her feet as you kiss her’
~Having your first dance to the Arctic Monkeys <3
~When you finally get back to the hotel after the reception, Wilbur decides to be chivalrous and help you undo your hair and take off your dress.
~Half an hour and several snapped bobby pins later, you’re giggling and a little tipsy from the champagne, unable to stop kissing each other.
~It takes a solid hour before he can get you out of the dress, and at that point, you know you’re in for a lovely night.
~Neither of you sleep a wink.
~Once you finally get back to your house as a married couple, Wilbur really steps up.
~Really pitches in around the house, making sure you weren’t overwhelmed with the chores even when he was at band practice all day.
~Starts so many cute traditions!
~Fresh flowers in the house for you every week <3
~Comes home after practice with a bag of your favorite takeout, and you run to kiss him hello.
~Sharing the shower in the morning if you’re running late… which ends up making you both more late.
~He steals all your fluffy socks since he thinks they’re nicer than his, plus you roll them up nicely and he thinks that’s adorable.
~You never sleep in pajamas again. Always in his tshirts.
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shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if...they were teachers part 2
ANON I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED UR REQUEST IM SO SORRY IM GONNA CRY BUT here it is :D with techno too :) please people send in some requests for meee check out part 1 here!
techno: english (with 1 mythology class for seniors): - hates his english classes wishes he could just teach mythology - would make all the students do a little project on a greek mythology story - rivalry with mr soot  - “ill give u each 10 dollars if u go to mr soots class tmrw talkin about how im a better teacher” - supports each and every kid no matter WHAT even if its not english related - holds detention in his room cause no one wants to fuck with him - like dream he doesnt anyone to get fucked over his english class so he hosts after school office hours like its college - has read all the classic novels and makes his classes read them. he wont move to something else unless some kid IS REALLY passionate about it - “ranboo we will not be reading the diary of a wimpy kid series even if you resonate with greg heffley on an emotional level” - BUT for his english classes he makes them do a general book report project so he can see and appreciate his student’s taste in books  - albeit not the biggest fan of romance novels but knows it ends with us for some reason - brings all the projects home and keeps them in a big storage bin. he loves showing them off to future classes and even you - light. acadmeia. dresses formal, long sleeves, hair tamed, glasses on the bridge of his nose - “tommy please stop swearing. tubbo calm down?” - hold detention with him cause no one fucks with mr blade
phil: principal - best principal ever - has a great relationship with all the staff tbh  - wilbur and techno and tommy arent his sons wdym - no ones rlly scared of getting sent to the principals cause like yk theyre like “oh phil??? hes nice”  - everyone calls him phil - ok i lied everyone BUT tommy isnt scared of going to phils - “I DONT WANT TO GO TO PHILS” “tommy calm down-” - hates the school board, lets the teachers teach what they believe is best for the students - can deal with the consequences - once wilbur got him to play a role in on of the school’s productions - big year for the dsmp high thespians tbh - is married to the guidance counselor kristin - who by the way is a GOOD COUNSELOR - actually does guidance - phils whole office is green - always wears his bucket hat tbh - besties with the other school’s principals
foolish: architecture/woodworking - i think this one was another “duhhh” one - builder man teaches builder children - starts the year with teaching them the basics of everything and then sort of lets them go wild  - is so scared some kid is gonna get hurt - has goggles in every corner of his room, gloves, whatever safety stuff  - loves it when kids work together to make some big project - IN YOUR GUYS’ HOME YOU HAVE A SHELF full of little sharks all the kids made for him its so cute - he makes stuff for you in class and uses it as an excuse to teach  - wears muscle t-s or normal t-shirts never dresses formal  - “it would get in the way of the wood?? duh” - id want to be in his class - is besties with mr jacobs and mr punz the random coach who shows up just to coach basketball in the winter - another teacher everyone simps over - once refused to teach tommy cause he didnt want to “catch a case”
i kinda want to write for the bench trio so here’s STUDENT EDITION
tommy: junior in high school, ta to mr wastakens math class  - tommy signed up to TA for wilbur but then wilbur said “absolutely not” so he got put into dream’s introduction to stats class  - but he also has dream for the period after that for his ap stats class - so hes stuck there for like 2 and a half hours  - dream groaned when he saw who his TA was - makes tommy grade papers and stuff but never tests  - he doesnt trust him with that - tommy is a good kid and usually doesnt disrupt class but when he does its hilarious - expect mr blade doesnt give a second shit about tommy in his class  - tommy is rlly good at drama and math (even though hed never admit hes good at math)  - his locker is a mess  - besties with tubs and ranboo ofc - phil is his father dont tell anyone - he is so adamant on walking home bc he doesnt want people to know that his family works there - always has his red jacket on  - never gets school lunches says they are cursed
tubbo: junior in high school, ta for mr quackity’s spanish class - tubbo likes quackity so he signed up to ta for his class - he isnt good at spanish tho- - quackity knows that but likes tubbo so he lets him be  - sapnap ADORES tubbo for some reason - “TOBY!!! WHATS UP!” “hi mr sapnap” - sapnap thinks tubbo is such a good kid - but  - mr notfound knows tubbo is a menace - “good morning toby” “good morning mr notfound *innocent*” “sit down and get started please” - SO FUNNY LMAO  - tubbo is a menace - pulls a bunch of pranks on the teachers but then the blame always ends on tommy somehow “wHAT- TUBBO DID IT” “no he didnt” - besties with tommy and ranboo ofc - tubbo is rlly good at science but isnt so hot at english - but mr blade is rlly nice and takes him time to help tubbo  - tubbo appreciates it so he gets mr blade a gift at christmas - mr blade teared up - runs thru the hall dragging tom and ranboo behind him no regrets - “STOP RUNNING THROUGH THE HALLS” “no” ranboo: junior in high school, ta for mr blades mythology class - lOVES ta-ing for mr blades class - mr blade kinda lets him chill in the back, stapling papers - no interaction whatsoever - he also now cant wait to take that class next year - mr blade refers to him as my protege a lot  - i hope i used that word right - besties with tommy and tubbo - all the teachers are nice to ranboo and kinda sorry that hes friends with tommy and tubbo LMFAO  - “hi ranboo u doing ok” “yes thank u mr jacobs” “RANBOO! LETS GO! PUDDING DAY IN THE CAFETERIA” “thats my cue mr jacobs” - ranboo usually doesnt get into trouble when he does oh boy its good - not pranks on teachers but school wide pranks - is shy but when someone picks on tommy and tubbo he GOES OFF - attacks them through words - when he gets comfortable in a class he lets out these small comments that get the whole room laughing - so not the class clown but people know hes funny and people respects him 
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pixiecaps · 2 years
clears throat. ranboo looks very nice and well dressed i really like the fishnet detail and i think they should wear them more often. and they look very festive and im so glad they decided to wear that
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2-sleepy-for-this · 2 years
That Squeezing Feeling
And just like that, it’s finally done! This was for the 2022 MCYT G/T Secret Santa ‘winter wonderland’ and my assignment was 🥁🥁
@deathemo !! :)
I hope you like it! The prompt was: g!naga tommy and surprise tinies are out in the snow, tommy has to carry them and gets some intrustive thoughts, especially about how fragile the tinies and just how easy it would be for him just to squish them. It ends with them comforting tommy and it turns into a big fluf
Tw: intrusive thoughts, squeezing, dehumanization, slight fear (I think that’s it?)
word count: 1.5k
Cold. That was what led to this. Tommy’s tail slithered over the fresh snow as his human family trailed next to him. As a Naga, you’d think he would be freezing right now, with stiff limbs and a slowed heart while he slept in his brumation period. But Tommy wasn’t like most Nagas. As the biggest man alive, he was able to block out the cold with his thick scales and stay nice and warm from his human half.
The snowstorm took them completely by surprise while the misfit family spent a day in a nice field Tommy had found. It was sunny and warm earlier in the day as Tommy basked in the sun, Tubbo convincing Ranboo to join him in climbing Tommy’s tail while Wilbur watched from a few feet away. The weather changed quickly after that and as the clouds rolled in and the wind picked up; they tried leaving to beat the storm home. This didn’t work as planned. Now all of them were stuck walking in the forest as more snow drifted down to taunt them.
“Guys, I’m tired,” Tubbo groaned. “Can you carry me the rest of the way, Toms?”
When Tommy looked over to make a snarky comment about laziness, he was met with the one thing he couldn’t say no to: Tubbo’s puppy eyes at full force. Tommy had to take a stuttering second to collect his thoughts from the sudden look. Tubbo used his puppy eyes occasionally, whenever he wanted something fast, or just to mess with people, but it caught Tommy off guard every time. 
Finally, he gave in with a sigh and scooped up Tubbo with no warning, earning a startled noise.
The four continued on their way through the Forest, one now getting a reluctant, free ride. Eventually, as Tommy was in a deep focus on moving forward, and the small life in his hands that felt so small, so fragile-
There was a sudden weight on his tail, and he stopped. Tommy’s first instinct was to curl around the thing and squeeze. 
But Tommy’s a big man and big men don’t live off of their instincts, not anymore, so he instead turned to look at it. There, sitting like a king on a scaled throne, was his older brother, Wilbur. He let out a sigh of relief, still riled up from the scare.
“Hey, warn a guy next time, why don’t ya,” Tommy scoffed, slightly annoyed, “and get off my tail!”
“If Tubbo gets a free ride, then I’m not walking. "
Tommy gave in. It made sense to just carry all of them, really. He was faster, after all. Besides, even an idiot could see the side eyes Ranboo was giving him, it’d be a lot easier if he just asked to be picked up though.
“What are you waiting for, Ranboo? Get up here,”
With only a small hesitation, Ranboo made his way up, claiming a spot next to Wilbur on Tommy’s red scales. Tommy started hopefully the way they came earlier, now with two more added passengers. But for some reason, that instinct of squeezing something stayed, even after calming down.
It had been a few minutes of Tommy slithering on the fresh snow when Wilbur and Ranboo moved from his tail to his hands, where Tubbo was sitting. Apparently, his human hands were much warmer than his scaled tail and none of them were dressed right for the cold weather to begin with.
With his friends held gently to his chest, blocking out the cold, the conversation lulled into a comfortable silence, letting their minds wander. Tommy’s mind especially had the tendency to wander far.
Every so often he would get this feeling, a sense of dread. It would only grow as his small family got closer to him. Most of the time it just stayed in the back of his mind, but right now he had nothing but the forest in front of him to concentrate on. 
Tommy could feel the slight shivers of his family against his chest as he tried his best to protect them from the cold. How do they survive anything being this small? He could hold all of them in his hands, no problem, he could do anything to them with ease. 
Suddenly, those instincts were back with one simple thought: squeeze them. 
Tommy felt horrified when he heard that, doing his best to shake the thought out of his head, but it wasn’t working. 
A human is just so so fragile, it wouldn’t take much for it to break.
Them. His family aren’t ‘it’s. What was he thinking? 
But imagine how satisfying it would be, the fear in their eyes. It’s been so long since he saw them like that. Their first meeting was so long ago and since then, they’d gotten used to him quickly.
Just a bit of fear wouldn’t hurt anyone. He’s a naga, he’s made to do a lot worse than scare these little creatures.
Wilbur’s voice echoed in his ears, snapping him out of his trance. What was happening again? They were going home, right? And he’s holding them- he’s holding them too tight-
Looking down at his family, he could see some uncertainty in their eyes. They would look much more worried if they could read his thoughts. But what he was petrified of was feeling his hold on them loosen as they took a collective gasp of air.
He was squeezing them. He was squeezing them. Not hard enough to hurt or even bruise, but it could have been if he zoned out any longer.
“What’s going on?” Ranboo said, concerned, but Tommy couldn’t miss the edges of fear in his voice. “A-Are you ok Tommy?”
“I.. yea, yea, I-I’m fine. Just tired from having to carry my lazy friends. "
He tried joking to change the subject. It mostly worked, as they gave him a few offended remarks before starting a new conversation. But Tommy couldn’t focus on what was being said. He had almost hurt his family.
He couldn’t help it when he stared at the surrounding snow, breaths coming in short and shaking.
They trust him so much and he wants to scare them..wants to hurt them. 
No, he doesn’t want that. It’s his stupid instincts that want him to throw away all the trust he knows he doesn’t deserve. He’s better than this! 
Looking in the distance, he can see a familiar cave opening and rushes the rest of the way inside, wanting to put the fragile lives in his hands down before something else happens.
“Finally, I thought we’d be stuck out there all night!” 
Tommy tried to laugh at Tubbo’s joke, but it came out forced. He had to get away from them.
He jumped as something cold stroked his scales
squeeze it
He looked to see Ranboo petting the side of his tail. He looked concerned. He found his other family members had similar expressions. 
“Tommy, you can tell us if something’s bothering you,” Ranboo said. “You know that, right?”
“Yea! We’re family, and that means you can tell us all your secrets. "
“What Tubbo means to say is, we care about you and if something’s wrong, we want to know. "
Wilbur sounded so sincere, they all did. Maybe he was just overreacting. With a sigh, Tommy tried opening up about everything that had happened that night.
“W-well, it’s nothing really, I mean not nothing nothing but also nothing to worry about, I promise. I'm just overreacting… it’s nothing serious but, ..every once in a while I get, uh. I-I getthesethoghtstohurtyouguyseventhoughIwouldntdothatbecauseyourmyfamilyand- “
“Woah, woah, woah calm down toms, it’s alright.” Wilbur tried reassuring, “just breath and try this again, slowly”
“… Sometimes I get thoughts that tell me to hurt you guys. I-I wouldn’t ever do it though! They just show up when I don’t want them to. And sometimes I get these instincts in the back of my mind telling me what to do… they just got really bad. I’m so sorry, please don’t leave. I promise I can learn to stop.”
The three humans on the floor seemed shocked as Tommy rambled. How had they never realized, of course, Tommy would have instincts like this. He’s a naga. Even though they’re close, it’s still ingrained in his head. 
It must be so hard for him to deal with all this alone.
They weren’t gonna let that happen anymore.
It took some time, but eventually, the humans got Tommy to calm down and told him they had no plans of leaving him. Never.
And as the commotion from the inside of the cave grew quiet, if a hiking human were to wander in past the brush hiding the entrance, they would see not a fearsome naga with its helpless victims, but a family held close together with trust.
ta-da! Hope you all enjoyed and I may start writing more after this ;)
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
okay the tierlidt . disclaimer: everything is cropped weird bc the website wouldn’t let me use the portrait crop and made everything square, and i can’t include eventi one so these are the photos that ppl sent to me
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i’m not going through everyone bc there’s like 60 images on the screen rn so i’m gonna talk about notable things .
Yes, almost every man is in the same category . it’s a suit . i know that’s the basic of men’s evening wear but it also doesn’t impress me . some men are placed higher bc i feel like they took the basics and did a little something to make it more interesting .
the safe category kind of stands for it’s not a bad outfit but it’s rather. basic on the scale of outfits seen throughout the night . its a nice choice they look good but its also a safe choice .
gorgeous . the only thing i have to say is that i wish the bag (? they weren’t allowed bags idk what it is) was the same undertone as the dress . the dress was more yellow while the bag seemed more pinkish in photos . she looked fantastic tho
she’s always stunning but that green dress just complimented her so perfectly . the length was perfect the fit was incredible the tailoring was perfect she looked great . the mirror dress was stunning although i wasn’t a fan of the nude illusion slits in the front
i really wanted to talk about this bc he looks great i think all black suits are wonderful i love them they look fantastic and elegant and they’re something other than the average but for the love of god you can afford a tailor . the arms and legs were too long they bunched up a little and i love oversized things but for suits it makes them a little messy . great outfit but tailoring would make it fantastic .
Everyone’s gonna give me so much flack for this but . i just don’t like it . i like the mcr green day vibes of it all but the red is too concentrated in one area . maybe if the jacket was open or the mask was a different colour ?? idk there’s just too much goin on i around his neck it’s distracting the idea is good but execution could’ve been a lot better
gorge. perfectly fitted to them i think the combat boots are a nice touch the only thing is i think the hem is a little short in the front this is purely a personal thing but i like the hem to be touching the floor in gowns so that’s all i’d change rlly
listen i love the joutfits im not hearing anything about it it’s creative and they pulled it off well they looked good . girl they looked good and i thought it was fun . i liked it .
she looks damn good don’t get me wrong i just . didn’t like this dress in the first place . it puts me in mind of those ‘it’s girl’ sheer dresses that took tiktok by storm last year and like it’s nice but i’m just not a fan of it . the random cut out on the thighs i just don’t get
i loved this outfit although it was simple it’s a silhouette we don’t see a lot and it suited her really well . it’s rlly elegant and i think the hair and accessories suited it and kept it interesting but still to the minimal idea that niki was going for . she looks good .
OKAY highs and lows .
top toot : triciaisabirdy. that floor length white floral gown was made for her. the colours compliment her skin tone and her tattoos the puff sleeves added a bit of flair to the bodice to distinguish it from the other sweetheart neckline gowns that were popular on the carpet the makeup was minimalist but effective her tattoos almost acted in place of necklaces or other accessories she looked fantastic
top boot : ranboo i just don’t get along with that mask . there was too much going on in one area everything interesting about the outfit was centred around his neck and sternum the red were all slightly different shades the idea was good i liked the idea of the colours but execution needed work .
Trend alert !!!!
SHEER FABRIC !!! bodice panelling, sleeves skirts, full dresses, nude illusions, there was a lot of sheer moments happening
BLACK !! black for a red carpet event . groundbreaking .
NO JEWELLERY !! minimalism is definitely in full effect right now in the fashion world there was a specific lacking of necklaces across feminine outfits this year.
if u have questions . i might answer .
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transbeeduo · 5 months
what kind of dresses would Tubbo and Ranboo wear..
I think Ranboo would love wearing like, long flowing stuff? That’s his favorite but they really like wearing whatever he thinks looks nice on him!! (post revival anyways) Tubbo i could see in like. Anything that’s practical he strikes me as a function over style kinda guy with how he dresses? If that makes sense 👍
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dyketubbo · 1 year
i do think oranboo would wear dresses and skirts but i also think that she would still be really pathetic. shes not your sassy but supportive sister figure who magically knows makeup now and does yours for you shes not human and her species doesnt have gender (at MOST if you connect enderians to the ender dragon then she would be. a dragon) so tits would probably be more annoying to her than anything ("why would i choose to have back pain. why shouldnt i just tailor dresses to fit me without weird lumps on my chest") shes probably not going to be very nice at all really
no in my mind oranboo has just decided that now that shes a girl shes TWICE as better than everyone. shes still a weirdo who lives in a cave and cant go out in the rain not because it would ruin her makeup but because itll literally kill her. ranboo not being on the server is actually just oranboo going mining to try and get rich again. shes still a spoiled brat but now shes a spoiled brat of a PRINCESS and really her connection to the ender dragon makes her THRICE as cool and better than everyone else, actually. she mutters to herself and probably always has dirty hands because ender but she doesnt have silk touch.
transitioning didnt make oranboo go from a manloser to a #girlboss #slay #baddie who pinches your cheeks and teases you but means well. shes just a womanloser now who does wear dresses and heels but the heels are so it hurts more when she steps on your foot to get you to drop something and then pretends it wasnt her and even if it was you deserved it actually because that was hers? its in her hands so its hers now. she probably stole the gender too
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bluiex · 2 years
Ok idea of an adoption AU
After many attempts with no success, Scar and Grian go to a doctor, to which they find out that unfortunately Grian is infertile, so he won’t ever be able to have biological child/children.
Scar and Grian are of course quiet very up set about the news, especially Grian, it was always a dream of his to have a huge family.
By the time they got home, it was night. Grian heads upstairs to the bedroom, not saying a word. So Scar decides to make Grian favorite for food. When he’s done heads up, to where he finds Grian bet down on the bed praying, with Jellie beside him.
Scar and Grian weren’t at all religious people, they both had some form of religious trauma, and so they never wanted to bring religion into their lives.
But at this moment, Scar could understand why. He goes to him, sets the food plate on a desk, and begins to massage his shoulders, telling everything will be alright and they’ll get through this together.
Suddenly there’s a shattering noise that comes from downstairs. Scar and Grian are quickly alert, hearts begin racing. Scar grabs a pistol they have in the bed-side table. They both head down cautiously.
There’s a noise coming from the kitchen. They carefully, they don’t see anyone, which means they might be crouched down behind the counter. So they make their way quietly as they can. When they turn to see what was behind, they were shocked.
Three small children, not looking older then 8, sitting on the tile floor, eating tortilla chips. The three children didn’t even seem to notice that they were there.
One of had split color, albinism white and jet black. He also seem to have heterochromia eyes, one green the other a crimson reddish-brown. They also seem to have vertigo. They wear a white dress shirt with a black vest, black pants and socks, no shoes.
The second was a brunette like Scar, however instead of it being straight, it was quiet fluffy looking. Dark brown eyes and just a few freckles. He seem to be the smallest one. He was wear a green button up shirt, and brown shorts.
The last one was a blonde, sky blue eyes, and frail body. He was wearing a white-red sleeve t-shirt and beige pants.
The two stared at these three children in disbelief, and were both completely frozen. They might have gotten in three the window, which was basically half way opened. They left it open for Jellie, but it had never accord to them that other creatures or in this case children could get in.
Finally, one of the children notices them, it was the blonde one. He seemed startled which alerted the other two to turn in their direction. They were frightened.
Scar finally snapped out of it, then remembered he was still pointing to pistol at them, he quickly lowers it and sets it on the counter.
“Hello there” he says as friendly sounding as he could.
The children didn’t respond, besides the split colored haired one giving a little wave.
“We’re going to hurt, we just want to know, why you are in our house”
“…W-we we’re hungry, and you left a window open so we just” brunette spoke.
“Yeah and we didn’t think anyone was home” the blonde followed with.
“Well it isn’t really nice to sneak into other people’s house, and steal their food” Grian finally said.
“We don’t have any other choice in the matter, stealing is our only option, it’s either that, or we starve” the split colored one explained.
This made both and Grian pause.
“You three don’t have a home” Scar asked.
“Would you think we would be stealing food if we did” the blonde responded.
There was a long pause, then Scar spoke.
“Ok how about we introduce ourselves and get this settled with. I’m Scar, and this is my husband Grian”
“I’m Tommy, the brunette is Tubbo, and split colored one is Ranboo” the blonde spoke.
“Well Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, why don’t we get you three something proper to eat” Grian explained.
“Can it be spaghetti” Ranboo asked excitedly, almost shouting.
The other two seem to role their eyes.
“As you probably guess, Ranboo loves spaghetti” said Tubbo.
“Well that good, because that’s what we have for left overs” Scar grinned.
Scar sets up three plates, preheat the spaghetti, before giving it to them, that were now sitting at the table, sense there only two chairs, Ranboo chose to sit on a high stool.
To say they are the meal quick, was an understatement, they ate like if ate any slower, some force was going to take it from. Which now that Scar and Grian thought about, for them being looking 8, they were all pretty under weight.
“May I ask, when the last time you three ate” Scar said.
“4-5 days” Tubbo responded.
Grian and Scar looked at each other, really concerned, they know Ranboo had said that neither of them had home, which got them wondering, how long have they been homeless.
“How long have you three been alone” Scar asked.
“Don’t know, I think for 8-9 months” Ranboo responded.
“It was 9, Ranboo doesn’t have the best memory” Tommy said.
“You three have been alone for 9 months, did no adult help” Grian asked, how very concerned.
“Well not alone, we had each other, and no, no one ever thought to stop to help us” Ranboo explained.
“Well then, how about for now, you three stay with us, we have plenty of room, and more than enough money to support you three” Scar said.
“Really, you’d take us in, even after we broke into your house” Tommy asked.
“We gave you three food didn’t we, if we’d have it any other way, we’d probably have to call police” Grian explained.
The three of them nodded.
“Last two questions, one how old are you three, I’m was assuming eight, but now that I know you three haven’t eaten in days, and are clearly malnourished, I could be wrong” Scar said.
“Well you’re not to far off, I’m 11, and Ranboo and Tubbo are twelve” Tommy said.
Scar only gave a single nod.
“Ok second, do you guess mind animals, we have a cat named Jellie, she’s very sweet, but I want to know if you three like them, or have allergies towards them” Scar explained.
Ranboo immediately perked up.
“You have a cat, I love cats” Ranboo said joyfully.
“As for us two, we also love animals, and no we’re not allergic” Tubbo said.
“Good, I’m sure Jellie would absolutely adore you three” Scar smiled.
“Now look, now that you three are done eating, you guys could use a bath and shampoo, we don’t have that will fit you, so we’ll have to wash and iron the clothes that guys already have” Grian explained.
“Speaking of which, when was the last time you three had a bath” Scar asked.
“3 weeks ago” Ranboo answered.
Scar sets up the bath, making sure the temperature was perfect. When asked who would like to go first, Tommy responded that they usually bathed together, and it was usually in their boxers. Unfortunately the tub wasn’t big enough for that so Ranboo went first, the water immediately turn a yellowish brown, it took three drains and refills for each one them, until that water stayed clear.
Grian was busy putting their clothes in the wash, he hadn’t realized how much dirt, mud, and grass stains were on them until he had a better look, which made found out that they were fleas. Once they were done, they looked almost brand new, if you don’t count the small tears and holes. He irons them, and then sets them in the guest bedroom.
Once all that was done, Tommy asked if they could sleep together in the guest bedroom, for they didn’t like sleeping apart, to which Scar and Grian of course agreed.
Once they were asleep, Scar and Grian head back to their bedroom, to talk about what they should do next.
“I want to adopt them” Grian immediately stated.
“I was thinking the same thing” Scar responded.
“They’re so sweet, I love them already” Grian explained.
“As do I, but we’ll have to ask them first, see if they’re ok with it” Scar followed.
“I know, I just hope they say yes” Grian replied.
(With the three)
“Sss, Tommy, Tubbo, are you two still awak” Ranboo whispered.
Both groaned be for shifting to turn towards him.
“Yes we’re awake Boo, now what is it” Tubbo asked.
“Do you guys think they’ll adopt us, I mean they seem so nice, and I’d really like to stay here” they explained.
“I don’t know but, I do too, they’re so friendly, and they weren’t mad that we basically broke into their house” Tommy responded.
“I don’t know, I mean, I’d love to stay here, if you guys do, but don’t know if I truly trust them yet, this could be all an act” Tubbo explained.
“Well if it is, then they’re pretty good actors, and they’ve gay me and Ranboo fooled” Tommy said jokingly.
Tubbo chuckled
“I guess you’re right, but I’ll need time to trust them” Tubbo said
“We understand, take your time, you don’t have to trust them right away” Ranboo responded.
“Thanks for understanding” Tubbo replied.
“You’re welcome” Tommy and Ranboo answered.
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lilyvines · 2 years
Hi hi hope things get better soon. Any hcs on the mind?
ok i think that ctommy can hold his breath really long and swim really fast. like it's outright abnormal. when he was a kid his whole family got him tested for being any type of aquatic hybrid (or hybrid in general) but all the doctors or whatever were like nah he's a human. not really sure why he can do that, enjoy your dolphin human child tho
when they were kids ctubbo (can swim, but doesn't really like to, and he's kinda slow at swimming) used to attach a wakeboard to his friend and they would just fucking go. they were ZOOMING. a couple of times they did this in the dark and it led to the creation of an urban legend about a ghost sailor who gets dragged away to his death by an evil sea monster (they are both very proud of this accomplishment and once dressed up as the ghost sailor and sea monster for halloween)
when tommy has his whole jealousy feud thing with ranboo he is APPALLED to learn ranboo can't swim. he's like seriously tubbo. this is who you replaced me with? this guy is like a rock with social anxiety. the fact that ranboo cannot swim is a continous point of tension between them. tommy is convinced that ranboo's hydrophobia makes him evil
later, when alliumduo become friends, they have an interaction that goes
"ranboo, when you inevitably fall in a body of water to your own doom and nearly pass away-"
"glad to see you have faith in me"
"-i, tommyinnit, frogboy extraordinaire, would leap in and use my incredible abilities to save you."
"oh, that's actually really nice, thank y-"
"mention this again and i will kill you."
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antimony-medusa · 2 years
OSMP Denizens Invite People Over For Dinner
Idea from @yellowsomethings 
WilburSoot: He loves to have people over. There’s an elaborate proceedure for inviting people over where he plans a nice menu, and then he hand-makes invites to give to people, and then he stresses himself out for two days and shreds the invites as too much, and then he forgets what he’s doing and invites people over while stumbling along being rescued from dying in the nether again. And then he regrets inviting people over once he’s home for at least six hours, will panic while cooking right up until the moment the doorbell rings, is a flawless host while serving the chicken cordon blue, lemony spring asparagus, infused rice, and raspberry mouse, and will panic while cleaning up. 
Charlie Slimecicile: Jello Salads. He found a recipe book once that had a whole section on “savoury salads” and he loves it. One of them has tuna in it. People have been known to pretend to pass out when he brings out the fourth dish, because he will be serving between five and eleven dishes. 
Fundy: It’s a really electic mix, really! Sometimes it’s homemade apple pie, sometimes it’s exotic salads, sometimes it’s coq a vin— this is because it is exclusively stolen from other people’s fridges. He stole from Charlie once, when he was new to the server, and there was open revolt at the dinner table. Now it is only the finest of food stolen from say, Niki’s fridge.
Niki Nihachu: She invites people over for lunch and serves poke bowls, on the beach. There are lots of mixed drinks and Jack has helped her find the incredients for vegan bowls for some of the people. Part of the experience is the catching of the Tuna and/or octopus, which people are welcome to join her for in the water if they want (tridents provided), while Jack chops vegetables and makes rice. 
Ranboo: Ranboo does not entertain. She wants to entertain. She can’t cook well enough to entertain. Tubbo asked why she didn’t get things catered, and she rudely said that nothing came up to her standard and then went home and frantically researched every food company and also what overworld parties are like. The next place that opens up she is going to invite people over and she is going to wear her best dress and she is going to show them what a real party can be like. She has checklists. There will be icebreaker games and decorations and hostess gifts will be required and there will be little finger foods. She’s considering paying a new catering company to open up.
Beau Beautie_: Fried chicken. She says it’s real fresh. She will not answer questions about where she got the chicken. (It’s real good, don’t think too hard about it.) There is nothing other than fried chicken on the menu. She’s thinking of opening a catering company.
Philza: Coq au vin, garlic mashed potatoes and a mixed green salad, chocolate mousse cake for dessert, assigned seating at the table, incredible wine list, gift baggies to take home after the meal. He does the proper recipe with the hand-peeled pearl onion and the 48 hours of prep time. It’s delicious. It is a wonderful and just a bit stressful evening. He’s just so intense about everything. He also doesn’t answer questions about where he got the chicken. 
Tubbo: Spagetti and Meatballs and Garlic Bread. It’s always Spagetti and Meatballs and Garlic Bread, including the time people came over for breakfast. It’s really good food, but someone once asked why it wasn’t something else, and he said “non-apians don’t like honey” and everyone realized he never actually eats the Spagetti and Meatballs and Garlic Bread and it all got a little awkward. There’s a Piñata at the end of the meal, and sometimes there’s prizes in there, and sometimes there’s firecrackers.
Jack Manifold: Tapas menu. You’re invited to come over at four if you want, to have a glass of wine and watch the cooking, which will proceed in a leisurely fashion until the first plates are offered at 7. More plates are offered until, probably, 11. Marinated mushroom bites. Little quiches. Fig and honey crostini. Patatas bravas with two aoilis. Garlic shrimps in a lemon-butter sauce. Tiny churros with chocolate sauce. Individual empanadas. You will drink at least a bottle of wine yourself and you will not need to eat the next day.
Jschlatt/Fragrance Man/Man: Barbecue, but exclusively with one of those five-gallon jugs of BBQ sauce that’s basically extra-sugared catsup that you get at Walmart, and he cranks the propane to max and just incinerates the food. Your chicken will be pink on the inside. Bizzarely his mac and cheese is incredible though, and there is no end to the beer. 
Shubble: It’s a sushi-making party! She makes sure to have vegan and vegetarian options, and the whole spectrum of sushi experience from people who are like “please give me urchin roe” to people who are like “I don’t really like, uh, fish”. The playlist is immaculately curated, the decorations are beautiful, desert is one of those incredible layered cakes that you see on Bake-off that has mouse and chopped fruit and you have to cut with an incredibly sharp knife.
Sneegsnag: he does colour-themed parties and everything served is that colour. For example the Orange Party featured orange soda, doritos and cheese-its, cheese powder you can dip carrots in, and orange slices that are vodka shots in the peel of an orange. Takes the entire server out for at least three days as everyone recovers, but the parties are, it must be admitted, absolute bangers.
Smajor: Fresh sourdough bread (homemade), and soup (also homemade), and little quiches (homemade), and a tray of four kinds of cookies (all homemade). He seems baffled at the suggestion that any of these things could be made in any way that doesn’t start with grinding your own wheat and churning your own butter. He’s kinda sad that you suggested that. He can try harder next time, he’ll grow his own herbs! He’ll gather his own salt! He can do better!
Badlinu: He organizes a meeting and asks you to bring a dish. After the fifth person of the night arrives, carrying a dish, you realize he’s organized a potluck. He has not brought any of the dishes. Somehow there’s a cleaning rotation too at the end, which you are on and he is not. You brought him a hostess gift too. He hosted a dinner party and came out twenty dollars and a bottle of mead richer. 
James Marriot: Invites you over, and then halfway through the third casserole of the night (you glimpse into the kitchen and there are so many cans by the sink), he breaks out the slide show to recruit you into his latest multi-level-marketing campaign. It’s a different one from last time so you can’t say you already saw it and you know you don’t want in. He insists this pitch is targetted directly to you. You can see from the counter that the dish you are eating is made of canned mushroom soup, canned tuna, canned beans, and canned onion. 
Technoblade: Orders McDonalds for everybody, and if you don’t bring a hostess gift (carrots) you’re not getting in. Absolutely hypnotizing list of youtube videos queued up to watch during the meal, people eat their fries in fascinated silence and watch someone blow glass and perform shakespeare (rapped) simultaneously. Dinner never takes more than 45 minutes, and then he will turn the lights off to get people to leave. 
CaptainSparklez: He gets really stressed about entertaining because he doesn’t think it’s worth inviting people over for anything other than a seven-course meal with an extensive wine list, live music performance, and a charitable component. Your invite will come with a dress code. 
TommyInnit: Omelettes. He’ll tell you all about the eggs (he laid the eggs), with a point-by-point renactment of how he laid the eggs, and how they’re the best eggs. They are really good omelettes, Shubble helps him with the fillings.
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drewiresora · 1 year
A really while ago I was thinking about something: tftsmp but everyone is cosplaying as their characters
Like, every character Ranboo plays just has sunglasses and a mask, Quackity always has a different beanie or hat, Ash and Zacharie doesn't look like twins obviously, Techno is just wearing a silly pig mask attach to his glasses everytime
Everyone is wearing a shitty costume or a really nice looking costume, no in betweeting
They use some stupid props like the swords ain't, just toys maybe
Maybe they use green screen for some scenes or have some really good stages
Eveything is exactly the same but they're just some nerds playing dress up and roleplaying irl like, in a park or some thing
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w0lfwren · 1 year
ranboo looks really nice in skirts that aren’t attached to amazon costume dresses made of paper ☹️
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